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Global Slavery in Context

Read the articles attached to each link and answer the questions thoroughly using your own responses. Do not copy and paste passages of text. Citations for these websites have been provided for you at the end of this document. No need to create additional citations unless you use information found outside of the links provided. An Evil of Civilization 1. What brought about the inception of slavery in society? The need of extra cheap/free labor 2. How/why did people come to be enslaved? Ware is usually the way, others include punishment for a crime, debt unpaid, and selling of family. 3. What economic conditions typically led to the creation of a slave society? The need of labor for commodities, selling family members as property, and debt that could not be paid 4. What were the two general types of slavery used throughout history? What were the differences between them? Domestic Slavery: Slaves have to do everything the owner says including outside marketing work and inside household work. Productive Slavery: Slaves are required to work for marketing commodities such as cotton and wheat. 5. What is the difference between a slave society and a slave-owning society? To which classification did the early American South belong? A Slave Society had a significant amount of the population as slaves meaning most of society is dependent on them. A slave-owning society has slaves in smaller numbers; it doesnt count as much in the entire society. Slaves in Mesopotamia: 18th Century BC 6. What is the earliest recorded civilization to have held slaves? What document shows this to be true? The civilization of Babylon was the first recorded to have slaves. The Code of Hammurabi shows this to be true. Slaves in Greece: From the 7th Century BC 7. What was the primary role of slaves in Athens? In Sparta? Athens: Roles of slaves included mining, servitude, banking, managing, and secretarial work. Sparta: The primary role was serfdom, which included some individual rights. Usually, people were captured or conquered to become serfs.

Name: 8. What was Aristotles view on slavery?



Some people are naturally born to the subject of slavery while others are naturally born to being masters. Thus making slavery by war captivation unjust since there is no distinction of a natural slave. However, slavery is acceptable when both parties are benefited. Slaves in Rome: From the Second Century BC 9. What led to the boom in slave population in Ancient Rome? The wars of conquest let to the boom of slave population. Roughly 30% of the population was composed of slaves after the wars. 10. What happened to Romes massive slave population when the Empire collapsed? Slavery died down fairly quick. The land became populated by outsiders making it difficult to find outsider slavery. Slaves in the Middle Ages: 6th - 15th Century AD 11. Where does the common word slave come from? How did this word come into use? In the 10th century, many Slavs were captured from the eastward expansion to Germany. There were so many of them that the generic racial term became slaves. 12. How were Sub-Saharan African slaves first brought to the Mediterranean? By whom? They were sold to the Arabs by Zawilans. The Portuguese Slave Trade: 15th - 17th Century AD 13. How were the first African slaves exported by Europeans employed? The slaves were highly needed in the Cape Verde Islands. Free labor was a huge economic advantage for the Portuguese. The Newness of New World Slavery 14. In what ways did New World Slavery differ from that of antiquity? Slavery in ancestral times was not based on racial distinction as it was in the New World. Justifications of Slavery 15. In what ways was slavery justified in both the New World and in antiquity? The biblical story of the Curse of Ham. Noah had cursed Ham with blackness and the condition of slavery which transferred into the same case of African American who were natural slaves




Sociology of Slavery 16. Traditionally, why were most slaves foreigners? They were outsiders, the different and unique people. They differed from the winners color, ethnicity, nationality, and religion. 17. According to this article, what role did race play in slaveholding traditions? A marginal or minor part in society when enslaved, slaves were simply normal Personal Response: Carefully consider the quote below. After completing the scavenger hunt and this assignment, how do you feel about the validity of the quote? Write a thesis statement that defends, challenges, or qualifies it. No man can put a chain around the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck. Slavery, a huge part of not only our history but who we are, is an undeniable moral wrong doing. It is unjustified to hold someone else that is of equal as property. The slave and the owner are both of the same species as humans. Both have self respect, honor, and dignity. By holding another equal captive as a unequal property, the owner not only degrades the slave but himself as well by decreasing the natural right of equality, and the right to the pursuit of prosperity and happiness.

Key Terms 18. Define the following terms: a. Helot: The population group in Sparta that was not free b. Metic: A resident alien , or someone that did not have citizenship c. Manumission: The act of a Slave owner freeing a slave d. Serfdom: The status of a peasant during feudalism e. Indentured servitude: A contract giving ones temporary full service in exchange for something beneficial

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