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Plan anual Ingls Transicin I


Jardn Infantil Oso Yogui

Aprender a saludar y decir su nombre Aprender a seguir instrucciones Repasar colores y adjetivos Identificar los objetos en el saln de clases Repasar formas geomtricas y colores Presentar alimentos y bebidas Identificar los miembros de la familia Identificar adjetivos Repasar nmeros del uno al tres Identificar muebles y habitaciones de la casa Describir la ubicacin de un objeto identificar un rectngulo Idetificar los animales de la granja y mascotas Identificar los colores blanco y negro Presentar el numero seis Identificar frutas y verduras Presentar nmero siete Identificar color morado Identificar elementos de la naturaleza

Happy, sad, big, small, open; colors, review of last year.

Hello. My names Ana. Whats your name? Stand up! Sit down! Open your book! Color the small cat brown. Whats this? Its glue stick. What are they? Theyre crayons. Wheres the Apple? In the lunch box.

1 My school

Door, window, glue stick, scissors, lunch, box, schoolbag

2 My family

Grandma, grandpa, father, mother, sister, brother, tall, short, fat, thin.

This is my grandpa. Im tall and thin. Is the sister tall? Yes.

3 My house

Toilet, bed, fridge, sofa, TV, in, on, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room, rectangle

Whats this? Its a toilet. The ball is on the table. How many rectangles can you see? Five.

4 The farm

Cow, horse, pig, hen, chicken, rabbit, black, white, six

Whats this? Its a cow. What color is this? Its black and white. I can see three pigs. Theyre pigs.

5 Food 6 Nature

Pears, grapes, oranges, potatoes, carrots, peas, apples, bananas, seven Tree, sun, river, flowers, sky, cloud, rainbow, raindrops, eight

Whats this? Its a pear. I like apples. Do you like peas? No. Whats this? Its a rainbow. The cloud is blue.

Plan anual Ingls Transicin I

Presentar el numero ocho Identificar climas y estados de animo Identificar animales del zoolgico Presentar el nmero nueve Identificar el color gris Identificar vehculos Identificar la espiral Presentar el numero diez Identificar profesiones Repasar vehculos Repasar formas geomtricas

Jardn Infantil Oso Yogui

How many trees can you see? Four

7 The zoo

Monkey, giraffe, elephant, snake, lion, zebra, bear, gray, nine

Elephants are big. Whats this? Its a monkey. How many snakes can you see? Two. Whats this? Its a truck. What color is the car? Its red. A car travels on land. Who is he? Hes a firefighter. Who flies a plane? The pilot. What number is missing? Eight.

8 Transportation 9 Professions

Bike, train, plane, bus, boat, truck, car, land, water, sky, spiral, ten Nurse, doctor, firefighter, teacher, vet, cook, pilot, singer, he, she, plane, bus, truck, ambulance

Miss Carolina Mundaca C. Teacher of English

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