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Sovereign OSkwxwu7mesh. Squamish

Aliodial Hei r Apparent True Standing Leadership. Siyam
OKiapilanoq-CAPILANOn. with the bloodlill( and spirit hereditary truth is hereby Declared in the Name for Earth. The Peace is
marked with Totem poles standing in Good Faith as Claim of RighI before the European visitors came with false flags to mrul a fraud
j urisdiction supponc:d by false failh from churches wi th white crosses. Sovcreignty is cffcctil'c prior 10 entry of a Roman dale system
introduced by European visitors before the ir wri tlen forc:ign English and Lalin words and Names. TAKE NOTICE THAT:
PREAMBLE: Eflective be fore wri tten words produced by European sett lers \\ 00 came to OSkwxwu7mesh Squamish
Named urnkrsigll(d. So\'ereign Hcreditary Leader have a Last Will and Testament to evidence my Family Tit le and Name. Siyam
OKiapilanoqCAPILANOn. in any 51) Ie of cause. [ HERES Y DECLARE my he ir apparent ri ght of cl aim ol'er the Sovcreign
e Sk .... 'XWIl7mesh-Squami sh
Lands with truth by pen to paper as follows:
1.0 Transfer (rom Pu blie to Pri vate J uri sdiet ion; Sovereign e Skwxwu7mesh Squamish
natural resources cl aimed by lIei r
Apparent Claim of Right through the and spi ri t of the Lands arc: Private and can not be: sold to Nat ional interest over
local. nalional or international Stock. EXchange marl:ets produced by invis ible technology owned by Corpomtions Iik.e MDA I. The tnlnSfer
from Public to Private Juri sdiction was confinnc:d in 2008 and enforced by an Evict ion Notice sen 'ed to the Tax Department for the de facto
BRITI SH COLUM81A and CANADA Corporate Governments by this link: hnp; \\\\ .... ,\Qutubc,com \\ ijll:h'-" D,VoLnLJJIO. Dc Facto
Public Agents for the Corporate Governments BRITISH COLUMIll A and CANADA fa ilure to respond and their silence is a tacit agreement
to the Eviction Notice. Tax contntcts produced on Sovereign CSk\\ xwu7mesh Squamishnl are agai nst lhe law or the Sovereign
Government and anyone part icipating in the liIing. col lect ing. distributi ng or enforccment of taxes are
rommitt ing Fraud by Then with against the peopl e and Lands of Pri vate e Skwxwu7mesh, Squamish
"I . The Sovereign
OSk .... 'Xwu7mesh Squamish
'" Go\'ernmenl members are NOT limited Corporati ons bonded to ta.'( compliance j urisdiction nor is the
Govemmenl-organization a NGO or PPP. As sovere ign Group of people who do not or rompl y to Admiralty/M.arilime
j urisdiction governance thus no taxes or liens can be against them or said lands and resources in matten of any type of rommerce;
1 Ma.:o:...Id il l trAIocd C_PM) .. utr.oJ .. , III .... CIIfJICnI< (lg.GIIIIIalU oI" IJlUT1Sl t COLUMBIA ODd CA."ADA 10 _ -er IAnIo .. ,III A<IIIIIrIItylolAnllllC jw1odia;c. le1ul_ u4
............ '1 ....... ....... 10 ........ .. " .... ...... s.. _,.,. ____ ""'" lilt _1Ity .................... .,..... ftaIII. ... _ RICO. l'IotII .... _ ... di ...
....,.... ... __ "" .... i.t......,.101'wbIic oM rm-.. d;- "" .... "' ........... .-.. .-..-... _10 ... 11 ..... _ ....... , _ oftQi. __ II MocOooooW.. Doorwihr oM

1 C<lpJri.Jio: T_ aood lMton _ ......... LIo>dt, '"""'""' MId peopI ..,. .. T,;II_ ) "''''' T_ .... lfIPIoabIe <l"ial .. ""' ...... 8C .... CA. .. ADAC""""' ..
Ci<o>___ .... -... .. (1A .u.c .. ... I'\IWK s_ At- ....... __ ... , III pmunom E ........ SaiD! 0IId C_ ..... Dooi. sou c....n 0... .. Mafdt.. lof
\I!!I ,........w ..... CJa. ..... XQl\tlnl !Jto
2,0 Grut L.wI (or Pun Constitution: Sovereign CSkwxwu7meshSquamishT!oI Government Constitution is described on the
websi te link al hit"; II" II. '>01 '>!Ju.!m!,hCQ\ ,om 3 the adoption of the Iroquois Great Laws of Peace is I primary mandate
for Universal Peat(: combined with the So\'ereign CSkwxwu7mesh.Squamish
!ll Longhouse de j ure jurisdiction and legislation that exist
before the Europeans came to visit these lands. So,ereign CSkwxwu7meshSquamish
!II Government members pledged an allegiance to
SC"rve thi s mandate of Peace for Eanh and freedom fo r humanity in front of witnesses It the Named Corporale locations. Keary Hall, NEW
WESTMINSTER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. CANADA on July 7, 2010. The flags are for the vessels upon the seas. the TOlern poles mark the:
of the so\'ereign hereditary heir apparent right of claim to the land and its resources:
3.0 Economic Remedy by Estoppel: Dishonor of this So"crdgn Heir Apparent True Hereditary Land Claim Notice wili mcu
an autOmatic fine to the Named CORPORATE and INDIVDUAL BUSINESS Dcbtor(s) for many criminal violations including but nOl
limited to High Treason
; Treason
, Theft' . Fraud', Extonion
, Trespass', Obstruction of - Obstruction of Justice/Peace with ta.xes to
crealc chaos. civil unrt"Sl homeless, riots, Will" and S. 337 of the CANADA CRIMINAL CODE Act pursuanlto tnc BillsofExchange Act
1882 for an economic remedy by estoppel pursuant to the International Treaty laws of Copyright and Trademark to the Sovereign Names of
CKiapilanoq-CAPILANOTIoi and (llrcnc Maus: Gravenhont
.'! in any style of cause protecled with all rights
reserved underwriter. So\'en::ign CSkwx" ... 67mesh.Squamish
Coun on Kanata (SSCK) for S21T (Twenty-One Trillion) hard lawful
The economic remedy is served by Notice. Statement of Claim with a lien to favor the: Creditor to conlnK't with a
deposition as a remedy to settle the debts, Default Judgment for Permanent Dishonor and forfeiture of the Public Bonds reported to the Tax
Creators belonging \0 the PyramidlBi lderbcrg Group el al by a bar code system for depoSit to enrich the Named So\'ercign Credi tor;
4.0 T r u son: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of BRITISH COLUMBIA and CANADA Buckingham Pllace letler dated August 29.
addressed 10 Sovereign CSkwxwu7mcshSquamish
.'! Nation Government confirms that de facto BRITISH COLUMBIA and
CANADA Corporate Government Public Civi l Serfants continue: to commit Treason against the Crown. De facIO Corporate Government
Public Agents daily actS of Treason and genocide against humanity with wars funded by taxes put the interest of another nation before its
own electorates is a Trespass against so\'creigmy. The pdf \'ersion ofthi5 letter is available on the websi te al .... "" ,sov8Iuamj'ihgov,org
5.0 Name Chlnge: The Name oflhe Vancou\'er' Ci lY is officially but temporarily changed its Name to the C Kiapilanoq.
CAPILANQT.'! City, lcealed upon Sovereign CSkw:< .... Land. This Notice and Change of Land and Cil)' Name claim
was served to VanCOUI'er Mayor Gregor Robertson. August. 2010. Wherein his silence: to the Name Change NOlice is a tacLl consent 10 agre(
that the Name Change is accepted and reponcd 10 Named Third Patty Intervcncrs for International Financial Transparency. The red land
mark presents the hereditary bloodline of the: people" ho speak the hereditary language for Peace and Freedom by practicing traditions.
culture and natural laws on the Sovereign CSkwx ..... u7meshSquamish
.'! Land, Air and Walers. European size measurcment systcms O\' er
thc ai r. water or land space produced by Iechnology surveys thai coI'cr waler over land with Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction Iegislalion are
not rt(ogni:tdby Sovereign CSkwxWl17mcsh. Squamishl.'! Qo\'emment members. The Crellor docs not limit Earth and humanity by
measurements through manmade corporale. fiction. laws of the seas:
6.0 Sol't reign Puce Treatin: So"ercign CSkwxwu7mesh.SquamishT.'! Government members arc prepared and able to assist "ith
World Economic Reform platforms through Pelee Treaty Agreements .... ith Sol'ereign hereditary leaders who want change lhat protects
Earth with Sovereign jurisdiction and inlernat ional Good Faith laws with Fair Trade and Commerce contracts that benefits humanity' s
freedom for Unil'ersal Peace:
7.0 Fin.1 Provi5ions: Recognition from the International Coun of Justice WlS submined on January 17. 2011 under file
;A20 111016. It is against the law 10 kill Eagles 115 CSkwx ..... 67mesh.Squamish
!II is the home or the Eagle spirit. It i5 against the law to
perfonn: AdmiraltylMaritime Land Title real estate transactions with House frauddosures. kidnapping of chi ldren and genocide to humanity,
hydraulic fracturing and ofT shore drilling. for environmentalla ..... s and due diligence visit the ..... ebsite.
The luthorized lutographs deem these claims to be retroactive in full force and efl'Kt as of the day and that the EOj"","!!'"
Cit)' of OKIapilanoqCAPH.ANO .... OSkwxwU7mesh.Squamlsh.... Revisfli In order to ll'f1ect necessary changes.
of C KllpUanoqCAPH.ANO .... Country SovereIgn 0SkWXWIl7mesh.Squamlsh'" on Kanat ... EarthTurtle Island.
& SovtrtlanOSkwxw67muhSquamlsh'" Bank on
& SaOK
SSCG PreSident Ind Oirector
c/o PO Box 362.Aldtrgrovt. Be ..
Named by tl<1nsfer of jurisdiction tt
, .
pc!f _ TIrII.C ...... .. o.-""' ..... ,_ .. p
.. """"""_ IIMo.- ... III. J_I)' at.d .. "", .. """'
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