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Our Target Audience was 15+ teenagers so we thought what better than teenager to use as the protagonist of our

thriller film opening. In our opening we have a female teenager who is being chased and a male antagonist who is stalking the girl. The Girls: Girls are socially accepted to be the more vulnerable gender and thereby being the conventional targeted social group and so by keeping this in mind we decided to revolve the quick opening around the girl being, what looks like, stalked hence the name of our film. The girl in the opening is dressed in casual wear but note how she is not in the girly attire that females usually conform to as hoodies and jeans provide a more realistic appeal to the character and represents teenage girls of this generation too full justice and by making the girl wear trainers and slightly masculine clothes reflects the situation the protagonist is under making it convenient for running. By keeping to the hegemonic view that the majority of audience holds on girls being vulnerable allows the target audience to understand the situation and follow on the story as if they are already aware of the conventions and what possibly be the potential story line.

The Boys: Boys are often represented as the rough and tough guy in many films; in fact they are commonly used as the antagonist in several thriller movies. In our opening we used a tall guy that is not revealed fully however it is clearly visible which the more dominating gender is. This representation of younger boys conforms to the social norms as it often seen how boys are the more troublesome gender and they have traditionally been represented as both the Hero and the Baddie. Our representation of the boy allows the audience to gain sympathy for the girl being stalked as both the gender and height difference between the 2 characters adds to the vulnerability represented of the protagonist.
Teenagers: Overall the main social group that was represented in our opening is teenagers and in general they have been represented to look independent as both were seen to be isolated in the park. The mis-en-scene of the park provides an excellent location as it conforms to the environment that teenagers are commonly in. We have successfully represented and reflected our generation as our opening manages to touch up on current incidents (stalking) that occur at a regular basis in this particular social group leading up to several unpleasant consequences. As our target audience is of a younger age group, they will be able to relate to the situation better and understand the concept fully. These representations should ideally be approved by the audience as we attempted to keep it conventional and traditional.

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