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ASP.NET MVC Set Selected Value of Cascading Drop-Down

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I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC application and using NHibernate.


Im working on a cascading drop-down and have used Method 1 in the following website: link text Everything is working correctly, I just wondered if it was possible to set the cascading drop-down to a value stored in a database? For example the list would be blank on a create page, but on an edit page the selected value would be set to a value in a database. I have updated the code below: CascadingDropDownList.js function bindDropDownList(e, targetDropDownList, selectedValue) { var key = this.value; var allOptions = targetDropDownList.allOptions; var option; var newOption; targetDropDownList.options.length = 0; for (var i = 0; i < allOptions.length; i++) { option = allOptions[i]; if (option.key == key) { newOption = new Option(option.text, option.value,selectedValue);

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asked 2 years ago viewed 3,750 times active 2 years ago

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targetDropDownList.options.add(newOption); } } } JavascriptExtenstions.cs public static class JavaScriptExtensions { public static string CascadingDropDownList(this HtmlHelper helper, string name, string associatedDropDownList { var sb = new StringBuilder(); // render select tag sb.AppendFormat("<select name='{0}' id='{0}'></select>", name.Replace("'","")); sb.AppendLine();

// render data array sb.AppendLine("<script type='text/javascript'>"); var data = (CascadingSelectList)helper.ViewDataContainer.ViewData[name.Replace("'","")]; Linked var listItems = data.GetListItems(); How do I display selected value in a var colArray = new List<string>(); cascading drop down list? foreach (var item in listItems) colArray.Add(String.Format("{{key:'{0}',value:'{1}',text:'{2}'},selected:'{3}'}", item.Key, item.Value Related var jsArray = String.Join(",", colArray.ToArray()); ASP.NET MVC - Cascading Drop sb.AppendFormat("$get('{0}').allOptions=[{1}];", name.Replace("'",""), jsArray); Down sb.AppendLine(); How do I display selected value in a sb.AppendFormat("$addHandler($get('{0}'), 'change', Function.createCallback(bindDropDownList, $get('{1}'))); cascading drop down list? sb.AppendLine(); how will I call the on change event sb.AppendLine("</script>"); of the ajax dropdownlist? return sb.ToString(); } } public class CascadingSelectList { private IEnumerable _items;
trigger change event in cascading dropdown

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private private private private

string string string string

_dataKeyField; _dataValueField; _dataTextField; _dataSelected;

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public CascadingSelectList(IEnumerable items, string dataKeyField, string dataValueField, string dataTextField edited Apr 6 '09 at 7:54 asked Apr 2 '09 at 10:45 how to display selected value in { drop down list in mvc? Roslyn _items = items; 158 1 4 15 Problem with cascading drop down _dataKeyField = dataKeyField; in 69% accept rate _dataValueField = dataValueField; Cakephp: cascading select boxes in _dataTextField = dataTextField.Replace("'",""); a view feedback _dataSelected = dataSelected; mvc - cascading dropdown }
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- one single table

public 2 Answers {

List<CascadingListItem> GetListItems()




How do i know Cascading Drop Down is loaded

How to use a Cascading var listItems = new List<CascadingListItem>(); dropdownlist with Globalization of You'll need to modify the extension method to include a selected value like the normal dropdown. foreach (var item in _items) Views in MVC3 { You'll also need to modify the javascript: jquery cascading drop down var key = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(item, _dataKeyField).ToString(); problem var value = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(item, to add extra parameter here. _dataValueField).ToString(); function bindDropDownList(e, targetDropDownList) // Need how to assign existing value to var text = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(item, _dataTextField).ToString().Replace("'",""); { cascading dropdownlist? var key var selected = DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(item, _dataSelected).ToString(); Dropdown lists bound = this.value; MVC listItems.Add(new CascadingListItem(key, var allOptions = targetDropDownList.allOptions; value, text.Replace("'",""),selected)); on the value of another depending dropdown list } var option; return listItems; var newOption; MVC 3 Cascading DropDownLists } targetDropDownList.options.length = 0; Cascading dropdown - How to } temporarily disable change event on dropdown to manipulate the for (var i=0; i < allOptions.length; i++) options public class CascadingListItem { How to return the appropriate { option = allOptions[i]; public CascadingListItem(string key, string value, string text, string selected) results with JSON in order to if (option.key == key) populate cascading drop down { { lists? this.Key = key; new Option(option.text, option.value); // Need to set to selected here newOption = how can one create a master detail this.Value = value; targetDropDownList.options.add(newOption); cascading dropdowns with json and this.Text = text.Replace("'",""); knockoutjs? }
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} } } You'll need to pass in the extra parameter to the javascript function here:
Cascading Drop Down Lists with Lambda Expression in LINQ Cascaded Comboboxes and Entity Structure Cascading dropdowns in ASP.NET

sb.AppendFormat("$addHandler($get('{0}'), 'change', Function.createCallback(bindDropDownList, $get('{1}')));", assoc

link | improve this answer answered Apr 2 '09 at 11:06 Jonathan Parker 3,215 1 11 32

Thanks. I have tried to follow your answer above and updated the question with code. Is this correct? I'm just learning ASP.NET MVC and JavaScript. Roslyn Apr 2 '09 at 12:41 Sorry I don't think you need to change this part: sb.AppendFormat("$addHandler($get('{0}'), ... Maybe try adding a selected option to the options: {{key:'{0}',value:'{1}',text:'{2}', selected:'{3}}} Jonathan Parker Apr 2 '09 at 22:20 Thanks. I have added in the above code as well as adding to CascadingSelectList and CascadingListItem. I get the following error:DataBinding: does not contain a property with the name? Roslyn Apr 3 '09 at 8:05 Please update your code in the question as I'm not sure exactly what you've done. Jonathan Parker Apr 4 '09 at 11:15 Thanks. I have updated the code above. Roslyn Apr 6 '09 at 7:54


With the help of the following link. I was able to get the selected value of a cascading drop-down.

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answered Apr 21 '09 at 14:15 Roslyn 158 1 4 15


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