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# Introduction
The critical concern with of CAD and of CAM is the communication of design and manufacturing data within the engineering organization. The early developments of technology lead, however, to number of software systems and hardware types that were essentially incompatible with each other. Each system vendor used a unique data structure for the storage of the computer models. Each computer manufacturer used a different operating system and often, there were a different rules and protocols for the communication of data between computers and from computer to terminals and peripheral devices. While this diversity allowed the very rapid development of the technology, it mean that the computing systems existed which were incapable of communication with each other. As same way the difficulties of incompatibility led to pressure on data format, hardware, software, database standards to isolate programs and programmers from the peculiarities of particular hardware. These allow systems to communicate with each other, and provide some uniformity in appearance and mode of operation of programs.

# Classification of CAD standards

Cad standards mainly classified by three ways. 1. Graphics and computing standards 2. Communication standard 3. Data Exchange standards We are mainly concern on Data Exchange standards.

1. Graphics and computing standards.

; Standards for computer graphics : These packaged were first produced by academic or commercial organization, and typically consisted of a series of subroutines to set up graphics windows and viewports, and to draw simple graphics primitives within them. As well as offering some device independence, they also saved the programmer from developing algorithms for graphics and allowed new algorithms to be introduced.

Siggraph core
Core provided standardized set of commands to control the construction and display of graphics images, and was independent of hardware or of language. core initially provided for line drawing

for both two and three dimensional graphics, and in its later versions also included raster operations such as area fill.

It is strongly influenced by CORE. It is extended to cover three dimensional graphics through GSK 3D. GSK implementations have been made by many hardware manufacturers, for many languages. But is not satisfactory for dynamic graphics, nor as a tool for programming large location application.

It is called programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System, together with a number of proprietary or widely adopted approaches including the X window system and Open GL graphics system.

2. Communication standards.
In local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs) ,there are wide variation in physical means like twisted pair or coaxial cables, optical fibre links, microwave links so on in format used to encode the data. for successful communication, standards should be well defined.

3. Data Exchange Standards.

Mainly classified as below. 1. IGES 2. STEP 3. DXF 4. STL

1. IGES standard
The IGES standard is essentially a specification for the structure and syntax of neutral file in ASCII , compress ASCII or binary format . It is now generally stable and reliable for exchange of simple geometric entities like points, lines, arc , and little less so for complex entities such as splines , sometimes poor for annotation and dimensions and also for group entities . The file section of IGES Start section : It assist the user at the destination , such as features of originating of system . Global section :

It provides 24 fields , the parameter necessary to translate the files , including ( field no in bracket) delimiter character ( 1 & 2), senders identifier (3)file name (4), -----------, IGES version (23) and drafting standard (24) Directory section : It is generated by preprocessor which contains entry for each entity in the file compressing code representing the entity type and subtype and pointed to the entity data in next sections , two lines comprising 18 field of 8 characters are used for each entity . Parameter data section : It contains entity specific data such as coordinate values , annotation text , no of splines data points and so on Termination section : It marks end of the data file , and contains subtotal of records for data transmission check purpose . Each record line has identifier in column 73-80 . the first character of the identifier indicates file section ( start = s ) and the reminder is integral no starting with 1 and the beginning of each section . this no is used by IGES for the pointer for cross reference between sections . IGES data type : Geometry entities 100 cicular arc 110 line 116 point 124 transformation matrix . Annotation entities 202 angular dimension 206 diameter dimension 214 leader arrow . Structure entities 302 associativity definition 310 text font definition 404 drawing 420 network subfigure instant 600 to 699 micro instant..

IGES format : A point ( 100, -100) which is centre of circle having a radius of 50mn and one 100mm long line tangent to circle at 45degree .

EXAMPLE IGES FILE S0000001 1H,,1H;,,, 9HMASTERCAM,1H1,16,8,24,8,56,,1.,1,4HINCH,1,0.01,G0000001 13H850101.0100000,0.,100.,,,; G0000002 116 1 1 1 1 0 00000000D0000001 116 0 3 1 D0000002 124 2 1 1 1 0 00000000D0000003 124 0 3 1 D0000004 100 3 1 1 1 0 00000000D0000005 100 0 3 1 D0000006 110 4 1 1 1 0 00000000D0000007 110 0 3 1 D0000008 116,100., -100.,0.; 1P0000001 124,1.,0., 0., 0., 0.,1., 0., 0., 0., 0.,1., 0.; 3P0000002 100,0.,100., -100.,150., -100.,150., -99.99999; 5P0000003 110,135.3553,-135.3553,0.,206.066, -64.64465,0; 7P0000004 S0000001 G000000 2D0000008P0000004 T0000001 NOTE : the parameter entry for the line (110) is x1 , y1 z1, x2,y2,z2 ; for the arc (100) is z,x,y of centre , x,y of start point , x , y of end point ; and for the point (116) is x , y, and z .

STEP seeks to address a number of limitations of IGES. In IGES does not clearly between the logical specification of the standard (the meaning of the data from CAD system point of view) ,the applications requirements (how the data will be used in particular application), and physical specification for the storage of data in exchange files. STEP uses formal model for the data exchange ,which is described using an information modeling language called EXPRESS. It is both human readable and computer processable. STEP has three layer architecture that enables multiple application views and implements to be defined. There parts of format as below. 1. Introductory : comprising part 1 : overview and general principles. 2. Description method :(part 11 to 19) related to express language 3. Implementation Method :(21-29) : describe how express map physical file and storage mechanisms 4. Conformance Testing Methodology and framework (31-39) : which provide methods for testing implementation and test suites to be :used during conformance testing. 5. Integrated Resources (42-99,102-199): which include generic resources such as geometry and structure representation(41-99) and widely used application such as draughting and finite element analysis(101-99 6. Application protocols(201-99): which describe implementations of STEP specific to particular industrial application, and are associated with implementation methods to form the basis of a STEP implementation.: which provide test suites for each of the application protocol. 7. Application interpreted construct (501-) : which describe various model entity constructs and specific modeling approach.



1(i) overview and general principles. Descriptin method 11(I) EXPRESS language reference manual 12(I) EXPRESS I language reference manual Implementation Method 21(i) Clear text encoding of the exchange structure 23(C) C++ language binding the SDAI Conformance Testing Methodology and framework 31(I) General concept 33(C) Abstact test suites Integrated Resources 45(F) Material 46(I) Visual presentation Application protocols(201-99) 201(I) Explicit draughting 202(I) Associative draughting 217 (C ) Ship piping Application interpreted construct (501-) 509 (c) Manifold surface 501)(c) Edge based wireframe STEP format A collection of definitions of entities, and of data types and constraints associated with these, is known as a schema ENTITY automobile; Make : STRING; Serial_number : INTEGER; Engine _size : Real; Colour : colour type; Ower : person; Previous_ower: LIST(0:?) of PERSON; Unique Serial_number Where Engine_size > 0.0; END_ENTITY The first three attributes of entity automobile a of simple data types. The next two are types which will have been defined elsewhere in schema. The current owner is a person, which will be another entity type, and previous owner are referenced by a (possible empty) LIST of person. The color attribute is of type colourtype, which could be defined by the statement:

TYPE colourtype= ENUMERATION of (red,blach,blue,white) END_TYPE Which specifies that color must be one of a restricted set of values. Constraints have been placed on the values of two of attributes.the serial _umber must be different from every other in file, and the engine_size must have value greater than zero.

3 . DXF / DWG
There are mainly two formats for storage of file : compact binary form( the. DWG format), and readable form using ASCII. The ASCII representation is known as DXF. There are four parts to a DXF file ,as shown in below. It is possible to produce a valid DXF file including just the ENTITIES section.


Content Value for autocad system variable such as user interface style and parameter, default layer, dimensioning style, etc Line style, user define coordinate systems Definition of blocks instanced in the model Entity definitions and data

DXF files can be very long, because they assign two line in file to each data item: the first line says what the data item is, and second give the value for the item.

Format Of ENTITIES section

SECTION 2 ENTITIES 0 LINE 8 0 10 -2.154000 20 1.315000 30 0.00000 11 8.341000 21 10.500000 ( beginning of section ) (entity section label ) (entity type ) (layer number ) (first x coordinate ) (first y coordinate ) (first z coordinate ) (second x coordinate) (second y cordinate )

31 0.000000 0 ENDSEC 0 EOF

(second z cordinate ) (end of section ) (end of file )

4. STL
Simply explained, a stl file is a format used by Stereo lithography software to generate information needed to produce 3D models on Stereo lithography machines. In fact, the extension "stl" is said to be derived from the word "Stereolithography." A slightly more specific definition of a stl file is a triangular representation of a 3D object. The surface of an object is broken into a logical series of triangles . Each triangle is uniquely uniquely defined by its normal and three points representing its vertices.

STL file Format solid name where name is an optional string. The file continues with any number of triangles, each represented as follows: facet normal n1 n2 n3 outer loop vertex v11 v12 v13 vertex v21 v22 v23 vertex v31 v32 v33 endloop endfacet where n1-n3 ( normal) and v11-v33 ( XYZ reprentation) are floating point numbers in sign-mantissa'e'-sign-exponent format. Example.

Here is a typical STL file that define a facet: facet normal -4.470293E-02 7.003503E-01 -7.123981E-01 outer loop vertex -2.812284E+00 2.298693E+01 0.000000E+00 vertex -2.812284E+00 2.296699E+01 -1.960784E-02 vertex -3.124760E+00 2.296699E+01 0.000000E+00 endloop endfacet

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