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Units: SI Derived Units

How Many? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Table of Contents About the Dictionary Using the Dictionary

In addition to the seven base units, the General Conference on Weights and Measures has approved 22 names for SI units defined as combinations of the base units. Within the SI, these units are the named derived units. Following are links to the definitions of these 22 units. The third column shows how each unit is derived from the preceding units, and the fourth column gives the formal equivalence of the unit in terms of the base units. Derived Unit hertz (Hz) newton (N) pascal (Pa) joule (J) watt (W) coulomb (C) volt (V) farad (F) ohm (omega) siemens (S) weber (Wb) tesla (T) henry (H) degree Celsius (C) radian (rad) steradian (sr) lumen (lm) Measures frequency force pressure energy or work power electric charge electric potential electric capacitance electric resistance electric conductance magnetic flux magnetic flux density inductance temperature plane angle solid angle luminous flux Derivation /s kg(m/s2) N/m2 Nm J/s As W/A C/V V/A A/V Vs Wb/m2 Wb/A K - 273.15 Formal Definition s-1 kgms-2 kgm-1s-2 kgm2s-2 kgm2s-3 As kgm2s-3A-1 kg-1m-2s4A2 kgm2s-3A-2 kg-1m-2s3A2 kgm2s-2A-1 kgs-2A-1 kgm2s-2A-2 K mm-1 cdsr m2m-2 cdsr

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Units: SI Derived Units

lux (lx) becquerel (Bq) gray (Gy) sievert (Sv) katal (kat)

illuminance activity absorbed dose dose equivalent catalytic activity

lm/m2 /s J/kg Gy(multiplier) mol/s

cdsrm-2 s-1 m2s-2 m2s-2 mols-1

The term derived unit covers any algebraic combination of the base units, but it is only the 22 combinations listed above that have approved special names. For example, the SI derived unit of momentum (mass times velocity) has no special name; momentum is stated in kilogram meters per second (kgm/s) or in newton seconds (Ns). A few SI derived units do have special names that have been defined but not approved. Here are some examples: Derived Unit stere (st) diopter (dpt) thermal ohm poiseuille (Pl) rayl acoustic ohm daraf talbot nit (nt) molal Measures volume refractive power thermal resistance dynamic viscosity sound impedance sound resistance electric elastance luminous energy luminance chemical concentration Derivation m3 m-1 K/W Pas Pas/m Pas/m3 F-1 lms cd/m2 mol/kg

Return to the Dictionary Contents page. You are welcome to email the author ( with comments and suggestions. All material in this folder is copyright 2004 by Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Permission is granted for personal use and for use by individual teachers in conducting their own classes. All other rights reserved. You are welcome to make links to this page, but please do not copy the contents of any page in this folder to another site. The material at this site will be updated from time to time.
Latest update July 14, 2004

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