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How to config WebUtil 1.

06 in Developer Suite 10G on Windows

Assuming a fresh "Complete" install of Oracle Developer Suite, here are steps to get a small test form running, using WebUtil 1.06. Note: [OraHome] is used as an alias for your real oDS ORACLE_HOME.
1) Download

and extract to a temporary staging area. Do not attempt to use 1.7 or 1.9.
2) Copy or move jacob.jar and jacob.dll

[JacobStage] is the folder where you extracted Jacob, and will end in ...\jacob_18 cd [JacobStage] copy jacob.jar [OraHome]\forms\java\. copy jacob.dll [OraHome]\forms\webutil\. The Jacob staging area is no longer needed, and may be deleted.
3) Sign frmwebutil.jar and jacob.jar

Open a DOS command prompt. Add [OraHome]\jdk\bin to the PATH: set PATH=[OraHome]\jdk\bin;%PATH% Sign the files, and check the output for success: [OraHome]\forms\webutil\sign_webutil [OraHome]\forms\java\frmwebutil.jar [OraHome]\forms\webutil\sign_webutil [OraHome]\forms\java\jacob.jar Assuming you installed the software on c:\Developer so you'll run the previous Commands Like the following :
C:\Developer\forms\webutil\sign_webutil.bat C:\Developer\forms\java\frmwebutil.jar C:\Developer\forms\webutil\sign_webutil.bat C:\Developer\forms\java\jacob.jar

4) If you already have a schema in your RDBMS which contains the WebUtil stored

code,you may skip this step. Otherwise, Create a schema to hold the WebUtil stored code, and privileges needed to connect and create a stored package. Schema name "WEBUTIL" is recommended for no reason other than consistency over the user base. Open [OraHome]\forms\create_webutil_db.sql in a text editor, and delete or comment out the EXIT statement, to be able to see whether the objects were created witout errors. Start SQL*Plus as SYSTEM, and issue: CREATE USER webutil IDENTIFIED BY [password] DEFAULT TABLESPACE users TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp;


CONNECT webutil/[password]@[connectstring] @[OraHome]\forms\create_webutil_db.sql -- Inspect SQL*Plus output for errors, and then CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM webutil_db FOR webutil.webutil_db;
/ Reconnect as SYSTEM, and issue: grant execute on webutil_db to public; / 5) Modify [OraHome]\forms\server\default.env, and append [OraHome]

C:\Developer\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar to the CLASSPATH entry. 6) Ensure javascript files are in the correct folder Review Note 377609.1 "Lauching Any Form After A Fresh Install Of Webutil 1.0.6 Hangs Showing A White Screen" to ensure the js files are present Note 377609.1 "Lauching Any Form After A Fresh Install Of Webutil 1.0.6 Hangs Showing A White Screen" to ensure the js files are present 7) Start the OC4J instance 8) Start Forms Builder and connect to a schema in the RDBMS used in step (4). Open webutil.pll, do a "Compile ALL" (shift-Control-K), and generate to PLX (Control-T). It is important to generate the PLX, to avoid the FRM-40039 discussed in
Note 303682.1

If the PLX is not generated, the Webutil.pll library would have to be attached with full path information to all forms wishing to use WebUtil. This is NOT recommended.
9) Create a new FMB.

Open webutil.olb, and Subclass (not Copy) the Webutil object to the form. There is no need to Subclass the WebutilConfig object. Attach the Webutil.pll Library, and remove the path. Add an ON-LOGON trigger with the code NULL; to avoid having to connect to an RDBMS (optional). Create a new button on a new canvas, with the code show_webutil_information (TRUE);

in a WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger. Compile the FMB to FMX, after doing a Compile-All (Shift-Control-K). 10) Under Edit->Preferences->Runtime in Forms Builder, click on "Reset to Default" if the "Application Server URL" is empty. Then append "?config=webutil" at the end, so you end up with a URL of the form
http://server:port/forms/frmservlet?config=webutil 11) Add jacob.jar and frmwebutil.jar to CLASSPATH

([OraHome]\forms\server\default.env) or FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH (at the Registry)... otherwise there is an error message when opening the canvas in the new created fmb 12) Run your form. Example 1 1 From File menu choose (New) Then (Form) 2 in the Object Navigator Click on (attached library) then (+) Button to add Webutil.pll ( at the folder of Webutil106).

3 File open Choose Webutil.olb

4 - From the object Nevigator object libraries right Click Choose object Library

5 Drag the (Webutil) icon from the object Library and drop it in the Object Navigator (on the Module name)

6 A message will apear choose subclass

7 Now you can add a push button to the form and in the (when-button-pressed) Add the following code : show_webutil_information (TRUE); with this button you can see the webutil's version information 8 Run the Form and press the button to see the result.

2 . .. Webutil form 1- Client_picture image item upload_picture 2- .. photo Control Block : upload_picture 3- declare v_file varchar2(250):= CLIENT_GET_FILE_NAME('','','gif Files | *.gif|JPG |*.JPG|' , 'Select a file to upload ' , open_file , True); image_id ITEM:=FIND_ITEM('photo.client_image'); begin CLIENT_IMAGE.READ_IMAGE_FILE(v_file , 'GIF', image_id);


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