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Common name Guduchi, Giloy (H)
Sanskrit Guduchi, Amrita, Chakralakshana
Latin Tinospora cordifolia – Caulis (Menispermaceae)

Guduchi is described as ‘the one who protects the body’. ‘Amrita’ means ‘divine nectar’ referring to
the life restoring drops that Lord Indra sprinkled from heaven to bring life back to the devotees of
Lord Rama after they were slain in battle. This is a virile creeper that grows throughout the forests
of India. Those growing up Neem trees are said to be the best as the synergy between these two
bitter plants enhances Guduchi’s efficacy. Its therapeutic strength lies in its rejuvenating and
strengthening properties while also detoxifying and cleansing the whole system, specifically via the

Rasa (taste) Bitter, astringent, pungent
Virya (action) Heating
Vipaka (post-digestive effect) Sweet
Guna (quality) Light, unctuous
Dosha effect VPK=, primarily VP-
Dhatu (tissue) Plasma, blood, muscle, fat, nerve, reproductive
Srota (channel) Circulatory, digestive

Glucoside – giloin
Bitter principles
Alkaloid – tinosporin, protoberberine alkaloids1

Cholagogue, detoxicant, alterative, immune tonic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anthelmintic, nervine

Liver Liver damage, viral hepatitis or poisoning from alcohol, chemicals or recreational and
medicinal drugs. Useful in repairing fibrosis and regenerating liver tissue.2 Applied in all conditions of
aggravated ranjakapitta and pitta in the blood.
Joints Gout (vatarakta), arthritis (amavata) and other inflammatory joint conditions.2 It acts by
clearing pitta toxins and uric acid via the urinary system that have accumulated in raktavahasrotas.
It also removes ama toxins from the system without destabilising any of the other dosha.
Immunity All auto-immune diseases causing inflammation. Applicable in degenerative diseases
such as cancer, AIDS and arthritis as it boosts the immune system. Use to offset the ulcerative and
toxic effects of chemo-radiotherapy.3
Skin Supperative and inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, Systemic Lupus
Erythmatosus. Useful when there is high tejas and pitta that has burnt immune protecting ojas away
resulting in inflammatory skin conditions. Skin problems from excessive alcohol, recreational drug
and pharmaceutical drug use may indicate the use of Guduchi. Specific for burning sensations on the
skin (daha).4

Thatte 1988 cited in Tillotson
Charaka Samhita, Bhavaprakash.

© Sebastian Pole 2006

GIT Guduchi heals a bowel affected with constipation, intestinal bleeding, haemorrhoids or
dysentery. Useful at redressing intestinal floral imbalance with candida-like symptoms (krimi,
grahani) such as bloating, flatulence and malabsorption. Its bitter yet heating qualities are used to
stimulate raktadhatvagni and strengthen digestion in pitta types.
Metabolic It regulates blood sugar levels via its direct effect on rakta and medas-dhatu thus
benefiting diabetes and hypoglycaemia. Guduchi is very calming to vata and the nervous system via
its unctuous nature soothing nervous irritation.
Reproductive Its ability to clear heat is applied when sexual dysfunction is caused by a hyper-heat
condition. It is often used in formulas for male sexual dysfunction caused by pitta imbalance as its
sweet post-digestive effect nourishes shukradhatu.

Deepaniya Increases appetite
Trishnanigrahan Quenches thirst
Rasayana Rejuvenative
Balya Increases strength
Ayushprada Promotes life
Medhya Nerve tonic
Jwarahara Reduces fevers
Dahaprashaman Reduces burning sensations
Amanashaka Destroys toxins
Kushtaghna Alleviates skin disorders
Amavataghna Reliever of gout/arthritis
Raktashodhana Cleans the blood
Sukrashodhana Purifier of sperm
Vajikarana Increases sexual potency
Vayasthapana Increases life span
Tridoshahara Reduces all three dosha

+ Manjishta, Bhumiamalaki, Pippali in hepatitis and liver degeneration.
+ Guggulu, Myrrh, Ginger, Turmeric, Ashwagandha in arthritic amavata conditions.
+ Kutki and Chiretta in immuno-deficiency.
+ Coriander, Neem, Sandalwood in sannipata fevers involving all three dosha.
+ Neem, Gotu kola, Manjishta, Bakuchi in inflammatory skin conditions.
+ Gurmar, Tumeric, Amalaki, Shilajit in Diabetes
+ Amalaki, Licorice in hyperacidity and imbalanced agni in pitta types.
+ Ginger and Aloe vera in gout and arthritis.
+ Gokshura, Shatavari, Kapikacchu, Safed musali in male reproductive problems.

Caution during pregnancy.

No drug herb interactions are known

1–15g/day in a decoction or 3–15ml/day of a 1:3@25% tincture.

* It has very interesting energetics. It is bitter, astringent, pungent, yet heating and also sweet post
digestively. Its bitter and astringent quality clears pitta and kapha, its heating energy burns ama

© Sebastian Pole 2006

whilst its enduring sweet effect regulates vata and gives it an aphrodisiac quality that nourishes
reproductive fluids.
* Its prabhava is to clear toxins (ama).
• Specific for clearing ama; + Ginger for amavata, + Pippali for amakapha, + Neem for
• It is also known as chakralakshana meaning ‘the sign on the circle’ as the transverse section
of the vine stem clearly reveals a cartwheel pattern.

© Sebastian Pole 2006

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