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Our missiOn is to articulate a biblically saturated, Christcentered worldview that will encourage others to grow into the nature and fellowship of Christ and help them tell their spiritual stories. Our dialogue will be derived from scripture study, classical wisdom and practice, art and other expressions, and conversations among a community of writers.

Thoughts on ev ange lica l spiritua l f o rm at io n



siX sEssiOns FOr GrOuPs Or inDiViDuALs

For ever yone who yearns to feel the Fathers exuberant smile on their life

by Len Thompson

PuBLisHEr urban Centre for Evangelical spiritual Formation

Printed in Canada by PageMaster Publication Services Inc.

EDiTOr Dayna mazzuca Eric Thompson Julie Drew Julie is an Edmonton artist and graphic designer. You can view her work at

DisCErninG A DEEPEr sEnsE OF CALL Copyright 2010, by urban Center Publishers. Printed in Canada. All rights reserved. no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, contact urban Center, 11525 23 Ave, Edmonton, AB. T6J 4T3.

IntroduCtIon 7 Parable 13 ChaPter 1 Productive Frustration 17 discussion Questions 27 ChaPter 2 Focused Groaning 35 discussion Questions 47 ChaPter 3 deep burden Patient hope 55 discussion Questions 66 ChaPter 4 Confirmation from the spirit and others 75 discussion Questions 85 ChaPter 5 Convinced 95 discussion Questions 107 ChaPter 6 More than Conquerors 115 discussion Questions 126 For Further readInG135 bIblIoGraPhy 139

i find it difficult to discern the call of God in my life. i hear so many voices that sound good, but singling out His voice is difficult. Does God call everyone? What is a call? How does one get a call from God? in the worlds best selling Christian devotional, My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers helps sort out some of my difficulties: The call of God is not just for a select few but for everyone. Whether i hear Gods call or not depends on the condition of my ears, and exactly what i hear depends upon my spiritual attitude. many are called, but few are chosen (matthew 22:14). That is, few prove that they are the chosen ones. The chosen ones are those who have had their spiritual condition changed and their ears opened. Then they hear the voice of the Lord continually asking, . . . who will go for us?1 (isaiah 6:8) if Chambers is right then this book will make sense to you. He asserts that the call of God is for everyone. i believe God calls each of us continually and personally. Too much noise in our lives drowns out any distinct calling, and so we wander through life doing some good things but not living out of the joy of fulfilling Gods call. God rarely taps anyone on the shoulder and hands him a detailed five-year plan to carry out. There are a couple of exceptions in scripture, but most only heard Gods call by listening to the still, quiet voice of God. i desperately long for your ears to be opened! i want to see you prove that you are one of the chosen ones. To be in step with Gods purposes and in perfect timing

Discerning a Deeper Sense of Call

with His movements is thrilling and full of heady freedom. i pray that you will know His call and respond with joy. WarnInG: adult dIsCretIon advIsed Knowing Gods call will totally change your life. Again, Chambers says this so well: it is easier to serve God without a vision, easier to work for God without a call, because then you are not bothered by what God requires; common sense is your guide, veneered over with Christian sentiment. You will be more prosperous and successful, more leisure-hearted, if you never realize the call of God. But if once you receive a commission from Jesus Christ, the memory of what God wants will always come like a goad; you will no longer be able to work for Him on the common sense basis.2 Dont bother reading further if you want to be comfortable. Proving Gods call in your life requires an iron will. it is not for the faint of heart. Chambers further warns, when a man begins to overhear that call, then begins agony that is worthy of the name. Every ambition is nipped in the bud, every desire of life quenched, every outlook completely extinguished and blotted out, saving one thing only His call (italics added for clarity).3 read on if you have counted the cost. Blissful agony will be the result. One other word of caution. i have added historical examples of people whose theology i dont agree with. some of you will have difficulty with that decision. i come from a background that honours freedom of conscience. i might not agree with your theology, but if you honestly believe scripture teaches what you hold, i give you that freedom. The folks i have chosen believed


and proved their callings. if i were to meet them and chat about other things, we might argue about our differences, but i tip my hat to their abandonment to their calling. i hope you do, too. hoW does thIs booK WorK? This book can be read in three ways: 1. it can be used as a study guide for individuals, small groups or pastors wanting to lead people through some of the steps of spiritual formation. 2. it can also be read as a text on the nature of spiritual formation. 3. Finally, it can be read as a source of healing and hope. it speaks to how spiritual maturity is closely linked to the quality of love we have for each other. it offers a practical approach to common problems in relationships. it speaks to the hope of hearing Jesus call us to our true home, into the family of God, and it directs us to companions along the way. Each chapter begins with a story that illustrates the concept being highlighted. Then i take a look at romans 8:18-39 to understand the theology behind calling. Each chapter includes an historical illustration of the concept discussed to show that these ideas have not been conceived, untested in some ivory tower. This time i have chosen a variety of historical individuals in an attempt to widen our understanding by looking at other Christian traditions. Then, in plain language the focus becomes one of application in a section called In My Office. some stories are from my experience of spiritual direction but i have also included stories of people i have met who impressed me with their understanding and practice of their calling. You get to see how this works in real life, in a wide variety of situations.

Discerning a Deeper Sense of Call

Finally, each chapter closes with eight Reflection and Discussion Questions. Each question comes from specific quotes in the chapter and encourages you to think on the material youve just read. Dont feel tied to these questions. The best discussions come from curiosity rather than from assignments. Feel free to make notes in this book. make it your own. This book represents the vision and mandate of one arm of the Centre for Evangelical spiritual Formation the institute for Evangelical spiritual Formation. The institute acts as a training centre for disciples of Christ, serving many denominations, churches and students. Thus, this book is intended not only for interest-level reading, but as an instructive text as well. Further Reading is encouraged in an Annotated Book List at the back. This book is the fourth in a series of books on spiritual formation that is available through the institute for Evangelical spiritual Formation in Edmonton and online.



Who Wrote thIs booK? This book is a collaborative effort. You, the reader, are invited to participate along the way, engage on a personal level and make the material your own. WriTEr - Len Thompson is a spiritual director and founder of urban sanctuary and the Centre for Evangelical spiritual Formation based in Edmonton, Alberta. Len is the narrator and supplies the content of the book. As a teacher, former counsellor and pastor, he speaks from experience, his own training and study. Len brings a pastoral approach to the work, and has a heart to see Gods people walk in maturity and effectiveness. in fact, after attending Larry Crabbs school of spiritual Formation, Len has given his life to the pursuit of the disciplines of spiritual formation. it brings him and his wife, Joan, life. Let him know if this book sparks any new questions in your own life. EDiTOr - Dayna Elizabeth mazzuca is a freelance editor and writer on the spiritual life. Her work has appeared in Faith Today, Christian Week, City Light News and newspapers across Canada. she is a long-time devotee to the Christian classics (and historical novels). Currently, she attends new Hope Christian Assembly in Edmonton and serves as President on the board of Alberta Pro-Life. she considers herself an evangelical, charismatic, liturgical Christian and says her hardest job in life is raising two small children without raising her voice. By comparison, editing Lens material is a breeze. GrOuP We worked through the material in this book with four different groups over a period of years. Their questions, reactions and experiences in trying to live out these concepts has brought numerous revisions of this material until it is in the form that you

Discerning a Deeper Sense of Call

hold in your hand. These groups consisted of people in Edmonton, of many different ages and backgrounds. They gave us several evenings and invaluable feedback. We have incorporated many of their comments into this book, and want to recognize their contribution, sensitivity and time. Thank you. The prayer of those who have poured into the content of this book is that it will be a blessing in your hands and not on your shelf . Peace

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Chambers, Oswald, The Complete Works of Oswald Chambers. Discovery House Publishers: Grand Rapids, MI, 2000, pg. 739. (Devotional Reading for Jan. 14) Ibid, pg. 756. (Devotional Reading for March 4) Ibid, pg. 745. (Devotional Reading for Feb. 2) 12

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