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2nd Term

Irene Diaz-Guerra 4rt B 11

Cloud computing
In Computer science, Cloud computing is a systems architecture model for Internet-based computing. It is the development and use of computer technology on the Internet. The cloud a metaphor for the Internet based on how the internet is described in computer network diagrams; which means it is an abstraction hiding the complex infrastructure of the internet. is a style of computing in which IT-related capabilities are provided as a service, allowing users to access technology-enabled services from the Internet ("in the cloud") without knowledge of, or control over the technologies behind these servers. is


Cloud computing is a general concept that utilizes software as a service (SaaS), such as Web 2.0 and other technology trends, all of which depend on the Internet for satisfying users' needs. For example, Google Apps provides common business applications online that are accessed from a web browser, while the software and data are stored on the Internet servers.

En informtica, la programaci en nvol s un model d'arquitectura de sistemes per a la informtica basada en Internet. s el desenvolupament i s de la tecnologia informtica a Internet. El nvol s una metfora de la Internet basat en com l'Internet es descriu en els diagrames de xarxa informtica, el que significa que s una abstracci oculta la complexa infraestructura d'Internet. s un estil de programaci en els quals les capacitats relacionades es proporcionen "com a servei", permetent als usuaris accedir a la tecnologia de serveis habilitats a travs d'Internet ("en el nvol"), sense coneixement o control sobre les tecnologies darrere d'aquests servidors. La programaci en nvol s un concepte general que utilitza el programari com un servei (SaaS), com per exemple la Web 2.0 i altres tendncies de la tecnologia, tots els quals depenen d'Internet per a satisfer les necessitats dels usuaris ". Per exemple, Google Apps ofereix aplicacions de negocis en lnia que s'accedeix des d'un navegador web, mentre que el programari i les dades s'emmagatzemen en els servidors d'Internet.

Book Unit 5: Social web (English terms and Acronyms)

93 Wiki


A wiki (i/wki/ wik-ee) is a website whose users can add, modify, or delete its content via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor. // Un wiki (i / wki / wik-ee) s un lloc web que els usuaris poden afegir, modificar o esborrar el seu contingut a travs d'un navegador web utilitzant un llenguatge de marcat simplificat o un editor de text enriquit

93 94 94 94 94 96

P2P Web xml http www copyright

Peer-to-peer World Wide Web Red informtica mundial eXtensible Markup Language lenguaje de marcas extensible Hyper text Transfer Protocol protocol de transferncia d'hipertext World Wide Web Teranyina d'abast mundial Copyright is a form of protection provided by existing laws in most countries for the authors of "original works" including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and intellectual. Drets d'autor sn una forma de protecci proporcionada per les lleis

vigents en la majoria de pasos per als autors d'"obres originals" incloenthi obres literries, dramtiques, musicals, artstiques i intellectuals. 96 P (phonograph ) FSF Free software freeware copyleft Free software is software that is distributed at no cost. programari gratut s un programari que es distribueix sense cap cost. referred to a set of licenses that can be applied to computer creations, artistic, etc. es coneix a tot un conjunt de llicncies que poden aplicar-se a creacions informtiques, artstiques, etc is a program of entertainment on the world of entertainment, your target audience is the pre-teens. Etiquetes. s un programa d'entreteniment sobre el mn de l'oci, el seu pblic objectiu sn els pre-adolescents. Douments i fulls de clcul Hypertext Transfer Protocol sobre Secure Socket Layer Compact Disc Portable Document Format// Format de Document Porttil is a generic top level domain of the Internet as part of the Internet domain system s un domini de primer nivell genric d'Internet que forma part del sistema de dominis d'Internet is sponsored top level domain (TLD sponsored in English) Internet for language and culture s el domini de primer nivell patrocinat (sponsored TLD en angls) d'Internet per a la llengua i cultura catalanes is an interactive personal day (DIP) on the Internet. s un diari interactiu personal (dip) a Internet. Diari web Really Simple Syndication free software foundation fundaci pel programari lliure

97 97 97 97



98 99 100 101 102

Docs&sprea dsheets https CD pdf .com



104 104 105 105 106 107 107 107

Blog Weblog RSS URR forum IRC mlRC nick

Internet Relay Chat is the most widely used IRC client for the Microsoft Windows s el client d'IRC ms ests per la plataforma Microsoft Windows is a false name used by an artist signed to work without being recognized s un nom fals utilitzat per un artista per signar les obres sense ser reconegut is a tool of TCP / IP networks (including Internet) that allows, similar to a missed call, whether a server is running and if you can get from a particular network with the computer from 'where is the proof. The program



sends ICMP packets and expect answers. s una eina de les xarxes TCP/IP (com ara Internet) que permet, de forma similar a una trucada perduda, determinar si un servidor est funcionant i si s'hi pot arribar des d'una xarxa concreta amb l'ordinador des d'on es fa la prova. El programa envia paquets ICMP i n'espera les respostes. 108 108 110 110 110 112 112 IP bmp downloader FTP upload P2PTV streaming peer-to-peer TV//televisi d'igual a igual Flow or data flow is directly related to the technical reproduction of audiovisual information in real time (streaming system in English). El flux o corrent de dades s la tcnica associada directament a la reproducci de la informaci audiovisual en temps real (en angls streaming system). File Transfer Protocol //protocol de transferncia de fitxers Internet Protocol//protocol d'Internet ,Bit-map// mapa de bits

Translate the following sentences

In Computer science, Cloud computing is a systems architecture model for
Internet-based computing. It is the development and use of computer technology on the Internet. - Computer cience: informatica - cloud computing: programaci del nvol - Interned-based: l'internet est basat. The cloud is a metaphor for the Internet based on how the internet is described in computer network diagrams; which means it is an abstraction hiding the complex infrastructure of the internet. -- network diagrams:diagrames de xarxes Hiding: basat en.. It is a style of computing in which IT-related capabilities are provided as a service, allowing users to access technology-enabled services from the Internet ("in the cloud") without knowledge of, or control over the technologies behind these servers. IT-related capabilities : capacitats son proporcionades.

Allowing: permatent technology-enabled: habilitats knowledge: coneixement behind: derrera Cloud computing is a general concept that utilizes software as a service (SaaS), such as Web 2.0 and other technology trends, all of which depend on the Internet for satisfying users' needs. Trends: tendencies needs: servidor software: programari For example, Google Apps provides common business applications online that are accessed from a web browser, while the software and data are stored on the Internet servers. Business: negoci browser: nevagador stored: emmagatzamats A wiki is a website whose users can add, modify, or delete its content via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor. add: afegir markup: marcat simplificat A wiki is a website whose users can add, modify, or delete its content via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a rich-text editor.

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