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E-tivity 13 Social Media Tweet.

Freedom to pick / choose media information I want, through Internet with quick accessibility. See Facebook, twitter, etc.

E-tivity 14: Whats With Google & Security Resource

Google's privacy policy is too vague for users to control how their information is shared, according to Britain's data protection boss

Interesting. For. 1: 2: 60 different policies to understand, too much information to comprehend Service will be quicker and better for everyone.

I like the idea that I dont have to read through 20 pages, which I never do because it is too time consuming

Google can pool data about signed-in users' web or video searches, map directions, web browsing, which ads have been clicked, and other information in order to target adverts and services at people using the web
file:///F:/USQ/DIP%201000/ETIVITY%2014%20EU%20justice%20chief%20warns%20Google%20over%20'sneaking'%20citizens'%20privacy%20away%20%20%20Technol ogy%20%20%20The%20Guardian.htm.

Against. 1: 2: Previous search history can be passed onto other Advertisers. Consent must be given for Personal information to be shown.

Googles privacy policy will not greatly affect me, as I use other search engines that are free. As for my Gmail account, there is no personal data about me, only e-mails to family and friends, and if Google finds my life interesting, I wish them well. At this stage I do not have a Face book account, simple because I dont have 24 hours in a day to spend on it.


E-tivity 15: Online Security: No Worries or Plenty of Worries

OnIine security often means changing my computer password. This happens especially in the working environment where every month I have to change my password, as no one is allowed to look at my personal emails. I also have a separate password for my time sheets. Would it not be simple if one password would be enough? Have a read of the following article about changing your password for security reasons. Interesting. rce=univ&tbm=nws&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=XipsT5P8Jo2UiAf58Y3BQ&sqi=2&ved=0CJUBEKgCKAAwAw&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=5062c6ab03ea06a0&b iw=1024&bih=634

As a person that does not have a Facebook account, or is in the process of creating one, I found this article also interesting about security on Facebook. For those that have a Facebook account, you might find this useful.

TELSTRA customers are being targeted in an online e-billing account scam. A quick read of the Courier mail as I am doing this E-tivity on personal and business security. Unbelievable. Thank goodness I still have my phone bill posted to my home address and account is paid by BPAY. 6 months ago I was almost convinced to get my bill via e-mail. A good lesson learnt.

1: What are the important security and privacy issues to remember when using computers in everyday life? In my working environment, the company I am employed by has an internet security policy that states, all internet related searches must be approved by senior staff. Outside the working environment, I utilise these same principles 2: What are the important security and privacy issues to remember when conducting business online? Never give out personal information to an untrusted source. Check with the Australian Government if unsure about the on line source, contact the Australian Government at regularly up grade your security software

3: What did you learn about online security and privacy from the individual and business episodes that you found. On line security and privacy must have confidentiality and trust between individuals and business. If these principles are not applied, then people will be hesitant to use on line facilities.


The Economist 2007, ' Online security A security patch for your brain The quickest way to improve online security is to upgrade your mental software 24 March 2012, | from the print edition viewed 23 March 2012. <>

Roberts, J 2012, ' Is the debate over data and online privacy misguided?
GIGAOM. 22 March, Viewed 23 March 2012, <

Kohler, N 2012, ' Online e-billing scam hits Telstra customers Couriermail, 23 March, Viewed 23 March 2012, <>

E-tivity 16: Assignment 3 Prep Slim Search Strategies Resource


Write an essay about Spatial Science and the long term future of land Management.

Outline the following:

Coastal Management

Spatial Information Science Spatial perspective


3 sources. 1 must be from a Government organisation, either Local, State or Federal.

Regards Torben

E-tivity 17: Assignment 3 Prep Go, Fetch and Bring Back

Write an essay about Spatial Science and the long term future of land Management. Must Contain: 1: Academic journal article


Media Clip (podcast, vodcast You Tube clip, iTunes lecture or online media clip)
This 3 minute video gives a quick overview of what spatial science is, and how it relates to land management. 3: One blog entry Xiaoying Wu

This blog gives a little introduction to why Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) has increasly become utilse in the last 10 years.

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