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John L. Volakis ElectroScience Lab Elecrical Engineering Dept. The Ohio State University 1320 Kinnear Rd.

Columbus, OH 43212 + I (614) 292-5846 Tel. + I (614) 292-7297 (Fax) volakis. (e-mail)

David B. Davidson Dept. E&E Engineering University of Stellenbosch Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa (+27) 21 808 4458 (+27) 21 808 4981 (Fax) (e-mail)

Foreword by the Editors

This issue, we have yet another contribution from Spain: the fourth in just over a year! This paper discusses the practical application of Physical Optics to reflector antennas. The authors present the basic theory, supported by an extensive list of references, and then discuss a code, ICARA, which implements this. A student version of the code will be available. We thank the authors for their contribution. Whilst PO can give excellent results for this class of antennas, it has limitations for more general problems. As the authors note in their paper, the method assumes the surface current as a given, rather than solving for it rigorously, as in the MOM. It is interesting to note that the PO approximation is essentially the first term in the MFIE, and that PO has been combined with the MOM to form a useful hybrid method, as implemented in the code FEKO, for instance. Further discussion may be found in [l, Chapter 61.

1. D. B. Davidson, Computational Electromagnetics for RF and Microwave Engineering, Cambridge, U K , , Cambridge University Press, 2005.

ICARA: Induced-Current Analysis of Reflector Antennas

Jose A. Martinez Lorenzo, Antonio G. Pino, lsidro Vega, Marcos Arias, and Oscar Rubiiios
Grupo de Antenas, Departamentode Teoria de la Sefial y Comunicaciones ETS lngenieros de Telecomunicacion, Universidadde Vigo Campus Universitario, 36310 VIGO, Spain E-mail: (A. G. Pino); (J. A. Martinez); (I. Vega); (M. Arias); (0.Rubiiios)

The aim of this work is to present the lCARA (Induced-Current Analysis of Reflector Antennas) software, which is able to predict the behavior of reflector antennas using the Physical Optics method. The software offers different options for antenna configurations, single and array feed models, and far-field or aperture-field analysis. Keywords: Reflector antennas; reflector antenna blockage; antenna radiation patterns; physical optics; reflector antenna feeds.
/EAntennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 2,April 2005


I Introduction .
everal analytical techniques have been applied to calculate the diffraction patterns of reflector antennas. Aperture-field integration or surface-current integration were first used for the main beam and the near-in sidelobes [ 1, 21. The Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD), developed by Keller [3], was then applied to reflector antenna analysis, in combination with Geometrical Optics (GO), in order to predict the far-out sidelobes and the backlobe. The problem with GTD is that it predicts singular values in the transition regions adjacent to the GO incident and reflection shadow boundaries. It also fails near the caustics of the diffracted rays. To overcome some of the problems of the GO+GTD method, some other techniques were also developed [4, 51, such as the Uniform Asymptotic Theory (UAT), the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD), and the Equivalent Current Method (ECM). Another technique that has been used for reflector or multireflector antenna analysis is Physical Optics (PO) [5, 61. This consists of considering a source that illuminates the reflector antenna surfaces, which then reradiates additional fields that superimpose with the original source fields, but do not change the original source currents. The problem simplifies to finding the induced currents and calculating their radiation patterns. The PO method is able to predict the forward and backward radiation of a reflector antenna, and to also consider the blockage effects in the case of multi-reflector configurations.'The Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD) [7] was formulated to correct the effects of the geometric discontinuities.


where R = I - 7 , Y 1
G3 are

I? = (7 - J ) / R , and the functions

G1, G2 , and

G = 1

-1 - jkR + k2R2 , R3

G2 =

3 t 3jkR - k2R2 R3


- jkR

The first approximation consists of assuming that kR >> 1, which implies that the distance between the source and the observation point is much greater than the wavelength, but it has no implications with regard to the size of the source. Therefore, the fields can be written as

A new approximation can be considered by taking into account the size of the surface (&). If we assume that the observation point is

2. Formulation

2.1 Scattered Fields from a Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC), Physical Optics Approximation
The magnetic and electric fields scattered by a perfect electric conductor (PEC) can be expressed as [8,9]

in the far-field region of the surface ( R > 2 0 ; //1 ), Equations (7) and (8) are reduced to


j [ T ( ( J ) x V G ( ; , ? ) ] dS',

?(7)is the current density over the surface. The unprimed

To solve the previous integral equations numerically, we divide the surface into triangular patches. Each element, denoted with by index i , is considered to radiate in its far-field region. The observation points are denoted by the index k . Consequently, Equations (9) and (lo), applied to a single patch, can be written as

coordinates represent the observation points and the primed coordinates denote the source points, and G(F,T) is the Green's function, defined as
y y'






and (2) can be devel'




22 <k

The Operators in Equations oped and the equations can be written as

The total fields produced by the entire surface are obtained by adding all the patches' contributions at the observation points:

/Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 2,April 2005


(14) Equations (13) and (14) can be thought of as the discretized versions of Equations (7) and (8), respectively. When the observation point is in the far-field region of the antenna, the electric and magnetic fields can be written as a discretized version of Equations (9) and (10) in the following way:

2.3 Fields Radiated by a Dual Reflector

Figure 2 illustrates the procedure to obtain the radiated fields of dual-reflector antennas. The first step is to compute the PO curover the subreflector, produced by the feed. Equarent, tions (1 l ) to (14) are then used to compute the radiated fields (produced by


7 : )

incident on the main reflector surface. The proce-



Some integral equations, such as the EFIE or MFIE [ 10, 111, can be applied to obtain the current density, J(F'), which is not known a priori. However, for objects with a large electrical size 'and small local curvatures, the Physical Optics (PO) approximation provides an adequate estimation of such currents, with less computational cost. The PO approximation of the induced current is [8, 91


Fin' (7)and li' are the incident magnetic field and the out-


ward unit vector normal to the surface, respectively, at 7 .The distribution of the PO current across any triangular patch is assumed to be constant in magnitude and linear in phase, as described in [9]:

J,,(J) = ~~,(a).~-ik(r-.d)-B,

(18) Figure 1. The single reflector analysis.

where is the center of the patch, and jji is the unit Poynting vector, which can be obtained by computing both the electric and magnetic incident fields at 8 . The solution of the integral expressions of Equations (1 1) and (12) for triangular patches with the distribution of Equation (18) is described in [9].

2.2 Fields Radiated by a Single Reflector

As we can see in Figure 1, the incident fields Hint, Einc are generated by the feed, characterized in general by the electric and magnetic sources Mfeed, Jfeed. Taking into account the PO
approximation, the value of the current, & , induced on the surface by the feed radiation can be obtained by Equation (17). The scattered fields,

ZM, are then obtained by the radiation of i&,

Jh in free space.
The back radiation and the spillover lobes are critical phenomena in reflector-antenna analysis. By adding the direct feed radiation to the scattered fields, both effects are taken into account.

Figure 2. The dual reflector analysis. '


IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 47, No.2,April 2005

J feed


Yes Yes Yes Yes


Considered effects Only main reflector radiation. Main reflector radiation, spillover, and back lobes. Main reflector radiation and subreflector blockage. Main reflector radiation, spillover, back lobes, and subreflector blockage.


A simpler model of the feed, referred as the cos-q [ 5 ] model, has been also considered to allow faster computation.of the source radiation. This is valid only when the first reflector surface is in the far-field region of the feed [12]. The magnetic field radiated by this feed model can be written analytically as



Yes Yes

(for X-polarization),




(for Y-polarization),


dure is valid when the distance between both surfaces is much greater than the wavelength, even if the main reflector is not in the far-field region of the subreflector. The current across the main reflector, & , is given again by the PO approximation, Equation (17). These currents are considered to radiate in free space to generate the fields E& , E& .
An effect that must be also taken into account in dual-reflector antennas is the blockage produced by the subreflector. One method to simulate it is based on geometrical considerations, by canceling the blocked surface current. The method adopted here is

where V is a constant voltage, (@,+,I-) the spherical coordiare nates of the observation point referred to the feed reference system, and qx and qy are the parameters used to control the beamwidth for the principal planes of the feed. Two additional far-field models, based on numerically defined pattems and arrays of cos- q elements, respectively, have also been considered.

3. Software Architecture
The architecture of the software is based on independent modules (see Figure 3). This section shows the general structure, as well as the function of each module in the simulation process. First of all, it is necessary to define the geometry to be analyzed (Geometric Module). The second step is to select the feed used to illuminate the antenna (Feed Module). Once the feed is defined, the Physical Optics stage computes the currents on the antenna surfaces (Physical Optics Module). The next step is to obtain the radiated fields (Analysis Module). The computed results are managed with the post-processing modules (Array Synthesis Module and Graphics Module). Finally, the selected geometry and the computed fields can be exported with the Output Module.

based on the computation of the blockage current, by the main-reflector radiation of The current

T ~ Jinduced ,

& on the subreflector surface.

g$,B, The total fields E$,B.

generates the fields

produced by the antenna are then computed as

Different combinations of the radiating currents can be selected depending on the effects to be considered, as described in Table 1.

2.4 Feed Models

To model the feed of the reflector antenna, we first consider the radiation of a circular source with an electric current distribution with tapered amplitude and quadratic phase error, controlled by the parameters p and S, respectively:

J feed

( P ) = J o [P + ( l - P ) c O s ( 3 ] e

where J,, is a constant current density, a is the radius of the circular source, p is the radial coordinate at any point of the source, and g p is the unit polarization vector of the source. The radiation of Equation (2 1) is computed by discretizing the source into triangular patches and applying Equations (1 1) to (14) to obtain the radiation over the first reflector surface, and Equations (1 5 ) and (16) for the far-field computations.
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol 47, No. 2, April 2005

Figure 3. The ZCARA main control window.



Figure 4. The geometric aided design window for a single or dual reflector.

quency (or wavelength), and the polarizatkK The second feed model (Figure 5) is the cos- q model, described in Equations (22) and (23). The selected parameters for this case are the exponent, q, or the taper illumination at the reflector-edge direction. The third model consists of reading the CO-polar cross-polar components and of the feed pattern from a file. This is particularly useful for simulating the reflector antenna with a real feed with measured patterns, or those predicted by external software. In this case, the user introduces the name and the sampling parameters of the file. The directivity of the feed is computed by a brute-force integration of the power pattem, and it is then presented in the window. To perform the calculation of the magnetic and electric radiated fields of the feed at any arbitrary location, such as the surface patches or the observation points, an interpolation scheme is applied. The twodimensional interpolation implemented is linear in 4 and of second order in B . For these three feed models, a three-dimensional view of the density of the PO currents over the first surface is plotted as soon as any feed parameter is changed, to test the quality of the illumination of the reflector surface. The last feed model is an array of cos-q elements (Figure 5). The user can introduce, delete, and relocate the individual elements of the array. The Graphic Area shows the three-dimensional view of the illumination produced by the selected element. The contribution to the radiated field of the antenna due to each element of the array with unit excitation is computed separately and stored. Later, the user will be able to select the excitations on the Array Synthesis Module. The concept of a power matrix is used as in [131 for the radiated power considerations.

3.1 Geometric Module

This module is used to iritroduce the geometry to be simulated. The selected geometry can be defined by a geometrically aided design tool, or it can be read from a file. Figure4 illustrates the first case (Geometry Aided Design Window). The user defines the geometric parameters of the main reflector (focal length, offset height, dish size) and the subreflector if exists (magnification factor, eccentricity, inter-focal length, and tilt angle between the axes of the main reflector and the subreflector). The program also presents other computed parameters, as seen in Figure4. The selected geometry is plotted in a Graphic Area (GA) of the window. The profile has a number of hotpoints, which can be moved with the mouse to redefine a new geometry. As a result, the parameters of the new configuration are updated over the corresponding boxes and the profile in the Graphic Area is refreshed. The number of patches of the discretization must be selected, too. The discretization algorithm of the main reflector is based on the projection of a discretized elliptical aperture over a parabolic surface, as described in [9]. The subreflector points are obtained as those corresponding to the main reflector by a raytracing scheme. In the second case (Importing Surfaces Window), for each surface the user must select two files. The first file has the Cartesian coordinates of the surface points, and the second file has the indexing of the points that form each triangle. Moreover, it is necessary to introduce the feed location, as well as the target, to point the feed axis correctly. Once the files and the surface parameters have been introduced, the geometry, the feed point, and the target are plotted in the Graphic Area of the window to test if the geometry and its parameters were introduced correctly. This module provides an additional capability for analyzing arbitrary shapes, which can be generated by a shaping procedure or any other external program.

3.3 Physical Optics Module

The task of the PO module is to calculate all the set of currents over the surfaces of the antenna, as described in Section 2. Once the computation is finished, a color map of the surface-current density is plotted. This is usually the most time consuming part of the analysis.

3.4 Analysis Module

This module computes the fields produced by the antenna at a set of observation points selected by. the user. The observation points can be in the far-field region or in the aperture region. The user can also select the different effects to be considered, as shown in Table 1. In the far-field computation (Figure 6a), the user selects the type of pattem (4 cuts, 8 cuts, or two-dimensionalpatterns in the U-V domain), as well as the number of observation points. In the aperture-field computation (Figure 6b), the user can select the observation points along any of the principal axis or across any of the principal planes of the antenna.

3.5 Graphics Module

The Graphics Module (Figure 7) is used to represent all of the computations of the analysis and design process. Thus, the selected geometry, the illuminated surfaces, and the computed fields can be represented in this window. For the representation of the two-dimensional cuts of the computed fields, the module shows the value of the maximum and minimum values of the coIEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 2,April 2005

3.2 Feed Module

The software includes four different feed models. The first f one is the disk o electric current, described in Equation (21). .The user selects the disk radius, a, the parameters p and S, the fre96

Figure 5. The cos- q and array feed models. Figure 7. The PO current density for the dual reflector example.

Figure 9. A three-dimensional representation of the co-polar pattern for the dual reflector example.




-25 -30


Figure 10. The aperture field for the dual reflector example.
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 2, April 2005

Figure 11. The scattered field on the offset plane for the dual reflector example. ,

Table 2. The Gregorian antenna geometry.

1.375 m

Eccentrici 0.45 m

Figure 6a. The Physical Optics analysis window for the far field.

Table 3. The feed parameters. Configuration


I Polarization
Frequency Disk Diameter (2a )

Dual G r e g z a q LinearX I 8.4 GHz 0.11826 m


4. Application Examples
In this section, we present the results of two reflector antenna configurations analyzed with the ICARA software in order to show its capabilities. As we will show, the ICARA results agree well with those obtained with a well-recognized code such as Grasp8-se (Version 8.2.5).

Figure 6b. The Physical Optics analysis window for the aperture field.

4.1 Gregorian Dual-Reflector Antenna

polar and cross-polar components. Moreover, two cursors are plotted in the window, to track the data points while the computed values are shown. Different representations are available for the representation of the field in three dimensions: a contour plot, a Cartesian plot, a'polar plot, and a spherical plot. In all cases, it is possible to select the co-polar or cross-polar component, as well as the phase or magnitude, to be plotted. All the figures can be exported to a file and saved in a .J P G or .BMP format. The selected geometry is the same as that plotted in Figure 4, and the parameters are summarized in the Table 2. In this example, we have selected a feed model of the type "disk of electric current," with the parameters described in Table 3. These ensure a taper illumination of -12 dB at the subreflectoredge direction. The PO current density over both surfaces is shown in Figure 7. Figure 8 shows the antenna's far-field pattern in the elevation plane ( 4 = 0 " ) for B between -35" and 5 " . Good agreement with the Grasp8-se results is shown in the figure. To compute the radiation patterns, the spillover and subreflector blockage effects were been taken into account. For the Grasp8-se results, a Gaussian-beam feed model was used, with the same illumination level of -12dB at the subreflector edge direction. Figure 9 shows a three-dimensional representation of the co-polar pattern. Figure 10 shows the co-polar field magnitude computed by ICARA at the aperture defined at z = 0.5 m. It is possible to identify an upper zone at the aperture dominated by the main reflector-surfaceradiation, and a lower region dominated by the spillover contribution, this last region showing a null corresponding to the subreflectorblockage effect. Figure 11 presents the co-polar field magnitude, sampled at the offset plane ( y = 0), showing the different effects such as the main-reflector scattered wave, spillover, subreflector blockage, and the back lobes of the antenna.

3.6 Array Synthesis Module

This module allows for changing,the excitation of each array element. The window shows the pattern obtained with any excitation vector selected by the user. The resulting pattern can be saved for further plotting in the Graphics Module.

3.7 Output Module

The Output Module is used to export the design data to archives. The geometry can be saved in ASCII files containing the nodes and triangles of the discretization process. The computed field can be saved in standard ASCII files containing the magnitude and phase of the co-polar and cross-polar components of the electric field. Besides this, the user can use the Project Manager to save the actual state of the simulation to a file with an internal format, .ica,which can be reloaded in later sessions.

4.2 Single Paraboloid Fed by an Array

The following example consists of a parabolic surface fed by an array of seven elements. We selected this geometry, which is
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 2 , April 2005

Table 4. The location of the feed array elements (dimensions in wavelengths).

the same proposed in [13], in order to compare our results with those previously published. The reflector had a circular aperture diameter of 108.152, a focal length of 94.872, and an offset height of 70.942, where A is the wavelength. The location of each array element is shown in Table 4. All the elements had linear horizontal polarization, and they were pointed to a common target at (66.192, 0, -83.322). f i e element radiation was modeled with a cos-q feed, with qx = 2.8 and qy = 3.6. The operating frequency was 300 MHz.

Table 5. The reference and computed gains. Number of Elements 1


Optimization Method


Gain [I31 46.48 dBi 48.61 dBi 48.04 dE3i

Gain ICARA 46.53 dBi 48.63 dBi 48.03 di3i

Figure 12 shows the radiation pattern of the antenna when it was fed only by the central element. By using the Array Synthesis Window tool, shown in the figure, we changed the excitation vector of the array to fit the Optimum Directivity (OD) and the Conjugate Field Matching (CFM) conditions described in [13]. The directivity results for these cases are shown in Table 5 , compared to those obtained in [ 131.

5. Conclusions,
The ICARA software for the analysis of reflector antennas has been presented. It has a fi-iendly graphical interface for the design of single- or dual-reflector antennas, for both the analysis procedure and to show the graphical results. Various feed models can be selected to illuminate the surface. Some of them are valid only when the surface is in the far field of the source, but there is also a suitable option for the cases when this is not true. Besides this, a feed array can be considered, and the software contains a tool for defining the excitation vector and watching, at the same time, the final composite pattern of the antenna. Typical reflector antenna effects, such as blockage and spillover, can be taken into account. The software is able to import numerical data for the reflector surface and the radiation pattems of the feed, in order to perform simulations of real measured surfaces and feeds. ICARA is a useful tool for reflector-antenna engineering, and also for educational purposes. A student version will be downloadable from








Figure 8. The far-field pattern in the elevation plane for the dual reflector example.

6. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by FEDER-CICYT (TIC20013330) and Xunta de Galicia (PGIDIT02PXIC322 1PN).

7. References
1. S. Silver, Microwave Antenna Theory and Design, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1949.

2. J. H. Kauffman, W. F. Croswell, and L. J. Powers, Analysis of Radiation Pattems of Reflector Antennas, IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation, AP-24, January 1976, pp. 53-65.

3. J. B. Keller, Geometrical Theory of Diffraction, J. Optics Soc. Amer., 52, 1962, pp. 116-130.
Flgguw 12

Figure 12. The co-polar field of the single reflector example when fed only by the central element.
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 2, April 2005

4. R. G. Kouyoumjian and P. Pathak, A Uniform Geometrical Theory of Dieaction for an Edge of a Perfectly Conducting Surface, Proc. IEEE, 62, 11, November 1974, pp. 1448-1461.

5. Y. T. Lo and S. W. Lee. Antenna Handbook, Theory Applications and Design, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company rnc, 1988.

6. L. Dim and T. Milligan, Antenna Engineering Using Physical Optics, Practical CAD Techniques and Software, Nonvood, MA, Artech House, 1996. 7. P. U. Ufimtsev, Elementary Edge Waves and the Physical n e ory of Diffraction, Electromagnetics, 11, 1991, pp. 125-160. 8. C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, Second Edition, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
9. A. Marcos Arias Acuiia, J. Oscar Rubiiios Lbpez, Ifiigo Cuiiias Gbmez, and Antonio Garcia Pino, Electromagnetic Scattering of Reflector Antennas by Fast Physical Optics Algorithms, Recent Res. Devel. Magnetics, 1,2000, pp. 43-63.

10. R. F. Harrington, Field Computation by Moment Method, New York, IEEE Press, 1993.
11. F. Obelleiro, J. M. Taboada, J. L. Rodriguez, J. M. Bertolo, HEMCUVI: A Software Package for the Electromagnetic Analy-

Eators Comments Continuedfrompage 56 In its simplest mode, the fingerprint reader can be configured to replace the need to enter multiple usernames and passwords, including a system-level password for booting up the system. Thus, when an application prompts you for a password, you can swipe your finger across the fingerprint reader, and then choose the appropriate usemame/password combination (or combinations of other text, including name and address) from a popup widow. This doesnt represent a possible security problem, because the IBM/Lenovo Embedded Security Subsystem stores the authentication information separately in hardware in encrypted form. In its most secure mode, the fingerprint reader provides true two-factor authentication. You can configure the notebook to require both a successful fingerprint swipe and the entry of a pass-phrase to gain access to the computer, or to selected folders or files. The Embedded Security System can also be configured to provide on-the-fly hardware encryption and decryption of folders or files, including your whole c:\ drive. If you make proper use of the security built into this notebook, your information is probably as safe as it can be on a notebook computer, period. The implementation is about as unobtrusive to normal operation as possible, and the hardwarebased encryption seems to have minimal impact on performance.
If you carry data on a notebook computer the compromise of which could be damaging to you or your company, read that last paragraph again. This is serious, well-implemented security. There are also a number of other features on the ThinkFad T series of notebooks that make it obvious that a great deal of good design and experience in using notebook computers has been involved. There is an Active Protection System for the hard drive. This senses rapid changes in acceleration (for example, when the notebook is dropped), and very quickly stops the hard drive and parks the heads to reduce the possibility of a hard-disk crash. There is also an improved shock-absorbing hard-disk mounting system. There is rescue and recovery software that goes significantly beyond what is included in Windows X P Professional. It provides restoration to previously saved system images, including data and applications. It also includes diagnostic and repair software that can help recover a crashed system even i f you cant get the operr ating system to boot (fortunately, I havent had to t y this, but Ive read through the specifications and instructions). Im convinced the built-in spatial-diversity antenna system is one of the best WiFi systems currently available on a notebook. I have often been able to connect in fringe-signal situations when those using other WiFi systems have not. The T42 series also includes Bluetooth connectivity, although I have not had any rear son to t y this. One feature that can be really useful is a built-in LED light at the top edge of the display. It provides keyboard illumination for situations where you have the display brightness tumed down and the ambient light level is low (e.g., on airplane flights where everyone else is sleeping and you dont want to tum on the overhead light).

sis and Design of Radiating Systems On Board Real Platforms, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 44, 5 , October 2002, pp. 44-6 1. 12. Y. Rahmat-Samii and W.A. Imbriale, Anomalous Results from PO Applied to Reflector Antennas: The Importance of Near Field Computations, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Digest, 2, June 21-26, 1998, pp. 816-819. 13. P. T. Lam, S.-W. Lee, D. C. D. Chang, and K. C. Lang, Directivity Optimization of a Reflector Antenna with Cluster Feeds: A Closed-Form Solution, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-33, 11, November 1985, pp. 1163-1174. @

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I want a notebook computer with a full-size keyboard that I can easily carry in my briefcase, without having to compromise on capabilities. The T series is the best combination of features and compromises Ive found for this. The footprint is about 9.75 in by 12.25 in by about 1 in thick (with the 14.1 in display), and weighs about 4.5 lbs with the optical drive installed. The screen is available with available resolutions of 1024 x 768 and 1400 x 1050 in 14.1in and 15.0 in sizes, and 1600 x 1200 in the 15.0 in size. The Continued on page I05


/E Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 2, April 2005

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