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Model Steam Engin


Thi finishcil l8 in. loag-

enginc and a small boller iartalltil The cngine itrclf ls only r trif,c

tn e aoilel 3 il oro

boat h$b

Can be bu.ilt withaut a lathe if necessary,a*l without casti*gs 6 yot*hwe brusing eqwifinent

By C. K. Fankhauser }:H.XH#-S:i,iH,ffi""#i3*
F"IER a fruitless earcb for flans , for a very simple model steam engine tlat could be built rith tle ave-rage home worksbop equipment, f finally designedand made this doubleactiog, oscillatirrg t1rye model. The engine staods a little over 3 iu high, has a base 1 by l% in-, a bore of 'fi in-, and,a stroke of |4 in- It will operate satislactorily on either a pot or-a flash boiler and has su6cient power to drirc a fair-sized model boal The base and cylinder are brass or b-ronze castiap,-which any brass foundry should supply from your patterns at ir 1'ery moderate cost. \Yhite pine or mahogany nay be used in making the patfinished. To make tb cylinder patterrL tum tbe ryliuder fron solid stock Then turo a disk of rvood I 5/L6 is in diarneter bry tlickness bdudes thl X in- tbick- (-r-nr*s !ll6-ia. allo*arcs for machining.) These tno pieces*re fitted together as sbown in the -drawing of the fnished cylinder assembly.The f 5/16-in- ,ti.& lorirs the did. ing nrrfece on wbich tbc cylinder osciUrtesThe pattern for tle engine bese anii frame can bebuitt uo if serrcral pieces and fillcted with wa:c The cylirnder may be cast sdid qn9,drilled out to ff in on a power drill press. then bored to 6;ished size ou the (Coatinrcd o* lage 84)
r{!orc.' Clos+'ap of eotinc aril ho? Grit ol ctlfnncr h faccil Bcl*,Complcte partr rcadt for mbly



IIOW E$GINE 15 CONSTAI'CTED p[tr--<tc De'4q dnwiugs of ell princlprl b1:c pietm alil tod, rrril cnntand frauc, cylinder, sbrft-.nil wo sacably vicm, olc bqitt Fqttly brolcn avey to shm tic cdstrlstlon Tle borc is fr lt.. strotc not couplicatc4 |{ ln- Sttilc the nodcl will give att aqratff acctanic crtctlent pacticc la pattcr:n ,nating ard dchinq mrt




'P-lsToN Anc -RoD





Wr&,Itt .V.T. tu6od 6Mlarrd, II&c


(Corti*ued tram 1u1ge 7z) $r&ce jrst fui*ed is at rigbt anghs to line httrees latbc ceaters. Usirg chrce. in tailstocb'&ill asd ream sbaft baring witl a Id-ia- lmle- Revcme casting and square ofi otbtr end of shaft beariry. Drill 3tcsD Dorts -press. rrith hmd drill or drill (The pf,otos show a rectanCrilar piece at top originally intended for attarhing a! erhaust start, but found unnecesary and therefore omitted fmm tle dra$iogs.) Pirtaz- Turu from "td lod. The'*slt ii ,{-i!- drill rod or cold-rolled steel, threaded at onc end and scrersnd into a hole taoued in center of rsston- If cvlinder b canfrul}v borcd and pision is lapperi in, ao piston rin-g is neccsoary. The groove in pisnur will hold gil and prevent udnc l,eal-age- ff desired, horreter, a split ring an be made. Crenhrfuft- Build up ftom coldrofled steel.Assemhly.The cytinder is held asainst engiae framc by a )d-in- bcarilg stud, scle$ed irto a hole tapped ia rear of cylinder. A coil spriag holds cylinder agaiost frame. The tension *rculd irsur a dose fit, but sbould Dot intt{ere rvith frte oocillatioa of the cvlinder. Cylindet and eagine-fiame surfacesstriruU Ue lappd togEtber with fine ralve-Eindins compormd- The piston sbould also be caietuttv Iapped into tbe cytindrr. The ftywhcd it tumcd from brass aad heycd to sbeft, or may be a AL Altenathtc Conslruetioa. By metins s few .h"ngrs iD deden, it is possible to coistruct gD mgtnc of this tvpe without a lathe_ Tlre

Trlrni&g reccrs ia alilL at .err

of cyliailcr



reurn the lfude blue dip we place in Edps'cth Smoking Tobacco, with such-a commeat. People say, -'Why put those slips ir-Edeeworth is always good-" I[e make sure thet every tio is rhe 6sest pipc tobacco we kaoyr how to ma&e. But we do lot forget d'ot w sta:Fted selliog Edeps'orth on a satisfactioa guaraatoed bacis-aad interrd to sell ir always oo that bacis. , Bay a tin today. Spcad a happy hour with its long-buroilg cool fragrance-aad you rfill agree rith &e millionsof sadsfed Edgewonh smokers. Larus & Brcher Co, Richnoad Yirgiria. Tobacoaists since ra77. o* &,t irvRVA,*UsL&nb T&zc@ Srdiut, ftt0 laibqclcs

is aot rhefost to

laLhe, or corc prints may be trd. on tbc Fattenr and thc casting made witb a |d-in. cora Havilg obfainetl ymr castirgs, procced as follons: Clti*dcn r\fornt in fout'-jare chuck or on aogle platc boltcd to facplate as sborva so Lhat ccntfr line oI cyliader bore is in litrc with lathe centen. Face ofi ore end of cr'linder. The castirg may th bc trrrned Ad for erd. If thc finirhed ad is brited raimt face of durck,.tbe_ opposite end will bdp"ratl'd and can bc factd oftTo iri$ srlace of .lirk that forms bae* of cyliader asoeubly, tbe casning may be momted in -the fun-iaw cbuct or on an engle phte f!$erd to t'bc fadteThe sccond'mdtbod b prderable- If-the ande -of phte b rrse4 dacins one. finishcd ead qrlindtr on it rlilI ixure tbat qfuer is at dgbt eDdes to lithc brd. It G thtn necery only to adir$. tbe ia.ting uttil $rface of dirk to be fuisbed b at ritfrt anprcs to a.Iinc betweea latbc ceaters. Tfiis can-be doac \r mormting a scriber in tod post' Aftssurfacc of disk bas beeE finialud ffaL take a lrl3!-in. cut acr6 the c"'rter,-bcarid leaving a 3./16-il. rin at cdge to rtdre To bore cylinder, mormt it on an atlsle p&rtc with oae fnished tnd f,at agdrct tfu srfece of faccflata Adju;t qtl ; line btsctn letbe 6ters. coincides with center lioc of cylindcr bore. With boiinc tool. bor cyliDds 16 Gniehcl size, Thc tast-cut shouH _bef*, with aslow fcd, Th! cylinder sill br lapped in after piston hs bren made. DdI stam portsssshwrIloles for cvlip dfr-bead bolts may be drilled aad taopcd to nrit your contenicnce. TbE writcr us(d-i I /t*' i!. ttp a$d mde gnall scrcles to nL Cidinder hcads mry be of ]d-in sbeet brass.Fm the stu!frng bos, thread e Fieceof brass tod % tn. in diametcr. Ttrrn it inlo a thleadd holc in cntcr of lorrcr cylin&r bead and ort of to rccuird length.-The! drilt a Idiu b"b through enter-for pistm rod. TbE hdc shqrld tc drilled a trise uadersizc and firi{iEd with a X-in straigbt rcamer. The stnftng-bot cNp catr be nrae frm a nicce of yt-in. rouDd t'lass sLoctBaocand Fnme- fre bottoo of baseffatMotht otr fa@ate- Blak up rr*il cirtnler portioD at top, agniost which qrlinder oa"'llates, b at right andes to lathe-bd with its' center coinciding with a liae beirceo brhe enters. Tura this face flat, thB nmss the $ntr portion like db&. at bar*. of cyfndcr. Whilecasting is still in pcition, i ,6-in. holc through qtq of this circular pction for bearing bolt that supports cytiDdir. By tutnilg latbc at dow specd atrl rlkiru |ight cuts, the front end of shaft bafts car be faocd off at this time. Chanee poEtion of casting so ttnt sbaft bcadng b-in |he gam with the lathe ccnters- IIsiry a snrfoce -fi;t
restins nn lathe halndirr* L rhrf rhp

Boring cyliadcr with sroail boritg att chnf;nt cylindcr Eay be made from s pice of heavv brass tubing or from a bras birshins of sudable size ald bora A dish of bavy brcs can be swcatcd to one side and filid ltatThen the sorface should be straped do*rr so !ha! onty a small area arooad thi stran ports is ;Jr contact rvith tlre beariug surface oi the angine frane. Other surfaccs can bc iled 6mooth- In finisbing the csgirc frane, fiIe esrin<t whigh the cylinder ixcill-h surface Iiates as f,a! as poesibte; tbe[ scrape down all but_a suall areo amud thc steam ports_ - If brazins equipncot is avai}able,-no casl.:ngs -nerd be nade- Se Fgne frame can be -of }rany_ shect trass swcateO togetber. :{cliaa. Steam is led to -dnJ tlrroush brass tubing whidr entets intet po{s. one at tq), tbe otber aL bottom. Chck-oorts so_thst connection is mde with proper.f,oles. Ylg_ E*qg b at top, thc port i" .yti"Ao -ensine shoutd be in line with inlct- oort in -in frrme. The lower inlet Dort -cylindcr, fmme ivill while the !&n te covend bE' the hole in lowrr end of cyliader wil| bc ia tine with lows port in framc. When erbaust pstoo- r: driten dowlsard, stan is driven out of loscr eshaust por|*

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