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Penitential: -Lord Jesus, you conquered our sin through your cross, Lord ... -Christ Jesus, you are the hope of the persecuted and salvation of those who die in you, Christ .. -Lord Jesus, your love is stronger than death, Lord Opening Prayer: Here we are before you, Lord, grains of wheat buried in the ground, dying in the indifference of this world. Help us to rise with you in the spring of your grace. Here we are before you, Lord, grain milled in the sufferings of the world. Help us to become bread baked in the fire of your love. Redeemer King, you made suffering and persecution a high calling for each of us and taught us to bear our burdens for the sake of those who need to see your Father's power in their weakness. May we learn anew your lessons of obedience and trust, and join our sorrows to yours for the salvation of the world. Intercessions: -Christ hangs on the cross: may he give courage to all who are crucified by the trials of life -that the pleas of those who suffer for human rights may be heard and acted upon -that we do not silence the prophets of our time who challenge us in the way of the cross Giver of life, we ask not to be rescued from the dying we surely must endure, but for the strength and courage we need to endure it with you in patience and joy. Grant this..

Offertory: In this bread broken for us, God our Father, we recognize the one who gives life to the world, through his death, Jesus, your Passover for our earth. ...In the midst of our sufferings and fears we ask you to hear us as we think of those whose lives need hope until the day when your glory appears. Preface: We praise you and thank you, Father in Heaven. Your holy love is a consuming fire. Your word is a living flame. By your prophets you kindle our hope. In the fire of judgment you visit your people. You purify our hearts. Your anger blazes at the injustice of people. Yet, you are always faithful to your little ones. You test us often in the crucible of sorrow and confirm us in fidelity. You kindle in us the fire of your zeal. You send us to witness to your love. When it is dark, you are our light. When it is cold and desolate, you are our warmth. We thank you for your great mercy. And we join our voices to those who know you and. praise you as we say. Holy ...


The Meeting
Years ago a Chicago restaurant, Edgewater Hotel, had specially printed place mats at all its tables. Let me share with you the wording that appeared on those mats. It went something like this: "In 1923 an important meeting took place at Chicago's Edgewater Beach Hotel. Attending the meeting were the following men: "the president of the largest steel company, the president of the largest utility company, the president of the largest gas company, the president of the New York Stock Exchange, the president of the Bank of International Settlements, the greatest wheat speculator, the greatest bear on Wall Street, the head of the world's greatest monopoly, a member of President Harding's cabinet." That's a pretty impressive lineup of people. Yet, 25 years later, where were those nine industrial giants? According to the story on the place mat, the president of the largest steel company, Charles Schwab, died a bankrupt; the president of the largest utility company, Samuel Insull, died penniless; the president of the largest gas company, Howard Hobson, had gone insane; the president of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Whitney, was just released from prison; the bank president, Leon Fraser, died a suicide; the wheat speculator, Arthur Cutten, died penniless; The Wall Street bear, Jesse Livermore, died a suicide; the head of the world's greatest monopoly, Ivar Kruegar, died a suicide; the member of

President Harding's cabinet, Albert Fall, was just given a pardon from prison so that he could die at home. Prayer: You are the friend who holds me tenderly in the palm of your wounded hand. You share my sadness with moist eyes and gentle smile. You grieve with me in my distress; you share your life laid down and spent for me. You split apart the shell that shields my heart. You shed my wasted days like used up skin. Embrace with me the suffering that bearing fruit entails. (This barren branch in slow decay begins to bear again the grapes that make a wine, which stirs the heart, the grace which makes divine.) God, mysterious and hidden, it is in our captivity that you reveal yourself as the open door, it is in the midst of our pain that your suffering love heals us, and it is in the depths of our despair that you shine upon us as the morning star of hope. God crucified, God risen: come, transform the necessities that are laid upon us into freedom, joy and love. Poem: Until it is heated, the wax will not yield to the signet of gold. Until it is kneaded the dough will not rest in the shape of the mould. Until it is headed, God's word cannot fill empty hearts stony cold.

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