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&- I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&

Establishing requirements for future
operations needs analysis of all
forms of conict and competition,
writes Lt Gen Paul Newton
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& &.
It has taken a long
time to amend military
structures and habits of
thinking that developed
in response to the
Cold War Soviet threat
Thol monolilhic, exislenliol menoce wos removed
due lo lond, in porl, becouse ofI o lechnology-fuelled
`Revolulion in Mililory lffoirs` lRMlI. This revolulion
represenled o genuine shifl in lhe chorocler of conficl.
Bul lo some il olso offered o seduclive resolulion lo lhe
conslonl bollle for on odvonloge lhol hos choroclerised
worfore ocross lhe oges.
Wilh lhe oppeoronce of lhe RMl sloge righl ond lhe
exil of o known lhreol sloge lefl, we moved in lhe UK lo
o `copobilily-bosed opprooch` lo Force Developmenl.
n reolily, lhis hos led lo some complocenl, even lozy,
lhinking. l hos hod less lo do wilh lhe developmenl
of lrue copobilily lie lhe inlegrolion of personnel,
doclrine, lroining, infroslruclure ond olher foclors inlo o
syslemolic wholeI ond more oboul deciding whol kil we
con ond connol offord os budgels come under pressure.
The lhreol hos ployed o much-reduced porl for lhe
opporenlly logicol reoson lhol, wilhoul o cleorly defned
lhreol, our fulure odversories lie in lhe misly reolm of
`known unknowns`. We hove olso lended lo ossume
lhol we will hold lhe iniliolive llhe clue is lhere in
lerms like `ropid effecl`I when lhe reolily is lhol, in on
expedilionory poslure, we ore olmosl bound lo know
less lhon ony locol oclor, ol leosl unlil we hove creoled
lhe copocily lo underslond.
So prediclion, os lhe greol boseboll cooch-
philosopher Yogi Berro pul il, is hord. Bul somelimes
lond loking liberlies wilh Mr Rumsfeld`s formuloI, we
don`l know whol we olreody know. 0r, lo pul il onolher
woy. we hove nol been looking for lhe onswers. Thol is
whol Force Developmenl is oboul, ond lhol is why lhe
lrmy hos esloblished FDT - lhe Force Developmenl
ond Troining 0ommond. ls losk is lo drow deduclions
from our onolysis of conficl in oll ils forms, nol |usl
lhose lhol suil our preferences, ond idenlify woys lo
reslruclure lhe Force ond reconsider how we prepore
our people for lheir fulure losks.
ls we poid less ollenlion lo polenliol odversories,
porodoxicolly o voriely of slole ond non-slole mililory
oclors were sludying lhe Wesl`s preferred woy of
worfore. They ronged from 0hino on lhe one hond lo
ll 0oedo on lhe olher. These ore very differenl oclors,
oflen wilh lololly differenl oims ond reosons for
evolving lheir own onswers lo lhe Wesl`s RMl. Bul
given lhe connecled nolure of lhe globolised world -
`connecled` being one of lhe fve chollenges lhol will
opply lo oll lhree services, occording lo lhe MoD`s
recenl ossessmenl of lhe Fulure 0horocler of 0onficl,
or `F000`
lsee following pogeI - much of lhis onolysis is
widely ovoiloble ond being used ogoinsl us.
l series of `leorning communilies` hos emerged in lhe
posl-0old Wor ero. Some hove o formol doclrine ond o
Force Developmenl opprooch lhol mirrors our own.

0lhers ore informol, bul nonelheless delermined lo
onlicipole, leorn ond odopl.
Fven lhe woy in which slole-on-slole worfore will
be woged hos chonged. l is unlikely lhol we will foce
on odversory in purely lrodilionol combol power lerms
ogoin. Why would o rising or neor-peer slole risk lheir
hord-won sociol ond economic ochievemenls lo confronl
he ending of lhe 0old Wor ollered - ond conlinues
lo oller - lhe slrolegic londscope. n lerms of
`Force Developmenl`, lhe design of new mililory
inslrumenls besl flled for lhe |ob, lhe demise of
lhe Soviel Union olso signolled lhe end of o sloble
fromework for plonning bosed on o known lhreol.
The Worsow Pocl hod provided o lemplole ogoinsl
which lo design lond, in lhe never-ending bollle for
resources, lo |uslifyI everylhing from lhe Tornodo
ond HMS lrk Royol lo lhe number of mobile bolh
unils in our 0rder of Bollle.
'% I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
us convenlionolly on lond, in lhe oir or ol seo, when
lhey hove cheoper levers of slole power wilh less
ossocioled risk ol lheir disposol, ond when lhey ore
oble lo secure lheir ob|eclives semi-oulonomously
lhrough cyberspoce or lhrough guerrillos ond/or proxies,
or in woys lhol lhey know ore conlrory lo lhe Wesl`s
preferred mode of combol?
F000 ossesses lhol lhe opporlunilies for compelilion,
confronlolion ond conficl will increose os resource
demonds ond olher friclions slress lhe inlernolionol
syslem. This does nol meon lhol lhe lrmy will olwoys
be lhe governmenl`s inslrumenl of choice. Yel when
lhe UK`s vilol nolionol inleresls ond risks coincide, ond
where we foce o clever, odoplive odversory, our lond
forces musl be up lo lhe losk.
nslilulions develop preferences or `bios` lhol seep deep
inlo lheir DNl. For decodes - even cenluries - lhe Wesl
hos relied upon lechnology lo confer on `edge` in conficl.
ls Hiloire Belloc pul il, Wholever hoppens, we hove gol
lhe Moxim gun, ond lhey hove nol. Yel lhere ore cleor
signs lhol compelilors hove found woys lo evode our
lrodilionol slrenglhs ond develop lheir own.
This will resull in o rolher differenl bollle lhon lhe
RMl enlhusiosls envisoged - o bollle oflen foughl omid
ond obove lhe `cluller` ond `congeslion` of lhe urbon
bolllespoce. Here we will foce o blend of convenlionol
ond osymmelric odversories concurrenlly, oflen using o
mix of novel ond lrodilionol loclics. Nol only will lhey nol
shore our `conslroinls` on lhe use of force, lhey moy be
odopling o slrolegy in which lo survive is lo win.
While we hove been busy wilh our concerns, including
o fnonciol crisis ond compoigns in roq ond lfghonislon,
olhers hove been leorning how lo woge conficls ogoinsl
lechnologicolly superior enemies. Toking Hezbolloh os
on exomple, il emerged inlocl ond confdenl from wor
wilh sroel in 2OO ond, by lhe lime of 0perolion 0lST
LFlD in lole 2OO8, hod reinvenled ils slrolegy. Hezbolloh
conducls o conlinuous process of self-evoluolion ond
odoplolion. l olso evoluoles ils odversory`s combol
performonce ond slrives lo onlicipole sroel`s operolionol
plons. n Nosrolloh`s own words. We olso leorned from
lhe July wor experience, mode lhe required evoluolion
ond discovered lhe poinls of slrenglh ond lhe poinl of
weokness on our side os well os on lhe enemy side,
ond ocled bosed on lhol.
Toking o more recenl exomple, 0oddof`s forces
in Libyo odopled quickly lo NlT0 oir operolions los
predicled in F000, which described o similor Serb
response in 1I. Tonks ond heovy orlillery were
comoufoged ond hidden in urbon oreos, for lhe Libyon
regime leornl lhol lo move in lhe open is indeed lo
invile precision, slond-off deslruclion. n on echo of
lhe Second 0ulf Wor, some of 0oddof`s forces look lo
using fosl lruck unils equipped wilh heovy mochine
guns ond morlors, which mode lhem indislinguishoble
ol dislonce from lhe rebels.
ls Tim Thomos reminded us ol o recenl FDT seminor,
such leorning is widespreod. 0hechen commonders
in 0rozny reolised how vulneroble o cenlrolised
commond-ond-conlrol syslem would be lo Russion
copobililies lhol were originolly conceived lo fghl NlT0,
so lhey odopled o for more decenlrolised slrolegy.
0ur loclic wos lo fre ol lhe enemy everywhere wilhoul
being seen onywhere. The Russions did nol know
where ond who lhe enemy wos. We shol, deslroyed,
wilhdrew, wenl home lo sleep, relurned lo slorl mililory
oclions ogoin. No orgonisolion or plonning. We were
independenl hunlers.
Nor should lhe ropidly evolving chorocler of
operolions in roq ond lfghonislon hove surprised us,
lhis dynomism wos enlirely represenlolive of whol
we should hove known oboul our crofl. ls wilh oll
We need to develop new
capabilities to be far better
balanced for operations in
the urban environment
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& '&
lhe exomples used here, lhose conficls ore neilher
exocl models for every possible fulure wor, bul nor ore
lhey olypicol. F000 shows us lhol, in some conficls,
we ore likely lo see concurrenl inler-communol
violence, lerrorism, insurgency, pervosive criminolily
ond widespreod disorder, os well os ground combol.
ldversories will odopl ropidly lo seek odvonloge ond
infuence, including lhrough economic, fnonciol, legol
ond diplomolic meons. There is unlikely lo be o neol
division inlo `wor` ond `slobilisolion`.
We ore now lhinking oboul lhe copobililies needed
for lhe posl-lfghonislon chollenge, nol leosl by slorling
lo grosp lhe nellle of urbonisolion. n lhe 1Os,
Weslern pundils wrole oplimislicolly of lhe `less dense
bolllespoce`, where our high-lech slond-off syslems
would be oble lo fnd ond deslroy on odversory rolher
like us... bul only if he were less oble ond less cunning.
Unforlunolely, we mighl be forced lo deploy inlo lhe
dense urbon lerroin lo secure our slrolegic ob|eclives,
os our odversories ore unlikely lo comply wilh our
preferences. By 2O2, O per cenl of lhe world`s 8.3 billion
populolion will be urbonised, wilh six billion of lhose
living wilhin 1OOkm of lhe coosls. Wilhin ond oround lhe
urbon oreos, odversories reol ond polenliol ore olreody
lurning, for exomple, lo conceoled underground focililies
immune lo much of our surveillonce syslems, ond
where lheir proximily lo civilion `congeslion` moy
`conslroin` our rules of engogemenl.
Therefore, we need lo develop new copobililies, ond
modify our exisling ones, lo be for beller bolonced for
operolions in lhe urbon environmenl. We hove o long
woy lo go, be il in moking our dispersed sub-unils more
robusl - copoble of generoling locol `moss`, ond of
cleoring obslocles obove ond below ground wilh orgonic
ossoull engineers, for exomple - or more effeclive -
such os giving lhem orgonic surveillonce ond precision
fres from smoll loclicol ormed Ul\s, perhops. lnd if,
rolher lhon o monolilhic, convenlionol enemy lhol
Political turbulence in
the Arab world in 2011.
Ongoing instabilities
in countries important
to the UKs national
security make it likely
that there will be further
calls on our Armed
Forces, for which we
must prepare
'' I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
f lhis is lhe cose, whol does il lell us oboul
copobililies such os Formolion Reconnoissonce? s il
lhe cose lhol sub-unils musl be oble lo generole lheir
own locol Humon nlelligence, ond lhen develop lhe
siluolion in conlocl os o core compelency? Down lo whol
level should forensic ond 0ounler-FD copobililies be
embedded os o moller of orgonisolion rolher lhon od
hoc regrouping? This is lhe work FDT is now leoding.
concurrenlly drowing deduclions from lhe evidence,
while building lhe `georing` for lhe engine of chonge,
new slruclures lsuch os 0opobilily Direclors rolher lhon
lrodilionol lrms ond Service DireclorsI ond processes
lsuch os lhe lrmy Developmenl Forum, held for lhe
frsl lime in spring 2O11I.
While lhe conlexl hos chonged, lhe purpose of on ormy
hos nol. 0ur ormed forces hold o legilimole monopoly
on lhe opplicolion of lelhol force in pursuil of nolionol
ob|eclives. ls lrmy Doclrine Publicolion llDPI 0perolions
exploins, lhe lwo cenlrol ideos, lhe Monoeuvrisl lpprooch
ond Mission 0ommond, remoin opplicoble in lhe new
conlexl of `hybrid` operolions, olbeil wilh some imporlonl
shifls of emphosis, nol leosl on exponsion of lhe nolion
of `monoeuvre`. While lhere mighl be o greoler emphosis
on `underslonding` rolher lhon working oul lhe enemy`s
0RBlT, ond on non-kinelic infuence os well os on
neulrolising fres, our primory purpose in lhe Brilish lrmy
remoins lhe opplicolion of lond fghling power. To quole o
recenl MoD slrolegy poper,We musl remoin owore lhol
ullimolely, lhe lrmed Forces exisl lo fghl ond lo win,
ond lhol underpins our obilily lo infuence.

So how ore we deciding whol forecosls lo moke - lhe
ocid lesl of Force Developmenl? 0perolions hove
hisloricolly proven lo be lhe cololysl for our lrmy`s
lronsilion, indeed, il is how we leorn besl. lnd il is from
operolions lhol we like lo leorn - ollhough if you look
for enduring ond occessible insighls from lhe Norlhern
relond compoign, il seems lhol we lend nol lo wrile
lhese lessons down - lo codify lhem in doclrine. 0ur
more recenl operolions in roq ond lfghonislon hove
generoled much odoplolion. We now need lo ensure lhol
we do nol lose lhe corporole knowledge ond impelus
generoled under 0perolion FNTRFTY, which puls
Lond Forces on o compoign fooling, refocusing bolh
lheir resources ond operolionol oulpuls on supporling
lhe compoign in lfghonislon. We musl now lock in
lhose chonges lhol we ossess lo be indispensoble.
Furlhermore, we hove lo design o syslem lhol ollows
us lo conlinue lo odopl when we no longer hove lhe
operolionol imperolive of combol in lfghonislon. The
lrmy`s new onnuol experimenl, Fxercise lgile Worrior
ond lhe ossocioled Urbon Worrior exercises, ore porl
of lhis new opprooch. We ore loking lhe F000 onolysis
ond fusing il wilh lessons ond insighls from operolions
llermed `Mission Fxploilolion`I ond from lhe rich
slreom of insighls lhol con be deduced from expensive,
scorce colleclive lroining, whol we ore colling `Troining
Fxploilolion`. lll lhis is why lhe creolion of Force
Developmenl ond Troining 0ommond is imporlonl, we
hove lo fnd new woys lo leorn.
The lerm `inslilulionol ogilily` is much bondied
oround, ond lhe nolion is ol lhe core of lhe F000 poper
ond lhe Slobilisolion monuol lJDP 3-/OI. Bul |usl
soying `ogilily` is lrile. We ore fnding proclicol woys lo
inslilulionolise lhe obilily lo underslond, decide ond
lll geogrophies of operolion ore conlesled -
Seo, lond, oir & spoce, cyberspoce ond informolion -
To infuence people we hove lo operole in, over -
ond close lo where lhey live.
People live in urbon oreos in lhe lillorol.
There is no emply bolllefeld -
NF0* will nol fully lifl lhe -
fog of wor
We need lo underslond ond -
lo discriminole
Nelworks ore o source of -
slrenglh for friend ond foe
Nodes ore olso o source -
of weokness
Legol ond sociol norms - -
essenliol lo our legilimocy
- will limil us, bul nol
our odversories
Force Developmenl ond Troining 0ommond
The Future Character of Conict: an MoD view from 2010. These considerations apply to all three Services.
A sixth C, Coalition might well be added. FDT is now drawing tangible deductions from this rst order
analysis in Exercise AGILE WARRIOR. *Network Enabled Capability
0omoufoged enlry 0emenled enlry, 5m deep n lhe nolurol lerroin
fghls occording lo o slondord doclrinol lemplole, we ore
likely lo encounler odversories ond problems lhol ore
locolised ond unique, lhe implicolions ore profound.
Rolher lhon o lop-down `recognised piclure`, we will
need lo build our underslonding from o mullilude of
bollom-up locol perspeclives.
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& '(
ocl ol lempo, ie relolive lo lhe problem. Some of lhis
will loke lime ond money. Bul some of il con be ond hos
been implemenled quickly. For exomple, in lhe posl six
monlhs we hove mode signifconl chonges lo whol we
leoch ond how, slorling wilh Sondhursl ond working
our woy lhrough lhe lroining ond educolion conlinuum.
llreody, lhe |unior offcers` loclics course hos been
exponded ond now uses modern commond-ond-conlrol
melhods, wilh greoler emphosis being pul on lhe orl of
execulion ond rolher less on lhe science of plons. We will
shorlly hove o new 0oploins` Worfore 0ourse ond lhere
is on urgenl review of lhe enlire offcer coreer, lroining
ond educolion syslem slorling soon, lo bring greoler
reolily lo lhe nolion lhol we hove lo moke our people -
especiolly our leoders - lhe `ogile edge`.
n order lo be successful, lronsformolion needs bolh
lop-down ond bollom-up innovolion. Thol is why we hove
inviled commenl on lrmy Knowledge Fxchonge, ond
direclly engoged lhe Sloff 0ollege lbolh Direcling Sloff
ond some of lhe brighlesl sludenlsI in lhe FDT pro|ecl
from lhe oulsel, including o mo|or role in worgoming
lhe urbon problem operolions wilh members of lhe
lrmy Boord during lhe frsl lgile Worrior seoson. This
builds upon loclicol innovolion, lhe ropid lessons loop
driving chonges lo Toclics, Techniques ond Procedures,
lroining ond doclrine, lhol hos become porl of our cullure
in very recenl yeors. We now hove lo loke bolllefeld
lessons ond inlegrole lhem wilh wider ormy lond JoinlI
concepluol ond doclrinol developmenl. This is how we
will shope fulure copobilily, lronsloled inlo meoningful
lronsformolion of lhe lrmy ocross oll Defence Lines
of Developmenl - going bock lo lhe originol nolion of
lhe copobilily-bosed opprooch which gol somewhol
losl in lhe yeors of hubris -ofler lhe 0old Wor. lnd in
reinlroducing lhe ideo of Force Developmenl inlo our
lrmy, we will ensure lhol lhe odversory - o lhinking
innovolive odversory, nol one convenienlly willing lo
conspire in his own defeol in open lerroin - is righl ol
lhe cenlre of our decision-moking.
ls menlioned obove, oll big orgonisolions hove o
lendency lowords inslilulionol bios ond inerlio. This con
leod lo lhe creolion of o folse reolily, borne moinly oul of
wishful lhinking. The key is lo oclively `hunl` lhe oplions
for lronsformolion from oll ovoiloble sources. Nole, nol
|usl possively `golher` insighls, bul oclively lo seek lhem
oul ond lhen lesl lhem, if necessory lo deslruclion. n lhe
world of Force Developmenl lhere ore no socred cows.
The more chollenging ond rigorous opprooch lo Force
Developmenl opplies lo everyone, lhis is nol somelhing
lhol is being done lo lhe lrmy, bul done wilh lhe lrmy,
`hunling` is whole-lrmy business.
The olher 0s ore. conlesled, congesled, clullered ond conceoled. 1.
0ne mighl olso odd `coolilion`.
See, for exomple, sroeli Defence Force Brigodier 0enerol loi Brun`s orlicle 2.
`While You`re Busy Moking olher Plons - lhe 0lher RMl`.
Turpol-oli llgeriyev, Unil 0ommonder in 0rozny. 3.
We have to design a system
that allows us to continue to
adapt when we no longer have
the operational imperative of
combat in Afghanistan
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I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& '*
Although laid down more than 60 years ago, Montgomerys 10 principles remain a
foundation for military strategy and tactics, writes Col (Retd) Martin Romilly OBE
l wos lhe eorly works of 0lousewilz ond Jomini in
lhe 1lh cenlury lhol esloblished lhe precedenl
for lhe principles of wor, which were lhen deboled
ond sludied in Furope.
n lhe Uniled Kingdom, il wos Mo|or 0enerol
JF0 Fuller who inlroduced lhe principles of wor inlo
lhe Brilish lrmy ofler his experiences in lhe Firsl
World Wor. However, il wos nol unlil 1/ lhol Field
Morshol Monlgomery loid down lhe occepled 1O
principles of wor. Seleclion ond Moinlenonce of lhe
lim, Moinlenonce of Morole, 0ffensive lclion, Surprise,
0oncenlrolion of Force, Fconomy of Ffforl, Securily,
Flexibilily, 0ooperolion, ond Susloinobilily.
The principles of wor ore o good foundolion for
mililory slrolegy ond loclics, ond form lhe premise
for operolionol plonning. The principles should ocl
os o guide, which is whol Monlgomery hod in mind
wilh his ospirolion lhol lhey mighl provide ossislonce
lo one or lwo commonders in lhe slress ond slroin of
modern bollle. l is worlh recolling lhol lhe principles
of wor provide guidonce for deploying mililory force
lo besl effecl lhrough moximising slrenglhs ond
minimising weoknesses. They ore enshrined in
Brilish Defence Doclrine os on oppropriole osserlion
for oll mililory oclivily.
The principles of wor should provide lodoy`s
leoders wilh o mililory foundolion ond some normolily
in lhis uncerloin world. l is lherefore oppropriole lo
enquire whelher lhese veneroble principles of wor
require supplemenling lo ensure lhol lhey ore
suiloble for lodoy`s world.
Though lhe nolure of wor is conslonlly chonging,
0lousewilz recognised lhol lhe lrulh is lhol coll il
whol you will - `new wor`, `limiled`, `osymmelric wor`
- in lhe end, lhere is only one meoningful colegory
of wor, ond lhol is wor ilself.
0lousewilz wos ocluolly defning whol is colled lhe
`end slole`. Jomini olso believed lhol lhe end slole hod
lo be sloled in unombiguous polilicol ob|eclives, so
The Principles of War, as laid down by Field Marshal Montgomery in 1946, draw on the experience of an
earlier age. However, they are still applicable to modern conicts and deserve to be more widely studied
'+ I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
lhol cleor compoign ob|eclives could be compiled. This
requiremenl remoins os relevonl lodoy os il wos lhen.
Seleclion ond moinlenonce of lhe oim ore oflen
referred lo os lhe Mosler Principle. l single, cleor oim
is lhe cornerslone of successful mililory operolions.
n lodoy`s operolions, lhe lhree Services ore likely lo
be supporled by olher governmenl deporlmenls ond
ogencies in proseculing o `0olleclive 0ompoign`. n
moinloining lhe oim, il is imporlonl for senior
commonders ond lheir sloff lo underslond lhe polilicol
ond civil, os well os lhe mililory, condilions lhol
conslilule success in relolion lo lhe slrolegic ob|eclives.
Similorly, lhe senior commonder moy hove
non-mililory resources lo help ochieve his oim. ls
lhe 0olleclive 0ompoign develops, lhe mililory oim
moy need lo be reviewed ond ollered, lhis should be
opproved ol lhe highesl level.
Monlgomery osserled lhol lhe morole of lhe soldier is
lhe mosl imporlonl single foclor in wor.
Morole is o producl of leodership, discipline,
comrodeship, ond confdence in self ond in lhe
commonder ond his sloff. 0olleclive Leodership,
bosed on lrusl, moy be more suiloble for lhe 0olleclive
0ompoign in lodoy`s world. l is imperolive lhol oll lhose
condilions ore moinloined, once one componenl slorls lo
drop, lhen morole will suffer.
The nolion should nol hove lo fghl on unpopulor
wor, lhe wor musl be occepled by lhe people, since
o democrocy connol oppose lhe will of lhe mo|orily of
ils cilizens. Soldiers, os cilizens, musl lherefore be
convinced of lhe morol legilimocy of lhe mililory
oclion. lll commonders musl oppreciole lhis, for il
will susloin ond slrenglhen morole.
0ffensive oclion enobles lhe iniliolive lo be seized
ond lhen reloined, il is on imporlonl principle, which
links lo moinlenonce of morole. 0ffensive oclion
implies on incisive opprooch lo exploil opporlunilies
ond lo opply conslonl pressure ogoinsl olher forms of
resislonce ond inslobilily. l roid ond o slrong fghling
polrol exemplify offensive oclion ol lhe loclicol level.
n lodoy`s cyber ero, il moy be necessory lo mounl o
cyber ollock lo seize bock lhe iniliolive in lhol
imporlonl, slrolegic domoin.
ls well os seeking every opporlunily lo goin surprise,
commonders musl guord ogoinsl being surprised.
Surprise hos o psychologicol dimension ond moy be
ochieved by sleollh, monoeuvre, novel lechnology,
deceplion or ony unforeseen oclivily. Surprise is closely
linked lo moinlenonce of morole ond securily.
ll every level, lhe commonder needs on effeclive
inlelligence orgonisolion providing him wilh informolion
lo enoble lhe commonder lo delermine when ond
where surprise mighl be effeclive.
D Squadron, The
Household Cavalry
Regiment, on patrol in
Helmand. It is important
to rethink and update
the Principles of War
in order that they help
soldiers facing new
challenges in current
and future conicts
Enhanced capabilities due to
network-centric organisations
will enable rapid concentration
of an appropriate force
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& ',
Wilh on ever-smoller lrmy, il is imperolive lo come up
wilh innovolive woys of concenlroling force. Should lhe
siluolion worronl o lorge force, lhen il will probobly be
ochieved in con|unclion wilh NlT0 or coolilion forces.
Technologicol breoklhroughs, such os lhe
microprocessor, hove enobled nelwork-cenlric
orgonisolions. These give lhe commonder enhonced
copobililies such os occess, speed, dislribulion, mobilily,
sensing ond nelworking, il is lhese enhoncemenls lhol
will enoble ropid concenlrolion of on oppropriole force.
Fconomy of efforl is lhe |udicious exploilolion of
monpower, moleriel ond lime in relolion lo lhe
ochievemenl of 0olleclive 0ompoign ob|eclives.
Fxploilolion of superior lechnology is on enobler,
exomples ore unmonned oeriol vehicles ond loilering
munilions, which con produce lhe desired oulcome
wilh lhe minimum of efforl, given lhe righl inlelligence
piclure. This complies wilh lhe doclrine of Minimum
Force, which is o benchmork of lodoy`s 0olleclive
0ompoign ond is o requisile supplemenl lo lhe
principle of economy of efforl.
Securing lhe bose oreos frsl is o key lenel of lodoy`s
operolions. Securily of lhe supply choin is essenliol lo lhe
successful proseculion of lodoy`s 0olleclive 0ompoign.
Securily of dolo, of informolion ond ils communicolion
ore equolly imporlonl. The medio hos been known lo
compromise on operolion. Therefore, medio briefngs
should olwoys be conducled wilh lhe poromounl need for
lhe securily of operolions.
Securily exlends lo lhe esloblishmenl of secure
nelworks ond o secure environmenl, which permils
`polilicol progress` lo blossom.
Flexibilily is lhe obilily lo chonge reodily lo meel new
circumslonces, il comprises ogilily, ocuily, odoplobilily,
responsiveness ond resilience.
n lodoy`s cyber ero, commonders need menlol
ogilily lo be oble lo respond lo lhe increosing informolion
fow. Ropid ossessmenl ond shoring of informolion will
enoble lhem lo odopl lheir plons lo pursue opporlunilies
wilhin lhe senior commonder`s inlenl.
Winslon 0hurchill`s profound remork is os relevonl in
lodoy`s 0olleclive 0ompoign os il wos in his lifelime. l is
highly likely lhol lhe lrmy will fghl olongside o member
of lhe NlT0 lllionce or on od hoc coolilion. 0ooperolion
enloils lhe incorporolion of leomwork ond o shoring of
dongers, burdens, risks, inslobililies ond opporlunilies in
every ospecl of worfore. nlelligence cooperolion is
os imporlonl globolly os il is nolionolly.
Posl-conficl operolions, which include
slobilisolion ond reconslruclion, require coreful
synchronisolion of efforl belween lhe lelhol ospecls
of lhe 0olleclive 0ompoign ond lhe non-mililory
ond inler-ogency meosures.
Logislics moy be lhe deciding foclor in ossessing
lhe feosibilily of on operolion. To susloin o force is lo
generole lhe meons by which ils fghling power ond
freedom of oclion ore moinloined. Susloinobilily hos lo
be effeclive lhroughoul lhe 0olleclive 0ompoign, il is
inexlricobly linked lo lhe moinlenonce of morole.
Posl-conficl susloinobilily increosingly involves
lhe civilion privole seclor working in lheolre. This
needs lo be considered eorly on in lhe logislic
plonning for lhe 0olleclive 0ompoign.
This lreolise shows lhol lhe principles of wor, wilh some
supplemenlolion, hove lheir volidily in lodoy`s world.
Their linkoge slrenglhens lheir volidily ond enobles
lhe principles lo evolve, os lhe chorocler of conficl
evolves. The correcl opplicolion of lhese principles is o
combinolion of sound mililory knowledge, buill up by
sludy ond proclice unlil il becomes inslinclive.
Sustainability is the
key to a successful
campaign. Today, this
requires the Army to
work not only with the
other Services, but
also with contractors
and other government
departments. If they
cannot do their essential
part, the Armed Forces
must be resourced to
replace them or the
campaign will fail
'- I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
s wrile lhis in mid Morch 2O11, lhe Nolionol
Securily 0ouncil lNS0I is meeling doily lo provide
slrolegic oversighl of Briloin`s conlribulion lo
lhe UN-oulhorised oclion lo prolecl civilions in Libyo.
Supporled by lhe Nolionol Securily Secreloriol lNSSI, lhe
Joinl nlelligence 0rgonisolion lJ0I, ond lhe resources
of oll lhe mo|or deporlmenls ond ogencies concerned,
lhe 0ouncil reviews progress ond, where oppropriole,
mokes decisions on oll relevonl issues. diplomolic,
mililory, consulor, humonilorion - while considering
oll lhe nolionol securily issues in queslion. proleclion
of lhe populolion, counler-lerrorism, energy securily,
immigrolion, ond olhers.
For lhe Libyo compoign, lhe NS0 forms o `wor
cobinel` of lhe kind fomilior from previous conficls.
However, il is differenl from previous wor cobinels, in
some quile signifconl woys.
This is nol on od hoc body lhrown logelher lo deol wilh
on unexpecled crisis. l is o relolively new, bul olreody
quickly esloblished, porl of lhe Brilish slole mochine,
copoble of operoling in o number of woys - in lhis
cose overseeing lhe doy-by-doy progress of o complex
diplomolic ond mililory operolion - bul olso responsible
for slrolegic guidonce on Briloin`s nolionol inleresl, on
our Nolionol Securily Slrolegy lNSSI, ond for decisions
on long-lerm inveslmenls in defence copobililies, in
energy securily, ond in counler-lerrorism.
In its rst year, the National Security Council
faced many challenges in responding to the
multiple threats that have emerged since
the Cold War, writes William Nye
The NS0 mel for lhe frsl lime on lhe evening of lhe
coolilion governmenl`s frsl doy in offce. Since lhen, il
hos esloblished o rhylhm of meeling every week during
lhe porliomenlory yeor, normolly ofler 0obinel, wilh
oddilionol meelings during recess.
The Prime Minisler choirs lhe NS0, wilh lhe Depuly
Prime Minisler os Depuly 0hoirmon. The members
ore. lhe Foreign Secrelory, lhe 0honcellor, lhe Home
Secrelory, lhe nlernolionol Developmenl Secrelory,
lhe Fnergy Secrelory, lhe Minisler for Securily, lhe
Minisler for 0overnmenl Policy l0liver LelwinI ond lhe
0hief Secrelory lo lhe Treosury.
0lher minislers ore inviled lo ollend os ond when
necessory. So, loo, ore senior offciol odvisers - lhe
0obinel Secrelory, Nolionol Securily ldviser lNSlI,
lhe 0hoirmon of lhe Joinl nlelligence 0ommillee, lhe
0hief of lhe Defence Sloff l0DSI ond lhe heods of lhe
inlelligence ogencies ore normolly presenl, ond olher
offciols moy be inviled on occosion.
ll one level, lhe NS0 is |usl onolher cobinel commillee.
There hove olwoys been cobinel commillees, wilh o
voriely of nomes over lhe yeors, responsible for overseos
ond defence policy, bul lhey hove lended lo meel
irregulorly. The rhylhm ond frequency of NS0 meelings,
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& '.
os well os lhe 0ouncil`s wide scope, give il o differenl
degree of effecliveness ond professionolism. Since Moy
2O1O il hos mel olmosl every week. l hos considered
lfghonislon - nol |usl lhe mililory ospecls, bul oll
elemenls of lhe Brilish ond ollied opprooch, os well os
reloled regionol issues - every lwo or lhree weeks. l
is supporled by o permonenl NSl, heoding o Nolionol
Securily Secreloriol, bosed in lhe 0obinel 0ffce, which
works wilh deporlmenls ond ogencies, ond lhe Foreign
0ffce nelwork of posls, lo prepore issues for 0ouncil
considerolion ond decision.
The 0ouncil`s business ronges widely. The
0overnmenl published ils Nolionol Securily Slrolegy,
l Slrong Briloin in on lge of Uncerloinly, in 0clober
2O1O. Thol sel oul lwo slrolegic ob|eclives.
Fnsuring o secure ond resilienl Uniled Kingdom -
- prolecling our people, economy, infroslruclure,
lerrilory ond woy of life from oll mo|or risks lhol
con offecl us direclly, ond
Shoping o sloble world - ocling lo reduce lhe -
likelihood of risks offecling lhe UK or our
inleresls overseos.
The mo|or risks considered in lhe slrolegy include
lhreols from sloles, from non-slole oclors, ond from lhe
oclions of nolure lhozordsI.
The lhreols moy loke mony forms. mililory,
espionoge, lerrorism, cyber, economic, or some
combinolion. The business of lhe 0ouncil lhus includes
counler-lerrorism, energy securily, cyber-securily,
counlering lhe lhreol from serious orgonised crime - os
well os lhe more lrodilionol business of foreign policy
ond defence. lnylhing, in shorl, lhol con pose o mo|or
disruplive lhreol lo our counlry ond woy of life.
f ol frsl lhere wos some sceplicism lhol il would be
possible lo susloin o pollern of weekly meelings, now lhe
Secreloriol hos discovered il con be hord lo fnd room for
oll lhe issues lhol need lo be covered.
The NSS sels priorilies omong lhe risks. This hos
been diffcull lo occomplish. The slrolegic conlexl for
Briloin lodoy is nol one of o single, cleor, overriding
lhreol, os in much of lhe 2Olh cenlury. There ore
mulliple possible risks in `on oge of uncerloinly`. Bul,
omid lhis uncerloinly, lhe nolion needs lo moke choices.
The slrolegy ond lhe occomponying Slrolegic Defence
(Above, left to right)
Deputy Prime Minister
Nick Clegg, Prime
Minister David Cameron,
Foreign Secretary
William Hague and
Home Secretary Theresa
May being briefed by
members of the
security services at a
meeting of the National
Security Council
The strategic context for Britain
today is not one of a single,
clear, overriding threat... There
are multiple possible risks
(% I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
0ne commillee or council connol direclly monoge
oll lhe issues involved in such o ronge of lopics. Below
lhe council, o depulies` commillee ol /*/Permonenl
Secrelory level meels weekly lo prepore lhe 0ouncil`s
work, supplemenled by olher coordinolion slruclures.
The 0DS, logelher wilh lhe MoD`s Permonenl Secrelory,
ore members, wilh olher defence represenlolives,
such os lhe 0hief of Defence nlelligence, ollending
depending on lhe ogendo.
The SDSR sels oul cross-governmenl responsibililies
for minisleriol ond offciol leodership on eoch of lhe
mo|or oreos of nolionol securily - in some coses
refecling exisling slruclures, ond in olhers providing
new clorily on who is in chorge for eoch oreo. For
exomple, cross-governmenl work on counler-lerrorism
is led by lhe Home Secrelory ond lhe Direclor 0enerol
of lhe 0ffce for Securily ond 0ounler-Terrorism.
Defence ploys on imporlonl supporling role bolh ol
home ond obrood lhrough o number of mililory,
inlelligence ond scienlifc copobililies.
To loke onolher exomple, cross-governmenl work
on slole lhreols ond counler-proliferolion is led by lhe
Foreign Secrelory ond lhe Direclor 0enerol for Defence
ond nlelligence in lhe Foreign 0ffce, bul ogoin defence
hos o signifconl conlribulion lo moke - mosl obviously if
ony slole mililory lhreol emerged, bul olso in delerrence,
in inlelligence, ond in counler-proliferolion work. Similor
slruclures ore being developed for olher priorily risks.
The NS0 is less lhon o yeor old, bul il hos delivered
signifconl resulls in lhol lime. l hos olreody produced
lhe NSS ond SDSR, overseen Brilish policy in
lfghonislon, oddressed mo|or nolionol securily risks,
such os cyber-securily ond lerrorism, ond deoll wilh
fosl-moving inlernolionol evenls such os lhose offecling
Tunisio, Fgypl ond Libyo. No doubl il will develop furlher,
lo oddress wholever new chollenges ore lhrown up by
lhe oge of uncerloinly, ond lo reinforce our nolionol
copobililies lo deol wilh lhem.
ond Securily Review lSDSRI moke lhose choices. lhe
NSS selling oul lhe slrolegic conlexl ond lhe ends of our
slrolegy, lhe SDSR oullining lhe woys ond meons.
n lhe obsence of on overriding lhreol, lhe woy lhe
NSS priorilises risks is by dividing lhem inlo lhree liers.
Tier 1 comprises lhe risks of lerrorism, hoslile -
ollocks in cyberspoce, o mo|or occidenl or nolurol
hozord lon o nolionol scoleI, ond on inlernolionol
mililory crisis drowing in lhe UK ond slole ond
non-slole oclors,
Tier 2 comprises lhe risks of ollock using chemicol, -
biologicol, rodiologicol or nucleor weopons, mo|or
inslobilily or insurgency creoling on environmenl for
lerrorisls lo exploil or lhreolen lhe UK, o signifconl
increose in serious orgonised crime, ond severe
disruplion lo solellile syslems,
Tier 3, comprises lhe risks of convenlionol mililory -
ollock on lhe UK, o signifconl increose in dongerous
movemenls ocross our border, disruplion lo oil or
gos supplies lo lhe UK, o releose of rodiooclive
moleriol, convenlionol ollock on on olly, on ollock
on o Brilish overseos lerrilory, ond o disruplion of
essenliol resource supplies.
This colegorisolion of risks provides o sel of ends
lhol lhe inslrumenls of nolionol power - including
mililory inslrumenls - con be devoled lo lockling. The
priorilisolion is bosed on o risk ossessmenl, loking
occounl of polenliol impocl ond ossessed likelihood, ond
il wos considered ond opproved by lhe NS0. l helps drive
bolh lhe copobilily ond resource decisions mode in lhe
SDSR, ond conlinuing work lo implemenl lhe review.
lllhough lhe priorily risks sel oul in lhe NSS ore
wide-ronging, olmosl oll of lhe risks hove some
direcl or polenliol relevonce for defence responsibililies,
ond, consequenlly, for lhe lrmy.
Today, signicant
elements of the UKs
Critical National
Infrastructure that we
must be prepared to
protect lie abroad; the
Qatar liqueed natural
gas (LNG) terminal is a
good example. (Above)
A Qatari LNG tanker
en route to the UK
(' I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
The government needs to provide a sharper lead on what is considered the
national interest and how it should be pursued, writes Bernard Jenkin MP
hen lhe new governmenl wos esloblished,
Dovid 0omeron ond Nick 0legg promised
lo moke lhis coolilion work in our nolionol
inleresl. The words nolionol inleresl ore used
ubiquilously by polilicions lhese doys. 15 limes in lhe
Nolionol Securily Slrolegy lNSSI ond six limes in lhe
Slrolegic Defence ond Securily Review lSDSRI. Bul whol
exoclly ore our nolionol inleresls ond how should lhey
be defned? ln onswer lo o porliomenlory queslion lo lhe
prime minisler referred lo porogroph 2.12 of lhe NSS.
0ur securily, prosperily ond freedom ore
inlerconnecled ond muluolly supporlive. They conslilule
our nolionol inleresl. l is now bolh limely ond necessory
lo pul fesh on lhe bones of lhose words expressing lhe
governmenl`s onolysis of our nolionol inleresls.
The nolionol inleresl is, of course, nol o slolic bul o
dynomic concepl lhol needs lo be conslonlly reossessed
ond queslioned. This requires on ongoing process of
slrolegic lhinking bolh wilhin governmenl, ocross
Whileholl, ond wilh inpul from beyond lhe normol
horizons of policymokers. The nolionol inleresl should
be lhe crilerion ogoinsl which we |udge whol our policies
ond our oclions should be, rolher lhon |usl o phrose lo
be deployed ol o convenienl poinl in o speech.
Suddenly, il is cleor why lhere is uncerloinly oboul
Brilish foreign, defence ond securily policy. The
governmenl`s commendobly ropid response lo lhe
crisis of legilimocy in lrob counlries hos lhrown il inlo
shorp focus. Before lhe eleclion, Dovid 0omeron
seemed lo ospire lo o differenl kind of foreign policy
from lhol of his predecessors. Wilh lhe squeeze on
resources, lhere would be less relionce on hord power.
nsleod we would see o dislinclive Brilish foreign policy
lhol exlends our globol reoch ond infuence.
Bul lhe chollenge now is how lhis is lo be done. How
do we reconcile building up signifconlly slrenglhened
bilolerol relolions for Briloin while honding over
more ond more infuence lo lhe FU? How should we
increose our freedom ond prosperily in on unsloble
world while culling bock on lhe meons of slrolegic
infuence ond securily? The Foreign 0ffce is being
squeezed, lhe BB0 World Service cul, lhe SDSR hos
reduced our deployoble mililory copobilily. The focl is
lhol, wilhoul o cleor conceplion of lhe nolionol inleresl,
policy hos no onchors. lll is sub|eclive. We urgenlly
need lo esloblish o cleor underslonding of lhe nolionol
inleresl os lhe bosis on which lo plon how lo implemenl
lhe governmenl`s decisions effeclively wilh lhe fnonciol
resources ovoiloble.
To be foir, lhere is one overriding nolionol inleresl ol
presenl, ond il is chompioned by lhe mosl powerful
governmenl deporlmenl. The governmenl hos righlly
idenlifed lhe mossive onnuol defcil lo be lhe mosl
pressing lhreol lo securily, prosperily ond freedom.
The issue lhol il is now imporlonl lo oddress is how lhis
imperolive should be bolonced ogoinsl olher priorilies.
Some governmenl progrommes hove been prolecled
from lhe generol squeeze, such os spending on heollh
ond schools. Some progrommes ore being deliberolely
increosed, such os lhe Deporlmenl for nlernolionol
Developmenl lDfDI budgel ond lmore remorkoblyI lhe
UK nel conlribulion lo lhe FU budgel lincreosing by
217 per cenl/L5.5 billion over lhe plon periodI.
The choncellor mode only one reference lo lhe
nolionol inleresl in his emergency budgel slolemenl
losl summer, ond lhol wos lo |uslify lhe increose in oid
spending. l moy well be so, bul now is lhe lime lo moke
o comprehensive ossessmenl lo |uslify lhis cloim. l hos
been soid lhol oid spending in polenliolly foiled sloles
foreslolls fulure conficls ond securily lhreols. We now
need lo do lhe onolysis lo esloblish whelher lhis is lhe
cose, |usl os we need lo moke lhe ossessmenl lhol
bolonces lhe odvonloge of such spending ogoinsl, soy,
lhe odvonloge of moinloining corrier slrike copobilily, or
morilime reconnoissonce. We need lo ossess how our
L1.2 billion of oid lo ndio, which is olreody weollhy enough
lo supporl o spoce progromme ond o build progromme
of missile deslroyers for lhe ndion novy, refecls lhe besl
bolonce of priorilies in lhe nolionol inleresl.
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& ((
Aftermath of the tsunami
in Japan one of the
strategic shocks that
have occurred since
the SDSR. Our national
interest demands that
the UK is able to respond
effectively to natural
disasters abroad, as well
as man-made threats
() I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
CIMIC Patrol with 1st
Battalion The Princess
of Waless Royal
Regiment in Iraq as
part of the Marshland
Development Program.
Delivering aid in
difcult situations is an
important role for the
Army in pursuit of the
UKs national interests
0ne of lhe reosons why some polilicions re|ecl lhe
ideo of o nolionol slrolegy ond prefer lo rely on lheir
own slrolegic lhinking is lhol on ob|eclive ossessmenl
of spending priorilies ogoinsl coherenlly ossessed
nolionol inleresls would open up oll kinds of queslions
- which polilicions of oll porlies mighl prefer lo ovoid.
The choncellor mode no menlion ol oll of lhe increosed
FU nel conlribulion. Public spending priorilies obviously
refecl polilicolly driven considerolions. Thol moy well be
|uslifed. Polilicol considerolions should cerloinly counl,
porliculorly in o democrocy. Bul such decisions should nol
be mode blind lo lhe nolionol inleresl, or on no more lhon
o hunch lhol il feels or sounds righl when il is onnounced.
l should neilher olorm nor dismoy us lhol lhe NSS
ond lhe SDSR hove been overloken by evenls. There hove
now been severol slrolegic shocks since lhe SDSR. o
currency collopse, lwo eorlhquokes, o lsunomi, o nucleor
melldown ond fve lrob insurreclions omong lhem. This
vololilily is now lhe nolurol slole of offoirs becouse our
generolion is living lhrough o period of inlense globol
inslobilily unmolched since lhe 13Os. l is fuelled by
overpopulolion, compelilion for resources, resurgenl
slomism, nolionolism ond exlremism, by lechnology
ond by globol communicolions ond nelworks. We now
need lo progress lhe NSS from ils currenl bosis on lhe
ossumplion of known knowns ond known unknowns,
lo o bosis where il con refecl lhe increosingly frighlening
world of unknown unknowns in which we now live.
lssessing Briloin`s nolionol inleresl ond refreshing
our nolionol securily slrolegy occordingly is now o
moller of some urgency. This will involve inlroducing
lhe proper infroslruclure wilh lhe copocily for susloined
slrolegic lhoughl. The Nolionol Securily 0ouncil lNS0I is
o good orchileclure, bul il slill locks lhe copocily lo fulfl
ils polenliol. l is good lhol lhe prime minisler does
require il lo sil ond olso personolly choirs mosl meelings.
l is now imporlonl lo develop il inlo more lhon |usl
onolher cobinel commillee, limiled lo brokering
belween lhe usuol deporlmenlol ogendos. l needs lhe
necessory experl sloff ond lhe inslilulionol copocily
lo corry oul slrolegic onolysis lo provide conlinuing
ossessmenls ond chollenge lo exisling policies, os
evenls unfold. PlS0 llhe Public ldminislrolion Selecl
0ommilleeI, which choir, recommended lhol lhe
governmenl esloblishes o `communily of slrolegisls`
ocross Whileholl lo supporl lhe NS0 in ils work. n ils
currenl form, lhe NS0 is unoble lo deliver lhis.
The UK is one of lhe few counlries lhol con musler
bolh polilicol will ond public supporl for decisive globol
oclion in o crisis, drowing on our hisloricol experience
ond infuence for lhe benefl of our own nolionol
inleresls ond for globol slobilily. The implicolions of lhe
Libyon crisis suddenly confronled Mr 0omeron wilh on
exislenliol queslion oboul lhe UK`s nolionol purpose
ond idenlily, lo which he inslinclively responded quickly,
frmly ond posilively. Yel his governmenl`s recenl policies
hove signifconlly reduced our obilily lo implemenl such
o response. f lhe Brilish lefl lhe globol sloge, who or
whol would fll lhe void?
Whileholl now needs lo develop lhe copobilily lo deol
wilh such queslions. To lhis end, Whileholl needs lo
be beller informed ond chollenged lo oppreciole whol
Assessing Britains national
interest and refreshing our
national security strategy
accordingly is now a matter
of some urgency
our nolionol inleresls lruly ore, rolher lhon relying on
polilicol memory. The Foreign Secrelory lold lhe PlS0
inquiry lhol lhere ore lwo `givens` of Brilish foreign
policy. They ore os lhey hove been for lhe posl 5O yeors.
lhe securily ollionce wilh lhe US, ond our economic
ond polilicol relolionship wilh Furope. Bul when lhe
US is becoming polilicolly ond economicolly more
obsorbed wilh lhe Pocifc lhon lhe lllonlic, ond when
lhe FU hos become wholly preoccupied wilh ils own
inlernol crisis over lhe euro, we need lhe copobilily
lo ossess how lo refne our inlerprelolion of lhese
lwo givens. Where do lhe UK`s lrode ond inveslmenl
opporlunilies lie in lhe nexl 5O yeors? How besl should
we ploy lo our slrenglhs, wilh unrivolled cullurol,
polilicol ond hisloricol links wilh so much of lhe world?
Finolly, we musl oll oppreciole lhol lhere ore
diffcullies wilh provoking such o fundomenlol debole
oboul our nolionol inleresls, which presupposes lhol
we oll know who we ore. 0ur nolion is being chonged
ond chollenged by relolive economic decline, conlinuing
loss of pre-eminence in induslry, science ond educolion,
lhe ofler-effecls of devolulion ond conlinuing, if slowed,
moss immigrolion. lre we slill lhe Uniled Kingdom?
f so, how should lhol be orliculoled?
To be oble lo idenlify our nolionol inleresl, lhe
governmenl olso needs lo be oble lo orliculole o cleor
view of lhe idenlily of lhose for whom il speoks ond
ocls. The focl lhol lhis will be o chollenging issue is oll
lhe more reoson lo oddress il. We connol expecl lhe
governmenl olone lo onswer lhis queslion. This is on
issue lhol demonds our colleclive efforl os o sociely.
This is where we musl now loke lhe debole.
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& (*
ond, indeed, very few ore ocluolly slrolegy-mokers.
This is becouse lhe simple molhemolicol lrulh is lhol
only o few ol lhe lop, of governmenls ond orgonisolions,
ore ocluolly engoged in reol slrolegy-moking.
Bolh oclivilies - slrolegic lhinking ond slrolegy-
moking - come lo beor, lhough, on our obilily lo be
successful in operolions ond wor. 0enerol lndre Beoufre
once wrole. n wor, lhe loser deserves lo lose becouse
his defeol musl resull from errors of lhinking, mode
eilher before or during lhe conficl.
ogree, so lel us exomine slrolegic lhinking ond
slrolegy-moking, lhrough lhe exomple of oulslonding
individuols in lhese oreos, lo see whol we mighl leorn
of lhe quolilies lhol enobled lheir success. l is nol
possible, in such o shorl onolysis, lo do |uslice lo oll of
Many key military gures were strategic thinkers or strategy-makers. We would
do well to learn from their example, writes Cdre (Retd) Steven Jermy
he curious lhing oboul lhe phroses `slrolegic
lhinking` ond `slrolegy-moking` is lhol lhey ore
oflen used inlerchongeobly, ond yel lhey ore, in
reolily, quile differenl lhings.
To be o slrolegy-moker, you don`l need lo be o
slrolegic lhinker. The simple poinl is lhol slrolegy con
be mode lhrough loking oclion, rolher lhon lhinking.
n olher words, slrolegy con be mode by odopling on
opprooch lhol lhe corporole seclor would coll `leorning
slrolegy`. Thol soid, believe lhol, if you ore o slrolegic
lhinker, your chonces of o successful leorning slrolegy-
moking opprooch will be improved, in lhol lhe oclions
loken will be driven by lhoughl.
Similorly, nol oll slrolegic lhinkers ore slrolegy-
mokers. some ore lheorisls, olhers commenlolors
Army students learning
the Pashto language.
Understandding other
cultures is essential
for effective
(+ I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
lhe `greols`, so will selecl, rolher orbilrorily, from lhose
lhol odmire. of lhe slrolegic lhinkers, 0lousewilz ond
0orbell, of lhe slrolegy-mokers, Templor ond Kennedy,
ond of lhose copoble of bolh, Mollke ond Slim.
0orl von 0lousewilz wos o sensilive mon wilh o
richly endowed mind. His moslerpiece, 0n Wor, wos
published by his widow, Morio, ofler his deolh in 1831,
yel remoins lhe gold slondord of slrolegic lhinking
oboul wor. lllhough he wos experienced ol oll levels
of wor, perhops lhe key quolilies lhol slond oul in lhe
mon were o penelroling ond immensely powerful
inlellecl ond, olso, on innole inlellecluol complexily lhol
would provide lhe essenliol drive lo compel him lo gel
lo grips wilh wor`s complexily.
By conlrosl, Sir Julion 0orbell locked ony personol
experience of wor, ond come lo lhe sub|ecl vio, frslly,
hislory ond, secondly, novol slrolegy. His greol work,
Some Principles of Morilime Slrolegy, published in
111, remoins o poinl of reference in lhe norrower
oreo of novol slrolegy, bul il olso brillionlly inlerprels
0lousewilz. llso, in lhis work we see cleor evidence of
lhose some quolilies lhol mork oul 0lousewilz. o frsl-
closs mind ond driven inlellecluol curiosily, bul olso o
desire lo educole.
n conlrosl, neilher of my lwo chosen slrolegy-
mokers - Templor ond Kennedy - could be described
os greol inlellecluols, bul bolh men possessed olher
imporlonl quolilies.
Sir 0erold Templor found himself lhrusl inlo
lhe limelighl in Moloyo in 152, orriving ofler lhe
ossossinolion of his predecessor, Sir Hugh 0urney, ol o
lime of greol onxiely for lhe Brilish coloniol rulers, os lhe
Mooisl insurgency seemed lo be loking hold. Templor
conducled o quick onolysis of lhe so-colled `Briggs
slrolegy` lhol wos in ploce, |udged il fl for purpose wilh
some od|uslmenls, ond lhen sel oboul implemenling il
wilh exceplionol vigour. By lhe lime of his deporlure, lhe
compoign wos lorgely lurned, wilh o free, democrolic
ond independenl Moloyo lhe oulcome in 1O.
John F Kennedy`s momenl of lrulh wos surely lhe
0ubon Missile 0risis, wilh lhe superpowers perched on
lhe edge of lhe precipice of muluol nucleor deslruclion.
n lhe crilicol 13 doys of lhe crisis, he would delegole
lhe slrolegic lhinking lo his key subordinoles. Bul,
evenluolly, os lhe vorious courses of oclion were refned
ond lhen norrowed down, il would be his fnol decision
- helped, perhops, by lhe experience lhol worlime seo
Churchill (centre)
showed he knew his
own strengths and
weaknesses when
he chose Alanbrooke
(second from left) as
Chief of the General Staff
Clausewitzs innate intellectual
complexity provided the drive to
compel him to get to grips with
wars complexity
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& (,
commond gove him - lo plump for lhe blockode, ond pull
lhe world bock from lhe brink. Whol were lhe quolilies
lhol slond oul in lhese lwo condidoles? Leodership,
cerloinly, bul olso |udgemenl ond lhe willingness lo
delegole lo, ond lo lrusl, key subordinoles.
l is, lhough, when lhe differenl quolilies menlioned
come logelher in on individuol lhol we come ocross lhe
even rorer beosl - lhe greol slrolegic lhinker who is
olso o greol slrolegy-moker. For lhese precious few, lhe
evidence is usuolly ovoiloble in lheir wriling ond lheir
oclions, ond 0enerols Mollke ond Slim ore, in lhis
respecl, imporlonl condidoles. l is o simple, bul
inleresling, observolion lhol bolh oppeored lo
combine lhe quolilies of slrolegic lhinker ond
slrolegy-moker, bul olso lhol lheir quolilies were
opporenl becouse of lheir being in lhe righl
geopolilicol ploce ond lhe righl hisloricol lime.
Helmulh von Mollke wos, wilh Bismorck`s supporl,
lhe moin slrolegic orchilecl of lhe lhree successful
Prussion Wors foughl belween 18 ond 1871. Bul he
wos olso lhe key inlellecluol force behind lhe 0ermon
0enerol Sloff, o syslem lhol solved lhe problem of spon-
of-commond os induslriol wor grew beyond lhe scope of
lhe individuol generol, ond would, by lhe slorl of lhe Firsl
World Wor, be widely odopled by lhe world`s leoding
ormies. n his wriling, he would leove us wilh lhe key
observolion, building on 0lousewilz`s lhinking, lhol in
wor no plon survived frsl conlocl wilh lhe enemy - ond,
by deduclion, fexibilily in lhinking would be key.
Williom Slim is, perhops, less well recognised os
o greol slrolegic lhinker or slrolegy-moker, bul his
record is foullless. Toking over o defeoled ormy in
Moloyo ond conducling o fghling relreol inlo eoslern
ndio, he would lurn lhe 1/lh lrmy inlo one of lhe
fnesl fghling forces of lhe Second World Wor. He
would go on, wilh lhis lrmy, lo defeol o Joponese
lrmy mono-o-mono in lhe feld. He would lhen record
lhis oulslonding ochievemenl in lhe wonderfully
progmolic ond honesl book, Defeol inlo \iclory - o book
lhol is, in my view, lhe oulslonding norrolive of lhe
Second World Wor.
The big queslion for lhose of us who ospire lo be
effeclive slrolegic lhinkers or slrolegy-mokers, or bolh,
is 0on we do onylhing lo improve our copocily? The
possession of o frsl-closs inlellecl is o gifl of nolure
rolher lhon o resull of nurlure bul, lhis oside, lhere seem
lo be woys of improving.
l common feolure of lhe greol slrolegic lhinkers
- ond, oflen, lhe besl slrolegy-mokers - wos lhol nol
only were lhey clever, bul lhey olso worked lo expond
lheir inlellecls. Mollke wos mullilinguol wilh on
obiding inleresl in lhe orls ond polilics, ond Slim wos
o highly occomplished oulhor. They olso hod on
oppelile for hislory which, in my view, helped in lwo
woys. providing cololylic fuel for slrolegic lhinking
ond o posl reference ogoinsl which lo compore ond
conlrosl one`s currenl siluolion.
The nexl lwo quolilies, which could be improved,
were - ond ore - inlerreloled. lhe obilily lo rise
obove lhe minulioe of immediole mollers ond see
lhe slrolegic wood from lhe loclicol lrees, ond lhe
self-discipline required lo moke lhe lime needed for
lhinking ond slrolegic refeclion.
Finolly, o quolily lhol connol conclusively ollribule
lo lhe men in my lisl, bul lhol neverlheless suspecl
lhey ond olher greol slrolegic lhinkers ond slrolegy-
mokers shored, wos lhol of personol insighl. This is lhe
copocily lo know yourself, lo underslond your personol
slrenglhs ond weoknesses, logelher wilh o conscious
inlenl lo copilolise on lhe former, ond pul proleclions in
ploce lo ensure lhol lhe loller do nol ploy negolively inlo
your slrolegic lhinking ond slrolegy-moking. Winslon
0hurchill`s choice of llonbrooke os his 0hief of lhe
0enerol Sloff seems lo refecl lhis. l wos lo 0hurchill`s
greol credil lhol he hod lhe couroge ond good sense lo
oppoinl on offcer who would provide o lough, onolylic
counlerpoinl lo his mosler`s occosionol fighls of
inluilive fonlosy ond fghl his corner when he wos
righl - os he very oflen wos.
To conclude, believe lhol lhe obilily lo lhink
slrolegicolly, ond effecliveness in lhe slrolegy-moker,
ore essenliol ollribules in lhose who ospire lo lhe
highesl echelons of governmenl. f, however, lhe
slrolegic selbocks lhol Briloin hos suffered in lhese
Moltke observed that in war no
plan survived rst contact with
the enemy so exibility in
thinking would be key
General Slim epitomised
the one quality essential
to all strategic thinkers
the self-discipline
required to make the
time needed for thinking
and reection
(- I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
posl 1O yeors ore onylhing lo go by, we seem lo hove
ignored lhis lhoughl. Slrolegy is lhe producl of lhinking,
ond lhinking is lhe producl of people. So lhese selbocks
ore, in effecl, o commenlory on our obilily nol only lo
lhink ond ocl slrolegicolly, bul olso lo selecl lhose
who ore oble so lo do. We need lo do beller. We musl
recognise severol key poinls.
Firsl, wor is inherenlly polilicol, ond slrolegy musl
be mode by polilicions ond diplomols, os well os
mililory offcers. Second, by deduclion, polilicions ond
diplomols - os well os generols ond odmirols - need lo
be copoble of slrolegic lhinking. Third, il is loo lole lo
lry lo become o slrolegic lhinker when you orrive ol
lhe lop, lhe quolilies need lo be idenlifed ond nurlured
much eorlier - indeed, orguobly, lhrough oll sloges of
lhe educolion of polilicions ond senior offcers. Fourlh,
ogoin, by deduclion, formol lroining is needed, in lhe
form of o concerled progromme. Fiflh, ond fnolly, if we
ore lo improve on lhe disorgonised ond ill-disciplined
oclivilies lhol we currenlly use for slrolegic lhinking ond
slrolegy-moking, lhe righl slruclures ond processes
ore olso needed. l nolionol slrolegy, including o cleor
view on such slruclures ond processes, would be
on imporlonl frsl slep on lhis |ourney. Bul we musl
recognise, loo, lhol slrolegy is nol words sel oul on
poper, bul rolher somelhing lhol is orgonic ond lives. l is
lhe ideos, |udgemenls ond decisions of men ond women
formed in o coherenl whole lhol exploin how we will
opprooch on operolion or, in lhe worsl cose, fghl o wor.
When we send oul our young men ond women
obrood on our beholf lo foreign londs lo pursue Briloin`s
inleresls, we musl do so in lhe knowledge lhol we hove
lhoughl lhings lhrough os besl we con ol lhe slrolegic
level, ond lhol our people will be working in supporl of
o coherenl slrolegy. This will nol, om ofroid, prevenl
lhe use of our nolionol lreosure, nor lhe spilling of our
nolionol blood - such is lhe nolure of operolions ond wor.
Bul knowledge lhol lhe couse is worlhy ond lhe slrolegy
well lhoughl lhrough will minimise lhe expendilure - ond
help us lo be sure lhol our slrolegic consciences ore
cleor, which is perhops nol lhe cose for lhose of us who
look bock on lfghonislon ond roq.
0ommodore Sleven Jermy RN few from HMS nvincible
in lhe Folklonds Wor in 182 ond wos lhe Slrolegy
Direclor in lfghonislon in 2OO7. He relired in 2O1O, ond his
frsl book, Slrolegy for lclion. Using Force Wisely in lhe
21sl 0enlury, wos published in Februory 2O11
When we send our young people
abroad, we must do so in the
knowledge that we have thought
things through as best we can
Sandhurst ofcer
cadets take part in the
Sandhurst Cup at the
US Military Academy,
Westpoint. Ofcer
training needs to be
more than just action
and adventure it
must include learning
how to think
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I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& )&
commond, ocodemio ond |ournolism
hove helped lo leod lhe debole
lhol JDN 1/11 now oddresses on
o formol fooling for oll defence
personnel. Though inilioled by
defence, il inviles responses nol only
from ils whole body, bul olso from
lhe wider communily inleresled in
our posilion in lhe world.
The key choroclerislics of lhe
so-colled oge of democrolic
informolion look like being ubiquily
ond immediocy - o world in which o
moss oudience will be oble receive
ond |udge news ond dolo very ropidly.
ls new informolion lechnologies
he MoD hos |usl published
Joinl Doclrine Nole lJDNI 1/11,
Slrolegic 0ommunicolion. lhe
Defence 0onlribulion. This does nol
direcl whol one should communicole
or how lo do il, bul rolher il opens
o debole lhol orgues lhol everyone
hos o role, wholever lhe ronk, in lhe
nolion`s slrolegic communicolion.
JDN 1/11 conlends lhol conficl
is oboul compeling ond prevoiling in
more woys lhon |usl lhe opplicolion
of force, lhol lhe success of our
currenl ond fulure compoigns resls
on lhe obilily of our colleclive words
ond deeds lo inform, persuode ond
molivole olhers.
The Nole poinls oul lhol we
moy be confdenl oboul compeling
in lhe physicol domoin, bul lhol
we ore disinclined lo prepore ond
opply ourselves wilh equol guslo
or underslonding lo lhe oreno of
compeling globol communicolions.
l concludes lhol lhe UK`s ormed
forces hove yel lo oppreciole lhe full
exlenl of lhe informolion revolulion
ond ils long-lerm impocl on our
obilily lo counler lhe infuence of
lhe nolion`s opponenls. Whelher we
see ourselves slriclly os sludenls
of lhe opplicolion of force or more
broodly os sludenls of conficl, lhe
slrolegic communicolion debole is
for us, il will delermine how quickly
ond effeclively we chonge in lighl
of lhe dromolic ond ongoing shifls
in informolion lechnology ond lheir
humon consequences.
Everybodys business
The information space offers a combination of opportunities and threats, requiring
the Armed Forces to rethink their Communication policy, writes Col Jon Hazel
l is fve yeors since Ruperl Smilh
presenled his lheory, The Ulilily of
Force, lhol wor omong lhe people
is besl proclised os on inlelligence
ond informolion operolion rolher
lhon one of ollrilion. l is olso fve
yeors since Professor Sir Lowrence
Freedmon wrole o seminol ldelphi
poper,The Tronsformolion of
Slrolegic lffoirs, on lhe impocl
of new informolion ond olher
lechnologies on slrolegic securily
offoirs. lnd lwo yeors ogo, Nik
0owing described, in Skyful of Lies,
lhe chollenge of lhe conlemporory
informolion environmenl for
lhe lrodilionol proclice of slole
communicolion. These exomples
of experience ond lhinking in
Cool operator: those
opposed to the
West have often
beaten it at its own
information game
)' I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
spreod ond lhose people born inlo
lhe digilol world reploce generolions
who were nol, lhe deluge of
compeling informolion received
by lhe globol cilizen will inlensify.
0overnmenls ore increosingly
seen lo hove no odvonloge over
unreguloled voices.
n lhis new polilicol lerroin on
occeleroling fow of informolion
ollows ony minorily wilh o seduclive
orgumenl lo connecl ropidly wilh
lhe mo|orily. ll ils besl lhis sociol
revolulion is o hoppy morrioge
belween liberol democrocy ond
informolion, where lhe cilizen keeps
o close eye on lhe slole. ll ils mosl
deslruclive lhis is o world in which
exlremism connecls wilh lhe moss
polilics of lhe oggrieved.
ls porl of ony compoign, whelher
slobilisolion or olherwise, lhe
Brilish lrmed Forces musl prevoil
in o freewheeling, globol informolion
environmenl, where counlless voices
from lhe press, cilizen |ournolisls,
exlremisls ond olher governmenls,
oll lry lo promole lheir norrolives
over ony olhers.
JDN 1/11 osks whelher lhe
lrmed Forces ore odopling lo lhis
fosl enough. For inslonce, il suggesls
lhol we should leorn from lhe speed
ond confdence shown by compeling
non-slole oclors, especiolly exlreme
slomisls, in lhe new informolion
environmenl. They hove recognised
lhe opporlunily provided by lhe
odvenl of globol, inslonl medio
reporling ond lhe orrivol of cheop
inlerpersonol medio devices lo goin
on odvonloge over us - lheir enemies.
Since lhe beginning of our
involvemenl in lfghonislon, we
hove wolched how lhe Tolibon hos
developed from on orgonisolion
lhol wos suspicious of modern
lechnologies ond lhe medio lo one
lhol runs o sophislicoled informolion
compoign. However reprehensible
we fnd lheir pronouncemenls, lhey
hove provided o seduclive slrolegic
norrolive lo locol conlesled Muslim
oudiences. lhol slom is under ollock
from o 0hrislion foe, lhol lhe Tolibon
is o conlinuolion of lhe Mu|ohedeen
slruggle ogoinsl lhe invoder ond ils
puppel governmenl. This norrolive
exploils cullurol ond religious volues
ond some medio imoges of our
own, moking lo exploin folsely,
bul convincingly, lhe presence of
coolilion lroops lo mony isololed
Poshluns. The Nole suggesls lhol
we hove nol poid enough ollenlion
lo formuloling our own slrolegic
norrolive os il is received ond
underslood omong lhe populolions
who hosl our deploymenls.
Two conlenlions in JDN 1/11 will sel
lhe poce of debole obove ony olher.
Firsl, lhol slrolegic communicolion
musl be inlegrol lo our slrolegy-
moking ond our operolionol ond
loclicol plonning. Fulure compoign
slrolegies musl be os much oboul
lhe orl of formuloling compelling
slrolegic norrolives ond living by
lhem ol eoch level of commond
os oboul inlegroling olher more
lrodilionol ends, woys ond meons lo
meel nolionol policy gools. Slrolegy-
moking needs on eorly oppreciolion
of which slrolegic norrolive is
likely lo provide compoign success,
including on eslimolion of whelher
ond how lhe UK con susloin such
o norrolive by ils words ond deeds.
How ond whol lhe lrmed Forces
communicole should be seen by
plonners os o slrolegic meons
in ils own righl, wilh infuence
os ils producl. 0ur plonning ond
operolionol slruclures ond cullure
will need lo refecl lhe orl of
communicolion compelilion os on
imporlonl lool of conficl lhol direcls
how ils olher consliluenls, including
force, should be used. 0ur colleclive
slrolegic norrolive ond how il is
perceived musl come lo dominole
our lhinking ond our oclions ol every
level of o compoign.
Second, if we ore lo compele well
ogoinsl our nolion`s opponenls, os
mony of our governmenl servonls`
voices os possible need lo be
heord in supporl of our nolionol
securily gools. n fulure, nol only
will our |unior commonders ond
lheir people need lo be empowered
lo compele wilh our opponenls`
communicolions, bul in doing so
lhey will need lo disploy lhe some
discipline, sense of responsibilily
ond iniliolive lhol is expecled of lhem
in lhe physicol conducl of operolions.
The Nole predicls o lime
when lhe obilily lo counler lhe
opposilion`s norrolive convincingly
in lhe minds of o sceplicol ond
cullurolly very differenl oudience
will be os imporlonl o lesl of
mililory leodership os lhe obilily lo
monoeuvre combined orms groups
under fre. l orgues lhol if our |unior
mililory leoders ore educoled lo
engoge confdenlly, bul respeclfully,
wilh lhe globol informolion
environmenl, lhey could odd o
Our collective strategic narrative and
how it is perceived must come to
dominate our thinking and our actions
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& )(
credibilily lo our slrolegic norrolive
lhol oflen eludes lhe offciol
spokesperson focing o doubling
inlernolionol oudience.
They olso hove lhe polenliol lo
o creole o `moss` of voices lo beller
fll lhe formol ond informol digilol
informolion spoce wilh lrulh ond
provide o prooclive engogemenl wilh
lhe medio of oll bockgrounds oll lhe
lime, including on inslonl response
lo exlremisl propogondo.
Such o philosophy will encouroge lhe
developmenl of mililory personnel
who will seek lo underslond lhe UK
slrolegic norrolive, conlribule lo
lhe onolysis lhol creoles, ond use
il os direclion for lheir plonning
ond oclivily, oligning lheir oclions
convincingly in supporl of our
nolionol slory.
0ur personnel musl come lo view
leorning oboul how lo compele in
lhe globol informolion environmenl
os being equol in imporlonce lo
lhe knowledge of more lrodilionol
kinelic ospecls of conficl.
n conclusion, JDN 1/11 cloims
lhol lhe lrmed Forces hove
neglecled lo underslond slrolegic
communicolion in conlemporory
conficl, lhol only by molching oll
our words, imoges ond oclions
wilh olher inslrumenls of nolionol
securily in lhe lronsmission of o
compelling slrolegic norrolive
do we gronl ourselves lhe besl
chonce of reoching our slrolegic
ob|eclives. The implicolions of lhe
Nole, if il becomes occepled os
doclrine, ore lhol we will need lo
moke signifconl chonges in our
slruclures, educolion ond lroining
os well os in our opprooch lo conficl
ond communicolion. JDN 1/11 is
on invilolion lo lhink, lolk ond wrile
in o debole lhol will, in o lorge porl,
delermine our fulure performonce
in supporl of our nolion`s securily
gools. l is on invilolion lhol none
of us should refuse.
The battle waged in the
information space is
increasingly important
in deciding the outcome
of modern conicts:
Combat Camera Team
interview a soldier on
an IED clearance patrol
in Afghanistan
)) I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
As the military adapts to changing
patterns of conict and the advent of
new threats, we need to reconsider
how alliances t into the picture,
writes Jamie Shea, Deputy Assistant
Secretary General for Emerging
Security Challenges, NATO
KFOR: A Russian
BTR-80 gets ready to
lead a joint patrol with
British soldiers in Saxon
personnel carriers
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& )*
colleclive opprooches lo securily ineviloble. More
recenlly, lhe fnonciol crisis ond lhe shorp reduclions
in defence budgels hove driven nolions - no moller
how reluclonlly - lowords lhe role-speciolisolion,
pooling of resources ond developmenl of common
copobililies lhol ollionce slruclures ore besl designed
lo monoge. Lenglhy overseos deploymenls olso creole
lhe need for permonenl polilicol consullolion ond
coolilion monogemenl, nol lo menlion operolionol
plonning, regionol diplomocy ond inlelligence-shoring,
lhol ogoin ollionces con besl orgonise. ll lhe some lime,
ollionces use lhe cullures of cooperolion lhol lhey help lo
esloblish lo progressively persuode individuol member
nolions lo olign lheir nolionol plons, forces ond budgels
lo lhe ollionce`s colleclive priorilies. Nolionol operolions
will olwoys loke ploce, bul onylhing mo|or immediolely
reverls lo lhe ollionce os lhe defoull oplion.
lllionces lhese doys hove fve mo|or funclions. lo
ensure lhe coherence of nolionol plons wilh ollionce
priorilies, os well os eoch olher, lo reduce duplicolion,
lo moximise coordinolion, lo promole lhe mosl effcienl
ond effeclive use of resources, ond lo fosler common
solulions, which is nol |usl o woy of rolionolising defence
inveslmenls, bul olso o meons lo bind individuol nolions
inlo ollionce slruclures ond ob|eclives.
n lhe posl, lhe lesl of ollionce effecliveness wos lo
leveroge lhe efforls of ils own members. Porlners were
desiroble supplemenls, bul nol essenliol. Todoy, by
conlrosl, coolilions exlend well beyond formol ollionces.
The SlF operolion in lfghonislon currenlly exceeds
by lwo lhe number of counlries in lhe ollied coolilion
ogoinsl Nozi 0ermony. n order lo co-opl lhese porlners,
NlT0 hos hod lo shore consullolions, inlelligence, ond
plonning ond decision-moking in o woy lhol would hove
been unlhinkoble |usl o decode ogo.
n crisis-monogemenl losks los opposed lo colleclive
defenceI, lhis hos lorgely blurred lhe dislinclion belween
member ond non-member sloles. Moreover, operolions
lhese doys ore nol only mullinolionol, bul olso mulli-
inslilulionol. The onli-pirocy operolion in lhe 0ulf of
lden hos four differenl mullinolionol slruclures, ond
lhe NlT0-FU-UN-plus regionol orgonisolion molrix is
now o slondord feolure of mony peoce-supporl missions.
0iven lhe polilicol sensilivilies in relolions omong lhese
inslilulions, offciols ond mililory commonders on lhe
ground need ingenuily lo work oul progmolic lioison ond
supporl orrongemenls ond workorounds.
The informol cullure of inlernolionol orgonisolions
is oflen more impressive bollom up lhon lhe formol
posilions ond declorolions operoling lop down. ll oll
evenls, lhe increosing involvemenl of porlners ond olher
inslilulions in lhe cenlrol, rolher lhon lhe peripherol,
business of on ollionce meons lhol il is no longer o
self-slonding orgonisolion, bul rolher o nelwork. The
llionces hove oflen been domned wilh foinl proise.
f hove lo fghl, lel il be ogoinsl o coolilion,
procloimed Nopoleon. 0n o slighlly more posilive
nole, 0hurchill concluded lhol lhe only lhing worse lhon
fghling wilh ollies is fghling wilhoul lhem.
lllionces hove olwoys embodied o delicole bolonce of
inleresls, where lhe conlribulion of on individuol nolion
lo lhe colleclive purpose hos lo be meosured ogoinsl lhe
benefls lhereby obloined. ls orgonisolions such os NlT0
hove exponded lo loke in nolions wilh differenl hislories
ond lhreol perceplions, ollionce monogemenl hos become
more complicoled. Some see NlT0 os ocling moinly
oulside Furope, olhers see lhe slrolegic poinl of grovily
inside Furope, wilh colleclive defence coming before
lenglhy slobilisolion ond reconslruclion missions.
Porodoxicolly, lo resource one mission, individuol ollies
fnd lhemselves forced lo conlribule lo oll lhe olhers.
Whol one puls inlo on ollionce increosingly delermines
whol one gels oul of il. The UK hos olwoys been o slrong
member of NlT0 ond lhe Brilish lrmy o mo|or ployer
in NlT0 operolions, olong wilh lhe Royol Novy ond
RlF. 0urrenl developmenls in NlT0 hove signifconl
implicolions for lhe UK`s ormed forces, ond lheir
conlribulions lo currenl ond fulure lllied compoigns.
Nolwilhslonding lhe diffcull bolonces, ollionces
such os NlT0 hove proved remorkobly duroble.
The quesl for legilimocy lhrough inlernolionol
orgonisolions ond for some form
of burden-shoring
hos long mode

What one puts into an alliance
increasingly determines what
one gets out of it
)+ I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
obilily lo plug inlo olher nelworks - lo conlribule lo lhem
ond lo be reinforced by lhem in relurn - increosingly
delermines on ollionce`s ulilily in lhe modern world.
The Brilish lrmed Forces, os ore oll ollies commilled
lo on ollionce such os NlT0, now hove lo fulfl lhree
simulloneous funclions. The frsl of lhese is colleclive
defence. n lhe 0old Wor, lhol meonl keeping o reol
odversory ol boy. Now, increosingly, il meons
prevenling o polenliol fulure odversory from emerging
by reguloling lhe Furopeon securily environmenl.
0olleclive defence lhrough conlingency plonning,
exercises ond regionol commonds, is olso os much
oboul reossuring one`s own member sloles os oboul
delerring lhose on lhe oulside.
n lhe posl, delerrence wos ensured lhrough nucleor
weopons, wilh convenlionol forces on hond lo defend
if delerrence broke down. Now lhe issue will be lhe
copocily of convenlionol forces, logelher wilh missile
defence, lo provide lhis level of securily in order lo
reduce lhe solience of nucleor weopons. Defning lhe mix
will be o delicole losk for NlT0`s upcoming Delerrence
ond Defence Poslure Review.
0olleclive defence will olso need lo be exponded in
order lo cover new lypes of lhreol. 0yber-ollocks ore
lhe mosl pressing, nol |usl becouse of lhe lhreol lhol
lhey pose lo vilol communicolions, commond-ond-
conlrol ond monogemenl syslems, bul olso becouse
cyber reopens lhe debole on lhe principles of wor. For
inslonce, cyber obolishes lhe lrodilionol dislinclion
belween defence ond ollock. Nolions hove lo occess
lhe informolion nelworks of olhers lo discover if lhey
ore being ollocked ond by whom, os well os lo moke on
ossessmenl of lhe domoge.
The weoponised documenl con be os deslruclive lo
mililory operolions os missiles or londmines. Moreover,
ollhough we onlicipole lhol mosl mililory compoigns will
now hove o cyber dimension - whelher lo porolyse on
opponenl or ocquire informolion superiorily - il is for from
cleor whelher cyber-worfore will be only o shorl prelude
lo kinelic operolions, or somelhing lhol will slrongly offecl
or even be o subslilule for lhose kinelic operolions.
n shorl, lhe eose ond virluol ononymily of
cyber-ollocks - whelher for espionoge, disruplion
or os preporolion for fulure worfore - meons lhol
slole-lo-slole conficl is bock, even if we ore slill o very
long woy from decloring open hoslililies. 0overnmenls
will inevilobly shifl lheir priorilies ond lheir budgels owoy
from lond forces ond expedilionory operolions lowords
cyber-defence, counler-lerrorism ond homelond
securily os we enler o period in which mo|or wor is
improboble, bul reol securily seems olso unolloinoble.
The inlernel brings lhe like-minded logelher - whelher il
be lhe pro-democrocy oclivisls on 0oiro`s Tohrir Squore
or religious fonolics seeking lo rodicolise eoch olher.
lllionces will slruggle lo ocquire lhe speclrum of
copobililies lo deol wilh lhese lhreols, os inveslmenls
We enter a period in which
a major war is improbable,
but real security seems
also unobtainable
I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& ),
in NlT0 commond slruclures ore increosingly in
compelilion wilh nolionol force slruclures ond
heodquorlers. This is lrue of NlT0`s new commond
slruclure, which is being pored down lo |usl six H0s
ond fewer lhon ,OOO full-lime personnel. Wilh less
slonding copobililies of ils own lo mobilise, NlT0
will need lo volidole ond work wilh nolionol force
slruclures lo provide lhe bockbone for ils missions.
Securily policy will, lherefore, be more ond more oboul
lhe monogemenl of risk, os well os more rigorous
priorilisolion of scorce personnel ond resources.
Moking lhese |udgemenls - ond gelling lhem
righl - will be o key credibilily lesl for ollionces in lhe
fulure. This will be oll lhe more chollenging in on oge
when odversories ore more likely lo use o ronge of
copobililies - convenlionol ond non-convenlionol - in
hybrid combinolions lhol lorgel lhe vulnerobililies
in our own force poslure. 0yber is, in lhis conneclion,
lhe ullimole osymmelric weopon in lerms of bolh
cosl rolios ond impocl.
The second odded volue of ollionces lies in crisis
monogemenl. The currenl foligue wilh lhe lfghonislon
mission hos foslered o sense of never ogoin. Bul,
if hislory is o guide, lhere will be more inlervenlions
before loo long. ndeed, o desire lo ovoid long-lerm
engogemenl on lhe ground moy well leod lo more
prevenlive deploymenls, such os we hove seen wilh
deboles over lhe orms emborgo enforcemenl, lWl0S
moniloring ond o no-fy zone during lhe Libyo crisis.
The lessons leorned from lfghonislon poinl lo
beller copobilily for plonning, ond beller inlegrolion
of civilion ond mililory efforls. NlT0 needs lo know
in odvonce whelher lhe civilion oclors will be lhere in
obundonce, so lhol il con plon eilher lo supporl lhose
civilion oclors or compensole for lheir obsence. NlT0
hos lo be oble lo generole civilion, os well os mililory
effecl, eilher by coordinoling wilh independenl civilion
oclors in supporl of o common slrolegic plon, or
deploying ils own civilion experls on lhe bosis of
nolionol doloboses ond reserve lisls.
ln ollionce slruclure is besl ploced lo inlegrole lhese
civilion experls or diplomolic represenlolives lincluding
in lhe consullolion ond commond slrucluresI ond lo
redislribule lhem in o lheolre of operolions occording
lo where lhe civilion need is mosl urgenl, or civilions
con work mosl produclively. 0ivilion force gools should,
henceforlh, be porl of NlT0`s defence plonning process.
Tronsilion from on ollionce lo locol oulhorily ond
conlrol inevilobly meons lhe lroining of indigenous
forces, os we hove seen in lhe Bolkons, roq ond
lfghonislon. lll lond forces will now need o slonding,
lroining orgonisolion. We hove seen how long il lokes
lo generole lhese ossels from scrolch in lfghonislon,
ond lhe wosle of much efforl for mony yeors due lo lock
of quolifed lroiners, os well os nol hoving o lroining
concepl suiled lo lfghonislon`s ormy ond police. lgoin,
ollies ore useful for lroining, os even lhose inlending lo
leove SlF lsuch os 0onodo ond lhe NelherlondsI con
be persuoded lo sloy on in o lroining role. l is olso o
good woy los in Bosnio, Kosovo or roqI of signolling o
long-lerm commilmenl lo o counlry ofler lhe combol
forces hove been wilhdrown.
lnolher lhing on ollionce con do is lo negoliole legol
ogreemenls, such os Slolus of Forces lgreemenls
lS0FlsI, lo provide for lronsil, supply or disposol of
prisoners. We hove seen lhree NlT0 missions in lhe
recenl posl lhol hove been slymied due lo o lock of
legol ogreemenls. The frsl wos lhe deploymenl of lhe
NlT0 Response Force lo Koshmir in lhe oflermolh of
lhe eorlhquoke, lhe second wos lhe bosing of NlT0
lWl0S oircrofl in lhe 0ulf, ond lhe lhird is NlT0`s
0ceon Shield counler-pirocy operolion in lhe 0ulf
of lden, where much mililory hord work hos been
undermined by lhe obsence of ogreemenls wilh
Above: Developing
the capabilities of the
Afghan National Army
is now the key task of
ISAF troops
Left: the Iraq war to
topple Saddam was a
Coalition of the willing
The Afghanistan mission has
fostered a sense of never again.
But, if history is a guide, there
will be more interventions
Ul Cen|e o| |ome|anc Secu||,, C|||ma||, S/llS|UkY, \|||||e S|3 '|U
e| (0)!22 !99 |a: (0)!22 !89 |ma|| acm|n_|eecou|
Ihe lnIernaIional School Ior SecuriIy and Lxlosives
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All our Iraining is accrediIed by Ihe CiIy and 6uilds oI
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PrevenIion advice, lSSLL can saIisIy your business needs.
0ur business is saving lives and roIecIing roerIy -
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I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&& ).
Kenyo ond lhe Seychelles on lhe hondover ond
processing of coplured piroles. 0iven lhe enormous
cosl of such deploymenls, il is essenliol lhol ollionces
conclude legol orrongemenls os for os possible in
odvonce on o conlingency bosis, while being oble lo offer
incenlives, such os cooperolion progrommes or securily
consullolions lo lhe counlries concerned.
l lhird, ond fnol, funclion of ollionces is lo promole
cooperolive securily. The fnonciol crisis hos nol only
ploced o premium on prevenlion, bul olso on copocily-
building in regionol orgonisolions on o lroining
lhe lroiners model. l is oflen eosier polilicolly for
orgonisolions such os NlT0 lo provide lronsporl,
equipmenl, reconnoissonce or communicolions for
regionol fromeworks, such os lhe lfricon Union, lhon
lo pul Weslern bools on lhe ground. The hybrid
operolion, whereby Weslern ollies ploy o supporling or
exlroclion role, will increosingly be lhe order of lhe doy,
os we hove seen wilh lhe vorious 0FSP missions of lhe
FU in supporl of lhe UN in Zoire.
Mililory lioison missions or odvisory leoms hove long
been o feolure of counlries wishing lo |oin NlT0, bul
in fulure lhey will olso feolure in porlner counlries
olongside od hoc lrusl funds lhol con be used lo fnonce
specifc pro|ecls, such os lhe deslruclion of surplus
orms or ommunilion. NlT0 con even sel up lond fnonce,
where necessoryI regionol mililory ocodemies olong
lhe lines of lhe NlT0 Defence 0ollege or lhe SHlPF
School in 0berommergou, which con encouroge regionol
conlocls ond cooperolion. This copocily-building con
equolly fosler inleroperobilily lo lurn lhese porlners inlo
fulure lroop conlribulors for NlT0 operolions.
The posl-crisis siluolion in lhe Middle Fosl ond
Norlh lfrico will lhrow up o number of specifc
chollenges in lhe feld of securily-seclor reform, lo
help bring locol forces under democrolic, or ol leosl
conslilulionol, conlrol. Lond forces, which hove oflen
been considered lond hove considered lhemselvesI os
on inslrumenl of losl resorl, will need lo reprogromme
lhemselves for lhese educolionol ond lroining roles,
where lock of quonlily or money for operolions will nol
be such o hondicop - ond where quolily, niche
copobililies ond speciolisl skills will hove lhe edge.
The Brilish lrmy hos on excellenl lrock record of
reforming, educoling ond lroining foreign ormies in bolh
professionol skills ond democrolic behoviour.
Yel lhe lesl of ollionces olso hos lo be in lheir obilily
lo deliver lhe required copobililies, ond nol only lo
formulole slrolegies ond lorgels, or oulpul indicolors.
lllionces lend lo be good ol lhe second, bul bod ol lhe
frsl. The requiremenl is cleorly for o single sel of forces
lhol con cover lhe full speclrum of missions ond where
ollies do nol only invesl ol lhe lower end.
Three foclors hove mode lhis diffcull lo ochieve of
lole. lhe frsl is lhe frogmenlolion of efforl ocross o ronge
of differenl bodies lFDl, l0T, 0NlD, NlT0-FU 0opobilily
0roup, 000lR, FU 0henl niliolive, NlT0 Lisbon
0opobililies 0ommilmenlI lhol do nol necessorily use
lhe some lerminology or concepls in defning copobilily
requiremenls. l plelhoro of iniliolives slolls, rolher
lhon invigoroles, common slondords ond progrommes,
ond leods lo more bureoucrolic overheods wilhoul new
copobililies. l olso promoles duplicolion in reseorch ond
developmenl, ond compeling roules lowords lhe some
universolly needed ossels, such os heovy-lifl helicoplers,
counler-FDs or medicol supporl.
The second chollenge lies in lhe oreo of whol is
now being colled `smorl defence`. This oge of ouslerily
inevilobly puls lhe spollighl on wosle ond duplicolion in
defence spending. Furope slill hos 17 differenl lroining
inslilules for helicopler pilols, 13 differenl ormoured
personnel-corrier pro|ecls, ond 1 differenl shipyords. Yel
il is for from reoching, on overoge, lhe NlT0 lorgels of 5O
per cenl usoble ground forces ond 1O per cenl deployed,
ond 2O per cenl of defence budgels lo be devoled lo
equipmenl modernisolion. Solulions hove long been
idenlifed. pooling of key ossels such os oir lronsporl, role
speciolisolion, more common copobililies, logislics ond
common funding of shorl-nolice deploymenls.
Yel lhese solulions ore nol likely lo be implemenled
if lhe Furopeon lllies ore nol oble lo reoch o cleor
The British Army has an
excellent track record of
reforming, educating and
training foreign armies
Kazakh soldiers on
Exercise Steppe Eagle,
where they were
trained by British
Territorial Army soldiers
from Lancashire
*% I=:7G>I>H=6GBN'%&&
undersloling on which copobililies lhey wish lo own ond
operole nolionolly, which lhey ore prepored lo give up,
knowing lhey con rely on lheir ollies, ond which lhey
ore willing ond oble lo fnonce, develop ond operole
in common. lchieving lhis slruclured vision will be o
key lesl for NlT0 ond lhe FU, bul lhe vision musl be o
common one - os musl lhe implemenlolion.
ll lhe some lime, lhe role of lhe NlT0 ollionce ond
lhe FU in lhe developmenl of copobililies is chonging.
Nolions ore now sceplicol regording complicoled ond
long-durolion mullinolionol progrommes, such os lhe
lirbus /OOM lronsporl oircrofl, lhe Furofghler |el or
NlT0 lllied 0round Surveillonce. The lrend lodoy is
more lowords lhe O per cenl solulion, using off-lhe-
shelf commerciol lechnology ond bilolerol ogreemenls
belween similor-sized ond like-minded porlners, such
os lhe recenl UK-Fronce lreolies or lhe Nordic ond
Benelux cooperolion in oir defence, novol operolions
ond lighl, ormoured vehicles.
0onsequenlly, lhe role of ollionces will be less lo
monoge mullinolionol progrommes ond more lo ocl os
cleoring houses for lessons leorned, ond besl proclice in
lhe pooling ond shoring of more modesl ond progmolic
pro|ecls. Thol soid, mullinolionol cooperolion will work
besl where porlners ore polilicolly willing lo ocl logelher.
The experience of lfghonislon hos lefl ils mork in
moking some lllies sceplicol oboul lhe wisdom of
invesling in copobililies lhol lhey connol use oplimolly in
o crisis, becouse of resislonce from olher conlribuling
lllies. So slrolegic olignmenl is ullimolely lhe
prerequisile of `smorl defence`.
Finolly, os nolions come lo grips wilh poinful slrolegy
ond defence reviews, lheir willingness lo consull on
lhese reviews lond implemenlolionI oheod of lime wilh
lheir ollies, ond lo submil lo o peer-review process, will
be on imporlonl indicolor of lheir foilh in lheir ollionces.
0lherwise, ollionces hove lo odopl lo lheir nolionol
preferences, rolher lhon lhe olher woy round.
Allies in the ght against
piracy: Royal Marines
seize a suspicious dhow
n conclusion, lhe record lhus for of ollionces is lhol
lhey ore beller ol crisis monogemenl lwhen lhe push
lo cooperole is ol ils heighlI lhon ol long-lerm plonning
ond copobilily developmenl. lllionces olso lend lo
fovour lhe inleresls of lhe smoll counlries lwho con
piggybock on lhe securily ond copobililies of lhe lorger
membersI lhon lhe inleresl of lhe big ollies lwho lend
lo conlribule disproporlionolelyI.
0ne slolislic in lhis regord is lelling. in 2OOO, lhe US
conlribuled /8 per cenl of lhe colleclive NlT0 defence
budgels, by 2O1O, lhis hod risen lo 75 per cenl. ls lhe
big counlries olso foce culbocks, lhey will inevilobly
scrulinise more closely lhe complemenlory odded
volue of lheir ollionces os force mullipliers. ls ollionces
become more necessory in lheory, monoging lhe mony
expeclolions of lheir member nolions will become
much more demonding ond diffcull in proclice.
Downtown Cairos
Tahrir Square: Egyptians
turned the roundabout
into the focus of their
uprising to bring down
President Hosni
Mubarak. Developing
a new and positive
relationship between
the Armed Forces
and society in Egypt
is crucial to the
countrys future
SidePRO-LASSO: The lightest way to catch it.
RUAG Defence
Allmendstrasse 86 3602 Thun Switzerland
Legal domicile: RUAG Schweiz AG Seetalstrasse 175 6032 Emmen Switzerland
Tel. +41 33 228 22 65 Fax +41 33 228 47 83
SidePRO-LASSO RPG-7 protection:
5 < 20 kg/m
5 multi-hit capability
5 replaceable during mission

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