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Mind mapping is a simple technique that can be used to surface mental models1, stimulate creativity, jumpstart a group discussion, facilitate communication, explore an ideas network of connections, enhance note taking and even improve your memory. (All that and you get to use crayons too!) It involves combining images, colors, keywords, emphasis and anything else you can think of to produce map or schematic picture of a central concept. Mind mapping can be done on your own in a group setting. In a group its a great compliment to standard brainstorming. In this class our primary interest in mind mapping is its use as a tool to uncover our own mental models and graphically display those tacit connections and assumptions we associate with our concepts. Mind mapping begins with a central idea denoted by a single key word. This word, along with an associated image, is placed in the center of a (lengthwise) sheet of paper. Working from this central theme outward you indicate via five to seven further keywords concepts associated with the central theme. With each of these you associate further keywords. The end product is a map or network of closely related concepts that, in some sense, reflect your understanding of the central theme. Unlike, e.g. a slide show, or a book, the Mental Map graphically presents a central idea within the full context of all of its associations. This supports the brains tendency to function in wholes or gestalts. Mind maps are most successful when they obey some very general rules:

Critical Thinking

Rules of the Mind Map Game

Begin with a key word and color image in the center Use images, symbols and codes throughout Words should be PRINTED Printed words should be on lines and each line should be connected to other lines Use suggestive concise key words Use colors to enhance memory, delight the eye and stimulate cortical processes Your mind should be as free as possible. Youll probably think faster than you can write Have fun ISAS 302, Fall 2002

As well discuss in class mental models are often tacit beliefs and assumptions that inform our actions. They are deeply held internal images of how the world works, images that limit us to familiar ways of thinking and acting. Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline (NY: Doubleday, 1990), p. 174

Version 1.1, 9/8/03

The best way to develop a mind map depends upon the goal. To jumpstart a group discussion you might take one approach. As a note taking device or a memory enhancer youd take another. Since our mind-mapping goal is to surface our mental models I suggest the following method for creating a mind map (either individually or as a group): Identify the central theme via a suggestive keyword and image Brainstorm associated keywords for 5-10 minutes Organize the keywords in categories (general to specific) Map the keywords according to the above rules Expand your map. Think freely and quickly. Free associate. This approach is summarized as a mind map below. If group members are doing individual mind maps on the same topic its often interesting to ask each group member to predict how many of their keywords will 1) be common to all of the maps in the group and 2) unique to their own map2. Intuitions about the degree to which different people agree on central concepts are often wildly inaccurate.

Central Theme

Using Mind Maps to Surface Mental Models

Critical Thinking

Brainstorming Rules
State the brainstorming question, agree on it and write it down for everyone to see.
Make sure ever yone understands the question before you begin

Each team member can offer an idea at any time. NO IDEA IS CRITICIZED. EVER.
Offer new ideas or improvise on ones already on the list

As ideas are generated, write each one in large, visible letters on a flipchart or other writing surface
Use the speakers words. Dont interr upt or abbreviate. Ask if the idea has been worded accurately

Ideas are generated until each person passes, indicating that ideas (or members) are exhausted
Keep it short. 5-20 minutes.

Review the written list of ideas for clarity and to discard any duplicates.
Adapted from M. Brassard & D. Ritter, T he Memory Jogger (Go al/Q PC) ISAS 302 , Fall 2002

1. ID


B 2.



Basic Ordering



General to specific

Headings Hierarchy

4. MI



Use hierarchy 1 2 3 Use num erical order LA YOU T Use only one key word per line Print all words Print key words on lines M line length equal ake to word length Connect lines to other lines M the central lines thicker ake B e clear M your boundaries ake 'em brace' your branch outline M your im ake ages as clear as possible Keep your paper places horizontally in front of you Keep your printing as upright as possible TEC H N IQU E
Use a central image Use images, symbols, and codes throughout your Mind Map Use three or more colors per central image

Use emp h asis

Use dimension in images Use synaesthesia (the blending of the physical senses)

Min d Map "L aw s"

U s e v ariations of s iz e of printing, line and image Use organized spacing Use appropriate spacing

D evelop a personal style

Use arrows when you want to m connections within and ake across the branch pattern Use colors Use codes Enter Sub-topic

U se association Thes e Mind Mapping Guidelines are tak en from Tony Buz an's book 'The Mind Map Book '

The criterion for common and unique is the same keyword. Variants dont count since they often have very different connotations; e.g., compare politician, political hack, elected public servant. Version 1.1, 9/8/03 2

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