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The mind rejects anything that does not fall within the framework of time and space.

Even though the eye observes that a pencil in a glass of water looks as if it is broken, the mind is not deluded, in the same way that it realizes the mirage in the desert is nothing but sand . When we see a magician take handkerchief out of his mouth and twenty rabbits from his sleeve, our mind being more accurate than our sight, alerts us to the fact that it is a trick. Does this mean that the mind can rule over matters that fall beyond its scope? The mind rejects anything that does not fall within the framework of time and space. If a history teacher were to tell you that a war between the Arabs and the Persians took place neither before nor after the advent of Islam-yet it still took place, your mind would reject this statement as being completely contradictory. Or if a geography teacher told you that a country existed but was not situated on land or sea, or in the earth or the sky your mind would take this as a contradiction in terms. So we can see that the faculties of the human mind are finite and refuse to accept anything infinite, which is outside the scope of time and space. Therefore issues concerning the problems of the soul, destiny, signs of God and his attributes are all beyond the scope of the mind. If we look at the concept of immortality for example, a believer is sure in his mind that immortality is an unshakable truth which has been conveyed to mankind through the divine message. But it is not possible to fit that concept into a framework of time and if we try to do that, we will fail and give up. In fact we may visualize a millennium of centuries but then what? Our minds get tired because they fail to reach a .final point. And if they claim to have reached such a point it will contradict the very meaning of immortality. The famous German philosopher Kant published a well-known work "Contradictions" , in which he said that the , human mind can only judge the physical world. But Muslim scholars had proved the falsity of circuits vicious (vicious circle). before Kant's time on the basis of mathematical theories, Their simple evidence was as follows. If you draw two straight lines as two rays coming from one point, and you connect these two lines at equal distances, will the line connecting the two infinite ends be considered to be the ultimate line? If you say it is, it will be argued that it is between unending points. If you say that it is infinite, people will reply that this cannot be so, as it is between two finite points. Therefore, it is a contradiction in terms. It is clear that the human mind goes off balance when it tries to dominate the unlimited or infinite; it becomes the victim of impossible contradictions when it delves deeply into anything which is unlimited, The human mind, therefore, cannot go deeply into the realm of metaphysics, as proved by Kant and stated by Muslin scholars earlier. And we can refer to this theme in the works of Islamic scholars, such as al-Ghazali in his books on scholastic theology.

The human mind rejects anything that does not fall within the framework of time and space i.e. metaphysics principality. In other words the mind simply fails to consider and explore the abstract or infinite phenomena such as soul, destiny, and signs of God or immorality. Kant, a famous German philosopher favors the same frame of reference in his book Contradictions. Kant says, mind can only judge the physical world. Inaddition, many Muslim philosophers -long time before Kant- have proved through their mathematical calculations that human mind becomes inclinatory if it tries to fit certain objects within the time and space frame and eventually reaches an ultimate point of contradictions.

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