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Programming Win32 with GNU C and C++

Programming Win32 with GNU C and C++

Under Construction... Win32 programming is a big topic. I suggest you buy an appropriately big book to learn about it. Probably the best book there is on the topic is Programming Windows 95 (or 98, or 2000 by now) by Charles Petzold (Microsoft Press). I also recommend the CD-ROM Programmer's Bookshelf for Windows 95 (or an appropriate update) also from Microsoft Press, which includes Petzold as well as four other Win32 programming books. However, I will try to scratch the surface here, especially the relevant details of using GNU C and C++ plus the related tools to build Win32 programs. For starters, here is a quick look at some very short Win32 programs you can build with Mingw and gcc. After that, dig into the sections below for more details and reference information.

An introduction to (mostly) GNU C and C++ programming tools for people who are unfamiliar with GNU C and C++ (i.e. how to use the compiler and such). Programming Windows for people who are familiar with programming in C and C++, but don't know windows programming. Basics of C and C++ programming for beginning programmers (i.e. what is programming, what is a compiler, what is the pre-processor, and topics like that). If you are a complete beginner you may want to look at this section first (especially the references at the bottom of the first page).

Written by Colin Peters. This collection of pages is available as a single compressed file (in .zip format) which you can put in a directory on your hard drive and read at your leisure offline. This tutorial was last updated on August 12, 2001. [10/17/2002 9:54:09 PM]

Hello, Windows!

Hello, Windows!
The Simplest Win32 Program You Will Ever See
The following source code is probably the simplest Win32 program that it is possible to write. Follow the link to see the code. simple.c You can build that program using the following sequence of commands (assuming you have saved the code in a file called simple.c): gcc -c -o simple.o simple.c gcc -o simple.exe simple.o

A More Complete Example

This is a longer and more complex example which creates a window with a button in it. test.c You can compile that program like this gcc -c -o test.o test.c gcc -o test.exe test.o [10/17/2002 9:54:10 PM]

/* * The simplest Windows program you will ever write. * * This source code is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN and has NO WARRANTY. * * Colin Peters <colinp at>, July 1, 2001. */ #include <windows.h> int STDCALL WinMain (HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR lpCmd, int nShow) { MessageBox (NULL, "Hello, Windows!", "Hello", MB_OK); return 0; } [10/17/2002 9:54:10 PM]

/* * A basic example of Win32 programming in C. * * This source code is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN and has NO WARRANTY. * * Colin Peters <colinp at> */ #include <windows.h> #include <string.h> /* * This is the window function for the main window. Whenever a message is * dispatched using DispatchMessage (or sent with SendMessage) this function * gets called with the contents of the message. */ LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /* The window handle for the "Click Me" button. */ static HWND hwndButton = 0; static int cx, cy; /* Height and width of our button. */ HDC PAINTSTRUCT RECT hdc; ps; rc; /* A device context used for drawing */ /* Also used during window drawing */ /* A rectangle used during drawing */

/* * Perform processing based on what kind of message we got. */ switch (nMsg) { case WM_CREATE: { /* The window is being created. Create our button * window now. */ TEXTMETRIC tm; /* First we use the system fixed font size to choose * a nice button size. */ hdc = GetDC (hwnd); SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject (SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT)); GetTextMetrics (hdc, &tm); cx = tm.tmAveCharWidth * 30; cy = (tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading) * 2; ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc); /* Now create the button */ hwndButton = CreateWindow ( "button", /* Builtin button class */ "Click Here", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0, 0, cx, cy, hwnd, /* Parent is this window. */ (HMENU) 1, /* Control ID: 1 */ ((LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam)->hInstance, NULL ); return 0; break; } (1 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:11 PM]

case WM_DESTROY: /* The window is being destroyed, close the application * (the child button gets destroyed automatically). */ PostQuitMessage (0); return 0; break; case WM_PAINT: /* The window needs to be painted (redrawn). */ hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps); GetClientRect (hwnd, &rc); /* Draw "Hello, World" in the middle of the upper * half of the window. */ rc.bottom = rc.bottom / 2; DrawText (hdc, "Hello, World", -1, &rc, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER); EndPaint (hwnd, &ps); return 0; break; case WM_SIZE: /* The window size is changing. If the button exists * then place it in the center of the bottom half of * the window. */ if (hwndButton && (wParam == SIZEFULLSCREEN || wParam == SIZENORMAL) ) { rc.left = (LOWORD(lParam) - cx) / 2; = HIWORD(lParam) * 3 / 4 - cy / 2; MoveWindow ( hwndButton, rc.left,, cx, cy, TRUE); } break; case WM_COMMAND: /* Check the control ID, notification code and * control handle to see if this is a button click * message from our child button. */ if (LOWORD(wParam) == 1 && HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED && (HWND) lParam == hwndButton) { /* Our button was clicked. Close the window. */ DestroyWindow (hwnd); } return 0; break; } /* If we don't handle a message completely we hand it to the system * provided default window function. */ return DefWindowProc (hwnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam); } int STDCALL WinMain (HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR lpCmd, int nShow) (2 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:11 PM]

{ HWND MSG WNDCLASSEX char* hwndMain; /* Handle for the main window. */ msg; /* A Win32 message structure. */ wndclass; /* A window class structure. */ szMainWndClass = "WinTestWin"; /* The name of the main window class */

/* * First we create a window class for our main window. */ /* Initialize the entire structure to zero. */ memset (&wndclass, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)); /* This class is called WinTestWin */ wndclass.lpszClassName = szMainWndClass; /* cbSize gives the size of the structure for extensibility. */ wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); /* All windows of this class redraw when resized. */ = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; /* All windows of this class use the MainWndProc window function. */ wndclass.lpfnWndProc = MainWndProc; /* This class is used with the current program instance. */ wndclass.hInstance = hInst; /* Use standard application icon and arrow cursor provided by the OS */ wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wndclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon (NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW); /* Color the background white */ wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject (WHITE_BRUSH); /* * Now register the window class for use. */ RegisterClassEx (&wndclass); /* * Create our main window using */ hwndMain = CreateWindow ( szMainWndClass, "Hello", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL );

that window class.

/* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /* /*

Class name */ Caption */ Style */ Initial x (use default) */ Initial y (use default) */ Initial x size (use default) */ Initial y size (use default) */ No parent window */ No menu */ This program instance */ Creation parameters */

/* * Display the window which we just created (using the nShow * passed by the OS, which allows for start minimized and that * sort of thing). (3 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:11 PM]

*/ ShowWindow (hwndMain, nShow); UpdateWindow (hwndMain); /* * The main message loop. All messages being sent to the windows * of the application (or at least the primary thread) are retrieved * by the GetMessage call, then translated (mainly for keyboard * messages) and dispatched to the appropriate window procedure. * This is the simplest kind of message loop. More complex loops * are required for idle processing or handling modeless dialog * boxes. When one of the windows calls PostQuitMessage GetMessage * will return zero and the wParam of the message will be filled * with the argument to PostQuitMessage. The loop will end and * the application will close. */ while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage (&msg); DispatchMessage (&msg); } return msg.wParam; } (4 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:11 PM]

Introduction to GNU Programming Tools

Introduction to (mostly) GNU Programming Tools

To write Win32 programs you need a whole set of tools. Most of these tools are included in the gcc compiler suite. For those parts that aren't included I'll discuss one or two options if possible.
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Editor Compiler Preprocessor Linker Archiver (Librarian) Debugger Resource Compiler DLL Import Library Tool Project Building Tool Revision Management [10/17/2002 9:54:11 PM]

Introduction to GNU Programming Tools

An editor is a program which you use to edit your source code. The GNU compiler suite, like any C or C++ compiler, understands code written in plain text. You can't use a word processor like Word(TM), because uses it's own special file format to store information about the formatting of the text you write (like which parts are in bold and which are italics), margin settings, pictures, and so on. (Word(TM) and almost any other word processor can store plain text, but word processors really aren't much good for writing source code anyway.) The details of actually using an editor are usually explained by the documentation for the editor itself. For advice on writing source code see the appropriate section in my basics of programming pages.

Choosing an Editor
In the GNU world one of the most widely used editors is called Emacs. Emacs includes a whole programming language (basically a form of LISP) which makes it almost infinitely customizable. There are special modes specifically for writing source code and debugging as well. There is a version of Emacs compiled for Win32. An alternative to Emacs, and the editor I use, is a version of vi called vim.Vim is less powerful and customizable than Emacs, but it is also a lot smaller, and I'm used to it (which is the main basis for choosing an editor anyway). There are any number of other text editors available, many of them with special features for programming (like syntax coloring, where special keywords in the programming language you are using are drawn in a different color). A cursory search of the Web should turn up any number of text editors for you to choose from. [10/17/2002 9:54:12 PM]

Writing Source Code

Writing Source Code

Here is some basic advice on writing source code for your programs.

Split any Significant Program Into Modules

A single source file shouldn't be too long. I generally find that one or two thousand lines is the upper limit. Bascially the idea is that you should be able to split any significant program into bite-sized chunks of related functions. If a program is split up into appropriate modules you will find that you don't have to search through reams of unrelated code for the piece you want to edit, and you also won't have to jump around between half a dozen or more source files when working on a single problem. For C++ programs an effective strategy is often to put each class (or related set of small classes) in it's own file. For C programs one generally puts sets of closely related functions in a single file.

Use a Consistent and Clear Style

Place braces, "{" and "}", clearly, and indent appropriately to represent the nesting of loops, if and else clauses, switches and other such statements. Source code which uses a consistent style is much easier to read, and if you write programs that anybody actually uses you will end up reading the code at some point and wondering what you were thinking when you wrote it.

Name Functions, Classes and Variables Clearly

When you look at the name of a function, class or variable it should be clear 1. What the purpose of the item is (e.g. ReadBitmapFile, fileToRead, cBitmap) 2. What type of item it is (a function, a class, or a variable and what type of variable) When I say clear I mean clear within some basic framework. It would be silly, though not unheard of, to label each item like "function_ReadBitmapFile", "variable_file_handle_FileToRead", "class_Bitmap" and so on. However, using consistant abbreviations and conventions to do the same thing is a good idea. Thus a name beginning with a capitol letter is a function, a name prefixed with 'c' is a class, and variables are prefixed with a lower-case abbreviation representing their type (like n for integer, d for double, sz for C-style string, str for C++ string objects, and so on) in much of the code I write. Don't give in to the temptation to save typing by over-abbreviation. When you look at code six months later it really is easier to understand "GetWindowHandle (nListIndex)" rather than "gwhn(n)". Of course, don't go completely overboard with long names either ("GetWindowHandleAtGivenIndexInList (nListIndex)" is generally redundant). (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:12 PM]

Writing Source Code

Use Comments
Not only do comments help you understand the code you wrote when you read it again, they also help you organize yourself while you are writing code. By writing comments at the beginning of if else clauses or switch cases explaining what you intend to do but filling in the actual code later you can quickly lay down the fundamental structure of a piece of code and evaluate for yourself whether an idea works when translated into code. However, avoid using meaningless comments like: nErr = ERROR_NO_MEMORY; /* Set error value to no memory error. */ or for (x = 1; x < 10; ++x) /* Loop from 1 to 9 */

Anyone who knows enough about C programming to think about editing code should be able to understand the code at the level written in those comments without reading the comments themselves. Comments should explain why the memory error value is set (if it wasn't explained already) and why there is a loop from 1 to 9 (particularly, why 1 and why 9) and what it does.

Be Consistent
I said something like that above, but it can't be said enough. All 'rules' of programming are matters of taste. Some people prefer larger modules and some prefer smaller. Some people comment almost every line, some write large blocks of explanation (my style), and some write only terse comments on particularly obscure points. There are various religions... er... schools of thought concerning where the opening brace should be placed after a while statement, and whether functions should be named like "get_next_handle" or "GetNextHandle" and so on. What is important is not really which style you choose, but that it is clear to you and you use it consistently. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:12 PM]

Modules and Scope

Modules and Scope [10/17/2002 9:54:13 PM]

Functions and Arguments

Functions and Arguments

Arguments and Return Types

Function Definition
Function Declaration

Function Body

Prototype Declarations

Extern and Static Functions [10/17/2002 9:54:13 PM]

Classes and Objects

Classes and Objects [10/17/2002 9:54:13 PM]

Flow Control and Statement Blocks

Flow Control
Statements and Statement Blocks


Else If

Switch and Case Statements


Break or Fall-Through

For Loops

Break and Continue

While Loops (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:14 PM]

Flow Control and Statement Blocks

Do-Until Loops and Do-While Loops (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:14 PM]

Variables, Constants and Basic Types

In math a variable is an abstract label that can represent any number. In programming a variable performs almost the same task, but the differences are important. In programming a variable is a label for a specific piece of memory where some data will be stored. A variable can be used to hold a piece of data which was input by the user, or the result of a calculation, or in fact anything that it is possible to represent as digital data.

Variable Declarations
In C and C++ a variable must be declared before it can be used. Declaring a variable tells the compiler the type of the variable and it's name along with any other special properties it has. int x; double dFirst, b; char c; /* x is an integer */ /* dFirst and b are double-precision floating-point numbers */ /* c is a character */

The above are all examples of simple declarations. The structure of a declaration is like this: type name-list; The basic types available are described below. The name list is a list of one or more names separated by commas. Variable names are case sensitive (FOO, Foo and foo are all different variables) and can consist of any combination of letters or numbers and underscore characters '_' except for the first character, which cannot be a number. It is also not recommended to use the underscore as the first character, since that is used for special symbols supplied by the compiler or standard library authors.

Basic Types
Integers (int, short, long)
In math an integer is a positive or negative number with no fractional part, like -1, 0, 1, 2, 758 or -23476. In C or C++ an integer is a type that represents positive or negative whole numbers with a natural-sized word of memory. You can declare variables of the integer type using the type name int, like this: int x; /* x is an integer variable */ When I say an integer (or "int", as C programmers often call them) is "natural-sized" I mean that it is the largest size that the computer can easily (i.e. quickly) manipulate with one simple instruction. (For example, it is generally possible to multiply two integers with a single instruction.) When programming for Win32, you are generally dealing with what is called a 32-bit machine, and that means the "natural size" for a word is 32-bits. This, in turn, means that an int can represent any number between about -2 billion and +2 billion. By putting the keyword short in front of the int you can declare a short integer variable. You can also just use the word short by itself. Short integers are smaller than ints (but there is really not much call to use them these days). Generally a short will be 16 bits, capable of representing integers in the range -32767 to +32767. (1 of 8) [10/17/2002 9:54:15 PM]

Variables, Constants and Basic Types

On the other hand the keyword long declares a long integer type variable. Back in the days of 16-bit computers a long was 32 bits and an int was 16 bits (the same size as a short). Today a long is still generally 32 bits, but ints have caught up.

In math an integer can be either positive or negative, and normal int variables in C or C++ are the same. However, you can also declare a variable as an unsigned int, which means that it can only represent positive numbers (in the range of 0 to 4 billion or so), which doesn't make much sense in math, but that's C for you. You can also declare unsigned short int variables and unsigned long int variables. There is also a keyword signed which can be used in the same way as unsigned to indicate that the variable can hold both positive and negative numbers. However, this is the default for ints, so it is not generally necessary.

Real Numbers (float, double)

A number with a decimal point, like 1.1, 3.141, or 6.03e24 (or, for that matter 1.000000), is called a real number in math, but in C this is called a float or possibly a double. The word "float" stands for floating point, which describes the general way these numbers are represented in memory. (What it comes down to is that they are basically represented in a kind of binary scientific notation, with a limited number of digits after the decimal point-- or maybe it should be called the binary point?) A double is just like a float except that it has more significant digits. Both types require considerably more memory to store and processing time to manipulate than ints and their relatives. Nowadays floats are not used much, and normally you will see doubles where a real number is necessary.

Characters (char)
A character (signified by the type name char) is a type of variable which represents a letter, number, or punctuation mark (plus a few other symbols). A char variable can also represent a small integer number. The signed and unsigned keywords can be used with char like they can with int. Whether char is by default signed or unsigned is not standardized, so you need to use one of those keywords if it is important that you know whether the variable is signed or unsigned. Signed characters can generally represent numbers in the range -128 to 127, while unsigned characters can represent numbers from 0 to 255. Ordinary English letters, numbers and punctuation marks are always represented with positive numbers.

Wide Characters (wchar_t)

Some languages, like Chinese and Japanese, cannot fit their alphabets into the 256 values available with a char. For these languages there is an extended character type called wchar_t. Unfortunately I don't know much more about it.

A string is a sequence of characters, for example a file name or a line of text from a book. There is built in string type in C, although there is one in C++. In C strings are represented as arrays of characters terminated with a 'null' character (with the value zero). For more about strings see the section on strings. (2 of 8) [10/17/2002 9:54:15 PM]

Variables, Constants and Basic Types

Void is not a type used for actual variables directly. However it is used when declaring functions which return no value in place of a returned type. Void is also used to declare void pointers, which are variables that point at objects with any type.

An enumeration is a set of named constant integers. You specify an enumeration type like this: enum eColor { black, red, green, blue, yellow, purple, white }; After you have done that you can declare a variable of the enumeration type: enum eColor colorBackground = white; In C you need to include the enum keyword when declaring variables of the enumeration type, in C++ you only need to include enum when specifying the enumeration, so the above variable declaration could be: eColor colorBackground = white;

Boolean (C++ only)

In C++ there is a Boolean type, which has two possible values: true or false. The Boolean type is identified by the type name bool. bool bFlag = false; Boolean variables can be assigned the results of comparisons, like this: bFlag = (x != 10);

Constants and Literals

Sometimes you don't want a variable that you can change, you just want to enter some raw data that the program can use. For example, in the ever-popular "Hello, world!" program shown below, the text "Hello, world!\n" is not a variable. Instead, this is an example of a literal, in particular, that is a piece of raw text, and a chunk of text is called a string, so a literal chunk of text is called a string literal. int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { printf("Hello, world!\n"); return 0; } There are several kinds of literals: (3 of 8) [10/17/2002 9:54:15 PM]

Variables, Constants and Basic Types


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Character literals are single characters enclosed in single quotes, like 'x', 'A' or '\n'. (But the last one is not a single character you say? I'll get to that.) Integer literals are just integers. They can be in regular decimal format or in hexadecimal if you put "0x" at the front. So 1999 and -28768 are integer literals in decimal, and 0xFFFF is an integer literal in hexadecimal (hexadecimal literals can't have a sign, i.e. they are in unsigned representation). Unsigned integer literals are unsigned numbers with a 'U' at the end like 4095U. Long integer literals are integers in the same format as regular integer literals, but followed by a letter 'L' as in 1939290L, or 0x10000000L. Floating point literals are numbers with a decimal point like 6.4, -0.001 or 3.14123. They can also be written using scientific notation where "E" means "times ten to the power of" an integer following it. Thus 6.0E3 means 6.0 times 10 to the power of 3 (or 1000, so the final value is 6000), an 1.0e-10 means 0.0000000001. String literals are pieces of text enclosed in quotes. "Hello, world!\n" or "Syntax error." are string literals. Boolean literals are available only in C++. You can define a Boolean value simply using the word "true" or "false".

Here are some examples of variables being initialized using literals: char c int x long l */ double = 'A'; /* The character variable c contains the character "A". */ = 10; /* The integer variable x contains the value 10. */ = 2000000000L; /* The long integer variable l contains the value two billion.

d = 6.02e23; /* The double-precision floating point variable d contains * the value 6.02 times ten to the power of 23. */ bool b = true; /* The boolean variable b contains the value true. */ char* message = "Whoa!"; /* The character pointer variable message points at the * beginning of the word "Whoa!". */ That last one might be a bit tricky. Try looking at the discussion of strings in basic types above.

Escaped Characters
When declaring character or string literals you may want to include a character which cannot be included by directly typing it. For example, if you wanted to put a 'newline' character in a string you can't type something like this: const char* szMessage = "This is not a valid string literal." You also couldn't include a quote character, because that would end the string literal. const char* szInstructions = "Enclosed the name in "quotes"."; /* Won't work! */ To include special characters like this you need to use an escape code, which is a backslash (\) followed by a special code from the following list:
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\n : newline \r : carriage return \t : tab \v : vertical tab \b : backspace (4 of 8) [10/17/2002 9:54:15 PM]

Variables, Constants and Basic Types

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\f : form feed \a : bell \\ : backslash \? : question mark (not usually necessary) \' : single quote or apostrophe \" : double quote

In addition there are two ways to specify a character using a number:


A backslash followed by one, two or three digits specifies a character using an octal number. The most common use for this is to specify a 'null character' like this : '\0'. A backslash followed by an x and then followed by a sequence of hexadecimal digits specifies the character represented by that hexadecimal number.

Thus the above examples could be done like this (with an appropriate change in the content of the first string literal): const char* szMessage = "This is a\nvalid string literal."; const char* szInstructions = "Enclose the name in \"quotes\".";

Constant Variables
Sometimes you need a number in your program, but it doesn't need to be changed. In this case you can use constant variables. You declare a constant by adding the keyword const to the type name, like this: const double pi = 3.1415923; Since the variable is a constant, you have to initialize it with a value and you cannot change it. This kind of thing will cause an error (or at least a warning): pi = pi * 2; /* Error: modifying const variable. */

External, Static and Automatic Variables

Generally, declaring a variable assigns the variable name to a piece of memory. However, including the keyword extern in front of the type says that "there is this variable of this type somewhere (perhaps in another module) and I want to use it." The variable name and type are known to the compiler while it reads the rest of your source file (so it won't tell you the variable does not exist), but it assumes that the actual variable will be defined, and perhaps initialized, elsewhere. When your program is linked the reference from the module that used the extern variable will be connected to the real variable in the module that defined it. For example, consider two files, one called one.c and one called two.c. Here is the first: /* In the file one.c */ extern int x; /* The variable x is actually defined elsewhere, but used below. */ int foo (int y) { (5 of 8) [10/17/2002 9:54:15 PM]

Variables, Constants and Basic Types

return x + y; /* You can use x here, for example. This adds x and * the supplied value, and returns the result. */ } Here is the second file: /* In the file two.c */ int x = 0; /* Notice how the variable is defined here. */ void bar (int z) { x += z; /* This adds a value to x and saves it in x. */ return; } In yet a third file main could do this: int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int y = 1; int z = 5; /* foo returns x + y, and x is zero now. */ printf ("y is %d and x + y is %d\n", y, foo(y)); /* bar adds z to x, so x becomes 5 (the current value of z). */ bar (z); /* Now x + y is 6. */ printf ("now x + y is %d\n", foo(y)); return 0; } The output of the program would be y is 1 and x + y is 1 now x + y is 6 Notice how you don't need to add any special keyword where the variable is defined. Variables defined outside of the body of any function are automatically accessible as external variables. If you leave the extern off the declaration in the file one.c, it becomes an external definition, and the linker will complain, because there are two externally accessible variables with the same name. The keyword static, on the other hand, declares a variable which cannot be used as an external variable from another file. If a variable is static then you can define a variable with the same name in two files, like this: /* In the file one.c */ static int x = 0; /* This x is defined here, and used below. */ (6 of 8) [10/17/2002 9:54:15 PM]

Variables, Constants and Basic Types

int foo (int y) { return x + y; /* You can use x here, for example. This adds x and * the supplied value, and returns the result. */ } Here is the second file: /* In the file two.c */ static int x = 0; /* This x is defined here and is separate from the * one above. */ void bar (int z) { x += z; /* This adds a value to the x defined in this file and * saves it in that x. */ return; } This time main could do this: int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int y = 1; int z = 5; /* foo returns x + y, and x is zero now. (meaning the x in one.c) */ printf ("y is %d and x + y is %d\n", y, foo(y)); /* bar adds z to x (in two.c), so x becomes 5 (the current value of z). */ bar (z); /* But bar didn't change x in one.c, so x + y is still 1, not 6. */ printf ("now x + y is %d\n", foo(y)); return 0; } The output of the program would be y is 1 and x + y is 1 now x + y is 1 In fact, extern and static don't work just for variables, they also work for functions. There is a third class of variable, neither static nor extern, called automatic variables. Automatic variables are variables declared inside a function, unless the keyword extern or static was used to declare the variable (i.e. variables declared inside a function are automatic by default). Automatic variables only exist from the point where they are declared until the end of the function or statement block (a set of statements enclosed in '{' and '}') where they were declared. After the function (or (7 of 8) [10/17/2002 9:54:15 PM]

Variables, Constants and Basic Types

statement block) ends, the variable is thrown away and its value is lost (and the memory it took up is free for use by other automatic variables in other functions). In C, all the variables you use in a statement block (including the body of a function) have to be declared at the start of the block. In C++ you can declare variables anywhere in the function. The following fragment of code is fine in C++, but incorrect in C. int x = 1; int y = 2; printf ("x + y is %d\n", x, y); int z; /* Create a new variable z. */ z = x + y; /* Assign the sum of x and y to the variable z. */ printf ("z is %d\n", z); To be correct in C you would have to move the definition of z to the front of the statement block like this. { /* Beginning of the block */ int x = 1; int y = 2; int z; /* ... */ printf ("x + y is %d\n", x, y); z = x + y; /* Assign the sum of x and y to the variable z. */ printf ("z is %d\n", z); /* ... */ } /* End of the block. */ The arguments of a function are also automatic variables. You don't need to declare them inside the function body, because they are already declared in the argument list. In C++ you can also declare variables inside the initializing statement of a for loop, like this: for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_INDEX; i++) { // ... do some processing ... } Such variables are available until the end of the for loop, (that is, inside the body of the loop) but not afterwards. (8 of 8) [10/17/2002 9:54:15 PM]

Programming Concepts

Programming Concepts
Here are a few basic programming concepts to help you get started. I focus on concepts which are important to C and C++ programming, because that is what I'm trying to explain. Other languages have different emphasis, or perhaps entirely different concepts.

Bits and Bytes

Computers only deal with numbers. Even though when you are programming you may be dealing with letters of the alphabet, to the computer these are all numbers which just happen to represent letters. Furthermore, a computer doesn't even understand digits from zero to nine; it only really understands one and zero. When you write down a large number each digit represents a power of ten (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands). The computer, basically, deals with any number larger than one in the same way, with each digit representing a power of two (ones, twos, fours, eights and so on). This system, binary arithmetic, can represent any number that normal decimal arithmetic (with powers of ten) can. Each digit (zero or one) in binary arithmetic is called a binary digit or bit. Computers often deal with these bits in groups which allow them to store a certain range of numbers:

A byte is a group of eight bits, which can represent 256 different values (integers from 0 to 255 for example, or 256 different letters and symbols). A byte is sometimes also called an octet, usually in connection with communications systems (like the protocols used on the Internet). A word is a larger group of bytes. In Win32 programming a word is usually regarded as two bytes, or 16 bits (this is a holdover from the days before Win32; the 32 in Win32 stands for 32-bits to differentiate it from the old 16-bit system). A group of four bytes, or 32 bits, is called a double-word.

To a computer everything is a number. A picture is just a big list of numbers which happen to mean what colors get drawn where on a screen. A novel is just a different big list of numbers, where some of the numbers represent letters and others represent the font (shape of characters to be displayed) or things like the size of the page. At the fundamental level, everything in a computer is a string of bits. For convenience, these strings of bits are arranged in groups (bytes or words). Furthermore, different meaning can be assigned to the same group of bits or bytes. The arrangement of bits to carry a certain meaning or value can be called the representation. For example, a single byte can represent numbers between 0 and 255. This is called the unsigned integer representation of a byte. However, a single byte can also represent numbers between -128 and 127. Because this allows numbers with a sign to be represented, this is called the signed integer representation of the byte. A single byte can also represent a letter (A, B, C... Y, Z) or symbol (#, $, %). This is called the character representation. A collection of bytes can represent a word or sentence, and this is called a string. A word might also represent an address in memory. A number of bytes together can represent a real number (with a decimal point, like 3.14123), called the floating point representation. There is no limit on the set of possible representations (although only a certain set of the possible representations are standard).

Memory (1 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:16 PM]

Programming Concepts

A computer's memory is a very large set of bytes in which it stores the numbers (and letters and so on, but they're really all just bits) that it is using at the moment. When you write a letter using a word processor for example, the computer loads the word processing program file into memory, and also keeps the letter in memory as you write it. When you have finished the letter you can save it, and exit the word processor program, which is then discarded from memory along with your letter (but the files stay on disk where you can use them to load the program again later). I say the memory is a collection of bytes because the bytes are arranged and numbered in order from zero to some very large number (if you have 128 Mbytes of memory for example, the bytes are numbered from zero to 134,217,727). The number of each byte is called its address.

This is important. The whole point of programming is to create programs, so it's important to know what a program is. A program is a list of step by step instructions telling the computer how to do something. Computers are very stupid, so they need explicit, detailed, step-by-step instructions in order to do anything. Reading a file from a disk into memory, displaying a word on the screen, and so on are all accomplished by telling the computer exactly which signals need to be sent to the hardware (the disk drive, or the video controller) at what time. A collection of these instructions strung together to make the computer do something useful (or at least do something) is a program.

A file is a collection of data stored together under one name on a disk (or some other permanent media). The computer must read the data from a file into memory before it can do anything with it, and in order to save data so that it will not be lost when the computer is turned off (or the program ends), the data will usually have to be written to a file.

A variable in math is a symbol representing an arbitrary number. In programming, a variable is also a symbol (the variable name) which represents an arbitrary number (the value of the variable). However, that is pretty much where the similarity ends. In math you write and manipulate equations to prove things which are true for all possible values of a variable, or to find the set of possible values for which the equation is true. In programming a variable has a particular value at any given time, and the reason it is called a variable is because that value can be changed as the program runs. A variable can be used to store a number input by a user, or the position of the mouse (periodically updated), or the result of a calculation, and so on. Each variable in C or C++ has a type. The type of a variable determines its size in memory (the number of bytes it takes to store) and its representation, such as int for integer words, char for character bytes, and float for floating point numbers. There is more on variables in C and C++ in the section on Variables.

Assignment and Arithmetic

Variables can be used to perform arithmetic. That is, you can add, subtract, multiply and divide using variables (as well as ordinary numbers, or constants). You have to assign the result of such arithmetic to a variable (or otherwise make use of it immediately). Thus the following statement: x = y + 4; (2 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:16 PM]

Programming Concepts

This assigns the result of adding four to the current value of the variable y to the variable x. Note that this is very different from what the same set of symbols means in math. To further illustrate, the following doesn't make much sense in math: x = x + 1; There is no (ordinary) number which is equal to itself plus one, which is what the above would mean in math, but in programming it is perfectly ordinary and results in the variable x having a value one greater after the statement has been performed.

Again functions in programming are something like functions in math. In math a function is something that takes a number or set of numbers and produces a result (generally another number or set of numbers). A function in C programming can take a number (or any combination of variables and constants) and can return a single value. For example, a (trivial) function that adds two numbers and returns the sum could look like this: int Add (int x, int y) { return (x + y); } The first line says that "Add is a function that takes two integer arguments, x and y, and returns an integer." The stuff (or code) inside the braces {} tells the computer how to accomplish the function. In this case, it tells the computer to add together x and y and then return the result. Each C program starts with a single function, usually called main, from which all other functions are called. The real reason to use functions is to structure your program so that it is easier to write, more efficient, more flexible and easier to change. Consider, for example, if you were writing a program to show a list of information about people in your electronic address book. Say you design the program to take a name and display all the entries that match the name, showing either the phone number or the address of the person. You could write this as one long main function. However, it would be much better to break it down into smaller functions. For example:

q q

A function to read the option settings and arguments (the name to search for, and whether it is phone numbers or addresses). If the user didn't enter the data properly this function could call another function to display some help. A function which takes a name and fills in a list with the data (probably a structure) for each entry matching the name. It does this by calling a function which finds the next entry matching the name repeatedly until it reaches the end of the address book. A function which displays a list of phone numbers from the list obtained by the function above. A function which displays a list of addresses from the list obtained by the function above.

If you do this then the main function could look something like this: int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { struct option_t options; /* A structure to hold the options settings */ struct person_t* list; /* A pointer to the first entry in the list */ /* Read the options and fill the options structure. */ if (!read_options (argc, argv, &options)) (3 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:16 PM]

Programming Concepts

{ /* Reading options failed. Stop. */ return -1; } /* Get the list of people matching the name. */ if (!get_list (, &list)) { /* No matches. Stop. */ printf ("No names match!\n"); return 1; } /* Print the list of phone numbers or addresses */ if (options.phone_numbers_flag) { print_phone_numbers (list); } else { print_addresses (list); } /* Finished, clean up and exit. */ free_list (list); return 0; } Although there are a lot of details in there that probably don't make much sense right now, even a novice can see basically what is happening. Even without the comments it wouldn't be very difficult. On the other hand, if everything was in one long function it would be very difficult to figure out what the program was supposed to do. Also, if you want to change the way options are set, or the format used to print the entries, you don't have to change this function at all, only the function which reads the options or prints the report.

Flow Control
Flow control is a general term for deciding what gets done next in a program. There are a number of generally useful forms that show up in many programming languages including C. See the section on Flow Control and Statement Blocks for more detailed information.

If, then, else

Perhaps the simplest form of flow control is a statement which is performed if some condition is met. In C, for example, the following fragment of code will output (using a function called printf) the words "x is too small" if x is less than 10: if (x < 10) { printf ("x is too small\n"); } (4 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:16 PM]

Programming Concepts

The part that gets executed if the condition is met is sometimes called the then clause. It is also possible to add statements which are executed if the condition is not met, for example: if (x < 10) { printf ("x is too small\n"); } else { printf ("x is ok\n"); } If the value of the variable x is greater or equal to ten, "x is ok" is output. The set of statements executed when the condition is not met is called, appropriately enough, the else clause.

A loop is a block of code that can be executed more than once. In C there are three types of loop, but probably the easiest one to understand is the 'while' loop. It looks like this: c = getchar(); while (c != EOF) { printf ("%02x ", c); c = getchar(); } /* Read a single character */ /* If not End Of File then... */ /* Print the value of the character */ /* Get another character */

This loop starts after the function getchar has been used to read a character into the variable c. If the character 'read' was a special end-of-file character then the loop doesn't get executed, and the program will continue after the final '}', otherwise printf is used to display the value of the character (in hexadecimal, just to make it interesting) and another character is read. At that point the loop checks the condition "c != EOF" again and, if c is not EOF, does the loop again. It will keep running the loop until the condition "c != EOF" is false, that is, until the special EOF character is returned by getchar.

Pointers are very important in C, and still pretty important in C++, but they are often very difficult for new programmers to understand and use. Recall that the computer has a memory divided into bytes, and that each byte of that memory has an address. Each variable in your program is stored somewhere in the computer's memory, and therefore there is an address for that variable. A pointer is a variable which stores an address, so it can point to another variable. Below is a simple example of pointers and the operators '&' ("address of"), and '*' ("the variable pointed to by"). Don't worry if it doesn't make perfect sense. I'll try to explain in more detail in the section on pointers. int x = 10; int* px; px = &x; printf ("%d\n", x); *px = 5; printf ("%d\n", x); /* Initialize an integer variable x with the value 10 */ /* Declare a variable px with the type "pointer to integer" */ /* /* /* /* Assign the address of x to px */ Prints the value of x, "10" */ Assign 5 to the variable pointed to by px (that is, x) */ Print the value of x again, now its "5"! */ (5 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:16 PM]

Programming Concepts

The above example is pretty pointless, but in practice pointers make it possible to do some very useful things because they allow your code to choose which variables it works with at run time (that is, while the program is running and probably based on some sort of input one way or another). In addition to memory allocation (which allows you to create arbitrary new variables at run time) this is essential for almost any program. C++ insulates the programmer from some of the more mundane uses of pointers (for example, using pointers to create variable length lists and such), but you will still run into them with great regularity.

Data Structures
C and C++ offer certain basic types for variables which correspond to some different representations. However, sometimes you want to group together a set of data for some reason. For example, in the address book example above (under functions) we wanted to group together various pieces of information associated with a person, such as the name, address and phone number. For this you can use a structure. A structure is a set of variables grouped together, and structures themselves can be treated as variables. For the address book, say that each person has a name, address, telephone number, sex and age. We could define a structure like this: struct person_t { char struct address_t int char */ unsigned int };

name[64]; address; telephone; sex; age;

/* /* /* /*

A 64-character array for the name */ An address structure for the address */ The telephone number, stored as an integer */ The sex, stored as a single character ('M' or 'F')

/* The age, stored as an unsigned integer. */

That is not really a great structure, but it would do the job. Notice that a structure can contain other structures, like the address structure above (that would have to be defined as well, but I haven't shown the definition). Then we could define variables of the "person" type and use them for various things. For example, we could write a function which read in the data for a person input by the user and then another function which searched for the 'best match' for that person. struct person_t search_for, found; get_person_from_user (&search_for); find_match (&search_for, &found); display_person (&found);

In C++ there is a type of structure called a class (or, from a C++ perspective, a structure is just a kind of class). A class is a way of representing an abstract object. Like a structure, a class contains data about the object it represents. However, a class also has functions. For example, if we defined a person class corresponding to the structure defined in the example above (under data structures), it could have member functions which performed tasks related to the object, such as filling it with user input data, or displaying the contents: (6 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:16 PM]

Programming Concepts

class cPerson { // Declarations of various data members go here... public: void Display (); void GetFromUser (); }; Then the code fragment to get a person's data from the user and then search for a match could look like this: cPerson search_for, found; search_for.GetFromUser(); Match (&search_for, &found); found.Display(); For more on why this can be a good thing (and the other things that classes can do), read Stroustrup's book, or any number of other books on object oriented programming. (7 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:16 PM]

The Compiler

The Compiler
After you have written your code with an editor, the compiler takes the source code files, for example C files (ending in .c) or C++ files (ending in .cpp or .cc) and transforms them into object files (ending in .o). With the GNU compiler suite there are separate compilers for each language (that is, there is a different program that compiles C programs and one that compiles C++ programs). But actually, you don't use these programs directly, you use a program called a front end. The idea of a front end is that it can take options and arguments that are easy to remember and understand and figure out which programs to use and what options to use for each program. For the GNU suite the main front end is called gcc. To get it to compile a program you type a command like this (in a DOS window or other command-line environment): gcc -c -o foo.o foo.c That command takes a source code file called foo.c, which, presumably, you wrote, and compiles it (that's what the -c means: compile) into an object file called foo.o (the -o option, followed by a file name, tells gcc to put the output of the compiler in a file with the name you give after the -o). One of the things gcc does for you is figure out which compiler to use. It calls the C compiler if you give it a source file ending in .c, and calls the C++ compiler for files ending in .cc or .cpp. It also calls the preprocessor (called cpp, but not to be confused with the ending for C++ source files). Finally, gcc acts as the front end for the linker as well. Take a look at the actual documentation for gcc online (from Cygnus Solutions). [10/17/2002 9:54:16 PM]

Characters and Strings

Characters and Strings

Characters (letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.) and strings (sequences of characters) are always stumbling blocks for beginning programmers in C and C++. In both C and C++ there is a basic character type called char. A variable of type char stores a single byte which represents an ASCII character. ASCII is a standard which defines which values of a byte represent which letters, numbers or punctuation symbols. This includes upper and lower-case English letters, numbers, space, tab, period, comma and so on. It does not include letters from other languages, although there are ways around this. In recent years the "wide character" type wchar_t has been defined as a larger type big enough to hold letters in languages other than English. The whole topic of internationalization (making it possible to write programs for people in many different countries) is quite large in itself, so I'll leave that for someone else to deal with. To get back to characters, there is no basic type called "string" in C (there is one in standard C++). However, there are many standard and non-standard library functions which operate on a char pointer treating it as a string. These functions all expect the pointer to point to the first member of an array of char. They also expect the special 'null' character to appear in the array after the last character in the string. In fact the C and C++ languages support a special syntax for creating static arrays and getting a pointer to the first character, shown below: char* szString = "Hello, World!\n"; In the above code fragment the "Hello, World!\n" part defines a piece of memory containing the letters 'H' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o' and so on, up to the final newline character and a null character. In the initialization of the variable szString this syntax then gives a pointer to the first letter in the defined piece of memory. You could imagine it something like the picture below: [10/17/2002 9:54:17 PM]


Pointers [10/17/2002 9:54:17 PM]

The Linker
The linker is a program that takes the object files (.o) produced by the compiler, including object files stored in libraries and turns them into programs (or DLLs). It does this by combining the object files and linking (or resolving) the names (or symbols) used in one object but not defined to symbols (i.e. pieces of code or data) defining those names in other objects. This is why it is called linking. In the GNU compiler suite the linker is called ld. However you should not run ld directly except under very special circumstances. Instead you should use the front end, gcc, which was mentioned in the section on the compiler. To link a program you can type in a command like this: gcc -o foobar.exe foo.o bar.o That command produces a program called foobar.exe as output (from the -o foobar.exe argument) by combining the object files foo.o and bar.o. For any object file included directly on the linker command line (like foo.o and bar.o in that example) the linker simply includes all the symbols (functions and data) from the object file in the program. It also checks for the entry point (e.g. the function main in a consolebased C program) and includes the position of that function in the program header so that when the program is run it will start at that function.

Linking With Libraries

To link with a library you can do two things. You can include the library on the linker command line directly, like this: gcc -o foobar.exe foo.o bar.o libstuff.a In addition to linking the object files foo.o and bar.o this will add the objects in the library libstuff.a that contain functions and data used by the first two objects (or, in turn, the objects linked in to provide those functions and/or data) to the program. You can also do this with the -l option (l for library). gcc -o foobar.exe foo.o bar.o -lstuff The -l option doesn't require that you know exactly where the library is, as long as it is one of a standard set of directories (the library path). Notice that you don't put a space between the name of the library and the -l option. Also, you don't use the full file name of the library but instead only the part after lib and before .a. The linker looks for the library called libstuff.a in some standard places and checks all the objects in the library for symbols which are used by foo.o or bar.o but which aren't defined by either of them. If it finds an object which supplies a needed symbol it includes that object in the executable (but (1 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:18 PM]

not the whole library). Of course, it also checks objects included from libraries in this way for undefined symbols and trys to resolve them as well, which may lead to more objects being included from libraries until all the symbols are resolved. One thing that is important to remember about linking with gcc is that it checks libraries in the order they appear, and it will only resolve references to symbols in libraries earlier on the command line if the object containing the symbol definition was already included for some other reason. Thus if foo.o uses a function in libstuff.a the following command line will fail: gcc -o foobar.exe -lstuff foo.o bar.o Also if the library libmorestuff.a uses functions in libstuff.a which are not used by foo.o or bar.o then the following may fail: gcc -o foobar.exe foo.o bar.o -lstuff -lmorestuff Finally, if a symbol is defined in two different libraries gcc will use the first one it finds and ignore the second one unless the second one is included in an object file which gets included for some other reason. Say the library libstuff.a defines a function called StuffIt and libmorestuff.a also defines a function called StuffIt in the same object file as a function called StuffSomeMore. If foo.o contained a call to StuffIt the function used will be the one in libstuff.a. However, if foo.o contained a call to both StuffIt and StuffSomeMore, or if bar.o contained a call to StuffSomeMore then the above example would result in an "duplicate symbol" error.

Telling gcc Where to Find Libraries

gcc will search in some default locations for libraries. It will also search all the directories listed in the environment variable LIBRARY_PATH. So, for example, including the following statement in the autoexec.bat file for Windows 98 will allow a Mingw32 version of gcc to find libstuff.a in the directory C:\mylibs or in the directory C:\usr\local\lib (note, you can use either slashes or backslashes as path separators, and you can leave off the drive letters if you always compile on the same drive as the directories listed in the path). SET LIBRARY_PATH=C:\mylibs;C:\usr\local\lib One of the directories not searched by default is the current directory. To include the current directory, or any other directory in the search use the -L option. The following command line would search in the current directory (indicated by the special name '.') and in the directory \usr\local\lib on the same drive for the library libstuff.a. gcc -o foobar.exe foo.o bar.o -L. -L/usr/local/lib -lstuff (2 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:18 PM]

Like the -l option you don't include a space between the -L and the directory name. You can use slashes or backslashes with the Mingw32 version of gcc, but I prefer to use slashes. Remember to include the -L option before the -l option so that the library path is set before gcc tries to search for the library. (3 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:18 PM]

Basic Syntax

Basic Syntax
Like English, C++ has words, space and punctuation. Also like English the number of spaces between words, or the position of line breaks (as long as they don't break a word in half) do not affect the meaning of a sentence. The compiler does not care how easy it is to read a piece of source code. Using spaces, line breaks, and indentation is for the convenience of human readers (such as yourself). However, computers are sticklers for 'proper' spelling, punctuation and, in the case of C++, capitalization. If you leave out a comma or a semi-colon, or use a lower-case letter where an upper case one should be used it will change the meaning of the code, and the compiler will probably complain. (Actually it's worse when the compiler doesn't complain, because you end up with a program that doesn't do what you wanted!) Of course, C++ is not English. The punctuation, the use of capitalization, the words and their meanings are all different.

In C++ a word or a single piece of punctuation is called a token. Tokens are separated by white space, which can mean any number of ordinary spaces, tab characters, or line breaks. Punctuation, like parentheses '(' ')', braces '{' '}', or commas and periods, don't need to be separated from other tokens by spaces. For example the tokens in this piece of code: int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return 0; } Are the following, in order: int main ( int argc , char * argv [ ] ) { return 0 ; } Written either way the code has the same meaning, but obviously the first one is easier to read.

In C++ there are a relatively small set of words that have fixed meanings. These words are called keywords and they include: (1 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:18 PM]

Basic Syntax

q q q

q q q q

The names of the basic types (int, char, float, double, bool, wchar_t) and their modifiers (short, long, signed, unsigned) The boolean constants (true, false) Keywords for variable and member declarations (extern, static, const, virtual, mutable, inline, auto, volatile, register, export) Flow control constructs like loops (do, while, for), conditionals (if, else), switches (switch, case, default) and special flow control keywords (continue, break, goto) Keywords for declaring and using new types (class, struct, union, enum, typedef, template, public, private, protected, friend, this) Type casting keywords (static_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast, const_cast) Memory allocation keywords (new, delete) Namespace and scope keywords (namespace, using) Exception processing keywords (try, catch, throw)

Plus some others. Learning C++ is not a matter of memorizing a bunch of keywords, but it is good to be aware of reserved words like these, so that you don't try to use them as variable or function names.

Words that are not keywords are available for use as the names of types (including classes, structures and enums), functions, variables, namespaces and such programmer-defined objects. Symbols, as such words are called, can generally consist of any combination of letters (upper-case and/or lower case), numbers and the underscore character '_'. One exception is that you can't begin a symbol name with a number. The following are all valid symbols: x name nCount caBuffer A_long_variable_name ReadFile m4 _danger The last example, that begins with an underscore, is a valid symbol. However, you should generally avoid such symbols since symbols with leading underscores are often used by libraries to avoid name conflicts (a better method is to use namespaces, but namespaces are a recent addition to C++).

In order to make your source code easier to read and understand it is useful (absolutely necessary in fact) to use comments in plain English (or whatever your native language might be) in the code to explain and clarify. Consider the difference comments make between: WNDCLASSEX wc; memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)); wc.size = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); and (2 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:18 PM]

Basic Syntax


/* Window class structure */

/* Prepare the window class structure to be filled in */ memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)); /* Zero clear */ wc.size = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); /* size is the size of the structure in bytes */ There are two ways to include comments in your code. A comment can be enclosed in /* */, like the above. This type of comment can cover several lines or have ordinary C++ code on either side on the same line: /* This is a multi-line comment */ int main (int argc /* Argument count */, char* argv[] /* Array of arguments */) The second way to include comments is to put two slashes (//) before a comment. After the two slashes everything up to the end of the line is ignored by the compiler. // This is a single line comment. int x; // A variable declaration. (3 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:18 PM]

Basics of C and C++ Programming

Basics of C++ Programming

These pages attempt to give an overview of some basic concepts, including the structure of the C++ programming language. You can read through them below, or you can refer back to them from pages in the main tutorial when you feel you don't understand a particular topic or piece of terminology.

Concepts and Terminology

Unless you are just starting to program you probably already know everything in this section.

Computer Basics and Programming Concepts

C++ Language Structures

Most people find learning by example easier than working from simple descriptions, so most people will find these pages most useful for reference when looking at examples elsewhere.
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Basic Syntax: Spaces, words and punctuation in the C++ language. Variables, Constants and Built-in Types: How to store data. Operators and Basic Expressions: How to do math (and other things). Flow Control and Statement Blocks: Repeating actions and responding to conditions. Functions and Arguments: Organizing the program. Modules and Scope: Dividing large programs into manageable pieces. Arrays: Groups of the same type of variable. Character Strings: How to deal with text. Pointers: Variables which point at other variables. Defining New Types: Variables beyond the basic types. Classes and Objects: The basis of object-oriented programming. Casts: Converting between types. The Preprocessor: The preprocessing step applied to all C++ source code.

These are pages on software design and good programming practices (at least in my opinion).
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The Programming Process: What are the steps involved in creating a program? Writing Source Code: Basic advice on coding style. (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:20 PM]

Basics of C and C++ Programming

Other Online Tutorials

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DevCentral C/C++ Tutorials The Programming Sharehouse's big list of C/C++ tutorials. Scroll down a bit on this page for some C++ Win32 tutorials. C++ Annotations, for people who already know C.

Book Recommendations
For C programming go out and get "The C Programming Language" 2nd Ed. (or later editions) by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. It is perhaps not the easiest tutorial for C programming, but it is the ultimate bible of C, and you will keep referring back to it even when you are an experienced programmer. K&R is particularly appropriate if you already know how to program in another language (even BASIC, for example). However, for programming beginners I have had Teach Yourself C in 21 Days and Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, both by Sam's Net publishers, recommended to me. I can't actually say anything myself, since I haven't read them. For a bible of C++ see The C++ Programming Language 3rd Ed. by Bjarne Stroustrup. That book is probably not good for beginners, but more experienced programmers should benefit from the detailed, if somewhat theoretical approach to C++ programming. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:20 PM]

Programming Windows

Programming Windows
Under Construction
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Hello, Windows Resources (Icons, Cursors, Menus and Dialogs) Dynamic Link Libraries Find the Library for a Win32 API Function [10/17/2002 9:54:20 PM]

Operators and Basic Expressions

Operators and Basic Expressions [10/17/2002 9:54:21 PM]


Arrays [10/17/2002 9:54:21 PM]

Defining New Types

Defining New Types [10/17/2002 9:54:21 PM]


Casts [10/17/2002 9:54:22 PM]


Both C and C++ source code passes through a stage called preprocessing. This process is performed by a tool called the preprocessor, before the code is compiled by the compiler. Preprocessing is done automatically. You don't have to explicitly invoke the preprocessor. Also, it simply modifies the source code as seen by the compiler. The preprocessor does not touch your actual source code file except to read it. So when I say the preprocessor "deletes comments and replaces them with a space" and things like that, it means that if there is a comment in your source file (the input to the preprocessor) then the source that the compiler sees will have a space in that position. It does not mean that the source file stored on your hard drive is edited.

What Happens During Preprocessing

The preprocessing step is a relatively simple process of text substitution. Basically it performs the following actions:

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Lines that end with a backslash ('\') are spliced together with the following line. This provides for macro definitions longer than a single line (see below). Comments are removed and replaced with a single space. Preprocessor directives are obeyed, including macro substitution, conditional compilation and includes.

It is important to realize that preprocessing is entirely done before the meaning of the source code itself is examined at all by the compiler. Using the #define directive is not like defining a variable, and a macro is not a function.

Preprocessor Directives
Preprocessing directives are indicated by lines starting with the 'sharp' symbol #. Each preprocessing directive occupies a single line (but keep in mind the line splicing performed by the preprocessor as mentioned above).
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Including Other Files Macro and Symbolic Constant Definitions Conditional Compilation

Preprocessor Gotchas! (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:22 PM]


The gcc preprocessor (cpp) can catch people off guard because it does some things in a way that is correct according to the standard but not what many people expect (and also not what some other preprocessors do). Two problems which I have seen raised recently are: 1. Backslash line splicing comes before comment removal. 2. Text must be valid C/C++ tokens even if conditional compilation is used to hide it from the compiler. The first problem causes code like this to behave unexpectedly: // See library in \foo\bar\ y = foobar(x); baz(y); The function foobar is never called and y is not assigned the value expected before the function baz is called. Why? Because the single line comment above ended in a backslash, and backslash as the last character on a line means the preprocessor should splice on the next line replacing the backslash and newline with whitespace. This happens before comments are removed. So, after line splicing the above source looks like this: // See library in \foo\bar y = foobar(x); baz(y); The comment is removed and all the compiler sees is "baz(y);". Be careful not to include a backslash as the last character in a 'single line' comment. (Note that this wouldn't be a problem in traditional C comments using /* */.) The second problem causes the preprocessor to fail on code like this: #if 0 This isn't good code. #endif The problem here is that there is an unclosed single quote in the line of text (the apostrophe in "isn't"). Even though the text is not passed to the compiler the preprocessor still works on C++ tokens (it needs to know about quoting of strings and characters in particular). If you are writing plain english text then use comments, not #if 0 blocks. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:22 PM]

The Preprocessor

The Preprocessor
The preprocessor is a program that performs simple text substitutions on your source code based on a set of commands called preprocessor directives which are those lines beginning with the # symbol in your C or C++ source code. Generally you will not use the preprocessor directly but it will be called by gcc for each C and C++ source file before the compiler is called. The preprocessor for the GNU compiler suite is called cpp. For more information on what the preprocessor does see the section on the preprocessor in the basics of programming pages. You will not run the preprocessor directly, but you can pass arguments and options to it from the gcc command line. The following sections describe the most common cases where you will want to do this.

Telling the Preprocessor Where to Find Include Files

You can tell the preprocessor to search extra directories for include files using the -I option or the C_INCLUDE_PATH and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variables. The following command line will tell the preprocessor to search the directory /src/bar/include (\src\bar\include on the current drive in DOS-speak) and the directory include under the current directory for include files used by foo.c. These directories will be searched before the system default directories. gcc -c -o foo.o -I/src/bar/include -Iinclude foo.c Including the following lines in Windows 95/98 autoexec.bat file, or setting the equivalent environment variables in the control panel for Windows NT, will search /extra/include/c for include files used by C source files, /extra/include/plus for include files used by C++ source files, and /extra/include/both for include files used by either C or C++. These directories will be searched after any directories specified with the -I option, but before the standard system directories. SET C_INCLUDE_PATH=/extra/include/c;/extra/include/both SET CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/extra/include/plus;/extra/include/both

Defining Constants at Compile Time (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:22 PM]

The Preprocessor

You can tell the preprocessor to act like you included a #define preprocessor directive as the first line of every source file you are compiling by using the -D option. gcc -c -o foo.o -DBAR foo.c The above command line will have the same effect on the compilation of foo.c as if you added the line #define BAR 1 to the top of foo.c. gcc -c -o foo.o -DBAZ=fuz foo.c The above command line will have the same effect as if you added the line #define BAZ fuz to the top of foo.c. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:22 PM]

Trouble With Symbolic Constants

When you define a symbolic constant with a preprocessor directive make sure you understand clearly what you are doing.

Operators in Symbolic Constants

Let's say you define a set of constants like this: #define FOO 8 #define BAR 4 #define FOOBAR FOO+BAR There is not actually much wrong with that, except that something like the following could happen: printf ("The answer is %d\n", 6*FOOBAR); The result of this code is a program which prints "the answer is 52", but 6 times 12 (FOO plus BAR) is 72, so what went wrong? The problem is that the printf line gets expanded to this: printf ("The anwser is %d\n", 6*8+4); The regular rules of precedence in C say that multiplication should be done before addition, so the printf displays 6 time 8 (48) plus 4, which is 52. To get the answer you were probably expecting you should define FOOBAR like this: #define FOOBAR (FOO+BAR) If that is done the printed result is the correct number, 72.

Confused Use of Symbolic Constants

Here is some code based on something which I actually saw someone try to use at one point: struct foo { /* ... some members ... */ }; main () { (1 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:23 PM]

struct foo fooStructure; #define FOOPTR (&fooStructure) ClearFooStructure (); /* ... other code ... */ return; } ClearFooStructure () { struct foo* fooStructure; fooStructure = (struct foo*) FOOPTR; /* Why is this cast necessary? */ /* ... code for clearing the structure pointed to by fooStructure ... */ } The author of the code came to me with a couple of questions. He inserted some debugging printf statements into his program and found that the value given by FOOPTR in main was different from that in the ClearFooStructure function (and in the fooStructure pointer in that function). He also wondered why he needed the cast to a pointer to struct foo on the line with the comment "Why is this cast necessary?" The problem is that the author was confusing preprocessing, which is an entirely text substitution oriented step, with the actual programming language. If we expand FOOPTR in the main function it gives us a pointer to the variable called fooStructure. In main the variable fooStructure is a valid struct foo variable and FOOPTR is a valid variable. However, the positioning of the define does not magically associate FOOPTR with the variable fooStructure at the point it is defined. The preprocessor just substitutes text. Thus in ClearFooStructure we get something like this: struct foo* fooStructure; fooStructure = (struct foo*) (&fooStructure); Now it should be evident (if you know some C) why the cast is necessary and why this doesn't do the right thing. The pointer fooStructure is being set to point at itself. The cast forces the compiler to let you make a pointer to a struct foo point at the space allocated for a pointer to a struct foo (not an actual struct foo). If the author had named the pointer something else there would have been no fooStructure variable at all and the file would have failed to compile. There are several morals here. If a cast is necessary where you don't think one should be necessary, or if a warning message occurs, the compiler is usually trying to tell you that you are doing something unconventional and probably not what you meant. (It is both a strength and a weakness of C that it lets you tell the compiler that you know what you are doing and force it to do strange things. PASCAL, I hear, just (2 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:23 PM]

wouldn't allow this sort of thing, which can be frustrating if you actually need to do something strange.) The second moral is that preprocessor symbolic constants are not part of the programming language. Preprocessing should be viewed as something separate from the language itself. (3 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:23 PM]

Trouble With Macros

Trouble With Macros

Macros may seem like a great idea at first, but it is important to use them with caution. A macro is not a function. Consider the macro MAX defined like this: #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b)) The problem with such a definition is that either a or b may be evaluated twice when the macro is included. This is no problem when a and b are just variable names, but consider this: z = MAX(++x,y); /* Increase x by 1 and set z to the maximum of the new x and y */

That gets expanded to this: z = (((++x)>(y) ? (++x) : (y)); This does not do what the comment says (and might reasonably have been expected for a function call). This increments x by 1, compares the new value to y, and if the incremented value is greater than y it increments x again and sets z to that value. On the other hand, if y is greater than the starting x value plus one then x is only incremented by one and z is set to the value of y. The moral of the story is to be very careful when using arguments to macros which might have side effects. Also, consider what happens if you put a function call in as one of the arguments to a macro like that. Yes, it could get called more than once (which might not be what you wanted). [10/17/2002 9:54:23 PM]

Including Other Files

Including Other Files: #include

One of the most common uses of the preprocessor is to include other files in a piece of source code. File inclusion directives look like this: #include <stdio.h> #include "foo.h" The preprocessor searches for the file named after the #include and replaces the #include statement with the full contents of that file. Generally this is useful for including common definitions of types and constants that you want to share across several source files. Because files you include with #include will often be included in several source modules you must avoid writing statements in include files which actually define functions or variables. Type, enumeration and structure declarations, class declarations, external function and variable declarations are safe. So are preprocessor macro declarations. Function definitions and variable definitions are generally undesirable and may lead to duplicate definition errors at link time. Thus typedef int* pint_t; extern void foo (pint_t p); struct bar { int nValue; struct bar* pNext; }; /* Safe: type declaration */ /* Safe: external function declaration */

/* Safe: structure declaration */

is quite reasonable as an include file. The following is not: int nGlobal; int foo (int* p) { *p += nGlobal; } struct bar { int nValue; struct bar* pNext; } barShared; /* Unsafe: variable definition */ /* Unsafe: function definition */

/* Unsafe: variable definition */

Files which contain type definitions, external function and variable declarations and such meant to be included in (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:24 PM]

Including Other Files

several source files generally have the extension .h. For C++ sometimes such files are given the extension .hpp or no extension at all (the standard C++ system header files have no extension). The difference between the <> form and the "" form of #include is that the <> form looks for 'system' includes. It does not search in the same directory as the source file being compiled. The "" form looks first in the same directory as the source file, and then, if it doesn't find the file, searches in the system include directories. See the section on the preprocessor in the introduction to GNU tools for information on how to control which directories are searched for include files.

Protecting Files from Multiple Inclusion

As a project grows it may become harder to keep track of which header files are actually being included by a piece of code. In the interests of making modules reasonably independent you may include certain header files for other modules in the shared header file definining the interface for that module. If you do this you will almost inevatibly end up with some piece of code which includes two headers for two modules it uses, but where each of those headers includes its own copy of a third header for a module used by both of those modules you are using. If this happens the same header file may be included twice (or more) in your source file. Unless you do something this may lead to errors as things are declared twice. It also wastes the compiler and preprocessor's time reading the same material twice. Here is a simple strategy for preventing such problems using symbolic constants and conditional compilation. For every header file include some directives like this: #ifndef FOO_H #define FOO_H /* ... contents of header file ... */ #endif The symbolic constant FOO_H should be different for each header file. A good strategy might be to use the name of the header file, and possibly add on the library or program name which the header is a part of. With these directives the first time a header is included in a particular source file FOO_H will not be defined and the text inside the #if (including the definition of FOO_H) will be processed. The second time the header appears FOO_H will be defined and the text of the header will be skipped. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:24 PM]

Macros and Symbolic Constants

Macro and Symbolic Constants: #define

You can use a #define preprocessor directive to define a piece of text which will be substituted for another piece of text wherever it occurs in the source file after the line containing the #define. This also affects any #ifdef and #ifndef directives that occur later in the file. There are two basic forms of #define. The first defines a simple text substitution, the second performs a more complex 'macro' substitution. By convention all macros and symbolic constants have names that are ALL_CAPITOLS. This helps them stand out in the code and makes sure you do not confuse them with ordinary variables or function calls.

Symbolic Constants
The following two directives are examples of simple text substitution or symbolic constants. #define MAGIC_NUMBER 12874538 #define BAR The first line means that any occurance of the text "MAGIC_NUMBER" after the #define will be replaced by the text "12874538". The second line means that BAR will be replaced by no text at all (which can be useful if there are cases where you need to insert a special keyword and other cases where no keyword is required in the same position). Such definitions are useful for keeping the definition of shared constants and magic formulae isolated. You might use the magic number in several places in your source code, but by using MAGIC_NUMBER instead of the number itself you can change the magic number definition in one place (in a header file most likely) if the number changes. One of the most common uses of symbolic constants is for buffer sizes. For example: #define BUFFER_SIZE 64 char caBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; void FillBuffer (char c) { int i; for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; ++i) { caBuffer[i] = c; (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:24 PM]

Macros and Symbolic Constants

} } Be careful with symbolic constants. They can lead to confusion.

The following directive is an example of a macro. #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b)) That definition means that later in the source code you can do something like this: int x, y; /* ... x and y get set to some values ... */ nMaxOfXY = MAX(x,y); The variable nMaxOfXY will be set to the maximum of either x and y. After the preprocessing step what the compiler sees for the last line above is this: nMaxOfXY = ((x)>(y) ? (x) : (y)); Notice how the parameters of the macro a and b were replaced by the expressions x and y used later in the code. This kind of macro use can be dangerous. You should avoid it where possible (but it's not always possible, and it is still very common in C programs). (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:24 PM]

Conditional Compilation

Conditional Compilation: #if, #ifdef, #ifndef

You can use the preprocessing directives #if, #ifdef and #ifndef to control which parts of a source file get passed to the compiler. This can be useful if, for example, you want to write code that can be compiled using different compilers or on different operating systems. It is also useful if you want to build different versions of the same basic program with different feature sets. Basically the use of #if looks like this: #if FOO /* Code compiled if FOO is not zero */ #elif BAR /* Code compiled if FOO is zero but BAR is not zero */ #else /* Code compiled if both FOO and BAR are zero */ #endif "elif" stands for "else if". There can be any number of #elif directives (including none) before the end of the #if ... #endif sequence. The #else directive is also optional. It should be obvious from the above that macro and symbolic constant substitution is performed on the text after the #if (and other) directives before they are evaluated. But you don't need to use symbolic constants: #if 0 /* This code is never compiled */ #endif That type of construct can be useful during debugging. The preprocessor also understands the keyword 'defined' which gets set to 1 if a given constant has been defined earlier (using #define), even if the actual value of the constant is zero or nothing at all. Also, you can use '!', the C logical-not operator to invert the truth-value of an expression (i.e. false, or zero expressions become true, and true, or non-zero, expressions become false), including a 'defined' expression. For example: #if defined(FOO) /* Code compiled if FOO is defined (even if zero) */ #endif #if !defined(BAR) (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:25 PM]

Conditional Compilation

/* Code compiled only if BAR has not been defined */ #endif The #ifdef directive is equivalent to #if defined, and the #ifndef directive is equivalent to #if ! defined. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:25 PM]

The Programming Process

The Programming Process

The procress of creating a program consists the following stages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Design Writing Source Code Compiling Linking Debugging

The process goes in cycles. You start with a design, and try to write code to implement that design. As you write the code you may come across problems that send you back to the design stage. Once you have code written you try to compile it. If there are errors or other problems you go back to editing the source code and eventually try again. If your code compiles you try to link it. If that doesn't work you usually have to go back to editing the source code again. If the code links then you try running it. If it doesn't do what you wanted (if there are bugs that is), or if it just plain doesn't work, then you probably need to go back to the source code again, or you may even need to go back and change the design. Here's a rough outline of what happens at each step.

Decide what you need the program to do. Try to break the problem down into functional blocks; pieces that you can turn into functions or classes in a programming language. The design process can be further broken down. First there is a basic investigation process, where you try to figure out what needs to be done and how, in theory, it could be done. Secondly you determine the functional blocks of the system and define their interfaces. Thirdly you design the details of interal processing for each functional block.

Writing Source Code

Write a text file (source file or source code) which contains text in the programming language you are using. There should be a file for each class, or each closely related group of functions or classes. There may be one file for each functional block in the design, or the blocks may be split up into smaller pieces. Some parts may even be split off into separate libraries.

Compiling (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:25 PM]

The Programming Process

Take the source code and compile it into object code. Object code is a translation of the instructions you wrote in the programming language into the native language of the computer (basically lots of numbers, also called machine language). Each source file is translated into one object file.

Link all the object code files for the program together to create an executable. An executable is a file in the native language of the computer arranged so that it can be read from a disk into the computer's memory and executed (or run) from start to finish. If you are using libraries you may have to include those libraries, which are sets of object files archived together for easy access.

Almost no programs run perfectly, or even well, the first time they are run. You will have to find out what is wrong with a program and probably go back to the source code to fix the problem. This process is called debugging, and for some programs it never seems to end. Debugging should include testing, which means component testing (each functional block alone), integration testing (combinations of functional blocks and their interfaces) and system testing (the whole system). After all that the program is finished. Except, of course, that you will always find some new feature you want to implement, or piece of code you want to tweak. At that point you go back to step one and design your modifications, and start into the cycle again. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:25 PM]

The Archiver or Librarian

The Archiver or Librarian

An archiver is a program which allows you to store a set of related object (.o) files together in one archive (.a) file for convenient searching and inclusion by the linker. The archiver for the GNU compiler suite is called ar. Using ar is pretty simple. Generally using the following form of the command line is enough: ar -ru libfoobar.a foo.o bar.o That replaces (-r) the copies of foo.o and bar.o in the library libfoobar.a with the files of the same name. If the library does not exist it creates a new one and if either foo.o or bar.o are not in the library to start with it adds them. The u option tells ar to check that the files foo.o and bar.o are newer than the copies stored in the library (if any) before copying them into the library. For instructions on including libraries in programs see the section on the linker. [10/17/2002 9:54:25 PM]

The Debugger

The Debugger
When you have finally gotten your program to compile and link without errors you can run it and see if it works. It probably won't. This is not me saying you are a bad programmer, this is me saying you are a human being. Programs of significant size never work right the first time. Some problems can be solved by familiarity with the code and watching the behavior of the program, or by looking through the source code. But there comes a time where you would like to see what the program is actually doing inside. This is what a debugger allows you to do. The debugger generally used with the GNU compiler suite is called gdb.

Including Debugging Information in Your Programs

In order to use a debugger first you have to compile with debugging information included. The option to do this with gcc is -g. At both the compiling and linking steps simply include the -g option like this: gcc -g -c -o foo.o foo.c gcc -g -c -o bar.o bar.c gcc -g -o foobar.exe foo.o bar.o

Running the Debugger

You can run the debugger like this: gdb foobar.exe This will set up gdb to debug the program foobar.exe and will give you the gdb prompt, from which you can run commands to debug the program. At the gdb prompt type the command help to get help.

Viewing Code
The command list or l will list the next ten lines in the current source file. Using the command with a line number will list the lines around the given line in the current source file. Using l with a function name will list the lines around the beginning of that function. To switch to a different source file use the following form. (1 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:26 PM]

The Debugger

list foo.c:1 This lists the first few lines of the file foo.c and sets the current source file to foo.c.

Setting Breakpoints
Generally you will not want to trace through the whole program, so you should set breakpoints at the functions you are interested in. This will cause the program to pause and allow you to use other gdb commands whenever the program hits the indicated point in the source code. The command for setting a breakpoint is b, like this: b WinMain That will set a breakpoint at the beginning of the function WinMain.

Running a Program
You can start the program running with the run or r command. You can type arguments to pass to the program after r just like you were running the program on the command line.

Viewing the Contents of a Variable

When the program is stopped at some point you can display the contents of variables using the print command: print n That prints the contents of the variable n. You can also print the contents of structures, C++ objects and arrays like that. gdb will try to figure out the correct type from context.

You can set the program running again after hitting a breakpoint by using the c command.

Stepping Through the Program

You can continue one step at a time through a program using the step or s and the next or n commands.

Exiting gdb (2 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:26 PM]

The Debugger

Type q to exit gdb. Generally it is best to do this only after the program being debugged has finished. (3 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:26 PM]

The Resource Compiler

The Resource Compiler

The resource compiler takes resource scripts (.rc) and turns them into object files (.o) to be linked to your program. The resource compiler provided for the GNU compiler suite is called windres. Currently there is a limitation with the resource compiler and linker combination that means you can not reliably use more than one object file with resources. You must compile all the resources for a single program or DLL in one resource script and create one object file. You can run windres like this: windres -i foo.rc -o foo.o That takes the resource script foo.rc and turns it into the object file foo.o. Then you can link that object file just like any other object file in your program. For more information on resource scripts see the section on resource scripts and the section on resources in general in the Win32 programming tutorial. [10/17/2002 9:54:26 PM]

The DLL Import Library Tool

The DLL Import Library Tool

In order to create DLLs, or to use DLLs provided by other programmers, you generally need to create import libraries. Import libraries look like ordinary libraries, but they contain special object files with the information required to perform dynamic linking at run-time. Import libraries are created using a definition or .def file. The tool for doing this with the GNU compiler suite is called dlltool. Note: Many (all?) of the functions of dlltool have been absorbed into the linker in the latest versions of gcc for Mingw. It is possible to build DLLs and produce import libraries without using dlltool at all. I will fix this section of the tutorial as soon as I get familiar with the options in the latest linker myself. For the time being, dlltool will still work as described below so there is no need to worry too much. To use dlltool to create an import library from a given .def file you can do something like this: dlltool --dllname foo.dll --def foo.def --output-lib libfoo.a That command generates an import library called libfoo.a from the definition file foo.def. The --dllname option tells dlltool to associate the library with a DLL that will be called foo.dll. The name included after in the --dllname option is the one that will be used by Windows to search for the DLL when your program is loaded. It should simply be the name of the DLL, without any directory name or path information.

The STDCALL calling convention for functions is widely used in Win32 API functions (WINAPI and PASCAL are both synonyms for STDCALL). Internally gcc uses a special notation for such functions which includes an at mark (@) and a number at the end of the function name. However, most DLLs export the function names in plain form (without the @). In such a case the .def file should contain the complete names, with an @, and you have to supply the -k option to dlltool to tell it to remove (or kill) the @ extension from the names used by Windows when connecting the program which uses the import library to the DLL (the @ extension is still present inside the import library so that gcc, which uses the @ extensions, can find the correct symbols in the import library). dlltool --dllname foo.dll --def foo.def --output-lib libfoo.a -k

Creating .def Files from DLLs

Sometimes you will have a DLL you want to use but no .def or import library. dlltool is not the right tool to use for this problem. Instead you should use impdef, which is not part of the GNU compiler suite, to (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:27 PM]

The DLL Import Library Tool

extract the exported function names from the DLL and create a .def file. This is an unreliable process, but it is only generally necessary if you are using a DLL which is not open-source software. (And you'd never do that unless you absolutely had to, right?)

Download impdef.exe (as a 3 Kbyte .zip compressed file) from my homepage.

Here's how you use impdef: impdef foobar.dll >foobar.def That outputs the exported function names in the DLL foobar.dll and puts them in a .def file called foobar.def. If all goes well you can then use the .def file to produce an import library like this: dlltool --dllname foobar.dll --def foobar.def --output-lib libfoobar.a However, if the DLL uses STDCALL functions (see above) you will have to edit the .def file and add the correct @ extensions. For more on DLLs and these topics see the section on DLLs in the main tutorial. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:27 PM]

The Project Building Tool

The Project Building Tool

A project building tool, or project management tool, allows you to automatically rebuild a program or library containing a large number of source files. Generally a project building tool will recompile only those files which have changed, or depend on files which have changed. The project building tool also insulates you from setting all the options for gcc and other programs. The project building tool most often used with the GNU compiler suite is GNU make. I won't attempt to explain how to use make here. See the documentation for make from the Free Software Foundation for that. One alternative to make is a tool called Jam, but make is much more common.

Getting gcc to Generate Dependency Information

Make needs to be told which files depend on which other files. For example, if you have a header file a.h included by a source file b.c and you change a.h (but not b.c) wouldn't it be nice if make automatically rebuilt b.c to reflect the changes the next time you typed "make"? That doesn't happen by default (incidentally, with Jam this does happen automatically). You need to tell make explicitly about the relationship between a.h and b.c. You need to tell make that b.c depends on a.h. One way to do this is to manually put the dependencies into the make file. For the above situation you might add a line like this: b.o : b.c a.h What that says is that the object file b.o depends on both the source file b.c and the header a.h, so when either one is newer than the object file the object file will be rebuilt. If you have more than a couple of files or a couple of headers then writing all these dependencies out by hand is a very tedious and error-prone process. Fortunately it can be automated using the -M option to gcc. For example, you could add something like this to your make file: depends: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -M $(ALL_SOURCES) >depends -include depends (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:27 PM]

The Project Building Tool

Assuming CC is set to gcc and CFLAGS is set to the appropriate set of compiler flags, and that ALL_SOURCES is a list of all the source files in your program, that will output dependency information into the file named "depends". The last line includes the file named depends in the make file itself. Unfortunately this still means you have to explicitly do "make depends" every time there might be a change in the dependencies of your program, but it is still better than doing it by hand. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:27 PM]

Revision Management Software

Revision Management Software

When you start dealing with large software projects composed of multiple source files, or even multiple libraries and programs, you will almost inevitably run up against the problem of revision management. This is especially true if you are not the only person working on a piece of software. Unless you use some kind of revision management software you may find that modifying and maintaining a large project, especially with several active programmers, is at the least difficult, and probably next to impossible for any project which could really be called "large". Fortunately there are at least two free revision management packages available. One is RCS, (Revision Control System) and the other is CVS. I won't go into the details here, but here is documentation for CVS from the Free Software Foundation. [10/17/2002 9:54:27 PM]

Creating and Using Resource Scripts

Creating and Using Resource Scripts

Resources are specified using a special, very simple text file called a resource script or .rc file. You write this file, specifying all the various resources you want to include in your program, and then compile it with a program called a resource complier (for Win32 versions of EGCS and gcc this program is called windres). The resource complier produces an object file containing the resource data objects in a format the linker can include in your programs. (With Microsoft and other compilers the resource compiler produces a special intermediate format called .res, which their linkers can understand but otherwise don't resemble object files). For an introduction to windres, the resource compiler for the GNU compiler suite, and a simple example of how to use it, see the resource compiler page in the introduction to GNU programming tools. Resource script files are passed through the C preprocessor so you can use preprocessor commands and C style comments /* ... */ (you can also use C++ style comments \\ ... but some preprocessors for other compilers do not automatically understand those). However, other than that resource scripts are very different from C code. Generally resource script statements are sensitive to where you put line breaks and that sort of thing, so try to follow the given syntax as closely as possible. Each resource type is described on it's own page, which you can access through the links on the index page for this section.

Including Files for Definitions

Most of the time you should include at least windows.h in your resource file to define all the constants from the Win32 API. You should also include a header file of your own, resources.h for example, that defines all the constant IDs you will use for various resources (that way you can include the resources.h file in any source code that needs to access a resource and you only have to set the ID in one place, which reduces the chances of making a mistake or having mismatched ID numbers). For example this is a fragment of a resource file: #include <windows.h> #include "resources.h" ID_MENU_MAIN MENU BEGIN POPUP "&File" BEGIN MENUITEM "&New...", CMD_FILE_NEW MENUITEM "&Open...", CMD_FILE_OPEN (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:28 PM]

Creating and Using Resource Scripts

MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit", CMD_FILE_EXIT END END And here is the corresponding resources.h file: #define ID_MENU_MAIN #define CMD_FILE_NEW #define CMD_FILE_OPEN #define CMD_FILE_EXIT 100 1001 1002 1003

If you do include your own header files in resource scripts make sure to enclose everything that is not a C pre-processor statement in #ifndef RC_INVOKED ... #endif blocks. Resource compilers generally define RC_INVOKED during preprocessing so that you can keep them from reading, and being confused by, C or C++ statements in your header files. For example, you might have something like this in the resources.h header: #ifndef RC_INVOKED extern int foo; /* The resource compiler would not understand this */ #endif The Win32 headers and the standard C run-time headers should already be set up this way (but if they aren't now you know how to fix them, right!). (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:28 PM]

Win32 Resources

Using Resources
Resources are an important part of programming using the Windows GUI (Grapical User Interface). Unless you only write console (text-only) programs you will probably end up creating and using a few resources. The following pages cover creating resources of several types and using them in your programs.
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Introducing Resources Creating and Using Resource Scripts Menus Keyboard Accelerators Dialogs Icons Cursors Bitmaps Strings User Data

The syntax for resource scripts is also available on the Web at Microsoft's site. [10/17/2002 9:54:28 PM]

Introducing Resources

Introducing Resources
When we talk about resources in Win32 programming what we usually mean is a special kind of data used by the Win32 API to create pieces of the user interface. For example, to include a menu bar on the top of a window you are creating with the CreateWindow function you can include a menu handle (type HMENU) as the hMenu parameter (the ninth parameter in case you're interested). To get a menu handle you can call the LoadMenu function, like this for example: hInstance = GetModuleInstance (NULL); hWnd = CreateWindow ( "WindowClassName", "Window Title", dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, NULL, LoadMenu (hInstance, "MenuName"), hInstance, 0); In this example there must be a menu resource named "MenuName" linked into the program (you can load resources in other files by loading the file with LoadLibrary and using the instance handle returned by that call as hInstance for LoadMenu or some other resource loading function). Creating the resource data, making it part of your program, and making use of the resource data inside your program is what the rest of the pages in this section are about. You can define resources for your program using a very simple language (a resource script), something like a programming language restricted to defining variables and structures. You can use graphics programs to draw bitmaps, icons and cursors, and then include them in your resource script by name. There are also programs for designing dialog boxes and menus interactively, and integrated resource editing packages that combine all these functions. Unfortunately most of these programs cost money and are not open source. I would be interested if anyone could point me to some good open source alternatives.

Resource IDs
Every resource in a resource script has an ID. A resource ID can be either a name enclosed in quotes (e.g. "MyResource") or a number. Generally I use numbers because they are slightly easier to manage and take less memory than text names. Usually you will use the C preprocessor to define constants for the IDs of all your resources and put them in a header file so that you can include the header in both your source code and the resource script. The Win32 API functions that load resources all take two arguments, one is the instance handle, which I will discuss below, and the other is the resource ID. If you are using text names you could simply use a pointer to the name to load the resource: hIcon = LoadIcon (hInstance, "HappyFaceIcon"); (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:29 PM]

Introducing Resources

But if you are using numbers you need to use the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro defined in windows.h to put the ID in a form that the resource loading functions will recognize: hIcon = LoadIcon (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_ICO_HAPPYFACE));

Instance Handles
The other piece of information needed for loading a resource is an instance handle. An instance handle is a number assigned by the Windows operating system to each executable file (.exe or .dll for example) that is loaded by an application. Normal programs consist of a single .exe file, along with several .dll files loaded in automatically. To access resources you have added to a program you need the instance handle of the .exe file. You can obtain this instance handle either by saving the handle that is passed as an argument to WinMain, or you can call GetModuleHandle like this: HINSTANCE hInstance = (HINSTANCE) GetModuleHandle (NULL); You can also load other files and use their resources using LoadLibrary like this: HINSTANCE hInstanceFoo = LoadLibrary ("foo.dll"); HICON hIcon = LoadIcon (hInstanceFoo, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_ICON_FOO)); That example loads the DLL foo.dll and then loads the icon identified by the ID constant ID_ICON_FOO from the DLL. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:29 PM]

Menu Resources

Menu Resources
Under Construction... A menu is the set of commands that appears at the top of many windows, or that you can make appear using the right mouse button (this is often called a context menu, because it depends on what is under the mouse pointer, the context). Basically any list of commands which you click to activate, and which may be divided into several sub-menus (or popup menus) is probably built using a menu resource. You can build menus from scratch inside your programs using API functions, but it is often more convenient to build them as resources and include them in your programs. The basic menu syntax in the resource script file is: id MENU BEGIN item ... END id is the ID number of the menu. Each item is one of the following:

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MENUITEM SEPARATOR - A break will appear in the menu between the preceding items and the remaining items. MENUITEM - A menu item, which will generate a WM_COMMAND message. POPUP - A popup menu or sub-menu.

The syntax of menu items is: MENUITEM text, result, [options] text is the text that will appear as the menu item in the displayed menu. This should be enclosed in quotes. An ampersand (&) indicates that the next character should be underlined (and that the underlined character should be the key that the user can use to activate the menu item when using the menu). The \t character sequence represents a tab and aligns menu text in columns. Usually you use \t to separate an indicator of the menu item's accelerator key from the rest of the menu text, for example: MENUITEM "E&xit\tCtrl+Q", CMD_FILE_EXIT The x will appear underlined, and the Ctrl+Q will be separated from the rest of the text against the right (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:29 PM]

Menu Resources

side of the menu. result is the number which will be sent to your window with the WM_COMMAND message to indicate which menu item was selected. options can be CHECKED or GRAYED to indicate that the menu item should initially have a check mark next to it, or be inactive (there are other options, but they are rarely used). The syntax of a popup menu is: POPUP text BEGIN item ... END text is the same as text for a menu item, and item syntax is the same as a top menu's item (thus you can nest any number of menus). (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:29 PM]

Keyboard Accelerators

Keyboard Accelerators
Under Construction... A keyboard accelerator is basically a special way of translating a key or combination of keys pressed by the user into WM_COMMAND messages like the ones your windows receive when the user clicks on a menu item. For example, most Windows programs have a menu option Copy under the Edit menu which copies the currently selected object (or objects) into the clipboard. Most programs also allow you to perform the same operation by pressing the control key (Ctrl on most keyboards) and the C key at the same time. In fact the message that is caused by the user clicking the Copy menu item and the message caused by the user pressing Ctrl+C is probably the same: a WM_COMMAND message with an ID associated with the copy operation. Windows uses a table called an accelerator table to convert keystrokes by the user into messages to send to the program. These tables are resources which you can create in a resource script and include in your programs to get similar functionality. In a resource script accelerator tables have the following syntax: table_id ACCELERATORS BEGIN event, id, [type] [options] ... END table_id is the ID number of the acclerator table which you will use to associate the table with a window in your programs. Each row of the table contains an event, plus the id number that is sent with WM_COMMAND messages by that event. A row may also contain a type which must be either ASCII or VIRTKEY, and options. An event is one of:
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A single character in quotes, e.g. "a" (case is important). A caret followed by a single character, enclosed in quotes, e.g. "^C" This represents the given key pressed at the same time as the control key, for instance, the example just given represents control and the C key pressed at the same time. An ASCII character code number. A virtual key code, which is either a single uppercase character in quotes or a special constant beginning with VK_ (e.g. VK_F1). In this case type must be VIRTKEY to differentiate it from the first and second types of event.

options can be one or more of: (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:29 PM]

Keyboard Accelerators
q q q q

ALT - Only activates when the Alt key is down. SHIFT - Only activates when the Shift key is down. CONTROL - Only activates when the Control key is down. NOINVERT - Provides no visual feedback in the menu (usually not necessary).

separated by spaces. The first three are only valid if type is VIRTKEY. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:29 PM]


Under Construction... Dialog boxes, or simply dialogs, are those windows with a bunch of buttons and spaces to fill in that pop up every so often in Windows programs so that you can set or modify the properties of some object, or select a file, and so on. [10/17/2002 9:54:30 PM]

Icon Resources

Icon Resources
Under Construction... Icons are the small pictures that you see on the desktop or in Explorer representing files and programs. They are also the pictures that appear in the upper left corner of various program windows or on the left end of the buttons in the task bar representing running programs. Icons are basically just small bitmaps, but they include a special second bitmap which acts as a mask. The mask bitmap indicates which parts of the icon image are transparent. You can create icons and include them in your programs. This can be useful for representing different object types graphically in the program, or simply to identify the program itself with a custom icon. To create icons you use an icon editor (if anyone has any recommendations for an icon editor send me email) and save it as a .ico file. Once you have an icon file you can include it in your resource scripts like this: ICON_ID ICON "test.ico" In this example ICON_ID is a preprocessor constant we defined elsewhere to be the icon's resource ID. [10/17/2002 9:54:30 PM]

Cursor Resources

Cursor Resources
A cursor, or pointer, is a small picture which can be used as a marker for the current mouse position. The picture, like an icon, has two parts: a normal picture, and a stencil or mask which indicates which parts of the cursor image are transparent. You can create cursors and include them in your programs as resources. This can be useful for providing visual feedback, such as the pointing hand that indicates the mouse is over a hyperlink in most web browsing software. You create a cursor using a cursor editing program (sometimes graphics programs can create cursors) to create a cursor file (.cur). Note: I am planning to write up a simple cursor editor one of these days and put it up on the net, with source code of course, but if anyone knows of a good cursor editor (free or otherwise) please drop me an email. After you have a cursor file you can use the following syntax to include the cursor in your resource script: CURSOR_ID CURSOR "test.cur" CURSOR_ID, in this example, is a preprocessor constant defined elsewhere (probably in an include file), you would substitute your own ID constants for cursors you create. Similarly, the cursor file is named test.cur in the example, but you would replace that with the name of the cursor you had created in your own resource scripts. Once you have a cursor resource in your program you can use the LoadCursor function to retrieve it: HCURSOR hCursor = LoadCursor (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CURSOR_ID)); Note that you can also use the LoadCursor function to get handles to standard Windows cursors included with the operating system: HCURSOR hCursorSystem = LoadCursor (NULL, nID); where nID is one of the following (for example):
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IDC_APPSTARTING The arrow and hourglass pointer used when performing tasks in the background. IDC_ARROW The default arrow pointer IDC_IBEAM The text edit pointer (I-beam) IDC_NO A circle with a diagonal bar (like a no-smoking sign) IDC_SIZEALL A four pointed arrow IDC_SIZENESW A diagonal line with arrowheads pointing to the upper-right and lower-left IDC_SIZENS A vertical line with arrowheads pointing up and down IDC_SIZENWSE Like IDC_SIZENESW except the arrows point to the upper-left and lower-right IDC_SIZEWE A horizontal line with arrows pointing left and right IDC_WAIT The busy pointer (by default an hourglass)

Once you have a cursor handle you can set the current cursor using SetCursor (don't forget to save the old one): HINSTANCE hInstance; HCURSOR hNewCursor, hPreviousCursor; (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:31 PM]

Cursor Resources

hInstance = (HINSTANCE) GetModuleHandle (NULL); /* This program's instance handle. */ hNewCursor = LoadCursor (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_MY_CURSOR)); hPreviousCursor = SetCursor (hNewCursor); /* ... part of the code where the cursor is different ... */ SetCursor (hPreviousCursor); /* Restore the cursor */ Of course, generally the setting of the cursor and restoration will be in different functions, and you will have to store the previous cursor handle in a static variable or (better) in a class member variable. Also, since the cursor is shared by many windows and programs, it is good programming practice only to set the cursor when you know your window has 'control' of it (possibly because you have used the SetCapture function). Another use for cursor handles is setting the cursor for a window class. All windows of the given class will then have that cursor: HCURSOR hCursor = LoadCursor (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_WINDOW_CURSOR)); WNDCLASSEX wc; /* ... initialize other members of wc ... */ wc.hCursor = hCursor; RegisterClassEx (&wc); /* Register the window class */ The cursor identified by ID_WINDOW_CURSOR in the application's resource script will appear whenever the mouse pointer is over a window created with that window class. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:31 PM]

Bitmap Resources

Bitmap Resources
A bitmap is a kind of picture. You can create resources from bitmaps and include them in your programs (or DLLs). Generally you do this to create user interface elements like tool bars with custom graphics. The other way to use bitmaps is to load them directly from a file (surprisingly there is no Win32 API function to do this), but that is a different story. Creating a bitmap is simply a matter of using some graphics program (the Paint program included with Windows will do) to draw an image and save if in the Windows Bitmap file format (with the extension .bmp generally). Then you include the bitmap in your resource script using the BITMAP keyword. For example: #include "resources.h" BITMAP_ID BITMAP "test.bmp" That command line includes the bitmap file test.bmp as a bitmap resource in the program. In the resources.h header file BITMAP_ID is defined as some integer, e.g.: #define BITMAP_ID 10 Then, to use the bitmap in your program you use LoadBitmap. The LoadBitmap function does not load a bitmap from a .bmp file as you might expect, but loads a bitmap resource with the given ID from the file associated with the instance handle supplied. For example, to get a bitmap handle for the bitmap resource created by the above resource script you might use code like this: #include <windows.h> #include "resources.h" /* ...other code, including the beginning of the function... */ /* Get the instance handle for this program */ HINSTANCE hInstance = (HINSTANCE) GetModuleHandle (NULL); HBITMAP hbmp; hbmp = LoadBitmap (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(BITMAP_ID)); /* ...more code using hbmp... */ DeleteObject (hbmp); /* Delete objects when you're finished with them. */ /* ...more code until the end of the function... */ Once you have a bitmap handle you can select the bitmap into a device context and then copy the bitmap bits onto a window (or do various other things to it). I'll describe how to use bitmaps (and what a device context is for that matter) when I get around to writing the section of the tutorial on drawing graphics with the Win32 GDI (Graphics (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:31 PM]

Bitmap Resources

Device Interface) functions. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:31 PM]

String Resources

String Resources
Under Construction... The resources for a program can include a string table. A string table associates an ID number with a string. This can be useful for specifying error or status messages. In fact, it is a good idea to separate the output messages of a program from the code which does the output, and especially from the code that generates the event which eventually leads to output. A string table makes it easier to modify the output of the program, to standardize error messages for example, without digging through the source code looking for strings. However, many programmers still include literal strings distributed throughout their source (like me, for example). [10/17/2002 9:54:31 PM]

User Data Resources

User Data Resources

Under Construction... Aside from the standard resources described elsewhere you can also include sets of raw data as resources in your programs. [10/17/2002 9:54:32 PM]

Dynamic Link Libraries

Dynamic Link Libraries

Dynamic Link Libraries, or DLLs, are a method used in Win32 programming to share code between several different programs. The code is stored in a DLL file and linked to the programs that use it when the programs are run (instead of when the programs are built, like static libraries).
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Introduction to DLLs: What DLLs are and how they work. Creating a DLL: How to build a DLL which you can use in your programs. Using a DLL: How to build programs which use DLLs. [10/17/2002 9:54:32 PM]

Win32 Library by Function Name

Win32 Library by Function Name

Instructions on using these lists are located at the bottom of the page.
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Complete List (long) Special: __CPPValidateParameters@8 to _TrackMouseEvent A: AbortDoc to auxSetVolume B: BackupEventLog to ByeByeGDI C: CalcChildScroll to CursorLibTransact D: data_from_ndr to dwOKSubclass E: EditWndProc to ExtTextOut E: FatalAppExit to FtSubFt@16 G: GdiComment to GrayString H: HACCEL_UserFree to HWND_UserUnmarshal I: I_RemoteMain to IUnknown_Release_Proxy J: joyConfigChanged to joySetThreshold K: K32_NtCreateFile to KillTimer L: LAddrParamsInited to LZStart M: MailToProtocolHandler to MultinetGetErrorText N: NdrAllocate to ntohs O: OaBuildVersion to OutputDebugString P: PackDDElParam to PwdSetPasswordStatus Q: QT_Thunk to QueueUserAPC R: RaiseException to RtlZeroMemory S: s_perror to SzFindSz@8 T: TabbedTextOut to TUISPIDLLCallback U: UFromSz@4 to UuidToString V: ValidateErrorQueue to VRetrieveDriverErrorRowCol W-Z: WaitCommEvent to YieldTask

The above set of text files contain the names of Win32 API functions (and other functions available with a basic installation of Windows 98) arranged in alphabetical order, followed by the name of the library which contains the function. In order to use the function in programs compiled with gcc you can simply add -l plus the name of the library to the end of your link command line. For example, if you wanted to use the function BindMoniker you would select the link to the functions that begin with b given above. You would find that BindMoniker is in the ole32 library. Then you could link your program like this: gcc -o foo.exe foo.o -lole32 -mwindows (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:32 PM]

Win32 Library by Function Name

Some functions, notably functions in oledlg and mfcuia32, have double entries because they exist in more than one library. There are also certain functions contained in libraries which do not have the same name as the DLL containing the function. For example the toolhelp functions are provided in the library th32, even though they are in the kernel32 DLL. Some of these functions are included in both import libraries. When they are not the DLL name will be included like this: Process32First th32 (DLL:kernel32) Cygwin and Mingw32 users should note that the kernel32 library is automatically included in all programs (even console mode programs), although this index still contains kernel32 functions for completeness. The -mwindows option includes the following set of libraries under Mingw32: user32, gdi32, comdlg32, kernel32, advapi32 and shell32. (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:32 PM]

Introduction to DLLs

Introducing Dynamic Link Libraries

What is a Dynamic Link Library?
A dynamic link library (or shared library) takes the idea of an ordinary library (also called a statically linked library) one step further. The idea with a static library is for a set of functions to be collected together so that a number of different programs could use them. This means that the programmers only have to write code to do a particular task once, and then, if they are good programmers, they can use the same function in lots of other programs that do similar things. However, with static linking the linker builds a program from all the object files that contain functions or data used in the program, which includes any library functions that are used. Each program gets it's own copy of all the library functions built into it. A natural extension of the idea of a library is to put all the code for the functions in a library, but do the linking when the program is run instead of at link time (thus it is "dynamic"). A dynamic link library is a lot like a program, but instead of being run by the user to do one thing it has a lot of functions "exported" so that other programs can call them. There are several advantages to this. First, since there is only (in theory) one copy of the DLL on any computer used by all the applications that need that library code, each application can be smaller and save disk space. Also, if there is a bug in the DLL a new DLL can be created and the bug will be fixed in all the programs that use the DLL just by replacing the old DLL file. DLLs can also be loaded dynamically by the program itself, allowing the program to install extra functions without being recompiled.

How Does It Work?

Consider two files: a program foo.exe, and a dynamic link library bar.dll which foo.exe uses. How does the operating system connect these two files when foo is run? What happens is this: first the program file foo.exe is loaded, and the operating system finds a table of data in the file which states, effectively, "this program uses the following list of functions from the DLL bar.dll". This is called a list of imports or imported functions from the DLL bar.dll in the program foo.exe. The loader code next searches for the file bar.dll, and if it finds it then the file is loaded. Inside the bar.dll file is another list. This list, called the export list, gives the address inside the DLL file of each of the functions which the DLL allows other programs to access. Then the loader goes through both lists and fills in a table inside foo.exe (actually the copy of that table in memory) with the addresses of all those functions in bar.dll (based on where the dll was loaded in memory by the OS). Now, whenever the program wants to call a function in the DLL it simply uses the address stored in the appropriate table entry by the loader. What this means is that a few extra things have to be done to use DLLs as compared to ordinary libraries. Each program must contain an import list for each DLL it uses, which I will talk about in the page on using DLLs, and each DLL must contain an export list, which I will talk about in the page on creating (1 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:33 PM]

Introduction to DLLs


Relocatable Dynamic Link Libraries

In the page on creating DLLs I will show how to make a "relocatable" DLL. It is possible, and simpler, to make non-relocatable DLLs, but it is a very bad idea most of the time. When Windows loads your program it creates a whole new "address space" for the program. What this means is when your program contains the instruction "read memory from address 10A0F0" or something like that the computer hardware actually looks up in a table to figure out where in physical memory that location is, and performs the read operation on that memory. This is all done in hardware so it's very fast, and it means that every program can behave like it is running on a whole separate computer. The address 10A0F0 in another program would mean a completely different part of the physical memory of the computer. Now, programs, when they are loaded, are "mapped" into address space. This process basically copies the code and static data of your program from the executable file into a certain part of address space, for example, a block of space starting at address 40000. The same thing happens when you load a DLL. Maybe you see what the problem could be? A DLL, or a program for that matter, tells the operating system what address it would prefer to be mapped into. But, although the same address means different things to different programs, within a single program an address can only be used once. So what if there are two DLLs that both want to be mapped to address 100000? The OS will map the first one loaded to that address no problem, but the next one cannot be put there. So the OS checks to see if the second DLL is relocatable. If so, then it maps the DLL to a different part of memory, say 200000. Then it performs the necessary relocations. Why can't you just map the DLL to a separate part of memory? Well, the problem is that inside the DLL there are bits of code that say things like "read data from 10A0F0" or "call function at 101000". These addresses assume that the DLL is mapped into the part of address space that it prefers. If the DLL is mapped into a different part of memory then a call to 101000 might end up in the middle of the code of a different DLL, or in data, or nowhere at all. So a relocatable DLL contains information so that the OS can change all those internal addresses. So that if the DLL wanted to be loaded at 100000, but was relocated to 200000 then the read data code will read from 20A0F0 instead of 10A0F0, and the function call will go to 202000 instead of 101000. If you don't include this special data in your DLL it will be non-relocatable, and that means that if another DLL gets loaded into the preferred address first the program will not be able to load your DLL, (2 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:33 PM]

Introduction to DLLs

and will probably not run at all. (3 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:33 PM]

Using Dynamic Link Libraries

Using Dynamic Link Libraries

Using DLLs In Your Programs
In order to use a DLL you must have the appropriate header files and/or prototypes for the functions you want to call, plus the DLL of course, and a special library called an import library. An import library is a lot like a normal library except that instead of normal functions it contains an import table like I described in the introduction, and a short function with the name of the function you really want to call which looks up the correct address in the import table and calls the real DLL function. By linking your program with an import library you gain access to the functions exported by the DLL for which the import library was created. Using an import library is just like linking with an ordinary library. I talk about creating import libraries for your own DLLs in the section on creating DLLs. But sometimes you don't have an import library for a DLL that someone else gave you, which is what the next section is about.

Using Other People's DLLs

What if you have a DLL but you don't have an import library for it? At the moment this is the case for a lot of commercial DLL libraries which provide import libraries for Microsoft compatible compilers. At this time gcc does not understand Microsoft .lib files correctly (although that will be fixed in the future). To use the DLL you have to generate an import library that GCC will understand. You do that using dlltool in the same way as you generate import libraries for your own programs. But before you can do that you need a .def file. Fortunately there is a tool for automatically generating .def files called impdef.exe which is discussed in the section for DLL import library tools in the introduction to GNU programming tools. Note, however, that impdef isn't perfect. Some newer DLLs confuse it so that it may not be possible to automatically generate the .def file, or the file won't work without changes. Also, gcc requires that functions with PASCAL calling convention (also called STDCALL or WINAPI functions) to have @nn added to the end of the function name, where nn is the number of bytes passed on the stack to the function in question (if you didn't understand that don't worry, just think of it as a magic number). Sometimes the functions will be exported with such "mangled" names, in which case things should be fine (as long as you don't use the -k option for dlltool). But in most cases, including almot all of the Win32 API functions, the mangled version is not exported. In this case you have to add the @nn on to each function name manually. You can generally determine the correct number by writing a program that uses the function and trying to link it. gcc will report the correct number in its linker error message (if the (1 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:33 PM]

Using Dynamic Link Libraries

prototype is done correctly). You also have to use the -k option when creating the import library with dlltool, which I talk about a bit more in the section on creating DLLs. There are other tools that will show you the exports for a DLL, including TDUMP from Borland and DUMPBIN (I think) from Microsoft. Also, using Explorer in Windows 95 you can Quick View a DLL, and that will also give you a list of its exports. Unfortunately you can't save it to a file or copy it to the clipboard, so it's very inconvenient for creating import libraries.

Global Variables in DLLs

With Win32 Microsoft introduced the idea that DLLs could contain global variables which you could access the same way you can access a function. The variables are also listed in the import/export tables with the functions, but instead of pointing to a function's code the variable entries point to the actual spot in memory where the variable is stored. Microsoft made a special keyword for Visual C++ which makes the compiler generate the code to automatically follow the pointer in the import table and get or set the real value of such a variable whenever you manipulate it in your program. EGCS 1.1 and above should allow you to use the __declspec (dllexport) and __declspec (dllimport) syntax to use such variables. You can also access such variables by performing a little magic in your header files, if you are using another version of gcc for example. Say there was a variable foobar exported by a DLL you use. Here's how you could use it in your programs (assuming foobar is an int): extern int* _imp__foobar; #define foobar (*_imp__foobar) Then you can go ahead and use foobar just like it was the same variable all through your program, and the DLL will see the changes you make in the variable as well. But, before you start doing this all over the place a few words of warning:

Older versions of dlltool used __imp_ as the prefix instead of _imp__. The new prefix is more compatible with Microsoft, and dlltool includes both for backward compatibility, but these type of changes show just how dangerous such a kludge can be. Using defines like that can cause strange errors, because define has no concept of scope. So, for example, a C++ member function called foobar might get inappropriately mangled by the define. You have to include the header file to access the variable, unlike normal global variables which you can declare inside individual source files or even functions. You can't use the same header file for making the DLL itself, since it must deal directly with the foobar variable.

All things considered, global variables should be avoided in any case, and even more so when you are (2 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:33 PM]

Using Dynamic Link Libraries

dealing with dynamic linking. Still, it is possible to work with global variables in a DLL, but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it. (3 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:33 PM]

Creating Dynamic Link Libraries

Creating Dynamic Link Libraries

.def Files and Export Lists
When you want to create a DLL you must generate an export list, which lists all of the functions which you will allow programs to call directly. It is a good idea to keep the export list for any one DLL to a managable size. You create an export list by writing a .def file, which you can use as input to the dlltool program to create import libraries for your DLL and to create the special export table that needs to be linked into your DLL. A .def file looks like this: EXPORTS Foo Bar That simply says that there are two functions, Foo and Bar, which are exported by the DLL in question. Generally you won't have to get much more sophisticated than that.

Generating an Import Library

For other programs to be able to use your DLL you need to provide an import library which can be linked to those programs (or other DLLs for that matter). The tool for generating import libraries from .def files is called dlltool and is discussed in its own section in the introduction to GNU programming tools.

DLL Initialization in DllMain

When using Mingw32 to build DLLs you have the option to include a function called DllMain to perform initialization or cleanup. In general there will be an entry point function of some sort for any DLL (whether you use Mingw32 or not). In Mingw32 this entry point function is supplied by the DLL startup code automatically linked to a DLL, and that startup code calls DllMain. There is a default DllMain which will be called if you don't supply one in your own code. DllMain might look something like this: BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HANDLE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // Code to run when the DLL is loaded break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: // Code to run when the DLL is freed break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: (1 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:34 PM]

Creating Dynamic Link Libraries

// Code to run when a thread is created during the DLL's lifetime break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: // Code to run when a thread ends normally. break; } return TRUE; } You put your code where the comments are. Notice that the function always returns TRUE. This is really only important when dwReason is DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH. If your code returns FALSE here that means that the DLL failed to initialize properly (for example, it couldn't allocate some memory it needed). The DLL will not be loaded and DllMain will be called again with DLL_PROCESS_DETACH immediately. If this DLL is being loaded automatically (instead of with the LoadLibrary function) that will make the loading of the entire program fail.

DllMain in C++ Modules

If you are writing code in C++ you should note that DllMain must not be "name-mangled" like normal C++ functions are (name mangling is a process that makes it possible to have two functions with the same name in C++ as long as they have different arguments). You can prevent the mangling of the DllMain function by adding extern "C" Before the name DllMain in the code above. You could also put DllMain in a separate .c source code file (but then you would have to worry about any calls made from inside DllMain to C++ code). If you do not force DllMain to be a C function it will not be found by the call in the Mingw32 start up code, and the default DllMain in libmingw32.a will get called instead. If your initialization code doesn't seem to be called, and you are programming in C++, check that your DllMain function is either in a separate C source file or is forced to be a C function with extern "C".

Linking a DLL
Now, if you have created your .def file and have your object files ready, you can create a DLL. I have to warn you though, it's not pretty: gcc -mdll -o junk.tmp -Wl,--base-file,base.tmp bar.o del junk.tmp dlltool --dllname bar.dll --base-file base.tmp --output-exp temp.exp --def bar.def del base.tmp gcc -mdll -o bar.dll bar.o -Wl,temp.exp del temp.exp This creates a relocatable DLL called bar.dll from the object file bar.o and the .def file bar.def. Relocatable DLLs are better, because they can be placed anywhere in memory and you don't have to worry about whether two DLLs in your program will be fixed at the same base address (see below). The first line generates an output file which we will discard, called junk.tmp, as well as a base file called base.tmp. A base file gives the information necessary to generate relocation information for the DLL. This step would not be strictly necessary if you didn't want a relocatable DLL, but it is better this way, really. (2 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:34 PM]

Creating Dynamic Link Libraries

After removing the junk.tmp file the third line invokes dlltool to build the temp.exp file, which contains the export table to be linked with the DLL, as well as putting the relocation information in a form which can be linked in and used by the operating system to relocate the DLL (and also putting it in the temp.exp file). If you wanted to be really ambitious I think you could output the import library at the same time, but why make things more complex then they already are? If you are exporting PASCAL functions without the @nn extensions remember that -k doesn't seem to work in that line. See the below section for what you have to put in the .def file to get this to work. Since the base file is no longer needed the fourth line deletes it, and then the fifth line performs the final linking of the object files containing the functions in the DLL and the export table into the form of a complete DLL file. Then we delete the export table file since we no longer need it. If all goes well you should have a DLL file ready for use. Probably you will want to automate this process using a make file or some such method. With the Mingw32 version of Jam the above process could be done from compiling bar.c to finished DLL and import library with the following line in a Jamfile: Dll bar.dll : bar.c : bar.def ;

Standard Call or PASCAL Functions

I talked a little about standard call or PASCAL calling convention functions on the last page, but now I'll talk about them a bit more. A calling convention is a way of arranging information in memory, that is, on the "stack", before calling a function, as well as a standard for who gets rid of the information on the stack after it has been used. The C language uses a convention where after a function returns the caller cleans up the mess. The PASCAL convention works sort of the other way around. The function called cleans up the mess before it returns. The C convention has the advantage that the called function doesn't need to know how many arguments were passed (which makes the magic of printf, and other variable argument functions, possible). The PASCAL convention makes for smaller code, because the code to clean up the arguments is only in one place (the function), instead of in every function that calls the given function. GCC can generate function calls, and functions, that use the PASCAL calling convention using the special __attribute__((stdcall)) keyword sequence. In fact, the GNU Win32 API headers define PASCAL, WINAPI and STDCALL constants to all be that magic keyword sequence. The problem for DLL writers is that internally GCC mangles PASCAL functions with an at symbol (@) plus a number indicating the number of bytes in the argument list. This prevents you from making a call to such a function with the wrong number of arguments, which would have that function destroying part of your stack, causing crashes and mysterious errors. Instead you get a link time error if you don't use the right prototype. However, many times DLLs will export names without that @nn addition, and there is no way to figure out what the number should be without looking at the prototype of the function and counting bytes, or trying to link a program which uses the function and seeing the number in the linker error. Both of these methods are tedious if you have a lot of functions to deal with. If you want to create an import library where the DLL gives names without the @nn but those functions are PASCAL then you need to add the @nn to the function names in the .def file. For example if the above Foo and Bar functions were PASCAL functions that took single integer arguments the .def file might look like this: EXPORTS Foo@4 Bar@4 (3 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:34 PM]

Creating Dynamic Link Libraries

Then you need to use the -k option for dlltool telling it to kill the @nn for the exported function names (but keep it for internal use). E.g.: dlltool --dllname bar.dll --def bar.def --output-lib libbar.a -k That takes care of the program's side of the problem. The program linked with the produced library will look for the names without the associated @nn extension, and if the library exports the names without @nn they will be found. Unfortunately, when building a DLL the -k option doesn't work! This line (see the section on linking a DLL above) dlltool --dllname bar.dll --base-file base.tmp --output-exp temp.exp --def bar.def -k doesn't remove the @nn from the exported names in the created DLL (this is a bug in my opinion). Fortunately you can use the aliasing feature of dlltool to get this to work. Change your .def file to look like this: EXPORTS Foo@4 Foo=Foo@4 Bar@4 Bar=Bar@4 What the extra lines say are "export a symbol Foo (or Bar) pointing at the internal symbol Foo@4 (or Bar@4)." The import library produced by this .def file will have four internal symbols (available for use by your programs): Foo, Foo@4, Bar and Bar@4, but if -k is used Foo and Foo@4 both link to the exported symbol Foo, and similarly for Bar and Bar@4. The DLL produced using this .def file will export four names, Foo, Foo@4, Bar and Bar@4. The exported symbols all point to the internal @nn names. The program will generate internal calls to Foo@4 and Bar@4, which will be resolved in the import library. Those symbols in the import library are, in turn, linked to exported names Foo and Bar. The DLL exports Foo and Bar symbols which point to the internal symbols Foo@4 and Bar@4, so everything works out in the end. If you've really been paying attention closely you may notice that the above process is a little risky. If your program does not properly prototype the functions as STDCALL (or PASCAL) then it will try to link with Foo and Bar, and it will find them! However, they will be connected to the same STDCALL functions in the DLL as Foo@4 and Bar@4. Your program will corrupt the stack every time it calls Foo or Bar, and probably crash shortly afterwards. To be completely correct and safe you have to use two .def files. One .def file for creating the import library and one for building the DLL. The import library .def file (call it bar_i.def) looks like this: EXPORTS Foo@4 Bar@4 same as before, and the DLL building .def file (call it bar_e.def) looks like this: EXPORTS Foo=Foo@4 Bar=Bar@4 (4 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:34 PM]

Creating Dynamic Link Libraries

Now when you build the import library using the first .def file like so: dlltool --dllname bar.dll --def bar_i.def --output-lib libbar.a -k it will contain only the symbols Foo@4 and Bar@4, which are linked to the external names Foo and Bar. Then when you build the DLL with bar_e.def like this: dlltool --dllname bar.dll --base-file base.tmp --output-exp temp.exp --def bar_e.def the DLL exports the internal symbols Foo@4 and Bar@4 with only the names Foo and Bar. The DLL and the import library now match up exactly, so the only errors you should get will be linking errors... unless you forget the -k when building an import library, or use the wrong .def file somewhere... (5 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:34 PM]

__CPPValidateParameters@8 mapi32 __ValidateParameters@8 mapi32 __WSAFDIsSet wsock32 _DebugOut kernel32 _DebugPrintf kernel32 _hread kernel32 _hwrite kernel32 _lclose kernel32 _lcreat kernel32 _llseek kernel32 _lopen kernel32 _lread kernel32 _lwrite kernel32 _TrackMouseEvent comctl32 AbortDoc gdi32 AbortPath gdi32 AbortSystemShutdown advapi32 accept wsock32 AcceptEx wsock32 AccessCheck advapi32 AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm advapi32 acmDriverAdd msacm32 acmDriverClose msacm32 acmDriverDetails msacm32 acmDriverEnum msacm32 acmDriverID msacm32 acmDriverMessage msacm32 acmDriverOpen msacm32 acmDriverPriority msacm32 acmDriverRemove msacm32 acmFilterChoose msacm32 acmFilterDetails msacm32 acmFilterEnum msacm32 acmFilterTagDetails msacm32 acmFilterTagEnum msacm32 acmFormatChoose msacm32 acmFormatDetails msacm32 acmFormatEnum msacm32 acmFormatSuggest msacm32 acmFormatTagDetails msacm32 acmFormatTagEnum msacm32 acmGetVersion msacm32 acmMessage32 msacm32 acmMetrics msacm32 acmStreamClose msacm32 acmStreamConvert msacm32 acmStreamMessage msacm32 acmStreamOpen msacm32 acmStreamPrepareHeader msacm32 acmStreamReset msacm32 acmStreamSize msacm32 acmStreamUnprepareHeader msacm32 acmt32c_ThunkData32 msacm32 ActivateKeyboardLayout user32 AddAccessAllowedAce advapi32 AddAccessDeniedAce advapi32 AddAce advapi32 AddAtom kernel32 AddAuditAccessAce advapi32 AddFontResource gdi32 AddInksetInterval pkpd32 (1 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

AddMIMEFileTypesPS url AddPointsPenData pkpd32 AdjustTokenGroups advapi32 AdjustTokenPrivileges advapi32 AdjustWindowRect user32 AdjustWindowRectEx user32 AlignRects user32 AllocateAndInitializeSid advapi32 AllocateLocallyUniqueId advapi32 AllocConsole kernel32 AllocLSCallback kernel32 AllocSLCallback kernel32 AngleArc gdi32 AnimatePalette gdi32 AnimateWindow user32 AnyPopup user32 AppendMenu user32 Arc gdi32 ArcTo gdi32 AreAllAccessesGranted advapi32 AreAnyAccessesGranted advapi32 Arecv wsock32 AreFileApisANSI kernel32 ArrangeIconicWindows user32 Asend wsock32 AttachThreadInput user32 AutodialHookCallback url auxGetDevCaps winmm auxGetNumDevs winmm auxGetVolume winmm auxOutMessage winmm auxSetVolume winmm BackupEventLog advapi32 BackupRead kernel32 BackupSeek kernel32 BackupWrite kernel32 Beep kernel32 BeginDeferWindowPos user32 BeginPaint user32 BeginPath gdi32 BeginUpdateResource kernel32 bind wsock32 BindMoniker ole32 BitBlt gdi32 BlockInput user32 BMAPIAddress mapi32 BMAPIDetails mapi32 BMAPIFindNext mapi32 BMAPIGetAddress mapi32 BMAPIGetReadMail mapi32 BMAPIReadMail mapi32 BMAPIResolveName mapi32 BMAPISaveMail mapi32 BMAPISendMail mapi32 BoundingRectFromPoints pkpd32 BringWindowToTop user32 BroadcastSystemMessage user32 BrowseHookProc tapi32 BSTR_UserFree oleaut32 BSTR_UserMarshal oleaut32 (2 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

BSTR_UserSize oleaut32 BSTR_UserUnmarshal oleaut32 BstrFromVector oleaut32 BtnWndProc3d ctl3d32 BuildCommDCB kernel32 BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts kernel32 BuildDisplayTable@40 mapi32 BuildExplicitAccessWithName advapi32 BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithName advapi32 BuildImpersonateTrustee advapi32 BuildSecurityDescriptor advapi32 BuildTrusteeWithName advapi32 BuildTrusteeWithSid advapi32 ByeByeGDI gdi32 CalcChildScroll user32 Callback12 kernel32 Callback16 kernel32 Callback20 kernel32 Callback24 kernel32 Callback28 kernel32 Callback32 kernel32 Callback36 kernel32 Callback4 kernel32 Callback40 kernel32 Callback44 kernel32 Callback48 kernel32 Callback52 kernel32 Callback56 kernel32 Callback60 kernel32 Callback64 kernel32 Callback8 kernel32 CallMsgFilter user32 CallNamedPipe kernel32 CallNextHookEx user32 CallWindowProc user32 CancelDC gdi32 CancelDeviceWakeupRequest kernel32 CancelIo kernel32 CancelOverlappedAccess advapi32 CancelWaitableTimer kernel32 CascadeChildWindows user32 CascadeWindows user32 CbOfEncoded@4 mapi32 CchOfEncoding@4 mapi32 Cctl1632_ThunkData32 comctl32 ChangeClipboardChain user32 ChangeDisplaySettings user32 ChangeDisplaySettingsEx user32 ChangeIdleRoutine@28 mapi32 ChangeMenu user32 ChangeServiceConfig advapi32 char_array_from_ndr rpcrt4 char_from_ndr rpcrt4 CharLower user32 CharLowerBuff user32 CharNext user32 CharNextEx user32 CharPrev user32 CharPrevEx user32 CharToOem user32 CharToOemBuff user32 (3 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

CharUpper user32 CharUpperBuff user32 CheckColorsInGamut gdi32 CheckDlgButton user32 CheckEscapes shell32 CheckMenuItem user32 CheckMenuRadioItem user32 CheckRadioButton user32 ChildWindowFromPoint user32 ChildWindowFromPointEx user32 ChooseColor comdlg32 ChooseFont comdlg32 ChoosePixelFormat gdi32 Chord gdi32 ClAdvDevDlgProc rasapi32 ClearCommBreak kernel32 ClearCommError kernel32 ClearCustData oleaut32 ClearEventLog advapi32 ClientThreadConnect user32 ClientToScreen user32 ClipCursor user32 CLIPFORMAT_UserFree ole32 CLIPFORMAT_UserMarshal ole32 CLIPFORMAT_UserSize ole32 CLIPFORMAT_UserUnmarshal ole32 CloseClipboard user32 CloseDesktop user32 CloseDriver winmm CloseEnhMetaFile gdi32 CloseEventLog advapi32 CloseFigure gdi32 CloseHandle kernel32 CloseIMsgSession@4 mapi32 CloseMetaFile gdi32 CloseODBCPerfData odbc32 CloseProfileUserMapping kernel32 CloseServiceHandle advapi32 closesocket wsock32 closesockinfo wsock32 CloseSystemHandle kernel32 CloseWindow user32 CloseWindowStation user32 CLSIDFromProgID ole32 CLSIDFromString ole32 cmc_act_on mapi32 cmc_free mapi32 cmc_list mapi32 cmc_logoff mapi32 cmc_logon mapi32 cmc_look_up mapi32 cmc_query_configuration mapi32 cmc_read mapi32 cmc_send mapi32 cmc_send_documents mapi32 CoAddRefServerProcess ole32 CoBuildVersion ole32 CoCopyProxy ole32 CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler ole32 CoCreateGuid ole32 (4 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

CoCreateInstance ole32 CoCreateInstanceEx ole32 CoDisconnectObject ole32 CoDosDateTimeToFileTime ole32 CoFileTimeNow ole32 CoFileTimeToDosDateTime ole32 CoFreeAllLibraries ole32 CoFreeLibrary ole32 CoFreeUnusedLibraries ole32 CoGetCallContext ole32 CoGetCallerTID ole32 CoGetClassObject ole32 CoGetCurrentLogicalThreadId ole32 CoGetCurrentProcess ole32 CoGetInstanceFromFile ole32 CoGetInstanceFromIStorage ole32 CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream ole32 CoGetMalloc ole32 CoGetMarshalSizeMax ole32 CoGetObject ole32 CoGetPSClsid ole32 CoGetStandardMarshal ole32 CoGetState ole32 CoGetTIDFromIPID ole32 CoGetTreatAsClass ole32 CoImpersonateClient ole32 CoInitialize ole32 CoInitializeEx ole32 CoInitializeSecurity ole32 CoIsHandlerConnected ole32 CoIsOle1Class ole32 CollectODBCPerfData odbc32 CoLoadLibrary ole32 CoLockObjectExternal ole32 ColorCorrectPalette gdi32 ColorMatchToTarget gdi32 CoMarshalHresult ole32 CoMarshalInterface ole32 CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream ole32 CombineRgn gdi32 CombineTransform gdi32 ComboWndProc3d ctl3d32 CommConfigDialog kernel32 CommDlgExtendedError comdlg32 CompareFileTime kernel32 CompareString kernel32 CompressPenData pkpd32 connect wsock32 ConnectNamedPipe kernel32 ContinueDebugEvent kernel32 Control_FillCache_RunDLL shell32 Control_RunDLL shell32 ControlIMEMessage user32 ControlService advapi32 ConvertAccessToSecurityDescriptor advapi32 ConvertDefaultLocale kernel32 ConvertSecurityDescriptorToAccess advapi32 ConvertSecurityDescriptorToAccessNamed advapi32 ConvertThreadToFiber kernel32 ConvertToGlobalHandle kernel32 CopyAcceleratorTable user32 (5 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

CopyEnhMetaFile gdi32 CopyFile kernel32 CopyFileEx kernel32 CopyIcon user32 CopyImage user32 CopyLZFile lz32 CopyMetaFile gdi32 CopyRect user32 CopySid advapi32 CoQueryAuthenticationServices ole32 CoQueryClientBlanket ole32 CoQueryProxyBlanket ole32 CoQueryReleaseObject ole32 CoRegisterChannelHook ole32 CoRegisterClassObject ole32 CoRegisterMallocSpy ole32 CoRegisterMessageFilter ole32 CoRegisterPSClsid ole32 CoRegisterSurrogate ole32 CoReleaseMarshalData ole32 CoReleaseServerProcess ole32 CoResumeClassObjects ole32 CoRevertToSelf ole32 CoRevokeClassObject ole32 CoRevokeMallocSpy ole32 CoSetProxyBlanket ole32 CoSetState ole32 CoSuspendClassObjects ole32 CoSwitchCallContext ole32 CoTaskMemAlloc ole32 CoTaskMemFree ole32 CoTaskMemRealloc ole32 CoTreatAsClass ole32 CoUninitialize ole32 CoUnmarshalHresult ole32 CoUnmarshalInterface ole32 CountClipboardFormats user32 CreateAcceleratorTable user32 CreateAntiMoniker ole32 CreateBindCtx ole32 CreateBitmap gdi32 CreateBitmapIndirect gdi32 CreateBrushIndirect gdi32 CreateCaret user32 CreateClassMoniker ole32 CreateColorSpace gdi32 CreateCompatibleBitmap gdi32 CreateCompatibleDC gdi32 CreateConsoleScreenBuffer kernel32 CreateCursor user32 CreateDataAdviseHolder ole32 CreateDataCache ole32 CreateDC gdi32 CreateDesktop user32 CreateDialogIndirectParam user32 CreateDialogParam user32 CreateDIBitmap gdi32 CreateDIBPatternBrush gdi32 CreateDIBPatternBrushPt gdi32 CreateDIBSection gdi32 (6 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

CreateDirectory kernel32 CreateDirectoryEx kernel32 CreateDiscardableBitmap gdi32 CreateDispTypeInfo oleaut32 CreateEllipticRgn gdi32 CreateEllipticRgnIndirect gdi32 CreateEnhMetaFile gdi32 CreateErrorInfo oleaut32 CreateErrorInfo ole32 CreateEvent kernel32 CreateFiber kernel32 CreateFile kernel32 CreateFileMapping kernel32 CreateFileMoniker ole32 CreateFont gdi32 CreateFontIndirect gdi32 CreateGenericComposite ole32 CreateHalftonePalette gdi32 CreateHatchBrush gdi32 CreateIC gdi32 CreateIcon user32 CreateIconFromResource user32 CreateIconFromResourceEx user32 CreateIconIndirect user32 CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal ole32 CreateInkset pkpd32 CreateIoCompletionPort kernel32 CreateIProp@24 mapi32 CreateItemMoniker ole32 CreateKernelThread kernel32 CreateMailslot kernel32 CreateMappedBitmap comctl32 CreateMDIWindow user32 CreateMenu user32 CreateMetaFile gdi32 CreateMutex kernel32 CreateNamedPipe kernel32 CreateObjrefMoniker ole32 CreateOleAdviseHolder ole32 CreatePalette gdi32 CreatePatternBrush gdi32 CreatePen gdi32 CreatePenDataEx pkpd32 CreatePenDataRegion pkpd32 CreatePenIndirect gdi32 CreatePipe kernel32 CreatePointerMoniker ole32 CreatePolygonRgn gdi32 CreatePolyPolygonRgn gdi32 CreatePopupMenu user32 CreatePrivateObjectSecurity advapi32 CreateProcess kernel32 CreateProcessAsUser advapi32 CreatePropertySheetPage comctl32 CreateProxyFromTypeInfo rpcrt4 CreateRectRgn gdi32 CreateRectRgnIndirect gdi32 CreateRemoteThread kernel32 CreateRoundRectRgn gdi32 CreateScalableFontResource gdi32 CreateSemaphore kernel32 (7 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

CreateService advapi32 CreateSocketHandle kernel32 CreateSolidBrush gdi32 CreateStatusWindow comctl32 CreateStdDispatch oleaut32 CreateStreamOnHGlobal ole32 CreateStubFromTypeInfo rpcrt4 CreateTable@36 mapi32 CreateTapePartition kernel32 CreateThread kernel32 CreateToolbar comctl32 CreateToolbarEx comctl32 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot th32 kernel32 CreateTypeLib oleaut32 CreateTypeLib2 oleaut32 CreateUpDownControl comctl32 CreateWaitableTimer kernel32 CreateWindowEx user32 CreateWindowStation user32 CryptAcquireContext advapi32 CryptContextAddRef advapi32 CryptCreateHash advapi32 CryptDecrypt advapi32 CryptDeriveKey advapi32 CryptDestroyHash advapi32 CryptDestroyKey advapi32 CryptDuplicateHash advapi32 CryptDuplicateKey advapi32 CryptEncrypt advapi32 CryptEnumProviders advapi32 CryptEnumProviderTypes advapi32 CryptExportKey advapi32 CryptGenKey advapi32 CryptGenRandom advapi32 CryptGetDefaultProvider advapi32 CryptGetHashParam advapi32 CryptGetKeyParam advapi32 CryptGetProvParam advapi32 CryptGetUserKey advapi32 CryptHashData advapi32 CryptHashSessionKey advapi32 CryptImportKey advapi32 CryptReleaseContext advapi32 CryptSetHashParam advapi32 CryptSetKeyParam advapi32 CryptSetProvider advapi32 CryptSetProviderEx advapi32 CryptSetProvParam advapi32 CryptSignHash advapi32 CryptVerifySignature advapi32 CStdStubBuffer_AddRef rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_Connect rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_CountRefs rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_DebugServerQueryInterface rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_DebugServerRelease rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_Disconnect rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_Invoke rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_IsIIDSupported rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_QueryInterface rpcrt4 Ctl3dAutoSubclass ctl3d32 (8 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

Ctl3dAutoSubclassEx ctl3d32 Ctl3dColorChange ctl3d32 Ctl3dCtlColor ctl3d32 Ctl3dCtlColorEx ctl3d32 Ctl3dDlgFramePaint ctl3d32 Ctl3dDlgProc ctl3d32 Ctl3dEnabled ctl3d32 Ctl3dGetVer ctl3d32 Ctl3dIsAutoSubclass ctl3d32 Ctl3dRegister ctl3d32 Ctl3dSetStyle ctl3d32 Ctl3dSubclassCtl ctl3d32 Ctl3dSubclassCtlEx ctl3d32 Ctl3dSubclassDlg ctl3d32 Ctl3dSubclassDlgEx ctl3d32 Ctl3dUnAutoSubclass ctl3d32 Ctl3dUnregister ctl3d32 Ctl3dUnsubclassCtl ctl3d32 Ctl3dWinIniChange ctl3d32 CursorLibLockDbc odbc32 CursorLibLockDesc odbc32 CursorLibLockStmt odbc32 CursorLibTransact odbc32 data_from_ndr rpcrt4 data_into_ndr rpcrt4 data_size_ndr rpcrt4 DceErrorInqText rpcrt4 DdeAbandonTransaction user32 DdeAccessData user32 DdeAddData user32 DdeClientTransaction user32 DdeCmpStringHandles user32 DdeConnect user32 DdeConnectList user32 DdeCreateDataHandle user32 DdeCreateStringHandle user32 DdeDisconnect user32 DdeDisconnectList user32 DdeEnableCallback user32 DdeFreeDataHandle user32 DdeFreeStringHandle user32 DdeGetData user32 DdeGetLastError user32 DdeImpersonateClient user32 DdeInitialize user32 DdeKeepStringHandle user32 DdeNameService user32 DdePostAdvise user32 DdeQueryConvInfo user32 DdeQueryNextServer user32 DdeQueryString user32 DdeReconnect user32 DdeSetQualityOfService user32 DdeSetUserHandle user32 DdeUnaccessData user32 DdeUninitialize user32 DebugActiveProcess kernel32 DebugBreak kernel32 DefDlgProc user32 DefDriverProc winmm DeferWindowPos user32 (9 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

DefFrameProc user32 DefineDosDevice kernel32 DefMDIChildProc user32 DefWindowProc user32 DeinitMapiUtil@0 mapi32 DeleteAce advapi32 DeleteAtom kernel32 DeleteColorSpace gdi32 DeleteCriticalSection kernel32 DeleteDC gdi32 DeleteEnhMetaFile gdi32 DeleteFiber kernel32 DeleteFile kernel32 DeleteMenu user32 DeleteMetaFile gdi32 DeleteObject gdi32 DeleteService advapi32 DeregisterEventSource advapi32 DeregisterIdleRoutine@4 mapi32 DescribePixelFormat gdi32 DestroyAcceleratorTable user32 DestroyCaret user32 DestroyCursor user32 DestroyIcon user32 DestroyInkset pkpd32 DestroyMenu user32 DestroyPenData pkpd32 DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity advapi32 DestroyPropertySheetPage comctl32 DestroyWindow user32 DeviceCapabilitiesEx gdi32 DeviceIoControl kernel32 DialEngineRequest rasapi32 DialInMessage rasapi32 DialogBoxIndirectParam user32 DialogBoxParam user32 DisableThreadLibraryCalls kernel32 DisconnectNamedPipe kernel32 DispatchMessage user32 DispCallFunc oleaut32 DispGetIDsOfNames oleaut32 DispGetParam oleaut32 DispInvoke oleaut32 DlgDirList user32 DlgDirListComboBox user32 DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx user32 DlgDirSelectEx user32 DllCanUnloadNow url DllCanUnloadNow shell32 DllCanUnloadNow olepro32 DllCanUnloadNow oleaut32 DllCanUnloadNow mpr DllCanUnloadNow mapi32 DllDebugObjectRPCHook ole32 DllGetClassObject url DllGetClassObject shell32 DllGetClassObject rpcrt4 DllGetClassObject olepro32 DllGetClassObject oleaut32 DllGetClassObject ole32 (10 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

DllGetClassObject mpr DllGetClassObject mapi32 DllGetVersion shell32 DllGetVersion comctl32 DllInitialize opengl32 DllInstall shell32 DllInstall comctl32 DllRegisterServer rpcrt4 DllRegisterServer olepro32 DllRegisterServer oleaut32 DllRegisterServer ole32 DllUnregisterServer olepro32 DllUnregisterServer oleaut32 dn_expand wsock32 DoDragDrop ole32 DoEnvironmentSubst shell32 DosDateTimeToFileTime kernel32 DosDateTimeToVariantTime oleaut32 double_array_from_ndr rpcrt4 double_from_ndr rpcrt4 dprintf kernel32 DPtoLP gdi32 DragAcceptFiles shell32 DragDetect user32 DragFinish shell32 DragObject user32 DragQueryFile shell32 DragQueryPoint shell32 DrawAnimatedRects user32 DrawCaption user32 DrawCaptionTemp user32 DrawEdge user32 DrawEscape gdi32 DrawFocusRect user32 DrawFrame user32 DrawFrameControl user32 DrawIcon user32 DrawIconEx user32 DrawInsert comctl32 DrawMenuBar user32 DrawMenuBarTemp user32 DrawPenDataEx pkpd32 DrawState user32 DrawStatusText comctl32 DrawText user32 DrawTextEx user32 DriverCallback winmm DrvClose winmm DrvDefDriverProc winmm DrvGetModuleHandle winmm DrvOpen winmm DrvSendMessage winmm DummyEntryPoint url DuplicateHandle kernel32 DuplicateIcon shell32 DuplicatePenData pkpd32 DuplicateToken advapi32 DuplicateTokenEx advapi32 dwLBSubclass comdlg32 dwOKSubclass comdlg32 EditWndProc user32 (11 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

EditWndProc3d ctl3d32 Ellipse gdi32 EmptyClipboard user32 EnableEUDC gdi32 EnableHookObject ole32 EnableIdleRoutine@8 mapi32 EnableMenuItem user32 EnableScrollBar user32 EnableWindow user32 EncodeID@12 mapi32 EndDeferWindowPos user32 EndDialog user32 EndDoc gdi32 EndMenu user32 EndPage gdi32 EndPaint user32 EndPath gdi32 EndTask user32 EndUpdateResource kernel32 EnterCriticalSection kernel32 enum_from_ndr rpcrt4 EnumCalendarInfo kernel32 EnumCalendarInfoEx kernel32 EnumChildWindows user32 EnumClipboardFormats user32 EnumDateFormats kernel32 EnumDateFormatsEx kernel32 EnumDependentServices advapi32 EnumDesktops user32 EnumDesktopWindows user32 EnumDisplayDevices user32 EnumDisplayMonitors user32 EnumDisplaySettings user32 EnumDisplaySettingsEx user32 EnumEnhMetaFile gdi32 EnumFontFamilies gdi32 EnumFontFamiliesEx gdi32 EnumFonts gdi32 EnumICMProfiles gdi32 EnumMetaFile gdi32 EnumObjects gdi32 EnumProps user32 EnumPropsEx user32 EnumProtocols wsock32 EnumResourceLanguages kernel32 EnumResourceNames kernel32 EnumResourceTypes kernel32 EnumServicesStatus advapi32 EnumSystemCodePages kernel32 EnumSystemLocales kernel32 EnumThreadWindows user32 EnumTimeFormats kernel32 EnumWindows user32 EnumWindowStations user32 EqualPrefixSid advapi32 EqualRect user32 EqualRgn gdi32 EqualSid advapi32 EraseTape kernel32 Escape gdi32 (12 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

EscapeCommFunction kernel32 ExcludeClipRect gdi32 ExcludeUpdateRgn user32 ExitProcess kernel32 ExitThread kernel32 ExitWindowsEx user32 ExpandEnvironmentStrings kernel32 ExtCreatePen gdi32 ExtCreateRegion gdi32 ExtEscape gdi32 ExtFloodFill gdi32 ExtractAssociatedIcon shell32 ExtractAssociatedIconEx shell32 ExtractIcon shell32 ExtractIconEx shell32 ExtractIconResInfo shell32 ExtractPenDataPoints pkpd32 ExtractPenDataStrokes pkpd32 ExtSelectClipRgn gdi32 ExtTextOut gdi32 FatalAppExit kernel32 FatalExit kernel32 FBadColumnSet@4 mapi32 FBadEntryList@4 mapi32 FBadProp@4 mapi32 FBadPropTag@4 mapi32 FBadRestriction@4 mapi32 FBadRglpNameID@8 mapi32 FBadRglpszA@8 mapi32 FBadRglpszW@8 mapi32 FBadRow@4 mapi32 FBadRowSet@4 mapi32 FBadSortOrderSet@4 mapi32 FBinFromHex@8 mapi32 FDecodeID@12 mapi32 FDlgAddDriver tapi32 FDlgAddUnlisted tapi32 FDlgDriverList tapi32 FEqualNames@8 mapi32 FGetComponentPath mapi32 FGetComponentPath@20 mapi32 FileProtocolHandler url FileTimeToDosDateTime kernel32 FileTimeToLocalFileTime kernel32 FileTimeToSystemTime kernel32 FillConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 FillConsoleOutputCharacter kernel32 FillPath gdi32 FillRect user32 FillRgn gdi32 FindAtom kernel32 FindClose kernel32 FindCloseChangeNotification kernel32 FindExecutable shell32 FindExeDlgProc shell32 FindFirstChangeNotification kernel32 FindFirstFile kernel32 FindFirstFileEx kernel32 FindFirstFreeAce advapi32 FindNextChangeNotification kernel32 FindNextFile kernel32 (13 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

FindResource kernel32 FindResourceEx kernel32 FindText comdlg32 FindWindow user32 FindWindowEx user32 FixBrushOrgEx gdi32 FixMAPI mapi32 FixMAPI@0 mapi32 FlashWindow user32 FlashWindowEx user32 FlatSB_EnableScrollBar comctl32 FlatSB_GetScrollInfo comctl32 FlatSB_GetScrollPos comctl32 FlatSB_GetScrollProp comctl32 FlatSB_GetScrollRange comctl32 FlatSB_SetScrollInfo comctl32 FlatSB_SetScrollPos comctl32 FlatSB_SetScrollProp comctl32 FlatSB_SetScrollRange comctl32 FlatSB_ShowScrollBar comctl32 FlattenPath gdi32 float_array_from_ndr rpcrt4 float_from_ndr rpcrt4 FloodFill gdi32 FlushConsoleInputBuffer kernel32 FlushFileBuffers kernel32 FlushInstructionCache kernel32 FlushViewOfFile kernel32 FoldString kernel32 FormatMessage kernel32 FPropCompareProp@12 mapi32 FPropContainsProp@12 mapi32 FPropExists@8 mapi32 FrameRect user32 FrameRgn gdi32 FreeConsole kernel32 FreeDDElParam user32 FreeEnvironmentStrings kernel32 FreeIconList shell32 FreeLibrary kernel32 FreeLibraryAndExitThread kernel32 FreeLSCallback kernel32 FreePadrlist@4 mapi32 FreePropVariantArray ole32 FreeProws@4 mapi32 FreeResource kernel32 FreeSid advapi32 FreeSLCallback kernel32 FT_Exit0 kernel32 FT_Exit12 kernel32 FT_Exit16 kernel32 FT_Exit20 kernel32 FT_Exit24 kernel32 FT_Exit28 kernel32 FT_Exit32 kernel32 FT_Exit36 kernel32 FT_Exit4 kernel32 FT_Exit40 kernel32 FT_Exit44 kernel32 FT_Exit48 kernel32 (14 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

FT_Exit52 kernel32 FT_Exit56 kernel32 FT_Exit8 kernel32 FT_Prolog kernel32 FT_Thunk kernel32 FtAdcFt@20 mapi32 FtAddFt@16 mapi32 FtDivFtBogus@20 mapi32 FtgRegisterIdleRoutine@20 mapi32 FtMulDw@12 mapi32 FtMulDwDw@8 mapi32 FtNegFt@8 mapi32 FtSubFt@16 mapi32 GdiComment gdi32 GdiFlush gdi32 GdiGetBatchLimit gdi32 GdiPlayDCScript gdi32 GdiPlayJournal gdi32 GdiPlayScript gdi32 gdiPlaySpoolStream gdi32 GdiSetBatchLimit gdi32 GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent kernel32 GetAcceptExSockaddrs wsock32 GetAccessPermissionsForObject advapi32 GetAce advapi32 GetAclInformation advapi32 GetACP kernel32 GetActiveObject oleaut32 GetActiveWindow user32 GetAddressByName wsock32 GetAltMonthNames oleaut32 GetAltTabInfo user32 GetAncestor user32 GetArcDirection gdi32 GetAspectRatioFilterEx gdi32 GetAsyncKeyState user32 GetAtomName kernel32 GetAttribIMsgOnIStg@12 mapi32 GetAuditedPermissionsFromAcl advapi32 GetBinaryType kernel32 GetBitmapBits gdi32 GetBitmapDimensionEx gdi32 GetBkColor gdi32 GetBkMode gdi32 GetBoundsRect gdi32 GetBrushOrgEx gdi32 GetCalendarInfo kernel32 GetCapture user32 GetCaretBlinkTime user32 GetCaretPos user32 GetCharABCWidths gdi32 GetCharABCWidthsFloat gdi32 GetCharacterPlacement gdi32 GetCharWidth gdi32 GetCharWidth32 gdi32 GetCharWidthFloat gdi32 GetClassFile ole32 GetClassInfo user32 GetClassInfoEx user32 GetClassLong user32 GetClassName user32 (15 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

GetClassWord user32 GetClientRect user32 GetClipboardData user32 GetClipboardFormatName user32 GetClipboardOwner user32 GetClipboardSequenceNumber user32 GetClipboardViewer user32 GetClipBox gdi32 GetClipCursor user32 GetClipRgn gdi32 GetColorAdjustment gdi32 GetColorSpace gdi32 GetComboBoxInfo user32 GetCommandLine kernel32 GetCommConfig kernel32 GetCommMask kernel32 GetCommModemStatus kernel32 GetCommProperties kernel32 GetCommState kernel32 GetCommTimeouts kernel32 GetCompressedFileSize kernel32 GetComputerName kernel32 GetConsoleCP kernel32 GetConsoleCursorInfo kernel32 GetConsoleMode kernel32 GetConsoleOutputCP kernel32 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo kernel32 GetConsoleTitle kernel32 GetConvertStg ole32 GetCPInfo kernel32 GetCPInfoEx kernel32 GetCurrencyFormat kernel32 GetCurrentDirectory kernel32 GetCurrentHwProfile advapi32 GetCurrentObject gdi32 GetCurrentPositionEx gdi32 GetCurrentProcess kernel32 GetCurrentProcessId kernel32 GetCurrentThread kernel32 GetCurrentThreadId kernel32 GetCursor user32 GetCursorInfo user32 GetCursorPos user32 GetDateFormat kernel32 GetDaylightFlag kernel32 GetDC user32 GetDCEx user32 GetDCOrgEx gdi32 GetDefaultCommConfig kernel32 GetDesktopWindow user32 GetDeviceCaps gdi32 GetDeviceGammaRamp gdi32 GetDevicePowerState kernel32 GetDialogBaseUnits user32 GetDIBColorTable gdi32 GetDIBits gdi32 GetDiskFreeSpace kernel32 GetDiskFreeSpaceEx kernel32 GetDlgCtrlID user32 GetDlgItem user32 (16 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

GetDlgItemInt user32 GetDlgItemText user32 GetDocumentBitStg ole32 GetDoubleClickTime user32 GetDriverFlags winmm GetDriverModuleHandle winmm GetDriveType kernel32 GetEffectiveClientRect comctl32 GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl advapi32 GetEnhMetaFile gdi32 GetEnhMetaFileBits gdi32 GetEnhMetaFileDescription gdi32 GetEnhMetaFileHeader gdi32 GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries gdi32 GetEnvironmentStrings kernel32 GetEnvironmentVariable kernel32 GetErrorInfo oleaut32 GetErrorInfo ole32 GetErrorMode kernel32 GetExitCodeProcess kernel32 GetExitCodeThread kernel32 GetExpandedName lz32 GetExplicitEntriesFromAcl advapi32 GetFileAttributes kernel32 GetFileAttributesEx kernel32 GetFileInformationByHandle kernel32 GetFileSecurity advapi32 GetFileSize kernel32 GetFileTime kernel32 GetFileTitle comdlg32 GetFileType kernel32 GetFileVersionInfo version GetFileVersionInfoSize version GetFocus user32 GetFontData gdi32 GetFontLanguageInfo gdi32 GetFontResourceInfo gdi32 GetForegroundWindow user32 GetFullPathName kernel32 GetGlyphOutline gdi32 GetGraphicsMode gdi32 GetGuiResources user32 GetGUIThreadInfo user32 GetHandleContext kernel32 GetHandleInformation kernel32 GetHGlobalFromILockBytes ole32 GetHGlobalFromStream ole32 GetHookInterface ole32 gethostbyaddr wsock32 gethostbyname wsock32 gethostname wsock32 GetICMProfile gdi32 GetIconInfo user32 GetInksetInterval pkpd32 GetInksetIntervalCount pkpd32 GetInputDesktop user32 GetInputState user32 GetInternalWindowPos user32 GetKBCodePage user32 GetKernelObjectSecurity advapi32 GetKerningPairs gdi32 (17 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

GetKeyboardLayout user32 GetKeyboardLayoutList user32 GetKeyboardLayoutName user32 GetKeyboardState user32 GetKeyboardType user32 GetKeyNameText user32 GetKeyState user32 GetLargestConsoleWindowSize kernel32 GetLastActivePopup user32 GetLastError kernel32 GetLayout gdi32 GetLengthSid advapi32 GetListBoxInfo user32 GetLocaleInfo kernel32 GetLocalTime kernel32 GetLogColorSpace gdi32 GetLogicalDrives kernel32 GetLogicalDriveStrings kernel32 GetLongPathName kernel32 GetLSCallbackTarget kernel32 GetLSCallbackTemplate kernel32 GetMailslotInfo kernel32 GetMapMode gdi32 GetMenu user32 GetMenuBarInfo user32 GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions user32 GetMenuContextHelpId user32 GetMenuDefaultItem user32 GetMenuInfo user32 GetMenuItemCount user32 GetMenuItemID user32 GetMenuItemInfo user32 GetMenuItemRect user32 GetMenuState user32 GetMenuString user32 GetMessage user32 GetMessageExtraInfo user32 GetMessagePos user32 GetMessageTime user32 GetMetaFile gdi32 GetMetaFileBitsEx gdi32 GetMetaRgn gdi32 GetMiterLimit gdi32 GetModuleFileName kernel32 GetModuleHandle kernel32 GetMonitorInfo user32 GetMouseMovePoints user32 GetMUILanguage comctl32 GetMultipleTrustee advapi32 GetMultipleTrusteeOperation advapi32 GetNameByType wsock32 GetNamedPipeHandleState kernel32 GetNamedPipeInfo kernel32 GetNamedSecurityInfo advapi32 GetNamedSecurityInfoEx advapi32 GetNearestColor gdi32 GetNearestPaletteIndex gdi32 getnetbyname wsock32 GetNextDlgGroupItem user32 GetNextDlgTabItem user32 (18 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

GetNextQueueWindow user32 GetNumberFormat kernel32 GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents kernel32 GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons kernel32 GetNumberOfEventLogRecords advapi32 GetObject gdi32 GetObjectType gdi32 GetOEMCP kernel32 GetOldestEventLogRecord advapi32 GetOpenClipboardWindow user32 GetOpenFileName comdlg32 GetOutlineTextMetrics gdi32 GetOutlookVersion mapi32 GetOutlookVersion@0 mapi32 GetOverlappedAccessResults advapi32 GetOverlappedResult kernel32 GetPaletteEntries gdi32 GetParent user32 GetPath gdi32 getpeername wsock32 GetPenDataAttributes pkpd32 GetPenDataInfo pkpd32 GetPixel gdi32 GetPixelFormat gdi32 GetPointsFromPenData pkpd32 GetPolyFillMode gdi32 GetPriorityClass kernel32 GetPriorityClipboardFormat user32 GetPrivateObjectSecurity advapi32 GetPrivateProfileInt kernel32 GetPrivateProfileSection kernel32 GetPrivateProfileSectionNames kernel32 GetPrivateProfileString kernel32 GetPrivateProfileStruct kernel32 GetProcAddress kernel32 GetProcessAffinityMask kernel32 GetProcessDefaultLayout user32 GetProcessFlags kernel32 GetProcessHeap kernel32 GetProcessHeaps kernel32 GetProcessPriorityBoost kernel32 GetProcessShutdownParameters kernel32 GetProcessTimes kernel32 GetProcessVersion kernel32 GetProcessWindowStation user32 GetProcessWorkingSetSize kernel32 GetProductName kernel32 GetProfileInt kernel32 GetProfileSection kernel32 GetProfileString kernel32 GetProp user32 getprotobyname wsock32 getprotobynumber wsock32 GetQueuedCompletionStatus kernel32 GetQueueStatus user32 GetRandomRgn gdi32 GetRasterizerCaps gdi32 GetRecordInfoFromGuids oleaut32 GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo oleaut32 GetRegionData gdi32 GetRgnBox gdi32 (19 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

GetROP2 gdi32 GetRunningObjectTable ole32 GetSaveFileName comdlg32 GetScrollBarInfo user32 GetScrollInfo user32 GetScrollPos user32 GetScrollRange user32 GetSecurityDescriptorControl advapi32 GetSecurityDescriptorDacl advapi32 GetSecurityDescriptorGroup advapi32 GetSecurityDescriptorLength advapi32 GetSecurityDescriptorOwner advapi32 GetSecurityDescriptorSacl advapi32 GetSecurityInfo advapi32 GetSecurityInfoEx advapi32 getservbyname wsock32 getservbyport wsock32 GetService wsock32 GetServiceDisplayName advapi32 GetServiceKeyName advapi32 GetShellWindow user32 GetShortPathName kernel32 GetSidIdentifierAuthority advapi32 GetSidLengthRequired advapi32 GetSidSubAuthority advapi32 GetSidSubAuthorityCount advapi32 GetSLCallbackTarget kernel32 GetSLCallbackTemplate kernel32 getsockname wsock32 getsockopt wsock32 GetStartupInfo kernel32 GetStdHandle kernel32 GetStockObject gdi32 GetStretchBltMode gdi32 GetStringType kernel32 GetStringTypeEx kernel32 GetStrokeAttributes pkpd32 GetStrokeTableAttributes pkpd32 GetSubMenu user32 GetSysColor user32 GetSysColorBrush user32 GetSystemDefaultLangID kernel32 GetSystemDefaultLCID kernel32 GetSystemDirectory kernel32 GetSystemInfo kernel32 GetSystemMenu user32 GetSystemMetrics user32 GetSystemPaletteEntries gdi32 GetSystemPaletteUse gdi32 GetSystemPowerStatus kernel32 GetSystemTime kernel32 GetSystemTimeAdjustment kernel32 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime kernel32 GetTabbedTextExtent user32 GetTapeParameters kernel32 GetTapePosition kernel32 GetTapeStatus kernel32 GetTapi16CallbackMsg tapi32 GetTempFileName kernel32 GetTempPath kernel32 (20 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

GetTextAlign gdi32 GetTextCharacterExtra gdi32 GetTextCharset gdi32 GetTextCharsetInfo gdi32 GetTextColor gdi32 GetTextExtentExPoint gdi32 GetTextExtentPoint gdi32 GetTextExtentPoint32 gdi32 GetTextFace gdi32 GetTextMetrics gdi32 GetThreadContext kernel32 GetThreadDesktop user32 GetThreadLocale kernel32 GetThreadPriority kernel32 GetThreadPriorityBoost kernel32 GetThreadSelectorEntry kernel32 GetThreadTimes kernel32 GetTickCount kernel32 GetTimeFormat kernel32 GetTimeZoneInformation kernel32 GetTitleBarInfo user32 GetTnefStreamCodepage mapi32 GetTnefStreamCodepage@12 mapi32 GetTokenInformation advapi32 GetTopWindow user32 GetTrusteeName advapi32 GetTrusteeType advapi32 GetTypeByName wsock32 GetUpdateRect user32 GetUpdateRgn user32 GetUserDefaultLangID kernel32 GetUserDefaultLCID kernel32 GetUserName advapi32 GetUserObjectInformation user32 GetUserObjectSecurity user32 GetVersion kernel32 GetVersionEx kernel32 GetViewportExtEx gdi32 GetViewportOrgEx gdi32 GetVolumeInformation kernel32 GetWindow user32 GetWindowContextHelpId user32 GetWindowDC user32 GetWindowExtEx gdi32 GetWindowInfo user32 GetWindowLong user32 GetWindowModuleFileName user32 GetWindowOrgEx gdi32 GetWindowPlacement user32 GetWindowRect user32 GetWindowRgn user32 GetWindowsDirectory kernel32 GetWindowText user32 GetWindowTextLength user32 GetWindowThreadProcessId user32 GetWindowWord user32 GetWinMetaFileBits gdi32 GetWorldTransform gdi32 GetWriteWatch kernel32 glAccum opengl32 glAlphaFunc opengl32 (21 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

glAreTexturesResident opengl32 glArrayElement opengl32 glBegin opengl32 glBindTexture opengl32 glBitmap opengl32 glBlendFunc opengl32 glCallList opengl32 glCallLists opengl32 glClear opengl32 glClearAccum opengl32 glClearColor opengl32 glClearDepth opengl32 glClearIndex opengl32 glClearStencil opengl32 glClipPlane opengl32 glColor3b opengl32 glColor3bv opengl32 glColor3d opengl32 glColor3dv opengl32 glColor3f opengl32 glColor3fv opengl32 glColor3i opengl32 glColor3iv opengl32 glColor3s opengl32 glColor3sv opengl32 glColor3ub opengl32 glColor3ubv opengl32 glColor3ui opengl32 glColor3uiv opengl32 glColor3us opengl32 glColor3usv opengl32 glColor4b opengl32 glColor4bv opengl32 glColor4d opengl32 glColor4dv opengl32 glColor4f opengl32 glColor4fv opengl32 glColor4i opengl32 glColor4iv opengl32 glColor4s opengl32 glColor4sv opengl32 glColor4ub opengl32 glColor4ubv opengl32 glColor4ui opengl32 glColor4uiv opengl32 glColor4us opengl32 glColor4usv opengl32 glColorMask opengl32 glColorMaterial opengl32 glColorPointer opengl32 glCopyPixels opengl32 glCopyTexImage1D opengl32 glCopyTexImage2D opengl32 glCopyTexSubImage1D opengl32 glCopyTexSubImage2D opengl32 glCullFace opengl32 glDebugEntry opengl32 glDeleteLists opengl32 glDeleteTextures opengl32 glDepthFunc opengl32 (22 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

glDepthMask opengl32 glDepthRange opengl32 glDisable opengl32 glDisableClientState opengl32 glDrawArrays opengl32 glDrawBuffer opengl32 glDrawElements opengl32 glDrawPixels opengl32 glEdgeFlag opengl32 glEdgeFlagPointer opengl32 glEdgeFlagv opengl32 glEnable opengl32 glEnableClientState opengl32 glEnd opengl32 glEndList opengl32 glEvalCoord1d opengl32 glEvalCoord1dv opengl32 glEvalCoord1f opengl32 glEvalCoord1fv opengl32 glEvalCoord2d opengl32 glEvalCoord2dv opengl32 glEvalCoord2f opengl32 glEvalCoord2fv opengl32 glEvalMesh1 opengl32 glEvalMesh2 opengl32 glEvalPoint1 opengl32 glEvalPoint2 opengl32 glFeedbackBuffer opengl32 glFinish opengl32 glFlush opengl32 glFogf opengl32 glFogfv opengl32 glFogi opengl32 glFogiv opengl32 glFrontFace opengl32 glFrustum opengl32 glGenLists opengl32 glGenTextures opengl32 glGetBooleanv opengl32 glGetClipPlane opengl32 glGetDoublev opengl32 glGetError opengl32 glGetFloatv opengl32 glGetIntegerv opengl32 glGetLightfv opengl32 glGetLightiv opengl32 glGetMapdv opengl32 glGetMapfv opengl32 glGetMapiv opengl32 glGetMaterialfv opengl32 glGetMaterialiv opengl32 glGetPixelMapfv opengl32 glGetPixelMapuiv opengl32 glGetPixelMapusv opengl32 glGetPointerv opengl32 glGetPolygonStipple opengl32 glGetString opengl32 glGetTexEnvfv opengl32 glGetTexEnviv opengl32 glGetTexGendv opengl32 glGetTexGenfv opengl32 (23 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

glGetTexGeniv opengl32 glGetTexImage opengl32 glGetTexLevelParameterfv opengl32 glGetTexLevelParameteriv opengl32 glGetTexParameterfv opengl32 glGetTexParameteriv opengl32 glHint opengl32 glIndexd opengl32 glIndexdv opengl32 glIndexf opengl32 glIndexfv opengl32 glIndexi opengl32 glIndexiv opengl32 glIndexMask opengl32 glIndexPointer opengl32 glIndexs opengl32 glIndexsv opengl32 glIndexub opengl32 glIndexubv opengl32 glInitNames opengl32 glInterleavedArrays opengl32 glIsEnabled opengl32 glIsList opengl32 glIsTexture opengl32 glLightf opengl32 glLightfv opengl32 glLighti opengl32 glLightiv opengl32 glLightModelf opengl32 glLightModelfv opengl32 glLightModeli opengl32 glLightModeliv opengl32 glLineStipple opengl32 glLineWidth opengl32 glListBase opengl32 glLoadIdentity opengl32 glLoadMatrixd opengl32 glLoadMatrixf opengl32 glLoadName opengl32 glLogicOp opengl32 glMap1d opengl32 glMap1f opengl32 glMap2d opengl32 glMap2f opengl32 glMapGrid1d opengl32 glMapGrid1f opengl32 glMapGrid2d opengl32 glMapGrid2f opengl32 glMaterialf opengl32 glMaterialfv opengl32 glMateriali opengl32 glMaterialiv opengl32 glMatrixMode opengl32 GlmfBeginGlsBlock opengl32 GlmfCloseMetaFile opengl32 GlmfEndGlsBlock opengl32 GlmfEndPlayback opengl32 GlmfInitPlayback opengl32 GlmfPlayGlsRecord opengl32 glMultMatrixd opengl32 (24 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

glMultMatrixf opengl32 glNewList opengl32 glNormal3b opengl32 glNormal3bv opengl32 glNormal3d opengl32 glNormal3dv opengl32 glNormal3f opengl32 glNormal3fv opengl32 glNormal3i opengl32 glNormal3iv opengl32 glNormal3s opengl32 glNormal3sv opengl32 glNormalPointer opengl32 GlobalAddAtom kernel32 GlobalAlloc kernel32 GlobalCompact kernel32 GlobalDeleteAtom kernel32 GlobalFindAtom kernel32 GlobalFix kernel32 GlobalFlags kernel32 GlobalFree kernel32 GlobalGetAtomName kernel32 GlobalHandle kernel32 GlobalLock kernel32 GlobalMemoryStatus kernel32 GlobalReAlloc kernel32 GlobalSize kernel32 GlobalUnfix kernel32 GlobalUnlock kernel32 GlobalUnWire kernel32 GlobalWire kernel32 glOrtho opengl32 glPassThrough opengl32 glPixelMapfv opengl32 glPixelMapuiv opengl32 glPixelMapusv opengl32 glPixelStoref opengl32 glPixelStorei opengl32 glPixelTransferf opengl32 glPixelTransferi opengl32 glPixelZoom opengl32 glPointSize opengl32 glPolygonMode opengl32 glPolygonOffset opengl32 glPolygonStipple opengl32 glPopAttrib opengl32 glPopClientAttrib opengl32 glPopMatrix opengl32 glPopName opengl32 glPrioritizeTextures opengl32 glPushAttrib opengl32 glPushClientAttrib opengl32 glPushMatrix opengl32 glPushName opengl32 glRasterPos2d opengl32 glRasterPos2dv opengl32 glRasterPos2f opengl32 glRasterPos2fv opengl32 glRasterPos2i opengl32 glRasterPos2iv opengl32 glRasterPos2s opengl32 (25 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

glRasterPos2sv opengl32 glRasterPos3d opengl32 glRasterPos3dv opengl32 glRasterPos3f opengl32 glRasterPos3fv opengl32 glRasterPos3i opengl32 glRasterPos3iv opengl32 glRasterPos3s opengl32 glRasterPos3sv opengl32 glRasterPos4d opengl32 glRasterPos4dv opengl32 glRasterPos4f opengl32 glRasterPos4fv opengl32 glRasterPos4i opengl32 glRasterPos4iv opengl32 glRasterPos4s opengl32 glRasterPos4sv opengl32 glReadBuffer opengl32 glReadPixels opengl32 glRectd opengl32 glRectdv opengl32 glRectf opengl32 glRectfv opengl32 glRecti opengl32 glRectiv opengl32 glRects opengl32 glRectsv opengl32 glRenderMode opengl32 glRotated opengl32 glRotatef opengl32 glScaled opengl32 glScalef opengl32 glScissor opengl32 glSelectBuffer opengl32 glShadeModel opengl32 glStencilFunc opengl32 glStencilMask opengl32 glStencilOp opengl32 glTexCoord1d opengl32 glTexCoord1dv opengl32 glTexCoord1f opengl32 glTexCoord1fv opengl32 glTexCoord1i opengl32 glTexCoord1iv opengl32 glTexCoord1s opengl32 glTexCoord1sv opengl32 glTexCoord2d opengl32 glTexCoord2dv opengl32 glTexCoord2f opengl32 glTexCoord2fv opengl32 glTexCoord2i opengl32 glTexCoord2iv opengl32 glTexCoord2s opengl32 glTexCoord2sv opengl32 glTexCoord3d opengl32 glTexCoord3dv opengl32 glTexCoord3f opengl32 glTexCoord3fv opengl32 glTexCoord3i opengl32 glTexCoord3iv opengl32 (26 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

glTexCoord3s opengl32 glTexCoord3sv opengl32 glTexCoord4d opengl32 glTexCoord4dv opengl32 glTexCoord4f opengl32 glTexCoord4fv opengl32 glTexCoord4i opengl32 glTexCoord4iv opengl32 glTexCoord4s opengl32 glTexCoord4sv opengl32 glTexCoordPointer opengl32 glTexEnvf opengl32 glTexEnvfv opengl32 glTexEnvi opengl32 glTexEnviv opengl32 glTexGend opengl32 glTexGendv opengl32 glTexGenf opengl32 glTexGenfv opengl32 glTexGeni opengl32 glTexGeniv opengl32 glTexImage1D opengl32 glTexImage2D opengl32 glTexParameterf opengl32 glTexParameterfv opengl32 glTexParameteri opengl32 glTexParameteriv opengl32 glTexSubImage1D opengl32 glTexSubImage2D opengl32 glTranslated opengl32 glTranslatef opengl32 gluBeginCurve glu32 gluBeginPolygon glu32 gluBeginSurface glu32 gluBeginTrim glu32 gluBuild1DMipmaps glu32 gluBuild2DMipmaps glu32 gluCylinder glu32 gluDeleteNurbsRenderer glu32 gluDeleteQuadric glu32 gluDeleteTess glu32 gluDisk glu32 gluEndCurve glu32 gluEndPolygon glu32 gluEndSurface glu32 gluEndTrim glu32 gluErrorString glu32 gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT glu32 gluGetNurbsProperty glu32 gluGetString glu32 gluGetTessProperty glu32 gluLoadSamplingMatrices glu32 gluLookAt glu32 gluNewNurbsRenderer glu32 gluNewQuadric glu32 gluNewTess glu32 gluNextContour glu32 gluNurbsCallback glu32 gluNurbsCurve glu32 gluNurbsProperty glu32 gluNurbsSurface glu32 (27 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

gluOrtho2D glu32 gluPartialDisk glu32 gluPerspective glu32 gluPickMatrix glu32 gluProject glu32 gluPwlCurve glu32 gluQuadricCallback glu32 gluQuadricDrawStyle glu32 gluQuadricNormals glu32 gluQuadricOrientation glu32 gluQuadricTexture glu32 gluScaleImage glu32 gluSphere glu32 gluTessBeginContour glu32 gluTessBeginPolygon glu32 gluTessCallback glu32 gluTessEndContour glu32 gluTessEndPolygon glu32 gluTessNormal glu32 gluTessProperty glu32 gluTessVertex glu32 gluUnProject glu32 glVertex2d opengl32 glVertex2dv opengl32 glVertex2f opengl32 glVertex2fv opengl32 glVertex2i opengl32 glVertex2iv opengl32 glVertex2s opengl32 glVertex2sv opengl32 glVertex3d opengl32 glVertex3dv opengl32 glVertex3f opengl32 glVertex3fv opengl32 glVertex3i opengl32 glVertex3iv opengl32 glVertex3s opengl32 glVertex3sv opengl32 glVertex4d opengl32 glVertex4dv opengl32 glVertex4f opengl32 glVertex4fv opengl32 glVertex4i opengl32 glVertex4iv opengl32 glVertex4s opengl32 glVertex4sv opengl32 glVertexPointer opengl32 glViewport opengl32 GrayString user32 HACCEL_UserFree ole32 HACCEL_UserMarshal ole32 HACCEL_UserSize ole32 HACCEL_UserUnmarshal ole32 HasSystemSleepStarted user32 HBITMAP_UserFree ole32 HBITMAP_UserMarshal ole32 HBITMAP_UserSize ole32 HBITMAP_UserUnmarshal ole32 HBRUSH_UserFree ole32 HBRUSH_UserMarshal ole32 (28 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

HBRUSH_UserSize ole32 HBRUSH_UserUnmarshal ole32 Heap32First th32 kernel32 Heap32ListFirst th32 kernel32 Heap32ListNext th32 kernel32 Heap32Next th32 kernel32 HeapAlloc kernel32 HeapCompact kernel32 HeapCreate kernel32 HeapDestroy kernel32 HeapFree kernel32 HeapLock kernel32 HeapReAlloc kernel32 HeapSetFlags kernel32 HeapSize kernel32 HeapUnlock kernel32 HeapValidate kernel32 HeapWalk kernel32 HENHMETAFILE_UserFree ole32 HENHMETAFILE_UserMarshal ole32 HENHMETAFILE_UserSize ole32 HENHMETAFILE_UserUnmarshal ole32 HexFromBin@12 mapi32 HGLOBAL_UserFree ole32 HGLOBAL_UserMarshal ole32 HGLOBAL_UserSize ole32 HGLOBAL_UserUnmarshal ole32 HideCaret user32 HiliteMenuItem user32 HitTestPenData pkpd32 HMENU_UserFree ole32 HMENU_UserMarshal ole32 HMENU_UserSize ole32 HMENU_UserUnmarshal ole32 HMETAFILE_UserFree ole32 HMETAFILE_UserMarshal ole32 HMETAFILE_UserSize ole32 HMETAFILE_UserUnmarshal ole32 HMETAFILEPICT_UserFree ole32 HMETAFILEPICT_UserMarshal ole32 HMETAFILEPICT_UserSize ole32 HMETAFILEPICT_UserUnmarshal ole32 HPALETTE_UserFree ole32 HPALETTE_UserMarshal ole32 HPALETTE_UserSize ole32 HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal ole32 HrAddColumns@16 mapi32 HrAddColumnsEx@20 mapi32 HrAllocAdviseSink@12 mapi32 HrComposeEID@28 mapi32 HrComposeMsgID@24 mapi32 HrDecomposeEID@28 mapi32 HrDecomposeMsgID@24 mapi32 HrDispatchNotifications@4 mapi32 HrEntryIDFromSz@12 mapi32 HrGetOmiProvidersFlags mapi32 HrGetOmiProvidersFlags@8 mapi32 HrGetOneProp@12 mapi32 HrIStorageFromStream@16 mapi32 HrQueryAllRows@24 mapi32 HrSetOmiProvidersFlagsInvalid mapi32 (29 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

HrSetOmiProvidersFlagsInvalid@4 mapi32 HrSetOneProp@8 mapi32 HrSzFromEntryID@12 mapi32 HrThisThreadAdviseSink@8 mapi32 HrValidateIPMSubtree@20 mapi32 HrValidateParameters@8 mapi32 htonl wsock32 htons wsock32 HWND_UserFree ole32 HWND_UserMarshal ole32 HWND_UserSize ole32 HWND_UserUnmarshal ole32 I_RemoteMain ole32 I_RpcAllocate rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingCopy rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingInqDynamicEndpoint rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingInqDynamicEndpointRPCRT4.I_RpcBindingInqDynamicEndpoint rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingInqTransportType rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingIsClientLocal rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingSetAsync rpcrt4 I_RpcClearMutex rpcrt4 I_RpcConnectionInqSockBuffSize rpcrt4 I_RpcConnectionInqSockBuffSize2 rpcrt4 I_RpcConnectionSetSockBuffSize rpcrt4 I_RpcDeleteMutex rpcrt4 I_RpcFree rpcrt4 I_RpcFreeBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcFreePipeBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcGetAssociationContext rpcrt4 I_RpcGetBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcGetCurrentCallHandle rpcrt4 I_RpcGetThreadEvent rpcrt4 I_RpcGetThreadWindowHandle rpcrt4 I_RpcIfInqTransferSyntaxes rpcrt4 I_RpcLaunchDatagramReceiveThread rpcrt4 I_RpcMapWin32Status rpcrt4 I_RpcMonitorAssociation rpcrt4 I_RpcNsBindingSetEntryName rpcrt4 I_RpcNsBindingSetEntryNameRPCRT4.I_RpcNsBindingSetEntryName rpcrt4 I_RpcNsGetBuffer rpcns4 I_RpcNsRaiseException rpcns4 I_RpcNsSendReceive rpcns4 I_RpcParseSecurity rpcrt4 I_RpcPauseExecution rpcrt4 I_RpcReallocPipeBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcReBindBuffer rpcns4 I_RpcReceive rpcrt4 I_RpcRequestMutex rpcrt4 I_RpcSend rpcrt4 I_RpcSendReceive rpcrt4 I_RpcServerRegisterForwardFunction rpcrt4 I_RpcServerStartListening rpcrt4 I_RpcServerStopListening rpcrt4 I_RpcServerUnregisterEndpoint rpcrt4 I_RpcSetAssociationContext rpcrt4 I_RpcSetThreadParams rpcrt4 I_RpcSsDontSerializeContext rpcrt4 I_RpcStopMonitorAssociation rpcrt4 I_RpcTransCancelMigration rpcrt4 I_RpcTransClientMaxFrag rpcrt4 (30 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

I_RpcTransClientReallocBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcTransMaybeMakeReceiveAny rpcrt4 I_RpcTransMaybeMakeReceiveDirect rpcrt4 I_RpcTransPingServer rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerFindConnection rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerFreeBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerMaxFrag rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerNewConnection rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerProtectThread rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerReallocBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerReceiveDirectReady rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerUnprotectThread rpcrt4 I_RpcWindowProc rpcrt4 I_UuidCreate rpcrt4 IIDFromString ole32 ImageList_Add comctl32 ImageList_AddIcon comctl32 ImageList_AddMasked comctl32 ImageList_BeginDrag comctl32 ImageList_Copy comctl32 ImageList_Create comctl32 ImageList_Destroy comctl32 ImageList_DragEnter comctl32 ImageList_DragLeave comctl32 ImageList_DragMove comctl32 ImageList_DragShowNolock comctl32 ImageList_Draw comctl32 ImageList_DrawEx comctl32 ImageList_DrawIndirect comctl32 ImageList_Duplicate comctl32 ImageList_EndDrag comctl32 ImageList_GetBkColor comctl32 ImageList_GetDragImage comctl32 ImageList_GetIcon comctl32 ImageList_GetIconSize comctl32 ImageList_GetImageCount comctl32 ImageList_GetImageInfo comctl32 ImageList_GetImageRect comctl32 ImageList_LoadImage comctl32 ImageList_Merge comctl32 ImageList_Read comctl32 ImageList_Remove comctl32 ImageList_Replace comctl32 ImageList_ReplaceIcon comctl32 ImageList_SetBkColor comctl32 ImageList_SetDragCursorImage comctl32 ImageList_SetFilter comctl32 ImageList_SetFlags comctl32 ImageList_SetIconSize comctl32 ImageList_SetImageCount comctl32 ImageList_SetOverlayImage comctl32 ImageList_Write comctl32 ImmAssociateContext imm32 ImmAssociateContextEx imm32 ImmConfigureIME imm32 ImmCreateContext imm32 ImmCreateIMCC imm32 ImmCreateSoftKeyboard imm32 ImmDestroyContext imm32 ImmDestroyIMCC imm32 ImmDestroySoftKeyboard imm32 (31 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

ImmDisableIME imm32 ImmEnumInputContext imm32 ImmEnumRegisterWord imm32 ImmEscape imm32 ImmGenerateMessage imm32 ImmGetCandidateList imm32 ImmGetCandidateListCount imm32 ImmGetCandidateWindow imm32 ImmGetCompositionFont imm32 ImmGetCompositionString imm32 ImmGetCompositionWindow imm32 ImmGetContext imm32 ImmGetConversionList imm32 ImmGetConversionStatus imm32 ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd imm32 ImmGetDescription imm32 ImmGetGuideLine imm32 ImmGetHotKey imm32 ImmGetIMCCLockCount imm32 ImmGetIMCCSize imm32 ImmGetIMCLockCount imm32 ImmGetIMEFileName imm32 ImmGetImeMenuItems imm32 ImmGetOpenStatus imm32 ImmGetProperty imm32 ImmGetRegisterWordStyle imm32 ImmGetStatusWindowPos imm32 ImmGetVirtualKey imm32 ImmInstallIME imm32 ImmIsIME imm32 ImmIsUIMessage imm32 ImmLockIMC imm32 ImmLockIMCC imm32 ImmNotifyIME imm32 ImmRegisterWord imm32 ImmReleaseContext imm32 ImmRequestMessage imm32 ImmReSizeIMCC imm32 ImmSetCandidateWindow imm32 ImmSetCompositionFont imm32 ImmSetCompositionString imm32 ImmSetCompositionWindow imm32 ImmSetConversionStatus imm32 ImmSetHotKey imm32 ImmSetOpenStatus imm32 ImmSetStatusWindowPos imm32 ImmShowSoftKeyboard imm32 ImmSimulateHotKey imm32 ImmUnlockIMC imm32 ImmUnlockIMCC imm32 ImmUnregisterWord imm32 IMPAddIME user32 IMPDeleteIME user32 ImpersonateDdeClientWindow user32 ImpersonateLoggedOnUser advapi32 ImpersonateNamedPipeClient advapi32 ImpersonateSelf advapi32 IMPGetIME user32 IMPModifyIME user32 IMPQueryIME user32 (32 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

IMPRetrieveIME user32 IMPSetIME user32 inet_addr wsock32 inet_network wsock32 inet_ntoa wsock32 InetIsOffline url InflateRect user32 InitAtomTable kernel32 InitCommonControls comctl32 InitCommonControlsEx comctl32 InitializeAcl advapi32 InitializeCriticalSection kernel32 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount kernel32 InitializeFlatSB comctl32 InitializeSecurityDescriptor advapi32 InitializeSid advapi32 InitiateSystemShutdown advapi32 InitMUILanguage comctl32 InitSharedTable user32 InitTask user32 InSendMessage user32 InSendMessageEx user32 InsertDiskDlg tapi32 InsertMenu user32 InsertMenuItem user32 InsertPenData pkpd32 InsertPenDataPoints pkpd32 InsertPenDataStroke pkpd32 InstallFilterHook@4 mapi32 InterlockedCompareExchange kernel32 InterlockedDecrement kernel32 InterlockedExchange kernel32 InterlockedExchangeAdd kernel32 InterlockedIncrement kernel32 internalConfig tapi32 InternalExtractIconList shell32 InternalGetWindowText user32 internalPerformance tapi32 internalRemoveLocation tapi32 IntersectClipRect gdi32 IntersectRect user32 InvalidateNLSCache kernel32 InvalidateRect user32 InvalidateRgn user32 InvertRect user32 InvertRgn gdi32 ioctlsocket wsock32 IsAccelerator ole32 IsBadBoundedStringPtr@8 mapi32 IsBadCodePtr kernel32 IsBadHugeReadPtr kernel32 IsBadHugeWritePtr kernel32 IsBadReadPtr kernel32 IsBadStringPtr kernel32 IsBadWritePtr kernel32 IsCharAlpha user32 IsCharAlphaNumeric user32 IsCharLower user32 IsCharUpper user32 IsChild user32 IsClipboardFormatAvailable user32 (33 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

IsDBCSLeadByte kernel32 IsDBCSLeadByteEx kernel32 IsDebuggerPresent kernel32 IsDialogMessage user32 IsDlgButtonChecked user32 IsEqualGUID ole32 IsHungThread user32 IsIconic user32 IsLSCallback kernel32 IsMenu user32 IsProcessorFeaturePresent kernel32 IsRectEmpty user32 IsSLCallback kernel32 IsSystemResumeAutomatic kernel32 IsTextUnicode advapi32 IsValidAcl advapi32 IsValidCodePage kernel32 IsValidIid ole32 IsValidInterface ole32 IsValidLocale kernel32 IsValidPtrIn ole32 IsValidPtrOut ole32 IsValidSecurityDescriptor advapi32 IsValidSid advapi32 IsWindow user32 IsWindowEnabled user32 IsWindowUnicode user32 IsWindowVisible user32 IsZoomed user32 IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy rpcrt4 IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy rpcrt4 IUnknown_Release_Proxy rpcrt4 joyConfigChanged winmm joyGetDevCaps winmm joyGetNumDevs winmm joyGetPos winmm joyGetPosEx winmm joyGetThreshold winmm joyReleaseCapture winmm joySetCapture winmm joySetThreshold winmm K32_NtCreateFile kernel32 K32_RtlNtStatusToDosError kernel32 K32Thk1632Epilog kernel32 K32Thk1632Prolog kernel32 keybd_event user32 KillTimer user32 LAddrParamsInited tapi32 LAUNCHWIZARD mapi32 LaunchWizard@20 mapi32 LBItemFromPt comctl32 LCMapString kernel32 LeaveCriticalSection kernel32 LHashValOfNameSys oleaut32 lineAccept tapi32 lineAddProvider tapi32 lineAddToConference tapi32 lineAgentSpecific tapi32 lineAnswer tapi32 lineBlindTransfer tapi32 (34 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

lineClose tapi32 lineCompleteCall tapi32 lineCompleteTransfer tapi32 lineConfigDialog tapi32 lineConfigDialogEdit tapi32 lineConfigProvider tapi32 LineDD gdi32 lineDeallocateCall tapi32 lineDevSpecific tapi32 lineDevSpecificFeature tapi32 lineDial tapi32 lineDrop tapi32 lineForward tapi32 lineGatherDigits tapi32 lineGenerateDigits tapi32 lineGenerateTone tapi32 lineGetAddressCaps tapi32 lineGetAddressID tapi32 lineGetAddressStatus tapi32 lineGetAgentActivityList tapi32 lineGetAgentCaps tapi32 lineGetAgentGroupList tapi32 lineGetAgentStatus tapi32 lineGetAppPriority tapi32 lineGetCallInfo tapi32 lineGetCallStatus tapi32 lineGetConfRelatedCalls tapi32 lineGetCountry tapi32 lineGetDevCaps tapi32 lineGetDevConfig tapi32 lineGetIcon tapi32 lineGetID tapi32 lineGetLineDevStatus tapi32 lineGetMessage tapi32 lineGetNewCalls tapi32 lineGetNumRings tapi32 lineGetProviderList tapi32 lineGetRequest tapi32 lineGetStatusMessages tapi32 lineGetTranslateCaps tapi32 lineHandoff tapi32 lineHold tapi32 lineInitialize tapi32 lineInitializeEx tapi32 lineMakeCall tapi32 lineMonitorDigits tapi32 lineMonitorMedia tapi32 lineMonitorTones tapi32 lineNegotiateAPIVersion tapi32 lineNegotiateExtVersion tapi32 lineOpen tapi32 linePark tapi32 linePickup tapi32 linePrepareAddToConference tapi32 lineProxyMessage tapi32 lineProxyResponse tapi32 lineRedirect tapi32 lineRegisterRequestRecipient tapi32 lineReleaseUserUserInfo tapi32 lineRemoveFromConference tapi32 lineRemoveProvider tapi32 (35 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

lineSecureCall tapi32 lineSendUserUserInfo tapi32 lineSetAgentActivity tapi32 lineSetAgentGroup tapi32 lineSetAgentState tapi32 lineSetAppPriority tapi32 lineSetAppSpecific tapi32 lineSetCallData tapi32 lineSetCallParams tapi32 lineSetCallPrivilege tapi32 lineSetCallQualityOfService tapi32 lineSetCallTreatment tapi32 lineSetCurrentLocation tapi32 lineSetDevConfig tapi32 lineSetLineDevStatus tapi32 lineSetMediaControl tapi32 lineSetMediaMode tapi32 lineSetNumRings tapi32 lineSetStatusMessages tapi32 lineSetTerminal tapi32 lineSetTollList tapi32 lineSetupConference tapi32 lineSetupTransfer tapi32 lineShutdown tapi32 lineSwapHold tapi32 LineTo gdi32 lineTranslateAddress tapi32 lineTranslateDialog tapi32 lineUncompleteCall tapi32 lineUnhold tapi32 lineUnpark tapi32 listen wsock32 ListWndProc3d ctl3d32 LoadAccelerators user32 LoadAlterBitmap comdlg32 LoadBitmap user32 LoadCursor user32 LoadCursorFromFile user32 LoadIcon user32 LoadImage user32 LoadKeyboardLayout user32 LoadLibrary kernel32 LoadLibraryEx kernel32 LoadMenu user32 LoadMenuIndirect user32 LoadModule kernel32 LoadRegTypeLib oleaut32 LoadResource kernel32 LoadString user32 LoadTypeLib oleaut32 LoadTypeLibEx oleaut32 LocalAlloc kernel32 LocalCompact kernel32 LocalFileTimeToFileTime kernel32 LocalFlags kernel32 LocalFree kernel32 LocalHandle kernel32 LocalLock kernel32 LocalReAlloc kernel32 LocalShrink kernel32 (36 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

LocalSize kernel32 LocalUnlock kernel32 LockFile kernel32 LockFileEx kernel32 LockHandle odbc32 LockResource kernel32 LockServiceDatabase advapi32 LockWindowStation user32 LockWindowUpdate user32 LocWizardDlgProc tapi32 LogonUser advapi32 long_array_from_ndr rpcrt4 long_from_ndr rpcrt4 long_from_ndr_temp rpcrt4 LookupAccountName advapi32 LookupAccountSid advapi32 LookupIconIdFromDirectory user32 LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx user32 LookupPrivilegeDisplayName advapi32 LookupPrivilegeName advapi32 LookupPrivilegeValue advapi32 LookupSecurityDescriptorParts advapi32 LOpenDialAsst tapi32 LPropCompareProp@8 mapi32 LPSAFEARRAY_Marshal oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_Size oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_Unmarshal oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_UserFree oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_UserMarshal oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_UserSize oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_UserUnmarshal oleaut32 LPtoDP gdi32 LpValFindProp@12 mapi32 lstrcat kernel32 lstrcmp kernel32 lstrcmpi kernel32 lstrcpy kernel32 lstrcpyn kernel32 lstrlen kernel32 LZClose lz32 LZCopy lz32 LZDone lz32 LZInit lz32 LZOpenFile lz32 LZRead lz32 LZSeek lz32 LZStart lz32 MailToProtocolHandler url MakeAbsoluteSD advapi32 MakeCriticalSectionGlobal kernel32 MakeDragList comctl32 MakeSelfRelativeSD advapi32 MapDialogRect user32 MapGenericMask advapi32 MapHInstLS kernel32 MapHInstLS_PN kernel32 MapHInstSL kernel32 MapHInstSL_PN kernel32 MapHModuleLS kernel32 MapHModuleSL kernel32 MAPIAddress mapi32 (37 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

MAPIAdminProfiles mapi32 MAPIAdminProfiles@8 mapi32 MAPIAllocateBuffer mapi32 MAPIAllocateBuffer@8 mapi32 MAPIAllocateMore mapi32 MAPIAllocateMore@12 mapi32 MAPIDeinitIdle@0 mapi32 MAPIDeleteMail mapi32 MAPIDetails mapi32 MAPIFindNext mapi32 MAPIFreeBuffer mapi32 MAPIFreeBuffer@4 mapi32 MAPIGetDefaultMalloc@0 mapi32 MAPIInitialize mapi32 MAPIInitialize@4 mapi32 MAPIInitIdle@4 mapi32 MAPILogoff mapi32 MAPILogon mapi32 MAPILogonEx mapi32 MAPILogonEx@20 mapi32 MAPIOpenFormMgr mapi32 MAPIOpenFormMgr@8 mapi32 MAPIOpenLocalFormContainer mapi32 MAPIOpenLocalFormContainer@4 mapi32 MAPIReadMail mapi32 MAPIResolveName mapi32 MAPISaveMail mapi32 MAPISendDocuments mapi32 MAPISendMail mapi32 MAPIUninitialize mapi32 MAPIUninitialize@0 mapi32 MapLS kernel32 MapSL kernel32 MapSLFix kernel32 MapStorageSCode@4 mapi32 MapViewOfFile kernel32 MapViewOfFileEx kernel32 MapVirtualKey user32 MapVirtualKeyEx user32 MapWindowPoints user32 MaskBlt gdi32 mciDriverNotify winmm mciDriverYield winmm mciExecute winmm mciFreeCommandResource winmm mciGetCreatorTask winmm mciGetDeviceID winmm mciGetDriverData winmm mciGetErrorString winmm mciGetYieldProc winmm mciLoadCommandResource winmm mciSendCommand winmm mciSendString winmm mciSetDriverData winmm mciSetYieldProc winmm MenuHelp comctl32 MenuItemFromPoint user32 MesBufferHandleReset rpcrt4 MesDecodeBufferHandleCreate rpcrt4 MesDecodeIncrementalHandleCreate rpcrt4 (38 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

MesEncodeDynBufferHandleCreate rpcrt4 MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate rpcrt4 MesEncodeIncrementalHandleCreate rpcrt4 MesHandleFree rpcrt4 MesIncrementalHandleReset rpcrt4 MesInqProcEncodingId rpcrt4 MessageBeep user32 MessageBox user32 MessageBoxEx user32 MessageBoxIndirect user32 MetricScalePenData pkpd32 midiConnect winmm midiDisconnect winmm midiInAddBuffer winmm midiInClose winmm midiInGetDevCaps winmm midiInGetErrorText winmm midiInGetID winmm midiInGetNumDevs winmm midiInMessage winmm midiInOpen winmm midiInPrepareHeader winmm midiInReset winmm midiInStart winmm midiInStop winmm midiInUnprepareHeader winmm midiOutCacheDrumPatches winmm midiOutCachePatches winmm midiOutClose winmm midiOutGetDevCaps winmm midiOutGetErrorText winmm midiOutGetID winmm midiOutGetNumDevs winmm midiOutGetVolume winmm midiOutLongMsg winmm midiOutMessage winmm midiOutOpen winmm midiOutPrepareHeader winmm midiOutReset winmm midiOutSetVolume winmm midiOutShortMsg winmm midiOutUnprepareHeader winmm midiStreamClose winmm midiStreamOpen winmm midiStreamOut winmm midiStreamPause winmm midiStreamPosition winmm midiStreamProperty winmm midiStreamRestart winmm midiStreamStop winmm MIDL_wchar_strcpy rpcrt4 MIDL_wchar_strlen rpcrt4 MigrateWinsockConfiguration wsock32 MIMEAssociationDialog url mixerClose winmm mixerGetControlDetails winmm mixerGetDevCaps winmm mixerGetID winmm mixerGetLineControls winmm mixerGetLineInfo winmm mixerGetNumDevs winmm (39 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

mixerMessage winmm mixerOpen winmm mixerSetControlDetails winmm MkParseDisplayName ole32 mmioAdvance winmm mmioAscend winmm mmioClose winmm mmioCreateChunk winmm mmioDescend winmm mmioFlush winmm mmioGetInfo winmm mmioInstallIOProc winmm mmioInstallIOProc16 winmm mmioOpen winmm mmioRead winmm mmioRename winmm mmioSeek winmm mmioSendMessage winmm mmioSetBuffer winmm mmioSetInfo winmm mmioStringToFOURCC winmm mmioWrite winmm mmsystemGetVersion winmm MNLS_CompareStringW@24 mapi32 MNLS_IsBadStringPtrW@8 mapi32 MNLS_lstrcmpW@8 mapi32 MNLS_lstrcpyW@8 mapi32 MNLS_lstrlenW@4 mapi32 MNLS_MultiByteToWideChar@24 mapi32 MNLS_WideCharToMultiByte@32 mapi32 ModifyAccess user32 ModifyMenu user32 ModifyWorldTransform gdi32 Module32First th32 (DLL:kernel32) Module32Next th32 (DLL:kernel32) MonikerCommonPrefixWith ole32 MonikerRelativePathTo ole32 MonitorFromPoint user32 MonitorFromRect user32 MonitorFromWindow user32 mouse_event user32 MoveFile kernel32 MoveFileEx kernel32 MoveToEx gdi32 MoveWindow user32 MqGetContext rpcrt4 MqRegisterQueue rpcrt4 MsgWaitForMultipleObjects user32 MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx user32 MulDiv kernel32 MultiByteToWideChar kernel32 MultinetGetConnectionPerformance mpr MultinetGetErrorText mpr NdrAllocate rpcrt4 NdrByteCountPointerBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrByteCountPointerFree rpcrt4 NdrByteCountPointerMarshall rpcrt4 NdrByteCountPointerUnmarshall rpcrt4 NDRCContextBinding rpcrt4 NDRCContextMarshall rpcrt4 (40 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

NDRCContextUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrClearOutParameters rpcrt4 NdrClientCall rpcrt4 NdrClientCall2 rpcrt4 NdrClientContextMarshall rpcrt4 NdrClientContextUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrClientInitialize rpcrt4 NdrClientInitializeNew rpcrt4 NdrComplexArrayBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrComplexArrayFree rpcrt4 NdrComplexArrayMarshall rpcrt4 NdrComplexArrayMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrComplexArrayUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrComplexStructBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrComplexStructFree rpcrt4 NdrComplexStructMarshall rpcrt4 NdrComplexStructMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrComplexStructUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantArrayBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrConformantArrayFree rpcrt4 NdrConformantArrayMarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantArrayMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrConformantArrayUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantStringBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrConformantStringMarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantStringMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrConformantStringUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantStructBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrConformantStructFree rpcrt4 NdrConformantStructMarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantStructMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrConformantStructUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingArrayBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingArrayFree rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingArrayMarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingArrayMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingArrayUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingStructBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingStructFree rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingStructMarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingStructMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingStructUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrContextHandleSize rpcrt4 NdrConvert rpcrt4 NdrConvert2 rpcrt4 NDRcopy rpcrt4 NdrCStdStubBuffer_Release rpcrt4 NdrCStdStubBuffer2_Release rpcrt4 NdrDllCanUnloadNow rpcrt4 NdrDllGetClassObject rpcrt4 NdrDllRegisterProxy rpcrt4 NdrDllUnregisterProxy rpcrt4 NdrEncapsulatedUnionBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrEncapsulatedUnionFree rpcrt4 NdrEncapsulatedUnionMarshall rpcrt4 NdrEncapsulatedUnionMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrEncapsulatedUnionUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrFixedArrayBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrFixedArrayFree rpcrt4 NdrFixedArrayMarshall rpcrt4 NdrFixedArrayMemorySize rpcrt4 (41 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

NdrFixedArrayUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrFreeBuffer rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerFree rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerInsertRefId rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerQueryPointer rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerQueryRefId rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerXlatFree rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerXlatInit rpcrt4 NdrGetBuffer rpcrt4 NdrGetDcomProtocolVersion rpcrt4 NdrHardStructBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrHardStructFree rpcrt4 NdrHardStructMarshall rpcrt4 NdrHardStructMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrHardStructUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrInterfacePointerBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrInterfacePointerFree rpcrt4 NdrInterfacePointerMarshall rpcrt4 NdrInterfacePointerMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrInterfacePointerUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrMapCommAndFaultStatus rpcrt4 NdrMesProcEncodeDecode rpcrt4 NdrMesSimpleTypeAlignSize rpcrt4 NdrMesSimpleTypeDecode rpcrt4 NdrMesSimpleTypeEncode rpcrt4 NdrMesTypeAlignSize rpcrt4 NdrMesTypeDecode rpcrt4 NdrMesTypeEncode rpcrt4 NdrNonConformantStringBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrNonConformantStringMarshall rpcrt4 NdrNonConformantStringMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrNonConformantStringUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionFree rpcrt4 NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionMarshall rpcrt4 NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrNsGetBuffer rpcrt4 NdrNsSendReceive rpcrt4 NdrOleAllocate rpcrt4 NdrOleFree rpcrt4 NdrPointerBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrPointerFree rpcrt4 NdrPointerMarshall rpcrt4 NdrPointerMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrPointerUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrProxyErrorHandler rpcrt4 NdrProxyFreeBuffer rpcrt4 NdrProxyGetBuffer rpcrt4 NdrProxyInitialize rpcrt4 NdrProxySendReceive rpcrt4 NdrpSetRpcSsDefaults rpcrt4 NdrRpcSmClientAllocate rpcrt4 NdrRpcSmClientFree rpcrt4 NdrRpcSmSetClientToOsf rpcrt4 NdrRpcSsDefaultAllocate rpcrt4 NdrRpcSsDefaultFree rpcrt4 NdrRpcSsDisableAllocate rpcrt4 NdrRpcSsEnableAllocate rpcrt4 NDRSContextMarshall rpcrt4 (42 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

NDRSContextUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrSendReceive rpcrt4 NdrServerCall rpcrt4 NdrServerCall2 rpcrt4 NdrServerContextMarshall rpcrt4 NdrServerContextUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrServerInitialize rpcrt4 NdrServerInitializeMarshall rpcrt4 NdrServerInitializeNew rpcrt4 NdrServerInitializeUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrServerMarshall rpcrt4 NdrServerUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrSimpleStructBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrSimpleStructFree rpcrt4 NdrSimpleStructMarshall rpcrt4 NdrSimpleStructMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrSimpleStructUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrSimpleTypeMarshall rpcrt4 NdrSimpleTypeUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrStubCall rpcrt4 NdrStubCall2 rpcrt4 NdrStubForwardingFunction rpcrt4 NdrStubGetBuffer rpcrt4 NdrStubInitialize rpcrt4 NdrStubInitializeMarshall rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalFree rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalMarshall rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalSimpleTypeConvert rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrVaryingArrayBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrVaryingArrayFree rpcrt4 NdrVaryingArrayMarshall rpcrt4 NdrVaryingArrayMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrVaryingArrayUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrXmitOrRepAsBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrXmitOrRepAsFree rpcrt4 NdrXmitOrRepAsMarshall rpcrt4 NdrXmitOrRepAsMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrXmitOrRepAsUnmarshall rpcrt4 NetAccessAdd svrapi NetAccessCheck svrapi NetAccessDel svrapi NetAccessEnum svrapi NetAccessGetInfo svrapi NetAccessGetUserPerms svrapi NetAccessSetInfo svrapi Netbios netapi32 NetConnectionEnum svrapi NetFileClose2 svrapi NetFileEnum svrapi NetSecurityGetInfo svrapi NetServerGetInfo svrapi NetSessionDel svrapi NetSessionEnum svrapi NetSessionGetInfo svrapi NetShareAdd svrapi NetShareDel svrapi NetShareEnum svrapi NetShareGetInfo svrapi (43 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

NetShareSetInfo svrapi NewsProtocolHandler url NonAsyncEventThread tapi32 NotifyBootConfigStatus advapi32 NotifyChangeEventLog advapi32 NotifyNLSUserCache kernel32 NotifyWinEvent user32 NPLoadNameSpaces wsock32 NPSAuthenticationDialog mpr NPSCopyString mpr NPSDeviceGetNumber mpr NPSDeviceGetString mpr NPSGetProviderHandle mpr NPSGetProviderName mpr NPSGetSectionName mpr NPSNotifyGetContext mpr NPSNotifyRegister mpr NPSSetCustomText mpr NPSSetExtendedError mpr NSPStartup wsock32 ntohl wsock32 ntohs wsock32 OaBuildVersion oleaut32 OACreateTypeLib2 oleaut32 ObjectCloseAuditAlarm advapi32 ObjectDeleteAuditAlarm advapi32 ObjectOpenAuditAlarm advapi32 ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm advapi32 ODBCCPlApplet odbccp32 ODBCGetTryWaitValue odbc32 ODBCSetTryWaitValue odbc32 ODBCSharedPerfMon odbc32 ODBCSharedTraceFlag odbc32 ODBCSharedVSFlag odbc32 OemKeyScan user32 OemToChar user32 OemToCharBuff user32 OffsetClipRgn gdi32 OffsetPenData pkpd32 OffsetRect user32 OffsetRgn gdi32 OffsetViewportOrgEx gdi32 OffsetWindowOrgEx gdi32 OleBuildVersion ole32 OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAM ole32 OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAMEx ole32 OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorage ole32 OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorageEx ole32 OleCreate ole32 OleCreateDefaultHandler ole32 OleCreateEmbeddingHelper ole32 OleCreateEx ole32 OleCreateFontIndirect olepro32 OleCreateFontIndirect oleaut32 OleCreateFromData ole32 OleCreateFromDataEx ole32 OleCreateFromFile ole32 OleCreateFromFileEx ole32 OleCreateLink ole32 OleCreateLinkEx ole32 (44 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

OleCreateLinkFromData ole32 OleCreateLinkFromDataEx ole32 OleCreateLinkToFile ole32 OleCreateLinkToFileEx ole32 OleCreateMenuDescriptor ole32 OleCreatePictureIndirect olepro32 OleCreatePictureIndirect oleaut32 OleCreatePropertyFrame olepro32 OleCreatePropertyFrame oleaut32 OleCreatePropertyFrameIndirect olepro32 OleCreatePropertyFrameIndirect oleaut32 OleCreateStaticFromData ole32 OleDestroyMenuDescriptor ole32 OleDoAutoConvert ole32 OleDraw ole32 OleDuplicateData ole32 OleFlushClipboard ole32 OleGetAutoConvert ole32 OleGetClipboard ole32 OleGetIconOfClass ole32 OleGetIconOfFile ole32 OleIconToCursor olepro32 OleIconToCursor oleaut32 OleInitialize ole32 OleIsCurrentClipboard ole32 OleIsRunning ole32 OleLoad ole32 OleLoadFromStream ole32 OleLoadPicture olepro32 OleLoadPicture oleaut32 OleLoadPictureEx oleaut32 OleLoadPictureFile oleaut32 OleLoadPictureFileEx oleaut32 OleLoadPicturePath oleaut32 OleLockRunning ole32 OleMetafilePictFromIconAndLabel ole32 OleNoteObjectVisible ole32 OleQueryCreateFromData ole32 OleQueryLinkFromData ole32 OleRegEnumFormatEtc ole32 OleRegEnumVerbs ole32 OleRegGetMiscStatus ole32 OleRegGetUserType ole32 OleRun ole32 OleSave ole32 OleSavePictureFile oleaut32 OleSaveToStream ole32 OleSetAutoConvert ole32 OleSetClipboard ole32 OleSetContainedObject ole32 OleSetMenuDescriptor ole32 OleTranslateAccelerator ole32 OleTranslateColor olepro32 OleTranslateColor oleaut32 OleUIAddVerbMenu oledlg OleUIAddVerbMenu mfcuia32 OleUIBusy oledlg OleUIBusy mfcuia32 OleUICanConvertOrActivateAs oledlg OleUICanConvertOrActivateAs mfcuia32 OleUIChangeIcon oledlg (45 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

OleUIChangeIcon mfcuia32 OleUIChangeSource oledlg OleUIChangeSource mfcuia32 OleUIConvert oledlg OleUIConvert mfcuia32 OleUIEditLinks oledlg OleUIEditLinks mfcuia32 OleUIInsertObject oledlg OleUIInsertObject mfcuia32 OleUIObjectProperties oledlg OleUIObjectProperties mfcuia32 OleUIPasteSpecial oledlg OleUIPasteSpecial mfcuia32 OleUIPromptUser oledlg OleUIPromptUser mfcuia32 OleUIUpdateLinks oledlg OleUIUpdateLinks mfcuia32 OleUninitialize ole32 OpenAs_RunDLL shell32 OpenBackupEventLog advapi32 OpenClipboard user32 OpenDesktop user32 OpenDriver winmm OpenEvent kernel32 OpenEventLog advapi32 OpenFile kernel32 OpenFileMapping kernel32 OpenIcon user32 OpenIMsgOnIStg@44 mapi32 OpenIMsgSession@12 mapi32 OpenInputDesktop user32 OpenMutex kernel32 OpenODBCPerfData odbc32 OpenOrCreateStream ole32 OpenProcess kernel32 OpenProcessToken advapi32 OpenProfileUserMapping kernel32 OpenSCManager advapi32 OpenSemaphore kernel32 OpenService advapi32 OpenStreamOnFile mapi32 OpenStreamOnFile@24 mapi32 OpenThreadToken advapi32 OpenTnefStream mapi32 OpenTnefStream@28 mapi32 OpenTnefStreamEx mapi32 OpenTnefStreamEx@32 mapi32 OpenURL url OpenVxDHandle kernel32 OpenWaitableTimer kernel32 OpenWindowStation user32 OutputDebugString kernel32 PackDDElParam user32 PageSetupDlg comdlg32 PaintDesktop user32 PaintRgn gdi32 PatBlt gdi32 PathToRegion gdi32 PeekConsoleInput kernel32 PeekMessage user32 (46 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

PeekNamedPipe kernel32 PenDataFromBuffer pkpd32 PenDataToBuffer pkpd32 pfnRealizePalette gdi32 pfnSelectPalette gdi32 phoneClose tapi32 phoneConfigDialog tapi32 phoneDevSpecific tapi32 phoneGetButtonInfo tapi32 phoneGetData tapi32 phoneGetDevCaps tapi32 phoneGetDisplay tapi32 phoneGetGain tapi32 phoneGetHookSwitch tapi32 phoneGetIcon tapi32 phoneGetID tapi32 phoneGetLamp tapi32 phoneGetMessage tapi32 phoneGetRing tapi32 phoneGetStatus tapi32 phoneGetStatusMessages tapi32 phoneGetVolume tapi32 phoneInitialize tapi32 phoneInitializeEx tapi32 phoneNegotiateAPIVersion tapi32 phoneNegotiateExtVersion tapi32 phoneOpen tapi32 phoneSetButtonInfo tapi32 phoneSetData tapi32 phoneSetDisplay tapi32 phoneSetGain tapi32 phoneSetHookSwitch tapi32 phoneSetLamp tapi32 phoneSetRing tapi32 phoneSetStatusMessages tapi32 phoneSetVolume tapi32 phoneShutdown tapi32 Pie gdi32 PlayEnhMetaFile gdi32 PlayEnhMetaFileRecord gdi32 PlayMetaFile gdi32 PlayMetaFileRecord gdi32 PlaySound winmm PlaySoundEvent user32 PlgBlt gdi32 PolyBezier gdi32 PolyBezierTo gdi32 PolyDraw gdi32 Polygon gdi32 Polyline gdi32 PolylineTo gdi32 PolyPolygon gdi32 PolyPolyline gdi32 PolyTextOut gdi32 PostComponentError odbc32 PostMessage user32 PostODBCComponentError odbc32 PostODBCError odbc32 PostQueuedCompletionStatus kernel32 PostQuitMessage user32 PostThreadMessage user32 (47 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

PpropFindProp@12 mapi32 PrepareTape kernel32 PrintDlg comdlg32 PrintersGetCommand_RunDLL shell32 PrivilegeCheck advapi32 PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm advapi32 Process32First th32 (DLL:kernel32) Process32Next th32 (DLL:kernel32) ProgIDFromCLSID ole32 PropCopyMore@16 mapi32 PropertySheet comctl32 PropSysAllocString ole32 PropSysFreeString ole32 PropVariantClear ole32 PropVariantCopy ole32 PRProviderInit mapi32 PtInRect user32 PtInRegion gdi32 PtVisible gdi32 PulseEvent kernel32 PurgeComm kernel32 PwdChangePassword mpr PwdGetPasswordStatus mpr PwdSetPasswordStatus mpr QT_Thunk kernel32 QueryDosDevice kernel32 QueryNumberOfEventLogRecords kernel32 QueryOldestEventLogRecord kernel32 QueryPathOfRegTypeLib oleaut32 QueryPerformanceCounter kernel32 QueryPerformanceFrequency kernel32 QueryServiceConfig advapi32 QueryServiceLockStatus advapi32 QueryServiceObjectSecurity advapi32 QueryServiceStatus advapi32 QueueUserAPC kernel32 RaiseException kernel32 RasConnectionNotification rasapi32 RasCreatePhonebookEntry rasapi32 RasDeleteEntry rasapi32 RasDial rasapi32 RasDial16 rasapi32 RasEditPhonebookEntry rasapi32 RasEnumConnections rasapi32 RasEnumDevices rasapi32 RasEnumEntries rasapi32 RasGetConnectStatus rasapi32 RasGetCountryInfo rasapi32 RasGetEntryDialParams rasapi32 RasGetEntryProperties rasapi32 RasGetErrorString rasapi32 RasGetProjectionInfo rasapi32 RasHangUp rasapi32 RasRenameEntry rasapi32 RasSetEntryDialParams rasapi32 RasSetEntryProperties rasapi32 RasValidateEntryName rasapi32 rcmd wsock32 ReadClassStg ole32 ReadClassStm ole32 (48 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

ReadConsole kernel32 ReadConsoleInput kernel32 ReadConsoleOutput kernel32 ReadConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 ReadConsoleOutputCharacter kernel32 ReadEventLog advapi32 ReadFile kernel32 ReadFileEx kernel32 ReadFileScatter kernel32 ReadFmtUserTypeStg ole32 ReadOleStg ole32 ReadProcessMemory kernel32 ReadStringStream ole32 RealChildWindowFromPoint user32 RealGetWindowClass user32 RealizePalette gdi32 RealShellExecute shell32 RealShellExecuteEx shell32 Rectangle gdi32 RectInRegion gdi32 RectVisible gdi32 recv wsock32 recvfrom wsock32 RedisplayPenData pkpd32 RedrawWindow user32 RegCloseKey advapi32 RegConnectRegistry advapi32 RegCreateKey advapi32 RegCreateKeyEx advapi32 RegDeleteKey advapi32 RegDeleteValue advapi32 RegenerateUserEnvironment shell32 RegEnumKey advapi32 RegEnumKeyEx advapi32 RegEnumValue advapi32 RegFlushKey advapi32 RegGetKeySecurity advapi32 RegisterActiveObject oleaut32 RegisterClass user32 RegisterClassEx user32 RegisterClipboardFormat user32 RegisterDeviceNotification user32 RegisterDragDrop ole32 RegisterEventSource advapi32 RegisterHotKey user32 RegisterLogonProcess user32 RegisterNetworkCapabilities user32 RegisterServiceCtrlHandler advapi32 RegisterServiceProcess kernel32 RegisterSysMsgHandler kernel32 RegisterSystemThread user32 RegisterTasklist user32 RegisterTypeLib oleaut32 RegisterWindowMessage user32 RegLoadKey advapi32 RegNotifyChangeKeyValue advapi32 RegOpenKey advapi32 RegOpenKeyEx advapi32 RegQueryInfoKey advapi32 RegQueryMultipleValues advapi32 RegQueryValue advapi32 (49 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

RegQueryValueEx advapi32 RegRemapPreDefKey advapi32 RegReplaceKey advapi32 RegRestoreKey advapi32 RegSaveKey advapi32 RegSetKeySecurity advapi32 RegSetValue advapi32 RegSetValueEx advapi32 RegUnLoadKey advapi32 ReinitializeCriticalSection kernel32 ReleaseCapture user32 ReleaseDC user32 ReleaseMutex kernel32 ReleaseSemaphore kernel32 ReleaseStgMedium ole32 RemoveDirectory kernel32 RemoveFontResource gdi32 RemoveMenu user32 RemovePenDataStrokes pkpd32 RemoveProp user32 ReplaceText comdlg32 ReplyMessage user32 ReportEvent advapi32 RequestDeviceWakeup kernel32 RequestWakeupLatency kernel32 ResetDC gdi32 ResetEvent kernel32 ResetNLSUserInfoCache kernel32 ResetWriteWatch kernel32 ResizePalette gdi32 ResizePenData pkpd32 RestoreDC gdi32 ResumeThread kernel32 ReuseDDElParam user32 RevertToSelf advapi32 RevokeActiveObject oleaut32 RevokeDragDrop ole32 rexec wsock32 RnaActivateEngine rasapi32 RnaBuildDevConfig rasapi32 RnaCloseMac rasapi32 RnaComplete rasapi32 RnaConfigureServer rasapi32 RnaDeactivateEngine rasapi32 RnaDeleteConnEntry rasapi32 RnaDevConfigDlg rasapi32 RnaEngineRequest rasapi32 RnaEnumConnEntries rasapi32 RnaEnumCountryInfo rasapi32 RnaEnumDevices rasapi32 RnaEnumerateMacNames rasapi32 RnaEnumerateSMMNames rasapi32 RnaExportEntry rasapi32 RnaFindDriver rasapi32 RnaFreeConnEntry rasapi32 RnaFreeDevConfig rasapi32 RnaGetAreaCodeList rasapi32 RnaGetConnEntry rasapi32 RnaGetCurrentCountry rasapi32 RnaGetDefaultDevConfig rasapi32 (50 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

RnaGetDefaultSMMInfo rasapi32 RnaGetDeviceChannel rasapi32 RnaGetDeviceInfo rasapi32 RnaGetDevicePort rasapi32 RnaGetDialSettings rasapi32 RnaGetIPInfo rasapi32 RnaGetMultiLinkInfo rasapi32 RnaGetOverlaidSMM rasapi32 RnaGetSubEntry rasapi32 RnaGetUserProfile rasapi32 RnaImplicitDial rasapi32 RnaImportEntry rasapi32 RnaInstallDriver rasapi32 RnaOpenMac rasapi32 RnaRenameConnEntry rasapi32 RnaSaveConnEntry rasapi32 RnaSessInitialize rasapi32 RnaSetDialSettings rasapi32 RnaSetIPInfo rasapi32 RnaSetMultiLinkInfo rasapi32 RnaSetSubEntry rasapi32 RnaSMMInfoDialog rasapi32 RnaStartCallback rasapi32 RnaStartServer rasapi32 RnaStopServer rasapi32 RnaTerminate rasapi32 RnaUICallbackDialog rasapi32 RnaUIDial rasapi32 RnaUIUsernamePassword rasapi32 RnaValidateEntryName rasapi32 RnaValidateImportEntry rasapi32 RoundRect gdi32 RpcBindingCopy rpcrt4 RpcBindingFree rpcrt4 RpcBindingFromStringBinding rpcrt4 RpcBindingInqAuthClient rpcrt4 RpcBindingInqAuthInfo rpcrt4 RpcBindingInqAuthInfoEx rpcrt4 RpcBindingInqObject rpcrt4 RpcBindingInqOption rpcrt4 RpcBindingReset rpcrt4 RpcBindingServerFromClient rpcrt4 RpcBindingSetAuthInfo rpcrt4 RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx rpcrt4 RpcBindingSetObject rpcrt4 RpcBindingSetOption rpcrt4 RpcBindingToStringBinding rpcrt4 RpcBindingVectorFree rpcrt4 RpcCancelThread rpcrt4 RpcEpRegister rpcrt4 RpcEpRegisterNoReplace rpcrt4 RpcEpResolveBinding rpcrt4 RpcEpUnregister rpcrt4 RpcIfIdVectorFree rpcrt4 RpcIfIdVectorFree rpcns4 RpcIfInqId rpcrt4 RpcImpersonateClient rpcrt4 RpcMgmtBindingInqParameter rpcrt4 RpcMgmtBindingSetParameter rpcrt4 RpcMgmtEnableIdleCleanup rpcrt4 RpcMgmtEpEltInqBegin rpcrt4 (51 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

RpcMgmtEpEltInqDone rpcrt4 RpcMgmtEpEltInqNext rpcrt4 RpcMgmtEpUnregister rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqComTimeout rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqDefaultProtectLevel rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqIfIds rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqParameter rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqServerPrincName rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqStats rpcrt4 RpcMgmtIsServerListening rpcrt4 RpcMgmtSetAuthorizationFn rpcrt4 RpcMgmtSetCancelTimeout rpcrt4 RpcMgmtSetComTimeout rpcrt4 RpcMgmtSetParameter rpcrt4 RpcMgmtSetServerStackSize rpcrt4 RpcMgmtStatsVectorFree rpcrt4 RpcMgmtStopServerListening rpcrt4 RpcMgmtWaitServerListen rpcrt4 RpcNetworkInqProtseqs rpcrt4 RpcNetworkIsProtseqValid rpcrt4 RpcNsBindingExport rpcns4 RpcNsBindingImportBegin rpcns4 RpcNsBindingImportDone rpcns4 RpcNsBindingImportNext rpcns4 RpcNsBindingInqEntryName rpcrt4 RpcNsBindingLookupBegin rpcns4 RpcNsBindingLookupDone rpcns4 RpcNsBindingLookupNext rpcns4 RpcNsBindingSelect rpcns4 RpcNsBindingUnexport rpcns4 RpcNsEntryExpandName rpcns4 RpcNsEntryObjectInqBegin rpcns4 RpcNsEntryObjectInqDone rpcns4 RpcNsEntryObjectInqNext rpcns4 RpcNsGroupDelete rpcns4 RpcNsGroupMbrAdd rpcns4 RpcNsGroupMbrInqBegin rpcns4 RpcNsGroupMbrInqDone rpcns4 RpcNsGroupMbrInqNext rpcns4 RpcNsGroupMbrRemove rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtBindingUnexport rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtEntryCreate rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtEntryDelete rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtEntryInqIfIds rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtHandleSetExpAge rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtInqExpAge rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtSetExpAge rpcns4 RpcNsProfileDelete rpcns4 RpcNsProfileEltAdd rpcns4 RpcNsProfileEltInqBegin rpcns4 RpcNsProfileEltInqDone rpcns4 RpcNsProfileEltInqNext rpcns4 RpcNsProfileEltRemove rpcns4 RpcObjectInqType rpcrt4 RpcObjectSetInqFn rpcrt4 RpcObjectSetType rpcrt4 RpcProtseqVectorFree rpcrt4 RpcRaiseException rpcrt4 RpcRevertToSelf rpcrt4 RpcRevertToSelfEx rpcrt4 (52 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

RpcServerInqBindings rpcrt4 RpcServerInqDefaultPrincName rpcrt4 RpcServerInqIf rpcrt4 RpcServerListen rpcrt4 RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo rpcrt4 RpcServerRegisterIf rpcrt4 RpcServerRegisterIfEx rpcrt4 RpcServerUnregisterIf rpcrt4 RpcServerUseAllProtseqs rpcrt4 RpcServerUseAllProtseqsEx rpcrt4 RpcServerUseAllProtseqsIf rpcrt4 RpcServerUseAllProtseqsIfEx rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseq rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseqEp rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseqEpEx rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseqEx rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseqIf rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseqIfEx rpcrt4 RpcSmAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSmClientFree rpcrt4 RpcSmDestroyClientContext rpcrt4 RpcSmDisableAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSmEnableAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSmFree rpcrt4 RpcSmGetThreadHandle rpcrt4 RpcSmSetClientAllocFree rpcrt4 RpcSmSetThreadHandle rpcrt4 RpcSmSwapClientAllocFree rpcrt4 RpcSsAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSsDestroyClientContext rpcrt4 RpcSsDisableAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSsDontSerializeContextRPCRT4.I_RpcSsDontSerializeContext rpcrt4 RpcSsEnableAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSsFree rpcrt4 RpcSsGetThreadHandle rpcrt4 RpcSsSetClientAllocFree rpcrt4 RpcSsSetThreadHandle rpcrt4 RpcSsSwapClientAllocFree rpcrt4 RpcStringBindingCompose rpcrt4 RpcStringBindingParse rpcrt4 RpcStringFree rpcrt4 RpcTestCancel rpcrt4 rresvport wsock32 RTFSync mapi32 RTFSync@12 mapi32 RtlFillMemory kernel32 RtlMoveMemory kernel32 RtlUnwind kernel32 RtlZeroMemory kernel32 s_perror wsock32 SafeArrayAccessData oleaut32 SafeArrayAllocData oleaut32 SafeArrayAllocDescriptor oleaut32 SafeArrayAllocDescriptorEx oleaut32 SafeArrayCopy oleaut32 SafeArrayCopyData oleaut32 SafeArrayCreate oleaut32 SafeArrayCreateEx oleaut32 SafeArrayCreateVector oleaut32 SafeArrayCreateVectorEx oleaut32 SafeArrayDestroy oleaut32 (53 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

SafeArrayDestroyData oleaut32 SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor oleaut32 SafeArrayGetDim oleaut32 SafeArrayGetElement oleaut32 SafeArrayGetElemsize oleaut32 SafeArrayGetIID oleaut32 SafeArrayGetLBound oleaut32 SafeArrayGetRecordInfo oleaut32 SafeArrayGetUBound oleaut32 SafeArrayGetVartype oleaut32 SafeArrayLock oleaut32 SafeArrayPtrOfIndex oleaut32 SafeArrayPutElement oleaut32 SafeArrayRedim oleaut32 SafeArraySetIID oleaut32 SafeArraySetRecordInfo oleaut32 SafeArrayUnaccessData oleaut32 SafeArrayUnlock oleaut32 SaveDC gdi32 ScaleViewportExtEx gdi32 ScaleWindowExtEx gdi32 ScBinFromHexBounded@12 mapi32 ScCopyNotifications@16 mapi32 ScCopyProps@16 mapi32 ScCountNotifications@12 mapi32 ScCountProps@12 mapi32 ScCreateConversationIndex@16 mapi32 ScDupPropset@16 mapi32 ScGenerateMuid@4 mapi32 ScInitMapiUtil@4 mapi32 ScLocalPathFromUNC@12 mapi32 ScMAPIXFromCMC mapi32 ScMAPIXFromSMAPI mapi32 ScreenToClient user32 ScRelocNotifications@20 mapi32 ScRelocProps@20 mapi32 ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer kernel32 ScrollDC user32 ScrollWindow user32 ScrollWindowEx user32 ScUNCFromLocalPath@12 mapi32 SearchPath kernel32 SearchStatusCode odbc32 select wsock32 SelectClipPath gdi32 SelectClipRgn gdi32 SelectObject gdi32 SelectPalette gdi32 SelectTransDlg odbccp32 send wsock32 SendDlgItemMessage user32 SendDriverMessage winmm SendIMEMessageEx user32 SendInput user32 SendMessage user32 SendMessageCallback user32 SendMessageTimeout user32 SendNotifyMessage user32 sendto wsock32 SetAbortProc gdi32 (54 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

SetAclInformation advapi32 SetActiveWindow user32 SetArcDirection gdi32 SetAttribIMsgOnIStg@16 mapi32 SetBitmapBits gdi32 SetBitmapDimensionEx gdi32 SetBkColor gdi32 SetBkMode gdi32 SetBoundsRect gdi32 SetBrushOrgEx gdi32 SetCalendarInfo kernel32 SetCapture user32 SetCaretBlinkTime user32 SetCaretPos user32 SetClassLong user32 SetClassWord user32 SetClipboardData user32 SetClipboardViewer user32 SetColorAdjustment gdi32 SetColorSpace gdi32 SetCommBreak kernel32 SetCommConfig kernel32 SetCommMask kernel32 SetCommState kernel32 SetCommTimeouts kernel32 SetComputerName kernel32 SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer kernel32 SetConsoleCP kernel32 SetConsoleCtrlHandler kernel32 SetConsoleCursorInfo kernel32 SetConsoleCursorPosition kernel32 SetConsoleMode kernel32 SetConsoleOutputCP kernel32 SetConsoleScreenBufferSize kernel32 SetConsoleTextAttribute kernel32 SetConsoleTitle kernel32 SetConsoleWindowInfo kernel32 SetConvertStg ole32 SetCriticalSectionSpinCount kernel32 SetCurrentDirectory kernel32 SetCursor user32 SetCursorPos user32 SetDaylightFlag kernel32 SetDebugErrorLevel user32 SetDefaultCommConfig kernel32 SetDesktopBitmap user32 SetDeskWallpaper user32 SetDeviceGammaRamp gdi32 SetDIBColorTable gdi32 SetDIBits gdi32 SetDIBitsToDevice gdi32 SetDlgItemInt user32 SetDlgItemText user32 SetDocumentBitStg ole32 SetDoubleClickTime user32 SetEndOfFile kernel32 SetEnhMetaFileBits gdi32 SetEntriesInAccessList advapi32 SetEntriesInAcl advapi32 SetEntriesInAuditList advapi32 SetEnvironmentVariable kernel32 (55 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

SetErrorInfo oleaut32 SetErrorInfo ole32 SetErrorMode kernel32 SetEvent kernel32 SetFileApisToANSI kernel32 SetFileApisToOEM kernel32 SetFileAttributes kernel32 SetFilePointer kernel32 SetFileSecurity advapi32 SetFileTime kernel32 SetFocus user32 SetFontEnumeration gdi32 SetForegroundWindow user32 SetGraphicsMode gdi32 SetHandleContext kernel32 SetHandleCount kernel32 SetHandleInformation kernel32 sethostname wsock32 SetICMMode gdi32 SetICMProfile gdi32 SetInternalWindowPos user32 SetKernelObjectSecurity advapi32 SetKeyboardState user32 SetLastError kernel32 SetLastErrorEx user32 SetLayout gdi32 SetLocaleInfo kernel32 SetLocalTime kernel32 SetLogonNotifyWindow user32 SetMagicColors gdi32 SetMailslotInfo kernel32 SetMapMode gdi32 SetMapperFlags gdi32 SetMenu user32 SetMenuContextHelpId user32 SetMenuDefaultItem user32 SetMenuInfo user32 SetMenuItemBitmaps user32 SetMenuItemInfo user32 SetMessageExtraInfo user32 SetMessageQueue user32 SetMessageWaitingIndicator kernel32 SetMetaFileBitsEx gdi32 SetMetaRgn gdi32 SetMiterLimit gdi32 SetNamedPipeHandleState kernel32 SetNamedSecurityInfo advapi32 SetNamedSecurityInfoEx advapi32 SetObjectOwner gdi32 SetPaletteEntries gdi32 SetParent user32 SetPixel gdi32 SetPixelFormat gdi32 SetPixelV gdi32 SetPolyFillMode gdi32 SetPriorityClass kernel32 SetPrivateObjectSecurity advapi32 SetProcessAffinityMask kernel32 SetProcessDefaultLayout user32 SetProcessPriorityBoost kernel32 (56 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

SetProcessShutdownParameters kernel32 SetProcessWindowStation user32 SetProcessWorkingSetSize kernel32 SetProp user32 SetRect user32 SetRectEmpty user32 SetRectRgn gdi32 SetROP2 gdi32 SetScrollInfo user32 SetScrollPos user32 SetScrollRange user32 SetSecurityDescriptorDacl advapi32 SetSecurityDescriptorGroup advapi32 SetSecurityDescriptorOwner advapi32 SetSecurityDescriptorSacl advapi32 SetSecurityInfo advapi32 SetSecurityInfoEx advapi32 SetService wsock32 SetServiceBits advapi32 SetServiceObjectSecurity advapi32 SetServiceStatus advapi32 SetShellWindow user32 setsockopt wsock32 SetStdHandle kernel32 SetStretchBltMode gdi32 SetStrokeAttributes pkpd32 SetStrokeTableAttributes pkpd32 SetSysColors user32 SetSysColorsTemp user32 SetSystemCursor user32 SetSystemPaletteUse gdi32 SetSystemPowerState kernel32 SetSystemTime kernel32 SetSystemTimeAdjustment kernel32 SetTapeParameters kernel32 SetTapePosition kernel32 SetTextAlign gdi32 SetTextCharacterExtra gdi32 SetTextColor gdi32 SetTextJustification gdi32 SetThreadAffinityMask kernel32 SetThreadContext kernel32 SetThreadDesktop user32 SetThreadExecutionState kernel32 SetThreadIdealProcessor kernel32 SetThreadLocale kernel32 SetThreadPriority kernel32 SetThreadPriorityBoost kernel32 SetThreadToken advapi32 SetTimer user32 SetTimeZoneInformation kernel32 SetTokenInformation advapi32 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter kernel32 SetupComm kernel32 SetUserObjectInformation user32 SetUserObjectSecurity user32 SetViewportExtEx gdi32 SetViewportOrgEx gdi32 SetVolumeLabel kernel32 SetWaitableTimer kernel32 SetWindowContextHelpId user32 (57 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

SetWindowExtEx gdi32 SetWindowFullScreenState user32 SetWindowLong user32 SetWindowOrgEx gdi32 SetWindowPlacement user32 SetWindowPos user32 SetWindowRgn user32 SetWindowsHook user32 SetWindowsHookEx user32 SetWindowText user32 SetWindowWord user32 SetWinEventHook user32 SetWinMetaFileBits gdi32 SetWorldTransform gdi32 SHAddToRecentDocs shell32 SHAppBarMessage shell32 SHBrowseForFolder shell32 SHChangeNotify shell32 SheChangeDir shell32 SheChangeDirEx shell32 SheFullPath shell32 SheGetCurDrive shell32 SheGetDir shell32 Shell_NotifyIcon shell32 ShellAbout shell32 ShellExecute shell32 ShellExecuteEx shell32 ShellHookProc shell32 SHEmptyRecycleBin shell32 SheRemoveQuotes shell32 SheSetCurDrive shell32 SheShortenPath shell32 SHExitWindowsEx shell32 SHFileOperation shell32 SHFormatDrive shell32 SHFreeNameMappings shell32 SHGetDataFromIDList shell32 SHGetDesktopFolder shell32 SHGetDiskFreeSpace shell32 SHGetFileInfo shell32 SHGetInstanceExplorer shell32 SHGetMalloc shell32 SHGetNewLinkInfo shell32 SHGetPathFromIDList shell32 SHGetSettings shell32 SHGetSpecialFolderLocation shell32 SHGetSpecialFolderPath shell32 SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL shell32 SHInvokePrinterCommand shell32 SHLoadInProc shell32 short_array_from_ndr rpcrt4 short_from_ndr rpcrt4 short_from_ndr_temp rpcrt4 ShowCaret user32 ShowCursor user32 ShowHideMenuCtl comctl32 ShowOwnedPopups user32 ShowScrollBar user32 ShowWindow user32 ShowWindowAsync user32 (58 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

SHQueryRecycleBin shell32 SHUpdateRecycleBinIcon shell32 shutdown wsock32 SignalObjectAndWait kernel32 SignalSysMsgHandlers kernel32 SizeofResource kernel32 SKWndProcT1 imm32 Sleep kernel32 SleepEx kernel32 SMapLS kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_12 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_16 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_20 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_24 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_28 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_32 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_36 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_40 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_8 kernel32 SNB_UserFree ole32 SNB_UserMarshal ole32 SNB_UserSize ole32 SNB_UserUnmarshal ole32 sndPlaySound winmm socket wsock32 SQLAllocConnect odbc32 SQLAllocEnv odbc32 SQLAllocHandle odbc32 SQLAllocHandleStd odbc32 SQLAllocStmt odbc32 SQLBindCol odbc32 SQLBindParam odbc32 SQLBindParameter odbc32 SQLBrowseConnect odbc32 SQLBulkOperations odbc32 SQLCancel odbc32 SQLCloseCursor odbc32 SQLColAttribute odbc32 SQLColAttributes odbc32 SQLColumnPrivileges odbc32 SQLColumns odbc32 SQLConfigDataSource odbccp32 SQLConfigDriver odbccp32 SQLConnect odbc32 SQLCopyDesc odbc32 SQLCreateDataSource odbccp32 SQLCreateDataSourceEx odbccp32 SQLDataSources odbc32 SQLDescribeCol odbc32 SQLDescribeParam odbc32 SQLDisconnect odbc32 SQLDriverConnect odbc32 SQLDrivers odbc32 SQLEndTran odbc32 SQLError odbc32 SQLExecDirect odbc32 SQLExecute odbc32 SQLExtendedFetch odbc32 SQLFetch odbc32 SQLFetchScroll odbc32 SQLForeignKeys odbc32 (59 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

SQLFreeConnect odbc32 SQLFreeEnv odbc32 SQLFreeHandle odbc32 SQLFreeStmt odbc32 SQLGetAvailableDrivers odbccp32 SQLGetConfigMode odbccp32 SQLGetConnectAttr odbc32 SQLGetConnectOption odbc32 SQLGetCursorName odbc32 SQLGetData odbc32 SQLGetDescField odbc32 SQLGetDescRec odbc32 SQLGetDiagField odbc32 SQLGetDiagRec odbc32 SQLGetEnvAttr odbc32 SQLGetFunctions odbc32 SQLGetInfo odbc32 SQLGetInstalledDrivers odbccp32 SQLGetPrivateProfileString odbccp32 SQLGetStmtAttr odbc32 SQLGetStmtOption odbc32 SQLGetTranslator odbccp32 SQLGetTypeInfo odbc32 SQLInstallDriver odbccp32 SQLInstallDriverEx odbccp32 SQLInstallDriverManager odbccp32 SQLInstallerError odbccp32 SQLInstallODBC odbccp32 SQLInstallTranslator odbccp32 SQLInstallTranslatorEx odbccp32 SQLLoadDataSourcesListBox odbccp32 SQLLoadDriverListBox odbccp32 SQLManageDataSources odbccp32 SQLMoreResults odbc32 SQLNativeSql odbc32 SQLNumParams odbc32 SQLNumResultCols odbc32 SQLParamData odbc32 SQLParamOptions odbc32 SQLPostInstallerError odbccp32 SQLPrepare odbc32 SQLPrimaryKeys odbc32 SQLProcedureColumns odbc32 SQLProcedures odbc32 SQLPutData odbc32 SQLReadFileDSN odbccp32 SQLRemoveDefaultDataSource odbccp32 SQLRemoveDriver odbccp32 SQLRemoveDriverManager odbccp32 SQLRemoveDSNFromIni odbccp32 SQLRemoveTranslator odbccp32 SQLRowCount odbc32 SQLSetConfigMode odbccp32 SQLSetConnectAttr odbc32 SQLSetConnectOption odbc32 SQLSetCursorName odbc32 SQLSetDescField odbc32 SQLSetDescRec odbc32 SQLSetEnvAttr odbc32 SQLSetParam odbc32 (60 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

SQLSetPos odbc32 SQLSetScrollOptions odbc32 SQLSetStmtAttr odbc32 SQLSetStmtOption odbc32 SQLSpecialColumns odbc32 SQLStatistics odbc32 SQLTablePrivileges odbc32 SQLTables odbc32 SQLTransact odbc32 SQLValidDSN odbccp32 SQLWriteDSNToIni odbccp32 SQLWriteFileDSN odbccp32 SQLWritePrivateProfileString odbccp32 StartDoc gdi32 StartPage gdi32 StartService advapi32 StartServiceCtrlDispatcher advapi32 StartServiceIfNecessary rpcrt4 StaticWndProc3d ctl3d32 StgCreateDocfile ole32 StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes ole32 StgCreateStorageEx ole32 StgGetIFillLockBytesOnFile ole32 StgGetIFillLockBytesOnILockBytes ole32 StgIsStorageFile ole32 StgIsStorageILockBytes ole32 STGMEDIUM_UserFree ole32 STGMEDIUM_UserMarshal ole32 STGMEDIUM_UserSize ole32 STGMEDIUM_UserUnmarshal ole32 StgOpenAsyncDocfileOnIFillLockBytes ole32 StgOpenStorage ole32 StgOpenStorageEx ole32 StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes ole32 StgSetTimes ole32 StretchBlt gdi32 StretchDIBits gdi32 StringFromCLSID ole32 StringFromGUID2 ole32 StringFromIID ole32 StrokeAndFillPath gdi32 StrokePath gdi32 SubtractRect user32 SUnMapLS kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_12 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_16 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_20 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_24 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_28 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_32 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_36 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_40 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_8 kernel32 SuprvDeInitialize rasapi32 SuprvEnumAccessInfo rasapi32 SuprvGetAccessInfo rasapi32 SuprvGetAdminConfig rasapi32 SuprvInitialize rasapi32 SuprvRequest rasapi32 SuprvSetAccessInfo rasapi32 SuspendThread kernel32 (61 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

SwapBuffers gdi32 SwapMouseButton user32 SwapPlong@8 mapi32 SwapPword@8 mapi32 SwitchDesktop user32 SwitchToFiber kernel32 SwitchToThisWindow user32 SwitchToThread kernel32 SysAllocString oleaut32 SysAllocStringByteLen oleaut32 SysAllocStringLen oleaut32 SysErrorBox user32 SysFreeString oleaut32 SysReAllocString oleaut32 SysReAllocStringLen oleaut32 SysStringByteLen oleaut32 SysStringLen oleaut32 SystemParametersInfo user32 SystemTimeToFileTime kernel32 SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime kernel32 SystemTimeToVariantTime oleaut32 SzFindCh@8 mapi32 SzFindLastCh@8 mapi32 SzFindSz@8 mapi32 TabbedTextOut user32 tapiGetLocationInfo tapi32 tapiRequestDrop tapi32 tapiRequestMakeCall tapi32 tapiRequestMediaCall tapi32 TAPIWndProc tapi32 TelnetProtocolHandler url TerminateProcess kernel32 TerminateThread kernel32 TextOut gdi32 Thread32First th32 (DLL:kernel32) Thread32Next th32 (DLL:kernel32) ThunkConnect32 kernel32 TileChildWindows user32 TileWindows user32 timeBeginPeriod winmm timeEndPeriod winmm timeGetDevCaps winmm timeGetSystemTime winmm timeGetTime winmm timeKillEvent winmm timeSetEvent winmm TlsAlloc kernel32 TlsAllocInternal kernel32 TlsFree kernel32 TlsFreeInternal kernel32 TlsGetValue kernel32 TlsSetValue kernel32 ToAscii user32 ToAsciiEx user32 Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory th32 (DLL:kernel32) ToUnicode user32 ToUnicodeEx user32 TowerConstruct rpcrt4 TowerExplode rpcrt4 TrackMouseEvent user32 (62 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

TrackPopupMenu user32 TrackPopupMenuEx user32 TransactNamedPipe kernel32 TranslateAccelerator user32 TranslateCharsetInfo gdi32 TranslateMDISysAccel user32 TranslateMessage user32 TranslateURL url TransmitCommChar kernel32 TransmitFile wsock32 tree_into_ndr rpcrt4 tree_peek_ndr rpcrt4 tree_size_ndr rpcrt4 TrimPenData pkpd32 TrusteeAccessToObject advapi32 TryEnterCriticalSection kernel32 TUISPIDLLCallback tapi32 UFromSz@4 mapi32 UlAddRef@4 mapi32 UlFromSzHex@4 mapi32 UlPropSize@4 mapi32 UlRelease@4 mapi32 UnhandledExceptionFilter kernel32 UnhookWindowsHook user32 UnhookWindowsHookEx user32 UnhookWinEvent user32 UninitializeCriticalSection kernel32 UninitializeFlatSB comctl32 UnionRect user32 UNKOBJ_COFree@8 mapi32 UNKOBJ_Free@8 mapi32 UNKOBJ_FreeRows@8 mapi32 UNKOBJ_ScAllocate@12 mapi32 UNKOBJ_ScAllocateMore@16 mapi32 UNKOBJ_ScCOAllocate@12 mapi32 UNKOBJ_ScCOReallocate@12 mapi32 UNKOBJ_ScSzFromIdsAlloc@20 mapi32 UnloadKeyboardLayout user32 UnlockFile kernel32 UnlockFileEx kernel32 UnlockServiceDatabase advapi32 UnlockWindowStation user32 UnMapLS kernel32 UnMapSLFixArray kernel32 UnmapViewOfFile kernel32 UnpackDDElParam user32 UnrealizeObject gdi32 UnregisterClass user32 UnregisterDeviceNotification user32 UnregisterHotKey user32 UnRegisterTypeLib oleaut32 UpdateColors gdi32 UpdateDCOMSettings ole32 UpdateICMRegKey gdi32 UpdateResource kernel32 UpdateWindow user32 URLAssociationDialog url UserBSTR_free_inst oleaut32 UserBSTR_free_local oleaut32 UserBSTR_from_local oleaut32 UserBSTR_to_local oleaut32 (63 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

UserClientDllInitialize user32 UserEXCEPINFO_free_inst oleaut32 UserEXCEPINFO_free_local oleaut32 UserEXCEPINFO_from_local oleaut32 UserEXCEPINFO_to_local oleaut32 UserHWND_free_inst oleaut32 UserHWND_free_local oleaut32 UserHWND_from_local oleaut32 UserHWND_to_local oleaut32 UserIsSystemResumeAutomatic user32 UserMSG_free_inst oleaut32 UserMSG_free_local oleaut32 UserMSG_from_local oleaut32 UserMSG_to_local oleaut32 UserSetDeviceHoldState user32 UserSignalProc user32 UserTickleTimer user32 UserVARIANT_free_inst oleaut32 UserVARIANT_free_local oleaut32 UserVARIANT_from_local oleaut32 UserVARIANT_to_local oleaut32 UtConvertDvtd16toDvtd32 ole32 UtConvertDvtd32toDvtd16 ole32 UtGetDvtd16Info ole32 UtGetDvtd32Info ole32 UTRegister kernel32 UTUnRegister kernel32 UuidCompare rpcrt4 UuidCreate rpcrt4 UuidCreateNil rpcrt4 UuidEqual rpcrt4 UuidFromString rpcrt4 UuidHash rpcrt4 UuidIsNil rpcrt4 UuidToString rpcrt4 ValidateErrorQueue odbc32 ValidateRect user32 ValidateRgn user32 VarAbs oleaut32 VarAdd oleaut32 VarAnd oleaut32 VarBoolFromCy oleaut32 VarBoolFromDate oleaut32 VarBoolFromDec oleaut32 VarBoolFromDisp oleaut32 VarBoolFromI1 oleaut32 VarBoolFromI2 oleaut32 VarBoolFromI4 oleaut32 VarBoolFromR4 oleaut32 VarBoolFromR8 oleaut32 VarBoolFromStr oleaut32 VarBoolFromUI1 oleaut32 VarBoolFromUI2 oleaut32 VarBoolFromUI4 oleaut32 VarBstrCat oleaut32 VarBstrCmp oleaut32 VarBstrFromBool oleaut32 VarBstrFromCy oleaut32 VarBstrFromDate oleaut32 VarBstrFromDec oleaut32 (64 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

VarBstrFromDisp oleaut32 VarBstrFromI1 oleaut32 VarBstrFromI2 oleaut32 VarBstrFromI4 oleaut32 VarBstrFromR4 oleaut32 VarBstrFromR8 oleaut32 VarBstrFromUI1 oleaut32 VarBstrFromUI2 oleaut32 VarBstrFromUI4 oleaut32 VarCat oleaut32 VarCmp oleaut32 VarCyAbs oleaut32 VarCyAdd oleaut32 VarCyCmp oleaut32 VarCyCmpR8 oleaut32 VarCyFix oleaut32 VarCyFromBool oleaut32 VarCyFromDate oleaut32 VarCyFromDec oleaut32 VarCyFromDisp oleaut32 VarCyFromI1 oleaut32 VarCyFromI2 oleaut32 VarCyFromI4 oleaut32 VarCyFromR4 oleaut32 VarCyFromR8 oleaut32 VarCyFromStr oleaut32 VarCyFromUI1 oleaut32 VarCyFromUI2 oleaut32 VarCyFromUI4 oleaut32 VarCyInt oleaut32 VarCyMul oleaut32 VarCyMulI4 oleaut32 VarCyNeg oleaut32 VarCyRound oleaut32 VarCySub oleaut32 VarDateFromBool oleaut32 VarDateFromCy oleaut32 VarDateFromDec oleaut32 VarDateFromDisp oleaut32 VarDateFromI1 oleaut32 VarDateFromI2 oleaut32 VarDateFromI4 oleaut32 VarDateFromR4 oleaut32 VarDateFromR8 oleaut32 VarDateFromStr oleaut32 VarDateFromUdate oleaut32 VarDateFromUdateEx oleaut32 VarDateFromUI1 oleaut32 VarDateFromUI2 oleaut32 VarDateFromUI4 oleaut32 VarDecAbs oleaut32 VarDecAdd oleaut32 VarDecCmp oleaut32 VarDecCmpR8 oleaut32 VarDecDiv oleaut32 VarDecFix oleaut32 VarDecFromBool oleaut32 VarDecFromCy oleaut32 VarDecFromDate oleaut32 VarDecFromDisp oleaut32 VarDecFromI1 oleaut32 (65 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

VarDecFromI2 oleaut32 VarDecFromI4 oleaut32 VarDecFromR4 oleaut32 VarDecFromR8 oleaut32 VarDecFromStr oleaut32 VarDecFromUI1 oleaut32 VarDecFromUI2 oleaut32 VarDecFromUI4 oleaut32 VarDecInt oleaut32 VarDecMul oleaut32 VarDecNeg oleaut32 VarDecRound oleaut32 VarDecSub oleaut32 VarDiv oleaut32 VarEqv oleaut32 VarFix oleaut32 VarFormat oleaut32 VarFormatCurrency oleaut32 VarFormatDateTime oleaut32 VarFormatFromTokens oleaut32 VarFormatNumber oleaut32 VarFormatPercent oleaut32 VarI1FromBool oleaut32 VarI1FromCy oleaut32 VarI1FromDate oleaut32 VarI1FromDec oleaut32 VarI1FromDisp oleaut32 VarI1FromI2 oleaut32 VarI1FromI4 oleaut32 VarI1FromR4 oleaut32 VarI1FromR8 oleaut32 VarI1FromStr oleaut32 VarI1FromUI1 oleaut32 VarI1FromUI2 oleaut32 VarI1FromUI4 oleaut32 VarI2FromBool oleaut32 VarI2FromCy oleaut32 VarI2FromDate oleaut32 VarI2FromDec oleaut32 VarI2FromDisp oleaut32 VarI2FromI1 oleaut32 VarI2FromI4 oleaut32 VarI2FromR4 oleaut32 VarI2FromR8 oleaut32 VarI2FromStr oleaut32 VarI2FromUI1 oleaut32 VarI2FromUI2 oleaut32 VarI2FromUI4 oleaut32 VarI4FromBool oleaut32 VarI4FromCy oleaut32 VarI4FromDate oleaut32 VarI4FromDec oleaut32 VarI4FromDisp oleaut32 VarI4FromI1 oleaut32 VarI4FromI2 oleaut32 VarI4FromR4 oleaut32 VarI4FromR8 oleaut32 VarI4FromStr oleaut32 VarI4FromUI1 oleaut32 VarI4FromUI2 oleaut32 (66 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

VarI4FromUI4 oleaut32 VARIANT_UserFree oleaut32 VARIANT_UserMarshal oleaut32 VARIANT_UserSize oleaut32 VARIANT_UserUnmarshal oleaut32 VariantChangeType oleaut32 VariantChangeTypeEx oleaut32 VariantClear oleaut32 VariantCopy oleaut32 VariantCopyInd oleaut32 VariantInit oleaut32 VariantTimeToDosDateTime oleaut32 VariantTimeToSystemTime oleaut32 VarIdiv oleaut32 VarImp oleaut32 VarInt oleaut32 VarMod oleaut32 VarMonthName oleaut32 VarMul oleaut32 VarNeg oleaut32 VarNot oleaut32 VarNumFromParseNum oleaut32 VarOr oleaut32 VarParseNumFromStr oleaut32 VarPow oleaut32 VarR4CmpR8 oleaut32 VarR4FromBool oleaut32 VarR4FromCy oleaut32 VarR4FromDate oleaut32 VarR4FromDec oleaut32 VarR4FromDisp oleaut32 VarR4FromI1 oleaut32 VarR4FromI2 oleaut32 VarR4FromI4 oleaut32 VarR4FromR8 oleaut32 VarR4FromStr oleaut32 VarR4FromUI1 oleaut32 VarR4FromUI2 oleaut32 VarR4FromUI4 oleaut32 VarR8FromBool oleaut32 VarR8FromCy oleaut32 VarR8FromDate oleaut32 VarR8FromDec oleaut32 VarR8FromDisp oleaut32 VarR8FromI1 oleaut32 VarR8FromI2 oleaut32 VarR8FromI4 oleaut32 VarR8FromR4 oleaut32 VarR8FromStr oleaut32 VarR8FromUI1 oleaut32 VarR8FromUI2 oleaut32 VarR8FromUI4 oleaut32 VarR8Pow oleaut32 VarR8Round oleaut32 VarRound oleaut32 VarSub oleaut32 VarTokenizeFormatString oleaut32 VarUdateFromDate oleaut32 VarUI1FromBool oleaut32 VarUI1FromCy oleaut32 VarUI1FromDate oleaut32 (67 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

VarUI1FromDec oleaut32 VarUI1FromDisp oleaut32 VarUI1FromI1 oleaut32 VarUI1FromI2 oleaut32 VarUI1FromI4 oleaut32 VarUI1FromR4 oleaut32 VarUI1FromR8 oleaut32 VarUI1FromStr oleaut32 VarUI1FromUI2 oleaut32 VarUI1FromUI4 oleaut32 VarUI2FromBool oleaut32 VarUI2FromCy oleaut32 VarUI2FromDate oleaut32 VarUI2FromDec oleaut32 VarUI2FromDisp oleaut32 VarUI2FromI1 oleaut32 VarUI2FromI2 oleaut32 VarUI2FromI4 oleaut32 VarUI2FromR4 oleaut32 VarUI2FromR8 oleaut32 VarUI2FromStr oleaut32 VarUI2FromUI1 oleaut32 VarUI2FromUI4 oleaut32 VarUI4FromBool oleaut32 VarUI4FromCy oleaut32 VarUI4FromDate oleaut32 VarUI4FromDec oleaut32 VarUI4FromDisp oleaut32 VarUI4FromI1 oleaut32 VarUI4FromI2 oleaut32 VarUI4FromI4 oleaut32 VarUI4FromR4 oleaut32 VarUI4FromR8 oleaut32 VarUI4FromStr oleaut32 VarUI4FromUI1 oleaut32 VarUI4FromUI2 oleaut32 VarWeekdayName oleaut32 VarXor oleaut32 VDMGetPointer vdmdbg VDMGetThreadContext vdmdbg VDMGetThreadSelectorEntry vdmdbg VDMProcessException vdmdbg VDMSetThreadContext vdmdbg VectorFromBstr oleaut32 VerFindFile version VerFThk_ThunkData32 version VerInstallFile version VerLanguageName version VerLanguageName kernel32 VerQueryValue version VerThkSL_ThunkData32 version VFreeErrors odbc32 VirtualAlloc kernel32 VirtualAllocEx kernel32 VirtualFree kernel32 VirtualFreeEx kernel32 VirtualLock kernel32 VirtualProtect kernel32 VirtualProtectEx kernel32 VirtualQuery kernel32 (68 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

VirtualQueryEx kernel32 VirtualUnlock kernel32 VkKeyScan user32 VkKeyScanEx user32 VRetrieveDriverErrorsRowCol odbc32 WaitCommEvent kernel32 WaitForDebugEvent kernel32 WaitForInputIdle user32 WaitForMultipleObjects kernel32 WaitForMultipleObjectsEx kernel32 WaitForSingleObject kernel32 WaitForSingleObjectEx kernel32 WaitMessage user32 WaitNamedPipe kernel32 WantArrows comdlg32 waveInAddBuffer winmm waveInClose winmm waveInGetDevCaps winmm waveInGetErrorText winmm waveInGetID winmm waveInGetNumDevs winmm waveInGetPosition winmm waveInMessage winmm waveInOpen winmm waveInPrepareHeader winmm waveInReset winmm waveInStart winmm waveInStop winmm waveInUnprepareHeader winmm waveOutBreakLoop winmm waveOutClose winmm waveOutGetDevCaps winmm waveOutGetErrorText winmm waveOutGetID winmm waveOutGetNumDevs winmm waveOutGetPitch winmm waveOutGetPlaybackRate winmm waveOutGetPosition winmm waveOutGetVolume winmm waveOutMessage winmm waveOutOpen winmm waveOutPause winmm waveOutPrepareHeader winmm waveOutReset winmm waveOutRestart winmm waveOutSetPitch winmm waveOutSetPlaybackRate winmm waveOutSetVolume winmm waveOutUnprepareHeader winmm waveOutWrite winmm WdtpInterfacePointer_UserFree ole32 WdtpInterfacePointer_UserMarshal ole32 WdtpInterfacePointer_UserSize ole32 WdtpInterfacePointer_UserUnmarshal ole32 WEP wsock32 wglChoosePixelFormat opengl32 wglCopyContext opengl32 wglCreateContext opengl32 wglCreateLayerContext opengl32 wglDeleteContext opengl32 wglDescribeLayerPlane opengl32 (69 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

wglDescribePixelFormat opengl32 wglGetCurrentContext opengl32 wglGetCurrentDC opengl32 wglGetDefaultProcAddress opengl32 wglGetLayerPaletteEntries opengl32 wglGetPixelFormat opengl32 wglGetProcAddress opengl32 wglMakeCurrent opengl32 wglRealizeLayerPalette opengl32 wglSetLayerPaletteEntries opengl32 wglSetPixelFormat opengl32 wglShareLists opengl32 wglSwapBuffers opengl32 wglSwapLayerBuffers opengl32 wglUseFontBitmaps opengl32 wglUseFontOutlines opengl32 WideCharToMultiByte kernel32 WidenPath gdi32 WindowFromDC user32 WindowFromPoint user32 WinExec kernel32 WinHelp user32 winmmf_ThunkData32 winmm winmmsl_ThunkData32 winmm WINNLSDefIMEProc user32 WINNLSEnableIME user32 WINNLSGetEnableStatus user32 WINNLSGetIMEHandle user32 WINNLSGetIMEHotkey user32 WINNLSGetIMEStatus user32 WINNLSGetKeyState user32 WINNLSPostAppMessage user32 WINNLSSendAppMessage user32 WINNLSSendString user32 WINNLSSetIMEHandle user32 WINNLSSetIMEHotkey user32 WINNLSSetIMEStatus user32 WINNLSSetKeyState user32 WinOldAppHackoMatic user32 WNDPROC_CALLBACK user32 WNetAddConnection mpr WNetAddConnection2 mpr WNetAddConnection3 mpr WNetCachePassword mpr WNetCancelConnection mpr WNetCancelConnection2 mpr WNetCloseEnum mpr WNetConnectionDialog mpr WNetConnectionDialog1 mpr WNetDisconnectDialog mpr WNetDisconnectDialog1 mpr WNetEnumCachedPasswords mpr WNetEnumResource mpr WNetFormatNetworkName mpr WNetGetCachedPassword mpr WNetGetConnection mpr WNetGetHomeDirectory mpr WNetGetLastError mpr WNetGetNetworkInformation mpr WNetGetProviderName mpr (70 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

WNetGetResourceInformation mpr WNetGetResourceParent mpr WNetGetUniversalName mpr WNetGetUser mpr WNetLogoff mpr WNetLogon mpr WNetOpenEnum mpr WNetRemoveCachedPassword mpr WNetRestoreConnection mpr WNetSetConnection mpr WNetUseConnection mpr WNetVerifyPassword mpr WOWCallback16 wow32 WOWCallback16Ex wow32 WOWDirectedYield16 wow32 WOWGetVDMPointer wow32 WOWGetVDMPointerFix wow32 WOWGetVDMPointerUnfix wow32 WOWGlobalAlloc16 wow32 WOWGlobalAllocLock16 wow32 WOWGlobalFree16 wow32 WOWGlobalLock16 wow32 WOWGlobalLockSize16 wow32 WOWGlobalUnlock16 wow32 WOWGlobalUnlockFree16 wow32 WOWHandle16 wow32 WOWHandle32 wow32 WOWYield16 wow32 WrapCompressedRTFStream mapi32 WrapCompressedRTFStream@12 mapi32 WrapProgress@20 mapi32 WrapStoreEntryID@24 mapi32 WriteClassStg ole32 WriteClassStm ole32 WriteConsole kernel32 WriteConsoleInput kernel32 WriteConsoleOutput kernel32 WriteConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 WriteConsoleOutputCharacter kernel32 WriteFile kernel32 WriteFileEx kernel32 WriteFileGather kernel32 WriteFmtUserTypeStg ole32 WriteOleStg ole32 WritePrivateProfileSection kernel32 WritePrivateProfileString kernel32 WritePrivateProfileStruct kernel32 WriteProcessMemory kernel32 WriteProfileSection kernel32 WriteProfileString kernel32 WriteStringStream ole32 WriteTapemark kernel32 WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr wsock32 WSAAsyncGetHostByName wsock32 WSAAsyncGetProtoByName wsock32 WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber wsock32 WSAAsyncGetServByName wsock32 WSAAsyncGetServByPort wsock32 WSAAsyncSelect wsock32 WSACancelAsyncRequest wsock32 WSACancelBlockingCall wsock32 (71 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

WSACleanup wsock32 WSAGetLastError wsock32 WSAIsBlocking wsock32 WSApSetPostRoutine wsock32 WSARecvEx wsock32 WSASetBlockingHook wsock32 WSASetLastError wsock32 WSAStartup wsock32 WSAUnhookBlockingHook wsock32 WsControl wsock32 wsExistDlg tapi32 WSHEnumProtocols wsock32 wsprintf user32 wvsprintf user32 YieldTask user32 (72 of 72) [10/17/2002 9:54:40 PM]

__CPPValidateParameters@8 mapi32 __ValidateParameters@8 mapi32 __WSAFDIsSet wsock32 _DebugOut kernel32 _DebugPrintf kernel32 _hread kernel32 _hwrite kernel32 _lclose kernel32 _lcreat kernel32 _llseek kernel32 _lopen kernel32 _lread kernel32 _lwrite kernel32 _TrackMouseEvent comctl32 [10/17/2002 9:54:41 PM]

AbortDoc gdi32 AbortPath gdi32 AbortSystemShutdown advapi32 accept wsock32 AcceptEx wsock32 AccessCheck advapi32 AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm advapi32 acmDriverAdd msacm32 acmDriverClose msacm32 acmDriverDetails msacm32 acmDriverEnum msacm32 acmDriverID msacm32 acmDriverMessage msacm32 acmDriverOpen msacm32 acmDriverPriority msacm32 acmDriverRemove msacm32 acmFilterChoose msacm32 acmFilterDetails msacm32 acmFilterEnum msacm32 acmFilterTagDetails msacm32 acmFilterTagEnum msacm32 acmFormatChoose msacm32 acmFormatDetails msacm32 acmFormatEnum msacm32 acmFormatSuggest msacm32 acmFormatTagDetails msacm32 acmFormatTagEnum msacm32 acmGetVersion msacm32 acmMessage32 msacm32 acmMetrics msacm32 acmStreamClose msacm32 acmStreamConvert msacm32 acmStreamMessage msacm32 acmStreamOpen msacm32 acmStreamPrepareHeader msacm32 acmStreamReset msacm32 acmStreamSize msacm32 acmStreamUnprepareHeader msacm32 acmt32c_ThunkData32 msacm32 ActivateKeyboardLayout user32 AddAccessAllowedAce advapi32 AddAccessDeniedAce advapi32 AddAce advapi32 AddAtom kernel32 AddAuditAccessAce advapi32 AddFontResource gdi32 AddInksetInterval pkpd32 AddMIMEFileTypesPS url AddPointsPenData pkpd32 AdjustTokenGroups advapi32 AdjustTokenPrivileges advapi32 AdjustWindowRect user32 AdjustWindowRectEx user32 AlignRects user32 AllocateAndInitializeSid advapi32 AllocateLocallyUniqueId advapi32 AllocConsole kernel32 AllocLSCallback kernel32 AllocSLCallback kernel32 AngleArc gdi32 AnimatePalette gdi32 (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:41 PM]

AnimateWindow user32 AnyPopup user32 AppendMenu user32 Arc gdi32 ArcTo gdi32 AreAllAccessesGranted advapi32 AreAnyAccessesGranted advapi32 Arecv wsock32 AreFileApisANSI kernel32 ArrangeIconicWindows user32 Asend wsock32 AttachThreadInput user32 AutodialHookCallback url auxGetDevCaps winmm auxGetNumDevs winmm auxGetVolume winmm auxOutMessage winmm auxSetVolume winmm (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:41 PM]

BackupEventLog advapi32 BackupRead kernel32 BackupSeek kernel32 BackupWrite kernel32 Beep kernel32 BeginDeferWindowPos user32 BeginPaint user32 BeginPath gdi32 BeginUpdateResource kernel32 bind wsock32 BindMoniker ole32 BitBlt gdi32 BlockInput user32 BMAPIAddress mapi32 BMAPIDetails mapi32 BMAPIFindNext mapi32 BMAPIGetAddress mapi32 BMAPIGetReadMail mapi32 BMAPIReadMail mapi32 BMAPIResolveName mapi32 BMAPISaveMail mapi32 BMAPISendMail mapi32 BoundingRectFromPoints pkpd32 BringWindowToTop user32 BroadcastSystemMessage user32 BrowseHookProc tapi32 BSTR_UserFree oleaut32 BSTR_UserMarshal oleaut32 BSTR_UserSize oleaut32 BSTR_UserUnmarshal oleaut32 BstrFromVector oleaut32 BtnWndProc3d ctl3d32 BuildCommDCB kernel32 BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts kernel32 BuildDisplayTable@40 mapi32 BuildExplicitAccessWithName advapi32 BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithName advapi32 BuildImpersonateTrustee advapi32 BuildSecurityDescriptor advapi32 BuildTrusteeWithName advapi32 BuildTrusteeWithSid advapi32 ByeByeGDI gdi32 [10/17/2002 9:54:42 PM]

CalcChildScroll user32 Callback12 kernel32 Callback16 kernel32 Callback20 kernel32 Callback24 kernel32 Callback28 kernel32 Callback32 kernel32 Callback36 kernel32 Callback4 kernel32 Callback40 kernel32 Callback44 kernel32 Callback48 kernel32 Callback52 kernel32 Callback56 kernel32 Callback60 kernel32 Callback64 kernel32 Callback8 kernel32 CallMsgFilter user32 CallNamedPipe kernel32 CallNextHookEx user32 CallWindowProc user32 CancelDC gdi32 CancelDeviceWakeupRequest kernel32 CancelIo kernel32 CancelOverlappedAccess advapi32 CancelWaitableTimer kernel32 CascadeChildWindows user32 CascadeWindows user32 CbOfEncoded@4 mapi32 CchOfEncoding@4 mapi32 Cctl1632_ThunkData32 comctl32 ChangeClipboardChain user32 ChangeDisplaySettings user32 ChangeDisplaySettingsEx user32 ChangeIdleRoutine@28 mapi32 ChangeMenu user32 ChangeServiceConfig advapi32 char_array_from_ndr rpcrt4 char_from_ndr rpcrt4 CharLower user32 CharLowerBuff user32 CharNext user32 CharNextEx user32 CharPrev user32 CharPrevEx user32 CharToOem user32 CharToOemBuff user32 CharUpper user32 CharUpperBuff user32 CheckColorsInGamut gdi32 CheckDlgButton user32 CheckEscapes shell32 CheckMenuItem user32 CheckMenuRadioItem user32 CheckRadioButton user32 ChildWindowFromPoint user32 ChildWindowFromPointEx user32 ChooseColor comdlg32 ChooseFont comdlg32 ChoosePixelFormat gdi32 Chord gdi32 (1 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:44 PM]

ClAdvDevDlgProc rasapi32 ClearCommBreak kernel32 ClearCommError kernel32 ClearCustData oleaut32 ClearEventLog advapi32 ClientThreadConnect user32 ClientToScreen user32 ClipCursor user32 CLIPFORMAT_UserFree ole32 CLIPFORMAT_UserMarshal ole32 CLIPFORMAT_UserSize ole32 CLIPFORMAT_UserUnmarshal ole32 CloseClipboard user32 CloseDesktop user32 CloseDriver winmm CloseEnhMetaFile gdi32 CloseEventLog advapi32 CloseFigure gdi32 CloseHandle kernel32 CloseIMsgSession@4 mapi32 CloseMetaFile gdi32 CloseODBCPerfData odbc32 CloseProfileUserMapping kernel32 CloseServiceHandle advapi32 closesocket wsock32 closesockinfo wsock32 CloseSystemHandle kernel32 CloseWindow user32 CloseWindowStation user32 CLSIDFromProgID ole32 CLSIDFromString ole32 cmc_act_on mapi32 cmc_free mapi32 cmc_list mapi32 cmc_logoff mapi32 cmc_logon mapi32 cmc_look_up mapi32 cmc_query_configuration mapi32 cmc_read mapi32 cmc_send mapi32 cmc_send_documents mapi32 CoAddRefServerProcess ole32 CoBuildVersion ole32 CoCopyProxy ole32 CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler ole32 CoCreateGuid ole32 CoCreateInstance ole32 CoCreateInstanceEx ole32 CoDisconnectObject ole32 CoDosDateTimeToFileTime ole32 CoFileTimeNow ole32 CoFileTimeToDosDateTime ole32 CoFreeAllLibraries ole32 CoFreeLibrary ole32 CoFreeUnusedLibraries ole32 CoGetCallContext ole32 CoGetCallerTID ole32 CoGetClassObject ole32 CoGetCurrentLogicalThreadId ole32 CoGetCurrentProcess ole32 (2 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:44 PM]

CoGetInstanceFromFile ole32 CoGetInstanceFromIStorage ole32 CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream ole32 CoGetMalloc ole32 CoGetMarshalSizeMax ole32 CoGetObject ole32 CoGetPSClsid ole32 CoGetStandardMarshal ole32 CoGetState ole32 CoGetTIDFromIPID ole32 CoGetTreatAsClass ole32 CoImpersonateClient ole32 CoInitialize ole32 CoInitializeEx ole32 CoInitializeSecurity ole32 CoIsHandlerConnected ole32 CoIsOle1Class ole32 CollectODBCPerfData odbc32 CoLoadLibrary ole32 CoLockObjectExternal ole32 ColorCorrectPalette gdi32 ColorMatchToTarget gdi32 CoMarshalHresult ole32 CoMarshalInterface ole32 CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream ole32 CombineRgn gdi32 CombineTransform gdi32 ComboWndProc3d ctl3d32 CommConfigDialog kernel32 CommDlgExtendedError comdlg32 CompareFileTime kernel32 CompareString kernel32 CompressPenData pkpd32 connect wsock32 ConnectNamedPipe kernel32 ContinueDebugEvent kernel32 Control_FillCache_RunDLL shell32 Control_RunDLL shell32 ControlIMEMessage user32 ControlService advapi32 ConvertAccessToSecurityDescriptor advapi32 ConvertDefaultLocale kernel32 ConvertSecurityDescriptorToAccess advapi32 ConvertSecurityDescriptorToAccessNamed advapi32 ConvertThreadToFiber kernel32 ConvertToGlobalHandle kernel32 CopyAcceleratorTable user32 CopyEnhMetaFile gdi32 CopyFile kernel32 CopyFileEx kernel32 CopyIcon user32 CopyImage user32 CopyLZFile lz32 CopyMetaFile gdi32 CopyRect user32 CopySid advapi32 CoQueryAuthenticationServices ole32 CoQueryClientBlanket ole32 CoQueryProxyBlanket ole32 CoQueryReleaseObject ole32 CoRegisterChannelHook ole32 (3 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:44 PM]

CoRegisterClassObject ole32 CoRegisterMallocSpy ole32 CoRegisterMessageFilter ole32 CoRegisterPSClsid ole32 CoRegisterSurrogate ole32 CoReleaseMarshalData ole32 CoReleaseServerProcess ole32 CoResumeClassObjects ole32 CoRevertToSelf ole32 CoRevokeClassObject ole32 CoRevokeMallocSpy ole32 CoSetProxyBlanket ole32 CoSetState ole32 CoSuspendClassObjects ole32 CoSwitchCallContext ole32 CoTaskMemAlloc ole32 CoTaskMemFree ole32 CoTaskMemRealloc ole32 CoTreatAsClass ole32 CoUninitialize ole32 CoUnmarshalHresult ole32 CoUnmarshalInterface ole32 CountClipboardFormats user32 CreateAcceleratorTable user32 CreateAntiMoniker ole32 CreateBindCtx ole32 CreateBitmap gdi32 CreateBitmapIndirect gdi32 CreateBrushIndirect gdi32 CreateCaret user32 CreateClassMoniker ole32 CreateColorSpace gdi32 CreateCompatibleBitmap gdi32 CreateCompatibleDC gdi32 CreateConsoleScreenBuffer kernel32 CreateCursor user32 CreateDataAdviseHolder ole32 CreateDataCache ole32 CreateDC gdi32 CreateDesktop user32 CreateDialogIndirectParam user32 CreateDialogParam user32 CreateDIBitmap gdi32 CreateDIBPatternBrush gdi32 CreateDIBPatternBrushPt gdi32 CreateDIBSection gdi32 CreateDirectory kernel32 CreateDirectoryEx kernel32 CreateDiscardableBitmap gdi32 CreateDispTypeInfo oleaut32 CreateEllipticRgn gdi32 CreateEllipticRgnIndirect gdi32 CreateEnhMetaFile gdi32 CreateErrorInfo oleaut32 CreateErrorInfo ole32 CreateEvent kernel32 CreateFiber kernel32 CreateFile kernel32 CreateFileMapping kernel32 CreateFileMoniker ole32 (4 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:44 PM]

CreateFont gdi32 CreateFontIndirect gdi32 CreateGenericComposite ole32 CreateHalftonePalette gdi32 CreateHatchBrush gdi32 CreateIC gdi32 CreateIcon user32 CreateIconFromResource user32 CreateIconFromResourceEx user32 CreateIconIndirect user32 CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal ole32 CreateInkset pkpd32 CreateIoCompletionPort kernel32 CreateIProp@24 mapi32 CreateItemMoniker ole32 CreateKernelThread kernel32 CreateMailslot kernel32 CreateMappedBitmap comctl32 CreateMDIWindow user32 CreateMenu user32 CreateMetaFile gdi32 CreateMutex kernel32 CreateNamedPipe kernel32 CreateObjrefMoniker ole32 CreateOleAdviseHolder ole32 CreatePalette gdi32 CreatePatternBrush gdi32 CreatePen gdi32 CreatePenDataEx pkpd32 CreatePenDataRegion pkpd32 CreatePenIndirect gdi32 CreatePipe kernel32 CreatePointerMoniker ole32 CreatePolygonRgn gdi32 CreatePolyPolygonRgn gdi32 CreatePopupMenu user32 CreatePrivateObjectSecurity advapi32 CreateProcess kernel32 CreateProcessAsUser advapi32 CreatePropertySheetPage comctl32 CreateProxyFromTypeInfo rpcrt4 CreateRectRgn gdi32 CreateRectRgnIndirect gdi32 CreateRemoteThread kernel32 CreateRoundRectRgn gdi32 CreateScalableFontResource gdi32 CreateSemaphore kernel32 CreateService advapi32 CreateSocketHandle kernel32 CreateSolidBrush gdi32 CreateStatusWindow comctl32 CreateStdDispatch oleaut32 CreateStreamOnHGlobal ole32 CreateStubFromTypeInfo rpcrt4 CreateTable@36 mapi32 CreateTapePartition kernel32 CreateThread kernel32 CreateToolbar comctl32 CreateToolbarEx comctl32 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot th32 kernel32 CreateTypeLib oleaut32 (5 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:44 PM]

CreateTypeLib2 oleaut32 CreateUpDownControl comctl32 CreateWaitableTimer kernel32 CreateWindowEx user32 CreateWindowStation user32 CryptAcquireContext advapi32 CryptContextAddRef advapi32 CryptCreateHash advapi32 CryptDecrypt advapi32 CryptDeriveKey advapi32 CryptDestroyHash advapi32 CryptDestroyKey advapi32 CryptDuplicateHash advapi32 CryptDuplicateKey advapi32 CryptEncrypt advapi32 CryptEnumProviders advapi32 CryptEnumProviderTypes advapi32 CryptExportKey advapi32 CryptGenKey advapi32 CryptGenRandom advapi32 CryptGetDefaultProvider advapi32 CryptGetHashParam advapi32 CryptGetKeyParam advapi32 CryptGetProvParam advapi32 CryptGetUserKey advapi32 CryptHashData advapi32 CryptHashSessionKey advapi32 CryptImportKey advapi32 CryptReleaseContext advapi32 CryptSetHashParam advapi32 CryptSetKeyParam advapi32 CryptSetProvider advapi32 CryptSetProviderEx advapi32 CryptSetProvParam advapi32 CryptSignHash advapi32 CryptVerifySignature advapi32 CStdStubBuffer_AddRef rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_Connect rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_CountRefs rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_DebugServerQueryInterface rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_DebugServerRelease rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_Disconnect rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_Invoke rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_IsIIDSupported rpcrt4 CStdStubBuffer_QueryInterface rpcrt4 Ctl3dAutoSubclass ctl3d32 Ctl3dAutoSubclassEx ctl3d32 Ctl3dColorChange ctl3d32 Ctl3dCtlColor ctl3d32 Ctl3dCtlColorEx ctl3d32 Ctl3dDlgFramePaint ctl3d32 Ctl3dDlgProc ctl3d32 Ctl3dEnabled ctl3d32 Ctl3dGetVer ctl3d32 Ctl3dIsAutoSubclass ctl3d32 Ctl3dRegister ctl3d32 Ctl3dSetStyle ctl3d32 Ctl3dSubclassCtl ctl3d32 Ctl3dSubclassCtlEx ctl3d32 Ctl3dSubclassDlg ctl3d32 (6 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:44 PM]

Ctl3dSubclassDlgEx ctl3d32 Ctl3dUnAutoSubclass ctl3d32 Ctl3dUnregister ctl3d32 Ctl3dUnsubclassCtl ctl3d32 Ctl3dWinIniChange ctl3d32 CursorLibLockDbc odbc32 CursorLibLockDesc odbc32 CursorLibLockStmt odbc32 CursorLibTransact odbc32 (7 of 7) [10/17/2002 9:54:44 PM]

data_from_ndr rpcrt4 data_into_ndr rpcrt4 data_size_ndr rpcrt4 DceErrorInqText rpcrt4 DdeAbandonTransaction user32 DdeAccessData user32 DdeAddData user32 DdeClientTransaction user32 DdeCmpStringHandles user32 DdeConnect user32 DdeConnectList user32 DdeCreateDataHandle user32 DdeCreateStringHandle user32 DdeDisconnect user32 DdeDisconnectList user32 DdeEnableCallback user32 DdeFreeDataHandle user32 DdeFreeStringHandle user32 DdeGetData user32 DdeGetLastError user32 DdeImpersonateClient user32 DdeInitialize user32 DdeKeepStringHandle user32 DdeNameService user32 DdePostAdvise user32 DdeQueryConvInfo user32 DdeQueryNextServer user32 DdeQueryString user32 DdeReconnect user32 DdeSetQualityOfService user32 DdeSetUserHandle user32 DdeUnaccessData user32 DdeUninitialize user32 DebugActiveProcess kernel32 DebugBreak kernel32 DefDlgProc user32 DefDriverProc winmm DeferWindowPos user32 DefFrameProc user32 DefineDosDevice kernel32 DefMDIChildProc user32 DefWindowProc user32 DeinitMapiUtil@0 mapi32 DeleteAce advapi32 DeleteAtom kernel32 DeleteColorSpace gdi32 DeleteCriticalSection kernel32 DeleteDC gdi32 DeleteEnhMetaFile gdi32 DeleteFiber kernel32 DeleteFile kernel32 DeleteMenu user32 DeleteMetaFile gdi32 DeleteObject gdi32 DeleteService advapi32 DeregisterEventSource advapi32 DeregisterIdleRoutine@4 mapi32 DescribePixelFormat gdi32 DestroyAcceleratorTable user32 DestroyCaret user32 DestroyCursor user32 (1 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:44 PM]

DestroyIcon user32 DestroyInkset pkpd32 DestroyMenu user32 DestroyPenData pkpd32 DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity advapi32 DestroyPropertySheetPage comctl32 DestroyWindow user32 DeviceCapabilitiesEx gdi32 DeviceIoControl kernel32 DialEngineRequest rasapi32 DialInMessage rasapi32 DialogBoxIndirectParam user32 DialogBoxParam user32 DisableThreadLibraryCalls kernel32 DisconnectNamedPipe kernel32 DispatchMessage user32 DispCallFunc oleaut32 DispGetIDsOfNames oleaut32 DispGetParam oleaut32 DispInvoke oleaut32 DlgDirList user32 DlgDirListComboBox user32 DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx user32 DlgDirSelectEx user32 DllCanUnloadNow url DllCanUnloadNow shell32 DllCanUnloadNow olepro32 DllCanUnloadNow oleaut32 DllCanUnloadNow mpr DllCanUnloadNow mapi32 DllDebugObjectRPCHook ole32 DllGetClassObject url DllGetClassObject shell32 DllGetClassObject rpcrt4 DllGetClassObject olepro32 DllGetClassObject oleaut32 DllGetClassObject ole32 DllGetClassObject mpr DllGetClassObject mapi32 DllGetVersion shell32 DllGetVersion comctl32 DllInitialize opengl32 DllInstall shell32 DllInstall comctl32 DllRegisterServer rpcrt4 DllRegisterServer olepro32 DllRegisterServer oleaut32 DllRegisterServer ole32 DllUnregisterServer olepro32 DllUnregisterServer oleaut32 dn_expand wsock32 DoDragDrop ole32 DoEnvironmentSubst shell32 DosDateTimeToFileTime kernel32 DosDateTimeToVariantTime oleaut32 double_array_from_ndr rpcrt4 double_from_ndr rpcrt4 dprintf kernel32 DPtoLP gdi32 DragAcceptFiles shell32 (2 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:44 PM]

DragDetect user32 DragFinish shell32 DragObject user32 DragQueryFile shell32 DragQueryPoint shell32 DrawAnimatedRects user32 DrawCaption user32 DrawCaptionTemp user32 DrawEdge user32 DrawEscape gdi32 DrawFocusRect user32 DrawFrame user32 DrawFrameControl user32 DrawIcon user32 DrawIconEx user32 DrawInsert comctl32 DrawMenuBar user32 DrawMenuBarTemp user32 DrawPenDataEx pkpd32 DrawState user32 DrawStatusText comctl32 DrawText user32 DrawTextEx user32 DriverCallback winmm DrvClose winmm DrvDefDriverProc winmm DrvGetModuleHandle winmm DrvOpen winmm DrvSendMessage winmm DummyEntryPoint url DuplicateHandle kernel32 DuplicateIcon shell32 DuplicatePenData pkpd32 DuplicateToken advapi32 DuplicateTokenEx advapi32 dwLBSubclass comdlg32 dwOKSubclass comdlg32 (3 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:44 PM]

EditWndProc user32 EditWndProc3d ctl3d32 Ellipse gdi32 EmptyClipboard user32 EnableEUDC gdi32 EnableHookObject ole32 EnableIdleRoutine@8 mapi32 EnableMenuItem user32 EnableScrollBar user32 EnableWindow user32 EncodeID@12 mapi32 EndDeferWindowPos user32 EndDialog user32 EndDoc gdi32 EndMenu user32 EndPage gdi32 EndPaint user32 EndPath gdi32 EndTask user32 EndUpdateResource kernel32 EnterCriticalSection kernel32 enum_from_ndr rpcrt4 EnumCalendarInfo kernel32 EnumCalendarInfoEx kernel32 EnumChildWindows user32 EnumClipboardFormats user32 EnumDateFormats kernel32 EnumDateFormatsEx kernel32 EnumDependentServices advapi32 EnumDesktops user32 EnumDesktopWindows user32 EnumDisplayDevices user32 EnumDisplayMonitors user32 EnumDisplaySettings user32 EnumDisplaySettingsEx user32 EnumEnhMetaFile gdi32 EnumFontFamilies gdi32 EnumFontFamiliesEx gdi32 EnumFonts gdi32 EnumICMProfiles gdi32 EnumMetaFile gdi32 EnumObjects gdi32 EnumProps user32 EnumPropsEx user32 EnumProtocols wsock32 EnumResourceLanguages kernel32 EnumResourceNames kernel32 EnumResourceTypes kernel32 EnumServicesStatus advapi32 EnumSystemCodePages kernel32 EnumSystemLocales kernel32 EnumThreadWindows user32 EnumTimeFormats kernel32 EnumWindows user32 EnumWindowStations user32 EqualPrefixSid advapi32 EqualRect user32 EqualRgn gdi32 EqualSid advapi32 EraseTape kernel32 Escape gdi32 (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:45 PM]

EscapeCommFunction kernel32 ExcludeClipRect gdi32 ExcludeUpdateRgn user32 ExitProcess kernel32 ExitThread kernel32 ExitWindowsEx user32 ExpandEnvironmentStrings kernel32 ExtCreatePen gdi32 ExtCreateRegion gdi32 ExtEscape gdi32 ExtFloodFill gdi32 ExtractAssociatedIcon shell32 ExtractAssociatedIconEx shell32 ExtractIcon shell32 ExtractIconEx shell32 ExtractIconResInfo shell32 ExtractPenDataPoints pkpd32 ExtractPenDataStrokes pkpd32 ExtSelectClipRgn gdi32 ExtTextOut gdi32 (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:45 PM]

FatalAppExit kernel32 FatalExit kernel32 FBadColumnSet@4 mapi32 FBadEntryList@4 mapi32 FBadProp@4 mapi32 FBadPropTag@4 mapi32 FBadRestriction@4 mapi32 FBadRglpNameID@8 mapi32 FBadRglpszA@8 mapi32 FBadRglpszW@8 mapi32 FBadRow@4 mapi32 FBadRowSet@4 mapi32 FBadSortOrderSet@4 mapi32 FBinFromHex@8 mapi32 FDecodeID@12 mapi32 FDlgAddDriver tapi32 FDlgAddUnlisted tapi32 FDlgDriverList tapi32 FEqualNames@8 mapi32 FGetComponentPath mapi32 FGetComponentPath@20 mapi32 FileProtocolHandler url FileTimeToDosDateTime kernel32 FileTimeToLocalFileTime kernel32 FileTimeToSystemTime kernel32 FillConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 FillConsoleOutputCharacter kernel32 FillPath gdi32 FillRect user32 FillRgn gdi32 FindAtom kernel32 FindClose kernel32 FindCloseChangeNotification kernel32 FindExecutable shell32 FindExeDlgProc shell32 FindFirstChangeNotification kernel32 FindFirstFile kernel32 FindFirstFileEx kernel32 FindFirstFreeAce advapi32 FindNextChangeNotification kernel32 FindNextFile kernel32 FindResource kernel32 FindResourceEx kernel32 FindText comdlg32 FindWindow user32 FindWindowEx user32 FixBrushOrgEx gdi32 FixMAPI mapi32 FixMAPI@0 mapi32 FlashWindow user32 FlashWindowEx user32 FlatSB_EnableScrollBar comctl32 FlatSB_GetScrollInfo comctl32 FlatSB_GetScrollPos comctl32 FlatSB_GetScrollProp comctl32 FlatSB_GetScrollRange comctl32 FlatSB_SetScrollInfo comctl32 FlatSB_SetScrollPos comctl32 FlatSB_SetScrollProp comctl32 FlatSB_SetScrollRange comctl32 FlatSB_ShowScrollBar comctl32 (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:45 PM]

FlattenPath gdi32 float_array_from_ndr rpcrt4 float_from_ndr rpcrt4 FloodFill gdi32 FlushConsoleInputBuffer kernel32 FlushFileBuffers kernel32 FlushInstructionCache kernel32 FlushViewOfFile kernel32 FoldString kernel32 FormatMessage kernel32 FPropCompareProp@12 mapi32 FPropContainsProp@12 mapi32 FPropExists@8 mapi32 FrameRect user32 FrameRgn gdi32 FreeConsole kernel32 FreeDDElParam user32 FreeEnvironmentStrings kernel32 FreeIconList shell32 FreeLibrary kernel32 FreeLibraryAndExitThread kernel32 FreeLSCallback kernel32 FreePadrlist@4 mapi32 FreePropVariantArray ole32 FreeProws@4 mapi32 FreeResource kernel32 FreeSid advapi32 FreeSLCallback kernel32 FT_Exit0 kernel32 FT_Exit12 kernel32 FT_Exit16 kernel32 FT_Exit20 kernel32 FT_Exit24 kernel32 FT_Exit28 kernel32 FT_Exit32 kernel32 FT_Exit36 kernel32 FT_Exit4 kernel32 FT_Exit40 kernel32 FT_Exit44 kernel32 FT_Exit48 kernel32 FT_Exit52 kernel32 FT_Exit56 kernel32 FT_Exit8 kernel32 FT_Prolog kernel32 FT_Thunk kernel32 FtAdcFt@20 mapi32 FtAddFt@16 mapi32 FtDivFtBogus@20 mapi32 FtgRegisterIdleRoutine@20 mapi32 FtMulDw@12 mapi32 FtMulDwDw@8 mapi32 FtNegFt@8 mapi32 FtSubFt@16 mapi32 (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:45 PM]

GdiComment gdi32 GdiFlush gdi32 GdiGetBatchLimit gdi32 GdiPlayDCScript gdi32 GdiPlayJournal gdi32 GdiPlayScript gdi32 gdiPlaySpoolStream gdi32 GdiSetBatchLimit gdi32 GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent kernel32 GetAcceptExSockaddrs wsock32 GetAccessPermissionsForObject advapi32 GetAce advapi32 GetAclInformation advapi32 GetACP kernel32 GetActiveObject oleaut32 GetActiveWindow user32 GetAddressByName wsock32 GetAltMonthNames oleaut32 GetAltTabInfo user32 GetAncestor user32 GetArcDirection gdi32 GetAspectRatioFilterEx gdi32 GetAsyncKeyState user32 GetAtomName kernel32 GetAttribIMsgOnIStg@12 mapi32 GetAuditedPermissionsFromAcl advapi32 GetBinaryType kernel32 GetBitmapBits gdi32 GetBitmapDimensionEx gdi32 GetBkColor gdi32 GetBkMode gdi32 GetBoundsRect gdi32 GetBrushOrgEx gdi32 GetCalendarInfo kernel32 GetCapture user32 GetCaretBlinkTime user32 GetCaretPos user32 GetCharABCWidths gdi32 GetCharABCWidthsFloat gdi32 GetCharacterPlacement gdi32 GetCharWidth gdi32 GetCharWidth32 gdi32 GetCharWidthFloat gdi32 GetClassFile ole32 GetClassInfo user32 GetClassInfoEx user32 GetClassLong user32 GetClassName user32 GetClassWord user32 GetClientRect user32 GetClipboardData user32 GetClipboardFormatName user32 GetClipboardOwner user32 GetClipboardSequenceNumber user32 GetClipboardViewer user32 GetClipBox gdi32 GetClipCursor user32 GetClipRgn gdi32 GetColorAdjustment gdi32 GetColorSpace gdi32 GetComboBoxInfo user32 (1 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

GetCommandLine kernel32 GetCommConfig kernel32 GetCommMask kernel32 GetCommModemStatus kernel32 GetCommProperties kernel32 GetCommState kernel32 GetCommTimeouts kernel32 GetCompressedFileSize kernel32 GetComputerName kernel32 GetConsoleCP kernel32 GetConsoleCursorInfo kernel32 GetConsoleMode kernel32 GetConsoleOutputCP kernel32 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo kernel32 GetConsoleTitle kernel32 GetConvertStg ole32 GetCPInfo kernel32 GetCPInfoEx kernel32 GetCurrencyFormat kernel32 GetCurrentDirectory kernel32 GetCurrentHwProfile advapi32 GetCurrentObject gdi32 GetCurrentPositionEx gdi32 GetCurrentProcess kernel32 GetCurrentProcessId kernel32 GetCurrentThread kernel32 GetCurrentThreadId kernel32 GetCursor user32 GetCursorInfo user32 GetCursorPos user32 GetDateFormat kernel32 GetDaylightFlag kernel32 GetDC user32 GetDCEx user32 GetDCOrgEx gdi32 GetDefaultCommConfig kernel32 GetDesktopWindow user32 GetDeviceCaps gdi32 GetDeviceGammaRamp gdi32 GetDevicePowerState kernel32 GetDialogBaseUnits user32 GetDIBColorTable gdi32 GetDIBits gdi32 GetDiskFreeSpace kernel32 GetDiskFreeSpaceEx kernel32 GetDlgCtrlID user32 GetDlgItem user32 GetDlgItemInt user32 GetDlgItemText user32 GetDocumentBitStg ole32 GetDoubleClickTime user32 GetDriverFlags winmm GetDriverModuleHandle winmm GetDriveType kernel32 GetEffectiveClientRect comctl32 GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl advapi32 GetEnhMetaFile gdi32 GetEnhMetaFileBits gdi32 GetEnhMetaFileDescription gdi32 GetEnhMetaFileHeader gdi32 (2 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries gdi32 GetEnvironmentStrings kernel32 GetEnvironmentVariable kernel32 GetErrorInfo oleaut32 GetErrorInfo ole32 GetErrorMode kernel32 GetExitCodeProcess kernel32 GetExitCodeThread kernel32 GetExpandedName lz32 GetExplicitEntriesFromAcl advapi32 GetFileAttributes kernel32 GetFileAttributesEx kernel32 GetFileInformationByHandle kernel32 GetFileSecurity advapi32 GetFileSize kernel32 GetFileTime kernel32 GetFileTitle comdlg32 GetFileType kernel32 GetFileVersionInfo version GetFileVersionInfoSize version GetFocus user32 GetFontData gdi32 GetFontLanguageInfo gdi32 GetFontResourceInfo gdi32 GetForegroundWindow user32 GetFullPathName kernel32 GetGlyphOutline gdi32 GetGraphicsMode gdi32 GetGuiResources user32 GetGUIThreadInfo user32 GetHandleContext kernel32 GetHandleInformation kernel32 GetHGlobalFromILockBytes ole32 GetHGlobalFromStream ole32 GetHookInterface ole32 gethostbyaddr wsock32 gethostbyname wsock32 gethostname wsock32 GetICMProfile gdi32 GetIconInfo user32 GetInksetInterval pkpd32 GetInksetIntervalCount pkpd32 GetInputDesktop user32 GetInputState user32 GetInternalWindowPos user32 GetKBCodePage user32 GetKernelObjectSecurity advapi32 GetKerningPairs gdi32 GetKeyboardLayout user32 GetKeyboardLayoutList user32 GetKeyboardLayoutName user32 GetKeyboardState user32 GetKeyboardType user32 GetKeyNameText user32 GetKeyState user32 GetLargestConsoleWindowSize kernel32 GetLastActivePopup user32 GetLastError kernel32 GetLayout gdi32 GetLengthSid advapi32 GetListBoxInfo user32 (3 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

GetLocaleInfo kernel32 GetLocalTime kernel32 GetLogColorSpace gdi32 GetLogicalDrives kernel32 GetLogicalDriveStrings kernel32 GetLongPathName kernel32 GetLSCallbackTarget kernel32 GetLSCallbackTemplate kernel32 GetMailslotInfo kernel32 GetMapMode gdi32 GetMenu user32 GetMenuBarInfo user32 GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions user32 GetMenuContextHelpId user32 GetMenuDefaultItem user32 GetMenuInfo user32 GetMenuItemCount user32 GetMenuItemID user32 GetMenuItemInfo user32 GetMenuItemRect user32 GetMenuState user32 GetMenuString user32 GetMessage user32 GetMessageExtraInfo user32 GetMessagePos user32 GetMessageTime user32 GetMetaFile gdi32 GetMetaFileBitsEx gdi32 GetMetaRgn gdi32 GetMiterLimit gdi32 GetModuleFileName kernel32 GetModuleHandle kernel32 GetMonitorInfo user32 GetMouseMovePoints user32 GetMUILanguage comctl32 GetMultipleTrustee advapi32 GetMultipleTrusteeOperation advapi32 GetNameByType wsock32 GetNamedPipeHandleState kernel32 GetNamedPipeInfo kernel32 GetNamedSecurityInfo advapi32 GetNamedSecurityInfoEx advapi32 GetNearestColor gdi32 GetNearestPaletteIndex gdi32 getnetbyname wsock32 GetNextDlgGroupItem user32 GetNextDlgTabItem user32 GetNextQueueWindow user32 GetNumberFormat kernel32 GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents kernel32 GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons kernel32 GetNumberOfEventLogRecords advapi32 GetObject gdi32 GetObjectType gdi32 GetOEMCP kernel32 GetOldestEventLogRecord advapi32 GetOpenClipboardWindow user32 GetOpenFileName comdlg32 GetOutlineTextMetrics gdi32 GetOutlookVersion mapi32 (4 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

GetOutlookVersion@0 mapi32 GetOverlappedAccessResults advapi32 GetOverlappedResult kernel32 GetPaletteEntries gdi32 GetParent user32 GetPath gdi32 getpeername wsock32 GetPenDataAttributes pkpd32 GetPenDataInfo pkpd32 GetPixel gdi32 GetPixelFormat gdi32 GetPointsFromPenData pkpd32 GetPolyFillMode gdi32 GetPriorityClass kernel32 GetPriorityClipboardFormat user32 GetPrivateObjectSecurity advapi32 GetPrivateProfileInt kernel32 GetPrivateProfileSection kernel32 GetPrivateProfileSectionNames kernel32 GetPrivateProfileString kernel32 GetPrivateProfileStruct kernel32 GetProcAddress kernel32 GetProcessAffinityMask kernel32 GetProcessDefaultLayout user32 GetProcessFlags kernel32 GetProcessHeap kernel32 GetProcessHeaps kernel32 GetProcessPriorityBoost kernel32 GetProcessShutdownParameters kernel32 GetProcessTimes kernel32 GetProcessVersion kernel32 GetProcessWindowStation user32 GetProcessWorkingSetSize kernel32 GetProductName kernel32 GetProfileInt kernel32 GetProfileSection kernel32 GetProfileString kernel32 GetProp user32 getprotobyname wsock32 getprotobynumber wsock32 GetQueuedCompletionStatus kernel32 GetQueueStatus user32 GetRandomRgn gdi32 GetRasterizerCaps gdi32 GetRecordInfoFromGuids oleaut32 GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo oleaut32 GetRegionData gdi32 GetRgnBox gdi32 GetROP2 gdi32 GetRunningObjectTable ole32 GetSaveFileName comdlg32 GetScrollBarInfo user32 GetScrollInfo user32 GetScrollPos user32 GetScrollRange user32 GetSecurityDescriptorControl advapi32 GetSecurityDescriptorDacl advapi32 GetSecurityDescriptorGroup advapi32 GetSecurityDescriptorLength advapi32 GetSecurityDescriptorOwner advapi32 GetSecurityDescriptorSacl advapi32 (5 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

GetSecurityInfo advapi32 GetSecurityInfoEx advapi32 getservbyname wsock32 getservbyport wsock32 GetService wsock32 GetServiceDisplayName advapi32 GetServiceKeyName advapi32 GetShellWindow user32 GetShortPathName kernel32 GetSidIdentifierAuthority advapi32 GetSidLengthRequired advapi32 GetSidSubAuthority advapi32 GetSidSubAuthorityCount advapi32 GetSLCallbackTarget kernel32 GetSLCallbackTemplate kernel32 getsockname wsock32 getsockopt wsock32 GetStartupInfo kernel32 GetStdHandle kernel32 GetStockObject gdi32 GetStretchBltMode gdi32 GetStringType kernel32 GetStringTypeEx kernel32 GetStrokeAttributes pkpd32 GetStrokeTableAttributes pkpd32 GetSubMenu user32 GetSysColor user32 GetSysColorBrush user32 GetSystemDefaultLangID kernel32 GetSystemDefaultLCID kernel32 GetSystemDirectory kernel32 GetSystemInfo kernel32 GetSystemMenu user32 GetSystemMetrics user32 GetSystemPaletteEntries gdi32 GetSystemPaletteUse gdi32 GetSystemPowerStatus kernel32 GetSystemTime kernel32 GetSystemTimeAdjustment kernel32 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime kernel32 GetTabbedTextExtent user32 GetTapeParameters kernel32 GetTapePosition kernel32 GetTapeStatus kernel32 GetTapi16CallbackMsg tapi32 GetTempFileName kernel32 GetTempPath kernel32 GetTextAlign gdi32 GetTextCharacterExtra gdi32 GetTextCharset gdi32 GetTextCharsetInfo gdi32 GetTextColor gdi32 GetTextExtentExPoint gdi32 GetTextExtentPoint gdi32 GetTextExtentPoint32 gdi32 GetTextFace gdi32 GetTextMetrics gdi32 GetThreadContext kernel32 GetThreadDesktop user32 GetThreadLocale kernel32 (6 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

GetThreadPriority kernel32 GetThreadPriorityBoost kernel32 GetThreadSelectorEntry kernel32 GetThreadTimes kernel32 GetTickCount kernel32 GetTimeFormat kernel32 GetTimeZoneInformation kernel32 GetTitleBarInfo user32 GetTnefStreamCodepage mapi32 GetTnefStreamCodepage@12 mapi32 GetTokenInformation advapi32 GetTopWindow user32 GetTrusteeName advapi32 GetTrusteeType advapi32 GetTypeByName wsock32 GetUpdateRect user32 GetUpdateRgn user32 GetUserDefaultLangID kernel32 GetUserDefaultLCID kernel32 GetUserName advapi32 GetUserObjectInformation user32 GetUserObjectSecurity user32 GetVersion kernel32 GetVersionEx kernel32 GetViewportExtEx gdi32 GetViewportOrgEx gdi32 GetVolumeInformation kernel32 GetWindow user32 GetWindowContextHelpId user32 GetWindowDC user32 GetWindowExtEx gdi32 GetWindowInfo user32 GetWindowLong user32 GetWindowModuleFileName user32 GetWindowOrgEx gdi32 GetWindowPlacement user32 GetWindowRect user32 GetWindowRgn user32 GetWindowsDirectory kernel32 GetWindowText user32 GetWindowTextLength user32 GetWindowThreadProcessId user32 GetWindowWord user32 GetWinMetaFileBits gdi32 GetWorldTransform gdi32 GetWriteWatch kernel32 glAccum opengl32 glAlphaFunc opengl32 glAreTexturesResident opengl32 glArrayElement opengl32 glBegin opengl32 glBindTexture opengl32 glBitmap opengl32 glBlendFunc opengl32 glCallList opengl32 glCallLists opengl32 glClear opengl32 glClearAccum opengl32 glClearColor opengl32 glClearDepth opengl32 glClearIndex opengl32 (7 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

glClearStencil opengl32 glClipPlane opengl32 glColor3b opengl32 glColor3bv opengl32 glColor3d opengl32 glColor3dv opengl32 glColor3f opengl32 glColor3fv opengl32 glColor3i opengl32 glColor3iv opengl32 glColor3s opengl32 glColor3sv opengl32 glColor3ub opengl32 glColor3ubv opengl32 glColor3ui opengl32 glColor3uiv opengl32 glColor3us opengl32 glColor3usv opengl32 glColor4b opengl32 glColor4bv opengl32 glColor4d opengl32 glColor4dv opengl32 glColor4f opengl32 glColor4fv opengl32 glColor4i opengl32 glColor4iv opengl32 glColor4s opengl32 glColor4sv opengl32 glColor4ub opengl32 glColor4ubv opengl32 glColor4ui opengl32 glColor4uiv opengl32 glColor4us opengl32 glColor4usv opengl32 glColorMask opengl32 glColorMaterial opengl32 glColorPointer opengl32 glCopyPixels opengl32 glCopyTexImage1D opengl32 glCopyTexImage2D opengl32 glCopyTexSubImage1D opengl32 glCopyTexSubImage2D opengl32 glCullFace opengl32 glDebugEntry opengl32 glDeleteLists opengl32 glDeleteTextures opengl32 glDepthFunc opengl32 glDepthMask opengl32 glDepthRange opengl32 glDisable opengl32 glDisableClientState opengl32 glDrawArrays opengl32 glDrawBuffer opengl32 glDrawElements opengl32 glDrawPixels opengl32 glEdgeFlag opengl32 glEdgeFlagPointer opengl32 glEdgeFlagv opengl32 glEnable opengl32 glEnableClientState opengl32 (8 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

glEnd opengl32 glEndList opengl32 glEvalCoord1d opengl32 glEvalCoord1dv opengl32 glEvalCoord1f opengl32 glEvalCoord1fv opengl32 glEvalCoord2d opengl32 glEvalCoord2dv opengl32 glEvalCoord2f opengl32 glEvalCoord2fv opengl32 glEvalMesh1 opengl32 glEvalMesh2 opengl32 glEvalPoint1 opengl32 glEvalPoint2 opengl32 glFeedbackBuffer opengl32 glFinish opengl32 glFlush opengl32 glFogf opengl32 glFogfv opengl32 glFogi opengl32 glFogiv opengl32 glFrontFace opengl32 glFrustum opengl32 glGenLists opengl32 glGenTextures opengl32 glGetBooleanv opengl32 glGetClipPlane opengl32 glGetDoublev opengl32 glGetError opengl32 glGetFloatv opengl32 glGetIntegerv opengl32 glGetLightfv opengl32 glGetLightiv opengl32 glGetMapdv opengl32 glGetMapfv opengl32 glGetMapiv opengl32 glGetMaterialfv opengl32 glGetMaterialiv opengl32 glGetPixelMapfv opengl32 glGetPixelMapuiv opengl32 glGetPixelMapusv opengl32 glGetPointerv opengl32 glGetPolygonStipple opengl32 glGetString opengl32 glGetTexEnvfv opengl32 glGetTexEnviv opengl32 glGetTexGendv opengl32 glGetTexGenfv opengl32 glGetTexGeniv opengl32 glGetTexImage opengl32 glGetTexLevelParameterfv opengl32 glGetTexLevelParameteriv opengl32 glGetTexParameterfv opengl32 glGetTexParameteriv opengl32 glHint opengl32 glIndexd opengl32 glIndexdv opengl32 glIndexf opengl32 glIndexfv opengl32 glIndexi opengl32 glIndexiv opengl32 (9 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

glIndexMask opengl32 glIndexPointer opengl32 glIndexs opengl32 glIndexsv opengl32 glIndexub opengl32 glIndexubv opengl32 glInitNames opengl32 glInterleavedArrays opengl32 glIsEnabled opengl32 glIsList opengl32 glIsTexture opengl32 glLightf opengl32 glLightfv opengl32 glLighti opengl32 glLightiv opengl32 glLightModelf opengl32 glLightModelfv opengl32 glLightModeli opengl32 glLightModeliv opengl32 glLineStipple opengl32 glLineWidth opengl32 glListBase opengl32 glLoadIdentity opengl32 glLoadMatrixd opengl32 glLoadMatrixf opengl32 glLoadName opengl32 glLogicOp opengl32 glMap1d opengl32 glMap1f opengl32 glMap2d opengl32 glMap2f opengl32 glMapGrid1d opengl32 glMapGrid1f opengl32 glMapGrid2d opengl32 glMapGrid2f opengl32 glMaterialf opengl32 glMaterialfv opengl32 glMateriali opengl32 glMaterialiv opengl32 glMatrixMode opengl32 GlmfBeginGlsBlock opengl32 GlmfCloseMetaFile opengl32 GlmfEndGlsBlock opengl32 GlmfEndPlayback opengl32 GlmfInitPlayback opengl32 GlmfPlayGlsRecord opengl32 glMultMatrixd opengl32 glMultMatrixf opengl32 glNewList opengl32 glNormal3b opengl32 glNormal3bv opengl32 glNormal3d opengl32 glNormal3dv opengl32 glNormal3f opengl32 glNormal3fv opengl32 glNormal3i opengl32 glNormal3iv opengl32 glNormal3s opengl32 glNormal3sv opengl32 glNormalPointer opengl32 (10 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

GlobalAddAtom kernel32 GlobalAlloc kernel32 GlobalCompact kernel32 GlobalDeleteAtom kernel32 GlobalFindAtom kernel32 GlobalFix kernel32 GlobalFlags kernel32 GlobalFree kernel32 GlobalGetAtomName kernel32 GlobalHandle kernel32 GlobalLock kernel32 GlobalMemoryStatus kernel32 GlobalReAlloc kernel32 GlobalSize kernel32 GlobalUnfix kernel32 GlobalUnlock kernel32 GlobalUnWire kernel32 GlobalWire kernel32 glOrtho opengl32 glPassThrough opengl32 glPixelMapfv opengl32 glPixelMapuiv opengl32 glPixelMapusv opengl32 glPixelStoref opengl32 glPixelStorei opengl32 glPixelTransferf opengl32 glPixelTransferi opengl32 glPixelZoom opengl32 glPointSize opengl32 glPolygonMode opengl32 glPolygonOffset opengl32 glPolygonStipple opengl32 glPopAttrib opengl32 glPopClientAttrib opengl32 glPopMatrix opengl32 glPopName opengl32 glPrioritizeTextures opengl32 glPushAttrib opengl32 glPushClientAttrib opengl32 glPushMatrix opengl32 glPushName opengl32 glRasterPos2d opengl32 glRasterPos2dv opengl32 glRasterPos2f opengl32 glRasterPos2fv opengl32 glRasterPos2i opengl32 glRasterPos2iv opengl32 glRasterPos2s opengl32 glRasterPos2sv opengl32 glRasterPos3d opengl32 glRasterPos3dv opengl32 glRasterPos3f opengl32 glRasterPos3fv opengl32 glRasterPos3i opengl32 glRasterPos3iv opengl32 glRasterPos3s opengl32 glRasterPos3sv opengl32 glRasterPos4d opengl32 glRasterPos4dv opengl32 glRasterPos4f opengl32 glRasterPos4fv opengl32 (11 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

glRasterPos4i opengl32 glRasterPos4iv opengl32 glRasterPos4s opengl32 glRasterPos4sv opengl32 glReadBuffer opengl32 glReadPixels opengl32 glRectd opengl32 glRectdv opengl32 glRectf opengl32 glRectfv opengl32 glRecti opengl32 glRectiv opengl32 glRects opengl32 glRectsv opengl32 glRenderMode opengl32 glRotated opengl32 glRotatef opengl32 glScaled opengl32 glScalef opengl32 glScissor opengl32 glSelectBuffer opengl32 glShadeModel opengl32 glStencilFunc opengl32 glStencilMask opengl32 glStencilOp opengl32 glTexCoord1d opengl32 glTexCoord1dv opengl32 glTexCoord1f opengl32 glTexCoord1fv opengl32 glTexCoord1i opengl32 glTexCoord1iv opengl32 glTexCoord1s opengl32 glTexCoord1sv opengl32 glTexCoord2d opengl32 glTexCoord2dv opengl32 glTexCoord2f opengl32 glTexCoord2fv opengl32 glTexCoord2i opengl32 glTexCoord2iv opengl32 glTexCoord2s opengl32 glTexCoord2sv opengl32 glTexCoord3d opengl32 glTexCoord3dv opengl32 glTexCoord3f opengl32 glTexCoord3fv opengl32 glTexCoord3i opengl32 glTexCoord3iv opengl32 glTexCoord3s opengl32 glTexCoord3sv opengl32 glTexCoord4d opengl32 glTexCoord4dv opengl32 glTexCoord4f opengl32 glTexCoord4fv opengl32 glTexCoord4i opengl32 glTexCoord4iv opengl32 glTexCoord4s opengl32 glTexCoord4sv opengl32 glTexCoordPointer opengl32 glTexEnvf opengl32 glTexEnvfv opengl32 (12 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

glTexEnvi opengl32 glTexEnviv opengl32 glTexGend opengl32 glTexGendv opengl32 glTexGenf opengl32 glTexGenfv opengl32 glTexGeni opengl32 glTexGeniv opengl32 glTexImage1D opengl32 glTexImage2D opengl32 glTexParameterf opengl32 glTexParameterfv opengl32 glTexParameteri opengl32 glTexParameteriv opengl32 glTexSubImage1D opengl32 glTexSubImage2D opengl32 glTranslated opengl32 glTranslatef opengl32 gluBeginCurve glu32 gluBeginPolygon glu32 gluBeginSurface glu32 gluBeginTrim glu32 gluBuild1DMipmaps glu32 gluBuild2DMipmaps glu32 gluCylinder glu32 gluDeleteNurbsRenderer glu32 gluDeleteQuadric glu32 gluDeleteTess glu32 gluDisk glu32 gluEndCurve glu32 gluEndPolygon glu32 gluEndSurface glu32 gluEndTrim glu32 gluErrorString glu32 gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT glu32 gluGetNurbsProperty glu32 gluGetString glu32 gluGetTessProperty glu32 gluLoadSamplingMatrices glu32 gluLookAt glu32 gluNewNurbsRenderer glu32 gluNewQuadric glu32 gluNewTess glu32 gluNextContour glu32 gluNurbsCallback glu32 gluNurbsCurve glu32 gluNurbsProperty glu32 gluNurbsSurface glu32 gluOrtho2D glu32 gluPartialDisk glu32 gluPerspective glu32 gluPickMatrix glu32 gluProject glu32 gluPwlCurve glu32 gluQuadricCallback glu32 gluQuadricDrawStyle glu32 gluQuadricNormals glu32 gluQuadricOrientation glu32 gluQuadricTexture glu32 gluScaleImage glu32 gluSphere glu32 (13 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

gluTessBeginContour glu32 gluTessBeginPolygon glu32 gluTessCallback glu32 gluTessEndContour glu32 gluTessEndPolygon glu32 gluTessNormal glu32 gluTessProperty glu32 gluTessVertex glu32 gluUnProject glu32 glVertex2d opengl32 glVertex2dv opengl32 glVertex2f opengl32 glVertex2fv opengl32 glVertex2i opengl32 glVertex2iv opengl32 glVertex2s opengl32 glVertex2sv opengl32 glVertex3d opengl32 glVertex3dv opengl32 glVertex3f opengl32 glVertex3fv opengl32 glVertex3i opengl32 glVertex3iv opengl32 glVertex3s opengl32 glVertex3sv opengl32 glVertex4d opengl32 glVertex4dv opengl32 glVertex4f opengl32 glVertex4fv opengl32 glVertex4i opengl32 glVertex4iv opengl32 glVertex4s opengl32 glVertex4sv opengl32 glVertexPointer opengl32 glViewport opengl32 GrayString user32 (14 of 14) [10/17/2002 9:54:46 PM]

HACCEL_UserFree ole32 HACCEL_UserMarshal ole32 HACCEL_UserSize ole32 HACCEL_UserUnmarshal ole32 HasSystemSleepStarted user32 HBITMAP_UserFree ole32 HBITMAP_UserMarshal ole32 HBITMAP_UserSize ole32 HBITMAP_UserUnmarshal ole32 HBRUSH_UserFree ole32 HBRUSH_UserMarshal ole32 HBRUSH_UserSize ole32 HBRUSH_UserUnmarshal ole32 Heap32First th32 kernel32 Heap32ListFirst th32 kernel32 Heap32ListNext th32 kernel32 Heap32Next th32 kernel32 HeapAlloc kernel32 HeapCompact kernel32 HeapCreate kernel32 HeapDestroy kernel32 HeapFree kernel32 HeapLock kernel32 HeapReAlloc kernel32 HeapSetFlags kernel32 HeapSize kernel32 HeapUnlock kernel32 HeapValidate kernel32 HeapWalk kernel32 HENHMETAFILE_UserFree ole32 HENHMETAFILE_UserMarshal ole32 HENHMETAFILE_UserSize ole32 HENHMETAFILE_UserUnmarshal ole32 HexFromBin@12 mapi32 HGLOBAL_UserFree ole32 HGLOBAL_UserMarshal ole32 HGLOBAL_UserSize ole32 HGLOBAL_UserUnmarshal ole32 HideCaret user32 HiliteMenuItem user32 HitTestPenData pkpd32 HMENU_UserFree ole32 HMENU_UserMarshal ole32 HMENU_UserSize ole32 HMENU_UserUnmarshal ole32 HMETAFILE_UserFree ole32 HMETAFILE_UserMarshal ole32 HMETAFILE_UserSize ole32 HMETAFILE_UserUnmarshal ole32 HMETAFILEPICT_UserFree ole32 HMETAFILEPICT_UserMarshal ole32 HMETAFILEPICT_UserSize ole32 HMETAFILEPICT_UserUnmarshal ole32 HPALETTE_UserFree ole32 HPALETTE_UserMarshal ole32 HPALETTE_UserSize ole32 HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal ole32 HrAddColumns@16 mapi32 HrAddColumnsEx@20 mapi32 HrAllocAdviseSink@12 mapi32 HrComposeEID@28 mapi32 (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:47 PM]

HrComposeMsgID@24 mapi32 HrDecomposeEID@28 mapi32 HrDecomposeMsgID@24 mapi32 HrDispatchNotifications@4 mapi32 HrEntryIDFromSz@12 mapi32 HrGetOmiProvidersFlags mapi32 HrGetOmiProvidersFlags@8 mapi32 HrGetOneProp@12 mapi32 HrIStorageFromStream@16 mapi32 HrQueryAllRows@24 mapi32 HrSetOmiProvidersFlagsInvalid mapi32 HrSetOmiProvidersFlagsInvalid@4 mapi32 HrSetOneProp@8 mapi32 HrSzFromEntryID@12 mapi32 HrThisThreadAdviseSink@8 mapi32 HrValidateIPMSubtree@20 mapi32 HrValidateParameters@8 mapi32 htonl wsock32 htons wsock32 HWND_UserFree ole32 HWND_UserMarshal ole32 HWND_UserSize ole32 HWND_UserUnmarshal ole32 (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:47 PM]

I_RemoteMain ole32 I_RpcAllocate rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingCopy rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingInqDynamicEndpoint rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingInqDynamicEndpointRPCRT4.I_RpcBindingInqDynamicEndpoint rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingInqTransportType rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingIsClientLocal rpcrt4 I_RpcBindingSetAsync rpcrt4 I_RpcClearMutex rpcrt4 I_RpcConnectionInqSockBuffSize rpcrt4 I_RpcConnectionInqSockBuffSize2 rpcrt4 I_RpcConnectionSetSockBuffSize rpcrt4 I_RpcDeleteMutex rpcrt4 I_RpcFree rpcrt4 I_RpcFreeBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcFreePipeBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcGetAssociationContext rpcrt4 I_RpcGetBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcGetCurrentCallHandle rpcrt4 I_RpcGetThreadEvent rpcrt4 I_RpcGetThreadWindowHandle rpcrt4 I_RpcIfInqTransferSyntaxes rpcrt4 I_RpcLaunchDatagramReceiveThread rpcrt4 I_RpcMapWin32Status rpcrt4 I_RpcMonitorAssociation rpcrt4 I_RpcNsBindingSetEntryName rpcrt4 I_RpcNsBindingSetEntryNameRPCRT4.I_RpcNsBindingSetEntryName rpcrt4 I_RpcNsGetBuffer rpcns4 I_RpcNsRaiseException rpcns4 I_RpcNsSendReceive rpcns4 I_RpcParseSecurity rpcrt4 I_RpcPauseExecution rpcrt4 I_RpcReallocPipeBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcReBindBuffer rpcns4 I_RpcReceive rpcrt4 I_RpcRequestMutex rpcrt4 I_RpcSend rpcrt4 I_RpcSendReceive rpcrt4 I_RpcServerRegisterForwardFunction rpcrt4 I_RpcServerStartListening rpcrt4 I_RpcServerStopListening rpcrt4 I_RpcServerUnregisterEndpoint rpcrt4 I_RpcSetAssociationContext rpcrt4 I_RpcSetThreadParams rpcrt4 I_RpcSsDontSerializeContext rpcrt4 I_RpcStopMonitorAssociation rpcrt4 I_RpcTransCancelMigration rpcrt4 I_RpcTransClientMaxFrag rpcrt4 I_RpcTransClientReallocBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcTransMaybeMakeReceiveAny rpcrt4 I_RpcTransMaybeMakeReceiveDirect rpcrt4 I_RpcTransPingServer rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerFindConnection rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerFreeBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerMaxFrag rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerNewConnection rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerProtectThread rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerReallocBuffer rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerReceiveDirectReady rpcrt4 I_RpcTransServerUnprotectThread rpcrt4 I_RpcWindowProc rpcrt4 (1 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:48 PM]

I_UuidCreate rpcrt4 IIDFromString ole32 ImageList_Add comctl32 ImageList_AddIcon comctl32 ImageList_AddMasked comctl32 ImageList_BeginDrag comctl32 ImageList_Copy comctl32 ImageList_Create comctl32 ImageList_Destroy comctl32 ImageList_DragEnter comctl32 ImageList_DragLeave comctl32 ImageList_DragMove comctl32 ImageList_DragShowNolock comctl32 ImageList_Draw comctl32 ImageList_DrawEx comctl32 ImageList_DrawIndirect comctl32 ImageList_Duplicate comctl32 ImageList_EndDrag comctl32 ImageList_GetBkColor comctl32 ImageList_GetDragImage comctl32 ImageList_GetIcon comctl32 ImageList_GetIconSize comctl32 ImageList_GetImageCount comctl32 ImageList_GetImageInfo comctl32 ImageList_GetImageRect comctl32 ImageList_LoadImage comctl32 ImageList_Merge comctl32 ImageList_Read comctl32 ImageList_Remove comctl32 ImageList_Replace comctl32 ImageList_ReplaceIcon comctl32 ImageList_SetBkColor comctl32 ImageList_SetDragCursorImage comctl32 ImageList_SetFilter comctl32 ImageList_SetFlags comctl32 ImageList_SetIconSize comctl32 ImageList_SetImageCount comctl32 ImageList_SetOverlayImage comctl32 ImageList_Write comctl32 ImmAssociateContext imm32 ImmAssociateContextEx imm32 ImmConfigureIME imm32 ImmCreateContext imm32 ImmCreateIMCC imm32 ImmCreateSoftKeyboard imm32 ImmDestroyContext imm32 ImmDestroyIMCC imm32 ImmDestroySoftKeyboard imm32 ImmDisableIME imm32 ImmEnumInputContext imm32 ImmEnumRegisterWord imm32 ImmEscape imm32 ImmGenerateMessage imm32 ImmGetCandidateList imm32 ImmGetCandidateListCount imm32 ImmGetCandidateWindow imm32 ImmGetCompositionFont imm32 ImmGetCompositionString imm32 ImmGetCompositionWindow imm32 ImmGetContext imm32 (2 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:48 PM]

ImmGetConversionList imm32 ImmGetConversionStatus imm32 ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd imm32 ImmGetDescription imm32 ImmGetGuideLine imm32 ImmGetHotKey imm32 ImmGetIMCCLockCount imm32 ImmGetIMCCSize imm32 ImmGetIMCLockCount imm32 ImmGetIMEFileName imm32 ImmGetImeMenuItems imm32 ImmGetOpenStatus imm32 ImmGetProperty imm32 ImmGetRegisterWordStyle imm32 ImmGetStatusWindowPos imm32 ImmGetVirtualKey imm32 ImmInstallIME imm32 ImmIsIME imm32 ImmIsUIMessage imm32 ImmLockIMC imm32 ImmLockIMCC imm32 ImmNotifyIME imm32 ImmRegisterWord imm32 ImmReleaseContext imm32 ImmRequestMessage imm32 ImmReSizeIMCC imm32 ImmSetCandidateWindow imm32 ImmSetCompositionFont imm32 ImmSetCompositionString imm32 ImmSetCompositionWindow imm32 ImmSetConversionStatus imm32 ImmSetHotKey imm32 ImmSetOpenStatus imm32 ImmSetStatusWindowPos imm32 ImmShowSoftKeyboard imm32 ImmSimulateHotKey imm32 ImmUnlockIMC imm32 ImmUnlockIMCC imm32 ImmUnregisterWord imm32 IMPAddIME user32 IMPDeleteIME user32 ImpersonateDdeClientWindow user32 ImpersonateLoggedOnUser advapi32 ImpersonateNamedPipeClient advapi32 ImpersonateSelf advapi32 IMPGetIME user32 IMPModifyIME user32 IMPQueryIME user32 IMPRetrieveIME user32 IMPSetIME user32 inet_addr wsock32 inet_network wsock32 inet_ntoa wsock32 InetIsOffline url InflateRect user32 InitAtomTable kernel32 InitCommonControls comctl32 InitCommonControlsEx comctl32 InitializeAcl advapi32 InitializeCriticalSection kernel32 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount kernel32 (3 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:48 PM]

InitializeFlatSB comctl32 InitializeSecurityDescriptor advapi32 InitializeSid advapi32 InitiateSystemShutdown advapi32 InitMUILanguage comctl32 InitSharedTable user32 InitTask user32 InSendMessage user32 InSendMessageEx user32 InsertDiskDlg tapi32 InsertMenu user32 InsertMenuItem user32 InsertPenData pkpd32 InsertPenDataPoints pkpd32 InsertPenDataStroke pkpd32 InstallFilterHook@4 mapi32 InterlockedCompareExchange kernel32 InterlockedDecrement kernel32 InterlockedExchange kernel32 InterlockedExchangeAdd kernel32 InterlockedIncrement kernel32 internalConfig tapi32 InternalExtractIconList shell32 InternalGetWindowText user32 internalPerformance tapi32 internalRemoveLocation tapi32 IntersectClipRect gdi32 IntersectRect user32 InvalidateNLSCache kernel32 InvalidateRect user32 InvalidateRgn user32 InvertRect user32 InvertRgn gdi32 ioctlsocket wsock32 IsAccelerator ole32 IsBadBoundedStringPtr@8 mapi32 IsBadCodePtr kernel32 IsBadHugeReadPtr kernel32 IsBadHugeWritePtr kernel32 IsBadReadPtr kernel32 IsBadStringPtr kernel32 IsBadWritePtr kernel32 IsCharAlpha user32 IsCharAlphaNumeric user32 IsCharLower user32 IsCharUpper user32 IsChild user32 IsClipboardFormatAvailable user32 IsDBCSLeadByte kernel32 IsDBCSLeadByteEx kernel32 IsDebuggerPresent kernel32 IsDialogMessage user32 IsDlgButtonChecked user32 IsEqualGUID ole32 IsHungThread user32 IsIconic user32 IsLSCallback kernel32 IsMenu user32 IsProcessorFeaturePresent kernel32 IsRectEmpty user32 (4 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:48 PM]

IsSLCallback kernel32 IsSystemResumeAutomatic kernel32 IsTextUnicode advapi32 IsValidAcl advapi32 IsValidCodePage kernel32 IsValidIid ole32 IsValidInterface ole32 IsValidLocale kernel32 IsValidPtrIn ole32 IsValidPtrOut ole32 IsValidSecurityDescriptor advapi32 IsValidSid advapi32 IsWindow user32 IsWindowEnabled user32 IsWindowUnicode user32 IsWindowVisible user32 IsZoomed user32 IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy rpcrt4 IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy rpcrt4 IUnknown_Release_Proxy rpcrt4 (5 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:48 PM]

joyConfigChanged winmm joyGetDevCaps winmm joyGetNumDevs winmm joyGetPos winmm joyGetPosEx winmm joyGetThreshold winmm joyReleaseCapture winmm joySetCapture winmm joySetThreshold winmm [10/17/2002 9:54:48 PM]

K32_NtCreateFile kernel32 K32_RtlNtStatusToDosError kernel32 K32Thk1632Epilog kernel32 K32Thk1632Prolog kernel32 keybd_event user32 KillTimer user32 [10/17/2002 9:54:48 PM]

LAddrParamsInited tapi32 LAUNCHWIZARD mapi32 LaunchWizard@20 mapi32 LBItemFromPt comctl32 LCMapString kernel32 LeaveCriticalSection kernel32 LHashValOfNameSys oleaut32 lineAccept tapi32 lineAddProvider tapi32 lineAddToConference tapi32 lineAgentSpecific tapi32 lineAnswer tapi32 lineBlindTransfer tapi32 lineClose tapi32 lineCompleteCall tapi32 lineCompleteTransfer tapi32 lineConfigDialog tapi32 lineConfigDialogEdit tapi32 lineConfigProvider tapi32 LineDD gdi32 lineDeallocateCall tapi32 lineDevSpecific tapi32 lineDevSpecificFeature tapi32 lineDial tapi32 lineDrop tapi32 lineForward tapi32 lineGatherDigits tapi32 lineGenerateDigits tapi32 lineGenerateTone tapi32 lineGetAddressCaps tapi32 lineGetAddressID tapi32 lineGetAddressStatus tapi32 lineGetAgentActivityList tapi32 lineGetAgentCaps tapi32 lineGetAgentGroupList tapi32 lineGetAgentStatus tapi32 lineGetAppPriority tapi32 lineGetCallInfo tapi32 lineGetCallStatus tapi32 lineGetConfRelatedCalls tapi32 lineGetCountry tapi32 lineGetDevCaps tapi32 lineGetDevConfig tapi32 lineGetIcon tapi32 lineGetID tapi32 lineGetLineDevStatus tapi32 lineGetMessage tapi32 lineGetNewCalls tapi32 lineGetNumRings tapi32 lineGetProviderList tapi32 lineGetRequest tapi32 lineGetStatusMessages tapi32 lineGetTranslateCaps tapi32 lineHandoff tapi32 lineHold tapi32 lineInitialize tapi32 lineInitializeEx tapi32 lineMakeCall tapi32 lineMonitorDigits tapi32 lineMonitorMedia tapi32 lineMonitorTones tapi32 (1 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:49 PM]

lineNegotiateAPIVersion tapi32 lineNegotiateExtVersion tapi32 lineOpen tapi32 linePark tapi32 linePickup tapi32 linePrepareAddToConference tapi32 lineProxyMessage tapi32 lineProxyResponse tapi32 lineRedirect tapi32 lineRegisterRequestRecipient tapi32 lineReleaseUserUserInfo tapi32 lineRemoveFromConference tapi32 lineRemoveProvider tapi32 lineSecureCall tapi32 lineSendUserUserInfo tapi32 lineSetAgentActivity tapi32 lineSetAgentGroup tapi32 lineSetAgentState tapi32 lineSetAppPriority tapi32 lineSetAppSpecific tapi32 lineSetCallData tapi32 lineSetCallParams tapi32 lineSetCallPrivilege tapi32 lineSetCallQualityOfService tapi32 lineSetCallTreatment tapi32 lineSetCurrentLocation tapi32 lineSetDevConfig tapi32 lineSetLineDevStatus tapi32 lineSetMediaControl tapi32 lineSetMediaMode tapi32 lineSetNumRings tapi32 lineSetStatusMessages tapi32 lineSetTerminal tapi32 lineSetTollList tapi32 lineSetupConference tapi32 lineSetupTransfer tapi32 lineShutdown tapi32 lineSwapHold tapi32 LineTo gdi32 lineTranslateAddress tapi32 lineTranslateDialog tapi32 lineUncompleteCall tapi32 lineUnhold tapi32 lineUnpark tapi32 listen wsock32 ListWndProc3d ctl3d32 LoadAccelerators user32 LoadAlterBitmap comdlg32 LoadBitmap user32 LoadCursor user32 LoadCursorFromFile user32 LoadIcon user32 LoadImage user32 LoadKeyboardLayout user32 LoadLibrary kernel32 LoadLibraryEx kernel32 LoadMenu user32 LoadMenuIndirect user32 LoadModule kernel32 LoadRegTypeLib oleaut32 (2 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:49 PM]

LoadResource kernel32 LoadString user32 LoadTypeLib oleaut32 LoadTypeLibEx oleaut32 LocalAlloc kernel32 LocalCompact kernel32 LocalFileTimeToFileTime kernel32 LocalFlags kernel32 LocalFree kernel32 LocalHandle kernel32 LocalLock kernel32 LocalReAlloc kernel32 LocalShrink kernel32 LocalSize kernel32 LocalUnlock kernel32 LockFile kernel32 LockFileEx kernel32 LockHandle odbc32 LockResource kernel32 LockServiceDatabase advapi32 LockWindowStation user32 LockWindowUpdate user32 LocWizardDlgProc tapi32 LogonUser advapi32 long_array_from_ndr rpcrt4 long_from_ndr rpcrt4 long_from_ndr_temp rpcrt4 LookupAccountName advapi32 LookupAccountSid advapi32 LookupIconIdFromDirectory user32 LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx user32 LookupPrivilegeDisplayName advapi32 LookupPrivilegeName advapi32 LookupPrivilegeValue advapi32 LookupSecurityDescriptorParts advapi32 LOpenDialAsst tapi32 LPropCompareProp@8 mapi32 LPSAFEARRAY_Marshal oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_Size oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_Unmarshal oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_UserFree oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_UserMarshal oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_UserSize oleaut32 LPSAFEARRAY_UserUnmarshal oleaut32 LPtoDP gdi32 LpValFindProp@12 mapi32 lstrcat kernel32 lstrcmp kernel32 lstrcmpi kernel32 lstrcpy kernel32 lstrcpyn kernel32 lstrlen kernel32 LZClose lz32 LZCopy lz32 LZDone lz32 LZInit lz32 LZOpenFile lz32 LZRead lz32 LZSeek lz32 LZStart lz32 (3 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:49 PM]

MailToProtocolHandler url MakeAbsoluteSD advapi32 MakeCriticalSectionGlobal kernel32 MakeDragList comctl32 MakeSelfRelativeSD advapi32 MapDialogRect user32 MapGenericMask advapi32 MapHInstLS kernel32 MapHInstLS_PN kernel32 MapHInstSL kernel32 MapHInstSL_PN kernel32 MapHModuleLS kernel32 MapHModuleSL kernel32 MAPIAddress mapi32 MAPIAdminProfiles mapi32 MAPIAdminProfiles@8 mapi32 MAPIAllocateBuffer mapi32 MAPIAllocateBuffer@8 mapi32 MAPIAllocateMore mapi32 MAPIAllocateMore@12 mapi32 MAPIDeinitIdle@0 mapi32 MAPIDeleteMail mapi32 MAPIDetails mapi32 MAPIFindNext mapi32 MAPIFreeBuffer mapi32 MAPIFreeBuffer@4 mapi32 MAPIGetDefaultMalloc@0 mapi32 MAPIInitialize mapi32 MAPIInitialize@4 mapi32 MAPIInitIdle@4 mapi32 MAPILogoff mapi32 MAPILogon mapi32 MAPILogonEx mapi32 MAPILogonEx@20 mapi32 MAPIOpenFormMgr mapi32 MAPIOpenFormMgr@8 mapi32 MAPIOpenLocalFormContainer mapi32 MAPIOpenLocalFormContainer@4 mapi32 MAPIReadMail mapi32 MAPIResolveName mapi32 MAPISaveMail mapi32 MAPISendDocuments mapi32 MAPISendMail mapi32 MAPIUninitialize mapi32 MAPIUninitialize@0 mapi32 MapLS kernel32 MapSL kernel32 MapSLFix kernel32 MapStorageSCode@4 mapi32 MapViewOfFile kernel32 MapViewOfFileEx kernel32 MapVirtualKey user32 MapVirtualKeyEx user32 MapWindowPoints user32 MaskBlt gdi32 mciDriverNotify winmm mciDriverYield winmm mciExecute winmm mciFreeCommandResource winmm mciGetCreatorTask winmm mciGetDeviceID winmm (1 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:50 PM]

mciGetDriverData winmm mciGetErrorString winmm mciGetYieldProc winmm mciLoadCommandResource winmm mciSendCommand winmm mciSendString winmm mciSetDriverData winmm mciSetYieldProc winmm MenuHelp comctl32 MenuItemFromPoint user32 MesBufferHandleReset rpcrt4 MesDecodeBufferHandleCreate rpcrt4 MesDecodeIncrementalHandleCreate rpcrt4 MesEncodeDynBufferHandleCreate rpcrt4 MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate rpcrt4 MesEncodeIncrementalHandleCreate rpcrt4 MesHandleFree rpcrt4 MesIncrementalHandleReset rpcrt4 MesInqProcEncodingId rpcrt4 MessageBeep user32 MessageBox user32 MessageBoxEx user32 MessageBoxIndirect user32 MetricScalePenData pkpd32 midiConnect winmm midiDisconnect winmm midiInAddBuffer winmm midiInClose winmm midiInGetDevCaps winmm midiInGetErrorText winmm midiInGetID winmm midiInGetNumDevs winmm midiInMessage winmm midiInOpen winmm midiInPrepareHeader winmm midiInReset winmm midiInStart winmm midiInStop winmm midiInUnprepareHeader winmm midiOutCacheDrumPatches winmm midiOutCachePatches winmm midiOutClose winmm midiOutGetDevCaps winmm midiOutGetErrorText winmm midiOutGetID winmm midiOutGetNumDevs winmm midiOutGetVolume winmm midiOutLongMsg winmm midiOutMessage winmm midiOutOpen winmm midiOutPrepareHeader winmm midiOutReset winmm midiOutSetVolume winmm midiOutShortMsg winmm midiOutUnprepareHeader winmm midiStreamClose winmm midiStreamOpen winmm midiStreamOut winmm midiStreamPause winmm midiStreamPosition winmm (2 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:50 PM]

midiStreamProperty winmm midiStreamRestart winmm midiStreamStop winmm MIDL_wchar_strcpy rpcrt4 MIDL_wchar_strlen rpcrt4 MigrateWinsockConfiguration wsock32 MIMEAssociationDialog url mixerClose winmm mixerGetControlDetails winmm mixerGetDevCaps winmm mixerGetID winmm mixerGetLineControls winmm mixerGetLineInfo winmm mixerGetNumDevs winmm mixerMessage winmm mixerOpen winmm mixerSetControlDetails winmm MkParseDisplayName ole32 mmioAdvance winmm mmioAscend winmm mmioClose winmm mmioCreateChunk winmm mmioDescend winmm mmioFlush winmm mmioGetInfo winmm mmioInstallIOProc winmm mmioInstallIOProc16 winmm mmioOpen winmm mmioRead winmm mmioRename winmm mmioSeek winmm mmioSendMessage winmm mmioSetBuffer winmm mmioSetInfo winmm mmioStringToFOURCC winmm mmioWrite winmm mmsystemGetVersion winmm MNLS_CompareStringW@24 mapi32 MNLS_IsBadStringPtrW@8 mapi32 MNLS_lstrcmpW@8 mapi32 MNLS_lstrcpyW@8 mapi32 MNLS_lstrlenW@4 mapi32 MNLS_MultiByteToWideChar@24 mapi32 MNLS_WideCharToMultiByte@32 mapi32 ModifyAccess user32 ModifyMenu user32 ModifyWorldTransform gdi32 Module32First th32 (DLL:kernel32) Module32Next th32 (DLL:kernel32) MonikerCommonPrefixWith ole32 MonikerRelativePathTo ole32 MonitorFromPoint user32 MonitorFromRect user32 MonitorFromWindow user32 mouse_event user32 MoveFile kernel32 MoveFileEx kernel32 MoveToEx gdi32 MoveWindow user32 MqGetContext rpcrt4 MqRegisterQueue rpcrt4 (3 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:50 PM]

MsgWaitForMultipleObjects user32 MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx user32 MulDiv kernel32 MultiByteToWideChar kernel32 MultinetGetConnectionPerformance mpr MultinetGetErrorText mpr (4 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:50 PM]

NdrAllocate rpcrt4 NdrByteCountPointerBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrByteCountPointerFree rpcrt4 NdrByteCountPointerMarshall rpcrt4 NdrByteCountPointerUnmarshall rpcrt4 NDRCContextBinding rpcrt4 NDRCContextMarshall rpcrt4 NDRCContextUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrClearOutParameters rpcrt4 NdrClientCall rpcrt4 NdrClientCall2 rpcrt4 NdrClientContextMarshall rpcrt4 NdrClientContextUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrClientInitialize rpcrt4 NdrClientInitializeNew rpcrt4 NdrComplexArrayBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrComplexArrayFree rpcrt4 NdrComplexArrayMarshall rpcrt4 NdrComplexArrayMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrComplexArrayUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrComplexStructBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrComplexStructFree rpcrt4 NdrComplexStructMarshall rpcrt4 NdrComplexStructMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrComplexStructUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantArrayBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrConformantArrayFree rpcrt4 NdrConformantArrayMarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantArrayMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrConformantArrayUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantStringBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrConformantStringMarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantStringMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrConformantStringUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantStructBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrConformantStructFree rpcrt4 NdrConformantStructMarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantStructMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrConformantStructUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingArrayBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingArrayFree rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingArrayMarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingArrayMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingArrayUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingStructBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingStructFree rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingStructMarshall rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingStructMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrConformantVaryingStructUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrContextHandleSize rpcrt4 NdrConvert rpcrt4 NdrConvert2 rpcrt4 NDRcopy rpcrt4 NdrCStdStubBuffer_Release rpcrt4 NdrCStdStubBuffer2_Release rpcrt4 NdrDllCanUnloadNow rpcrt4 NdrDllGetClassObject rpcrt4 NdrDllRegisterProxy rpcrt4 NdrDllUnregisterProxy rpcrt4 NdrEncapsulatedUnionBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrEncapsulatedUnionFree rpcrt4 (1 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:50 PM]

NdrEncapsulatedUnionMarshall rpcrt4 NdrEncapsulatedUnionMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrEncapsulatedUnionUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrFixedArrayBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrFixedArrayFree rpcrt4 NdrFixedArrayMarshall rpcrt4 NdrFixedArrayMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrFixedArrayUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrFreeBuffer rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerFree rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerInsertRefId rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerQueryPointer rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerQueryRefId rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerXlatFree rpcrt4 NdrFullPointerXlatInit rpcrt4 NdrGetBuffer rpcrt4 NdrGetDcomProtocolVersion rpcrt4 NdrHardStructBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrHardStructFree rpcrt4 NdrHardStructMarshall rpcrt4 NdrHardStructMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrHardStructUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrInterfacePointerBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrInterfacePointerFree rpcrt4 NdrInterfacePointerMarshall rpcrt4 NdrInterfacePointerMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrInterfacePointerUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrMapCommAndFaultStatus rpcrt4 NdrMesProcEncodeDecode rpcrt4 NdrMesSimpleTypeAlignSize rpcrt4 NdrMesSimpleTypeDecode rpcrt4 NdrMesSimpleTypeEncode rpcrt4 NdrMesTypeAlignSize rpcrt4 NdrMesTypeDecode rpcrt4 NdrMesTypeEncode rpcrt4 NdrNonConformantStringBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrNonConformantStringMarshall rpcrt4 NdrNonConformantStringMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrNonConformantStringUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionFree rpcrt4 NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionMarshall rpcrt4 NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrNonEncapsulatedUnionUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrNsGetBuffer rpcrt4 NdrNsSendReceive rpcrt4 NdrOleAllocate rpcrt4 NdrOleFree rpcrt4 NdrPointerBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrPointerFree rpcrt4 NdrPointerMarshall rpcrt4 NdrPointerMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrPointerUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrProxyErrorHandler rpcrt4 NdrProxyFreeBuffer rpcrt4 NdrProxyGetBuffer rpcrt4 NdrProxyInitialize rpcrt4 NdrProxySendReceive rpcrt4 NdrpSetRpcSsDefaults rpcrt4 NdrRpcSmClientAllocate rpcrt4 (2 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:50 PM]

NdrRpcSmClientFree rpcrt4 NdrRpcSmSetClientToOsf rpcrt4 NdrRpcSsDefaultAllocate rpcrt4 NdrRpcSsDefaultFree rpcrt4 NdrRpcSsDisableAllocate rpcrt4 NdrRpcSsEnableAllocate rpcrt4 NDRSContextMarshall rpcrt4 NDRSContextUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrSendReceive rpcrt4 NdrServerCall rpcrt4 NdrServerCall2 rpcrt4 NdrServerContextMarshall rpcrt4 NdrServerContextUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrServerInitialize rpcrt4 NdrServerInitializeMarshall rpcrt4 NdrServerInitializeNew rpcrt4 NdrServerInitializeUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrServerMarshall rpcrt4 NdrServerUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrSimpleStructBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrSimpleStructFree rpcrt4 NdrSimpleStructMarshall rpcrt4 NdrSimpleStructMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrSimpleStructUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrSimpleTypeMarshall rpcrt4 NdrSimpleTypeUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrStubCall rpcrt4 NdrStubCall2 rpcrt4 NdrStubForwardingFunction rpcrt4 NdrStubGetBuffer rpcrt4 NdrStubInitialize rpcrt4 NdrStubInitializeMarshall rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalFree rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalMarshall rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalSimpleTypeConvert rpcrt4 NdrUserMarshalUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrVaryingArrayBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrVaryingArrayFree rpcrt4 NdrVaryingArrayMarshall rpcrt4 NdrVaryingArrayMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrVaryingArrayUnmarshall rpcrt4 NdrXmitOrRepAsBufferSize rpcrt4 NdrXmitOrRepAsFree rpcrt4 NdrXmitOrRepAsMarshall rpcrt4 NdrXmitOrRepAsMemorySize rpcrt4 NdrXmitOrRepAsUnmarshall rpcrt4 NetAccessAdd svrapi NetAccessCheck svrapi NetAccessDel svrapi NetAccessEnum svrapi NetAccessGetInfo svrapi NetAccessGetUserPerms svrapi NetAccessSetInfo svrapi Netbios netapi32 NetConnectionEnum svrapi NetFileClose2 svrapi NetFileEnum svrapi NetSecurityGetInfo svrapi NetServerGetInfo svrapi (3 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:50 PM]

NetSessionDel svrapi NetSessionEnum svrapi NetSessionGetInfo svrapi NetShareAdd svrapi NetShareDel svrapi NetShareEnum svrapi NetShareGetInfo svrapi NetShareSetInfo svrapi NewsProtocolHandler url NonAsyncEventThread tapi32 NotifyBootConfigStatus advapi32 NotifyChangeEventLog advapi32 NotifyNLSUserCache kernel32 NotifyWinEvent user32 NPLoadNameSpaces wsock32 NPSAuthenticationDialog mpr NPSCopyString mpr NPSDeviceGetNumber mpr NPSDeviceGetString mpr NPSGetProviderHandle mpr NPSGetProviderName mpr NPSGetSectionName mpr NPSNotifyGetContext mpr NPSNotifyRegister mpr NPSSetCustomText mpr NPSSetExtendedError mpr NSPStartup wsock32 ntohl wsock32 ntohs wsock32 (4 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:50 PM]

OaBuildVersion oleaut32 OACreateTypeLib2 oleaut32 ObjectCloseAuditAlarm advapi32 ObjectDeleteAuditAlarm advapi32 ObjectOpenAuditAlarm advapi32 ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm advapi32 ODBCCPlApplet odbccp32 ODBCGetTryWaitValue odbc32 ODBCSetTryWaitValue odbc32 ODBCSharedPerfMon odbc32 ODBCSharedTraceFlag odbc32 ODBCSharedVSFlag odbc32 OemKeyScan user32 OemToChar user32 OemToCharBuff user32 OffsetClipRgn gdi32 OffsetPenData pkpd32 OffsetRect user32 OffsetRgn gdi32 OffsetViewportOrgEx gdi32 OffsetWindowOrgEx gdi32 OleBuildVersion ole32 OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAM ole32 OleConvertIStorageToOLESTREAMEx ole32 OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorage ole32 OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorageEx ole32 OleCreate ole32 OleCreateDefaultHandler ole32 OleCreateEmbeddingHelper ole32 OleCreateEx ole32 OleCreateFontIndirect olepro32 OleCreateFontIndirect oleaut32 OleCreateFromData ole32 OleCreateFromDataEx ole32 OleCreateFromFile ole32 OleCreateFromFileEx ole32 OleCreateLink ole32 OleCreateLinkEx ole32 OleCreateLinkFromData ole32 OleCreateLinkFromDataEx ole32 OleCreateLinkToFile ole32 OleCreateLinkToFileEx ole32 OleCreateMenuDescriptor ole32 OleCreatePictureIndirect olepro32 OleCreatePictureIndirect oleaut32 OleCreatePropertyFrame olepro32 OleCreatePropertyFrame oleaut32 OleCreatePropertyFrameIndirect olepro32 OleCreatePropertyFrameIndirect oleaut32 OleCreateStaticFromData ole32 OleDestroyMenuDescriptor ole32 OleDoAutoConvert ole32 OleDraw ole32 OleDuplicateData ole32 OleFlushClipboard ole32 OleGetAutoConvert ole32 OleGetClipboard ole32 OleGetIconOfClass ole32 OleGetIconOfFile ole32 OleIconToCursor olepro32 OleIconToCursor oleaut32 (1 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:51 PM]

OleInitialize ole32 OleIsCurrentClipboard ole32 OleIsRunning ole32 OleLoad ole32 OleLoadFromStream ole32 OleLoadPicture olepro32 OleLoadPicture oleaut32 OleLoadPictureEx oleaut32 OleLoadPictureFile oleaut32 OleLoadPictureFileEx oleaut32 OleLoadPicturePath oleaut32 OleLockRunning ole32 OleMetafilePictFromIconAndLabel ole32 OleNoteObjectVisible ole32 OleQueryCreateFromData ole32 OleQueryLinkFromData ole32 OleRegEnumFormatEtc ole32 OleRegEnumVerbs ole32 OleRegGetMiscStatus ole32 OleRegGetUserType ole32 OleRun ole32 OleSave ole32 OleSavePictureFile oleaut32 OleSaveToStream ole32 OleSetAutoConvert ole32 OleSetClipboard ole32 OleSetContainedObject ole32 OleSetMenuDescriptor ole32 OleTranslateAccelerator ole32 OleTranslateColor olepro32 OleTranslateColor oleaut32 OleUIAddVerbMenu oledlg OleUIAddVerbMenu mfcuia32 OleUIBusy oledlg OleUIBusy mfcuia32 OleUICanConvertOrActivateAs oledlg OleUICanConvertOrActivateAs mfcuia32 OleUIChangeIcon oledlg OleUIChangeIcon mfcuia32 OleUIChangeSource oledlg OleUIChangeSource mfcuia32 OleUIConvert oledlg OleUIConvert mfcuia32 OleUIEditLinks oledlg OleUIEditLinks mfcuia32 OleUIInsertObject oledlg OleUIInsertObject mfcuia32 OleUIObjectProperties oledlg OleUIObjectProperties mfcuia32 OleUIPasteSpecial oledlg OleUIPasteSpecial mfcuia32 OleUIPromptUser oledlg OleUIPromptUser mfcuia32 OleUIUpdateLinks oledlg OleUIUpdateLinks mfcuia32 OleUninitialize ole32 OpenAs_RunDLL shell32 OpenBackupEventLog advapi32 OpenClipboard user32 OpenDesktop user32 (2 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:51 PM]

OpenDriver winmm OpenEvent kernel32 OpenEventLog advapi32 OpenFile kernel32 OpenFileMapping kernel32 OpenIcon user32 OpenIMsgOnIStg@44 mapi32 OpenIMsgSession@12 mapi32 OpenInputDesktop user32 OpenMutex kernel32 OpenODBCPerfData odbc32 OpenOrCreateStream ole32 OpenProcess kernel32 OpenProcessToken advapi32 OpenProfileUserMapping kernel32 OpenSCManager advapi32 OpenSemaphore kernel32 OpenService advapi32 OpenStreamOnFile mapi32 OpenStreamOnFile@24 mapi32 OpenThreadToken advapi32 OpenTnefStream mapi32 OpenTnefStream@28 mapi32 OpenTnefStreamEx mapi32 OpenTnefStreamEx@32 mapi32 OpenURL url OpenVxDHandle kernel32 OpenWaitableTimer kernel32 OpenWindowStation user32 OutputDebugString kernel32 (3 of 3) [10/17/2002 9:54:51 PM]

PackDDElParam user32 PageSetupDlg comdlg32 PaintDesktop user32 PaintRgn gdi32 PatBlt gdi32 PathToRegion gdi32 PeekConsoleInput kernel32 PeekMessage user32 PeekNamedPipe kernel32 PenDataFromBuffer pkpd32 PenDataToBuffer pkpd32 pfnRealizePalette gdi32 pfnSelectPalette gdi32 phoneClose tapi32 phoneConfigDialog tapi32 phoneDevSpecific tapi32 phoneGetButtonInfo tapi32 phoneGetData tapi32 phoneGetDevCaps tapi32 phoneGetDisplay tapi32 phoneGetGain tapi32 phoneGetHookSwitch tapi32 phoneGetIcon tapi32 phoneGetID tapi32 phoneGetLamp tapi32 phoneGetMessage tapi32 phoneGetRing tapi32 phoneGetStatus tapi32 phoneGetStatusMessages tapi32 phoneGetVolume tapi32 phoneInitialize tapi32 phoneInitializeEx tapi32 phoneNegotiateAPIVersion tapi32 phoneNegotiateExtVersion tapi32 phoneOpen tapi32 phoneSetButtonInfo tapi32 phoneSetData tapi32 phoneSetDisplay tapi32 phoneSetGain tapi32 phoneSetHookSwitch tapi32 phoneSetLamp tapi32 phoneSetRing tapi32 phoneSetStatusMessages tapi32 phoneSetVolume tapi32 phoneShutdown tapi32 Pie gdi32 PlayEnhMetaFile gdi32 PlayEnhMetaFileRecord gdi32 PlayMetaFile gdi32 PlayMetaFileRecord gdi32 PlaySound winmm PlaySoundEvent user32 PlgBlt gdi32 PolyBezier gdi32 PolyBezierTo gdi32 PolyDraw gdi32 Polygon gdi32 Polyline gdi32 PolylineTo gdi32 PolyPolygon gdi32 PolyPolyline gdi32 (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:51 PM]

PolyTextOut gdi32 PostComponentError odbc32 PostMessage user32 PostODBCComponentError odbc32 PostODBCError odbc32 PostQueuedCompletionStatus kernel32 PostQuitMessage user32 PostThreadMessage user32 PpropFindProp@12 mapi32 PrepareTape kernel32 PrintDlg comdlg32 PrintersGetCommand_RunDLL shell32 PrivilegeCheck advapi32 PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm advapi32 Process32First th32 (DLL:kernel32) Process32Next th32 (DLL:kernel32) ProgIDFromCLSID ole32 PropCopyMore@16 mapi32 PropertySheet comctl32 PropSysAllocString ole32 PropSysFreeString ole32 PropVariantClear ole32 PropVariantCopy ole32 PRProviderInit mapi32 PtInRect user32 PtInRegion gdi32 PtVisible gdi32 PulseEvent kernel32 PurgeComm kernel32 PwdChangePassword mpr PwdGetPasswordStatus mpr PwdSetPasswordStatus mpr (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:51 PM]

QT_Thunk kernel32 QueryDosDevice kernel32 QueryNumberOfEventLogRecords kernel32 QueryOldestEventLogRecord kernel32 QueryPathOfRegTypeLib oleaut32 QueryPerformanceCounter kernel32 QueryPerformanceFrequency kernel32 QueryServiceConfig advapi32 QueryServiceLockStatus advapi32 QueryServiceObjectSecurity advapi32 QueryServiceStatus advapi32 QueueUserAPC kernel32 [10/17/2002 9:54:51 PM]

RaiseException kernel32 RasConnectionNotification rasapi32 RasCreatePhonebookEntry rasapi32 RasDeleteEntry rasapi32 RasDial rasapi32 RasDial16 rasapi32 RasEditPhonebookEntry rasapi32 RasEnumConnections rasapi32 RasEnumDevices rasapi32 RasEnumEntries rasapi32 RasGetConnectStatus rasapi32 RasGetCountryInfo rasapi32 RasGetEntryDialParams rasapi32 RasGetEntryProperties rasapi32 RasGetErrorString rasapi32 RasGetProjectionInfo rasapi32 RasHangUp rasapi32 RasRenameEntry rasapi32 RasSetEntryDialParams rasapi32 RasSetEntryProperties rasapi32 RasValidateEntryName rasapi32 rcmd wsock32 ReadClassStg ole32 ReadClassStm ole32 ReadConsole kernel32 ReadConsoleInput kernel32 ReadConsoleOutput kernel32 ReadConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 ReadConsoleOutputCharacter kernel32 ReadEventLog advapi32 ReadFile kernel32 ReadFileEx kernel32 ReadFileScatter kernel32 ReadFmtUserTypeStg ole32 ReadOleStg ole32 ReadProcessMemory kernel32 ReadStringStream ole32 RealChildWindowFromPoint user32 RealGetWindowClass user32 RealizePalette gdi32 RealShellExecute shell32 RealShellExecuteEx shell32 Rectangle gdi32 RectInRegion gdi32 RectVisible gdi32 recv wsock32 recvfrom wsock32 RedisplayPenData pkpd32 RedrawWindow user32 RegCloseKey advapi32 RegConnectRegistry advapi32 RegCreateKey advapi32 RegCreateKeyEx advapi32 RegDeleteKey advapi32 RegDeleteValue advapi32 RegenerateUserEnvironment shell32 RegEnumKey advapi32 RegEnumKeyEx advapi32 RegEnumValue advapi32 RegFlushKey advapi32 RegGetKeySecurity advapi32 (1 of 6) [10/17/2002 9:54:52 PM]

RegisterActiveObject oleaut32 RegisterClass user32 RegisterClassEx user32 RegisterClipboardFormat user32 RegisterDeviceNotification user32 RegisterDragDrop ole32 RegisterEventSource advapi32 RegisterHotKey user32 RegisterLogonProcess user32 RegisterNetworkCapabilities user32 RegisterServiceCtrlHandler advapi32 RegisterServiceProcess kernel32 RegisterSysMsgHandler kernel32 RegisterSystemThread user32 RegisterTasklist user32 RegisterTypeLib oleaut32 RegisterWindowMessage user32 RegLoadKey advapi32 RegNotifyChangeKeyValue advapi32 RegOpenKey advapi32 RegOpenKeyEx advapi32 RegQueryInfoKey advapi32 RegQueryMultipleValues advapi32 RegQueryValue advapi32 RegQueryValueEx advapi32 RegRemapPreDefKey advapi32 RegReplaceKey advapi32 RegRestoreKey advapi32 RegSaveKey advapi32 RegSetKeySecurity advapi32 RegSetValue advapi32 RegSetValueEx advapi32 RegUnLoadKey advapi32 ReinitializeCriticalSection kernel32 ReleaseCapture user32 ReleaseDC user32 ReleaseMutex kernel32 ReleaseSemaphore kernel32 ReleaseStgMedium ole32 RemoveDirectory kernel32 RemoveFontResource gdi32 RemoveMenu user32 RemovePenDataStrokes pkpd32 RemoveProp user32 ReplaceText comdlg32 ReplyMessage user32 ReportEvent advapi32 RequestDeviceWakeup kernel32 RequestWakeupLatency kernel32 ResetDC gdi32 ResetEvent kernel32 ResetNLSUserInfoCache kernel32 ResetWriteWatch kernel32 ResizePalette gdi32 ResizePenData pkpd32 RestoreDC gdi32 ResumeThread kernel32 ReuseDDElParam user32 RevertToSelf advapi32 RevokeActiveObject oleaut32 (2 of 6) [10/17/2002 9:54:52 PM]

RevokeDragDrop ole32 rexec wsock32 RnaActivateEngine rasapi32 RnaBuildDevConfig rasapi32 RnaCloseMac rasapi32 RnaComplete rasapi32 RnaConfigureServer rasapi32 RnaDeactivateEngine rasapi32 RnaDeleteConnEntry rasapi32 RnaDevConfigDlg rasapi32 RnaEngineRequest rasapi32 RnaEnumConnEntries rasapi32 RnaEnumCountryInfo rasapi32 RnaEnumDevices rasapi32 RnaEnumerateMacNames rasapi32 RnaEnumerateSMMNames rasapi32 RnaExportEntry rasapi32 RnaFindDriver rasapi32 RnaFreeConnEntry rasapi32 RnaFreeDevConfig rasapi32 RnaGetAreaCodeList rasapi32 RnaGetConnEntry rasapi32 RnaGetCurrentCountry rasapi32 RnaGetDefaultDevConfig rasapi32 RnaGetDefaultSMMInfo rasapi32 RnaGetDeviceChannel rasapi32 RnaGetDeviceInfo rasapi32 RnaGetDevicePort rasapi32 RnaGetDialSettings rasapi32 RnaGetIPInfo rasapi32 RnaGetMultiLinkInfo rasapi32 RnaGetOverlaidSMM rasapi32 RnaGetSubEntry rasapi32 RnaGetUserProfile rasapi32 RnaImplicitDial rasapi32 RnaImportEntry rasapi32 RnaInstallDriver rasapi32 RnaOpenMac rasapi32 RnaRenameConnEntry rasapi32 RnaSaveConnEntry rasapi32 RnaSessInitialize rasapi32 RnaSetDialSettings rasapi32 RnaSetIPInfo rasapi32 RnaSetMultiLinkInfo rasapi32 RnaSetSubEntry rasapi32 RnaSMMInfoDialog rasapi32 RnaStartCallback rasapi32 RnaStartServer rasapi32 RnaStopServer rasapi32 RnaTerminate rasapi32 RnaUICallbackDialog rasapi32 RnaUIDial rasapi32 RnaUIUsernamePassword rasapi32 RnaValidateEntryName rasapi32 RnaValidateImportEntry rasapi32 RoundRect gdi32 RpcBindingCopy rpcrt4 RpcBindingFree rpcrt4 RpcBindingFromStringBinding rpcrt4 RpcBindingInqAuthClient rpcrt4 RpcBindingInqAuthInfo rpcrt4 (3 of 6) [10/17/2002 9:54:52 PM]

RpcBindingInqAuthInfoEx rpcrt4 RpcBindingInqObject rpcrt4 RpcBindingInqOption rpcrt4 RpcBindingReset rpcrt4 RpcBindingServerFromClient rpcrt4 RpcBindingSetAuthInfo rpcrt4 RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx rpcrt4 RpcBindingSetObject rpcrt4 RpcBindingSetOption rpcrt4 RpcBindingToStringBinding rpcrt4 RpcBindingVectorFree rpcrt4 RpcCancelThread rpcrt4 RpcEpRegister rpcrt4 RpcEpRegisterNoReplace rpcrt4 RpcEpResolveBinding rpcrt4 RpcEpUnregister rpcrt4 RpcIfIdVectorFree rpcrt4 RpcIfIdVectorFree rpcns4 RpcIfInqId rpcrt4 RpcImpersonateClient rpcrt4 RpcMgmtBindingInqParameter rpcrt4 RpcMgmtBindingSetParameter rpcrt4 RpcMgmtEnableIdleCleanup rpcrt4 RpcMgmtEpEltInqBegin rpcrt4 RpcMgmtEpEltInqDone rpcrt4 RpcMgmtEpEltInqNext rpcrt4 RpcMgmtEpUnregister rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqComTimeout rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqDefaultProtectLevel rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqIfIds rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqParameter rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqServerPrincName rpcrt4 RpcMgmtInqStats rpcrt4 RpcMgmtIsServerListening rpcrt4 RpcMgmtSetAuthorizationFn rpcrt4 RpcMgmtSetCancelTimeout rpcrt4 RpcMgmtSetComTimeout rpcrt4 RpcMgmtSetParameter rpcrt4 RpcMgmtSetServerStackSize rpcrt4 RpcMgmtStatsVectorFree rpcrt4 RpcMgmtStopServerListening rpcrt4 RpcMgmtWaitServerListen rpcrt4 RpcNetworkInqProtseqs rpcrt4 RpcNetworkIsProtseqValid rpcrt4 RpcNsBindingExport rpcns4 RpcNsBindingImportBegin rpcns4 RpcNsBindingImportDone rpcns4 RpcNsBindingImportNext rpcns4 RpcNsBindingInqEntryName rpcrt4 RpcNsBindingLookupBegin rpcns4 RpcNsBindingLookupDone rpcns4 RpcNsBindingLookupNext rpcns4 RpcNsBindingSelect rpcns4 RpcNsBindingUnexport rpcns4 RpcNsEntryExpandName rpcns4 RpcNsEntryObjectInqBegin rpcns4 RpcNsEntryObjectInqDone rpcns4 RpcNsEntryObjectInqNext rpcns4 RpcNsGroupDelete rpcns4 RpcNsGroupMbrAdd rpcns4 (4 of 6) [10/17/2002 9:54:52 PM]

RpcNsGroupMbrInqBegin rpcns4 RpcNsGroupMbrInqDone rpcns4 RpcNsGroupMbrInqNext rpcns4 RpcNsGroupMbrRemove rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtBindingUnexport rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtEntryCreate rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtEntryDelete rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtEntryInqIfIds rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtHandleSetExpAge rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtInqExpAge rpcns4 RpcNsMgmtSetExpAge rpcns4 RpcNsProfileDelete rpcns4 RpcNsProfileEltAdd rpcns4 RpcNsProfileEltInqBegin rpcns4 RpcNsProfileEltInqDone rpcns4 RpcNsProfileEltInqNext rpcns4 RpcNsProfileEltRemove rpcns4 RpcObjectInqType rpcrt4 RpcObjectSetInqFn rpcrt4 RpcObjectSetType rpcrt4 RpcProtseqVectorFree rpcrt4 RpcRaiseException rpcrt4 RpcRevertToSelf rpcrt4 RpcRevertToSelfEx rpcrt4 RpcServerInqBindings rpcrt4 RpcServerInqDefaultPrincName rpcrt4 RpcServerInqIf rpcrt4 RpcServerListen rpcrt4 RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo rpcrt4 RpcServerRegisterIf rpcrt4 RpcServerRegisterIfEx rpcrt4 RpcServerUnregisterIf rpcrt4 RpcServerUseAllProtseqs rpcrt4 RpcServerUseAllProtseqsEx rpcrt4 RpcServerUseAllProtseqsIf rpcrt4 RpcServerUseAllProtseqsIfEx rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseq rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseqEp rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseqEpEx rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseqEx rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseqIf rpcrt4 RpcServerUseProtseqIfEx rpcrt4 RpcSmAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSmClientFree rpcrt4 RpcSmDestroyClientContext rpcrt4 RpcSmDisableAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSmEnableAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSmFree rpcrt4 RpcSmGetThreadHandle rpcrt4 RpcSmSetClientAllocFree rpcrt4 RpcSmSetThreadHandle rpcrt4 RpcSmSwapClientAllocFree rpcrt4 RpcSsAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSsDestroyClientContext rpcrt4 RpcSsDisableAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSsDontSerializeContextRPCRT4.I_RpcSsDontSerializeContext rpcrt4 RpcSsEnableAllocate rpcrt4 RpcSsFree rpcrt4 RpcSsGetThreadHandle rpcrt4 RpcSsSetClientAllocFree rpcrt4 RpcSsSetThreadHandle rpcrt4 (5 of 6) [10/17/2002 9:54:52 PM]

RpcSsSwapClientAllocFree rpcrt4 RpcStringBindingCompose rpcrt4 RpcStringBindingParse rpcrt4 RpcStringFree rpcrt4 RpcTestCancel rpcrt4 rresvport wsock32 RTFSync mapi32 RTFSync@12 mapi32 RtlFillMemory kernel32 RtlMoveMemory kernel32 RtlUnwind kernel32 RtlZeroMemory kernel32 (6 of 6) [10/17/2002 9:54:52 PM]

s_perror wsock32 SafeArrayAccessData oleaut32 SafeArrayAllocData oleaut32 SafeArrayAllocDescriptor oleaut32 SafeArrayAllocDescriptorEx oleaut32 SafeArrayCopy oleaut32 SafeArrayCopyData oleaut32 SafeArrayCreate oleaut32 SafeArrayCreateEx oleaut32 SafeArrayCreateVector oleaut32 SafeArrayCreateVectorEx oleaut32 SafeArrayDestroy oleaut32 SafeArrayDestroyData oleaut32 SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor oleaut32 SafeArrayGetDim oleaut32 SafeArrayGetElement oleaut32 SafeArrayGetElemsize oleaut32 SafeArrayGetIID oleaut32 SafeArrayGetLBound oleaut32 SafeArrayGetRecordInfo oleaut32 SafeArrayGetUBound oleaut32 SafeArrayGetVartype oleaut32 SafeArrayLock oleaut32 SafeArrayPtrOfIndex oleaut32 SafeArrayPutElement oleaut32 SafeArrayRedim oleaut32 SafeArraySetIID oleaut32 SafeArraySetRecordInfo oleaut32 SafeArrayUnaccessData oleaut32 SafeArrayUnlock oleaut32 SaveDC gdi32 ScaleViewportExtEx gdi32 ScaleWindowExtEx gdi32 ScBinFromHexBounded@12 mapi32 ScCopyNotifications@16 mapi32 ScCopyProps@16 mapi32 ScCountNotifications@12 mapi32 ScCountProps@12 mapi32 ScCreateConversationIndex@16 mapi32 ScDupPropset@16 mapi32 ScGenerateMuid@4 mapi32 ScInitMapiUtil@4 mapi32 ScLocalPathFromUNC@12 mapi32 ScMAPIXFromCMC mapi32 ScMAPIXFromSMAPI mapi32 ScreenToClient user32 ScRelocNotifications@20 mapi32 ScRelocProps@20 mapi32 ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer kernel32 ScrollDC user32 ScrollWindow user32 ScrollWindowEx user32 ScUNCFromLocalPath@12 mapi32 SearchPath kernel32 SearchStatusCode odbc32 select wsock32 SelectClipPath gdi32 SelectClipRgn gdi32 SelectObject gdi32 SelectPalette gdi32 SelectTransDlg odbccp32 (1 of 9) [10/17/2002 9:54:53 PM]

send wsock32 SendDlgItemMessage user32 SendDriverMessage winmm SendIMEMessageEx user32 SendInput user32 SendMessage user32 SendMessageCallback user32 SendMessageTimeout user32 SendNotifyMessage user32 sendto wsock32 SetAbortProc gdi32 SetAclInformation advapi32 SetActiveWindow user32 SetArcDirection gdi32 SetAttribIMsgOnIStg@16 mapi32 SetBitmapBits gdi32 SetBitmapDimensionEx gdi32 SetBkColor gdi32 SetBkMode gdi32 SetBoundsRect gdi32 SetBrushOrgEx gdi32 SetCalendarInfo kernel32 SetCapture user32 SetCaretBlinkTime user32 SetCaretPos user32 SetClassLong user32 SetClassWord user32 SetClipboardData user32 SetClipboardViewer user32 SetColorAdjustment gdi32 SetColorSpace gdi32 SetCommBreak kernel32 SetCommConfig kernel32 SetCommMask kernel32 SetCommState kernel32 SetCommTimeouts kernel32 SetComputerName kernel32 SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer kernel32 SetConsoleCP kernel32 SetConsoleCtrlHandler kernel32 SetConsoleCursorInfo kernel32 SetConsoleCursorPosition kernel32 SetConsoleMode kernel32 SetConsoleOutputCP kernel32 SetConsoleScreenBufferSize kernel32 SetConsoleTextAttribute kernel32 SetConsoleTitle kernel32 SetConsoleWindowInfo kernel32 SetConvertStg ole32 SetCriticalSectionSpinCount kernel32 SetCurrentDirectory kernel32 SetCursor user32 SetCursorPos user32 SetDaylightFlag kernel32 SetDebugErrorLevel user32 SetDefaultCommConfig kernel32 SetDesktopBitmap user32 SetDeskWallpaper user32 SetDeviceGammaRamp gdi32 SetDIBColorTable gdi32 (2 of 9) [10/17/2002 9:54:53 PM]

SetDIBits gdi32 SetDIBitsToDevice gdi32 SetDlgItemInt user32 SetDlgItemText user32 SetDocumentBitStg ole32 SetDoubleClickTime user32 SetEndOfFile kernel32 SetEnhMetaFileBits gdi32 SetEntriesInAccessList advapi32 SetEntriesInAcl advapi32 SetEntriesInAuditList advapi32 SetEnvironmentVariable kernel32 SetErrorInfo oleaut32 SetErrorInfo ole32 SetErrorMode kernel32 SetEvent kernel32 SetFileApisToANSI kernel32 SetFileApisToOEM kernel32 SetFileAttributes kernel32 SetFilePointer kernel32 SetFileSecurity advapi32 SetFileTime kernel32 SetFocus user32 SetFontEnumeration gdi32 SetForegroundWindow user32 SetGraphicsMode gdi32 SetHandleContext kernel32 SetHandleCount kernel32 SetHandleInformation kernel32 sethostname wsock32 SetICMMode gdi32 SetICMProfile gdi32 SetInternalWindowPos user32 SetKernelObjectSecurity advapi32 SetKeyboardState user32 SetLastError kernel32 SetLastErrorEx user32 SetLayout gdi32 SetLocaleInfo kernel32 SetLocalTime kernel32 SetLogonNotifyWindow user32 SetMagicColors gdi32 SetMailslotInfo kernel32 SetMapMode gdi32 SetMapperFlags gdi32 SetMenu user32 SetMenuContextHelpId user32 SetMenuDefaultItem user32 SetMenuInfo user32 SetMenuItemBitmaps user32 SetMenuItemInfo user32 SetMessageExtraInfo user32 SetMessageQueue user32 SetMessageWaitingIndicator kernel32 SetMetaFileBitsEx gdi32 SetMetaRgn gdi32 SetMiterLimit gdi32 SetNamedPipeHandleState kernel32 SetNamedSecurityInfo advapi32 SetNamedSecurityInfoEx advapi32 SetObjectOwner gdi32 (3 of 9) [10/17/2002 9:54:53 PM]

SetPaletteEntries gdi32 SetParent user32 SetPixel gdi32 SetPixelFormat gdi32 SetPixelV gdi32 SetPolyFillMode gdi32 SetPriorityClass kernel32 SetPrivateObjectSecurity advapi32 SetProcessAffinityMask kernel32 SetProcessDefaultLayout user32 SetProcessPriorityBoost kernel32 SetProcessShutdownParameters kernel32 SetProcessWindowStation user32 SetProcessWorkingSetSize kernel32 SetProp user32 SetRect user32 SetRectEmpty user32 SetRectRgn gdi32 SetROP2 gdi32 SetScrollInfo user32 SetScrollPos user32 SetScrollRange user32 SetSecurityDescriptorDacl advapi32 SetSecurityDescriptorGroup advapi32 SetSecurityDescriptorOwner advapi32 SetSecurityDescriptorSacl advapi32 SetSecurityInfo advapi32 SetSecurityInfoEx advapi32 SetService wsock32 SetServiceBits advapi32 SetServiceObjectSecurity advapi32 SetServiceStatus advapi32 SetShellWindow user32 setsockopt wsock32 SetStdHandle kernel32 SetStretchBltMode gdi32 SetStrokeAttributes pkpd32 SetStrokeTableAttributes pkpd32 SetSysColors user32 SetSysColorsTemp user32 SetSystemCursor user32 SetSystemPaletteUse gdi32 SetSystemPowerState kernel32 SetSystemTime kernel32 SetSystemTimeAdjustment kernel32 SetTapeParameters kernel32 SetTapePosition kernel32 SetTextAlign gdi32 SetTextCharacterExtra gdi32 SetTextColor gdi32 SetTextJustification gdi32 SetThreadAffinityMask kernel32 SetThreadContext kernel32 SetThreadDesktop user32 SetThreadExecutionState kernel32 SetThreadIdealProcessor kernel32 SetThreadLocale kernel32 SetThreadPriority kernel32 SetThreadPriorityBoost kernel32 SetThreadToken advapi32 (4 of 9) [10/17/2002 9:54:53 PM]

SetTimer user32 SetTimeZoneInformation kernel32 SetTokenInformation advapi32 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter kernel32 SetupComm kernel32 SetUserObjectInformation user32 SetUserObjectSecurity user32 SetViewportExtEx gdi32 SetViewportOrgEx gdi32 SetVolumeLabel kernel32 SetWaitableTimer kernel32 SetWindowContextHelpId user32 SetWindowExtEx gdi32 SetWindowFullScreenState user32 SetWindowLong user32 SetWindowOrgEx gdi32 SetWindowPlacement user32 SetWindowPos user32 SetWindowRgn user32 SetWindowsHook user32 SetWindowsHookEx user32 SetWindowText user32 SetWindowWord user32 SetWinEventHook user32 SetWinMetaFileBits gdi32 SetWorldTransform gdi32 SHAddToRecentDocs shell32 SHAppBarMessage shell32 SHBrowseForFolder shell32 SHChangeNotify shell32 SheChangeDir shell32 SheChangeDirEx shell32 SheFullPath shell32 SheGetCurDrive shell32 SheGetDir shell32 Shell_NotifyIcon shell32 ShellAbout shell32 ShellExecute shell32 ShellExecuteEx shell32 ShellHookProc shell32 SHEmptyRecycleBin shell32 SheRemoveQuotes shell32 SheSetCurDrive shell32 SheShortenPath shell32 SHExitWindowsEx shell32 SHFileOperation shell32 SHFormatDrive shell32 SHFreeNameMappings shell32 SHGetDataFromIDList shell32 SHGetDesktopFolder shell32 SHGetDiskFreeSpace shell32 SHGetFileInfo shell32 SHGetInstanceExplorer shell32 SHGetMalloc shell32 SHGetNewLinkInfo shell32 SHGetPathFromIDList shell32 SHGetSettings shell32 SHGetSpecialFolderLocation shell32 SHGetSpecialFolderPath shell32 SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL shell32 SHInvokePrinterCommand shell32 (5 of 9) [10/17/2002 9:54:53 PM]

SHLoadInProc shell32 short_array_from_ndr rpcrt4 short_from_ndr rpcrt4 short_from_ndr_temp rpcrt4 ShowCaret user32 ShowCursor user32 ShowHideMenuCtl comctl32 ShowOwnedPopups user32 ShowScrollBar user32 ShowWindow user32 ShowWindowAsync user32 SHQueryRecycleBin shell32 SHUpdateRecycleBinIcon shell32 shutdown wsock32 SignalObjectAndWait kernel32 SignalSysMsgHandlers kernel32 SizeofResource kernel32 SKWndProcT1 imm32 Sleep kernel32 SleepEx kernel32 SMapLS kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_12 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_16 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_20 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_24 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_28 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_32 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_36 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_40 kernel32 SMapLS_IP_EBP_8 kernel32 SNB_UserFree ole32 SNB_UserMarshal ole32 SNB_UserSize ole32 SNB_UserUnmarshal ole32 sndPlaySound winmm socket wsock32 SQLAllocConnect odbc32 SQLAllocEnv odbc32 SQLAllocHandle odbc32 SQLAllocHandleStd odbc32 SQLAllocStmt odbc32 SQLBindCol odbc32 SQLBindParam odbc32 SQLBindParameter odbc32 SQLBrowseConnect odbc32 SQLBulkOperations odbc32 SQLCancel odbc32 SQLCloseCursor odbc32 SQLColAttribute odbc32 SQLColAttributes odbc32 SQLColumnPrivileges odbc32 SQLColumns odbc32 SQLConfigDataSource odbccp32 SQLConfigDriver odbccp32 SQLConnect odbc32 SQLCopyDesc odbc32 SQLCreateDataSource odbccp32 SQLCreateDataSourceEx odbccp32 SQLDataSources odbc32 SQLDescribeCol odbc32 (6 of 9) [10/17/2002 9:54:53 PM]

SQLDescribeParam odbc32 SQLDisconnect odbc32 SQLDriverConnect odbc32 SQLDrivers odbc32 SQLEndTran odbc32 SQLError odbc32 SQLExecDirect odbc32 SQLExecute odbc32 SQLExtendedFetch odbc32 SQLFetch odbc32 SQLFetchScroll odbc32 SQLForeignKeys odbc32 SQLFreeConnect odbc32 SQLFreeEnv odbc32 SQLFreeHandle odbc32 SQLFreeStmt odbc32 SQLGetAvailableDrivers odbccp32 SQLGetConfigMode odbccp32 SQLGetConnectAttr odbc32 SQLGetConnectOption odbc32 SQLGetCursorName odbc32 SQLGetData odbc32 SQLGetDescField odbc32 SQLGetDescRec odbc32 SQLGetDiagField odbc32 SQLGetDiagRec odbc32 SQLGetEnvAttr odbc32 SQLGetFunctions odbc32 SQLGetInfo odbc32 SQLGetInstalledDrivers odbccp32 SQLGetPrivateProfileString odbccp32 SQLGetStmtAttr odbc32 SQLGetStmtOption odbc32 SQLGetTranslator odbccp32 SQLGetTypeInfo odbc32 SQLInstallDriver odbccp32 SQLInstallDriverEx odbccp32 SQLInstallDriverManager odbccp32 SQLInstallerError odbccp32 SQLInstallODBC odbccp32 SQLInstallTranslator odbccp32 SQLInstallTranslatorEx odbccp32 SQLLoadDataSourcesListBox odbccp32 SQLLoadDriverListBox odbccp32 SQLManageDataSources odbccp32 SQLMoreResults odbc32 SQLNativeSql odbc32 SQLNumParams odbc32 SQLNumResultCols odbc32 SQLParamData odbc32 SQLParamOptions odbc32 SQLPostInstallerError odbccp32 SQLPrepare odbc32 SQLPrimaryKeys odbc32 SQLProcedureColumns odbc32 SQLProcedures odbc32 SQLPutData odbc32 SQLReadFileDSN odbccp32 SQLRemoveDefaultDataSource odbccp32 SQLRemoveDriver odbccp32 SQLRemoveDriverManager odbccp32 (7 of 9) [10/17/2002 9:54:53 PM]

SQLRemoveDSNFromIni odbccp32 SQLRemoveTranslator odbccp32 SQLRowCount odbc32 SQLSetConfigMode odbccp32 SQLSetConnectAttr odbc32 SQLSetConnectOption odbc32 SQLSetCursorName odbc32 SQLSetDescField odbc32 SQLSetDescRec odbc32 SQLSetEnvAttr odbc32 SQLSetParam odbc32 SQLSetPos odbc32 SQLSetScrollOptions odbc32 SQLSetStmtAttr odbc32 SQLSetStmtOption odbc32 SQLSpecialColumns odbc32 SQLStatistics odbc32 SQLTablePrivileges odbc32 SQLTables odbc32 SQLTransact odbc32 SQLValidDSN odbccp32 SQLWriteDSNToIni odbccp32 SQLWriteFileDSN odbccp32 SQLWritePrivateProfileString odbccp32 StartDoc gdi32 StartPage gdi32 StartService advapi32 StartServiceCtrlDispatcher advapi32 StartServiceIfNecessary rpcrt4 StaticWndProc3d ctl3d32 StgCreateDocfile ole32 StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes ole32 StgCreateStorageEx ole32 StgGetIFillLockBytesOnFile ole32 StgGetIFillLockBytesOnILockBytes ole32 StgIsStorageFile ole32 StgIsStorageILockBytes ole32 STGMEDIUM_UserFree ole32 STGMEDIUM_UserMarshal ole32 STGMEDIUM_UserSize ole32 STGMEDIUM_UserUnmarshal ole32 StgOpenAsyncDocfileOnIFillLockBytes ole32 StgOpenStorage ole32 StgOpenStorageEx ole32 StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes ole32 StgSetTimes ole32 StretchBlt gdi32 StretchDIBits gdi32 StringFromCLSID ole32 StringFromGUID2 ole32 StringFromIID ole32 StrokeAndFillPath gdi32 StrokePath gdi32 SubtractRect user32 SUnMapLS kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_12 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_16 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_20 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_24 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_28 kernel32 (8 of 9) [10/17/2002 9:54:53 PM]

SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_32 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_36 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_40 kernel32 SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_8 kernel32 SuprvDeInitialize rasapi32 SuprvEnumAccessInfo rasapi32 SuprvGetAccessInfo rasapi32 SuprvGetAdminConfig rasapi32 SuprvInitialize rasapi32 SuprvRequest rasapi32 SuprvSetAccessInfo rasapi32 SuspendThread kernel32 SwapBuffers gdi32 SwapMouseButton user32 SwapPlong@8 mapi32 SwapPword@8 mapi32 SwitchDesktop user32 SwitchToFiber kernel32 SwitchToThisWindow user32 SwitchToThread kernel32 SysAllocString oleaut32 SysAllocStringByteLen oleaut32 SysAllocStringLen oleaut32 SysErrorBox user32 SysFreeString oleaut32 SysReAllocString oleaut32 SysReAllocStringLen oleaut32 SysStringByteLen oleaut32 SysStringLen oleaut32 SystemParametersInfo user32 SystemTimeToFileTime kernel32 SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime kernel32 SystemTimeToVariantTime oleaut32 SzFindCh@8 mapi32 SzFindLastCh@8 mapi32 SzFindSz@8 mapi32 (9 of 9) [10/17/2002 9:54:53 PM]

TabbedTextOut user32 tapiGetLocationInfo tapi32 tapiRequestDrop tapi32 tapiRequestMakeCall tapi32 tapiRequestMediaCall tapi32 TAPIWndProc tapi32 TelnetProtocolHandler url TerminateProcess kernel32 TerminateThread kernel32 TextOut gdi32 Thread32First th32 (DLL:kernel32) Thread32Next th32 (DLL:kernel32) ThunkConnect32 kernel32 TileChildWindows user32 TileWindows user32 timeBeginPeriod winmm timeEndPeriod winmm timeGetDevCaps winmm timeGetSystemTime winmm timeGetTime winmm timeKillEvent winmm timeSetEvent winmm TlsAlloc kernel32 TlsAllocInternal kernel32 TlsFree kernel32 TlsFreeInternal kernel32 TlsGetValue kernel32 TlsSetValue kernel32 ToAscii user32 ToAsciiEx user32 Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory th32 (DLL:kernel32) ToUnicode user32 ToUnicodeEx user32 TowerConstruct rpcrt4 TowerExplode rpcrt4 TrackMouseEvent user32 TrackPopupMenu user32 TrackPopupMenuEx user32 TransactNamedPipe kernel32 TranslateAccelerator user32 TranslateCharsetInfo gdi32 TranslateMDISysAccel user32 TranslateMessage user32 TranslateURL url TransmitCommChar kernel32 TransmitFile wsock32 tree_into_ndr rpcrt4 tree_peek_ndr rpcrt4 tree_size_ndr rpcrt4 TrimPenData pkpd32 TrusteeAccessToObject advapi32 TryEnterCriticalSection kernel32 TUISPIDLLCallback tapi32 [10/17/2002 9:54:54 PM]

UFromSz@4 mapi32 UlAddRef@4 mapi32 UlFromSzHex@4 mapi32 UlPropSize@4 mapi32 UlRelease@4 mapi32 UnhandledExceptionFilter kernel32 UnhookWindowsHook user32 UnhookWindowsHookEx user32 UnhookWinEvent user32 UninitializeCriticalSection kernel32 UninitializeFlatSB comctl32 UnionRect user32 UNKOBJ_COFree@8 mapi32 UNKOBJ_Free@8 mapi32 UNKOBJ_FreeRows@8 mapi32 UNKOBJ_ScAllocate@12 mapi32 UNKOBJ_ScAllocateMore@16 mapi32 UNKOBJ_ScCOAllocate@12 mapi32 UNKOBJ_ScCOReallocate@12 mapi32 UNKOBJ_ScSzFromIdsAlloc@20 mapi32 UnloadKeyboardLayout user32 UnlockFile kernel32 UnlockFileEx kernel32 UnlockServiceDatabase advapi32 UnlockWindowStation user32 UnMapLS kernel32 UnMapSLFixArray kernel32 UnmapViewOfFile kernel32 UnpackDDElParam user32 UnrealizeObject gdi32 UnregisterClass user32 UnregisterDeviceNotification user32 UnregisterHotKey user32 UnRegisterTypeLib oleaut32 UpdateColors gdi32 UpdateDCOMSettings ole32 UpdateICMRegKey gdi32 UpdateResource kernel32 UpdateWindow user32 URLAssociationDialog url UserBSTR_free_inst oleaut32 UserBSTR_free_local oleaut32 UserBSTR_from_local oleaut32 UserBSTR_to_local oleaut32 UserClientDllInitialize user32 UserEXCEPINFO_free_inst oleaut32 UserEXCEPINFO_free_local oleaut32 UserEXCEPINFO_from_local oleaut32 UserEXCEPINFO_to_local oleaut32 UserHWND_free_inst oleaut32 UserHWND_free_local oleaut32 UserHWND_from_local oleaut32 UserHWND_to_local oleaut32 UserIsSystemResumeAutomatic user32 UserMSG_free_inst oleaut32 UserMSG_free_local oleaut32 UserMSG_from_local oleaut32 UserMSG_to_local oleaut32 UserSetDeviceHoldState user32 UserSignalProc user32 UserTickleTimer user32 (1 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:54 PM]

UserVARIANT_free_inst oleaut32 UserVARIANT_free_local oleaut32 UserVARIANT_from_local oleaut32 UserVARIANT_to_local oleaut32 UtConvertDvtd16toDvtd32 ole32 UtConvertDvtd32toDvtd16 ole32 UtGetDvtd16Info ole32 UtGetDvtd32Info ole32 UTRegister kernel32 UTUnRegister kernel32 UuidCompare rpcrt4 UuidCreate rpcrt4 UuidCreateNil rpcrt4 UuidEqual rpcrt4 UuidFromString rpcrt4 UuidHash rpcrt4 UuidIsNil rpcrt4 UuidToString rpcrt4 (2 of 2) [10/17/2002 9:54:54 PM]

ValidateErrorQueue odbc32 ValidateRect user32 ValidateRgn user32 VarAbs oleaut32 VarAdd oleaut32 VarAnd oleaut32 VarBoolFromCy oleaut32 VarBoolFromDate oleaut32 VarBoolFromDec oleaut32 VarBoolFromDisp oleaut32 VarBoolFromI1 oleaut32 VarBoolFromI2 oleaut32 VarBoolFromI4 oleaut32 VarBoolFromR4 oleaut32 VarBoolFromR8 oleaut32 VarBoolFromStr oleaut32 VarBoolFromUI1 oleaut32 VarBoolFromUI2 oleaut32 VarBoolFromUI4 oleaut32 VarBstrCat oleaut32 VarBstrCmp oleaut32 VarBstrFromBool oleaut32 VarBstrFromCy oleaut32 VarBstrFromDate oleaut32 VarBstrFromDec oleaut32 VarBstrFromDisp oleaut32 VarBstrFromI1 oleaut32 VarBstrFromI2 oleaut32 VarBstrFromI4 oleaut32 VarBstrFromR4 oleaut32 VarBstrFromR8 oleaut32 VarBstrFromUI1 oleaut32 VarBstrFromUI2 oleaut32 VarBstrFromUI4 oleaut32 VarCat oleaut32 VarCmp oleaut32 VarCyAbs oleaut32 VarCyAdd oleaut32 VarCyCmp oleaut32 VarCyCmpR8 oleaut32 VarCyFix oleaut32 VarCyFromBool oleaut32 VarCyFromDate oleaut32 VarCyFromDec oleaut32 VarCyFromDisp oleaut32 VarCyFromI1 oleaut32 VarCyFromI2 oleaut32 VarCyFromI4 oleaut32 VarCyFromR4 oleaut32 VarCyFromR8 oleaut32 VarCyFromStr oleaut32 VarCyFromUI1 oleaut32 VarCyFromUI2 oleaut32 VarCyFromUI4 oleaut32 VarCyInt oleaut32 VarCyMul oleaut32 VarCyMulI4 oleaut32 VarCyNeg oleaut32 VarCyRound oleaut32 VarCySub oleaut32 VarDateFromBool oleaut32 (1 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:55 PM]

VarDateFromCy oleaut32 VarDateFromDec oleaut32 VarDateFromDisp oleaut32 VarDateFromI1 oleaut32 VarDateFromI2 oleaut32 VarDateFromI4 oleaut32 VarDateFromR4 oleaut32 VarDateFromR8 oleaut32 VarDateFromStr oleaut32 VarDateFromUdate oleaut32 VarDateFromUdateEx oleaut32 VarDateFromUI1 oleaut32 VarDateFromUI2 oleaut32 VarDateFromUI4 oleaut32 VarDecAbs oleaut32 VarDecAdd oleaut32 VarDecCmp oleaut32 VarDecCmpR8 oleaut32 VarDecDiv oleaut32 VarDecFix oleaut32 VarDecFromBool oleaut32 VarDecFromCy oleaut32 VarDecFromDate oleaut32 VarDecFromDisp oleaut32 VarDecFromI1 oleaut32 VarDecFromI2 oleaut32 VarDecFromI4 oleaut32 VarDecFromR4 oleaut32 VarDecFromR8 oleaut32 VarDecFromStr oleaut32 VarDecFromUI1 oleaut32 VarDecFromUI2 oleaut32 VarDecFromUI4 oleaut32 VarDecInt oleaut32 VarDecMul oleaut32 VarDecNeg oleaut32 VarDecRound oleaut32 VarDecSub oleaut32 VarDiv oleaut32 VarEqv oleaut32 VarFix oleaut32 VarFormat oleaut32 VarFormatCurrency oleaut32 VarFormatDateTime oleaut32 VarFormatFromTokens oleaut32 VarFormatNumber oleaut32 VarFormatPercent oleaut32 VarI1FromBool oleaut32 VarI1FromCy oleaut32 VarI1FromDate oleaut32 VarI1FromDec oleaut32 VarI1FromDisp oleaut32 VarI1FromI2 oleaut32 VarI1FromI4 oleaut32 VarI1FromR4 oleaut32 VarI1FromR8 oleaut32 VarI1FromStr oleaut32 VarI1FromUI1 oleaut32 VarI1FromUI2 oleaut32 VarI1FromUI4 oleaut32 (2 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:55 PM]

VarI2FromBool oleaut32 VarI2FromCy oleaut32 VarI2FromDate oleaut32 VarI2FromDec oleaut32 VarI2FromDisp oleaut32 VarI2FromI1 oleaut32 VarI2FromI4 oleaut32 VarI2FromR4 oleaut32 VarI2FromR8 oleaut32 VarI2FromStr oleaut32 VarI2FromUI1 oleaut32 VarI2FromUI2 oleaut32 VarI2FromUI4 oleaut32 VarI4FromBool oleaut32 VarI4FromCy oleaut32 VarI4FromDate oleaut32 VarI4FromDec oleaut32 VarI4FromDisp oleaut32 VarI4FromI1 oleaut32 VarI4FromI2 oleaut32 VarI4FromR4 oleaut32 VarI4FromR8 oleaut32 VarI4FromStr oleaut32 VarI4FromUI1 oleaut32 VarI4FromUI2 oleaut32 VarI4FromUI4 oleaut32 VARIANT_UserFree oleaut32 VARIANT_UserMarshal oleaut32 VARIANT_UserSize oleaut32 VARIANT_UserUnmarshal oleaut32 VariantChangeType oleaut32 VariantChangeTypeEx oleaut32 VariantClear oleaut32 VariantCopy oleaut32 VariantCopyInd oleaut32 VariantInit oleaut32 VariantTimeToDosDateTime oleaut32 VariantTimeToSystemTime oleaut32 VarIdiv oleaut32 VarImp oleaut32 VarInt oleaut32 VarMod oleaut32 VarMonthName oleaut32 VarMul oleaut32 VarNeg oleaut32 VarNot oleaut32 VarNumFromParseNum oleaut32 VarOr oleaut32 VarParseNumFromStr oleaut32 VarPow oleaut32 VarR4CmpR8 oleaut32 VarR4FromBool oleaut32 VarR4FromCy oleaut32 VarR4FromDate oleaut32 VarR4FromDec oleaut32 VarR4FromDisp oleaut32 VarR4FromI1 oleaut32 VarR4FromI2 oleaut32 VarR4FromI4 oleaut32 VarR4FromR8 oleaut32 VarR4FromStr oleaut32 (3 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:55 PM]

VarR4FromUI1 oleaut32 VarR4FromUI2 oleaut32 VarR4FromUI4 oleaut32 VarR8FromBool oleaut32 VarR8FromCy oleaut32 VarR8FromDate oleaut32 VarR8FromDec oleaut32 VarR8FromDisp oleaut32 VarR8FromI1 oleaut32 VarR8FromI2 oleaut32 VarR8FromI4 oleaut32 VarR8FromR4 oleaut32 VarR8FromStr oleaut32 VarR8FromUI1 oleaut32 VarR8FromUI2 oleaut32 VarR8FromUI4 oleaut32 VarR8Pow oleaut32 VarR8Round oleaut32 VarRound oleaut32 VarSub oleaut32 VarTokenizeFormatString oleaut32 VarUdateFromDate oleaut32 VarUI1FromBool oleaut32 VarUI1FromCy oleaut32 VarUI1FromDate oleaut32 VarUI1FromDec oleaut32 VarUI1FromDisp oleaut32 VarUI1FromI1 oleaut32 VarUI1FromI2 oleaut32 VarUI1FromI4 oleaut32 VarUI1FromR4 oleaut32 VarUI1FromR8 oleaut32 VarUI1FromStr oleaut32 VarUI1FromUI2 oleaut32 VarUI1FromUI4 oleaut32 VarUI2FromBool oleaut32 VarUI2FromCy oleaut32 VarUI2FromDate oleaut32 VarUI2FromDec oleaut32 VarUI2FromDisp oleaut32 VarUI2FromI1 oleaut32 VarUI2FromI2 oleaut32 VarUI2FromI4 oleaut32 VarUI2FromR4 oleaut32 VarUI2FromR8 oleaut32 VarUI2FromStr oleaut32 VarUI2FromUI1 oleaut32 VarUI2FromUI4 oleaut32 VarUI4FromBool oleaut32 VarUI4FromCy oleaut32 VarUI4FromDate oleaut32 VarUI4FromDec oleaut32 VarUI4FromDisp oleaut32 VarUI4FromI1 oleaut32 VarUI4FromI2 oleaut32 VarUI4FromI4 oleaut32 VarUI4FromR4 oleaut32 VarUI4FromR8 oleaut32 VarUI4FromStr oleaut32 VarUI4FromUI1 oleaut32 (4 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:55 PM]

VarUI4FromUI2 oleaut32 VarWeekdayName oleaut32 VarXor oleaut32 VDMGetPointer vdmdbg VDMGetThreadContext vdmdbg VDMGetThreadSelectorEntry vdmdbg VDMProcessException vdmdbg VDMSetThreadContext vdmdbg VectorFromBstr oleaut32 VerFindFile version VerFThk_ThunkData32 version VerInstallFile version VerLanguageName version VerLanguageName kernel32 VerQueryValue version VerThkSL_ThunkData32 version VFreeErrors odbc32 VirtualAlloc kernel32 VirtualAllocEx kernel32 VirtualFree kernel32 VirtualFreeEx kernel32 VirtualLock kernel32 VirtualProtect kernel32 VirtualProtectEx kernel32 VirtualQuery kernel32 VirtualQueryEx kernel32 VirtualUnlock kernel32 VkKeyScan user32 VkKeyScanEx user32 VRetrieveDriverErrorsRowCol odbc32 (5 of 5) [10/17/2002 9:54:55 PM]

WaitCommEvent kernel32 WaitForDebugEvent kernel32 WaitForInputIdle user32 WaitForMultipleObjects kernel32 WaitForMultipleObjectsEx kernel32 WaitForSingleObject kernel32 WaitForSingleObjectEx kernel32 WaitMessage user32 WaitNamedPipe kernel32 WantArrows comdlg32 waveInAddBuffer winmm waveInClose winmm waveInGetDevCaps winmm waveInGetErrorText winmm waveInGetID winmm waveInGetNumDevs winmm waveInGetPosition winmm waveInMessage winmm waveInOpen winmm waveInPrepareHeader winmm waveInReset winmm waveInStart winmm waveInStop winmm waveInUnprepareHeader winmm waveOutBreakLoop winmm waveOutClose winmm waveOutGetDevCaps winmm waveOutGetErrorText winmm waveOutGetID winmm waveOutGetNumDevs winmm waveOutGetPitch winmm waveOutGetPlaybackRate winmm waveOutGetPosition winmm waveOutGetVolume winmm waveOutMessage winmm waveOutOpen winmm waveOutPause winmm waveOutPrepareHeader winmm waveOutReset winmm waveOutRestart winmm waveOutSetPitch winmm waveOutSetPlaybackRate winmm waveOutSetVolume winmm waveOutUnprepareHeader winmm waveOutWrite winmm WdtpInterfacePointer_UserFree ole32 WdtpInterfacePointer_UserMarshal ole32 WdtpInterfacePointer_UserSize ole32 WdtpInterfacePointer_UserUnmarshal ole32 WEP wsock32 wglChoosePixelFormat opengl32 wglCopyContext opengl32 wglCreateContext opengl32 wglCreateLayerContext opengl32 wglDeleteContext opengl32 wglDescribeLayerPlane opengl32 wglDescribePixelFormat opengl32 wglGetCurrentContext opengl32 wglGetCurrentDC opengl32 wglGetDefaultProcAddress opengl32 wglGetLayerPaletteEntries opengl32 (1 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:55 PM]

wglGetPixelFormat opengl32 wglGetProcAddress opengl32 wglMakeCurrent opengl32 wglRealizeLayerPalette opengl32 wglSetLayerPaletteEntries opengl32 wglSetPixelFormat opengl32 wglShareLists opengl32 wglSwapBuffers opengl32 wglSwapLayerBuffers opengl32 wglUseFontBitmaps opengl32 wglUseFontOutlines opengl32 WideCharToMultiByte kernel32 WidenPath gdi32 WindowFromDC user32 WindowFromPoint user32 WinExec kernel32 WinHelp user32 winmmf_ThunkData32 winmm winmmsl_ThunkData32 winmm WINNLSDefIMEProc user32 WINNLSEnableIME user32 WINNLSGetEnableStatus user32 WINNLSGetIMEHandle user32 WINNLSGetIMEHotkey user32 WINNLSGetIMEStatus user32 WINNLSGetKeyState user32 WINNLSPostAppMessage user32 WINNLSSendAppMessage user32 WINNLSSendString user32 WINNLSSetIMEHandle user32 WINNLSSetIMEHotkey user32 WINNLSSetIMEStatus user32 WINNLSSetKeyState user32 WinOldAppHackoMatic user32 WNDPROC_CALLBACK user32 WNetAddConnection mpr WNetAddConnection2 mpr WNetAddConnection3 mpr WNetCachePassword mpr WNetCancelConnection mpr WNetCancelConnection2 mpr WNetCloseEnum mpr WNetConnectionDialog mpr WNetConnectionDialog1 mpr WNetDisconnectDialog mpr WNetDisconnectDialog1 mpr WNetEnumCachedPasswords mpr WNetEnumResource mpr WNetFormatNetworkName mpr WNetGetCachedPassword mpr WNetGetConnection mpr WNetGetHomeDirectory mpr WNetGetLastError mpr WNetGetNetworkInformation mpr WNetGetProviderName mpr WNetGetResourceInformation mpr WNetGetResourceParent mpr WNetGetUniversalName mpr WNetGetUser mpr WNetLogoff mpr (2 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:55 PM]

WNetLogon mpr WNetOpenEnum mpr WNetRemoveCachedPassword mpr WNetRestoreConnection mpr WNetSetConnection mpr WNetUseConnection mpr WNetVerifyPassword mpr WOWCallback16 wow32 WOWCallback16Ex wow32 WOWDirectedYield16 wow32 WOWGetVDMPointer wow32 WOWGetVDMPointerFix wow32 WOWGetVDMPointerUnfix wow32 WOWGlobalAlloc16 wow32 WOWGlobalAllocLock16 wow32 WOWGlobalFree16 wow32 WOWGlobalLock16 wow32 WOWGlobalLockSize16 wow32 WOWGlobalUnlock16 wow32 WOWGlobalUnlockFree16 wow32 WOWHandle16 wow32 WOWHandle32 wow32 WOWYield16 wow32 WrapCompressedRTFStream mapi32 WrapCompressedRTFStream@12 mapi32 WrapProgress@20 mapi32 WrapStoreEntryID@24 mapi32 WriteClassStg ole32 WriteClassStm ole32 WriteConsole kernel32 WriteConsoleInput kernel32 WriteConsoleOutput kernel32 WriteConsoleOutputAttribute kernel32 WriteConsoleOutputCharacter kernel32 WriteFile kernel32 WriteFileEx kernel32 WriteFileGather kernel32 WriteFmtUserTypeStg ole32 WriteOleStg ole32 WritePrivateProfileSection kernel32 WritePrivateProfileString kernel32 WritePrivateProfileStruct kernel32 WriteProcessMemory kernel32 WriteProfileSection kernel32 WriteProfileString kernel32 WriteStringStream ole32 WriteTapemark kernel32 WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr wsock32 WSAAsyncGetHostByName wsock32 WSAAsyncGetProtoByName wsock32 WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber wsock32 WSAAsyncGetServByName wsock32 WSAAsyncGetServByPort wsock32 WSAAsyncSelect wsock32 WSACancelAsyncRequest wsock32 WSACancelBlockingCall wsock32 WSACleanup wsock32 WSAGetLastError wsock32 WSAIsBlocking wsock32 WSApSetPostRoutine wsock32 WSARecvEx wsock32 (3 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:55 PM]

WSASetBlockingHook wsock32 WSASetLastError wsock32 WSAStartup wsock32 WSAUnhookBlockingHook wsock32 WsControl wsock32 wsExistDlg tapi32 WSHEnumProtocols wsock32 wsprintf user32 wvsprintf user32 YieldTask user32 (4 of 4) [10/17/2002 9:54:55 PM]

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