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The truth shall make you mad then set you free The first part of the title

I must credit to Johnny C who I met at MooU.. He was a pretty cool dude in spite of his desire to blow up campus police (long story) .. Mom keeps having me read books like The Inner Voice of Love by Nouwen but.. If I had to choose only one word that characterizes his work: infantile. He's a baby. Almost everything he says is flat out WRONG. Set Boundaries to Your Love wow. This comes from a priest. Wow.. I would rephrase that to: give until it hurts then give some more, give until you cannot give any more then give some more, give until you don't recognize yourself anymore then give some more, give until there's nothing left then give some more,.. I think you get the idea. :P Baby Nouwen couldn't be more wrong in his pieces of advice. How do I know? Read his books for yourself. If you have any spiritual maturity, you'll realize his books are: puerile, infantile, halfbaked, flat out wrong,.. [he] Who am I to judge? Let's go through the categories, shall we? ;) 1. You're 'Christian', you trust the Bible is the 'inspired word of God', Jesus is your personal savior, bla bla ad nauseum. In the first place, ALL of the Bible was written by different authors. If you become a Bible scholar, you will understand and appreciate this fact. What does that mean? Inconsistency. Every writer has a different perspective. If you do textual analysis on just one Gospel, you find out even those were authored by different people. Inconsistency. What are the implications? There are only two options regarding the premise stated above: 1. all authors of the Bible were inspired or 2. none of them were. Oops, there's a third option: the texts were inspired by Satan. ;) Where do we go from here? The life of Jesus. From a historical perspective, most of his 'miracles' were fabricated by loyal followers. Personally, I believe only one miracle actually happened: the healing miracles. If you think about it, only that miracle specifically is required to 'authenticate' Jesus as 'son of God'. If you research it, you find not only Jesus had this power/skill. And healing others is not restricted to Christians. So.. The life of Jesus was largely fabrication. Most of the books of the Bible were authored by several people. And as stated in a previous article, the Bible has been used to justify violence throughout history to the point which makes this author conclude it was Satanically inspired. What you call 'Christianity' is likely Satanism in disguise .. Now of course, if you're a true pacifist who abhors violence, chances are you're a real Christian but you must recognize you're a minority. True Christians on this planet number only in the 1000s. 2. You're Muslim, Mohammed is THE prophet of God, Islam is the 'perfect system' for humanity, bla bla ad nauseum. ;) (See the pattern?) If most Christians are wrong about their faith, what does that say about Islam that originated around 500 years later? More delusional 'wishful thinkers'. The fact many use violence just as 'Christians' do shows me this is not a religion of God but of Satan. Islam seems to be Satanically inspired just as most of the Bible likely was. 3. You're Buddhist, reality is illusion, suffering is caused by attachment, bla bla ad nauseum. In the first place, there is absolutely NOTHING illusory about reality. Our perceptions sure but NOT reality. Buddha confuses our perceptions with reality. Buddha was a great teacher like Jesus but we always take a good thing and twist it beyond recognition. Suffering is caused by our inability to reach our goals and also finding out many of those goals are unfulfilling especially if they're materialistic. So suffering is not really caused by attachment; suffering is caused by attachment to unfulfilling things. If you attach yourself to God and the Holy Spirit, only fulfillment and completeness can result. 4. You're Jewish, you're part of God's 'chosen people', bla bla ad nauseum. If you read some of my other recent articles, you'll understand I'm no fan of Judaism nor Israel. At best, Judaism is a childish attempt to make a particular ethnic group more secure in their cultural identity. At worst, it's simply another Satanically inspired religion. 5. All other religions: if you're Sikh, Jain, Hindu, Bahai,.. no matter what religion you subscribe

to, you believe you 'know the truth'. I call this 'religious arrogance' and no religion is exempt. Of course, there are humble individuals from ALL religions but.. This does not excuse the arrogant premises nor arrogant individuals proclaiming they 'know the truth'. Religions are arrogant control structures with only one lasting negative effect: they divide us. My father believed religions ultimately keep us from the brink of total self-destruction but he was conveniently ignoring: the Crusades, Islamic Jihad, WWII (could be looked at Nazi-Christians subjugating Jews who killed their Messiah), and countless other wars based on cultural domination. If a religion is used to justify violence/subjugation/exploitation, it is Satanic. 6. You're existentialist, you believe in neutrality at 'all costs', typically you're an intellectual, and likely disagree with your existentialist brother/sister about the nature of God. This is a diverse and sophisticated group. Many scientists can correctly be labeled existentialist. I have only two strong objections to this group: the neutral aspect and again arrogance of the perspective. I'm somewhat 'famous' for the following quote: Better to be wrong, acknowledge this mistake, and grow than forever ride the fence. Some of my best friends throughout my life are existentialist. So I've had an intimate chance to learn about this perspective. 7. You're atheist, you don't believe in God, Satan, or any kind of spirituality. You're confident you 'know the truth' because you know all of above and more. Likely, you're smug in your perspective. But what you fail to recognize is Occam's Razor actually goes against your belief system. What's more likely? What's simpler? A self-generating multiverse extremely complex and vast or a single universe created specifically for life by God? Atheists have 'bent over backwards' to the point of absurdity denying God in creation. What is the ultimate origin of atheism and the rest? I contend it's human ego. We cannot 'handle' the idea of a supreme creator snapping Her fingers and BOOM: we ARE. I'm not saying it didn't take billions of years.. I'm not saying aliens weren't involved in 'seeding' Earth.. What I AM saying is that we humans cannot seem to handle NOT being God ourselves.. Why? Is it simple ego? That and Satan. As I've written before, it's extremely dangerous to deny inimical spiritual forces. Now of course, any reader can accuse me of arrogance but as I've stated repeatedly in my articles, to family, and friends: humility is my prime value. If you don't believe that, that's your choice. It's your choice to read these articles or not. It's your choice to really pay attention or ignore them.. But it would be in your best interests to: trust me when I say humility is my prime value, trust these articles as inspired by the Holy Spirit, and generally accept them as fact. Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jew,.., existentialist, or atheist chances are: you're living a lie. If you can 'just' realize the lies in your religion/perspective, your Awareness will SET YOU FREE. Sure, it may make you angry for a short time to realize most of your life has been spent following lies.. But.. In Awareness there is absolute FREEDOM. The simplest 'theology' (theological framework) is the statement: God is Love; Satan is your enemy; live in the Holy Spirit .. When we ALL realize this, we'll have true freedom, democracy, equality, and love.

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