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Name: Perla Flores Ruiz

Date: 3/16/12

Period: 3

Life in Medieval Europe Graphic Organizer (Page 1 of 2)

Topic What was this aspect of medieval life like? Meals were very different between the wealthy and the ordinary people. Ordinary people ate coarse bread, cheese, eggs, vegtables, and usually a soup called"pottage." They got their vegtables from their own gardens. The rotten meat and mouldy grain they had caused sickness. The water also carried disease. On the other hand the wealthy had feasts they ate pork, beef, stews and soups. They had their own cooks that prepared their food. Lords had big feasts and beggars were usually at the door asking for scraps of food that was left. Servants set tebles with cloths, they put steel knifes, silver spoons, silver cups, dishes for salt, and silver-rimmed wooden bowls. while they ate dinner they got entertained with music,jokes , stories, dancing, jugglers and parlor games. After the meal they would sing a song. Many were compose by a kight and baron. Those young mans (squire)that waited to be a knight oftenly had to begin his apprenticeship by cleaning out stables, currying horses, cleaning armor and serving at the table. They had to do this in a household of their father's lord until they learned how to lance, ride s horse and wield sword. The young man was taught to say prayers and to respect the church and religion. They also learned to compose songs because he would have to declare his ladylove to the one he would have top meet danger and to endure hardships. Two instructions that were the most important were hunting and hawking. They had to learn about different kinds of falcons and how to feed birds, train them to throw themselves against their prey and what to use to call them. Knights would be given a spanish horse, had doublewoven armor, a shield with golden lions hung on Comparing Medieval Life to Today


Today we don't have any knights but we have soldiers which is kind of the same as knights except they do kind of different things.


their neck, helmet with precious stones and an ancient sword. Knighthood took place on a platform with trumpets and music. Great lords and princess would organize the tournaments to entertain themselves and show off their wealth. The tournaments were battles beteen two groups of knights that came from different regions. These battles were real and some ended up having injuries. There were different guilds. There were guilds for bakers, shoemakers, blacksmiths and many others. They made there own stores and bought materials for small amounts of money. Men usually had their own jobs as guilds. Peasnat houses were usually together in two or three streets. around the village church. Each had a stream of water, windmill to gring corn, big brick oven. Although the brick oven were usually the lord's and they charged the peasants a toll for the use. They used a system for crop rotation called three-field system. In the fall one field was plowed with weat and rye. The second was plowed ans sown to beans, peas, oats, carley and vetches in the spring. The third was just left to fallow from harvest to harvest until the next year when the planting were done they would plant more things. The women peasants also helped their husband and children with their houshold needs. They cared for the garden, animals and they wove clothes from fiber of plants. Other things they did was wash, repair clothes,make candles, soap, tend to the sick and bake bread. Peasants that were tenants that lived on their lord's land had to grind their grain, bake their bread and press their grapes in their winepress. They had to pay their lord when they ket their pig run around, when they cut wood, use of their lords weight, measures and sometimes for catching fish. They paid the lord for what they raised and they paid the church one-tenth of their income. The peasnts helped themselves by sharing equipment that was expensive. Whenever the Lord made a court for their Guilds isn't a word used now it is assistant. There are now different assistants at the time. There are now doctor assistants, deb=ntist assistants ect. Today every house is built they same although some might be bigger than others. Everybody has the same rights now and they aren't obligated to do something they don't want to. They have the right to work wherever they want.




tenants were expected to go but if they didn't attend they were given a fine. Marrages were usually arranged by their parents or also by a lord of a manor. Men were usually older than the bride. They were usually about 25 to 35 years old at marriage. Women were usually 14 to 18 years old. The family would look for someone to bring land and money in the family when she married their son. The wedding ceremonies usually took place in the church. For weddings first there would be a formal agrreement by both familes and then there would be an exchange of gifts. Women would kneel down upon their husband and sometimes they would kiss their feet . This showed obidience and sybolized giving him everything she owns. After the ceremony they would receive a blessing by the priest. Married women didn't have much rights. They couldn't go to court, sue, be sued, conduct buisness, sign contracts, participate in goverement and make wills. Once the women was married they would be under the power of their husband. The chivarly code directed that men should do honor to their wife.

Today people have to be 18 or older to get married. The reson that we have to be 18 or older is because when we are 18 we are an adult. Married women still have the rights to do anything they want. Today married women aren't under the power of their husband.

Name: Perla Flores Ruiz

Date: 3/16/12

Period: 3

Life in Medieval Europe Graphic Organizer (Page 2 of 2)

Craftsmen traded in town. They had merchants, shoekeeper and traders. Merchants formed giuilds to help them grow buissness. They sold goods for good prices. They sold some goods on stands outside in streets.



When someone commited a crime the punishments weren'tl so hard they just had little consuquences unless they made a greater crime then they would have greater consuquences.

Today for any little crime you can go to jail. Life isn't so easy now compared to back then in Middle Ages. You have to go to court and other things. If you don't have any proof that you are inpocent then you just go to jail or have another type of punishment.



The first thing that a doctor had to do when they were with the sick person was to count their pulse or note thri tempurature. Poor people didn't have the money for a great doctor so they went with their aliments to the barber. Usually when a person was sick they would have bad blood. Doctors made a big cut in the vein until all the bad blood would be gone. This process was called bloodletting. Surgery's weren't good. Since there was no anaestethic people who die from shock or loss of blood. Also after surgery infections killed many people. The treatment for fever was to bleed a patient. A horrible disease showed up. It was the bublonic plague a strange

Today many people survive surgeries because we have great doctors. There are many great medicines that help cure.

black swelling about the size of and apple in the armpit or groin. This disease caused the sick to die within five day of their first symptoms. Since this disease was so deadly many sick died quickly and graveyards filled up with bodies so some were thrown into the river. After the plague was ended the poor moved into empty houses and they slept on beds. They ate off silver.

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