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Appendix A

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Appendix A SA CAA LOGBOOK 1. The following information shall be recorded in logbooks: 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. Full name and address of owner; Summary of previous flying experience, if any; Licence(s) held, with number(s).

Particulars of each actual or simulated flight: 2.1 2.2 Date (dd/mm/yyyy); The type or ICAO designator of the aircraft in which the flight was made, or the description or type of the simulator in which the simulated flight was made; The registration marks of the aircraft in which the flight was made, or the registration of the simulator in which the simulated flight was made; Name of pilot-in-command (PIC) or SELF; Operating capacity of the holder if not PIC; Name of safety pilot, if applicable; Name of simulator flight instructor, if applicable; Details of the flight and remarks as applicable;


2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.

Specification of pilot flight time experience acquired in any of the following categories: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Authorised flight training received from an appropriately rated flight instructor, recorded as Dual time; Student pilot flying solo; Pilot-in-command (PIC); Pilot-in-command under supervision (PICUS); Co-pilot; Authorised simulated flight training received in a flight simulator approved for the purpose from an appropriately rated simulator flight instructor; Flight instructor; Designated Flight Examiner, CAA Authorised Person or CAA Authorised Officer.

3.7 3.8 4.

Conditions of flight: 4.1 4.2 4.3 Day or night; Actual instrument conditions; Simulated instrument conditions either in flight or in a flight simulator approved for the purpose.


Recording of flight time: 5.1 Flight time shall be recorded in the categories as prescribed in sub-regulations (7) to (18) of regulation 61.01.8; Flight times should be recorded in hours and tenths of hours; When recording flight times, a clear distinction must be made between flight time acquired on different categories of aircraft; e.g. aeroplane, helicopter, etc.

5.2 5.3


When flight times are to be recorded 6.1 Entries in pilots logbooks shall be made within the periods prescribed in subregulation (3) of regulation 61.01.8.


Manner in which logbooks are to be maintained 7.1 In order to facilitate the issuing of licences, or the issuing and revalid-ation of ratings, a pilot shall summarise his or her logbook for the six or twelve months immediately preceding the date of application for


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the issue of a licence, or the issue or revalidation of a rating, as applicable; 7.2 In the case where no application, as referred to in paragraph (1), is made during a year, a pilot shall summarise his or her logbook at least annually.


Summaries must be signed and dated by the pilot and, where applicable, by the flight instructor or examiner. In the latter case, the flight instructor or examiner shall print clearly his or her name, and record his or her licence number. On each page, totals must be brought and carried forward, and grand totals recorded. Grand totals must be recorded in space provided therefor. The Details of flight and remarks column must be completed, showing 10.1 The exercises of the applicable practical flight instruction syllabus; or 10.2 In the case of navigation: the route flown; or 10.3 In the case of a general aviation or recreational aviation flight: the type of flight; 10.4 Whether the pilot-in-command acted as a flight instructor or a Designated Flight Examiner (DFE), Authorised Person or an Authorised Officer or Official Examiner (OE). 10.4 Any other information of importance related to the flight.




The Instrument flying column must be completed, showing the type and location of any navigational aid used while flying the aircraft with sole reference to its instruments. 11.1 Where a flight is conducted for the specific purpose of meeting maintenance of competency requirement, this must be recorded on the line of the particular flight; e.g. Reg. 61.04.11(1) complied with. Where currency was restored by means of a skill test or proficiency check, the entry Reg. xxx complied with shall be countersigned by the examiner.





INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 1. SA CATS 61.01 require holders of a flight crew licence to record details of all flights flown in a format acceptable to the SA Civil Aviation Authority responsible for licence or rating issue. This logbook


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enables pilot licence holders to record flying experience in a manner which will facilitate this process while providing a permanent record of the licence holders flying. Pilots who fly regularly aeroplanes and helicopters or other aircraft types are recommended to maintain separate logbooks for each type of flying. 2. 3. Flight crew logbook entries should be made as soon as practicable after any flight undertaken. All entries in the logbook shall be made in ink or indelible pencil. The particulars of every flight in the course of which the holder of a flight crew licence acts as a member of the operating crew of an aircraft are to be recorded in the appropriate columns using one line for each flight, provided that if an aircraft carries out a number of flights upon the same day returning on each occasion to the same place of departure and the interval between successive flights does not exceed thirty minutes, such series of flights may be recorded as a single entry. Flight time is recorded from the time the aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of taking off until the time the aircraft finally comes to rest after landing. When an aircraft carries two or more pilots as members of the operating crew, one of them shall, before the flight commences, be designated by the operator as the aircraft commander. The commander may delegate the conduct of the flight to another suitable qualified pilot. All flying carried out as commander shall be entered in the log book as pilot-in-command. A pilot flying as pilot-incommand under supervision or student pilot-in-command shall enter flying times as pilot-incommand but all such entries shall be certified by the commander or flight instructor in the Remarks column of the logbook.

4. 5.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Column 9 Column 10

Enter date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which the flight commences. Enter type of aircraft or Type or Classification of the CAA approved FSTD. Enter Registration Marks of aircraft or SA CAA authorisation number in the case of a FSTD. Enter name of pilot-in-command or SELF as appropriate and in the case of instruction, the name of the student. Enter details of flight. Instrument Time: Enter the navigational aid used. Instrument Time: Enter the place where the navigational aid was utilised. Instrument Time: Enter the actual Instrument Time Flown in hours and decimals of an hour (One hour 30 minutes is to be entered as 1.5). Instrument Time: Enter the FSTD Instrument Time flown in decimals of an hour (10 minutes is to be entered as 0.6). Instructor: Enter the time flown as an Instructor for Single Engine Aircraft (SE Civil). Ensure that the same flight time is entered as pilot-in-command time Column 15 or 18 as appropriate (PIC). Instructor: Enter the time flown as a civilian Instructor for Multi Engine Aircraft (ME Civil). Ensure that the same flight time is entered as pilot-in-command time Column 22 or 25 as appropriate (PIC). Instructor: Enter the time flown as an Instructor in a Flight Simulator Training Device (FSTD). Flight Simulator Training Device (FSTD): Enter the actual time flown in the FSTD. Flight Time: Enter the Dual time flown by day for single engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the pilot-in-command (PIC) time flown by day for single engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the pilot-in-command under supervision (PICUS) time flown by day for single engine aircraft. The pilot-in-command (PIC) should verify this time by signature in the Remarks column, Column 34. Flight Time: Enter the co-pilot time flown by day for single engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the Dual time flown by night for single engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the pilot-in-command (PIC) time flown by night for single engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the pilot-in-command under supervision (PICUS) time flown by night for single engine aircraft. The pilot-in-command (PIC) should verify this time by signature in the Remarks column, Column 34. Flight Time: Enter the co-pilot time flown by night for single engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the Dual time flown by day for multi engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the pilot-in-command (PIC) time flown by day for multi engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the pilot-in-command under supervision (PICUS) time flown by day for multi engine aircraft. The pilot-in-command (PIC) should verify this time by signature in the Remarks column, Column 34. Flight Time: Enter the co-pilot time flown by day for multi engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the Dual time flown by night for multi engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the pilot-in-command (PIC) time flown by night for multi engine aircraft. Flight Time: Enter the pilot-in-command under supervision (PICUS) time flown by night for multi engine aircraft. The pilot-in-command (PIC) should verify this time by signature in the Remarks column, Column 34. Flight Time: Enter the co-pilot time flown by night for multi engine aircraft. Take-offs/Landings: Enter the number of landings by day. Take-offs/Landings: Enter the number of landings by night.

Column 11

Column 12 Column 13 Column 14 Column 15 Column 16

Column 17 Column 18 Column 19 Column 20

Column 21 Column 22 Column 23 Column 24

Column 25 Column 26 Column 27 Column 28

Column 29 Column 30 Column 31


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Column 32

A pilot flying as pilot-in-command under supervision or student pilot-in-command shall enter flying times as pilot-in-command but all such entries shall be certified by the commander or flight instructor in the Remarks column of the logbook. Examples of other remarks that may be included are Cross country Take-offs/Landings


All Type and Class Ratings, Aircraft Conversions, Operator Proficiency Checks, Skills Tests or Revalidations are to be entered in the ENDORSEMENT section. The Instructor Initials and Name must be entered. The Instructors Pilot Licence Number must be entered. The Instructors Designation, e.g. Gr III, Gr II, Gr I, Designated Flight Examiner (DFE), Official Examiner (OE), Authorised Person or Authorised Officer must be entered. In the case of any training being carried out, the name of the affiliated Air Training Organisation (ATO) and its CAA Approval Number. The Date of the event. The Signature of the Instructor, Designated Flight Examiner (DFE), Official Examiner (OE), Authorised Person or Authorised Officer must be entered. The nature of the endorsement, e.g. Conversion to BE 55 successful.

7. 8. 9.

The totals of all flight time are to be entered at the bottom of the log in columns 8 to 29. These totals are to be brought forward to the top of each new page in columns 8 to 29. The sum of columns 13 to 29 is to be recorded as Total Flight Time. A record of previous experience is to be recorded on the page LOGBOOK SUMMARY.

Logbook Summary
(1) A/C Class or Type (2) Actual Time (3) FSTD Time (4) SE (5) Instructor ME FSTD (6) (7) FSTD Dual (8) (9) PIC (10) PICUS (11) CoPilot


Single Engine Day

(1) (12) Dual (13) PIC

(2) (14) PICUS

(3) (15) CoPilot

(4) (16) Dual

(5) (17) PIC

(6) (18) PICUS

(7) (19) CoPilot

(8) (20) Dual

(9) (21) PIC

(10) (22) PICUS

(11) (23) CoPilot

Single Engine Night

Multi Engine Day

Multi Engine Night


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(17) Hours







Total Flight Time

(1) DATE (DD/MM/ YYYY) (2) Type (3) Registration Marks (4) Pilot or Pilot in Command (5) Details of flight and remarks (6) Nav Aids (7) Place (8) Actual Time 47.0 0.5 (9) FSTD Time 22.1 (10) ME (11) SE (12) FSTD

Instrument Time


Totals brought forward 06/04/2007 08/04/2007 15/04/2007 20/04/2007 24/04/2007 28/04/2007 PC 12 BE 55 BE 200 BE 200 BE 200 C 172 ZS AGI ZS MON ZS ATE ZS ATE ZS CAK ZS LEX SELF A. Peters B. Rogers / SELF SELF B. Rogers / SELF SELF FALA FACT Conversion FALA FABL FALA FALA FALA FADN FALA FALA VOR VOR/ILS VOR/ILS BLV LIV DNV VOR/ILS CTV

0.3 1.0 0.2 1.4

Total Flight Time

877.2 Hours


49.0 (8)

22.1 (9) (10) (11)

213.4 (12)

(13) FSTD


(15) Day




(19) Night



Single engine aircraft

Dual 136.1

PIC 345.0 3.3

PICUS 61.0

Co-Pilot 50.0

Dual 12.2

PIC 27.2


Co-Pilot 10.2



136.1 (14)

349.7 (15) (25) (26)

61.0 (16) (27)

50.0 (17) (28)

12.2 (18) (29) (30)

27.2 (19) (31) (20)


10.2 (21) (32) Remarks



(24) Day

Multi engine aircraft Night CoPilot 105.0 Dual 5.0 PIC 7.0 PICUS 2.0 CoPilot 3.0

Take-offs Landings Day 302 1 Night 24

Dual 25.0 1.9 2.5

PIC 15.0

PICUS 35.0

1.0 2.7 1.0 2.5

5 2 2 2 3

3 Flying Safaris, Flying Safaris, B. Rogers B. Rogers

Gr II Instructor Test

29.4 (22)

15.0 (23)

41.2 (24)

105.0 (25)

5.1 (26)

7.0 (27)

2.0 (28)

3.0 (29)

317 (30)

27 (31)



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ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & A. Peters Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name ATO Number Date Signature 02701029459 DFE I (A) Air Africa CAA1007 08/04/07 A. Peters ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & B. Rogers Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name & Number ATO Name ATO Number Signature Instructor Initials & Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name & Number ATO Name ATO Number Signature 02703125431 Gr II N/A Air Africa CAA1007 B. Rogers ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name ATO Number Date Signature 6 monthly proficiency check for Flying Safaris Conversion onto BE 55 Successful

ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & P. Pocock Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name & Number ATO Number Date Signature 02702025461 DFE II (A) Air Africa CAA1007 20/04/2007 P. Pocock ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & J. De Kok Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name ATO Number Date Signature 02703229789 CAA Authorised Officer Air Africa CAA1007 28/04/07 J. De Kok ENDORSEMENT Gr III to Gr II Flight Instructor upgrade Annual IF Renewal

(1) DATE (DD/MM/ YYYY) (2) Type (3) Registration Marks (4) Pilot or Pilot in Command (5) Details of flight and remarks (6) Nav Aids (7) Place (8) Actual Time (9) FSTD Time (10) ME (11) Instructor SE FSTD (12) (13) FSTD

Instrument Time

Totals brought forward

Total Flight Time

874.7 Hours

Totals (8) (9) (20) (10) (11) (21) (12) (13)








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Single engine aircraft Day Dual PIC PICUS Co-Pilot Dual PIC Night PICUS Co-Pilot

(14) (22) (23) Day Dual PIC PICUS (24)

(15) (25)

(16) (26) (27)

(17) (28) Night

(18) (29)

(19) (30) (31)


(21) (32) Remarks

Multi engine aircraft CoPilot CoPilot

Take-offs Landings Day Night




(32) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name & Number ATO Number Date Signature ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & Name Pilot Licence Instructor Initials & Name Pilot Licence ENDORSEMENT

ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name ATO Number Date Signature


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Number Designation ATO Name & Number ATO Name ATO Number Signature ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name & Number ATO Name ATO Number Signature ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name & Number ATO Name ATO Number Signature

Number Designation ATO Name ATO Number Date Signature ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name ATO Number Date Signature ENDORSEMENT Instructor Initials & Name Pilot Licence Number Designation ATO Name ATO Number Date Signature

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