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School-Wide Action Plans

ACTION PLAN #1: The school will benchmark its curriculum with content standards and course competencies from a single external source, adapted to our local situation, to ensure that students participate in a sequential, integrated, challenging and relevant 9-12 program.
Rationale: An integrated, sequential curriculum that is guided by external standards is essential for increased achievement in student learning to take place at Xavier. With turnover rate of teachers at Xavier being as high as it is, a curriculum that is benchmarked with content standards from a single external source will create a structure that will help new teachers understand what they need to teach in their courses. In addition, new teachers will be given specific course competencies at the beginning of their course planning to ensure all academic standards are fulfilled. Using the curriculum standards of St. Ignatius Prep, a Jesuit High School in California, as a model for Xavier, will help Xavier align its curriculum to both California standards and the JSEAs standards of the document Revisioning the Grad at Graduation, while still adhering to the local environment. Growth Target: All subjects of the Xavier Curriculum will be benchmarked with content standards and course competencies from a single external source, and adapted to our local context, by June, 2013.


Person(s) Responsible

Jesuit Connections with St. Ignatius Prep

Assessment of Progress
Updates on Content Standards Development Standards will be at Xavier by August, 2012 Updated Curriculum Guides given to Principal


Methods of Reporting Progress

Obtaining St. Ignatius Prep Standards


Will be reported at Faculty Orientation Days, August, 2012 Faculty/staff meetings


Staff Training in development of course competencies

St. Ignatius Prep Course Competencies Development of Course Competencies Workshop with S.I. Prep Personnel Development of Course Competencies follow-up Workshop JSEAs Revisioning the Grad at Graduation Curriculum Guides

SY 201213 and ongoing

Faculty Orientation Days August, 2012 Faculty/Staff meetings Updated curriculum guides


Updating overall course philosophies to match JSEA Standards

Principal Department Heads Faculty Faculty Principal

JSEAs Revisioning the Grad at Graduation

Updated Curriculum Guides given to Principal Faculty Evaluations Updated Course competencies given to Principal Faculty Evaluations Faculty Meetings Updated curriculum guides given to Principal Evaluation of Curriculum

SY 201213 and ongoing

Reported out at Faculty Orientation Days, 2013

Addition of Course Competencies to current Curriculum Guides

St. Ignatius Prep Course Competencies

SY 201213 and ongoing SY 201213 Second Review SY 2014-15

Reported out to Faculty at Staff Evaluation Days Reported out at Faculty Orientation/Development Days Reported out to Faculty at Staff Evaluation Days Reported out at Faculty Orientation/Development Days Reported out to the Board through Principals Report to the Board

Final Revision and updating Of XHS Curriculum Guides, in light of the Course Competancies and Standards

Principal Department Heads Faculty

S.I. Prep Content Standards XHS Curriculum Guides


ACTION PLAN #2: Increase Achievement on Standardized Test Scores

Rationale: Analyses of Standardized Tests that Xavier Students currently take, such as PSAT, SAT, and ACT, indicate that they fall below the average of all takers of the exams. Although all students at Xavier are technically speaking ELL students, Xavier believes that its students can and should achieve, minimally, the average. Growth Target: Xavier students will increase their scores on Standardized Tests by 5% a year until, as a group, they rank in the Average range for all takers. Task
Ensure that Goals #1, 2a, and #2b are implemented

Person(s) Responsible
Leadership Team Math teachers ELA Teachers


Assessment of Progress
Check with teachers regarding tests, quizzes,

SY 201213 and ongoing

Methods of Reporting Progress

PSAT Scores SAT Scores TOEFL Scores ACT Scores SAT 10 (or other appropriate standardized test Scores) PSAT scores SAT scores

SAT course for Juniors

College counselors

SAT material SAT Booklets

SAT, PSAT Practice test results

SY 201112 and ongoing SY 201011 and ongoing

PSAT, SAT, TOEFL, and ACT practice sessions

Appropriate faculty College counselors Principal ELA teachers

PSAT, SAT, TOEFL, ACT materials

College Counselors Reports

Standardized test scores

Instruction targeting writing skills

Textbooks Speech Documents Lesson Plans

Teachers Reports Homeowrk

SY 201213 and ongoing

Standardized test scores Teachers Reports

Track standardized test results to identify critical areas of improvement

Principal Departments

Curriculum and textbooks XHS Entrance Exam SAT, PSAT, ACT, TOEFL Exams

Department Meetings Staff Meetings


Minutes and report to the Staff


ACTION PLAN #2a: Develop effective programs to address the need for improvement of basic math operations and numbers.
Rationale: While Xavier students have made some progress in the area of math, Xavier students continue to struggle with math. Analysis of the data collected and reviewed, indicate that a critical reason for this struggle is a weakness with basic operations and numbers. Without a strong foundation in understanding basic operations and numbers, Xavier students will continue to underperform in math A strong foundation and understanding of basic operations and numbers is critical to performing well in upper level math. Reporting back to elementary schools will help to address and correct weaknesses at the Elementary School level, before students get to Xavier.

Growth Target: Xavier students will increase their proficiency level in math by 5% each year, until we rank with U..S National average (for lack of any other national average).

Xavier will review & reassess the current Math curriculums, in accordance with Content Standards from Action Plan #1. Introduce SAT 10 Math to Freshman and Sophomore Classes

Person(s) Responsible
Principal and & Math teachers

Math curriculum standards, Math textbooks, quizzes, tests, SAT scores

Assessment of Progress

Summer, 2012 SY 2012-13

Methods of Reporting Progress

Principals Report to the Board Principals Report to Faculty Mid-quarter grades Report cards Directors Reports to FOX Communities Report out SAT 10 Results

Principal and math teachers math Teachers & Principal

SAT 10 Tests

Results of SAT 10 tests

SY 201213 and ongoing SY 201112 and ongoing

Math Review for Sophomores & Seniors Math Review for Freshmen & Juniors

Textbooks, quizzes, Xavier Entrance Exam, Bob Scavulo math videos and math games Textbooks, handouts Bob Scavulo math videos and math games

Math exams and finals Sophomores re-taking the Xavier Entrance Exam

Results on Report Cards Reported out at End of School Year Faculty Evaluation Days

math teachers & principal

Results of tests, quizzes PSAT practice, and PSAT, and SAT and SAT 10 results

SY 201213 and ongoing

Advisor/advisee, report cards, Reported out at End of School Year Faculty Evaluation Days.


Math Tutoring

Share an Analysis of the Results of Xaviers Math Entrance Exam with Elementary Schools

math teachers, Australian GAP volunteers, student peer tutors Principal, director, Australian GAP year volunteers

Textbooks, handouts, Scavulo math games and videos

Homework results, Practice results, math grade results, SAT 10 results Xavier Entrance Test math results

SY 201112 and ongoing

Mid-quarter reports, report cards

Xavier Entrance Exams, Xavier Entrance Exam results for each school, Spreadsheet

SY -201112 and ongoing

Letters to Principals of elementary schools whose students took the Xavier Entrance Exam


ACTION PLAN #2b: Improve the Academic Success of all Students in Reading, Especially for Underperforming Students.
Rationale: While Xavier students have made some progress in Reading proficiency, they continue to struggle in the critical thinking process, especially in reasoning and inference. Growth Target: Xavier students will increase their reasoning and inference skills by 5% each year. Task
Xavier will review & reassess the current English & Literature curriculums, in accordance with Content Standards from Action Plan #1. Xavier will look at a variety of standardized tests and Choose one that is appropriate for Xavier. Xavier will introduce an appropriate standardized test in Reading for 9th and 10th grades. Required SSR in English & Literature classes

Person(s) Responsible
Principal & English Language Arts teachers

English Skills textbooks, Novels, poetry books, handouts

Assessment of Progress
Results of assignments, quizzes and tests

SY 201213 and ongoing SY 201112

Methods of Reporting Progress

Principals Report to the Board Principals Report to Faculty Mid-quarter grades Report cards Directors Reports to FOX Communities Reported to the Board at its June, 2012Board meeting Will be reported at End of School Year Faculty Evaluation Days Test results will be recorded in the report card

Principal, director, and ELA teachers

Internet, Appropriate Friends of Xavier

Principal and ELA teachers

Appropriate standardized test Novels

A standardized test will have been chosen by the end of SY 2011-12 for introduction in SY 2012-13 results from standardized test

SY 201213 and ongoing SY 201213 and ongoing SY 201112 and ongoing SY -201112 and ongoing

Principal & ELA teachers

Book Report Reflection Paper Reflection papers book reports

SSR for juniors 1st semester; SAT Practice 2nd semester Share an Analysis of the Results of Xaviers Math Entrance Exam with Elementary Schools

Principal ELA teachers


Mid Quarter Reports, Report Cards, Advisor/advisee meetings Mid quarter Reports Report Cards Letters to Principals of elementary schools whose students took the Xavier Entrance Exam

Principal, director, Australian GAP year volunteers

Xavier Entrance Exams, Xavier Entrance Exam results for each school, Spreadsheet

Xavier Entrance Test math results


Action Plan #3: Develop a Strategic Master Plan for Xavier High School that will guide Xavier to its 70th anniversary.
Rationale: Xavier High School has a proud, perhaps unique history, and a 60 year tradition of setting academic standards and serving the educational needs of the people of Micronesia. Using the Philosophy, Mission and ESLRs of Xavier High School as its guide, Xavier needs to develop a Strategic Master Plan. A strategic master plan, for which the board, with the administration will have oversight and insure its implementation, will provide continuity for living out Xaviers Philosophy, Mission, and ESLRs, in spite of the high turnover rate of faculty and staff at Xavier. A strategic master plan will help Xavier focus its limited resources to areas that are identified as critical areas for Improvement and for living out its Philosophy, Mission, ESLRs, and the other components of the School-wide Action Plans. Growth Target: While the Master Plan will focus particularly on the next five years, the Strategic Plan will extend the Xavier tradition into its 70th anniversary. Task
Create general goals and objectives for Master Plan, that will include the following general areas: Mission and Identity; Education program (both academic and nonacademic); technology; facilities; staffing; finances; leadership and governance.

Person(s) Responsible
Leadership Team

WASC Self-Study Report WASC Visiting Team Report

Assessment of Progress
Working drafts of individual Master Plans


Methods of Reporting Progress

Reported out to Board of Directors

August November, 2012

Faculty Orientation Days Director Reports to FOX District Meetings Posted on Website

Conduct a Mission Review to determine whether the current Philosophy, Mission, and ESLRs are appropriate for the next 5-10 years, and revise, if necessary.

Leadership Team

XHS Philosophy, Mission & ESLRs JSEA Re-visioning the Grad at Graduation Input from the Society of Jesus in Micronesia, Members of the Board, Board of Directors Input from Stakeholders

Board Approval of Mission Review

From June, 2012 Board Meeting to following Board meeting

Reported to Board meetings Faculty Orientation Days Director Reports to FOX District Meetings


Elicit input from Stakeholders in each district Incorporating both input from stakeholders and Action Plans 1, 2,2a, and 2b, create a master plan in each of the areas listed below


FOX District Meetings Powerpoint presentations

Reported back to Leadership Team

SY 201213

Reported out to Leadership Team Meetings

Leadership Team

Results from FOX Meetings Progress from Action Plans #1, 2, 2a, and 2b

In light of our Mission Review, 6 master plans with goals and objectives, will be presented to the Leadership team for final review Principal and Department heads will monitor the work of individual teachers and their courses

Reported out at Leadership Team Meetings SY 201214

Principal & Departmen t heads Educational Program Master Plan

Mission Review Results Revised Curriculum Guides with Benchmarks and Course Competencies(Results of Action Plan #1) textbooks XHS Entrance Exam SAT, PSAT, ACT, TOEFL Exams U.S. Jesuit High Schools Internet suggestions

SY 201314

Reported out to Board Reported to Faculty & Staff Reported out to FOX Communities Reported on Website

Leadership Team Technology Resources Master Plan

Leadership team Facilities Master Plan

Mission Review Document Educational Master Plan Technology Master Plan

Number of students who have computer access when needed Number of students who have access to the internet for student projects Assess the improvement to campus facilities, in light of other Master Plans

SY 201213

Reported out to Board Reported to Faculty & Staff Reported out to FOX Communities Reported on Website

SY 201213

Reported out to Board Reported to Faculty & Staff Reported out to FOX Communities Reported on Website


Leadership Team Staffing & Staff Development Master Plan

Educational Master Plan Results of Action Plans #2,2a,and 2b Financial Master Plan

Number of qualified teachers at Xavier Number of long-term faculty at Xavier Number of local faculty at Xavier Facilities Master Plan Technology Master Plan Staff/Staff Development Master Plan Education Master Plan Monitor Agendas Monitor Minutes of Board Meetings 6 final Master Plan copies

SY 201213

Reported out to Board Reported to Faculty & Staff Reported out to FOX Communities Reported on Website Reported out to Board Reported to Faculty & Staff Reported out to FOX Communities Reported on Website

Director and Board Financial Resources Master Plan

Financial Reports FOX Communities N.Y. Province Development Office Funding Guides Database of donors

SY 201213

Leadership & Governance Master Plan

Director and Board

Do you Speak Ignatian JSEA Publications Published materials on How to Be a Board

SY 201213

Reported out to Board

Leadership Team Final Strategic Master Plan

Summer 2014

Reported out to Board and all Stakeholders


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