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SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM (SCIENCE) Program Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of basic Science concepts and processes

in an integrative way to solve problems critically, think innovatively/creatively and make informed decisions in order to protect the environment, conserve resources and sustain quality life. General Standard First Year Integrated Science The learner demonstrates understanding of fundamental concepts and processes in Chemistry, Physics, Space Science and Ecology in an integrative way to analyze/solve problems critically, think innovatively/creatively, and make informed decisions in order to protect the environment, conserve resources and sustain quality life. General Standard Second Year Integrative Biology The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and processes in Biology deepened by other disciplines to analyze/solve problems critically, think innovatively/creatively, and make informed decisions in order to protect the environment, conserve resources and sustain quality life. General Standard Third Year Integrative Chemistry The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and processes in Chemistry deepened by other disciplines to analyze/solve problems critically, think innovatively/creatively, and make informed decisions in order to protect the environment, conserve resources and sustain quality life. General Standard Fourth Year Integrative Physics The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and processes in Physics deepened by other disciplines to analyze/solve problems critically, think innovatively/creatively, and make informed decisions in order to protect the environment, conserve resources and sustain quality life.

General Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of fundamental concepts and processes in Chemistry, Physics, Space Science, Chemistry and Ecology in an integrative way to analyze/solve problems critically, think innovatively/creatively, and make informed decisions in order to protect the environment, conserve resources and sustain quality life. Quarter 1 A The Scientific Method Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding The Learners Scientific When do learner perform methods scientific demonstra in groups are methods tes at least valuable become understan one when valuable? ding of teacherinternalize scientific guided d as a methods. communit process a) y-based to solve I.Formulatin investigat problems g Research ion using in life; b) Problem scientific to explain natural 1. Definition methods phenomen and sources of a, and c) research to problem/ develop/in topic vent useful 2. Selection devices of
communitybased research problem/ topic 3.Main and

Product / Performa nce A community -based science investigati on using scientific methods

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities EXPLORE Learners shall: 1. undergo diagnosis through hands-on/ practical activities of the science processes gained by learners from elementary science 2. be oriented on the coverage under scientific method 3. be oriented on the content standard 4. be asked on their tentative responses to the Essential Question(s) 5. be clarified on the expected product at the end of the topic ie., community-based science investigation, and how it will be assessed Resources (Web sites, Software, etc.) 1. Activity Sheets on science processes 2. Checklist of science skills 3. Learner Resource Handbook (contains Scientific Thinking Handbook, La Handbook, Math Handbook, and NoteTaking Handbook) 4. Questionnaire or checklist to survey existing problems in a community 5. Activity sheets on formulating research problems 6. Science Research Process Handbook pp. 7-9; sample investigatory projects; Learner Resource Handbook 7. Activity sheets on formulating hypotheses 8. Science Research Process Handbook pp. 10-17; Learner Resource Handbook 9. Internet sources

EXPLANATION How is scientific knowledge acquired and validated? Criteria a.Thorough (explaining all needed steps of scientific methods used until conclusions are reached to generate scientific knowledge; and explaining how results of science investigations are subjected to review and testing of other scientists) b.Clear (expressing with clarity scientific thought in oral or written form) c.Justifiable ( providing depth and breadth of scientific reasoning) INTERPRETATION

Performance assessment of a science investigation based on the following criteria: Communitybased Using scientific methods

(Please see Attachment 1 for the indicators per criterion)


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
subobjectives of research problem/ topic 4. Significance of the research problem/ topic 5. Scope and limitations 6. Variables II. Formulating Hypothesis III. Planning the Research Design 1.Research as a process 2.Applied and basic research

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities Learners shall: 1.formulate research problem based on existing ecological problem(s) in their respective community 2. formulate hypotheses 3.plan the research design 4.conduct actual experiment 5. detect patterns and trends in the data collected 6. make conclusions and recommendations 7.write the abstract of the investigation 8.conduct peer review DEEPEN Learners shall: 1.record instances how scientific processes and scientific methods are used in ones life 2. evaluate future career and occupational prospects of science fields 10. Sample investigatory projects. 11. Samples of research design 12. Manual on the use of lab. Apparatus/ equipment 13. Laboratory apparatus/ equipment 14. Learner Resource Handbook 15. Manual on the safety use of laboratory equipment/ apparatus 16. Learner Research Process Handbook pp. 18-34; Learner Resource Handbook 17. Sample tables and graphs 18. Science Research Process Handbook pp. 2-6, pp. 3537, pp. 38-39, pp. 4041(Format of Write-up) 19. Rubrics made on each part of the investigation report 20. Guide in preparing display boards 21. Criteria in assessing facets of understanding 22. Weblinks, sample Investigatory projects Materials/Equipment Needed:

Why is it important to translate the data collected through tables and graphs while using scientific methods? Criteria a.Meaningful ( giving brief yet substantial discussion on the importance of graphing/ tabulating data while using scientific methods) b.Illustrative (using given graphed or tabulated data to show relationships or connections between organizing or transforming raw data and the provision of a more compact and organized way based on specific purposes; how relationships or connections can be used in determining pattern and trend) APPLICATION How will you use scientific

Sample diagnostic sheets on scientific thinking skills

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
3. Experiment al design 4. Time Table 5. Materials and methods IV.Conducti ng actual experiment 1.Use of laboratory apparatus 2.Precision and accuracy 3.Proper handling and disposal procedures 4.Notetakin g and data collection (using qualitative and

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities 3. at the level of understanding: - explain how scientific knowledge is acquired and validated -interpret data collected through tables and graphs while using scientific methods - apply scientific methods in solving problem at home/community considering economic, social, cultural and other factors - develop perspective on differences and similarities in regard to work like scientists and how these people can be emulated as they develop their attitudes and values while doing scientific methods - manifest self-knowledge by assessing how one can give his/her best contribution to community using scientific method/s. 4. draw out essential understanding Questionnaire/ Checklists/ Interview Guide Sample investigatory project manuscripts Science Research Process Handbook Learner Resource Handbook Manual on the safety use of laboratory equipment/ apparatus

methods in solving problem at home/community (eg. Increase of insect pests) considering economic, social, cultural and other factors? Criteria a.Appropriate (illustrating how scientific methods can be used/ adapted/ customized in solving problems at home or community) b.Practical( discussing how scientific methods can be done easily to solve a problem at home or in the community) c.Efficient ( expounding how time and resources can be used productively, how safety measures can be don throughout the investigation, and how data can be recorded objectively or honestly ) d.Effective (discussing how the desired/ expected results/outputs can be

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
quantitative observation s) V. Detecting patterns and trends 1. Classificatio n of data 2.Use of graphs and tables 3.Describin g data 4. Testing of hypothesis VI. Making Conclusion s and Recommen dations VII. Abstract Writing VIII. Peer Review

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities TRANSFER++ Learners shall: 1. organize the report on a community-based science investigation following correct format. 2. finalize the investigation report 3. prepare presentation 4. prepare the exhibit area 5. Conduct a classroom science exhibit to showcase learners community-based investigation (teachers and experts shall be invited during the presentation where they shall: (1) ask questions pertinent to the investigation conducted, (2) ask questions involving facets of understanding, (3) ask essential question to draw out essential understanding.

achieved after using scientific methods) PERSPECTIVE How are approaches/ procedures of investigations done by some scientists different from or similar to those of others? Criteria a.Insightful ( providing similarities and differences on the approaches/ procedures after considering all situations/ views) b.Credible (using authoritative sources of information while expounding similarities and differences) c.Critical-minded (combining research, knowledge of historical context, and balanced judgment to prove similarities and differences; becoming skeptical of

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities

another view point based on very small sample of data; distinguishing between irrelevant and relevant or inaccurate and accurate information, and appropriate and inappropriate analogies) EMPATHY What would it be like to work as a scientist? Would you emulate scientists the way they develop their attitudes and values while using scientific methods? Criteria a.Perceptive (recognizing scientific attitudes and values developed by scientists while doing scientific methods) b.Open-minded/ Receptive (accepting readily/ willingly that these scientific attitudes and values must be developed by scientists and oneself)

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities

c.Sensitive/ Responsive(exhibiting how scientists develop scientific attitudes and values while using scientific methods) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Question learners need to ask themselves: How can I give my best contribution to community using scientific method? Criteria a.Reflective(becoming aware of ones limitations in applying scientific methods, and of how ones thought is influenced/ shaped by these) b.Responsive (reacting positively as a result of change in ones view from using scientific method; reacting positively showing how the learner can use scientific methods beneficial to the

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities


Quarter IB - Matter Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding The Learners Changes How do learner in groups in changes demonstra create properties in tes innovativ of matter propertie understan e, result in s of Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities EXPLORE Learners shall: 1. undergo diagnosis of knowledge on certain topics in Resources (Web sites, Software, etc.) h/iSchool Web Board/Science Web

Product / Performance Innovative, marketable, replicable and cost-effective products

Level of Performance

EXPLANATION Prove that matter undergoes physical or chemical change or both

Performance assessment of the product based on the following criteria:

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding ding of marketabl products matter concepts e, that may affect of change replicable be ones in and cost- significantl health properties effective y and of matter products beneficial environm or harmful ent? Properties that to ones and States manifest health and of Matter changes the in matter environme I.Properties which are nt. of Matter beneficial 1. Physical/ to ones Extensive health and the 2. environm Chemical/In ent tensive
II. Phases of Matter 1.Solid 2.Liquid 3. Gas 4. Plasma Classificatio n of Matter I.Substance

Product / Performance exhibiting changes in matter and are beneficial to health and the environment

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities elementary science such as matter, mixtures and solutions, physical/chemical change and materials. 2. be orientated on the coverage matter orientated on content standard 4. Abe asked on the tentative responses to the EQ 5. be clarified on the expected product at the end of the topic ie., product(s) to be developed, and how this(these) will be assessed FIRM UP Learners shall: Properties and Phases of Matter 1.Conduct activities on properties of matter (physicalextensive /intensive, and chemical) 2.make inferences on Board h/ h/e-turo h/BSE/iDEP http://www.pjoedu.wordp ress/Philippine Studies/FREE TEXTBOOKS http://www.teacherplane T Model School Network http://www.APEC Cyber http://www.globalclassro Books Science Magazines

Criteria: a.Thorough ( discussing completely why matter undergoes physical or chemical change or both) b.Justifiable ( providing depth and breadth of scientific reasoning) c.Clear (expressing with clarity scientific thoughts in written or oral form) INTERPRETATION Give the significance of knowing the changes in properties of matter affecting the community Criteria: a.Meaningful ( giving the significance of knowing the changes in properties of matter affecting the community ) b. Illustrative (discussing accurate data/information that show details of the Innovativeness/ creativity - originality - critical thinking in finding ways/means to produce the product Marketability - quality - aesthetic value - usability Replicability of the production processes - easy/simple production process - availability of materials Cost- effectiveness - quality product at low cost - availability of materials Manifestation of

Materials/Equipment Needed: salt sugar water sulfur iron filings Alka-Seltzer magnesium ribbon

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
s 1.Elements (metals, non-metals and metalloids) 2.Compoun ds (inorganic & organics; acids, bases and salts) II. Mixtures 1.Homogen eous/ Heterogene ous 2.Types of Mixtures (Characteri stics and uses of solutions, suspension s and colloids Physical and Chemical

Product / Performance

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities properties of matter (physicalextensive/ intensive, and chemical) based on activities conducted 3.Conduct activities to compare the different phases of matter 4. Revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions, if any, on properties and phases of matter Classification of Matter 1.conduct an activity on homogeneous and heterogeneous matter homogeneous/ heterogeneous matter 3.conduct activities on types of substances (elements and compounds) 4.differentiate elements from compounds 5.conduct activities on types of mixtures magnet iron stand with ring wire gauze test tubes beakers Bunsen burner /alcohol lamp simple distillation setup triple beam balance graduated cylinder dropper thermometer other science equipment

significance) Application Propose ways on how knowledge on changes in properties of matter can be used in life Criteria a. Appropriate (proposing ways or approaches how the knowledge on changes in properties of matter can be used/adapted/ customized in relation to ones life ) b.Practical (suggesting how these ways or approaches can be done easily) c.Efficient ( expounding how the proposed ways or approaches will employ the productive use of time and resources) d.Effective (achieving the desired result in using the knowledge of changes in properties of matter) PERSPECTIVE

changes in matter Benefits to ones health and the environment

- usability - practicality - safety in using the product


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
changes and their effects on Health and Environmen t

Product / Performance

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities 6.conduct activities on the differentiation between substances and mixtures 7.cifferentiate substances from mixtures 8.conduct activities on the separation of mixtures 9.conduct activities on uses of mixtures (eg.purification of polluted/waste water) Physical and chemical changes and their effects on Health and Environment 1. conduct activities on physical and chemical changes (eg. simple investigations on the use of different variables on stain removal, etc) 2. propose new ways to create products resulting from changes in properties of matter. DEEPEN Learners shall:

Argue on the use of some commercially available products based on their effects on health and the environment Criteria a.Insightful ( developing ones argument after considering all effects of some commerciallyavailable products on health and the environment) b.Credible ( citing authoritative sources of information while arguing or defending a point of view) c.Critical-minded ( combining research, knowledge of historical context, and balanced judgment to choose the most reasonable view based on objectivity and discretion to disregard personal biases/ prejudices) EMPATHY Consider a workers feeling when there is less production due to certain factors


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performance

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities 1.make a reflective journal on changes in properties of matter that are beneficial or harmful in the community 2.identify or classify which changes in matter are beneficial or harmful in society, given a list of situations 3.make a research on the changes in properties of the materials used by some industries 4.relate their present understanding of concepts learned to future career the level of understanding: -explain that matter undergoes physical or chemical change or both. -interpret observable changes in properties of matter affecting the community -apply the knowledge of changes in properties of matter can be used in daily life -develop perspective on the effects of certain materials on

Criteria a.Perceptive (recognizing the problem a worker faces) b.Open-minded/ Receptive (accepting readily/ willingly the workers feeling about the less yield of products due to some changes) c.Sensitive/ Responsive (demonstrating how a worker reacts to this situation) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Be aware on how ones knowledge on the changes in properties of matter affect ones view on health and the environment. Criteria a. Reflective (becoming aware how ones view on health and the environment is affected by the knowledge of change in properties of matter) b.Responsive (reacting positively as a result of redirecting/ changing ones thought or view)


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performance

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities health and the environment -empathize with the feelings of a worker (eg., a farmer, a fisherman, etc) when theres less production due to certain factors -manifest self-knowledge in assessing the impact of t he changes in properties of matter affecting the personal views on health and the environment. 6.draw out the essential understanding TRANSFER Learners shall: 1. propose the preparation of useful products 2. develop products based on ones interest that are beneficial to health and the environment 3. documenting the creation of products products 4. conduct a classroom product fair (for learners to


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performance

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities present products and for the teacher to assess the product, draw out facets of understanding and Essential Understanding)

Quarter 2 Laws of Motion Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding The Learners Laws of In what learner in pairs Motion are way are demonstra develop valuable Laws of tes a clear, when Motion understan practical/ observing important Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities

Product / Performa nce A guide on safety and protection based on

Level of Performance

Explanation Predict when an accident is bound to happen (because something / someone in the incident did not

Performance assessment of advocacy materials (print and non-print) based on the following

EXPLORE Learners shall

Resources (Web sites, Software, etc.) National


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding ding of applicabl safety ? Laws of e and measures. Motion. compreh ensive 1. guide on Description safety and causes and of motion protection portrayin 2. Uniform velocity and g the uniform accurate acceleration integratio n of Laws 3. Newtons of Motion. laws of
motion inertia, acceleration and actionreaction and their applications 4. Law of universal gravitation 5. Force and the four fundamenta l forces 6. Free fall motion

Product / Performa nce Laws of Motion

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities

consider the law of motion). Justify. Criteria Accurate (using correct science concept/s behind the cited event) Clear (expressing with clarity scientific thoughts in written / oral form) Interpretation Translate by using graphs, the varied motion of bodies in real life.

criteria: Clarity Practicality/ Applicability in varied contexts Comprehensive ness Accuracy (accurate integration of Laws of Motion)

1. undergo assessment on their knowledge related to motion concepts through varied activities (written assessment and/or activities) 2. be oriented on the coverage of laws of motion 3. make an graphic organizer to show how the laws of motion and other related concepts relate to ones safety and protection 4. be given time to raise questions or to answer essential questions tentatively 5. be oriented o the products or performance relative to the laws of motion 6. be informed on how such product shall be assessed

Geographic,Biggs, A.H., et al. 2002. Glencoe Science Level Blue Teacher Wraparound Edition. Mc Graw Hill: __ Houghton Mifflin Company. 2005. McDougal Littell Science Integrated Course 2. McDougal Littell:Ilinois <> by using the following code to create the username and password: MCDTCOWDMSSZ http://www.physicsclassroom .com/

Criteria accurate (presenting true and correct illustrations and arguments) Comprehensive (presenting possible motion examples existing in real life) Application Propose ways on how laws of motion can be useful in life.

Materials/Equipment Needed: Stopwatch or other time recording device


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
7. Projectile motion 8. Circular motion 9. Equilibrium 10. Friction

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities

Criteria Appropriate (citing the law of motion that fits the situation / event) Effective (achieving the desired result ) Perspective Argue the need for safety gadgets or protective devices /gears when engaged in fast moving activities (e.g. cycling, running, playing rough games, etc.) Criteria Credible (citing authoritative source/s of information while arguing for or against a point of view) Insightful (creating ones own view after considering all the situations) Empathy Assume the role of a victim of an accident due to inability to apply the laws of motion. Criteria

using rubrics that both teachers and learners agreed upon. FIRM UP Learners shall: 1. perform activities on how motion is described and when it is moving with uniform velocity and acceleration 2.demonstrate how and why the following occurs: Laws of Motion, momentum, free fall, projectile, and circular motion, Law of Universal Gravitation, and equilibrium. 3. infer the role of friction in changing the velocity of moving bodies. 4. validate the results of the written assessments and or activities (POE or its similar

Meterstick or meter tape or ruler Rubber ball Graphing paper Acceleration/momentum cart set-up *Projectile kit *Kit for equilibrium experiment * Force measurer * alternate materials Balloons meterstick Drinking straws timer/stopwatch String Tape *alternate materials ICT Materials software and /or hardware (Check *clock


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities

Open-minded / Receptive (becoming ready / willing to accept that humans fail to remember to take precautions either due to negligence or lack of knowledge) Perceptive ( recognizing emotions of others) Sensitive or responsive ( exhibiting others feelings and reciprocate it in some ways) Self-Knowledge Realize that laws of motion help one become safety conscious. Criteria Reflective ( becoming aware of how ones thoughts are influenced by certain factors like accidents which happen because some people neglect to consider the laws of motions) Responsive (reacting positively from ones understanding of the laws of motion)

activity) found at the Explore part 5. show how the Laws of Motion and other related concepts relate to ones safety and protection 6. perform an activity to evaluate the essential questions raised at the Explore part.. DEEPEN Learners shall: 1. make a reflective journal on concepts, skills and values learned from the Laws of Motion 2.make a research on the causes of accidents conduct simple activities/ discussion on displacement, distance, speed and velocity and relative motion. the following short activities to illustrate following motions Tick the

the materials available in the Internet, library hubs or school/community)


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities

Coins for Free Fall and Projectile Motions and Carousel for Circular Motion. 4. at the level of understanding: -explain when an accident is bound to happen for not considering the law of motion -interpret varied motion of bodies in real life using graphs -apply ways on how laws of motion can be useful in life. -show perspective on the need for safety gadgets or protective devices/gears when engaged in fast moving activities. -how empathy to understand the feelings of a victim of an accident due to inability to apply the concepts on equilibrium and/or Laws of Motion.


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities

-manifest self-knowledge in assessing whether the Laws of Motion can help one become safety conscious. 5. draw out the essential TRANSFER ++ Learners shall: 1.develop a guide on safety and protection at home, school or community integrating the laws of Motion or a print / non-print advocacy materials on the same topic. 2. evaluate their product based on the agreed criteria


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities

Quarter 2 Energy Transfer Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding The Learners Campaigni Why learner in groups ng for should demonstra cooperati efficient energy Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities EXPLORE Learners shall:

Product / Performa nce Cooperativ e developm

Level of Performance

EXPLANATION Demonstrate how energy is

Performance assessment of advocacy materials

Resources (Web sites, Software, etc.)


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding tes vely energy be understan develop a transfer is transferre ding of relevant, a means d energy compreh of using efficiently transfer. ensive, energy ? accurate resources I. Law of and wisely and How Conservat creative does one its ion of or alternative contribute Energy innovativ sources in to the efficient e the II. Energy advocacy community use of Transfer energy materials . and its 1.Spontan focusing alternativ on the eous e sources transfer wise use in the of energy heat communit and its y? 2.Delibera alternativ te transfer heat pump 3. work 4. machines 5.Kinetic and potential energy e sources in the communit y

Product / Performa nce ent of relevant, comprehe nsive, accurate and creative/ innovative advocacy materials focusing on the wise use of energy and its alternative sources available in the community .

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities 1. undergo an assessment of their knowledge on energy, energy transfer, heat, work, power, efficiency of machines, power ratings of electrical appliances individually or in pairs 2. relate motion concepts to energy 3. compare local, country and global data on energy use 4. compare energy sources in the community, country and the world 5. be able to provide tentative responses to the EQs informed on the product/performance shall be assessed using the agreed rubric. FIRM UP Learners shall: 1. conduct an activity involving water waves and other concrete examples of energy

transferred efficiently Criteria Accurate (giving correct data / information) Clear (expressing with clarity the scientific thought) Thorough (giving complete explanation in terms of how energy is transferred efficiently in two or more ways) Justifiable (providing depth and breadth of scientific reasoning) INTERPRETATION Evaluate why there are different power ratings of electrical appliances. Criteria Illustrative (discussing in details the value of having different power ratings using graphs, etc) Meaningful (giving the value of having different power ratings) APPLICATION Propose ways to minimize energy

(print and non-print) based on the following criteria: I. Cooperation Teamwork ( members work together; each member performs a specific task) Communication (members communicate thought processes and strategies by asking questions, discussing ideas, offering constructive criticisms, and summarizing discoveries as a result of the groups effort to come up with an advocacy) 2. Relevance/ suitability in the context of ones community 3. Comprehensiveness 4. Accuracy in terms of data and science

National Geographic,Biggs, A.H., et al. 2002. Glencoe Science Level Blue Teacher Wraparound Edition. Mc Graw Hill: __ Houghton Mifflin Company. 2005. McDougal Littell Science Integrated Course 1. McDougal Littell:Ilinois <> by using the following code to create the username and password: MCDTCOWDMSSZ http://www.physicsclassr MCDTCOWDMSSZ pen1-energy-joules.htm http://www.physicsclassro


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding 7.Power and efficiency of machines 8.Power rating of electrical appliance s 9.Energy use and sources in the communit y, country and the world 10.Human activities that impact on thermal environm ent III. Conservin g Energy

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities transfer 2. infer on ways of energy transfer 3.differentiate kinetic and potential energy 4. conduct activities to measure work 5. infer the role of using energy-efficient machines on energy conservation DEEPEN Learners shall: 1.describe spontaneous and deliberate energy transfer through examples 2. design an activity to prove that energy is not necessary to make objects move 3.suggest the preferred energy resource for the community/country 4. compute or estimate the total energy use at home, classroom and barangay and / plans/65 rge_Hadron_Collider#Purpos e Osborne, J. and Freeman, J. Teaching Physics: a guide for the non-specialist. 1989. Cambridge University Press:

consumption. Criteria Appropriate (expressing varied ways how energy consumption can be minimized within ones context or experience) Practical (illustrating how such ways can be done easily) Efficient (expounding how these proposed ways can be done using time and resources productively) Effective (presenting documents showing that desired results are achieved) PERSPECTIVE Infer how proposed ways to minimize energy consumption contribute to global campaign on the wise use of energy. Criteria Credible(citing authoritative source of information / data while arguing for/against a view) Critical-minded (reaching the view

concepts presented 5. Innovativeness/ Creativity in the design and presentation of information 5. Focusing on the wise use of energy and its alternative sources in the community


Materials/Equipment Needed (some items will depend on the activities selected by the teacher/student: Stopwatch or other time recording device Meterstick or meter tape or ruler Rubber ball Graphing paper Balloons


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding and Energy Sources

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities compare to country/world usage 5. suggest means to further lower the energy cost or increase the efficiency of appliances/machines the level of understanding:

impartially and without bias by combining research, knowledge of historical context, and having a balanced judgment) Insightful ( creating ones own view after considering all the situations / views) EMPATHY Imagine how you will live in a world characterized by the abundance of non-useful form of energy. Criteria Open minded / Receptive (being ready / willing to accept the possibility of having a lack of useful form of energy) Perceptive (recognizing emotions / world view of others) Sensitive / Responsive (exhibiting others feelings or worldview and able to reciprocate it) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Recognize the need to use energy and its alternative sources wisely.

meterstick Drinking straws stopwatch String Tape *alternate materials ICT Materials software and /or hardware (Check the materials available in the Internet, library hubs or school/community) *clock

-explain how energy is transferred efficiently -interpret why different power ratings of electrical appliances -apply ways to minimize energy consumption individually or in group -developing perspective how minimizing energy consumption contributes to global campaign on the wise us of energy -show empathy to citizens living in a world characterized by the abundance of nonuseful energy -manifest self-knowledge on the need to use energy and its


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities alternative sources wisely 7. draw out the essential understanding TRANSFER++ Learners shall: 1.propose activities at home, in school and community to conserve energy 2.develop print and non-print advocacy materials based on the proposed activities

Criteria Reflective (becoming aware of how ones thoughts are influenced by certain factors (e.g., acquisition of a comprehensive knowledge and skills on energy demands) Responsiveness (reacting positively from ones understanding of energy transfer)

Q2 Plate Tectonics Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding The Learners Knowledg How are learner make e of the human demonstra informed effects of lives and tes decisions Plate the Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities EXPLORE Learners shall: 1. undergo diagnosis of prior Resources (Web sites, Software, etc.) chool Web Board/Science

Product / Performa nce Informed Decision Making on actions

Explanation How do Plate Tectonics cause earthquakes,

Performance Assessment of the learners capability to make decisions based


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding understan on Tectonics environm ding of actions is valuable ent Plate they need in affected Tectonics to take to explaining by manage natural events I.Evidence the phenomen associate of Plate effects of a d with Tectonics phenome associated Plate with Tectonics 1.Lithosphe na associate changes in ? re & asthenosph d with and In what ere Plate motion of way is Tectonics the 2.Continent on atmospher the al drift knowledg human e theory e of lives and effects of 3.Seafloor the the Plate spreading environm Tectonics ent. 4.Relations valuable?
hip between (a) plate tectonics and laws of motion, (b) plate tectonics & energy transfer

Product / Performa nce learners need to take to manage the effects of events associated with Plate Tectonics on human lives and the environme nt?

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities knowledge and/or misconception(s) on structure of the earth, movement of the earthy crust, earthquake and volcano. 2. be oriented on the coverage under plate tectonics. 3. be oriented on content standard 4. be asked on their tentative responses to the Essential Question(s) 5. be clarified on the expected product and/or performance at the end of the topic ie., decision making, and how it will be assessed FIRM UP Learners shall: Evidence of plate tectonics lithosphere and asthenosphere 2. make inferences on the changing positions of continents over time Web Board SE/iDEP http://www.pjoedu.wordpre ss/Philippine Studies/FREE TEXTBOOKS http://www.teacherplanet.c om Model School Network http://www.APEC Cyber http://www.globalclassroom .net ab/Fichter/PlateTect Glencoe Science Level Blue, Chapter 7 Pictures, Illustrations, Articles from Internet, Video Clips PAGASA, Philvocs materials

mountains and volcanoes formation? Criteria a.Thorough (explaining the science concepts how earthquakes, mountains and volcanoes formation are caused by Plate Tectonics) b.Clear (expressing with clarity the scientific thought in oral or written form) c.Justifiable ( providing depth and breadth of scientific reasoning) d. Accurate (providing correct science concepts in explaining how earthquakes, mountains and volcanoes formation are caused by Plate Tectonics) INTERPRETATION Why should we consider geologic effects (earthquakes, mountains

on the following criteria: 1.informed 2. actions learners need to take to manage the effects of Plate Tectonics on human lives and the environment. (See Attached details of indicators per criterion)

II. Managing


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
Effects of Natural Phenomena associated with Plate Tectonics 1.Earthqua ke a. Causes of earthquake b.Damages caused by earthquake on human lives and the environmen t c.Managing damages caused by earthquake 2.Mountain formation a. Folding and faulting b. Plate tectonics

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities 3.make inferences on the movement of plates 4.construct models on plate movements at different types of boundaries 5. relate plate tectonics theory to law(s) of motion and energy 6.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on evidence of plate tectonics , if any. Earthquake 1.discuss how earthquakes occur when rocks move along different kinds of faults 2.make inference how energy from an earthquake is used to determine its location and size. 2.analyze damages caused by an earthquake and how such damages can be reduced/ managed 3. find the relationship between tsunami and earthquake 4.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on earthquake, if any.

formation and volcanoes formation) caused by Plate Tectonics? Criteria a.Meaningful ( giving the value of considering geologic effects caused by Plate Tectonics) b.Illustrative (discussing vividly in detail those damages and effects brought about by earthquakes, mountain formation and volcanic eruptions using inference/s )

APPLICATION How should we implement safety measures during the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions? Criteria a.Appropriate (providing safety measures during the occurrence/s of these


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
and formation of types of mountain 3.Volcanoe s a.Types of volcanoes b.Volcanic activities c.Effects of volcanic eruptions on humans and the environmen t d.Predicting volcanic activities e.Monitorin g& safeguards for volcanic activities

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities Mountain Formation 1.analyze how folding of rocks and movement along faults can form mountains 2.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on mountain formation, if any. Volcanoes

natural phenomena and telling how such measures can be used, adapted and customized in different/several situations or contexts) b.Practical ( discussing how safety measures can be done easily) c.Efficient ( expounding how time and resources can be used productively while using, adapting and customizing such safety measures ) d.Effective(discussing how the desired/ expected results can be achieved after using safety measures) EMPATHY Are government efforts (international, national and local) in reducing damages of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions reasonable based on cost effectiveness analysis? Prove.

1.make inferences on how different types of volcanoes are formed as tectonic plates move 2.classify the immediate and long term effects of volcanic eruptions on humans and the environment 3.make predictions on how the Philippine territory may be affected for having been situated in the belt called ring of fire. 4.communicate how humans monitor volcanic activities and reduce damages caused by volcanic eruptions. 5.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on volcanoes, if any. DEEPEN


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities Learners shall: in groups to show how concepts on force, motion, energy and matter are involved in plate tectonics (TN: This may be done through model construction, simulation, etc. 2.organize a field trip to the nearest PAGASA ( PhilVocs) and learn more about volcanoes and earthquakes 3.conduct an interview with experts (volcanologist, seismologist, etc.) to understand further those concepts in plate tectonics found to be difficult 4.make a background investigation (through literature search, interview or survey) on how safe ones immediate community from the occurrences of earthquake, tsunami and/or volcanic eruption. 5.make account of their selfinterest in future career and occupation/profession by attending career orientation in the school or career counseling. 6. evaluate future career and occupational prospect(s) of

Criteria a.Insightful (developing ones view after considering all government efforts in reducing damages of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions) b.Credible ( citing authoritative/primary sources of information while arguing for the reasonability of government efforts in reducing damages of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions based on the cost effectiveness analysis) c.Critical-minded (combining research, knowledge of historical context, and balanced judgment to prove the reasonable or unreasonable government efforts in reducing damages of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions based on cost effectiveness analysis)


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities science fields 7. at the level of understanding: -explain how plate tectonics cause earthquakes, tsunami, mountain formation and volcanic eruptions -interpret geologic effects caused by plate tectonics. -apply safety measures learned before, during and after the occurrence of earthquakes, tsunami, and/or volcanic eruptions -develop perspective how reasonable government efforts are (international, national and local) in reducing damages of earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions based on cost -show empathy by demonstrating the feelings of people living in areas frequented/ visited by earthquake(s), tsunami(s), and/or volcanic eruption(s) -manifest self-knowledge in assessing how the knowledge on reducing damages of earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption shape/influence ones beliefs and

EMPATHY How do you feel you feel about other people living in areas frequented by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions? Criteria a.Perceptive (recognizing the effects on people living in areas frequented by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions) c.Sensitive/ Responsive (exhibiting what these people feel and how they adapt as a result of experiencing effects of these natural phenomena) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Question learners need to ask themselves: How does the knowledge on reducing damages of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions shape/influence my beliefs and values on volunteerism?


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities values on volunteerism 4.draw out the essential understanding TRANSFER++ Learners shall:

a.Reflective (becoming aware of how ones beliefs and values on volunteerism are influenced/ shaped by the knowledge on reducing damages brought about by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions) b.Responsive (reacting positively/how one must behave as a result of changing ones beliefs and values on volunteerism)

1.prepare a tangible output (eg.

Decision Matrix, Action Plan, Advocacy Material, etc) showing informed decisions made on actions learners need to take to manage the effects of natural phenomena or events (such as those of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis) associated with Plate Tectonics 2. evaluate performance their product/


Quarter 3 Sun-Moon-Earth System Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding The Learners Knowledg How are learner make e of the livelihood demonstra informed effects of , health tes decisions the Sunand understan on Moontransport ding of actions Earth ation effects of they need System is affected the Sunto take to valuable in by Moonmanage making natural Earth the informed phenome System. effects of decisions na Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Activities

Product / Performa nce Informed Decision Making on actions learners need to take to manage the effects of the Sun-


EXPLANATION How does the Sun-MoonEarth System cause different natural phenomena? Criteria a.Thorough (explaining science concepts behind each natural phenomenon

Performance Assessment of the learners capability to make decisions based on the following criteria: 1.informed 2. actions learners need to take to manage the effects of the SunMoon-Earth System on

EXPLORE Learners shall: 1. undergo diagnosis of learners prior knowledge and/or misconception(s) on topics such as Earth, Moon and Sun studied in elementary science. 2. be oriented on the coverage under Sun-Moon-Earth System.

Resources (Web sites, Software, etc.) iSchool Web Board/Science Web Board e-turo


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding I.Day and the Sunon caused night cycle Moonactivities by the Earth such as Sun1.Causes of System those Moonday and on involving Earth night cycle activities livelihood, System? 2.Effects of related to health and day and livelihood transportat In what night cycle way is , health ion. on human the and activities knowledg transport related to e of the ation. health, effects of livelihood the Sunand Moontransportati Earth on System 3. Human valuable?
practices/ superstitiou s beliefs common in the community related to the phenomeno n

Product / Performa nce MoonEarth System on activities related to livelihood, health and transportat ion.

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Activities


caused by Sun-Moon-Earth System) b.Clear (expressing with clarity the scientific thought in oral or written form) c.Justifiable ( providing depth and breadth of scientific reasoning) d. Accurate (providing correct science concepts in explaining how each phenomenon is caused by Sun-Moon-Earth System) INTERPRETATION Why should we consider natural phenomena caused by the Sun-Moon-Earth System? Criteria a.Meaningful ( giving the value of considering natural phenomena caused by the Sun-Moon-Earth System) b.Illustrative (discussing vividly in detail effects of

activities related to livelihood, health and transportation.

3. be oriented on content standard 4. be asked on their tentative responses to the Essential Question(s) 5. be clarified on the expected product and/or performance at the end of the topic ie., decision making, and how it will be assessed FIRM UP Learners shall: Day and Night Cycle 1.demonstrate how the day and night cycle occurs 2.make inference how the day and night cycle is caused by Earths rotation 3.communicate how health, livelihood, and transportation are affected by the day and night cycle (including length of day and night, midnight sun, earths time zones) 4.discuss how superstitious beliefs common in the community (that are related to the phenomenon) affect the behavior or way of life of an individual

(See Attached details of indicators per criterion)

BSE/iDEP http://www.pjoedu.wordpr ess/Philippine Studies/FREE TEXTBOOKS http://www.teacherplanet. com T Model School Network http://www.APEC Cyber http://www.globalclassroo

Materials/Equipment Needed:

Computer(s) Models Miniatures Downloadable music or artworks related to day and night, eclipses, tides, phases of the moon, seasonal changes

II. Seasonal Patterns 1.Causes of seasonal


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
patterns 2. Effects of seasonal patterns on human activities related to health, livelihood and transportati on 3. Human practices/ superstitiou s beliefs common in the community related to the phenomeno n III. Phases of the Moon 1.Causes of Phases of the Moon 2. Effects of Phases of the Moon

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Activities


these natural phenomena to humans using inference/s) APPLICATION How should we adopt/adapt safety measures during the occurrence of some natural phenomena caused by Sun-Moon-Earth System (high tide, eclipse, changing pattern of weather)? Criteria a.Appropriate (Providing safety measures during the occurrence/s of these natural phenomena and telling how such measures can be used, adapted and customized in different/several situations or contexts) b.Practical ( discussing how safety measures can be done easily) c.Efficient ( expounding how time and resources

5.observe on human practices or superstitious beliefs related to day and night cycle 6.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on day and night cycle , if any Seasonal Patterns 1.make inference that seasonal patterns are caused by the tilting of the earths axis and its orbit 2.Showing how seasonal patterns change 3.make a compilation of news articles (either print or downloadable copies) on the devastation caused by typhoons/hurricanes/cyclones, tornadoes, el nio and la nia and other season-related phenomena) 4.make a weather forecast based on available weather maps 5.construct different weather instruments to record weather conditions 6.conduct an interview with personnel from the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) on their preparations, strategies and approaches before, during and after calamities

Illustrations Pictures Videos, video clips, documentary films, science fiction movies, CONSTEL tapes


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
on human activities related to health, livelihood and transportati on 3. Human practices/ superstitiou s beliefs common in the community related to the phenomeno n

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Activities


can be used productively while using, adapting and customizing such safety measures ) d.Effective(discussing how the desired/ expected results can be achieved after using safety measures) PERSPECTIVE Are there limitations and/or enough evidences of superstitious beliefs and community practices related to natural phenomena caused by the Sun-Moon-Earth System? Criteria a.Insightful (developing ones view after considering all superstitious beliefs and community practices related to natural phenomena caused by the Sun-Moon-Earth System) b.Credible ( citing authoritative/primary

7.communicate how health, livelihood, and transportation are affected by seasonal patterns 8.observe human practices and superstitious beliefs common in the community that are related to seasonal patterns, if any. 9.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on seasonal patterns, if any. Phases of the Moon 1.discuss superstitious beliefs (eg. farming practices, wedding custom, etc) common in the community that are associated to the phenomenon and how these affect ones behavior or way of life 2.make inference that phases of the moon are caused by the moons motion in relation to the observers location on Earth 3.communicate how health, livelihood, and transportation are affected by phases of the moon 4.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on phases of the moon, if any.

IV. Eclipses 1.Causes of Eclipses 2. Effects of Eclipses on human activities related to health, livelihood and


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
transportati on 3. Human practices/ superstitiou s beliefs common in the community related to the phenomeno n

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Activities


sources of information while arguing for limited or adequate evidences of superstitious beliefs and community practices) c.Critical-minded (combining research, knowledge of historical context, and balanced judgment to prove the limitations or adequacy of evidences for superstitious beliefs and community practices; becoming skeptical of arguments based on small samples of data, biased samples or samples for which there was no control sample; distinguishing between irrelevant and relevant or inaccurate and accurate information, illogical and logical conclusions, and appropriate and inappropriate analogies) EMPATHY How might you feel about other people living in different topographical

Eclipses 1.make inference that eclipses are caused by the alignment of Sun, Moon and Earth based on the compiled materials 2.discuss how health, livelihood, and transportation are affected by eclipses, if any 3.make inference how certain superstitious beliefs influence the norm or behavior of a community or society 4.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on eclipse, if any. Tides 1.make inference that tides are caused by gravity 2.communicate how health, livelihood, and transportation are affected by tides 3.make observations on human practices and superstitious beliefs common in the community that are related to tides 4.conduct an actual visit to any nearby coastal area and observe

V. Tides 1.Causes of Tides 2. Effects of tides on human activities related to health, livelihood and transportati on 3. Human practices/ superstitiou


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
s beliefs common in the community related to the phenomeno n

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Activities


locations (highland, lowland, coastal areas, riverbanks, etc) and are affected by the Sun-MoonEarth System? Criteria a.Perceptive (recognizing the effects of the SunMoon-System methods to people living in different topographical locations) c.Sensitive/ Responsive (exhibiting what these people feel and how they adapt as a result of the effects of the Sun-MoonEarth System they have been experiencing) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Question learners need to ask themselves: How does the Sun-MoonEarth System shape my beliefs, behavior, practices and way of life? a.Reflective (becoming aware of how ones

human actions related to health, livelihood and transportation in response to effects of tides 5.revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on tides, if any.

DEEPEN\ Learners shall: 1. generate more questions on the phenomena related to the Sun-MoonEarth System and keep a record of their answers 2.keep an updated record of observations on the Sun-Moon-Earth Systems phenomena occurring in their own community 3.evaluate their future career and occupational prospect(s) of science fields by attending related career orientation program(s) in school 4. at the level of understanding: -explain different natural phenomena associated with the Sun-Moon-Earth System -interpret the different phenomena associated with the Sun-Moon-Earth


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Activities


beliefs, behavior, practices and way of life are influenced/ shaped by the working knowledge on Sun-Moon-Earth System) b.Responsive (reacting positively/how one must behave as a result of changing ones view)

System -apply safety measures during the occurrence of some natural phenomena caused by Sun-MoonEarth System (high tide and changing weather patterns) -develop perspective on the limitations or sufficiency of evidences of superstitious beliefs and community practices related to natural phenomena related to the Sun-Moon-Earth System -show empathy by demonstrating the feeling of people living in different topographical locations and are affected by events related to the SunMoon-Earth System -manifest self-knowledge by assessing how ones beliefs, behavior, practices and way of life are shaped or influenced by events related to the Sun-Moon-Earth System 5.draw out of essential understanding TRANSFER++ Learners shall: 1. prepare a tangible Output (Decision Matrix, Action Plan, etc)


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Activities


demonstrating informed decisions made on actions learners need to take to manage the effects of the Sun-Moon-Earth System on activities related to livelihood, health and transportation. 2.evaluate their product/ performance Quarter 3 Earth and Space Explorations

Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding The Learners Space To what learner conduct exploratio extent demonstra in groups ns provide are space tes a technologi exploratio understan teacheres that ns ding of guided benefit the useful? space society Explain. research- and lead exploration based s. to recent breakthrou investigat I.Spaceghs/ ion based discoverie observation reflective s. s of the of Earth beneficial technolog 1.Historical ies and developme

Product / Performa nce A researchbased investigati on reflective of beneficial technologi es and recent discoverie s/ breakthrou ghs resulting from

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities EXPLORE Learners shall: 1. undergo diagnosis of learners prior knowledge and/or misconception(s) on earths water, solar system and beyond the solar system 2. be orientated on the coverage under earth and space explorations 3. be orientated on the content standard 4. be asked on their tentative Resources (Web sites, Software, etc.)

EXPLANATION How would you express in your own words the significance of advances in space explorations? Criteria a.Thorough (explaining completely the significance of advances in space explorations ) b.Clear (expressing with clarity the scientific thought in oral or written form) c.Justifiable (providing depth and breadth of scientific reasoning)

Performance assessment of a teacher-guided investigation based on the following criteria: Researchbased Reflective of beneficial technologies, and recent discoveries or breakthroughs resulting from space

http://www.deped.go Web Board/Science Web Board http://www.deped.go http;// h/e-turo http// h/BSE/iDEP http//www.pjoedu.wordp ress/Philippine Studies/FREE TEXTBOOKS http://www.teacherplane


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding nt recent discoveri 2.Types es/ and uses of breakthro satellites ughs resulting II. Exploration from s of Earths space waters exploratio ns
1.Earth as the water planet

Product / Performa nce space exploratio ns

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities answers to the Essential Question(s) 5. be clarified on the expected product and/or performance at the end of the topic ie an investigation/ data gathering , and how it will be assessed FIRMING UP Learners shall: Space-based observations of the Earth in groups the existing literature and materials on the historical development of space-based observations of the Earth 2. analyze how satellites (landsats, seasats, comsats, spy satellites, etc), remote sensing, Geographic Information System, and International Space Station are used in observing the earth (monitoring of the oceans, or the Earth System (such as global climate change, acid rain, deforestation, depletion of world fisheries, effect of gravity on people).

INTERPRETATION What do space explorations tell us? Criteria a.Meaningful ( giving substantial insights about space explorations) b.Illustrative (discussing vividly in detail these insights using varied examples; becoming aware that there may be more than one way to interpret data on space explorations) APPLICATION How could you practically use the information gained from spacebased observations of the Earth? Criteria a.Appropriate ( discussing how the information gained from spacedbased observations of the Earth can be used, adapted and customized daily in ones context) b.Practical ( illustrating how the use, adaptation and customization of these information can be done easily)

explorations (Please see Attachment 1 for the indicators per criterion) /ICT Model School Network http://www.APEC Cyber http://www, NASA website PAGASA website

2.freshwter resources, ocean systems 4. ocean environmen ts III.Earthbased and spacebased observation s of space 1.Historical Developme nt of Astronomy (Ancient to

Materials/Equipment Needed:

Star map, constellation globe

Telescope Computer(s) Models Miniatures Downloadable music (music of the spheres, Fly me to the moon,


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
Modern) 2.Technolo gies or tools used to explore the space (telescopes, spacecrafts, orbiters, landers, probes and flyby) 3. Space flights and challenges encountere d by astronauts/ cosmonauts 4. Exploration s within the Solar System 5. Exploration s outside of the Solar System IV. Recent Discoveries

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities across the universe, O 3. demonstrate the principles of physics (laws of motion, law of universal gravitation, law of conservation of energy, etc) that explain movement of satellites. 4.communicate how raw materials are selected in the design and construction of satellites and other objects used in observing the earth 5.synthesize how spacebased observations are used to study the earth 6.revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on space-based observations of the earth, if any. Explorations of Earths waters 1.demonstrate how principles of physics and properties of materials explain movements of earths waters 2.make inferences how certain human activities such as transportation, recreation, aquaculture, farming, wastewater treatment, and energy production are made

c.Efficient ( expounding how the use of these information employs the productive utilization of time and resources) d.Effective (discussing how the desired/ expected results can be achieved after using the information from space-based observations) PERSPECTIVE Are efforts in space explorations reasonable based on cost effectiveness analysis? Prove. Criteria a.Insightful (developing ones view after considering all efforts in space explorations) b.Credible ( citing authoritative/primary sources of information while arguing for the reasonability of efforts in space explorations based on the cost effectiveness analysis) c.Critical-minded (combining research, knowledge of historical context, and balanced judgment to

maliwanag na buwan, etc) Illustrations Pictures Videos, video clips, documentary films, science fiction movies, CONSTEL tapes Available books on astronomy/space science, oceanography


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
or Breakthrou ghs in Space 1.Latest information/ discoveries about space 2. Latest theories developed on space/ universe 3.Benefits of the society from spin-offs of Technologi es used in Space Exploration s

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities possible using water resources. 3. communicate how technology allow oceanographers/ scientists to do deep-sea explorations such as exploring deep sea-vents, exploring the ocean and climate, exploring ocean nutrients, etc. 4.synthesize how explorations of Earths waters contribute to greater knowledge of the planet earth 5.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on explorations of Earths waters, if any. Earth-based and space-based observations of space 1.discuss information related to the development of astronomy (ancient to modern) focusing on technologies and tools used to explore space 2. demonstrate how principles of physics explain these technologies and tools used in the space explorations.

prove the reasonable or unreasonable efforts in space explorations based on cost effectiveness analysis) EMPATHY How might astronauts/ cosmonauts feel about adjusting to problems in space explorations? a.Perceptive (recognizing problems faced by astronauts/ cosmonauts during space explorations) b.Open-minded/ Receptive (accepting readily/ willingly the feeling of astronauts/ cosmonauts about adjusting to problems encountered during space explorations) c.Sensitive/ Responsive (exhibiting how cosmonauts/ astronauts feel and adjust to problems encountered during space explorations) SELF-KNOWLEDGE Question learners need to ask themselves:


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities 3.make a library research or internet search using multiple media sources and develop a creative presentation on the explorations within and outside the Solar System; 4. synthesize how earth-based and space-based observations are done as means of exploring space 5.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on earthbased and space-based observations of space, if any. Recent Discoveries and Breakthroughs in Space Explorations 1.explore certain issues on space explorations experiments done to determine the possibility of living in the space or other planets, efforts on the search of extra terrestrial, etc 2.communicate latest information about space explorations (new heavenly bodies discovered, new theories developed related to the Earth, Solar System and the universe, latest efforts

How does information from space explorations help me become more objective and appreciative of wonders of nature? Criteria a.Reflective (becoming aware that information from space explorations make one objective and appreciative of wonders of nature) b.Responsive (reacting positively as a result of having information from space explorations changed ones view based on the information obtained from space explorations)


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities done and future plans/projects 3.demonstrate how principles of physics, properties and changes in the properties of matter explain of the spin-offs of technologies developed in space explorations. 4.discuss how these spin-offs of technologies benefit the society such as those related to telecommunications, weather forecasting, preservation of natural resource, building and home protection, body protection, school and medical applications 5.revisitprior knowledge and/or misconceptions on recent discoveries and breakthroughs in space explorations, if any. DEEPEN Learners shall: 1.generate more questions on earth and space explorations and keep a record of their answers 2.conduct investigation on


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities and/or making compilation of local superstitious beliefs and or trivia related to earth and space explorations 3.constructe a model or a representation of a phenomenon/concept/theory related to earth and space explorations 4. validate data on earth and space explorations based on the recent information from reliable websites (PAGASA website, NASA websites and reading materials) 5.conduct an interview with experts (oceanographer, meteorologist, astronomer, professors, etc) to understand further those areas in earth and space explorations not covered in the classroom and to clarify difficult concepts 6.organize exhibit/ symposium to showcase advances made in science through earth and space explorations. 7.evaluate their future career and occupational prospect(s) of science fields by attending related career orientation


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities program(s) inside and outside school premises 8. at the level of understanding: -explain the significance of advances in earth and space explorations (may be done in visual, written or oral form through varied presentations) -interpret data gathered from earth and space explorations -applying practically the information gained from spacebased observations of the Earth -develop perspective on the justifiability of efforts in earth and space explorations based on the cost effectiveness analysis -take the role of cosmonauts/ astronauts to demonstrate or simulate their feelings while adjusting to problems/ challenges during earth and space explorations -keep a reflective journal entry manifesting self-knowledge by assessing how the information


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities from earth and space explorations help one becomes more objective and appreciative of wonders of nature 8. draw out the Essential Understanding TRANSFER++ Learners shall: 1.conduct a teacher-guided data gathering (through library research, internet search, survey and interview) to summarize the beneficial technologies and recent discoveries/ breakthroughs resulting from earth and space explorations 2.prepare a document report on the information obtained 2. evaluate their product/ performance


Quarter 4 Basics of Ecology and Human Impact on Ecosystems Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding The Learners Cooperativ How can learner in groups e conduct you help demonstra conduct of an solve an tes cooperati environme ecologica understan vely an ntal l ding of innovativ activity or problem? basics of e/ project ecology creative contribute and s to the environm solution of human ental impact on an ecosystem activity or ecological project s. problem. that I.Basics of contribute Ecology s to the solution 1.Basic of an units of ecologica ecology l problem.
2.Compone nts of ecology 3.Functions

Product / Performa nce Cooperativ e conduct of an innovative/ creative environme ntal activity or project (either clean-up drive, ecofun run, tree planting, riprapping, IGP for an environme ntal cause, etc) that contribute to the

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities EXPLORE Learners shall: 1. undergo diagnosis of their prior knowledge and/or misconception(s) on ecosystems 2. be oriented on the coverage under basics of ecology and human impact on ecosystems 3. be oriented on the content standard 4. be asked on their tentative responses to the Essential Question(s) 5. be clarified on the expected product and/or performance at the end of the topic ie conduct of an environmental activity or project, and how it Resources (Web sites, Software, etc.) h/iSchool Web Board/Science Web Board h/ h/e-turo h/BSE/iDEP http://www.pjoedu.wordp ress/Philippine Studies/FREE TEXTBOOKS http://www.teacherplane T Model School Network http://www.APEC Cyber http://www.globalclassro

EXPLANATION How do organisms affect the environment? Criteria a.Thorough (discussing completely why organisms affect the environment) b.Justifiable ( providing depth and breadth of scientific reasoning) c.Clear (expressing with clarity scientific thoughts in written or oral form) INTERPRETATION How is the knowledge of ecosystems beneficial to humans? Criteria a.Meaningful ( giving the value of ecosystems to humans)

Performance assessment of a conduct of an environmental activity based on the following criteria: 1. Cooperation Teamwork ( members work together; each member performs a specific task) Communication (members communicate thought processes and strategies by asking questions, discussing ideas, offering constructive criticisms, and summarizing discoveries as a result of the groups involvement in an


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding
of ecosystem II.Human Impacts on Ecosystems 1.Altering biotic and abiotic factors 2.Human contribution s to Pollution and its impact on Ecosystems (Impact on the quality of air and water, Global Warming and Climate Change) III. Seven Environmen tal Principles 1. Nature knows best

Product / Performa nce solution of an ecological problem existing in the immediate community

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities will be assessed FIRM UP Books Science Magazines

environmental activity) b.Illustrative (discussing vividly using varied examples how ecosystems are valuable to humans) APPLICATION How can knowledge of important concepts about ecosystems be of help in sustaining resources ? Criteria a.Appropriate ( discussing how important concepts about ecosystem can help in sustaining resources) b.Practical ( illustrating how the use of important concepts on ecosystems can be done easily) c.Efficient ( expounding how the use of these important concepts will result to utilizing time and needed materials/ equipment productively) d.Effective (discussing how the desired/ expected resultseg.sustaining resources, can be achieved after using important concepts about ecosystem)

2. Innovativeness/ Creativity Active learning (group members explore new ways or approaches to address an ecological problem

Learners shall:

Materials Activity Sheet on Environmental Sensitivity

Basic Units of Ecology 1.conduct of any of the two activities: (a) environmental sensitivity, and (b) ecology conceptualizing to appreciate ecology 2. explain the importance of studying ecology and different areas of study within its realm. 3. describe the connections between and among the concerns within the scope of ecology ie., from organism to biosphere. 4.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on basic units of ecology, if any. Components of Ecology ecological communities, ecological habitats, and ecological niches

Activity Sheet on Ecology Conceptualizing Activity sheets on interrelationships in ecosystems Activity sheets on Basic Units of Ecology, print-out copy of internet articles, videos, Activity sheets, video clips, pictures Video clips, observation checklist/ questionnaire, activity sheets on characteristics of ecosystems

3. Contibution to the solution of an ecological problem existing in the immediate community


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding 2.All life forms are important 3.Everythi ng is connected to everything else 4.Everythi ng changes 5.Everythi ng must go somewher e 6.Ours is a finite earth 7.Humans are stewards of nature

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities 2.differentiate habits and niches

PERSPECTIVE Should you think globally and act locally to protect ecosystems? Justify. Criteria a.Insightful ( developing ones own view after exhausting all views about thinking globally and acting locally) b.Credible ( citing authoritative sources of information while arguing or defending ones view) c.Critical-minded ( combining research, knowledge of historical context, and balanced judgment to choose the most reasonable view; distinguishing between irrelevant and relevant or inaccurate and accurate information, logical and illogical conclusions, and appropriate and inappropriate analogies) EMPATHY If you were an environmentalist, how would you feel about your task 3. conduct a field study of a nearby available ecosystem to investigate physical factors and population relationships in the biotic community, and prepare sketches or illustrations of the place 4.revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on components of ecology, if any . Characteristics of ecosystems 1.make inferences on the carrying capacity when the number of a given species goes beyond the limit that can be supported by a particular habitat 2.make predictions on how the exceeding limit of production of an ecosystem affect the cycle of nutrients 3.communicate how pollution occurs when waste production goes beyond the recycling capacity of the ecosystem 4.make inferences on maintaining the balance in the


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities population when natural enemies or predators are absent 5.find the connection(s) between extinction and reproductive capabilities of organisms 6.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on characteristics of ecosystems, if any. Functions of ecosystems 1.communicate how an ecosystem performs and regulates the process of energy flow 2.analyze how materials cycle as they are accumulated, transformed and moved between living organisms and the physical environment. 3.revisit prior knowledge and misconceptions on functions of ecosystems, if any. Human Impact on Ecosystem 1.make inference/s on how biotic and abiotic factors are altered through hunting,

to protect Earth? Criteria a.Perceptive (recognizing the task of an environmentalist to the Earth) b.Open-minded/ Receptive (accepting readily/ willingly that every environmentalist is tasked to protect Earth) c.Sensitive/ Responsive (exhibiting the task of an environmentalist to protect the environment and conserve Earths resources) SELF-KNOWLEDGE What can I contribute to environmental protection and conservation of resources? Criteria a.Reflective (becoming aware of ones contribution to environmental protection and conservation) b.Responsive ( reacting positively as a result of redirecting/ changing ones thought or view)


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities eliminating predators, introduction of new species, land conversion, kaingin system, etc 2.analyze how some human activities contribute to pollution. 3.analyze the impact of manmade pollutions to the quality of air and water 4.analyze human contributions to increasing global warming and climate change 5.explore new ways or approaches to address the ecological problem 6.revisit prior knowledge and/or misconceptions on human impact on ecosystem, if any. 7 Environmental Principles 1.explain how nature regulate, perpetuate, maintain its balance and keeps both living and non-living components stable. 2.relate diversity of organisms to human survival.


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities 3.provide justification why interdependence should be maintained in the ecosystem 4.make inferences why changes are essential in maintaining balance of nature. 5.explain the importance of knowing that nothing on earth disappears or simply goes away. 6.provide justification for the need to maintain the limits with which the nature operates 7.explain human responsibility to conserve and protect nature 8.revisit prior knowledge, misconceptions and/or TI on 7 environmental principles, if any. DEEPEN Learners shall: in small groups to present a TV documentary about logging climax forests. 2.mare a research (through survey, interview, etc) on how


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities people in different countries meet their nutritional needs. 3.write journals about how their lifestyle contributes to some of the environmental problems they face. 4.illustrate their vision of an ideal environment five years from now. 5. at the level of understanding: -explain how organisms affect the environment. -interpret the importance of ecosystems to humans. -apply important concepts about ecosystems to help sustain resources -develop perspective on ones own view after exhausting all views about thinking globally and acting locally -show empathy by demonstrating ones feelings about the role of environmentalists to protect the Earth. -redirect /change self


Stage 1: Results/Outcomes Standard Essential Content Performa Understa Question nce nding

Product / Performa nce

Stage 2: Assessment Level of Understanding

Level of Performance

Stage 3: Learning Plan Suggested Instructional Resources Activities knowledge about ones view and contribution to environmental protection and conservation 6.drawi out the essential understanding TRANSFER++ Learners shall: 1.write journals about an ecological issue in their locality. 2.conduct an innovative/ creative environmental activity or project (either clean-up drive, eco-fun run, tree planting, rip-rapping, IGP for an environmental cause, etc) that contribute to the solution of an ecological problem existing in the immediate community. 3.evaluate their product/performance


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