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1.1.1 Listen & discriminate sounds 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letter sound 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds 2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly 2.3.1 Seek & give personal details 3.1.1 Recognise & understand words by reading & matching 3.1.3 Read aloud word with the letter listed in 3.1.1 3.1.4 Compare words for similar and different sounds 3.2.1 Recognise words on sight 4.1.1 Copy words in legible cursive writing 4.3.3 Match words to other words 4.4.3 Complete simple texts with the missing word(s) 4.7.1 Fill out forms personal particulars

Thinking Skills Decision making Categorising Memorising Spelling Self-esteem Moral Values Love for family Kindness Politeness Caring for animals

WEEK : 1-3
UNIT : 1. What do you like?
Theme: World of Personal Relationship Areas of interest Introduce about themselves what ones likes or does not likes Comprehension Wh questions Objectives By the end of the unit, the pupils are able to : Listen to and discriminate initial blend Give relevant information politely on ones likes and dislikes Acquire key words at various stages of development

Sound System Initial blends tw/sk/sw/

Contractions Ill,were, hes & theres

Grammar Common Nouns Proper Nouns Gender masculine, feminine Personal Pronouns Punctuation MI Verbal- linguistic Interpersonal Musical Kinaesthetic LHTL - Dictionary skill

Copy letters of the alphabet in clear and legible cursive writing Punctuate meaningfully using full stops, capital letters and commas Understand the idea of masculine and feminine

UNITS WEEK: 4-7 UNIT 2: Looking Good

Theme: World of Knowledge
Areas of interest How we keep clean? Taking care of our teeth List items worn on different part on the body Why we wear clothes? Cursive writing Objectives By the end of the unit, the pupils are able to : Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words that end with final consonants such as l/l/, p/p/, b/b/, t/t/, and d/d/. Give relevant information politely to enquiries made on parts of the body, clothing and ordinal and cardinal numbers. Ask questions politely to obtain information Ask simple questions requiring Yes/No replies Read and understand phrases, sentences and short paragraphs on how to keep clean Read and enjoy simple poems Copy words and phrases in clear legible cursive writing Write words using simple present tense Differentiate between singular and plural forms 1.1.1 1.2.2 1.3.1 to

Listen & discriminate sounds Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions. Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing

Thinking Skills Classification listing Memorizing Moral Values Cleanliness Tidiness Diligence Responsibility Sound System Final Consonant l/l/,p/p/,b/b/,t/t, d/d/ Grammar Nouns number (singular n plural forms) Subject-verb agreement Simple Present Tense MI musical logicalmathematical kinaesthetic spelling inferencing predicting LHTL Dictionary skill Sequencing Information transfer

pictures 1.3.2 Listen to and understand cardinal numbers. Scope 30 40 1.3.3 Listen to all the words in the word list and demonstrate understanding of their meaning by matching them to pictures and the word spoken 1.3.4 Listen to and understand information based on cardinal numbers. Scope 40 50 numbers in tens ; 50 70 when the numbers are added, subtracted and refuted 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers. Scope 10th 15th 2.1.1 Pronounce the sounds correctly 2.2.1 Ask Wh questions to seek information 2.3.1 Name or identify objects, parts of the body. 2.3.2 Understand number in stories and situations : 30 40 2.3.4 Understand numbers : 40 50, Numbers I tens up to 70, Adding, Subtracting and refuting numbers 2.3.5 Give replies pertaining to ordinal numbers: 10th 15th 2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read 3.1.1 Say aloud final consonants 3.2.3 Recognise and read aloud cardinal numbers 30 40 in numeral and word form. 3.2.4 Recognise and read aloud the numbers 40 50, numbers in tens : 50 70 in its numeral and word forms. 3.2.6 Read and learn ordinal numbers 10th 15th 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences 3.9.1 Read simple poems and simple stories 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story 4.1.2 Copy letters of the alphabet in clear and legible cursive writing 4.2.1 Write clearly and legible numerals 30 50 in both number and word forms using cursive writing for word forms 4.2.2 write words and phrases in clear and legible cursive writing 4.6.1 Take dictation of seen sentences/paragraphs 4.6.2 Apply spelling rules 4.6.3 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt


7 10 FEB. 2011

UNITS WEEK: 8-10 UNIT 3: Healthy Living

Theme: World Of Knowledge Areas of interest locate types of vegetables talk about healthy and unhealthy eating habits instruction on how to make something simple first, second, then, after that etc food pyramid comprehension The Big Bun moral value How to keep fit and healthy Objectives By the end of the unit, the pupils are able to : Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words that end with final blends Perform a variety of functions in a social context such as inviting people to a birthday party Acquire key words at various stages of development Read and group words according to alphabetical order Read and write simple instructions Understand the use of countable and uncountable nouns Tell what is good and bad food/eating habits to keep healthy 1.1.1 1.2.3 songs and 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 1.5.2 1.5.4 1.6.1 1.7.1 1.7.2

Listen to and repeat final blends Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and paying attentions to pronunciation, stress intonation correctly Listen to key words in stories and texts heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing pictures Listen to and follow simple instruction in preparing food Listen to & understand texts Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events Listen and enjoy childrens songs, rhymes, and poems Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals Listen to simple stories and recall the storyline by answering simple wh questions Pronounce the sounds clearly & accurately Ask questions with the correct intonation Ask other forms of questions to seek Information To request for specific objects when carrying out a task Say aloud the following sounds Read aloud phrases & sentences Read and understand simple sentences Group words according to categories Read aloud words and phrases, pronouncing them correctly Read & understand poem Read & make comparison between words of text & personal experiences Read and give details about the people and animals in the story Copy words in clear neat legible print for captions, labels, etc. Write words and phrases in clear and legible cursive writing Form paragraphs Complete simple instructions with the missing Words Write simple sentences with word and picture cues

Thinking Skills Spelling Memorising Predicting Moral Values Discipline Moderation Diligence cleanliness Sound System Initial blends nk/lt/mp/ft/nd Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns Demonstrative pronouns Modals must and have to MI Musical Visual-spatial Kinaesthetic LHTL skill Sequencin g Information transfer Dictionary

2.1.4 2.2.2 2.7.2 3.1.1

3.3.2 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.7.1 3.9.1 3.9.2 4.1.3 4.2.2 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.8.2




WEEK : 11-14 UNIT :4. Story Time Theme: World Of stories

Areas of interest Talk about the story fairytales, fables, mysteries, folk tales The Greedy Crow write the storyline How The Tapir Got Its Colour Find the title of the story The Four Friend Objectives By the end of the unit, the pupils are able to : listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words that end with initial vowels such as a/e/i/o/u talk about the actions of the characters in stories read and give reasons why one likes or dislikes the stories read and understand simple poems and stories write simple sentences and WH questions listen to and enjoy stories, fables and other tales and predict outcomes and draw conclusions read and give details about the characters in the story

1.3.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 is 1.6.1 1.7.1 suited 1.7.2 line

Discriminate between diphthongs Listen to & understand words & phrase in context Understand meaning of texts in relation to details Listen to simple texts and tell what the text About Listen to and enjoy childrens songs, rhymes, and Poems Listen to and enjoy stories, fables and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes, and draw conclusions at a level to the pupils ability Listens to simple stories and recall the story-

Thinking Skills Inferencing predicting Moral Values sharing working together humility Sound System Initial vowels a/e/i/o/u Grammar Interrofative pronouns Adjectives of colour, shape and size The Simple Present Tense Exclamations mark MI Musical Kinaesthetic LHTL Dictionary skill Sequencing Pre-reading strategies

by answering simple Wh questions 2.1.1 Repeat the following sound in words correctly 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation 2.1.5 Ask questions to gather information about days of the week, month & time 2.2.1 Ask Wh questions to seek information 2.4.1 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing phrases 2.4.3 Complete parts of a story heard before 2.4.4 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expressions and break appropriate gestures 2.5.1 Talk about the people, places and moral values of the stories heard, read and viewed in simple language 2.5.2 Talk about the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read 2.5.3 Name the good and bad characters and talk a little about them 2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read 2.6.3 Give reasons why one likes or does not like the Story 3.1.1 Say aloud the initial vowels 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs 3.4.3 Read aloud poems and simple stories clearly and expressively 3.9.1 Read & make comparison between the word of text & own lives 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story 3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story heard or read 4.2.3 Write sentences in clear and legible cursive writing 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words 4.8.2 Write simple sentences with word and pictures cues.

WEEK: 13





WEEK :15 - 18 Unit: 5. Getting Connected

Theme : World Of Knowledge Areas of interest Types of machine The sign Braille, symbol, drawing etc Mobile phone How pictures from a television station reaches our homes Objectives By the end of the unit, the pupils are able to : listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words with medial digraphs pronounce 3syllable and 4 syllable words obtain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details, and sequence acquire key words at various stages at development read and understand simple factual texts recognize and write the possessive adjectives write a note/message

1.1.1 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 songs, 1.5.2 1.5.4 and

Listen & discriminate between final digraphs Repeat phrases & sentences Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and Expression Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly Understand meaning of text in relation to details Listen to simple recounts of what one did

Thinking Skills spelling Memorising Sequencing inferencing Moral Values Responsibility Obidience Cautiousness Discipline Sound System

tell the sequence of events 2.1.1 Pronounce sounds clearly & accurately 2.1.2 Pronounce 3-syllable words 2.1.3 Say aloud phrases, expressions and exclamations with the correct stress and intonation 2.1.5 Chant rhymes, jazz rhymes and sing songs, pronouncing words clearly 2.3.3 Talk about personal experiences 3.1.1 Look at letters and say aloud the following sounds 3.2.5 Learn another five key words for each topic and use these key words in sentences of ones own 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs 3.6.2 Give words according to word categories 4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence part 4.8.1 Write simple sentences

Medial digraph

ph/f/, ch/k/, ir/3:/ Final digraphs ph/f/, ch/k/ 3-syllable and 4 syllable words Grammar

Conjunctio n and, because & or Sequence connectors first, later, than, finally Pronounce Possessive adjective his, mine, Jothis MI Verballinguistic visual-spatial logicalmathematical

LHTL Dictionary skill Information transfer Cross referencing Catergorising

fill in the blanks using conjunctions and, or and because

WEEK : 19 & 20




1.1.1 endings 1.2.3 songs, Listen to and repeat diphthongs or word Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and

Thinking Skills Spelling Problem-solving Decision-making Sequencing Mind-mapping Moral Values Politeness Responsibility Obedience Cautiousness Civic-consciousness Discipline Sound System

WEEK : 21 23 UNIT 6. Moving Around

Theme : World Of knowledge Areas of interest Modes of transportation land, water and air Newspaper report Preposition of directions Names the places in the maps Objectives By the end of the unit, the pupils are able to :-

listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words with diphthong listen and repeat word endings in tion listen to and follow simple directions to places in the neighbourhood ask and give simple direction to places in the neighbourhood understand words opposite in meaning read and write simple directions using prepositions of location and direction construct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently combine two sentences using conjunction so

paying attention to pronunciation stress and intonation correctly 1.4.1 Listen to and understand simple instructions 1.4.3 Listen to and follow simple directions to places in the neighbourhood 1.5.3 Listen to simple texts and tell what the text is about 2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation 2.2.3 Ask questions to seek clarification on how to make things, on places, directions and on amounts and quantities 2.4.4 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures 2.7.4 To respond to someone asking for help 3.1.1 Say aloud the following sounds 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraph 3.6.4 Understand words opposite in meaning 3.6.6 Distinguish words that show action and things, people, animals etc 3.8.1 Read and understand instructions, directions, notices, labels, messages, letters, recipes, passages and descriptions 3.8.4 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension question in relation to main ideas and details 4.3.2 Match words to sign 4.4.2 complete simple instructions with the missing words 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions with the missing words 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words 4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently 4.6.3 Take dictation of paragraphs given to be learnt 4.8.3 Write simple description with picture cues


ei/eI/, ey/i:/, oa/eu/, ow/eu/, ei/aI/ Word ending tion Grammar Preposition of location - across, among, next to, at the back of, opposite Conjunction so Preposition of direction - along, right, left etc MI Verbal-linguistic Visual-spatial Logical-mathematical Kinaesthetic Interpersonal LHTL Dictionary skill Sequencing Information transfer Cross referencing Categorizing


1.1.1 Discriminate between final consonants 1.5.1 Listen to poems 1.5.2 Listen to and understand meanings of texts 1.5.4 Listen to simple recounts of what one did and tell the sequence of events 2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly 2.1.3 Use facial expressions and gestures to enhance meaning 2.1.5 Observe stress, intonation and sentence rhythm in poems 2.3.3 Talk about personal experiences 2.7.1 Recite poems, rhymes and chants 2.7.3 To ask for help from neighbours and friends 3.1.1 3.1.4 Say aloud the following sounds Read information regarding questions on numbers 3.2.2 Read and learn meaning of five key words for each topic taught 3.6.3 Understand words similar in meaning 3.6.8 Read and distinguish homographs and homophones 3.7.4 Discuss and recount what has been read 3.7.5 Read and obtain meaning by reference to words within the text 3.8.3 Read and obtain meaning by making reference to words within the text 4.4.2 Form paragraphs by sequencing sentences 4.8.2 Write compound sentences 4.8.3 Write simple description with picture cues

Thinking Skills Inferencing Predicting Information Transfer Word association Moral Values Responsibility Harmony Tolerance Peace Kindness Responsibility Sound System Silient Letters t/, w/, h/ Grammar Positive Statements Negative Statement Questions and responses MI Verbal-linguistic Interpersonal LHTL Dictionary skill

WEEK : 24-26 UNIT : 7. Living In Harmony

Theme : World Of Personal Relationship Areas in interest talk about our neighbours talk about themselves Everyone is good at something Objectives By the end of the unit, the pupils are able to : listen and say words with silent letters t, w and h talk about oneself and personal experiences read and find meanings of words using contextual clues write simple descriptions answer questions and give responses using positive and negative statements differentiate the meanings of words with the same sounds

WEEK: 27

( 7th week of Sem 2)



1.1.1 1.1.2 letter 1.1.3 same 1.2.3 songs 1.6.1 and 1.7.2 of 1.7.3 and Discriminate between word endings Listen to and identify different types of sounds Listen to and group words according to sounds Listen to and repeat simple rhymes and paying attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation correctly Listen to and enjoy childrens song, rhymes poems Listen to simple stories and recall the names people and animals Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales share feelings about the story 2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctlydouble consonants 2.1.5 Observe stress, intonation and sentence rhythm in rhymes 2.2.1 Ask Wh questions to seek information 2.2.2 Ask other forms of questions to seek Information 2.3.1 Name or identify objects, parts of the body 2.4.2 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing whole lines 2.4.5 Retell stories heard before with expressions 2.6.1 Give non-verbal response to the story heard or read 2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read 2.6.3 Give reasons why one likes or does not like the Story 3.1.1 3.4.3 and Say aloud the following sounds double consonants Read aloud poems and simple stories clearly

Thinking Skills Reasoning Evaluating Sequencing Inferencing Predicting Moral Values Kindness Diligence Love helpfulness Sound System Double Consonants ll/l/, pp/p/, rr/r/, tt/t/, dd/d/ Grammar Adverbs of manner Simple Past Tense Exclamation mark MI Verbal-linguistic Musical LTHL Dictionary skill

WEEK : 28 - 30 UNIT : 8. More Stories

Theme : World of Stories Areas of interest Talk about book covers - the title, the authors name, the spine etc The Selfish Giant - discuss characters, setting and plot Mr. King Story The Humble Prince

Fairytale The Elves and the Shoemaker

Objectives By the end of the unit, the pupils are able to :-

listen and say words that have the ll, pp, rr, tt and dd sounds, and words that end with ed state whether one likes or does not like the story heard and give reasons read about people in stories write sentences using the simple past tense write a book review punctuate using full stops, capital letters and exclamation mark change the words using simple past tense

expressively 3.6.8 Read distinguish homographs and homophones 3.8.5 Read and understand cause and effect relationships 3.9.1 Read simple poems and simple stories 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story 3.9.3 Read and talk about the action of people and animals in a story heard or read 3.9.4 Tell why a person or animal in a story is good or bad 3.10.1 Read according to ones interest 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions with the missing Words 4.4.3 Complete simple instruction, text, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing words 4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently

by 4.8.2 looking at a picture Write simple sentences with word and picture cues




WEEK : 31-33 UNIT: 9. Come Rain Or Shine

Theme : World of Knowledge Areas of interest The weather in Malaysia - weather instrument Four season - spring, winter, autumn, summer Cardinal Point - north-east, southWest weathervane postcard how rain is formed Objectives By the end of the unit, the pupils are able to : Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words Listen to and use key words related to weather Read and understand simple paragraph Read and understand cause and effect relationship Construct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently Follow simple instructions on how to make a weathervane

1.1.1 1.3.1 heard to

Listen to and repeat initial digraphs Listen to key words in stories and texts and demonstrate understanding by pointing

Thinking Skills Inferencing Cause and effect Problem-solving Moral Values Civicconsciousness Environmental awareness Co-operation Sound System Initial digraphs ph/f/, ch/k/, wh/w/, wh/h/ Grammar Simple sentences, compound sentences Conjunction and, but, because MI Verballinguistic Naturalist Logicalmathematical Kinaestheti c Musical Interperson al Intraperson al

pictures Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple Wh questions 2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly initial diagraphs 2.3.3 Talk about personal experiences 2.4.1 Recite simple poems and jazz chants by completing phrases 2.4.4 Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures 2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read 3.1.1 Say aloud the following sounds initial digraphs 3.2.1 Recognise complete words in texts 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the words before and after 3.6.6 Distinguish words that show actions and things, people, animals etc 3.7.4 Read and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context 3.7.5 Read and understand cause and effect relationship 3.8.4 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension question in relation to main ideas and detail 3.8.5 Read and understand cause and effect relationship 4.2.3 Write sentences in clear and legible cursive writing 4.3.3 Match words to other words 4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently by looking at a picture 4.6.3 Take dictation on paragraphs given to be learnt 4.8.2 Write simple sentences with word and picture cues 4.8.3 Write simple descriptions with pictures cues 1.5.2

LHTL Dictionary and thesaurus skill Information transfer Mindmapping

WEEK : 34






WEEK : 35 37 UNIT: 10. Malaysia, My Country

Theme : World Of Knowledge Areas of interest Map of Malaysia - identify the place and state Friend from other places in Malaysia State and capital city Compass point - north, west, east, south Flag Races in Malaysia Festival celebrate in Malaysia Farewell Objectives By the end of the unit, the pupils are able to : Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words that end in er and est Ask and answer questions to get information using correct stress and intonation Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions in relation to main ideas and details

1.1.1 Listen to and repeat word endings -est 1.5.2 Listen to simple texts and recall details by answering simple Wh questions 1.6.1 Listen to and enjoy childrens songs, rhymes and poems 2.1.1 Repeat the following sounds in words correctly words ending -est 2.1.4 Ask questions with the correct intonation 2.2.3 Ask questions to seek clarification on how to make things, on places, directions, and on amounts and quantities 2.6.2 To identify and state cardinal and ordinal numbers 3.1.1 Say aloud the following sounds word endings est 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs 3.4.3 Read aloud poems and simple stories clearly and expressively 3.6.7 Distinguish words that show comparison: -er, -est, -es, and than 3.8.3 Read and obtain meaning by making reference to words within the text 3.8.4 Read and understand simple factual texts by answering comprehension questions in relation to main ideas and details 4.4.1 Provide missing letters in words 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions, recipes, descriptions, rhymes with the missing word(s) 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions, texts, rhymes, notices, recipes, stories with the missing word(s) 4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently by looking at a picture

Thinking Skills Mind-mapping Decision-making Spelling Inferencing Moral Values Unity Living in harmony Tolerance Pride CivicConsciousness Respons ibility Cleanlin ess Coopera tion

Grammar Interrogati ve pronouns Present Tense Comparativ e and superlative MI Verballinguistic LogicalMathematical Kinaesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal LHTL skill g Information transfer categorizin g Sequencin Dictionary

Construct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently Give accurate information when writing simple articles Write simple sentences using picture and word clues Complete simple sentences by

choosing the words given in the exercise Punctuate meaningfully using capital letters, full stops and question marks

WEEK : 38-39

Revision work: Do exercises on Question Papers Practise on Exam format


WEEK: 40-41

WEEK: 42

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