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Morphology of permanent canines

Today, our lecture will be all about the morphology of permanent canines and it's like a serious of lectures after the last one which was just about the morphology of permanent incisor. We know that lower canine emerge before upper canine and the time between them is big. It can reach up to two years, If you take the mandibular central incisor for example it emerge at the age of six while the maxillary central incisor emerge at the age of seven so the gap between them is not that big it's only one year.

Q) The biggest gap in time between the emerges of upper tooth and lower tooth is for which tooth? - Canine

Time for Canine!

Mandibular canine erupt at the age of ten but maxillary canine around the age of twelve or less than that sometime .So we have two years roughly of difference in time between those two teeth .So for this reason it's very common to look inside the mouth of any child and see mandibular canine but you have to wait one or two years until the maxillary canine appear in mouth. For this reason the maxillary permanent canine is among the last successor teeth to erupt , it's not the last permanent tooth to erupt because the last permanent tooth to erupt is the 3rd molar , But the last successor tooth to erupt is the maxillary canine and also the 2nd premolar erupt at the same time as you know .Because of that if we do not have a space if the space in the arch is not enough for the all teeth the victims will be the canine .That's way it's very common to see the maxillary canine appearing outside the arch and we call it in this case
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buccal eruption and sometime lingually , So they do not appear in the arch because all the teeth come before it and occupy the space.

What is the function of the canines!

The canine is very important tooth for tearing of food and also it's very strong tooth.

Q) Why we consider the canine strong tooth?

1- Because it have a very long root.

2- They are located at the corner of the mouth and the bone at that area very thick that's why these teeth are among the last teeth to be lost.

Also these teeth are very important for maintaining the muscle of the face .You can notice that when you look to an old man face who has
lost his upper canine you can see that the canine area "the corner of the mouth " going inside.

Once Again!
The function of the canine:
1. Piercing of food because it's very strong tooth because it has very long root and they are located in the corner of the mouth and the bone in that area is very thick so the canine is last tooth to be lost. 2. This tooth is very important to maintain the muscle of the face. So, who lost his upper canine will have a muscle retorted in. (maintain integrity and balance of facial muscle).

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Note: There is no type trait because we have one canine. Class traits The most stable Longest & thickest roots LL Single conical cusp Only cusped teeth occlusal surface. Tooth with one cusp : canine Tooth with two or three cusp: is pre molar Tooth with three or more cusp: molar Tooth with incisal edge: incisor

Support the arch and facial musculature.

Quotes in the Lecture! - "Canine is the only tooth has

Arch trait: to distinguished between upper and lower.

a cusp but it hasnt occlusal sur0face."

-"Premolar has (2-3) cusp and

Arch traits

occlusal surface."

Upper larger than lower Smaller IC / MD proportion

In maxillary canine
{IC= incisocervical, MD= mesiodistal}

Md in upper canine is larger than lower canine.

{Md= Mesio-distal}

Notes: - The mesio-incisal and desto-incisal is larger in maxillary than mandibular. - The height of contour is lower (close to cervical line) than mandibular canine.
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- The longest root is the root for canine. - The longest crown is the crown for canine (11mm).

Labial aspects

Cusp tip is on a line bisecting the tooth MD so, if you draw midline it will pass throws the cusp. Incisal outline has 2 sloping ridges Mesial ridge sloping less markedly and shorter than distal MI angle is higher and more rounded than DI angle Mesial HOC is close to the incisal margin, in the junction between the incisal third and middle third.

Distal HOC is at the middle portion of the crown

*So the distal angle is more prominent (more hanging out).*

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What about mesial outline!

The mesial outline is slightly convex but the distal outline starts concave at first then it continue to the distoincisal angle, the cervical line is slightly convex incisaly, it is less convex than the convexity of the maxillary central incisor, and also the labial surface itself has a very prominent ridge, called the labial ridge. If you remember, in the maxillary central incisor and also in all incisors we did not see such a ridge, so this tooth have a ridge on a labial surface running from a tip of a cusp to nearly more than tow third of the crown incisaly.

Then what are we going to Have!

As a result of having this ridge, we see here two depression at the sides of the ridge, these are labial depression remember these are not fossa just slight depression. The root is long and narrow, from the lingual aspect as you see here you see here a cingulum. The cingulum is very prominent and you see two marginal ridges and you see here a lingual ridge because of that, instead of have one lingual fossa we have two lingual fossa (mesiolinguinal and disto lingual fosse) you have to be able to distinguish between them.

Features of that tooth!

All these features that are prominent, the cingulum, the marginal ridge and the lingual ridge, all of these are more prominent than the same features in incisors. If you remember the most prominent feature in incisor Could you Imagine! are for the maxillary lateral incisor , -So if you hold a canine and see a but here these features are more very prominent marginal ridges prominent than those in incisors will most probably that the tooth you elevated marginal ridges and this is an are holding is a maxillary canine arch trait because in the mandibular not a mandibular canine. canine this features tend to be less prominent.

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the maxillary canine features cont.---> Lingual aspect o Crown & root narrower lingually o Well-elevated marginal ridges (arch trait) o Accentuated lingual cingulum (arch trait) it is very prominent.
Max. Right canine (lingualy)

o Pronounced lingual ridge (arch trait) it separates the fossa onto two fossa so we have a mesiolingual and distolingual fossa o ML & DL fossa you have to be able to distinguish between these two fossa. "See the incisal aspect part " o A lingual pit and/or developmental grooves marking the inner boundaries of marginal ridges. o We can see the labial sides of the root from the lingual aspect but we can't if we look from the labial aspect; that means it is wider labialy than lingualy for the MD dimension.
Figure 3.3 max. Left canine(lingualy) 13 -lingual cingulum 66 -distal margin ridge 65 -mesial margin ridge 28 - distolingual fossa 27 - mesiolingal fossa 72 -lingual ridge

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Between canines & incisors: all that features that are prominent (the cingulum and the marginal ridges and the lingual ridges) are more prominent than all features in incisors. Between incisors: they are more prominent for the maxillary Lateral incisors than the other incisors. Between canines: the same features tend to be less prominent in the mandible canines than maxillary Canines. So if you grape a tooth that has a very prominent cingulum and marginal ridges most probably the tooth you are holding are a maxillary Canine not a mandible Canine. Mesial aspect o Cusp tip labial to a line bisecting the tooth LL if we draw a line from the tip of the root this line will not be pass throw the tip of the cusp but it will be slightly lingual to the tip of the cusp (the tip of the cusp is located labial to the bisecting line labiolingualy), this is an important type trait. Comparison: between canines (type trait): in the mandible Canines the bisecting line pass through the tip of the cusp or the tip of the cusp is lingual to the bisecting line, but the maxillary Canine always the tip of the cusp is labial to the bisecting line. o Thick cervical third or the labiolingual dimension is thick in this tooth.

Max. Right canine (mesialy)

Figure max. left canine(mesialy) 13 -lingual cingulum 72 -lingual ridge 65 -mesial margin ridge 1 -the mesial sloping ridge 16 - HOC 47 - labial outline 48 -cervical line 14 -longitudinal concavity 9 -tip of the root

o HOC is between cervical and middle thirds & close to cervical line the height of contour labialy and lingualy are located very close to the cervical line nearly at the same level between cervical and middle thirds

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o From HOC outline is straight toward cusp tip of the cusp in straight line o In the Lingual outline it will start cervically convex then slightly concave then convex again o Thick incisal ridge LL (arch trait) this tend to be thicker in maxillary Canine than mandible Canine. o Root is wide with a slight longitudinal the root is wider labiolingualy (LL) and its look very and thicker in the mesial and distal view than labial or lingual ones. then when you look to the cross section of the root it's not circular it tend to be wider dimension labiolingualy (FL) than mesiodistaly (MD) o Concavity and blunt apex Notice the cusp tip or the cusp of the tooth is thick. o Some time we tend to see depression on the root which is deeper distally than mesialy.

Comparison: between canines & incisors: the incisors have a thin incisal edge but canines have thick cusp "dr. wanted here to compare between their occlusal thirds thickness" Between canines: the incisal ridge labiolingualy is thicker in the maxillary Canine than the mandible Canine.

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Distal aspect it is the same as the mesial aspect but Deeper and longer longitudinal concavity on the root Incisal aspect there is a question or two on this topic in the exam! o Asymmetry the mesial part is thick LL the distal part is thinner LL the mesial part is shorter MD the distal part is longer MD ; so please remember that cause it helps you identifying the two surfaces of the tooth; so you can be able to answer the Q that requires to identify the lingual fossa names depending on this piece of info. Mesial_half Distal_half LL MD thick Short thin Long
Max. Right canine (distally)

o Distal half is wider & has a concavity on the labial outline o Mesial part of the labial outline is convex o Prominent convexity of the cingulum which is more convex than the labial out line we have the labial ridge can be visible from the incisal aspect and 3 distinct lobes (the middle, mesial & distal) that fuse together to form the incisal part of the canine.

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Pulp o Double convex lens shape or cigar shape in LL section. o widest near cervix, Narrow in MD section
{Double convex lens = "}"

Q: what is the possibility of having two root canals in the maxillary canine? A: Zero %; all the time we have one root canal which is very big. Q: what is the possibility of having two root canals in the mandibular canine? A: 30%

Max. Right canine (incisaly)


o Mandible canine is narrower MD and LL than the maxillary canine (arch trait) o Also the mandible Canine's has smaller MD/IC proportion than the maxillary (Arch trait) causes the width of the crown is smaller than the height of the crown.

Labial surface o Cusp is not as long & pointed as in maxillary (arch trait) causes the HOC are high this makes the slope of the cusp more horizontal opposite to the maxillary canine HOC are lower this make the slopes less horizontal and a pointed cusp .

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Q. So, the labial surface is not pointed why? Because the height of contour is high, this makes the slope of the cusp more horizontal.

Note: the maxillary canine is pointed.

Story of than the height of contour!

The mesial cusp ridge is height and it is located adjacent to the cusp ridge. And its HOC is located higher than the height of contour in the maxillary canine. Because of that the mesial height of contour is located very height, at the junction between the incisal quarter and the second quarter. The incisal outline is 1/4 or 1/5 of the height, which means if we divided the crown to 5 divisions; the incisal portion occupies 1/4 or 1/5 of that. This makes the height of contour looks higher than the maxillary canine.

What about mesial outline!

The mesial outline is straight, but the distal outline is slightly convex. As you see the DI angle is more culminant than the MI. We can see labial lobes, we can see the labial ridge, and we can see the two depressions. But remember that these depressions are less culminant in the mandibular canine than the maxillary canine. While the root is conical, with blunted root as we see it from the labial view. Sometimes we can see mesial inclination, the doctor said don't worry about this point. Lingual Aspect! From the lingual aspect we see similar features for those in the maxillary canine, but all of these features are less prominent, so the marginal ridges and the lingual ridges and the cingulum, all of these are less prominent.

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The root is conical with blunted root as we see it from labial view.
(*Note: The Dr. said forgets about the last two points in this slide.)

Concentrate Here! The marginal and lingual ridges in the Cingulum have an important characteristic; it is Less prominent .The fosses are shallower.

Mesial aspect!
In the mesial aspect, the cusp tip is lined by the root, so if you draw a line in the central of the root it will pass through the central of the cusp. This isn't the case for the maxillary canine. The height of contour is located close to the cervical line. Also we can see dispersion in the center of the root.

Distal aspect!
The same as mesial aspect.

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Incisal aspect !
The tooth look more symmetrical, But in the maxillary canine it's not symmetrical. And the Lingual out line is less rounded and less bulky appearance of the incisal edge. The vertical lobe grooves are less marked.

The pulp!
The pulp is similar to maxillary canine . But remember that the percentage of having two root canal can reach to 30%.If you make a cross section in the root you will get something rectangular which make the L L dimension greater than M D dimension. {LL >libiolingual
MD> mesiaodistal}

The canine relationship!

Because upper incisor are wider than lower incisor, And upper canine are wider than lower canine .So this make the upper canine occluding behind the lower canine. -Class one relationship: When the tip of the cusp of the upper canine is exactly located between the mandibular canine and the mandibular 1st premolar. -Class two relationships: When the tip of the cusp of the upper canine is located anterior to this location.

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-Class three relationships: When the tip of the cusp of the upper canine is located posterior to this location.

*Notice: -This lecture is included in the exam. -The videos that we see in dental lap are included in the exam.

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1- The lower permanent canines erupted before the upper ones, also it's very important for piercing of food. 2- The permanent canines have the longest, thickest roots and the only cusped teeth without occlusal surface. 3- The crown of maxillary canine is larger than the mandibular canine in the same dentition. 4- A lingual pit and/or grooves are common features in the maxillary canine while there are no lingual pits or grooves in the mandibular canine. 5- There is marked asymmetry of the mesial and distal halves of the crown from the incisal aspect in the maxillary canine while they are more symmetrical in the mandibular canine. 6- Characteristics of maxillary canine : Labial aspect:
-has 2 sloping ridges. -mesial outline slightly convex, distal one markedly convex. -root is long & narrow.

Lingual aspect: -slightly concave at

midpoint. -ML & DL fossae. - a lingual pit and/or grooves .

Mesial aspect : - Thick cervical

third. - HOC between cervical and middle third. -root is wide.

Distal aspect:
- Deeper end longer longitudinal concavity on the root.

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7- Characteristics of mandibular canine: Labial aspect:

-straight mesial outline & convex distal -3 lobes,2 depression -conical root

Lingual aspect:
- Marginal, lingual ridges. -shallower ML & DL. - Rare pits or grooves.

Mesial aspect: -long axis of the

tooth. -narrower cervical third. -narrower root.

Distal aspect:
- Deeper end longer longitudinal concavity on the root.

TesT yourself! Questions 1-the biggest gap in time between the emergence of a lower tooth and upper tooth is for: A) Incisors B) Canines C) Premolars D) Molars

2- The last successor tooth to erupt is : A) Mandibular canine B) Mandibular lateral incisor C) Maxillary central incisor D) Maxillary canine
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3-all of the following sentences are CORRECT about the mandibular canine EXEPT: A) Distal cusp ridge is low when viewed from the labial view. B) 3 lobes & 2 depressions on the labial surface. C) The Cervical third is wider from the mesial aspect. D) ML & DL are shallower from the lingual aspect.

4-all of the following sentences are FALSE about the maxillary canine EXEPT: A) The crown of the maxillary canine is larger than the mandibular. B) There are no pits or grooves on it . C) There is marked symmetry of the mesial and distal halves of the crown. D) The pulp is wider in MD section .

5-the last permanent tooth to erupt is: A) Maxillary canine B) Third molar C) Mandibular canine D) Second molar

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1 2 3 4 5


Quote of the Day: I must govern the clock, not be governed by it.

Baarah Salamat Hadeel Sumrien Hebah Ramadnah Russia ElShboul A9eel Ghawanmeh Salam Ahmed Asma Almawas Eman Idkaidek Rawda Najjar Eman Nazzal Hibah Jarrah Abeer M.Dirawi Noha Mohamad Sundos Abu Zaid GaYda'a Kana'an Ahmed Al-Shammary ! Rmz Rabadi Sawsan Z. Jwaied

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