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Last night EYE spoke

In my old house with my ex-husband. Been here for the past minutes, days, months, millennia. Not as wife or woman, but as loveworker. Unpeeling. Purging. Processing. The reasons we parted, the reasons we joined together before and the reasons why we have been drawn together again, as beings, not lovers, or partners, just as beings. We've been doing inner work everyday. Inner dance. Inner Word. Meditation. Drumming. Singing. Reading. Remembering essence. Last night at about 1:30 he stared communicating with a presence in the room. He's been feeling it for a while. And others who have come to the house, too. This presence, I could sense, was simply his multidimensional self, which his body is integrating with. Remembering guidance given to me, I encouraged him to talk to it. He did. Who are you? Why are you here? Clicks around the house in response.

He listened. He nodded. Slowly starting to see that there was nothing to be afraid. It was a protective force. He asked me If I knew what it was. Yes, I said. It was HIM. How did I know that for sure, he asked. Triggering something in me. I started to vibrate, all over, remembering that I am molecules in vibration, as is EVERYTHING. I closed my eyes as the energy coursed through, amplifying it. My crown chakra dissolving, along with the rest of me, birthing HIM, HER, US, YOU, ME, I, EYE, ONE. My Higher Self became present. I could see it, as I have seen myself before, in union, as ONE and I was silent. He started talking to me and telling me all the things he saw. Shiva, Shakti, Kali, Vishnu, all shifting. He described it all, as I was experiencing it in my body, he saw it AS IT IS, AS IT WAS, AS IT WILL ALWAYS BE. So its all real then, he said. All the things he's seen in pictures? I smiled. With billions of mouths and zillions of Eyes. My physical eyes were closed and he saw EYES open on

my eyes, light pouring out of me, an orange aura, a glowing halo, and THEN I opened my eyes and talked to him telepathically and he heard and he nodded and smiled. EYE told him about the day I was at the waterfall and how I knew that I could walk on the water and walk down the water, through the air. He told me he could see that I had to wear a mask so that people wouldnt be scared when they saw me shifting and changing into the many things that I am. EYE told him that I saw my skin that day at the waterfall. I looked at my hands as they glittered, purple skin, white light. He told me about my body disappearing and my head moving closer to him. I told him about standing in the water, being the water and knowing that I could walk on it and down the staircase of air I saw leading down to where everyone else was. He told me that he could why the mask I wore helped others not be afraid. HE said I was scary, even though he could see inside my heart and he knew that was kind and loving, I was still so scary, for I held so much power. He saw me shift so many times and knew WHO I REALLY AM. He told about the dark haired woman who had half her hair shaved off whilst the

other was long and black. He told me about the man who looked, through my closed eyelids RIGHT INTO HIM. He told me about the arms that grew before him, large, masculine, powerful. He told me about the woman who smiled and said, THIS is me. He told me about when he saw me and when she became multi-dimensional. And I asked him, if he wanted to know WHO, WHAT, HOW AM I? He said yes. So I gave him my ESSENTIAL ANSWERS to read.

Who am I?

What is my purpose in life?

How can I manifest my highest potential?

What is my birth vision?

What are the strengths and weaknesses that propels me or detracts me from my highest potential?

What am I BEING at this moment in relation to my highest self?

What am I DOING to bring me towards my Birth Vision?

He read, each essential question and each essential answer, each word, breathing it in. Nodding. Every word, was in me, in the room, manifesting before him, as he observed me, in essence. And then THEY, US, WE, YOU, I, EYE, spoke and said that he's been with me before on THIS path, seeing my higher self and knowing that he would access that too, at some point, even if he hadn't fully experienced it. He has served me, as a disciple, of sorts, whom I saw as

fellow divine being, and he chose to be born with me again, hence the attachment to me during our marriage. And even then he KNEW that our mission here is the same remember and hence remind all of our ONENESS.

He's been undergoing Maian membership process. Walking through the Mandala everyday Ive been here. Each colour, each core value. I've been sharing everything with him. Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the gallery walking through the Maia mandala with the art works, whilst listening to some of the songs I have "downloaded" these past months. He said he wants to answer the essential questions. He wants to remember his birth vision and serve his purpose. And even when at times he cannot see it in himself, he is ALREADY ALL OF IT. He is the most beautiful being ever birthed. He is everything, remembering that he IS SO. So happy to see him here. We've never been further apart and closer together. So happy to be here as I learn to walk here with stars pouring out of my eyes and love radiating from my heart, which is his heart, which is your heart.

So happy to be here. We are ALL remembering that WE ARE ALL ONE. Remembering our essence.

Remembering the questions that unlock our understanding and acceptance of WHO WE REALLY ARE. WE ARE ALL ONE. We are. We just are.

EYE spoke, last night.

Juanita Naidoo

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