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From the cradle to the grave, He is the Man of Sorrows This picture depicts beautifully Christ after a hard days work stretching out at the door of His simple home in Nazareth, & the evening sun casts a shadow of a clearly marked cross. From the moment His public ministry began after His baptism in the Jordan, his enemies plotted against Him. He formally enters into His Sacred Passion in the Garden of Olives!

Imagine His despair, gloom, anguish! He is all alone; His 3 companions could not watch one hour with him. He feels abandoned, forsaken as it were both by God & ManHe says, My soul is sorrowful even unto death He pleads, Father! If it be possible, let this Chalice pass from me, yet not my will, but Thine be done. Overcoming his human nature he renews his Commitment and Mission. An unknown poet wrote, I cannot tell how He could love a soul so weak & full of sin Yet, His love must be most wonderful since He died my soul to win. His arrest was a matter of expediency, not justice. Pilate knew him to be innocent; but he compromises to protect himself & Roman dignity. Better for 1 man to die than for the whole nation

The Agony of Jesus in Gethsemane .Jesus sweats blood in his sorrowful agony for our sins.

Repentance Heavenly Father, we pray that we may feel sorrow for our sins, we pray for the conversion of the whole world. Teach us how to pray and to accept always your Divine Will. " Not my will Lord, but your Will be done.

The scourging at the Pillar

Picture this sad sceneas Jesus is scourged; whip inlaid with iron points, his skin is lashed, His Body Torn Apart and in pain Betrayed by Judas, denied by Peterhis Apostles whom He called friends -frightened, afraid and in hiding. He faces his tormentors, false witnesses alone

The Crowning with thorns -Overcoming the flesh

Heavenly Father, we pray that you grant us the graces of purity and chastity according to our state of life. We pray that you forgive us for the sins committed in our bodies which are your temple and we ask you to forgive us and to forgive the whole world.

Carrying of the cross

Christ is led out of the city; picture the sad scene!
The cross is held up before him; He leans toward it, putting his arms tenderly about it, kisses it lovingly, saluting the altar upon which he is to offer up this holocaust of love to his Father for our Redemption Mary is there observing, suffering along with Him. Seeing her son mocked, ridiculed, turned upon by people He had helped? She sees Him exhausted, wearied, pushed, jostled, goaded, dragged along, kicked, his face & body bruised, disfigured! Her tears of grief flow at the short memories people have; the lack of

Remaining crucified in imitation of Jesus

Jesus now limp & crushed reaches Golgotha. The soldiers strip him exposing his sacred bodyTheir rough handling reopens his wounds, causing blood to flow out afresh Picture Christ willingly climbing onto the cross, the soldiers pull & stretch His limbs Hear the nails being hammered in as he is crucified. The cross is then raised & pushed into a hole to receive it jolting & enlarging wounds on his hands and feet!!

From the cross Jesus speaks .7 times Father! Forgive them! He asks pardon for us who have offended him The repentant thief, let us ask forgiveness like this repentant thief He looks at his sorrowful Mother worried He feels forsaken He cries, I thirst. Places his trust in His Heavenly Father Bows His head and dies. It is consumated.

The Agony & Death of our Lord Jesus Christ

Heavenly Father, as we unite with Jesus at Calvary, with the crosses that you have given us in our sufferings, trials, misunderstandings, limitations and sicknesses..

We pray that you accept our offering, as we crucify our will, our passions, our temptations from the world, the devil and the flesh.

Unite us O Lord Jesus to your Most Precious Blood, have Mercy on us and on the whole world.

The passing from darkness of sin & death to the meaning of Christs death & Resurrection. We are saved by His Death & Resurrection, not only His death alone. By his Resurrection & His passage to the Father, He lifts up men with Him to live forever in glory.. This is the great joy & hope for the human race; for those who believe in him; who like Jesus transcends pain, suffering, despair In other words THERE IS NO ROOM FOR DESPAIR IN CHRISTIAN LIFE!!!!!

His Resurrection is central to our faith, without which we would believe in vain & been deceived. We show our lack of faith each time we refuse to forgive! Each time we refuse to reconcile preferring to nurse our wounds!!! The Apostles were frightened; Thomas doubted the truth of the Resurrection! DO YOU BELIEVE? IF YOU DO, REPENT! BE RECONCILED! BE CONVERTED! IT IS THIS RESURRECTION WHICH MAKES OUR FAITH DIFFERENT!!!

God Bless you

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