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A |.rJbcck |c. n.r.|r
|.rJ uso ccr|||ct |ssuos
cr t|o |S\ |c.t|
Rob Learmonth, Rik Whitehead, 8iII 8oyd and Stephen IIetcher
Centre for CoastaI AgricuIturaI Landscapes
|n ottnetsh| w|th
Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority
Living and Working in RuraI Areas
A handbook for managing Iand use confIict issues on the NSW North Coast
Pob Learmonth, Plk whltehead, 8lll 8oyd, Stephen Pletcher
An lnltlatlve and product of the Centre for Coastal Agrlcultural Landscapes - an alllance establlshed by
Southern Cross Unlverslty (SCU) and the NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles (NSw DP|) - ln partnershlp
wlth the Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty. Punded by the Natural Herltage Trust.
The pro[ect and handbook was developed ln consultatlon wlth the North Coast Land Use Confllct Pro[ect
worklng Group. worklng Group members acknowledged for thelr contrlbutlon:
Tlm Pabbldge - Department of water and Lnergy
Steve 1ensen - Department of Plannlng
Clalre Aman - Department of Plannlng
Gllllan Peffell - Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change
1ohn Allen - Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change
Helen Mannlng - Llsmore Clty Councll
8ruce 8lackford - Llsmore Clty Councll
Steve 8arnler - 8alllna Shlre Councll
Katrlna Luckle - Northern Plvers Peglonal Development 8oard
Marllyn Perklns - Northern Plvers Peglonal Development 8oard
Sally Pearmaln - NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
Plchard Swlnton - NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
Marcus Plches - Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
The authors also wlsh to acknowledge the support and contrlbutlons of Peter 8oyd (Northern Plvers
Catchment Management Authorlty), 8rad O'Connell (SCU), |an Pox (SCU), Nlall 8oyd (Unlverslty of Queensland),
Sonla welss (SCU), 1ohn wllllams (NSw DP|), Sandra Pyan (NSw DP|), 1esslca wood and Sue Hlgglnson
(Lnvlronmental Defenders Offlce, Llsmore), Davld 1ordan (NSw DP|), Pebecca Llnes-Kelly (NSw DP|), Phll 8evan
(NSw DP|), 8ruce ward (NSw DP|), 1enny Grant (NSw DP|) and Llleen Tucker (NSw DP|).
The contrlbutlon of a large number of reglonal stakeholders ls acknowledged though too numerous to name
lndlvldually wlthout rlsklng leavlng someone out. These stakeholders provlded a valuable vlew of rural land
use confllct from the perspectlve of rural lndustrles, land use planners, farmers, local government, state
government, natural resource organlsatlons, envlronment organlsatlons and Aborlglnal cultural herltage. Thls
lnput ls greatly appreclated and acknowledged.
Pro[ect team: Assoclate Professor 8lll 8oyd (SCU), Plk whltehead (NSw DP|), Pob Learmonth (SCU)
Ldltor: Anne Currey, Naturally Pesourceful
Deslgn: Gordon 8alfour Haynes, verblvore Servlces Group
Prlntlng: Southern Cross Unlverslty
Photos: 8lll 8oyd, Pob Learmonth, Plk whltehead, Chrlssy Clay, Pebecca Llnes-Kelly, Graeme Lalng
State of New South wales zoo;
Publlshed by NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles, wollongbar NSw.
Thls work ls copyrlght. ou may download, dlsplay, prlnt and reproduce thls materlal ln an unaltered form
only (retalnlng thls notlce) for your own personal use or for non-commerclal use ln your organlsatlon. To copy,
adapt, publlsh, dlstrlbute, or commerclallse any of thls publlcatlon you wlll need to seek permlsslon from the
Manager Publlshlng, NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles, Orange, NSw.
|S8N p;8-o-6(6-(8z;-o
The lnformatlon contalned ln thls publlcatlon ls based on knowledge and understandlng at the tlme of wrltlng
(December zoo;). Users are remlnded of the need to ensure that lnformatlon on whlch they rely ls up to date, and
to check the currency of the lnformatlon wlth the approprlate department or the user's lndependent advlsor.
The Northern Plvers reglon, whlch spans the coast and eastern slopes between Taree
and Tweed Heads, ls the thlrd most blodlverse reglon ln Australla. Slnce the :p;os, there
has been a rapld lncrease ln populatlon and urban expanslon ln the area. The Northern
Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty (NPCMA) recognlses that these changes are
puttlng great pressure on fraglle natural resources, Aborlglnal cultural landscapes and
rural lndustry development. Thls growth has demanded that all levels of government
look at the strateglc management of land use.
The Northern Plvers Catchment Actlon Plan ls the only catchment plan ln NSw
that speclflcally targets land use plannlng as lntegral to effectlve natural resource
management. Thls ls ln recognltlon of the potentlal for confllct that can arlse ln our
communlty between competlng and dlfferlng land uses and the lmpact thls has on both
prlmary productlon and amenlty values.
Lffectlve land use plannlng can reduce envlronmental costs, reduce confllct between rural
land use and development, as well as promote an understandlng of the need to protect
key natural resources and cultural landscapes ln the plannlng of new settlements.
The NPCMA commlssloned thls pro[ect through our Natural Herltage Trust |nvestment
Strategy ln response to requests for lnformatlon and guldellnes, not only to help wlth
land use plannlng but also to reduce nelghbourhood confllct.
we are extremely pleased wlth the comprehenslve way ln whlch the Centre for Coastal
Agrlcultural Landscapes has explored the lssues and developed thls valuable resource
ln an easy-to read format for a wlde range of users. Thls collaboratlve partnershlp
wlth reglonal stakeholders, lncludlng landowners, local government, rural lndustry
representatlves, envlronment organlsatlons and state agencles, and the Centre (an
alllance between NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles and Southern Cross Unlverslty)
has lncreased reglonal understandlng of rural land use confllct and lnterface lssues as
well as lncreased our collectlve capaclty to reduce land use confllct through practlcal
actlons and lmproved declslon maklng.
whlle speclflcally wrltten for the North Coast communlty, thls handbook can be adapted
for use ln other areas to help predlct and manage confllct over many dlfferent competlng
uses of land and resources. The handbook wlll be a valuable component and resource for
future tralnlng almed at reduclng and addresslng rural land use confllct lssues.
Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority
CHAP7R 1 RuraI Iand use confIict at the interface 1
what are rural land use confllcts at the lnterface! :
what are rural land use confllct lssues! z
why manage these lssues! (
Quantlfylng rural land use confllct lssues
Context for the handbook 6
Purther lnformatlon 6
Publlcatlons 6
Contacts 6
CHAP7R z Living in a ruraI area /
Plannlng to buy a rural property! ;
8uylng a rural property 8
Let's get started 8
Head versus heart - how can | avold a personal and flnaclal dlsaster! 8
what's next! How do | flnd the locatlon and the property
that wlll best match my needs! :o
Market analysls :o
Plannlng pollcy ::
The drlve by ::
Selectlng an agent :z
Speclflc factors to conslder :z
"Locatlon, locatlon, locatlon :
The property lnspectlon checkllst :p
Purther lnformatlon z:
Publlcatlons z:
Contacts zz
CHAP7R RuraI Iand use and duty of care z
what are rural land use confllct and lnterface lssues! z
8ut what about rlght to farm! z(
why do land use confllcts keep occurrlng! z
How can we address land use confllct and lnterface lssues! z
Prlnclples for avoldlng and resolvlng land use confllct z
what ls good practlce and duty of care! z6
Good nelghbour pollcy z8
|sn't a good nelghbour pollcy [ust plaln common sense! z8
That's all very well for blg lndustry, but what about the small landholder! zp
what can | expect out of my own good nelghbour pollcy! o
Property level check llst to avold confllcts :
Parm management system programs z
Property plannlng z
Land use buffers z
what are they and do | have to have one! z
Purther lnformatlon
Contacts (
Parm management systems
CHAP7R Common ruraI Iand use confIict issues:
questions and answers /
Plndlng your way around the lssues ;
8urnlng off and flre hazards ;
To burn or not to burn! p
Change of farmlng practlce next door (o
Chemlcal spray drlft (o
Cultural herltage - connectlng wlth the land (z
Development actlvlty next door (
Developlng my property (
Domestlc pets - dogs and cats ((
Dumplng and burylng rubblsh on my land (
Dust (
Pences - three strlnger or four! (6
Land clearlng and vegetatlon (;
Nolse (p
Noxlous weeds o
Odour :
Proxlmlty to natlonal parks, State forests and Crown reserves z
Poads and rlght-of-ways z
Soll eroslon
Stock (
Threatened specles
vlews and amenlty 6
waste water management systems - you're standlng ln lt! ;
water and aquatlc lssues ;
Purther lnformatlon 6o
Publlcatlons 6o
Contacts 6o
CHAP7R PoIicies and pIans 1
Avoldlng and reduclng land use confllct through land use plannlng 6:
Plannlng prlnclples 6z
State leglslatlon and pollcy: lnvolvlng rural land use confllcts 6(
lnv|tonmentol llonn|n onJ Assessment Act (LP&A Act) 6;
How does the LP&A Act work! 68
Underlylng envlronmental plannlng lnstruments 68
State Lnvlronmental Plannlng Pollcles (SLPPs) 68
Peglonal plans and strategles 6p
North Coast Peglonal Lnvlronmental Plan 6p
Par North Coast and Draft Mld North Coast reglonal strategles ;:
Northern Plvers Catchment Actlon Plan ;(
Local envlronment plans ;
Standard lnstrument - local envlronmental plan (LLP template) ;6
Development control plans ;p
Purther lnformatlon ;p
Publlcatlons ;p
Contacts 8o
CHAP7R DeveIopment controI 81
|ntroductlon 8:
Core envlronmental plannlng lnstruments 8z
Prlnclples to gulde development 8
General 8
Lnvlronmental protectlon 8(
Communlty engagement 8(
Protectlon of resource access and use 8(
Cultural herltage recognltlon 8
Development control plan provlslons for reduclng land use confllct 8
Development appllcatlon requlrements and checkllst 8
Pecommended development control plan provlslons 86
Land use buffers 8;
Pole of buffers 8;
Types of buffers 88
Summary of recommended mlnlmum buffers 8p
varlatlon provlslons p6
Land use confllct rlsk asessment p6
why assess the rlsk of confllct! p;
Pactors a LUCPA should conslder p8
Peportlng the results of a LUCPA pp
who can undertake a LUCPA :oo
How much consultatlon! :oo
Purther lnformatlon :o:
Publlcatlons :o:
Contacts :o:
CHAP7R / Communication and dispute resoIution 1o
Communlcatlon :o
How and when should | ralse an lssue wlth my nelghbour! :o(
Checkllst for addresslng a confllct sltuatlon :o
Pesolvlng rural confllct :o6
Mutual resolutlon :o6
|nformal thlrd party help :o6
Pormal thlrd party medlatlon :o6
Legal proceedlngs :o6
Gettlng negotlatlon to work :o;
The wln/wln approach :o;
Lmpathy :o;
Approprlate assertlveness :o8
Pespect and value dlfferences :o8
Pespondlng to reslstance from others :o8
Deallng wlth people :o8
what about negotlatlon skllls! :op
Peframe :op
Pespond not react :op
Pe-focus on the lssue :op
|dentlfy unfalr tactlcs :op
Concluslon - the resolutlon ::o
Lodglng formal complalnts of an alleged breach ::o
Purther lnformatlon ::z
Publlcatlons ::z
Contacts ::z
:: Typlcal rural land use confllct lssues ln the north coast reglon z
z: 8eneflts of deallng wlth the potentlal for land use confllct
: Lxample of a rural property wlsh llst p
(: Prlnclples when plannlng and lmplementlng land use pollcles 6
: NSw leglslatlon relevant to rural land use and reduclng land use confllct 6(
6: Pecommended mlnlmum buffers (metres) for prlmary lndustrles po
;: Pecommended mlnlmum buffers (metres) for key envlronmental assets pz
8: Pecommended mlnlmum buffers (metres) for other land uses p
p: Sources of lnformatlon for mlnlmum buffers p(
:o: Land use confllct rlsk assessment matrlx pp
:: The envlronmental law and land use plannlng framework ln NSw 6;
Llvlng and worklng ln rural areas ls for many people mostly a very en[oyable and
rewardlng experlence. However, our rural areas contaln a dlverse range of rural pursults,
a dlverslty of people, and a rlch natural and cultural herltage. Thls dlverslty and rlchness,
comblned wlth changlng clrcumstances and changlng land use, has ln the past created
tenslons and confllcts ln our rural areas.
varlous mechanlsms and strategles have been applled on the north coast to manage
confllct assoclated wlth change ln land use and between nelghbourlng land uses. These
responses, however, have been fragmented, lncomplete and not conslstently applled
across the reglon, and nelghbour dlsputes and complalnts over the use of our rural areas
and protectlon of the envlronment and herltage values contlnue.
Thls handbook represents a consolldatlon of practlces, strategles and products arlslng
from responses to thls lssue over many years. The handbook provldes an lntegrated and
hollstlc approach to managlng and avoldlng land use confllct and dlsputes ln our rural
areas. Land use change and the expresslon of dlfferlng polnts of vlew as to the use and
management of our rural areas wlll most llkely contlnue, however, to be a feature of
llvlng and worklng ln rural areas of the north coast.
Who is the handbook for!
The handbook has been dlvlded lnto chapters that descrlbe the key elements and
strategles for managlng and reduclng land use confllct lssues. Lach chapter was
developed wlth dlfferent audlences ln mlnd, lncludlng:
- consultlng planners and land developers
- land use planners wlthln local government
- declslon makers wlthln local and state government
- users of natural resources lncludlng farmers and land managers
- managers of natural resource assets such as landholders, and government
departments and the local catchment management authorlty
- people llvlng and worklng ln rural communltles
- people lntendlng to buy a rural property.
What's in it!
Thls handbook ls deslgned as a practlcal reference for a wlde cross sectlon of the
communlty. |t brlngs together the followlng lnformatlon:
- background to the key land use confllct and lnterface lssues confrontlng the north
- exlstlng materlal of relevance to managlng land use confllct at the lnterface,
lncludlng the key lssues and tools avallable
- exlstlng and any new materlal collated lnto a succlnct presentatlon of the key
prlnclples to do wlth managlng land use confllct
- exlstlng and new materlal syntheslsed lnto guldes for reduclng and managlng land
use confllct ln the typlcal land use confllct scenarlos that confront land users, natural
resource managers and regulators
- descrlptlons of local envlronmental plans and new land use strategles that wlll be
prepared over the comlng years
- recommended and practlcal mechanlsms to reduce and manage nelghbour-to-
nelghbour confllcts
- references to current best management practlce for prlmary lndustrles that help ln
reduclng lmpacts on key natural resources and nelghbours.
- resources lncludlng useful publlcatlons, websltes and further contacts for those
seeklng addltlonal lnformatlon.
Chapter Description Audience
|o||ros |.rJ uso ccr|||ct, |ts ||rk.os tc ct|o. A|| .o.Jo.s
.|Jo .rJ .o|cr.| |r|t|.t|vos .rJ cut||ros |c. t|o
|r|t|.t|vos Josc.|boJ |r t||s |.rJbcck c.r |o|p
.oJuco |.rJ uso ccr|||ct bot.oor |, t|o
orv|.crnort .rJ ct|o. .u..| |
. Out||ros |.ctc.s tc ccrs|Jo. |r buy|r . .u..| |ocp|o t||rk|r c|
p.cpo.ty, |rc|uJ|r . p.cpo.ty |rspoct|cr c|ock||st buy|r . .u..| p.cpo.ty
.rJ .o.| .orts
, ||||||ts t|o |npc.t.rco c| Juty c| c..o .rJ |..n|r ccnnur|ty
cu..ort bost n.r.onort p..ct|co |r urJo.t.k|r |xtors|cr .rJ
. .u..| orto.p.|so tc .oJuco |.rJ uso ccr|||ct .rJ .ou|.tc.y .ut|c.|t|os . ccJ ro||bcu. ot||c |o. .u..| p.cpo.ty
|.cv|Jos scno .rs.o.s .rJ .ospcrsos tc t|o ncst A|| .o.Jo.s
ccnncr .u..| |.rJ uso ccr|||ct |ssuos
, |o p|.rr|r | |c. .vc|J|r .u..| |.rJ |cc.| cvo.rnort,
uso ccr|||ct |rc|uJ|r t|o cppc.tur|t|os |c. .orc|os, pocp|o
.vc|J|r .u..| |.rJ uso ccr|||ct .rJ |rto.|.co .|t| .r |rto.ost |r
|ssuos v|.|c |.rJ uso p|.rr|r .rJ |cc.| |cc.| p|.r n.k|r .rJ
orv|.crnort.| p|.rr|r n.r.o.s c| r.tu..| .ssots
6 |osc.|bos ccr|||ct |ssuos .sscc|.toJ .|t| ro. .rJ |cc.|
Jovo|cpnort .rJ |c. tc n.r.o .rJ ccrt.c| cvo.rnort,
|.rJ uso ccr|||ct .rJ |rto.|.co |ssuos .t t|o Jovo|cpo.s,
Jovo|cpnort st.o |rc|uJ|r t|o .pp||c.t|cr c| ccrsu|t.rts .rJ
bu||o.s tc |rccnp.t|b|o |.rJ usos pocp|o .|t| .r |rto.ost
|r ro. Jovo|cpnort
, ||||||ts t|o |npc.t.rco c| ccnnur|c.t|cr .rJ A|| .o.Jo.s
c||o.s suost|crs |c. .osc|v|r J|sputos

||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
O|||| A || |||||A|
RuraI Iand use confIict
at the interface
7he notth coost |s o loce ol chone. lts oulot|on |s tow|n to|Jly, |ts utoon oteos ote
exonJ|n onJ econom|c |metot|ves ote chon|n the notute ol tutol |nJustty onJ toJuct|on.
5uoJ|v|s|on ol tutol oteos onJ the chon|n notute ol tutol oteos hove cteoteJ otent|ol lot
conll|ct, wh|le utoon Jeveloment olon the eJes ol out mo|n towns onJ v|lloes cont|nues
to enctooch onto ooth sens|t|ve env|tonmentol oteos onJ |mottont notutol tesoutces.
ll not monoeJ ellect|vely, these chones hove the otent|ol to comtom|se env|tonmentol
ossets, the cultutol het|toe ol the te|on onJ l|m|t the toJuct|ve otent|ol ol the notutol
tesoutces oose. Ctowth onJ Jeveloment on the notth coost cont|nue to loce tessutes on
|mottont notutol tesoutce ossets onJ the use ol notutol tesoutces lot t|moty toJuct|on,
onJ lonJ use conll|ct onJ |ntetloce |ssues ote tesult|n ltom th|s tessute.
7h|s chotet exlo|ns the ot||ns ol |ntetloce |ssues onJ the neot|ve consequences thon occut
oetween lonJ uses ot the |ntetloce wh|ch tesult |n lonJ use conll|cts. 7he chotet Jesct|oes the
ley soutces ol conll|ct onJ sets the scene lot tesonJ|n to conll|cts |n o consttuct|ve woy.
What are ruraI Iand use confIicts at the interface!
A land use confllct occurs when there ls dlsagreement or dlspute as to the use of land
and/or a feellng that a person's rlghts or well belng or the rlghts of the envlronment are
belng threatened by an actlon or undertaklng of another or the lnactlon of another.
The common perceptlon ls that most land use confllcts are the result of two dlsslmllar
or lncompatlble land uses next to each other. |n fact, the root cause of confllct ls when
a land use or an actlon ls lncompatlble wlth the vlews, expectatlons and values of
the people llvlng and worklng ln an area. These values lnclude, lntrlnslc value of the
envlronment, malntenance of water quallty/quantlty, protectlon of wlldllfe and natlve
vegetatlon, the rlght to use and en[oy land, personal and communlty health, clean
alr, personal responslblllty, conslderatlon of others, recognltlon and protectlon of
lndlgenous and non lndlgenous cultural herltage.
Land use confllct ls largely the negatlve aspects of land use that occurs at the lnterface.
Lach clty, town, vlllage and property has an lnterface wlth an ad[olnlng land use and
ad[olnlng land owner. Many aspects of llvlng and worklng at the lnterface can be
posltlve such as an urban block whlch over looks farmland or ad[olns a plcturesque
waterway, the small hobby farm that en[oys open space by the fact the next door
nelghbour runs a large grazlng property. However, confllct occurs at the lnterface
because the land uses mlght be qulte dlfferent. The occuplers and users of the land
often have dlfferent expectatlons and vlews as to thelr rlghts and responslbllltles of
belng a landowner or person llvlng at the lnterface. The lnterface ls also an area where
development merges wlth or encroaches on more natural areas that afford varlous levels
of protectlon such as natlonal parks, habltat, waterways and wetlands.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
. O|||| A || |||||A|
How do we respond to these confllcts! There are many approaches, whlch are descrlbed
ln thls handbook. Coordlnatlng approaches ls lmportant and the maln way thls ls done
on the North Coast ls through documents such as catchment management plans and
reglonal strategles. The Northern Plvers Catchment Actlon Plan (CAP) has ldentlfled
land use confllct as an lmportant natural resource management lssue and has set the
followlng management target.
8y zo:o lonJ use conll|ct w|th|n ot oJjocent to ley env|tonmentol ossets
onJ tutol toJuct|on oteos teJuceJ oy po etcent. ley env|tonmentol ossets
|ncluJe 5tote onJ te|onolly s|n|l|cont lotmlonJ, h|h consetvot|on volue
veetot|on onJ ecosystems onJ exttoct|ve tesoutces.
What are ruraI Iand use confIict issues!
A wlde range of lssues can constltute land use confllcts and lnterface lssues. On the
north coast the most common are those that arlse between agrlcultural practlces
(sources) and nelghbourlng resldents (receptors). Many of these confllcts are unreported
although some are referred to local and state agencles, where they may or may not be
documented. Table : ls a summary of the most common rural land use confllct lssues of
the north coast.
7oole 1: 7y|col tutol lonJ use conll|ct |ssues |n the notth coost te|on
Issue xpIanation
|o||bcu.s n.y bo .o||oJ upcr tc n.r.o |ssuos suc| .s bus|
||.os, st..y|r stcck, t.osp.sso.s otc .|||o t|o .bsortoo |.rJ|c|Jo. |s
.t .c.k c. ...y
Access ..J|t|cr.| c. |r|c.n.| ..oonorts |c. .ccoss bot.oor |..ns .rJ tc
p..ts c| |..ns n.y b.o.k Jc.r .|t| t|o ...|v.| c| ro. pocp|o
|os|r, |urJ|r .rJ |np|onort.t|cr c| |.rJ, .rJ voot.t|cr
n.r.onort p|.rs ..o ccnp||c.toJ .|t| |..o. runbo.s c| .u..|
|.rJ|c|Jo.s .|t| J|||o.|r po.spoct|vos .rJ v.|uos
CIearing |o||bcu.s n.y cboct tc t|o c|o..|r c| t.oos, ospoc|.||y .|or |t |s
Jcro .pp..ort|y .|t|cut|s c. |np.cts cr |.b|t.t ..o.s c.
|cc.| .nor|ty
Cooperation |.ck c| nutu.| cccpo..t|cr t|.cu| t|o |r.b|||ty c. ur.||||rross
cr bo|.|| |rJ|v|Ju.|s tc ccrt.|buto n.y cu.t.|| c. ||n|t t..J|t|cr.|
.c.k s|..|r p..ct|cos cr|..n c. |r t|o .u..| ccnnur|ty
Dogs St..y Jcnost|c Jcs .rJ .||J Jcs|r ||vostcck .rJ .||J|||o
.rJ|r . ru|s.rco
Drainage b|cck|r c. c|.r|r J..|r.o systons t|.cu| . |.ck c|
n.|rtor.rco c. |.||u.o tc .rJ rct .ospoct t|o .||ts c|
Dust oro..toJ by |..n .rJ oxt..ct|vo |rJust.y cpo..t|crs |rc|uJ|r
cu|t|v.t|r, |.||c. (b..o) .curJ, |..n vo||c|os, ||vostcck y..Js, |ooJ
n||||r, |o.t|||so. sp.o.J|r otc
DweIIings |.b.r c. .os|Jort|.| J.o|||rs |cc.toJ tcc c|cso tc c. .||oct|r .r
ox|st|r .u..||t c. .cut|ro |.rJ uso p..ct|co
co| ,

co| ,
o|e co|
Issue xpIanation
Iectric fences ||oct.|c s|ccks tc c|||J.or, |c.sos .rJ Jcs |ub||c s.|oty |ssuos
Iencing ||s..oonort .bcut n.|rtor.rco, .op|.conort, Jos|r .rJ ccst
Iire ||sk c| ||.o osc.p|r .rJ orto.|r ro||bcu.|r p.cpo.ty |.ck c|
krc.|oJo c| ||.o |ssuos .rJ t|o .c|o c| t|o |u..| ||.o So.v|co
Iirearms ||stu.b.rco, n.|n|r .rJ k||||r c| ||vostcck .rJ post .r|n.|s,
|||o.| uso .rJ .|sk tc po.scr.| s.|oty
IIies Sp.o.J |.cn .r|n.| orc|csu.os c. .rJ b.ooJ|r ..o.s
|ost.uct|cr .rJ pcc. n.r.onort c| |rJ|orcus .rJ rcr
|rJ|orcus cu|tu..||.cts, st.uctu.os .rJ s|tos
Lights b.||t |||ts .sscc|.toJ .|t| r||t |c.J|r, socu.|ty otc
Litter |ru.y .rJ pc|scr|r c| ||vostcck v|. .|rJ b|c.r .rJ JunpoJ
..sto |.n.o tc oou|pnort .rJ n.c||ro.y Anor|ty |np.cts
Noise |.cn |..n n.c||ro.y, sc..o urs, |c. ||y|r ..|cu|tu..| .|.c..|t,
||vostcck .o.r|r .rJ |ooJ|r, .rJ |..|.t|cr punps
Odours OJcu.s ..|s|r |.cn p|o.|os, |ooJ|cts, J.|.|os, pcu|t.y, sp..ys,
|o.t|||so., sp.o.J|r, s||.o, bu.r|r c..c.sos/c.cp .os|Juos
Pesticides ||voJ .rJ .o.| |o.|t| .rJ orv|.crnort.| cvo. t|o uso,
stc..o .rJ J|spcs.| c| post|c|Jos .s .o|| .s sp..y J.||t
Poisoning |o|| pc|scr|r .rJ Jost.uct|cr c| t.oos/p|.rts Sp..y J.||t
crtc rcrt..ot p|.rts |ost|c|Jo c. pc|scr upt.ko by ||vostcck .rJ
|un.r |o.|t| .|sks
PoIIution \.to. .oscu.cos ccrt.n|r.toJ by o|||uort, c|on|c.|s, post|c|Jos,
rut.|orts .rJ .|. p..t|cu|.tos
Roads cst .rJ st.rJ..Js c| n.|rtor.rco, s|c./.|Jo |..n n.c||ro.y,
||vostcck|r .rJ
Smoke |.cn t|o bu.r|r c| c.cp .os|Juos, sc.ub, p.stu.o .rJ .|rJ.c.s
SoiI erosion |css c| sc|| .rJ pc||ut|cr c| ..ys |.cn ursust.|r.b|o
p..ct|cos c. oxpcsoJ sc||s |.ck c| .curJccvo. c. sc||
|orco J.n.o, sp.o.J c| J|, J.n.o tc c.cps, ..Jors .rJ
bus|/..|r|c.ost .ooro..t|cr
7heft/vandaIism |rto.|o.orco .|t| c.cps, ||vostcck, |cJJo., n.c||ro.y .rJ
7ree removaI |oncv.| c| r.t|vo voot.t|cr .|t|cut .pp.cp.|.to|s
|oncv.| c| |ccr t.oos .rJ voot.t|cr
7respass |rto.|r p.cpo.t|os ur|..|u||y .rJ .|t|cut ..oonort
VisuaI/amenity |css c| .nor|ty .s . .osu|t c| .o||oct|vo st.uctu.os (||ccs, |.||
rott|r), .|rJb.o.ks p|.rt|rs (|css c| v|o.)
Water cnpot|t|cr |c. ||n|toJ supp||os, ccnp||.rco .|t|
.ou|.t|crs, bu||J|r c| J.ns, c|.ros tc ||c.s Stcck .ccoss tc ||p..|.r .cro n.r.onort
Weeds |.ck c| .ooJ ccrt.c| p..t|cu|..|y rcx|cus .ooJs, by |.rJ|c|Jo.s
b.soJ cr Sn|t|, |' (.oo,) |oo| |oJ |e o|||c| |e.|e. o| /ooee| ec||oe
||o| |eo| |o ||oe ||.| e|e (||.rr|r|S\)
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
O|||| A || |||||A| ,
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
: O|||| A || |||||A|
whlle the lssues ln Table : are the most common rural land confllcts on the North
Coast, thls handbook deals wlth other lssues as well. The reason for thls ls that land
use confllcts extend beyond lssues that affect an lndlvlduals' en[oyment of land, and
lnclude broader communlty concerns about the local envlronment and the way the
envlronment ls belng managed or used. As the populatlon of the North Coast grows
and development expands, new lnterface sltuatlons wlll arlse, especlally those between
urban development and natural envlronments.
Why manage these issues!
Land use confllcts can result ln a varlety of undeslrable soclal, economlc, envlronmental
and cultural lmpacts ranglng from mlnor to slgnlflcant, short term to long term and
mlcro to macro ln scale. These lmpacts can lnclude: negatlve effects on lndlvlduals as a
consequence of stress and anxlety, breakdown ln communltles, addltlonal demands on
government servlces, lncreased and costly demands on rural lndustrles, degradatlon of
the local envlronment, whlch can have flow-on effects for communltles and buslnesses,
and loss of culture and ldentlty wlthln communltles.
lonJ use conll|ct con oe costly |n |ts ellects on |nJ|v|Juols onJ the commun|ty. lt |s Jes|toole
to monoe conll|ct oelote neot|ve ellects occut.
Managlng land use confllct before lt becomes a negatlve lnfluence on lndlvlduals
and the communlty ls deslrable. The beneflts of deallng wlth land use confllct are
summarlsed ln Table z.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
O|||| A || |||||A| ,
7oole 2: 8enel|ts ol Jeol|n w|th the otent|ol lot lonJ use conll|ct
- |.ctoct|cr c| .nor|ty tc |rJ|v|Ju.|s .rJ t|o ccnnur|ty, n.|rtor.rco c| .o||bo|r
- |occr|t|cr c| t|o .||ts .rJ rooJs c| |rJ|v|Ju.|s tc . |o.|t|y .rJ s.|o orv|.crnort
- |oJuc|r st.oss .||c| ccu|J .osu|t |.cn ccrt|ru.| oxpcsu.o tc |np.cts, ||r.rc|.|
|rsocu.|ty, |o.| ccsts .sscc|.toJ .|t| .ry |o.| .ct|cr |rc|uJ|r p.ynort c| ||ros
- |.ctoct|cr c| cu|tu..| |o.|t.o .rJ ccnnur|ty |Jort|ty
- |.ctoct|cr c| |.rJsc.pos .rJ occsystons v.|uoJ by ccnnur|ty
- |.ctoct|cr c| r.tu..| .oscu.cos |rc|uJ|r ..|cu|tu..| |.rJ .rJ oxt..ct|vo .oscu.cos
- |.ovort|r ccsts |rvc|voJ |r ru|s.rco c. orv|.crnort.| n|t|.t|cr
- Avc|J|r |cst p.cJuct|v|ty c.usoJ by .JJ|t|cr.| cpo..t|r ||n|ts .rJ t|no t.kor tc
.JJ.oss ccr|||ct |ssuos
- Avc|J|r ccsts .sscc|.toJ .|t| |o.| c|.||oros .rJ/c. or|c.conort .ct|cr by
.ou|.tc.y .ut|c.|t|os
- Av.||.b|||ty c| onp|cynort
- V.|rtor.rco c| |.rJ .rJ p.cpo.ty v.|uos
- |oJucoJ rooJ |c. ncr|tc.|r, |.rJ||r c| ccnp|.|rts, or|c.conort .rJ noJ|.t|cr
- Avc|J|r ccsts .sscc|.toJ .|t| orv|.crnort.| .onoJ|.t|cr .rJ n.|rtor.rco c| ou.||ty suc| .s ccst c| t.o.tnort c| pct.b|o supp|y
- |rv|.crnort.| p.ctoct|cr |o.|t|y .rJ p.cJuct|vo|norts
- |otort|cr c| |cc.| b|cJ|vo.s|ty .rJ occ|c|c.| systons
- Sc|| ccrso.v.t|cr
- |.ctoct|cr c| ou.||ty
- |otort|cr .rJ n.|rtor.rco c| .|p..|.r voot.t|cr |.r voot.t|cr
uantifying ruraI Iand use confIict issues
State of the Lnvlronment (SoL) reports are the maln documents for recordlng and
monltorlng envlronmental lssues, lncludlng complalnts and land use confllct at the local
level. Local government ls requlred to complete a comprehenslve SoL report each four
years. Annual summarles provlde brlef updates on ma[or lssues and changes.
Lach of the local SoL reports for the twelve local government areas of the north coast
were revlewed by the Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty to establlsh a
benchmark whlch could be used to measure progress ln achlevlng the land use confllct
target of the Northern Plvers Catchment Actlon plan. The revlew found that whlle there
ls evldence of land use confllct and lnterface lssues ln the reports, they lacked speclflc
lnformatlon and data on rural land use confllct lssues. |n the lnterest of measurlng
progress and future benchmarklng, lt ls hlghly deslrable that SoL reports capture speclflc
data on the state of land use confllct and lnterface lssues.
|n addltlon to local SoL reports, complalnt data ls captured centrally vla the NSw
State government's pollutlon and envlronment llne. Complalnts and calls recorded
are grouped lnto categorles such as alr quallty, chemlcals, nolse, threatened specles,
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
o O|||| A || |||||A|
pestlcldes, cultural herltage and water lssues. Grouplng complalnts lnto these categorles
llows longer term trends to be ldentlfled although thls ls llmlted by the fact that data
bout both urban and rural lssues are captured.
ontext for the handbook
hls handbook complements the Par North Coast Strategy and Draft Mld North Coast
eglonal Strategy, the Northern Plvers Catchment Actlon Plan and the new local
nvlronmental plan preparatlon process, all of whlch deal wlth lssues to do wlth land
se, managlng the lnterface lssues between competlng and dlfferlng land uses and
anaglng land use confllct between uses of resources.
urther information
0oes the lnv|tonmentol llonn|n onJ Assessment Act :p)p (N5w} ot t|ht to lotm
le|slot|on tov|Je o solut|on to the |ssue ol tutol lonJ use conll|ct/ McNell, H. :z LGL1
p8 (zoo6)
0tolt V|J Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey zooo State of NSw through Department of
Plannlng, December zoo6
lot Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey zooo-{: State of NSw through Department of
Plannlng, December zoo6
lonJ use Conll|ct - kev|ew ol Vonoement 7echn|ques, llonn|n N5w. Smlth, P.1. (zoo)
Notthetn k|vets Cotchment Act|on llon, Northern Plvers Catchment Management
Authorlty zoo;
ote: Local and reglonal llbrarles may provlde another useful source for obtalnlng
nformatlon on thls toplc lncludlng local contacts and speclflc lnformatlon relevant to
he area.
Local government
Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty
Northern Plvers Peglonal Development 8oard
NSw Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change
NSw Department of Plannlng
NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
NSw Department of water and Lnergy
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||\|| || A |||A| A||A ,
Living in a ruraI area
7h|s chotet |s o|meJ ot eole who ote lool|n ot ouy|n o tutol toetty ot those th|nl|n
ol l|v|n |n o tutol oteo, onJ those who oJv|se them e.. teol estote oents. lt |s olso o uselul
teletence lot lotmets, lonJ monoets, onJ locol onJ 5tote ovetnment oenc|es onJ oJv|sets
when Jeol|n w|th conll|ct |ssues.
lt h|hl|hts the |mottonce ol sounJ lonJ monoement |n ovo|J|n onJ tesolv|n tutol
lonJ use conll|ct ot the ne|hoouthooJ onJ locol level. we |ve you some |Jeos to hel you
enjoy yout tutol olocl onJ |nttoJuce you to some ol yout t|hts onJ soc|ol tesons|o|l|t|es
|n conJuct|n yout Joy-to-Joy oct|v|t|es, esec|olly to Jo w|th oct|n w|th|n the low onJ
ett|n on w|th yout ne|hoouts. kememoet, |t |s only o oe|nnets u|Je so |s not |n ony woy
comtehens|ve. 5outces ol mote |nlotmot|on ote l|steJ ot the enJ ol th|s chotet. Vole sute
you teseotch yout utchose thotouhly oelote you s|n on the JotteJ l|ne.
7o|cs coveteJ |n th|s chotet |ncluJe:
- uselul t|s lot ouy|n o smoll holJ|n |n the countty
- toct|col |ssues to cons|Jet when ouy|n o tutol toetty, e.. temoteness, occess to
setv|ces, cl|mote, cuttent ot|cultutol oct|v|t|es onJ lutute lonJ use
- le|slot|ve |ssues such os lonJ zon|n, the 5ect|on :;p Cett|l|cotes onJ oenc|es
tesons|ole lot lonn|n onJ lonJ use
- cons|Jetot|on to |ssues such os the |moct ol lutute lonJ use onJ the notute ol the
ne|hoouts oct|v|t|es when utchos|n o toetty
lmottontly, th|s chotet sttesses os|t|ve woys ol commun|cot|n w|th yout ne|hoouts. ll
on |ssue w|th the otent|ol to couse conll|ct ot|ses, l|t|ot|on shoulJ olwoys oe seen os the lost
meons ol tesolv|n th|s conll|ct.
7h|s chotet Joes not covet techn|col |ssues to Jo w|th lotm|n, e.. how you w|ll lotm,
estool|sh on otchotJ ot lon out yout olocl. 7he lutthet lnlotmot|on sect|on ot the enJ ol th|s
chotet o|nts you |n the J|tect|on ol oton|sot|ons to contoct. lt olso |ncluJes teletences lot
J|lletent osects ol toetty monoement os well os some lutthet |Jeos on ooJ ne|hoout
toct|ce. Chotet ; olso Jesct|oes common couses ol lonJ use conll|ct onJ |ves o otteJ
u|Je to le|slot|on you w|ll neeJ to oe lom|l|ot w|th to conJuct cetto|n oct|v|t|es onJ
otent|olly teJuce conll|ct thtouh lnowleJe ol the low.
PIanning to buy a ruraI property!
So, you are plannlng to buy a rural block on the north coast of NSw. Thls declslon may
have been prompted through personal or economlc motlves, hopefully after much
thought and conslderatlon wlth 'slgnlflcant others'. ou may wlsh to slmply en[oy
the easygolng llfestyle of the reglon, the subtroplcal envlronment, be lnvolved ln a
small agrlbuslness or undertake a more tradltlonal farmlng enterprlse. whatever the
reason, you wlll stlll need to manage your block wlth due care and responslblllty not
only towards the envlronment but also towards others, lncludlng your nelghbours. 8y
dolng thls you wlll help to malntaln the quallty of llfe that makes the north coast such a
deslrable place to llve.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
8 ||\|| || A |||A| A||A
lts |mottont to monoe yout toetty w|th Jue cote onJ tesons|o|l|ty ooth to the
env|tonment onJ the commun|ty, esec|olly yout ne|hoouts.
Lack of knowledge of people's rlghts and responslbllltles ln carlng for the land, lncludlng
duty of care for others, can be a ma[or source of dlsharmony between nelghbours. Thls
can lnclude lgnorance of leglslatlon as lt applles to laws governlng the land and not
knowlng who to contact to help resolve an lssue, leadlng to frustratlon, mlstrust and, at
tlmes, mlsplaced aggresslon.
The laws that govern land use are complex and varled. Pesponslble land owners try
and keep up wlth laws that apply by contactlng relevant organlsatlons, readlng, asklng
questlons and uslng the lnternet.
The Landcare ethlc ls strongly lmplled throughout thls handbook, lt advocates that
carlng for the land and lts people ls an essentlal element of en[oylng the rlchness that
the reglon has to offer. worklng wlth the local communlty for the common good ls a key
phllosophy lnherent ln thls chapter.
uying a ruraI property
Let's get started
Chooslng a property ls largely a matter of the heart and, unfortunately, the "head thlng
may come much later. 8y standlng back and dolng your research flrst you'll be better
armed to make an lnformed declslon and not have any regrets about your move to the
'ldylllc llfe'.
Many confllcts can be headed off at the pass by conslderlng some baslc requlrements
before you buy your dream block. |t ls lmportant to reallse that ln movlng lnto a rural area
you wlll flnd routlne actlvltles you may be unfamlllar wlth and may cause you concern.
These can lnclude thlngs such as tractor nolse, burnlng off, stock management procedures,
dust, land clearlng, chemlcal appllcatlon, harvestlng and cultlvatlon actlvltles.
Confllct, elther wlth nelghbours or authorltles, often results from people not
understandlng the envlronment they are movlng lnto or arrlvlng wlth preconcelved
ldeas not based on the realltles of rural llfe
So here are some suggestlons that may help you maxlmlse your en[oyment of the
north coast llfestyle. They may appear to be plaln common sense but often they are
overlooked by lntendlng buyers caught up ln the excltement of searchlng for and buylng
a new property.
Heart versushead - how can I avoid a personaI
and financiaI disaster!
Here ls one approach that you can adopt. Plnd a qulet space, slt down and thlnk about your
personal goals relatlng to llvlng the rural llfestyle and how you wlll achleve them. Thls may
lnclude drawlng up a wlsh llst of what you want from your block and why you wlsh to buy
rural land ln the flrst place. |f you have a famlly or partner, lnclude them ln thls exerclse. |t ls
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||\|| || A |||A| A||A ,
essentlal to avold an lmportant source of dlsharmony at the famlly level by ldentlfylng and
accommodatlng the deslres and wlshes of others ln thls lmportant declslon.
Now comes the most lmportant step of revlewlng the llst ln terms of your motlvatlon
to llve ln the country. Llst your goals and then place your requlrements and llmltatlons
ln two separate columns. |nclude flnanclal llmltatlons, employment opportunltles, your
state of health, educatlon facllltles, transport, and your knowledge of and expertlse
ln managlng the land. Table lllustrates some typlcal goals, deslres and llmltatlons for
people movlng to a block ln the country.
7oole 3: lxomle ol o tutol toetty w|sh l|st
My goaIs are I wouId Iike to have My Iimitations are
\c.k t|.oo
J.ys . .ook,
|rc|uJ|r t|o
c.p.c|ty tc .o|.x
Su|t.b|o .rJ .o||
p.|J p..t t|no
onp|cynort .|t|
|.cpo.ty c|cso tc
n.c. sott|onorts
Oppc.tur|ty tc .c.k
|.cn |cno
|.sy c..o b|cck
Av.||.b|||ty c| su|t.b|o .o|| p.|J p..t
t|no onp|cynort cpt|crs
|cr t..vo| t|no tc n.c. sott|onorts
|rto.rot .rJ ccnnur|c.t|cr .ccoss
||| n.|rtor.rco b|cck .oou|.|r
.ooJ o..J|c.t|cr, |orc|r .rJ
Spcuso rooJs tc .c.k tc supp|onort
|.ck c| t|no tc orcy |o|su.o .rJ
|||osty|o .ct|v|t|os
. bo so|| su|||c|ort
|r to.ns c|
.rJ |ccJ
Sc|.. tc noot .||
oro.y rooJs
supp|y |.cn ..|r t.rks, bc.os,
J.ns .rJ .ccoss tc
|o.t||o sc||s |r . |.cst
|.oo orv|.crnort
|st.b||s| . sn.||
c.c|..J .rJ
voot.b|o ..Jor
So|| c..r|c p.cJuco
.t | n..kots
cst .rJ ||n|t.t|crs c| sc|.. pc.o.
suc| .s orcu| c.p.c|ty tc .o|J,
ccck, .ur . ..s||r n.c||ro, pc.o.
. ..sto n.r.onort syston
|.ck c| .v.||.b|o |r J.y po.|cJs,
| t.rks, pcc. ou.||ty
|c ||corco |c. ccnno.c|.|
||n|toJ krc.|oJo c| |c.t|cu|tu..|
|.ck c| v|.b|o, |o.t||o |.rJ
|ooJ tc sp..y tc ccrt.c| .ooJs .rJ
|cc.|y n.|rt.|roJ |orcos tc oxc|uJo
+cu. |o.|t| .rJ t|.t c| ct|o.s
, |o.o.
ro||bcu.s, .rJ ou|ot
|.cpo.ty su|t.b|y
|cc.toJ |.cn t|o
.ct|v|t|os c| ct|o.
..rou|| bus| sott|r
|su.||y . |cr ..y |rtc tc.r
.oou|.|r . ccJ .c.J, .o||.b|o c..,
|rc.o.soJ pot.c| ccsts
|.n||y rooJs|n|ty tc sc|cc|s,
spc.t|r |.c|||t|os, s|cps, noJ|c.| c..o
.rJ .o|.t|crs
| so.scr.| ..|cu|tu..|
.ct|v|t|os |rc|uJ|r |..vost|r, stcck
ncvonort, p|cu||r, p.ccoss|r
|.cpcsoJ ro. Jovo|cpnort ..o.
co| o
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
o ||\|| || A |||A| A||A
|..o |cno tc
.|| c| cu. rooJs
O|J .u..| |cnosto.J
.|t| ||vo boJ.ccns
S.|nn|r pcc|
|r|t|.| pu.c|.so p.|co ||n|toJ by
t||t buJot
V.|rtor.rco, ccst c| .orcv.t|cr
|rc|uJ|r t..vo|, .v.||.b|o
t..Jospo.scrs p.op..oJ tc t..vo|
, |cbb|os .rJ
|ots, |rc|uJ|r |c.sos .rJ .pp.cp.|.to |orc|r tc
ccrt.c| .r|n.|s
|.ck c| .r|n.| |usb.rJ.y sk|||s |ooJ .rJ ..o. tc ..|so .
o|e , co|
Once you have completed your llst you should now have determlned your motlvatlon,
whether you really wlsh to llve ln the country, and some speclflc requlrements for your
future purchase ln order to meet your goals. ou wlll also be more aware of your own
sltuatlon, and have determlned the dlrectlon ln whlch you, your partner or your famlly,
wlsh to head.
What's next! How do I find the Iocation
and the property that wiII best match my needs!
8elote you ouy o toetty et to lnow yout te|on. Vos, u|Jes, toll|n to the locols
|ncluJ|n teol estote oents ote oll ooJ soutces ol |nlotmot|on.
8y thls stage you should now know approxlmately where on the NSw north coast
you wlsh to llve, how blg a block you requlre, the actlvltles you wlsh to conduct, your
flnanclal llmltatlons, and the needs, personal and otherwlse, of all those concerned wlth
the declslon. ou have [ust taken the flrst step ln creatlng harmony by sortlng out your
needs and those of slgnlflcant others. Mutual agreement at the personal and famlly level
on what you all want can prevent frlctlon ln the future, both at home and lndlrectly wlth
the nelghbours.
To get better acqualnted wlth the dlstrlct or reglon, and to flnd some potentlal and
deslrable localltles, you wlll need to source maps and guldes. Lspeclally useful are
topographlcal maps whlch show detalls of settlements, roads, gullles, creeks, mountalns
and admlnlstratlve boundarles. Tourlst lnformatlon centres, the web - lncludlng Google
Larth - are other sources of useful lnformatlon.
Now comes the next step of flndlng the rlght property for you and your famlly.
Market anaIysis
Lverywhere there seems to be the perfect purchase, often for a range of dlfferent
reasons. How do you narrow thls down so you can compare purchase prlces and best
approxlmate what you get for your dollar!
Thls brlngs us to the stage we call the market analysls. Thls may seem llke a frlghtenlng
optlon, the provlnce of marketlng gurus wlth large expense accounts. However, lt can be
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slmple. All lt means ls taklng the tlme to do some research. Get on the web, look through
the reglon's real estate ads, e.g.,, and, are useful startlng polnts. Pevlew local real estate llterature
and sales research data. Thls wlll glve you a more lnformed vlew as to what ls about and
what you are golng to need to spend on a property that best matches your wlsh llst.
Any professlonal real estate agency should be able to help you wlth the necessary data and
feedback on current market actlvlty. Market analysls wlll further narrow down the locatlons
where your dream maybe reallsed flnanclally and where capltal growth may occur. |t wlll
also glve you an lndlcatlon of what actlvltles can be carrled out on ad[olnlng blocks and
the nature of agrlculture and llfestyle actlvltles ln the locallty you are looklng at.
PIanning poIicy
Are there any plans by State or local government that mlght change the nature of
the area where your dream property ls located! Check out the relevant reglonal plans
and strategles whlch gulde future plannlng and development. There are two reglonal
strategles for the north coast: the lot Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey and the 0tolt V|J
Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey. They lnclude maps showlng future urban growth areas.
The local envlronmental plan ls a key reference to check at Councll as thls shows the
land zones for each local government area. There may also be a rural resldentlal strategy
and urban growth strategy that has been prepared by Councll showlng where future
settlement and development ls planned. Plnd out what are the plans for development ln
the locallty you are lnterested.
|t's a good ldea to consult the Department of Plannlng webslte (
for planned ma[or pro[ects as well as other government agency websltes to get a handle
on where new developments are proposed. Consultatlon wlth the local councll may prove
very valuable and don't forget to flnd out where future roads, hlghways and lnfrastructure
are planned. There ls an overvlew of the plannlng system ln Chapter . The lutthet
lnlotmot|on sectlon at the end of thls chapter has references to asslst your research.
7he drive by
ou've been busy wlth your research so now you have a falr ldea of prlce, what you can
afford, where you want to llve, as well as a knowledge of current lnfrastructure, servlces,
amenltles and an lndlcatlon of where the productlve land may be. ou should have also
ldentlfled any llmltatlons and threats to your proposed purchase such as encroachlng
development and your flnanclal capaclty.
So now lt's out lnto the car to start looklng at some of those locatlons that have been
ldentlfled ln your research. Here the ltoetty |nsect|on checl l|st at the end of thls
chapter may serve as a gulde as to what factors you wlll be looklng for (amenlty to
servlces, good road, property slze, condltlon of fences, level of weed lnfestatlon, arable
land, agrlcultural actlvlty, and llfestyle posslbllltles). Look for the for sale/auctlon slgns.
what agent seems to be the most popular! what condltlon are the slgns ln (a faded slgn
can be a glveaway as to how long a property has been on the market) and where does
there seem to be the most actlvlty ln terms of avallable propertles.
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SeIecting an agent
Talk to the locals and ask who they would use. |s there a reglonal buyer's agent! vlslt
a number of agents that speclallse ln rural propertles. Check out the propertles llsted
ln thelr wlndows. Paded photos are a pretty good lndlcatlon of elther a lack of buyer
lnterest ln a property or lack of lnterest by the agent. Glve the agent an outllne of what
your requlrements are. |f they start showlng you propertles not relevant to your llst or
flnanclal llmltatlons, lt's tlme for another agent.
These are some questlons you need to ask the agent. How long has a property been
on the market! what covenants and speclal condltlons apply! Are there land use
restrlctlons or condltlons that relate to the proposed purchase or are relevant to the
ad[olnlng nelghbours! what ls ln the contract and what does the 5ect|on :;p llonn|n
Cett|l|cote say about zonlng and speclal condltlons that apply to the land!
Specific factors to consider
There are many thlngs you need to thlnk about when buylng a property ln addltlon to
those already mentloned. Some are more lmportant than others dependlng on your
clrcumstances, goals and expectatlons. Once you have settled broadly on a reglon and
type of property, lt's tlme to start thlnklng about the flner detalls lnvolved ln buylng a
small rural holdlng.
The more thought you can glve to them now at the declslon-maklng stage, the happler
you wlll be. |ndlrectly you wlll begln to reduce any future rural land use confllcts whlch
may occur by creatlng a posltlve outlook and not regrettlng lll-founded declslons
leadlng to dlsharmony at home and wlth nelghbours.
|f you are settlng up a commerclal farmlng operatlon next door to another there tends
to be less potentlal for confllct and more opportunlty for mutual cooperatlon. At tlmes,
llfestyle blocks establlshed rlght next to rural enterprlses can be a reclpe for confllct,
both for the new property owner and the farmer.
Some of the followlng factors may apply to your personal sltuatlon and others won't. |t ls
not a comprehenslve llst for buylng a rural block but lt's a good start. Por more guldance,
talk to your local councll, Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty, NSw
Department of Prlmary |ndustrles and other relevant organlsatlons who can asslst (See
lutthet lnlotmot|on sectlon for contact detalls}.
Living and Working in Rural Areas
Location, location, location
Will the propertys location suit you and your family? Do your homework so you can be sure.
We all know this old real estate adage. Why should it apply to you in buying your new
dream rural home? There are lots of reasons; here are a few to start with.
Up hill and down dale. Much of the north coast hinterland where rural activities occur
can be extremely hilly with steep valleys and small plateaus. This can be limiting in terms
of getting machinery to a site, building a house and sheds, weed eradication, mustering
stock and viability of the block for agriculture. The most expensive and arable rural land
will be on the river flats, and your budget in terms of purchase maybe a limiting factor.
Hermitsville. Isolation may have its benefits in terms of privacy, however, just popping
down to the shops, taking the kids to school, access to facilities, including doctors and
medical assistance, could all become onerous as well as expensive in terms of vehicle
running costs and peoples time. Also it may be a long way to travel to or from the
relatives (advantage or disadvantage your choice!).
Lack of available water. Is the block on town water, tank water or groundwater? Does
it have a water licence? Are there adequate dams and creeks? Can I pump water for my
domestic needs from the creek? Can the creek sustain my pumping? Do the tanks hold
enough water to meet all of our needs, especially during dry periods?
Going under too much water. Greeting the State Emergency Services flood boat at
the front verandah, or worse still, on the roof, is not an entertaining prospect for the
new property buyer. Is the property on a flood plain or flood prone area? Is the property
inaccessible in wet weather and if not for how long, especially during high flows? Is
there a drainage management plan for the area or the property? Will stock be able to
move to higher ground? Contact the local council, Rural Lands Protection Board or State
Emergency Service for more information on flood prone land.
Soils aint just soils. Get a soil test done to establish that the property will meet your
needs. Is the property in an acid sulfate soils hot spot? Is the soil suitable to support
foundations and other building infrastructure? Is there the potential for soil slip? Soil
productivity is what most landowners are interested in the capacity to grow healthy
and productive crops and pastures. Contact your nearest NSW Department of Primary
Industries office for more information.
Road, what road? Are all the roads, public and private, including those on the property,
passable under all weather conditions? Are they safe? Accidents are common in country
areas, especially on dark deserted roads at night. Does the property have Crown roads,
sometimes referred to as paper roads? These roads are a part of the States public road
network, and most have not been formed or constructed. For more information go to
website and a topographic map of the area.
The map will indicate where these roads are.
You should also establish whether the property has legal access is via a Crown road,
public road, a right of carriage way or just public access via a private road under some
form of agreement. If so, find out what your rights and responsibilities are. Access to
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some more remote propertles may be vla roads through State forests. These roads may
not provlde the legal prlvate access you requlre. |f you are purchaslng land ad[acent to or
near a State forest speclflc rules apply to uslng these roads. Check the lutthet lnlotmot|on
sectlon, Porest NSw webslte or contact your nearest Porest NSw offlce for more detalls.
Contaminated Iand. Contamlnated land can be an lssue when you are buylng rural
land. Land can be contamlnated from past agrlcultural actlvltles and the appllcatlon of
perslstent pestlcldes or the lnapproprlate dlsposal and storage of chemlcal contalners.
|t ls senslble lf buylng agrlcultural land where contamlnatlon may be an lssue to
check lf chemlcal resldues could be an lssue. A chemlcal resldue soll test should be
conducted lf you have concerns or lf thls ls requlred by the councll. An example of thls
ls lf you are plannlng on bulldlng a dwelllng. Contact your nearest local councll for
further lnformatlon and advlce or refer to lnformatlon avallable from the Department
of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change or NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles. There a
number of laboratorles ln the reglon where chemlcal resldue testlng can be undertaken
lncludlng NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles at wollongbar and the Lnvlronmental
Analysls Laboratory at Southern Cross Unlverslty.
Many rural propertles that had cattle ln the past were requlred to chemlcally dlp
thelr llvestock to eradlcate tlck lnfestatlons. Dlp sltes are contamlnated land. Make
sure you know lf the property you are conslderlng has a dlp slte. They are commonly
marked on topographlcal maps, and the NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles has
a dlp slte database.
Cows moo, roosters crow and dogs bark. Check out the next door nelghbours' land
uses. what actlvltles are carrled out [ust over the fence, e.g. hortlculture, a plggery, a
quarry, lntenslve poultry operatlon! 8elng next to a State forest may seem ldylllc but
remember that logglng operatlons could happen at any tlme. |f you wlsh to conduct an
organlc enterprlse the nelghbour's operatlon next door may have an lmpact ln terms of
spraylng, fertlllser spreadlng etc. The nelghbour maybe conductlng a hlghly regulated
agrlcultural enterprlse, whlch you wlll [ust have to llve wlth should you move ln.
It's a |ungIe out there! UsefuI pIants or |ust weeds1 Lveryone wants to llve and thrlve on
the north coast, lncludlng weeds, and keeplng on top of them can be a real chore. weed
control ls expenslve ln terms of tlme, labour and chemlcals. Noxlous weeds are worse.
There ls leglslatlon to ensure that they are controlled on your property, and flnes apply
lf you don't. Check wlth the local reglonal or local weeds authorlty, NSw Department
of Prlmary |ndustrles, or Landcare group so you know what the real undeslrables are.
Havlng noxlous weeds or huge areas of the common garden varlety types on your
property wlll certalnly not endear you to the nelghbours.
8ushfire risk. we all understand the value of trees and the lmportant role they play ln
the natural order of thlngs. The down slde, however, can be the rlsk of bushflres and
the rlsk to property and people caused by havlng trees too close to houses, fences and
sheds. |f the block needs clearlng be aware that leglslatlon may llmlt your capaclty to do
so, especlally where natlve trees and shrubs are concerned.
Ready to be a ruraI prisoner1 |f your sltuatlon changes, e.g. lf your lose your [ob or you
have health problems or thlngs go 'pear shaped' personally and you need to move , there
ls nothlng worse than havlng a flnanclal or hlgh malntenance burden that you have to
sell qulckly. what do you need to know to avold the rlsk of belng lumbered wlth a hard-
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to-sell rural property lf you need to get out fast! Questlons to ask lnclude: How long has
your lntended "dream purchase been on the market! why are the vendors selllng! Has
the zonlng changed or wlll the zonlng change! what ls the potentlal for subdlvlslon! Are
the vendors selllng because of the nelghbour's actlvltles!
Size of the bIock. Hey, slze does matter! Large ls not necessarlly best, however,
dlscoverlng later that the block does not support a vlable llvestock enterprlse or
hortlcultural actlvltles could be flnanclally rulnous. |t ls all about chooslng a block that
wlll be sultable for the actlvltles you wlsh to pursue. wlll you be able to manage a large
slze rural block! wlll you have adequate tools, labour and machlnery to keep on top!
Pences and accesslblllty on a large block can also be lssues, as can addltlonal costs
ln herblcldes and fertlllsers. Gettlng lntlmate wlth the v|cto can have severe llfestyle
llmltatlons for rural resldentlal landowners. Perhaps you love mowlng and pulllng out
lantana! Thls leads to the next polnt.
WiII I have enough time to manage the property1 |n many lnstances ongolng property
malntenance, lncludlng weed control, mowlng, tendlng trees, repalrlng fences, cultlvatlon
and stock management, wlll be done at the weekend. Durlng the week most of us are
out earnlng a llvlng to pay off the mortgage. Are you prepared to spend most of your
weekends on these actlvltles! what are the famlly's commltments, e.g. sport, golng to
beach, relaxlng, vlsltlng an lll relatlve, havlng a quallty of llfe! wlll malntalnlng your rural
block llmlt both you and the famlly's capaclty to en[oy what the north coast has to offer!
You have to be in the bIack to be green. Thlnk about the money you wlsh to spend or
wlll be requlred to spend not only to buy the block, but to malntaln lt and to undertake
the actlvltles that wlll make lt your haven, e.g. plant out a ralnforest, establlsh an orchard,
bulld a shed, horse yards or poultry pens, get rld of weeds, or lmprove pastures. Get
some approxlmate costlngs for some of these baslc actlvltles. our local Pural Lands
Protectlon 8oard, weed authorlty, NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles offlce, rural
suppller or Landcare group wlll be able to help here. Consult the lutthet lnlotmot|on
sectlon at the end of thls chapter for relevant contacts.
7oning and speciaI conditions. Local counclls have the responslblllty to plan for
approprlate rural land uses and to put rules ln place to avold potentlal land use confllcts.
|t's lmportant to be fully aware of the rules and condltlons that wlll apply to you and your
nelghbour's land. ou don't want to flnd out after you have purchased your block that
the ldeal new lndustry you wlsh to start up or the development you plan on undertaklng
wlll be dlfflcult to get approval for or slmply not permltted. Some questlons that flow on
from thls are:
- what ls the allowable land use! The property - ls lt rural! |s lt rural resldentlal! Does lt
have a houslng entltlement!
- wlll thls be a bureaucratlc nlghtmare! Ped tape! what approvals do | need to carry
out my actlvltles! Does the zonlng permlt thls actlvlty! Make sure you get 'the truth
and nothlng but the truth'. Zone changes are rare so beware of false promlses or
predlctlons that rezonlng can and wlll, occur. what covenants are on the land!
- what does the 5ect|on :;p Cett|l|cote say! Consult your sollcltor. A 5ect|on :;p llonn|n
Cett|l|cote ls typlcally requested from the relevant local councll at tlme of property sale.
Thls Certlflcate, whlch has a fee attached, can provlde valuable lnformatlon as to the
zonlng of the land and any posslble restrlctlon on the use of the land.
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- what ls the local councll's pollcy on legltlmate rural actlvltles! The local councll may
provlde a Not|ce to lutchosets ol kutol lonJ as an Annexute to the standard Sectlon
:(p Plannlng Certlflcate. Thls annexure may outllne:
- Councll's support for the 'rlght' to carry out legltlmate farmlng practlces.
- That councll wlll not support any actlon to lnterfere ln such uses provlded they are
carrled out accordlng to lndustry standards, relevant regulatlons or approvals.
- Legltlmate rural land uses.
- That lntendlng purchasers conslder thelr actlons ln the llght of potentlal confllcts.
An example of a Not|ce to lutchosets ol kutol lonJ ls lncluded ln the followlng text box.
8e aware however that not every councll wlll have a Sectlon :(p Certlflcate Annexute
addresslng the pollcy of the councll on rural lssues and complalnts over legltlmate and
routlne practlces ln rural areas. |f ln doubt, ask the councll. |f they do not have a pollcy
conslder your rural property purchase ln llght of the lnformatlon presented ln thls
|Name of councll| supports the rlghts of persons to carry out legltlmate rural and
agrlcultural uses and practlces ln rural areas. |Name of councll| supports responslble
and sustalnable rural land management and rural enterprlses. Landholders should
avall themselves to all relevant lnformatlon, guldellnes, codes and best practlce notes
that are relevant to thelr lndustry and enterprlse.
|Name of councll| wlll not support any actlon to lnterfere wlth the legltlmate
rural and agrlcultural use of rural land where such actlvltles or uses are carrled
out ln accordance wlth lndustry standards, relevant regulatlons and pollcles or
approvals. |Name of councll| polnts out that some of the actlvltles llsted below wlll
requlre formal consent of councll and/or government agencles or the Catchment
Management Authorlty. These organlsatlons should be contacted lf any person has
any doubt as to the approvals requlred for these land uses.
|ntendlng purchasers are advlsed that legltlmate rural and agrlcultural uses of
land lnclude:
- Agrlcultural processlng establlshments
- Appllcatlon of manure, fertlllser and soll amendments
- Anlmal husbandry and anlmal husbandry practlces
- 8ush flre hazard reductlon burnlng
- Cane burnlng
- Cultlvatlon of land
- Constructlon of access roads and tracks
- Constructlon of dams, dralns, landflll and contour banks
- Constructlon of flre breaks
- Dalrles
- Lxtractlve lndustrles, mlnes and related works
- Penclng
- Harvestlng operatlons
- |ntenslve anlmal lndustrles
- |ntenslve llvestock waste dlsposal systems and ponds
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- Logglng and mllllng of tlmber
- Machlnery sheds and rural outbulldlngs
- Movement of llvestock over publlc roads
- Pestlclde appllcatlon, storage and dlsposal
- Plggerles
- Pumplng and lrrlgatlon
- Poultry keeplng and meat chlcken establlshments
- Pevegetatlon
- Pural lndustrles (e.g. agrlcultural processlng facllltles)
- Pural tourlst facllltles
- Sllage productlon
- Slashlng and mowlng of pasture and grasses
- Stock yards
- Use and repalr of agrlcultural machlnery and equlpment
- Use of alrcraft ln aerlal spraylng, seed and fertlllser appllcatlon.
- Use of unsealed publlc roads
- weed control
- woodlots and shelter belts.
|ntendlng purchasers of rural land who conslder they may have ob[ectlon or dlfflculty
ln llvlng ln the rural area where the above land uses and practlces occur should
serlously conslder thelr declslon to purchaslng land ln a rural area. Pural areas are
dynamlc and are sub[ect to change. Some rural and agrlcultural practlces lnvolve
the use of pestlcldes and can create odour, nolse, dust. Smoke, vlbratlon, blastlng
and change the amenlty of an area. whlle off slte lmpacts from rural lndustrles and
rural actlvltles should be mlnlmlsed, they can rarely be completely ellmlnated. Some
actlvltles are carrled out ln the early mornlng, late evenlng and on weekends.
Thls notlce does not exempt any actlvlty or development from any statutory
requlrements that applles. Thls notlce does not affect the rlghts of lndlvlduals to take
actlon under common or statutory law.
What can the bIock support1 LIamas Iooked good. ou really need to have done your
homework lf you have 'zeroed ln' on a property. Land capablllty to do wlth lssues such as
stocklng rates, soll types, pasture specles, avallable water, topography, and vegetatlon
are all ma[or factors ln taklng on a small rural enterprlse or [ust uslng the block for
llfestyle purposes.
Mlstakes here can affect the use of your property and offset the nelghbour's en[oyment
of thelr land or the productlvlty of thelr rural enterprlse. The comblnatlon of stock
looklng for water and feed and poor fences can lead to real confllct next door. ou wlll
also need to note that local counclls requlre appllcable consents for lntenslve farmlng,
aquaculture, dams, anlmal establlshments and other related actlvltles. Check wlth your
local councll to see what actlvltles requlre consents and the speclflc condltlons whlch
apply. Thls could lnfluence your property selectlon and the actlvltles you can undertake.
Past it - your heaIth, mad dogs and new residents go out in the midday sun. Pural
actlvltles are the provlnce of flt and able people. |f you are mlddle aged or perhaps a
llttle older conslder your physlcal capaclty to undertake some of the actlvltles assoclated
wlth runnlng your property, both now and ln the future.
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Much of the north coast hlnterland ls very hllly, rocky and at tlme densely wooded.
our level of fltness ls a ma[or factor ln undertaklng manual tasks. |n addltlon, the north
coast cllmate, especlally from December to mld March, ls not only hot and humld but
can be physlcally dralnlng as well. Most locals wlll tell you that durlng thls perlod most
work on a north coast property ls done ln the mornlng and late afternoon. The mldday
heat comblned wlth humldlty makes golng lnto town, dolng the books, havlng an alr
condltloned tractor or havlng a slesta ln the mlddle of the day [ust plaln commonsense.
AII tea and scones - support and networking. where wlll | be able to get good local
advlce! |s there a grower group or organlsatlon to support my enterprlse! |s there a
resldents' or Landcare group! How does the communlty get together (tennls club, school
P&C)! |n many lnstances, nelghbourhood networklng wlll return the lnltlal effort for the
new chum ln maklng contact wlth those close by many tlmes over ln terms of support,
local advlce, ln tlmes of emergency and maklng new frlendshlps. Most rural communltles
have a local bush flre brlgade and can be an excellent lnltlal contact for new comers, ln a
mutually co-operatlve way.
7he animaIs next door. we all value and are commltted to what the north coast
has to offer. Adoptlng a sharlng and carlng attltude towards our nelghbours and
the envlronment ls all a part of the commltment. The nearby nelghbour may be a
commerclal farmer who has the rlght to carry on thelr farmlng operatlons ln accordance
wlth local plannlng provlslons and other regulatlons. Thls can lnclude conductlng forms
of lntenslve agrlculture such as plggerles, feedlots and poultry farmlng.
|t ls lmportant that you have reallstlc expectatlons and are aware that your nelghbour's
expectatlons may be dlfferent to yours. Thelr home could also be thelr buslness. Mutual
cooperatlon and respect for others and thelr needs, especlally the nelghbours, wlll go a
long way ln assurlng harmony and the en[oyment of your block.
Aspect. Thls can be a ma[or lnfluence ln property selectlon ln terms of productlvlty,
amenlty and llfestyle. ou may requlre a frost free property or one that ls relatlvely
protected from cllmatlc extremes, lncludlng wlnd, raln or extreme sun. Thlnk about
whether the house has the ldeal northeast aspect and ls sheltered from cllmatlc
extremes, lncludlng havlng adequate shade (thls wlll also help to reduce heatlng and
coollng costs, especlally lf you are thlnklng of golng solar).
Work opportunities. |f you need to work full tlme or to supplement your lncome, work
opportunltles wlll be a ma[or factor ln determlnlng where you wlll llve and what you
can afford to buy, as well as whether you wlll be able to malntaln your block or carry out
some form of rural enterprlse. The lsolated country block maybe ldeal ln terms of prlvacy
and meetlng your other needs but lt slmply may be too far away from ma[or settlements
where the work opportunltles are. |n many of the more rural locatlons on the north coast
employment prospects are llmlted or slmply lnvolve a lot of travel by car each day. |n
many lnstances publlc transport ls also severely llmlted.
|f you requlre to work from home, check the avallablllty of servlces lncludlng phones,
moblles, lnternet, three-phase power and other lnfrastructure needs. Puttlng the power
on, especlally lf lt has to be brought from a long way, ls very expenslve and gettlng
repalrs done to phone and electrlclty sources can also take tlme and be costly. Get
quotes before you buy a property should you need these servlces or those that exlst
need to be upgraded.
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7he property inspection checkIist
ou may flnd the followlng checkllst useful when you are assesslng whether a property
wlll meet your needs and for ldentlfylng any pltfalls lt may have. The checkllst provldes a
summary of the ma[or lssues we have so far dlscussed. Copy the sectlon and take lt wlth
you on your next lnspectlon or pass lt on to a frlend lf they are looklng at buylng a rural
Your ruraI property inspection check Iist
Property address
Asklng prlce Property slze (hectares):
Peal estate agent Phone:
Nearest town Dlstance to town:
what ls the tltle on the property! e.g. Torrens
who owns the land!
what ls the property zoned as - e.g. rural, rural resldentlal!
what actlvltles are currently carrled out on the land!
Does lt have legal access!
Aspect of resldence
Condltlon and sultablllty of resldence (number of bedrooms etc.)
wlll the resldence requlre renovatlon! |f so, what ls the approxlmate cost!
Are resldences and structures councll approved! :/
|s a resldence permltted to be bullt on the property! :/
Covenants lncludlng easements and rlght of carrlageways! :/ |f es, what are they!
Condition and suitabiIity of other infrastructure
Condltlon and sultablllty of stock handllng facllltles
Condltlon and sultablllty of fences
Number and slze of the paddocks
Condltlon and sultablllty of farm bulldlngs
Condltlon and sultablllty of water supply system, lncludlng plpes and pumps
Services to the property
electrlclty :/ town water :/ garbage servlce :/ town sewerage :/
|f a servlce such as electrlclty ls requlred how much wlll lt cost!
Type and quallty of domestlc water supply (tank, bore, dam, creek, and rlver)
Type and quallty of stock water supply (tank, bore, dam, creek, and rlver)
Type and quallty of lrrlgatlon water (tank, bore, dam, creek, and rlver)
Does the property come wlth an lrrlgatlon llcence! :/ 4J[F of llcence 5ZQF of llcence
|f the property has an lrrlgatlon llcence who owns the llcence!
Condltlon and sultablllty of lrrlgatlon equlpment
co| .o
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|ec|||| co|
Land types wetlands alluvlal flats gentle slopes steep slopes
Soll type(s)
Has the property had a soll capablllty/analysls report done! :/ |f es
Soll descrlptlon (depth colour and pH)
|s lt acld sulfate soll country! :/
Lvldence of sallnlty! :/
Soll eroslon - what of the property ls eroded!
Cleared forest pasture crops wetland natlve
Maln forest type or specles
Sultable shade for stock
Condltlon of creek bank and surroundlng vegetatlon QPPSGBJSHPPE
Condltlon of bushland QPPSGBJSHPPE
Maln pasture specles (collect grass flower heads lf not sure)
weed lnfestatlon! :/ Lvldence of noxlous weeds
Neighbouring Iand uses e.g. grazlng, lntenslve agrlculture, quarrles, forestry!
Routine and typicaI activities on ad|oining Iands e.g. chemlcal appllcatlon, manure
appllcatlon, harvestlng, use of machlnery!
Ownership status of ad|oining properties e.g. tenants, absentee landholders
DeveIopment proposed in the area or on ad|oining Iands1
SuitabiIity of the property for your intended Iand uses1
ApprovaIs required for your intended Iand uses or deveIopment1
Does the property have any [olnt forestry or conservatlon agreements on the tltle,
uncompleted works or malntenance contracts!
PLP8 rates lncludlng any outstandlng rural land rates or charges
Any chemlcal resldue lssues of the solls or stock
Llvestock dlsease lssues lf any
Plant dlsease or pest lssues lf any
weed control notlces applylng to noxlous weed control
Noxlous anlmal and pest orders lf any
Detalls of any Crown land leases
Mlneral exploratlon llcense or any relevant mlnlng leases
AdditionaI notes
Condltlon of roads - publlc and prlvate - HPPEGBJSQPPS
Proxlmlty to educatlon facllltles! ,N
Proxlmlty to medlcal asslstance! ,N
Proxlmlty to shops! ,N
IinaI note
Have vlewed the property's contract and the attached Sectlon :(p Certlflcate and are
fully aware of the zonlng, covenants, and what actlvltles can and can't be done on the
(Sources: A kesoutce l|t lot tutol lonJholJets |n the Nomoucco, Vocleoy onJ lost|ns volleys (zoo6)
Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty, NSw DP|, and
5ome tecout|ons when ouy|n tutol lonJ, NSw DP| Anote Cen-o;;, zoo()
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Further information
- A kesoutce l|t lot tutol lonJholJets |n the Nomoucco, Vocleoy onJ lost|ns volleys (zoo6)
(Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty
- 8ush low lonJoool: A toct|col u|Je to low on the lonJ |n N5w z
lJ. Tony Smlth,
Pedfern Legal Centre Publlshlng, zoo.
- 8uy|n yout oush olocl, {
lJ|t|on wlndrust, A. CS|PO Publlshlng, zoo:
- lotm|n |n o 5moll woy: out toct|col u|Je to tutol l|v|n onJ countty l|le, ;
Geraghty, G.1. and Larkln, 1.G. Ldlted by Dlxon, D. NSw Agrlculture, zoo
- lotest locts, Notth lost lotestty ke|on: l|v|n neot 5tote lotest oounJot|es
Porests NSw, NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
- lotest locts, Notth lost lotestty ke|on: 5tote lotest 8ounJoty lenc|n Cu|Jel|nes
Porests NSw, NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
- lotest locts, Notth lost lotestty ke|on: use ol 5tote lotest kooJs oy the luol|c
Porests NSw, NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
- New, 5moll kutol lonJholJets, Vono|n o 5moll ltoetty DP| vlctorla
- lut youtsell |n the |ctute: cot|n lot yout smoll tutol toetty NSw DP| zoo6
- kutol lonJholJets Cu|Je to lnv|tonmentol low |n New 5outh woles LDO NSw, zoo6
- kutol l|le: ls |t lot ou/ 8en[amln, C. Qld. DP|, zooz
- kutol l|v|n lonJoool zoo)-zoop Goulburn Mulwaree Councll zoo6
- 5ome tecout|ons when ouy|n tutol lonJ
- v|tol lnlotmot|on lot 5moll kutol lonJholJets Dept. of Agrlculture, Plsherles and
Note: Local and reglonal llbrarles may provlde another useful source for obtalnlng lnformatlon
on thls toplc lncludlng local contacts and speclflc lnformatlon relevant to the area.
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- Porests NSw, NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
- Landcare
- Local counclls
- Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty
- NSw Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change
- NSw Department of Lands
- NSw Department of Plannlng
- NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
- NSw Department of water and Lnergy
- Pural Lands Protectlon 8oards
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RuraI Iand use and
duty of care
7he locus ol th|s chotet |s to h|hl|ht meosutes lot mono|n onJ, whete oss|ole, ovo|J|n
lonJ use conll|ct. 7he mo|n ouJ|ence lot th|s chotet |s the tutol lonJ ownet, olthouh |t
|s televont to the tutol commun|ty, tutol |nJustt|es, locol ovetnment, 5tote ovetnment
oenc|es onJ tutol oJv|sets.
lonJ use conll|cts |n tutol oteos con cteote cons|Jetoole sttess onJ oe costly. 7h|s chotet
exom|nes the tole ol cuttent oest toct|ce onJ the tole ol the |nJ|v|Juol lonJ uset |n ovo|J|n
onJ mono|n lonJ use conll|cts when they occut. A lunJomentol t|nc|le unJetly|n th|s
chotet |s one ol stewotJsh|, cot|n lot the lonJ onJ mono|n |t |n the oettet |ntetests ol
oll, l|nonc|olly, soc|olly onJ env|tonmentolly. lt shoulJ oe the o|m ol evety lotmet ot lonJ
monoet to leove the|t toetty |n o oettet conJ|t|on thon when they l|tst lounJ |t.
ln th|s chotet we h|hl|ht the couses ol lonJ use conll|cts, |.e. chone onJ J|vets|ty |n
commun|ty ott|tuJes, exectot|ons onJ oel|els ooout the le|t|mote use ol tutol lonJ, onJ
suest woys ol ovo|J|n lonJ use conll|ct thtouh tooct|ve tesonses |ncluJ|n sounJ lonJ
monoement onJ owoteness. 7y|col lonJ use conll|ct |ssues |n tutol oteos such os chem|col
stoy Jt|lt, oJout ltom |ntens|ve ot|cultutol oetot|ons, etos|on onJ ollut|on ol wotetwoys,
Jomest|c on|mol ottocls on stocl onJ w|lJl|le, no|se onJ Just ltom quott|es onJ conll|ct ovet
t|moet hotvest oetot|ons ote lon tetm onJ tecutt|n |ssues on the notth coost. 5uoJ|v|s|on
ol tutol oteos onJ the chon|n notute ol tutol oteos hos olso cteoteJ otent|ol lot conll|ct.
What are ruraI Iand use confIict
and interface issues!
Pural land use confllct and lnterface lssues are many and varled. They lnclude complalnts
over agrlcultural practlces, the lmpact of prlmary lndustrles on rural amenlty, the threat
posed by new resldentlal development on lmportant habltat, and the threat posed by
resldentlal development and new rural property owners on ad[olnlng land uses. Land
use and nelghbour dlsputes ln urban and bullt up areas are also common though are
outslde the scope of thls handbook.

Pural amenlty lssues are the most common land use confllct lssues, followed by
envlronmental protectlon lssues. Pural amenlty lssues lnclude:
- the lmpacts of agrlcultural and rural lndustry operatlons on local alr quallty (odour,
pestlcldes, dust, smoke and partlculates)
- lmpacts on the use and en[oyment of nelghbourlng land e.g. nolse from machlnery
- vlsual lmpacts assoclated wlth rural lndustry e.g. the use of nettlng, plantlng of mono
cultures and lmpacts on vlews.
Lnvlronmental protectlon lssues lnclude soll eroslon leadlng to land and water pollutlon,
clearlng of natlve vegetatlon and stock access to waterways.
|n addltlon to farmlng and resldentlal confllcts, there are also confllcts between forestry
and mlnlng and resldentlal land uses, and confllcts wlthln the farmlng sectorln rural
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areas. The prlnclples of confllct management apply generally to all rural land use confllct
sltuatlons, so they are not separated ln the management and avoldance measures
outllned ln thls chapter. See Chapter ;, Commun|cot|on onJ J|sute tesolut|on, for more
lnformatlon on thls lssue.
Unresolved land use confllcts and dlsputes can sometlmes escalate and affect
communlty wellbelng. They can also create the potentlal for communlty breakdown and
lack of confldence ln the regulatory systems that are set up to protect the communlty
and the envlronment from adverse lmpacts. |mpacts of land use confllct lnclude
personal stress and anxlety, negatlve vlew of an lndustry or lndlvldual landholder,
flnanclal and tlme costs assoclated wlth resolvlng dlsputes, costs assoclated wlth
envlronmental degradatlon, and further loss of cultural herltage, hlstory, bellefs and
values relevant to lndlgenous and non lndlgenous communltles.
ut what about right to farm!
lotm|n oct|v|t|es con onnoy ne|hoouts. lotmets Jo hove o t|ht to lotm, they Jont hove
o t|ht to couse o nu|sonce ot oJvetse ellect on the env|tonment ot the commun|ty.
1ust because farmlng practlces have contlnued over the long term wlthout complalnt
doesn't mean that they won't become a source of confllct or that farmers won't be
pressured to change them, and the way they use the land, ln the future. Some farmlng
actlvltles that can really annoy or concern nelghbours lnclude the use of chemlcals near
a dwelllng, maklng excesslve nolse partlcularly at nlght or early mornlng, odour from
anlmal manures and other products, stray stock and stray domestlc anlmals, poor fences
and weeds left uncontrolled. Desplte all thls, we stlll need farmlng and, yes, lf you are a
rural land holder engaged ln prlmary productlon you do have a rlght to farm.
The concept and ldeology of the rlght to farm only extends as far as the law and
assoclated regulatlons wlll allow. whlle there are many actlvltles and practlces that
farmers and rural land users have a rlght to carry out, there are others that are not
permltted, or that requlre formal permlsslon. |n carrylng out any farmlng practlces,
however, the land owner or manager does not have a rlght to cause a nulsance to others
or adversely affect the envlronment.
Pural land use confllct generally arlses from one or more of the followlng actlvltles: the
use or abuse of natural resources leadlng to thelr degradatlon, the deslre to carry out
development that may have a negatlve lmpact on the envlronment or cultural herltage,
and lmpacts on the health of a communlty and amenlty of an area caused by the off-slte
effects of a land use or actlvlty.
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Why do Iand use confIicts keep occurring!
The rural landscape ls a dynamlc place. The north coast reglon, especlally, responds
vlgorously to changes ln rural economy, llfestyle, and mlgratlons from the cltles. New
people wlth dlfferent expectatlons about what they want to do or how they value the
land settle here. These expectatlons mlght allgn wlth exlstlng resldents' ldeas, but often
they don't. The underlylng causes of land use confllct, therefore, appear to be changes
ln, and mlxlng of, dlfferent values and expectatlons ln the communlty, often coupled
wlth lack of knowledge of exlstlng or future land uses and lneffectlve communlcatlon
between people.
How can we address Iand use confIict
and interface issues!
Lveryone who llves and works ln a rural area can contrlbute to reduclng and avoldlng
land use confllcts. Usually no slngle lnltlatlve can effectlvely reduce or manage land use
confllct and lnterface lssues so a sulte of lnltlatlves ls requlred.
Avoldlng land use confllct lssues ln the flrst place ls the number one prlorlty, followed by
properly managlng lssues when they arlse. |n thls and the followlng chapters, we outllne
steps that can be taken to avold land use confllcts by rural land users as well as steps that
can be taken to manage dlsputes when they arlse.
PrincipIes for avoiding and resoIving
Iand use confIict
8y learnlng from the past, we can flnd many approaches that are worth conslderlng and
that have made llfe easler. we have summarlsed these lessons lnto a set of prlnclples
for avoldlng and managlng rural land use confllct lssues and for creatlng a healthy,
productlve and proactlve rural envlronment.
- 8e proactive. Thlnk before actlng. An example of thls ls property plannlng. Parm
and property plannlng has a key role ln establlshlng a sound and lnformed basls to
manage nelghbourhood and natural resource lssues and any adverse off-slte lmpacts
created by your enterprlse.
- Prevention ls better than cure. Avoldlng land use confllct by maklng better and
more lnformed declslons ls far better than trylng to manage land use confllct and
nelghbour dlsputes after they arlse and become entrenched.
- 8uffers. where a new or encroachlng development ls proposed, lt ls your
responslblllty to lnclude any necessary buffers to nelghbourlng land uses and to do
all that ls practlcal to mlnlmlse lmpacts of the development.
- Advice before the event. Seek sound advlce before actlng, don't rely on gosslp or
hearsay. Approvals may be needed to carry out any works or constructlon actlvltles.
- Codes of practice and best practice guides. Plnd out lf there are lndustry codes of
practlce and current best practlce guldes for your enterprlse, and do your best to
follow them.
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- nvironmentaI care. we all have a legal and soclal obllgatlon to care for the
envlronment. Lvery effort must be made to use land and natural resources wlthln
thelr lnherent capabllltles and llmltatlons. Sound natural resource management
underplns sustalnable farmlng enterprlses and vlable rural lndustrles and
- Neighbours. Pespect the rlghts of nelghbours - we all want to be acknowledged.
- 8e IegaI. Operate wlthln the law but alm hlgher than the mlnlmum set by law.
- Communication. Communlcate wlth nelghbours, your lndustry, key agencles, and
non-government organlsatlons. Communlcatlon establlshes dlalogue between
nelghbours and helps to establlsh relatlonshlps. Pelatlonshlps can be valuable when
negotlatlon ls requlred to resolve a confllct.
- 8e aware and be informed. 8elng aware and lnformed comes from partlclpatlon
ln tralnlng and awareness bulldlng relevant to your enterprlse or sltuatlon, gettlng
advlce, and bulldlng on your knowledge.
- ResponsibiIity. Peclprocal rlghts and obllgatlons should apply to any new
development. That ls, new rural lndustry development should comply wlth and be
responslble for all of the necessary setbacks and buffer dlstances to the envlronment
and communlty. Slmllarly, new urban and rural resldentlal development must comply
wlth all necessary setback and buffer dlstances to exlstlng rural lndustrles.
- Prior Iand use practices have precedence. Poutlne and lawful rural land
management practlces wlll generally have precedence ln rural areas, and new or
prospectlve landowners should accept that agrlcultural and rural lndustry operatlons
are a part of rural llfe.
- Positive responsiveness. 8e responslve, don't dlsmlss a call from a nelghbour about
an lssue of concern. Contlnual lmprovement, tralnlng and awareness are crltlcal and
necessary lf the mlstakes of the past are to be addressed. These steps wlll ensure the
opportunlty for rural lndustrles to make the necessary ad[ustments requlred to adapt
to changlng external clrcumstances.
What is good practice and duty of care!
Good or current best rural land use practlce ls those practlces that are carrled out on a
farm or rural enterprlse that demonstrate a commltment to:
- protect the natural resource base
- use resources wlsely
- have regard for the legal and soclal obllgatlons of ownlng and uslng rural land.
0uty ol cote meons we must oll monoe out notutol tesoutces tol|n teosonoole stes to
tevent hotm to the env|tonment, to eole onJ to oteos ol cultutol het|toe.
All rural landholders have an obllgatlon to care for the land. Thls means that those
responslble for managlng natural resources must take all reasonable and practlcal steps
to protect, malntaln and where posslble prevent harm to the envlronment, harm to
others and harm to areas of cultural herltage (lncludlng Aborlglnal culturally slgnlflcant
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areas). Thls ls known as duty of care. |n terms of rural land use, there are nlne baslc
components of duty of care:
- uslng natural resources sustalnably
- conservlng blologlcal dlverslty
- avoldlng harm to cultural herltage (lncludlng Aborlglnal culture and artefacts)
- protectlng and preventlng waters from pollutlon
- conslderlng nelghbours by mltlgatlng the lmpacts of my actlvltles on the communlty
- undertaklng operatlons wlthln the law
- documentatlon and record keeplng
- bulldlng knowledge and awareness
- contlnual lmprovement.
Agrlculture ls by far the most extenslve and promlnent land use ln NSw and on the north
coast. As such, applylng good practlce ln agrlculture wlll have a ma[or lnfluence over
the lncldence of land use confllct and lnterface lssues ln rural areas. 7he N5w lol|cy lot
5usto|noole At|cultute (:pp8) deflnes sustalnable agrlculture as land use and practlces that:
- respond to consumer needs for healthy and hlgh quallty food and flbre products
- take full account of the costs of productlon, lncludlng envlronmental costs and
ensure prlclng reflects these costs
- protect and restore the resource base on whlch agrlculture depends
- prevent adverse on-slte and off-slte lmpacts on the envlronment and any other
sector of the communlty
- are flexlble enough to accommodate reglonal dlfferences and changlng economlc
envlronmental and soclal clrcumstances such as drought or terms of trade
- are flnanclally vlable.
|ndustry speclflc codes of practlce can be partlcularly useful ln descrlblng and deflnlng
the obllgatlons on lndlvldual farmers, rural land users and farm workers. These codes
usually outllne the general dutles of care that a farmer and landholder should follow.
Contact your lndustry body or NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles lf you are not sure
what codes apply to your lndustry or enterprlse.
|f your lndustry does not have a code outllnlng current best practlce or lt does have an
exlstlng code that ls outdated, work wlth your lndustry body to develop an agreed code
of practlce to manage lssues common to all operators ln the lndustry. |ndustry speclflc
codes of practlce can be very helpful to lndlvldual operators deallng wlth nelghbour
complalnts and threats of legal actlon where the code has been verlfled by the key State
agency organlsatlons and where the code ls belng followed.
|ndustry bodles can also lnvlte guest speakers from key agencles to lndustry gatherlngs
to update members of new regulatlons and new developments. Such lnltlatlves help to
bulld llnks and partnershlps between lndustry, regulators and extenslon organlsatlons.
Make sure you have all the codes of practlce that are relevant to your lndustry. |f your
lndustry doesn't have one, check to see lf there ls a code for a slmllar lndustry and
see how you can adopt or adapt the practlces suggested to sult your lndustry and
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Cood neighbour poIicy
Isn't a good neighbour poIicy just pIain commonsense!
es, ln a way lt ls, but lt sometlmes only takes a mlnor change ln the relatlonshlp
between nelghbours to show how fraglle thls can be. There ls a saylng that 'good fences
make for good nelghbours'. There ls, however, more to lt than that.
8e|n o ooJ ne|hoout stotts w|th commun|cot|on.
Good nelghbour relatlons reflect the personal relatlonshlps that nelghbours bulld up,
often slmply through thelr common lnterest ln the land and fences they share. 8ulldlng
posltlve good nelghbour relatlonshlps starts wlth communlcatlon. Nelghbours don't
have to be frlends, although that ls deslrable and can be a great advantage. Nelghbours
should, however, be on talklng terms, and they should have some understandlng of each
other so that dlsputes can be avolded and, lf they arlse, can be effectlvely addressed
wlth mlnlmal fuss or stress. |f you check the llst of prlnclples glven earller, you wlll
recognlse that belng a good nelghbour ls reflected ln much of thls llst: communlcatlon,
knowledge, awareness etc.
|n some sltuatlons, especlally where a nelghbour ls a ma[or land owner or land
management agency or company, the nelghbour may even have a pollcy to gulde
ltself and lts employees on how to be a good nelghbour. |t ls lmportant for you to flnd
out what thls pollcy ls, lf lt exlsts. Thls wlll help you understand your nelghbour and
communlcate wlth them more effectlvely. ou may also wlsh to develop your own good
nelghbour pollcy.
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An example of a good nelghbour pollcy ls the pollcy of Porests NSw.
7he organisation and its peopIe wiII:
- be recognlsed ln our communltles as envlronmentally responslble, professlonal
forest managers
- develop and malntaln excellent relatlonshlps wlth our nelghbours
- be recognlsed as a good corporate cltlzen
- work wlth, and galn the confldence and support of nelghbours ln managlng the
communlty's forests
- understand our nelghbours and thelr needs, and nurture thelr trust and respect
- actlvely engage and lnvolve our nelghbours ln the management of the communlty's
7o achieve this, we wiII:
- communlcate and consult wlth our nelghbours
- seek every opportunlty to explaln and lnterpret our management practlces
- provlde detalled lnformatlon about proposed actlvltles or works ln progress
- actlvely partlclpate ln communlty forums on lssues relatlng to forests, forest
management and communlty values
- be responslve to nelghbour's concerns and professlonally conclllate any lssues
- co-operate wlth nelghbours to resolve concerns
- encourage and motlvate our employees, forest user group, lnterest group, agents
and llcensees of Porests NSw to develop a good nelghbourly ethlc.
A good nelghbour pollcy ls [ust llke personal and farm goals ln that lt ls an asplratlon, a
statement, of what you wlsh to see and how you plan on undertaklng your operatlons.
As such, lt does not mean you can't vary from the pollcy or that there wlll be tlmes that
you don't meet the expressed ob[ectlves. The overall beneflt ls that you have made a
commltment to addresslng nelghbour lssues as part of your buslness and that you wlll
take real and practlcal steps to achlevlng the stated goals.
7hat's aII very weII for big industry,
but what about the smaII IandhoIder!
Uslng the Porests NSw good nelghbour pollcy as an example or other good nelghbour
pollcles you are famlllar wlth why not try and prepare your own good nelghbour pollcy!
Share lt wlth your famlly or a colleague and see what they thlnk. Try and lmprove on lt
followlng feedback. Conslder lncorporatlng the good nelghbour pollcy ln your property
plan. A good nelghbour pollcy can be equally relevant to people llvlng on rural land next
to or near an agrlcultural enterprlse, forestry operatlon, natlonal park or an extractlve
lndustry. The followlng are conslderatlons you may wlsh to lnclude ln formulatlng your
own pollcy:
lts o ooJ |Jeo to Jevelo yout own ooJ ne|hoout ol|cy to u|Je yout oct|v|t|es onJ
how you monoe telot|ons w|th yout ne|hoouts.
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- Neighbours: Plnd out who my nelghbours are and thelr contact detalls.
- Communication: Look for opportunltles to establlsh posltlve ongolng
communlcatlon wlth my nelghbours, thls can lnclude leavlng a phone contact at the
front gate for enqulrles.
- Land management: work cooperatlvely on tackllng weed, flre and pest
management lssues.
- Iences: work together to ensure fences are of a sultable standard and condltlon.
- VigiIance: Alert the nelghbours of any susplclous actlvlty on thelr land or lncldents
that they ought to know about.
- Access arrangements: Seek consent or the OK from my nelghbour before | use thelr
land for any purpose.
What can I expect out of my own
good neighbour poIicy!
Sharlng llfestyles ln rural areas comes down to havlng reasonable expectatlons of how
the land ln your area ls used, and applylng a llttle blt of glve and take. |t ls lmportant that
all people lnterested ln the future of rural areas have an understandlng of what llfe ls llke
ln an agrlcultural productlon area and understand each others needs.
New rural resldents, exlstlng resldents and rural producers all have an equal rlght to
llve ln and en[oy the rural envlronment - everybody needs to understand the rules
governlng land use and be prepared for the reallty of rural llfe.
Take what actlons you can on your own property to mlnlmlse your lmpacts and talk to
your nelghbours about any concerns you may have should a mlsunderstandlng arlse. To
reach agreement about how to address lssues co-operatlvely ls by far the best solutlon.
|f the lssue develops lnto a dlspute and requlres the need for hlgher levels of asslstance
to resolve the problem lt ls more than llkely to lncrease the tlme and cost lnvolved ln
gettlng a result.
Property IeveI checkIist to avoid confIicts
As a startlng polnt, the followlng checkllst suggests thlngs to thlnk about at the
lndlvldual property level to help reduce land use confllct and nelghbour dlsputes.
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CheckIist for avoiding Iand use confIict at the
individuaI property IeveI
- what actlvltles on my land do | undertake or do | wlsh to undertake!
- Do | need any approvals for my current or new land use or actlvlty!
- what are the ecologlcal values of my property!
- Should | seek lndependent advlce!
- what key organlsatlons should | talk to and what do | need to ask!
- Do | need to keep a record of my dlscusslons wlth key organlsatlons!
- Can my lndustry body help me ln explalnlng the requlrements that apply!
- Do | have to lodge an appllcatlon for an approval or permlt!
- |f so, and an approval has been granted, what condltlons do they speclfy!
- |s there a best practlce gulde or code of practlce relevant to my land use or enterprlse!
- Have | read and understood the guldes and codes relevant to my land use or
- |s my proposal or land use llkely to cause lmpacts on my nelghbours or ad[olnlng
land uses!
- Do | need to lnform my nelghbours about my enterprlse or land use before hand!
- who are my nelghbours that may be affected!
- would my nelghbours appreclate knowlng what my plans are!
- Do | have a property plan and have | lncluded the locatlon of nelghbours, roads,
waterways, natlve vegetatlon, wetlands, local school etc. ln my plan!
- How wlll | take these sensltlve areas lnto account ln my property plan!
- How mlght | address the ecologlcal values of my property ln the plan!
- Does my property plan adequately address weed and pest control, fences, water and
soll management!
- Does my plan accommodate my nelghbour's rlghts to amenlty, quallty of llfe, harmony!
- Have | dlscussed my plan wlth my nelghbours!
- Does my nelghbour have a property plan!
- what flnanclal resources wlll | need to lmplement the plan!
- what fundlng sources are avallable to help ln lmplementlng the plan!
- Am | achlevlng the goals and ob[ectlves of my property plan!
- what thlngs could | change to avold confllct!
- |f | recelve a complalnt or call from a nelghbour, how wlll | deal wlth lt! Chapter ;
glves some posltlve and practlcal ways of deallng wlth thls lssue.
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Farm management system programs
Pural lndustrles and government agencles are developlng and uslng farm management
system (PMS) programs to manage farm buslnesses more profltably and more
sustalnably. Parm management systems are a valuable tool ln supportlng and achlevlng
best practlce and as a tool to ldentlfy and manage rlsks. Parm management system
programs of relevance to north coast farmers and agrlculture are llsted ln the lutthet
|nlotmot|on sectlon at the end of thls chapter.
Property pIanning
Parm and property plannlng ls one of the most practlcal ways that land use confllct
lssues can be avolded. Property plannlng can be both proactlve and reactlve and can be
valuable ln brlnglng competlng lssues and prlorltles together to develop an approprlate
plan for the future.
No matter when property plannlng takes place, lt offers an opportunlty to crltlcally
evaluate your sltuatlon and the operatlng envlronment where you are worklng and
maklng a llvlng or proflt. Property plannlng enables you to take tlme out and thlnk about
your plans for your property and the natural and soclal envlronment where you are llvlng
and worklng. |f you are unsure as to how to go about preparlng a property plan, seek out
a property plannlng consultant or talk to your local Landcare communlty support offlcer,
your catchment management authorlty or the relevant lndustry people wlthln NSw
Department of Prlmary |ndustrles.
|f you get lt rlght, you should be on much better terms wlth your nelghbours and have
developed a posltlve and constructlve relatlonshlp wlth them. ou wlll be bulldlng
a healthy productlve farm, operatlng wlthln the laws and meetlng communlty
expectatlons. ou wlll be spendlng less tlme flxlng problems, and through a proactlve
approach to plannlng, be avoldlng problems ln the flrst place.
Land use buffers
What are they and do I have to have one!
8ullets ote olten useJ to m|n|m|se the |moct ol J|lletent lonJ uses on ne|hoouts.
Lven wlth the best nelghbourly goodwlll, there are often requlrements and beneflts to
havlng buffers between nelghbourlng land uses, partlcularly where the ad[olnlng land
uses are llkely to be lncompatlble or have off-slte lmpacts. Thls may be a legal requlrement,
but most often there ls also a practlcal reason for puttlng buffers ln place. 8uffers are,
lndeed, one of the more wldely used management tools. They usually comprlse land that
has been speclflcally set aslde or targeted for speclal attentlon and management ln terms
of what can be done. 8ulldlng homes close to a source of smell or nolse, for example,
lmposes unfalr condltlons on both the future resldents and the exlstlng lndustry, a strlp of
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land separatlng these two land uses and used for a purpose that ls compatlble wlth both
provldes a sultable separatlon for lncompatlble land uses. Land use buffers and suggested
separatlon arrangements are outllned ln more detall ln Chapter 6.
ou should be aware that buffers between rural land uses and other land uses lncludlng
sensltlve areas are requlred when:
- there ls a requlrement to lnstall or provlde a buffer as part of an approval
- there ls a real rlsk of breachlng envlronmental regulatlons and duty care wlthout the
lncorporatlon of a buffer ln a farm or slte management plan.
8uffers between rural land uses and other land uses lncludlng sensltlve areas are
recommended when:
- a guldellne or code relevant to the lndustry, enterprlse or practlce belng undertaken
suggests a buffer should be provlded and would be beneflclal
- an ad[olnlng landholder advlses that a buffer ls llkely to have a posltlve effect for
- the buffer would create a posltlve lmage for an enterprlse, lndustry or property.
8y consultlng wlth your nelghbours, these lssues can be lncorporated lnto your property
plan ln a proactlve way where all wlll beneflt ln creatlng a more harmonlous worklng and
soclal envlronment for all partles.
Further information
- A toJucet's u|Je to stott|n o smoll oeel leeJlot |n N5w
- 8est toct|ce u|Jel|nes lot tow|n veetooles
- 8ush low lonJoool: A toct|col u|Je to low on the lonJ |n N5w znd Ldltlon. Tony
Smlth, Pedfern Legal Centre Publlshlng, zoo
- CoJe ol ltoct|ce lot the Conttol ol 5toy 0t|lt onJ use ol Chem|cols |n VocoJom|o
OtchotJs 'A Good Nelghbour Pollcy' (Australlan Strateglc Plannlng Pty Llmlted, zoo)
- CoJe ol ltoct|ce lot No|se Vonoement ol On-lotm ltocess|n ol VocoJom|o Nuts
'A good Nelghbour Pollcy' Australlan Strateglc Plannlng Pty Llmlted, zoo
- lllluent teuse
- lotm|n |n o 5moll woy: out toct|col u|Je to tutol l|v|n onJ countty l|le, (th Ldltlon.
Geraghty, G.1. & Larkln, 1.G. Ldlted by Dlxon, D. NSw Agrlculture, zoo
- leeJ lott|n lomos
- Cu|Jel|nes lot the Jeveloment ol conttolleJ env|tonment hott|cultute NSw Department
of Prlmary |ndustry, zoo
- Not|onol 8eel Cottle leeJlot lnv|tonmentol CoJe ol ltoct|ce
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- Not|onol env|tonmentol u|Jel|nes lot |et|es Australlan Pork Llmlted, zoo(
- Not|onol u|Jel|nes lot oeel cottle leeJlots |n Austtol|o znd Ldltlon. CS|PO Publlshlng,
- Not|ve veetot|on monoement |n N5w - |nfo. Sheets CMA
- No|se
- N5w Cu|Jel|nes lot 0o|ty lllluent kesoutce Vonoement NSw Agrlculture, :ppp
- N5w meot ch|clen lotm|n u|Jel|nes: Vono|n llonn|n, 0eveloment onJ
lnv|tonmentol lssues NSw Agrlculture, zoo(
- OJout
- Oottun|ty lot leeJ|n ol oeel cottle
- lol|cy lot 5usto|noole At|cultute |n New 5outh woles NSw Government, :pp8
- kooo|t lotm|n: llonn|n onJ Jeveloment conttol u|Jel|nes NSw Agrlculture, :ppp
- kutol lonJholJets Cu|Je to lnv|tonmentol low |n New 5outh woles Lnvlronmental
Defenders Offlce NSw, zoo6
- 7utl lotm|n: Cu|Jel|nes lot consent outhot|t|es |n New 5outh woles NSw Agrlculture, :pp6
- weothet lot est|c|Je stoy|n 8ureau of Meteorology zoo(
Note: Local and reglonal llbrarles may provlde another useful source for obtalnlng lnformatlon
on thls toplc lncludlng local contacts and speclflc lnformatlon relevant to the area.
- Commonwealth Government - Department of Lnvlronment and Herltage
- Local Government
- Meat and Llvestock Australla
- Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty
- NSw Pood Authorlty
- Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change
- Department of State and Peglonal Development
- NSw Parmers Assoclatlon
- NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
- Pural |ndustry Organlsatlons - refer to lndustry contacts, whlte pages or NSw
Department of Prlmary |ndustry
- Pural |ndustry Consultants - refer to lndustry contacts, whlte pages or NSw
Department of Prlmary |ndustry
- Pural Lands Protectlon 8oards
- work Cover Authorlty of NSw
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Farm management systems
Por the north coast these lnclude:
8ioIogicaI farming and certification - the use of organlc, blodynamlc and natural
farmlng methods to produce agrlcultural products that comply wlth organlc farmlng
COMPASS - a method for sugar cane growers to assess thelr on-farm economlc and
envlronmental sustalnablllty.
MacMan - farm management system for macadamlas.
Conservation farming - an approach to cropplng and farmlng that alms to lncrease long
term profltablllty, malntaln soll structure and soll water, reduce eroslon and lncrease
soll organlc matter.
Dairying for tomorrow - a natlonal program to develop and lmplement sound
envlronmental management practlces for a sustalnable dalry lndustry. Pefer also
Targets for Change program - a voluntary change management program focused on
the dalry lndustry.!optloncom_content&taskvlew&ld2l4&|temldl08
nvironmentaI management systems (LMS) - a systematlc approach to managlng
the lmpacts of an enterprlse or buslness on the envlronment and to lmprovlng
the envlronmental performance of an enterprlse. |ncludes a system of buslness
operatlons that comply wlth lnternatlonal standard |SO:(oo:.
Integrated pest management (|PM) - the use and appllcatlon of a comblnatlon of
practlcal and cost effectlve ecologlcally based pest management strategles to reduce
pest and dlsease to acceptable levels.
* -
asslsts farmers and land managers to assess natural resources, to better
match land use to land capablllty and to balance productlon, proflt and sustalnablllty.
More 8eef from Pastures - practlcal lnformatlon, guldellnes and tools for beef producers
to ald ln carrylng out a successful sustalnable beef buslness.|ndustryPrograms/Southern8eef/Morebeeffrompastures/default.htm
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- provldes skllls for partlclpants to assess pasture characterlstlcs
lnfluenclng pasture and anlmal productlon and to develop pasture and llvestock
management plans.|nformatlonCentre/Learnlng/Producertralnlng/
Property management pIanning (PMP) - a tool and process deslgned for land managers
and farm famllles lnterested ln lntegratlng personal, physlcal and flnanclal farm
management factors lnto a plan for the future and sustalnable farm productlon.!rc|D8
StockPIan* - a course for grazlers and agrlbuslness advlsors lnterested ln developlng
thelr drought management skllls.
QuaIity assurance - refer to lndustry speclflc programs for lnformatlon and detalls.
Thls handbook focuses on lssues relatlng to land uses that affect key envlronmental assets and rural
productlon areas. Urban land use and nelghbourhood dlsputes, along wlth confllcts to do wlth the
development and operatlon of publlc lnfrastructure such as roads, alrports, sewage treatment plants, and
power llnes are not addressed here, although many of the prlnclples and tools may be appllcable. Contact
your local councll, the Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change or the relevant publlc lnfrastructure
authorlty for more lnformatlon on thls aspect of land use confllct.
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Common ruraI Iand
use confIict issues:
questions and answers
we hove looleJ ot mony |ssues to Jo w|th conll|ct ovet tutol lonJ use |n th|s honJoool onJ
tov|JeJ suest|ons lot how to ovo|J ot tesolve them. ln th|s chotet we summot|se the
most common |ssues onJ s|tuot|ons thot con tesult |n tutol ne|hoout J|sutes. Vony ol
these |ssues onJ s|tuot|ons wete |Jent|l|eJ os ott ol the tocess |n Jevelo|n th|s honJoool.
7h|s |ncluJeJ leeJoocl ltom stoleholJet meet|ns onJ wotlshos w|th lonJ monoets onJ
lonJ usets octoss the notth coost conJucteJ |n lote zooo onJ eotly zoo).
7h|s chotet w|ll oe ol |ntetest to onyone |nvolveJ |n lonJ use |ssues, ltom oency onJ Counc|l
stoll thtouh to lonJholJets, onJ eole th|nl|n ooout ouy|n o toetty.
wh|le th|s chotet Joes not covet evety |ssue |n m|nute Jeto|l |t Joes tov|Je o stott|n o|nt
lot J|scuss|n solut|ons, onJ moy |ve you some |Jeos lot l|nJ|n onswets to the ott|culot
|ssue you ote Jeol|n w|th. 7he lutthet |nlotmot|on sect|on ot the enJ ol the chotet |s o
honJy u|Je to teletences thot you con use to lollow u |ssues onJ l|nJ out mote Jeto|leJ
Note. The Pural Llvlng Handbook zoo;-zoop (Couloutn Vulwotee Counc|l zooo}, A
Pesource Klt for rural landholders ln the Nambucca, Macleay and Hastlngs valleys (zooo}
onJ The 8ush Law Handbook ote voluoole teletences onJ wete useJ os tesoutces lot th|s
Finding your way around the issues
To help you flnd your way around common rural land use confllct lssues, we have
llsted and descrlbed them ln alphabetlcal order. |f any lssue of lnterest has not been
covered, refer to the lutthet |nlotmot|on sectlon at the end of thls chapter for suggested
publlcatlons and contacts for answers to other questlons.
urning off and fire hazards
8urnlng off waste ls controlled under the ltotect|on ol the lnv|tonment Oetot|on Act
:pp) and lts regulatlon, The ltotect|on ol the lnv|tonment Oetot|ons (Cleon A|t} keulot|on
zooz. The regulatlon provldes a general obllgatlon to stop or mlnlmlse alr pollutlon. |t
prohlblts burnlng some artlcles, lncludlng tyres and certaln preservatlve treated tlmbers,
and allows burnlng of vegetatlon (on the property where lt grew) ln the course of carrylng
out agrlcultural operatlons. |n some councll areas restrlctlons apply to burnlng off and lt ls
recommended that you know what these are before you llght your flrst match.
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Alwoys checl w|th the locol kutol l|te 5etv|ce oelote you stott ony outn|n oct|v|t|es, onJ
nevet outn oll when thete |s o totol l|te oon ot when the l|te Jonet |s h|h.
ou must OFWFS burn durlng the statutory flre danger perlod unless you have wrltten
permlsslon from the NSw Pural Plre Servlce (PPS). The bushflre perlod ls usually from
: October to : March. Thls can be varled by the local councll to begln elther earller or
flnlsh later ln certaln areas, so you should check wlth your local PPS. All approvals are
cancelled ln tlmes of total flre ban or lf the danger ls 'hlgh'.
Also, check wlth your local councll on how lt applles the regulatlons to do wlth burnlng
off. |n some councll areas people llvlng on rural resldentlal allotments may not be
permltted to burn off at all but may be requlred to remove all rubblsh to the local councll
tlp or to mulch lt.
The PPS, and at tlmes, the Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change, has the
power to ban flres completely for short perlods because of weather condltlons. llonn|n
lot 8ushl|te ltotect|on ls an excellent publlcatlon for property owners on managlng flre
and ls avallable on the Pural Plre Servlce webslte
7he neighbour next door's property is a fire hazard, what can I do! I have
checked with the RuraI Fire Service and done the appropriate cIearing
around my house. I have aIso cIeared around my side of the fence Iine
and reduced the amount of fIammabIe materiaI on my property. I notice,
however, there is dense undergrowth next door and that fire couId
potentiaIIy threaten my property. What are my rights!
Under the kutol l|tes Act :pp) your nelghbour has a legal duty to undertake certaln steps
to prevent bushflres. our local councll can also lssue a notlce requlrlng your nelghbour
to undertake hazard reductlon work on thelr property. Por non compllance the maxlmum
penalty ls ,oo or :z months ln prlson. Addltlonally, the Pural Plre Servlce or local councll
may undertake bushflre reductlon at the nelghbour's expense. So you can see that
dlscusslng the lssue wlth your nelghbour over a 'cuppa' ls the deslrable flrst optlon.
Por your part, the golden rule ls always notlfy your nelghbours well before lf you want to
do any burnlng off, consult wlth and notlfy the Pural Plre Servlce.
I wish to burn off dead vegetation aIong my fence Iine. What are my rights!
Assumlng you have all of the relevant approvals and consents (Pural Plre Servlce and
local councll) and you are not burnlng off durlng a total flre ban, durlng the statutory
perlod or durlng 'hlgh' bushflre danger you may proceed. |t ls a good ldea to conslder the
nelghbour's needs and to consult wlth them before you llght the flrst match.
Plre permlts requlre you to notlfy your nelghbours at least z( hours ln advance. Let your
nelghbour know what you are about to undertake and when. Do lt on a non washlng
day and preferably when there ls no wlnd or predlcted wlnds and there ls no danger to
llfe, property or llvestock. Of course you wlll read up on the baslc procedures of how to
safely burn off (Pural Plre Servlce publlcatlons) and have all of the necessary equlpment
and help on hand.
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A fire gets out of controI on my property, am I IegaIIy responsibIe for the
damage caused to the neighbours property!
The flrst step ls you should dlal or the number of your local flre brlgade lf your flre ls
out of control.
ou are legally responslble for all damage caused. Thls mlght also lnclude compensatlon
for the death of a person, damage to llvestock or crops and lncome lost. |n addltlon, you
could face a flne and/or even prlson lf you have not taken all measures to put out the
flre, lncludlng contactlng the local flre brlgade, the Pural Plre Servlce dlstrlct offlce and
any other relevant government agency dependlng on the area of the flre.
Plres on farms can be a legltlmate land management practlce but should not be llt by
lnexperlenced people, except ln very contalned sltuatlons. Don't llght a flre wlthout
consultatlon or wlthout the relevant permlt from the local Pural Plre Servlce and any
necessary approval from your local councll. Plres that escape can destroy property and
crops, devastate bushland areas and wlldllfe and put the llves of others at rlsk, lncludlng
flre flghters. Smoke can adversely affect the amenlty and health of nelghbours as well.
7o burn or not to burn!
- Avold llghtlng flres and burnlng off where ever posslble. Llghtlng a flre ls rlsky.
Condltlons can change. |f you don't need to burn, then don't. Mulch and chlp tlmber
where posslble lnstead of burnlng. The mulch created can be composted and used ln
gardens, orchards or regeneratlon areas.
- Plnd out whether you are permltted to burn off ln the area where your property ls
- Always consult your local Pural Plre Servlce before llghtlng a flre. They wlll appreclate
knowlng what your plans are and wlll advlse lf you need a permlt.
- Check wlth your local Pural Plre Servlce lf you need to follow any extra precautlons.
- Always glve your nelghbours z( hours notlce before llghtlng a flre. |t's the law. Thls
way they wlll know what you are dolng, they can be better prepared and can take
precautlons where necessary.
- Have a plan ln case thlngs get out of hand, lncludlng relevant telephone numbers.
Have water and equlpment on hand to put out any spot flres and enough people to
help you.
- |f ln doubt, call for asslstance from the local Pural Plre Servlce before llghtlng any flre
and burnlng off.
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Change of farming practice next door
Pural land use ls not a statlc thlng. The property next door may undergo a change ln land
use. Thls can be for a varlety of reasons, lncludlng change of ownershlp or market forces
dlctatlng a change to a more lntenslve or alternate enterprlse.
whlle there are clear guldellnes and consents for lntenslve lndustrles such as
plggerles, feedlots and ralslng poultry, no authorlty ls typlcally requlred to conduct
other farmlng enterprlses such as hortlculture, tree lots and vegetable productlon. |f
the farmer ls a member of a grower group or organlsatlon he or she should operate
under current best management practlce guldellnes, whlch may suggest sound land
management practlces as well as buffer dlstances between nelghbourlng propertles,
the envlronment and other enterprlses.
7he quiet paddock next door with extensive ruraI views and once used for
grazing is now a hub of horticuIturaI activity. I wiII probabIy Iose the ruraI
amenity of my bIock, incIuding being subjected to machinery noise, spray
drift and Ioss of view. What can I do to regain my peace and quite pIus the
ruraI amenity of my bIock!
Talk to the nelghbour about your concerns. Suggest a mutual buffer of trees or an agreed
dlstance that sults everyone's needs. |f you flnd thls approach hard you could wrlte a
letter to your next door nelghbour outllnlng your lssues. ou could also flnd a medlator,
or perhaps another nelghbour who may be able to help. The Communlty 1ustlce Centre
provldes a free medlatlon servlce.
|f ln any doubt about the nelghbour's rlghts to carry out thls new actlvlty talk to your
local councll and the NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles. |f you flnd that the day-to-
day operatlons of the next door nelghbours ls really affectlng your llfestyle, and all else
falls, contact the Lnvlronmental Defender's Offlce for advlce or obtaln alternatlve legal
advlce and help.
ChemicaI spray drift
The lest|c|Jes Act :ppp regulates the use of pestlcldes ln NSw. |t ls deslgned to reduce
the llkellhood of ln[ury to people and harm to non-target plants or anlmals. ou must
only use reglstered pestlcldes, and ln the way descrlbed on the label. ou must read the
label before uslng any pestlcldes, and store pestlcldes ln the correct contalners and keep
records of thelr use. The Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change webslte has
more lnformatlon on the lest|c|Jes Act and the use of pestlcldes.
8elote you con ouy ot oly est|c|Jes w|th teotJ to o tutol entett|se you hove to
comlete on occteJ|teJ coutse |n lotm chem|col ol|cot|on.
To use pestlcldes wlth regards to a rural enterprlse you must have completed an accredlted
course ln farm chemlcal appllcatlon. ou can do thls ln two ways: by attendlng a short
course or uslng a self-study pack. A range of chemlcal tralnlng programs are avallable. NSw
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Department of Prlmary |ndustrles provldes both forms under the SMAPT Traln program.
Other tralnlng provlders lnclude TAPL and prlvate lndustry organlsatlons.
Pestlcldes can have serlous lmpacts on other enterprlses such as organlc farmlng,
beekeeplng and vltlculture. |f your nelghbour ls conductlng such actlvltles talk to them
about when would be a good tlme for you to spray so you can mlnlmlse any effects on
thelr operatlon. Conslder the recommendatlons ln best practlce guldellnes for pestlclde
use as a start, avallable from the Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change.
My neighbour is using pesticides that are affecting the nearby stream, and
spray drift is entering our property. What do I do!
|f all other steps of communlcatlng your concerns to the nelghbour have falled you
can make a confldentlal report about the alleged mlsuse of a pestlclde, by calllng the
Lnvlronment Llne on :: . Peport the lncldent as soon as posslble, notlng and recordlng
as many detalls as posslble uslng photographs and vldeos. There are heavy flnes for
pestlclde mlsuse, lncludlng flnes of 6o,ooo for lndlvlduals and :zo,ooo for companles.
The requlrements of the lest|c|Jes Act must be adhered to when applylng pestlcldes.
Current best management practlces are a useful gulde as to how to comply wlth the
leglslatlon though they do not take the place of measures and practlces that wlll lead to
compllance wlth the leglslatlon.
Spray is drifting on to our property and we can smeII a chemicaI odour.
What can we do!
Plnd out some baslc lnformatlon before maklng accusatlons. |f the source of the spray
ls your nelghbour, flnd out lf thls ls a one-off event. Dld your nelghbour have to spray
urgently to save a crop! Pesponslble farmers notlfy nelghbours lf carrylng out such
actlvltles, and they are alert to condltlons such as the weather and prevalllng wlnds.
weather ls unpredlctable, and mlght have changed durlng the actlvlty. Talk to your
nelghbour. |f the practlce contlnues and you have concerns about health, envlronmental
and other effects of pestlclde use, conslder maklng a confldentlal report to the
Lnvlronment Llne, phone :: . Pemember that you have made an allegatlon and lt wlll
need to be lnvestlgated, whlch may take tlme and requlre that you provlde evldence.
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CuIturaI heritage - connecting with the Iand
Many propertles have ltems or sltes that reflect thelr natural, Luropean or Aborlglnal
herltage. Luropean and Aborlglnal cultural herltage values are protected under a varlety
of Acts. Try to become aware of the hlstory of your land and lts assoclatlon wlth the
cultural herltage of the area. ou are responslble as a landowner and custodlan of your
land. So lf you want to remove any structures such as houses, sheds, rlver crosslngs and
yards check wlth the NSw Herltage Offlce, your local councll and NSw Department
of Prlmary |ndustrles (Plsherles) before golng ahead. ou may requlre consents or
authorltles to remove such ltems declared as 'rellcs'.
Slmllar procedures apply to the destructlon or removal of Aborlglnal artefacts on
your land. These are, at tlmes hard to ldentlfy, they lnclude rocks from a bora rlng,
grlndlng grooves, a scar tree, rock tools, art work and other artefacts. The local Councll's
Aborlglnal llalson offlcer, Local Aborlglnal Land Councll Aborlglnal communlty support
offlcer or local Natlonal Parks and wlldllfe offlce of Department of Lnvlronment and
Cllmate Change should be able to help you. They wlll organlse a property lnspectlon and
advlse you on how to protect and manage such places on your land.
What happens if I find any of these items or artefacts on my property!
An ltem relatlng to non-Aborlglnal settlement of NSw that ls over o years old ls deflned
as a "rellc and ls protected under the N5w let|toe Act. Contact the Department of
Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change for further detalls.
Aborlglnal cultural herltage ltems are protected under the N5w Not|onol lotls onJ
w|lJl|le Act. |f you flnd or thlnk that you have an ltem on your property, or want to
have your property surveyed ln terms of Aborlglnal cultural herltage contact your local
Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change (NPwS dlvlslon) offlce. There ls no
danger of you loslng your rlghts or bearlng any costs lf an artefact ls found. |n fact, you
may flnd lt a rewardlng experlence to work wlth the local Aborlglnal communlty to
protect and conserve not only your property's hlstory but Aborlglnal cultural herltage of
the area as well.
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DeveIopment activity next door
ou have done your homework before buylng your rural allotment. ou have consulted
the relevant reglonal strateglc plan (Par North Coast, Draft Mld North Coast), made
enqulres of Councll as to the lmpllcatlons of the rural and urban growth strategles and
checked the local envlronmental plan appllcable to the property you are lnterested
ln. area. ou wlll also have talked to your local councll on the llkellhood of new
developments and future zonlng plus spoken to your sollcltor about the 5ect|on :;p
llonn|n Cett|l|cote and posslble developments ln the area. Can anythlng upset thls
thorough groundwork!
You've moved in and have been Iiving the idyIIic IifestyIe when next
door there appears a D buIIdozer, surveyors, Iots of peopIe running
around with ties pointing at maps and putting in white sticks. You are
now concerned that the housing deveIopment next door wiII affect your
IifestyIe. What can you do!
Here are some suggestlons:
- Ask one of the people ln charge on the slte what all the actlvlty ls all about.
- Contact your local Councll and seek clarlflcatlon on the works.
- Check lf the developer or people lnvolved have the necessary approvals. |f thls ls so and
the developer follows those approvals then they can legally get on wlth the work.
- |f you are stlll concerned, present a formal wrltten statement to the developer
outllnlng your lssues and how they may be resolved or addressed. Alternatlvely,
contact your local Councll or the Department of Plannlng lf the key authorlty ls not
local government.
- Obtaln legal advlce as to your optlons.
- Don't walt for a problem to arlse, keep an eye on advertlsed development ln your
area before lt occurs.
DeveIoping my property
out locol Counc|l |s yout soutce ol |nlotmot|on ooout Jeveloment otovols.
I want to buiId a new shed or undertake a deveIopment on my property.
What consents do I need!
The most common permlsslon you wlll need ls a bulldlng or development approval. Thls
also applles lf you want to bulld a dam, house or a road.
The local envlronmental plan (LLP) for your area sets out the types of work that wlll
requlre development consent, and your local councll wlll be able to tell you what
approvals you may need. The consent may requlre speclal provlslons such as the
dlstance from a nelghbour's fence, the slze of the dwelllng and permltted structures.
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Pemember there are many pleces of leglslatlon affectlng the use of rural land. Local
counclls are a key authorlty to contact, but other relevant leglslatlon exlsts and approvals
are requlred from other agencles. Don't go ahead untll you are absolutely sure of what
approvals and permlts apply to your development and that you have all the necessary
paperwork ln order.
Domestic pets - dogs and cats
lnow whete yout Jos onJ cots ote. unconttolleJ ets con couse hovoc w|th w|lJl|le onJ
the ne|hoouts l|vestocl onJ oecome o mojot soutce ol conll|ct.
Thought must be glven to what a domestlc cat on the loose at nlght can do to wlldllfe
or a pack of domestlc dogs can do to llvestock ln one evenlng. 'Tlger' may be your best
frlend durlng the day but lf left out at nlght all of those lnnate huntlng skllls wlll more
than outmatch small nocturnal wlldllfe. Man's best frlend wlth a few mates can easlly pull
down a wallaby, malm a koala or tear apart a young helfer. our next door nelghbour
may have spent years bulldlng up the wlldllfe on thelr property (see Land for wlldllfe) to
see thelr best efforts dlsappear ln a week as a result of the nocturnal huntlng actlvltles of
domestlc pets. Slmllarly, llvestock ls the grazler's buslness, loss of stock and harm to stock
by wlld and stray dogs ls a slgnlflcant flnanclal lssue and hlghly dlstresslng glven the
damage these anlmals can lnfllct.
|t's your responslblllty to keep your dogs and cats under control at all tlmes (see
Comon|on An|mols Act :pp8). |t ls lmportant to remember that rural areas and
nelghbourlng propertles are not extended runs for your domestlc anlmals. |f you have
pets, remember:
- Lnsure your dogs and cats are reglstered wlth the local councll.
- Dogs and cats should be conflned wlthln a house and outbulldlng area or controlled
wlthln your property and should not be left to freely roam.
- Don't let dogs chase wlldllfe or stock on surroundlng propertles. Nelther wlldllfe nor
other people's stock exlst for the en[oyment of stray dogs. 8ulld a fenced-ln run for
your dog or cat lf necessary.
- Don't let cats roam or dump unwanted anlmals. Peral anlmals can have slgnlflcant
lmpacts on wlldllfe and the envlronment.
- Don't let dogs contlnue to bark as lt wlll create a nulsance and may result ln
unwanted early mornlng phone calls from your nelghbour.
- Stray dogs on a nelghbourlng property that are a threat to stock can be destroyed
wlthout notlce.
What are my rights where domestic animaIs are threatening my IifestyIe,
enjoyment of the area or Iimiting my income!
The flrst thlng to do ls to contact the owner, lf they can be ldentlfled, or the local councll
ranger or Pural Lands Protectlon 8oard anlmal offlcer. 7he kutol lonJs ltotect|on Act
requlres people occupylng land to "suppress and destroy by any lawful method any
"pest anlmals (rabblts, wlld dogs and feral plgs).
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Dumping and burying rubbish on my Iand
8efore dlsposlng of rubblsh and waste on your property, conslder thelr contents and
the effects they may have on nelghbours, waterways and groundwater. Chemlcal
contalners should be dlsposed of ln the manner prescrlbed on the label. Pefer also to
the Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change for advlce on dlsposlng of used
chemlcal contalners and your local farm chemlcal suppller (place of purchase).
Household and slmllar waste should be taken to a deslgnated councll waste faclllty.
Compostlng organlc waste ls to be encouraged as ls the reuse of tlmber and other
recyclable materlals. Scrap metal such as old metal tanks, old rooflng lron, old steel posts
and old wlre wlll be often be collected and taken away by metal merchants at no cost.
Lven old cars can be removed by these buslnesses at mlnlmal to no cost.
Pural lands should not be used as dumplng grounds for rubblsh or flll from unknown
sources. Contact your local councll or Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change,
phone :: for advlce lf you have questlons or querles. Contamlnated flll can affect
communlty health, devalue a property, degrade the envlronment, lead to clean up costs
and the rlsk of a flne.
Dust can be generated by farm operatlons lncludlng cultlvatlng, fallow (bare) ground,
farm vehlcles, llvestock yards, feed mllllng, and spreadlng fertlllser. |t can also be a
problem when there ls not enough groundcover on paddocks, and when lt ls wlndy.
Dust can be ma[or health lssue, especlally for asthmatlcs. So what happens when the
machlnery next door, the quarry opposlte or trucks uslng the ad[acent dlrt road begln
creatlng dally dust baths coatlng everythlng open to the alr, lncludlng your washlng, ln
a fllm of dust!
- Parmers should try to llmlt the generatlon of dust as far as practlcal, partlcularly
where lt affects the amenlty and health of nelghbours.
- Try and carry out actlvltles on days that are less wlndy and where there ls less rlsk of
off-slte lmpacts.
- |nform a nelghbour lf you need to carry out an operatlon that wlll generate dust and
could affect them.
- Ask your nelghbour to close thelr wlndows or brlng ln thelr washlng before your
actlvltles turn thelr house lnto a dust bowl.
- vegetated screens and barrlers can be planted along property boundarles or at other
strateglc locatlons to mlnlmlse the affects of dust.
As a nelghbour, lt ls lmportant to be aware that farmers cannot stop all dust and sometlmes lt
ls [ust a consequence of dry condltlons and a routlne farm management actlvlty.
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Fences - three stringer or four stringer!
8ounJoty lences ote the jo|nt tesons|o|l|ty ol you onJ yout ne|hoouts.
|f you have done your homework correctly before movlng ln you wlll have checked the
condltlon of all fences, especlally the boundarles. Thls wlll also lnclude grlds, gates and
yards. our stock escaplng lnto the nelghbour's vegetable garden or trampllng across
lawns, destroylng young trees or erodlng creek banks wlll hardly endear you to the
nelghbour. Thls also applles where you may want to conduct an enterprlse where the
current fence ls lnadequate or poorly malntalned, e.g. free range poultry, ralslng poddy
calves or establlshlng a nursery. There ls a well known rural adage, 'good fences make
good nelghbours'.
What happens if the fence is in disrepair! Whose responsibiIity is it
and who wiII bear the cost!
Under the 0|v|J|n lences Act :pp:, ad[olnlng owners (but not government land
management agencles) are [olntly responslble for malntalnlng a 'sufflclent' dlvldlng
fence between thelr propertles. The type and standard of fenclng depends on a number
of factors lncludlng:
- any exlstlng dlvldlng fence
- land use
- prlvacy and the type of fenclng common ln the area.
|f you damage the boundary fence your are responslble for the cost of repalrs.
Although government land management agencles are not bound by the 0|v|J|n lences
Act, they wlll often contrlbute to fence malntenance, as a part of thelr commltment to
belng a good nelghbour.
8e proactlve lf you see a problem, e.g. lf your nelghbour's cattle are gettlng lnto your
place, rather than gettlng lnto an argument wlth your nelghbour, take the flrst step and
offer to share the cost of replaclng lt. our nelghbour may be waltlng for you to take the
lnltlatlve as they may have concerns about your capaclty to meet the costs. ou may not
have llvestock yourself but lt ls stlll your shared responslblllty to provlde and malntaln a
boundary fence that ls common ln the area.
|f you can't agree wlth your nelghbour on responslbllltles for a boundary fence then
you can apply to the local court or land board for help ln resolvlng the dlspute. ou can
contact you local Lands 8oard through the Peglstrar located ln the Department of Lands.
However, thls should be your last resort. Pemember the golden rule, communlcate flrst.
WiII I need consent to buiId a fence!
Usually no, however, be aware that wlth certaln zones ln some councll areas, partlcularly
envlronmental protectlon zones, development consent from the councll ls requlred
before a fence can be erected. Also, landholders llvlng ln the zones and who are not
keeplng stock should conslder a 'tree
envlronment of the area.
fence' as lt mlght be more approprlate to the
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Land cIearing and vegetation
Checl w|th yout locol Counc|l, Cotchment Vonoement Authot|ty ot 0eottment ol
lnv|tonment onJ Cl|mote Chone oelote you cleot ttees onJ shtuos.
What consents wiII I need to cIear native vegetation!
|f your property ls zoned rural, you may need permlsslon to clear natlve vegetatlon ln
most clrcumstances. |t's best to assume that all vegetatlon on your property ls protected
untll you have clear and unamblguous advlce to the contrary.Check the laws ln your
reglon wlth your local Catchment Management Authorlty (CMA) and your local Councll
before you clear natlve trees and shrubs. Lnqulres regardlng prlvate natlve forestry
should be dlrected to the Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change. As an
example, clearlng natlve vegetatlon maybe agalnst the law lf you have threatened
specles (flora and fauna) on your property so check wlth your local catchment
management authorlty and Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change (see
lutthet lnlotmot|on).
The Not|ve veetot|on Act zoo{ sets the framework for endlng broad-scale clearlng,
encouraglng re-vegetatlon and rewardlng farmers for good farm management. |t
also provldes a streamllned process of applylng for clearlng by uslng the property
vegetatlon plans (PvPs). A PvP ls an agreement between the landholder and the
catchment management authorlty to speclfy what can be done wlth natlve vegetatlon
on a property. The Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty (NPCMA) has
detalls on the leglslatlon and can provlde help wlth vegetatlon management (see lutthet
|nlotmot|on at the end of thls chapter).
The 7hteoteneJ 5ec|es Consetvot|on Act :pp, alms to conserve threatened specles,
populatlons and ecologlcal communltles of natlve anlmals and plants. |t llsts
specles that are under threat and must be managed for survlval. The Department of
Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change admlnlsters thls Act. Contact the department before
clearlng any vegetatlon.
Some local counclls have a tree preservatlon order (TPO) whlch makes lt an offence to
damage certaln trees on a local government area or zone wlthout a permlt lssued by
the councll.
Pemember, too, that the clearlng of vegetatlon from any Crown roads ('paper roads') that
may run through your property wlll requlre the approval of the Department of Lands
and, ln some cases, Porests NSw.
Ooto|n exett onJ quol|l|eJ oJv|ce oelote cleot|n not|ve veetot|on.
Plnally, when you have establlshed that you have the correct permlsslons, you should
then conslder the tlme of year and what you are clearlng. what lmpact are you golng to
have on the blodlverslty on your farm, especlally lf clearlng ln the sprlng! Many woody
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weeds provlde the only safe nestlng place ln the sprlng for small blrds ln our much-
modlfled landscapes. Over clearlng of scrub ln the breedlng season leads to a decrease
ln small blrds and small marsuplals wlth the predators taklng over. what you end up wlth
ls crows, currawongs and nolsy mlnors hassllng for space. Dead trees and tlmber are also
habltats for natlve specles. The best tlme to clear may be ln autumn or wlnter. Always
obtaln expert advlce before clearlng vegetatlon.
My neighbour is cIearing native trees on his bIock severeIy reducing
avaiIabIe habitat for wiIdIife. What do I do!
our nelghbour may have recelved wrltten consent or an exemptlon from the
Catchment Management Authorlty or councll to conduct a clearlng operatlon. |n some
lnstances, e.g. where vegetatlon ls close to power llnes and fence llnes, consent may not
be requlred. Slmllarly, lf vegetatlon threatens a dwelllng or structures on a property, e.g.
lt poses a flre rlsk, clearlng may not requlre consent (kutol l|tes Act :pp)). Clearlng natlve
vegetatlon may also be approved as a part of the property vegetatlon plan.
|f lt ls at all posslble lt ls best to dlscuss any concerns you have wlth your nelghbour
flrst. However, lf thls falls, the approprlate authorltles to consult are the Northern Plvers
Catchment Management Authorlty or the local councll. |f ln doubt about habltat or
threatened specles loss, contact your nearest Department of Lnvlronment Conservatlon
and Cllmate Change offlce (lutthet |nlotmot|on).
Cetting heIp
Unfortunately, there ls no one source of advlce on all aspects of natlve vegetatlon
management, partly because there ls more than one Act that applles and partly because
more than one agency ls lnvolved.
The best lnltlal contacts are the Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty, the
local councll and Landcare as they have the network and contacts ln natlve vegetatlon
management and can glve advlce on fundlng, what tralnlng ls avallable and the laws
that apply. Contact Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change about prlvate
natlve forestry, threatened specles and Aborlglnal sltes and rellcs. |f you have an enqulry
about plantatlons on prlvate land, contact NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles. Por
enqulres about operatlons ln State forests, contact the Porests NSw dlvlslon of NSw
Department of Prlmary |ndustrles. See also other useful publlcatlons mentloned ln the
lutthet lnlotmot|on sectlon of thls chapter.
The Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty has a number of brochures
outllnlng the vegetatlon management arrangements ln NSw, lncludlng what clearlng of
vegetatlon requlres approval.
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No|se con oe o soutce ol conll|ct. 7oll yout ne|hoout onJ tty to neot|ote o solut|on thot
con sot|sly evetyone.
There ls any number of potentlal sources of nolse ln the countryslde: farm machlnery,
scare guns, low flylng agrlcultural alrcraft, motor blkes, llvestock weanlng and feedlng,
pump englnes and generators. At tlmes they don't seem to stop at nlght or weekends!
Nolse can so easlly become a source of confllct. Some nolse ls to be expected ln rural
areas partlcularly ln areas where prlmary lndustrles are located and operatlng.
Dur peace and quiet is being continuaIIy disturbed by noisy activities next
door. What can we do!
8roadly, there ls no general prohlbltlon on causlng nolse on a property, but "offenslve
nolse may affect others and the ltotect|on ol the lnv|tonment Oetot|ons Act (No|se Conttol}
keulot|on provldes a leglslatlve means to control nolse. There are thlngs you can do to
mlnlmlse confllct wlth other landholders, the most lmportant of whlch are as follows:
- Communication. |f your nelghbour ls maklng a nolse that you are flndlng hard to llve
wlth, lt's lmportant to communlcate posltlvely wlth them by lnformlng them of how
the actlvlty ls affectlng your en[oyment of your block. Can the nolse be llmlted, for
example, by movlng lt away from nelghbours, sound prooflng, or maklng the nolse
durlng hours that everyone would flnd more acceptable. 8y dlscusslng thls wlth
them you mlght be able to work together to flnd solutlons.
- 8ecome aware and informed. Some nolse, especlally from farm machlnery, ls
restrlcted to short-term seasonal events and may not occur for the rest of the year.
So, before leaplng on the phone to the nearest government authorlty, conslder
the short-term dlscomfort for a long-term galn ln havlng a good nelghbour. Get to
know your nelghbour! Most agrlcultural producers wlll try and be reasonable and
accommodate lssues you may have ln thelr farm operatlons. They are however also
often runnlng a buslness. Pemember the golden rule: treat others as you would wlsh
to be treated. |nltlate nelghbourly communlcatlon.
- Other soIutions. |f dlrect communlcatlon falls, medlatlon such as through the
Communlty 1ustlce Centres may be an optlon to help you reach a mutually agreeable
solutlon. (See lutthet |nlotmot|on at the end of thls chapter). when you are havlng
trouble resolvlng a dlspute uslng communlcatlon or medlatlon, the local councll
mlght become lnvolved lf lt ls wlthln thelr area of responslblllty. Also, a person
affected by offenslve nolse can seek a nolse abatement order through the local
court. Thls should, however, be a last optlon. The local councll or Department of
Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change can lssue a formal nolse notlce whlch may lnclude
ongolng restrlctlons on nolse. Some scheduled actlvltles ln rural areas may requlre a
pollutlon llcence from the Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change, whlch
may llmlt nolse.
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Noxious weeds
weed control on your farm maybe an lssue and have lmpllcatlons for your nelghbours.
|f you let weeds thrlve and set seed, your nelghbours wlll be less than lmpressed as
they are more than llkely to be affected. Some weeds, especlally rag weed, have health
lmpllcatlons, especlally for people who suffer from allergles or asthma. As wlth havlng
good fences, good weed management makes for good nelghbours. ou must reallse,
however, that weed management does not [ust mean weed ellmlnatlon. |t ls rarely
physlcally or economlcally posslble to fully remove all weeds and thelr seeds and
exclude further entry. |t ls also good practlce to control envlronmental weeds. These are
weeds whlch are consldered to be a threat to the envlronment but may not be formally
declared noxlous. Landcare organlsatlons usually have a llst of local envlronmental
weeds and management technlques to control them.
weeJs con oe o set|ous econom|c, env|tonmentol onJ heolth toolem. Vole sute you
conttol weeJs on yout toetty, onJ tememoet, you ote ool|eJ unJet low to conttol
nox|ous weeJs.
The Nox|ous weeJs Act :pp{ obllges anyone who owns, leases, rents or has control over
land to control noxlous weeds, and to comply wlth any weed control notlce that a local
councll or weed authorlty lssues. Por more lnformatlon on noxlous weeds ln your area
contact your local councll weeds offlcer, the local weeds authorlty or the Northern Plvers
Catchment Management Authorlty. Landcare ls also a valuable source of lnformatlon
about weeds, as are local NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles agronomlsts. ou
can also flnd out more about noxlous weeds generally at webslte
My neighbour has noxious weeds on his property and is not managing
them. 7he infestation is spreading! What do I do!
our nelghbour may not be aware of thelr obllgatlons or even what plants are noxlous
weeds. ou could help them out by glvlng them a copy of the local noxlous weed
brochure outllnlng problem weeds. ou could also lndlcate the herblcldes and control
methods that you have found to be most effectlve and the tlmlng of spray operatlons
that are most effectlve. Alternatlvely, you could suggest they contact the local weed
authorlty for advlce and outllne the problems of not controlllng weeds.
Make sure you have your own house ln order before lecturlng your nelghbour about
thelr weed problems. our nelghbour may not be aware that the weeds are a problem or
may have had a health lssue or famlly crlsls whlch has dlverted hls or her attentlon away
from managlng thelr weeds. worklng together, you may be able to help each other to
get a deslrable outcome. There are also weed spraylng contractors who can help wlth
noxlous weed eradlcatlon. 8ush regenerators can also provlde professlonal asslstance
wlth weed control.
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Llke nolse, there are many sources of odours, lncludlng plggerles, feedlots, dalrles,
poultry, sprays, fertlllser, manure spreadlng, sllage, and burnlng carcases or crop
resldues. Thls ls the nature of rural areas! However, how often do we hear a questlon
llke the followlng!
What do I do about odours from my neighbour's property!
There are leglslatlve controls over odours. However, gettlng to know your nelghbours
and thelr practlces wlll help.
- Communication. |f you do have an lssue wlth odours, the best place to start ls by
talklng to the nelghbour. Sometlmes, they wlll have llved wlth the smells most of
thelr llves and may be obllvlous to them. Sometlmes, they can flnd slmple steps to
reduce odours
- 8e aware and informed. Some odours may only last one or two days, e.g. the
appllcatlon of fertlllser such as anlmal waste products. Smells from the appllcatlon of
herblcldes or pestlcldes may also [ust be a one- or two-day seasonal thlng. Knowlng
thls wlll help you accept these short-term lssues. |mportantly, lf you are new to the
area, do your homework before buylng your property by vlsltlng the area at varlous
tlmes throughout the day, and checklng the surroundlng agrlcultural enterprlses. 8y
dolng thls you should be able to antlclpate lssues such as odour.
- WiII your enterprise or activities be producing odours1 |f you plan a land use that ls
llkely to produce odours, lt ls best to flrst check wlth your local councll. |mportantly,
you should dlscuss lssues wlth your nelghbours or at least glve an lndlcatlon of
potentlal odour lssues before any ma[or problems develop. They wlll probably
appreclate knowlng beforehand that organlc fertlllser ls about to be applled or that
some other operatlon that ls llkely to generate odour ls about to take place.
- Permanent odours. Some perslstent odours may not be able to be addressed
easlly. Many odour-produclng rural enterprlses may have a pollutlon llcence from
the Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change and wlll be operatlng wlthln
thelr llcence anyway, e.g. large plggerles, poultry farms and feedlots. |f ln any doubt
about your rlghts on thls lssue, contact your local councll or the Department of
Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change.
- LegisIation.Local counclls are malnly responslble for the leglslatlon controlllng
odour, except for larger premlses, whlch the Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate
Change regulates. Odour needs to be managed wlthln the llmlts of the ltotect|on ol the
lnv|tonment Oetot|ons Act and any appllcable condltlons on development approvals.
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Proximity to nationaI parks, State forests
and Crown reserves
|f your property ls next to a natlonal park, State forest or Crown reserve you wlll need to
know lf there are any extra responslbllltles ln managlng your land. Slmllarly, lf you are
concerned about any lssues, whether they be fences, flre hazard reductlon, weeds or feral
pests, contact the Natlonal Parks and wlldllfe dlvlslon of Department of Lnvlronment and
Cllmate Change for lssues to do wlth natlonal parks, Porests NSw for lssues to do wlth State
forests, and the Department of Lands for lssues to do wlth Crown reserves.
ou wlll flnd that these agencles wlll be operatlng under a 'good nelghbour pollcy' wlth
respect to nelghbourlng landowners and wlll provlde you wlth valuable lnformatlon on
the management prlnclples they have adopted. See lutthet lnlotmot|on for more detalls
Roads and right-of-ways
Country roads are usually narrow, and at tlmes potholed, dusty, poorly slgn posted
and unpredlctable. The road toll on county roads bears wltness to thls. ou wlll be
sharlng your local roads wlth cattle trucks, farm machlnery, stock, tourlsts, wlldllfe, the
school bus, locals and school chlldren. |t ls your responslblllty as someone sharlng the
road to respect the rlghts of others, and thelr safety and wellbelng. Peckless drlvlng,
movlng unllt farm machlnery at nlght, drlvlng under the lnfluence or lettlng your
unaccompanled stock out wlthout the adequate warnlng slgns are all culpable actlvltles.
|n some lnstances you may share a road golng elther through your property or
those of others. Thls brlngs on other responslbllltles lncludlng shuttlng gates, road
malntenance, notlfylng others of your actlvltles ln uslng the road (movlng machlnery,
lncreased truck movements, stock movement, harvestlng), keeplng down the dust and
llmltlng your speed.
Thlngs you wlll need to thlnk about, especlally the legal lmpllcatlons, are: your
responslbllltles ln shared costs assoclated wlth malntalnlng the road, accldents lnvolvlng
stock, obllgatlons ln movlng heavy machlnery, lnstallatlon of grlds and gates, dust,
and nolse. Many of these lssues may requlre professlonal legal advlce lf they cannot be
solved ln a mutually cooperatlve way wlth your nelghbour.
7he topographicaI map for my area and originaI property pIan show Crown
roads, sometimes referred to as paper roads, crossing my property.
what ls my responslblllty ln malntalnlng these roads! Can | buy the road! what ls an
enclosure permlt! These are questlons whlch can be resolved by contactlng your nearest
Department of Lands for advlce or consultlng thelr webslte
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SoiI erosion
Poor cultlvatlon practlces, lnapproprlate soll management, overgrazlng, drought, over
clearlng, and stock access to streams and water courses are some prlmary causes of
soll eroslon.
Poor soll management ls poor farmlng practlce and makes no envlronmental or
economlc sense. |t can also be a cause of nelghbour complalnt, especlally where your
property ls "movlng next door or lnto the ad[olnlng rlver or stream. As an owner of
rural land, lt ls vltal to protect soll and water resources. Allowlng soll to be washed
lnto waterways ls llkely to constltute water pollutlon and thls ls an offence under the
ltotect|on ol the lnv|tonment Oetot|on Act :p)).
waterways are publlc assets and have lmportant ecologlcal values as well as
downstream functlons and uses. Nutrlents and pollutants enterlng waterways damage
the envlronment and can be dangerous to humans and stock. The NSw Department of
Prlmary |ndustrles has a range of publlcatlons on managlng solls (see lutthet |nlotmot|on
sectlon at the end of thls chapter).
What do I do if sediment from the neighbour's property is fouIing a
waterway we share!
Palse your concerns wlth your nelghbour and dlscuss the on-farm and downstream
consequences and posslble optlons.
Pefer to our nelghbour best practlce guldellnes ln Chapter and dlspute resolutlon
technlques ln Chapter ;. whlle lt ls not your responslblllty to become an advlsor to
your nelghbour and lt may not be appreclated, sharlng concerns and knowledge and
lnformatlon can be helpful. ou may suggest that both of you attend an upcomlng fleld
day where relevant management practlces wlll be showcased. |f the lssue contlnues,
brlng the matter to the attentlon of the lndustry body, the local councll or NSw
Department of Prlmary |ndustrles.
The k|vets onJ loteshotes lmtovement Act :p;8, controls actlvltles near rlvers, streams,
estuarles and lakes. A permlt ls necessary for any earthworks ln these areas. The l|shet|es
Vonoement Act may also apply to works ln and around waterways and wetlands.
Contact the Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change and NSw Department of
Prlmary |ndustrles for advlce.
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Straylng stock can be a problem ln rural areas, especlally lf you are absent from the
property for a perlod of tlme.
Two pleces of leglslatlon that deal wlth straylng stock are the kutol lonJs ltotect|on Act
:p8p (PLP) and the lmounJ|n Act :pp{. Under the kll Act, stock are consldered to be
'abandoned' lf they are left unattended on a publlc road or publlc land. Abandoned or
trespasslng anlmals may be lmpounded by a Pural Lands Protectlon 8oard offlcer or
councll ranger and there ls a fee to have them released. A flne also may be lmposed.
Occuplers of prlvate land can lmpound any anlmals that stray on to lt. |f you know the
owners of the stock you must lnform them wlthln z( hours. Straylng stock should not
be kept for more than four days before belng sent to the pound. |f you don't know who
owns the stock, they should be sent to the pound wlthln (8 hours.
Landholders have a responslblllty under the ltevent|on ol Ctuelty to An|mols Act :p8o to
feed and care for any anlmals whlch are lmpounded on thelr land. ou can recover any
costs assoclated wlth the care of straylng stock from thelr owner.
The Pural Lands Protectlon 8oard shares responslbllltles for stock health wlth NSw
Department of Prlmary |ndustrles. |f a herd or flock appears to be ln lll health contact
the local Pural Lands Protectlon 8oard dlstrlct veterlnarlan, especlally lf the death of
one of your stock ls susplclous or untlmely. Por lndlvldual anlmal problems and other
farm anlmals, e.g. the house cow, horse, and companlon anlmals, contact a prlvate
veterlnary practltloner. Detalls can be found on the Pural Lands Protectlon 8oard webslte or ln the whlte pages of the phone book.
7he neighbour's stock is forever on the road into town,
making it especiaIIy dangerous at night. What are my rights!
People who have stock out on a publlc road or travelllng stock reserve (TSP) may only do
so wlth a permlt from the local Pural Lands Protectlon 8oard or local Councll. They also
need to erect slgns to warn motorlsts that stock are out on the road reserve.
The flrst thlng for you to do ls ask whether your nelghbour has a permlt for the stock to
be out on the road or TSP. |f an anlmal kept on a nelghbourlng farm ls causlng problems
of nolse, smell, health or presentlng a danger, you may need to seek legal advlce,
however, lt ls much better to work out the problem by negotlatlon.
Note that dead stock must be dlsposed of ln a way that avolds nulsance and does not
pollute water. Pollutlon offences are addressed ln the ltotect|on ol the lnv|tonment
Oetot|ons Act. Some local Counclls have a fact sheet wlth suggestlons on the dlsposal of
dead anlmals.
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7hreatened species
How do I know if I have a threatened species on my property!
Some specles of natlve plants and anlmals are protected under the 7hteoteneJ 5ec|es
Consetvot|on Act :pp,, and all natlve flora and fauna are protected under the Not|onol
lotls onJ w|lJl|le Act :p);. |t ls a crlmlnal offence to harm threatened anlmals, plck
threatened plants, or harm the habltat of threatened specles.
To make sure you don't contravene any leglslatlon, contact the Department of
Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change and your local Councll before dolng any slgnlflcant
work on your property to determlne whether there are any speclal requlrements that
apply ln the area to do wlth natlve trees and threatened specles. Note the speclal
provlslons ln place to protect threatened specles such as the koala and lts habltat. ou
may wlsh to conslder enterlng lnto a conservatlon agreement as part of a farm plan to
protect and enhance the farm's blodlverslty for future generatlons.
Trespass occurs when people do not have permlsslon to cross or enter another person's
property. Permlsslon to enter another person's property can be wlthdrawn uslng a slgn,
a letter or a speclflc verbal request that a person leave a property. There are clvll and
crlmlnal remedles for trespass so lf lt ls a problem, seek speclallst legal help as the laws of
trespass can be extremely complex and there are many mlsconceptlons about lt.
|f trespass ls an ongolng lssue lt ls best to seek legal advlce. There can also be lnsurance
rlsks and potentlal for the property owner to be ln breach of thelr duty of care towards
others so, once agaln, seek quallfled legal advlce.
Some polnts to note are:
- |f you need or want to enter a nelghbour's property and there ls no publlc way or
easement permlttlng thls, seek permlsslon flrst.
- |f someone enters your property wlthout permlsslon, flnd out what thelr lntentlons
are flrst before demandlng they leave, they may have a legltlmate reason to be on
your property.
- |f trespass lncludes an lntentlon to act unlawfully or damage property or ls hlghly
susplclous, then contact the pollce and warn your nelghbours.
- Agreements should be ln wrltlng wherever posslble as they help avold
mlsunderstandlngs and dlsputes about access to the property.
- |f enterlng another person's property when retrlevlng stray stock, lt ls good practlce
to let the owner or property manager know the reasons, the detalls of the stock you
are retrlevlng, the part of the property you wlll be enterlng and how long you expect
to be on the property.
The l|shet|es Vonoement Act :pp; allows people to flsh ln certaln lnland waters (sub[ect
to other provlslons of the Act) and to take flsh from a rlver or creek provlded a person
ls ln a boat on these waters or ls on the bed of the rlver or creek. Plshlng from prlvately
owned land, l.e. the bank of a stream, wlthout the consent of the land owner ls not
authorlsed by the l|shet|es Vonoement Act nor ls access over another person's property
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to galn access to a rlver or creek. |n these cases, permlsslon should be sought and
granted before enterlng prlvate property.
Por lnformatlon about trespass obtaln professlonal legal advlce or alternatlvely phone
the Pollce Asslstance Llne on :: ((( or your nearest local pollce. |n an emergency,
telephone ooo.
Views and amenity
The vlews that people en[oy from thelr resldence ln a rural area are often one of the key
features that made them buy a property and wlsh to llve ln a rural area. Actlvltles that
block out these vlews, whether lntentlonal or unlntentlonal, are llkely to be met wlth
opposltlon and annoyance. our nelghbours don't own the vlew they en[oy but they do
deserve to be recognlsed before carrylng out a farm development such as plantlng trees
or undertaklng works that wlll affect thelr vlews. |mportant polnts to remember are:
- Conslder the vlews of nelghbours when undertaklng your property plan.
- Take all practlcal measures to not affect the vlew of a nelghbour.
- |f you are llkely to affect your nelghbour's vlew, consult them and work wlth them to
flnd agreeable optlons before you go ahead wlth a farm development plan.
- |f you feel you have been affected by your nelghbour's actlvlty or development, as a
flrst step try to contact them and dlscuss your concerns. Obtaln thelr slde of the lssue
so you are better lnformed.
- Conslder what you can do to mltlgate the lmpacts on your vlews caused by your
nelghbour's actlvltles.
- |f the matter ls serlous enough, contact your local Councll and seek expert advlce.
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Waste water management systems -
you're standing in itl
Most rural propertles are on septlc systems or alternatlve waste water management
systems. The responslblllty for thelr malntenance ls on you, the owner of the property.
Overloaded septlc systems dralnlng lnto watercourses and nelghbourlng propertles ls
[ust not acceptable.
ou are responslble for ensurlng the system does not adversely lmpact on the
envlronment and human health. Counclls audlt waste water management systems. |f
you are unsure of your responslbllltles, lncludlng lnstallatlon, necessary management
guldellnes and requlred consents, contact your local councll, local plumber or lnstaller
for advlce. ou or your nelghbour can be flned for lnefflclent and non compllant systems.
Also, be aware that waste water treatment systems may contamlnate nearby
groundwater. Por thls reason lt ls not recommended that you use water from bores for
domestlc purposes when the bore ls located near a waste water management system.
Note that lf you are buylng a property wlth lts own on-slte waste water management
system, make sure that the detalls of the system are attached to the contract of sale. As a
part of the sales contract, arrange for a councll lnspectlon of the system before you buy
the property.
Water and aquatic issues
The rlght to the control and use the flow of all water ln rlvers, lakes and aqulfers
and water that occurs naturally on or below the surface of land ls held by the State
government. The wotet Vonoement Act zooo ls the maln Act for managlng water
ln NSw, although other leglslatlon affects development and actlvltles ln and around
waterways and wetlands.
At the tlme of wrltlng some water sharlng plans are already ln place on the north coast.
These dlctate how and whether surface water or groundwater wlll be shared between
the envlronment, lrrlgatlon, stock and domestlc and town water supply. To make thlngs
confuslng, untll water sharlng plans are ln place ln all north coast catchments the
wotet Act :p:z stlll regulates most actlvltles to do wlth water llcenslng. ou wlll need
a water llcence to lrrlgate and for many agrlcultural and commerclal uses. To obtaln a
water llcence, or lf you have any lssue relatlng to water on your property, contact the
Department of water and Lnergy.
There are speclal lnstances where you wlll not requlre a llcence (harvestable rlghts). Thls
relates to where you are obtalnlng water for domestlc or llmlted stock use. |f you are
unsure, contact the Department of water and Lnergy. Many rural resldentlal blocks are
on town water whlch wlll be under the control of a water authorlty or local councll.
Por lnformatlon on water quallty lssues for human consumptlon contact Department
of Health or refer to thelr webslte
ou must not dlspose of rubblsh, place rubblsh or anlmal manure ln
or near a watercourse or groundwater source (well, bore, excavatlon or dam). Also, on-
slte waste water management systems can contamlnate nearby groundwater systems
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lncludlng bores and wells. Palnwater tanks are recommended for potable water for
domestlc use on farms, when a retlculated town water supply ls not avallable.
|f you have done your homework before purchaslng your property you wlll have made
sure that there ls adequate water to meet your future stock and domestlc needs,
especlally durlng dry perlods. 8elng a wlse and conservatlon-mlnded landowner you
would have also lnstalled ralnwater tanks and checked out whether there ls avallable
groundwater lf thlngs really get tough.
Dvernight the stream runs dry. I have investigated and found that the
neighbour upstream is irrigating pasture and the stream fIow has stopped.
What can I do!
our nelghbour may be ln breach of hls access llcence condltlons. |t may, however, have
been accldental and a one-off event. The flrst step ls to communlcate your concern to
your nelghbour. |f the actlvlty contlnues contact the Department of water and Lnergy. |f
lt ls a breach of the nelghbour's water access llcence then the Department of water and
Lnergy may undertake compllance actlon.
7he next door neighbour upstream is buiIding a dam on the fence Iine to
capture run off into our stream. What do I do!
our nelghbour cannot alter the manner, especlally the entry polnt, ln whlch water
enters your property wlthout approval. The Department of water and Lnergy ls
responslble for grantlng approvals and related compllance lssues.
Do I need permission to take water!
|f you have a baslc landholder rlght to extract water from your stream for domestlc and
stock purposes you wlll not requlre a llcence. Thls lncludes water for gardens, vegetables
and llmlted stock use. Should you wlsh to sell or barter produce derlved from thls water
use you wlll need a water access llcence. |f you want to lrrlgate elther from a surface
water source or a groundwater source, you wlll most llkely need a water access llcence.
Talk to the Department of water and Lnergy about what you can access under your baslc
landholder rlght.
What approvaIs do I need to buiId a dam and how Iarge can I buiId it!
|f you want to bulld a dam on your property to use water for lrrlgatlon you are entltled
to :o per cent of the estlmated average run off to flll your dam wlthout requlrlng a water
llcence. Thls ls called your 'harvestable rlght', the slze of whlch wlll depend on the slze
of your property and the ralnfall run off co-efflclent for the locallty. To flnd out what slze
dam you can bulld wlthout requlrlng a llcence contact the Department of water and
Lnergy or for general lnformatlon on lrrlgatlon contact NSw Department of Prlmary
|ndustrles (see lutthet |nlotmot|on sectlon at the end of thls chapter) |t ls also a good
ldea to contact your local Councll as addltlonal consents may be requlred. Thls wlll apply
to any work where water flow ls elther captured or dlverted lncludlng groundwater.
Note: Llcences to lrrlgate from surface water sources such as rlvers and streams are
embargoed on the north coast and are no longer belng allocated by the Department
of water and Lnergy. |f you need a llcence to lrrlgate, you wlll need to make sure your
property already has a water llcence or enter the water market where you can buy
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||S|O|S A|S\||S ,,
an allocatlon on a temporary or permanent basls. Groundwater llcences may stlll be
avallable for your area but lt ls recommended that you contact the Department of water
and Lnergy to check. |f your nelghbour has a water access llcence, they may be wllllng to
trade or lease you some water.
What happens in times of drought!
Stock and domestlc water must be wlsely used, especlally durlng drought. Havlng your
sprlnkler golng ln the mlddle of the day waterlng your two acres of lawn wlll not endear
you to the lrrlgator next door who ls under 'cease-to-pump condltlons' and watchlng hls
crops fall or trees dle. Durlng tlmes of drought or water shortages restrlctlons may be
placed on your ablllty to access water.
Announcements are made over Pural A8C radlo but lf you are ln any doubt as to your
access rlghts contact the Department of water and Lnergy. Town water restrlctlons wlll
be the concern of local counclls. There are large flnes ln place, lncludlng the loss of your
water llcence, should you be accesslng water lllegally.
My neighbour has aItered the fIow conditions on his property. In times of
heavy rain my property fIoods, which threatens buiIdings and Iivestock.
What do I do!
our nelghbour cannot alter the manner, especlally the entry polnt, ln whlch water
enters your property wlthout approval. The Department of water and Lnergy ls
responslble for grantlng approvals and related compllance lssues.
What other IegisIation appIies around water!
The legal system ls complex and most actlvltles are llkely to be controlled or affected
by leglslatlon. Por lnstance, works ln and around waterways and wetlands may requlre
approval under the l|shet|es Vonoement Act :pp;. A permlt ls requlred for aquaculture,
to carry out dredge and reclamatlon works, to harm marlne vegetatlon and to obstruct
the free passage of flsh.
Contact NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles lf you are plannlng on undertaklng
works or an actlvlty that may be near or wlthln a waterway, groundwater source or
wetland or may lmpact on the aquatlc envlronment. Lxamples of development and
works lnvolvlng water that may requlre a permlt from NSw Department of Prlmary
|ndustrles lnclude flsh hatcherles, [ettles, boat ramps, causeways, brldges, dams, welrs,
floodgates, levee banks, marlnas, dredglng, channellsatlon or reallgnment of waterways,
foreshore stablllsatlon, boardwalks and development that may affect marlne vegetatlon
such as mangroves and seagrasses.
Por a full llst of some of the most relevant leglslatlon affectlng rural land, refer to the
NSw government webslte. Always obta
actlvlty that may requlre an approval.
ln legal advlce before undertaklng works or an
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
oo ||S|O|S A|S\||S
Further information
- A kesoutce l|t lot tutol lonJholJets |n the Nomoucco, Vocleoy onJ lost|ns volleys
(zoo6) Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty
- 8ush low lonJoool: A toct|col u|Je to low on the lonJ |n N5w znd Ldltlon. Tony
Smlth, Pedfern Legal Centre Publlshlng, zoo
- lotest locts, Notth lost lotestty ke|on - Porests NSw, Department of Prlmary
- lntetoteJ 0eveloment Assessment ltocess - lnlotmot|on on N5w 0eottment ol
lt|moty lnJustt|es (Plsherles Management Act} tequ|tements: A u|Je lot ol|conts
NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustry zoo6
- l|v|n onJ wotl|n w|th mocoJom|os: onswets to common quest|ons NSw Department
of Prlmary |ndustry Prlmefact z;, zoo;
- lut youtsell |n the |ctute: Cot|n lot yout smoll tutol toetty NSw Department of
Prlmary |ndustry zoo6
- kutol lonJholJets Cu|Je to lnv|tonmentol low |n New 5outh woles Lnvlronmental
Defenders Offlce NSw, zoo6
- 5ome tecout|ons when ouy|n tutol lonJ NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustry
Agnote Gen-o((, zoo(
- v|tol lnlotmot|on lot 5moll kutol lonJholJets Department of Agrlculture, Plsherles and
- weothet lot est|c|Je stoy|n 8ureau of Meteorology zoo(
- 7he kutol l|v|n lonJoool zoo)-zoop Goulburn Mulwaree Councll zoo6
Note: Local and reglonal llbrarles may provlde another useful source for obtalnlng
lnformatlon on thls toplc lncludlng local contacts and speclflc lnformatlon relevant
to the area.
- Lnvlronmental Defenders Offlce
- Porests NSw, Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
- Landcare
- Local government
- Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty
- NSw Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change
- NSw Department of Lands
- NSw Department of Plannlng
- NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
- NSw Department of water and Lnergy
- NSw Law and Legal Advlce,
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
|O||||S ||A|S o
PoIicies and pIans
7h|s chotet |s Jes|neJ to hel locol ovetnment onJ lonJ usets monoe tutol lonJ use
conll|ct onJ |ntetloce |ssues ooth Jut|n sttote|c lonn|n oct|v|t|es onJ |n teot|n locol
env|tonmentol lons (llls}. 7he o|m |s to ensute thot lutute locol sttote|c lonn|n onJ locol
env|tonmentol lons, esec|olly llls, loy the|t tole |n teJuc|n lonJ use conll|ct televont to
ley env|tonmentol ossets onJ tutol toJuct|on oteos.
7h|s chotet conto|ns:
- summot|es ol stotutoty tov|s|ons to oe oJJtesseJ |n mol|n lons to oettet monoe
lonJ use conll|ct |ssues
- u|J|n t|nc|les to oe useJ |n locol sttote|c lonn|n onJ |n Jevelo|n new llls
- o tev|ew ol the lll temlote (|nttoJuceJ |n zooo}, onJ u|Jel|nes on how to mole use ol th|s
new env|tonmentol lonn|n |nsttument to oJJtess lonJ use conll|ct onJ |ntetloce |ssues.
lt olso outl|nes lonn|n t|nc|les onJ sttote|es onJ hos suest|ons to hel locol
ovetnment ovo|J lutute lonJ use conll|ct onJ |ntetloce |ssues, esec|olly thtouh the
stotutoty lonn|n system.
Note. 8ecouse le|slot|on onJ ol|cy chone olten, the oJv|ce onJ tecommenJot|ons |n th|s
honJoool shoulJ not oe tel|eJ on |n teot|n, tev|ew|n ot omenJ|n locol env|tonmentol
lons. 7hey shoulJ oe tolen os o u|Je only, onJ you shoulJ olwoys checl the cuttent stotus
ol le|slot|on onJ ol|cy.
Avoiding and reducing Iand use confIict
through Iand use pIanning
Managlng land use confllct and lnterface lssues requlres land managers, declslon makers
and planners to have access to a range of tools and methods. Thls chapter outllnes one
of the most lmportant of these, and glves example to lllustrate where and how they
can be used. whlle they should be famlllar to government planners, lt ls also lmportant
for other land managers and users to understand the tools and methods planners are
worklng wlth. Thls allows everyone lnvolved ln an lssue to do wlth land use confllct to
work together to solve the problem. Thls ls called land use plannlng.
Land use plannlng has the unlque and lmportant role of belng able to manage land
use to allow the best use of any part of the landscape. whlle lt often concerns ltself wlth
confllct lssues, lt also allows us to put ln place strategles that wlll help avold confllcts ln
the flrst place. Thls means that whlle you mlght have to adopt land use plannlng tools to
manage an exlstlng lssue (reactlve management), the ldeal ls that they wlll be used to
create a sltuatlon that llmlts the posslbllltles for land use confllct ln the future (strateglc
management). whether you are a land manager, a land user, or a planner, lt ls lmportant
that you understand these tools and how they can be used.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
o. |O||||S ||A|S
Lxamples of tools for land use management lnclude:
- preferred and priority Iand uses, whlch ldentlfy preferred and prlorlty land uses f
every parcel of land ln each local government area. These are called "land use zon
- permissibIe Iand uses, whlch deflne permlsslble land uses ln each land use zone
- future settIement, whlch ldentlfles the locatlon of future rural and urban settlem
- ruIes deflnlng thlngs such as how land can be subdlvlded lnto smaller parcels
- guideIines for matters such as how a new development should be assessed.
PIanning principIes
8efore we look at speclflc envlronmental plannlng lnstruments, lt ls lmportant to thln
about plannlng prlnclples to avold and reduce land use confllct and lnterface lssues.
The NSw Land & Lnvlronment Court deflnes a plannlng prlnclple as a
stotement ol o Jes|toole outcome ltom o cho|n ol teoson|n o|meJ ot
teoch|n, ot o l|st ol otot|ote mottets to oe cons|JeteJ |n mol|n o
lonn|n Jec|s|on.
|mportantly, although prlnclples are general statements and are often dlsmlssed as
belng not speclflc enough, they are deslgned to be applled to lndlvldual sltuatlons s
there ls some conslstency of approach. Plannlng prlnclples can be legally blndlng an
need to be consldered wlth the plannlng pollcles and plans of local authorltles. Plan
prlnclples can help wlth maklng a plannlng declslon where there ls a gap ln pollcy (l.
no clear dlrectlon), or where a pollcy ls unclear or may be lnterpreted ln several ways.
can flnd more on the NSw Land & Lnvlronment Court's prlnclples and examples at th
Glven the many lnstruments avallable to gulde land use plannlng, lt ls llkely you wlll
come across many prlnclples for good envlronmental management. whlle some are
speclflc to certaln sltuatlons (there's an example over the page), others are more gen
|n thls sectlon we capture the prlnclples that apply across the board. They are a guld
best practlce plannlng and help ldentlfy how the best declslons can be reached. Thln
about how you can apply these prlnclples to the areas of land use management you
lnvolved ln.
What principIes shouId appIy to aII State, regionaI and IocaI government
strategic poIicy deveIopment, pIanning and management!
Land use plannlng and pollcy should take lnto account the broad prlnclples descrlbe
ln the followlng table.
e to

||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
|O||||S ||A|S o,
7oole 4: lt|nc|les when lonn|n onJ |mlement|n lonJ use ol|c|es
PrincipIe Aims
|cc|c|c.||y sust.|r.b|o Jovo|cpnort,
p.oc.ut|cr .rJ ccnnur|ty or.onort
|.cncto sust.|r.b|o Jovo|cpnort
b.soJ cr t|o p.|rc|p|os c| occ|c|c.||y
sust.|r.b|o Jovo|cpnort, t|o
p.oc.ut|cr..y p.|rc|p|o, .rJ oru|ro
ccnnur|ty or.onort
crs|storcy t|.cu|cut t|o p|.rr|r syston c bo ccrs|stort .|t| .|| |cc.|
cvo.rnort .rJ p|.rs,|os
.rJ J|.oct|crs
|.ctoct|cr c| r.tu..| .oscu.cos |.ctoct p.|n..y .u..| |rJust.|os
(..|cu|tu.o, |c.ost.y, n|r|r,|tu.o, ||s|o.|os), t|o|. .oscu.cos,
pctort|.| |utu.o p.|n..y |rJust.|os, .rJ
s|r|||c.rt .u..| |.rJsc.pos
|.ctoct|cr c| orv|.crnort.| .ssots |.ctoct koy orv|.crnort.| .ssots,
|rc|uJ|r ||| ccrso.v.t|cr v.|uo
voot.t|cr .rJ occsystons, occsyston
occ|c|c.| ccnnur|t|os .rJ koy
|occr|t|cr c| |rJ|orcus v.|uos |occr|so Abc.||r.| cu|tu..| |o.|t.o,
.|t| o..|y cu|tu..||y.pp.cp.|.to
ccrsu|t.t|cr .|t| t|o .o|ov.rt Abc.||r.|
Avc|J |rccnp.t|b|||ty |rsu.o t|.t |cc.|, .o|cr.| c. r.tu
..| .rJ bu||t .oscu.cos ..o rct ur.o.scr
.b|y ccrst..|roJ by |rccnp.t|b|o
|.rJ usos
Avc|J .rJ .occrc||o |.rJ uso ccr|||ct Avc|J .rJ .occrc||o |.rJ uso ccr|||ct
.rJ |rto.|.co |ssuos bot.oor |.rJ usos
|r .Jc|r|r .cros .rJ |.rJ usos .|t||r
t|o .cro
These prlnclples, whlch at tlmes can be legally blndlng, place a number of
responslbllltles on all partles to land use plannlng. |mportantly, they encourage
responslblllty to:
- plan for adequate separatlon between confllctlng land uses
- assess, as early as posslble ln the plannlng process, rlsks of confllct created by
changes of land use and new development ln rural areas
- avold or mlnlmlse land use confllct
- alm to reconclle exlstlng confllcts
- be aware that potentlal land use confllct ls often trlggered by lntenslflcatlon of land
use at the lnterfaces between rural, urban and/or sensltlve envlronments.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
o: |O||||S ||A|S
What does this mean in practice1
7h|s |s oll vety well, out how Jo t|nc|les onJ tesons|o|l|t|es ttonslote |nto lonn|n
toct|ce/ lets lool ot how these t|nc|les m|ht oe ol|eJ. whete on env|tonmentol
lonnet |s t|mot|ly concetneJ w|th tutol lonJ monoement, he ot she w|ll most l|lely
oJhete to u|J|n t|nc|les s|m|lot to the lollow|n:
- tutol lonJ use toles teceJence ovet non-tutol lonJ uses |n tutol oteos
- lonJscoe volues ol tutol lonJs shoulJ oe totecteJ
- J|lletent volues ol tutol lonJs shoulJ oe co-monoeJ
- tutol lonJ use shoulJ oe totecteJ ltom tes|Jent|ol enctoochment
- cuttent oest toct|ce tutol lonJ use monoement shoulJ oe oJoteJ
- ot|cultutol lonJ shoulJ temo|n |n lote otcels lot lutute tutol use
- loss ol ot|cultutol v|oo|l|ty shoulJ not just|ly convets|on ol tutol lonJ to non-tutol uses.
Asl youtsell how you w|ll oly these t|nc|les onJ u|Jel|nes to yout oteo ol |ntetest.
Oov|ously you hove sec|l|c conJ|t|ons onJ env|tonmentol constto|nts to wotl w|th|n,
lus o tone ol sec|l|c ooject|ves onJ |Jeol outcomes. low con you ol|n them w|th these
State IegisIation and poIicy:
invoIving ruraI Iand use confIicts
Table contalns an overvlew of leglslatlon whlch ls relevant to rural land use. Leglslatlon
affectlng land and resource use ls one of the fundamental and key strategles for
addresslng land use confllcts.
7oole 5: N5w le|slot|on televont to tutol lonJ use onJ teJuc|n lonJ use conll|ct
LegisIation key issues controIIed Lead
|.|oe| ||o| oJ
^ee| ^c| ,,,
|cc.| |rv|.crnort.| ||.rs
cr|r .rJ Jovo|cpnort ccrt.c|s
|rv|.crnort.| |np.ct .ssossnort
|ov|o. .rJ .ppo.|s |.rJ .rJ
|rv|.crnort cu.t
|opt c|
|oco|| ^c| ,,: b.c.J p|.rr|r .rJ orv|.crnort.|
Oppc.tur|ty |c. .JJ|t|cr.| ru|s.rco
ccrt.c|s, |rc|uJ|r Jcnost|c .r|n.|s
|ov|o. .rJ .ppo.|s tc |.rJ .rJ
|rv|.crnort cu.t
/o|e /ooee|
^c| .ooo
/o|e ^c| ,.
\.to. ||cors|r .rJ ccnp||.rco .rJ su.|.co
bu||J|r . J.n
Act|v|t|os .J.cort tc c. |r st.o.ns
|opt c| \.to.
.rJ |ro.y
co| o,
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
|O||||S ||A|S o,
LegisIation key issues controIIed Lead
|o|ec||o o| ||e
|.|oe| Ceo||o
^c| ,,,
|c||ut|cr .ou|.t|cr rc|so, cJcu.,
..sto, pc||ut|cr, .|. pc||ut|cr
Sots st.|ct st.rJ..Js .rJ por.|t|os
|ct|cos tc po.scrs b.o.c||r Act
|oct|.t|cr ccnncr|y usoJ tc
.osc|vo |rc|Jorts
|opt c|
.rJ ||
|o||.e vee|o||o ^c| .oo, |o..|r c| r.t|vo voot.t|cr .rJ
|r|.rconort c| r.t|vo voot.t|cr
|.| |.t|vo |c.ost.y
|opt c|
.rJ ||
|eo|eeJ ec|e
oe.o||o ^c| ,,,
|.ctoctoJ ||c.. .rJ |.ur. cr p.|
.rJ pub||c |.rJs
|opt c|
.rJ ||
|opt c| |.|n..y
|||e|e /ooee| ^c|
\c.ks t|.t n.y |np.ct cr .ou.t|c
\c.ks |r c. .ot|.rJs
(J.oJ|r, .oc|.n.t|cr .rJ
cbst.uct|crs tc |.oo c| ||s|)
|.o.toroJ .ou.t|c spoc|os|tu.o
|opt c| |.|n..y
|oe|, ^c| ,o |ou|.tos |c.ost.y .ct|v|ty .|t||r
|c.osts .rJ ct|o. .c.r |.rJs
|c.osts |S\
||v|s|cr c| |S\
|opt c| |.|n..y
||.|J| |ece ^c| ,, |st.b||s|nort c| . ro. |orco c.
n.|rtor.rco c| .r ox|st|r |orco
|cc.| cu.t
|cc.| |.rJ
|o||oo| |o| oJ /||J|||e
^c| ,,:
|.ctoct|cr c| r.t|vo ||c.. .rJ |.ur.
|.ctoct|cr c| Abc.||r.| s|tos
|opt c|
.rJ ||
||.e oJ |oe|oe
|| ^c| ,:8
\c.ks |r c. .J.cort tc c.
|opt c| \.to.
.rJ |ro.y
o|| oe.o||o ^c| ,,8 Sc|| ccrso.v.t|cr
|.rJ n.r.onort
|opt c| |.rJs
|o|oo /eeJ ^c| ,,, |cx|cus .ooJs |cc.| c.
.o|cr.| .ooJ
co| oo
o|e , co|
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
oo |O||||S ||A|S
o|e , co|
LegisIation key issues controIIed Lead
|e||c|Je ^c| ,,, |so c| post|c|Jos
Sp..y J.||t
|opt c|
.rJ ||
|oo| ||e ^c| ,,, bu.r|r |r .u..| ..o.s |u..| ||.o
|oo| |oJ |o|ec||o
^c| ,,8
|oop|r c| stcck
|ost .r|n.|s |rc|uJ|r .||J Jcs
|u..| |.rJ
||o|o||o oJ
|e|oe|o||o ^c| ,,,
|st.b||s||r p|.rtoJ |c.osts |opt c| |.|n..y
Lach State government agency also has lts own pollcles and guldellnes. |f you are
lnvolved ln an lssue managed by a partlcular government agency lt ls lmportant that
you know about the pollcles and guldellnes that are relevant. Key State government
departments ln NSw wlth an actlve role ln land use plannlng lnclude:
Department of Plannlng
Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change
Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
Department of water and Lnergy
Department of Local Government.
Plannlng lnstruments and local plannlng controls and guldellnes are outllned ln thls
chapter. Por the underlylng pollcles and related acts, you wlll need to contact the
relevant State agencles or go to the NSw government portal, webslte,
then follow llnks to Law & 1ustlce > The NSw Legal System > Leglslatlon. ou can also get
there through:
An overvlew of the envlronmental law and land use plannlng framework and plannlng
hlerarchy that operates ln NSw ls presented at Plgure :. Pollowlng Plgure : ls a
descrlptlon of the key elements of the plannlng framework.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
|O||||S ||A|S o,
App||c.t|cr c|
nvironmentaI Laws and LegisIation App.cvoJ by t|o
orv|.crnort.| |..s
|o |o.| | |c. p|.rr|r, |.rJ uso, p.ctoct|cr c|
cvo.rc. cr t|o
.Jv|co c| t|o
.rJ .ou|.t|crs by t|o orv|.crnort, n.r.onort c| r.tu..|, t|o
cvo.rnort |.|n..y .orc|os .rJ ..rt|r c||s .rJ ||corcos .s .o|| .s por.|t|os
.ospcrs|b|||ty c| t|o
c..r|s.t|crs |vor
.rJ or|c.conort
|.. .osts .|t|
.ut|c.|ty tc .pp|y t|o
State nvironmentaI PIanning PoIicies (SPPs)
App.cvoJ by t|o
|o |np|onort.t|cr noc|.r|sn |c. or.ct|r
V|r|sto. |c. ||.rr|r
pc||cy .rJ n.tto.s c| s|r||c.rco S|||s c.r
|ospcrs|b|||ty c| S|||s
.osts .|t| c|
|rc|uJo |.rJ uso ccrt.c|s |c. spoc||c |ssuos .rJ |cc.||t|os
cvo.rnort v|. |opt
.rJ oro..||y t.ko p.ocoJorco cvo. |||s |||s
c| ||.rr|r
RegionaI nvironmentaI PIans (RPs)
App.cvoJ by t|o
Catchment Action
and RegionaI Strategies
V|r|sto. |c. ||.rr|r
PIans (CAPs)

|o |np|onort.t|cr | |c. or.ct|r

|ospcrs|b|||ty c|
cnnur|ty b.soJ
cvo.rnort v|. |opt
.o|cr.| r.tu..|
pc||c|os .t t|o .o|cr.| |ovo| |||s .rJ |o|cr.|
c| ||.rr|r t..ots |os Jo.| .|t| n.tto.s c| .o|cr.| s|r||c.rco .rJ
.rJ p|.rs oro..||y t.ko p.ocoJorco cvo. |||s
LocaI nvironmentaI PIans (LPs)
|..|toJ by |cc.|
|o |np|onort.t|cr noc|.r|sn |c. or.ct|r .rJ
ccurc||s App.cvoJ by
|..|toJ by
.o|cr.| pc||c|os .t t|o |cc.| |ovo| |||s Jo|ro |cc.| |.rJ
t|o V|r|sto.
|ospcrs|b|||ty |c.
uso .u|os |rc|uJ|r |.rJ .cr|r, |.rJ uso cboct|vos,
|np|onort|r |||s
Aut|c.|t|os .rJ
po.n|ss|b|o Jovo|cpnort .rJ Jovo|cpnort st.rJ..Js
.osts .|t| |cc.|
.pp.cvoJ by t|o
V|r|sto. |c. ||
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.rJ \.to., .ospcrs| DeveIopment ControI PIans (DCPs)
|..|toJ .rJ .JcptoJ
b|||ty c| .tc|nort u|Jo||ros tc n.r.o Jovo|cpnort |ssuos ||s |u.t|o.
by |cc.| ccurc||s ||s
cut||ro Jovo|cpnort st.rJ..Js .rJ n.tto.s t|.t cu|t
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tc bo t.kor |rtc ccrs|Jo..t|cr by ccurc||s |r ccn|r tc .
Joc|s|cr cvo. Jovo|cpnort
l|ute 1: 7he env|tonmentol low onJ lonJ use lonn|n ltomewotl |n N5w
Land use plannlng ln NSw ls prlmarlly governed by an Act of parllament called the
lnv|tonmentol llonn|n onJ Assessment Act :p)p. Thls ls usually abbrevlated to the LP&A
Act. The Act's maln alm ls:
7he toet monoement, Jeveloment onJ consetvot|on ol notutol onJ
ott|l|c|ol tesoutces, |ncluJ|n ot|cultutol lonJ, notutol oteos, lotests, m|netols,
wotet, c|t|es, towns onJ v|lloes lot the utose ol tomot|n the soc|ol onJ
econom|c wellote ol the commun|ty onJ o oettet env|tonment.
How does the LP&A Act meet thls alm! |t does thls by:
- encouraglng good and approprlate management of natural and artlflclal resources
- promotlng and coordlnatlng orderly and economlc land use
- protectlng, provldlng and coordlnatlng communlcatlon and utlllty servlces
- provldlng publlc use land
- provldlng and coordlnatlng communlty servlces and facllltles
- protectlng the envlronment, lncludlng natlve anlmals, plants and habltats
- encouraglng ecologlcally sustalnable development
- provldlng affordable houslng
- sharlng the responslblllty for envlronmental plannlng wlth all levels of NSw government
- lncreaslng the opportunlty for publlc lnvolvement and partlclpatlon ln
envlronmental management.
ou can flnd the LP&A Act at webslte
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How does the P&A Act work!
The LP&A Act ls made up of elght parts. The lmportant ones for land use plannlng
lssues are parts , ( and . Part ls to do wlth the preparatlon and use of envlronmental
plannlng lnstruments (LP|s) and development control plans (DCPs), Part ( deals wlth
development appllcatlons, and Part wlth works and developments that do not requlre
development consent but do requlre a llcence or approval.
Under Sectlon ::; of the LP&A Act the Mlnlster for Plannlng can make local plannlng
dlrectlons about the preparatlon of draft local envlronmental plans (LLPs). These
dlrectlons relate to key plannlng lssues. Key Sectlon ::; Dlrectlons of relevance to rural
land use plannlng on the north coast lnclude:
:.z Pural zones
:. Mlnlng, petroleum productlon and extractlve |ndustrles
:.( Oyster aquaculture
z.: Lnvlronmental protectlon zones
z.z Coastal protectlon
z. Herltage conservatlon
(.: Acld sulfate solls
(. Plood prone land
(.( Plannlng for bushflre protectlon
.: |mplementatlon of reglonal strategles
. Parmland of State and reglonal slgnlflcance on the NSw far north coast.
Por lnformatlon on Sectlon ::; Dlrectlons and local plannlng matters contact the NSw
Department of Plannlng or go to thelr webslte
UnderIying environmentaI pIanning instruments
- State envlronmental plannlng pollcles (SLPPs)
- Peglonal envlronmental plans (PLPs) and Peglonal Strategles
- Local envlronmental plans (LLPs).
State environmentaI pIanning poIicies (SPPs)
A core document ln envlronmental plannlng ls the State Lnvlronmental Plannlng
Pollcy. Thls ls often abbrevlated to SLPP. These pollcles are prepared by the NSw State
government and cover many lssues lncludlng prlmary lndustry development, coastal
development, envlronmental protectlon, lnfrastructure and contamlnated lands.
What does a State environmentaI pIanning poIicy (SPP) do1 A SLPP sets State
plannlng pollcy on partlcular lssues and wlll prevall over a local envlronmental plan.
SLPPs can enable and prohlblt varlous land uses or actlvltles wlthln speclflc areas, and
can prescrlbe development appllcatlon and envlronmental assessment processes.
How do I find out what State environmentaI pIanning poIicy (SPPs) might affect my
Iand or proposed deveIopment1 The NSw Department of Plannlng ls responslble for
draftlng and managlng SLPPs. ou can get a complete, current llst of SLPPs from the
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department's webslte as well as prevlous and repealed ones, along wlth a descrlptlon
and explanatlon of the rules and provlslons assoclated wlth each SLPP.
To flnd out more about SLPPs, go to webslte
Or go to and follow llnks through 'The Plannlng System' and
'Leglslatlon and plannlng lnstruments'.
Which SPPs appIy to the north coast1 There are many SLPPs governlng a wlde range
of envlronmental lssues. So whlch SLPPs wlll you most llkely need to know about for the
north coast! As they are contlnually belng revlewed, repealed, replaced, and ratlonallsed,
your flrst port of call to flnd out about SLPPs and pollcles that apply to speclflc areas and
lssues should be the relevant local councll. ou can also consult the NSw Department of
Plannlng or you can go to NSw Government webslte for a llst of SLPPs
At the tlme of wrltlng, relevant SLPPs appllcable to the north coast lnclude:
- No. :( - Coastal wetlands
- No. : - Pural Land Sharlng Communltles
- No. z6 - Llttoral Palnforest
- No. o - |ntenslve Agrlculture
- No. (( - Koala Habltat Protectlon
- No. o - Canal Lstates
- No. - Pemedlatlon of Land
- No. 6z - Sustalnable Aquaculture
- No. ;: - Coastal Protectlon
- SLPP (Senlors Llvlng) zoo(
- SLPP (Mlnlng, Petroleum Productlon and Lxtractlve |ndustrles) zoo;.
RegionaI pIans and strategies
North Coast RegionaI nvironmentaI PIan
The North Coast Peglonal Lnvlronmental Plan (NCPLP) provldes a framework for
envlronmental plannlng ln the north coast reglon (the area from the Hastlngs to
the Tweed). |ts provlslons cover the assessment and determlnatlon of development
appllcatlons and the preparatlon of LLPs, and lt requlres that an LLP be conslstent wlth
the plan. The NCPLP:
- deflnes reglonal pollcles to protect the envlronment, encourage an approprlate bullt
envlronment, and gulde development towards a productlve and envlronmentally-
sound future
- consolldates pollcles, maklng them approprlate to reglonal needs and context
- encourages coordlnatlon of reglonal actlvltles related to growth, and optlmum
communlty economlc and soclal beneflt
- provldes a framework for ldentlfylng prlorltles for further work by the plannlng
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The NCPLP wlll be phased out by zo:: and wlll be replaced by new reglonal strategles
and LLPs. |n the mean tlme lt wlll malntaln lts role ln provldlng the framework for
envlronmental plannlng on the north coast. To vlew the NCPLP, go to elther or
How does the NCRP work!
The plan ls lmplemented by deflnlng ob[ectlves for future plannlng and land
development, and pollcles for preparlng local envlronmental plans and the controlllng
development. |t does thls through a wlde range of provlslons.
|t has a number of clauses that are partlcularly relevant to land use confllct and lnterface
lssues. Some of these clauses are llsted below.
- ; Plan preparatlonprlme crop or pasture land
- 8 Plan preparatlonmlnlmum lot slze
- :: Plan preparatlonlntenslve anlmal lndustrles
- :( Plan preparatlonwetlands or flshery habltats
- zo Plan preparatlonrural land release strategy
- z: Plan preparatlondwelllngs on rural land
- z Plan preparatlonstate forests
- zp Plan preparatlonnatural areas and water catchments
- 8 Plan preparatlonurban land release strategy
xampIes of how NCRP cIauses can heIp address
Iand use confIict and interface issues
The NCPLP clauses provlde a wlde-ranglng set of guldellnes and controls on plannlng
processes that allow planners to address the guldlng prlnclples for strateglc and
statutory plannlng to avold land use confllct. |n general, the prlnclples requlre that
all plannlng be conslstent wlth all local government and State plans, strategles and
dlrectlons, and be based on concepts of ecologlcally sustalnable development,
the precautlonary prlnclple, and communlty engagement. As well, the prlnclples
requlre that lmportant landscape and soclal attrlbutes be protected, partlcularly rural
lndustrles, envlronmental assets, and cultural herltage. Underlylng these ls the deslre
to avold land use confllct, especlally by mltlgatlng the posslbllltles of constralnlng land
use by nearby lncompatlble land use, and plannlng to avold confllct or lnterface lssues
on ad[olnlng land.
Many of the NCPLP clauses help wlth applylng such prlnclples, and lndeed thelr
provlslons overlap ln ensurlng the prlnclples are enacted. There are common strands
throughout the NCPLP. Por example, lt has requlrements to do wlth subdlvlslon,
mlnlmum allotment slzes, the separatlon of zones for lncompatlble actlvltles, and the
need for detall analyses of potentlal land use or development consents. whlle such
clauses focus on retalnlng, for example, farmland, they also enable future land uses to be
ldentlfled. Here are three examples to show how the prlnclples can be applled.
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xampIe 1: nvironmentaI consideration and community consuItation. Clause zo
sets condltlons for LLPs, rural land release strategles, and ldentlfylng land sultable for
rural houslng. A Councll should not, for example, prepare a draft LLP for rural land
permlttlng rural resldentlal or small holdlng development unless:
- lt has prepared a rural land release strategy for the whole of lts area
- the Dlrector-General of the Department of Plannlng has approved the strategy
- the draft plan ls conslstent wlth that strategy.
|n addltlon, the NCPLP requlres that any strategy for rural land release for houslng
glve preference to areas that meet a range of envlronmental condltlons, and that
coples of rural land release strategles be avallable to all lnterested partles.
xampIe z: Avoiding confIicting Iand uses. Clause 8 sets condltlons for urban land
release strategles so that local governments cannot prepare envlronmental plans
allowlng slgnlflcant urban growth wlthout an urban land release strategy for the
whole of thelr area. |mportantly, an envlronmental plan should glve preference to
urban growth next to exlstlng urban land and dlscourage urban growth ln other
slgnlflcant locatlons. These slgnlflcant locatlons lnclude land characterlsed by: hlgh
agrlcultural capablllty, current agrlcultural use, envlronmental hazard, conservatlon
value, herltage, envlronmental or cultural slgnlflcance, a rural character and herltage
slgnlflcance of vlllages and small coastal settlements The envlronmental plan should
allow for the need to malntaln the character and slgnlflcance of rural land and
settlements, and provlde substantlal buffer areas between coastal urban centres to
avold unlnterrupted coastal development.
xampIe : Protecting naturaI resources. The NCPLP provldes guldance on how
planners should treat natural resources. Clause z, for example, deflnes dlscrete local
envlronmental plan zonlng for State forests, allowlng for forestry actlvltles by or on
behalf of the NSw Porestry Commlsslon wlthout councll consent. Thls recognlses the
speclflc management requlrements for such forests. |n the same way, clauses :( and
zp requlre that an LLP for land contalnlng rlvers, wetlands, flshery habltats, slgnlflcant
natural vegetatlon, wlldllfe habltat, scenlc areas or potentlal wlldllfe corrldors should
lnclude an envlronment protectlon zone. Thls ls supported by llmltatlons and consent
condltlons for developments such as agrlculture, vegetatlon clearance, and land fllllng
or dralnlng of land, along wlth requlrements for detalled analyses, envlronmental
audlts or water quallty studles prepared by the relevant authorltles. There are
slmllar requlrements for scenlc protectlon or escarpment preservatlon zonlngs, tree
preservatlon orders are requlred under Clause zp.
Far North Coast and Draft Mid North Coast
regionaI strategies
There are two reglonal strategles for the north coast, the lot Notth Coost ke|onol
5ttotey and the 0tolt V|J Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey. 8oth were released ln
December zoo6, and wlll be used to gulde strateglc land use plannlng ln the north coast
reglon up to zo:. The lot Notth Coost 5ttotey applles to Tweed, 8yron, 8alllna, Llsmore,
Kyogle and Plchmond valley, whlle the V|J Notth Coost 5ttotey applles to Clarence
valley, Coffs Harbour, 8elllngen, Nambucca, Kempsey, Port Macquarle Hastlngs, Greater
Taree and Great Lakes. whlle the 0tolt V|J Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey was a draft at
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the tlme of publlcatlon of thls handbook, lt ls expected that lts offlclal status wlll be
conflrmed ln the very near future.
New LLPs must be conslstent wlth the ob[ectlves and provlslons of these strategles. Por
coples of the strategles go to the NSw Department of Plannlng webslte:
- lot Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey
- 0tolt V|J Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey
The Par North Coast and Draft Mld North Coast Peglonal strategles predlct that the reglon
wlll face a number of challenges over the next twenty flve years as a result of an expected
populatlon lncrease of :o,ooo people. Challenges ldentlfled by the strategles lnclude:
- lmproved protectlon and enhancement of envlronmental assets, blodlverslty and
landscape values
- sustalnable use of natural resources
- managlng populatlon growth to prevent urban sprawl and mlnlmlse damage to
envlronmental values and rural productlon
- bulldlng on the reglon's excellent reputatlon, hlgh envlronmental value, tourlsm,
educatlon and hortlculture lndustrles.
Key features of the reglonal strategles of relevance to thls handbook lnclude land ldentlfled
as envlronmental assets and rural land wlll be protected from further urban settlement,
and lnclude buffers to areas of envlronmental value, exlstlng land uses and natural hazards.
The reglonal strategles lnclude maps showlng key natural resources of the far north
coast and mld north coast. These maps ldentlfy envlronmental assets and rural land as
havlng the followlng attrlbutes or values:
- exlstlng natlonal park, state forests or crown publlc reserves
- State or reglonal envlronmental and/or blodlverslty conservatlon slgnlflcance
- strateglc or reglonally slgnlflcant lnterurban breaks or corrldors
- a natural resource, lncludlng State or reglonally slgnlflcant farmland, reglonally
slgnlflcant extractlve resources and prlvate forestry plantatlons
- water catchment, water storage and groundwater resources.
What do the regionaI strategies do!
The reglonal strategles address land use lnterface lssues by settlng condltlons to
avold land use confllct through better envlronmental management practlces and
knowledge. Thelr alm ls to lmprove protectlon and enhancement of envlronmental
assets, blodlverslty and landscape values. The strategles do thls by seeklng to ensure
sustalnable management of, and access to, natural resources, and protectlon of rural
landscapes from lncreased settlement, lmprove our understandlng of Aborlglnal
and Luropean cultural herltage values, and natural processes such as natural hazards
(lncludlng cllmate change), land lnstablllty, bushflre and acld sulfate solls. |mportantly,
they encourage thls lnformatlon to be lncorporated lnto land use plannlng and natural
resource management processes.
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How can regionaI strategies heIp address Iand use confIict and interface issues!
The reglonal strategles alm to support sustalnable growth by ensurlng adequate
land ls avallable and approprlately located to accommodate pro[ected houslng and
employment needs. They also ldentlfy a set of rules for planners to follow that are
deslgned provlde methods and plannlng devlces to help avold land use confllct before
permlsslon belng glven for any partlcular land use or development. Pollowlng are flve
examples that show how the reglonal strategles have been used.
xampIe 1: ncouraging Iand use zoning. 7he lot Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey uses
the concept of land use zonlng to requlre that local envlronmental plans protect
and zone land wlth State or reglonal envlronmental, agrlcultural, vegetatlon, habltat,
waterway, wetland or coastllne values. |t also llmlts LLPs by not allowlng them, for
example, to zone land permlttlng urban development wlthln the envlronmental
assets and rural land area. The 0tolt V|J Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey requlres local
envlronmental plans to zone reglonally slgnlflcant farmland to protect agrlcultural
xampIe z: Use of buffers. The 0tolt V|J Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey advocates
the use, ln LLPs, of lnter-urban breaks between exlstlng and new settlements, and
both reglonal strategles requlre that new development next to farmland, extractlve
resources, waterways, wetlands and areas wlth hlgh value blodlverslty lncorporates
buffers to avold land use confllct.
xampIe : Strategic decision-making and integration into other pIanning
interests. The 0tolt V|J Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey lndlcates that land cannot be
rezoned for urban purposes, unless that re-zonlng ls conslstent wlth a local growth
management strategy agreed between the councll and the Department of Plannlng.
8oth reglonal plans requlre that future rural resldentlal land should only be zoned
for release lf allgned wlth a local growth management strategy and the prlnclples of
the Settlement Plannlng Guldellnes. Pural resldentlal development ln coastal areas
must adhere to agreed growth management strategy, whlle rezonlng of land for
development wlthln coastal lake catchments should conslder the recommendatlon of
any coastal lake sustalnablllty assessment. Dwelllng standards ln local envlronmental
plans should reflect the reglonal strategy and ob[ectlves of the relevant zones. And
flnally, plannlng for rural resldentlal land must be lntegrated wlth lnfrastructure and
xampIe : Identifying standards and constraints. The Peglonal Strategles ldentlfy a
wlde range of other standards whlch are to be reflected ln local envlronmental plans.
These lnclude: mlnlmum subdlvlslon standards and provlslons to llmlt dwelllngs ln
rural and envlronment protectlon zones, llmltlng ma[or health and educatlon facllltles
to urban areas, and provlslons on land frontlng watercourses to llmlt the creatlon of
addltlonal water access rlghts.
Under the lot Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey, exlstlng and future rural resldentlal
development should not be located where lt confllcts or colncldes wlth the other
attrlbutes or values llsted ln the Peglonal Strategy. The lot Notth Coost ke|onol
5ttotey also constralns, for example, new rural resldentlal development ln the coastal
area, except where development ls already zoned or ls wlthln an approved rural
resldentlal release strategy.
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xampIe : Protection of specific resources. 8oth reglonal strategles ldentlfy
mechanlsms to protect:
- natural resources used for resource extractlon
- envlronmental assets
- cultural assets and values ln the landscape, lncludlng Aborlglnal herltage.
The lot Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey, for example, requlres that local envlronmental
plans ldentlfy land havlng extractlve resources of reglonal slgnlflcance. |t also requlres
local envlronmental plans to permlt no more than small-scale tourlsm development ln
rural or envlronment protectlon zones.
wlth regard to the protectlon of envlronmental assets, the lot Notth Coost ke|onol
5ttotey requlres that local envlronmental plans lnclude provlslons to encourage the
establlshment of habltats and corrldors ln envlronmental assets and rural land zonlng,
to zone waterways to reflect thelr envlronmental, recreatlonal or cultural values, and to
llmlt the creatlon of addltlonal water rlghts on land frontlng watercourses. Counclls are
to be gulded ln lmplementlng conservatlon outcomes by a reglonal conservatlon plan.
8oth reglonal strategles coverlng the north coast requlre that local envlronmental plans
ldentlfy and zone land of landscape value whlch lncludes scenlc and cultural landscapes
to protect those values. Thls means that Aborlglnal cultural landscapes are lncluded
ln the LLP. Consultatlon wlth relevant local Aborlglnal communltles ls essentlal, whlch
ln turn requlres the establlshment and lmplementatlon of approprlate protocols and
communlty consultatlon processes. There ls a rlch body of lnformatlon to support
thls approach. Go to webslte for protocols when llalslng
wlth Aborlglnal communltles and for plannlng documents such as Aborlglnal cultural
herltage management plans, lncludlng the Coool|, 7ettonoto 8tooJwotet Aoot||nol
Cultutol let|toe Vonoement llon.
Northern Rivers Catchment Action PIan
The catchment actlon plan for the reglon sets the dlrectlon for managlng natural
resource lssues ln the Northern Plvers whlch ls to be reflected ln local envlronmental
plans and the reglonal strategles.
The Northern Plvers Catchment Actlon Plan (NPCAP) ldentlfles two key land use confllct
- natural resource managers are belng pressured to modlfy operatlons as a response to
complalnts from partles both next to the resource area (settlement next to farmlng)
and wlthln the area (e.g. organlc farmlng next to tradltlonal farmlng on lmportant
agrlcultural land)
- pressure on natural resources and the use resultlng from confllct wlth resldentlal uses.
The NPCAP has deflned a management target for land use confllct and key natural
resources to whlch thls pro[ect dlrectly relates as:
8y zo:o lonJ use conll|ct w|th|n ot oJjocent to ley env|tonmentol ossets onJ
tutol toJuct|on oteos teJuceJ oy po et cent (onJ ;o et cent oy zoop}.
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The land use confllct management target of the NPCAP explalns the lntent, mechanlsms,
performance lndlcators, prlorltles and examples of actlvltles to do wlth the management
target (LUP). The resources and key envlronmental assets referred to ln the
management target lnclude hlgh value natural resources, State and reglonally slgnlflcant
farmland (lmportant agrlcultural land), hlgh conservatlon value vegetatlon and
ecosystems, ecosystem corrldors, slgnlflcant mlneral deposlts and extractlve resources.
To achleve the management target, the NPCAP lndlcates that the Northern Plvers
Catchment Management Authorlty wlll facllltate actlvltles whlch wlll:
- establlsh and adopt guldellnes for avertlng and deallng wlth land use confllct, for use
by local government, developers and consumers
- establlsh and adopt codes of practlce and structures for avoldlng confllct, to be used
as part of the land use plannlng process
- lnvestlgate confllct hot spots and suggest ways of resolvlng them.
The Northern Plvers and Mld North Coast Parmland Mapplng Pro[ects are products
of the Northern Plvers Catchment Actlon Plan. Pecommendatlons arlslng from these
pro[ects lnclude the adoptlon of measures such as buffers and confllct rlsk assessment to
mlnlmlse rlsk of confllct between mapped farmland and encroachlng development.
LocaI environmentaI pIans
Local envlronmental plans are developed and used by local government for managlng
local land use plannlng and development lssues. These local envlronmental plans
complement hlgher order plannlng lnstruments and lnclude local plannlng controls.
Local envlronmental plans (LLPs) are often used ln comblnatlon wlth development
control plans (DCPs) to manage land use and development. The appllcatlon of DCPs to
reduce rural land use confllct ls further descrlbed ln Chapter 6.
The plannlng reforms ln NSw requlre all counclls to prepare new LLPs over the next
three to flve years (from zoo;). These plannlng lnstruments are key mechanlsms for
achlevlng the ob[ectlves for the NPCMA management target to do wlth land use confllct
and key natural resources. Thls makes local government a key stakeholder and lmportant
partner ln managlng land use confllct.
Land use confllct and lnterface lssues have a range of causes and requlre a range of
solutlons. LLPs are one of the maln land use plannlng tools for avoldlng future rural land
use confllcts, although thelr ablllty to address exlstlng land use confllct lssues ls llmlted.
The format and content of LLPs are governed by State government requlrements. LLPs
cannot address land uses that are exempt from the need to obtaln development consent
or development and actlvltles that fall under Part A or Part of the lnv|tonmentol
llonn|n 8 Assessment Act :p)p. Lxlstlng or contlnulng uses as deflned ln the act also fall
outslde of the plannlng system provlded by LLPs.
Llsmore Clty Councll has ldentlfled an opportunlty to revlew Chapter :: - 8uffer Areas of
thelr Development Control Plan as part of the plan to consolldate the DCPs for the clty as
well as serve as a contrlbutlon to the new LLP for Llsmore Clty Councll. Llsmore Councll's
DCP Chapter :: - 8uffer Areas ls a comprehenslve buffer DCP and serves as a useful
model for avoldlng and reduclng land use confllcts at the lnterface vla plannlng pollcy
and development control.
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Standard instrument - IocaI environmentaI pIan
|n zoo6, changes were made to the LLP lnstrument to take account of the new local
envlronmental plannlng system, as enacted through the 5tonJotJ lnsttument (locol
lnv|tonmentol llons} OtJet zooo. Thls lnstrument wlll be superseded when LLPs come
lnto belng by zo::.
|n accordance wlth the order made ln zoo6, counclls are requlred to prepare a
comprehenslve LLP for thelr local government area based on thls standard lnstrument
template. LLPs must follow the template format to provlde for conslstency ln the plans
and, ln partlcular, the development and appllcatlon of land use zones. The template
provldes the basls for all LLPs, and alms to lmprove communlcatlon between partles and
reduce costs of lnterpretatlon and updatlng. LLPs wlll adopt a standardlsed format wlth
all provlslons, deflnltlons and the land use table to be ln the same place ln every LLP. All
counclls are expected to have prepared an LLP by mld-zo::.
The maln components of the LLP standard lnstrument are summarlsed below along
wlth an lndlcatlon of how counclls can adapt lt to local condltlons. The ablllty to lnclude
zones, lncorporate optlonal clauses, relnforce the standard zone ob[ectlves wlth locally
speclflc ob[ectlves and provlslons glves counclls many opportunltles to address potentlal
land use confllcts and to put lnto place confllct avoldance or resolutlon strategles.
How the LP standard instrument works
The LLP standard lnstrument uses three maln tools:
- a dlctlonary of standard deflnltlons that must be adopted
- a land use table outllnlng standards land use zones and zone ob[ectlves
- a set of mandatory and optlonal clauses, provlslons and schedules.
|t ls lmportant to descrlbe these ln detall so land managers can understand how thls
plannlng lnstrument can help them deal wlth lssues of land use confllct. At the core of
the LLP standard lnstrument ls the deslre to standardlse terms and tools across the State,
thus guldlng counclls more clearly ln deslgnlng thelr plannlng rules.
7he dictionary: we shouId aII speak the same Ianguage. The deflnltlons allow for
every councll to use the same terms, provldlng for a common language across the
envlronmental plannlng systems for both land use terms and technlcal or admlnlstratlve
terms. Thls wlll ensure that zones elther wlthln an LLP or across dlfferent LLPs are treated
ln the same way.
7oning: statewide conformity. The LLP standard lnstrument deflnes ( zones for
counclls to apply to thelr partlcular land areas as approprlate. Lach zone has a deflned
ob[ectlve, and land use must fulfll that zone's ob[ectlves, land uses are llsted as belng
permltted wlthout consent, permltted wlth consent, or prohlblted. There wlll be deflned
core ob[ectlves, although counclls are permltted to ldentlfy land uses that fulfll local or
reglonal ob[ectlves, and may add other local ob[ectlves to a zone. Counclls cannot add
or modlfy zones, but may create 'overlay controls' that apply to multlple zones deallng
wlth partlcular local envlronment, hazard or deslgn condltlons. The lntentlon ls to ensure
slmllar land use outcomes across dlfferent areas under the same zone.
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CIauses, provisions and scheduIes. The standardlsatlon of the LLP lnstrument ls
enforced by 6 mandatory clauses. Compulsory clauses provlde the framework under
whlch the LLP operates, set out unlversal provlslons to land use declslons that overlay
the LLP's zonlng, and relate to provlslons about partlcular envlronmental sltuatlons
applylng only to some counclls (such as coastal zonlng). Seven optlonal clauses provlde
further unlversal provlslons to land use (e.g. development standards provlslons).
Counclls can add thelr own local clauses as long as they don't relate to matters already
ln the optlonal clauses. They are encouraged, however, to add provlslons that help fulfll
local or reglonal strategles.
Plnally, each LLP must contaln flve schedules speclfylng partlcular local detalls applylng
to the compulsory clauses. These comprlse llsts of: addltlonal permltted uses, exempt
development, complylng development, classlflcatlon and reclasslflcatlon of publlc land,
and envlronmental herltage.
More or Iess fIexibiIity!
Although thls system adds greater certalnty and conslstency to envlronmental plannlng,
how much flexlblllty does a local councll have!
Counclls stlll have the freedom to choose whlch zones they use to manage thelr local
areas, to lnclude addltlonal provlslons, and to add thelr own, locallsed provlslons
and ob[ectlves. Any local provlslons etc, however, cannot be counter to standardlsed
provlslons or ob[ectlves. Slmllarly, any extra provlslons or ob[ectlves must be [ustlfled ln
terms of local or reglonal plannlng strategles. As well, to ensure hlgh quallty plannlng
and declslon maklng, zonlng declslons must take account of State envlronmental
plannlng pollcles and reglonal strategles.
Counclls are requlred to conslder Mlnlsterlal Dlrectlons under Sectlon ::; of the Act and
advlce from the Department of Plannlng ln draftlng thelr LLP. The standard lnstrument ls
to be revlewed annually whlch allows updatlng to reflect current state pollcles or Land
and Lnvlronment Court declslons or hearlngs or lssues ralsed at the local government
level. Addltlonal provlslons can be added to better reflect state and reglonal strategles.
How wiII it heIp minimise Iand use confIict!
There are several ways thls system wlll help mlnlmlse land use confllct.
A common standardised Ianguage. The central focus of the new LLP template ls
the standardlsatlon of zonlng ob[ectlves and deflnltlons. Standardlsatlon of land use
terms wlll provlde a basls for a common language between counclls and land users. 8y
lntegratlng standardlsed deflnltlons of acceptable and prohlblted land use behavlour
and development lnto other confllct resolutlon mechanlsms, for example, partlclpants
wlll share a common language wlth whlch to conduct negotlatlons. Thls wlll be
partlcularly useful for negotlatlons between land uses across LLP borders or between
zonlng areas. |n thls way, standardlsed terms can provlde greater predlctablllty to
confllct resolutlon lnstruments.
Land use tabIe and zonings: ob|ectives and buffers. Standardlsatlon can be
relnforced through the common land use table. 8y focuslng development declslons
on preset 'core ob[ectlves' as well as dlfferent forms of development, the standardlsed
land use zones encourage future development to concentrate potentlal confllct-
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causlng land uses ln partlcular areas. |mportantly, many of the zones lnclude
mlnlmlsatlon of land use confllct as core ob[ectlves. Thls provldes powers to llmlt land
uses to locatlons less llkely to cause confllct.
The land use table also lncludes zones deslgned as buffer zones, two lmportant
examples are the PU6 Pural Transltlon Zone and the L( Lnvlronmental Llvlng Zone,
although others could play slmllar roles (e.g. P Large Lot Pesldentlal or PL: Publlc
Pecreatlon). These zones allow counclls to fulfll buffer area strategles, partlcularly to
do wlth rural and envlronmental areas. Por such zones to work effectlvely, they wlll
depend on good slte speclflc research and appllcatlon of the land use confllct avoldance
plannlng prlnclples.
lot o lull Jesct|t|on ol eoch ol the new stonJotJ lll zones onJ the|t ooject|ves, telet to the
N5w Covetnment le|slot|on weos|te: (5tonJotJ lnsttument
- lt|nc|ol locol lnv|tonmentol llon v|o lnv|tonmentol llonn|n lnsttuments |n lotce}.
OptionaI and IocaI provisions: important opportunities for IocaI responses. The use of
optlonal and local provlslons may provlde counclls wlth mechanlsms to stop predlcted
or predlctable land use confllcts. |n partlcular, for example, certaln resldentlal confllcts
that are malnly lntra-zone may be avolded vla the clauses :p - z (subdlvldlng, bulldlng
helght and slze). Slmllarly, optlonal clause ( provldes for vegetatlon preservatlon ln
certaln zones, thus potentlally bufferlng actlvltles ln nelghbourlng zones.
Local provlslons can also be tallored to react to or antlclpate partlcular locallsed land
use confllcts. |n partlcular, lt ls posslble to envlsage the use of local overlay provlslons
to create further buffer area mechanlsms. As well, local provlslons provlde a slmple
mechanlsm by whlch other confllct resolutlon mechanlsms could be lncorporated lnto
the land use assessment process.
Longer term impIications1 |t ls lnterestlng to note that one lntentlon of standardlsatlon
of both deflnltlons and land use ob[ectlves ls to ensure conslstency across dlfferlng LLPs
and zones. whlle thls may not lnherently lead to less confllct at lnterface polnts, over
tlme lt may tend towards decreased dlverslty of development wlthln each zone. Thls
may act as a mechanlsm to reduce lnternal confllcts and, by lmpllcatlon, an evolvlng
envlronment of confllct avoldance and resolutlon over tlme.
And the Iimitations to minimising confIict!
Of course there are several potentlally ma[or llmltatlons to confllct resolutlon under
the new LLP system: promotlng wldespread understandlng of the common language,
centrallsed updatlng of the LLP, and the rlgldlty of the system.
HeIping Iand users Iearning the new common Ianguage. The ma[or llmltatlon seems
to be that land users need to have a good understandlng of the lnstrument. The ldea
of uslng standardlsed deflnltlons as the basls of a common language for plannlng
and confllct resolutlon requlres that all partles know that language. |ndeed, whlle the
unlversallsatlon of the lnstrument may lead to greater understandlngs among planners,
lt may have a llmlted lmpact on land users ln general. Thls means that to galn the soclal
beneflts of the LLP, counclls wlll need to lnvest ln educatlng the key stakeholders.
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CentraIised updating of the LP. we mentloned above that lt wlll be posslble for the
LLP to be updated on an annual revlew cycle. Thls updatlng, however, wlll be drlven
centrally, rather than at local councll level. |t ls presently not clear how the central authorlty
would ensure that both local authorltles and non-government stakeholders would galn
a knowledge and understandlng of future changes. |t may be that these people mlght
have partlcular dlfflculty wlth thls because of the comparatlvely complex array of non-LLP
plannlng lnstruments ln the NSw system, such as Mlnlsterlal Dlrectlons and the SLPPs.
|ndeed, lt may be that general standardlsatlon leads to greater mlsunderstandlng durlng
perlods of change than would otherwlse be the case. Thls ls an area of uncertalnty.
Rigidity of the system. whlle the comblnatlon of belng able to add new zone ob[ectlves
and new provlslons provldes counclls wlth some degree of locallsed control, as a
standardlsed document, the new LLP retalns a degree of rlgldlty, partlcularly ln terms of
the need to lnclude certaln zones and provlslons. Thls may llmlt more lnventlve confllct
resolutlon technlques ln the future.
DeveIopment controI pIans
Development control plans (DCPs) are a valuable part of the plannlng system at the local
councll level. They provlde speclflc and comprehenslve guldellnes for certaln types of
development, or for small portlons of a local government area.
The detalled guldellnes ln a DCP are used ln addltlon to the provlslons of other legal
plannlng lnstruments such as the SLPPs, PLPs, reglonal strategles and LLPs. DCPs are
lmportant ln the plannlng system because they provlde a flexlble means of ldentlfylng
addltlonal development controls and standards for addresslng development lssues
wlthout the need for a formal statutory plan. Thls plannlng lnstrument ls descrlbed ln
Chapter 6.
Further information
- Department of Plannlng lll ltoct|ce Note lNoo-ooz for speclflc guldance
on applylng the new standard zones, you wlll flnd that also on the web, at
- 0tolt V|J Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey zooo State of NSw through Department of
Plannlng, December zoo6
- lnv|tonmentol llonn|n onJ Assessment Act :p)p (NSw Government)
- lot Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey zooo State of NSw through Department of
Plannlng, December zoo6
- Notth Coost ke|onol lnv|tonmentol llon :p88. NSw Government, Sydney
- Notthetn k|vets lotmlonJ ltotect|on ltoject: l|nol kecommenJot|ons. NSw Department
of Plannlng, zoo[ects.html
- 7he lnv|tonmentol low lonJoool, ;th lJ|t|on. Parrler, D. & Steln, P. Pedfern Legal
Centre Publlshlng, zoo6
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- Local counclls
- Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty
- NSw Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change
- NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
- NSw Department of Plannlng
- NSw Department of water and Lnergy
- NSw Government
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DeveIopment controI
7h|s chotet |s mo|nly o|meJ ot lonn|n toct|t|onets, toonents ol Jeveloment,
ossess|n oll|cets onJ lonJ use Jec|s|on molets os o u|Je on how to tole occount ol
lonJ use conll|ct onJ |ntetloce |ssues |n Jeveloment Jes|n, Jeveloment ossessment
onJ Jec|s|on mol|n. lts locus |s to ovo|J onJ teJuce lonJ use conll|ct oetween utoon
Jeveloment onJ tutol oct|v|t|es onJ notutol tesoutce ossets thtouh Jeveloment Jes|n
onJ Jeveloment conttol tocesses thot tole lonJ use conll|ct |ssues |nto occount. lt shoulJ
oe teoJ |n conjunct|on w|th Chotet , wh|ch tov|Jes o mote Jeto|leJ occount ol teot|n
locol env|tonmentol lons to teJuce lonJ use conll|ct.
Note thot utoon ne|hoouthooJ J|sutes ote outs|Je the scoe ol th|s wotl os ote |ssues to
Jo w|th Jeveloment onJ oetot|on ol uol|c |nltosttuctute such os tooJs, o|totts, sewoe
tteotment lonts, owet stot|ons onJ the l|le.
7he mojot elements conto|neJ |n th|s chotet ote os lollows:
- on ovetv|ew ol the mo|n lonJ use conll|ct |ssues
- on exlonot|on ol the neeJ to monoe lonJ use conll|ct |ssues
- o summoty ol the cote env|tonmentol lonn|n |nsttuments onJ ol|c|es televont to
ovo|J|n lonJ use conll|ct onJ |ntetloce |ssues thtouh Jeveloment conttol onJ ossessment
- o l|st ol cote t|nc|les to u|Je Jeveloment |n o woy thot ovo|Js lonJ use onJ
|ntetloce |ssues
- tecommenJot|ons on |nlotmot|on thot shoulJ oe |ncluJeJ |n o Jeveloment ol|cot|on
to hel teJuce lonJ use conll|cts
- o summoty ol the tecommenJeJ m|n|mum oullet J|stonces onJ tequ|tements oetween
Jeveloment onJ notutol tesoutces ossets, onJ
- methoJ lot unJettol|n lonJ use conll|ct t|sl ossessment.
/PUF 7h|s chotet shoulJ oe useJ oy consent outhot|t|es when ossess|n Jeveloment
ol|cot|ons |nvolv|n lonJ uses |n tutol oteos onJ lonJ uses whete thete |s o otent|ol
|ntetloce onJ lonJ use |ncomot|o|l|ty. lt |s olso uselul lot Jeveloets os |t outl|nes how
to oJJtess the ley cons|Jetot|ons to Jo w|th otent|ol conll|cts oy us|n t|sl ossessment,
Jes|n, oullets onJ conll|ct t|sl ovo|Jonce sttote|es. wh|le tecommenJeJ oullet J|stonces
ote Jesct|oeJ |n the chotet, |l you ote lonn|n o Jeveloment |n o tutol oteo ot neot on
env|tonment osset, you shoulJ contoct yout locol counc|l to checl sec|l|c tequ|tements thot
oly to the s|te onJ the tye ol Jeveloment you ote toos|n.
Managlng land use confllct and lnterface lssues requlres a sulte of strategles as outllned
ln the lntroductory chapters of thls handbook. One key strategy ls development
control. State envlronmental plannlng pollcles, reglonal envlronmental plans and local
envlronmental plans (LLPs) contaln development control provlslons. LLPs ln partlcular
descrlbe the land uses that are permlsslble and prohlblted ln each zone wlthln the local
government area.
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Counclls prepare development control plans (DCPs) to establlsh detalled and conslstent
development standards and requlrements for localltles, towns etc. or for speclflc uses
such as rural and rural resldentlal development and subdlvlslon.
DCPs contaln more detalled development requlrements than a councll's LLP normally
does. Sectlon ;pC of the lnv|tonmentol llonn|n onJ Assessment Act :p)p requlres
counclls to conslder the relevant provlslons of any DCP ln determlnlng development.
DCPs only apply to developments that requlre consent under Part ( of the LP&A Act. Thls
means that potentlal land use confllcts lnvolvlng land uses that do not requlre consent,
such as hortlculture, cropplng and grazlng, are not addressed through these plans.
DCPs can be used effectlvely to reduce the potentlal for land use confllcts by establlshlng
development appllcatlon requlrements and development standards, ln partlcular
mlnlmum buffer dlstances between lncompatlble uses.
Development control and assessment has the unlque and lmportant role of belng able
to manage land use confllct lssues by uslng avoldance strategles when development ls
belng planned, assessed and declded (strateglc management). Development control can
reduce future land use and lnterface confllct by:
- acknowledglng deslred and prlorlty land uses for a parcel of land, as deflned by the
zonlng of the land
- only permlttlng land uses that are conslstent wlth the zone ob[ectlves
- requlrlng the envlronmental constralnts and opportunltles of land sub[ect to
development to be assessed
- requlrlng the compatlblllty of the proposed development wlth exlstlng and approved
land uses on ad[olnlng lands to be assessed
- establlshlng approprlate appllcatlon processlng and assessment practlces that allow
for communlty lnput and effectlve declslon maklng
- placlng restrlctlons and requlrements on new development to safeguard key
envlronmental assets and to mlnlmlse the potentlal for confllct between land uses
- recognlslng the use and values of key natural resource assets ln declslon maklng
- hlghllghtlng rlsks of land use confllct that can then be used by subsequent land
purchasers to make more lnformed declslons.
Core environmentaI pIanning instruments
Chapter provldes an overvlew of the core envlronmental plannlng lnstruments and
pollcles governlng strateglc and statutory land use plannlng procedures for the NSw
North Coast. The key lnstruments and pollcles lnclude the lnv|tonmentol llonn|n onJ
Assessment Act :p)p (LP&A Act), varlous and relevant State Lnvlronmental Plannlng
Pollcles (SLPPs), the North Coast and Mld North Coast Peglonal Strategles, the North
Coast Peglonal Lnvlronmental Plan and each councll's Local Lnvlronmental Plan (LLP).
These lnstruments comblne to control the preparatlon of new plannlng strategles,
land rezonlng and, lmportantly, the requlrements for assessment and determlnatlon of
development appllcatlons. Part of the LP&A Act deals wlth actlvltles, whlch are works
and developments whlch do not requlre development consent under Part ( but do
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requlre a llcense or approval. Part A of the LP&A Act deals wlth ma[or lnfrastructure and
other pro[ects for whlch the Mlnlster for Plannlng ls the determlnlng authorlty.
|ndustry-speclflc guldellnes also provlde detalls and recommendatlons to do wlth best
practlce, buffers and separatlon dlstances and are a recommended startlng polnt for
assesslng lndlvldual development proposals and preparlng condltlons of consent for
speclflc developments or developlng an local government area speclflc buffer DCP.
Contact the relevant lndustry organlsatlons for the latest accepted codes or a relevant
agency. Also refer to relevant guldellnes and lnformatlon avallable on the lnternet.
A llst of non-statutory pollcles and guldellnes ls lncluded ln the lutthet |nlotmot|on
sectlon at the end of thls chapter.
PrincipIes to guide deveIopment
The followlng core prlnclples developed by the North Coast Land Use Confllct worklng
Group representlng key natural resource agencles and exlstlng natural resource and
plannlng pollcy are almed at asslstlng land managers, developers, declslon makers
and resldents to mlnlmlse land use confllct when plannlng and assesslng future
developments. These prlnclples should be used when the potentlal for a proposal to
result ln land use confllcts or lmpact on envlronmental assets ls belng assessed.
- New development should be conslstent wlth the provlslons of the North Coast
Peglonal Lnvlronmental Plan, the Par North Coast and Draft Mld North Coast
Peglonal Strategles, all relevant SLPPs and Sectlon ::; dlrectlons and have regard to
the Northern Plvers Catchment Actlon Plan.
- Declslons about new development should ensure that the natural and bullt
resources of lmportance to the local, reglonal or State economy are not unreasonably
constralned, lmpacted or sterlllsed by the locatlon of lncompatlble land uses.
- 8uffers between lncompatlble land uses do not take the place of sound strateglc
plannlng though they do offer an added level of confllct rlsk avoldance ln land use
plannlng and development.
- |t ls the responslblllty of the encroachlng development to provlde the necessary
setback and buffer to lncompatlble land uses. The extent of a buffer should not
extend beyond the boundary of the property requlred to provlde the buffer except
vla negotlatlon and agreement.
- The most effectlve means of preventlng confllct ls to plan for adequate separatlon
between confllctlng land uses.
- Potentlal rlsks of confllct created by resldentlal expanslon towards rural lands should
be systematlcally assessed as early as posslble ln the plannlng process.
- New development next to or near to farmland, extractlve resources, waterways,
wetlands, and areas of hlgh blodlverslty value should lncorporate buffers to avold
land use confllct.
- Puture rural resldentlal land should only be released ln accordance wlth a local
growth management strategy agreed to by councll and the Department of Plannlng,
and conslstent wlth the 5ettlement llonn|n Cu|Jel|nes.
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nvironmentaI protection
- Declslons about land use should be based on the prlnclples of ecologlcally
sustalnable development, lncludlng the appllcatlon of the precautlonary prlnclple
and effectlve communlty engagement.
- New urban development, rural settlement and other development should be slted
and deslgned to protect key envlronmental assets and, where posslble, enhance
envlronmental assets lncludlng hlgh conservatlon value vegetatlon and ecosystems,
ecosystem corrldors, waterways, endangered ecologlcal communltles and key habltat.
- New development ln rural areas should be slted and deslgned so that lt does not
create any addltlonal rlparlan water rlghts for stock and domestlc purposes.
- The potentlal for land use confllct and development of mltlgatlon measures should
be assessed as part of any proposed lntenslflcatlon of use, ln partlcular proposed
resldentlal development at the urban/rural lnterface and wlthln the rural areas.
- Natural resources and envlronmental assets should not be damaged, constralned or
sterlllsed by the locatlon of lncompatlble land uses.
Community engagement
- Communlty engagement, lncludlng consultatlon wlth ad[olnlng landowners and
operators of 'scheduled premlses', should be part of the development plannlng
process to ldentlfy and avold land use confllct.
Protection of resource access and use
- New urban development, rural settlement and other development ln rural areas
should be slted and deslgned so they do not lnterfere wlth legltlmate and routlne
rural land uses on ad[olnlng lands.
- Landscape values of rural lands should be protected.
- The dlfferent values of rural lands should be co-managed.
- Pural land uses should be protected from confllct wlth resldentlal uses.
- The compatlblllty of proposed development ln rural areas wlth the rural land uses
currently or expected to take place ln the locallty and on ad[olnlng lands should be
documented and assessed before determlnlng an appllcatlon for new development
ln rural areas.
- Current best practlce and the most llkely lntenslve rural land use should be adopted
ln assesslng the compatlblllty of ad[olnlng land uses.
- Agrlcultural farmland should remaln avallable ln large contlguous areas for future
rural lndustry actlvltles. Lack of current vlablllty of a property or farmlng areas ls not
enough [ustlflcatlon to convert rural land to non-rural uses.
- The potentlal for land use confllct and development of mltlgatlon measures should
be assessed as part of any proposed lntenslflcatlon of use, ln partlcular proposed
resldentlal development at the urban/rural lnterface and wlthln the rural areas.
- |n rural zones, rural land uses should take precedence over non rural land uses.
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||\||O|V|| O||O| 8,
CuIturaI heritage recognition
- Aborlglnal cultural herltage should be taken lnto account ln the plannlng, sltlng,
deslgn and management of developments where there ls a threat or percelved threat
to Aborlglnal cultural values lncludlng slgnlflcant sltes and places.
- Larly consultatlon wlth Aborlglnal communltles ln a culturally approprlate manner ls
a fundamental prerequlslte of any development appllcatlon where these sensltlvltles
requlre conslderatlon. Consult the local councll 's Aborlglnal llalson offlcer or Local
Aborlglnal Land Councll communlty support offlcer.
ou wlll flnd a llst of Local Aborlglnal Land Counclls ln the whlte pages of your local phone
book. The 8und[alung Cultural Herltage and Mapplng Pro[ect webslte ls a useful gulde to protocols and other lssue relevant to Aborlglnal
cultural herltage ln the northern rlvers reglon. Local counclls may have thelr own Aborlglnal
cultural herltage management plans whlch have been lncorporated lnto thelr LLPs.
Aborlglnal cultural herltage ls to be recognlsed and protected though development deslgn,
development assessment and condltlons of consent where relevant. |t ls recommended that
you flrst contact the Aborlglnal Cultural Herltage Unlt of the Department of Lnvlronment and
Cllmate Change and your local councll for further lnformatlon and asslstance.
DeveIopment controI pIan provisions for
reducing Iand use confIict
|t ls recommended that each councll lnclude provlslons ln a development control plan
or wlthln plannlng pollcy to address rural land use confllcts. To that end, the followlng
recommendatlons are suggested.
DeveIopment appIication requirements and checkIist
|t ls recommended that a DCP lnclude the followlng development appllcatlon (DA)
requlrements for all development wlthln rural zones and sltuatlons where a rlsk of land
use confllct or land use lncompatlblllty could arlse ln addltlon to councll's standard DA
requlrements and those prescrlbed ln the LP&A Act and LPA regulatlon.
- Submlsslon of a land use confllct rlsk assessment (LUCPA) for actlvltles and
development that requlre consent wlthln or ad[olnlng rural zoned areas that lnvolve
more lntenslve land use or a rlsk of confllct wlth surroundlng land uses.
- Lnvlronmental assessment of the sultablllty of any proposed on-slte effluent
wastewater treatment system assesslng the potentlal lmpact upon the natural
dralnage system.
- A plan ldentlfylng current ad[olnlng uses and those wlthln the locallty of the sub[ect
slte and lncludlng dlstances from such uses.
- Slte plan ldentlfylng watercourses, dralnage llnes, bores, wells, farm dams, wetlands
and exlstlng natlve vegetatlon wlthln zoo m of the proposed development area.
- Conslderatlon of the potentlal vlsual lmpact the proposal may have upon the locallty
and lts resldents.
- Detalls on proposed buffers from exlstlng uses and the treatment of these buffers.
- Detalls on any communlty or agency consultatlon undertaken ln relatlon to the
proposed development.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
8o ||\||O|V|| O||O|
key points
|ntendlng development appllcants should check wlth the local Councll to flnd out
what development appllcatlon requlrements apply and the lnformatlon requlred to
accompany a development appllcatlon.
whlle the checkllst helps to ensure that development appllcatlons contaln enough
detalled lnformatlon to enable the consent authorlty to make an approprlate
lnformed declslon, compllance wlth the checkllst requlrements does not guarantee
approval of a proposal, whlch ls determlned based on an assessment of the lndlvldu
merlts and clrcumstances of the proposed development.
Recommended deveIopment controI pIan provisions
A development control plan for avoldlng rural land use confllct lssues should lnclude:
- prlnclples for avoldlng and reduclng land use confllct lssues
- responslbllltles for new development to address land use confllct rlsks and rlsks to
key envlronmental assets
- mlnlmum guldellnes for assesslng land use confllct rlsk potentlal and manageme
arrangements to reduce and mlnlmlse rlsks
- guldance on the mlnlmum standards for nelghbour consultatlon and consultatlo
wlth key and relevant persons and organlsatlons
- a revlew mechanlsm for the lmpact of development on Aborlglnal cultural herltag
slgnlflcant sltes and the necessary management optlons ln place, lncludlng
establlshed protocols for consultatlon wlth Aborlglnal stakeholders, and the ongo
protectlon and management of such sltes
- mlnlmum separatlon dlstances between dwelllngs and prlmary lndustry actlvltles
- mlnlmum separatlon dlstances between other non prlmary lndustry actlvltles and
prlmary lndustry actlvltles
- mlnlmum separatlon dlstances between dwelllngs and envlronmental assets
- separatlon dlstances between on-slte waste water treatment systems and
dralnage llnes
- strategles for deallng wlth varlatlons to standards and uncertalnty
- a means of resolvlng dlsputes over setback and buffer requlrements
- guldellnes for separatlon and buffer arrangements.
The DCP can also lnclude revlew mechanlsms to check lts performance over tlme.


||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||\||O|V|| O||O| 8,
Land use buffers
Pural land use confllcts come ln a varlety of dlfferent forms. Land use buffers are an
accepted land use plannlng tool and have an lmportant role ln reduclng rlsk of land use
confllct and lmpacts between lncompatlble land uses through separatlon of land uses.
8uffers provlde lncreaslng certalnty ln the plannlng approval process and mlnlmlse the
potentlal for confllct to occur.
|t needs to be remembered that confllcts can occur between: lndlvldual rural actlvltles
and/or natural resource users, commerclal land users and resldents, land uses and the
natural envlronment. The purpose and appllcatlon of buffers wlll vary dependlng upon
the lndlvldual clrcumstances. 8uffers are an lmportant tool to reduce land use confllcts
but are not the only tool. The role and value of buffers can however be undermlned lf
they are reduced by encroachlng land use.
key points
whlle buffers are lmportant ln managlng land use confllcts, they do not lessen the
need for sound land use plannlng practlces, ln partlcular the strateglc plannlng
processes of approprlate zonlng and land use strategy development.
As well, they do not replace the need for the lndlvldual assessment of a proposal
based upon the speclflc characterlstlcs of the slte, the locallty and the proposal
ltself. Aspects such as scale of development, topographlc and cllmatlc condltlons,
envlronmental attrlbutes and the nature and sensltlvlty of uses wlthln the locallty wlll
lnfluence the requlred lmpact mltlgatlon measures and the separatlon dlstances that
are consldered necessary and approprlate ln the clrcumstances. |nnovatlve solutlons
to land use confllct and lnterface lssues ls to be encouraged.
RoIe of buffers
Deflnlng mlnlmum buffer dlstances between lncompatlble land uses and key natural
resource assets ls a useful mechanlsm for reduclng and avoldlng the threat of land use
confllct lssues between lncompatlble land uses. However, buffers have thelr llmltatlons and
need to be used wlth cautlon and ln comblnatlon wlth other strategles to reduce land use
confllct rlsks and manage lnterface lssues. Chapter descrlbes management practlces to
reduce land use confllcts, addltlonal to the establlshment and malntenance of buffers.
There are varlous documents that prescrlbe mlnlmum separatlon dlstances between
lncompatlble land uses. Table 6 ls a gulde to recommended mlnlmum separatlon
dlstances for prlmary lndustrles. Table ; outllnes the recommended mlnlmum buffers
for envlronmental assets. Table 8 outllnes the recommended mlnlmum buffers for other
rural land uses. 7he buffers recommended shouId be used as a starting point and
guide onIy in the absence of any other or more appropriate separation arrangements.
Local and slte speclflc clrcumstances and appllcatlon of relevant pollcles and speclflc
guldellnes wlll dlctate the mlnlmum separatlon requlred and what ls reasonable and
approprlate ln the clrcumstances.
|t ls not posslble to prescrlbe a mlnlmum buffer dlstance for all lnterface sltuatlons. |n
such cases, Tables 6-8 lnclude an alternatlve approach such as slte speclflc assessment.
Thls slte speclflc assessment ls comparable to the assessment that would be typlcally
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
88 ||\||O|V|| O||O|
undertaken to satlsfy the requlrements of Sectlon ;pC of the LP&A Act. The mlnlmum
buffer dlstances need to be used and applled ln comblnatlon wlth the plannlng
prlnclples prevlously outllned to ensure the deslred outcome ls achleved.
key points
Complylng wlth an adopted buffer setback wlll help decrease the potentlal for confllct
though lt cannot guarantee that land use confllct and lnterface lssues wlll be totally
removed. varlables such as changes ln ownershlp of ad[olnlng lands, changes ln land
use and management practlces and varlable cllmatlc condltlons can affect the success
of land use buffers.
Slmllarly, complylng wlth a buffer setback does not guarantee that a development
proposal wlll be approved by the consent authorlty. Mltlgatlon of land use confllct
and the appllcatlon of land use buffers are part of a broader conslderatlon of
envlronmental, soclal and economlc factors whlch an approval authorlty must take
lnto account ln determlnlng the merlts of a glven land use proposal.
7ypes of buffers
Separation buffers are the most common and lnvolve establlshlng a physlcal separatlon
between land uses where confllct could arlse. The alm of dolng thls ls to reduce the
lmpacts of the uses solely by dlstance separatlon, rather than by any physlcal means
such as earthworks or vegetatlon plantlng. These can be flxed separatlon dlstances or
varlable. Plxed separatlon dlstances generally apply ln the absence of evldence that
an alternate lesser buffer wlll be effectlve ln the clrcumstances. varlable separatlon
dlstances are calculated based on the slte speclflc clrcumstances glven factors such as
the scale of the development, rlsk of confllct and rlsk to the ad[olnlng envlronment have
regard to accepted procedures for assesslng these rlsks. The odour assessment process
ln NSw lnvolvlng statlonary sources ls a form of a varlable buffer as lt varles accordlng to
speclflcs of the development and the slte.
8ioIogicaI and vegetated buffers are buffers created by vegetatlon plantlng and
physlcal landscaplng works. They are most commonly deslgned to reduce vlsual lmpact
and reduce the potentlal for alrborne-created confllct such as chemlcal spray drlft and
dust and can help provlde envlronmental protectlon through vegetated fllter strlps and
rlparlan plantlngs.
Landscape and ecoIogicaI buffers refer to the use of exlstlng vegetatlon to help reduce
the lmpacts from development. They are mostly used to protect a sensltlve envlronment
by malntalnlng or enhanclng exlstlng habltat and wlldllfe corrldors.
Property management buffers refer to the use of alternatlve or speclallsed
management practlces or actlons at the lnterface between uses where the potentlal for
confllct ls hlgh. The alm of these buffers ls to reduce the potentlal of confllct arlslng ln
the flrst place. Lxamples lnclude sltlng cattle yards well away from a nearby resldence
to reduce potentlal nulsance lssues, and adoptlng a speclallsed chemlcal appllcatlon
reglme for crops close to a resldence or waterways wlth the alm of mlnlmlslng off-slte
lmpacts on nelghbours and the envlronment.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||\||O|V|| O||O| 8,
Dther buffers
There are other statutory and recommended buffers that can apply to a speclflc sltes and
sltuatlons. These lnclude:
- bushflre protectlon buffers
- mosqulto buffers
- alrport buffers
- power llne buffers
- rlfle range buffers
- rallway llne buffers
- cultural herltage buffers.
key points
People lntendlng to develop wlthln a rural area or wlthln the rural/resldentlal lnterface
should contact thelr local councll to flnd out about the buffer requlrements speclflc to
thelr locallty, slte and the land use proposed.
Slmllarly, wlth regard to Aborlglnal cultural herltage lssues, lncludlng slgnlflcant sltes,
places and landscapes, lt ls recommended that you consult wlth the local councll's
Aborlglnal llalson offlcer, the Local Aborlglnal Land Councll communlty support offlcer
or the Northern Aborlglnal Cultural Herltage Sectlon at your closest Department of
Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change. 8uffer zones and management optlons wlll vary
accordlng to the slgnlflcance of a slte, lts locallty, the topography of the land and lts
relatlonshlp to a range of other geographlc and culturally relevant factors. Counclls such as
the Tweed Shlre Councll have Aborlglnal cultural herltage management plans for localltles
wlthln thelr shlre boundarles for the protectlon of Aborlglnal slgnlflcant sltes and places.
Summary of recommended minimum buffers
The followlng tables summarlse the recommended mlnlmum buffers to help counclls
develop development control plans and to lmplement development control procedures
that reduce land use confllcts and protect the values of key envlronmental assets and
rural productlon areas. 7he separation distances in the tabIes represent a synthesis
of existing recommended and best practice minimum buffer distances. As such, and
glven the varylng sources they are drawn from, they represent an approxlmatlon of what
constltutes best practlce and a level of separatlon that wlll asslst to mlnlmlse rural land
use confllct at thls tlme whlle acknowledglng that slte speclflc and development speclflc
factors wlll always play a role ln determlnlng the most approprlate level of separatlon
and approaches to confllct avoldance.
|t ls acknowledged that approprlate buffer dlstances may vary between proposals
and between counclls based on local topographlc, cllmate, envlronmental and soclal
conslderatlons. The mlnlmum buffers recommended are not lntended to take the
place of local councll pollcy on buffers, setbacks etc, where such pollcy has been
developed and adopted. The recommended mlnlmum buffer dlstances do not apply
to exlstlng developments that have already been approved. The condltlons of consent
placed on these developments form the mlnlmum standards that these developments
should achleve.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
,o ||\||O|V|| O||O|
where a new dwelllng ls proposed on an exlstlng vacant lot that has a dwelllng
entltlement, the setbacks and buffers normally requlred may not necessarlly be
approprlate or practlcal. |n these cases, councll wlll need to use dlscretlon to determlne
the most approprlate locatlon, deslgn and arrangement for the new dwelllng. The
prlnclple of confllct avoldance should be malntalned and the maxlmum achlevable
buffer and confllct avoldance measures lmplemented.
7oole 6: kecommenJeJ m|n|mum oullets (mettes} lot t|moty |nJustt|es
(|b |o Jos|..b|o bu||o. |r t|o c|.cunst.rcos .||| bo t|o sop...t|cr J|st.rco .rJ ccr|||ct .vc|J.rco st..toy t|.t
p.ctocts ccnnur|ty .nor|ty, orv|.crnort.| .ssots, t|o c...y|r cut c| |o|t| .u..| .ct|v|t|os |r .u..| ..o.s .rJ
t|o uso c| |npc.t.rt r.tu..| .oscu.cos)

















Houslng & waste storage ooo ,oo ooo ,oo oo SS| 8oo oo oo
waste utlllsatlon area ,oo .,o .,o .,o oo SS| 8oo .o .o
ards & waste storage ooo ,oo ooo ooo oo SS| 8oo oo oo
waste utlllsatlon area ,oo .,o .,o .,o oo SS| 8oo .o .o

Sheds & waste storage ooo ,oo ooo ,oo oo SS| 8oo oo oo
waste utlllsatlon area ,oo .,o .,o .,o oo SS| 8oo .o .o
Sheds & waste storage ,oo .,o .,o .,o oo SS| 8oo oo oo
waste utlllsatlon area ,oo .,o .,o .,o oo SS| 8oo .o .o

wet shed, ponds & lrrlg. ,oo ,o ,o ,o oo SS| 8oo ,o ,o
Dry shed .o 6o .o 6o oo SS| 8oo .o .o
Other lntenslve llvestock
,oo ,oo ,oo ,oo oo SS| 8oo oo oo
Grazlng of stock ,o ,o ,o ,o bV| SS| bV| |A| bV|
Sugar cane, cropplng
& hortlculture
,oo .oo .oo .oo bV| SS| bV| |A| bV|
Greenhouse & controlled
envlronment hortlculture
.oo .oo .oo .oo ,o SS| SS| ,o ,o
Macadamla de-husklng ,oo ,oo ,oo ,oo ,o SS| SS| ,o ,o
Porestry & plantatlons SS| SS| SS| SS| S| SS| SS| bV| S|
8ananas ,o ,o ,o ,o bV| SS| SS| bV| bV|
Turf farms
,oo .oo .oo .oo ,o SS| SS| bV| SS|
Pural lndustrles
(lncl. feed mllls and sawmllls)
ooo ,oo ,oo ,oo ,o SS| SS| SS| ,o
Abattolrs ooo ooo ooo ooo oo SS| 8oo oo oo
Potentlally hazardous or
offenslve lndustry
ooo ooo ooo ooo oo SS| 8oo oo oo
Mlnlng, petroleum, productlon
& extractlve lndustrles
` Pecommended mlnlmum buffer dlstance for operatlons lnvolvlng blastlng.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||\||O|V|| O||O| ,
NAI: Not an lssue.
SSD: Slte speclflc determlnatlon (no standard or slmple buffer dlstance applles).
MP: 8est management practlce to apply glven slte clrcumstances. 8uffer and/or management practlce
should represent duty of care to the envlronment and the publlc and lnclude measures necessary to protect
bank stablllty, malntaln rlparlan vegetatlon and protect water quallty. The lncorporatlon of best management
practlce measures ln property and farm plans ls encouraged.
S7RC: Sub[ect to relevant codes.
8uffer dlstances represent the recommendatlons of the North Coast Land Use Confllct worklng Group
followlng a synthesls of exlstlng guldellnes and pollcy. |n some cases, speclflc and relevant guldellnes may
requlre larger buffers or lesser buffers than those prescrlbed may be approprlate ln the clrcumstances.
:. Sub[ect to envlronmental assessment ln accordance wlth Natlonal lnv|tonmentol Cu|Jel|nes lot l|et|es
(APL zoo() and Assessment onJ Vonoement ol OJout ltom 5tot|onoty 5outces |n N5w (DLC zoo6)
z. Sub[ect to envlronmental assessment ln accordance wlth N5w leeJlot Vonuol (NSw Agrlculture :pp;)
or A ltoJucets Cu|Je to 5tott|n o 5moll 8eel leeJlot |n N5w (NSw Agrlculture, zoo:) and Assessment onJ
Vonoement ol OJout ltom 5tot|onoty 5outces |n N5w (DLC zoo6)
. Sub[ect to envlronmental assessment ln accordance wlth N5w loultty lotm|n Cu|Jel|nes (NSw Agrlculture
:pp6), NSw Meat Chlcken Guldellnes (NSw Agrlculture zoo(), Assessment onJ Vonoement ol OJout ltom
5tot|onoty 5outces |n N5w (DLC zoo6)
(. Sub[ect to envlronmental assessment ln accordance wlth N5w Cu|Jel|nes lot 0o|ty lllluent kesoutce
Vonoement - 0tolt (NSw Agrlculture :ppp), and Assessment onJ Vonoement ol OJout ltom 5tot|onoty
5outces |n N5w (DLC zoo6)
. Sub[ect envlronmental assessment ln accordance wlth kooo|t lotm|n: llonn|n onJ Jeveloment conttol
u|Jel|nes (NSw |nter-Departmental Commlttee on |ntenslve Agrlculture, :ppp) and envlronmental
assessment ln accordance wlth Assessment onJ Vonoement ol OJout ltom 5tot|onoty 5outces |n N5w
(DLC zoo6)
6. Sub[ect to envlronmental assessment ln accordance wlth Assessment onJ Vonoement ol OJout ltom
5tot|onoty 5outces |n N5w (DLC zoo6) and any other relevant guldellne or pollcy
;. Sub[ect to envlronmental assessment ln accordance wlth Cu|Jel|nes lot the 0eveloment ol ConttolleJ
lnv|tonment lott|cultute (NSw DP| zoo)
8. Sub[ect to envlronmental assessment ln accordance wlth 7utl lotm|n - Cu|Jel|nes lot Consent Authot|t|es |n
N5w (NSw Agrlculture :pp6)
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
,. ||\||O|V|| O||O|
7oole 7: kecommenJeJ m|n|mum oullets (mettes} lot ley env|tonmentol ossets










Natlve vegetatlon/habltat ,o ,o ,o ,o
Lcosystem & wlldllfe corrldors ,o ,o ,o ,o
Lstuarles & ma[or waterways oo oo oo oo
Mlnor waterways ,o ,o ,o ,o
wetlands oo ,o ,o ,o
SLPP z6 llttoral ralnforests oo oo oo oo
State & reglonally slgnlflcant
,oo ,oo ,oo SS|
` Slte assessment ls necessary as om buffer may be lnadequate glven groundwater, soll type, topography
and slte factors.
NAI: Not an lssue.
SSD: Slte speclflc determlnatlon (no standard or slmple buffer dlstances apply).
S7RC: Sub[ect to relevant codes.
8uffer dlstances represent the recommendatlons of the North Coast Land Use Confllct worklng Group
followlng a synthesls of exlstlng guldellnes and pollcy. |n some cases, speclflc and relevant guldellnes may
requlre larger buffers or lesser buffers than those prescrlbed may be approprlate ln the clrcumstances.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||\||O|V|| O||O| ,,
7oole 8: kecommenJeJ m|n|mum oullets (mettes} lot othet lonJ uses










waste facllltles ,oo ,oo ,oo ,oo
Sewerage works oo oo oo oo
Dlp sltes
.oo .oo .oo .oo
8oardlng kennels ,oo ,oo ,oo ,oo
Stock yards lncludlng cattle yards .oo .oo .oo .oo
Stock homes/stables
Lffluent re-use areas


SSD: Slte speclflc determlnatlon (no standard buffer dlstances apply).
:. The Cattle Tlck Dlp Slte Management Commlttee (D|PMAC) recommends a nomlnal zoo metre radlus
assessment zone around cattle dlp sltes. Pesldentlal development proposed wlthln thls zone should be
sub[ect to a contamlnated lands assessment to determlne the extent of contamlnatlon and rlsks posed by
contamlnatlon. The assessment and any proposed remedlatlon works must also meet the requlrements of
5tote lnv|tonmentol llonn|n lol|cy No. ,, - kemeJ|ot|on ol lonJ. Urban encroachment onto worklng cattle
dlp sltes ls to be avolded where posslble.
z. Sub[ect to assessment ln accordance wlth NSw Department of Lnvlronment and Conservatlon publlcatlon
lnv|tonmentol Vonoement on the utoon lt|ne - lotse ltoett|es on the kutol utoon lt|ne, 8est ltoct|ce
lnv|tonmentol Cu|Je lot lotses (zoo().
. Sub[ect to assessment ln accordance wlth NSw Department of Lnvlronment and Conservatlon publlcatlon
use ol lllluent oy ltt|ot|on (zoo) or local pollcy as adopted by lndlvldual counclls.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
,: ||\||O|V|| O||O|
7oole 9: 5outces ol |nlotmot|on lot m|n|mum oullets
Land use or
Reference source
Plggerles |o||oo| |.|oe|o| Oo|Je||e |o ||e|e A|| .oo
|o|| oo| Oo|Je||e |o oJ|.||o oJ |e.e|oe| | ^|co||oo| ^eo
|S\ A.|cu|tu.o ,,,
||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
|.nbucc. S||.o curc|| || 6 |u..| bu||o.s (.oo,)
Peedlots |/ |eeJ|o| /ooo| |S\ A.|cu|tu.o ,,,
||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
.ooJ ||
|o|| oo| Oo|Je||e |o oJ|.||o oJ |e.e|oe| | ^|co||oo| ^eo
|S\ A.|cu|tu.o ,,,
|.nbucc. S||.o curc|| || 6 |u..| bu||o.s (.oo,)
Poultry farms ||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
.ooJ ||
Dalry farms ||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
.ooJ ||
|o|| oo| Oo|Je||e |o oJ|.||o oJ |e.e|oe| | ^|co||oo| ^eo
|S\ A.|cu|tu.o ,,,
|.nbucc. S||.o curc|| || 6 |u..| bu||o.s (.oo,)
|/ Oo|Je||e |o |o|, ||||oe| |eooce /ooee| |S\ A.|cu|tu.o,
Other lntenslve
llvestock operatlons:
.ooJ ||
Grazlng ||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
|.nbucc. S||.o curc|| || 6 |u..| bu||o.s (.oo,)
Sugar cane, cropplng
& hortlculture
|o|| oo| Oo|Je||e |o oJ|.||o oJ |e.e|oe| | ^|co||oo| ^eo
(|S\ A.|cu|tu.o)
||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
||o| Oo|Je||e. eoo|| ^|co||oo| oJ |e|Je||o| |oJ |e |J
|op..tnort c| |.tu..| |oscu.cos ,,,
& controlled
|o|| oo| Oo|Je||e |o oJ|.||o oJ |e.e|oe| | ^|co||oo| ^eo
|S\ A.|cu|tu.o ,,,
Oo|Je||e |o ||e |e.e|oe| o| o|o||eJ |.|oe| |o||co||oe
||o| Oee|ooe oJ |,Joo|c |o||co||oe | |/ |S\ ||| .oo,
||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
oJe o| |oc||ce |o o|e ooee| o| o|o oce| o| ocoJo|o
o| Aust..||.r|c ||.rr|r |ty |tJ .oo,
|.nbucc. S||.o curc|| || 6 |u..| bu||o.s (.oo,)
8ananas |.nbucc. S||.o curc|| || 6 |u..| bu||o.s (.oo,)
|ost|c|Jo crt.c| O.Jo. A|| ,8,
Turf farms |o|| oo| Oo|Je||e |o oJ|.||o oJ |e.e|oe| | ^|co||oo| ^eo
|S\ A.|cu|tu.o ,,,
Abattolrs ||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
.ooJ ||
|.nbucc. S||.o curc|| || 6 |u..| bu||o.s (.oo,)
Lcosystems &
wlldllfe corrldors
Natlve vegetatlon/
habltat |rv|.crnort.| ||.rr|r |c||cy |c .6 ||ttc..| |.|r|c.osts
||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
|occnnorJ.t|crs c| |S\ |op..tnort c| |rv|.crnort .rJ
|| |.ro
co| ,,
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||\||O|V|| O||O| ,,
Land use or
Reference source
Lstuarles and ma[or
|o||c, oJ Oo|Je||e ^oo||c |o||o| oJ ||| oe.o||o
|S\ ||s|o.|os (,,,)
||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
waste facllltles .ooJ ||
Sewerage works ||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s ||
|.nbucc. S||.o curc|| || 6 |u..| bu||o.s (.oo,)
Dlp sltes |||VA (|S\ .tt|o |ck ||p S|to V.r.onort cnn|ttoo)
|o|| oo| Oo|Je||e |o oJ|.||o oJ |e.e|oe| | ^|co||oo| ^eo
|S\ A.|cu|tu.o ,,,
|.nbucc. S||.o curc|| || 6 |u..| bu||o.s (.oo,)
Stock yards lncludlng
cattle yards
|o|| oo| Oo|Je||e |o oJ|.||o oJ |e.e|oe| | ^|co||oo| ^eo
|S\ A.|cu|tu.o ,,,
8oardlng kennels \osto.r Aust..||.r ||A
|urc curc|| ||
Lxtractlve |ndustrles ||snc.o |ovo|cpnort crt.c| ||.r |.pto. bu||o. A.o.s
.ooJ ||
|occnnorJ.t|crs c| |S\ ||| V|ro..| |oscu.cos
|.nbucc. S||.o curc|| || 6 |u..| bu||o.s (.oo,)
State & reglonally
slgnlflcant farmland
|o|| oo| Oo|Je||e |o oJ|.||o oJ |e.e|oe| | ^|co||oo| ^eo
|S\ A.|cu|tu.o ,,,
|c.t|o.r ||vo.s |..n|.rJ |.ctoct|cr |.coct .rJ t|o V|J |c.t|
|..n|.rJ V.pp|r |.coct
Pural land uses
as llsted
|oo| |oJ |e o|||c| |e.|e. o| /ooee| ec||oe |cbo.t ' Sn|t|,
|opc.t tc ||snc.o ||v|r ort.os, ||.rr|r |S\ .oo,
o|e , co|
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
,o ||\||O|V|| O||O|
Variation provisions
|n certaln clrcumstances varlatlons from the recommended standard buffer dlstances
may be [ustlfled. Counclls and government agencles whlch provlde advlce or regulate
actlvltles have the dlscretlon to approve a reduced buffer or requlre an lncrease ln
the requlred buffer ln the clrcumstances and to requlre the lmplementatlon of any
reasonable confllct avoldance measures.
8uffers can be varled for reasons such as the scale of the proposal, topographlc and
mlcro-cllmatlc condltlons, technologlcal advancements, operatlonal conslderatlons and
arrangements, sensltlvlty of surroundlng lands and land use wlthln the locallty.
|t ls recommended that counclls lnclude varlatlon provlslons wlthln a DCP whlch
lncludes buffers and other measures for avoldlng confllct as slte speclflc clrcumstances
vary. Appllcatlons for varlatlons should be accompanled by [ustlflcatlon for the varlatlon
and assessment of the lmpllcatlons of the varlatlon of the buffer dlstance on the values
of key envlronmental assets, rural actlvltles, prlmary lndustrles and communlty amenlty.
|n accordance wlth the prlnclples of LSD, and ln the lnterest of avoldlng and reduclng
rural land use confllct lssues, a precautlonary approach should be applled to varlatlons.
varlatlon crlterla could lnclude (as adapted from Llsmore Development Control Plan
Chapter :: - 8uffer Areas and Nambucca Shlre Councll DCP :; Pural 8uffers zoo):
- the extent, nature and lntenslty of the ad[olnlng land uses
- the operatlonal characterlstlcs of the ad[olnlng land uses
- the sensltlvlty of the ad[olnlng and surroundlng land uses
- off-slte effects llkely by the ad[olnlng land uses and the potentlal to cause confllcts
- the potentlal land uses of the ad[olnlng and surroundlng lands
- topographlcal features and vegetatlon whlch may act to lsolate and buffer land uses
- prevalllng wlnd and cllmatlc condltlons that could help reduce confllcts
- any other speclflc mltlgatlng factors.
Appllcatlons for varlatlons should be made ln wrltlng to the councll and presented ln
report style wlth the development appllcatlon and be accompanled by relevant detalls,
descrlptlons, assessments, maps, photos and plans. The appllcatlon for varlatlon should
have regard to any relevant guldellnes, codes and pollcy.
Land use confIict risk assessment
Land use confllct rlsk assessment (LUCPA) ls an appralsal system developed to ldentlfy
compatlblllty of land uses and the potentlal for confllct between ad[olnlng land uses.
|t ls deslgned to help proponents of developments and the determlnlng/consent
authorltles assess the potentlal for land use confllct. LUCPA ls almed at complementlng
development control and buffer requlrements by provldlng a more thorough
understandlng of llkely land use confllct lssues at an lndlvldual development level so as
to lnform the appllcatlon of land use confllct avoldance and buffer measures.
The alm of LUCPA ls to address land use lnterface lssues and rlsks between rural land
uses ln a proactlve manner and before the land use proceeds or before a dlspute arlses
and to hlghllght or recommend strategles that could help mlnlmlse confllct.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||\||O|V|| O||O| ,,
8y undertaklng a LUCPA at the lndlvldual property and development scale, the real rlsk
of confllct between one land use and an ad[olnlng rural land use can be more accurately
ldentlfled. Slte speclflc and relevant confllct mlnlmlsatlon and separatlon strategles can
then be negotlated, proposed, lmplemented and evaluated.
Under LUCPA a number of lssues assoclated wlth a proposal and other uses wlthln a
locallty are consldered to ldentlfy the potentlal areas of confllct. A slmple ranklng system
ls used to ldentlfy how serlous the rlsk ls.
The land use confllct rlsk assessment process outllned ls a recommended plannlng and
development deslgn tool to avold or better manage the potentlal confllcts between
dlfferent and lncompatlble land uses ln rural areas.
The process ls not meant to be applled llterally. Pather lt should be used as a gulde to
how to assess the potentlal for confllct between land uses and the potentlal lmpllcatlons
of the confllct. ou can vary and adapt the process accordlng to each partlcular sltuatlon.
The alm of thls part of the handbook ls not to prescrlbe a step-by-step process that
should be followed. Pather lt ls meant to encourage planners and developers to
proactlvely avold land use confllct scenarlos by conslderlng the rlsk of confllct as early ln
the land use plannlng process as posslble and be ln a better posltlon to address rlsks of
confllct through sound plannlng, good deslgn and responslble operatlons.
Why assess the risk of confIict!
Confllct can occur between land uses and people ln rural areas when the actlvltles or
practlces assoclated wlth one nelghbour's land use lnterfere wlth another nelghbour's
en[oyment or use of land. |t can also occur where there ls a real or percelved
envlronmental lmpact from an actlvlty.
Land use change ls the typlcal trlgger for land use confllct. Thls change can be ln the
form of an entlrely new land use ln a rural area, a more lntenslve land use or where the
envlronment ls modlfled or percelved to be at rlsk of degradatlon. More subtle changes
ln land use, such as the lnterests and behavlours of a new nelghbour can also lead to
tenslons between nelghbours.
Confllct to do wlth land use and between nelghbours can create serlous stress for
lndlvlduals, lncrease pressures on ad[olnlng landowners and place addltlonal resource
demands on local and State government agencles. Managlng thls confllct retrospectlvely
can be very hard and mlght not achleve a resolutlon resultlng ln ongolng confllct.
Commonly, lnequlty can be percelved lf one party ls seen as havlng achleved a result at
the expense of the other party.
Some plannlng development declslons made ln the past have created real potentlal for
confllct between rural land uses and rural nelghbours because not enough attentlon was
pald to separatlng lncompatlble land uses. |t ls essentlal that future land use plannlng
and development declslons be based on an understandlng and appreclatlon of the need
to separate lncompatlble land uses and to adequately manage rlsk of confllct between
land uses at the plannlng, development deslgn and assessment stages.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
,8 ||\||O|V|| O||O|
Factors a LUCRA shouId consider
Slte speclflc factors that LUCPA should conslder and address lnclude:
- The nature of the land use change and development proposed. A modest land use
change ls llkely to create a dlfferent rlsk of land use confllct compared to a substantlal
and extenslve land use change.
- The nature of the preclnct where the land use change and development ls proposed.
Thls provldes an understandlng of the context of the proposed change and
development and may provlde some lnslghts lnto the values and expectatlons of
ad[olnlng land owners and stakeholders.
- The topography, cllmate and natural features of the slte and broader locallty whlch
could contrlbute elther to mlnlmlslng or to exacerbatlng land use confllct.
- The typlcal lndustrles and land uses ln the area where the development ls
proposed. Thls provldes for a broad test of compatlblllty wlth the domlnant
exlstlng land uses ln the locallty.
- The land uses and potentlal land uses ln the vlclnlty of the proposed development
or new land use. |dentlfylng and descrlblng what's happenlng wlthln a mlnlmum
:ooom radlus of the sub[ect land and development slte help to establlsh the speclflc
land uses ln the locallty that are most llkely to have some effect on and be affected
by the proposed land use or development. Thls descrlptlon of surroundlng land uses
should lnclude dlscrete land uses such as dwelllngs, schools, and publlc places as well
as rural lndustry actlvltles such as lntenslve anlmal lndustrles, cropplng, agrlcultural
processlng lndustrles, aquaculture, mlnlng, petroleum productlon and extractlve
lndustrles, plantatlons and farm forestry.
- Descrlbe and record the maln actlvltles of the proposed land use and development
as well as how regular these actlvltles are llkely to be. Note lnfrequent actlvltles
that are llkely to create confllct wlth nelghbourlng land uses and be the source
of nelghbour dlsputes glven our knowledge of lssues that can be a trlgger for
complalnts and confllct.
- Descrlbe and record the maln actlvltles of the ad[olnlng and surroundlng land uses as
well as how regular these actlvltles are, lncludlng perlodlc and seasonal actlvltles that
have the potentlal to be a source of complalnt or confllct.
- Compare and contrast the proposed and ad[olnlng/surroundlng land uses for
lncompatlblllty and confllct lssues.
After golng through these factors, use the rlsk assessment matrlx (Table :o) to assess the
rlsk of confllct between the land uses glven the lssues lnvolved.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||\||O|V|| O||O| ,,
7oole 10: lonJ use conll|ct t|sl ossessment mott|x















LikeIihood of a dispute or confIict arising
over the Iand use or activity.
\o.y ||ko|y ||ko|y |r||ko|y
V.c. ccrsoouorcos
|np.cts ||ko|y
||| ||| V||||V
VcJost c. po.|cJ|c
ccrsoouorcos |np.cts ||ko|y
||| V||||V |O\
V|r|n.| ccrsoouorcos
|np.cts ||ko|y
V||||V |O\ |O\
Pank and record each lssue or actlvlty on the rlsk assessment matrlx. After you have done
thls, for each potentlal confllct lssue ldentlfy the management strategles and responses
that could help lower the rlsk of the lssue resultlng ln a dlspute and confllct.
Next, summarlse the key compatlblllty and confllct lssues and preferred and
recommended management strategles to be used to reduce and avold the rlsk of
confllct resultlng from the proposed change ln land use and/or development. 8uffers of
varlous forms are one of the key tools that can be used to mlnlmlse land use confllct rlsks
though they are not the only tool. |nclude recommended performance targets ln the
strategles planned where practlcal and the detalls of any monltorlng that wlll be used to
evaluate the performance of the confllct avoldance strategy.
where necessary, record and summarlse the recommended land use confllct avoldance
and mlnlmlsatlon strategy ln a management plan. Thls management plan should
descrlbe the confllct rlsk and compatlblllty lssues, the rlsk control strategy to avold or
mlnlmlse the rlsk of land use confllct and dlsputes, the performance measures to be
used to monltor achlevement and the responslbllltles for lmplementlng the confllct rlsk
avoldance and reductlon controls outllned.
Reporting the resuIts of a LUCRA
The results of a LUCPA should be lncluded ln a development or plannlng proposal
showlng how lt has lnformed the locatlon, deslgn and operatlon of a change ln land
use and/or development. Any key llmltatlons, unknowns or assumptlons ln the LUCPA
should be documented, and exlstlng codes, pollcles or guldellnes that have been used
to develop confllct mlnlmlsatlon strategles should be referenced.
Confllct avoldance and reductlon strategles that wlll lnvolve slte deslgn, buffers and
other physlcal measures should be shown ln a plan and labelled to show the extent,
locatlon and scope of the strategy planned.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
oo ||\||O|V|| O||O|
Who can undertake a LUCRA!
Undertaklng a LUCPA requlres lnslght and experlence across a range of land use and
resource management lssues. Pormal or speclallsed quallflcatlons are not generally
necessary though lnvolvement of speclallsts ls to be expected ln some cases.
Confllct and land use compatlblllty assessment requlres skllls ln lnvestlgatlon,
research and lnqulry, as well as ob[ectlvlty, lmpartlallty, and the capaclty to effectlvely
assess the potentlal rlsk glven changlng clrcumstances, the dynamlcs of rural
areas and rural lndustrles, the vagarles of cllmate and the varylng expectatlons of
lndlvlduals and rural communltles.
Some knowledge and understandlng of land use confllct pollcy and speclflc pollcles,
codes and guldellnes ls an advantage. A LUCPA ls not a foolproof approach to
mlnlmlslng new confllct from arlslng. The value of a LUCPA ls that lt ls a systematlc,
conslstent and slte-speclflc confllct assessment approach to land use plannlng and
development assessment that reflects the slze, scale, locatlon and sensltlvlty of change
ln land use and developments taklng lnto conslderatlon the locatlon, scale, practlces and
sensltlvlty of ad[olnlng rural land uses.
How much consuItation!
Proponents, land owners and consultants undertaklng confllct rlsk assessment wlll need
to make some [udgements about how much effort and detall a LUCPA deserves. The
relevant councll and consent authorlty or regulatory authorltles should be consulted
flrst to determlne the level and type of detall requlred to accompany a development
appllcatlon or proposal.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
||\||O|V|| O||O| o
Further information
- Aborlglnal cultural herltage management lncludlng protocols and agreements
(, mapplng and
- Aborlglnal Cultural Herltage Management Plans - See Coool| 7ettonoto 8tooJwotet
Aoot||nol Cultutol let|toe Vonoement llon
- A ltoJucets Cu|Je to 5tott|n o 5moll 8eel Cottle leeJlot |n N5w (,o-:ooo heoJ cooc|ty}
NSw Agrlculture, zoo:
- Assessment onJ Vonoement ol OJout ltom 5tot|onoty 5outces |n N5w - 7echn|col
ltomewotl 0lC, zoo6
- 8est ltoct|ce lnv|tonmentol Cu|Je lot lotses NSw DLC zoo(
- Cultural Herltage Aborlglnal Management Pro[ect
- 0tolt V|J Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey zooo State of NSw through Department of
Plannlng, December zoo6
- lnv|tonmentol Cu|Jel|nes: Assessment, Closs|l|cot|on onJ Vonoement ol l|qu|J onJ
Non-l|qu|J woste DLC :ppp
- lnv|tonmentol Vonoement on the utoon lt|ne - lotse ltoett|es on the kutol utoon
lt|ne, 8est ltoct|ce lnv|tonmentol Cu|Je lot lotses NSw DLC zoo(
- lnv|tonmentol llonn|n onJ Assessment Act :p)p
- lot Notth Coost ke|onol 5ttotey zooo-{: State of NSw through Department of
Plannlng, December zoo6
- Cu|Jel|nes lot the 0eveloment ol ConttolleJ lnv|tonment lott|cultute (NSw DP| zoo)
- leolth lmoct Assessment ol ltooseJ 0eveloments North Coast Publlc Health Unlt,
NSw Health Department, :pp;
- l|smote 0eveloment Conttol llon Chotet :: - 8ullet Ateos
- Nomoucco 5h|te Counc|l 0Cl :o - kutol 8ullets (zoo)
- Not|onol lnv|tonmentol Cu|Jel|nes lot l|et|es Aust. Pork Llmlted zoo(
- N5w leeJlot Vonuol NSw Agrlculture :pp;
- N5w Cu|Jel|nes lot 0o|ty lllluent kesoutce Vonoement - 0tolt NSw Agrlculture :ppp
- N5w lnJustt|ol No|se lol|cy NSw LPA, zooo
- N5w Veot Ch|clen lotm|n Cu|Jel|nes - Vono|n, llonn|n, 0eveloment onJ
lnv|tonmentol lssues (NSw Agrlculture zoo()
- N5w Cu|Jel|nes lot 0o|ty lllluent kesoutce Vonoement - 0tolt NSw Agrlculture :ppp
- N5w Cu|Jel|nes lot the 0eveloment ol ConttolleJ lnv|tonment lott|cultute NSw
Agrlculture zoo
- N5w loultty lotm|n Cu|Jel|nes NSw Agrlculture :pp6
- No|se Cu|Je lot locol Covetnment NSw LPA, zoo;
- Notthetn k|vets Cotchment Act|on llon
- llonn|n lot 8ushl|te ltotect|on - o Cu|Je lot Counc|ls, llonnets, l|te Authot|t|es,
0eveloets onJ lome Ownets, Plannlng NSw (December zoo:)
- Standard |nstrument (Local Lnvlronmental Plans) Order zoo6 and Standard
|nstrument Prlnclple Local Lnvlronmental Plan
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
o. ||\||O|V|| O||O|
- lol|cy lot 5usto|noole At|cultute |n New 5outh woles NSw Agrlculture, :pp8
- lol|cy on the ltotect|on ol At|cultutol lonJ NSw DP| zoo(
- lol|cy 8 Cu|Jel|nes lot Aquot|c loo|tot Vonoement onJ l|sh Consetvot|on NSw DP| :ppp
- lol|cy 8 Cu|Jel|nes lot l|sh lt|enJly wotetwoy Ctoss|ns NSw DP| zoo
- kooo|t lotm|n - llonn|n onJ 0eveloment Conttol Cu|Jel|nes NSw Agrlculture :ppp
- kestot|n the 8olonce: Cu|Jel|nes lot mono|n llooJotes onJ Jto|noe systems on
coostol llooJlo|ns NSw DP| zoo
- 5toy 0t|lt Vonoement: lt|nc|les, 5ttote|es onJ 5uott|n lnlotmot|on P|SC,
CS|PO, zooz
- 7utl lotm|n - Cu|Jel|nes lot Consent Authot|t|es |n N5w NSw Agrlculture :pp6
Note: Local and reglonal llbrarles may provlde another useful source for obtalnlng
lnformatlon on thls toplc lncludlng local contacts and speclflc lnformatlon relevant
to the area.
- Department of Plannlng web-slte for a complete and
current llst of all envlronmental plannlng lnstruments.
- |ndlvldual Counclls Local Lnvlronmental Plans can be vlewed at each Councll's
webslte or at the Australaslan Legal |nformatlon |nstltute slte
- Northern Plvers Catchment Management Authorlty
- NSw Acts and Leglslatlon
- NSw Department of Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change
- NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles
- NSw Department of water and Lnergy
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
OVV|||A|O| ||SO|||O| o,
Communication and
dispute resoIution
New tutol tes|Jents, ex|st|n tes|Jents onJ tutol toJucets oll hove o t|ht to l|ve |n onJ enjoy
the tutol env|tonment. 5hot|n l|lestyles |n tutol oteos comes Jown to hov|n |nlotmeJ onJ
teosonoole exectot|ons ol how the lonJ |n yout oteo |s useJ, oly|n o l|ttle o|t ol |ve
onJ tole, onJ unJetstonJ|n the tules ovetn|n lonJ use. lt |s |mottont thot oll eole
|ntetesteJ |n the lutute ol tutol oteos unJetstonJ whot l|le |s l|le |n o tutol env|tonment onJ
otec|ote eoch othets neeJs.
*OGPSNBUJPO onJ DPNNVOJDBUJPO ote two ol the teotest oll|es to ovo|J|n J|sutes onJ |n
tesolv|n J|sutes when they ot|se.
Avo|J|n o J|sute onJ conll|ct |n the l|tst |nstonce shoulJ oe o t|ot|ty. 7ole whot oct|ons
you con on yout own toetty to m|n|m|se ony |mocts on the env|tonment onJ yout
ne|hoouts. 7oll to yout ne|hoouts ooout ony concetns you moy hove |l on |ssue ot
m|sunJetstonJ|n ot|ses. A|m|n to teoch oteement ooout how to oJJtess |ssues thot ot|se
|n o cooetot|ve onJ os|t|ve monnet |s oy lot the oest solut|on.
ll the |ssue Jevelos |nto o J|soteement onJ |s not teoJ|ly tesolveJ, |t |s l|lely thot you w|ll
neeJ hel, ethos o th|tJ otty, onJ th|s |s l|lely to |ncteose the t|me onJ cost |nvolveJ |n
och|ev|n on oteeoole outcome.
ln th|s chotet we lool ot woys ol tesolv|n J|sutes. lt ossumes thot the mottet to oe tesolveJ
|s o ne|hoouthooJ |ssue onJ not o oteoch ol the low. lt |s not teol|st|c lot ne|hoouts to
tesolve J|sutes |nvolv|n o oteoch ol env|tonmentol low ot othet stotutes. kothet these
mottets shoulJ oe teletteJ to the most otot|ote oency ot oton|sot|on.
/PUF 7h|s chotet Jtows on motet|ol ovo|loole ltom the Conll|ct kesolut|on weos|te. 5ee
lutthet |nlotmot|on sect|on ot the enJ ol th|s chotet lot contoct Jeto|ls onJ tesoutces.
1ust as ln everyday llfe, communlcatlon between people lnvolved ln rural lndustrles and
nelghbours ln rural areas ls necessary and beneflclal. Lffectlve communlcatlon ls one of
the key factors ln reduclng the rlsk of land use confllct and ln managlng land use confllct
lssues when they arlse. Communlcatlon ls crltlcal lf people wlsh to convey a concern
wlth a nelghbour. |n rural and more lsolated areas, unllke ln urban areas, nelghbours may
have to communlcate and negotlate to flnd agreed solutlons to lssues rather than fully
rely on an offlclal from government to help resolve a dlspute.
Suggestlons for effectlve communlcatlon to manage rural land use confllct lssues
lnclude the followlng.
- Thlnk flrst then act. |ssues between nelghbours wlll lnevltably arlse so conslder how
you wlll respond.
- Pre-empt or dlscuss rural land lssues of lnterest to you wlth your nelghbours,
partlcularly new nelghbours.
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- 8oundary fenclng, stray stock, weeds, chemlcal use, burnlng off, lnterferlng wlth
vlews/amenlty, and domestlc anlmals are common rural lssues between nelghbours
ln rural areas. Conslder how you would approach these lssues wlth a nelghbour.
- Get on the front foot and lnform your nelghbours about a new, unlque or unusual
practlce or development you are plannlng that may cause local concerns or ob[ectlons.
- |f a nelghbour ralses lssue wlth you over your property management, llsten and be
patlent, and ask them what thelr prlmary concern ls and what suggestlons they may
have to rectlfy the sltuatlon. ou don't have to agree to thelr request, but at least
lndlcate you wlll take on board thelr concerns.
- Conslder lssues ralsed by nelghbours as thelr concerns may be valld. |t ls better to
deal wlth small lssues as they arlse than to let somethlng escalate.
How and when shouId I raise an issue
with my neighbour!
There are many ways and sltuatlons where you could communlcate wlth a nelghbour
or someone you have lssues wlth. Determlne whlch approach may work best by
conslderlng how you would llke to be approached and how the other person ls llkely to
react. what about:
- Next tlme you see them worklng on thelr property or near the boundary!
- |n the vlllage or next tlme you bump ln to them ln town!
- |nvltlng them over for 'a cuppa' and lnformal chat (tlme and place ls lmportant here)!
- |nvltlng them over for a barbeque and make mentlon of the lssues of concern!
- Catchlng up ln town for a coffee or a meal!
- Maklng an lnformal comment at sport when you have the opportunlty to be alone
wlth your nelghbour!
- A personal letter! "
- Through a thlrd person such as a trusted nelghbour or frlend!
" Use formal wrltten communlcatlon wlth a nelghbour cautlously lf you want to
malntaln an open relatlonshlp, and only lf lt ls necessary or a last resort. Personal
communlcatlon ls generally more effectlve and helps to establlsh the basls of a
relatlonshlp from whlch negotlatlons can take place.
Many lssues can be resolved by both partles dlscusslng and explorlng dlfferent optlons
that could satlsfy thelr needs. A nelghbour or mutually respected acqualntance of both
partles mlght be able to help out here. The nelghbour may also have addressed the
problem before and be able to provlde some useful advlce and suggestlons. A thlrd
party helplng ln a sltuatlon cannot afford to be percelved as blased or one slded or the
negotlatlon may not work.
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CheckIist for addressing a confIict situation
Look at the checkllst that follows and use lt as a gulde to deal wlth confllct over land use.
Conslderlng these polnts and questlons early could prevent a potentlal or percelved
lssue from gettlng out of hand or engenderlng lll wlll wlth a nelghbour.
Activities on my property
Activities on my
neighbour's property
|s t|o.o v.||J|ty |r t|o |ssuos ..|soJ by
ny ro||bcu.`
|c | rooJ .ry|s |c. t|o |.rJ uso
c. .ct|v|ty`
S|cu|J | sook |rJoporJort .Jv|co`
\|.t koy c..r|s.t|crs s|cu|J | t.|k tc
.rJ .|.t Jc | rooJ tc .sk t|on`
|c | rooJ tc koop . .occ.J c| ny
J|scuss|crs .|t| koy c..r|s.t|crs`
.r .r |rJust.y bcJy |o|p oxp|.|r t|o
.oou|.onorts t|.t .pp|y`
|c | |.vo t|o rocoss..y|s .rJ
.|.t ccrJ|t|crs Jc t|oy spoc||y`
|s t|o.o . bost p..ct|co u|Jo c. ccJo
c| p..ct|co .o|ov.rt tc ny |.rJ uso c.
|.vo | .o.J .rJ urJo.stccJ t|o u|Jos
.rJ ccJos .o|ov.rt tc ny |.rJ uso c.
|s ny p.cpcs.| c. |.rJ uso ||ko|y tc
|.vo .r |np.ct cr ny ro||bcu.s c.
.Jc|r|r |.rJ usos`
S|cu|J | |r|c.n ny ro||bcu.s .bcut
ny orto.p.|so c. |.rJ uso bo|c.o
urJo.t.k|r .r .ct|v|ty`
\cu|J ny ro||bcu.s .pp.oc|.to
krc.|r .|.t ny |..n p|.rs ..o`
|c | |.vo . |..n p|.r .rJ |.vo
| |rc|uJoJ t|o |cc.t|cr c| .c.Js,, r.t|vo voot.t|cr, .ot|.rJs,
|cc.| sc|cc| .rJ ro||bcu.s p.cpo.t|os
|r ny p|.r`
|c. .||| | t.ko t|oso sors|t|vo ..o.s |rtc
.cccurt |r ny |..n p|.r`
|s t||s .o.||y .r |ssuo |c. no`
|s |t rocoss..y |c. no tc t.ko scno
|s t|o |ssuo crc|r c. |s |t . croc||
.r | |rc.o t|o |ssuo`
|cos t|o |ssuo |.vo . so.|cus |np.ct cr
no c. ny |.n||y c. |.|orJs`
|cos t|o |ssuo |.vo . so.|cus |np.ct cr
t|o ccnnur|ty c. t|o orv|.crnort`
|| | t.ko .ct|cr, .|.t Jc | ..rt tc soo
\|y Jc | ..rt tc soo t||s .osu|t`
\||| ny ro||bcu. .rJ ct|o.s ..rt t|o c. . J|||o.ort .osu|t c. cutccno`
|c. .||| | c .bcut||r t||s |ssuo,
.|c s|cu|J | t.|k tc .rJ |c. .cu|J |
c .bcut |t`
.r | |o.vo t.k|r .ct|cr .rJ soo .|.t
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oo OVV|||A|O| ||SO|||O|
ResoIving ruraI confIict
wlth a reallstlc set of expectatlons, a llttle goodwlll and some creatlve solutlons there
are few dlsagreements that can't be mutually resolved. whlle some dlsagreements may
eventually end up ln medlatlon or lltlgatlon, mutual resolutlon ls a better alternatlve as
lt enables the partles dlrectly lnvolved to try to flnd an agreeable sltuatlon. 8reaches of
the law that cannot be resolved through lnformal dlspute resolutlon and negotlatlon
between nelghbours should be referred to the relevant authorlty (see Chapter ().
The followlng are some steps that may help you resolve rural confllct and dlsputes.
MutuaI resoIution
Many lssues can be resolved by those dlrectly lnvolved dlscusslng and explorlng
dlfferent optlons that could satlsfy the needs of both partles. Thls assumes the partles
are talklng and can act ln a reasonable manner.
InformaI third party heIp
Agencles and organlsatlons, partlcularly the Attorney General's Communlty 1ustlce
Centres (C1Cs) and others such as NSw Department of Prlmary |ndustrles, Department of
Lnvlronment and Cllmate Change, local counclls and the Lnvlronment Defenders Offlce
may be able to provlde advlce or guldellnes to help resolve some dlsputes.
The C1C provldes free medlatlon and can be contacted on :8oo ppo ;;;. Por more
lnformatlon go to www.c[
FormaI third party mediation
|f you can't reach agreement after dlscusslon or lnvolvlng another party, then a tralned
thlrd party medlator may be able to help.
Call the Dlspute Pesolutlon Legal Offlcer of the NSw Law Soclety (oz) ppz6 oz:( for a
referral to a dlspute resolutlon practltloner ln your area. Otherwlse go to the soclety's
LegaI proceedings
There may be cases where a formal legal actlon ls consldered the most approprlate form
of actlon or the only course of actlon. |f you go down thls path be prepared for long tlme
frames and flnancl
and asslstance.
al costs ln reachlng an outcome. Contact a sollcltor for expert advlce
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Cetting negotiation to work
The followlng ls a llst of potentlal strategles sourced from the Confllct Pesolutlon
Network, ltee Conll|ct kesolut|on l|t (see lutthet lnlotmot|on for more detalls) whlch
may help you ln resolvlng or comlng to terms wlth a confllct sltuatlon. |t ls an excellent
reference for medlatlon technlques. They have been modlfled to address the theme of
thls booklet, l.e. rural land use confllct.
The suggestlons are relatlvely broad and are general tools for resolvlng dlsputes so can
be applled to confllcts other than those over rural land use. Select those strategles or
approaches whlch you personally feel most comfortable wlth. The strategles can apply to
both partles ln a dlspute. The alm ls to work towards or hopefully achleve an agreeable
or wln/wln sltuatlon.
7he win/win approach
lssues thot hove the otent|ol to couse conll|ct w|ll |nev|tooly ot|se. lts |mottont to tole o
w|n/w|n otooch when Jeol|n w|th them.
A sltuatlon arlses and an lssue ls brought to your attentlon. Lxpect lssues to arlse, they
are a part of llfe. The alm ls to work towards and achleve a wln/wln sltuatlon. Thls looks
at the underlylng needs of each lndlvldual recognlslng that both partles have thelr own
requlrements, deslres and asplratlons.
Openness to adaptlng one's posltlon ln the llght of shared lnformatlon and attltudes,
attacklng the problem, not the person, and taklng a needs-based approach wlll all go
along way ln openlng the door to resolvlng a confllct.
To start the process, brlefly deflne the lssue, the problem area or confllct ln neutral terms
that all can agree on and that don't lnvlte a yes/no answer.
The steps to achlevlng a wln/wln sltuatlon are as follows:
- Try to have empathy for the person who feels affected by somethlng you have done
or not done, don't dlsmlss thelr concerns.
- Try to Iisten carefully to the concerns expressed. |f they have caught you at a bad
tlme, say so and ask lf you can dlscuss the matter at another tlme.
- After the person has outllned thelr concerns, alm to refIect and cIarify the lssue(s)
wlth them, don't assume you understand thelr concerns wlthout checklng flrst.
- xpIore possibiIities and look for alternatlves and optlons that meet the needs of
both partles.
Thls ls about rapport and openness between people. when lt ls absent, people are less
llkely to conslder your needs and feellngs. The best way to bulld empathy ls to help
the other person feel that they are understood. That means belng an actlve llstener,
clarlfylng the lssue from thelr perspectlve and restatlng lt so that everyone ls clear on the
lssue and related concerns.
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Appropriate assertiveness
The essence of approprlate assertlveness ls belng able to state your case wlthout
arouslng the defences of the other person. The secret of success lles ln saylng how
lt ls for you rather than what they should or shouldn't do. The phrase, 'the way | see
lt . attached to your assertlve statement, helps. A skllled '|' statement goes even
further. when you want to state your polnt of vlew helpfully, the '|' statement formula
can be useful. An '|' statement says how lt ls on my slde, how | see lt. Avold uslng all-
encompasslng statements llke 'Lveryone thlnks .' or 'They all say .'.
Respect and vaIue differences
1ust as we are unlque and speclal, so are other people. we all have vlewpolnts that may
be equally valld. Lach person's vlewpolnt makes a contrlbutlon to the whole and requlres
conslderatlon and respect to form a complete solutlon. Thls wlder vlew can open our
eyes to many more posslbllltles. |t may requlre us to change our self talk that says, 'Por
me to be rlght, others must be wrong'.
Responding to resistance from others
when faced wlth a statement that has potentlal to create confllct, ask open questlons
to reframe reslstance. Lxplore the dlfflcultles and then re-dlrect dlscusslon to focus on
posltlve posslbllltles. Go back to the legltlmate need and concerns of each lndlvldual and
set the scene for a co-operatlve agreement.
DeaIing with peopIe
People's behavlour occurs for a purpose. when people percelve a threat to thelr self
esteem, a downward splral can begln. People can be led lnto obstructlve behavlour ln
the false bellef that thls wlll galn them a place of belonglng and slgnlflcance. How we
respond to thelr dlfflcult behavlour can determlne how entrenched these become.
Pecognlse the real needs of the person ln the partlcular confllct sltuatlon, clarlfy these
needs wlth them, and then move onto a cooperatlve solutlon.
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What about negotiation skiIIs!
Here ls a brlef summary on negotlatlon sourced from the Confllct Pesolutlon Network
webslte. Use lt as an lnltlal reference polnt when negotlatlon ls necessary but seek
lndependent professlonal advlce as may be requlred, dependlng on the clrcumstances.
l|ve oos|c t|nc|les ol neot|ot|on:
:. 8e hotJ on the toolem onJ solt on the etson.
z. locus on neeJs, not os|t|ons.
{. lmhos|se common tounJ.
;. 8e |nvent|ve ooout ot|ons.
,. Vole cleot oteements.
where posslble prepare ln advance. Conslder what your needs are and what the other
person's are. Conslder outcomes that would address more of what you both want.
Commlt yourself to a wln/wln approach, even lf tactlcs used by the other person seem
unfalr. 8e clear that your task wlll be to steer the negotlatlon ln a posltlve dlrectlon. To do
so you may need to do some of the followlng:
Ask a questlon to reframe, such as '|f we succeed ln resolvlng thls problem, what
dlfferences would you notlce!'. Check understandlng, e.g. 'Please tell me what you heard
me/them say'. Pequest somethlng she/he sald to be re-stated more posltlvely, or as an '|'
statement. Pe-lnterpret an attack on the person as an attack on the lssue.
Respond not react
- Manage your emotlons.
- Let some accusatlons, attacks, threats or ultlmatums pass.
- Make lt posslble for the other party to back down wlthout feellng humlllated, e.g. by
ldentlfylng changed clrcumstances whlch could [ustlfy a changed posltlon on the lssue.
Re-focus on the issue
Malntaln the relatlonshlp and try to resolve the lssue, e.g. 'what's falr for both of us!'.
Summarlse how far you've got. Pevlew common ground and agreement so far. Pocus on
belng partners solvlng the problem, not opponents. Dlvlde the lssue lnto parts. Address
a less dlfflcult aspect when stuck. |nvlte tradlng ('|f you wlll, then | wlll'). Lxplore best and
worst alternatlves to negotlatlng an acceptable agreement between you.
Identify unfair tactics
Name the behavlour as a tactlc. Address the motlve for uslng the tactlc.
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ConcIusion - the resoIution
Ask yourself these questlons to ldentlfy how the lssue wlll be resolved:
- |s lt bullt on a wln/wln approach!
- Does lt meet many of the needs of all partles!
- |s lt feaslble!
- |s lt falr!
- Does lt solve the problem!
- Can we settle on one optlon or do we need to trlal several!
Lodging formaI compIaints of an aIIeged breach
|f lnformal negotlatlons wlth a nelghbour have not been effectlve or the matter ls a legal
lssue, you can lodge a formal complalnt wlth the relevant regulatory authorlty or seek a
legal remedy lf one ls avallable.
There are many government and non-government organlsatlons wlth some lnterest
and responslblllty ln rural confllct lssues. ou may have to make a number of enqulres,
elther ln person or by phone, before you flnd the most approprlate one. 8e prepared and
try and be patlent as agencles may have other concerns they are deallng wlth, and the
lssues you ralse may be the responslbllltles of a number of organlsatlons.
|f you declde to lodge a formal complalnt wlth an organlsatlon, dlrect lt to the most
approprlate authorlty. Organlsatlons cannot take actlon unless the lssue falls dlrectly
wlthln thelr area of responslblllty. A formal letter dated, slgned and descrlblng the lssue
ln some detall ls the preferred way to lodge a formal complalnt. Pemember to lnclude
your contact detalls and when you would expect a reply. An emall ls the next preferred
format for lodglng a formal complalnt followed lastly by a phone call or personal
approach. The last two optlons wlll probably be the most lneffectlve unless you want to
check a polnt or clarlfy the rlght channels to pursue your wrltten complalnt. Havlng a
formal record of the complalnt you have lodged ls always deslrable for follow up.
ou may have notlfled the approprlate government department but no actlon appears
to have been taken. Pemember that actlon may have taken place and, because of
confldentlallty or lmpendlng legal proceedlngs, you may not have been contacted
even though you were the one to lodge the complalnt. ou wlll need to allow tlme for
the authorlty to lnvestlgate your allegatlon. ou mlght flnd that the outcome does not
meet your expectatlons, e.g. that there was not a breach and that the accused person or
company was actlng wlthln the law.
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Lodging a formaI compIaint of an aIIeged breach - summary
:. Atooch the outhot|ty oy hone ot o to the|t oll|ce.
z. Checl thot |t |s the cottect outhot|ty to honJle yout comlo|nt, |l not, et oJv|ce
on who |s/
{. Clot|ly whot |s the cottect toceJute unJet wh|ch o comlo|nt con oe loJeJ.
;. whot |s the t|meltome unJet wh|ch oct|ons ot o oss|ole tesolut|on moy occut/
,. whot ote the cottect Jeto|ls lot the outhot|ty such os oJJtess, who to wt|te to, os|t|on/
stotus ol the etson etc lot o wt|tten comlo|nt/
o. whot w|ll l neeJ to suott my lotmol wt|tten comlo|nt (hototohs, v|Jeo,
w|tnesses, othet ev|Jence}/
). Vole o coy ol oll cottesonJence, l|le lot teletence.
Several courses are open to you to obtaln feedback. |f you have lodged a complalnt wlth
an offlcer elther by phone or called ln to thelr offlce, get thelr detalls and dlrect contact
lnformatlon. ou then may wlsh to follow up you complalnt dlrectly wlth them. |f thls
ls not successful you can wrlte a formal letter to the Dlrector General of the relevant
government department. |f you have elther no response or an unsatlsfactory response
you could arrange a meetlng or wrlte a letter to your local member of State Parllament
as a next step. |f you stlll feel dlssatlsfled wlth manner ln whlch your lssue has been dealt,
you could contact the NSw Ombudsman's Offlce.
Plnally, some land use confllct and nelghbour dlsputes can be extremely stressful, tlrlng
and frustratlng. Never take actlon lnto your own hands other than communlcatlon
almed at flndlng a resolutlon. |f you flnd yourself gettlng worked up and very upset and
frustrated, seek professlonal support and remove yourself from the sltuatlon untll such
tlmes that you are ln a posltlon to address the lssue calmly and safely.
Note: |t's a good ldea to keep a detalled log of actlons, dates, phone calls, photos, and
correspondence to quallfy your complalnt whatever course of actlon you declde upon.
||.| oJ /o|| | |oo| ^eo
Further information
- 0eol|n w|th ne|hoouthooJ no|se onJ othet |ssues
- Past Answers - ltoolems w|th Ne|hoouts Law Soclety of NSw
- Law for you - Pact Sheet - Ne|hoouthooJ J|sutes
- 7he lnv|tonmentol low lonJoool (th Ldltlon Parrler, D. & Steln, P. Pedfern Legal
Centre Publlshlng, zoo6
Note: Local and reglonal llbrarles may provlde another useful source for obtalnlng
lnformatlon on thls toplc lncludlng local contacts and speclflc lnformatlon relevant to
the area.
- Attorney General's Department
- Communlty 1ustlce Centres www.c[
- Dlspute Pesolutlon Legal Offlcer of the NSw Law Soclety
- Lnvlronmental Defenders Offlce (NSw) Northern Plvers
- Law Soclety
- Local counclls
- Local Land 8oards (NSw)
- The Confllct Pesolutlon Network (PO 8ox :o:6 Chatswood zo; NSw Australla) or
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