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Social Problems among Teenagers Social problems among Malaysian teenagers in the current day are very worrying.

Every day, newspapers are filled with stories about undesirable social condition s that occurred among teenagers. Some of the social problems include vandalism, alcohol and drug abuse, illegitimate children, baby dumping and others. Vandalism is a common social problem among teenagers. Vandalism is deliberately mischievous or malicious destruction or damage of anything beautiful or venerabl e. Teenagers usually destroy the public properties such as breaking windows, gra ffiti, clogging sink and damaging public telephone booth and toilet. Teenagers w ho are lacking of parents guidance are most commonly the perpetrators who practi se vandalism. This can be a serious problem as it is costly to repair those dama ged public facilities. Alcohol and drug abuse is another serious problem among teenagers. Teenagers ten d to get excitement and relief from alcohol and drugs to get rid of pressure and stress. Teenagers who are facing pressure from their study, family and relation ship choose to escape from the situations by drinking alcohol or taking drugs. A lcohol and drug abuse can bring serious consequences to the teenagers themselves as well as their family and society. Another social problem among teenagers is illegitimate children. Illegitimate ch ildren are the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents. Looking at the stati stics on the cases of illegitimate children in the Malaysia, people would be sho cked and might not expect for the huge number of reported cases. However, this i s the reality that happened in Malaysia where the child-out-of wedlock birth rat e is rapidly increasing especially among the teenagers. Actually, a lot of peopl e are not aware about this problem because it is less published in media. Lately, baby dumping issue has become one of the primary concerns among people i n this country and it has been frequently discussed in many mass media. The baby dumping refers to discarding or leaving alone a child in a public or private se tting with the intent to dispose of the child. Every year, there is always an in crease in the numbers of baby dumping cases. Most of the time, teenagers seem to be involved in this situation. The teenage parents who are not mature enough do not know how to handle the baby after they give birth to the baby. Therefore, t hey choose to dump the baby without anyone notice. In conclusion, there are a lot of social problems occur among the teenagers. Tee nagers are supposed to be the leaders of the country in the future. Therefore, t hey should be properly educated so that they will not involve in the social prob lems to guarantee a bright future for the teenagers themselves and the country.

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