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DISCUSSIONS Experiment 1 and 2

RMSvs speed
8.00E-05 7.00E-05 6.00E-05 5.00E-05 4.00E-05 3.00E-05 2.00E-05 1.00E-05 0.00E+ 00 300 550 750 950 1500 Norm al(E1) BearingFault(E2A) BearingFault and Unbalanced(E2B)


Graph 1: Graph RMS against speed of motor

The graph shows an RMS (measure of its amplitude) vs. Speed (rpm). From the above graph, all three graphs behave in the same pattern. The graphs show a slightly constant value of the RMS as the speed increases. When the speed increases, amplitude of the shaft oscillation does not change much. Although having the same pattern and slightly constant, the RMS value of both bearing fault deviates positively from the baseline value. The common fault of the deviation is due to the defected bearing race. From this graph, variation from the baseline indicates clearly that vibration is present.

CrestF actor vs S peed

3.00E-01 2.50E-01 2.00E-01 1.50E-01 Norm al(E1) BearingFault(E2A) BearingFault and Unbalanced(E2B)

o c a F t s e r C

1.00E-01 5.00E-02 0.00E+ 00 300 550 750 950 1500

Graph 2: Graph crest factor against speed of motor The graph shows that all 3 cases behave in variation between the speed and the crest factor. The variation of speed is a good method in detecting the how much impact has occurs in the system.

Peak-to-peakvs S peed
0.00016 0.00014 0.00012 0.0001 Norm al(E1) BearingFault(E2A) BearingFault and Unbalanced(E2B)

k a e oe P -t -p k a

0.00008 0.00006 0.00004 0.00002 0 300 550 750 950 1500

Graph 3: Graph peak-to-peak against speed of motor

Peak-to-peak value of a waveform is measured as the difference between the positive peak and the negative peak of the waveform. The higher the value of peak to peak means the higher displacement of the material.

The effect of change in the rotor location on the critical speed. From the experiment, the effects of disks/rotor location on critical speeds were studied. Result indicates that change in the rotor location will affect the critical speed. Changing the rotor affect the stiffness of the shaft. This is because from stiffness equation, length is proportional to the stiffness. On the other hand, change in stiffness will then affect natural frequency. The higher stiffness will result in higher natural frequency.

The effect of the unbalanced mass on the resonance. From the equation of natural frequency, mass is linearly proportional with natural frequency. Thus, adding an unbalanced mass to the rotor will shift its centre of gravity, also causing change in natural frequency. Natural frequency is related with the resonance frequency. Therefore, adding unbalanced mass to the system will change the resonance frequency.

The damaging effect of resonance and remedial actions. Induced vibrations at a system's resonance frequency cause it to oscillate. The periodic excitation transfers to the system the energy of the vibration and stores it there. Because of this repeated storage and additional energy input, the system swings ever more strongly, until its load limit is exceeded. Resonance occasionally causes a bridge to collapse, a helicopter to burst apart, or other inconveniences. In order to mitigate fully the resonance effect of a building or structure, engineers incorporate dampeners into the design to interrupt the resonant waves and prevent them from growing. For example, 'damping' devices that act like car shock-absorbers can be installed to counteract the resonance effect: they absorb some of the kinetic energy of the damaging effect of resonance and turn it into heat energy.

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