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CIS315: Human-Computer Interaction

Assignment #1
3/15/2011 Student Number: 060339366 Kirt Lee Baptiste

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Table of Contents
Part A............................................................................................................................................................. 3 What is a Scenario? ................................................................................................................................... 3 Example of a Scenario ........................................................................................................................... 3 Types of Scenarios................................................................................................................................. 3 Scenarios Elements .............................................................................................................................. 4 Scenario-Based Design .............................................................................................................................. 5 Scenarios in System Development............................................................................................................ 6 Strengths of Scenario-Based Design ..................................................................................................... 8 Five reasons for scenario-based design ................................................................................................ 8 Comparative analysis of Scenario-Based Design .................................................................................. 9 Part B........................................................................................................................................................... 10 Part i. ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 Detailed Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Part ii. ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 What makes Good Scenarios? ............................................................................................................ 12 Described Scenarios ............................................................................................................................ 12 Graphical Representation ................................................................................................................... 13 Part C ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 16 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 16

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Part A
The assignment began by asking the question: What is meant by the by the term Scenario-Based Design, which was popularised by John Carroll and Mary-Beth Rosson? What is Scenario-Based Design? Before we can attempt this we must first answer an important question: What is a scenario?

What is a Scenario?
In simple terms (Carroll, 2000) described a scenario simply as: Scenarios are stories-stories about people and their activities. While a more complex definition came from (Bainbridge, 2004) who described scenarios as: stories in which characters interact with tools and information, and with one another. The characters typically have attributes that distinguish them - knowledge and skills, interest and motivation, job roles and objectives. They behave in a context that is also distinct and that both constrains and facilitates their activity. The plot or action of the scenario describes how the characters plan and pursue goals, improvise and make sense of courses of action, and experience consequences. Example of a Scenario An example illustrated by (Carroll, 1999) discusses an individual interested in failures of bridges:Harry is interested in bridge failures; as a child, he saw a small bridge collapse when its footings were undermined after a heavy rainfall. He opens the case study of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and requests to see the film of its collapse. He is stunned to see the bridge first sway, then ripple, and ultimately lurch apart. He quickly replays the film, and then opens the associated course module on harmonic motion. He browses the material (without doing the exercises), saves the film clip in his workbook with a speech annotation, and then enters a natural language query to find pointers to other physical manifestations of harmonic motion. He moves on to a case study involving flutes and piccolos. Types of Scenarios Types of Scenarios as described by (Rosson and Carroll, 2002): Type Problem scenarios Activity scenarios Information scenarios Interaction scenarios Description Describe current situation features (what users can do) Provide Pros, Cons, Trade-offs

Suggest transformation from the current practice into new design features Developing an understanding of how users perceive, interpret and make sense of information (content) These are about physical actions and system responses that enact and respond to the users task goals and needs

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Scenarios Elements The components/elements of a scenario as described by (Carroll, 1999) with reference to the Harrys scenario presented above: Component Setting Actors (or Agents) Agents Goal (or objectives) Scenarios Goal Plot Description Explicitly describe the starting state of the episode; It includes also description of objects (artefacts) involved in the described situation People actively involved in the scenario Changes that the agent wishes to achieve in the circumstances of the setting Answers the question: Why did the scenario happen? Sequences of events (possibly external) and activities performed by actors that affect the scenarios setting Things that actors do Things that happen to actors Harry opens, moves, saves, enters browses, quickly replays, etc Harry witnessing a bridge failure as a child Case study, film, associated course module, workbook, pointers, etc Example Place where Harry was as a child when the bridge fell, moving onto the place where the case study was opened Harry Harry is interested in bridge failures, without doing the exercises and finding pointers


Actions Events Objects

Scenarios were summed up in (Zaphiris and Kurniawan, 2007)s book as: purposeful interaction within a system is represented by scenarios, thus, naturally making it goal-oriented. In a vast majority of cases, scenarios are particular to specific situation, and thus situated within a particular frame of research. Because scenarios are actor-driven, describing interaction from the perspective of at least one individual, they can be effectively incorporated with an activity theory framework. Finally, because scenarios utilize a general notation, natural language, all stakeholders in the development process can communicate requirements with consummate ease, as well as, experiences and other opinions/beliefs without requiring extensive training. As a result, scenarios serve as an excellent dialect for communication between all project stakeholders, which essentially is the primary goal of any good task analysis framework (Balbo et al., 2004).

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Scenario-Based Design
A section from (Bainbridge, 2004) describes the process in which Scenario-Based Design had originated: - "In the 1960s, increasing scale and complexity in software overtook management practices in software development. The resulting failures-cost overcomes, late delivery, and ineffective and unreliable systems were labelled the software crisis. There is still no comprehensive resolution of the software crisis. Early approaches attempted to specify designs systematically before implementing them; this was particularly ineffective for interactive software system. More recent approaches have encouraged designers to iteratively redesign until they identify and meet all requirements. However wise, this is an implicit acknowledgment that no software development methods exist. Scenario-based is a third alternative: Narrative representations of the use of a software system are created and maintained as a central technique for designing the software itself. In other words, scenarios of use are developed before the system whose use they describe is itself designed, implemented, or used at all Bainbridge goes on to describe how it was the most palpable initiative from a human-computer interaction perspective due the fact it incorporates the user-experience to the largest extent, which essentially is vital in any kind of software design/engineering and also is a ultimate determinant of the success of the software. The root of Bainbridges description of Scenario-Based Design (SBD) originated from (Carroll, 2000) who stated: Expressing the use of a system or application with a set of interaction scenarios make the use explicit, and thus, orients design and analysis toward a broader view of computers. It helps designers and analysts to concentrate on the assumptions about people and their tasks that are implied in systems and applications. Scenario representations can be elaborated as prototypes, through the use of the storyboard, video, and rapid prototyping tools, they are the minimal contexts for developing use-oriented design rationale; a given design decision can be evaluated and documented in terms of its specific consequences within particular scenarios. Scenarios and the elements of scenario-based design rationale can be generalized and abstracted using theories of human activity, enabling the accumulation and developing knowledge which was attained in the course of the design. Thus, scenarios provide a framework for a design-based science of human-computer interaction.

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Scenarios in System Development

In relation to scenarios in system development (Jacko and Stephanidis, 2003) states that scenarios are used within nearly each phase of the system development process with different goals, such as establishing requirements, describing decisions, or supporting evaluation. The degree of formality and the way scenarios are used varies a lot within existing approaches (Carroll, 1995). As seen above, we are fully aware of the four different types of scenarios were created by Rosson & Carroll, which are, the problem, activity, information, and interaction scenarios. In (Jacko, 2007) it states that: the problem scenario helps in understanding a problem, and generally describes information and problem about informant. Activity scenario, information scenario and interaction scenario are designed follow metaphors and information technology and human centred designs guidelines by problem scenario. In order to achieve the best design it is recommended these activities are done iteratively. The book (Jacko, 2007) also goes on to illustrate an overview of the scenario based design framework in Figure 1 below.

The basic argument behind scenario-based methods is that descriptions of people using technology are essential in discussing and analysing how the technology is (or could be) used to reshape their activities. A secondary advantage is that scenario descriptions can be created before a system is built and its impacts felt.1 Researchers (Wang et al., 2008) believe that scenario-based design, that incorporates user participation in the design process, increases product success through priceless user insight. Based on these advantages of scenario-based design, scenarios form the foundation for the design, development, and evaluation of a system. They (Wang et al., 2008) on to say: In HCI, scenarios are used to describe
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detailed context to facilitate the design decision-making (Carroll, 2002). In software engineering, use cases are employed to depict the situations of a system in use, while scenarios are the instances of use cases (Jacobson, 1992). Requirement engineering uses scenarios to record the observance and analysis by the users, from which the requirements are extracted. Scenarios can also be used in requirement assessment (Potts et al., 1994). Wang et al. goes on to say the SBD is an excellent interactive method, however, by itself scenarios dont provide a good implementation method of user-centred design. But instead, provide a good method of acquiring user requirements. In relation to Pen-Based User Interface (Wang et al., 2008) demonstrates how SBD was incorporated into the design and development process of Pen-Based User Interface. Using scenarios, the formulation of interviews and observations can occur. Based on the observation scenarios, the requirements model can be established and evaluated through discussions with the users and experts. The requirements analysis results are analyzed, designing of the interface and the interface scenarios proceed. Then the design solution is formulated.



Implementation: Based on the design solution, a prototype is coded and implemented. Evaluation: The system is analyzed from a usability point of view; the scenarios for evaluation are then designed, and the prototype evaluated. Following this evaluation process, necessary modifications takes place.

(Wang et al., 2008)s diagram below depicts the Pen-Based User Interface Development Process

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Strengths of Scenario-Based Design As seen above, it is indicated that Rosson and Carrolls framework had some shortcomings, but it also has some massive strengths as pointed out by (Bainbridge, 2004) . Scenario-based methods special strengths are as follows: a. Story narratives are particularly vivid and memorable, as can be seen in Freuds case studies or the research of the French structural anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss; b. Scenarios evoke empathetic, elaborative, and interrogative cognitive process, helping designers to reflect in action; c. Scenario are highly malleable, facilitating what-if reasoning, lowering the perceived cost of changes, and reducing the risk of premature commitment, a common failure pattern a professional design; d. Scenarios describe other peoples work and activity, and thereby discourage designers from taking themselves and their own concerns as typical; e. Keeping the focus of the design work on people and organizations also helps designers balance their own concerns with external factors like popular design paradigms, technology zeitgeist, and business perceptions; f. Scenarios are a level of design description that is accessible to all stakeholders in a design, allowing seriously participatory design methods, including the direct involvement of uses in all design discussions; and g. Because they help to broaden the design space through literary abstraction mechanisms like genre, style, and theme, scenarios are very effective brainstorming tools. Bainbridge identification of these strengths were based on/derived from (Carroll, 1999)s famous publication: Five reasons for scenario-based design I. Vivid descriptions of end-user experiences evoke reflection about design issues II. III. IV. V. Scenarios concretely fix an interpretation and a solution, but are open-ended and easily revised Scenarios can be written at multiple levels, from many perspectives and for many purposes Scenarios can be abstracted and categorized Scenarios anchor design discussion in work, supporting participation among stakeholders and appropriate design outcomes

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Comparative analysis of Scenario-Based Design Scenario-based design isnt the only approach used in the designing of software; there are other methods. A brief overview of post cognitive task models is illustrated in (Zaphiris and Kurniawan, 2007) show below (Table 6):

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Part B
Assuming Im an Interaction Designer that has been asked to update the interface of a mobile locationbased recommender system. A system of this nature I wish to suggest is one targeted towards college/university students (residing on/around campus) who wish to purchase home-cooked or homemade food, which is offered by firstly, other young cooks/chefs maybe fellow students as a means of social networking and recipe sharing. The system would also recommend actual businesses which also offer homemade, hearty meals. The name of the proposed would be HomeFoodTM Taste of Home.

Part i.
Before attempting to implement a system/application/interface successfully a structure plan must be created, the plan must follow HCI principles in order to be labelled a success.

Research, Design and Evaluation are seen as core steps in any software development process.

HIBBITS, P. D. Scenario-based Design Techniques - Collaboratively Envisioning the User Experience [Online]. Hibbits Design. Available: the-user-experience-5244512 [Accessed March 10 2011].

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Detailed Plan Drawing from the diagram presented above (Hibbits) (check previous page) steps have been formulated. Research Phase Step i. An interview with the stakeholders involved with the project would take place, highlighting what is needed, what is expected, what is wished for, etcBasically what the stakeholders expect out of the proposed interface in comparison to what they hope to achieve. Step ii. Interviews and as well as observation would take place with the users, highlighting their needs and expectations of the proposed interface. Step iii. Both sets of interviews would be compared and analysed against each other, weighing production cost versus user functionality, usability and likeability (user and business needs analysis would occur). Design Phase Step iv. From the information gathered from the research, requirements would be formulated and the initial designs would be created in Textual/Visual Concepts (storyboards, etc.) Step v. Second phase in the design phase begins and design concepts begin to take form, higher levels of functionality are illustrated in the forms of Entity Relations Diagrams, Flow Charts, etc. Step vi. Final phase of the design phase commences and a prototype is created with semifunctionality. Potential users would get a feel of the interface and the experience received from interacting with it through narrative prototyping. Evaluation Phase Step vii. The finishing touches are executed with regard to design. Cognitive walkthroughs of the prototype fill missing pieces of functionality in order to achieve a near completed product. Step viii. Final phase in evaluation occurs, usability and likeability, is tried and tested with the potential users to achieve optimal satisfaction. List of Assumptions Stakeholders are the employer, whilst I am the employee; also stakeholders are the financier of the project. The mobile system still remains in-house and real-time functionality isnt available as yet.

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Part ii.
Two distinct scenarios must be describes as it relates to the interface design. It must be noted that scenarios play a part in scenario based design and this design method has certain principles which must be adhered too. It is also important to note that scenarios contain elements and one of those elements is goals. What makes Good Scenarios? According to (Hibbits) when using SBD techniques one must focus on the goals of the user, force specifics early and establish a shared understanding. Hibbits also identified ways in which to create good design scenarios, such as: Describing the WHAT, and not the HOW Specificity is important Describing the process how a user reaches a goal Including underlying motivation Description of who the user(s) are The environment of use must be included In designing with use of SBD techniques one must also differentiate a goal from a task. While tasks are actions users perform to achieve a goal, goals are things users want or need to achieve. Goals remain constant over time while tasks dont. Goals are system independent while tasks arent.

Described Scenarios Scenarios were adapted from (Junzhong GU et al., 2009). The initial and most obvious scenario for the location-based recommender system is opening/starting it. The ability for users to begin and end sessions can be described as Scenario Number One, i.e. user Login/Logout. HomeFoodTM users should log in before using the system, and log out when the end of the session. As soon as user logged in, a personalized map will be shown on his/her mobile device. See diagram below (Scenario Number One) The second scenario is also pretty obvious, interacting with a location-based recommender system, would need map-based application present for the user to determine his location with respect to viewing recommended locations on the map. Scenario Number Two: Map-based browsing; the main user interface of HomeFoodTM would be a map based, without this the application would simply be defeating its purpose. Its ideally named a map based co-browser, i.e., information is shared with the browser, users of the application are able to visually see in real-time their location on a map and their position with respect to recommendations and other users. Each user navigates on a personalized map, where his/her location is centralized. Users can click icons on the map to dial (make a phone call), SMS (send a short message), as well as IM (Instant Message) other users or recommendations. See diagram below (Scenario Number Two)

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Graphical Representation

Scenario Number One

Logo was created using

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Scenario Number Two

Prototype created using

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Part C
It is pretty clear my work isnt completed, too much time was taken up with the content, definitions, etc. and not enough time with graphical representation of the scenarios. Ive learnt a lot about an ideal (Scenario-Based Design) technique used in the development of software whether large scale or small scale. And more importantly why it is need, from the eyes of the designer the use experience, thus a form, of User-Centered Design and SBD provides just that.

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BAINBRIDGE, W. S. 2004. Berkshire encyclopedia of human-computer interaction, Berkshire Pub. Group. CARROLL, J. 1995. Scenario-Based Design: Envisioning Work and Technology in System Development, {John Wiley & Sons}. CARROLL, J. M. 1999. Five Reasons for Scenario-Based Design. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences-Volume 3 - Volume 3. IEEE Computer Society. CARROLL, J. M. 2000. Making use: scenario-based design of human-computer interactions, MIT Press. CARROLL, J. M. 2002. Scenarios and Design Cognition. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering. IEEE Computer Society. HIBBITS, P. D. Scenario-based Design Techniques - Collaboratively Envisioning the User Experience [Online]. Hibbits Design. Available: [Accessed March 10th 2011]. JACKO, J. A. 2007. Human-computer interaction: HCI applications and services :12th international conference, HCI international 2007, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007 : proceedings, Springer. JACKO, J. A. & STEPHANIDIS, C. 2003. Human-computer interaction: theory and practice, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. JACOBSON, I. 1992. Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach, {AddisonWesley Professional}. JUNZHONG GU, LIANG HE, JING YANG & LU, Z. 2009. Location Aware Mobile Cooperation-Design and System. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2, 49-60. POTTS, C., TAKAHASHI, K., ANT\, A. I. & \#243 1994. Inquiry-Based Requirements Analysis. IEEE Softw., 11, 21-32. ROSSON, M. B. & CARROLL, J. M. 2002. Usability engineering: scenario-based development of humancomputer interaction, Academic Press. WANG, D., DAI, G., WANG, H. & CHIU, S. 2008. Scenario-focused development method for a pen-based user interface: model and applications. The Journal of Supercomputing, 46, 139-149. ZAPHIRIS, P. & KURNIAWAN, S. 2007. Human computer interaction research in Web design and evaluation, Idea Group Pub.

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