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CInIlIOn8 O lhC Ctm8 8nd ht88C8 O
mCtIC8n 8nd 1nglI8h JutI8gtudCnCC,
nCICnl 8nd mOdCtn
M113 lm111 1l1, m. .
lM bllLN
Ont||Out|ng AuthO|S
Associate Professor (L|nguistics),
Col|ege of Arts Sciences, Boston Co||ege
Professor of Law, Suffo|k University
Law School, Boston, MA
Cert|fied Pub||c Accountant, Bo|ton, MA
. PLL, NlMM.
LLl7MM , , , , , , YL lLLMP LL.
YOS bOllOgg OUlOV8fO
l.L. OX 4Z
. l8Ul, ND 4~Z
LIbrary of Congress CalaIogIng-In-PubIIcalIon Dala
l8CK, MODfy L8RDOll, ~Z.
[L8W OCOD8fyj
l8CKS l8W OCOD8fy / Dy MODQ L8RDOll l8CK. ~ D OO. / Dy
POl8D ... [O 8l.j
. CR.
P ~4~Z~A
. POl8D, JOSOD M. . lO.
4 .~CZ ~ZZ
I88N ~4~Z~A
I88N ~4~~4 OOlUXO
8CKS L8W |C|DR8|y D c0.
ZD0 C||D~J
D8 D6W bXlD dlUD 8lBO8 B 860UDd 06Dluty Ut B0K8 BW
L0lUDBtylD6 8lBDdBtd BulDUtly Ut 6gB d6DIlUD8 8D06 ldl.
6Bty 6V6t Bt6a U lD6 BW DB8 uDd6tgUu6 0DBDg6 BDd d6V6U
m6Dl 8D06 uD0BlUD U lD6 lD dlUD D ld1d. D8 6tUd m
866D BtlI0uBt 0DBDg6 BDd 6XBD8UD D 8u0D Bt6B8 B8 lBX, DBD06,
0Umm6t0B ltBD8B0lUD8, d6DlUt-0t6dlUt t6BlIUD8, lUtl IBDly, Cm
lD6 8lBlC8 0UDlIDuC lU Cg8BlC DCW tgDl8 BDO tCmCOIC8, lDC 0Outl8
BOUlIDg uDIOtm Ot mOOC uW8 uDO tuC8, uDO DCW 0uu8C8 O u0lIOD
uDO Cgu 0OD0Cl8 0ODlIDuC uDuDulCO.
CXBDO lO KCC u0C. DI8 Du8 DC0C88IlulCO DOl ODy u 8IgDII0BDl
Dul B8O u tCCXumIDulIOD O u CXI8lIDg CDltIC8 Ot 0uttCDlDC88 O CgB
u8BgC. DOI0BlIVC O lDI8 gtOWlD I8 lDul lDI8 DCW COIlIOD tCquItCO lDC
BddIlIOD Ot tCVI8IOD O OVCt ,UUU CgB WOtd8 BDO lCtm8. DOu8uDO8 O
OlDCt 0DuDgC8 WCtC tCquItCO lO uOutC Ot 8uCmCDl 8uOtlIDg 0Ilu-
lCtm8. D lDO8C ID8luD0C8 WDCtC ltuOIlIODu Cgu 0OD0Cl8 uDO OO0
mCDlCO Dy 0Outl OC0I8IOD8 Ot CgI8ulIOD, 8u0D OCVCOmCDl8 uDO
0DuDgC8 utC uy tCC0lCO. POOIlIODuy, DC0uu8C 8O muDy utCu8 O uW
BDO tB0lI0C utC DOW gOVCtDCO D uDIOtm Ot mOOC u0l8 uDO tuC8, 8u0D
mB]Ot 8Out0C8 O uW u8 lDC 1DIOtm LOmmCt0Iu LOOC, C8lulCmCDl8 O
lDC LuW, OOC CDu LOOC, uDO COCtu uC8 utC u tCC0lCO.
bImIBt, lDC gtOWlD uDO ImOtluD0C O COCtu uW8, WIlD lDCIt Imu0l
OD mullCt8 lDul WCtC ltuOIlIODuy 8lulC Ot O0B ID DBlutC, I8 CVIOCD0CO
COCtu u0l8, BgCD0IC8, OCutlmCDl8 uDO 0Outl8. LIKCWI8C, lDC CVCt
CXBDOIDg ImOtlBD0C O HDuD0Iu lCtmIDOOgy Du8 DC0C88IlulCO lD8
ID0u8IOD O DumCtOu8 DCW luX, HDuD0C, uDO u00OuDlIDg lCtm8.
Oul lO Iu8ltBlC DOW 8C0II0 lCtm9 utC u8CO Ot BICO ID VutIOu8 Cgu
C0Bu8C O lDC IDlCt-tCBlIOD8DI O 8O mBDy CgB WOtO8 BDO lCtm8,
lDC DumDCt O IDlCtDB 0tO88-tCCtCD0C8 DB8 DCCD gtCBly ID0tCB8CO.
O lDC9C guIOC8 I8 8Cl OtlD OD BgC8 VII-XIV WIlD B 8DOtlCt tODuD0IB
tCBtCO Dy JO8CD . OBD, P88O0IBlC Ju8lI0C, B88B0Du8Cll8 bu-
guIOC8 WCtC tCBtCO Dy .J. LODDOy, P88O0IBlC tOC88Ot O LIDguI8
lI08, O8lOD LOCgC. OtO8 BDO lCtm8 O lDC 1DIlCO IDgOOm WCtC
tCVI8CO BDO uOBlCO Dy tOC88Ot blCDCD L. MI0K8, buOK 1DIVCt8Ily
r nG WOrd O] LGulOn
DC BDguBgC O lDC BW I8 CVCt0DBDgIDg B8 lDC 0Outl8, LODgtC88,
lCtm8 BtC 8uD]C0l lO VBtIBlIOD8 tOm 8lBlC lO 8lBlC BDO BgBID 0BD OICt
uDOCt CO6tB BW8. P8U, lDC lyC O CgB I88uC, OI8ulC, Ot ltBD8B0lIOD
OI0lIODBty 8DOuO ODy DC u8CO B8 B ``8lBtlIDg OIDl Ot OCHDIlIOD8.
ddIlIUDB t68CBt0D 8DOuO UUW Ut 8lBlC Ot 6O6tB VBtIBlIUD8, Ot
utlD6t Ut Bl6t 0Uutl IDl6tt6lBlIUD8, BDO Ut 860IH0 BI0BlIUD8.
6Qu 8Uut068 Ut 8u6m6DlB t686Bt0D Bt6 ``UtO8 BDO DtB868
BDd b.
t. V8u, mnn.
du, Im
tBD8CtlUD by8lOm X
Lud6 lU tUDuDCBlUD bymDU8 X
Text ef De6ntttena m 1
DC LUD8llulUD U lDC 1DlCd blBlC8 1b33
mC LDBtl U lDC 1DlCd blBlC8 butCmC LUutl 1b1
LtgBDzlUDB LDBtl U 1DlCd blBlC8 LUVCtDmCDl 1b
BDC U tl8D CgDB 3CBt8 1bT
P mB]UPly U lDC LBlD lCPm8 D lD8 PCV8CO CdlUD U uCk8 uu
r88Crb8 B uDUPm PUDuD0BlUD. DCtC ulCtDulC tODuD0ulUD8 CX8l
BDO DUUg0By mUPC `utUtulC tODuD0ulOD gCDCtBy tC0CVC8 t8l
8lDg, DUWCVCt. DC CDltC8 tOVOC uD u00CluDC tODuD0ulOD D u
ltBD80tlOD 8y8lCm 0UmulDC WlD lDC mu]Ot VutClC8 O OtlD PmCt0uD
Dg8D uDO CXlCDOuDC lO OlDCt tODuD0ulOD8.
LC8lC l8 0ODlDuDg OC0DC u8 u WOtKDg uDguugC O 80DOut8D uDO
]ut8PuOCD0C, LulD 8l 8uC8 u OtmOuDC 8lO0K O Cgu lCtm8 uDO
Dtu8C8. DC uDly lO u8C u LulD Dtu8C 0OttC0ly uDO tODOuD0C l WlD
uulDUtly uDO 0OD88lCD0y DCODg8 lO lDC CqumCDl O u WC-tOuDOCO ]ut8l.
DU8C WDO u0luuy 8luOy LulD lOOuy, DOWCVCt, W D u tODuDly CutD
u tODuD0ulOD (ClDCt lDC tCOtmCO DOOgI0u Ot lDC 1luuDulC) ul Vut
uD0C WlD lDC PDgO-LulD 8y8lCm WD0D tCVu8 ID Cgu uDO mCO0u
8DCtC8. D]C0lOD O lDC `DCWCt 80DOO tODuD0ulOD8 u0luuy 8CtVC8 lO
D0tCu8C 0ODu8OD uDO uD0CtluDly. DCtC mu80uDC utu Gumn uDO
CmDDC utu Gumnu8 WCtC OD0C OCtCDlulCO D 8CC0D u8 JJmDuy
uDO JJmDy tC8C0lVCy, ODC WOC8tCuO VutuDl O lDC DOOgI0u tO
DuD0ulOD u0luuy r808r888 lDC OO8lOD WlD mu80uDC JJmDy uDO
CmDDC JJmDuy . DC 8lulu8 O GmCu8 CurG8, ltuOlODuy tODOuD0CO
JmByKJ8 Kytyy , DOW Du8 VutuDl8 / JmyKJ8 KutyBy / (uOulCO DOOg
0u), lumyKu8 Kuty6yl (luuDulC), uDO DumCtOu8 DyDtO8. P utumCDlu
tuD O lDC OO 80DOO, CtDu8 CVCD WC VCt8CO D LulD, uO]OutD8 u mCClDg
8n8 d8 8ByDy OByy / ODy lO DuVC u ]uDOt 0OCuguC 8uggC8l lDul lDC
`0UttC0l tODuD0ulOD 8 8yDCy OyCy /.
blt0ly 8CuKDg, O 0Out8C, uDy ullCml ul `0OttC0l tODuD0ulOD8 O
OtCgD lCtm8 0uD ul DC8l DC ODy WCuK utOXmulOD8. DC Dgu8l0
0ODlOtlOD8 O u ut8l ullCmlDg lO WCuVC OtCgD 8OuDO8 uDO DlODulOD8
DlO lDC lCXlutC O uD Dg8D 8CDlCD0C u8uuy 8ltKC u8 u8 COuDl0 Ot
uC0lCO. PlDOugD Juu8 LuC8ut muy DuVC tODOuD0CO D8 DumC 8OmClDDg
KC /yuWyu8 KBy8ut uDO ulCt OmuD8 muy DuVC 0uCO Dm /0D6yzut,
CW 8CBKCt8 O Dg8D DuVC u0C Ot uDylDDg OlDCt lDuD lDC PDgO-LulD
/ ]uW()yJ8 8yzJP .
DtCC mu]Ot 8y8lCm8 O LulD tODuD0ulOD, OulDCO DCOW, 0OCX8l D
lDC Dg8D-8CuKDg WOtO. u0D Du8 l8 tOCt 0ulutu uDO 80DOuty
0UDlCXl. DC r8]Orm8d (Ot n8u, Ot hOOgCu, Ot Omun) tODuD0ulOD
tCPC8CDl8 u mOOH0ulOD lO Dg8D 8CC0D DuDl8 O lDC tC0OD8ltu0lCO
8OuDO8 O LulD u8 l mu8l DuVC DCCD D lDC 0u880u CtOO. DOOgI8l8,
0B880B D8lOtBD8, BDO mO8l lCB0DCt8 O LBlD CmOy lD8 tODuD0BlOD D
lDCt tOC88ODB B0lVly. rngOGln (Ot Dg8D) tODuD0BlOD, lDC Otm
mO8l 0OmmODy CD0OuDlCtCO D BW, mCO0DC, lDC D8lutB 80CD0C8, BDO D
gCDCtB u8BgC, tCC0l8 lDC 0CDlutC8 O 8OuDO 0DBDgC lDBl Dg8D DB8
uDOCtgODC. PlDOugD l mBy DOl O88C88 lDC BulDCDl0ly O Dgu8l0
tC0OD8ltu0lOD, lDC PDgO-LBlD 8y8lCm CD]Oy8 lDC BulDOtly O B Ct8CVCtDg
BDO O8lD0l 0ulutB ltBOlOD. DC lGGnGl8 tODuD0BlOD OCtVC8 tOm
LBlDO08m (D0uOng 0BDOD BW), D mu80, D D8lOty, BDO D mCOCVB
8luOC8. Du8, B 80DOO mB8lCt mBy CBVC lDC 0B88tOOm, WDCtC DC DB8 ]u8l
lBugDl D8 u8 LBlD mCtBlVC8 D0uODg u8nl8 `0OmC WCDylC (tC
OPmCO DOOg0B), gO lO 0DBC lO tCDCBt8C WlD lDC 0DOt 8Bm 3 D
PDg0BD mOPDDg QPByCt, lDC Y8nl8 V0DByly (PDgO-LBlD), BDO lDCD
B0luBy 8Dg lDC lCXl D B LBlD 8CllDg B8 VCyDylCy K8ul6ymu8 . /
(lBBDBlC). B0D PODuD0BlOD 8 0OPPC0l D l8 OWD 0ODlCXl.
6 6Z8l, m &ddO00, V&t00 880040Q Qt00000&l008,
800B M lB6 Nhfmhl 006 00 W B &B0& 0 Ndd6
0@8B Mt&l0t6 md BMQ.
Ltter Refermed Pbtlelegtcal Italtanate Agle-Lattn
B lBl / B, , Cy, J, O/
D /Dl
C /Kl /CDl DCOtC /I, Cl /8, 8D, z, Kl
O /Ol
C lCy, Cl /C, Cy, J, I, Iyl
/ /
g lg/ DCOtC D /]l DCOtC /I, Cl /], gl
/gl C8CWDCtC /gl C8CWDCtC
/gl tODOuDCCO /
D /Dl /Dl Ot 8ICDl /Dl Ot 8ICDl
/Kl ID nh, mh
I /I, Iyl /I, Iy, uy, J/
] /yl /]l
K /Kl
m /ml
D /D, gl
O /O, OWl /O, u, J, OWl

qu /KWl
t /tl
8 l8/ / zl DClWCCD VOWC8 /8, z, 8D, zDl
/ 8l C8CWDCtC
l(D) /l / /l8l DCOtC u8 /l, O, 8D, CD/
VOWC8 CXCCl lh u8 /L/
ulCt S, l, X
/l / C8CWDCtC
u lu, uW, W/ /W / BlCt g OF ng /yuW, uW, u,
luWl C8CWDCtC yJ, J, I, W/
etter eformed Vhoogca Itaanate Ango-atn
X K8 k8, gz, z, 8
X 0D " k8D
y /I, Iy Iy Ot LmD u luy, Iy, I, y
z z z, Oz z
PllC8lCO Otm8 ID PDgO-LulID tODuD0IulIOD 8OmClImC8 uI lO 0OttC8ODO
ID quuIlulIVC Ot u00CDluu OCluI8 WIlD lDC Otm8 WC mIgDl CXC0l OD uD
ClymOOgI0u Ot 8y8lCmulI0 Du8I8. Du8,
bOnG ]d8 uCut8 u8 DOWDJ ByOIy ID8lCuO O DODJ OIy
ndu8lQ uCut8 u8 DOJ8ltIy ID8lCuO O IDO08ltIy
mnOr uCut8 u8 mByDJt ID8lCuO O mDJt, Cl0.
umCtOu8 OCVCOmCDl8 ID lDC 8OuDO 8y8lCm O DgI8D DuVC lCDOCO lO
OVCttIdC lDC CXC0lCO Otm8. PDuOgIC8 WIlD 8IDIDg Ot quu8I-8IDIDg Otm8
C8l `Il I8 CtmIllCO u8 By8Jl (0. I0CD8C) Ot 8Jl/ (0. Cl)
d8b8l `ODC mu8l u8 OyDJl Ot O6DJl (0. dCDIl uDO 0tCOIl)
CGu `lDOu 8DOuO8l 8CIzC 8 K6yIyJ8 (0. Cg8) Ot KIyJ8 (0.
BD@BgC lPBdlOD8 u8uuy PC8OVC 8u0D 0ODI0l8 D gOOd lImC, uVOPDg
`u8Bg6 OV6P `COPPC0lDC88, BDd lD6n POmly 0PCulC D6W 0OD0l8.
DC ltuD80tlOD 8y8lCm CmOyCO Ot lDC8C 8lDg8 8 OCtVCO tOm ODC
O lDC ltuOlODu DODCm0 uDuy8C8 O PmCt0uD Dg8D (tugCt-bmlD).
DC VuuC8 O lDC 8ymDO8 Vuty WlD 0ODlCXl, .C., lDCt 8C0H0 tODuD0u
lOD8 OCCDO OD lDC DulutC O lDC 8uttOuDODg 8OuDO8. DC tODuD0ulOD
DuDl8 O u DOtmu 8CuKCt O Dg8D W, DOWCVCt, D tu0l0uy u 0u8C8
8uy lDC u00u8lOmCO VutuDl8 Ot lDul 8CuKCt8 u8ugC lDC CCmCDl8
tC8CDlCO D lDC KCy utC 8uD8llulCO D u00OtOuD0C WlD lDC 8umC DO0u-
lOD8. D8 8y8lCm CDuDC8 lDC 8CuKCt8 O u tuDgC O OuC0l8 lO u8C ODC uDO
lDC 8umC ltuD80tlOD uDO yCl tOOu0C u tODuD0ulOD Dulutu lO \DCt
8CC0D. Ot lD8 tCu8OD, D uOOlOD lO lDC 0OD8OCtulOD8 gVCD uDOVC
0OD0CtDDg lDC ltCulmCDl O OtCgD lCtm8 D Dg8D, 8OuDO8 OtCgD lO
Dg8D DuVC DCCD tCtC8CDlCO Dy lDC 0u8lOmuty Dg8D 8uD8llulC8. Du8,
Ot CXumC, lDC VO0CC88 VCut t0ulVC O LCtmuD uCh WOuO DC tCDOCtCO
WlD u 8mC 8lO /Kl uDO tCD0D tODl tOuDOCO 8u WlD /yuW. CuOCt8
WDO W8D lO uC0l lDC OtCgD 8OuDO8 W HDO guOuD0C D lDCt OWD
Dgu8l0 CXCtCD0C Ot D lDC utOtulC gtummut8 uDO O0lODutC8.
bmuty, tCuOCt8 WDO tCCt tODuD0ulOD8 0O8Ct v lDC 8CDg lDuD
lDO8C tC8CDlCO DCtC 8DOuO CC tCC lO 8uD8llulC lDCt tCCtCD0C8, C.g.,
tC8lOtulOD O `u VOWC8 Ot uDu00CDlCO / J/ Ot CVCu lO tODOuD0Dg lDC l
D O]l8n. Duy, tCuOCt8 WDO utCuOy CC 8C0utC (Ot CVCD 8uCtOt) D lDCt
OWD tCDOCtDg8 O WOtO8 uDO Dtu8C8 8DOuO tCluD lDC8C. DC COlOt8 W
uWuy8 utC0ulC DOtmulOD OD O0u VutuDl8 uDO W WC0OmC 8uggC8
lOD8 Ot mtOVDg lDC ltuD80tlOD8.
DC tuDt08 (8Cl8 O CXumC8) uDOCt uDy gVCD mu]Ot 8ymDO 8DOuO
uWuy8 DC uCO n Ord8r. DC CutCt, mOtC 8C0H0 0ODlCXl8 luKC tCCt-
CD0C OVCt lDC ulCt, `C8CWDCtC VutuDl.
DC 8C0u 8ymDO8
/&/ (u8D) // (COD) /J/ (80DWu) /g/ (uDgmu) (L/ (lDClu)
uCut tC8C0lVCy ulCt
lul /Ol lC/ /Dl /l /
DC tCuOCt W, O 0Out8C, DC uWutC lDul lDC ltuD80tlOD 8ymDO8 OO
DOl DC0C88uty DuVC lDC 8umC uDuDCl0 VuuC8 u8 D Dg8D. ulDCt, lDC
8ymDO8 mu8l DC VCWCO u8 utDltuty 8gD8, ulDOugD D muDy 0u8C8 lDCt
Otm8 W uO lDC u8Ct D tCmCmDCtDg uDO u88O0ulDg lDC KCy 8OuDO8 uDO

/8/ 8S H lD D0l0 Q0O0H5 0 80, 00, /&/ l0 /l&/
DB, D,T0 /D& / D@B /D&/ mSl, Sl, ll /&l/
008 /80y0/
/8W/ 8S H 00l /&Wl/ D0W /D&W/
/8I/ 8S H D8tK /D&IK/ C8t /K&I /
/8/ lS0WDI 85 H 8lDI /&0I/. H H8H 08lCl5 0HlC8l WlD /D/.
/R/ 8S H C8l /KRl/
/D/ 8S H Dll /D/
/CD/ 85 H 0Bll /CD/ 0BUICD /CD0ICD/ H8tUI /HCD0I/
/0/ 8S H 0ll /0/ O0I /W00I/,
H H8H 08lClS b0ff0r, b0dd0r H8 D0lD 8QQ8I 8S /D00I/
// 8S H tBS /S/ SH00tB /SHW/ tB0U /&W/
H0l l0 D C0HUS0 WlD /U/
// 8S H lD0 // H8K /HK/ Sm, S8 /Sl/ H0@B, H8 /H/
/BI/ 8S H 0M0I /DI0I/ H0M /HDI/. H 08lClS WDI /DI/
S H0l 0SlHCl I0H /I/ lD0 08CIlC /D/ H8 D gH0I0.
/0I/ 8S H lD0t0, lD0B /0I/ , 0'0t /I/
// lSWDI 8S H 00ll /0l/ Dl /Dl/
/0BI/ 8S D CBMDl /K0DI0Hl/. H 08l0ClS WD0I /0DI/ S H0l 0SlDCl
I0H /0I / lD0 08CIlC /D/ H8 D0 gD0I0.
/0I/ 85 H HW00t /H0I00I/ W0t0 /W0I/ H0lD0t /H&I/
W0tl0 /W0Il0/ WDU /(D)W0I/
/0/ /0/ (WlD 0tBI QOH8Q 0I SC0H08Q SlISS) 8S H D0l, D0ll /D0l/
D00 /DM/ 8DV / 0D0V/
/0/ 0S0WB0I (UDSlISS0) 8S D S08 /SW0/ 8H0lDI /0DI/
// 8S H ll, Bl // I0U@B /D/

/g/ 8lW8y5 `D8I0 85 D @8ll /gl/ 8Ul /g/ l8@ /g/
/D/ 85 5lHl 08CIlC H COHDH8lOD5 /DI 0DI, DI, ODI/ 8D0 /CD, 5D, ZD/
OlDIW5 85 D Bll /D/ HOU5BOl /H&W5-DWl/
/y / 85 D H8CDD /H05DyD/ D0, D%, 08 /D / 08CD /yCD/
/DI/ 85 D ttg8l /DI0gyl/ 5Qtl /5QDI0l/. H 08lCl5 WDI
/DI/ 5 DOl 05lDCl IOH /I / lD 08CIlC /D/ H8y D gHOI0.
/I/ 85 D Q0t, Q%t /QI/ D08t, D0t0 /DI/
// l5WDI 85 D 5l /5l/ QI0lly /QIty /
/j/ 85 D Jll /j/ @DIal /jD{0)I0l/ 0@ /j/ 5Ol0I /5Wlj0I/
C8II8@ /KI0j/
/K/ 85 D Kll /K/ COOl /KWl/
// 85 D L /l/
/H/ 85 D mll /H/
/H/ 85 D Bl /D/
/g/ 85 n lD0@ /Ug/ 50@t /5gI/ BgI /gg0I/
/Oy/ 85 H D0 /Dy/ D05 /DyZ/
/OW/ 85 H KH0W /HW/ 50W, 50, 50W {50) /5W/
/ODI / 85 D 0tgH /HI0D/ D0MOW /DDIOW /. H 08lCl5 WDI
/ ODI/ 5 HOl 05lHCl IOH /OI / lD 08CIlC /D/ H8y D gHOI0.
/OI/ 85 D D0t0, D08t /DI / C0Bt5, C05 /KI5/
/D/ l5WDI 85 H I0l, WI0B@Bl /Il/ W8l /Wl/ 0B@l, 8Ql /l/
l8W /
/. bOH 08lCl5 Htg /D/ 8H0/8/ WD OlDtS lt08l 0gD-
lDOHg8l 5QllHg5 85 /D/ DUl OlDI5 85 /8/.
/Q/ 85 H gll /Q/ lg /lQ/
/I / 85 D tll /I/. b 8l5O lD COlOIHg UHClOH O /I / H 0QDlDOHgS
/8I, {D)I, 0(D)I, {D)I, O{D)I, UI/.

/SD/ 8S H SB /SD/ SUgaI /Shug0I/ SSU /ShyUW/
/S/ 8S H S /S / 0ly /S0y/
/l / 8S H t /l/ Dt /Dl/
/U/ 8S H tBH /UH/ tB0UgDl /dl/ H0l l0 D C0HUS0 WlD / /.
0fh0r /yI/
0fh0r /yI/
/UW / 8S H l0, lW0 /lW/ lDI0B@B, lDI0W /UIW/ CIB0 /KIW0/
/UI/ 8S H jBQ /jIy/ Q0t /QI/
/U/ SWDI 8S H Q0l /Qul/ g00 /gu0/ C000 /Ku0/
/W / 8S H W /W/ W8lDI /WI/. b aS0 lh UHCl0H 0 /W /
H 0QDlD0HgS /8W, 0W, UW/.
/ / 8S H S /S/ BH0H /yWHy0H/. b aS0 lD UHCl0H 0 /y /
H 0QDlD0HgS /8y, y, y, 0/.
/ZD/ 8S H L0Cl0I ZBV8g0 /0K10I ZD0V&g0W/ Q8SUI /QZD0I/
g8I8@ /g0I&ZD/ (H S0H 08ClS /&j/)
/Z/ 8S H Z00 /ZW/ I0S, I0WS (HS) /IWZ/ H0QD0H /ZH00H/
f00gr8phC /l0gIR0K/
f00gr8m /l0gIRH/
( } `H8 HCU0 0I XCU0, 0Ql0H8 HHlS
.g. n0w /H()W / QI0H0UHC0 lDI /HyW / 0I /HW/
r8fO /ISD()0W/ QI0H0UHC0 /ISDy0W / 0I /ISD0W /
`8H0 lD ISl lD8l QI0C0S100WS, IQ8CS 00HlC8 g8MS O V8M8Hl
.g. 8umn /0l0HH8/H/ /0l0HH8/ 0I /00HH/
nf0r 8O8 /Hl0I ()0WS/Rl /
/HUt ()y0WS/ 0I /Hl0I R()0WS/
h8b088 COQu8 /DD0S KQS/DDZ /
1 1\1\^`
D17M 111l

P. 1he rst letter n the Knglsh and most other alpha

bets derved trom the Koman or Latn alphabet,whch
was one ot several ancent talan aphabets derved
trom the Greek,whch was an adaptaton ot the hoen-
can. 1he rst etter n th hoencan aphabet was
caledoleh,meanng'ox",whchsalso the meanng ot
therstetter n theGreekaphabet,olho. Alhoand
the second etter ot the Greek aphabet, eto, were
combned to torm 'aphabet," whch s argey the same
n dtterent anguages.
A tu Lottu oud lo Lottu. AngoAmercn aw
abounds n Latn and rench words and phrases, and
the use ot A n these anguages s mportant to the
Kngsh-speakng awyer. n Latn 'A" was used both
as an abbrevaton and as a symbo or exampe 'A"
was an abbrevaton tor 'Auus," a praenomen,or the
rst ot the usua three names ot a person by whch he
was dstngushed trom others ot the same tamy; aso
tor 'ante" n 'a.d.," oute dtem metore the day),and tor
'anno" (year) n a.u.c.,ouuo urts coudttoe (the year ot
the buldng ot the cty) and n ouuo o ure coudtto
(trom the year ot the budng ot the cty). As a prepos-
ton,the torm was ether , or ABb. A was used
betore consonants; ab was usuay used betore vowes,
but sometmes betore consonants,whereas abs was used
betore 'c" or 't." 1he meanng was 'trom," 'away
trom," 'on the sde ot," 'at," 'atter," 'snce," 'by," 'by
means ot," 'out ot," 'wth reterence to," 'n regard ot,"
'near by," and 'aong." or exampe,A Jrouten tront;
o tergo, trom behnd; o uertttto, trom youth; o sole
ore, trom or at sunrse; o tutestoto, wthout a w,
ntestate. n aw Latn, 'a" means 'by," 'wth,"
'trom," 'n," 'ot," and 'on," and AB means 'by,"
'trom," and 'n".
A tu 1reuch oud lo1euch. n rench A s a prepos-
ton,the meanng ot whch argey depends on context.
t s usuay transated as 'nto," 'at," 'to," 'n," 'by,"
'ot," 'wth," 'on," 'trom," 'tor," 'under," 't," 'wth-
n," 'between," etc. t also changes nto ou and oux
when combned wth 'the." A s also the thrd person,
snguar number,present tense,ndcatve mood ot the
verbouotr, (to have) 1o(he has). nawrench 'a s
used as a preposton meanng 'at," 'tor," 'n," 'ot,"
'on," 'to," and 'wth."
1he word 'a" has varyng meanngs and uses. 'A"
means 'one" or 'any," but ess emphatcaly than e-
ther. t may meanonewhere onyone s ntended,or t
may mean any one ot a great number. t s placed
betore nouns ot the snguar number,denotng an nd-
vdual object or guaty ndvduazed.

1heartcle 'a"snotnecessarya sngular term; t s
otten used n the sense ot any" and s then appled to
more than one ndvdual object. Lw v. bpes, 4J
AD.2d TJ4, J N.Y.b.2d J4, JT. bo under a statute
provdng that the ssuance ot 'a" certcate to one
carrer should not bar a certcate to another over the
same route,a certcate coud be granted to more than
two carrers over the same route. btate ex re Lrown
Loach Lo. v. ubc bervce Lommsson,2J Mo.App.
2T, JT9 b.W.2d J2J, J2T. Aso, artce 'a" n statute
makng t a crme tor a person to have n hs possesson
a competed check wth ntent to detraud ncudes the
pura. eope v. Larter,T L.A.Jd ,J42 LaKptr.
JT, 2. But the meanng depends on context. o
exampe,n Workers` Lompensaton Act, on, or n or
about 'a" raway, tactory, etc., was hed not to mean
any raway,tactory,etc.,but the raway,tactory,etc.,
ot the empoyer. Wherethe awreguredthe deveryot
a copy ot a notce to husband and a copy to wte,the
sherts returnthat he had devered 'a copy" to hus-
band and wte was nsutcent. btate v. Davs,1ex.Lv.
App.,JJ9 b.W.2d J,4.
A . Agrcutura AdjustmentAct; Amercan Account-
ng Assocaton; Amercan Arbtraton Assocaton.
P.P.L. Auuo oute hrtstum, the year betore Lhrst.
P.P.L.D. Auuo oute Chrtstum uotum, he year betore
the brth ot Lhrst.
P. Assocaton ot Amercan Law bchoos.
P uVet et teDet /ey eyvor et tenor/. L. r. (L. Lat.
hoeudum et teueudum.) 1o have and to hod. A ouer
etteuero luyetoseshetres, o tou)oum,-t have and
to hod to hm and hs hers torever.
PO. 1he eeventh month ot the Jewsh cv year, and
the tthot the sacred year. t answers tothemoon that
begns n Juy,and conssts ot thrty days. n the 24th
s observed a teast n memory ot the aboshment ot the
badduceanaw,whch reguredsonsanddaughtersto be
egua hers and heresses ot ther parents` estates.
Ab, at the begnnng ot Kngsh-baxon names ot
paces, s generay a contracton ot abbot or abbey;
whence t s nterred that those paces once had an
abby there,or beonged to one esewhere,as Abngdon
n Berkshre.
P.. Abe-boded seaman. or the regurements otabe
seaman, see 4 U.b.L.A. TJ et se. Aso orttum
occoloureus, bacheor ot arts. n Kngand and U.b.,
generay wrtten B. A. See Able-bodied.
P..P. Amercan Bar Assocaton.
PU; PUt. Abrdgment.
PU BU090 B0 MM D0D VBBt C0D9Bg0BDtB /ab
obyuwz(y)uw ad yuwzom non vt kon-
sokwensh(y)o/. A concuson as to the use ot a thng
trom ts abuse s nvad.
PUBC9t orBUBC9tB / bossto/. A caster otaccounts,an
PUBCt0D / okshon/. A carryng away by voence.
PU BCt9 / b ktos/. Lat. An omcer havng charge ot
octo, pubc records,regsters,journas,or mnutes. An
omcer who entered on record the octo or proceedngs ot
a court; a cerk ot court; a notary or actuary. bee
cto dtumo'' 1hs,and the smary tormed epthets
u coucellts, u secretts, u ltellts, were aso ancenty the
ttesotachanceor (coucellortusJn theeary hstory ot
that otce.
PUBCt0t / bktor /. A steaer and drver away ot catte
or beasts by herds or n great numbers at once, as
dstngushed trom a person who steas a snge anma
or beast. Aso caed otgeus, g.u.
PU BgBD00 / b eyjendow /. Dsabed trom actng; un-
abe to act; ncapactated tor busness or trasactons ot
any knd.
P..P.. Amercan Bar Assocaton Journa.
PUBBDBtB / obeyyoneyt/. 1o transter nterest or tte.
PUBBDBt0 /obeyyoneysh(y)ow/. n Koman aw,the
pertect conveyance or transter ot property trom one
Koman ctzen to another. 1hs term gave pace to the
smpe olteuotto, whch s used n the Dgest and nst-
tutes,as we as n the teuda aw,and trom whch the
Kngsh 'aenaton" has been tormed.
PUBBDBt0D /abeyyoneyshon/. n the cv aw, a
makng over ot reaty, or chattes to another by due
course ot aw.
PUBmtB /obmoto/. n the cv aw, a great-great-
grandtather`s sster (oout sororJ. Laed omtto moxt-
PUBD00D. 1o desert, surrender, torsake, or cede. 1o
rengush or gve up wth ntent ot never agan resum-
ng one`srght or nterest. 1ogveuportocease to use.
1o gve up absoutey; to torsake entrey; to renounce
uttery; to rengush a cnnecton wth or concern n;
to desert. t ncudes the ntenton,and aso the exter-
na act by whch t s carred nto ettect.
PUBD00DB0 gt0gBtt. roperty over whch the owner
has gven up domnon and contro wth no ntenton ot
recoverng t. See olo Abandonment.
PUBD00DBB. A party to whom a rght or property s
abandoned or rengushed by another. 1erm s apped
u the nsurers ot vesses and cargoes.
PUBD00DmBDt. 1he surrender, rengushment, ds-
camer,or cesson ot property or ot rghts. Vountary
rengushment ot a rght,tte,cam and possesson,
wth the ntenton ot not recamng t. btate v. Baey,
9T N.J.buper. J9,2J A.2d 2J4,2J. 1he gvng upota
thng absoutey, wthout reterence to any partcuar
person or purpose,as vacatng property wth the nten-
ton ot not returnng,so that t may be approrated by
the next comer or nder. 1he vountary rengush-
ment ot possesson ot thng by owner wth ntenton ot
termnatng hs ownershp,but wthout vestng t n any
other person. Dober v. Ukase nv. Lo.,JJ9 r. 2,J
.2d J,JT. 1he rengushng ot a tte,possesson,
or cam, or a vrtua, ntentona throwng away ot
1erm ncudes both the ntenton to abandon and the
externa actby whch thententons carred nto ettect.
n determnng whether one has abandoned hsproperty
or rghts,the ntenton sthe rst and paramount object
otngury,or there can be no abandoment wthout the
ntentontoabandon. Koebuckv. Mecosta Lounty Koad
Lommsson, 9 Mch.App. J2, 229 N..2d J4J, J4.
Generay,'abandonment"canarse trom asngeact or
trom a seres ot acts. Hoy H Lumber Lo. v. Grooms,
J9 b.L. JJ,J b.K.2d J,2J.
1me s not an essenta eement ot act,athough the
apse ot tme may be evdence ot an ntenton u aban-
don, and where t s accompaned by acts mantestng
such an ntenton,t may be consdered n determnng
whether there has been an abandonment. Uman ex
re. Kramo v. ayne,J2T Lonn. 2J9,J A.2d 2,2T.
'Abandonment"dtters trom surrendernthat surren-
der regures an agreement, and aso trom torteture,
n that torteture may be aganst the ntenton ot the
party aeged to have torteted.
Seeolo Desertion; Discharge; Re|ease; Waiver.
Acttous, tugeueml. aure to prosecute or brng acton
wthn statutory prescrbed perod (se Limitations (Stot
ute oJ ltmttottousI , taure to object to or submt jury
nstructons (ed.K. Lv . J); taure to demand jury
tra (ed.K. Lv . J).
Adueme ossesstou. 1o destroy contnuty ot adverse
camant`s possesson,there must be an ntent to ren-
gush cam ot ownershp as we as an act ot rengush-
ment ot possesson and mere temporary absence s not
sutcent. Bruch v. Benedct, 2 Wyo. 2JJ, J .2d
Asstgumeut oJermr. aure to object at tra. Meyer
v. Hendrx,JJJ .App. ,JT N.K.2d 44,44. Krror
not presented n bret. Koubay v. Unted btates,L.L.A.
La., JJ .2d 49, . Krror not supported by pont,
argument or authorty. Lone v. Arss,J Wash.2d ,
J2 .2d 9J,9J. bee ed.K.Lv roc. 4 (Kxceptons
Chtldreu. Deserton or wtu torsakng. oregong
parenta dutes. Wrght v. tzgbbons,J9 Mss. 4TJ,
2J bo.2d T9,TJ. Seeolo Desertion.
Coutmc. 1o consttute 'abandonment" by conduct,
acton reed on must be postve,decsve,uneguvoca,
and nconsstent wth the exstence ot the contract.
Abandonment s a matter ot ntent,Lohnv.etcher
Lo.,JLa.App.2d 2,J .2d ,T,and mpes not
only nonpertormance, but an ntent not to pertorm
whchmaybenterred tromactswhch necessarypont
to actua abandonment.
Coyrtght. 'Abandonment" ot a copyrght turns on
stateotmndot copyrght propretorandoccurs whenev-
er he engages n some overt acton whch mantests hs
purpose tosurrender hs rghts n the work and to aow
the pubc to enjoy t. Kexnord,nc. v. Modern Han-
dng bystems, nc., D.L.De., JT9 .bupp. JJ9, JJ99.
Crtmtuoloc. 'Abandonment"can reeve one ot crm-
na responsblty where crmna enterprse s cut short
by change ot heart, deserton ot crmna purpose,
change ot behavor, and rsng revuson tor harm n-
tended,an mustoccur btore crmna actchargeds n
the processot consummaton orhasbecome sonevtabe
that t cannot reasonaby be delayed. ye v. btate,
nd., 4T N.K.2d J24, J2. bee Mode ena Lode
.J(4) (renuncaton ot crmna purpose).
uemeuts. 1o establsh 'abandonment" ot an ease-
ment created by deed,there must be some conduct on
part ot owner ot servent estate adverse toand nconsst-
ent wth exstence ot easement and contnung tor statu-
tory perod, or nonuser must be accompaned by un-
eguvoca and decsve acts ceary ndcatng an ntent
on part ot owner ot easement to abandon use ot t.
ermat cessaton ot use or enjoyment wth no nten-
ton to resue or recam. ntenton and competed act
are both essenta. A mere temporary or occasona
obstructo or use ot an easement by the servent owner
s not an 'abandonment". Gerber v. Appe,Mo.App.,
J4 b.W`d 22,22.
_ Uuud Jor dtuorce. 'Abandonment" as cause tor d-

vorce must be wtu and ntentona wthout ntenton

ot returnng,and wthout consent ot spouse abandoned.
1hs ground s comony termed 'deserton" n state
dvorce statutes. See olo esedion.
1uueuttous. 1he gvng up ot rghts by nventor, as
where he surrenders hs dea or dscovery or rengush-
es the ntenton ot pertectng hs nventon, and so
throws t open to the pubc, or where he neggenty
postpones the asserton ot hs cams or tas to appy tor
a patent, and aows the pubc to use hs nventon.
Klectrc btorage Battery Lo. v. bhmazu,a.,JT U.b.
,JJ,J,9 b.Lt. T,J,J L.Kd. JTJ.
Leues tu geuerol. 1o consttute an 'abandonment" ot
eased premses,there must be an asoute rengush-
ment ot premses by tenant consstng ot act and nten-
Mueml leues. 'Abandonment" conssts ot an actua
act ot rengushment,accompaned wth the ntent and
purpose permanenty to gve up a cam and rght ot
property. A dstncton exsts between 'abandonment"
and 'surrender" whch s the rengushment ot a thng
or a property rght thereto to another,whch s not an
essental eement ot abandonment. Dstncton aso ex-
sts between eements ot 'abandonment" and those ot
estoppel. Nether torma surrender ot o and gas ease
nor reeases necessary to ettectuate'abandonment; tor
exampe,tang to startwork under the ease tor more
than 4years,Lhapmanv. LontnentallLo.,149 an.
22,9 .2d JJ, J4; breach ot mped obgaton to
proceed wth search and deveopment ot land wth rea-
sonabe dgence,Wood v. Arkansas ue Lo.,D.L.
Ark.,4 .bupp. 42,4; no drng on eased and tor
more than two years,and taure to pay rentals,Kehart
v. Kossner,4 La.App.2d 4,JJ9 .2d J4,J4; draw-
ng ot casng trom we wth no ntenton ot repacng t,
have a been hed to consttute 'abandonment". But
there must be an ntenton by essee to relngush eased
premses,Larter Lo. v.Mtche,L.L.A.k.,J.2d
94,9,9J; or an ntenton not to dr,Larter Lo.
v. Mtche, L.L.A.k., J .2d 94, 9, 9J. And
ceasng ot operatons s not aone sumcent. sher v.
Dxon,J k T,J .2d TT,TTT.
UJJtce. Abandonment ot a pubc otce s a speces ot
resgnaton,but dtters trom resgnaton n that resgna-
ton s a torma rengushment,whe abandonment s a
vountary rengushment through nonuser. t s not
whoy a matter ot ntenton,but may resut trom the
compete abandonment ot dutes ot such a contnuance
that the aw w nter a rengushment. t must be
tota,and under such crcumstances as ceary to nd-
cate an absoute rengushment; and whether anotcer
has abandonedan omc depends on hs overt acts rather
than hs decared ntenton. t mpes nonuser, but
nonuser does not,ot tsetconsttuteabandonment. 1he
taure to pertorm the dutes pertanng to the otce
must be wth actua or mputed ntenton on the part ot
the omcer to abandon and rengush the otce. 1he
ntenton may be nterred trom the acts and conduct ot
the party,and s a gueston ot tact. Abandonment may
resut trom an acguescence by the omcer n hs wrong-
tu remova or dscharge,but,as n other cases ot aban-
donment,the gueston ot ntenton s nvoved. McLa
v. Lu,J Arz. 2JT,T .2d 9,9.
Poteuts. 1here may be an abandonment ot a patent,
where the nventor dedcates t to the pubc use; and
ths may be shown by hs taure to sue ntrngers,se
censes,or otherwse make ettorts to realze a persona
advantage trom hs patent. bandn v. Johnson,L.L.A.
Mo.,J4J .2d . A person may not be dprved ot a
patent as a resut ot the earer work ot another t that
work has been abandoned,suppemented,or conceaed.
J U.b.L.A. J2(g).
!oerty. 'Abandoned property" n a ega sense s that
to whch ower has rengushed a rght,tte,clam,
and possesson, but wthout vestng t n any other
person, and wth no ntenton ot not recamng t or
resumng ts ownershp,possesson or enjoyment n the
tuture. Lom. v. Larter,2J a.buper. JT,J44 A.2d 99,
9J. 1here must be concurrenceot act and ntent,tat
s,the act ot eavng the premsesorpropertyvacant,so
that t may be approprated by the next comer,and the
ntenton ot not returnng. Kengushment ot a tte,
possesson, or cam; a vrtua ntentona throwng
away ot property. Kx parte bczyge,bup.,J N.Y.b.2d
99, T2.
Rtgh tu geueml. 1he rengushment ot a rght. t
mpes some act ot rengushment done by the owner
wthout regard to any tuture possesson by hmset, or
by any other person, but wth an ntenton to abandon.
Todemorks oud trode uom. 1here must be not ony
nonuser, but aso an ntent to abandon and to gVe up
use ot trademarks permanenty. NeVa-WetLorporaton
ot Amerca V. NeVer Wet rocessng Lorporaton, 2TT
N.Y. JJ, JJ N.K.2d T, TJ.
oterrtgh. P apped towater rghtsmay bedened
to be an ntentona rengushment ot a known rght.
U snot basedona tme eement, and mere nonuserw
not estabsh 'abandonment" tor any ess tme, at east,
than statutory perod, controng eement n 'abandon-
ment" beng matterotntent. Hammond V.Johnson, 94
Utah 2, .2d 94, 99. 1o desert or torsake rght.
1he ntent and an actua rengushment must concur.
Loncurrence ot rengushment ot possesson, and ntent
not to resume t tor beneca use. Nether aone s
sumcent. snes LVestock Lo. V. Warren, JJ Mont.
24, 2 .2d 2, 2JJ.
PUBD00D, BUBD00m, or BUBD00D0m / obndon|om)/.
Anythng seguestered, proscrbed, or abandoned Aou
do t. e., tu ouuum r mtsso, a thng banned or
denounced as torteted or ot, whence to ooudou,
dert, or Jooke, as ost and gone.
PU BDtB /b nty /. Lat. Betore; n adVance. 1hus, a
egsature cannot agree o oute to any modcaton or
amendment to a aw whch a thrd rson may make.
PU BDtBCo0BDtB / b nsydenty /. Lat. Betorehand;
n adVance.
PU BDtg00 / b anykwow /. rom od tmes; trom
ancent tme; ot od; ot an ancent date. J B.Lomm.
PUBtB /barnery /. Lat. 1odscoVerand dscose to
a magstrate any secret crme.
PU B990Bt9 D0D t Q0tB / b oswytos non t
njuryo/. rom thngs to whch one s accustomed |or
n whch there has ben ong acguescence) no ega
njury or wrong arses. t a person negects to nsst on
hs rght, he s deemed to haVe abandoned t.
PUBtBUB D09BDCB. A nusance whch s practcay
susceptbe ot beng suppressed, or extngushed, or ren-
dered harmess, and whose contnued extence s not
autorzed under the aw. ort Worth & DenVer Lty
Ky. Lo. V. Muncy, 1ex.LV.App., JJ b.W.2d 49J, 494.
PUBtBmBDt0m /obeytomentom/. L. Lat. n od Kngsh
aw, an abatement ot treehod; an entry upon ands by
way ot nterposton between the death ot the ancestor
and the enry ot the her.
PUBtBtB / botery/. 1o abate.
PUBtB. 1o throw down, to beat down, destroy, guash.
1o do away wth or nuty or essen or dmnsh. n re
bteVens` Kstate, La.App., J .2d J, J4. 1o brng
entrey down or demosh, to put an end to, to do away
wth, to nuty, to make Vod, bparks Mng Lo. V.
owe, 2J Ky. 9, J4J b.W.2d T, TT. Seeaso Abate-
ment; Abatement of action.
PUBtBmBDt. A reducton, a decrease, or a dmnuton.
1he suspenson or cessaton, n whoe or n part, ot a
contnung charge, such as rent.
Legoct. A proportona dmnuton or reducton otthe
pecuna egaces, when the tunds or assets out ot
whch such egaces are payabe are not sutcent topay
them n tu. Untorm robate Lode, J-92. e
Ademption, tuJm, as to specc egaces and deVses.
^utsouce. See Nuisance.
Pleo tu ootemeut. See Plea.
Toxes. Dmnuton or decrease n the amount ot tax
mposed. Abatement ot taxes reeVes property ot ts
share ot the burdens ot taxaton atter the aessment
has been made and the tax eVed. bheppard V. Hdago
Lounty, J2 1ex. , J b.W2d 49, T.
PUBtBmBDt 0 BCt0D. Abatement s an entre oVer-
throw or destructon otthe sutsothat t sguashed and
ended. LarVer V. btate, 2JT 1enn. 42, J9 b.W.2d TJ9.
See Dismissa|; Vacate.
eas n abatement haVe been abshed by ed.K.
LV . T|c); such beng repaced by a moton to dsmss
under Kue 4J. n certan states howeVer ths pea st
exsts to attack jursdcton, or serVce ot process, or to
aege that a pror acton between the same partes
concernng the same subject matter s pendng.
PUBt0t /obeytor/. n rea property aw, a stranger who,
haVng no rght ot entry, contrVes to get psesson ot
an estate ot treehod, to the prejudce ot the her or
deVsee, betore the atter can enter, atter the ancestor's
death. n the aw ot torts, one who abates, prostrates,
or destroys a nusance.
PUBt00B / botyuwdo/. Anythng dmnshed. Moueto
ootudo s money cpped or dmnshed n Vaue.
PUBVB /obVyo/. Lat. n the cV aw, a great-great-
PUBVtB /obmoto/. A great-great-grandtather's sster.
1hs s a msspeng tor oomtto (. u.J.
PUBV0DC009 /boVkyoos/. Lat. n the cV aw, a
great-great-grandmother's brother (ououtoe JmterJ.
Laed ouuuculus moxtmus.
PUBV09 /boVos/. Lat. n the cV aw, a great-great
PUUBCDBtB / bosonery /. 1o bnd by pacng a burn-
ng basn or red-hot rons betore the eyes. A torm ot
punshment n the Mdde Ages. Aso speed 'abac-
nare." 1he modern taan s speed wth two b's, and
means to bnd. Abbacnaton. Bndng by pacng
bung basn or red-hot rons betore the eyes.
PUUBC /bosy /. 1he goVernment ot a regous house,
and the reVenues thereot, subject to an abbot, as a
bshprc s to a bshop. 1he rghts and prVeges ot an

PUD. A monastery or nunnery tor the use ot an
assocaton ot regous persons, havng an abbot or
abbess to presde over them.
PUU0t. A preate n the JJth century who had had an
mmemora rght to st n the natona assemby.
PUU0t, BUUBt. 1he sprtua superor or governor ot an
abbey. emnne, Aess.
PUUtBVBt0 gBCt0t0m /obryvyeysh(y)ow p-
sotorom/. An abstract ot ancent judca records, pror
to the Year Books.
PUUtBVBt0O /obryvyeytorz/. n eccesastca aw, ot-
cers whose duty t s to assst n drawng up the ope's
brets, and reducng pettons nto proper torm to be
converted nto papa bus.
PUUt0CDmBDt, or BUUt0BCDmBDt /obrowchmont/. 1he
act ot torestang a market, by buyng up at whoesae
the merchandse ntended to be sod there, tor the pur-
pose ot seng t at reta. See Forestalling the market.
PUU0ttB9. See Abutta|s.
PL tB9t. Unempoyment compensaton aw excuson
tests provdng that empoyer s not covered t ndvdu-
asheempoys are tree trom hs contro, the servces are
pertormed outsde empoyer's paces ot busness, and
empoyees are customary engaged n ndependenty
estabshed trades or protessons are knownas the 'ABL
tests". Kmpoyment bec. Lommsson v. Wson, Aaska,
4J .2d 42, 42T. See lndependent contractor.
PL ttBD9BCt0D. n mnng and o drng operatons,
a transter by whch A, the owner, conveys the workng
nterest to B, the operatoranddeveoper torcash consd-
eraton, reservng a producton payment usuay arger
than the cash consderaton pad by B. Later, A ses
the reserved producton payment to L tor cash. 1he tax
advantages ot ths type ot transacton were emnated
by the 1ax Ketorm Act ot J99.
PU0CBt0D /bdokeyshon/. Kenuncaton ot the prv-
eges and prerogatves ot an otce. 1he act ot a sover-
egn n renouncng and rengushng hs government or
throne, so that ether the throne s ett entrey vacant,
or s ed by a successor apponted or eected betore-
hand. Aso, where a magstrate or person n omce
vountary renounces or gves t up betore the tme ot
servce has expred. t dtters trom resgnaton, n that
resgnaton s made by one who has receved hs otce
trom another and restores t nto hs hands, as an
nteror nto the hands ot a superor; abdcaton s the
rengushment ot an otce whch has devoved by act ot
aw. t s sad to be a renuncaton, guttng, and
rengushng, so as to have nothng turther to do wth a
thng, or the dong ot such actons as are nconsstent
wth the hodng ot t.
PU0t0t0m /bdotoryom/. An abdtory or hdng
pace, to hde and preserve goods, pate or money.
PU00Ct0D. 1he ottense ot takng away a wte, chd, or
ward, by traud and persuason,or open voence. Mode
ena Lode, 2J2.4.
1o take away surrepttousy by torce n kdnappng.
1he unawtu takng or detenton ot any temae or
purposes ot marrage, concubnage, or prosttuton. n
many states ths ottense s created by statute and n
most cases appes to temaes under a gven age. By
statute n some states, abducton ncudes the wthdraw-
a ot a husband trom hs wte, as where another woman
aenates hs attecton and entces hm away and causes
hm to abandon hs wte.
Kestrant ot vctm becomes 'abducton" when t s
done wth ntent o prevent beraton ot vctm. ad-
gett v. btate, 1ex.App. 4 Dst., J b.W.2d 4J, 4T.
See olo Alienation of affections; Kidnapping.
PUBBtBDCB /orons/. Behavor; asarecognzancetobe
ot good abearance sgnes to be ot good behavor.
PU Bg9t09 /b pstoos/. Lat. An otcer havng
charge otthe correspondence (etstolaJ ot hs superor or
soveregn; a secretary.
PUBtBm0t0Bt /bormdor/. (rom bax. oere, appar-
ent, notorous; and mord, murder.) an or downrght
murder, as dstngushed trom the ess henous crme ot
mansaughter, or chance medey.
PUB99B /besy/. Lat. n the cv aw, to be absent; to
be away trom a pace. bad ot a person who was etro
couttueutto urts, (beyond the suburbs ot the cty.)
PUBt. 1o encourage, ncte, or set another on to commt
a crme. 1hs word s usuay apped to adng n the
commsson ot a crme. 1o abet another to commt a
murder s to command, procure, counse, encourage,
nduce, or assst. Wyatt v. U. b., J .2d J9, 4 (J
Lr.). 1o tactate the commsson ot a crme, promote
ts accompshment, or hep n advancng or brngng t
about. btate v. Lord, 42 N.M. J, 4 .2d , .
n reaton to charge ot adng and abettng, erm
ncudes knowedge ot the perpetrator's wrongtu pur-
pose, and encouragement, promoton or counse ot an-
other n the commsson ot the crmna ottense. btate
v.J-KDstrbutors,nc., 2 Wash.2d 4, J2.2d J49,
A rench word combned ot two words 'a" and 'bet-
er"-to bat or excte an anma.
Seeolso Abettor, Accomp|ice; Aid and abet.
PUBtmBDt. Act ot encouragng, nctng or adng anoth-
PUBttBt0t /boteytor/. L. Lat. n od Kngsh aw, an
abettor. See Abettor.
PUBtt0t /obetor/. An nstgator, or setter on; one who
promotes or procures a crme to be commtted. Handy
v. btate, J2 A.2d J9. ne who commands, advses,
nstgates,or encouragesanother to commt a crme. A
person who, beng present, nctes another to commt a
crme, and thus becomes a prncpa. 1o be an 'abet
tor" accused must have nstgated or advsed comms-
son ot crme or been present tor purpose ot assstng n
ts commsson; he must share crmna ntent wth
whch crme was commtted. eope v. rancs, TJ L.2d
, T La.Kptr. J99, 2J, 4 .2d 9J. SeeolsoAcces-
soq; Accomp||ce; A|der and abettor.
PU BXttB /b ekstro/. Lat. xtro, beyond, wthout
rom wthout.
PUBBDCB / obeyons/. Lapse n successon durng whch
there sno person n whom tte u vested. n the aw ot
estates, the condton ot a treehold when there s no
person n beng n whom t s vested. n such cases the
treehold hasbeen sad tobe tuuutus|ntheclouds), tu
eudeutt |n suspenson); and tu gemto legts |n the
bosom ot the law). Where there s a tenant ot the
treehod, the remanderor reversonntee mayexst tor
a tme wthout any partcular owner, n whch case t s
sad to be n abeyance. A condton ot beng unde-
termned or n state ot suspenson or nactvty. bales
to thrd partes, ot property acgured by county at tax
sae, beng hed n 'abeyance", means that certan
rghts or condtons are n expectancy. Wlard v. Ward
Lounty, T2 N.D. 29J, N.W.2d , .
PUBtC09, or BVBtC09 / vyeytokos/. L. Lat. n teu-
dal law, a son's son; a grandson n the mae lne.
PU0B. 1o accept the conseguences ot; to rest satsed
wth; towat tor. Wthreterencetoan order, judgment,
or decree ot a court, u pertorm, to execute.
PU0B U. 1o adhere to, u obey, to accept the conse-
guences ot. Detrot dety & burety Lo. v. U. b.,
L.L.A.ho, J .2d 2, J.
1o stand to, acguesce n, contorm to. 1o accept as
vad, and to take conseguences ot; as to abde by a
decson. Kovach v. Maddux, D.L.1enn., 2J .bupp.
J, 42.
PU0Dg C0DVCt0D. A dente convcton ot gult de-
rved trom a thorough examnaton ot the whoe case.
Used commony to nstruct jures on the tram ot mnd
regured tor gut proved beyond a reasonabe doubt.
Hopt v. Utah, J2 U.b. 4J9, T b.Lt. J4, J L.Kd. T. A
settled or xed convcton. eople v. Lastro, La.
App.2d 49J, JT .2d 2, J.
PUgBBt0tB9 /obj|y)otoryz/. SeeAb|geus.
PUgBBt09 /objyeytos/. Lat. n the cv aw, the ot-
tense ot stean or drvng away cattle. See Ab|geus.
PUgB / objyay /. See Ab|geus.
PUgBtB /objory/. Lat. n the cvl aw, to drve away.
Apped to those who drove away anmals wth the
tenton ot stealng them. Appled, aso, tormery to
the smar ottense ot catte stealng on the borders
between Kngand and bcotand. SeeAb|geus.
1o drve out; to expel by torce; to produce aborton.
PUgB09 / objyos/. Lat. |., otget, or more rarey
otgeotor.) n the cvl aw, a stealer ot catte; one
who drove or drew away (sutroxttJ catte trom ther
pastures, as horses or oxen trom the herds, and made
booty ot them, and who tolowed ths as a busness or
trade. 1he term was apped aso u those who drove
away the smaler anas, as swne, sheep, and goats.
n the latter case, t depended on the number taken,
whether the ottender was Jur |a common the or ot-
geus. But the takng ot a snge horse or ox seems u
have consttuted the crme ototgeotus. And those who
treguently dd ths were cleary otget, though they took
but an anmal or two at a tme. 4 B.Lomm. 2J9.
PUt. Lapacty to pertorm an act or servce; e. g. to
support spouse and tamy. nancal ablty s usuay
construed as reterrng to pecunary ablty. See olo
Ab|e to earn; Capac|ty; | ncapac|ty.
PU DC0DVBDBDt /ab nkonvynyentay/. rom hard-
shp, or nconvenence. An argument tounded upon the
hardshp ot the case, and the nconvenence or dsas-
trous conseguencestowhchadtterentcourseotreason-
ng woud ead.
PU Dt0 /b nsh|y)ow/. Lat. rom the begnnng;
trom therst act; trom the ncepton. An agreement s
sad to be 'vod ab nto" t t has at no tme had any
ega valdty. A party may be sad to be a trespasser,
an estate sad to be good, an agreement or deed sad to
be vod, or a marrage or act sad to be unawtu, o
tuttto. Lontrasted n ths sense wth ex ost Jocto, or
PU Dt0 mud /b nsh|y)ow monday/. Lat. rom
the begnnng ot the word. A tuttto muudt usue od
hodtemum dtem, trom the begnnng ot the word to ths
PU DtB9tBt. ntestate.
PU DtB9tBt0 /ab ntesteytow/. Lat. n the cv aw,
trom an ntestate; trom the ntestate; n case ot ntesta-
cy. Haredttuo tutestoto, an nhertance derved trom
an ntestate. Successto o tutestoto, successon to an
ntestate, or n case ot ntestacy. 1hs answers to the
descent or nhertance ot rea estate at common aw. 2
Bl.Lomm. 49, J. 'Her o tutestoto." 1he phrase
otutestoto's generay used as the opposte or ater-
natve ot ex testomeuto, |trom, by, or under a wl.) Vel
ex testomeuto, uel o tutestotoaredttotes erttueut,
nhertances are derved ether trom a w or trom an
ntestate |one who des wthout a w).
PU DVt0 /b nvaytow/. Unwngly Aganst one`s
w. By or trom an unwlng party. A transter ab
nvto s a compulsory transter. See |n |nv|tum; |nv|to.
PU tBt0 /b ayreytow/. Lat. By one who s angry. A
devse or gtt made by a man adversely to the nterest ot
hshers,onaccountot angeror hatredaganstthem,s
sad to be madeo troto. A sut to set asde such a wll
s caled an acton o tmto.
PU9DBtDg, or BU9DBt9Dg /obshor|s)/. ut ot
amercements. t orgnally sgned a torteture or
amercement, and s more propery caed mtshertu
mtsherstug, or mtskertug, accordng to certan wrters.
t has snce been termed a berty ot treedom, because,
wherever ths word s used n a grant, the persons to
whom the grant s made have the tortetures and
amercements ot al others, and are themselves tree trom
the contro ot any wthn ther tee.
PU00CBt0 /bjuwdokeysh|yw/. n od Kngsh aw,
the deprvng ot a thng by the judgment ot a court; a
puttng out ot court; the same asJorts)udtcotto, torjudg-
ment,torudger. A remova trom court.
Used to ndcate an adverse decson n a wrt ot rght.
1hus,the and s sad to be o)udged trom one ot the
partes and hs hers.
PU0tBD0D /bjoreyshon/. A renuncaton or abandon-
ment by or upon oath. 1he renuncaton under oath ot
one's ctzenshp or some other rght or prvege. See
olso Ab|ure.
PU0tBt0D 0 tDB tBBm /bjoreyshon ov o rem/. n
ancent Kngsh aw,a renuncaton ot one's country,a
speces ot set-mposed banshment,under an oath never
to return to the kngdom uness by permsson.
PU0tB. 1o renounce,or abandon,by or upon oath. See
PUB. See Abi|ity.
PUB-U00B0. P used n a statute reatng u servce n
the mta,ths term does not mpy an absoute tree-
dom troma physca ament. t mports an absence ot
those papabe and vsbe detecu whch evdenty nca-
pactate the person trom pertormng the ordnary dutes
ot a soder. Seeolso Ab|e seaman.
PUBgBt / bogeytay/. apa ambassadors ot the sec-
ondrank,who are sentto a countrywheretheres not a
nunco,wth a ess extensve commsson than that ot a
nunco. 1hs tte s eguvaent to euuoy.
PUB 9BBmBD. A grade ot merchant seamen. bee 4
U.b.L.A. TJ et seg.
PUB t0 B. Abty to obtan and hod empoyment
means that the person reterred to s ether abe or
unabe to pertorm the usua dutes ot whatever empoy-
ment may be under consderaton,n the manner that
such dutes are customary pertormed by the average
person engaged n such empoyment. Knyon v. K-
nyon, 2J Mo.App. 2J, TJ b.W.2d T, 2. See olso
Disability; Ga|nfu| emp|oyment or occupation.
PUB t0 g0tCDB9B. 'Abty"n saescontracts,depend-
ent on abty to purchase,usuay means nanca ab-
ty. Andersonv.Lrag,JJJMont. J2,J.2d 2,2.
urchaser musthavenanca abty and ega capacty
to acgure and. Lampbe v. Hood,1ex.Lom.App., J
b.W.2d 9J, 9. urchaser s abe to purchase, as re-
spects broker's rght to commsson,t he s nancay
abe to command the necessary tunds to cose the dea
wthn the tme regured. Hersh v.Garau,2J La. 4,
2J .2d J22. See F|nancia||y able.
PU0CBt0 /bowkeysh|y)ow/. A ettng out to hre,or
easng tor money. bometmes used nthe Kngsh torm
PUmBtBttBtB /bmotrtoro/. Lat. n the cv aw, a
great-great-grandmother's sster (oouto sororJ. Laed
motertem moxtmo.
PUDBg09 /bnepo|w)s/. Lat. A great-great-grandson.
1he grandson ot a grandson or granddaughter.
PUDBgt9 /bneptos/ . Lat. A great-great-granddaug-
ter. 1he granddaughter ot a grandson or granddaugh-
PU00B. ne's home; habtaton; pace ot dweng; or
resdence. rdnary means 'domce." Lvng pace
mpermanent n character. ower v. ower, J a.
JJ, 22 bo.2d JT, . 1he pace where a person
dwes. n re Krckson,J N.J.Msc. ,J A.2d J42,J4.
Kesdence ot a ega voter. ope v. Board ot Kecton
Lom'rs,JT . J9,J N.K.2d 2J4,2J. xed pace ot
resdence tor the tme beng. Augustus Lo.,tor Use ot
Bourgeos v. Manzea,J9 N.J.Msc. 29,JT A.2d ,T.
or servce ot process,one's xed pace ot resdence tor
the tme beng; hs 'usua pace ot abode." ed.K. Lv
. 4. Kura v. Koth,JJ2 N.J.L. 2JJ,J A.2d 2, 4.
See Dom|cile, Residence.
Ueuerol oode. See Residence.
PU0gB00 /vowgow/. bp. An advocate. See Bozero.
PU 0U /ab owm/. t od.
PU09D. 1o do away wt whoy; to annu; to repea;
to rescnd; to abrogate; to dspense wth. ut an end
to. btretchv.Murphy,J r.4J9,JJ2.2d JJ,J2J.
word 'aboere," meanng u destroy uttery. Appes
partcuary to thngs ot a permanent nature, such as
nsttutons,usages,customs,as the abotonot savery.
PU09DmBDt. SeeAbo|ish.
PU0t0D. 1he destructon,annhaton,abrogaton,or
extngushment ot anythng. See Abo|ish.
ntheLv,rench and Germanaw,abotonsused
neary synonymousy wth pardon,remsson,grace.
P U0D 0t0t /ey b droyt/. Wth good reason; justy;
PU0tgDB ttB /borjono tayto/. buch tte provdes
orgna natves ot Unted btates excusve rght to occu-
py ands and waters used by them and ther ancestors
betore Unted btates asserted soveregnty over such ar-
eas. Yankton boux 1rbe ot ndans v. btate ot b.D.,
L.A.b.D.,T9 .2d 24J,24J.
PU0ttBB / oborty /. 1he woman upon whom an aborton
s pertormed.
PU0ttBCBDt /obrtoteysh|y)ont/. Drug or medcne
capabe ot,or used tor,producng aborton.
PU0tt0D. 1he spontaneous or artcay nduced ex-
puson ot an embryo or tetus. As used n ega context,
usuay reters to nduced aborton. or the aw reatng
to aborton see Koe v. Wade,4J U.b. JJJ, 9J b.Lt. T,
J L.Kd.2d J4T; Webster v. Keproductve Heath bervc-
es, J9 b.Lt. J4, J L.Kd.2d 4J. See olso Viab|||ty,
V|ab|e ch||d.
PU0tt0D9t. ne who pertorms abortons.
PU0tt09 /obortos/ . Lat. An aborted tetus.
PU00t. Near n tme, guantty, number, guaty, or
degree. bumtantay,approxmatey,amost,or neary.
dom v. Langston, JJ Mo. 9,JTJ b.W.2d 2,29.
When used wth reterence to tme, the term s ot
Hexbesgncance, varyngwth the crcumstances and
the connecton n whch t sempoyed. But ts use does
not necessary render tme mmatera, nor make a
contract one termnabe at w. n a charter party,
'about to sa" means just ready to sa. Wth reaton
to guantty, the term suggestsony an estmate otproba-
be amount. ts mport s that the actua guantty s a
near approxmaton to that mentoned, and t has the
ettect ot provdng aganst accdenta varatns. Nor-
rngton v. Wrght, JJ U.b. J, b.Lt. J2, 29 L.Ld. J.
t may be gven practcay the same ettect as the phrase
more or ess. bynonymous wth 'on" or 'upon," as n
ottense ot carryng conceaed weapons. Near by, cose
at hand, convenent ot access. Brown v. U. b., J .2d
4T4, 4T, App.D.L. JJJ. P to number, t merey
mpesanestmateo apartcuarot or cass and not a
warranty. n connecton wth dstance or ocaty, the
term u ot reatve sgncance, varyng wth the crcum-
AUoutssement /abwtsmn/. r. An abutta orabut-
AUoVe. Hgher; superor. As, court above; panttt or
detendant above. Aoue oll tucummuc means n
excess thereot rncpa, as dstngushed trom what s
auxary or nstrumenta.
AUgatruus /bpruwos/ . Lat. A greatgreat-unce;
or, a great-great-grandtather`s brother (ooutmtr/. t
sometmes means unce, and sometmes great-unce.
AUrdge. o reduce or contract; to dmnsh or curta.
Usuay spoken ot wrtten anguage. See Abridgment.
Coyrtghtlo. 1oeptomze; to reduce; to contract. t
mpes preservng the substance, the essence, ot a work,
n anguage suted to such a purpose. n makng ex-
tracts there s no condensaton ot the author`s anguage,
and hence no abrdgment. 1o abrdge regures the
exercse ot the mnd; t s not copyng. Between a
compaton and an abrdgment there s a cear dstnc-
ton. A compaton conssts ot seected extracts trom
dtterent authors; an abrdgment s a condensaton ot
the vews ot one author.
AUrdgment. Londensaton; contracton. An eptome
or compendu ot another and arger work, wheren the
prncpa deas ot the arger work are summary con-
taned. Abrdgments ot the aw are bret dgests ot the
aw, arranged aphabetcay. n ths context, the term
'dgest" (. u.J has generay suppanted that ot 'abrdg-
ent." Seeolo Abstract; Headnote, Sy||abus.
As used n rst Amendment (U.b.Lonst.) means ne
ther more nor ess than what t ordnary means;
abrdgement occurs when egsatve act ether suppress-
esorsubstantay nterteres wth tree speech. Keene v.
Meese, D.L.La., J9 .bupp. JJJJ, JJ2J.
AUrdgment of damages. 1he rght ot the court to
reduce the damages n certan cases. See Remittitur.
AUroad. n Lngsh chancery aw, beyond the seas.
AUrogate /brogeyt/. o annu, cance, revoke, repea,
or destroy. 1o annu or repea an order or rue ssued
by a subordnate authorty; to repea a tormer aw by
egsatve act, or by usage.
AUrogaton /brogeyshon/. 1he destructon or annu-
ng ot a tormer aw, by an act ot the egsatve power,
by consttutona authorty, or by usage. t stands op-
posed to mgottou , and s dstngushed trom demgottou,
whch mpes the takng away ony some part ot a aw;
trom surogottou, whch denotes the substtuton ot a
cause; trom dtseusottou, whch ony sets t asde n a
partcuar nstance; and trom outtuottou, whch u the
retusng to pass a aw. mped abrogaton takes pace
when the new aw contans provsons whch are pos-
tvey contrary to tormer aws, wthout expressy abro-
gatng such aws; and aso when the order ot thngs tor
whch the aw has been made no ongerexsts. Lx parte
Lum oy, D.L.Wash., 2J .2d 9.
or 'Lxpress abrogaton," see that tte. See olo
Annu| , Repea|.
AUscond /obsknd/. 1o go n a candestne mannerout
ot the jursdcton ot the courts, or to e conceaed, n
orderto avodtherprocess. 1ohde,concea, or absent
oneset candestney, wth the ntent to avod ega
process. ostponng mtatons. Keck v. ckens, 2T
Ark. TT, J2 b.W.2d TJ, T. eeng trom arrestng
or prosecutng otcers ot the state. See Fugitive.
AUscondng deUtor. ne who asconds tom hs cred-
tors to avod payment ot debts. A debtor who has
ntentonay conceaed hmset trom hs credtors, or
wthdrawn hmset trom the reach ot ther suts, wth
ntent to trustrate ther just demands. buch act was
tormery an 'Act ot bankruptcy" (. u.J.
AUsence. 1he state ot beng absent, removed, or away
trom one`s domce, or usua pace ot resdence. Not
present at partcuar tme; opposte ot appearance at a
speced tme. Seeolo Seven years' absence.
AUsent. Beng away trom; at a dstance trom; not n
company wth.
AUsente / absenty/. Lat. Beng absent; otten used n
the od reports ot one ot the judges not present at the
hearng ot a cause.
Aseute reo /absenty ryow/. 1he detendant beng
AUsentee. ne who s absent trom hs usua pace ot
resdence or domce.
AUsentee andord. Lessor ot rea property (normay
the owner) who does not ve on the premses.
AUsentee Votng. artcpaton (usuay by ma) n
eectons by guated voters who, because ot serous
ness, mtary servce, or absence because ot trave or
ther reasons, are unabe to appear at the pos n
person on eecton day. See o

so Proxy th respect to
absent votng by stockhoder.
AUsentem accgere deUemus eum gu non est eo oc
U quo gettur /absentom okspory dobymos yom
kwy nn est yow wsay n kww petotor/. We ought
consder hm absent who s not n the pace where he
s demanded (or sought).
AUsenta e]us gu reguUcK causa aUest, negue e
negue a1 damnosa esse deUet /absensh(y)o os
kwy ryaypobosy kzo st, neykwy yay neykwy
yay damnwso esy dybot/. 1he absence ot hm who
s away n behat ot the repubc (o busness ot the
state) ought not to be prejudca ether hm or to
AUsoe, asso, assoe /osy/. 1o pardon; to dever
trom excommuncaton.
AUsouta sententa exgostore non ndget
/mo(y)u sontensh(y)o ekspozotry non ndojet/.
P absoute sentence or proposton (one that s pan
wtout any scrupe, or absoute wthout any savng)
needs not an expostor.
AUsoute. Lompete; pertect; na; wthout any cond-
ton or ncumbrance; as an absoute bond (stmlex olt-
gottoJ n dstncton trom a condtona bond. Uncond-
tona; compete and pertect n tset; wthout reaton
to or dependence on other thngs or persons.
ree trom condtons, mtatons or guacatons, not
dependent, or moded or attected by crcumstances;
that s, wthout any condton or restrctve provsons.
Button v. Day, 2 Va. 29, JJ9 b.K.2d 9J, J.
As to osolute Conveyance, Covenant, De| ivery, Di-
vorce, Estate, Gift, Guaranty, l nterest, Legacy, Nui-
sance, Nu| | ity, Obligation, Property, Right, Ru|e, Sa|e,
Title, see those ttes.
AUsoute deed. A document ot conveyance wthout re-
strcton or deteasance; generay used n contradstnc-
ton u mortgage deed. See Deed.
AUsoute aw., 1he true and proper aw ot nature,
mmutabe n the abstract or n prncpe, n theory, but
not n appcaton; tor very otten the object, the reason,
stuaton, and other crcumstances, may vary ts exer-
cse and obgaton. Seeolso Natural |aw.
AUsoute aUt. Kesponsbty wthout taut or neg-
gence. Kyands v. etcher, J H.L. JJ; Lark-Aken
Lo. v. Lromwe-Wrght Lo., nc. (Mass.), J2J N.K.2d T.
See Strict |iability.
AUsoute. Lompetey; whoy; wthout guacaton;
wthout reterence or reaton to, or dependence upon,
any other person, thng, or event. 1hus, osolutely uotd
mes uttery vod; that whch the aw or nature ot
thngstorbdsto beentorcedata. Asolutelyuecesso
may be used to make the deaot necessty more emphat-
c. ndependenty or uncondtonay, whoy or pos-
tvey. Lons v. Harttord Accdent & ndemnty Lo.,
JT Va. J, JT b.K.2d 4JJ, 4J.
AUsouton. n CououLo, a jurdca act whereby the
cergy decare that the sns ot such as are pentent are
remtted. Among rotestanu t s chey used tor a
sentence bywhch a persn who stands excommuncated
s reeased or treed trom that punshment.
n the CtutlLo, a sentence whereby a party accused
s decared nnocent ot the crme ad to hs charge.
n 1euch Lo, the dsmssa ot an accusaton.
AUsoutsm /bso(y)uwtzom/. n potcs, a system ot
government n whch pubc power s vested n some
person or persons, unchecked and uncontroed by any
aw, nsttuton, consttutona devce, or coordnate
body. A government whch s run by a dctator whose
power s wthout restrcton and wthout any checks or
AUsoVe. 1oset tree, or reease, astromobgaton, debt,
or responsbty. btate ex re. bt. Lous Lar Lo. v
Hughes, J4 Mo. J2, J2 b.W.2d J9J, J94. See olso
Amnesty, Pardon, Release.
AUsorgton / obzrpshon/. Act or process ot absorbng.
1erm used n coectve barganng agreements to pro-
vde senorty tor unon members t empoyer`s busness
s merged wth another Humphrey v. Moore, Ky., JT
U.b. JJ, 4 b.Lt. JJ, J9. arta or compete pay-
ment ot treght charges by seer or treght carrer.
Losts not passed on to customer.
AUsgue /bskwy/. Wthout. ccurs n phrases taken
trom the Latn; such as those mmedatey toowng.
AUsgue aguo nde redendo /bskwy kwow ndy
rodendow/. Lat. Wthout reservng any rent there-
trom; wthout renderng anythng theretrom. A term
used ot a tree grant by the crown.
AUsgue consderatone curK /bskwy kon-
sdoreyshywnykyuryy /. nod practce, wthout the
consderaton ot the court; wthout judgment.
AUsgue duUo /bskwy d(y)uwbyow/. Lat. Wthout
AUsgue boc /bskwy hk/. Wthout ths. 1hese are
technca words ot dena, used n peadng at common
aw by way ot speca traverse, to ntroduce the negatve
part ot the pea, toowng the attrmatve part or n-
ducement. Seeolso Traverse.
AUsgue mgettone Vast /bskwy mpotshywny
veystay/. Wthout mpeachment ot waste; wthout ac-
countabty tor waste; wthout abty to sut tor
waste. A cause ancenty otten nserted n eases (as
the eguvaent Kngsh phrase sometmes s) sgntyng
that the tenant or essee sha not be abe to sut
(tmettttoJ or chaenged, or caed to account, tor com-
mttng waste. SeeWaste.
AUsgue ta causa /bskwy teyay kzo/. Lat. Wth-
out such cause. A torm ot repcaton, now obsoete, n
an actonexdeltcto whch works a generadena ot the
whoe matter ot the detendant`s pea ot de tu)urto.
AUstenton doctrne. Doctrne ot 'abstenton" permts
a tedera court, n the exercse ot ts dscreton, to
rengushjursdcton wherenecessarytoavodneedess
conct wth the admnstraton by a state ot ts own
attars. burowtz v. New York Lty Kmp. Ketrement
bystem, D.L.N.Y., JT .bup. J9, JT; Karoad Lom-
msson ot 1exas v. uman Lo., JJ2 U.b. 49, J b.Lt.
4J, L.Kd. 9TJ. Seeolso Equ|tab|e abstent|on doctr|ne,
Pu||man abstent|on.
AUstnence. Ketranng competey trom ndugence n
someactsuch as eatng or drnkng, unke temperance
whch presupposes moderate ndugence. Mayed v.
delty & Lasualty Lo. ot N. Y.,J L.A.2d JJ, J .2d
AUstract /bstrakt/, u. A esser guantty contanng
the vrtue and torce ot a greater guantty; an abrdg-
ment. Atranscrpt s generay dened as acopy, and s
more comprehensve than an abstract. bummary or
eptome, or that whch comprses or concentrates n
tset the essenta guates ot a arger thng or ot
severa thngs. Kobbns nv. Lo. v. Kobbns, 49 La.
App.2d 44, J22 .2d 9J, 92. See Abr|dge, Abr|dgment,
D|gest, Headnote, Sy||abus.
AUstract /obstrkt/, u. 1o take or wthdraw trom; as,
to abstract the tunds ot a bank. 1o remove or separate.
1o summarze or abrdge.
AUstracton. 1akng trom wth ntent to njure or de-
traud. 'Wrongtu abstracton" s unauthorzed and -
ega takng or wthdrawng ot tunds, etc., and appropr-
aton thereot to taker's benet. acc Loast Adjust-
ment Bureau v. ndemnty ns. Lo. ot North Amerca,
JJ La.App. J, 2 .2d 2, 2J9.
AUstract of a Une. n od Kngsh conveyancng, one ot
the parts ot a ne, beng an abstract ot the wrt ot
covenant, and the concord, namng the partes, the par-
ces ot and, and the agreement. 2 B.Lomm. JJ. More
commony caed the 'note" ot the ne. See F|ne, Con-
AUstract of record. A compete hstory n short, abbre-
vated torm ot the case as tound n the record, compete
enough to show the appeate court that the guestons
presented tor revew have been propery reserved. byn-
opss or summary ot tacts rather than abe ot contents
ottranscrpt. Abbrevated accurateandauthentchsto-
ry ot(e.g. tra court) proceedngs. Brown v. Kechmann,
2JT Mo.App. JJ, J4 b.W.2d 2J, 2T.
AUstract of tte. A condened hstory ot the tte to
and, consstng ot a synopss or summary ot the mater-
a or operatve porton ot a the conveyances, ot whatev-
er knd or nature, whch n any manner attect sad and,
or any estate or nterest theren, together wth a state-
ment ot a ens, charges, or abtes to whch the
same may be subject, and ot whch t s n any way
matera tor purchasers to be apprsed. An eptome ot
the record evdence ot tte, ncudng maps, pats, and
other ads. Lommssoners' Lourt ot Madson Lounty v.
Waace, JJ 1ex. 2T9, J b.W.2d J, J. An eptome
ot the conveyances, transters, and other tacts reed on
as evdence ot tte, together wth a such tacts appear-
ng ot record as may mpar the tte. btate ex re.
reeman v. Abstracters Board ot Kxamners, 99 Mont.
4, 4 .2d , T. Memorandum or concse state-
ment n orderly torm ot the substance ot documents or
tacts apperng on publc records whch attect ttle to
reaproperty. btate ex re. Dorav.erguson, J4ho
bt. J2, N.K.2d 4T, 4T. SeeolsoTorrens t|t|e system.
AUstract gueston. ne whch does not rest upon exst-
ng tacts or rghts. Morrs an Bank ot ort Worth v.
gden, 1ex.Lv.App., J44 b.W.2d 99, J4. Hypothet-
ca gueston. Seeolso Hypothet|ca| quest|on, Moot.
AUsurdt. Anythng whch s so rratona, unnatura,
or nconvenent that t cannot be supposed to have been
wthn the ntenton ot men ot ordnary ntelgence and
dscreton. bvousy and Hatyopposed to the mantest
trut; nconsstent wth the pan dctates ot common
sense; ogcay contradctory; nonsensca; rdcuous.
AUundans cautea non nocet /obondonz kotyo non
nosot/. Abundant or extree cauton does no harm.
1hs prncpe s generay apped to the constructon ot
nstruments n whch superHuous words have been n-
serted more ceary to express the ntenton.
AU urUe condta /ab orbykondto/. rom the toundng
ot the cty. See A.U.C.
AUus de conUance /obyuw do knyons obyuws do
kontayons/. rauduenty msusng or spendng to any-
body's prejudce goods, cash, bs, documents, or con-
tracts handedover tor a speca object.
AUuse /obyuws/, u. Kverythng whch s contrary to
good order estabshed by usage. Departure trom rea-
sonabe use; mmoderate or mproper use. hysca or
menta matreatment. Msuse. Decepton.
1o wrong n speech, reproach coarsey, dsparage, re-
ve, and magn. btate v. Neubauer, 2 Lonn.Lr. J9,
J9T A.2d 9J, 9. See Defamat|on.
Chtld ouse. See Ch||d abuse.
Ctutllo. 1hedestructon otthesubstanceot a thng n
usng t. See Abuse, u.
CororoteJmuchtseoreuttty. 1he abuse or msuse ot ts
tranchses by a corporaton sgntes any postve act n
voaton ot the charter and n derogaton ot pubc rght,
wtuy done or caused to bedone. 1he use ot rghts or
tranchses as a pretext tor wrongs and njures to the
Otscrettou. 'Abuse ot dscreton" s synonymous wth a
taure to exercse a sound, reasonabe, and ega dscre-
ton. t s a strct ega term ndcatng that appeate
court s ot opnonthat there was commsson ot an error
ot aw by the tra court. t does not mpy ntentona
wrong or bad tath, or msconduct, nor any reHecton on
the judge but means te ceary erroneous concuson
and judgmentne s that ceary aganst ogc and
ettect ot such tacts as are presented n support ot the
appcaton or aganst the reasonabe and probabe de-
ductons to be drawn trom the tacts dscosed upon the
hearng; an mprovdentexercseotdscreton; an error
ot aw. btate v. Draper, J Utah JJ, 2T .2d J9; Kx
parte ones, 24 Aa. 4JJ, 2 bo.2d 9, 2. A dscre-
ton exercse to an end or purpose notjusted by and
ceary aganst reaso and evdence. Unreasonabe de-
parture trom consdered precedents and setted judca
custom, constutng error ot aw Beck v. Wngs eld,
nc., L.L.A.a., J22 .2d JJ4, JJb, JJT. A judgment or
dec8on byan admnstratve agency or judge whch h
no toundaton n tact or n law. 'Abuse ot dscreton"
by tral court s any unreonable, unconsconable and
arbtrary acton taken wthout proper consderaton ot
tacts and law pertanng u matter submtted. Harvey
v. btate, k.r., 4 .2d JJb, JJ.
Orugouse. bee that tte.
1emole chtld. An njury to the gental organs n an
attempt at cana knowedge, tang short ot actua
penetraton. Lee v. btate, 24b Aa. 9, J bo.2d T,
TT. But, accordng tootherauthortes,'abuse" s here
eguvalent to ravshment or rape. Any njury to prvate
parts otgrl consttutes 'abuse" wthn meanng ot crm-
nal statute proscrbng abuse ot gr under age ot J2
years n attemptto have carnalknowedgeot her; mere
hurtngotprvateparts otgr,eventhoughthey are not
brused, cut, acerated or torn, s sutcent. Ard v.
btate, T Aa.App. 2, J2T bo.2d T4, T4T. See olo
Carnal abuse; Chi|d abuse.
Poltce oJJcer. As used n statute prohbtng one trom
omtructng, resstng,orabusng an otcer,word 'abus-
es" meansto wrong n speech, reproach coarsey, dspar-
age, revle,or magn an omcer who s pertormng hs
duty. btate v. Neubauer,2 Lonn.Lr. J9, J9T A.2d 9J.
Por. Use ot one who possesses t n a manner con-
trary tolaw. mproper use ot power,dstngushed trom
usurpaton ot power whch presupposes exercse ot pow-
er not vested n the ottender. bwenson v. Lahoon,JJJ
a. T, J2 bo. 2J,24.
ocess. 1he gst ot an acton tor 'abuse ot process" s
mproper use or perverson ot process atter t has been
ssued. ublx Drug Lo. v. Breyer ce Lream L.,J4T
a. J4,J2 A.2d 4JJ,4J. A macous abuse ot egal
process occurs where the party employs t tor some
unawtul object, not the purpose whch t s ntended by
the lawtoettect; nother words,a perverson ott.
West JT4 bt. v. Vasguez, T Msc.2d 99J,J2 N.Y.b.2d
2b,2. 1hus,wherethe ppose ot a prosecuton tor
ssuance ot a check wthout tunds was to colect a debt,
theprosecutonsanabuseot crmna process. Keguar
and egtmate use ot process, although wh a bad
ntenton, s not a macous 'abuse ot process." rest
v. Unon Agency, JT4 1enn. J4, J2 b.W.2d J42, J4J.
Acton tor 'abuse ot process" s dstngushed trom ac-
ton tor'macous prosecuton," nthat acton tor abuse
ot process rests upon mproper use ot reguary ssued
process, whle 'macous prosecuton" has reterence to
wrong n ssuance ot process. Lobel v. 1rade Bank ot
New York, JJ2 Msc. 4J, 229 N.Y.b. TT, TJ.
undamenta eements ot ths tort are an uteror
purpose, and a wltu act n the use ot process not
proper n the regular conduct ot the proceedng. Bar-
gus v.MerchantsLolecton Ass`n ot akland,nc.,La.,
T L.Jd 94,JJ La.Kptr. T4, T2, 49 .2d JT.
SeeoloMalicious abuse of |ega| process; Ma|icious use
of process.
UuBe lbyuwl, c. 1o make excessve or mproper use
ot a thng, or u employ t n a manner contrary e
natural or legal rules tor ts use. 1o make an extrava
gant or excessve use, as u abuse one`s authorty.
AUused and negected cb:dren. 1hosewho are sutter-
ng serous physca or emotona njury ncted on
them, ncludng manutrton. See Abuse (1emole
chtldJ; Child abuse.
AUusVe. 1endngu deceve; practcngabuse; proneto
l-treat by coarse, nsultng words or harmtu acts.
Usng l treatment; njurous,mproper,hurttu, otten-
AUut. 1o reach; to touch. 1o touch at the end; be
contguous; jon at a border or boundary; termnate on;
end at; border on; reach or touch wth an end. 1he
term 'abuttng" mples a coser proxmty than the
term 'adjacent." No ntervenng and.
AUuttas lbtoz/. he buttngs or boundngs ot ands,
showng to what other ands, hghways,or places they
beong or are abuttng. t has been used to express the
end boundary nes as dstngushed trom those on the
sdes,as 'buttas and sdngs".
AUutter. ne whose property abuts, s contguous, or
jons at a border or bondary,as where no other and,
road, or street ntervenes.
AUuttng owner. An owner ot and whch abuts or
adjons. 1he term usualy mpes that the reatve
parts actuay adjon, but s sometmes oosey used
wthout mpyng more than cose proxmty. SeeAbut;
Ad|oining owners.
A.L. Auuo Chrtstt, the year ot Lhrst.
A/L Abbrevaton used by accountants and bookkeepers
meanng 'account." As used n a check, t has been
hed not a drecton to the bank to credt the amount ot
the check to the person named, but rather a memoran-
dum u dent the transacton n whch the check was
Academc. ertanng to coege,unversty,or prepara-
tory schoo. bsters ot Mercy v. 1own ot Hooksett,9J
N.H. JJ,42 A.2d222,22. Aguestonor ssuewhchs
notreevantto case or sprematureor hypothetca. n
re Batte`s Wl, 2 N.Y. 9T, J N.K.2d 9JJ. See
Academic question.
Academc Ueedom. Kght to teach as one sees t,but
not necessary the rght to teach ev. Kay v. Bd. ot
Hgher Kducaton ot Lty ot N. Y., JTJ Msc. 94J, J
N.Y.b.2d 2J, 29. 1he term encompasses much more
thanteachng-related speech rghts t teachers. Lary v.
Board ot Kd. ot Adams-Arapahoe bchool Dst. 2,
Aurora, Loo.,L.A.Lolo.,9 .2d J.
Academc gueston. An ssue whch does not regure
answer or adjdcaton by cort because t s not neces-
sary u case. A hypothetca or moot gueston. n re
Kectroux Lorp., 2 N.Y. 44, 4J N.K.2d 4. See
Hypothetica| question.
Academ. An nsttuton othgherearnng. An assoc-
aton ot experts n some partcuar branch ot art, tera-
ture, aw, or scence (e.g. Amercan Academy ot Matr-
mona Lawyers). n ts orgna meanng, an assoca-
ton tormed tor mutua mproVement, or tor the ad-
Vancement ot scence or art; n ater use, a speces ot
educatona nsttuton, ot a eVe between the eementa-
ry schoo and the coege. U.b. ex re.JacoVdesV. Day,
L.L.A.N.Y., J2 .2d 42, 44; bsters ot Mercy V. 1own
ot Hooksett, 9J N.H. JJ, 42 A.2d 222, 22. n current
usage, term commony reters to prVate hgh schoo or
one ot the serVce academes (e. g. Ar orce Academy).
A cKo usgue ad centrum /ey syow oskwy ad
sentrom/. romthe heaVens tothe center ot the earth.
r more tuy, Cu)usest solum e)ust usue od colum
etod tuJems. 1he owner ot the so ownsto the heaVens
and aso to the owest depths. r, Cu)usest solum est
usue od ,-the owner ot the so owns to the
eaVens. 1hs doctrne has, howeVer, been abrogated;
the Hght ot arpanes and o and gas reguatons haVe
gualed the owner's domnon not ony n the heaVens
but n the owest depths. See A|r r|ghts.
A canceando /ey kansondow/. rom canceng. J
B.Lomm. 4.
A cances /ey kanseos/. 1he Lhanceor.
A cances curK exgod /ey kanseos kyuryy
ekspwday/. 1o be expeed trom the bar ot the court.
ac /okapt/. n rench teuda aw, a speces ot
reet; a segnora rght due on eVery change ot a
tenant. A teuda rght whch tormery preVaed n
Languedoc and Guyenne, beng attached to that speces
ot hertabe estat

s whch were granted on the contract

ot emhyteusts.
A causa de c /ey kz do sy/. or ths reason.
Accedas ad curam / aksydos ad kyurom/. (Lat.
1hat you go to court.) An orgna wrt out ot chancery
drected to the shertt, tor the purpose ot remoVng a
reeVn sut trom a Lourt Baron or a hundred court to
one ot the superor courts ot aw. t drects the shertt
togo to the loer court, and enro the proceedngs and
send up the record. J B.Lomm. J4.
Accede. 1o consent; agree.
Acceerated Lost HecoVer bstem. (ALKb). An ac-
countng method whereby the cost ot a xed asset s
wrtten ott tor tax purposes oVer a prescrbed perod ot
tme. nsttuted by the Kconomc KecoVery 1ax Act ot
J9J, and modted by 1ax Ketorm Act ot J9, the
system pacesasses nto one ot Varous recoVery perods
and prescrbes theappcabe percentage ot cost that can
be deducted each year. .K.L. J. See olso Asset
Deprec|at|on Range.
Acceerated degrecaton. Varous methods ot deprec-
aton that yed arger deductons n the earer years ot
the te ot an asset than the straght-ne method. Kx-
ampes ncude the doube decnng-baance and the
sum ot the years` dgts methods ot deprecaton. See
Acce|erated Cost Recovery System, Deprec|at|on.
Acceeraton. 1he shortenng ot the tme tor the Vest-
ng n possessonot an expectantnterest. Hastenngot
the enjoyment ot an estate whch was otherwse post-
poned to a ater perod. Backwe V. Vrgna1rustLo.,
JTT Va. 299, J4 b.K.2d JJ, J4. t the te estate tas
tor any reason the remander s 'acceerated". Kott V.
Brntnger, JT . J4T, JJ N.K.2d J99, 2J.
Doctrne ot 'acceeraton", as apped to awotproper-
ty, reters to hastenng ot owner ot tuture nterests
toward status ot present possesson or enjoyment by
reason ot taure ot precedng estate. Aberg V. rst
Nat. Bank n Daas, 1ex.LV.App., 4 b.W.2d 4J, 4.
A remedy used where there has been an antcpatory
repudaton or a possbty ot a tuture breach. Kose
Lty 1ranst Lo. V. Lty ot ortand, J r.App. J9, 2
.2d JJ2, JJJ.
Acceeraton cause. A proVson or cause n a mort-
gage, note, bond, deed ot trust, or other credt agree-
ment, that regures the maker, drawer or other obgor
to pay part or a ot the baance sooner than the date or
dates speced tor payment upon the occurrence ot some
eVent o crcumstance descrbed n the contract. buch
cause operates when there has been a detaut such as
nonpayment ot prncpa, nterest, or taure to pay
nsurancepremums. Genera Motors Acceptance Lorp.
V. bhuey, 24J Ky. T4, 4T b.W.2d 9. U.L.L. J2
proVdes that t the proVson toracceeratons 'at w"
such demand must be made ony under a 'good tath"
beet that the prospect ot payment s mpared.
Acceeraton of remanders. Hastenng ot owner ot
remander nterest n property towardstatus ot present
possesson or enjoyment by reason ot taure precedng
estate. Aberg V. rst Nat` Bank n Daas, 1ex.LV.
App., 4 b.W.2d 4J, 4.
Acceeraton gremum. ncreased rate ot pay tor n-
creased producton.
Accegt. 1o receVe wth approVa or satstacton; to
receVe wth ntent to retan. Morrs V. btate, J2 Ark.
JJ, J4 b.W. 2JJ, 2J4. Admt and agree to; accede to
or consent to; receVe wth approVa; adopt; agree to.
Kocha V. Huen, La.App.2d 24, 44 .2d 4T, 42, 4J.
Means somethng more than to receVe, meann to
adopt, to agree to carry out proVsons, to keep and
n the capacty ot drawee ot a b, means to recognze
the dratt, and engage to pay t when due. See Accept-
Accegtance. 1he takng and receVng ot nythng n
good part, and as t were a tact agreement to a preced-
ng act, whch mght haVe been deteated or aVoded t
such acceptance had not been made. 1he act ot a
person to whom a thng s ottered or tendered by anoth-
er, whereby he receVes the thng wth the ntenton ot
retanng t, such ntenton beng eVdenced by a sut-
cent act. Aetna nV. Lorporaton V. Lhander Land-
scape & ora Lo., 22T Mo.App. JT, b.W.2d J9, J9T.
1he exercse ot power conterred by an otter by pertorm-
ance ot some act. n re Larney`s Kstate, J4 Msc. TJ,
2bb N.Y.b. .
Commemtol oer. Acceptance s the drawee`s sgned
enggement to honor the dratt as presented. t must b
wrtten on the dratt, and may consst ot hs sgnature
aone. tbecomesoperatvewhen competedby devery
or notcaton. U.L.L. J-4J. Lertcaton ot a check
sacceptance. U.L.L. J-4JJ. A dratt may be accepted
athough t has not been sgned by the drawer or s
otherwse ncompete or s overdue or has been dshon-
ored. U.L.L. J-4J(2). See olso Acceptor, Banker's
acceptance; Honor.
Coutmc. Lompance by otteree wthtermsand cond-
tons ot otter consttute an 'acceptance". Davs & Lan-
ton v. L. . 1. Lorporaton, J9 b.L. JJ, 2 b.K.2d J2,
JJ. A mantestaton ot assent to terms thereot made
by otteree n a mannernvted or regured by otter.
K-Lne Buders, nc. v. rst edera b. & Loan Ass`n,
App., JJ9 Arz. 29, TT .2d JJJT, JJ2. 1he otteree`s
notcaton or expresson to the otteror that he or she
agrees tobe bound by the termsot the otteror`s proposa.
A contract s thereby created. 1he trend s to aow
acceptance by any means that w reasonaby notty the
otteror ot the acceptance. See olso Confirmation, Offer
and acceptance.
1usurouce. n a contract ot nsurance, the 'acceptance"
occurs when nsurer agrees to accept appcaton and to
ssue pocy. Acaca Mut. Lte Ass`n v. Berry, 4 Arz.
2, 94 .2d TT, TT2. Deay or nacton on the part ot
an nsurer cannot consttute an 'acceptance". rench
Amercan Bankng Lorporaton v. reman`s und ns.
L., D.L.N.Y., 4J .bupp. 494, 49. More than mere
menta resouton or determnaton on part ot nsurer to
accept appcaton s regured; such must be commun-
cated to appcant. Lmbaugh v. Monarch Lte ns. Lo.,
bprned, Mass.,Mo.App., 4 b.W.2d 2, 2J2. 1erm
asappedtopocy means assent, acguescence or agree-
ment to terms and condtons ot pocy. Baker v. bt.
au re & Marne ns. Lo., Mo.App., 42T b.W.2d 2J,
Sole oJgood. U.L.L. 2- provdes three ways a
buyer can accept goods (J) by sgntyng to the seer
that the goods are contormng or that he w accept
them n spte ot ther noncontormty, (2) by tang to
make an ettectve rejecton, and (J) by dong an act
nconsstent wth the seer`s ownershp. Acceptance ot
a part ot any commerca unt s acceptance ot that
entre unt.
Tyes oJoccetouce.
Coudtttouol. Anengagementtopaythe dratt oraccept
the otter on the happenng ot a condton. A 'cond-
tona acceptance" s n ettect a statement that the
otteree s wng to enter nto a bargan dtterng n
some respects trom that proposed n the orgna otter.
1he condtona acceptance s, theretore, tset a coun-
ter otter.
xms. An undertakng n drect and express terms
to pertorm the termsotthe contract, pay theb, dratt,
etc.; an absoute acceptance.
1mlted. An undertakng to pay the dratt nterred
trom acts ot the drawee ot a character whch tary
warrant such an nterence. n case ot a batera
contract, 'acceptance" ot an otter need not be ex-
pressed, but may be shown by any words or acts nd-
catng the otteree`s assent to the proposed bargan.
QuoltJted. ne ether condtona or parta, and
whchntroduces a varatonnthesum, mode, orpace
ot payment. n contract aw, an acceptance based on a
varaton ot the terms ot the otter andhence a counter-
otter. n negotabe nstruments, a varaton n the
terms ot the nstrument by the acceptor.
Accegtance au Ueson /kseptons w bozwn/. r.
Acceptance n case ot need. An acceptance by one
whom a b s drawnouesotu,thats, ncaseot retusa
or taure ot the drawee to accept.
Accegtare / kseptery/. Lat. 1o accept; to assent; to
assent to a promse made by another.
Accegteur gar nterVenton / kseptyr par
ntorvonsyown/. n rench aw, acceptor ot a b ot
Accegtaton /akseptoeyshon/. n the cv and bcotch
aw, reease made by a credtor to hs debtr ot hs debt,
wthout recevng any consderaton. t s a speces ot
donaton, but not subject to the torms ot the atter, and
s vad uness n traud ot credtors. 1he verba extnc-
ton ot a verba contract, wth a decaraton that the
debt has been pad when t has not; or the acceptance ot
somethng merey magnary n satstacton ot a verba
Accegtor. 1he person (the drawee) who accepts a dratt
and who engages to be prmary responsbe tor ts
payment. ne who engages that he w pay the dratt
accordng to ts tenor at the tme ot hs engagement or
as competed pursuant to authorty on ncompete n-
struments. U.L.L. J-4JJ.
Accegtor sugra grotest /oksepter s(y)uwpro prowtest/.
ne who accepts a b whch has been protested, tor the
honor ot the drawer or any one ot the ndorsers.
Access. reedom ot approach or communcaton; or the
means, power, or opportunty ot approachng, commun-
catng, or passng to and trom. bometmes mportng
the occurrence ot sexua ntercourse, Jackson v. Jack-
son, J2 k. T4, T .2d J2, J; otherwse as
mportng opportunty ot communcaton tor that pur-
pose as between husband and wte.
n rea property aw, the term 'access" denotes the
rghtvested n the ownerot and whch adjons a roador
otherhghwaytogo andreturntrom hsownandtothe
hghwaywthout obstructon. 'Access" toproperty does
not necessary carry wth t possesson. eopev. Bren
neauer, JJ Msc. J, J N.Y.b. J, . See Access,
easement of.
or purposes ot estabshng eement ot access by
detendant n copyrght ntrngement acton, 'access" s
ordnary dened as opportunty to copy. Musto V.
Meyer, D.L.N.Y., 4J4 .bupp. J2, J4.
Multtle occs. 1he detense ot seVera oVers n pater-
nty actons. Yarmark V. btrckand, J9J bo.2d 2J2.
Pltc record. 1he rght ot access to pubc records
ncudes not onya ega rght ot access but areasonabe
opportunty to aVa oneset ot the same. See Freedom
of lnformation Act.
Accessar. SeeAccessoq.
Access, easement of /yzmont oV kses/. An easement
ot access s the rght whch an abuttng owner has ot
ngress to and egress trom hs premses, n addton to
the pubc easement n the street.
Accesso /ksesh(y)ow/. n Koman aw, an ncrease or
addton; that whch es next to a thng, and s suppe-
mentary and necessary to the prncpa thng; that
whch arses or s produced trom the prncpa thng; an
'accessory obgaton" (. u.J. ne ot the modes ot ac-
gurng property, beng the extenson ot ownershp oVer
that whch grows trom, or s unted to, an artce whch
one already possesses.
Accesstoncudes both accesson and accreton as used n
the common aw. See Ad|unction.
Accesson. Lomng nto possesson ot a rght or omce;
ncrease; augmentaton; addton.
1he rght to a whch one`s wn property produces,
whether that property be moVabe or mmoVabe; and
the rght to that whch s unted to t by accesson,
ether naturay or artcay. 1he rght to own thngs
that become a part ot somethng aready owned; e.g.
rparan owners` rght to abandoned rVer beds and
rghts ot auVon by accreton and recton. Manry V.
Kobson, J22 1ex. 2JJ, b.W.2d 4J, 44J, 444. See
A prncpe derVed trom the cV aw, by whch the
owner ot property becomes entted to a whch t pro-
duces, and to a that s added or unted to t, ether
naturay or artcay, (that s, by the abor or sk ot
another) eVen where such addton extends to a change
ot torm or materas; and by whch, on the other hand,
the possessor ot property becomes entted to t, as
aganst the orgna owner, where the addton made to
t by hs sk and abor s ot greater Vaue than the
property tset, or where the change ettected n ts torm
s so great as to render t mpossbe to restore t to ts
orgna shape.
Generay, 'accesson" sgnes acguston ot tte to
personal property by bestowng abor on t whch con-
Verts t nto an entrey dtterent thng or by ncorpo-
raton ot property nto a unon wth oter property.
Db Leasng Lorp. V. Leasng Assocates, nc., 1ex.LV.
App., 9 b..2d T, 9.
1he commencement or nauguraton ot a soVeregn`s
1utemottouol lo. 1he absoute or condtona accept-
ance by one or seVera natons ot a treaty aready
concuded between othersoVeregntes. t may beottwo
knds. Frst, thetorma entrance ot a thrd natonntoa
treaty so that such naton becomes a party to t; and
ths can ony be wth the consent ot the orgna partes.
Secoud, a naton may accede to a treaty between other
natons soey tor the purpose ot guarantee, n whch
case, though a party, t s attected by the treaty ony as
a guarantor. SeeAdhesion.
Accessons. Goods whch are nstaed n or atxed to
other goods. U.L.L. 9JJ4(J). See olo Fixture.
Accessorum non duct, sed segutur suum grncgae
/ksesoryom non dyuwsot sed sekwotor syuwom
prnsopeyy/. 1hat whch s the accessory or ncdent
does not ead, but toows, ts prncpa.
Accessorus segutur naturam su grncgas
/ksesryos sekwodor neytyurom syuway prnsopeyos/.
An accessory toows the nature ot hs prncpa. ne
who s accessory to a crme cannot be guty ot a hgher
degree ot crme than hs prncpa.
Accessor. Anythng whch s joned to another thng
as an ornament, or to render t more pertect, or whch
accompanes t, or s connected wth t as an ncdent, or
as subordnate to t, or whch beongs to or wth t.
Adjunct or accompanment. Lous Werner baw M Lo.
V. Whte, 2 La. 242, JT bo.2d 24, 2T. A thng ot
subordnate mportance. Adng or contrbutng n sec-
ondary way or assstng n or contrbutng to as a
subordnate. Gto V. Greenspon, La.App., 2J bo.2d
29, JJ.
Crtmtuol lo. Lontrbutng to or adng n the comms-
son ot a crme. ne who, wthout beng present at the
commsson ot a teonous ottense, becomes gutyot such
ottense, not as a chet actor, but as a partcpator, as by
command, adVce, nstgaton, or conceament; ether
betore or atter the tact or commsson; a orttces
crtmtuts. Mode ena Lode, 2..
ne who s not the chet actor n the ottense, nor
present at ts pertormance, but n some way concerned
theren, ether eJore or oJter the act commtted. ne
who ads, abets, commands, or counses another n the
commsson ot a crme. Seeolso Abettor, Aid and abet,
Accesso oJter the Joct. A person who, knowng a
teony to haVe been commtted by another, receVes,
reeVes, comtorts orassststhe teon, n order toenabe
hm to escape trom punshment, or the ke. Kobnson
V. btate, Md.App. T2J, 249 A.2d 4, T; J U.b.L.A.
J. Seeolso Harbor; Obstructing |ustice.
Accesso eJore the Joct. ne who orders, counses,
encourages, or otherwse ads and abets another to
commta teonyand who s notpresentat the comms-
son ot the ottense. Lom. V. Leach, 4 a. 44, JJT
A.2d 29J, 294. 1he pr

ary dstncton between the

accessory betore the tact and the prncpa n the sec-
ond degree s presence. Vrtuay a states haVe now
expressy abrogated the dstncton between prncpas
and accessores betore the tact; the atter now beng
cassed as prncpas.
Accsoq durtug the Joct. ne who standsby wthout
nterterng or gvng such hep as may be n hs power
to prevent the commsson ot a crmna ottense.
Accessoj Uudng. btructures used tor benet ot
man bdng; e.g. too shed. utbudngs.
Accessoj conUact. An accessory contract s made tor
assurng the pertormance ot a pror contract, ether by
the same partes or by others; such as suretyshp, mor
gage, and pedge.
Accessoj oUgaton. An obgaton whch s ncden-
ta to another or prncpa obgaton; e.g. the obgaton
ot a surety.
Accessoj use. Wthreterence tozonng aw, an 'acces-
sory use" n ts ordnary sgncaton s a use whch s
dependent on or pertans to prncpa or man use.
1ow ot oxborough v. Bay btate Harness Horse Kacng
& Breedng Ass`n, nc., Mass.App., J N.K.2d TTJ, TTT.
A use whch s subordnate to, ceary ncdenta to,
customary n connecton wth, and ordnary ocated on
same ot wth, prncpa use. Board otLounty Lom`rs ot
Bouder Lounty v. 1hompson, JTT Loo. 2TT, 49J .2d
Access to counse. Kght ot one to consut wth hs
attorney as guaranteed by the th Amendment, U.b.
Lonst. Geders v. U. b., 42 U.b. , 9 b.Lt. JJJ, 4T
L.Kd.2d 92. Seeolo Counse|, right to.
Access to courts. Kght ot person to regure tar hear-
ng trom judcary. Gmore v. Lynch, D.L.La., JJ9
.bupp. J, JJ.
Accdent. 1he word 'accdent" s derved trom the
atn verb 'accdere" sgntyng 'ta upon, beta, hap-
pen, chance." n an etymoogca sense anythng that
happens may be sad to bean accdent and n ths sense,
the word has been dened as betang a change; a
happenng; an ncdent; an occurrence or event. n ts
most commony accepted meanng, or n ts ordnary or
popuar sense, the word may be dened as meanng. a
tortutous crcumstance, event, or happenng; an event
happenng wthout any human agency, or t happenng
whoy or patythrough humanagency, anevent whch
under the crcumstances s unusua and unexpected by
the person to whom t happens; an unusua, tortutous,
unexpected, untoreseen or unooked tor event, happen-
ng or occurrence; an unusua or unexpected resut
attendng the operaton or pertormance ot a usua or
necessary act or event; chance or contngency; tortune;
mshap; some sudden and unexpected event takng
pace wthout expectaton, upon the nstant, rather than
somethng whch contnues, progresses or deveops;
somethng happenng by chance; somethng untoreseen,
unexpected, unusua, extraordnaryor phenomena, tak-
ng pace not accordng to the usua course ot thngs or
events, out ot the range ot ordnary cacuatons; that
whch exsts or occurs abnormay, or an uncommon
occurrence. 1he word may be empoyed as denotng a
caamty, csuaty, catastrophe, dsaster, an undesrabe
or untortunate happenng; any unexpected persona n-
jury resutng trom any unooked tor mshap or occur-
rence; any unpeasant or untortunate occurrence, that
causes njury, oss, sutterng or death; some untoward
occurrence asde trom the usua course ot events. An
event that takes pace wthout one`s toresght or expec
taton; an undesgned, sudden, and unexpected event.
Kochrng Lo. v. Amercan Auto. ns. Lo., L.A.Ws., JJ
.2d 99J, 99. See olso Act of God; Casua|ty, | nevitable
accident; Unavoidable accident.
ts synonyms are chance, contngency, mshap, ms-
chance, mstortune, dsaster, caamty, catastrophe.
Automotles. 1he word as used n automobe abty
pocy regurng notce ot any 'accdent" to be gven to
the nsurer as a condton precedent to abty means
anuntowardanduntoreseenoccurrencenthe operaton
ot the automobe whch resuts n njury to the person
or property ot another. ho Lasuaty ns. Lo. v. Marr,
L.L.A.k., 9 .2d 9TJ, 9T. 1he word 'accdent",
regurng operator ot vehce to stop mmedatey ncase
ot accdent,contempatesany stuatonoccurrng on the
hghway wheren drver so operates hs automobe as to
cause njury to the property or person ot another usng
the same hghway. See olso Hit and run accident.
1usumuce coutroct. An accdent wthn accdent nsur
ance poces s an event happenng wthout any human
agency, or, t happenng through such agency, an event
whch, under crcumstances, s unusua and not expect-
ed by the person to whom t happens. A more compre-
hensve term than 'neggence," and n ts common
sgncaton the word means an unexpected happenng
wthout ntenton or desgn.
Mortttme lo. 'Accdents ot navgaton" or 'accdents
otthesea" are suchasarepecuar tothe sea ortousua
navgaton or the acton ot the eements, whch do not
happen by the nterventon ot man, and are not to be
avoded by the exercse ot proper prudence, toresght,
and sk. 1he G. K. Booth, JTJ U.b. 4, J9 b.Lt. 9, 4J
L.Kd. 2J4. See olo Peri|s of the sea.
Uuouotdole occtdeut. ne whch s not occasoned n
any degree, ether drecty or remotey, by the want ot
such care and prudece as the aw hods every man
bound to exercse. Vncent v. Johnson, 1ex.Lv.App.,
JJT b.W.2d JJ. ne whch coud not have been pre-
vented by exercse ot due care by both partes under
crcumstances prevang. Woodwss v. Kse, J Wash.
App. , 4TJ .2d J24, J2. ne whch occurs whe a
persons concerned are exercsng ordnary care, whch s
not caused by taut t any ot persons and whch coud
not have been prevented by any means suggested by
common prudence. Lavanaugh v. Jepson, owa, JT
N.W.2d J, 2J. bee Kestatement, becond, 1orts .
Seeolso Unavoidable accident.
horke'comeusottou octs. Wthn meanng ot Work-
er's Lompensaton Act s any untoreseen, untoward hap-
penng whch was not to be reasonaby antcpated.
A.. Green Ketractores Lo. v. Workmen`s Lompensaton
Appea Bd., a.Lmwth JT2, JJ A.2d 9J4, 9JT. As
reterredtonActsanunookedtor anduntoward event
whch s not expected or desgned by njured empoyee;
a resut produced by a tortutous cause. Keams v.
Burngto ndustres,42 NL.App. 4,2 b.L.2d ,
Accdent goc. 1ype ol busness and persona nsur-
ance coveragethatnsures aganst oss resutng drecty
lrom body njures ellected durng the term ol the
pocy soey through accdenta means.
Accdenta. Happenng by chance, or unexpectedy;
takng place not accordng to usua course ol thngs;
casual; lortutous. Norrs v. New York Lle ns. Lo.,
L.L.A.Md.,49 .2d 2,J; Murphy v. 1raveers ns. Lo.,
J4J Neb. 4J,2 N.W.2d T,T,T9. Seeolo Accident.
Accdenta cause. 1hat whch producesresutwhch s
not loreseen; producng an unexpected ellect. ernan-
dez v.nt Bd. olLd.,L.A.Mch.,2J .2d 9,9. See
olo Accidenta|.
Accdenta deatb. ne caused by unexpected or unn-
tended means. banders v. Metrooltan Lle ns. Lo.,
J4 Utah T,JJ .2d 2J9.
Accdenta deatb UeneUt. rovson n nsurance po
cy encompassng death caused by sudden, unexpected,
external lorce. Maneva v. Lutheran Bros.,De.buper.,
2J A.2d 2,.
Accdenta Kng. ne resutng lrom an act whch s
awlu and lawluy done under a reasonabe beel that
no harm s possbe; dstngushed lrom 'nvountary
mansaughter," whch s the resut ol an unawlu act,
or ol a awlu act done n an unawlu way.
Accdenta means. njury resutng lrom unntended,
unlorseeable,and unexpected cause.
Accdenta Ven. SeeVein.
Accdent groneness. 1endency towards beng nvoved
n or contrbutng to accdents.
Accdere /aksdory/. Lat. 1o lal; la n; come to
hand; happen. Judgment s sometmes gven aganst
an executor or admnstrator tobe satsed out olassets
uoudo occtdertut; t.e., when they sha come to hand.
Accon /ksyown/. n bpansh aw,a rght ol acton;
aso the method oljudca procedurelorthe recovery ol
property or a debt.
Accgere gud ut ]usttam facas, non est tam acc
gere guam extorguere /akspory kwd ot jostshyom
leyshyos,nn est tm akspory kwm ekstorkwory/.
1o accept anythng as a reward lor dong justce s
rather extortng than acceptng.
Accgtare /akspotery/. 1o pay reelto ords olman-
ors. Cottolt domtuo occtttore, t.e., to pay a relel,
homage, or obedence to the chel ord on becomng hs
Accoa /koo/. Ctutl lo. ne who habts or occu-
pes land near a place,as one who dwels by a rver,or
on the bank ol a rver.
1eudol lo. A husbandman; anagrcultural tenant; a
tenant ol a manor. A name gven a cl olvllens
m U.
Accomenda /komendo/. n martme aw,a contract
between the owner olgoods and the master ola shp,by
whch the lormer ntrusts the property to the atter to
be sod by hm on ther jont account. n such case,two
contracts take pace rst,the contract caed moudo-
tum, by whch the owner ol the property gves the
master power to dspose ol t; and the contract ol
partnershp, n vrtue ol whch the prots are to be
dvded between them. ne party runs the rsk olosng
hs capta; the other,hs abor. lthe sae produces no
more than rst cost,the owner takes a the proceeds.
t s ony the prots whch are to be dvded.
Accommodated gart. ne to whom the credt ol the
accommodaton party s oaned,and s not necessary
the payee,snce the ngury aways s as to whom dd
the maker ol the paper oan hs credt as a matter ol
lact; not thrd person who may receve advantage. See
olo Accommodation party.
Accommodaton /okmodeyshon/. An arrangement or
engagement made as a lavor to another, not upon a
consderaton receved. bomethng done to obge,
usuay spoken ola oan olmoney or commerca paper;
aso a lrendy agreement or composton ol dllerences.
1he word mpes no consderaton. Whe a party's
ntent may be to ad a maker ol note by endng hs
credt,l he seeks to accompsh thereby egtmate ob-
jects ol hs own,and not smpy to ad maker,the act s
not lor accommodaton. SeeAccommodation maker.
Accommodaton U or note. See Accommodation pa-
Accommodaton ndorsement. See |ndorsement.
Accommodaton ndorser. A party who paces hs
name to a note wthout consderaton lor purpose ol
benetng or accommodatng someother party. U.L.L.
J-4J. Seeolso |ndorsement.
Accommodaton ands. Land bought by a buder or
specuator,who erects houses thereon,and then eases
portons thereolupon an mproved ground-rent.
Accommodaton ne. nsurance poces accepted by
nsurer because agent or brokers account n genera s
satslactory,even though specc pocy woud otherwse
key not be acceptabe.
Accommodaton oan. Loan lurnshed as an act ol
lrendshp or assstance wthout tangbe or lu consd-
eraton; money or credt extended lor such reasons.
Accommodaton maKer. ne who puts hs name to a
note wthout any consderaton wth the ntenton ol
lendng hs credt to the accommodated party. n re
Lhamberan's Kstate, La.App., J9 .2d 449, 44.
U.L.L. J-J. Seeolo Accommodation party.
Accommodaton note. ne to whch accommodatng
partyhasput hsname,wthoutconsderaton, accom
modate some other party, who s ssue t and s
expected to pay t. U.L.L. J-J.
Accopodaton gager. An accommodaton blor note
s one to whch the accommodatng party,D he acce
tor, drawer, or ndorser, h Qut hm name, wthOut
on8eraton, tor the purpo8e otbcnetngor accomm
datng 8ome other party who de8re8 to ra8e money on
t, and 8 to proVde tor the bll when due. Hckox V.
Hckox, 1ex.Lv.App., JJ b.W.2d JJ, JT. buch mu8t
be executcd tor the purpose ot loanng credt, and nc
dental benet to party s nsumcent. Morrson V.
anter, Mo.App., JT b.W.2d , T.
Accommodaton gart. ne wh sgns commerca pa-
pcr n any capacty tor purpose ot lendng hs name (t.e.
credt) to another party to nstrument. U.L.L. J-4J.
buch party s a surety.
Accommodaton road. P road opened tor benet ot
certan ndVduas to go trom and to ther homes, tor
servce ot ther ands, and tor use ot some estates excu
sVely. Seeolo Easement.
Accommodatum / okmodeytom/. 1he same as Lom
modatum (g. 0./.
Accomgan. 1o go aong wth. 1oo wth or attend as
a companon or assocate. 1o occur n assocaton wth.
Unted btates V. Lee, L.L.A.Ws., JJJ .2d 44, 4. 1he
word has been dened judcaly n cases nvovng Var-
ed tacts; thus an automobe drVer under sxteen s
not accompaned by an adut person uness the atter
exercses superVson over the drVer; an uncensed
drversnotaccompaned by acensed drverunessth
latter s near enough to render adVce and assstance.
Accomgce /okmpos/. ne who knowngy, vountar-
y and wth common ntent untes wth the prncpal
ottender m the commsson ot a crme. bmth v. btate,
1enn.Lr.App., 2 b.W.2d T4, T; Mode enal Lode,
2.(J). ne who s n some way concerned or assoc-
ated n commsson ot crme; partaker ot gut; one who
ads or asssts, or s an accessory. McLendon v. U. b.,
L.L.A.Mo., J .2d 4, 4. Kgualy concerned n the
commsson ot crme. ryman v. Lommonweath, 29
Ky. 4, J b.W.2d 42, 429. ne who s gulty ot
complcty n crme charged, ether by beng present and
adng or abettng n t, or havng adVsed and encour-
aged t, though absent trom place when t was commt-
ted, though mere presence, acguescence, or sence, n
the absence ot a duty to act, s not enough, no matter
how reprehensbe t may be, to consttute onean accom-
pce. ne s lable as an accomplce to the crme ot
another t he gave assstance or encouragementor taed
to pertorm a ega duty to preVnt t wth the ntent
thereby to promote or tactate commsson ot the
crme. Seeolo Abet; Aid and abet; Accessory.
Accomgce aUQ. Lrmnal responsblty ot one
who acts wth anothe betore, durng or atter the perpe
traton ot a crme. Mode ena Lode, 2..
Accomgce wtness. A person who ether as prncpal,
accomplce, or accessory, was connected wth crme by
unlawtul act or omsson on hs part, transprng ether
betore, at tme ot, or atter commsson ot ottense, and
whether or not he was present and patcpated n
crme. Johnson V. btate, 1ex.Lr.App., 2 b.W.2d TJ,
Accom n. P reement bctwccn two pcr8ons, one ot
whom h a rght ot acton aganst the other, to settle
thedspute. n adebtor/credtorrelaton8hp,an rc
ment between the partes to sette a dspute tor some
parta payment. t s called an accord because te
credtor has a rght ot acton aganst the debtor.
A satstacton agreed upon between the party njurng
and the party njured whch, when pertormed, s a bar
to a actons upon ths account. An accord beng a
contract, the egurements ot mutua assent and consd-
eraton must be met. Buob V. eenaughty Machnery
L., J9J Wash. 4TT, TJ .2d 9, 4. An agreement
whereby one ot partes undertakes to gVe or pertorm,
and other to accept, n satstacton ot gudated or
dsputed clam arsng ther contract or tort some-
thng dtterent or less m what he s or consders
hmselt entted to; and satstacton" s executon or
pertormance oagreement. Harrs, Upham & Lo., nc.
v. Balantyne, 1ex.LV.App., J b.W.2d JJ, J. t
mayarseboth where the demand tselt s ungudated
or n dspute, and where the amount and nature ot the
demand s undsputed, and t s agreed to gve and take
ess than the demand. See Accord and satisfaction;
Compromise and sett|ement; Executory accord; Satisfac-
Accord, 0. n practce, to agree or concur, as one judge
wth another. nagreement wth. See Concur; Concur-
ring opinion.
Accordance. Agreement; harmony; concord; contorm-
ty. Lty and Lounty ot banrancsco v. Boyd, 22 La.2d
, J4 .2d , .
Accord and saUsfacton. A method ot dschargng a
cam whereby the partes agree to gve and accept
somethng n settement ot the cam and pertorm the
agreement, the 'accord" beng the agreement and the
'satstacton" ts executon or pertormance, and t s a
new contract substtuted tor an od contract whch s
thereby dscharged, or tor an oblgaton or cause ot
acton whch s setted, and must have a ot the ee-
ments ot a Vald contract. Hom V. Hansen, owa, 24
N.W.2d J, . An executory batera contract ot
'accord" s an agreement embodyng a promse, express
or mped, to accept at some tuture tme a stpuated
pertormance n satstacton or dscharge n whoe or n
part ot any present cam, cause ot acton or oblgaton,
and a promse express or mped to render such per-
tormance. buch arses where partes, by a subseguent
agreement, haVe satsed the tormer one, and the atter
agreement has been executed. 1he executon ot a new
agreement may uet amount to a satstacton, where t
s so xpressyagreed by the partes; and wthout such
agreement, t the new promse s tounded on a new
consderaton, n whch case the takng ot the new
consderaton amounts to the satstacton ot the tormer
Accord and satstacton may also arse n a crmnal
case. bee e.g. Mass.Gen.L. c. 2T, .
n some jursdctons, novaton s a speces ot accord
and satstacton.
See Comprom|se and settlement; Novat|on; Satisfac-
t|on; Sett|ement.
AJJrmottue deJene. P dCCn8C WhOh mu8t bC pCadCd
aHtmatVCy n thC dCCndant8 an8WCt. Cd.b.LV..
Accordant /aktdant/. t. and ng. PgtCCng, OOnOut-
Accord executor. P batCta agtCCmCnt O8CttCmCnt
WhOh ha8 nOt yCt bCCn pCtOtmCd (8at8HCd). bC8tatC-
mCnt, bCOOnd, LOnttaOt8, Zo1.
Accoucbement /kuW8hmn/. hC aOt O a WOman n
gVng btth tO a Ohd. hC aOt O thC aOOOuOhCmCnt,
WhOh may bC ptOVCd by thC dtCOt tC8tmOny OOnCWhO
Wa8 ptC8Cnt, a8 a phy8Oan Ot mdWC, 8 OtCn mpOt-
tant CVdCnOC m ptOVng patCntagC.
Account. P dCtaCd 8tatCmCnt O thC mutua dCmand8
n thC natutC OdCbt and OtCdtbCtWCCn pattC8, at8ng
Out OOOnttaOt8 Ot 8OmC HduOaty tCatOn. P8tatCmCnt
n Wttng, O dCbt8 and OtCdt8, Ot O tCOCpt8 and
paymCnt8, a 8t O tCm8 O dCbt8 and OtCdt8, Wth
thCt tC8pCOtVC datC8. P 8tatCmCnt O pCOunaty ttan8-
aOtOn8, a tCOOtd Ot OOut8C Obu8nC88 dCang8 bCtWCCn
pattC8, a 8t Ot 8tatCmCnt O mOnCtaty ttan8aOtOn8,
8uOh a8 paymCnt8, O88C8, 8aC8, dCbt8, OtCdt8, aOOOunt8
payabC, aOOOunt8 tCOCVabC, CtO., n mO8t Oa8C8 8hOWng
a baanOC Ot tC8ut O OOmpat8On bCtWCCn tCm8 O an
OppO8tC natutC.
See olo Ag|ng of accounts; B|ocked account; Charge
account; Commun|ty account; Custody account; Contra
account; Escrow account; |mpound account; | ntermediate
account; L|qu|dated account; Leger; LOg account; Mar-
g|n account; Nom|nal account; Stated account; State-
ment of account. Ot LpCn aOOOunt, see Open.
Accouutouuexed. Otm O 8mpHCd 8tatCmCnt u8Cd n
pCadng a OOmmOn OOunt (e.g. mOnCy hadand tCOCVCd)
mpCdy authOtZCd Ot u8C undCt Cd.b.LV . o(a)(Z).
Accouut olouce. CtCnOC bCtWCCn dCbt and OtCdt
8dC8 O an aOOOunt.
Accouutdetor. Ct8On WhO 8 ObgatCd On an aOOOunt,
OhattC papCt Ot gCnCta ntangbC. 1.L.L.
Accouut oyole. P dCbt, OWCd by an CntCtpt8C, that
at8C8 n thC nOtma OOut8C Obu8nC88 dCang8 and ha8
nOt bCCn tCpaOCd by a nOtC payabC O a dCbtOt. Ot
CXampC, b8 Ot matCta8 tCOCVCd but nOt yCt pad.
LOnttaOt ObgatOn8 OWng by a pCt8On On OpCn aOOOunt.
btatC 1 LOmm88On V. bhattuOk, 44 PtZ. J, o .Zd
1, J. P abtytCptC8Cntng an amOunt OWCd tO a
OtCdtt, u8uay at8ng tOm putOha8C O mCtOhand8C
Ot matCta8 and 8uppC8, nOt nCOC88aty duC Ot pa8t
Accouut recetuole. P dCbt, OWCd tO an CntCtpt8C, that
at8C8 n thC nOtma OOut8C O bu8nC88 dCang8 and 8
nOt 8uppOttCd by nCgOtabC papCt. Ot CXampC, thC
OhatgC aOOOunt8 Oa dCpattmCnt 8tOtC. ut nOOmC duC
tOm nVC8tmCnt8 (unC88 nVC8tmCnt8 atC thC bu8C88
t8C 8 nOt u8uay 8hOWn n aOOOunt8 tCOCVabC. P
Oam agan8t a dCbtOt u8uay at8ng tOm 8aC8 Ot
8CtVOC8tCndCtCd, nOt nCOC88aty duC Ot pa8t duC. Ot
aOOOunt8 tCOCVabC n8utanOC, see |nsurance.
Accouutreudered. Pn aOOOuntmadCOutbythCOtCdtOt,
and ptC8CntCd tO thC dCbtOt Ot h8 CXamnatOn and
aOOCptanOC. WhCn aOOCptCd, t bCOOmC8 an aOOOunt 8tat-
Accouut settled. LnC n WhOh thC baanOC ha8 bCCn n
aOt pad, thCtCby dCtng tOm an aOOOunt 8tatCd.
Accouutstoted. Pn tCCd baanOC bCtWCCn pattC8 tO a
8CttCmCnt. ng V. btCn, 1Z PtZ. 4, JJ .Zd J,
Ad)uuct occouut. Pn aOOOunt that aOOumuatC8 add-
tOn8 tO anOthCt aOOOunt.
Bouk occouut. See Bank.
Book occouut. See Book.
Closed occouut. Pn aOOOunt tO WhOh nO utthCt add-
tOn8 Oan bC madC On CthCt 8dC, but WhOh tCman8 8t
OpCn Ot ad]u8tmCnt and 8Ct-O, WhOh d8tngu8hC8 t
tOm an aOOOunt 8tatCd.
Commerctol tmusocttous. n thC OhCOk OOCOtOn ptO-
OC88, `any aOOOunt Wth a bank and nOudC8 a OhCOkng,
tmC, ntCtC8t Ot 8aVng8 aOOOunt. 1.L.L. 14(1)(a).
n 8COutCd ttan8aOtOn8 aW, `any tght tO paymCnt Ot
gOOd8 8Od Ot Ca8Cd Ot Ot 8CtVOC8 tCndCtCd WhOh 8 nOt
CVdCnOCdby an n8ttumCnt Ot OhattC papCt, WhCthCt Ot
nOt t ha8 bCCn CatnCd by pCtOtmanOC, nOudng Otd-
naty aOOOunt8 tCOCVabC and tght8 undCt a 8hp Ohat-
tCt, 1.L.L. J1, and a8O thC tght tO ptOOCCd8 O a
CttCt O OtCdt. 1.L.L. 11(Z).
Coutro occouut. Pn aOOOunt WhOh8CtVC8 tO tCduOC thC
gtO88 VauatOn O an a88Ct, a8O knOWn a8 a VauatOn
aOWanOC. Ot CXampC, aOOumuatCd dCptCOatOn
8CtVC8 a8 a VauatOn aOWanOC Ot maOhnCty and
CqupmCnt. LOntta8t Wth od)uuct occouut, ooue.
Curreut occouut. Pn OpCn Ot tunnng Ot un8CttCd aO-
OOunt bCtWCCn tWO pattC8, thC antthC88 O an aOOOunt
Mutuol occouuts. POOOunt8 OOmpt8ng mutua OtCdt8
bCtWCCn thC pattC8, Ot an CX8tng OtCdt On OnC 8dC
WhOh OOn8ttutC8 a gtOund Ot OtCdt On thC thCt, Ot
WhCtC thCtC 8 an undCt8tandng that mutua dCbt8 8ha
bC a 8at8aOtOn Ot 8Ct-Oro touto bCtWCCn thC pattC8.
P `mutua aOOOunt at8C8 WhCn thCtC atC tCm8 dCbtCd
and OtCdtCd On bOth 8dC8 OthC aOOOunt WhOh ndOatC
mutua ttan8aOtOn8 bCtWCCn thC pattC8. btatC Ot 18C
and CnCHt ObtatC MO8pta V. MntZ, .., Zo1 .W.Zd
4, .
Ueu occouut. Pn aOOOunt WhOh ha8 nOt bCCn Hnay
8CttCd Ot OO8Cd, but 8 8t tunnng Ot OpCn tO ututC
ad]u8tmCnt Ot qudatOn. LpCn aOOOunt, Cga a8
WC a8 n Otdnaty anguagC, mCan8 an ndCbtCdnC88
8ub]COt tO ututC ad]u8tmCnt, and WhOh may bC tCduOCd
Ot mOdHCd by ptOO.
Accomt, Uf accomt WU0et. CCount, 8om8tm88
Ca aCCount t8nd8t, W aotm oaCton at Common
aW an8t a t8on Who by t8on o 8om8 duCa
t8aton ( atdan, ba, t8C8V8t, 8tC. W bound to
t8nd8t an aCCount to anoth8t, but t8u88d to do 8o.
Q88 nanC8 & htt Lo. o 8aa V oWman, o
La.PQQZd 1ZJ, 11 .Zd 1ZJ, 11.
AccountaUt. btat8 obCng t88pOn8bC Ot an8WCta-
b8. See olo L|ab|liq.
AccountaUe. bub]CCt tO pay, t88pOn8bC, abC.
AccountaUe recegt. Pn n8ttumCnt aOknOWCdgng
th8 t8C8Qt o mon8y Ot pCt8ona ptOpCtty, OOupCd Wth
an obgatOn.
Accountant. Ct8On WhO WOtk8 n HCd O aOOountng
and 8 8kCd n kCCpngbOOk8 Ot aOOOunt8, n dC8gnng
and COntOng 8y8tCm8 O aOOOunt, n gVng U adVC
and ptCpatng U tCtutn8.
P aCOOuntant authOtZCd undCt appOabC aW tO
QtaCtCC pubO aOCOuntng, and nOudC8 ptoC88Ona
aCCOuntng a88OOaton, OOtpOtatOn, Ot pattnCt8hp, 8O
authotZCd. anktuptOy LOdC, 11.
CerttJedPltcAccouutout (CPAJ. Pn aOOOuntant WhO
h 8at8HCd thC 8tatutOty and admn8ttatVC tCqutC-
mCnt8 O h8 Ot hCt ]ut8dOtOn tO bC tCg8tCtCd ot
OCn8Cd a8 a pubO aOOOuntant. n addtOn tO pa88ng
thC 1nOtm LP XamnatOn admn8tCtCd by thC
PLP, thC LP mu8t mCCt OCttan bu8nC88 CXpCtCnOC,
CduOatOna and mOta tCqutCmCnt8 that dCt tOm
]ut8dOtOn tO ]ut8dOton. See olso Aud|tor.
Ctoccouutout. See Cost.
Accountant grVege. tOtCOtOn aOtdCd to OCnt
tom d8CO8utC by aOOOuntant o matCta8 8ubmttCd tO
Ot ptCpatCd by aOOOuntant.
Accountants, cbartered. Ct8On8 8kCd n thC kCCpng
and CXamnatOn o aOOOunt8, WhO atC CmpOyCd Ot thC
putpo8C O CXamnng and OCttyng tO thC OOttCOtnC88
O aCCOunt8 O OOtpOtaton8 and othCt8. tt8h LOm-
mOnWCath CquVaCnt O LCttHCd ubO POOOuntant.
Accountant's en. O88C88Oty tght O aOOOuntant tO
papCt8 ptCpatCd by hm and hCd unt paymCnt 8 madC
ot m 8CtVCC8.
Account UooK. P bOOk kCpt by a mCtOhant, ttadCt,
ptOCOna, ot OthCt pCt8On, n WhOh atC CntCtCd tOm
tmC to tmC thC ttan8aOtOn8 O h8 ttadC, bu8nC88, Ot
ptO888on. nttC8 madC thCtCn atC adm88bC n CV-
dCnOC a8 CXOCpton tO hCat8ay tuC undCt OCttan OOnd-
tOn8. Cd.Vd.b. o.
Account comgutato. P tCtm 8 u8Cd n ptoOCCdng8 o
OOutt8 O aW Ot Cquty, 8 8OmC mattCt O dCbt and
OtCdt,OtdCmandn natutC thCtCO. LOCmanV. ban8a8
Lty, 1 mO. Z4, 11 b.W.Zd 1Z, 1.
Account for. OpayOVCttO thCpCt8On CnttCd thCtCtO.
1. b. V. bChWad, .L.La., 44 .Zd . O utn8h
8ub8tanta tCa8On8 Ot OOnVnOng CXpanatOn, makC
OCat Ot tCVCa ba8O Oau8C8. COpC V. WCgCt, Z1
L.P.Zd o4, J La.bptt. 1, o.
Accomtmg. Pn aCt ot a 8y8m o makng uQ ot
tngaCCounU, Con88tng oa 8t8m8nt o aCCount Wth
d8bU and Ct8dt8 at8ng tom t8aton8hQ o Qatt88.
btat8 8X t8. bng V. MatV8y, m88., Z14 bo.Zd o11, o1J.
8ndton oan aCCount, 8th8t Vountaty ot by otd8t
oa Coutt. n th8 attCt C t mQott8 a tCndton o a
]udgmCnt ot thC baanCC a8CCttanCd tO b8 du8. h8
t8tm may nOudC paym8nt OthC amOunt duC.
n pattnCt8hp aW, 8 CqutabC ptoC8Cdng Ot a COm-
pCtC 8CttCmCnt Oa pattn8t8hQ aat8.
hC mCthOd8 undCt WhOh nOOmC and CXpCn8C8 atC
dCtCtmnCd Ot U putpO8C8. ma]Ot aOOOuntng mCth-
Od8 atC thC Oa8h ba88 and thC aOOtua ba88. bpCOa
mCthOd8 atC aVaabC Ot thC tCpOttng O gan On n-
8tamCnt 8aC8, tCOOgntOn O nOOmC On Oon8ttuOtOn
pto]COt8 (t.e., thC OOmpCtCdCOnttaOt and pCtOCntagCO-
OOmpCtOn mCthOd8), and thC VauatOn o nVCntOtC8
(t.e. a8tn Ht8tOut and Ht8tn Ht8tOut). hC VatOu8
typC8 O aOOOuntng mCthOd8 appCat bCOW
Accruol mthod. P mCthod O kCCpng aOOOunt8 WhOh
8hOW8 CXpCn8C8 nOuttCd and nOOmC CatnCd Ot a gVCn
pCtOd, athOugh 8uOh CXpCn8C8 and nOOmC may nOt
haVC bCCn aOtuay pad Ot tCCCVCd. bght tO tCOCVC
and nOt thC aOtua tCOCpt dCtCtmnC8 nOu8On O
amOunt n gtO88 nOOmC. WhCn tght tO tCOCVC an
amOunt bCOOmC8 HXCd, tght aOOtuC8. LbgatOn8 pay-
abC to Ot by taXpayCt atC ttCatCd a8 d8OhatgCd WhCn
nOuttCd. M. LCbC8 & LO. V. LOmm88OnCt O ntCtna
bCVCnuC, L.L.P.J, J .Zd JZ, J. nttC8 atC madC O
OtCdt8 and dCbt8 WhCn abty at8C8, WhCthCt tC-
OCVCd Ot d8but8Cd. n8utanOC nanOC LOtpOtatOn V.
LOmm88onCtOnCtnabCVCnuC, L.L.P., o4 .Zd oZ.
Seeolso Accrua| bas|s; Accrue (ToxottouJ.
Cuh method. hC ptaOtOC O tCOOtdng nOOmC and
CXpCn8C Ony WhCn Oa8h 8 tCOCVCd Ot pad Out, u8Cd n
OOnttad8tnOtOn tO aOOtua mCthOd. See Cash basis
Comletedcoutroctmethod. P mCthOd OtCpottng ptO
t Ot O88 On OCttan ongtCtm OOnttaOt8. 1ndCt th8
mCthOd O aOOOuntng, gtO88 nOOmC and CXpCn8C8 atC
tCOOgnZCd n thC taX yCat n WhOh thC OOnttaOt 8
OompCtCd. h8 mCthOd 8hOud bC u8Cd Ony WhCn thC
OOndton8 Ot tCtm8 O thC OOnttaOt dO not pCtmt u8C O
thC pCtOCnt O OOmpCtOn mCthOd.
Cost method. hC ptaOtOC O tCOOtdng thC VauC O
a88Ct8 n tCtm8 O thCt OO8t. See olso Cost (Cost oc
1otr uolue method. NauatOn O a88Ct8 at ptC8Cnt Va-
uC, mCanng 8amC a8 aOtua VauC Ot matkCt VauC.
bCttV.bnOhHCdLOa LOtp., 1J Na 14J, 1JZ b.. 141,
1lo through method. ypC O OaOuatOn O dCptCOa-
tOn u8Cd by tCguatCd uttC8 Ot nOOmC taX putpO8C8.
CdCta OWCt LOmm88On V. mCmph8 Lght, La8, &
WatCt V8On, 411 1.b. 4o, J b.Lt. 11Z, L.d.Zd
1ustollmeut method. tOOCdutC appCd n tCCOtng
OOCOtOn O 8aC8 ptOC n n8tamCnt8.
!tceleueloccouuttug. mOdCtnmCthOdOVaunga88Ct8
n a HnanOa 8tatCmCnt WhOh tCqutC8 u8C O gtO88
natOna ptOduOt tO tCCOt OuttCnt VauC8. See olo
Change in accounting method.
See olo Genera||y Accepted Accounting Princip|es;
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards; lnstallment meth-
od; lnterim statements; Percentage of completion meth-
od; Purchase method of accounting; T-Account; Tri-
a| (Ttol olouceJ.
Accountng for groUts. POtOn Ot CqutabC tCC
agan8t OnC n a HduOaty tCatOn tO tCOOVCt ptOHt8
takCn n btCaOh O tCatOn.
Accountng gerod. hC pCtOd OtmC, u8uay a yCat,
u8Cd by a taXpayCt n thC dCtCtmnatOn O nOOmC and
tCatCd taX abty. 1nC88 a H8Oa yCat 8 OhO8Cn,
taXpayCt8 mu8t dCtCtmnC and pay thCt nOOmC taX
abty by u8ng thC OaCndat yCat (t.e., Januaty 1
thtOugh COCmbCt 1) a8 thC pCtOd O mCa8utCmCnt.
Pn CXampC O a H8Oa yCat 8 Juy 1 thtOugh JunC .
P OhangC n aOOOuntng pCtOd8 (e.g. , tOm a OaCndat
yCat tO a H8Oa yCat) gCnCtay tCqutC8 thC OOn8Cnt O
thC ntCa bCVCnuC bCtVOC. bOmC nCW taXpayCt8,
8uOh a8 a nCWy OtmCd OOtpOtatOn, atC tCC tO 8CCOt
CthCt an nta OaCndat Ot a H8Oa yCat WthOut thC
OOn8Cnt O thC ntCtna bCVCnuC bCtVOC. See Annua|
accounting period; Fisca| year.
Accountng Hesearcb Uuetn (AHU). btatCmCnt On
tCOOmmCndCd aOOOuntng ptOOCdutC8 88uCd by thC
PmCtOan n8ttutC O LCttHCd ubO POOOuntant8
LOmmttCC On POOOuntng tOOCdutC.
Accountng beres Heease (AbH). hC OHOa ptO-
nOunOCmCnt8 88uCd by thC bCOuttC8 and XOhangC
LOmm88On tO Oaty aOOOuntng and audtng ptOOC-
dutC8 tO bC OOWCd n tCpOtt8 HCd Wth thC bL.
Account n trust. POOOuntC8tab8hCd by an ndVdua
tO bC hCd n ttu8t Ot thC bCnCHt O anOthCt.
Account gart. hC Ou8tOmCt n a CttCt O OtCdt
ttan8aOtOn. bynOnymOu8 a8O Wth `appOant.
Account gaaUe. SeeAccount.
Account receVaUe. See Account.
Accounts receVaUe nsurance. n8utanOC agan8t O88
duC tO nabty tO OOCOt Out8tandng aOOOunt8 tCOCVa-
bC bCOau8C O damgC tO Ot dC8ttuOtOn O tCOOtd8.
Account stated. Pn agtCCd baanOC bCtWCCn pattC8 tO
a 8CttCmCnt. ng V. btCn, 1Z PtZ. 4, JJ .Zd J,
o. Seeolso Account.
Accouge. /akapa/. O untC, tO matty. ^e uuues
occoule /ny agkWyZ akapa/ nCVCt mattCd.
Accredt /aktCdat/. O gVC OHOa authOtZatOn Ot
8tatu8. O tCOOgnZC a8haVng8uHOCnt aOadCmO 8tan-
datd8 tO quay gtaduatC8 Ot hghCt CduOatOn Ot Ot
ptOC88Ona ptaOtOC. n ntCtnatOna aW. (1) O aO-
knOWCdgC, tO tCOCVC a8 an CnVOy n h8 pubO OhataO-
tCt, and gVC hm OtCdt and tank aOOOtdngy. (Z) O
8Cnd Wth OtCdCnta8 a8 an CnVOy. h8 attCt u8C 8
nOW thC aOOCptCd OnC.
Accredted aw scboo. LaW 8OhOO WhOh ha8 bCCn
apptOVCd by thC 8tatC and thC P88OOatOn O PmCtOan
LaW bOhOO8 and/Ot thC PmCtOan at P88OOatOn. n
OCttan 8tatC8 (e.g. La.) a aW 8OhOO mght bC aOOtCdt-
Cd by thC 8tatC, but nOt by CthCt thC PPLb Ot PP. n
mO8t 8tatC8 Ony gtaduatC8 O PPLb Ot PP aOOtCdtCd
aW 8OhOO8 atC pCtmttCd tO takC thC 8tatC bat CXam.
Accredted regresentatVe. P8 tC8pCOt8 8CtVOC O ptO-
OC88, tCptC8CntatVC haVng gCnCta authOtty tO aOt.
Accredutare /akt8dyaatCty/. Lat. O putgC an O-
Cn8C by Oath.
Accreton /akty8han/. hC aOt O gtOWng tO a thng,
u8uay appCd tO thC gtadua and mpCtOCptbC aOOu-
muatOn Oand by natuta Oau8C8, a8 Out OthC 8Ca Ot a
Ctutl lo. hC tght O hCt8 Ot CgatCC8 tO untC Ot
aggtCgatC Wth thCt 8hatC8 Ot pOttOn8 O thC C8tatCthC
pOttOn Oany OO-hCt Ot CgatCCWhO tCu8C8tO aOOCpt t,
a8 tO OOmpy Wth a OOndtOn, bCOOmC8 nOapaOtatCd
tO nhCtt, Ot dC8 bCOtC, thC tC8tatOt.
Loud. PddtOn OpOttOn8 O8O, by gtadua dCpO8tOn
thtOugh thC OpCtatOn O natuta Oau8C8, tO that atCady
n pO88C88On O OWnCt. WCtt V. mCt, 1 Lk. Zo,
.Zd J, JZ. POOtCtOn O and 8 O tWO knd8. y
olluutou, t.e., by thC Wa8hng up O8and Ot 8O, 8O a8 tO
Otm Htm gtOund, Ot by dereltcttou, a8 WhCn thC 8Ca
8htnk8 bCOW thC u8ua WatCt-matk. hC tCtm `au-
VOn 8 appCd tO dCpO8t t8C, WhC `aOOtCtOn dC-
nOtC8 thC aOt. MOWCVCt, thC tCtm8 atC tCquCnty u8Cd
8ynOnymOu8y. Land unOOVCtCd by gtadua 8ub8dCnOC
O WatCt 8 nOt an `aOOtCtOn but a `tCOtOn.
Tust roerty. bCOCpt8 OthCt than thO8C Otdnaty
OOn8dCtCd a8 nOOmC.
See Accrue, A||uvion; Avu|sion; Re|iction.
Accroacb. O CnOtOaOh, tO CXCtO8C pOWCt WhOut au-
Accrocber /ktOW8hCy/. t. O dCay, tCtatd, put O.
Accrocher uu roces, tO 8tay thC ptOOCCdng8 n a 8ut.
Accrua accountng. SeeAccounting.
Accrua Uass. P mCthOd O aOOOuntng that tCCOt8
CXpCn8C8 nOuttCd and nOOmC CatnCd Ot any OnC taX
yCat. n OOnttt tO thC Oa8h ba88 O aOOOuntng, CX-
pCn8C8 dO nOt haVC tO bC pad tO bC dCduOtbC nOt dOC8
nOOmC haVC tO bC tCOCVCd tO bC taXabC. 1nCatnCd
nOOmC (e. g. , ptCpad ntCtC8t and tCnt) gCnCtay 8
taXCd n thC yCat O tCOCpt tCgatdC88 O thC mCthOd O
aOOOuntng u8Cd by thC taXpayCt. See AOcounting.
Accrua, cause of. See Accruer, c|ause of.
Accrua metbod of accountng. See Accounting.
Accrue /aktuW/. CtVCd tOm thC Latn, `ad and
`OtC8O, tO gtOW tO. n pa8t tCn8C, n 8Cn8C O duC and
payabC, VC8tCd. t mCan8 tO nOtCa8C, tO augmCnt, tO
OOmC tO by Way O nOtCa8C, tO bC addCd a8 an nOtCa8C,
ptOHt, Ot damagC. POqutCd, ang duC, madC Ot
CXCOutCd, matutCd, OOOuttCd, tCOCVCd, VC8tCd, Wa8
OtCatCd, Wa8 nOuttCd. M.LCbC8& LO. V. LOmm88OnCt
O ntCtna bCVCnuC, L.L.P.J, J .Zd JZ, J. O
attaOh t8C tO, a8 a 8ubOtdnatC Ot aOOC88Oty Oam Ot
dCmand at8C8 Out O, and u ]OnCd tO, t8 ptnOpa.
L8OnV. LOmm88OnCt O ntCtna bCVCnuC, L.L.P.o, Jo
.Zd o.
hC tCtm 8 a8O u8Cd O ndCpCndCnt Ot Otgna
dCmand8, mCanng tO at8C, tO happCn, tO OOmC ntO
OtOC Ot CX8tCnOC, tO VC8t, a8 n thC phta8C, `hC tght
O aOtOn dd nOt occrue Wthn 8X yCat8. Pmy V.
ubuquC, Jo 1.b. 4, 4, Z L.d. ZZo. O bCOOmC a
ptC8Cnt tght Ot dCmand, tO OOmC tO pa88. See olso
Couse oJocttou. P Oau8C O aOtOn `aOOtuC8 WhCn a
8ut may bC mantanCd thCtCOn, and thC aW n th8
tCgatddCt8 tOm8tatC-tO-8tatC and by natutCOaOtOn
(e.g. typC O btCaOh O OOnttaOt, tOtt, CtO.. On V.
Oatd O Cn8On LOmt8 O Lty O LO8 PngCC8, 1o
La.Zd 4Z, 11 .Zd , J. Ot CXampC, Oau8C O
aOtOn mght `aOOtuC On datC that damagC 8 8u8tanCd
and nOt datC WhCn Oau8C8 atC 8Ct n mOtOn WhOh
utmatCy ptOduOC n]uty, Lty O hadCpha V. LC-
bCtman, L.L.P.a., 11Z .Z 4Z4, 4Zo, On datC O n]uty,
tCdCtOk8 V. OWn O OVCt, 1Z .J.L. Zoo, 1 P.Zd
o4, o, WhCn aOtua damagC ha8 tC8utCd, atOna
LCad LO. V. Lty O CW XOtk, L.L.P..X., 4 .Zd J14,
J1, a88OOna8 OOnttaOt 8 btCaOhCd, WOhta at.ank
V. 1ntCd btatC8 dCty & Luatanty LO., CX.LV.Ppp.,
14 b.W.Zd ZJ, ZJ, n Cga maptaOtOC aOtOn, WhCn
thC OCnt knOW8 Ot 8hOud knOW O attOtnCy8 CttOt,
MCndtOk8On V. bCat8, ma88. o, 1 ..Zd 11.
hCpOnt ntmCatWhOh a Oau8C OaOtOn `aOOtuC8 8
mpOttant Ot putpO8C8 O tunnng O 8tatutC O mta-
Toxottou. nOOmC `aOOtuC8 tO taXpayCt WhCn thCtC
at8C8 tO hm a HXCd OtunOOndtOnatghttO tCOCVC t.
tankn LOunty 8tng LO. V. LOmm88OnCt OntCt-
na bCVCnuC, L.L.P., 1Z .Zd o, o4, o. ut nOt
unC88 thCtC 8 a tCa8OnabC CXpCOtanOy that thC tght
W bC OOnVCttCd ntO mOnCy Ot t8 CquVaCnt. bWa8t-
ka L & La8 LO. V. LOmm88OnCt O ntCtna bCVCnuC,
L.L.P., 1Z .Zd oZ, o4. WhCtC taXpayCt makC8
tCtutn8 On aOOtua ba88, tCm `aOOtuC8 WhCn a CVCnt8
OOOut WhOh HX amOunt payabC and dCtCtmnC abty
O taXpayCt. Mud8On mOtOt Lat LO. V. 1. b., Lt.L.,
.bupp. o4, o4. aX `aOOtuC8 Ot dCduOtOn WhCn a
CVCnt8 haVC OOOuttCd WhOh HX amOunt O taX and
dCtCtmnC abty OtaXpayCtOtt, athOugh thCtC ha8
nOt yCt bCCn a88C88mCnt Ot matutty. mht8t V. ug-
gan, .L..X., 14 .bupp. oZ, o4.
Accrued amon. PmOny WhOh 8 duC but nOt yCt
Accrued comgensaton. LOmpCn8atOn CatnCd but nOt
yCt pad.
Accrued degrecaton. OtmCty OaCd aOOumuatCd
dCptCOatOn. Pn aOOumuatOn OhatgC8 madC OVCt a
pCtOd OtmC OtthC tCpaOCmCntO a HXCd a88Ct. hC
pOttOn O thC u8Cu 8CtVOC C WhOh Ot taX and
HnanOa 8tatCmCnt putpO8C8 ha8 CXptCd. btatC CX tC.
Lty O bt. LOu8 V. ubO bCtVOC LOmm88On, 41 mO.
JZ, 11 b.W.Zd 4J, o. P O88 WhOh 8 nOt tC8tOtCd
by OuttCnt mantCnanOC, and WhOh 8 duC tO a aOtOt8
nVOVCd Oau8ng utmatC tCttCmCnt O thC ptOpCtty,
nOudng WCat, tCat, dCOay, and nadCquaOy. OWa-
nO8 La8 & COttO LO. V. OWa Lty, Z OWa 141, 1Z4
.W.Zd o4, o4. ee olso Depreciation (Accumuloted
Accrued dVdend. P 8hatC O nCt Catnng8 dCOatCd
but nOt yCt pad a8 a dVdCnd.
Accrued exgense. XpCn8C nOuttCd but nOt yCt bCd
Ot nOt pad.
Accrued ncome. nOOmC WhOh 8 CatnCd but nOt yCt
bCd and tCOCVabC. n tC bOhngCt8 W, 4o m8O.Zd
4, 4o, Z .X.b.Zd Z, .
Accrued nterest. ntCtC8t that ha8 bCCn CatnCd but 8
nOtyCt tCOCVCd nOt tCOCVab.
Accrued aUt. Pn ObgatOn Ot dCbt WhOh 8 ptOp-
Cty OhatgCabC n a gVCn aOOOuntng pCtOd but WhOh
8 nOt yCt pad Ot payabC.
Accrued rgbt. P matutCd Oau8C O aOtOn, a8 Cga
authOtty tO dCmand tCdtC88. See Accrue (Couse oJ
Accrued saar. LOmpCn8atOn tO CmpOyCC WhOh 8
nOuttCd by an CmpOyCt but nOt yCt payabC.
Accrued taxes. aXC8 WhOh atC ptOpCty nOuttCd n a
gVCn aOOOuntng pCtOd but nOt yCt pad Ot payabC.
Accruer (or accrua), cause of. Pn CXptC88 Oau8C,
tCquCnty OOOuttng n thC Oa8C O gt8 by dCCd Ot W
tO pCt8On8 a8 tCnant8 n OOmmOn, ptOVdng that upOn
thC dCath O OnC Ot mOtC OthC bCnCHOatC8 h8 Ot thCt
8hatC8 8ha gO tO thC 8utVVOt Ot 8utVVOt8. hC 8hatC
O thC dCOCdCnt 8 thCn 8ad tO occrue tO thC OthCt8.
Accrung /aktuWg/. nOhOatC, n ptOOC88 O matutng.
hat WhOh W Ot may, at a ututC tmC, tpCn ntO a
VC8tCd tght, an aVaabC dCmand, Ot an CX8tng Oau8C
O aOtOn. Pt8ng by Way O nOtCa8C Ot augmCntatOn.
LObC ndCmnty LO. V. tuOC, L.L.P.Lk., o1 .Zd 14,
Accouuttug. POOaOn O nOOmC and CXpCn8C, WhOh
ha8bCCn CatnCd OtnOuttCd but nOt yCt OOCOtCd Ot pad
Out, tO thC aOOOuntng pCtOd n WhOh thC nOOmC 8
CatnCd Ot CXpCn8C nOuttCd.
Accrung costs. LO8t8 and CXpCn8C8 nOuttCdatCt]udg-
Accrung nterest. bunnng Ot aOOumuatng ntCtC8t,
a8 d8tngu8hCd tOm aOOtuCd Ot matutCd ntCtC8t. n-
tCtC8t aOOumuatng day On thC ptnOpa dCbt but nOt
yCt pad and payabC.
Accrung rgbt. LnC that 8 nOtCa8ng, Cnatgng, Ot
Acct. PbbtCVatOn Ot `aOOOunt, O 8uOh unVCt8a and
mmCmOta u8C that thC OOutt8 W takC ]udOa nOtOC
O t8 mCanng.
Accumuated degrecaton. See Accrued depreciation.
Accumuated dVdend. VdCnd duC 8hatChOdCt
WhOh ha8 nOt bCCn pad. See Accumu|ative d|vidends,
D|v|dend (CumulottueJ.
Accumuated egs credt. P dCduOtOn aOWCd n
attVng at aOOumuatCd taXabC nOOmC Ot putpO8C8 O
dCtCtmnng thC aOOumuatCd Catnng8 taX. See Accu-
mulated earn|ngs tax, Accumulated taxable income.
Accumuated egs tax. P 8pCOa taX mpO8Cd On
OOtpOtatOn8 that aOOumuatC (tathCt than d8ttbutC Va
dVdCnd8) thCt Catnng8 bCyOnd thC tCa8OnabC nCCd8 O
thC bu8nC88. hC aOOumuatCdCatnng8 taX 8 mpO8Cd
On aOOumuatCd taXabCnOOmC n addtOntO thC OOtpO-
tatC nOOmC taX. .b.L. 1 Ct 8Cq. See olso Accumu-
lated taxab|e income, Excess prof|ts tax.
Accumuated egac. OttOn O d8ttbutabC C8tatC
nOt yCt pad tO CgatCC8 Ot dOnCC8.
Accumuated groUts. atnCd 8utpu8 Ot undVdCd
ptOHU. nt V. LOmm88OnCt OLOtpOtatOn8 and aX-
atOn, 1Z ma88. Z4, 4 ..Zd oJ, J1, JZ. buOh
nOudC ptOHt8 CatnCd and nVC8tCd. LOmm88OnCt O
LOtQOtatOn8 and aXatOn V. OOn, 1 ma88. 4, o
..Zd J, Jo, .
Accumuated surgus. n 8tatutC8 tCatVC tO thC taXa-
tOn O OOtpOtatOn8, th8 tCtm tCCt8 tO thC und WhOh
thC OOmpany ha8 n CXOC88 O t8 Oapta and abtC8.
See Retained earn|ngs.
Accumuated taxaUe ncome. hC ba8C upOn WhOh
thC aOOumuatCd Catnng8 taX 8 mpO8Cd. a8Oay, t
8 thC taXabC nOOmC O thC OOtpOtatOn a8 ad]u8tCd Ot
OCttan tCm8 (e.g. , thC CdCta nOOmC taX, CXOC88 Ohat-
tabC OOnttbutOn8, thC dVdCnd8 tCOCVCd dCduOtOn)
C88 thC dVdCnd8 pad dCduOtOn and thC aOOumuatd
Catnng8 OtCdt. .b.L. . SeeAccumu|ated earn|ngs
Accumuatons /akymyaCy8hanZ/. nOtCa8C by OOntn-
uOu8 Ot tCpCatCd addtOn8, Ot, takCn tCtay, mCan8
CthCt ptOHt aOOtung O 8aC O ptnOpa a88Ct8, Ot
nOtCa8C dCtVCd tOm thCt nVC8tmCnt, Ot bOth. Pdd-
ng OntCtC8t Ot nOOmC Oa und tO ptnOpa put8uant
tO ptOV8On8 O a W Ot dCCd, ptCVCntng t8 bCng
CXQCndCd. WhCn an CXCOutOt Ot OthCt ttu8tCC ma88C8
thC tCnt8, dVdCnd8, and OthCt nOOmC WhOh hC tC-
OCVC8, ttCat8 t a8 a Oapta, nVC8t8 t, makC8 a nCW
Oapta O thC nOOmC dCtVCd thCtCtOm, nVC8t8 that,
and 8O On, hC 8 8ad tO aOOumuatC thC und, and thC
Oapta and aOOtuCd nOOmC thu8 ptOOutCd OOn8ttutC
Accumuatons, rue aganst. P tuC tCndCtng an
aOOumuatOn O nOOmC bCyOnd thC pCtOd O pCtpCtu-
tC8 VOd.
Accumuaton trust. P ttu8t n WhOh thC ttu8tCC 8
dtCOtCd tO aOOumuatC nOOmC Ot a pCtOd O tmC
bCOtC d8ttbutOn.
AccumuatVe. hat WhOh aOOumuatC8, Ot 8 hCapCd
up, addtOna. bad O 8CVCta thng8 ]OnCd tOgCthCt,
Ot O OnC thng addCd tO anOthCt.
AccumuatVe dVdends. bamC a8 OumuatVC dV
dCnd8, OhataOtCt8tO O ptCCttCd 8tOOkhOdCt8 agtCC-
mCnt by WhOh thCy tCOCVC thCt agtCCd dVdCnd8 b
OtC OOmOn 8tOOkhOdCt8. VdCnd8 WhOh aOOumu-
atC tOm yCat tO yCat WhCn nOt pad. See D|v|dend
AccumuatVe ]udgment. WhCtC a pCt8On ha8 atCady
bCCn OOnVOtCd and 8CntCnOCd, and a 8COOnd Ot addtOn-
a ]udgmCnt 8 pa88Cd agan8t hm, thC CXCOutOn O
WhOh 8 pO8tpOnCd unt thC OOmpCtOn O thC Ht8t
8CntCnOC, 8uOh 8COOnd ]udgmCnt 8 8ad tO bC occumulo-
ttue. Seeolo Accumu|ative sentence.
AccumuatVe egac. P 8COOnd, dOubC Ot addtOna
CgaOy, a CgaOy gVCn n addtOn tO anOthCt gVCn by
thC 8amC n8ttumCnt, Ot by anOthCt n8ttumCnt. See
olo Legacy.
AccumuatVe sentence. P 8CntCnOC, addtOna tO Oth-
Ct8, mpO8Cd On a dCCndant WhO ha8 bCCn OOnVOtCd
upOn an ndOtmCnt OOntanng 8CVCta OOunt8, CaOh O
8uOh OOunt8 Ohatgng a d8tnOt OCn8C, Ot WhO 8 undCt
OOnVOtOn at thC 8amC tmC Ot8CVCtad8tnOtOCn8C8,
OnC O 8uOh 8CntCnOC8 tO bCgn at thC CXptatOn O
anOthCt. LOn8COutVC 8CntCnOC8. See Sentence.
Accusaton /0kyaZCy8han/. P Otma OhatgC agan8t a
pCt8On, tO thC CCOt that hC 8 guty O a pun8habC
OCn8C, adbCOtCa OOutt Otmag8ttatChaVng]ut8dO-
tOn tO nqutC ntO thC aCgCd OtmC. See Accuse,
l ndictment, | nformation.
Accusator Uod. Ody8uOh a8 gtand]utyWhO8Cduty
8 tO hCat CVdCnOC tO dCtCtmnC WhCthCt a pCt8On
8hOud bC aOOu8Cd (OhatgCd) O a OtmC, tO bC d8tn-
gu8hCd tOm a ttaVCt8C Ot pCtt ]uty WhOh 8 OhatgCd
Wth duty O dCtCtmnng gut Ot nnOOCnOC.
Accusator nstrument. P dOOumCnt n WhOh an aOOu-
8atOn O OtmC 8 8Ct Otth kC an ndOtmCnt, nOtma-
tOn Ot OOmpant.
Accusator gart. hC `aOOu8atOty patt O an ndOt-
mCnt 8 that patt WhCtC thC OCn8C 8 namCd.
Accusator geadng. Pn ndOtmCnt Ot OOmpant n
WhOh a pCt8On 8 aOOu8Cd O OtmC and On WhOh thC
gOVCtnmCnt ttC8 8uOh pCt8On. Cd.b.Ltm.. .
Accusator grocedure. by8tCm O PmCtOan ]ut8ptu-
dCnOC n WhOh thC gOVCtnmCnt aOOu8C8 and bCat8 thC
butdCn OptOVngthC gut OapCt8On Ot a OtmC, tObC
d8tngu8hCdtOm nqu8tOta 8y8tCm. bOgCt8 V. bOh-
mOnd, 1.b. 4, o1 b.Lt. , L.d.Zd .
Accusator stage. hat 8tagC O Otmna ptOOCCdng8
at WhOh tght tO OOun8C aOOtuC8 tO aOOu8Cd, 8uOh
matutC8 WhCn OHOCt8 haVC attC8tCd aOOu8Cd, and OH-
OCt8 haVC undCttakCn ptOOC88 O ntCttOgatOn8 that
Cnd8 t8C tO COtng nOtmnatng 8tatCmCnt8. CO-
pC V. dCtbaOh, Z L.Zd , 44 La.bptt. 1, 1, 41
.Zd JZ1.
Accuse. O btng a Otma OhatgC agan8t a pCt8On, tO
thC CCOt that hC 8 guty O a OtmC Ot pun8habC
OCn8C, bCOtC a OOutt Ot mag8ttatC haVng]ut8dOtOn
tO nqutC ntO thC aCgCd OtmC. See olo | nd|ctment,
| nformat|on.
Accused. hC gCnCtO namC Ot thC dCCndant n a
Otmna Oa8C. Ct8On bCOOmC8 `aOOu8Cd Wthn m

ng O guatantCC O8pCCdy tta Ony at pOnt at WhOh

CthCt Otma ndOtmCnt Ot nOtmatOn ha8 bCCn tC-
tutnCd agan8t hm, Ot WhCn hC bCOOmC8 8ub]COt tO
aOtua tC8ttant8 On h8 bCtty mpO8Cd by attC8t, WhOh-
CVCt Ht8t OOOut8. btatC V. PmCda, 4 MaW. 44, J
.Zd 4J, .
Accuser. hC pCt8On by WhOm an aOOu8atOn 8 madC
(e.g. btatC Ot 1ntCd btatC8 n Otmna ptOOCCdng8). P
pCt8On WhO 8gn8 and 8WCat8 tO OhatgC8,dtCOt8 OhatgC8
bC btOught, Ot ha8 ntCtC8t OthCt than OHOa n ptO8COu-
tOn O aOOu8Cd. 1.b. V. Lt8O, PLmb, o m.J. , o.
Accustomed. Mabtua, OtCn u8Cd, 8ynOnymOu8 Wth
u8ua Ot Ou8tOmaty.
A ce /a 8. Ot th8 putpO8C.
A ce ]our /a 8C Zhut/. Pt th8 day.
Acegua /a8ykWya/. P dtOh, OhannC, Ot Oana,
thtOugh WhOh WatCt, dVCttCd tOm t8 natuta OOut8C,
8 OOnduOtCd, Ot u8C n ttgatOn Ot OthCt putpO8C8,
pubO dtOhC8.
Ac etam /0k C8hyam/. (Lat. Pnd a8O.) hC nttOduO-
tOn O thC 8tatCmCnt O thC tCa Oau8C O aOtOn, u8Cd
OtmCty n thO8C Oa8C8 WhCtC t Wa8 nCOC88aty tO aCgC
a HOttOu8 Oau8C O aOtOn tO gVC thC OOutt]ut8dOtOn,
and a8O thC tCa Oau8C n OOmpanOC Wth thC 8tatutC8.
U 8 8OmCtmC8 WtttCn ocettom. bCC O mddC8CX
undCt , dCHntOn Z.
AcbeVe suU]ect matter. hC ng8h CquVaCnt Ot
patCntabty. mC8ta maOh. LO. V. CdCta maOhnC &
WCdCt L., L.L.P.a., 11 .Zd 4J, 4o.
Acd rato test. mCthOd O HnanOa anay88 nVOVng
tatO O Oa8h and tCOCVabC8 tO OuttCnt abtC8. bum
O Oa8h, matkCtabC 8COuttC8, and tCOCVabC8 dVdCd
by OuttCnt abtC8. P8O OaCd thC `quOk tatO.
AcKnowedge. O OWn, aVOW, Ot admt, tO OOnC88, tO
tCOOgnZC OnC8 aOt8, and a88umC thC tC8pOn8bty
AcKnowedgment. O `aOknOWCdgC 8 tO admt, a-
Htm, dCOatC, tC8ty, aVOW, OOnC88, Ot OWn a8 gCnunC.
aVCO V. ank OPmCtOa at. tu8t & baVng8 P88n,
Z4 La.Ppp.Zd 4Z, 4 .Zd 1, 1o. Pdm88On Ot
aHtmatOn O ObgatOn Ot tC8pOn8bty. WCyCthaCu-
8Ct mbCt LO. V. mat8ha, L.L.P.Wa8h., 1Z .Zd o,
o. mO8t 8tatC8 haVCadOptCd thC 1nOtm POknOWCdg-
mCnt POt. See olo Rece|pt.
Oet. hC dCbtOt8 aOknOWCdgmCnt O thC OtCdtOt8
dCman Ot tght O aOtOn that W tCVVC thC CnOtOC-
abty O a dCbt battCd by thC 8tatutC O mtatOn8.
att paymCnt OObgatOn WhOh tO8 8tatutC O mta-
tOn8 8 a Otm O `aOknOWCdgmCnt O Cbt. n tC
adgCt8 8tatC, 1 ban. 4, 1 .Zd 1Jo, Z.
1nstrumeu. Otma dCOatatOn bCOtC authOtZCd OH-
Oa, by pCt8On WhO CXCOutCd n8ttumCnt, that t 8 h8
tCC aOt and dCCd. hC OCttOatC O thC OOCt On 8uOh
n8ttumCnt that t ha8 bCCn 8O aOknOWCdgCd. See olso
Attestat|on clause, Cert|f|cate of acknow|edgment, Jurat,
Notary pub||c, Ver|f|cat|on.
Potemtty. P aVOWa Ot adm88On that thC Ohd 8
OnC8 OWn. bCOOgntOn O a patCnta tCatOn, CthCt by
a WtttCn agtCCmCnt, VCtba dCOaatOn8 Ot 8tatCmCnt8,
by thC C, aOt8, and OOnduOt OthC pattC8, Ot any OthCt
8at8aOtOty CVdCnOC that thC tCatOn Wa8 tCOOgnZCd
and admttCd.
A.L.I.I. PmCtOan LV LbCttC8 1nOn.
A commun oUserVanta non est recedendum /8y
kamyuWnay ObZatV0n8h(y)a nn C8t ty8adCndam/.
tOmOOmmOn Ob8CtVanOC thCtC 8hOud bC nO dCpattutC,
thCtC mu8t bC nO dCpattutC tOm OOmmOn u8agC. P
maXm OtmCty appCd tO thC ptaOtOC O thC OOutt8, tO
thC anOCnt and C8tab8hCd Otm8 O pCadng and OOn-
VCyanOng, and tO ptOC88Ona u8agC gCnCtay. LOtd
LOkC appC8 t tO OOmmOn ptOC88Ona OpnOn.
A confectone /Cy kan8k8hyWny/. tOm thC makng.
confectone grKsentum /Cy kan8k8hyWny
ptaZCn8h(y)am/. tOm thC makng O thC ndCntutC8.
A conss /Cy kan8ya8/. (Lat. constltum,adVOC.) L
OOun8C, a OOun8COt. hC tCtm 8 u8Cd n thC OV aW
y 8OmC WttCt8 n8tCad O o res ousu.
A contraro sensu /8y kanttCtyOW 8Cn8yuW/. Ln thC
OthCt hand, n thC OppO8tC 8Cn8C.
Acguanted. MaVng pCt8Ona, amat, knOWCdgC O a
pCt8On, CVCnt, Ot thng. `POquantanOC CXptC88C8 C88
than amatty, amatty C88 than ntmaOy. PO-
quantanOC 8ptng8 tOm OOOa8Ona ntCtOOut8C, am-
atty tOm day ntCtOOut8C, ntmaOy tOm untC8CtVCd
ntCtOOut8C. Ptkn8 LOtpOtatn V. Outny, La.Zd
Z, .Zd 4o, 4o. O bC `pCt8Onay aOquantCd
Wth, and tO `knOW pCt8Onay, atC CquVaCnt tCtm8,
bCy V. LahOun, J 1.b. 1, Z4 L.d. 44. WhCn u8Cd
Wth tCCtCOC tO a papCt tO WhOh a OCttHOatC Ot
aHdaVt 8 attaOhCd, t ndOatC8 a 8ub8tanta knOW-
CdgC O thC 8ub]OtmattCt thCtCO.
Acguereur /0katat/. n tCnOh and Lanadan aW, OnC
WhO aOqutC8 ttC, pattOuaty tO mmOVabC ptOpCtty,
by putOha8C.
Acguest /akWC8t/. Pn C8tatC aOqutCd nCWy, Ot by
Acguets /akCy/. n thC OV aW, ptOpCtty WhOh ha8
bCCn aOqutCd by putOha8C, gt, Ot OthCtW8C than by
8uOOC88On. mmOVabC ptOpCtty WhOh ha8 bCCn aO-
qutCd OthCtW8C than by 8uOOC88On. tOHt8 Ot gan8 O
ptOpCtty, a8 bCtWCCn hu8band and WC. LV LOdC La.
att. Zo. hC ptOHt8 O a thC CCOt8 O WhOh thC
hu8band ha8 thC admn8ttatOn and Cn]OymCnt, CthCt
O tght Ot n aOt, OthC ptOduOC OthC ]Ont ndu8tty O
bOth hu8band and WC, and O thC C8tatC8 WhOh thCy
may aOqutC dutng thC mattagC, CthCt by dOnatOn8
madC ]Onty tO thCm bOth, Ot by putOha8C, Ot n any
OthCt 8mat Way, CVCn thOugh thC putOha8C bC Ony n
the name o! one o! the two, and not o! both. See
Community property; Conquts.
Acguesce /kwyes/. 1o gve an mped consent to a
transacton, to the accrua o! a rght, or to any act, by
one's mere sence, or wthout eXpress assent or ac-
Acguescence /kwyesons/. Londuct recognzng the
eXstence o!a transacton, and ntended, n some eXtent
at east, to carry the transacton, or permt t to be
carred, nto e!!ect. t s some act, not deberatey
ntended to rat!y a ormer transacton known to be
vodabe, but recognzng the transacton as eXstng,
and ntended, n some eXtent at east, to carry t nto
e!ect, and to obtan or cam the benets resutng !rom
t, and thus d!!ers !rom conrmaton,`whch mpes a
deberate act, ntended to renew and rat!y a transac-
ton known to be vodabe. Oe Uoe v. rentce ackng
& btorage Lo., 172 Wash. 14, 2 .2d 117, 111.
assve compance or sats!acton, dstngushed rom
avowed consenton the one hand, and, on the other, !rom
opposton or open dscontent. au v. Western Ostrb-
utngLo., 142 Kan. b1,2 .2d J79, Jb7. Londuct!rom
whch assent may be reasonaby n!erred. rank v.
Wson & Lo., 24 Oe.Lh. 2J7, 9 A.2d b2, b. Lquvaent
to assent n!erred !rom sence wth knowedge or !rom
encouragement and presupposes knowedge and assent.
mportstactconsent, concurrence,acceptanceorassent.
Natura boda roducts Lo. v. Lty o! Los Angees, La.
App., 1J2.2dJ, J. Asentappearanceo!consent.
aure to make any objectons. bubmssonto an act o!
whchone hadknowedge. LXstswhereapersonknows
or ought to know that he s entted to en!orce hs rght
or to mpeach a transacton, and negects to do so or
suchaengtho!tme aswoud mpy that he ntended to
wave or abandon hs rght. Yench v. btockmar, L.A.
Loo., 4bJ .2d b2, b3.
t s to be dstngushed !rom avowed consent, on the
one hand, and !rom open dscontent or opposton, on
the other.
Acutescence and loch are cognate but not equvaent
terms. 1he !ormer s a submsson to, or restng sats-
ed wth, an eXstng state o! thngs, whe aches m-
pes a negect to do that whch the party oughtto do !or
hs own benet or protecton. Hence aches may be
evdence o!acquescence. Laches mports a merey pas-
sve assent, whe acquescence mpes actve assent. n
re Wbur's Lstate, JJ4 a. 4, A.2d J2, JJ1. Acqu-
escence` reates u nacton durng per!ormance o an
act whe aches` reates to deay a!ter act s done.
See olo Admission; Confession; Estoppel; Nonac-
quiescence; Ratification.
Admtntstrottue ogenctes. An admnstratve agency's
pocy o! agreeng to be bound by judca precedent
whch s contrary to the agency's nterpretaton o! ts
organc statute. Comore Nonacquiescence.
Acguescence, estogge U. Acquescence s a speces
oestoppe. Anestoppe arseswhere partyaware o!hs
rghts sees other party actng upon mstaken noton o
hs rghts. njury accrung rom one's acquescence n
another's actonto hs prejudce creates estoppe`. Le-
bod v. nand btee Lo., L.L.A.., 12 .2d J9, J7.
assve conduct ontheparto!onewhohasknowedge o!
the!actsmaybebass o!estoppe. Wnsowv.Uurns,47
N.M. 29, 1J2 .2d 14b, 1. t mustappearthat party
to be estopped was bound n equty and good conscence
to speak and that party camng estoppe reed upon
acquescenceand was msedtherebytochange hs pos-
ton to hs prejudce. bherock v. Greaves, 1 Mont.
2, 7 .2d b7, 91. Seeolo Estoppe|.
Acguetands gegs /okwayotndos pyjyos/. A wrt
o!justces, !ormery yng !or the surety aganst a cred-
tor who re!uses to acqut hm ater the debt has been
Acgure. 1o gan by any means, usuay by one's own
eXertons, to get as one's own, to obtan by search,
endeavor, nvestment, practce, or purchase, receve or
gan n whatever manner, come to have. n aw o!
contracts and o! descents, to become owner o! property,
to make property one's own. 1o gan ownershp o!.
Lommssoner o! nsurance v. Uroad btreet Mut. Lasua-
ty ns. Lo., J12 Mass. 21, 44 N.L.2d bJ, b4. 1he act
o!gettng or obtanng somethng whch may be aready
n eXstence, or may be brought nto eXstence through
means empoyed to acqure t. Konnow v. Lty o! Las
Vegas, 7 Nev. JJ2, .2d 1JJ, 14. bometmes used
n the sens o procure. ` t does not necessary mean
that tte has passed. ncudes takng by devse. U. b.
v. Merram, 2J U.b. 179, 44 b.Lt. 9, 7,bL.Ld. 24.
See olo Accession; Acquisition; Purchase.
Acgured rgbts. 1hose whch one does not naturay
enjoy, but whch are owng to hs or her own procure-
ment, as soveregnty, ortherghto!commandng, orthe
rght o! property.
Acgured surgus. burpus arsng !rom changes o!the
capta structure o! one or more busnesses, e.g. rom
the purchase o! one busness by another busness.
Acguston /kwozshon/. 1he act o! becomng the
owner o! certan property, the act by whch one ac-
qures or procures the property n anythng. btate eX
rel. sher v. bherman, 1J Oho bt. 4b, 21 N.L.2d 47,
47. Used aso o the thng acqured. 1akng wth, or
aganst, consent. bcrbner v. Wkstrom, 9J N.H. 17, J4
A.2d b, . 1erm reers especay to a matera
possesson obtaned by any means. Jones v. btate, 12
1eX.Lr.K. 49, 72 b.W.2d 2, 2J.
See Accession; Acquire; Purchase; Tender offer.
Oertuottue ocutstttons are those whch are procured
!romothers. Goods and chattesmay changeowners by
act o! aw n the cases o! !or!eture, successon, mar
rage, judgment, nsovency, and ntestacy, or by act o!
the partes, as by g!t or sae.
Urtgtnol ocutsttton s that by whch a man secures a
propertyn athngwhch s not at the tme he acqures
t, and n ts then eXstng condton, the property o!any
other ndvdua. t may resut rom occupancy, acces-
son, nteectua abor-namey, !or nventons, whch
are secured by patent rghts, and !or the authorshp o
books, maps, and charts, whch s protected by copy-
An acquston may resut !rom the act o! the party
hmse!, orthose who are n hs power actng!orhm, as
hs chdren whe mnors.
AcgustVe oUenses. A generc term to descrbe a
!ormso!arceny and o!!ensesaganstthe tte or posses-
son o!property.
Acgut /okwt/. 1o set!ree,reease or dscharge as !rom
an obgaton, burden or accusaton. 1o absove one
!romanobgatonoraabty, or toegaycerty the
nnocence o!one charged wth crme. See oloAcquitta|.
Acgutment. SeeAbso|ution.
Acgutta /okwto/. Contmc. A reease, absouton,
or dscharge rom an obgaton, abty, or engage-
Crtmtnol lo. 1he ega and orma certcaton o!the
nnocenceo!a person who has beenchargedwth crme,
a deverance or settng ree a person rom a charge o
gut, ndng o! not guty. Aso, one egay acqutted
by a judgment rendered otherwse than n pursuance o!
a verdct, as where he s dscharged by a magstrate
because o! the nsu!cency o the evdence, or the
ndctment s dsmssed by the court or a nol. ms.
entered. Or, t may occur even though the queston o!
gutor nnocence has neverbeen submtted to ajury, as
where a deendant, havng been hed under an ndct-
ment or normaton, s dscharged because not brought
u tra wthn the tme provded by statute.
Acutttols tnJoctare those whch take pace when the
jury, upon tra, nds a verdct o not guty.
Acutttols tn lo are those whch take pace by mere
operaton o aw, as where a man has been charged
merey as an accessory, and the prncpa has been
See Autrefois acquit, Jeopardy, No||e prosequi, Verdict.
1eudol lo. 1he obgaton on the parto!amesne ord
to protect hs tenant rom any cams, entres or moes-
tatons by ords paramount arsng out o the servces
due to them by the mesne ord.
Acguttance /okwtons/. A wrtten dscharge, whereby
one s !reed !rom an obgaton to pay money or per!orm
aduty. 1hs word, though perhaps not strcty speakng
synonymous wth recept,` ncudes t. A recept s one
!orm o! an acquttance, a dscharge s another. A
receptn!us an acquttance, and areceptora part
o! a demand or obgaton s an acquttance m tonto.
Acgutted /okwtod/. Keeased, absoved, purged oan
accusaton. Judcay dscharged !rom accusaton, re-
eased !rom debt, etc. ncudes both cv and crmna
prosecutons. See Acquitta|.
Acre. A quantty o! and contanng 10 square rods,
4,b40 square yards, or 4J,0 square !eet o! and, n
whatever shape. See Land measure.
^et ocre. 1he amount o actua acreage that may be
used !or budng ots a!ter nstaaton o! streets, sde-
waks, etc.
Acre foot. J2,b0 gaons, or the amount o water
whch w cover one acre one oot n depth.
Acre rgbt. ormery the share o a ctzen o a New
Lngand town n the common ands. 1he vaue o the
acre rght was a Xed quantty n each town, but vared
n d!erent towns. A 10-acre ot or rght n a certan
town was equvaent to 11J acres o!upand and 12 acres
o! meadow, and a certan eXact proporton was man-
taned between the acre rght and saabe ands.
Across. rom sde to sde. 1ransverse to the ength o.
t may mean over,` or upon and aong,` or upon,` or
ALHb. See Acce|erated Cost Recovery System.
Act H. Oenotes eXterna manestaton o actor's w
Kestatement, becond, 1orts 2. LXpresson o w or
purpose, carryng dea o perormance, prmary that
whch s done or dong, eXercse o! power, or e!ect o!
whch power eXerted s cause, a per!ormance, a deed.
n ts most genera sense, ths noun sgnes somethng
done vountaryby a person, the eXercse o!an ndvd-
ua's power, an eect produced n the eXterna wordby
an eXercse othe power oa person objectvey, prompt-
ed by ntenton, and proXmatey caused by a moton o
the w. U a more technca sense, t means somethng
done vountary by a person, and o such a nature that
certan ega consequences attach to t. 1hus a grantor
acknowedges the conveyance to be hs act and deed,`
the termsbengsynonymous. t maydenote somethng
done by an ndvdua, as a prvate ctzen, or as an
ocer, or by a body o men, as a egsature, a counc,
or a court o!justce, ncudng not mereyphyscaacts,
but aso decrees, edcts, aws, judgments, resoves,
awards, and determnatons. bome genera aws made
by the Longress o the Unted btates are styed jont
resoutons, and these have the same !orce and eect as
those styed acts.
Ac underrtuotestgnoture are those whch have been
made by prvate ndvduas under ther hands.
Crtmtnol oct. LXterna manestaton o one's w
whch s prerequste to crmna responsbty. 1here
can be no crme wthout some act, armatve or nega-
tve. An omsson or aure to act may consttute an
act !or purpose o crmna aw.
Legtslottue oct. An aternatve name or statutory aw.
A b whch has been enacted by egsature nto aw.
When ntroduced nto the rst house o the egsature,
a pece o!proposed egsaton s known as ab. When
passed to the neXt house, t may then be reerred u as
an act. Ater enactmentthe terms aw` and act` may
be used nterchangeaby. An act has the same egsa-
tve orce as a jont resouton but s techncay dstn-
gushabe, beng oa d!erent!orm and ntroduced wth
the words Ue t enacted` nstead o Ue t resoved.`
Acts are ether pubc or prvate. ubc acts (aso
caed genera acts, or genera statutes, or statutes at
arge) are those whchreateto the communtygenera-
y, or estabsh a unversa rue !or the governance o!
the whoe body potc. rvate acts (!ormery caed
speca), are those whch reate ether to partcuar per-
sons(persona acts) orto partcuar paces (oca acts), or
whch operate ony upon speced ndvduas or ther
prvate concerns. Unty v. Uurrage, 1J U.b. 447, 44,
2 L.Ld. 4. ubc acts are those whch concern the
whoe communty and o!whch courts o!aw are bound
to take judca notce.
A specS` or prvate` act s one operatng ony on
partcuar persons and prvate concerns. A oca act`
s one appcabe ony to a partcuar part o!the egsa-
tve jursdcton.
Seeolso Governmental act, Leg|slation, Leg|slative act;
!tuote oc are those made by prvate persons as reg-
sters n reaton to ther recepts and eXpendtures,
schedues, acquttances, and the ke.
Pltc oc are those whch have apubc authorty, and
whch have been made be!ore pubc ocers, are autho-
rzed by a pubc sea, have been made pubc by the
authorty o!a magstrate, or whch have been eXtracted
and been propery authentcated !rom pubc records.
Acta dua /kto dayorno/. Lat. n the Koman aw,
day acts or chronces, the pubc regsters orjournas
o!the day proceedngs o!the senate, assembes o!the
peope, courts o! justce, etc. bupposed to have resem-
bed a modern newspaper.
Acta exterora ndcant nterora secreta /kto
ekstryro ndoknt ntryro sokryto/. LXterna acts
ndcate undscosed thoughts.
Acta n uno ]udco non groUant n ao ns nter
easdem gersonas /kto n yuwnow juwdshyow non
prwbnt n eyyow naysay ntor yeysdom porswnos/.
1hngs done n one acton cannot be taken as evdence
n another, uness t be between the same partes.
Acta guUca /k
o powbko/. Lat. 1hngs o! genera
knowedge and concern, matters transacted be!ore cer-
tan pubc ocers.
Acte /kt/akt/. n rench aw, denotes a document, or
!orma, soemn wrtng, embodyng a ega attestaton
that somethng has been done, correspondng to one
sense or use o! the Lngsh word act.`
Actesdentssoncearethecertcates o!brth, and must
contan the day, hour, and pace o!brth, together wth
the seX and ntended chrstan name o! the chd, and
the names o!the parents and o!the wtnesses. Actes de
mooge are the marrage cert!cates, and contan
names, pro!essons, ages, and paces o! brth and dom-
ce o! the two persons marryng, and o! ther parents,
aso the consent o! these atter, and the mutua agree-
ments o! the ntended husband and w!e to take each
other !or better and worse, together wth the usua
attestatons. Actes de decs are the certcates o!death,
whch are requred to be drawn up be!ore any one may
be bured. L octesde 'etotctutlare pubc documents.
Acte autbentgue /akttontyk/. AdeedeXecutedwth
certan prescrbed !ormates, n the presence o!a nota-
ry, mayor, greJJer, hutsster, or other !unctonary qua-
ed to act n the pace n whch t s drawn up.
Acte de Uancsaton /akt do !rankozasywn/. 1he cer-
t!cate o! regstraton o! a shp, by vrtue o! whch ts
rench natonaty s estabshed.
Acte d'berter /akt dyrotyey/. Act o! nhertance.
Any acton or !act on the part o! an her whch man-
!ests hs ntenton u accept the successon, the accept-
ance may be eXpress or tact.
Acte extra]udcare /kt trojuwdsksyer/. A doc-
ument served by a hutsster, at the demand o! one party
upon another party, wthout ega proceedngs.
Actng. Oong duty !or another. Ocatng or hodng
a temporary rank or poston or per!ormng servces
temporary, as, an actng captan, manager, presdent.
eeccha v. Matta, 121 N.J.L. 21, 1 A.2d 2b. er!orm-
ng, operatng.
Acttngexecutor. Onewhoassumes to act as eXecutor!or
a decedent, not beng the eXecutor egay apponted or
the eXecutor n !act.
Acttng oJJtcer. 1erm s used to desgnate, not an ap-
ponted ncumbent, but merey a locum tenens, who s
per!ormng the dutes o! an oce to whch he hmse!
does not cam tte.
Actng wtbn scoge of emgoment. See Scope of
Act n gas /kt n pey(s)/. An act done out o! court,
and not a matter o! record. A deed or an assurance
transacted between two or more prvate persons n the
country, that s, accordng to the od common aw, upon
the very spot to be trans!erred, s matter tnots.
Acto /kshyow/. Lat. n the cv aw, an acton or
sut, a rght or cause o! acton. 1erm means both the
proceedng to en!orce a rght n a court and the rght
tse!whch s sought to be en!orced.
Acto ad exbUendum /kshyow d gzbendom/. An
acton !or the purpose o! compeng a de!endant to
eXhbt athng ortte n hs power. t was preparatory
to another acton, whch was aways a rea acton n the
sense o! the Koman aw, that s, !or the recovery o! a
thng, whether t was movabe or mmovabe.
Acto Kstmatora; acto guant mnors /kshyow
ystomotryo kshyow kwntay monros/. n the
crmna aw, twonames o!an actonwhchay nbeha!
o! a buyer to reduce the contract prce proportonatey
to the de!ects o! the object, not to cance the sae, the
)udex had power, however, to cance the sae.
Acto arUtrara /kshyow arbotreryo/. Acton de-
pendng on the dscreton o! the judge. n ths, uness
de!endant woud make amends to pant!!asdctatedby
the judge n hs dscreton, he was abe to be con-
Acto UonK Ude /kshyow bwny !aydyay/. An ac-
ton o!good !ath. A cass o!actonsn whch thejudge
mght at the tra ex oJJtcto take nto account any
equtabe crcumstances that were presented to hm
a!!ectng ether o! the partes to the acton.
Acto caumnK /kshyow koomnyy/. An acton to
restran de!endant !rom prosecutng a groundess pro-
ceedng or trumped-up charge aganst pant!!. An
acton !or macous prosecuton.
Acto cVs /kshyow svoos/. n the common aw, a
cv acton, as dstngushed !rom a crmna acton.
Acto commodat /kshyow kmodeytay/. ncuson o!
severa actons approprate to en!orce the obgatons o!
a borrower or a ender.
Acto commodat contrara / kshyow kmodeytay
kontreryo/. An acton by the borrower aganst the
ender, to compe the eXecuton o! the contract.
Acto commodat drecta /kshyow kmodeytay
dorekto/. An acton by a ender aganst aborrower, the
prncpa obect o!whch s to obtan a resttuton o!the
thng ent.
Acto commun dVdundo / kshyow komyuwnay
dvodondow/. An acton to procure audca dvson o!
jontproperty. twas anaogous ntsobect to proceed-
ngs !or partton n modern aw.
Acto condcto ndeUtat /kshyow kondshyow
ndboteytay/. An acton by whch the pant!! recov-
ersthe amount o!asum o!moneyor otherthnghe pad
by mstake.
Acto confessora /kshyow kn!osoryo/. An arma-
tve pettory acton !or the recognton and en!orcement
o! a servtude. bo caed because based on pant!!s
armatve aegaton o! a rght n de!endant's and.
Ostngushed !rom an octto negotorto, whch was
brought to repe a cam o! de!endant to a servtude n
pant!!s and.
Acto contraro /kshyow kontreryow/. Lounter ac-
ton or cross acton.
Acto crmnas /kshyow krmoneyos/. Lrmna ac-
Acto damn n]ura /kshyow dmnay nuryo/. 1he
name o!agenera cass o!actons!ordamages, ncudng
many speces o! suts !or osses caused by wrong!u or
neggent acts. 1he term s about equvaent to our
acton !or damages.`
Acto de doo mao /kshyowdydowow mow/. An
acton o! !raud, an acton whch ay !or a de!rauded
person aganst the de!rauder and hs hers, who had
been enrched by the !raud, to obtan the resttuton o!
the thng o! whch he had been !rauduenty deprved,
wth a ts accessons (cum omnt couso;J or, where ths
was not practcabe, !or compensaton n damages.
Acto de gecuo /kshyow dy pokyuwyow/. An ac-
ton concernng or aganst the ecultum, or separate
property o! a party.
Acto de gecuna consttuta /kshyow dy pokyuwnyo
knstotyuwdo/. An acton !or money engaged to be
pad, an acton whch ay aganst any person who had
engaged to pay money !orhmse!, or !or another wth-
out any !orma stpuaton.
Acto degost contrara /kshyow dopozotay
kontreryo/. An acton whch the depostary has
aganst the depostor, to compe hm to !u hs engage-
ment towards hm.
Acto degost drecta /kshyow dopozotay dorekto/.
Anacton whch sbroughtbythe depostor aganst the
depostary, n order to get back the thng deposted.
Acto de tgno ]uncto /kshyow dy tgnow ogktow/.
Anactonby the owner o!materabutby another nto
hs budng.
Acto drecta /kshyow dorekto/. A drect acton, an
acton !ounded on strct aw, and conducted accordng to
Xed !orms, an acton !ounded on certan ega ob-
gatons whch !rom ther orgn were accuratey dened
and recognzed as actonabe. See Actio uti|is.
Acto emgt /kshyow em(p)tay/. An acton empoyed
n beha! o! a buyer to compe a seer to per!orm hs
obgatons or pay compensaton, aso to en!orce any
speca agreements by hm, emboded n a contract o!
sae. See Specific performance.
Acto ex conducto /kshyow ks kondoktow/. An ac
ton whch the baor o! a thng !or hre may brng
aganst the baee, n order to compe hm to redever
the thng hred.
Acto ex contractu /kshyow ks kontrktyuw/. n
the cv and common aw, an acton o! contract, an
acton arsng out o!, or !ounded on, contract. J U.
Lomm. 117.
Acto ex decto /kshyow ks doktow/. n the cv
and common aw, an acton o!tort, an acton arsngout
o! !aut, msconduct, or ma!easance. J U.Lomm. 117.
x moleJtctosthe more common eXpresson o!the cv
aw, whch s adopted by Uracton.
Acto exerctora /kshyow egzorsotoryo/. An acton
aganst the exercttor or empoyer o! a vesse.
Acto ex ocato /kshyow ks owketow/. An acton
uponettng, anactonwhchthe personwho etathng
!or hre to another mght have aganst the hrer.
Acto ex stguatu / kshyow eks stpyoeytyuw/. An
acton brought to en!orce a stpuaton.
Acto famK ercscundK /kshyow !omyy ors-
skondy/. An acton !or the partton o!an nhertance.
Acto Hrt /kshyow !ortay/. An acton o! the!t, an
acton !ounded upon the!t. 1hs coud be brought ony
!or the penaty attached to the o!!ense, and not to
recover the thng stoen, !or whch other actons were
provded. An appea o! arceny. 1he od process by
whch a the! can be pursued and the goods vndcated.
Acto bonorara /kshyow (h)onoreryo/. An honor-
ary, or prtoran acton. Acttones honomrta are those
!orms o! remedes whch were graduay ntroduced by
the prtors and des, by vrtue o! ther equtabe
powers, n order to prevent the !aure o!ustce whch
too o!ten resuted !rom the empoyment o! the octtones
ctutl. 1hese were !ound so beneca n practce that
theyeventuaysuppantedtheod remedes, o!whchn
the tme o!Justnan hardy a trace remaned.
Acto U factum /kshyow n !ktom/. An acton
adapted to the partcuar case, havng an anaogy to
some octto tn )us, the atter beng !ounded on some
subsstng acknowedged aw. 1he orgn o! these ac-
tons s smar to that o!actonson the case at common
Acto U gersonam /kshyow n porswnom/. n the
cv aw, an acton aganst the person, !ounded on a
persona abty, an acton seekng redress !or the
voaton o!a)us tnemonom or rght avaabe aganst
a partcuar ndvdua. See | n personam.
Acto U rem /kshyow n rem/. n the cv and
common aw, an acton Jor o thtng; an acton !or the
recovery o!a thng possessed by another. An acton !or
the en!orcement o! a rght (or !or redress !or ts nva-
son) whch was orgnay avaabe aganst a the
word, and not n any speca senseaganstthe ndvdu-
a sued, unt he voated t. See | n rem.
Acto ]udcat /kshyow juwdokeytay/. n the cv
aw, an acton nsttuted a!ter !our months had eapsed
a!ter the rendton o! judgment, n whch the judge
ssued hs warrant to seze, rst, the movabes, whch
were sod wthn eght days a!terwards, and then the
mmovabes, whchweredevered n pedge to thecred-
tors, or put under the care o! a curator, and !, at the
end o!two months, the debt was not pad, the and was
Acto eg agu1K /kshyow os okwyy/. An
acton under the Aquan aw, an acton to recover
damages !or macousy or njurousy kng or wound-
ngthe save orbeast o!another, or njurng n any way
a thng beongng to another. Otherwse caed domnt
tn)urt octto.
Acto mandat /kshyow mndeytay/. nthecv aw,
term ncudedactons toen!orce contracts o!mandate or
obgatons arsngout o!them.
Acto mxta / kshyow mksto/. A mXed acton, an
acton brought !or the recovery o!a thng, or compensa-
ton!or damages, and aso!or the payment o!a penaty,
partakng o!the nature both o! an octto tn rem and tn
Acton. Londuct, behavor, somethng done, the cond-
ton o! actng, an act or seres o! acts.
1erm n ts usua ega sense means a awsutbrought
n a court, a!orma compant wthn thejursdcton o!
a court o! aw. athman Lonst. Lo. v. KnoX Lounty
Hospta Ass'n, nd.App., J2 N.L.2db44, bJ. 1heega
and !orma demand o! one's rght !rom another person
or party made and nssted on n a court o!justce. An
ordnary proceedng n a court o!justce by whch one
party prosecutes another !or the en!orcement or protec-
ton o! a rght, the redress or preventon o! a wrong, or
the punshment o!a pubc o!!ense. U ncudes a the
!orma proceedngs n a court o!justce attendant upon
the demand o!arghtmade by one person o!anothern
such court, ncudngan adjudcaton upon therghtand
ts en!orcement or dena by the court.
See olso Case (Cues ond ControuemtesJ; Cause of
action; Civi| action; Collusive action; Counterclaim; Con-
troversy; Cross-c|aim; Direct action; Forms of action;
Penal action; Petitory action; P|enary action; Proceeding;
Suit; Transitory action.
Merger oJlo ond eutty. n the !edera courts, and
most state courts, there s ony one!orm o!acton-v
acton-whch embraces a actons !ormery denom-
nated suts n equty and actons at aw. Whe there
has been a merger o! aw and equty !or procedura
purposes, substantve prncpes o! equty st govern.
ed.K.Lv.. 2.
Tyes oJ octton. buch term was !ormery used to de-
scrbe acton !or damages as dstngushed !rom sut n
equty or equtabe ree!. 1hs dstncton however has
been aboshed under ed. Kues o!Lv rocedure and
n those states whch have adopted court rues trackng
the edera Kues. ed.K.Lv.. 2.
Actton Jor deoth. See Wrongfu| death action.
Actton tn eutty. Acton n whch person seeks eq-
utabe ree! as dstngushed !rom damages, e.g. n-
juncton or specc per!ormance o! rea estate agree-
ment. 1erm has been aboshed by ed. Kues o! Lv
rocedure (Kue 2) n !avor o! snge !orm o! acton
cv acton-whch embraces both aw and equty ac-
Actton tnemonom. See |n personam.
Actton tn rem. See ln rem.
Acttonon occount. An acton o! assumpst or debt !or
recovery o! money ony !or servces per!ormed, proper-
ty sodanddevered, money oaned, ordamages!orthe
non-per!ormance o! smpe contracts, eXpress or m-
ped, when the rghts o!the partes w be adequatey
conserved by the payment and recept o! money.
Northwest oundry & urnace Lo. v. Wamette M!g.
& buppy Lo., nc., 2b Or. J4J, 21 .2d 4, 49.
Actton uost tn rem. See |n rem.
Ctutl actons are such as e n beha! o! persons to
en!orce ther rghts orobtan redress o!wrongs nther
reaton to ndvduas. ed.K.Lv.. 2.
Clusocttons. SeeClass orrepresentative action; Deriv-
ative action.
Common loactons aresuchas we, on the partc-
uar !acts, at common aw, wthout the ad o!a statute.
Actons are caed, n common-aw practce, ex controc-
tu when they arse out o! a contract, and ex deltcto
when they arse out o! a tort. ! a cause o! acton
arses !rom a breach o! promse, the acton s eX
contractu`, and, ! t arses !rom breach o! duty grow-
ng out o!contract, t s eX decto`.
Crtmtnol actons are such as are nsttuted by the
soveregn power (t.e. government), !or the purpose o!
punshng or preventng o!!enses aganst the pubc.
Locol acton. See Loca| actions.
Mtxed actons partake o! two!od nature o! rea and
persona actons, havng !or ther object the demand
andresttuton o!reaproperty andasopersona dam-
ages !or a wrong sustaned. n the cV aw, an acton
n whch some specc thng was demanded, and aso
some persona obgaton camed to be per!ormed, or,
n other words, an acton whch proceeded both tn rem
and tnemonom.
Penolactonsare such as are brought,ether by !eder-
a, state, or oca authortes or by an ndVdua under
permsson o!astatute, toen!orceapenaty mposedby
aw !or the commsson o! a prohbted act. See Cr|mi-
Pemonol acton. n cV aw, an acton tn emonom
seeks to en!orce an obgaton mposed on the de!en-
dant by hs contract or dect, that s, t s the conten-
ton that he s bound to trans!er some domnon or to
per!orm some serVce or to repar some oss. n com-
mon aw, an acton brought !or the recoVery o! some
debt or!or damages !or some persona njury, n contra-
dstncton to the od rea actons, whch reated to rea
property ony. An actonwhchcanbebroughtonyby
the person hmse! who s njured, and not by hs
representatVes. See ln personam.
Poulor actons, n Lngsh usage, were those actons
whch were gVen upon the breach o! a pena statute,
andwhchanymanthat w maysue on account o!the
kng and hmse!, as the statute aowed and the case
requred. Uecause the acton was not gVen to one
especay, butgeneray to any that woud prosecute, t
was caed acton popuar,` and, !rom the words used
n the process (ut tomro domtno rege seutturuom
rose tso,who sues as we!or thekngas !or hmse
t was caed a ut tom acton.
Reol actons. At common aw, one brought !or the
specc recoVery o! ands, tenements, or heredtaments.
1hey are dmttumlwhen they are based upon the rght
o! property, andossesso when based upon the rght
o! possesson. 1hey are ether wrts o! rght, wrts o!
entry upon dssesn (whch e n the per, the per et
cu, or the post), ntruson, or aenaton, wrts ances-
tra possessory, as mort d'ancestor, ae, besae, coss-
nage, ornuper obt. 1he !ormer cass was dVded nto
dmttuml, !ounded upon demandant's own sesn, and
onctrol drotturol upon the demandant's cam n re-
spect o!a mere rght descended to hm !rom an ances-
tor. ossessory actons were dVded n the same
wayas to the demandant's own sesn and as to that
o! hs ancestor. Among the cVans, rea actons,
otherwse caed Vndcatons,` were those n whch a
man demanded somethng that was hs own. 1hey
were !ounded on domnon, or )us tn re 1he rea
actons o!the Koman aw were not, kethe rea actons
o! the common aw, conned to rea estate, but they
ncuded persona, as we as rea, property. See ln rem.
Stotuto actons are such as can ony be based upon
the partcuar statutes creatng them. Lontrast Com-
mon lo actons, ooue.
Tontto actons are those !ounded upon a cause o!
acton not necessary re!errng to or arsng n any
partcuar ocaty. 1her characterstc !eature s that
the rght o!acton !oows the person o!the de!endant.
Actons are transtory` when the transactons reed
on mght haVe taken pace anywhere, and are oca`
when they coud not occur eXcept n some partcuar
pace, the dstnctonbeng n the nature o!the subject
o!the njury, and not n the means used orthe pace at
whch the cause o! acton arses. 1he test o! whether
an acton s oca or transtory s whether the njury s
done to a subject-matter whch, n ts nature, coud not
arse beyond the ocaty o! ts stuaton, n contrads-
tncton to the subject causng the njury. Actons
trabe where de!endant resdes are termed trans-
tory` and those trabe where the subject-matter s
stuated are termed oca.`
ActonaUe. 1hat !or whch an acton w e, !urnsh-
ng ega ground !or an acton. See Cause of action;
Justiciab|e controversy.
ActonaUe Uaud. Oecepton practced n order to n-
duce another to part wth property or surrender some
egarght. A !ase representaton made wth an nten-
ton to deceVe, such may be commtted by statngwhat
s known to be !ase or by pro!essng knowedge o! the
truth o! a statement whch s !ase, but n ether case,
the essenta ngredent s a !asehood uttered wth n-
tent to deceVe. 1o consttute actonabe !raud,` t
must appear that de!endant made a matera represen-
taton, that t was !ase, that when he made t he knew
t was !ase, or made t reckessy wthout any know-
edge o! ts truth and as a postVe asserton, that he
made t wth ntenton that t shoud be acted on by
pant!!, that pant!! acted n reance on t, and that
pant!!thereby su!!ered njury. Vertes N. GAL roper-
tes, nc., O.L.a., JJ7 .bupp. 2, 2. Lssenta ee-
ments are representaton, !asty, scenter, decepton,
reance and njury. See Fraud.
ActonaUe msregresentaton. A !ase statement re-
spectng a !act matera to the contract and whch s
nuenta n procurng t. See Fraud, Misrepresenta-
ActonaUe neggence. 1hebreach or nonper!ormance
o! a ega duty, through negect or careessness, resut-
ngndamage or njury to another. ts !aure o!duty,
omsson o! somethng whch ought to haVe been done,
or dong o! somethng whch ought not to haVe been
done, orwhchreasonabeman,gudedbyconsderatons
whch ordnary reguate conduct o! human a!!ars,
woud or woud not do. Lssenta eements are !aure
to eXercse due care, njury, or damage, and proXmate
cause. See Neg|igence.
ActonaUe nusance. Anythng wrong!uy done or
permtted whch njures or annoys another n theenjoy-
ment o! hs ega rghts. Mer N. Lty o! Oayton, 7
Oho App. 17J, 41 N.L.2d 72b, 7J. Anythng njurous
to heath, or ndecent, or o!!ensVe to the senses, or an
obstructon to the !ree use o!property so as to nter!ere
wth the com!ortabe enjoyment o!!e or property. See
ActonaUe ger guod. Words actonabe onyon aega
ton and proo! o! speca damage. Knapp N. ost rnt-
ng & ubshng Lo., 111 Loo. 492, 144 .2d 9b1, 9b4.
Words not actonabeerse upon ther !ace, but ony n
consequence o! eXtrnsc !acts showng crcumstances
under whch they were sad or the damges resutng to
sandered party there!rom. Not njurous on ther !ace
n ther usua and natura sgncaton, but ony so n
consequence o! eXtrnsc !acts and requrng nnuendo.
See L|belous per quod.
ActonaUe ger se. Words n themseves beous or
sanderous. Knapp v. ost rntng & ubshng Lo.,
111 Loo. 492, 144 .2d 9b1, 9b4. Words whch aw
presumes must actuay, proXmatey and necessary
damage de!endant!orwhch genera damages are recov-
erabe and whose njurous character s a !act o! com-
mon notorety, estabshed by the genera consent o!
men, necessary mportng damage. Actons based on
such words requre no proo!o!damages. Words acton-
abe per se ncude mputaton o! crme, a oathsome
dsease, unchastty, or words a!!ectng pant!!s bus
ness, trade, pro!esson, o!ce orcang. See L|belous per
ActonaUe tort. A tort !or whch a cause o! acton
eXsts. 1o consttute an actonabe tort,` there mustbe
a ega duty, mposed by statute or otherwse, owng by
de!endant to the one njured, and n the absence o!such
duty damagecaused s njury wthout wrong` or dam-
num absque njura.` Loeman v. La!orna Yeary
Meetng o! rends Lhurch, 27 La.App.2d 79, b1 .2d
49, 47. See Tort.
ActonaUe words. n aw o! be and sander, such
words as naturay mpy damage. See L|bel; Slander.
ActonaUe wrong. A tort commtted when a respon-
sbe person has negected to use a reasonabe degree o!
under eXstng crcumstances shoud reasonaby have
been !oreseen as a proXmate consequence o!that neg-
Actonare /ksh(y)onery/. L. Lat. (rom octto, an
acton.) 1o brng an acton, to prosecute, or sue.
Actonar /kshon(o)ry/. A !oregn commerca term
!or the propretor o! an octton or share o! a pubc
company's stock, a stockhoder.
Acto negatora (or negatVa) / kshyow ngotryo
/ngotayvo/. An acton brought to repe acam o!the
de!endant to a servtude n the pant!!s and. See
Act|o confessor|a.
Acto negotorum gestorum /kshyow nogwshyrom
jestrom/. ncuded actons between prncpa and
agent and other partes to an engagement, whereby one
person undertook the transacton o! busness !or anoth-
Actones egs /kshywnyz yjos/. n the Koman
aw, ega oraw!u acton, actons o!or at aw (egttma
Actones nomnatae /kshywnyz nmoneyty/. (Lat.
named actons). n the Ltrgsh chancery, wrts !or
whch there were precedents. 1he statute o! Westmn-
ster, 2, c. 24,gavechanceryauthorty to !orm new wrts
tn constmtlt cosu; hence the acton on the case.
Acton ex contractu /kshon ks kontrktyuw/. An
acton !or breach o! promse set !orth n a contract,
eXpress or mped. McLuoughv. 1heAmercan Work-
men, 2 b.L. b4, 2 b.L.2d 4.
Acton ex decto /kshon ks doktow/. An acton
arsng !rom a breach o! duty growng out o! contract.
Acton for accountng. Acton n equtybased on nad-
equacy o! ega remedy and partcuary appcabe to
mutua and compcated accounts and where conden-
ta or ducary reatonshp eXsts. Acton to adjust
mutua accounts and to strke a baance.
Acton for mone bad and receVed. Acton n as
sumpst based upon promse to repay mped by aw,
and n respect o! mtaton s a stated or qudated
account. Acton brought where one person has receved
money or ts equvaent under such crcumstances that
n equty and good conscence he ought not to retan t
and n justce t beongs to another. nterstate L!e &
Accdent Lo. v. Look, 19 1enn.App. 29, b b.W.2d bb7,
Acton for gondng / kshon !or pndq/. An acton by
a credtor to obtan a sequestraton o!therents o! and
and the goods o! hs debtor !or the sats!acton o! hs
debt, or to en!orce a dstress.
Acton n gersonam /kshon n porswnom/. See | n
Acton n rem /kshon n rem/. See |n rem.
Acton of assze / kshon ov osayz/. A rea acton at
common aw whch proved the tte o! the demandant,
merey by showng hs ancestor's possesson.
Acton of assumgst /kshon ov osompsot/. See As-
Acton of UooK deUt. A !orm o!common awacton !or
the recovery o!cams, such as are usuay evdenced by
a book-account.
Acton of contract. Anacton brought to en!orce rghts
whereo! the contract s the evdence, and usuay the
su!cent evdence.
Acton of wrt. A (now obsoete) phrase n common aw
peadng used when a de!endant pead some matter by
whch he showed that thepant!!had no cause to have
the wrt sued upon, athough t may be that he was
entted to another wrt or acton !or the same matter.
Acto non /kshyow nn/. n the common aw pead-
ng, the Latn name o!that part o!a speca pea whch
!oows neXt a!ter the statement o! appearance and
de!ense, and decares that the pant!! ought not to
have or mantan hs a!oresad acton thereo! aganst`
the de!endant (n Latn, octtonem non hoere deetJ.
Acto non accreVt nUa sex annos /kshyow nn
okryvot n!ro seks nows/. 1he name o!the pea o!the
statute o! mtatons, when the de!endant aeges that
the pant!!s acton has not accrued wthn sX years.
P0t0 U0U UutU U0U 00ut0 lKkshyOw n0n
deytor nn dmno!okeytow/. An acton s not gven to
One whO m nOt n]ured.
P0t10 U0U fact teUm, ns mem st teu / kshyownn
!eysot ryom, naysay menz st ryo/. A act does not
make One guty, uness the ntenton be bad.
Acton on tbe case. A common aw speces o!persona
acton o! !ormery eXtensve appcaton, otherwse
caed trespass on the case,` or smpy case,` !romthe
crcumstance o! the pant!!s whoe cue or couse oJ
comlotntbeng set !orth at ength n the orgna wrt
by whch !ormery t was aways commenced. n ts
most comprehensve sgncaton t ncudes ossumstt
aswe asanacton n!orm ex deltcto , though when t
s mentoned t s usuay understood to mean an acton
n !orm ex deltcto. t s !ounded on the common aw or
upon acts o! arament, and es generay to recover
damages !or torts not commtted wth !orce, actua or
mped, or havng been occasoned by !orce where the
matter a!!ected was not tangbe, or the njury was not
mmedate but consequenta, or where the nterest n
the property was ony n reverson, n a o!whch cases
trespass s not sustanabe. n the progress o!judca
contestaton t was dscovered that there was a mass o!
tortous wrongs unattended by drect and mmedate
!orce, orwhere the !orce, though drect, was not eXpend-
ed on an eXstng rght o! present enjoyment, !or whch
the then known !orms o! acton !urnshed no redress.
1he acton on the case was nsttutedto meet ths want.
And wrongs whch w mantan an acton on the case
are !requenty commtted n the nonobservance o!
dutes, whch are but the mpcaton o! contract ob-
gaton, dutes o! requste sk, dety, dgence, and a
proper regard !or the rghts o! others, mped n every
obgaton to serve another. !the cause o!acton arses
!rom a breach o! promse, the acton s eX contractu`,
but!the cause o! acton arses !rom a breach o! duty
growng out o!the contract, t s n !orm eX decto and
case. When there s a contract, ether eXpress or m-
ped, !rom whch a common-aw duty resuts, an acton
on the case es !or the breach o!that duty. buch !orm
o!acton no onger eXsts under Lode and Kue peadng.
See Assumps|t.
Acto non uterus /kshyownnotryos/. nLngsh
peadng, a name gven to the dstnctve cause n the
peato theJurthermotntenonceo!the acton, ntroduced
n pace o!the peauts dorretn conttnuonce , the aver-
ment beng that the pant!!ought notJurther(ultertusJ
u have or mantan hs acton.
Acto noxas /kshyow nokseyos/. n cv aw, a
noXaacton, an actonwhchayaganst amaster!ora
crme commtted or njury done by hs save, and n
whch the master had the aternatve ether to pay !or
the damage done or to dever up the save to the
companng party. bo caed !rom noxo, the o!!ense or
njury commtted.
Acton guas U rem /kshon kweysay n rem/. An
acton brought aganst persons whch ony seeks to sub-
ject the nterest n certan property o!those persons to
dschBrge O! cBms asserted and judgment theren m
ony concusve between partes and ther prves.
bn v. McLean, 22 nd. JJ, 7 N.L.2d 149, 11. See
| n rem; Quas| |n rem |ur|sd|ct|on.
Acton redbUtor /kshon rod(h)bt(o)ry/. See Red-
h|b|tory act|on.
Acton to guet tte. One n whch pant!! asserts hs
own estate and decares generay that de!endant cams
some estate n the and, wthout denng t, and avers
that the cam s wthout !oundaton, and cas on de!en-
dant to set !orth the nature o! hs cam, so that t may
be determned by decree. t d!!ers !rom a sut to
remove acoud,` n that pant!! theren decares on hs
own tte, and aso avers the source and nature o!
de!endant's cam, ponts out ts de!ect, and prays that t
may be decared vod as a coud on pant!!s estate. t
embraces every sort o! a cam whereby the pant!!
mght be deprved o!hs property or hs tte couded or
tsvaue deprecated, or whereby the pant!!mghtbe
ncommoded or damnedby asserton o!an outstandng
tte aready hed or to grow out o! the adverse preten-
son. Uank o! Amercan Nat. 1rust & bavngs Ass'n v.
1own o!Atherton, La.App.2d 2b, 14 .2d 7b, b.
See C|oud on t|t|e.
Actonum genera maxme sunt serVanda
/kshywnom jenoro mksomy sont sorvndo/. 1he
knds o! actons are especay to be preserved.
Acto gergetua /kshyow porpechuwo/. An acton
wthout mtaton perod.
Acto gersonas /kshyow porsoneyos/. n the cv
and common aw, a persona acton. See |n personam.
Acto gersonas mortur cum gersona /kshyow
porsoneyos mrotor kom porswney/. A persona rght
o!acton des wth the person. 1he maXm was orgna-
y apped to amost every !orm o! acton, whether ars-
ng out o! contract or tort, but the common aw was
modedbythe btatute o!4Ldwardthe . Momand v.
1wenteth-Lentury oX m Lorporaton, O.L.Ok., J7
.bupp. 49, 2.
Acto ggnoratta /kshyow pgnoreytshyo/. An ac-
ton o! pedge, an acton !ounded on the contract o!
pedge gtgnusJ.
Acto gnas /kshyow pyneyos/. Laed aso octto
exdeltcto. An acton n whch apenaty was recovered
o! the denquent.
Acttones noles and octtones mtxta comprehended
cases o! njures, !or whch the cv aw permtted re-
dress by prvate acton, but whch modern cvzaton
unversay regards as crmes, that s, o!!enses aganst
socety at arge, and punshed by proceedngs n the
name o! the state aone. 1hus, the!t, recevng stoen
goods, robbery, macous msche!, and the murder or
neggent homcde o!a save (n whch case an njury to
property was nvoved), gave rse to prvate actons !or
damages aganst the denquent.
Acto gnas U bKredem non datur, ns forte ex
damno ocugetor bKres factus st /kshyow
pyneyos n horydom nn deytor nysay !rty ks
dmnow wkopyshor hryz !ktos st/. A pena ac-
ton s not gven aganst an her, uness, ndeed, such
her s beneted by the wrong.
Acto grK]udcas /kshyow pryjuwdshyeys/. A
premnary or preparatoryacton. An actonnsttuted
!or the determnaton o! some premnary matter on
whch other tgated matters depend, or!orthe determ-
naton o! some pont or queston arsng n another or
prncpaacton, and socaed!rom tsbengdetermtned
eJore grtus, orra)udtcorI.
Acto grKscrgts VerUs /kshyow proskrptos vorbos/.
A !orm o!acton whch derved ts !orce !rom contnued
usage or the resonsorudenttum, and was !ounded on
the unwrtten aw. 1he dstncton between ths acton
and an octto tnJoctum s sad to be, that the atter was
!ounded not on usage or the unwrtten aw, but by
anaogy to or on the equty o! some subsstng aw.
Acto grKtora /kshyow protryo/. A prtoran ac-
ton, one ntroduced by the prtor, as dstngushed
!rom the more ancent octto ctutlts (. u.J.
Acto gro soco /kshyow prw swshyow/. An acton
o! partnershp. An acton brought by one partner
aganst hs assocates to compe them to carry out the
terms o! the partnershp agreement.
Acto guUcana /kshyow pobshyeyno/. An acton
whch ay !or one who had ost a thng o!whch he had
ono Jtde obtaned possesson, be!ore he had ganed a
property n t, n order to have t restored, under coor
that he had obtaned aproperty n t by prescrpton. t
was an honorary acton, and derved ts name !rom the
prtor ubcus, by whose edct t was rst gven.
Acto guKUet n sua Va /kshyow kwyobt n
s(y)uwo vayo/. Lvery acton proceeds n ts own way.
Acto guod ]ussu /kshyow kwd josyuw/. An acton
gven aganst a master, !ounded on some busness done
by hs save, actng under hs ordergussuJ.
Acto guod metus causa /kshyow kwd metos kzo/.
An acton granted to one who had been compeed by
unaw!u !orce, or !ear (metus cousoJ that was not
groundess (metusmotlts or)ustusJ to dever, se, or
promse a thng to another.
Acto reas /kshyow reyos/. A rea acton. 1he
proper term n the cv aw was ret utndtcotto.
Acto redbUtora /kshyow rod(h)botryo/. An ac-
ton to cance a sae n consequence o! de!ects n the
thng sod. t was prosecuted to compe compete rest-
tuton to the seer o! the thng sod, wth ts produce
and accessores, and to gve the buyer back the prce,
wth nterest, as an equvaent !or the resttuton o!the
produce. See Redh|b|tory action.
Acto rerum amotarum /kshyow rrom ymow-
terom/. An acton !or thngs removed, an acton whch,
n cases o! dvorce, ay !or a husband aganst a w!e, to
recover thngs carred away by the atter, n contempa-
ton o!such dvorce. t aso ay!orthew!eaganst the
husband n such cases.
Acto rescssora /kshyow rsosryo/. An acton !or
restorng pant!!to a rght ortte whch he has ost by
prescrpton, n a case where the equtes are such that
he shoud be reeved !rom the operaton o!the prescrp-
ton. An acton to rescnd a prescrptve tte by one
who was entted to eXempton !rom the prescrpton
aw, as a mnor, etc.
Acto serVana /kshyow sorvyeyno/. An acton
whch ay !or the essor o! a !arm, or rura estate, to
recover the goods o! the essee or !armer, whch were
pedged or bound !or the rent.
Acto strct ]urs /kshyow strktayjuros/. An acton
o! strct rght. 1he cass o! cv aw persona actons,
whch were adjudged ony by the strct aw, and n
whch the judge was mted to the precse anguage o!
the !ormua, and had no dscretonary power to regard
the ono Jtdes o! the transacton.
Acto temgoras /kshyow tmporeys/. An acton
whch must be brought wthn a mted tme. See
Acto tuteK /kshyow t(y)uwtyy/. Acton !ounded
on the dutes or obgatons arsng on the reaton
anaogous to that o! guardan and ward.
Acto uts /kshyow yuwtoos/. n the cv aw, a
benecaactonorequtabe acton. Anacton!ounded
on equty nstead o! strct aw, and avaabe !or those
who had equtabe rghts or the bene!ca ownershp o!
property. Actons are dvded nto octtones dtrect or
uttles. 1he !ormer are !ounded on certan ega ob-
gatons whch !rom ther orgn were accuratey dened
and recognzed as actonabe. 1he atter were !ormed
anaogcay n mtaton o! the !ormer. 1hey were
permtted n ega obgatons !or whch the octtones
dtrect were not orgnay ntended, but whch resem
bed the ega obgatons whch !ormed the bass o!the
drect acton.
Acto Vendt /kshyow vendotay/. An acton em-
poyed n beha!o!aseer, to compe abuyer to pay the
prce, or per!orm any speca obgatons emboded n a
contract o! sae. See Specific performance.
Acto V Uonorum ragtorum /kshyow vay bownrom
rptrom/. An acton !or goods taken by !orce, a
speces o! mXed acton, whch ay !or a party whose
goods or movabes monoJhad been taken !rom hm by
!orce (u, to recover the thngs so taken, together wth a
penatyo!trpethe vaue. Uractondescrbes t as yng
de reus motltus ut olotts stue rootts (!or movabe
thngs taken away by !orce, or robbed).
Acto Vugars /kshyow vogeros/. A ega acton, a
common acton. bometmes used !or octto dtrecto.
ActVe. 1hat s n acton, that demands acton, actuay
subsstng, the opposte o! passve. An actve debt s
one whch draws nterest. An actve trust s a con-
dence connected wth aduty. An actve use u a present
ega estate.
ActVe conceament. 1erm mpes a purpose ordesgn
to concea accompshed by words or acts, whe passve
OOnOCamCnt OOn88t8 n mCtC 8CnOC WhCtC thCtC 8 a
duty tO 8pCak. NCndt V. uCnkC, mO.Ppp., Z1 b.W.Zd
JZ, JJ. LOnOCamCnt bCOOmC8 a taud WhCtC t 8
CCOtCd by m8Cadng and dCOCptVC tak, aOt8, Ot OOn-
duOt, WhCtC t 8 aOOOmpanCd by m8tCptC8CntatOn8, Ot
WhCtC, n addtOn tO a patty8 8CnOC, thCtC 8 any
8tatCmCnt, WOtd, Ot aOt On h8 patt WhOh tCnd8 aHtma-
tVCy tO a 8upptC88On O thC ttuth. buOh OOnduOt 8
dC8gnatCd aOtVC OOnOCamCnt. qutabC LC n8. LO.
OOWa V. Ma8Cy, btuatt & LO., L.L.P.., 11Z .Zd Z,
ActVe neggence. P tCtm O CXtCn8VC mCanng Cm-
btaOng many OOOuttCnOC8 that WOud a 8hOtt O W-
u WtOngdOng, Ot O Ota88 nCggCnOC, Ot CXampC, a
nadVCttCnt aOt8 Oau8ng n]uty tO OthCt8, tC8utng tOm
autC tO CXCtO8C Otdnaty OatC, kCW8C, a aOt8 thC
CCOt8 O WhOh atC m8]udgCd Ot unOtC8CCn, thtOugh
Want O ptOpCt attCntOn, Ot tCCOtOn, and hCnOC thC
tCtm OOVCt8 thC aOt8 O Wu WtOngdOng and a8O
thO8C WhOh atC nOt O that OhataOtCt. LOhCn V. OC,
Cnn.Ppp., 14 b.W.Zd 11, 1.
POtVC nCggCnOC dCnOtC8 8OmC pO8tVC aOt Ot 8OmC
autC n duty O OpCtatOn WhOh 8 CquVaCnt O a
pO8tVC aOt and 8 Om88On O duC OatC and aHtmatVC
aOtOn by pCt8On n OOnttO, Ot nCggCnOC OOOuttng n
OOnnCOtOn Wth aOtVtC8 OOnduOtCd On thC ptCm8C8.
aOhOWtZ V. mWaukCC & bubutban tan8pOtt LOtp.,
W8.Zd o, ZZ .W.Zd Zo, Z. CtCnOC bCtWCCn
`aOtVC and `pa88VC nCggCnOC 8 that OnC 8 Ony
pa88VCy nCggCnt hC mCtCy a8 tO aOt n uH-
mCnt Oduty OOatC WhOh aW mpO8C8 upOn hm, WhC
OnC 8 aOtVCy nCggCnt hC pattOpatC8 n 8OmC
mannCt n OOnduOt Ot Om88On WhOh Oau8Cd n]uty.
bng V. mbCt bttuOtutC8, nO. O La, Z4 L.P.Zd 1o,
4J La.bptt. 414, 41.
See olo Negl|gence.
ActVe gartcgant. Pny pCt8On WhO CngagC8 n OOn-
duOt, CthCt by aOt Ot Om88On, WhOh 8 an C88Cnta
CCmCnt O thC OtmC. btatC V. LtCCnC, mO.Ppp.,
b.W.Zd 14, 1.
ActVe trust. See Trust.
ActVt. Pn OOOupatOn Ot put8ut n WhOh pCt8On 8
aOtVC. btatC CX tC. Pgatd V. bCdCtCt, mO., 44o b.W.Zd
, oZ.
Act maum U se /0kt m0am n 8y/. See Malum |n se.
Act maum grobUtum /0kt m0m ptahbatam/. See
Malum proh|b|tum.
Act of attander. P Cg8atVC aOt, attantng a pCt8On.
See Atta|nder.
Act of UanKrugtc. Ctm u8Cd undCt OtmCt CdCta
anktuptOy POt ( ), tO tCCt tO any aOt WhOh tCndCtCd
a pCt8On abC tO bC ptOOCCdCd agan8t nVOuntaty a8
abanktupt, Ot Ot WhOh hC OOud bC ad]udgCd banktupt.
hC nCW anktuptOy LOdC (1JJ) nO OngCt ptOVdC8 Ot
8pCOHO aOt8 ObanktuptOy, but tathCt ptOVdC8 Ot nVO-
untaty banktuptOy WhCn thC dCbtOt, n gCnCta, 8 nOt
payng h8 dCbt8 a8 thCy bCOOmC duC. anktuptOy LOdC,
. See Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy proceed|ngs.
8CK'S L8W |CDR8Q D c0.~Z
Act of zaUetb. See Act of supremacy.
Act of Uod. Pn aOt OOOa8OnCd CXOu8VCy by OtOC8 O
natutC WthOut thC ntCtCtCnOC O any human agCnOy.
P m8adVCntutC Ot Oa8uaty 8 8ad tO bC Oau8Cd by thC
`aOt O LOd, WhCn t happCn8 by thC dtCOt, mmCdatC,
and CXOu8VC OpCtatOn O thC OtOC8 O natutC, unOOn-
ttOCd and unnuCnOCd by thC pOWCt O man, and
WthOut human ntCtVCntOn, and 8 O 8uOh a OhataOtCt
that t OOud nOt haVC bCCn ptCVCntCd Ot C8OapCd tOm
by any amOunt O OtC8ght Ot ptudCnOC, Ot by any
tCa8OnabC dCgtCC O OatC Ot dgCnOC, Ot by thC ad O
any appanOC8 WhOh thC 8tuatOn O thC patty mght
tCa8Onaby tCqutC hm tO u8C. Pny aOOdCnt ptOduOCd
by any phy8Oa Oau8C WhOh 8 ttC88tbC, 8uOh a8
ghtnng, tCmpC8t8, pCt8 O thC 8Ca8, tOtnadO8, Catth-
quakC8. mddaugh V. 1.b., .L.WyO., ZJ .bupp. J,
Jo. See | nev|table acc|dent, Per|ls of the sea, V|s ma|or.
Act of grace. hC tCtm 8 OtCn u8Cd tO dC8gnatC a
gCnCta aOt O patamCnt, Otgnatng Wth thC OtOWn,
8uOh a8 ha8 OtCn bCCn pa88Cd at thC OOmmCnOCmCntOa
nCW tCgn, Ot thC OOmng O agC Ot mattagC O a 8OVCt-
Cgn, Ot at thC OO8C O a pCtOd O OV ttOubC8, dCOat-
ng patdOn Ot amnC8ty tO numCtOu8 OCndCt8. Seeolo
Days of grace, Grace per|od.
Act of nsoVenc. See Act of bankruptcy.
Act of aw. hC OpCtatOn O HXCd Cga tuC8 upOn
gVCn aOt8 Ot OOOuttCnOC8, ptOduOng OOn8CquCnOC8 ndC-
pCndCnt O thC dC8gn Ot W O thC pattC8 OOnOCtnCd,
a8 d8tngu8hCd tOm `aOt O pattC8. P8O an aOt
pCtOtmCd by ]udOa authOtty WhOh ptCVCnt8 Ot ptC-
OudC8 a patty tOm ung H OOnttaOt Ot OthCt CngagC-
mCnt. See Act |n pa|s.
Act of nature. See Act of God.
Act of garament. P 8tatutC, a aW madC by thC
tt8h 8OVCtCgn, Wth thC adVOC and OOn8Cnt O thC
Otd8 and thC OOmmOn8, n patamCnt a88CmbCd. POt8
O patamCnt Otm thC leges scrtto, t.e., thC WtttCn
aW8 O thC kngdOm. buOh aOt8 atC O thtCC knd8.
pubO, OOa Ot 8pCOa, ptVatC Ot pCt8Ona. hC Vadty
O a 8tatutC OannOt bC quC8tOnCd n OOutt.
Act of groVdence. Pn aOOdCnt agan8t WhOh Otdnaty
8k and OtC8ght OOud nOt guatd. quVaCnt tO `aOt
O LOd (. u.).
Act of sae. Pn OOa tCOOtd O a 8aC O ptOpCtty,
madC by a nOtaty WhO WttC8 dOWn thC agtCCmCnt OthC
pattC8 a8 8tatCd by thCm, and WhOh 8 thCn 8gnCd by
thC pattC8 and attC8tCd by WtnC88C8.
Act of settement. hC ng8h 8tatutC (1Z & 1 Wm.
, O. Z) mtng thC OtOWn tO thC tnOC88 bOpha O
ManOVCt, and tO thC hCt8 O hCt bOdy bCng tOtC8tant8.
1 .LOmm. 1Zo. LnC Oau8C O t madC thC tCnutC O
]udgC8 OHOCOtC Ot gOOdbChaVOt ndCpCndCnt OthC
Act of state. Pn aOt dOnC by thC 8OVCtCgn pOWCt O a
OOuntty, Ot by t8 dCCgatC, Wthn thC mt8 O thC
pOWCt VC8tCd n hm. Pn aOt O 8tatC OannOt bC quC8-
tOnCd Ot madC thC 8ub]COt O Cga QtOOCCdng8 n a
OOutt O aW. SeeAct of state doctr|ne.
Act of state doctrne. hC]udOay OtCatCdaOtO8tatC
dOOttnC ptCOudC8 thC OOutt8 O th8 OOuntty tOm n-
qutng ntO thC Vadty OgOVCtnmCnta aOt8 Oa tCOOg-
nZCd OtCgn 8OVCtCgn OOmmttCd Wthn t8 OWn tCtt-
tOty. anOO aOOna dC Luba V. babbatnO, 1.b.
Jo, o4 b.Lt. JZ, 11 L.d.Zd o4, bOaud V. PmCtOan
mCta L., Z4 1.b. 4, o b.Lt. 1Z, Z L.d. ,
LCt]Cn V. LCntta LCathCt LO., Z4 1.b. ZJ, o b.Lt. J,
Z L.d. Z, .aOOy LOmQana, b. P. V. tu8h, Z
.bupp. 4o1 ad, .Zd 111 (Zd Lt.), OCtt. dCnCd,
oJ 1.b. o, oo b.Lt. J, 1J L.d.Zd oo.
Act of sugremac. Pn aOt OZ MCn. N, O. 1,and a8O
1 Z., O. 1, WhOh tCOOgnZCd thC kng a8 thC Ony
8uptCmC hCad OnCatthOthC LhutOhOngandhaVng
u QOWCt tO OOttCOt a CttOt8, hCtC8C8, abu8C8, O-
Cn8C8, OOntCmpt8 and CnOtmtC8. hC Oath, takCn un-
dCt thC aOt, dCnC8 tO thC OQC any OthCt authOtty than
that O thC 8hOp O bOmC.
Act of unformt. hC ng8h 8tatutC O 1 & 14 Lat.
, O. 4, CnaOtng that thC bOOk O OOmmOn QtayCt, a8
thCn tCOCnty tCV8Cd, 8hOud bC u8Cd n CVCty Qat8h
OhutOh and OthCt QaOC O QubO WOt8hQ, and OthCtW8C
Otdanng a unOtmty n tCgOu8 8CtVOC8, CtO.
Acton Uue, statute of. n ng8h aW, a 8tatutC,
OthCtW8C OaCd Stotutum Mercotorum Ot de Mercotort-
us, thC 8tatutC OthC mCtOhant8, madC at a QatamCnt
hCd at thC Oa8tC Ot VagC O POtOn utnC n bhtOQ-
8htC, n thC 11th yCat OthC tCgn O dWatd . t Wa8
a 8tatutC Ot thC OOCOtOn O dCbt8, thC CatC8t O t8
Oa88, bCng CnaOtCd n 1Zo. P utthCt 8tatutC Ot thC
8amC Ob]COt, and knOWn a8 C mCtOatOtbu8, Wa8 CnaOt-
Cd 1 dW. , (O. ). See Statute (Stotute merchontJ.
Act on getton. P Otm O 8ummaty QtOOCCdngOtmCt-
y n u8C n thC hgh OOutt O admtaty, n ngand, n
WhOh thC QattC8 8tatCd thCt tC8QCOtVC Oa8C8 btCy,
and 8upQOttCd thCt 8tatCmCnt8 by aHdaVt.
Actor. LnC WhO aOt8. hC tCtm 8 u8Cd n thC bC8tatC-
mCnt O Ott8, bCOOnd, tO dC8gnatC CthCt thC QCt8On
WhO8C OOnduOt 8 n quC8tOn a8 8ub]COtng hm tO ab-
ty tOWatd aOthCt, Ot a8 QtCOudng hm tOm tCOOVCtng
agan8t anOthCt WhO8C tOttOu8 OOnduOt 8 a Cga Oau8C
O thC aOtOt8 n]uty. bCO. Z.
Uld umeon lo. P QattOn, QtOOtOt, adVOOatC, Ot
QCadCt, OnC WhO aOtCd Ot anOthCt n Cga mattCt8,
OnC WhO tCptC8Ct8d a Qatty and managCd h8 Oau8C.
Pn attOtnCy, ba, Ot 8tCWatd, OnC WhO managCd Ot
aOtCd Ot anOthCt. hC bOOtOh `dOCt 8 thC tCta
Romon lo. LnC WhO aOtCd Ot anOthCt, OnC WhO
att8ndCd tO anOthCt8 bu8nC88, a managCt Ot agCnt. P
8aVC WhO attCndCd u, ttan8aOtCd, Ot 8upCtntCndCd h8
mtCt8bu8nC88 Ot aat8, tCOCVCd and pad Out mOn-
8y8, and k8pt aOOOunU. hC WOtd ha8 a VatCty O
OO8CytCat8d mCanng8, VCty nCaty OOttC8pOndng
wtb manag8t. hu8, octor domt, manag8t O h8
mt8 atm, octorecclt, man8tOOhutOh ptOt
ty, octores mutnctorum, taX-gathCtCt8, ttCa8utCt8, and
managCt8 O thC QubO dCbt.
Actor ecclest.-A adVOOatC Ot a OhutOh, OnC WhO
ptOtCOt8 thC tCmQOta ntCtC8t8 O a OhutOh. Actor
utlla Wa8 thC 8tCWatd Ot hCad-ba O a tOWn Ot
PlotnttJJor comlotnont. n a OV Ot QtVatC aOtOn
thC QantWa8 OtCn OaCd by thC bOman8 etttor;'
n aQubOaOtOn (cousoultcoJhC Wa8OaCd occuso-
tor. ' hC dCCndant Wa8 OaCd reus, 'bOth n QtVatC
and QubO Oau8C8. h8 tCtm, hOWCVCt, mght 8gny
CthCt Qatty, a8 mght bC OOnOudCd tOm thC WOtd
t8C. n a QtVatC aOtOn, thC dCCndant Wa8 OtCn
OaCd oduemortus, 'but CthCt Qatty mght bC OaCd
P8O, thC tCtm 8 u8Cd O a patty WhO, Ot thC tmC
bCng, 8u8tan8 thC butdCn O QtOO, Ot ha8 thC ntatVC
n thC 8ut.
Actore non groUante reus aUsoVtur / 0ktty nOn
QtOWb0nty tya8 0bZVatat/. WhCn thC pant dOC8
nOt ptOVC h8 Oa8C thC dCCndant 8 aOquttCd (Ot ab-
Actor ncumUt onus groUand / 0kttay gkambat
Wna8 Qtab0nday/. hC butdCn O QtOO tC8t8 On thC
Qant (Ot On thC Qatty WhO adVanOC8 a ptOQO8tOn
Actor gu contra reguam gud adduxt, non est au
dendus /0ktOt kWy kntta tCgyaam kWd adak8at,
nn 88t OdyCnda8/. P Qant(Ot QCadCt) 8 nOt tO bC
hCatd WhO ha8 adVanOCd anythng agan8t authOtty (Ot
agan8t thC tuC).
Actor segutur forum re / 0ktOt8CkWatattamtyay /.
POOOtdng a8 ret 8 ntCndCd a8 thC gCntVC O l8, a
thng, Ot reus, a dCCndant, th8 Qhta8C mCan8. hC
QantOOW8 thC Otum OthC QtOQCtty n 8ut, Ot thC
Otum O thC dCCndant8 tC8dCnOC.
Actrx /0kttk8/. Lat. P CmaC aOtOt, a CmaC pan-
Acts of court. LCga mCmOtanda madC n thC admtaty
OOutt8 n ngand, n thC natutC O QCa8.
Acts of gossesson. O OOn8ttutC adVCt8C QO88C88On,
aOt8 O QO88C88On mu8t bC. (1) hO8tC Ot adVCt8C, (Z)
aOtua, () V8bC, nOtOtOu8, and CXOu8VC, (4) OOntnu-
Ou8, and () undCt Oam O OWnCt8hQ. yCu V. ant,
PQQ.Zd 1J, ZZ ..Zd 1. SeeAdverse posses-
Actua. bCa, 8ub8tanta, CX8tng QtC8Cnty n aOt,
haVng a Vad Ob]COtVC CX8tCnOC a8 OppO8Cd tO that
WhOh 8 mCtCy thCOtCtOa Ot QO88bC. LQQO8Cd tO
pOtCnta, QO88bC, Vttua, thCOtCtOa, hyQOthCtOa, Ot
nOmna. bOmCthng tCa, n OppO8tOn tO OOn8ttuOtVC
Ot 8pCuatVC, 8OmCthngCX8tng n aOt. t 8u8Cd a8 a
Cga t8tm n OOnttad8tnOtOn tO Vttua Ot OOn8ttuOtVC
a8 O pO88888On Ot OOOupatOn. Actuolly 8 OppO88d u
8CCmngy,ptCtCndCdy, OtCgnCdy, a8 octuollyengoged
tn Jormtng m8an8 t8ay, ttuy n aOt. P8 u octuol
|8S, 88g0S, 0|V0Q, |8u0, M8||C0, N0|C0, LCCu-
pat|on, Ouster, Possess|on, Res|dence, Se|s|n, Tota|
loss, 8CC thO8C ttC8.
Actua autbort. hC pOWCt O an agCnt tO bnd t8
ptnCpa WhCtC 8uCh pOWCt dCtVC8 CthCt tOm CXptC88
Ot mpCd agtCCmCnt tWCCn thC ptnCpa and thC
agCnt. MyCn V. taVCCt8 n8. LO., mO.Ppp., o
b.W.Zd 99, 9. n thC aW O agCnCy, 8uCh authOtty a8
a ptnCpa ntCntOnay COnCt8 On thC agCnt, Ot ntCn-
tOnay Ot by Want O Otdnaty CatC aOW8 thC agCnt tO
bCCVC hm8C tO pO88C88. atOna La8h bCg8tCt LO.
V. WChta tOZCn OOd LOCkCt8, CX.LV.Ppp., 1Z
b.W.Zd o1, o. nCudC8 bOth CXptC88 and mpCd
Actua Uas. See B|as.
Actua casb Vaue. hC at Ot tCa8OnabC Ca8h ptCC
Ot WhCh thC ptOpCtty COud bC 8Od n thC matkCt n
thC Otdnaty COut8C O bu8nC88, and nOt at OtCCd 8aC.
hC ptCC t W btng n a at matkCt atCt tCa8OnabC
COtt8 tO Hnd a putCha8Ct WhO W gVC thC hghC8t
ptCC. What ptOpCtty 8 WOtth n mOnCy, aOWng Ot
dCptCCatOn. Ltdnaty, `aCtua Ca8h VauC, `at
matkCt VauC, and `matkCt VauC atC 8ynOnymOu8
tCtm8. See Actua| va|ue, Cash va|ue, Fa|r market va|ue,
Fa|r va|ue.
Actua cbange of gossesson. n 8tatutC8 O taud8, an
OpCn,V8bC andunCquVOCa ChangC OpO88C88On, man-
C8tCdby thC u8ua OutWatd 8gn8, a8 d8tngu8hCd tOm
a mCtCy Otma Ot COn8ttuCtVC ChangC.
Actua controVers. CCatatOty]udgmCnt may bC tCn-
dCtCd Ony n Ca8C8 O `aCtua COnttOVCt8y dCnCd a8
COnCtCtC Ca8C8 tOuChng Cga tCatOn8 O pattC8 haVng
adVCt8C Cga ntCtC8t8 and 8u8CCptbC O an mmCdatC
and dCHntVC dCtCtmnatOn O hC Cga tght8 O thC
pattC8 n an adVCt8aty ptOCCCdng upOn thC aCgCd
aCt8. t. CCk & LO. L.m..M. V. LCnCta CC. LO.,
.L..X., Z1 .bupp. o, oJ. See olsoCase (Coses ond
controuemtes), Dec|aratory Judgment Act..
Actua cost. hC aCtua ptCC padOt gOOd8 bya patty,
n thC Ca8C O a tCa onoJtde putCha8C, WhCh may nOt
nCCC88aty bC thC matkCt VauC O thC gOOd8. t 8 a
gCnCta Ot dC8CtptVC tCtm WhCh may haVC Vatyng
mCanng8 aCCOtdng tO thC CtCum8tanCC8 n WhCh t 8
u8Cd. t mpOtt8 thC CXaCt 8um CXpCndCd Ot O88 8u8-
tanCd tathCt than thC aVCtagC Ot ptOpOttOna patt O
thC CO8t. t8 mCanng may bC tC8ttCtCd tO matCta8,
abOt, and OVCthCad Ot CXtCndCd tO OthCt tCm8.
Actua damages. LOmpCn8atOn Ot aCtua n]utC8 Ot
O88. LhappC V. Lty O bptngHCd, mO., 9Z b.W.Zd
o, o19. Ctm u8Cd tO dCnOtC thC typC O damagC
aWatd a8 WC a8 thC natutC O n]uty Ot WhCh tCCOVCty
8 aOWCd, thu8, aCtua damagC8 OWng tOm n]uty n
aCt atC tO bC d8tngu8hCd tOm damagC8 WhCh atC
nOmna, CXCmpaty Ot puntVC ba8Ot V. bCta LtCdt
LO., o Wa8h.Zd 1, 9 .Zd 191, 19J. `PCtua
damagC8 atC 8ynOnymOu8 Wth COmpCn8atOty damagC8.
WCdCt V. MOman, .L.a., Zo .bupp. 9, 99. See
olso Damages.
Actua deVer. See De||very.
Actua eVcton. Pn aCtua CXpu8On O thC tCnant Out
O a Ot 8OmC patt O thC dCm8Cd ptCm8C8. P phy8Ca
Ou8tCt Ot d8pO88C88On tOm thC VCty thng gtantCd Ot
8OmC 8ub8tanta patt thCtCO. LauCy V. OtthCtn
tu8t LO., 1 Ppp. , 9 ..Zd 19, 1, 1. See
Construct|ve ev|ct|on, Ev|ct|on, Forc|b|e entry and deta|n-
er, Summary (SummomcessJ.
Actua Uaud See Fraud.
Actua oss. LnC tC8utngtOm thCtCaand 8ub8tanta
dC8ttuCtOn O hC ptOpCtty n8utCd.
Actua mace. See Ma||ce.
Actua marRet Vaue. n Cu8tOm aW8, thC ptCC at
WhCh mCtChand8C 8 tCCy OCtCd Ot 8aC tO a put-
Cha8Ct8, thC ptCC WhCh thC manuaCtutCt Ot OWnCt
WOud haVC tCCCVCd Ot mCtChand8C, 8Od n thC Otd-
naty COut8C O ttadC n thC u8ua WhOC8aC quanttC8.
Seeolso, Market vo|ume.
Actua notce. See Not|ce.
Actua gossesson. See Possession.
Actua gractce. PCtVC, OpCn and nOtOtOu8 CngagC-
mCnt n bu8nC88, VOCatOn Ot ptOC88On a8 OppO8Cd tO
Ca8ua Ot CandC8tnC ptaCtCC. btatC CX tC Laughn V.
Wa8hngtOn btatC at P88n, Z Wa8h.Zd J19, 1 .Zd
1, J.
Actua gbsca contro. buCh COnttO Wthn 8tatutC
ptOVdng that t 8 unaWu and pun8habC by aW Ot
any pCt8On undCt nuCnCC O ntOXCatng quOt tO bC
n aCtua phy8Ca COnttO O any mOtOt VChCC Wthn
8tatC mCan8 CX8tng Ot ptC8Cnt bOdy tC8ttant, dtCCt-
ng nuCnCC, dOmnatOn, Ot tCguatOn O any autOmO-
bC WhC undCt thC nuCnCC O ntOXCatng quOt.
CatdCn V. btatC, LkLt., 9 .Zd o99, o9.
Actua resdence. hC abOdC, WhCtC OnC aCtuay VC8,
nOt mCtC nakCd Cga tC8dCnCC. n tC mCLtath, Z9
Ppp.V. o, Zo ..b. 1. See Dom|c|le, Res|dence.
Actua trust. See Trust.
Actua use. Ctm `aCtua u8C n autOmObC abty
pOCy ptOVdng COVCtagC Ot nOnOWnCd autOmObC
thC aCtua OpCtatOn Ot aCtua u8C O autOmObC by
tCatVC O n8utCd 8 Wth pCtm88On O OWnCt mCan8
ptC8Cnt Ot aCtVC u8C Ot a u8C CX8tng n aCt Ot tCaty
a8 d8tngu8hCd tOm an mputCd Ot COn8ttuCtVC u8C.
1ntCd bCtVCC8 PutO. P88n V. 1ntCd btatC8 tC n8.
LO., L.P.d , 111 Labptt. J, Jo.
Actua Vaue. PCtuaVauCtO bC aWatdCd n COndCmna-
tOn ptOCCCdng 8 ptCC that WOud ptObaby tC8ut tOm
nCgOtatOn8 bCtWCCn Wng 8CCt and Wng buyCt.
`PCtua VauC, `matkCt VauC, `at matkCt VauC,
`]u8t COmpCn8atOn and thC kC may bC u8Cd a8 COn-
VCttbC tCtm8. `baCabC VauC, `aCtua VauC, `Ca8h
VauC, and OthCt kC tCtm8 u8Cd n dtCCtOn8 tO taX
a88C88ng OHCCt8, a mCan gCnCtay thC 8amC thng.
n tC Lang Ody LO., L.L.P.LhO, JZ .Zd o, 9. See
olso Market va|ue.
Actua Voence. Pn a88aut Wth aCtua VOCnCC 8 an
a88aut Wth phy8Ca OtCC put n aCtOn, CXCttCd upOn
thC QCt8On a88aCd. hC tCtm VOCnCC 8 8ynOnymOu8
Wth Qhy8Ca OtCC, and thC tWO atC u8Cd ntCtChangC-
aby n tCatOn tO a88aut8.
Actuara taUe /0kChuWCtyatCyba/. P Otm OOtga-
nZCd 8tat8tCa data WhCh ndCatC8 thC C CXQCCtanCy
O a QCt8On and WhCh 8 adm88bC n CVdCnCC thtOugh
an CXQCtt WtnC88. LCaVC V. O8tOn CVatCd baWay,
ma88. J1, J, Zo ..Zd 4o. buCh tabC8 atC u8Cd
by n8utanCC COmQanC8 n dCtCtmnng QtCmum8. See
olo Amer|can exper|ence tab|e of mortal|ty; L|fe tab|es;
Mortal|ty tables.
s /0kChuWCtya8/. n bOman aW, a nOtaty Ot
CCtk. LnC WhO dtCWthC aCt8 Ot 8tatutC8, Ot WhO WtOtC
n btC thC QubC aCt8. Pn OHCCt WhO had ChatgC O
thC QubC bath8, an OHCCt WhO tCCCVCd thC mOnCy Ot
thC 8OdCt8, and d8ttbutCd t amOng thCm, a nOtaty.
See olo Actor.
Actuar kChuWCty/. P 8tat8tCan WhO COmQutC8
n8utanCC and QCn8On tatC8 and QtCmum8 On thC ba88
O CXQCtCnCC tabC8 (e.g. C CXQCCtanCy and mOttaty
Actum /0ktam/. Lat. P dCCd, 8OmCthng dOnC.
Actus /0kta8/. n thC CV aW, an aCt Ot aCtOn. ^on
tontum uerts, sed ettom octu; nOt Ony by WOtd8, but
a8O by aCt.
P 8QCCC8 O tght O Way, COn88tng n thC tght O
dtVng CattC, Ot a CattagC, OVCt thC and 8ub]CCt tO thC
8CtVtudC. t 8 8OmCtmC8 ttan8atCd a `tOad, and
nCudCd thC knd O Way tCtmCd tter, 'Ot Qath.
n Od ng8h aW, an aCt OQatamCnt, a 8tatutC. P
d8tnCtOn, hOWCVCt, Wa8 8OmCtmC8 madC bCtWCCn oc-
tus and stotutum. Actusorltomentt Wa8 an aCt madC
by thC Otd8 and COmmOn8, and t bCCamC stotutum,
WhCn t tCCCVCd thC kng8 COn8Cnt.
Actus curK nemnem graVaUt /0kta8 kyutyy
nCmanam gtaVCybat/. Pn aCt O thC COutt 8ha QtC]u-
dCC nO man. WhCtC a dCay n an aCtOn 8 thC aCt O
thC COutt, nCthCt Qatty 8ha 8uCt Ot t.
Actus Le nemn est damnosus /0kta8 dyay nCmanay
88t d0mnOW8a8/. hC aCt O LOd 8 huttu tO nO OnC.
hat 8, a QCt8On CannOt bC QtC]udCCd Ot hCd tC8QOn-
8bC Ot an aCCdCnt OCCuttng WthOut h8 aut and
atttbutabC tO thC `aCt O Od. See Act of God.
Actus Le nem fact n]uram /0kta8 dyay nCmanay
Cy8at an]utyam/. hC aCt OLOd dOC8 n]utytO nO OnC.
Z LOmm. 1ZZ. P thng WhCh 8 nCVtabC by thC aCt
OLOd, WhCh nO ndu8tty Can aVOd, nOt QOCy QtCVCnt,
W nOt bC COn8ttuCd tO thC QtC]udCC O any QCt8On n
WhOm thCtC Wa8 nO aChC8.
Actus ncegtus, cu]us gerfecto gendet ex Vountate
gartum, reVocar gotest; s autem gendet ex Voun
tate tertK gersonK, Ve ex contngent, reVocar non
gotest /0kta8 n8CQta8, kyuW]a8 QatCk8h(y)OW QCndat
8k8 VOantCyty tat8hyy Qat8Wny, VC 8k8 kOntn]Cn-
tay, t8VakCtay nOn QWta8t/. Pn aCt atCady bCgun, thC
COmQCtOn O WhCh dCQCnd8 On thC W O thC QattC8,
may bC tCVOkCd, but t dCQCnd On thC W O a thtd
QCt8On, Ot On a COntngCnCy, t CannOt bC tCVOkCd.
Actus ]udcarus coram non ]udce rrtus baUetur,
de mnstera autem a guocungue groVent ratum
esto /0kta8 ]ad8hyCtya8 ktam nOn ]uWda8y htata8
habytat, dy mna8ttyCyay tam 8y kWOWkakWy
QtaVynat tCydam 88tOW/. P ]udCa aCt by a ]udgC
WthOut ]ut8dCtOn 8 VOd, but a mn8tCta aCt, tOm
WhOm8OCVCt QtOCCCdng, may bC tatHCd.
Actus egs nemn est damnosus /0kta8 y]a8
nCmanay 88td0mnW8a8. hCaCtOthCaW8 huttu
tO nO OnC. Pn aCt n aW 8ha QtC]udCC nO man.
Actus egs nemn fact n]uram /0kta8 y]a8
nCmnay Cy8at an]utyam/. hC aCt O thC aW dOC8
n]uty tO nO OnC.
Actus egtm non recgunt modum /0kta8 a]tamay
nOn ta8Qyant mWdam/. PCt8 tCqutCd tO bC dOnC by
aW dO nOt admt O quaCatOn.
Actus me nVto factus non est meus actus /0kta8 my
anV8ytOW 0kta8 nn 88t mya8 0kta8/. Pn aCt dOnC by
mC, agan8t my W, 8 nOt my aCt.
Actus non fact reum, ns mens st rea /0kta8 nOn
Cy8at tyam, n8y8ay mCnZ 8t ty/. Pn aCt dOC8 nOt
makC thC dOCt O t guty, unC88 thC mnd bC guty,
that 8, unC88 thC ntCntOn bC Ctmna. hC ntCnt
and thC aCt mu8t bOth COnCut tO COn8ttutC thC CtmC.
Actus regugnus non gotest n esse groduc /0kta8
taQagna8 nOn QWtC8t n C8y Qtad(y)uW8ay/. P tCQug-
nant aCt CannOt bC btOught ntO bCng, t.e., CannOt bC
madC CCCtua
Actus reus /0kta8 tya8/. hC `guty aCt. P WtOngu
dCCd WhCh tCndCt8 thC aCtOt Ctmnay abC COm-
bnCd Wth mCn8 tCa. hC octus reus 8 thC Qhy8Ca
a8QCCt O a CtmC, WhCtCa8 thC mens reo (guty mnd)
nVOVC8 thC ntCnt aCtOt.
Actus serV n s guUus ogera e]us communter
adbUta est, actus domn baUetur /0kta8 8atVay n
8ya8kWba8WQata y]a8 kamyuWnatatadhbata88t0kta8
dmanay habytat/. hC aCt Oa8CtVantn thO8C thng8
n WhCh hC 8 u8uay CmQOyCd, 8 COn8dCtCd thC aCt O
h8 ma8tCt.
A cueette /a kayCt/. n tCnCh aW, n tCatOn tO thC
COnttaCt O atCghtmCnt, 8gnHC8 WhCn thC CatgO 8
takCn On COndtOn that thC ma8tCt 8uCCCCd8 n COmQCt-
ng h8 CatgO tOm OthCt 8OutCC8.
Ad /0d/. Lat. Pt, by, Ot, nCat, On aCCOunt O, tO,
unt, uQOn, Wth tCatOn tO Ot COnCCtnng.
A.L. Pn abbtCVatOn O PnnO Omn mCanng n thC
yCat O Out LOtd.
Ad aUundantorem cauteam /0d aband0n8hytam
kOtyam/. Lat. Ot mOtC abundant CautOn. LthCt-
W8C CXQtC88Cd, od coutelom e suemundontt.
Ad admttendum cercum /0d 0dmtCndam kCtakam/.
Ot thC admttng OthC CCtk. P Wtt nthC natutC O
an CXCCutOn, COmmandng thC b8hOQ tO admt h8 CCtk,
uQOn thC 8uCCC88 O thC attCt n a uore tmedtt.
P0 B00 BXBmBD /0 Cyyad agZCyman/. O anOthCt
ttbuna, bCOngng tO anOthCt COutt, COgnZanCC, Ot
P0 B0m 0Bm /d Cyyam d8yam/. Pt anOthCt day.
P COmmOn phta8C n thC Od tCpOtt8.
P0Bm90D PCt. PCt OLOngtC88 (1J1)C8tab8hng thC o
hOut WOtkday. 4 1.b.L.P. 4.
P0BgtB0. LapabC O u8C. ndCatC8 that thC Ob]CCt
tCCttCd tO ha8 bCCn madC 8utabC, ha8 bCCn madC tO
COnOtm tO, ha8 bCCn madC Ht by atCtatOn. baynOt V.
1ntCd btatC8, L.L.P.nd., oJ .Zd 4J, 41.
P0Bgtut0D tgDt. nCOpytght aW, thC CXCu8VC tght
O thC hOdCt O a COpytght tO ptCpatC `dCtVatVC
WOtk8 ba8Cd On thC COpytghtCd tCm.
P0B999B9 CBgBD0B9 /0da88yZa8k0pyCndC8/. OtakC
a888C8, tO takC Ot hOd thC a888C8. .LOmm. 1o,
Z. Adosstsomcotendom, tO takC an a888C.
P 0Bt0 /8y dCydOW/. tOm thC datC. See A datu.
P 0Bt0 /8y dCyduW/. LaWLatn. tOmthCdatC. See A
P0 B00BD0Bm C0D90BtBt0DBm C0t8 /0d OdyCndam
kan8datCy8hyOWnam kyutyy/. O hCat thC ]udgmCnt
O thC COutt.
P0 B00BD00m Bt 0BtBtmDBD00m /0d OdyCndam Ct
datotman0ndam/. O hCat and dCtCtmnC. 4 .LOmm.
P0 UBttBm /0d b8tam/. O thC bat, at thC bat.
P0 UBttBm BV0CBt09 /0d b8tam yVOWkCyta8/. LaCd
tO thC bat.
P0 CBmg gBttBm /0d k0mpay p8ttam/. Ot a 8hatC O
thC HCd Ot and, Ot ChampCtt.
P0 CBgt0m V0g /0d k0ptCm Va]ay/. PdaptCd tO thC
COmmOn undCt8tandng.
P0 C0B0m 00CttDB /0d 8yam dOkttan/. P pCt8On
OWn8 thC 8paCC abOVC h8 tCa C8tatC tO thC CXtCnt that
nO OnC may aCqutC a tght tO 8uCh at 8paCC that W
mt thC OWnCt8 Cn]OymCnt O t. h8 dOCttnC ha8
bCCn tC]CCtCd by mO8t COutt8. 1. b. V. Lau8by, Zo 1.b.
Z, b.Lt. 1Z, J L.d. 1Z. LtCtay, tO hCaVCn.
SeeA|r r|ghts.
P0 C0gBD00m /0d kOa]Cndam/. OtCOCCtng, a8 an
admn8ttatOt Ot ttu8tCC od colltgendum.
P0 C0gBD00m U0DB 0B0DCt /0d kOa]Cndam bOWna
daagktay/. Ot COCCtng hC gOOd8 O thC dCCCa8Cd.
See Administration of esta!es.
P0 C0mm0DBm BgBm /0d kamWnam am/. Pt
COmmOn aW, thC namC O a Wtt O Cntty (nOW Ob8OCtC)
btOught by thC tCVCt8OnCt8 atCt thC dCath O thC C
tCnant, OtthC tCCOVCty Oand8WtOnguy aCnatCd by
P0 C0mm0DB D0C0mBDt0m /0d kamyuWny nOk-
yamCntam/. O thC COmmOn nu8anCC.
P0 C0mgBtBD00m /0d kOmpatCndam/. O appCat. Ad
comorendum, et od stondum )urt, tO appCat and tO
8tand tO thC aW, Ot abdC thC ]udgmCnt O thC COutt.
P0 C0mg0t0m tB00BD00m /0d kampyuWtam tadCn-
dam/. O tCndCt an aCCOunt.
P0C0t0BU9 0BDBt / 0(d)kOtdCybaa8 dan0tyay/.
mOnCy pad bya Va88a tO h8 Otd upOn thC 8Cng Ot
CXChangng O a Cud.
P0 C0gBm /0d kapam/ 1nt m8bChaVOt.
P0 C0tBm /0d kyutyam/. Pt a COutt. O COutt.
P0 C0tBm V0CBtB /0d kyutyam VOWkCty/. O 8um-
mOn tO COutt.
P0 C09tBgB /0d ka8tCy](y)a/. Pt thC CO8t8.
P0 C09t0m /0d ka8tam/. Pt thC CO8t. 1 .LOmm. 14.
P00. O untC, attaCh, annCX, ]On. See olso Addition,
P0 0BmD0m/0(d)d0mnam/. n pCadng, `OthCdam-
agC. hC tCChnCa namC O that Cau8C O thC Wtt,
dCCatatOn, Ot, mOtC COmmOny, thC COmpant, WhCh
COntan8 a 8tatCmCnt OthC pant8 mOnCy O88, Ot thC
damagC8 WhCh hC Cam8. Cd.b.LV . o(a).
buCh Cau8C nOtm8 an adVCt8aty O thC maXmum
amOunt O thC Cam a88CttCd WthOut bCng ptOO O
aCtua n]uty Ot O abty. ataC V. LtCat PtantC &
aCC Ca LO., o Ppp.V. o1, 1o .X.b.Zd J, J.
P00B0 90U9tBDCB. C8t Ot dCtCtmnng WhCthCt 8ub-
8tanCC 8 an `addCd 8ub8tanCC Wthn mCanng OCdCt-
a OOd, tug, and LO8mCtC PCt 8 WhCthCt t OCCut8
natutay n thC OOd. mCt, t & bCCd LO., nC. V.
1.b., .L.Cnn., 4 .bupp. o4, o. See olso Foreign
P0 0BBD0BD00m /0(d) daCndCndam/. O dCCnd. 1
.LOmm. ZZ.
P00BD00m /0dCndam/. P thng that 8 addCd Ot tO bC
addCd, a 8t Ot 8CCtOn COn88tng O addCd matCta.
P00CBtB /0d8aty/. Lat. n thC CV aW, tO ad]udgC
Ot COndCmn, tO a88gn, aOt, Ot dCVCt, tO 8C. n thC
bOman aW, oddtco Wa8 OnC O thC thtCC WOtd8 u8Cd tO
CXptC88 thC CXtCnt OthC CV]ut8dCtOn OthC pt0tOt8.
P00Ct. Pny ndVdua WhO habtuay u8C8 any natCOt-
C dtug 8O a8 tO CndangCt thC pubC mOta8, hCath,
8aCty, Ot WCatC, Ot WhO 8 Ot ha8 bCCn 8O at addCtCd
tO thC u8C O 8uCh natCOtC dtug8 a8 tO haVC O8t thC
pOWCt O8C-COnttO Wth tCCtCnCC tO h8 addCtOn. Z1
1.b.L.P. oZ. COpC V. mCbbbCn, Z4 .Ppp.d JZ,
Z1 ..Zd Z, 4.
P00Ct0 /0dk8hyOW/. n thC bOman aW, thC gVng
up tO a CtCdtOt O h8 dCbtOt8 pCt8On by a mag8ttatC,
a8O thC ttan8Ct O thC (dCCCa8Cd) dCbtOt8 gOOd8 tO OnC
WhO a88umC8 h8 abtC8.
P00CtVB 0t0g9. Pny dtug, natuta Ot 8ynthCtC, WhCh
Cau8C8 pCtOdC Ot ChtOnC ntOXCatOn by t8 tCpCatCd
Ad dem /0(d) d8yam/. Pt a day, at thC day. Adoltum
dtem, at anOthCtday. Adcertumdtem,at a CCttan day.
Solutt od dtem, hC pad at Ot On thC day.
Addton. mpC8 phy8Ca COntaCt, 8OmCthng addCd tO
anOthCt. bttuCtutC phy8Cay attaChCd tO Ot COnnCCtCd
Wth budng t8C. maCk V. y88C, Z mO. 1, J
b.W.Zd 14J. XtCn8On, nCtCa8C, augmCntatOn.
mCyCtng V. mCt, mO. oo, 1 b.W.Zd , . hat
WhCh ha8 bCCOmC untCd Wth Ot a patt O. SeeAppurte-
nance, Fixture.
n n8utanCC aW, thC WOtd `addtOn, a8 appCd tO
budng8 u8uay mCan8 a patt addCd Ot ]OnCd tO a
man budng, thOugh thC tCtm ha8 a8O bCCn hCd tO
appy tO budng8 apputtCnant tO 8OmC OthCt budng
thOugh nOt aCtuay n phy8Ca COntaCt thCtCWth.
Pt COmmOn aW, WhatCVCt Wa8 addCd tO a man8 namC
by Way O ttC Ot dC8CtptOn. n ng8h aW, thCtC
WCtC Out knd8 O ,addtOn8 O estote, 8uCh
a8 yCOman, gCntCman, C8qutC, addtOn8 O degee, Ot
namC8 O dgnty, a8 knght, Cat, matqu8, dukC, add-
tOn8 O tmde, my8tCty, Ot OCCupatOn, a8 8CtVCnCt,
pantCt, ma8On, CatpCntCt, and addtOn8 O loce O
tC8dCnCC a8 LOndOn, LhC8tCt, CtC.
Addtona. h8 tCtm CmbtaCC8 thC dCa O ]Onng Ot
untng OnC thng tO anOthCt, 8O a8 thCtCby tO Otm OnC
aggtCgatC. X pattC OddC, Z b.L. J, Z1 b..Zd4, o.
Addtona Uurden. See Eminent domain.
Addtonaes /0d8h(y)anCyyZ/. n thC aW O COn-
ttaCt8, addtOna tCtm8 Ot ptOpO8On8 tO bC addCd tO a
OtmCt agtCCmCnt.
Addtona extended coVerage. n8utanCC pOCy n-
dOt8CmCnt COVCtng dWCng8, COVCtng WatCt damagC
tOm pumbng and hCatng 8y8tCm8, Vanda8m and
maCOu8 m8ChC, ga88 btCakagC, ang ttCC8, CC,
8nOW, CtC.
Addtona nstructons. LhatgC by ]udgC tO ]uty bC-
yOnd thC Otgna n8ttuCtOn8. tCquCnty tCqutCd
WhCn thC ]uty tCtutn8 tOm dCbCtatOn8 Wth a quC8-
tOn COnCCtnng thC CVdCnCC, pOnt O aW, Ot 8OmC
pOttOn O thC Otgna ChatgC.
Addtona nsurance. n8utanCC WhCh 8 addCd tO an
CX8tng pOCy.
Addtona nsured. Ct8On(8)COVCtCdby pOCy n add-
tOn tO thC namCd n8utCd, e.g. n anautOmObCabty
pOCy, thC `namCd n8utCd 8 u8uay thC putCha8Ct Ot
thC OWnCt O thC n8utanCC pOCy, WhC U `addtOna
n8utCd Ot an `n8utCd 8 OnC WhO 8 nOt 8pCCHCay
dCntHCd by namC n thC pOCy, but Cn]Oy8 8tatu8 Oan
n8utCd undCt thC namCd n8utCd8 pOCy, Ot CXampC,
a8 tC8ut O bCng thC OCtatOt O thC namCd n8utCd8
autOmObC. C bmOnC V. atOnWdC mut. n8. LO., 14J
.J.bupCt. , P.Zd 1Z, 1Z.
Addtona egac. See Legacy.
P001t10Uu 8em1tU0e. hC mpO8tOn O a nCW and
addtOna 88m8nt Ot 88tud8 On and Otnay w-
Cn by 8mn8nt dOman pt88dng8. P u8C Oa d8t8nt
ChataCtCt, Ot WhCh OWnCt O ptOpCtty 8 CnttCd tO
Addtona worK. L natutC nVOVCd n mOdCatOn8
and ChangC8, nOt ndCpCndCnt ptO]CCt. matyand La8u-
aty LO. V. Lty O bOuth OtOk, L.L.P.Na., 4 .Zd
1Z, 1. WOtkWhCh tC8ut8 tOm a ChangC Ot atCt-
atOn n pan8 COnCCtnng WOtk WhCh ha8 tO bC dOnC
undCt a COnttaCt, WhC `CXtta WOtk tCatC8 tO WOtk
WhCh 8 nOt nCudCd Wthn thC COnttaCt t8C. C
mattn V. adC bCaty LOtp., LO.Lt., Z .X.b.Zd 4o,
Addto groUat mnortatem /ad8h(y)OW ptWbat
manOtatCytam/. Pn addtOn tO a namC ptOVC8 Ot
8hOW8 mnOtty Ot nCtOtty. hat 8, t bC 8ad that
a man ha8 a CC ta, t 8 C88 than hC ha8 thC CC.
Addtur datat/. hC pOWCt O tta COutt tO a88C88
damagC8 Ot nCtCa8C amOunt O an nadCquatC aWatd
madC by]uty VCtdCt, a8 COndtOn OdCna OmOtOn Ot
nCW tta, Wth COn8Cnt O dCCndant WhCthCt Ot nOt
pantCOn8Cnt8 tO 8uCh aCtOn. Ot8Cy Ct a. V. atba
Ct a., La.Ppp., ZZ .Zd . h8 8 nOt aOWCd n thC
CdCta 8y8tCm. mCk V. bChCdt, ZJ 1.b. 44,
b.Lt. ZJ, J L.d. . Comore Remittitur.
Add on cause. P Cau8C n an n8tamCnt 8aC8 COn-
ttaCtthat makC8 CatCt putCha8C8 Wth that Htm 8CCut-
ty Ot nCW putCha8C8.
Add on nterest. mCthOd OChatgng ntCtC8t u8uay n
thC HnanCng O CCttan ma]Ot typC8 O COn8umCt gOOd8
and gCnCtay nOt n tCa C8tatC HnanCng. ntCtC8t 8
COmputCd On thC tOta amOunt bOttOWCd and addCd tO
thC ptnCpa. aCh paymCnt8 thCn dCduCtCdtOmth8
tOta amOunt.
Addone, addonne /0dWny/. L. t. LVCn tO.
Address. aCC WhCtC ma Ot OthCt COmmunCatOn8
W tCaCh pCt8On. mun8On V. ay btatC tCdgng &
LOnttaCtng LO., 14 ma88. 4o, ..Zd , .
LCnCtay a paCC O bu8nC88 Ot tC8dCnCC, thOugh t
nCCd nOt bC.
Btll oddress. tOV8On n ma88aChu8Ctt8 LOn8ttu-
tOn WhCh ptOVdC8 that ]udgC8 atC 8ub]CCt tO tCmOVa
upOn thC oddress O a ma]Otty O bOth hOu8C8 O thC
Cg8atutC Wth apptOVa O thC LOVCtnOt and thC XCC-
utVC LOunC.
utty leodtng. att O a b WhCtCn 8 gVCn thC
apptOptatC and tCChnCa dC8CtptOn O thC COutt n
WhCh thC b 8 HCd. See Caption.
Address to tbe crown. n ngand WhCn thC tOya
8pCCCh ha8 bCCn tCad n atamCnt, an addtC88 n
an8WCtthCtCtO 8 mOVCd n bOth hOu8C8. WO mCmbCt8
atC 8C8CtCd n CaCh hOu8C by thC admn8ttatOn Ot
mOVng and 8CCOndng thC addtC88. bnCC thC COm
mCnCCmCnt O thC 8C88On 1oJ1oJ1, t ha8 bCCn a
8ngC tC8OutOn CXptC88ng thCt thank8 tO thC 8OVCt-
Cgn Ot h8 aCOu8 8pCCCh.
P00U0e. O pt888nt, btng OtWatd, O8t, nttOduO8.
8Cd pattCuaty Wth C8t8nCC tO CVdCnCC
P0 eu gU DgUeUt1W ucc10UUt Utu u0ugtuUtUt l8d
y0 kW t0kW8n8h(y)08 k80d0nt ]t0 8dptnt0tl.
LaW8 atC adaptCd tOthO8C Oa8C8 WhOh mO8t tCquCnty
P0eem ladym/. O takC aWay, tCOa, Ot tCVOkC. O
8at8y a CaOy by 8OmC gt Ot 8ub8ttutCd d8pO8tOn,
madC by thC tC8tatOt, n adVanOC. WOOdbutn LOdgC O.
1Z, . L. L. . V. W8On, 14o Lt. 1, 4 .Zd 11, 14.
See Adempt|on.
P0 eectUm l8d a8ktam/. O thC CCOt, Ot Cnd. Ad
eJJectum seuentem, tO thC CCOt OOWng.
Adeng, Ot atbeng /0d(a)/. ObC, CXOCCnt. P
ttC OhOnOtamOng thC PngObaXOn8, ptOpCtybCOng-
ng tO thC kng8 OhdtCn.
P0emgt10 /d8m(p)8h(y)OW/. Lat. n thC OV aW, a
tCVOOatOn O a CgaOy, an adCmptOn. WhCtC t Wa8
CXptC88yttan8CttCdtOmOnC pCt8On tO anOthCt, t Wa8
OaCd tmnslotto.
Ademgton lad8m(p)8han/. XtnOtOn Ot WthdtaWa O
CgaOy by tC8tatOt8 aOt CquVaCnt tO tCVOOatOn Ot nd-
Oatng ntCntOn tO tCVOkC. agnOn8 PdmX V. agnOn,
Z by. 4, J b.W.Zd 14.
C8tatOt8 gVng tO a CgatCC that WhOh hC ha8 ptO-
VdCd n h8 W, Ot h8 d8pO8ng O that patt O h8
C8tatC 8O bCquCathCd n 8uOh mannCt a8 tO makC t
mpO88bC tO Oatty Out thC W. MutCy V. bOhuCt, ZJ
by. 11o, 1 b.W.Zd Z, Z. bCVOOatOn, tCOang, Ot
OanOCatOn Oa CgaOy, aOOOtdngtO thC appatCnt ntCn-
tOn OthC tC8tatOt, mpCd by thC aWtOm aOt8 dOnC by
hm n h8 C, thOugh 8uOh aOt8 dO nOt amOunt tO an
CXptC88 tCVOOatOn O t.
O takC aWay, tCOa, tCVOkC, Ot tO 8at8y CgaOy by
8OmC gt Ot 8ub8ttutCd d8pO8tOn, madC by tC8tatOt, n
adVanOC. n tC utnCtt8 8tatC, 4J .J.bupCt. 4J, 14
P.Zd Z4Z, Z44.
hC aOt by WhOh thC tC8tatOt pay8 tO h8 CgatCC, n
h8 CtmC, a gCnCta CgaOy WhOh by h8 W hC had
ptOpO8Cd tOgVChat h8dCath, andthCaOtby WhOh
a 8pCOHO CgaOy ha8 bCOOmC nOpCtatVC On aOOOunt O
thC C8tatOt haVng pattCd Wth thC 8ub]COt. CndCt
V. W8On, ZZo by. o, 1 b.W.Zd 1, 14.
See Advancement.
Adeo /0dyOW/. Lat. bO, a8. Adeolene et tntegre, a8
uy and CnttCy.
Adeguate. buHOCnt, OOmmCn8utatC, Cquay CHOCnt,
Cqua tO What 8 tCqutCd, 8utabC tO thC Oa8C Ot OOOa-
8On, 8at8aOtOty. qua tO 8OmC gVCn OOOa8On Ot
WOtk. 88Cn V. mCt, 44 .m. 4o, 1 .Zd Z4, Z.
P0egUute cute. buOh OatC a8 a man O Otdnaty ptu-
dCnOC WOud hm8C takC undCt 8mat OtOum8tanOC8
tO aVOd aOOdCnt, OatC ptOpOttOnatC tO thC t8k tO bC
nOuttCd. See olso Care.
Adeguate cause. buHOCnt Oau8C Ot a pattOuat put-
n Otmna aW, adCquatC Oau8COtthC pa88OnWhOh
tCduOC8 a hOmOdC OOmmttCd undCt t8 nuCnOC tOm
thC gtadC OmutdCt tO man8aughtCt, mCan8 8uOh Oau8C
a8 WOud OOmmOny ptOduOC a dCgtCC angCt, tagC,
tC8CntmCnt, Ot tCttOt, n a pCt8On O Otdnaty tCmpCt,
8uOCnt tO tCndCt thC mndnOapabCOOOO tCCOtOn.
n8utngWOtd8 Ot gC8tutC8, Ot an a88aut andbattCty8O
8ght a8 tO 8hOW nO ntCntOn tO nOt pan Ot n]uty, Ot
an n]uty tO ptOpCtty unaOOOmpanCdbyVOCnOCatC nOt
adCquatC Oau8C8. Ctty V. btatC, 14 CX.Lt.b. , 1
b.W.Zd , Z. See Adequate provocat|on; Cause;
Probab|e cause.
Adeguate comgensaton. Ju8tVauC O ptOpCtty takCn
undCt pOWCt O CmnCnt dOman, paabC n mOnCy, a8
guatantCCd by th PmCndmCnt. matkCt VauC O ptOp-
Ctty WhCn takCn. t may nOudC ntCtC8t and may
nOudC thC OO8t Ot VauC OthC ptOpCtty tO thC OWnCt Ot
thC putpO8C8 Ot WhOh hC dC8gnCd t. buOh Ony a8
put8 n]utCd patty n a8 gOOd a OOndtOn a8 hC WOud
haVC bCCn n n]uty had nOt bCCn nOtCd. OWn O
WnOhC8tCt V. LOX, 1ZJ LOnn. 1, Z P.Zd JZ, J. See
olo Fa|r market va|ue; Just compensat|on.
Adeguate consderaton. buOh a8 8 Cqua, Ot tCa8On-
aby ptOpOttOnCd, tO thC VauC O that Ot WhOh t 8
gVCn. hat WhOh 8 nOt 8O d8ptOpOttOnatC a8 tO 8hOOk
Out 8Cn8C Othat mOtaty andat dCang WhOh 8hOud
aWay8 OhataOtCtZC ttan8aOtOn8 bCtWCCn man and man.
at and tCa8OnabC undCt OtOum8tanOC8. bCa8Onaby
]u8t and CqutabC. SeeCons|derat|on; Fa|r cons|derat|on;
Fa|r market va|ue; Fa|r va|ue; Just compensat|on.
Adeguate notce. OtOC tCa8Onaby OaOuatCd tO ap-
pt8C a pCt8On O an aOtOn, ptOOCCdng, Ot mOtOn. O~
tOC 8uOCnt tO pCtmt an Ob]COtOn Ot dCCn8C. 1. b. V.
ban Juan LumbCt LO., .L.LOO., 1 .bupp. , J.
OtOC tCa8Onaby OaOuatCd, n a OtOum8tanOC8 O
gVCn ptOOCCdng, tO appt8C a ntCtC8tCd pattC8 O
aOtOn and OppOttunty tO ptC8Cnt thCt Ob]COtOn8. 1.b.
V. banJuan LumbCt LO., .L.LOO., 1.bupp. ,J.
See Not|ce.
Adeguate gregaraton. mbtOC8 u OOn8utatOn
Wth aOOu8Cd, ntCtVCW8 Wth WtnC88C8, 8tudy O aOt8
and aW, and dCtCtmnatOn OOhataOtCt O dCCn8C tO bC
madC and pOOy tO bC OOWCd dutng tta. C8On V.
LOmmOnWCath, ZJ by. 41, 1 b.W.Zd 1Z, 1.
Adeguate grotecton. hta8C u8Cd n 8CVCta 8COtOn8
O thC anktuptOy LOdC tO dC8OtbC ptOtCOtOn aOtdCd
tO hOdCt8 O 8COutCd Oam8. t 8 mCant tO ptC8CtVC
8COutCd OtCdtOt8 pO8tOn at thC tmC ObanktuptOy. n
tC JamaOa MOu8C, nO., kttOy.Nt., 1 .b. 1JZ, 1J.
mOtC 8pCOHOay, thC aOk O adCquatC ptOtCOtOn OthC
OtCdtOt8 ntCtC8t n t8 OOatCta 8 a ba88 Ot tCC
tOm8tay undCt LOdC Z(d)(1), adCquatC ptOtCOtOn 8
a8O thC 8tandatdOt OtCdtOt ptOtCOtOn tOm 8aC Ot u8C
Ot CnOumbtanOC O thC OOatCta undCt LOdC 8COtOn8
and 4. WhCadCquatCptOtCOtOn8 nOt 8ttutOt-
y dCHnCd, 8COtOn 1 8Ct8 Out CXampC8 O adCquatC
ptOtCOtOn. bCC n tC LOOCy, kttOy.a., .b. J,
Adeguate groVocaton. Pn adCquatC ptOVOOatOn tO
Oau8C a 8uddCn ttan8pOtt O pa88On that may 8u8pCnd
thC CXCtO8C O]udgmCnt and CXOudC ptCmCdtatOn and
a ptCVOu8y OtmCd dC8gn 8 OnC that 8 OaOuatCd tO
CXOtC 8uOh angCt a8 mght Ob8OutC thC tCa8On Ot dOm-
natC thC VOtOn O an Otdnaty tCa8OnabC man. See
Adequate cause.
Adeguate remed at aw. Ot putpO8C8 O tuC that a
tgant WhO a8 tO aVa hm8C O a tCmCdy ptOVdCd
by aW and WhO 8 8ub8CquCnt battCd tOm put8ung
that tCmCdy bCOau8C Oh8 OWn aOk OdgCnOC OannOt
tCy On thC ab8CnOC O a tCmCdy at aW a8 a ba88 Ot
CqutabC]ut8dOtOn, 8 OnC WhOh 8 a8 OOmpCtC, ptaO-
tOa and a8 CHOCnt tO thC Cnd8 O ]u8tOC and t8
ptOmpt admn8ttatOn a8 a tCmCdy n Cquty, and WhOh
8 ObtanabC a8 O tght. n tC WC, b., C.Lh., ZJ
P.Zd 4Z4, 4Z.
P ptCVCntng tCC by n]unOtOn, mCan8 a tCmCdy
WhOh 8 pan and OOmpCtC and a8 ptaOtOa and CH-
OCnt tO Cnd8 O]u8tOC and t8 ptOmpt admn8ttatOn a8
a tCmCdy n Cquty, and athOugh an n]unOtOn W
88uC WhCn Cga tCmCdy 8 nadCquatC, n]unOtOn
8hOud nOt bC gtantCd WhCtC OOmpanant ha8 an adC-
quatC tCmCdy at aW. ManOOOk V. tad8haW, CX.LV.
Ppp., b.W.Zd J, J.
P tCmCdy that aOtd8 OOmpCtC tCCWth tCCtCnOC
tO thC pattOuat mattCt n OOnttOVCt8y, and 8 apptOpt-
atC tO thC OtOum8tanOC8 O thC Oa8C. buOh mu8t tCaOh
Cnd ntCndCd, and aOtuay OOmpC pCtOtmanOC O duty
n quC8tOn. bmp8On V. Wam8 buta Mgh bOhOO
8t., CX.LV.Ppp., 1 b.W.Zd oZ, o.
Adessee /0dC8y/. n thC OV aW, tO bC ptC8Cnt, thC
OppO8tC O oesse.
Adeu /adyW/. WthOut day, a8 WhCn a mattCt 8 Hnay
d8m88Cd by thC OOutt. Alez odeu, gO WthOut day. See
Ad eVersonem ]urs nostr /0d aVotZ(h)yOWnam ]uta8
nO8ttay/. O thC OVCtthtOW O Out tght.
Ad excamUum /0d Ck8k0mbyam/. Ot CXOhangC, Ot
Ad exbKredatonem /0d Ck8-htadCy8hyOWnam/. O
thC d8hCt8On, Ot d8nhCttng, tO thC n]uty O thC
nhCttanOC. .LOmm. Zoo. Otma WOtd8 n thC Od
Wtt OWa8tC, WhOh Oa8 upOn thC tCnant tO appCat and
8hOW Oau8C Why hC hath OOmmttCd Wa8tC and dC8ttuO-
tOn n thC paOC namCd, od exhredottonem, CtO.
Ad extum /0d CgZadam/. Pt 88uC, at thC Cnd (O thC
Ad facendum /0d Cy8hyCndam/. O dO. Ad Jocten-
dum, su)tctendumetrecttendum; tO dO, 8ubmttO, and
tCOCVC. AdJoctendom)urotom tllom; tO makC up that
Ad feod Urmam /0d uWday atmam/. O CC atm.
Ad Udem /0d 8ydam/. n aCganOC. bub]COt8 bOtn od
Jdem atC thO8C bOtnn aCganOC.
Ad Uum aguK /0d 8yam 0kWy/. O thC thtCad OthC
WatCt, tO thC OCntta nC, Ot mddC O thC 8ttCam.
UsueodJlum o,a8ata8 thC thtCad OthC 8ttCam.
P phta8C O WhOh od medtum Jtlum oua (.u.J 8
anOthCt Otm, and CtymOOgOay mOtC CXaOt.
Ad Uum v /0d 8yam V8yy/. O thC mddC O thC
Way tO tC CCta nC O thC tOad.
Ad Unem /0d 8ynam/. PbbtCVatCd od Jtn. O thC
Cnd. t 8 u8Cd n OtatOn8 tO bOOk8, a8 a dtCOtOn tO
tCad tOm thC paOC dC8gnatCd tO thC Cnd OthC OhaptCt,
8COtOn, CtO. Ad Jnem lttts, at thC Cnd O thC 8ut.
Ad Urmam /0d atmam/. O atm. CtVCd tOm an
Od baXOn WOtd dCnOtng tCnt. AdJtrmom noctts Wa8 a
HnC Ot pCnatyCqua n amOunt tO thC C8tmatCd OO8t O
CntCttanng thC kng Ot OnC nght. AdJeodt Jtrmom,
tO CC atm.
Ad fundandam ]ursdctonem /0d ond0ndam
]uta8dk8hyOWnam/. O makC thC ba88 O]ut8dOtOn.
Ad gaoas deUerandas /0d ]Cya8 dabat0nda8/. O
dCVCt thC gaO8, tO Cmpty thC gaO8. Adgoolom delt-
emndom; tO dCVCt thC gaO, tO makC gaO dCVCty.
Ad graVamen /0d gt0VCyman/ O thC gtCVanOC, n]u-
ty, Ot OpptC88On.
Adberng. JOnng, CaguCd Wth, OCaVng tO, a8,
`adhCtng tO thC CnCmC8 O thC 1ntCd btatC8.
`PdhCtng OOn88t8 n gVng tO thC 1ntCd btatC8 thC
Oyaty duC tOm a OtZCn. 1ntCd btatC8 V. btCphan,
.L.mOh., .bupp. o, 41. Pny ntCntOna aOt
utthCtng hO8tC dC8g8 O CnCmC8 O thC 1ntCd
btatC8, Ot an aOt WhOh ntCntOnay 8ttCngthCn8 Ot
tCnd8 tO 8ttCngthCn CnCmC8 O thC 1ntCd btatC8, Ot
WOh WCakCn8 Ot tCnd8 tO CakCn pOWCt O thC 1ntCd
btatC8 tO tC88t and attaOk 8uOh CnCmC8, OOn8ttutC8
`adhCtng tO 8uOh CnCmC8. 1ntCd btatC8 V. Maupt,
.L.., 4 .bupp. o, oJ.
Adbeson. PgtCCmCnt tO ]On, adhCtCnOC. hC Cn-
ttanOC O anOthCt natOn ntO an CX8tng ttCaty Wth
tC8pCOt Ony tO a patt O thC ptnOpC8 ad dOWn Ot thC
8tpuatOn8 agtCCd tO. tOpCty 8pCakng, by adhC8On
thC thtd natOn bCOOmC8 a patty Ony tO 8uOh patt8 a8
atC 8pCOHOay agtCCd tO, and by aOOC88On t aOOCpt8
and 8 bOund by thC WhOC ttCaty. See Access|on.
Adbeson contract. btandatdZCd OOnttaOt Otm OCtCd
tO OOn8umCt8 O gOOd8 and 8CtVOC8 On C88Cntay `takC
t Ot CaVC t ba88 WthOut aOtdng OOn8umCt tCa8tO
OppOttunty tO batgan and undCt 8uOh OOndtOn8 that
OOn8umCt OannOt Obtan dC8tCd ptOduOt Ot 8CtVOC8 CX-
OCpt by aOquC8Ong n Otm OOnttaOt. 8tnOtVC Ca-
tutC O adhC8On OOnttaOt 8 that WCakCt patty ha8 nO
tCa8tO OhOOC a8 tO t8 tCtm8. LubO LOtp. V. matty, 4
8t., 1o L.P.d 4o, ZZJ La.bptt. oZo, o, btandatd
L LO. O La. V. Ctkn8, L.P.Lt., 4 .Zd J, o.
bCOOgnZng that thC8C OOnttaOt8 atC nOt thC tC8ut O
ttadtOnay `batganCd OnttaCt8, thC ttCnd 8 tO tC-
CVC pattC8 tOm OnCtOu8 OOndtOn8 mpO8Cd by 8uOh
OOnttaOt8. MOWCVCt, nOt CVCty 8uOh OOnttaOt 8 unOOn-
8OOnabC. LCOhmCtC tC and baC8 LO. V. utWOk,
ma88. 1, Z, Z1, Z ..Zd .
AdbUere /0dhabCty/. n thC OV aW, tO appy, tO
CmpOy, tO CXCtO8C, tO u8C. Adhtere dtltgenttom, tO
u8C OatC. Adhtere utm, tO CmpOy OtOC.
P D0 /d h(W)k/. Ot th8, Ot th8 8pCOa putpO8C.
Pn attOtnCy ad hOO, Ot a guatdan Ot OutatOt ad hOO, u
OnC appOntCdOt a 8pCOa putpO8C, gCnCtay tO tCptC-
8Cnt thC OCnt Ot nant n thC pattOuat aOtOn n
WhOh thC appOntmCnt 8 madC.
P D0 utO1ttut10D. bubm88OnO a QattOuat 88uC tO
P D0m1Dem /0d hOm0nam/. O thC QCt8On. P tCtm
u8Cd n OgO Wth tCCtCnOC tO a QCt8Ona atgumCnt.
P DUD0 1em /0d (h)agk d8yam/. Pt th8 day.
P. hat amOunt Oa QattOuat ChCmOa WhCh nV-
tOnmCnta tOtCOtOn PgCnCy OOn8dCt8 8aC Ot human
ngC8tOn CVCty day Ot 8CVCnty yCat8 Wth nO CCCt8.
LtCgOn nVtOnmCnta LOunO V. bunZman, .Lt,
.bupp. Z, .
P 1em /0d 8ydam/. O thC 8amC QOnt, Ot CCOt. Ad
tdem octt, t makC8 tO Ot gOC8 tO C8tab8h thC 8amC
P 1e 00De0t10D18 /8y d8yy kan8k8hyOWna8/. tOm
thC day O thC makng.
P 1e utU8 /8y d8yy dCyta8/. tOm thC day O thC
datC. 18Cd n Ca8C8 tO dCtCtmnC thC tmC Ot tunnng
O thC C8tatC, and WhCn 8O u8Cd nCudC8 thC day O thC
P1eU /adyW/. L. t. WthOut day. P OOmmOn tCtm
n thC XCat OOk8, mQyng Hna d8m88a tOm COutt.
P 1@D10t1 et1 eOet eD0m1Dut10 /8y dgnyOtay
8yatay dCbat danOmanCy8h(y)OW/. CnOmnatOn
Ought tObCtOmthC mOtC WOtthy. hC dC8CtQtOn (Oa
paOC)8hOudbC takCntOmthC mOtCWOtthy8ub]CCt (a8
tOm a W).
P 1gD10t1 et1 eOet eD0m1Dut10 et te80Ut10 /8y
dgnyOtay 8yatay dCbat danOmanCy8h(y)OW Ct t8Za(y)
uW8h(y)OW/. hC ttC and CXQO8tOn O a thng Ought
tO bC dCtVCd tOm, Ot gVCn, Ot madC Wth tCCtCnCC tO,
thC mOtC WOtthy dCgtCC, quaty, Ot 8QCCC8 O t.
P 1De /0d ndy/. hCtCuntO. Ad tnde reutsttus,
thCtCuntO tCqutCd.
P UtUm /0d nn8ytam/. WthOut mt, tO an
nHntC CXtCnt, ndCHntCy.
P 1DQU1teDUm /0d gkWatCndam/. O nqutC, aWtt
O nquty, a ]udCa Wtt, OOmmandng nquty tO bC
madC O anythng tCatng tO a Cau8C QCndng n COutt.
P 1D8tuDt1um /0d n8t0n8h(y)am/. Pt thC n8tanCC.
Ad tntonttomortts, at thC n8tanCC O a Qatty.
P 1Dtet1m /0d ntatam/. n thC mCantmC. Pn OHCCt
od tntertm 8 OnC aQQOntCd tO H a tCmQOtaty VaCanCy,
Ot tO d8OhatgC thC dutC8 O thC OCC dutng thC ab-
8CnCC Ot tCmQOtaty nOaQaCty O t8 tCguat nCumbCnt.
P1tutU8 /0datCyta8/. LO8t, 8ttayCd, a QtCC Ot VauC
8Ct uQOn thng8 8tOCn Ot O8t, a8 a tCCOmQCn8C tO thC
Pu0eDt. Lyng nCat Ot CO8C tO, 8OmCtmC8, COntg-
uOu8 nCghbOtng. Ad)ocent mQC8 that thC tWO Ob-
]COt8 atC nOt WdCy 8CpatatCd, thOugh tCy may nOt
aOtuay tOuOh, Matt8On V. LuOtd LOunty, Z1o .L.
1o, 1Z b..Zd ZJ, WhC od)otntng mQOtt8 that thCy
atC 8O]OnCd Ot untCd tO CaOh OthCt that nO thtd Ob]COt
ntCtVCnC8. WOC V. MutCy, .L.La., 4 .Zd 1, Z1.
See Ad|oin|ng.
Pe0t1Ve a hC aggtCgatC O tuC8 O QtOOCdutC Ot
QtaOtOC. P8O OaCd ad]CCtVa aW, a8 OQQO8Cd tO that
bOdy O aW WhCh thC COutt8 atC C8tab8hCd tO admn8-
tCt (CaCd `8ub8tantVC aW), t mCan8 thC tuC8 aCCOtd-
ng tO WhCh thC 8ub8tantVC aW 8 admn8tCtCd, e.g.
buC8 O LV tOCCdutC. hat Qatt O thC aW WhCh
QtOVdC8 a mCthOd Ot CnOtCng Ot mantanng tght8,
Ot Obtanng tCdtC88 OtthCt nVa8On. mautZ V. WC8t-
Ctn LOa & mnng LO., Z1 mO. o, 11 b.W.Zd Zo, ZZ.
Cttan8 tO and QtC8CtbC8 QtaCtCC, mCthOd, QtOCCdutC
Ot Cga maChnCty by WhCh 8ub8tantVC aW 8 CnOtCCd
Ot madC CCCtVC. PmbtO8C V. btatC CQt. O ubC
MCath and WCatC, mO.PQQ., 1J b.W.Zd Z1, Z4. See
olso Procedural |aw, Comore Substant|ve |aw.
P01D1Dg. hC WOtd n t8 CtymOOgCa 8Cn8C mCan8
tOuChng Ot COntguOu8, a8 d8tngu8hCdtOm yng nCat
tO Ot ad]aCCnt. O bC n COntaCt Wth, tO abut uQOn.
btatC CX tC. OyntOn V. untOn, 141 ban. 1, 4 .Zd
Z, Zo. Pnd thC 8amC mCanng ha8 bCCn gVCn tO t
WhCnu8Cd n 8tatutC8. See Ad|acent.
P01D1Dg 0WDet8. hO8C QCt8On8 WhO OWn and tOuCh-
ng thC 8ub]CCt and and WhO, a8 a tC8ut, haVC tght tO
nOtCC O QtOCCCdng8 COnCCtnng thC 8ub]CCt tCa C8tatC
a8, Ot CXamQC, n ZOnng and CCn8ng mattCt8. ay
QOtt LVC P88n V. bOChCt, buQ., 1o .X.b.Zd Z4, .
See Abutt|ng owner.
P0UtD /a]atn/. O Qut O, dCCt, tCCC88, QO8tQOnC.
O QO8tQOnC aCtOn O a COnVCnCd COutt Ot Cg8atVC
bOdy unt anOthCt tmC 8QCCHCd, Ot ndCntCy, thC
attCt bCng u8uay CaCd tO ad]Outn stne dte. O
8u8QCnd Ot tCCC88 dutng a mCCtng, Cg8atutC Ot a8-
8Cmby, WhCh COntnuC8 n 8C88On. bu8QCndng bu8-
nC88 Ot a tmC, dCayng. See Ad|ournment.
P00UtDumeDtUm e8t u 01em 10ete 8eU 1em ute
/a]namCntam 88t 0(d) d8yam d8aty 8yuW d8yam
dCtCy/. Pn ad]OutnmCnt 8 tO aQQOnt a day Ot gVC a
day. MCnCC thC Otmua "eot stne dte."
P0UtDutUt /0]atnCydat/. L. Lat. t 8 ad]OutnCd. P
WOtd Wth WhCh thC Od tCQOtt8 VCty tCquCnty COn-
CudCd a Ca8C.
P COntnuatOn O thC 8amC mCCtng, and at 8uCh
ad]OutnCd mCCtng thC gOVCtnng bOdy Can dO any aCt
WhCh mght haVC bCCn dOnC nO ad]OutnmCnt had
takCn QaCC, and mtatOn8 mQO8Cd On gOVCtnng bOdy
a8 tCgatd8 aCtOn at Otgna mCCtng Obtan at ad-
]OutnCd mCCtng. LnC OtdCtCd by bOatd at tCguat
mCCtng, and WhCh 8 tO COnVCnC atCt tCtmnatOn O
8uCh tCguat mCCtng and QtOt tO nCXt tCguat mCCtng.
ytd V. ytd, 1J m88. Z4J, o bO.Zd 1, 1.
P0UtDe 8Umm0D8. P 8ummOn8 takCn ut n thC
ChambCt8 O a ]udgC, and atCtWatd8 takCn ntO COutt tO
bC atguCd by COun8C.
Ad]oued term. n ptaOtOC, a OOntnuanOC, by ad-
]OutnmCnt, O a tCguat tCtm. 8tngu8hCd tOm an
`addtOna tCtm, WhOh 8 a d8tnOt tCtm. P OOntnua-
tOn O a ptCVOu8 Ot tCguat tCtm. hC 8amC tCtm
ptOOngCd, WhCtCn pOWCt O OOutt OVCt bu8nC88 WhOh
ha8 bCCn dOnC, and thC CnttC8 madC at thC tCguat
tCtm, OOntnuC8.
Ad]ouent. P puttng O Ot pO8tpOnng O bu8nC88
Ot O a 8C88On unt anOthCt tmC Ot paOC. hC aOt Oa
OOutt, Cg8atVC bOdy, pubO mCCtng, Ot OHOCt, by
WhOh thC 8C88On Ot a88Cmby 8 d88OVCd, CthCt tCmpO-
taty Ot Hnay, and thC bu8nC88 n hand d8m88Cd
tOm OOn8dCtatOn, CthCt dCHntCy Ot Ot an ntCtVa.
thC ad]OutnmCnt 8 Hna, t 8 8ad tO bC stne dte. See
olo Recess.
Ad]ouent da. P utthCt day appOntCd by thC
]udgC8 at thC tCguat 8ttng8 at ntst rtus tO tty 88uC O
aOt nOt thCn tCady Ot tta.
Agouent da n error. n Od ng8h ptaOtOC, a
day appOntCd 8OmC day8 bCOtC thC Cnd O thC tCtm at
WhOh mattCt8 Ct undOnC On thC aHtmanOC day atC
Ad]ouent n ere /0]atnm0nt n Ct/. n ng8h
aW, thC appOntmCnt O a day WhCn thC ]u8tOC8 n CytC
mCan tO 8t agan.
Ad]ouMent sne de /0]atnmnt 88yny d8y(y)/8y-
nCy dyCy/. Pn ad]OutnmCnt WthOut 8Cttng a tmC Ot
anOthCt mCCtng Ot 8C88On. See S|ne d|e.
Ad]udge /0]a]/. O pa88 On]udOay, tO dCOdC, 8CttC, Ot
dCOtCC, Ot tO 8CntCnOC Ot OOndCmn. COpC V. baVC, 4
. Z, ..Zd JZ, J. JudgmCnt O a OOutt O
OOmpCtCnt ]ut8dOtOn, CquVaCnt OOOnVOtCd and 8Cn-
tCnOCd. mpC8 a ]udOa dCtCtmnatOn O a aOt, and
thC Cntty O a ]udgmCnt. See olo Ad|ud|cat|on; Judg-
Ad]udcate /0]uWd0k8yt/. O 8CttC n thC CXCtO8C O
]udOa authOtty. O dCtCtmnC Hnay. bynOnymOu8
Wth od)udge n t8 8ttOtC8t 8Cn8C. 1ntCd btatC8 V.
tWn, 1Z 1.b. 1Z, o b.Lt. 1, Z L.d. JJ.
Ad]udcated rgbts. bght8 WhOhhaVCbCCn tCOOgnZCd
n a ]udOa Ot admn8ttatVC ptOOCCdng.
Ad]udcatee / 0]uWd0kCyty /. n tCnOh and OV aW,
thC putOha8Ct at a]udOa 8aC.
Agudcato /0]uWd0kCy8h(y)OW/. n thC OV aW, an
ad]udOatOn. hC ]udgmCnt O thC OOutt that thC 8ub-
]COt mattCt 8 thC ptOpCtty OOnC OthC tgant8, OOnHt-
matOn O ttC by ]udgmCnt.
Ad]udcaton /0]uWd0kCy8h0n/. hC Cga ptOOC88 O
tC8OVng a d8putC. hC Otma gVngOt ptOnOunOng a
]udgmCnt Ot dCOtCC n a OOutt ptOOCCdng, a8O thC
udgmCnt Ot dCO8On gVCn. hC Cntty O a dCOtCC by a
OOutt n tC8pCOt tO thC pattC8 n a Oa8C. bamuC
LOdWyn, nO. V. 1ntCd Ptt8t8 LOtpOtatOn, L.L.P.C.,
11 .Zd , . t mpC8 a hCatng by a OOutt, atCt
nOtOC, O Cga CVdCnOC On thC aOta 88uC(8) nVOVCd.
LCnZCt V. p, CX.LV.Ppp., 14 b.W.Z , Z. hC
CquVaCnt O a `dCtCtmnatOn. LampbC V. WyOmng
CVCOpmCnt LO., WyO. 4, 1 .Zd 1Z4, 1Z. t
OOntCmpatC8 that thC Oam8 O a thC pattC8 thCtCtO
haVC bCCn OOn8dCtCd and 8Ct at tC8t. mCt V. bOObC,
1Z a. Zo, 11 bO.Zd oJZ, oJ4. See Adm|n|strat|ve
ad|ud|cat|on; Judgment.
AgudcatVe cams arUtraton. h8 Otm O d8putC
tC8OutOn 8 OOnOCtnCd ptmaty Wth tOtt and OthCt
Oam8 nVOVng 8ma amOunt8 a8 d8tngu8hCd tOm
thC ttadtOna OatCgOtC8 O atbttatOn n thC HCd8 O
abOt, OOmmCtOC and ntCtnatOna ttadC. C8gnCd tO
tCCVC OOutt8 O butdCn O handng 8uOh Oa8C8.
AgudcatVe facts. aOtua mattCt8 OOnOCtnng thC
pattC8 tO an admn8ttatVC ptOOCCdng a8 OOntta8tCd
Wth Cg8atVC aOt8 WhOh atC gCnCta and u8uay dO
nOt tOuOh ndVdua quC8tOn8 O pattOuat pattC8 tO a
ptOOCCdng. aOt8WhOhOOnOCtna pCt8On8mOtVC8and
ntCnt, a8 OOntta8tCd Wth gCnCta pOOy 88uC8. 1. b. V.
8hOp tOOC88ng LO.,, Zo .bupp. Z4, .
hO8C aOt8 that mu8t bC Ound bCyOnd a tCa8OnabC
dOubt by ttCt O aOt bCOtC thCtC Oan bC a OOnVOtOn.
bundbCtg V. btatC, Pa8ka Ppp., .Zd 1Zo, 1Z1.
`Pd]udOatVC aOt8, O WhOh tta OOutt may takC
nOtOC aOt 8 nOt 8ub]COt tO tCa8OnabC d8putC, atC
thO8C tO WhOh aW 8 appCd n ptOOC88 O ad]udOatOn,
thCy atC aOt8 that, n ]uty Oa8C, nOtmay gO tO ]uty.
Lta8On CO. LO. V. baOtamCntO mun. 1tty 8t., .L.
La., 1 .bupp. 14, 1Z1.
Ad]udcator acton. Pdmn8ttatVC aOtOn8 atC`ad]u-
dOatOty n OhataOtCt WhCn thCy OumnatC n na
dCtCtmnatOn aCOtng pCt8Ona Ot ptOpCtty tght8. P-
CghCny Ludum btCC LOtp. V. Cnn8yVana ubO 1t-
ty LOmn, 1 a. 1, 4J P.Zd 1Z1o, 1ZZ1. See olso
Ad|ud|catoq hear|ng; Ad|ud|catory process.
Agudcator bearng. P ptOOCCdng bCOtC an admn-
8ttatVC agCnOy n WhOh thC tght8 and dutC8 OpattO-
uat pCt8On8 atC ad]udOatCd atCt nOtOC and OppOttun-
ty tO bC hCatd.
Agudcator groceedng. See Ad|ud|catory act|on; Ad-
jud|catory hear|ng; Ad|ud|catory process.
Ad]udcator grocess. mCthOd O ad]udOatng aOtua
d8putC8, u8Cd gCnCtay n tCCtCnOC tO admn8ttatVC
ptOOCCdng8 n OOntta8t tO ]udOa ptOOCCdng8.
Agudcatare /0]uWd0k0Oh0t/. n Lanadan aW, a put-
Oha8Ct at a 8hCt8 8aC.
Ad ]udcum / ]uWd8h(y)0m/. O ]udgmCnt, tO
OOutt. Ad)udtctumrouocore; tO 8ummOn tO OOutt, tO
OOmmCnOC an aOtOn, a tCtm O thC bOman aW.
Ad]unct /0]akt/. bOmCthngaddCd tO anOthCt, but n a
8ubOtdnatC, auXaty, Ot dCpCndCnt pO8tOn. See olso
LnC a88OOatCd Wth anOthCt n a 8ubOtdnatC Ot an
auXaty mannCt, an a88OOatC.
Ad]uncton /0]a(k)8h0n/. Pddng, aHXng Ot attaOhng
tO anOthCt. POt O ad]Onng. n OV aW, thC attaOh-
mCnt Ot unOn pCtmanCnty O a thng bCOngng tO OnC
pCt8On tO that bCOngng tO anOthCt. hC OOmmOn aW
mpOty adOpt8 thC OV aW dOOttnC8. SeeAccess|on.
Ad]unctum accessorum /a]gktam 0k8a8tyam/. Pn
aOOC88Oty Ot apputtCnanOC.
Ad ]ungendum auxum /0(d) ]an]Cndam OgZ()yam/.
O]On nad. See Aid prayer.
Ad ]ura regs /0(d) ]uta ty]a8/. O thC tght8 O thC
kng, a Wtt WhOh Wa8 btOught by thC kng8 OCtk,
ptC8CntCd tO a Vng agan8t thO8C WhO CndCaVOtCd tO
C]COt hm, tO thC ptC]udOC O thC kng8 ttC.
Aguraton /0]atCy8han/. P 8WCatng Ot bndng upOn
Agust. O 8CttC Ot attangC, tO tCC tOmdCtCnOC8 Ot
d8OtCpanOC8. O btng tO 8at8aOtOty 8tatC 8O that
pattC8 atC agtCCd, a8 u ad]u8t amOunt O O88 by HtC Ot
OOnttOVCt8y tCgatdng ptOpCtty Ot C8tatC. O btng tO
ptOpCt tCatOn8, tO 8CttC. O dCtCtmnC and appOttOn
an amOunt duC. POOOunt atC ad]u8tCd WhCn thCy atC
8CttCd and abaanOC 8 8ttuOk. Ctm 8 8OmCtmC8 u8Cd
n thC 8Cn8C O pay, WhCn u8Cd n tCCtCnOC tO a qu-
datCd Oam. LOmbnatOn L & La8 LO. V. tady,
CX.LV.Ppp. , J b.W.Zd 41, 41. CtCtmnatOn O
amOunt tO bC pad tO n8utCd by n8utCt tO OOVCt O88 Ot
damagC 8u8tanCd. See Ad|uster; Ad|ustment; Sett|e-
Ad]ustaUerate mortgage (AHm). See Mortgage.
Ad]usted Uass. hC OO8t Ot OthCt ba88 O ptOpCtty
tCduOCd by dCptCOatOn aOWCd Ot aOWabC and n-
OtCa8Cd by Oapta mptOVCmCnt8. See Basis.
Ad]usted cost Uass. Ot nOOmC taX putpO8C8, Otgna
OO8t pu8 addtOn8 tO Oapta C88 dCptCOatOn tC8ut8 n
thC `ad]u8tCd OO8t ba88. MCtdCt V. MCVCtng, 1.b.
Ppp..L. Zo, 1 .Zd 1, 1Z.
Ad]usted gross estate. hC gtO88 C8tatC C88 .b.L.
Z and Z4 CXpCn8C8 Cqua8 thC ad]u8tCd gtO88
C8tatC. LCnCtay, .b.L. Z and Z4 CXpCn8C8
nOudC admn8ttatOn CXpCn8C8, dCbt8 O thC dCOCdCnt,
and O88C8 nOuttCd dutng thC 8CttCmCnt O thC C8tatC.
ty pCtOCnt O thC ad]u8tCd gtO88 C8tatC mCa8utC8 thC
maXmum amOunt O thC matta dCduOtOn aOWCd Ot
dCath taX putpO8C8. See Administration expense; Gross
estate; Marita| deduction.
Ad]usted gross ncome. P taX dCtCtmnatOn pCOuat
tO ndVdua taXpayCt8. LCnCtay, t tCptC8Cnt8 gtO88
nOOmC C88 bu8nC88 CXpCn8C8, CXpCn8C8 atttbutabC tO
thC ptOduOtOn O tCnt Ot tOyaty nOOmC, thC aOWCd
Oapta O88 dCduOtOn, and OCttan pCt8Ona CXpCn8C8.
Seeolso Gross income.
Ad]usted ordnar gross ncome. P dCtCtmnatOn pC-
Ouat u thC pCt8Ona hOdng OOmpany taX mpO8Cd by
.b.L. 41. Pd]u8tCd Otdnaty gtO88 nOOmC 8 thC
OOtpOtatOn8 gtO88 nOOmC C88 Oapta gan8, 1Z1
gan8, andOCttan CXpCn8C8. .b.. 4(b)(Z). See olso
Personal holding company income.
Ad]uster. LnC appOntCd tO ad]u8t a mattCt, tO a8OCt-
tan Ot attangC Ot 8CttC. LnC WhO makC8 any ad]u8t
mCnt Ot 8CttCmCnt, Ot WhO dCtCtmnC8 thC amOunt O a
Oam, a8 a Oam agan8t an n8utanOC OOmpany. P
tCptC8CntatVC OthC n8utCtWhO 8CCk8 tO dCtCtmnC thC
CXtCnt O thC Htm8 abty Ot O88 WhCn a Oam 8
8ubmttCd. P pCt8On WhO aOt8OtthC n8utanOCOOmpa-
ny Ot thC n8utCdn thC dCtCtmnatOn and8CttCmCntO
Oam8. ubO ad]u8tCt8 tCptC8Cnt Oamant8 Ony n
ptC8Cntng thCt Oam8 tO n8utCt. `PVCtagC ad]u8tCt8
8pOaZC n ad]u8tng matnC O88C8. SeeC|aim ad|uster;
C|aimant ad|uster; |ndependent ad|uster.
Ad]ustng entr. Pn aOOOuntng CnttymadC atthC Cnd
Oan aOOOuntng pCtOd tO tCOOtd ptCVOu8y untCOOgnZ-
Cd tCVCnuC and CXpCn8C8 and OhangC8 n a88Ct8 and
abtC8. P ad]u8tng Cntty Oan a8O OOOut a8 a tC8ut
O an CttOt madC n a ptOt pCtOd, tCqutng an ad]u8t-
ng Ot OOttCOtng Cntty n thC OuttCnt pCtOd.
Ad]ustment. Pn attangCmCnt, a 8CttCmCnt. n thC
aW O n8utanOC, thC ad]u8tmCnt O a O88 8 thC a8OCt-
tanmCnt Ot8 amOunt and thC tatabC d8ttbutOn Ot
amOngthO8CabCtO pay t. hC8Cttngand a8OCttan-
ng thC amOunt O thC ndCmnty WhOh thC a88utCd,
atCt a aOWanOC8 and dCduOtOn8 madC, 8 CnttCd tO
tCOCVC undCt thC pOOy, and HXng thC ptOpOttOn
WhOh CaOh undCtWttCt 8 abC tO pay.
n taX ptaOtOC, thC OOttCOtOn OCttOnCOu8 dCtCtmna-
tOn O dCOCnOy. MOppCt V. LOVCtnmCnt O Ntgn
8and8, L.P. Ntgn 8and8, .Zd o44, o4.
Ad]ustment Uoard. See Board of ad|ustment.
Ad]ustment Uond. See Bond.
Ad]ustment securtes. btOOk8 and bOnd8 WhOh atC
88uCd dutng a OOtpOtatC tCOtganZatOn.
Ad]utant genera /0]adan(t) ]Cn(a)ta/. Pn OOCt n
OhatgC O thC atOna Luatd O OnC O thC btatC8. hC
admn8ttatVC hCad Oa mtaty unt haVng a gCnCta
Ad]uVar gugge nos, non decg, UeneUco ogortet
/0]uWVCtay kWpy nW8, nOn dC8apay, b8na-
8h(y)OW apttat/. WC Ought tO bC aVOtCd, nOt n]utCd
by that WhOh 8 ntCndCd Ot Out bCnCHt. (hC 8pCOC8
O bamCnt OaCd `Oan mu8t bC tO thC adVantagC O
thC bOttOWCt, nOt tO h8 dCttmCnt.)
Ad argum /0d 8tgam/. Pt atgC, a8, ttC at atgC,
a88ZC at atgC. P8O at bCtty, tCC, Ot unOOnHnCd. 1re
od lorm,tO gO at atgC. P 8pCOa VCtdOt Wa8 OtmCt-
y OaCd a VCtdOt at atgC.
Adegare /0dy]yCty/. O putgC OnC8 8C O a OtmC
by Oath.
Ad Utum /0d btam/. Pt pCa8utC. .LOmm. ZJZ.
Ad tem /0d 8ytam/. Ot thC8ut, OtthC putpO8C8 O
thC 8ut, pCndng thC 8ut. P guatdan od lttem 8 a
guatdan appOntCd tO ptO8COutC Ot CCnd a 8ut On
bCha O a patty nOapaOtatCd by nanOy Ot OthCtW8C.
Ad ucrandum Ve gerdendum /0d (y)uWkt0ndam V8
patdCndam/. Ot gan Ot O88. mphatO WOtd8 n thC
Od Wattant8 O attOtnCy. bOmCtmC8 CXptC88Cd n ng-
8h, `tO O8C and gan.
Ad ma]orem cauteam /0d ma]tam kOtyam/. Ot
gtCatCt 8COutty.
Admanuenss /0dm0nyuW8n8a8/. P QCt8On WhO 8WOtC
by ayng h8 hand8 On thC bOOk.
Ad manum /0d mCynam/. Pt hand, tCady Ot u8C. t
ueren sectom hoeot od monum; and thC Qant
mmCdatCy haVC h8 8ut tCady.
Admeasurement /0dmCZhatmant/. P8OCttanmCnt by
mCa8utC, mCa8utng Out, a88gnmCnt Ot aQQOttOnmCnt
by mCa8utC, that 8, by HXCd quantty Ot VauC, by
OCttan mt8, Ot n dCHntC and HXCd QtOQOttOn8.
Admeasurement of dower. P OOmmOn aW tCmCdy
WhOh ay OtthC hCt On tCaOhng h8ma]OttytO tCOty
an a88gnmCnt O dOWCt madC dutng h8 mnOtty, by
WhOh thC dOWCtC88 had tCOCVCd mOtC than 8hC Wa8
Cgay CnttCd tO.
Admeasurement of gasture. n ng8h aW, a Wtt
WhOh ay bCtWCCn thO8C that had OOmmOn O Qa8tutC
aQQCndant, Ot by VOnagC, n Oa8C8 WhCtC any OnC Ot
mOtC O thCm 8utOhatgCd thC OOmmOn Wth mOtC OattC
than thCy Ought. h8 tCmCdy ha8 Ong bCCn abO8hCd
n ngand and n thC 1ntCd btatC8.
Admeasurement, wrt of. P OOmmOn aW tCmCdy
WhOh ay agan8t QCt8On8 WhO u8utQCd mOtC than thCt
8hatC, n thC tWO OOWng Oa8C8. PdmCa8utCmCnt O
dOWCt, and admCa8utCmCnt O Qa8tutC.
Ad medum Uum aguK /0d mydyam 8yam 0kWy/.
O thC mddC thtCad O thC 8ttCam. SeeAd f||um aqu.
Ad medum Uum V0 /0d mydyam 8yam V8yy/. O
thC mddC thtCad O thC Way.
Ad meus ngurendum /0d myya8 nkWatCndam/.
P Wtt dtCOtCd tO a OOtOnCt OOmmandng hm tO hOd a
8COOnd nquC8t.
Admensurato /0dm8n8yatCy8h(y)OW/. n Od ng8h
aW, admCa8utCmCnt.
Admnce /0dmnaka/. 18Cd a8 an ng8h WOtd n
thC 8tatutC O 1 dW. , O. 1, n thC 8Cn8C O ad, Ot
8uQQOtt. n OV aW, mQCtCOt QtOO. See Adm| n| cu| um.
Admncuar /0dmankyaat/. PuXaty Ot 8ubOtdnatC
tO. `hC mutdCt WOud bC odmtntculortO thC tObbCty
(t. e., OOmmttCd tO aOOOmQ8h t).
Admncuar eVdence /0dmankyat CVdan8/. PuX-
atyOt8uQQCmCntatyCVdCnOC, 8uOh a8 8QtC8CntCdOt
thC QutQO8C O CXQanng and OOmQCtng OthCt CV-
dCnOC. (LhCy u8Cd n COOC8a8tOa aW.)
Admncuate /0dmankyaCyt/. O gVC admnOuat
Admncuator /0dmankyaCat/. Pn OHOCt n thC
bOman LathOO LhutOh WhO admn8ttCd tO thC Want8
O WdOW8, OtQhan8, and aOtCd QCt8On8.
Admncuum /0dmankyaam/. Lat. Pn admnOC, a
QtOQ Ot 8uQQOtt, an aOOC88Otythng. Pn ad Ot 8uQQOtt
tO 8OmCthng C8C, WhCthCt a tght Ot thC CVdCnOC O
OnC. t 8 QtnOQay u8Cd tO dC8gnatC CVdCnOC ad-
duOCd n ad Ot 8uQQOtt O OthCt CVdCnOC, WhOh WthOut
t u mQCtCOt.
Admnster. O managC Ot OOnduOt. LOOk8Cn V.
MOmC8, ZJJ by. Z, 1o b.W.Zd 4, . O d8OhatgC
thC dutC8 O an OHOC, tO takC OhatgC O b8nC88, tO
managC aat8, tO 8CtVC n thC OOnduOt O aat8, n thC
aQQOatOn O thng8 tO thCt u8C8, tO 8CttC and d8ttb-
utC thC C8tatC O a dCOCdCnt. P8O, tO gVC, a8 an Oath,
tO dtCOt Ot Oau8C tO bC takn.
O `admn8tCt adCOtCC 8 tO CXCOutC t, tO CnOtOC t8
QtOV8On8, tO tC8OVC OOnOt8 a8 tO t8 mCanng, tO
OOn8ttuC and tO ntCtQtCt t8 anguagC. 1. b. V. MCnnCn,
.L.CV., .buQQ. Z, Z.
O `admn8tCt ttu8t88 tO managC,dtCOtOt 8uQCtn-
tCnd aat8 O 8uOh ttu8t8. W8OOn8n CQt. O aXatOn
V. ab8t, 1 W8.Zd 1J, 11Z .W.Zd 11, 14, 1.
O aQQy, a8 mCdOnC Ot a tCmCdy, tO gVC, a8 a dO8C
O8OmCthng bCnCHOa Ot 8utabC. atHCd V. btatC, 1
Lk.Lt. 1J, 11 .Zd 1, 1. O Oau8C Ot QtOOutC a
QCt8On tO takC 8OmC dtug Ot OthCt 8ub8tanOC ntO h8 Ot
hCt 8y8tCm, tO dtCOt and Oau8C a mCdOnC, QO8On, Ot
dtug tO bC takCn ntO thC 8y8tCm.
Admnstraton. managCmCnt Ot OOnduOt OanOHOCOt
CmQOymCnt, thC QCtOtmanOC OthC CXCOutVC dutC8 O
an n8ttutOn, bu8nC88, Ot thC kC. n QubO aW, thC
admn8ttatOn O gOVCtnmCnt mCan8 thC QtaOtOa
managCmCnt and dtCOtOn O thC CXCOutVC dCQattmCnt,
Ot OthC QubO maOhnCty Ot unOtOn8, Ot O thC OQCta-
tOn8 O thC VatOu8 Otgan8 Ot agCnOC8. tCOtOn Ot
OVCt8ght O any OOC, 8CtVOC, Ot CmQOymCnt. LtCCnC
V. WhCCCt, L.L.P.W8., ZJ .Zd 4o, 4J. hC tCtm
`admn8ttatOn 8 a8O OOnVCntOnay aQQCd tO thC
WhOC Oa88 OQubO unOtOnatC8, Ot thO8C n OhatgC O
thC managCmCnt O thC CXCOutVC dCQattmCnt.
Admnstraton exgense. Pdmn8ttatVC CXQCn8C8 m-
Qy d8but8CmCnt8 nOdCnta tO thC managCmCnt O thC
C8tatC WhOh atC dCduOtbC n OOmQutng C8tatC taXC8.
CduOtOn8 atC aOWCdOt8uOh CXQCn8C8 Ot Oam8 Ony
tO thC CXtCntthat thCy `atC aOWabCby thC aW8 OthC
]ut8dOtOn undCt WhOh thC C8tatC 8 bCng admn8-
tCtCd. .b.L. Z.
Admnstraton etters. hC n8ttumCnt by WhOh an
admn8ttatOt Ot admn8ttattX 8 authOtZCd by thC
QtObatC OOutt, 8uttOgatC, Ot OthCt QtOQCt OHOCt, tO haVC
thC OhatgC and admn8ttatOn OthC gOOd8 and QtOQCtty
O an ntC8tatC. See Adm| n|strator.
Admnstraton of estates. hC managCmCnt and 8Ct-
tCmCnt O thC C8tatC O an ntC8tatC dCOCdCnt, Ot O a
tC8tatOt WhO ha8 nO CXCOutOt, QCtOtmCd undCt thC 8u-
QCtV8On O a OOutt, by a QCt8On duy quaHCd and
Cgay aQQOntCd, and u8uay nVOVng. (1) thC OOCO-
tOn O thC dCOCdCnt8 a88Ct8, (Z) QaymCnt O dCbt8 and
Oam8 agan8t thC C8tatC, () QaymCnt O C8tatC taXC8,
(4) d8ttbutOn O thC tCmandCt O thC C8tatC amOng
thO8C CnttCd thCtCtO. hC admn8ttatOn O an C8tatC
tun8 tOm hC datC O an ndVdua8 dCath unt a
a88Ct8 haVC bCCn d8ttbutCd and abtC8 Qad. buOh
admn8ttatOn 8 OOnduOtCd by an admn8ttatOt Ot an
CXCOutOt. See Adm|n|strator, Letters of adm|n|strat|on.
Pdmn8ttatOn O C8tatC8 8 QtnOQay O thC OOW-
ng knd8.
Ad colltgendum ono deJunett. O OOCOt thC gOOd8 O
thC dCOCa8Cd. bpCOa CttCt8 O admn8ttatOn gtantCd
tO OnC Ot mOtC pCt8On8, authOtZng thCm tO OOCOt and
ptC8CtVC thC gOOd8 O thC dCOCa8Cd.
Admseuendum. Pn admn8ttatOt appOntCd tO ptO8-
COutC Ot dCCnd a OCttan aOtOn (e.g. WtOngu dCath) Ot
aOtOn8 n WhOh thC C8tatC 8 OOnOCtnCd.
Anctlloadmn8ttatOn 8 auXaty and 8ubOtdnatC tO
thC admn8ttatOn at thC paOC O thC dCOCdCnt8 dOm-
OC, t may bC takCn Out n anyOtCgn 8tatC Ot OOuntty
WhCtC a88Ct8 atC OOay 8tuatCd, and 8 mCtCy Ot thC
putpO8C OOOCOtng 8uOh a88Ct8 and payng dCbt8 thCtC.
Cum testomentoonneo|LP). Pdmn8ttatOn Wth thC
W annCXCd. Pdmn8ttatOn gtantCd n Oa8C8 WhCtC a
tC8tatOt makC8 a WWthOut namng any CXCOutOt8, Ot
WhCtC thC CXCOutOt8 WhO atC namCd n thC W atC
nOOmpCtCnt tO aOt, atC dCOCa8Cd, Ot tCu8C tO aOt.
Oe onts non (). Pdmn8ttatOn gtantCd Ot thC
putpO8C Oadmn8tCtng 8uOh O thC gOOd8 Oa dCOCa8Cd
pCt8On a8 WCtC nOt admn8tCtCd by thC OtmCt CXCOutOt
Ot admn8ttatOt.
Oe onts non cum testomento onneo (LP). hat
WhOh ugtantCd WhCn an CXCOutOt dC8 CaVng a patt O
thC C8tatC unadmn8tCtCd.
Ouronte osentto. hat WhOh 8 gtantCd dutng thC
ab8CnOC OthC CXCOutOt and unt hC ha8 ptOVCd thC W
Oumnte mtnort atote. X8t8 WhCtC an nant 8 madC
CXCOutOt, n WhOh Oa8C admn8ttatOn Wth W an-
nCXCd 8 gtantCd tO anOthCt dutng thC mnOtty O 8uOh
CXCOutOt, and unt hC 8ha attan h8 aWu agC tO aOt.
1oretg odmtntstmtton. hat WhOh 8 CXCtO8Cd by
VttuC OauthOtty ptOpCty OOnCttCd by a OtCgn pOW-
Uenerol odmtntstrotton. hC gtant O authOtty tO ad-
mn8tCt upOn thC CnttC C8tatC O a dCOCdCnt, WthOut
tC8ttOtOn Ot mtatOn, WhCthCt undCt thC ntC8tatC
aW8 Ot Wth thC W annCXCd.
Pendenteltte. Pdmn8ttatOngtantCddutng thC pCnd-
CnOy O a 8ut tOuOhng thC Vadty O a W.
Pltc odmtntstrotton 8 8uOh a8 8 OOnduOtCd (n 8OmC
]ut8dOtOn8) by an OHOCt OaCd thC pubO admn8tta-
tOt, WhO 8 appOntCd tO admn8tCt n Oa8C8 WhCtC thC
ntC8tatC ha8 C nO pCt8On CnttCd tO appy Ot CttCt8.
Sectol odmtntstrotton. PuthOtty tO admn8tCt upOn
8OmC CW pattOuat CCOt8 O a dCOCdCnt, a8 OppO8Cd tO
authOtty tO admn8tCt h8 WhOC C8tatC.
PUttut1V0. LOnnOtC8 O Ot pCttan8 tO admn8tta-
tOn, C8pCOay managCmCnt, a8 by managng Ot OOn-
duOtng, dtCOtng, Ot 8upCtntCndng, thC CXCOutOn, ap-
pOatOn Ot OOnduOt O pCt8On8 Ot thng8. uCt V.
mOLabC, ZJJ m88. 1, 1Z ..Zd oJ, J. attOuaty,
haVng thC OhataOtCt O CXCOutVC Ot mn8tCta aOtOn.
mauttZ V. bOhWnd, CX.LV.Ppp., 11 b.W.Zd 1o,
1J. n th88Cn8C, admn8ttatVC unOtOn8 OtaOt8atC
d8tngu8hCd tOm 8uOh a8 atC ]udOa COpC CX tC
Nan bOkC V. Pu8tn, Z Ppp.V. 1, 4 ..b. Z.
P1D1Bttut1V0 uCtB. hO8C aOt8 WhOh atC nCOC88aty tO
bC dOnC tO Oatty Out Cg8atVC pOOC8 and putpO8C8
atCady dCOatCd by thC Cg8atVC bOdy Ot 8uOh a8 atC
dCVOVCd upOn t by thC OtganO aW O t8 CX8tCnOC. X
pattC mOOnOugh, Z LaPpp.Zd 1, o .Zd 4o, 4o.
P1D1Bttut1V0 ugU1Cut1OD. hC ptOOC88 byWhOh an
admn8ttatVC agCnOy 88uC8 an OtdCt, 8uOh OtdCt bCng
atmatVC, nCgatVC, n]unOtVC Ot dCOatatOty n Otm.
Pdm. tOOCdutC POt, 1.b.L.P. 1.
P1D1Bttut1V0 u@0DC. P gOVCtnmCnta bOdy OhatgCd
Wth admn8tCtng and mpCmCntng pattOuat Cg8a-
tOn. XampC8 atC WOtkCt8 OOmpCn8atOn OOmm8-
8On8, CdCta tadC LOmm88On, Ma8tng8 mg. LO. V.
CdCta tadC LOmm88On,, 1 .Zd Z,
OCttOtat dCnCd Zo 1.b. o, b.Lt. 144, J L.d.
1Z, taXOOmm88On8, t8t btatC ankOmOuntanat
V. btatC aX LOmm88On, 4 .m. 1J, J .Zd ,
pubO 8CtVOC OOmm88On8, CW Otk LCnt. b. LO. V.
ubO bCtVOC LOmm88On, Z1Z nd. ZJ, ..Zd J,
andthCkC. n addtOn tO `agCnOy, 8uOhgOVCtnmCn-
ta bOdC8 may bC OaCd OOmm88On8, OOtpOtatOn8 (e.g.
...L.), bOatd8, dCpattmCnt8, Ot dV8On8.
hC tCtm `agCnOy nOudC8 any dCpattmCnt, ndCpCn
dCnt C8tab8hmCnt, OOmm88On, admn8ttatOn, authOt-
ty, bOatd Ot butCau OthC 1ntCd btatC8 Ot any OOtpOta-
tOn n WhOh thC 1ntCd btatC8 ha8 a ptOptCtaty ntCt-
C8t, unC88 thC OOntCXt 8hOW8 that 8uOh tCtm Wa8 ntCnd-
Cd tO bC u8Cd n a mOtC mtCd 8Cn8C. 1o 1.b.L.P. 1.
PU1D1Bttut1V0 uUtDOt1t. hC pOWCt OanagCnOy Ot
t8 hCad tO Oatty Out thC tCtm8 O thC aW OtCatng thC
agCnOy a8 WC a8 u makC tCguatOn8 OtthC OOnduOt O
bu8nC88 bCOtC thC agCnOy, d8tngu8habC tOm Cg8a-
tVC authOtty tO makC aW8.
P1D1Bttut1V0 OOut. h8 tCtm 8 VCty btOad and
nOudC8 bOdC8 CXCtO8ng VatCd unOtOn8, 8OmC O
WhOh nVOVC OtdCt8 madC Ot OthCt aOt8 dOnC CX pattC
Ot WthOut u hCatng a8 tO thC OpCtatVC aOt8, WhC
OthCt8 atC dOnC Ony atCt 8uOh a nOtOC and hCatng,
and thC unOtOn8 OthC OtmCt knd atC pany `admn-
8ttatVC and thO8C O thC attCt atC `qua8 ]udOa
CaVCtdaC mCmOta atk V. anahCt, 1Z LOnn. 1,
1 P.Zd 1, Z1. Pdmn8ttatVC bOatd8 dCt tOm
`OOutt8 n that bOatd8 tCquCnty tCptC8Cnt pubO n-
tCtC8t8 Cnttu8tCd tO bOatd8, WhCtCa8 OOutt8 atC OOn
OCtnCd Wth tgatng tght8 O pattC8 Wth adVCt8C
ntCtC8t8. bOmmC V. Wa8h, 1Z LOnn. 1, 1 P.Zd , J.
P1D1Bttut1V0 COut0tu 0BtOQQ0. tnOpC8 Oth8
C8tOppC dOOttnC appy WhCn agCnOy 8 aOtng n a
]udOa OapaOty and tC8OVC8 d8putCd 88uC8 O aOt
ptOpCty bCOtC t WhOh pattC8 haVC had adCquatC
OppOttunty tO tgatC, thtC8hOd nquty 8 WhCthCt
CatCt ptOOCCdng 8 C88Cnta CquVaCnt O]udOa ptO-
OCCdng. Lty WdC LCatnng LCntCt, nO. V. Wam L.
bmth & LO., nO., .L.Ppp., 4oo P.Zd 11, 11.
P1D1Bttut1V0 Ct10. Pn OCn8C OOn88tng Oa VOa-
tOn Oan admn8ttatVC tuC Ot tCguatOn and Oattyng
Wth t a Otmna 8anOtOn.
PUttut1V0 0t0t1Dut1OD. SeeAdm|n|strat|ve ad|u-

PUttut1V0 0V1ut1OD. CpattutC tOm thC admn-
8ttatVC ptOV8On8 Oa ttu8t by thC ttu8tCC aOtng aOnC
Ot Wth ptOt apptOVa O thC OOutt. PndCt8On V. by-
and, ZZ Ptk. , b.W.Zd Z.
P1D1Bttut1V0 1BCt0t1OD. Ctm mCan8 that thC dOng
OaOt8 Ot thng8 tCqutCd tO bC dOnC may tC8t, n patt at
Ca8t, upOn OOn8dCtatOn8 nOt CnttCy 8u8OCptbC O
ptOO Ot d8ptOO and at tmC8 WhOh OOn8dCtng thC
OtOum8tanOC8 and 8ub]COt-mattCt OannOt bC 8uppCd by
thC LCg8atutC, and a 8tatutC OOnCt8 8uOh d8OtCtOn
WhCn t tCCt8 a OOmm88On OtOHOC tO bCC8, CXpCOta-
tOn8, t tCndCnOC8 n8tCad O aOt8 Ot thC CXCtO8C O
thC pOWCt8OOnCttCd. LuVCtV. bmth, CX.LV.Ppp., 14
b.W.Zd 14, 11.
PUttut1V0 0XDuUBt1OD. See Exhaust|on of adm|n|s-
trat|ve remed|es.
PUttut1V0 D0ut1D@. Pn Ota ptOOCCdng bCOtC an
admn8ttatVC agCnOy OOn88tng OatgumCnt Ot tta Ot
bOth. tOOCduta tuC8 atC mOtC tCaXCd at 8uOh hCat-
ng8 a8 OOntta8tCd Wth OV Ot Otmna tta8, e.g. tuC8
gOVCtnng adm88bty O CVdCnOC atC u8uay qutC
bCta. See ols Hear|ng.
P1D1Bttut1V0 1Dt0tQt0tut1OD. mCanng gVCn tO a
aW Ot tCguatOn b an adn8ttatVC agCnOy.
P1D1Bttut1V0 uW. Ody O aW OtCatCd by admn8-
ttatVC agCnOC8 n thC Otm OtuC8, tCguatOn8, OtdCt8,
and dCO8On8 tO Oatty Out tCguatOty pOWCt8 and dutC8
O 8uOh agCnOC8.
PUttut1V0 uW gU@u. LnC WhO ptC8dC8 at an
admn8ttatVC hCatng, Wth pOWCt tO admn8tCt Oath8,
takC tC8tmOny, tuC O quC8tOn8 O CVdCnOC, tCguatC
OOut8C O ptOOCCdng8, and makC agCnOy dCtCtmnatOn8
O aOt. OtmCty OaCd `hCatng OHOCt Ot `hCatng
CXamnCt. Pdm. tOOCdutC POt, 1.b.L.P. .
P1D1Bttut1V0 OC0 O D1t0 tut0B COUttB. LtC-
atCd by thC Pdmn8ttatVC LOC POt O 1JJ, t 8
tC8pOn8bC Ot admn8ttatOn O thC CdCta OOutt 8y8-
tCm, a8 a WhOC, nOudng thC OOCOtOn O 8tat8tO8 On
OOutt bu8nC88, 8upCtV8On O admn8ttatVC pCt8OnnC
n thC OOutt8 and OOnduOtng O HnanOa and managC-
mCnt audt8 O OOutt8.
PUttut1V0 OC0t. OtOay, and a8 u8Cd n OOn-
8ttutOna aW, an OHOCt OthC CXCOutVC dCpattmCnt O
gOVCtnmCnt and gCnCtayOnC OnCtOt tank, Cgay,
a mn8tCta Ot CXCOutVC OHOCt, a8 d8tngu8hCd tOm
a ]udOa OHOCt.
P1D1Bttut1V0 Ot0t. hC Hna d8pO8tOn Oa mttCt
bCOtC an admn8ttatVC agCnOy, ptOduOt Oan admn8-
ttatVC ad]udOatOn. buOh OtdCt may bC dCOatatOty Ot
t may OOntan an aHtmatVC Ot nCgatVC OOmmand.
Pdm. tOOCdutC POt, 1.b.L.P. 4.
P tCguatOn 88uCd by an admn8ttatVCagCnOyntCt-
ptCtng Ot appyng thC ptOV8On8 Oa 8tatutC. Pdmn-
8ttatVC aOt8 haVng OtOC O aW, dC8gnCd tO Oaty Ot
mpCmCnt a aW Ot pOOy.
P1D1Bttut1V0 QtOC0Ut0. mCthOd8 and ptOOC88C8 bC-
OtC admn8ttatVC agCnOC8 a8 d8tngu8hCd tOm ]ud-
OaptOOCdutCWhOh appC8 tO OOutt8. tOOCdutatuC8
and tCguatOn8 O mO8t CdCta agCnOC8 atC 8Ct Otth n
thC LOdC OCdCtabCguatOn8. Seeulo Adm|n|strat|ve
Procedure Act.
P1D1Bttut1V0 tOC0Ut0 PCt. 1ederol. LaW CnaOtCd
n 1J4 ( btat. Z1, 1.b.L.P.)gOVCtnngptaOtOC and
ptOOCCdng8 bCOtC CdCta admn8ttatVC agCnOC8.
Stote. ndVdua 8tatC8 haVC CnaOtCd VatatOn8 O thC
CdCta POt, e.g. m.L.L.P. (ma88.) O. P. buOh aOt8
gOVCtn ptOOCCdng8bCOtC 8tatC admn8ttatVC agCnOC8.
P1D1Bttut1V0 QtOC0BB. n gCnCta, thC ptOOCdutC
u8Cd bCOtC admn8ttatVC agCnOC8, n pattOuat, thC
mCan8 O8ummOnng WtnC88C8bCOtC8uOh agCnOC8, e.g.
P1D1Bttut1V0 t00. tOOCdutC Ot aOWng pCt8On
tO a88Ctt a tght tO 8OmC knd O tCCbCOtC an admn-
8ttatVC agCnOy. anC8 V. 1.b., L.P.La., 1Z .Zd 41,
414. On]udOa tCmCdy ptOVdCd by agCnOy, bOatd,
OOmm88On, Ot thC kC. n mO8t n8tanOC8, a admn8-
ttatVC tCmCdC8 mu8t haVC bCCn CXhau8tCd bCOtC a
OOutt W takC]ut8dOtOn O a Oa8C, e.g. 1.b. 8ttOt
LOutt8 W nOt OOn8dCt a 8OOa 8COutty Oa8C unC88 a
hCatng, appCa, CtO. tCmCdC8 bCOtC thC bOOa bCOutty
Pdmn8ttatOn haVC bCCn CXhau8tCd.
P1D1Bttut1V0 t0V10W. LCnCtay tCCt8 tO ]udOa
tCVCW O admn8ttatVC ptOOCCdng8, may a8O CmbtaOC
appCatC tCVCW Wthn thC admn8ttatVC agCnOy t8C.
Pdm. tOOCdutC POt, 1.b.L.P. 1.
P1D1Bttut1V0 tU0. PgCnOy 8tatCmCnt O gCnCta ap-
pOabty and OOntnung CCOt that ntCtptCt8 aW Ot
pOOy Ot dC8OtbC8 agCnOy8 tCqutCmCnt8. mattCt O
1JoZ na bCOOnOatOn Pd]u8tmCnt Ot JCt8Cy bhOtC
mCdOa LCntCt, ZJ .J.bupCt. 1J, P.Zd 1ZJ, 1Z1Z.
P1D1Bttut1V0 tU0-uB1D@. OWCt O an admn8tta-
tVC agCnOy tO makC tuC8 and tCguatOn8 Ot ptOOCCd-
ng8 bCOtC t. Pdm. tOOCdutC POt, 1.b.L.P. .
P1D1Bttut1V0 tt1OUDu. P pattOuat admn8ttatVC
agCnOy bCOtC WhOh a mattCt may bC hCatd Ot ttCd a8
d8tngu8hCd tOm a ]udOa Otum.
P1D1BttutOtI-tt1X). P pCt8On appOntCd by thC OOutt
tO admn8tCt (t.e., managC Ot takC OhatgC O thC a88Ct8
and abtC8 O a dCOCdCnt (t.e., thC dCOCa8Cd). buOh
pCt8On may bC a maC (t.e., admn8ttatOt) Ot a CmaC
(t.e., admn8ttattX). thC pCt8On pCtOtmng thC8C
ptObatC 8CtVOC8 8 namCd by thC dCOCdCnt8 W, hC 8
dC8gnatCd a8 thC CXCOutOt, Ot 8hC thC CXCOuttX, O thC
C8tatC. Seeulo Executor.
Pn n8ttumCntaty C8tab8hCd by aW Ot pCtOtmng
thC aOt8 nCOC88aty Otttan8Ct OCCOt8 Ctby dCOCa8Cd
tO thO8C WhO 8uOOCCd tO thCt OWnCt8hp. ChnkC V.
LCb,, 1J .bupp. 41, .
Oomttc. LnC appOntCd at thCpaOCOthCdOmOCO
thC dCOCdCnt, d8tngu8hCd tOm a OtCgn Ot an anO-
aty admn8ttatOt.
1oretgn. LnC appOntCdOtquaHCdundCt thC aW8 Oa
OtCgn 8tatC Ot OOuntty, WhCtC thC dCOCdCnt Wa8 dOm-
Pltc. Pn OHOa ptOVdCd Ot by 8tatutC n 8OmC
8tatC8 tO admn8tCt upOn thC ptOpCtty O ntC8tatC8 n
OCttan Oa8C8.
P1D1BttutOt u 1t0 / 0dmn08ttCyt0t 0d 8yt0m/.
P 8pCOa admn8ttatOt appOntCd by OOutt tO 8uppy a
nCOC88aty patty tO an aOtOn n WhOh dCOCa8Cd Ot h8
C8tatC 8 ntCtC8tCd.
P1D1BttutOt CU t0Btu0DtO uDD0XO IL..P.)
/0dmn08ttCyt0t k0m tC8t0mCntOW 0nCk8OW/. See Cum
testamento annexo.
P1D1BttutOt 0 OOD1B DOD (L.U.M.) /0dmn08ttCyt0t
dy bOWn08 nOn/. `Pdmn8ttatOt8 dC bOn8 nOn admn-
8ttat8 atC, a8 thC tCtm 8gnHC8, pCt8On8 appOntCd by
thC OOutt O ptObatC tO admn8tCt On thC CCOt8 O a
dCOCdCnt WhOh haVC nOt bCCn nOudCd n a OtmCt
P1D1BttutOt Q0D0Dt0 1t0 /0dmn08ttCyt0t p8ndCn-
tCy 8yty/. P tCmpOtaty admn8ttatOt appOntCd bC-
OtC an ad]udOatOn O ntC8taOy ha8 bCCn madC Ot
putpO8C O ptC8CtVng a88Ct8 O thC C8tatC.
PUttutOt W1tD W1 uDD0X0. LnC appOntCd ad-
mn8ttatOt O dCOCa8Cd8 C8tatC atCt CXCOutOt8 namCd
n W haVC tCu8Cd Ot atC unabC tO aOt.
P1D1Bttutt1X /0dmn08ttCytt0k8/. P CmaC WhO ad-
mn8tCt8, Ot tO WhOm CttCt8 O admn8ttatOn haVC
bCCn gtantCd.
P1tu1tuB /0dm0t00t08/. L. Lat. Pdmtaty, thC
admtaty, Ot OOutt O admtaty. n utOpCan aW, an
a88OOatOn O ptVatC atmCd VC88C8 Ot mutua ptOtCO-
tOn and dCCn8C agan8t ptatC8 and CnCmC8.
P1tut. See Mar|t|me.
P1tut COUtt. P OOutt CXCtO8ng ]ut8dOtOn OVCt
a mattmC OOnttaOt8, tOtt8, n]utC8, Ot OCn8C8. Cd-
Cta d8ttOt OOutt8 haVC ]ut8dOtOn OVCt admtaty and
mattmC aOtOn8. Zo 1.b.L.P. 1. tOOCdutC n
8uOh aOtOn8 8 gOVCtnCdby thC Cd.b. LV . and bupp.
Pdmtaty buC8. Seeolso Sav|ng to su|tors c|ause Wth
tC8pCOt tO admtaty aOtOn8 n 8tatC OOutt8.
P1tut, 1tBt Ot O tD0. n ngand, OtmCty thC
nOtma hCad O thC CXCOutVC dCpattmCnt O 8tatC WhOh
ptC8dCd OVCt thC naVa OtOC8 O thC kngdOm Wa8 thC
Otd hgh admta, but n ptaOtOC thC unOtOn8 O thC
gtCat OHOC WCtC d8OhatgCd by 8CVCta LOtd8 LOmm8-
8OnCt8, OWhOm OnC, bCng thC OhC, Wa8 OaCd thC
`t8t LOtd, and Wa8 a mCmbCt OthC LabnCt. MC Wa8
a888tCd by OthCt Otd8, OaCd bCa LOtd8, and by VatOu8
P1tut uW. hC tCtm8 `admtaty and `mattmC
aW atC Vttuay 8ynOnymOu8. See Mar|t|me |aw.
P1BB1O0. CttnCnt and ptOpCt tO bC OOn8dCtCd n
tCaOhng a dCO8On. 18Cd Wth tCCtCnOC tO thC 88uC8
tO bC dCOdCd n any ]udOa ptOOCCdng.
Admtsstle eutdence. P8 appCd tO CVdCnOC, thC tCtm
mCan8 that thC CVdCnOC nttOduOCd 8 O 8uOh a OhataO
tCt that thC OOutt Ot]udgC 8 bOund tO tCOCVC t, that 8,
aOW t tO bC nttOduOCd at tta O bC `adm88bC
CVdCnOC mu8t bC tCCVant, and, ntCt aa, tO bC `tCC-
Vant t mu8t tCnd tO C8tab8h matCta ptOpO8tOn.
bmth V. btatC, Pa8ka, 41 .Zd , J. Pdm88bty
O CVdCnOC n CdCta OOutt8 8 gOVCtnCd by CdCta
buC8 O VdCnOC. many 8tatC8 haVC 8mat CVdCnOC
tuC8OtthCt tta OOunt8. SeeEv|dence, L|m|ted adm|s-
s|b|| |ty, Re|evant ev|dence.
P1BB1OD. Admtsston temomtre. Pdm88On O gOOd8
ntO OOuntty duty-tCC Ot ptOOC88ng and CVCntua CX-
Botl. hC OtdCt Oa OOmpCtCnt OOutt Ot mag8ttatC that
a pCt8On aOOu8Cd O OtmC bC d8OhatgCd tOm aOtua
Ou8tOdy upOn thC takng O ba
utdence. bung by tta ]udgC that ttCt O aOt, ]udgC
Ot ]uty, may OOn8dCt tC8tmOny Ot dOOumCnt Ot OthCt
thng (tCa CVdCnOC) n dCtCtmnng utmatC quC8tOn.
See Ev|dence.
P1BB1ODB. LOnC88On8, OOnOC88On8 Ot VOuntaty aO-
knOWCdgmCnt8 madC by a patty O thC CX8tCnOC O
OCttan aOt8. mOtC aOOutatCy tCgatdCd, thCy atC 8tatC-
mCnt8 by a patty, Ot 8OmC OnC dCntHCd Wth hm n
CgantCtC8t,OthCCX8tCnOCOa aOt WhOh8 tCCVant
tO thC Oau8C O h8 adVCt8aty.
P VOuntaty aOknOWCdgCmCnt madC by a patty OthC
CX8tCnOC O thC ttuth O OCttan aOt8 WhOh atC nOOn-
88tCnt Wth h8 Oam8 n an aOtOn. NOOkC V. LCnCta
mOtOt8 LOtp., LhCVtOCt V8On, .L.a., .b.. ,
. Pn adm88On 8 nOt mtCd tO WOtd8, butmay a8O
nOudC thC dCmCanOt, OOnduOt and aOt8 O thC pCt8On
OhatgCd Wth a OtmC. COpC V. ad, o m8O.Zd 11o,
Z .X.b.Zd JZ, J.
Admtsstons ogotnst tnterest. P 8tatCmCnt madC by OnC
O thC pattC8 tO an aOtOn WhOh amOunt8 tO a ptOt
aOknOWCdgmCnt by hm that OnC O thC matCta aOt8
tCCVant tO thC 88uC8 8 nOt a8 hC nOW Oam8. agC V.
MOpngatdnCt, CX.LV.Ppp., 44 b.W.Zd 4Z, 4. Pny
8tatCmCnt8 madC by Ot atttbutabC tO a patty tO an
aOtOn, WhOh OOn8ttutC adm88On8 an8t h8 ntCtC8t
and tCnd tO C8tab8h Ot d8ptOVC any matCta aOt n
thC Oa8C. bCnCt V. WhaCy, 14o Cb. ZJ, Z .W.Zd
1o, 1oJ.
Admtsstons yorty-oonent. P 8tatCmCnt 8 nOthCat-
8ay thC 8tatCmCnt 8 OCtCd agan8t a patty and 8 (P)
h8 OWn 8tatCmCnt, n CthCt h8 ndVdua Ot a tCptC-
8CntatVC OapaOty, Ot () a 8tatCmCnt O WhOh hC ha8
manC8tCd h8 adOptOn Ot bCC n t8 ttuth, Ot (L) a
8tatCmCnt by a pCt8On authOtZCd by hm tO makC a
8tatCmCnt OOnOCtnng thC 8ub]COt, Ot () a 8tatCmCntby
h8 agCnt Ot 8CtVant OOnOCtnng a mattCt Wthn thC
8OOpC O h8 agCnOy Ot CmpOymCnt, madC dutng thC
CX8tCnOC O thC tCatOn8hp, Ot () a 8tatCmCnt by a
OOOOn8ptatOt O a patty dutng thC OOut8C and n ut-
thCtanOC O thC OOn8ptaOy. Cd.Vd.b. o1(d)(Z).
Admtsstonsystlence. a 8tatCmCnt 8 madC by anOth-
Ct pCt8On n thC ptC8CnCC O a patty tO thC aCtOn,
COntanng a88CttOn8 O aCt8 WhCh, unttuC, thC patty
WOud undCt a thC CtCum8tanCC8 natutay bC CXpCCtCd
tO dCny, h8 autC tO 8pCak ha8 ttadtOnay bCCn
tCCCVabC agan8t hm a8 an adm88On. autC O OnC
nOt undCt attC8t tO tC8pOnd by dCna tO aCCu8atOn O
CtmC, Ot CCmCnt O CtmC, may bC COn8ttuCd a8 adm8-
8On O gut 8uCh pCt8On undCt8tOOd aCCu8atOn and
COud haVC tC8pOndCd. See olo Estoppel, S||ence.
Adottue odmtsston. PCtOn by a patty n WhCh hC
apptOVC8 8tatCmCnt O OnC Ot WhOm hC 8 tC8pOn8bC
thCtCby aCCCptng ttuth O 8tatCmCnt. bCnCC, aCtOn8,
Ot 8tatCmCnt8 WhCh manC8t a88Cnt tO thC 8tatCmCnt8
O anOthCt pCt8On. buCh may bC tCCCVCd ntO CVdCnCC
a8 adm88On8 O thC dCCndant t Can bC 8hOWn that
thC dCCndant adOptCd thC 8tatCmCnt8 a8 h8 OWn. bCC
Cd.Vd.b. o1(d)(Z)().
Crtmtnolodmtsstons. P 8tatCmCnt by aCCu8Cd, dtCCtOt
mpCd, O aCt8 pCttnCnt tO 88uC, and tCndng, n
COnnCCtOn Wth ptOO O OthCt aCt8, tO ptOVC h8 gut.
btatC V. JOhn8On, Z mnn. o, 1Z .W.Zd o, .
hC aVOWa O a aCt Ot O CtCum8tanCC8 tOm WhCh
gut may bC nCttCd, but Ony tCndng tO ptOVC thC
OCn8C ChatgCd, and nOt amOuntng tO a COnC88On O
gut. P 8tatCmCnt by dCCndant O aCt Ot aCt8 pCtt-
nCnt tO 88uC8 tCndng, n COnnCCtOn Wth ptOOOOthCt
aCt8 Ot CtCum8tanCC8, tO ptOVC gut, but WhCh 8, O
t8C, n8uHCCnt tO authOtZC COnVCtOn. OC8 nOt
nCudC 8tatCmCnt8 WhCh atC patt O thC tC8 gC8taC.
btatC V. Latk, 1Z mOnt. 4Z, o .Zd Z, Zo.
Otscouemcttce. bCquC8t8 Ot adm88On8 n CV aC-
tOn8 atC gOVCtnCd by Cd.b. LV . . Pny mattCt
admttCd undCt buC 8 COnCu8VCy C8tab8hCd un-
C88 thC COutt On mOtOn pCtmt8 WthdtaWa Ot amCnd-
mCnt OthC adm88On. See Request (ReuestJorodmts-
ston), St|pulat|on.
Otsttngutshed Jmm conJesston. P COnC88On 8 a 8tatC-
mCnt admttng Ot aCknOWCdgng a aCt8 nCC88aty Ot
COnVCtOn O thC CtmC. Pn adm88On, On thC OthCt
hand, 8 an aCknOWCdgmCnt Oa aCt Ot aCt8 tCndng tO
ptOVC gut WhCh a8 8hOtt O an aCknOWCdgmCnt O
a C88Cnta CCmCnt8 O thC CtmC. LaddCn V. 1n8-
WOtth, Jth Lt., J .Zd , n. Z, COpC V. tZgCt-
ad, La.Zd o, o1, 1 La.bptt. 1ZJ, 1Z, .Zd
4o1, 4o4. hC tCtm `adm88On 8 u8uay appCd tO
CV ttan8aCtOn8 and tO thO8C mattCt8 O aCt n Ctm-
na Ca8C8 WhCh dO nOt nVOVC Ctmna ntCnt, WhC thC
tCtm `COnC88On 8 gCnCtay tC8ttCtCd tO aCknOWCdg-
mCnt8 Ogut. COpC V. bOut88Cau, Z La.Ppp.Zd J1,
14 .Zd J1, JZ.
xtro)udtctolodmtsstons. hO8CmadC Out8dC O COunt.
1mlted odmtsstons atC thO8C WhCh tC8ut tOm 8OmC
aCt Ot autC tO aCt O thC patty, e.g. patt paymCnt O a
dCbt 8 an adm88On O abty tO pay dCbt.
1nctdentol odmtsston atC thO8C madC n 8OmC OthCt
COnnCCtOn, Ot nVOVCd n thC adm88On O 8OmC OthCt
Judtctol odmtsstons atC thO8C madC n COutt by a pCt-
8On8 attOtnCy Ot thC putpO8C O bCng u8Cd a8 a 8ub8t-
tutC Ot thC tCguat Cga CVdCnCC O thC aCt8 at thC
tta. P Otma WaVCt O ptOO that tCCVC8 OppO8ng
pattytOm makng ptOOOadmttCdaCtand bat8 patty
WhO madC adm88On tOm d8putng t. CX aty
uCCn, nC. V. Pdat, CX.LV.Ppp., b.W.Zd , J.
buCh a8 atC madC VOuntaty by a patty, WhCh appCat
O tCCOtd n thC ptOCCCdng8 O thC COutt. Otma aCt8
dOnC by a patty Ot h8 attOtnCy n COutt On thC tta Oa
Cau8C Ot thC putpO8C O d8pCn8ng Wth ptOO by thC
OppO8ng patty O 8OmC aCt CamCd by thC attCt tO bC
ttuC. MOCt V. tumnOu8 La8. LOtp., Z OWa o1, 14o
.W.Zd 4o, 4o.
Pleodtng. hC aCknOWCdgmCnt Ot tCCOgntOn by OnC
patty OthCttuth O8OmC mattCt aCgCdbythCOppO8tC
patty, madC n a pCadng, thC CCCt O WhCh 8 tO
nattOW thC atCa O aCt8 Ot aCgatOn8 tCqutCd tO bC
ptOVCd by CVdCnCC. PVCtmCnt8 n a pCadng tO WhCh
a tC8pOn8VC pCadng 8 tCqutCd atC admttCd WhCn nOt
dCnCd n thC tCpOn8VC pCadng. Cd.b. LV . o(d).
Quost odmtsston. bCC that ttC.
Reuest Jor odmtsston. See Request.
Toctt odmtsstons. See Tac|t adm|ss|ons.
P1BB1ODB tuX. Otm OtaXmpO8Cd a8 patt OptCC O
bCngadmttCd tO a pattCuat unCtOn Ot CVCnt.
P1BB1OD tO BUC10Dt uCtB. P8O CaCd `8ubm88On
tO a Hndng, mCan8 an adm88On tO aCt8 8uHCCnt tO
Wattant a Hndng O guty. LOm. V. uquCttC, o
ma88. o4, 4o ..Zd 4, o.
P1t. See Adm|ss|on, Adm|ss|ons.
P1ttuDC0. n ng8haW,thCaCtOgVng pO88C88On
O a COpyhOd C8tatC. t 8 O thtCC knd8. (1) 1pOn a
VOuntatygtantby thC Otd, WhCtCthC and ha8 C8ChCat-
Cd Ot tCVCttCd tO hm. (Z) 1pOn 8uttCndCtby thC OtmCt
tCnant. () 1pOn dC8CCnt, WhCtC thC hCt 8 tCnant On
h8 anCC8tOt8 dCath. LOpyhOd8 WCtC abO8hCd by att
N O LaW O tOpCtty PCt 1JZZ. PbOtOn tOOk CCCt
Jan. 1, 1JZ. Seeolso, Copyhold, Surrender.
P1tt0DO C0t1CO /0dmat8ndOW kCtakOW/. Pn Od
ng8h Wtt 88ung tO thC b8hOp tO C8tab8h thC tght
O thC LtOWn tO makC a ptC8CnttOn tO a bCnCHCC. P
Wtt O CXCCutOn upOn a tght O ptC8CntatOn tO a
bCnCHCC bCng tCCOVCtCd n uore tmedtt, addtC88Cd tO
thC b8hOp Ot h8 mCttOpOtan, tCqutng hm tO admt
and n8ttutC thC CCtk Ot ptC8CntC O thC pant.
P1tt0DO U BOC1U /0dmatCndOW n 8OW8hyam/.
Pn Od ng8h Wtt Ot a88OCatng CCttan pCt8On8, a8
knght8 and OthCt gCntCmCn OthC COunty, tO]u8tCC8 O
a88ZC On thC CtCut.
P1XtUt0 /0dmk8(h)Chat/. P 8ub8tanCC OtmCd by
mXng, 8tatC O bCng mXCd, aCt O mXng.
POD1BD /0dmOna8h/. O CautOn Ot adV8C. O COun-
8C agan8tWtOng ptaCtCC8, Ot tO Watn agan8tdangCt O
an OCn8C. See Admon|t|on.
POD1t1OD /0dm0n8han/. Pny authOttatVC Ota
OOmmunOatOnOt8tatCmCntby WayOadVOCOt OautOn
by thC OOutt tO thC]uty tC8QCOtng thCt duty Ot OOnduOt
a8 ]utOt8, thC adm88bty Ot nOnadm88bty O CV-
dCnOC, Ot thC QutQO8C Ot WhOh any CVdCnOC admttCd
may bC OOn8dCtCd by thCm. bCQtmand Ot OautOnaty
8tatCmCnt addtC88Cd tO OOun8C by ]udgC.
n ng8h aW, a tCQtmand tOm a]udgC tO a QCt8On
aOOu8Cd, On bCng d8OhatgCd, Watnng hm OthC OOn8C-
quCnOC8 O h8 OOnduOt, and ntmatng tO hm that,
8hOud hC bC guty O thC 8amC aut Ot WhOh hC ha8
bCCn admOn8hCd, hC W bC Qun8hCd Wth gtCatCt
8CVCtty. hC admOntOn Wa8 authOtZCd a8 a 8QCOC8 O
Qun8hmCnt Ot 8ght m8dCmCanOt8. n COOC8a8tOa
aW, th8 8 thC ghtC8t Otm O Qun8hmCnt.
PUOD1t1O tt1Du /0dman8hyOW tt8yna/. hC thtCCOd
Watnng gVCn tO a Qt8OnCt WhO 8tOOd mutC, bCOtC hC
Wa8 8ub]COtCd tO etne Jorte et dure (. u.J. 4 .LOmm.
P Ot0DU uBBU0tUB /0d mOtdndam a8Wyta8/.
POOu8tOmCd tO btC. P matCta aVCtmCnt n dCOata-
tOn8 Ot damagC dOnC by a dOg tO QCt8On8 Ot anma8.
PUOtt1zut1OD /0dmOttaZCy8han/. n Cuda Ou8tOm8,
thC tCduOtOn OQtOQCtty Oand8 Ot tCnCmCnt8 tO mOtt-
PD0QOB /0dnaQOW8/. hC 8On O a gtCat-gtCat-gtand-
PD0Qt1B / 0dnCQta8/. hC daughtCt O a gtCat-gtCat-
PD1CD10 /0dnkad/. PnnuCd, OanOCCd, madC VOd.
PD1D1ut0 /0dnay(h)aCty/. n Od ng8h aW, tO
annu, tO makC VOd, tO tCduOC tO nOthng, tO ttCat a8
nOthng, tO hOd a8 Ot Ot nOught.
P DOCU0DtU /0d nOkyamCntam/. O thC nu8anOC,
Ot annOyanOC, tO thC hutt Ot n]uty. Ad nocumentum
ltert tenementt sut, tO thC nu8anOC O h8 tCChOd.
Otma WOtd8 n thC Od a888C Onu8anOC. .LOmm.
PUDOtut1O /0dnOWtCy8h(y)OW/. n thC OV aW, thC
8ub8OtQtOn O a namC Ot 8gnatutC tO an n8ttumCnt.
P tC8OtQt (. u.JOthC QtnOC Ot CmQCtOt, 8gnCd Wth h8
OWn hand, Ot 8gnmanua. n thC mQCta aW, Oa8ua
hOmOdC Wa8 CXOu8Cd by thC ndugCnOC OthC CmQCtOt,
8gnCd Wth h8 OWn 8gn-manua, onnotottonertnctts.
4 .LOmm. 1o.
P OC1U gUBt1C1ut1OtU BQ0Ctut, UD1CU1QU0 COtu
01B QuC1tuDt1 gUBt1t1u 0XD1O0t0 /0d a8h(y)am ]a8t-
8hy8tyOtam 8QCktat yuWnak(yuW)8ykWy kOtam ya8
Q08at0ntay ]8t8h(y am Ck8abty/. U 8 thC duty O
]u8tOC8 tO admn8tCt ]u8tOC tO CVCty OnC QCadng bC-
OtC thCm.
PO0BC0DC0. hat agC WhOh OOW8 QubCtty and QtC-
OCdC8 thC agC O ma]Otty.
P O1BBu V0 u0 uQQt0t1utu /0d am8a VC m0y
aQty8h(y)Cyta/. Wth tCatOn tO Om88On8 Ot WtOng
POQt. O aOOCQt, aQQtOQtatC, OhOO8C, Ot 8CCOt. O
makC that OnC8 OWn (QtOQCtty Ot aOt) WhOh Wa8 nOt 8O
Otgnay. O aOOCQt, OOn8Cnt tO, and Qut ntO CCOtVC
OQCtatOn, a8 n thC Oa8C Oa OOn8ttutOn, OOn8ttutOna
amCndmCnt, OtdnanOC, OOutt tuC, Ot by-aW.
POQt1OD. LCga QtOOC88 Qut8uant tO 8tatC 8tatutC n
WhOh a Ohd8 Cga tght8 and dutC8 tOWatd h8 natu-
ta QatCnt8 atC tCtmnatCd and 8mat tght8 and dutC8
tOWatd h8 adOQtVC QatCnt8 atC 8ub8ttutCd. O takC
ntO OnC8 amy thC Ohd O anOthCt and gVC hm Ot
hCt thC tght8, QtVCgC8, and dutC8 Oa Ohd and hCt.
hC QtOOCdutC8 CnttCy8tatutOty and ha8 nO h8tOtOa
ba88 n OOmmOn aW. mO8t adOQtOn8 atC thtOugh agCn-
Oy QaOCmCnt8. SeeAdopt|on by estoppel, De facto adop-
t|on, Equ|table adopt|on, Placement, Pr|vate placement
P OOnttaOt QtnOQC by WhOh a QCt8On agtCC8 tO
a88umC a OOnttaOt QtCVOu8y madC Ot h8 Ot hCt bCnC-
Ht. Pn adOQtOn 8QCak8 Ony tOm thC tmC 8uOh QCt8On
agtCC8, n OOntta8t tO a `tatHOatOn WhOh tCatC8 baOk
tO thC tmC thC Otgna OOnttaOt Wa8 madC. n OOtQOta-
tOn aW, thC OOnOCQt 8 aQQCd WhCn a nCWy OtmCd
OOtQOtatOn aOOCQt8 a QtCnOOtQOtatOn OOnttaOt madC
Ot t8 bCnCHt by a QtOmOtCt.
POQt1OD O 0BtOQQ0. qutabC adOQtOn Oa Ohd by
QtOm8C8 and aOt8 WhOh QtCOudC 8uOh QCt8On and h8
C8tatC tOm dCnyng adOQtCd 8tatu8 tO Ohd. MCCn V.
LtabttCC, CX., J b.W.Zd Zo, . See olso Equ|table
POQt1OD O t00t0DC0. btatCmCnt n Wttng by WhOh
anOthCt 8tatCmCnt n a 8CQatatC Wttng 8 nOOtQOtatCd
by tCCtCnOC. btatCmCnt n QCadng may adOQtCd by
tCCtCnOC n a dCtCnt Qatt O 8amC QCadng Ot n
anOthCt QCadng Ot mOtOn. Cd.b. LV . 1(O).
POQt1V0 uCt. Pn aOt O Cg8atOn WhOh OOmC8 ntO
OQCtatOn Wthn a mtCd atCa uQOn bCng adOQtCd, n
mannCt QtC8OtbCd thCtCn, by thC nhabtant8 O that
P OQUB /0d OWQa8/. O thC WOtk.
P OBt0D0DU /0d O8tandCndam/. O 8hOW. Otma
WOtd8 n Od Wtt8.
P OBt1U 0CC0B18 /0d O8tyam akyZyy/. Pt thC
dOOt O thC OhutOh. LnC O thC HVC 8QCOC8 O dOWCt
OtmCty tCOOgnZCd by thC ng8h aW. Z .LOmm.
P Q1OB UBUB /0d Q8yOW8 yuWZa8/. Lat.
(tCgOu8 Ot OhattabC) u8C8 Ot QutQO8C8.
tCCtCnOC tO gt8 and bCquC8t8.
Ot QOu8
18Cd Wth
P QtOB0QU0Du /0d QtO8akWCndam/. O QtO8COutC.
P QtOX1U uDt0C00DB ut t0ut1O D1B1 1Q0U1utUt
B0Dt0Dt1u /0d QtOk8amam 0nta8ydCnZ 8y0t
taCy8h(y)OW n8y8ay mQydyCytat 88ntCn8h(y)a/. bC-
atVC WOtd8 tCCt tO thC nCatC8t antCOCdCnt, unC88 t bC
QtCVCntCd by thC OOntCXt. tOWn V. tOWn, C.,
Ctty 1, ZJ P.Zd 14J, 1.
P QUDCtU t0QOt1B /0d Qagktam tCmQata8/. Pt thC
QOnt O tmC.
P QU8t1OD1u /0d kWtamWnyam/. Ln OOmQant
P QU8Bt1OD0 uCt1 DOD t0BQOD0Dt gU1C0B; u
QU8Bt1OD0 gUt1B DOD t0BQOD0Dt gUtutOt0B /0d
kW88(h)OhyWnam 0ktay nn ta8pndant ]uWda8yZ 0d
kW88(h)OhyWnam ]uta8 nn ta8pndant ]utattyZ/.
mCan8 that ]utC8 mu8t an8WCt tOquC8tOn8 OaOt and
]udgC8 tO quC8tOn8 O aW. X QattC 1ntCd btatC8,
L.L.P.W8., 11 .Zd o, o4.
P QU8Bt1OD0B 0@1B gU1C0B, 0t DOD gUtutOt0B, t0BQOD-
0Dt /0d kWC8(h)OhyWnyZ y]a8 ]uWda8yZ, Ct nOn
]utattyZ, ta8pndant/. JudgC8, and nOt ]utOt8, dCOdC
quC8tOn8 O aW.
P QU0 /0d kWCm/. O WhOh. P tCtm u8Cd n thC
OOmQutatOn OtmC Ot d8tanOC, a8 OOttCatVC tO o uo;
dCnOtC8 thC Cnd Ot tCtmna QOnt. See A quo.
hC termtnus o uo 8 thC QOnt O bCgnnng Ot
dCpattutC, thC termtnus oduem,thCCndOthC pCtOd
Ot QOnt O attVa.
P QU0Bt1OD0B uCt1 DOD t0BQOD0Dt gU1C0B; u QU0B-
t1OD0B 0@1B DOD t0BQOD0Dt gUtutOt0B /0d
kW88(h)OhyWnyZ 0ktay nn ta8Qndant ]uWda8yZ 0d
kW88(h)OhyWnyZ y]a8 nn ta8ndant ]utattyZ/.
JudgC8 dO nOt an8WCt quC8tOn8 O aOt, ]utC8 dO nOt
an8WCt quC8tOn8 O aW.
PQU10tO /0dkWayytOW/. aymCnt.
P QUO CUt1u CODCOtuV1t /0d kWOd kyutya
kkatdCyVat/. O WhOh thC OOutt agtCCd.
P QUO uDU /0d kWO(d) d8mnam/. hC namC Oa
Wtt OtmCty 88ung tOm thC ng8h OhanOCty, OOm-
mandng thC 8hCt tO makC nquty `tO What damagC
a 8QCOCd aOt, dOnC, W tCnd.
t 8 a Wtt WhOh Ought tO bC 8uCd bCOtC thC kng
gtant8 OCttan bCttC8, a8 a at, matkCt Ot 8uOh kC,
WhOh may bC QtC]udOa tO OthCt8, and hCtCby t
8hOud bC nqutCd WhCthCt t W bC a QtC]udOC tO
gtant thCm, and tO WhOm t W bC QtC]udOa, and What
QtC]udOC W OOmC tCtCby.
hCtC 8 a8O anOthCt Wtt Ooduoddomnum, any
OnC W tutn a OOmmOn hghWay and ay Out anOthCt
Way a8 bCnCHOa.
P `Wtt O ad quOd damnum 8 O anOCnt Otgn, and
OOud bC 88uCd a8 a Wtt O tght WhCn andOWnCt Wa8
d88at8HCd Wth a88C88mCnt O damagC8 by OOndCmna-
tOn OOmm88On. LCW8 V. u Ont, C.buQCt., Z Ctty
4, ZZ P.Zd oZ, o4.
P QUO DOD 01t t0BQODBU /0d kWd nOn yuWat
ta8Qn8am/. O WhOh thCtC Wa8 nO an8WCt. P Qhta8C
u8Cd n Od tCpOtt8, WhCtC a pOnt adVanOCd n atgumCnt
by OnC Qatty Wa8 nOt dCnCd by thC OthCt, Ot WhCtC a
QOnt Ot atgumCnt O OOun8C Wa8 nOt mCt Ot nOtOCd by
thC OOutt, Ot WhCtC an Ob]COtOn Wa8 mCt by thC OOutt,
and nOt tCpCd tO by thC OOun8C WhO ta8Cd t.
P... SeeAlternative dispute resolution, Asset Deprecia-
t|on Range.
P tut1OD0 QOD0t0 /0d t8y8hyWnam QWnaty/. O
OtC a QCt8On tO aQQCat. P tCOhnOa CXQtC88On n thC
Od tCOOtd8 O thC XOhCquCt, 8gnyng, tO Qut tO tC
bat and ntCttOgatC a8 tO a OhatgC madC, tO attagn On a
P t0CO@DOBC0DU /0d tykOgna8Cndam/. O tCOOg-
nZC. Otma WOtd8 n Od Wtt8.
Pt0Ctut0 /0dtCktCt/. O 8Ct ght, 8at8y, Ot makC
P t0Ct0 OC0DU OQOtt0t, Qt1U 1DQU1t0t0 DO1-
Du, QU1u t0tU CO@D1t1O u DO1D1OUB t0tU 0Q0D-
0t /0d tCktCy dOW8Cndam OWQttat, Qt8ymam
nkW8ytaty nmana, kW8ya ttam kOgn8hyOW 8y
namnaba8 ttam daQ8ndat/. n OtdCt tghty tO OOmQtC-
hCnd a thng, nqutC Ht8t ntO thC namC8, Ot a tght
knOWCdgC O thng8 dCQCnd8 upOn thCt namC8.
P t0CtU /0d tCktam/. O tght. O dO tght. O
mCCt an aOOu8atOn. O an8WCt thC dCmand8 thC aW.
Hoeont eos od rectum. hCy 8ha tCndCt thCm8CVC8
tO an8WCt thC aW, Ot tO makC 8at8aOtOn.
P t0Qutut1OD0 0t BUBt0Dtut1OD0 /0d t8Qat8y-
8hyWnam Ct 8a8tCnt8y8hyWnam/. Ot tCQatng and
kCCQng n 8utabC OOndtOn.
P t0BQOD0DU /0d ta8QOndCndam/. Ot an8WCtng,
tO makC an8WCt. WOtd8 u8Cd n OCttan Wtt8 CmQOyCd
Otbtngng a QCt8OnbCOtCthC OOutt tO makC an8WCt n
dCCn8C n a QtOOCCdng, a8 n hoeos corus od reson-
dendum and cotos od resondendum, .u.
PtDu1t0 /0dtam8yty/. n Od utOQCan aW, tO un-
dCttakC, dCOatC, Ot QtOm8C 8OCmny, tO QCdgC, tO
QCdgC OnC8 8C tO makC Oath.
PtO@ut1OD /0dtOWgCy8han/. n thC OV aW, thC adOQ-
tOn O OnC WhO Wa8 tmues; that 8, a maC, undCt
OuttCCn yCat8 O agC, a CmaC, undCt tWCVC.
PB. Pn abbtCVatOn Ot od sectom (. u.J, mCanng `at
thC 8ut O.
P But1BuC10DU /0d 80ta88y8hyCndam/. O 8at8y.
hC CmQhatO WOtd8 O thC Wtt Ocotos odsottsJocten-
dum,WhOhtCqutC8thC 8hCttO tokethC QCt8On OthC
dCCndant to sottsJy thC Qant8 Oam.
PBC0D0Dt0B /0d8CndCntyZ/. Lat. n thC OV aW,
PBCt1Qt1 /0d8ktQtay/. See Adscriptus.
PBCt1Qt1 @0O8 /0d8ktQtay gyby/. baVC8 WhO
8CtVCd thC ma8tCt O thC 8O, WhO WCtC annCXCd tO thC
and, and Qa88Cd Wth t WhCn t Wa8 OOnVCyCd.
PBCt1Qt1t11 / 0d8ktQt8hyay/. Lat. P 8QCOC8 O 8Ct8
Ot 8aVC8. hO8C QCt8On8 WhO WCtC CntOCd and abC
tO bC dtatCd a8 CgOnaty 8OdCt8.
PBCt1QtUB /0d8ktQta8/. n thC OV aW, addCd, an-
nCXCd, Ot bOund by Ot n Wttng, CntOCd, tCg8tCtCd,
untCd, ]OnCd, annCXCd, bOund tO, gCnCtay. Seruus
colono odcrttus, a 8aVC annCXCd tO an C8tatC a8 a
OutVatOt. 1undus ocrttus, an C8tatC bOund tO, Ot
butdCnCd Wth a duty.
P B0Ctu /0d 8Cktam/. Pt thC 8ut O. LOmmOny
abbtCVatCd tO ods. 18Cd n CntCtng and ndCXng thC
namC8 O Oa8C8, WhCtC t 8 dC8tCd that thC namC O thC
dCCndant 8hOud OOmC Ht8t. hu8, `. od. P nd-
OatC8 that . 8 dCCndant n an aOtOn btOught by P,
and thC ttC 8O WtttCn WOud bC an nVCt8On O thC
mOtC u8ua Otm `P. u. .
PB0BBOt0B /0d8a8tyZ/. bdC ]udgC8. P888tant8 Ot
adV8Ct8 O thC tCguat mag8ttatC8, Ot aQQOntCd a8
thCt 8ub8ttutC8 n OCttan Oa8C8. See Assessor.
PBt1QUutOt /0d8tQyaCytat/. n bOmanaW, an aOOC8-
8Oty Qatty tO a QtOm8C, WhO tCOCVCd thC 8amC QtOm8C
a8 h8 QtnOQa dd, and OOud Cquy tCOCVC and CXaOt
QaymCnt, Ot hC Ony 8tQuatCd Ot a Qatt O that Ot
WhOh thC QtnOQa 8tQuatCd, and thCn h8 tght8 WCtC
OOCXtCn8VC Wth thC amOunt O h8 OWn 8tQuatOn.
LnC WhO 8uQQCd thC QaOC O a QtOOutatOt at a tmC
WhCn thC aW tCu8Cd tO aOW8tQuatOn8tObC madC by
P t0t1DU uDDOtU /0d tatmanam antam/. Ot a
tCtm O yCat8.
P t0t1DU QU1 Qt8t0t1t /0d tatmanam kWay
QtCdatat/. Ot a tCtm WhOh ha8 Qa88Cd. WOtd8 n thC
Latn Otm OthC Wtt OCntty CmQOyCd at OOmmOn aW
tO tCOOVCt, On bChaO a andOtd, QO88C88On OQtCm8-
C8 tOm a tCnant hOdng OVCt atCt thC CXQtatOn OthC
tCtm Ot WhOh thCy WCtC dCm8Cd.
P t0Bt1CuDU /0d t88taak0ndam/. O tC8ty.
yQC O Wtt O habCa8 OOtQu8 u8Cd tO btng Qt8OnCt tO
OOutt tO tC8ty. See Habeas corpus.
P tt1Bt0 Qutt0 Btt0DUu 0Bt BUBQ1C1O /0d tt8tm
Q8ttam 8ttCnyuWa 88t 8a8Q8h(y)OW/. bu8QOOn C8
hCaVy On thC unOttunatC 8dC.
P tUDC 0t 1O10 /0d tank at ab8ydam/badam/. n
QCadng, thC Latn namC O that Oau8C Oan ndOtmCnt
OOntanng thC 8tatCmCnt O thC 8b]COt-mattCt `thCn
and thCtC bCng Ound.
PUt. LnC WhO ha8 attanCd thC Cga agC Oma]Otty,
gCnCtay 1o yCat8. Pt OV aW, a maC WhO had
attanCd thC agC O 19, a CmaC WhO had attanCd thC
agC O 1Z. See Lega| age, Ma|or|ty.
PUt0t /adatt/. LnC WhO OOttuQt8, OnC WhO 8CduOC8
anOthCt man8 WC. Adultersoltdorum. P OOttuQtOt O
mCta8, a OOuntCtCtCt.
PUt0tu /adatata/. n thC OV aW, an adutCtC88, a
WOman guty O adutCty.
PUt0tut1OD. hC aOt O OOttuQtng Ot dCba8ng. hC
aOt O mXng 8OmCthng mQutC Ot 8QutOu8 Wth 8OmC-
thng QutC Ot gCnunC, Ot an nCtOt attOC Wth a
8uQCtOt OnC O thC 8amC knd. hC tCtm 8 gCnCtay
aQQCd tO thC aOt O mXng uQ Wth OOd Ot dtnk
ntCndCd tO bC 8Od OthCt mattCt8 O an nCtOt quaty,
and u8uay O a mOtC Ot C88 dCCtCtOu8 quaty. hC
aOt, QtOOC88 Ot Om88On tO aOt by WhOh OOd bCOOmC8
mQutC and unHt Ot OOn8umQtOn. buOh 8 QtOhbtCd
and tCguatCdby CdCta and 8tatC 8tatutC8 and agCnOC8.
See Food and Drug Adm|n|strat|on, Food, Drug and Cos-
met|c Act, Fore|gn substance.
PUt0tutOt /adatatCydat/. P OOttuQtCt. n thC OV
aW, a OtgCt, a OOuntCtCtCt.
Adulterotores moneta /adatatattyZ manyty/. LOun-
tCtCtCt8 O mOnCy.
PUt0t1D0 /adatatan/. CgOttCn n an adutCtOu8 n-
tCtOOut8C. hO8C atC nOt dCCmCd adutCtnC WhO atC
bCgOttCn O a WOman OQCny mattCd thtOugh gnOtanOC
O a OtmCt WC bCng aVC. n thC bOman and OanOn
aW, adutCtnC ba8tatd8 WCtC d8tngu8hCd tOm 8uOh
a8 WCtC thC 88uC O tWO unmattCd QCt8On8, and thC
OtmCt WCtC ttCatCd Wth mOtC 8CVCtty, nOt bCng a-
OWCd thC stotus Onatuta OhdtCn, andbCng nCgbC
tO hOy OtdCt8.
PUt0t1D0 @U1B. tadCt8 aOtng a8 a OOtQOtatOn
WthOut a OhattCt, and Qayng a HnC annuay Ot QCt-
m88On tO CXCtO8C thCt u8utQCd QtVCgC8.
PUt0t1U /0dattyam/. P HnC anOCnty mQO8Cd Ot
thC OOmm88On O adutCty.
PUt0t /adataty/. NOuntaty 8CXua ntCtOOut8C Oa
mattCd QCt8On Wth a QCt8On OthCt than thC OCndCt8
hu8band Ot WC, Ot by a QCt8On Wth a QCt8On WhO 8
mattCd tO anOthCt. bCC e.g. J99.1. h8
OtmC, WOh 8 VatOu8y dCnCd and Qun8hCd by 8tatC
8tatutC8, 8 8CdOm QtO8COutCd. See olso l | | |c|t cohab-
Uen ond notortous odulte. O OOn8ttutC Vng n
OQCn and nOtOtOu8 adutCty, thC QattC8 mu8t tC8dC
tOgCthCt QubOy n thC aOC O 8OOCty, a8 OOn]uga
tCatOn8 CX8tCd bCtWCCn thCm, and thCt 8O Vng and
thC aOt that thCy atC nOt hu8band and WC mu8t bC
knOWn n thC OOmmunty.
P Ut1u V1 t0t1DOtU /0d atamam Vm
tatmantam/. O thC mO8t CXtCndCd mQOtt O thC
tCtm8, n a 8Cn8C a8 unVCt8a a8 thC tCtm8 W tCaOh.
P UBU 0t COOU /0d yu8am Ct kmadam/. O
thC u8C and bCnCHt.
P Vu0Dt1u /0dVaCn8h(y)am/. O thC VauC. SeeAd
va|orem tax.
P VuOt0 tuX /0d Vatam/. POOOtdng tO VauC. P
taX mQO8Cd On thC VauC O QtOQCtty. hC mOtC OOm-
mOn ad VaOtCm taX 8 that mQO8Cd by 8tatC8, OOuntC8,
and OtC8 On tCa C8tatC. Pd VaOtCm taXC8, Oan, hOW-
CVCt, bC mQO8Cd uQOn QCt8Ona QtOQCtty, e.g., a mOtOt
VChOC taX may bC mQO8Cd uQOn thC VauC O an autO-
mObC and 8 thCtCOtC dCduOtbC a8 a taX. P taX CVCd
On QtOQCtty Ot an attOC O OOmmCtOC n QtOQOttOn tO
t8 VauC, a8 dCtCtmnCd by a88C88mCnt Ot aQQta8a.
LaaWay V. Lty O LVCtand atk, Z11 ban. 9, o
.Zd JZ, J.
utC8 atC CthCt od uolorem Ot sectJtc; thC OtmCt
WhCn thC duty 8 ad n thC Otm O a QCtOCntagC On thC
VauC OthC QtOQCtty, thC attCt WhCtC t 8 mQO8Cd a8 a
HXCd 8um On CaOh attOC Oa Oa88 WthOuttCgatdtO t8
PVuDC0. O mOVC 8OmCthng OtWatd n QO8tOn, tmC
Ot QaOC. O Qay mOnCy Ot tCndCt OthCt VauC bCOtC t
8 duC, tO utn8h 8OmCthng bCOtC an CquVaCnt 8
tCOCVCd, tO Oan, tO utn8h OaQta n ad Oa QtO]COtCd
CntCtQt8C, n CXQCOtatOn O tCtutn tOm t. O 8uQQy
bCOtChand, tO utn8h On OtCdt Ot bCOtC gOOd8 atC
dCVCtCd OtWOtk dOnC, tO utn8h a8 a Qatt Oa 8tOOk Ot
und, tO Qay mOnCy bCOtC t 8 duC, tO utn8h mOnCy
Ot a 8QCOHO QutQO8C undCt8tOOd bCtWCCn thC QattC8,
thC mOnCy Ot 8um CquVaCnt tO bC tCtutnCd, tO utn8h
mOnCy Ot gOOd8 Ot OthCt8 n CXQCOtatOn O tCmbut8C-
mOnCy Ot OOmmOdtC8utn8hCd On OtCdt. P Oan, Ot
gt Ot mOnCy adVanOCd tO bC tCQad OOndtOnay, may
bC CquVaCnt tO `Qay. Seeolo Advances.
PVuDC0 O1. O CXOhangC dtaWn bCOtC 8hQmCnt
O gOOd8.
PVuDC00Dt. mOnCy Ot QtOQCtty gVCn by a QatCnt tO
h8 Ohd Ot, 8OmCtmC8, QtC8umQtVC hCt, Ot CXQCndCd
by thC OtmCt Ot thC attCt8 bCnCHt, by Way OantOQa-
tOn O thC 8hatC WhOh thC Ohd W nhCtt n thC
QatCnt8 C8tatC and ntCndCd tO bC dCduOtCd thCtCtOm.
t 8 thC attCt OtOum8tanOC WhOh dCtCntatC8 an
adVanOCmCnt tOm a gt Ot a Oan.
PVuDC0 Qu0Dt. aymCnt8 madC n antOQatOn Oa
OOntngCnt Ot HXCd ututC abty Ot ObgatOn.
PVuDC0B. mOnCy8 Qad bCOtC Ot n adVanOC O thC
QtOQCt tmC O QaymCnt, mOnCy Ot OOmmOdtC8 ut-
n8hCd On OtCdt, a Oan Ot gt, Ot mOnCy adVanOCd tO bC
tCQad OOndtOnay. aymCnt8 adVanOCd tO thC OWnCt
O QtOQCtty by a aOtOt Ot btOkCt On thC QtOC O gOOd8
WhOh thC attCt ha8 n h8 hand8, Ot 8 tO tCOCVC, Ot
8aC. See olo Advance.
PVuDC0 BD00tB. amQhCt8 (Qub8hCd WCCky Ot a-
tOna bCQOttCt by8tCm) OOntanng thC mO8t tCOCnty
tCQOttCd OQnOn8 O 8QCOHO OOutt8 (e.g. CdCta bCQOtt-
Ct) Ot thC OOutt8 O 8CVCta ]ut8dOtOn8 (e.g. aOHO
bCQOttCt). hC VOumC and QagC numbCt8 u8uay atC
thC 8amC a8 n thC 8ub8CquCnty bOund VOumC8 O thC
tC8QCOtVC tCQOttCt 8CtC8, WhOh OOVCt 8CVCta numbCtCd
88uC8 O thC adVanOC 8hCCt8.
PVuDtu@1U. n Od QCadng, an adVantagC.
PV0Du /dV0na/. n bOman aW, OnC O OtCgn btth,
WhO ha8 Ct h8 OWn OOuntty and 8CttCd C8CWhCtC, and
WhO ha8 nOt aOqutCd OtZCn8hQ n h8 nCW OOaty,
OtCn OaCd olonus.
PV0Dt. P QCtOd O tmC tCOOgnZCd by thC ng8h
OOmmOn and COOC8a8tOa aW, bCgnnng On thC bunday
that a8 CthCt uQOn bt. PndtCW8 day, bCng thC th
OOVCmbCt, Ot thC nCXt tO t, and OOntnung tO Lht8t-
ma8 day.
PV0Dt1t1OUB /dVant8ha8/. hat WhOh OOmC8 nOdCn-
tay, OttutOu8y, Ot Out O thC tCguat OOut8C.
PV0Dt1t1UB /0dVant8h(y)a8/. Lat. OttutOu8, nO-
dCnta, OOmng tOm an unu8ua 8OutOC. Aduentttto
ono atC gOOd8 WhOh a tO a man OthCtW8C than by
nhCttanOC. Aduenttttodos 8 a dOWty Ot QOttOn gVCn
by 8OmC tCnd OthCt than thC QatCnt.
P V0Dtt0 1DBQ1C10DU /0d V8nttam n8Q8h-
yndam/. O n8QCOt thC WOmb. P Wtt Ot thC 8um-
mOnng O a ]uty O mattOn8 (. u.J tO dCtCtmnC thC
quC8tOn O QtCgnanOy.
PV0DtUtu /0dVantyuta/ Pn adVCntutC. Ot8am, ]Ct-
8am, and agOn atC 8tyCd oduentura morts (adVCntutC8
O thC 8Ca).
PV0DtUt0. P haZatdOu8 and 8ttkng CntCtQt8C. P
bOd undCttakngaOOOmQanCdbyQO88bChaZatd8, t8k
and unOtC8CCn CVCnt8.
P OOmmOn WOtd n matnC n8utanOC QOOC8, u8Cd a8
8ynOnymOu8, Ot nCaty 8O, Wth `QC8. P 8hQmCnt O
gOOd8 n OhatgC Oan agCnt tO C d8QO8Cd OOt thC bC8t
QtOC ObtanabC.
Aduenture, tllo n OOmmCtOa aW, a Wttng 8gnCd
by a mCtOhant, 8tatng that thC QtOQCtty n gOOd8
8hQQCd n h8 namC bCOng8 tO anOthCt, tO thC adVCn-
tutC Ot OhanOC OWhOh thC QCt8On 8O namCd 8 tO 8tand,
Wth a OOVCnant tOm thC mCtOhant tO aOOOunt tO hm
Ot thC QtOduOC.
Umssoduenture. n mattmC aW, a Oan On bOttOmty.
bO namCd bCOau8C thC CndCt, n Oa8C O a O88, Ot
CXQCn8C nOuttCd Ot thC OOmmOn 8aCty, mu8t OOnttb-
utC tO thC gross Ot gCnCta aVCtagC.
Jotnt oduenture. P OOmmCtOa Ot mattmC CntCtQt8C
undCttakCn by 8CVCta QCt8On8 ]Onty, a mtCd Qatt-
nCt8hQ,nOt mtCd n thC 8tatutOty 8Cn8C a8 tO thC
abty OthC QattnCt8, but a8 tO t8 8OOQC and dutatOn.
Pn a88OOatOn O tWO Ot mOtC QCt8On8 tO Oatty Out a
8ngC bu8nC88 CntCtQt8C Ot QtOHt, Ot WhOh QutQO8C
thCy OOmbnC thCt QtOQCtty, mOnC, CCOt8, 8k, and
knOWCdgC. P 8QCOa OOmbnatOn O tWO Ot mOtC QCt-
8On8, WhCtC, n 8OmC 8QCOHO adVCntutC, a QtOHt 8
]Onty 8Ought, WthOut any aOtua QattnCt8hQ Ot OOtQO-
tatC dC8gnatOn. See olso Jo|nt venture.
PV0DtUt0t. LnC WhO undCttakC8 unOCttan Ot haZatd-
Ou8 aOtOn8 Ot CntCtQt8C8. t 8 a8O u8Cd tO dCnOtC OnC
WhO 8CCk8 tO adVanOC h8 OWn ntCtC8t8 by un8OtuQuOu8
dC8gn8 On thC OtCduty O OthCt8.
PV0tBut COUDB0. buOh OOun8C, a8 tCqutCd tO bC
aQQOntCd n OOmmtmCnt QtOOCCdng8 ha8 thC 8amC
unOtOn8, dutC8 and tC8QOn8btC8 a8 OnC WOud haVC
OnC tCtanCd by thC QCt8On nVOVCd a8 h8 Ot hCt OWn
attOtnCy, and 8uOh dutC8 nOudC QtC8CtVng thC OOn-
dCnOC8 and 8COtCt8 O thC OCnt, CXCtO8ng ndCQCndCnt
QtOC88Ona ]udgmCnt On bChaO thC OCnt, tCQtC8Cnt-
ng thC OCnt OOmQCtCnty, and tCQtC8Cntng OCnt ZCa-
Ou8y Wthn thC bOund8 O thC aW. btatC CX tC. mCm-
mC V. mundy, W8.Zd Z, Z4J .W.Zd , .
PV0tBut QtOC001D@. LnC haVng OQQO8ng QattC8,
OOntC8tCd, a8 d8tngu8hCd tOm an CX QattC hCatng Ot
QtOOCCdng. LnC O WhOh thC Qatty 8CCkng tCC ha8
gVCn Cga nOtOC tO thC OthCt Qatty, and aOtdCd thC
attCt an OQQOttunty tO OOntC8t t. Seeolso Case. Com-
ore Ex parte.
PV0Wut BBt0. hC ]ut8ptudCnta nCtWOtk O
aW8, tuC8 and ptOOCdutC8 OhataOtCtZCd by OppO8ng
pattC8 WhO OOntCnd agan8t CaOh OthCt Ot a tC8ut
aVOtabC tO thCm8CVC8. n 8uOh 8y8tCm, thC]udgC aOt8
a8 an ndCpCndCnt mag8ttatC tathCt than ptO8COutOt,
d8tngu8hCd tOm nqu8tOta 8y8tCm.
PV0tB0. LppO8Cd, OOnttaty, n tC88tanOC Ot OppO8tOn
tO a Oam, appOatOn, Ot ptOOCCdng. MaVng OppO8ng
ntCtC8t8, haVng ntCtC8t8 Ot thC ptC8CtVatOn OWhOh
OppO8tOn 8 C88Cnta.
18C O and 8 `adVCt8C, a8 agan8t OWnCt, t 8 nOt
madC n 8ubOtdnatOn tO hm, 8 OpCn and nOtOtOu8 and
8 nOt WtOngu a8 tO hm, `adVCt8C mCan8 that OnC
makng u8C 8ha nOt tCOOgnZC n thO8C a8 agan8t WhOm
t 8 OamCd tObC adVCt8C an authOtty CthCt tO ptCVCnt
Ot u pCtmt t8 OOntnuanOC, and tCCt8 tO nOntCOOgn-
tOn O 8uOh authOtty at tmC u8C 8 madC. Cn8On V.
CkCtC, mO., 4Z4 b.W.Zd 1ZJ, 1o.
P8 tO odueme En|oyment, User, Verd|ct, W|tness, 8CC
thO8C ttC8.
PV0tB0 Cu1. Pn aCd tht O OnC pCt8On a88CttCd
agan8t thC ntCtC8t O anOthCt pCt8On.
PV0tB0 0DgO0Dt. See Adverse possess|on.
PV0tB0 1Dt0t0Bt. hC `adVCt8C ntCtC8t O a WtnC88,
8O a8 tO pCtmt OtO88-CXamnatOn by thC patty Oang
hm, mu8t bC 8O nVOVCd n thC CVCt OthC 8ut that a
CgatghtOt abty W bC aOqutCd, O8t, Ot matCta-
y aCOtCd by thC ]udgmCnt, and mu8t bC 8uOh a8 WOud
bC ptOmOtCd by thC 8uOOC88 OthC adVCt8atyOthC patty
Oang hm. See olso Adverse w|tness.
PV0tB0 1Dt0t0Bt tU0. autC O a patty tO ptOduOC a
WtnC88 WhO 8 Wthn h8 pOWCt tO ptOduOC and WhO
WOud natutay haVC bCCn ptOduOCd by hm, WhOh
autC pCtmt8 nCtCnOC thatCVdCnOC OWtnC88WOud
bC unaVOtabC tO patty8 Oau8C. CW ngand WhaCt8
MOOkCy Lub V. at, 1 LOnn.Ppp. o, 414 P.Zd o1,
PV0tB0 OQ1D1OD. P aOOOuntng tCtm u8Cd n OOnnCO-
tOn Wth thC 88uanOC O audtCd HnanOa 8tatCmCnt8.
Pn adVCt8C OpnOn 8tatC8 that thC Cntty8 HnanOa
8tatCmCn8 dO nOt ptC8Cnt aty thC HnanOa pO8tOn,
tC8ut8 O OpCtatOn8, and OhangC8 n HnanOa pO8tOn
n OOnOtmtyWth gCnCtay aOOCptCd aOOOuntng ptnO-
pC8 (LPP).
Pn CXpanatOn O thC dCpattutC tOm LPP mu8t bC
nOudCd n thC OpnOn. See Op|n|on (Accounttng) Ot
`quaHCd, `unquaHCd, and `d8OamCt OpnOn8.
PV0tB0 Qutt. PpattytO an aOtOn WhO8CntCtC8t8atC
OppO8Cd tO Ot OppO8tC thC ntCtC8t8 O anOthCt patty tO
thC aOtOn.
Aeol. Pn `adVCt8C patty CnttCd tO nOtOC O appCa
8 CVCty patty WhO8C ntCtC8t n tCatOn u thC]udgmCnt
Ot dCOtCC appCaCd tOm 8 n OOnOt Wth thC mOdHOa-
tOn Ot tCVCt8a 8Ought by thC appCa. buOh tCtm n-
OudC8 thC OOWng. VCty patty ntCtC8tCd n 8u8tan-
ng thC ]udgmCnt Ot dCOtCC. P pattC8 appCatng
agan8t O8ng patty unC88 tCVCt8a OOa8C W nOtbC tO
patty8 dCttmCnt. Pny patty WhO WOud bC ptC]udOa-
y aCOtCd by a mOdOatOn Ot tCVCt8a OthC]udgmCnt
appCaCd tOm. LnC WhO ha8 ntCtC8t n OppO8ng Ob]COt
8Ought u aOOOmp8hCd by appCa. atty tO tCOOtd,
WhO8C ntCtC8t n 8ub]COt-mattCt O appCa 8 adVCt8C tO
tCVCt8a Ot mOdHOatOn O]umCnt Ot OtdCt appCaCd
Otscoue. WhCn thC pattC8 CXOhangC pCadng8, OnC
a88Cttng a Oam Ot tCCagan8t thCOthCt,thC pattC8
atC `adVCt8C, Wthn tuC aOWng WtttCn ntCttOgatO-
tC8 tO bC 8CtVCd upOn any adVCt8C patty. LatCy V.
bOhudt, .L.La., 4Z .b.. J, J, J4, J.
PV0tB0 QOBB0BB1OD. P mCthOd O aOqu8tOn OttCtO
tCa ptOpCtty by pO88C88On Ot a 8tatutOty pCtOd undCt
OCttan OOndtOn8. LOWCty V. LatHCd LOunty, 1ZZ
mOnt. 11, Zo .Zd 41o, 4o. t ha8 bCCn dC8OtbCd a8
thC 8tatutOty mCthOd O aOqutng ttC tO and by mta-
tOn. Cd V. bO8by, CX.LV.Ppp., ZZ b.W.Zd 4o4, 4o.
COau8C OthC8tatutCOmtatOn8On thCbtngngO
aOtOn8 Ot thC tCOOVCty O and, ttC Oan bC aOqutCd tO
tCa ptOpCtty by adVCt8C pO88C88On. n OtdCt tO C8tab-
8h ttC n th8 mannCt, thCtC mu8t bC ptOO OnOnpCt-
m88VC u8C WhOh 8 aOtua, OpCn, nOtOtOu8, CXOu8VC
and adVCt8C Ot thC 8tatutOty ptC8OtbCd pCtOd. byan
V. btaVtO8, 4o ma88. Z1, Z ..Zd o. btatC 8tatutC8
dCt Wth tC8pCOt tO thC tCqutCd Cngth O pO88C88On
tOman uppCt mt OZ yCat8 tO a OWCt OnC O yCat8,
Wth CVCn mOtC CXttCmC tmC pCtOd8 OOVCtng OCttan
8pCOa Oa8C8. hCtC may bC dCtCnt pCtOd8 O tmC
CVCn Wthn a 8ngC 8tatC, dCpCndng On WhCthCt Ot nOt
thC adVCt8C pO88C88Ot ha8 OOOt O ttC and/Ot WhCthCt
Ot nOt taXC8 haVC bCCn pad. n 8OmC Oa8C8 a OngCt
pO88C88On 8 tCqutCd agan8t pubO CnttC8 than
agan8t ndVdua8.
PdVCt8C pO88C88On dCpCnd8 On ntCnt O OOOupant tO
Oam and hOd tCa ptOpCtty n OppO8tOn tO a thC
WOtd, bCttO V. bObCtt8, 111 Lt. 1Z1, 1 .Zd Z4o, and
a8O CmbOdC8 thC dCa that OWnCt OOt pCt8On8 ntCtC8t-
Cd n ptOpCtty haVC knOWCdgC OthC a88CttOn OOWnCt-
8hp by thC OOOupant, Cd V. bO8by, CX.LV.Ppp., ZZ
b.W.Zd 4o4, 4o.
PdVCt8C pO88C88On OOn88t8 O aOtua pO88C88On Wth
ntCnt tO hOd 8OCy Ot pO88C88Ot tO CXOu8On O OthCt8
and 8 dCnOtCd by CXCtO8C O aOt8 O dOmnOn OVCt and
nOudng makng OOtdnaty u8C and takng OOtdnaty
ptOHt8 O WhOh and 8 8u8OCptbC n t8 ptC8Cnt 8tatC.
1. b. V. Lhatham, .L..L., Zo .bupp. ZZ, ZZ.
SeeolsoConstruct|ve adverse possess|on, Host||e, Pos-
sess|on (Hosttleossesston; Uen ossesston), Notor|ous
possess|on, Prescr|pt|on, Tack|ng.
PV0tB0 UB0. 18C WthOut OCn8C Ot pCtm88On, an
CCmCnt nCOC88aty tO aOqutC ttC Ot Ca8CmCnt by ptC-
8OtptOn. bhuggat8 V. takC, Z4o md. o, Z4 P.Zd 1Z.
PV0tB0 W1tD0BB. P WtnC88 WhO gVC8 CVdCnOC On a
matCtamattCtptC]udOa tO thC pattythCn CXamnng
hm. LOmmOny u8Cd u dC8OtbC a WtnC88 WhO8C tC8t-
mOny 8 ptC]udOa Ot unaVOtabC tO thC patty WhO
OaCd hm and a8 a tC8ut, 8uOh WtnC88 may bC m-
pCaOhCd. OtCmO8t atC8 nO. O bOuth V. LutCt, a.
Ppp., Z1Z bO.Zd 1, 4, 41. See olso Adverse |nterest,
Host||e oradverse w|tness.
PV0tBUB /0dVat8a8/. n thC OV aW, agan8t (contmJ.
Aduemus onos mo~s, agan8t gOOd mOta8.
/0dVat8a8 Ck8ttCynyOW8 V8hyWZa paZC8h(y)OW
ptOWdC8y 8Wat/. tOt pO88C88On 8 a gOOd ttC O
OWnCt8hp agan8t a WhO OannOt 8hOW a bCttCt.
PV0tt1B0. O adV8C, annOunOC, appt8C, OOmmand, gVC
nOtOC O, nOtm, makC knOWn, pub8h. O Oa a mat-
tCt tO thC pubO attCntOn by any mCan8 What8OCVCt.
Pny Ota, WtttCn, Ot gtaphO 8tatCmCnt madC by thC
8CCt n any mannCt n OOnnCOtOn Wth thC 8OOtatOn
O bu8nC88 and nOudC8, WthOut tatOn bCOau8C O
CnumCtatOn, 8tatCmCnt8 and tCptC8CntatOn8 madC n a
nCW8papCt Ot OthCt pubOatOn Ot On tadO Ot tCCV8On
Ot OOntanCd n any nOtOC, handb, 8gn, OataOg, Ot
CttCt, Ot ptntCd On Ot OOntanCd n any tag Ot abC
attaOhCd tO Ot aOOOmpanyng any mCtOhand8C. P8 d8-
tngu8hCd tOm OthCt Otm8 O OOmmunOatOn mCan8 tO
Oa a mattCt tO thC pubO attCntOn. tCCman V.
LtCCnbtat MOmC8, nO., CX.Ppp.aa8, 11 b.W.Zd
J4, J1. a8C and dCOCptVC adVCtt8ng 8 tCguatCd
by thC CdCta tadC LOmm88On and 8mat 8tatC
agCnOC8. See olso Pr|nters | nk Statute.
Comorottue oduerttstng. PdVCtt8ng that 8pCOHOay
OOmpatC8 thC adVCtt8Cd btand Wth OthCt btand8 O thC
8amC ptOduOt.
Comettttueoduerttstng. PdVCtt8ngthat OOntan8 ba8-
Oay ttC nOtmatOn and 8 u8Cd Ony tO aOW a
ptOduOCt tO mantan a 8hatC O thC matkCt Ot that
!nJormottue oduerttstng. PdVCtt8ng that gVC8 nOt-
matOn abOut thC 8utabty and quaty OptOduOt8. O
bC OOntta8tCd Wth OOmpCttVC adVCtt8ng.
PV0tt1B00Dt. OtOC gVCn n a mannCt dC8gnCd tO
atttaOt pubO attCntOn. dWatd8 V. LubbOOk LOunty,
CX.LV.Ppp., b.W.Zd 4oZ, 4o4. nOtmatOn OOmmu-
nOatCd tO thC pubO, Ot tO an ndVdua OOnOCtnCd, a8
by handb8, nCW8papCt, tCCV8On, bbOatd8, tadO.
t8t at. LOtpOtatOn V. CttnC, JJ mOnt. 44, 4 .Zd
11, 111.
PV1C0. NCW, OpnOn, nOtmatOn, thC OOun8C gVCn
by aWyCt8 tO thCt OCnt8, an OpnOn CXptC88Cd a8 tO
W8dOm O ututC OOnduOt. MughC8 V. Nan tuggCn, 44
.m. 4, 1 .Zd 4J4, 4J. See olo Adv|se.
hC n8ttuOtOn u8uay gVCn by OnC mCtOhant Ot
bankCt tO anOthCt by CttCt, nOtmng hm O8hpmCnt8
madC tO hm, Ot O b8 Ot dtat8 dtaWn On hm, Wth
pattOuat8 O datC, Ot 8ght, thC 8um, an thC payCC.
8 ptC8CntCd Ot aOOCptanOC Ot paymCnt atC tCquCnt-
y d8hOnOtCd Ot ont oJodutce.
PV1C0 O COUDB0. P dCCn8C u8Cd n aOtOn8 Ot ma-
OOu8 ptO8COutOn WhOh tCqutC8 a Hndng that dCCn-
dant ptC8CntCd a aOt8 tO h8 OOun8C and that hC
hOnC8tyOOWCd OOun8C8 adVOC. OyCn V. taOy, Z4
ma88. 1, 1o, 14J .. 14.
PV1C0 O Ct01t. OtOC by an adV8ng bank O thC
88uanOC O a CttCt O OtCdt.
P V1 ugOt0 V0 u CuBUB OttU1tUB DOD t0D0tUt
QU1B, D1B1 BUu CUQu 1Dt0tV0D0t1t /0d Vm ma]tam V8
0d kCy8a8 att(y)uWata nOn tanytat kW8, n8y8ay
8(y)a kapa ntatVantat/. O OnC 8 hCd tO an8WCt
Ot thC CCOt8 Oa 8upCtOt OtOC, Ot O aOOdCnt8, unC88
h8 OWn aut ha8 OOnttbutCd.
PV1But0 /0dVaZCty/ OtuV1But1 /0dVaZCtay/. Lat. O
OOn8ut, dCbCatC, OOn8dCt, adV8C, tO bC adV8Cd. LO-
Outtng n thC phta8C curto odutsort uult(.u.), (u8uay
abbtCVatCd cur. odu. uult, Ot A.V), thC OOuttW8hC8 tO
bC adV8Cd, Ot tO OOn8dCt thC mattCt.
PV1B0. O gVC an OpnOn Ot OOun8C, Ot tCOOmmCnd a
pan Ot OOut8C OaOtOn, a8O tO gVC nOtOC. O CnOOut-
agC, nOtm, Ot aOquant. t 8 dCtCnt n mCanng
tOm `n8ttuOt Ot `pCt8uadC. MughC8 V. Nan tug-
gCn, 44 .m. 4, 1 .Zd 4J4, 4J1. WhCtC a 8tatutC
authOtZC8 thC tta OOutt tO odutse thC ]uty tO aOqut,
thC OOutt ha8 nO pOWCt tO tntruct thC ]uty tO aOqut.
hC OOutt Oan Ony OOun8C, and thC ]uty atC nOt bOund
by thC adVOC. `PdV8C mOtt8 that t 8 d8OtCtOnaty
Ot OptOna Wth thC pCt8On addtC88Cd WhCthCt hC W
aOt On 8uOh adVOC Ot nOt.
PV1B0. tCpatCd tO gVC]udgmCnt, atCt CXamnatOn
and dCbCtatOn. .g. `hC OOutt tOOk tmC tO bC ad-
PV1B0. Wth dCbCtatOn, ntCntOnay.
PV1B00Dt. LOn8dCtatOn, dCbCtatOn, OOn8utatOn.
hC OOn8utatOn O a OOutt, atCt thC atgumCnt O a
Oau8C by OOun8C, and bCOtC dCVCtng thCt OpnOn.
n tC MOhOt8t, 1 1.b. , 14 b.Lt. ZZ1, 1 L.d. 1Z11.
PV1B1D@ OuDB. P bank WhOh gVC8 nOtHOatOn OthC
88uanOC O a CttCt O OtCdt by anOthCt bank. 1.L.L.
PV1BOt. LOun8Cng, 8uggC8tng, Ot adV8ng, but nOt
mpCtatVC Ot OOnOu8VC. P VCtdOt On an 88uC Out O
OhanOCty 8 adV8Oty.
PV1BOt COUDB0. PttOtnCy tCtanCd tO gVC adVOC a8
OOntta8tCd Wth tta OOun8C.
PV1BOt gUt. n aOtOn8 n CdCta LOutt n WhOh
thCtC 8 nO]uty tta a8 Otght, OOutt may tty Oa8C Wth
an adV8Oty ]uty and t8 VCtdOt 8 nOt bndng On OOutt.
Cd.b.LV.. J(O). See olso Jury.
PV1BOt OQ1D1OD. buOhmaybC tCndCtCd bya OOutt at
thC tCquC8t O thC gOVCtnmCnt Ot an ntCtC8tCd patty
ndOatng hOW thC OOutt WOud tuC On a mattCt 8hOud
adVCt8aty tgatOn dCVCOp. Pn adV8Oty OpnOn 8
thu8 an ntCtptCtatOn OthC aW WthOut bndng CCOt.
WhC thC ntCtnatOna LOutt OJu8tOC and 8OmC 8tatC
OOutt8 W tCndCt adV8Oty OpnOn8 thC CdCta OOutt8
W nOt, thCt ]ut8dOtOn bCng tC8ttOtCd tO Oa8C8 Ot
OOnttOVCt8C8. Comore Dec|aratory |udgment. See olo
PV1BOt tt1u. SeeAdv|sory |ury.
PV1BOt V0tU1Ct. SeeAdv|sory |ury.
P V1tu /dvaytam/. or ife. 1nJeodo, uelod uttom;
in fee, or for ife.
P V1tu uUt CUQu /d vaytam ot kpam/. or ife
or unti faut. Words descriptive of a tenure of ofce
'for ife or good oehavior,' eguivaent to uomdtu ene
PVOCuC /dvakasiy/. The act ofpeadingfor,support-
ing, or recommending active espousa. Gitow v. eope
ofbtate ofNewYork, Zo U.b. Z, 4 b.Ct. Z, Z, J
L.Ld. II3.
PVOCut0 /dvakeriy/. Lat. To defend, toca to one's
aid, to vouch, to warrant.
PVOCuBB10 /dvakasiy/. L. r. The ofce of an advo-
cate, advocacy.
PVOCutu /vakeyta/. n od Lngish aw, a patroness,
a woman who had the right of presenting to a church.
PVOCut0 /dvakeyt/, u. To speak infavor of or defend
oy argument. To support, vindicate, or recommend
PVOCut0 /dvakat/, n. One who assists, defends, or
peads for another. One who renders ega advice and
aid and peads the cause of another oefore a court or a
triouna, acounseor. A personearnedin the aw, and
duy admitted to practice, who assists his cient with
advice, and peads or him in open court. An assistant,
adviser, a peader of causes.
PVOCut1 /vakeytay/. Lat. n Koman aw, patrons,
peaders, speakers.
PVOCut1u /dvakeysh(iy)a/. n the civi aw, the guai-
ty, function, priviege, or territoria jurisdiction of an
advocate. The functions, duty, or priviege of an advo-
PVOCut1 0CC0B18 /advakeytay akyziyiy/. Advocates
of the church. A term used in the eccesiastica aw to
denote the patrons of churches who presented to the
iving on an avoidance. This term was aso appied to
those who were retained to argue the cases of the
church. These were of two sorts. those retained as
peaders to argue the cases of the church and attend to
its aw-matters, andadvocates, or patrons ofthe advow-
PVOCut1 BC1 /advakeytay say/. n civi aw, those
chosen oy the emperor to argue his cause whenever a
guestion arose affecting his revenues. B.Comm. Z.
Advocates of the sc, or revenue, sca advocates (ut
cousom Jtsct egtssentJ. Answering, in some measure, to
the king's counse in Lngish aw.
PVOCut1D@ OV0ttDtOW O @OV0tD0Dt. buch conduct
u a federa crime. 1o U.b.C.A. Zo4, Zo.
PVOCut1OD0 0C1utU /advowkeyshiywniy desa-
meram/. A writ which ay for tithes, demanding the
fourth part or upwards, that oeongd to any church.
PVOCutOt /advowkeytar/. n od practice, one who
caed on or vouched another to warrant a tite, a
voucher. Aduocotus; the person caed on, or vouched,
a vouchee.
PVOCutUB /advowkeytas/. A peader, a narrator. n
the civiaw, an advocate, onewhomanagedor assisted
in managing another's cause oefore a judicia triouna.
Caed aso otmnus. ' But distinguishedfromcoustdt-
PVOCutUB 1uOO1 /advowkeytas dayoaay/. n ecce-
siastica aw, the devi's advocate, the advocate who
argues against the canonization of a saint.
PVOCutUB 0Bt, u QU0 Q0tt1D0t gUB uVOCut1OD1B
u1CUgUB 0CC0B18, Ut u 0CC0B1u, DO1D0 QtOQt1O,
DOD u10DO, QOBB1t Qt8B0Dtut0 /advowkeytas est, ad
kwem prtanat js advowkeyshiywnas aiykyas
akyziyiy, ad akyziyam, nmaniy prwpriyow, non
aiyynow, psat prezanteriy/. A patron is he to whom
appertainsthe rightofpresentation to achurch, in such
a manner that he may present to such a church in his
own name, and not in the name ofanother.
P VOUDtut0 /advoanteytam/. At wi. Aduolunto-
tem domtnt, at the wi of the ord.
PVOUtt0t /advawtrar/. n od Lngish aw, an aduter-
PVOUtt /advawtriy/. n od Lngish aw, adutery
oetween parties ooth of whom were married. Or the
offense oy an aduteress of continuing to ive with the
man with whom she committed the adutery. bome-
times speed 'advowtry.' See AdvOutrer.
PVOW00, or uVOW00 /a(d)vawy/. The person or pa-
tron who has a right to presentto a oenefice.
PVOW00 QutuOUDt. The sovereign, or highest pa-
PVOWBOD /advawzan/. n Lngish eccesiastica aw,
the right of presentation to a church or eccesiastica
oenefice, the right of presenting a t person to the
oishop, tooeoyhim admitted and institutedtoacertain
oenece within the diocese, which has oecome vacant.
The person enjoying this right is caed the 'patron'
gotronusJ of the church, and was formery termed od-
uocotus,' the advocate or defender, or in Lngish, od-
uoee.' When there is no patron, or he negects to
exercise his rightwithin six months, it is caed a lose,
and atite is given to the ordinaryto coateto achurch.
when apresentation is made oy onewho has no right, it
is caed a usurotton.
Advowsons are of different kinds.
Aduoson oendontis an advowson annexed to a man-
or, and passingwith it, as incidentorappendanttoit,oy
a grant of the manor ony, without adding any other
words. Z B.Comm. ZZ.
Aduoson collottue. Where theoishop happens himsef
to oe the patron, in which case (presentation oeing
impossioe, or unnecessary) he does oy one act, which is
termed collotton,' or conferring the oene-
ce, a that is usuay done oy the separate acts of
presentation and institution. Z B.Comm. ZZ, Z.
Aduoson donottue exists where the patron has the
right to put his cerk in possession oy his mere gift, or
deed of donation, without any presentation to the oish-
op, or institution oy him. Donative oeneceswere con-
verted into resentottue oy the Beneces Act of 1oJo.
Aduoson tn gross is an advowson separated from the
manor, and annexed to the person. Z B.Comm. ZZ.
Aduoson resentottue is the usua kind of advowson,
where the patron has the right of resentotton to the
oishop, or ordinary, and moreover to demand of him to
institute his cerk, ifhe nds him canonicay guaied.
Z B.Comm. ZZ.
PVOWtt /advawtriy/. See Advoutq.
P WutuCtU /ad warektam/. To faow.
0B /ydiyz/. Lat. n the civi aw, a house, dweing,
tempe, pace ofhaoitation, whetherin the city or coun-
try. n the country everything upon the surface ofthe
soi passed under the term des. '
1Cut0 /ydafakeriy/. Lat. n civi and od Lngish
aw, to make or ouid a house, to erect a ouiding.
1Cut0 U tUO QtOQt1O BOO DOD 1C0t QUO ut0t1
DOC0ut /ydafakeriy in t(y)wow prwpriow swow non
aysat kwod taray nsiyat/. To ouid upon your own
and what may injure another is not awfu. A proprie-
tor of and has no right to erect an edice on his own
ground, interfering with the due enjoyment ofadjoining
premises, as oy overhangingthem, oroythrowingwater
from the roof and eaves upon them, or oy oostructing
ancient ights and windows.
1CutU BOO BOO C01t /ydafakeytam swow sow
sydat/. What isouit upon andoeongs to orgoeswith
1C1u BOO C0UDt /ydash(iy)a swow sydant/.
Buidings oeong to[go with| the soi.
11tU 01CtU /yd!tam ydktam/. n the Koman
aw, the diitian Ldict. An edict providing remedies
for frauds in saes, the execution of which oeonged to
the curue adies. That provision oy which the ouyer of
a diseased orimperfect save, horse, orother anima was
reieved at the expense ofthe vendor who had sod him
as sound knowing him to oe imperfect.
0BD. n od Lngish aw, the remuneration to the
proprietor ofadomain for the priviege offeeding swine
under the oaks and oeeches of his woods.
@tOtO /iygrtow/. Lat. Being sick or indisposed. A
term used in some of the oder reports.
@0. Uncompensated, unpaid for, unavenged. rom
the participe of excusion, o, , or ex, (Gth.) and gtld,
payment, reguita.
/ey/. A Norman rench term signifying 'grandfa-
ther.' t is aso speed oteul'and oyle. '
QU1Ot 0Bt 1BQOB1t1O 0@1B QUu DO1D1B /ykwiyor
est dispazsh(iy)ow _as kwam hmanas/. The disposi-
tion of the aw is more eguitaoe than that of man.
QU1tuB /ykwatas/. n the civi aw, eguity, as opposed
to strtctum or summum )us (.u.J. Otherwise caed
uum, uum onum, uum et onum, uum et
)ustum. Seequum et bonum est |ex |egum.
QU1tuB u@1t U Q0tBODu /ykwatas eyjat n
parswnam/. Lguity acts upon the person.
QU1tuB 0Bt COtt0Ct1O 0@1B @0D0tu1t0t ut8, QUu
Qutt0 0C1t /ykwatas estkareksh(iy)ow_asjenarey-
atar eytiy, kwey partiy defasat/. Lguity u the correc-
tion ofthatwherein the aw, oy reason ofits generaity,
is decient.
QU1tuB 0Bt COtt0Ct1O QU8u 0@1 uD1O1tu, QU1u uO
0u uO0Bt u1QU1 QtOQt0t @0D0tu0 B1D0 0XC0Qt1OD0
COQt0D0DB1OD0 /ykwatas est kareksh(iy)ow
kwydam _ay ad(h)oata, kwaya ao ya est akwad
prptar jenareyam sayniy eksepshiywniy komprahen-
shiywnam/. Lguity is a certain correction appied to
aw, oecause on account of its genera comprehensive-
ness, without an exception, something is aosent from it.
QU1tuB 0Bt Q0t0Ctu QU8u tut1O QU8 gUB BCt1QtU
1Dt0tQt0tutUt 0t 00Dut; DUu BCt1QtUtu COQt0-
D0DBu, B0 BOU U V0tu tut1OD0 CODB1Bt0DB
/ykwatas est parfekta kwydam reyshiyow kwy jos
skrptam intarprateytar et amendat, na skriptyra
komprahensa, sed swam in vra reyshiywniy
kansstenz/. Lguity is a certain perfect reason, which
interprets and amends the written aw, comprehended
in no writing, out consisting in right reason aone.
QU1tuB 0Bt QUuB1 8QUu1tuB /ykwatas est kweysay
iykwo!tas/. Lguity is as it were eguaity, eguity is a
species of eguaity or eguaization.
QU1tuB 1@DOtuDt18 OQ1tUutUt, OBC1tuDt18 DOD 1t0
/ykwatas gnarnshiyiy owptyaeytar, osatnshiyiy
non aytam/. Lguity assists ignorance, out not careess-
QU1tuB DOD uC1t gUB, B0 gUt1 uUX11utUt /ykwatas
non feysat js, sed jy ogziyeytar/. Lguity does not
make aw, out assists aw.
QU1tuB DUDQUu CODttuV0D1t 0@1B /ykwatas noq-
kwam kontravynat yjas/. Lguity never counteracts
the aws.
QU1tuB B0QU1tUt 0@0 /ykwatas sekwatar yjam/.
Lguity foows theaw.
QU1tuB BUQ0tVuCUu O1t /ykwatas swparvkyuwa
owdat/. Lguity aohors superHuous things.
QU1tuB UXOt1OUB, 1O0t1B, Ct01tOt1OUB uX10 uV0t
/ykwatas axoriyoas, oaras, kredatoriyoas mk-
samiy feyvat/. Lguity favors wives and chidren, credi-
tors most of a.
QUU 0t OODU 0Bt 0X 0@U /ykwam at oownam
est eks ygam/. What is eguitaoe and good is the aw
of aws.
QUUB /ykwas/. Lat. Lgua, even. A provision in a
wi for the division of the residuary estate ex uus
among the egatees means eguay or eveny.
tu, or 0tu /ra/. A xed point of chronoogica time,
whence any numoer of years is counted, thus, the
Christian era oegan at the oirth of Christ, and the
Mohammedan era at the Hight of Mohammed from
Mecca u Medina. Thederivation ofthewordhasoeen
much contested.
tut1U /reriyom/. Lat. n the Koman aw the trea-
sury (JtscusJ.
B /yz/. Lat. n the Koman aw, money (iteray,
orass), metaic money in genera, incuding god.
P0B u10DU /yz aiyynom/. A civi aw term signify
ing a deot. Literay transated, the money of another.
The civi aw considered oorrowed money as the proper-
ty ofanother, as distinguishedfroms suum, one's own
BD0C1u /ysnysh(iy)o/. n odLngish aw, Lsnecy, the
right or priviege ofthe edest oorn.
BD0C1UB /ysnyshiyos/. See Anec|us, snec|a.
B BUU /ys s(y)wom/. One's own money. n the
Koman aw, deot, a deot, that which others owe to us
(uod oltt nots deentJ.
P0BtD0t1C /osetik/. Keating to that which is oeautifu
or in good taste.
P0BtD0t1C VuU0. The artistic worth of something as
contrasted with its practica vaue.
Bt1ut1O CuQ1t1B /estomeysh(iy)owkotos/. Lat. The
vaue ofahead. n baxon aw, the estimation or vaua-
tion ofthe head, the price orvaue ofaman. The price
to oe paid for taking the ife ofahuman oeing. By the
aws of Athestan, the ife of every man not excepting
thatofthe kinghimsefwas estimated at acertain price,
which was caed the ere, or sttmotto cottts.
Bt1ut1O Qt8t0t1t1 01Ct1 0X QOBtt0O uCtO DUD-
QUu Ct0BC1t /estomeysh(iy)ow proterotay daktay eks
powstrymow fktow nqkwom kresot/. The weight ofa
past offense is never increased oy a suoseguent fact.
tuB /ytas/. Lat. n the civi aw, age.
tuB 1DuDt18 (aso written 1DuDt11) QtOX1u /ytas
infnshiyiy prksoma/. The age next to infancy, the
rst hafofthe period ofchidhood guertttoJ, extending
fromsevenyears toten and ahaf. 4B.Comm. 22. See
tuB 0@1t1u /ytas !jtomo/. Lawfu age. See Lega|
age, Ma|or|ty.
tuB Q0t0Ctu /ytasparfekto/. Compete age, fuage.
tuB Qt1u /ytas prayma/. The rst age, infancy
tuB QUO0ttut1 QtOX1u /ytas pywoorteytay
prksoma/. The age next to puoerty, the ast haf of
the period of chidhood guertttoJ, extending from ten
and a haf years to fourteen, in which there might or
might not oe crimina responsioiity according to natu-
ra capacity or incapacity. 4 B.Comm. 22. See Age.
tut0 QtOOuDu /yteytiy prowondo/. A writ (now
oosoete)which inguiredwhetherthe king'stenanthod-
ing in chief oy chivary was of fu age to receive his
ands. t was directed to the escheater of the county.
tD01D@ /yaiq/. n baxon aw, a nooe, generay a
prince of the oood.
P...L. Aid to amiieswithDependent Chidren.
Pu1t. (r.). A aw suit.
Pu1tB. An incusive term, oringing within its scope
and meaninganythingthataperson maydo. Wakerv.
United btates, C.C.A.Mo., 93 .2d 383, 39I. A person's
concerns in trade or property, ousiness. That which is
done or to oe done. Generaoperationscarriedonoyan
empoyer. Gocsv.ThomasL.CoaeCoaCo., I42a.bu-
per. 479, IA.2d 72, 723. SeeolsoStatement of affa|rs.
P0Ct. To act upon, inHuence, change, enarge or
aoridge, often used in the sense of acting injuriousy
upon persons and things. To ay hod ofor attack (as a
diseasedoes), toact, orproducean effect orresutupon,
to impress or inHuence(the mind or feeings), to touch.
P0Ct1D@ CO0tC0. Any activity which touches or
concernsousinessorindustry,favoraoy or ourdensome-
y, commony used within context of Laoor Manage-
ment Keations Act regarding a aoor dispute which
ourdens commerce. U. b. v. Kicciardi, C.A.N.Y., 37
.2d 9I, 9.
The term 'affecting commerce' means in commerce,
orourdeningor oostructingcommerceorthefreeHowof
commerce, or having ed or tending to ead to a aoor
dispute ourdening or oostructing commerce or the free
How ofcommerce. Nationa Laoor Keations Act, 2(7),
29 U.b.C.A. I2.
The term 'industry affecting commerce' means any
industry or activity in commerce or in which a aoor
dispute woud ourden or oostruct commerce or tend to
ourden or oostruct commerce or the free How of com
merce. Laoor Management Keations Act, I(I), 29
U.b.C.A. I42.
P0Ct1OD. hemaking over, pawning, or mortgaging of
athing to assurethepaymentofasum ofmoney, orthe
discharge of some other duty or service. n a medica
sense, an aonorma oodiy condition.
P0Ct1O tUu DO0D 1QOD1t OQ0t1 tUO /ofeksh(iy)ow
t(y)uo nwman mpwnot wporay t(y)wow/. Your
disposition (or motive, intention) gives name (or charac-
ter) to your work or act.
P0CtUB /ofektos/. Disposition, intention, impuse or
affection ofthe mind. One ofthe causesfor a chaenge
of a juror isrotero[ectum, on account of a suspicion
of tos or favor. 3 B.Comm. 33.
P0CtUB QUD1tUt 1C0t DOD B0QUutUt 00CtUB /afektos
pyuwnaytor aysat non sokweytor ofektas/. The inten-
tion is punished athough the intended resut does not
P00t /or/. To assess, iguidate, appraise, x in
P00tOtB /ororz/. n common aw, persons who, in
court-eets, upon oath, setted and moderated the nes
and amercements imposed on those who had committed
offenses aroitrariy punishaoe, or that had no express
penaty appointedoy statute. Theywere asoappointed
to moderate fnes, etc., in courts-oaron.
P0t0t /afarmey/. L. r. To et to farm. Aso to
make sure, to estaoish or conrm.
PuDC0. Toassureoy pedge. Anagreementoy which
a man and woman promise that they wi marry each
PuDt /afayant/. The person who makes and suo-
scrioes n amdavit. The word is used, in this sense,
interchangeaoy with 'deponent.' But the atter term
shoudoereservedas the designation ofone who makes
a deposition.
Put0 /afaderiy/. At common aw, to swear faith to,
topedgeone's faith or do featy oymakingoath. Used
of the mutua reation arising oetween andord and
tenant. I B.Comm. 37. Amdavit is ofkindredmean-
Put1 /afaderay/. To oe mustered and enroed for
sodiers upon an oath of deity.
Put1O /afadeysh(iy)ow/. At common aw, aswearing
of the oath of deity or of featy to one's ord, under
whose protection the guasi-vassa has vountariy come.
Put1O O1DOtU /afadeysh(iy)ow domanoram/.
Anoath taken oythe ords inpariament.
PutUB /afadeytas/. Atcommon aw onewho was not
avassa, outwhoforthe sake ofprotection had connect-
e himsef with one more powerfu.
PuV1t /afadeyvat/. A written or printed decaration
or statement of facts, made vountariy, and conrmed
oy the oath or afrmation ofthe party making it, taken
oefore a person having authority to administer such
oath or afrmation. btate v. Knight, 2I9 Kan. 83, 49
.2d I397, I4I. See olo Cert|f|cat|on, Jurat, Ver|f|ca-
PuV1t O 00DB0. An affidavit stating that the
defendant has agood defense to the paintifts action on
the merits, e.g. afdavit ed with motion forsummary
judgment. ed.K. Civi . (e).
PuV1t O By court rue in certain states,
suostituted service of process may oe had on aosent
defendants if it appears oy amdavit of paintifts attor-
ney, or other person having knowedge ofthe facts, that
defendant cannot, after diigent inguiry, oe served with-
in the state.
PuV1t O 0t1tB. One setting forth that the defen-
dant has a meritorious defense (suostantia and not
technica) and stating the facts constituting the same.
SeeAff|dav|t of defense.
PuV1t O DOt1C0. A sworn statement that afant has
given proper notice ofhearing to other parties to action.
PuV1t O B0tV1C0. An afdavit intended to certify
the service of a writ, notice, summons, or other doc-
ument or process. n federa courts, if service is made
oy a person other than a United btates Marsha or his
deputy, he sha make amdavit thereof. ed.K. Civi .
PuV1t tO DO tO Ou1. An afdavit reguired in
manycasesoeforethe defendant in acivi action mayoe
arrested. buch an amdavit must contain a statement,
ceary and certainy expressed, oy someone acguainted
with the fact, of an indeotedness from the defendant to
the paintiff, and must show a distinct cause of action.
Put0 /aiyeriy/. L. Lat. To puton record, toe or
afe. AJJtletur, et it oe ed. Oe recordo oJJtlotum,
afed ofrecord.
P0 /afay/. A term empoyed in od practice, signify-
ing to put on e. n modern usage it is contracted to
P1ut0 /aiyeyt/. bignies a condition ofoeing unit-
ed, oeing in cose connection, aied, associated, or at-
tached as a memoer or oranch.
AJJtltote comony. Company effectivey controed oy
another company. A oranch, division, or suosidiary.
Under nvestment Company Act (I U.b.C.A. 8a-2),
company in which there is ownership (direct or indirect)
of percent or more of the voting stock.
Corporations which are reated as parent and suosidi-
ary, characterized oy identity of ownership of capita
stock. Northeastern Conso. Co. C. v. U. b., C.A.., 4
.2d 7, 79. See olso Ho|d|ng company.
P1ut1OD. Act or condition of oeing afiated, aied,
or associatedwithanotherperson, oody, or organization.
mports ess than memoership in an organization, out
more than sympathy, and aworking aiance tooringto
fruition the poscrioed program ofaproscrioedorganiza-
tion, as distinguished from mere co-operation with a
proscrioed organization in awfu activities, is essentia.
Bridgesv. Wixon, CaL, 32 U.b. I3, b.Ct. I443, I447,
89 L.Ld. 2I3. t incudes an eement of dependaoiity
upon which the organization can rey which, though not
eguivaent to memoership duty, rests upon course of
conductthatcoud notoe aorupty endedwithoutgiving
at east reasonaoe cause for charge of oreach of good
faith. U. b. ex re. Kettunen v. Keimer, C.C.A.N.Y., 79
.2d 3I, 3I7. See olo Assoc|at|on.
Theactofimputing or determiningthepaternity ofa
chid oorn out of wedock, and the ooigation to main-
tain it. See Patern|ty su|t or act|on.
PD0B /afayniyz/. n the civi aw, connections oy
marriage, whether of the persons or their reatives.
Neighoors, who own or occupy adjoining ands. rom
this word is derived amnity, denoting reationship oy
marriage. The singuar, oJJtnts, is sed in avariety of
reated signications-a ooundary, a partaker or shar-
er, oJJtnts cul (an aider or one who has knowedge of
a crime).
PD1tuB /anatas/. Lat. n the civi aw, amnity,
reationshipoy marriage.
PD1tuB uD1tut1B /anatasanateytas/. Kemoterea-
tionship oy marriage. That connection oetween parties
arising from marriage which is neither consanguinity
nor affinity. This term signies the connectionoetween
the kinsmenofthetwo persons married, as,forexampe,
the husoand'sorother and the wife's sister.
PD1t /anatiy/. A cose agreement, reation, sptrt-
tua reation or attraction hed to exist oetween certain
persons. btate ex inf Norman v. Lis, 32 Mo. I4, 28
b.W.2d 33, 37. Keation which one spouseoecause of
marriage has to oood reatives of the other. btate v.
Hooper, I4 Kan. 48I, 37 .2d 2.
The connection existing, in conseguence of marriage,
oetween each ofthe married persons and the kindred of
the other. Kest v. Lewis, I9 Ohio bt. 3I7, I9 N.L.2d
449, 4.
Degrees of reationship oy afnity are computed as
are degrees of reationship oy consanguinity. The doc-
trine of afnity grew out of the canonica maxim that
marriage makes husoand and wife one. The husoand
has the same reation, oy amnity, to his wife's oood
reatives as she has to them oy consanguinity and vice
versa. btate v. Hooper, I4 Kan. 48I, 37 .2d 2.
Afnity is distinguished into three kinds. (I) Otrect,
or that suosisting oetween the husoand and his wife's
reations oy oood, or oetween the wife and the hus-
oand's reations oy oood, (2) secondo, or that which
suosistsoetween the husoand and his wife's reations oy
marriage, (3) colloteml, or that which suosists oetween
the husoand and the reations of his wife's reations.
n a arger sense, consanguinity or kindred.
QuutoJJtntty. nthe civi aw,the afnity which exists
oetween two persons, oneofwhom hasoeen oetrothed to
a kinsman of the other, out who have never oeen mar-
P . To ratify, uphod, approve, make rm, conrm,
estaoish, reassert. To make affirmation, to make a
soemn and forma decaration or asseveration that an
afdavit is true,thatthewitnesswi te the truth,etc.,
thisoeingsuostitutedforan oathincertaincases. Aso,
to give testimony on afrmation. See Aff|dav|t, Jurat,
Judgment. n thepractice ofappeatecourts,to o[trm
ajudgment, decree, or order, is to decare that it isvaid
and right and must stand as rendered oeow, to ratify
and reassert it, to concur in its correctness and confirm
its emcacy. fthe appeate court remondedthe case, it
woudoesendingitoacktothe ower courtwith instruc-
tions u correct the irreguarities specied in the appe-
ate opinion. f the appeate court reuersed the court
oeow, it woud have changed the resut reached oeow.
Pleodtng. To aege or aver a matter offact, to state it
amrmativey. The opposite of deny or traverse.
PtuDC0. The conrming, or ratifying of a former
aw, orjudgment. The conrmation and ratication oy
an appeate court of ajudgment, order, or decree of a
ower court orought oefore it for review. See Aff|rm.
The ratication or conrmation ofavoidaoe contract
or act oy the party who is to oe oound thereoy. The
term is in accuracy to oe distinguished from rottJtcotton,
whichis a recognition ofthevaidity or oinding force as
against the party ratifying, of some act performed oy
another person, and from conJtrmotton, which woud
seem to appy more propery to cases where a douotfu
authority has oeen exercised oy another in oehafofthe
person ratifying, out these distinctions are not genera-
y ooserved.
PtuDC0 u @0D0tu. n the Lngish court of ex-
cheguer, a day appointed oy the judges of the common
peas, andoaronsoftheexcheguer,tooehed afewdas
after theoeginningofeverytermforthegenera afrm-
ance or reversa ofjudgments.
PtuDt /afrmant/. A person who testies on amr-
mation, orwho afrms instead oftakingan oath. Used
in afdavits and depositions which are o[trmed, instead
of sworn to in pace of the word 'deponent.' See olso
Aff|rmat|on, Jurat, Ver|f|cat|on.
PtuDt1, DOD D0@uDt1 1DCUO1t QtOOut1O
/afarmntay, nnnagntay inkmoat prowoesh(iy)ow/.
The ourden o proof ies upon him who amrms, not
upon one who denies.
PtuDt1B 0Bt QtOOut0 /afarmntas est prowoeriy/.
Hewho afrms must prove.
Ptut1OD. A soemn andformadecaration or assev-
eration that an amdavit is true, that the witness wi
te the truth, etc., this oeing suostituted for an oath in
certain cases. A soemn reigious asseveration in the
nature of an oath. See olso Conf|rmat|on, Jurat, Oath,
Ptut1OD O uCt. A statement concerning a suoject-
matter of a transaction which might otherwise oe ony
an expression of opinion out which is affirmed as an
existingfactmateria to the transaction, and reasonaoy
inducesthe other partyto consider and reyuponit, as a
Ptut1O UD1UB 0XCUB1O 0Bt ut0t1UB
/afarmeysh(iy)ow yuwnayas ekskwzhiyow est
otriyas/. The afrmance of one thing is the excusion
of the other.
Ptut1V0. Thatwhich decares positivey, thatwhich
avers a fact to oe true, that which estaoishes, the
opposite of negative.
As to o[trmottue Plea, Proof, Warranty, see those
Ptut1V0 uCt1OD QtO@tuB. Lmpoyment programs
reguired oy federa statutes and reguations designed to
remedy discriminatory practices in hiring minorit
group memoers, t.e. positive steps designed to eiminate
existing and continuing discrimination, to remedy in-
gering effects of past discrimination, and to create sys-
tems and procedures to prevent future discrimination,
commony oased on popuation percentages of minority
groups in a particuar area. actors considered are
race, coor, sex, creed and age. Nationa Laoor Kea
tions Board v. anstee Metaurgica Corporation, 3
U.b. 24, 9 b.Ct. 49, 497, 83 L.Ld. 27, NationaLaoor
Keations Board v. Leviton Mfg. Co., C.C.A.2, III .2d
I9, 2I.
Ptut1V0 CDut@0. The genera 'amrmative charge'
is an instruction to thejury that, whatever the evidence
may oe, defendant cannot oe convicted under the count
in the indictment to which the charge is directed.
PtHut1V0 000D90. n peading, matter asserted oy
defendant which, assuming the compaint to oe true,
constitutes a defense to it. A response to a paintifts
caim which attacks the paintifts legol right to oring
an action, as opposed to attacking the truth of caim.
Under the ed. Kues ofCivi rocedure, and aso under
moststate Kues, aamrmativedefensesmustoe raised
in the responsive peading (answer), such defenses in-
cude accord and satisfaction, assumption of risk, con-
triouto negigence, duress, statute of imitations, es-
toppe, etc. bee ed.K. Civi . 8(c).
Afrmative defenses in crimina cases incude insani-
ty,intoxication,sef-defense, automatism,coercion, aioi,
and duress. bee e.g. Mode ena Code 3.I ustica-
tion as afrmative defense).
P ut1V0 0u90H0Dt. An easementwhichgivesto the
owner of the dominant tenement the right to use the
servient tenement, or to do some act thereon which
woud otherwise oe unawfu. Cements v. Tayor, Tex.
Civ.App., I84 b.W.2d 48, 487.
P ut1V0 Qt0@DuDt. n common aw peading, an
afrmative aegation impying some negative in favor
of the adverse party.
PtHut1V0 QtOO. buch evidence of the truth of mat-
ters asserted as tends to estaoish them, regardess of
character ofevidence offered.
PtHut1V0 t0110. Keief, oenet, or compensation
which may oe due and granted to defendant. Keieffor
which defendant might maintain an action independent-
y ofpaintifts caim and on which he might proceed to
recovery, athough paintiffaoandoned his cause of ac-
tion or faied to estaoish it. bpecic performance (. u.J
is a type of amrmative reief that may oe granted to
PtHut1V0 9tutUt0. A statute couched in amrmative
or mandatory terms. One which directs the doing ofan
act, ordecares what sha oe done, as anegottuestatute
is one which prohioits a thing from oeing done, or
decareswhat sha not oe done.
P ut1V0 WuttuDt. SeeWarranty.
PX. ix or fasten in any way, to attach physicay.
Toattachto, inscrioe, or impress upon, as asignature, a
sea, a trade-mark. To attach, add to, or fasten upon,
permanenty, as in the case ofxtures annexed to rea
estate. A thingis deemed to oe afxed to and when it
is attached to it oy the roots, as in the case of trees,
vines, or shruos, or imoedded in it, as in the case of
was, or permanenty resting upon it, as in the case of
ouidings, or permanenty attached to what is thus
permanent, as oy means of cement, paster, nais, oots,
or screws. See F|xture.
PX1D@. becurey attached.
PXU9 /aksas/. n the civi aw, afxed, xed, or
fastened to.
P1Ct1OD. A distress of mind or oody, that which
causes continuing anguish or suffering.
POtut0 /afareriy/. To set a price or vaue on a thing.
POtutU9 /afareytas/. Appraised or vaued, as things
vendioe in a market.
POtC0 /afrs/. To add to, to increase, to strengthen,
to add force to.
POtC0 tD0 u991Z0 /afors iy asayz/. n od Lngish
practice, a method ofsecuring a verdict, where the jury
disagreed, either oy conning them without meat and
drink, or, more ancienty, oy adding other jurors to the
pane, to a imited extent, unti tweve coud oe found
who were unanimous.
POtC1uH0DtUH /aforshamentam/. n od Lngish aw,
a fortress or stronghod, or other fortication. The
caing of a court upon a soemn or extraordinary occa-
POt09t /aforast/. To convert and into a forest in the
ega sense ofthe word.
POt09tut1OD /aforasteyshan/. The turning of a part of
a country into forest or woodand or suojecting it to
forest aw, .u.
POUu@0 /afuwzh/. n rench aw, the right of the
inhaoitants of a commune or section of a commune to
takefromtheforestthere-woodwhich is necessary for
their use.
PuDCD1t /afronshr/. L. r. To set free.
PuDCD190 /afrnchayz/. To ioerate, to make free.
Pu. A puoic offense at common aw, it is the mutu-
a comoat oftwo ormore persons in apuoic pace to the
terror of the peope. Matter of Drakeford, 32 N.C.App.
II3, 23b.L.2d779, 782. t differs from ariotorduein
not oeing premeditated. ayne v. btate, Aa.Cr.App.,
39I bo.2d I4. See olo D|sorder|y conduct, Due|, F|ght,
P0CtuH0DtUH /afrektamentam/. Affreightment, a
contract for the hire of a vesse.
P01@DtH0Dt /afreytmant/. A contract of affreight-
ment is a contract with a ship-owner to hire his ship, or
part ofit,forthe carriage ofgoods. Theredbmartey,
Jr., C.C.A.Va., I.2d 97I, 973. buchacontractgener-
ay takes the form either ofa charter-party or of a oi
of ading.
P0t0H0Dt fretmn/. r. n renchaw, the hiring
of a vesse, affreightment (. u.J. Caed aso noltsse-
/fray/. n od Lngish aw, powcatte, ouocks
or pow horses. AJJrt, or oJrt coruc; oeasts of the
PODt /afrnt/. An insut or indignity, assaut, inso-
P D0 OtC0 /eyfayn fors/. Of pure necessity.
P... American ederation of Laoor. Merged with
CO (Congress of ndustria Organizations) in I9.
P OtC0 /eyfrs/. Ofnecessity.
P OtC0 0t utH19 /ey frs et armos/. With force and
POt0H0Dt1OD00. See Aforesa|d.
POt09u10. Before, or aready said, mentioned, or recit-
ed, premised. receding, opposite of foowing.
POt0tDOU@Dt. n crimina aw, deioerate, panned,
premeditated, prepense. As used in the denition of
murder in the rst degree, meansthoughtofoeforehand
and for any ength of time, however short, oefore the
doing ofthe act, and is synonymous with premeditation.
See Mal|ce aforethought, Premed|tat|on.
P Otu1t 0t 9uD9 @utuDt10 /B forfey ey sn garonty/.
n rench aw, a formua used in indorsing commercia
paper, and eguivaent to 'without recourse.'
P Ott1Ot1 /ey forshiyray/. With stronger reason,
much more. A term used in ogic to denote an argu-
ment to the effect that oecause one ascertained fact
exists, therefore another, which is incuded in it, or
anaogous to it, and which is ess improoaoe, unusua,
or surprising, must aso exist.
P0t. Later, succeeding,suoseguentto,inferiorinpoint
oftime or ofpriorityor preference. buoseguentin time
to. Cheney v. Nationa burety Corporation, 2 A.D.
I4I, I N.Y.b.2d7. On andafter. NewYork Trust
Co. v. ortand Ky. Co., I97 A.D. 422, I89 N.Y.b. 34,
P0t-uCQU1t00. Acguired after a particuar date or
event. Thus, a judgment is a ien on after-acguired
reaty, t.e.,andacguiredoy the deotorafterentry ofthe
P0t uCQU1t00 QtOQ0tt. roperty of deotor which is
acguired after security transaction covering property
aready owned is perfected. roperty acguiredafterthe
date ofthe agreement usuay oecomes additiona securi-
ty for payment of the indeotedness if an after-acguired
property provision is incuded in the agreement. bee
UCC 9-24, and After acqu|red property c|ause, tnJm.
May aso refer to property acguired oy testator after
execution of wi.
n oankruptcy aw, withcertainexceptions, the oank-
ruptcy estate incudes any interest in property that the
estate acguires after commencement ofthe case. Bank-
ruptcy Code 4I(a).
P0t uCQU1t00 QtOQ0tt C1uU90. A cause in a mort-
gage providing that any property acguired oy the oor-
rower after the date of the oan and mortgage wi
automaticay oecome additiona security for the oan.
P0t uCQU1t00 t1t10. Doctrine under which tite ac-
guired oy grantor who previousy attempted to convey
tite to and which he did not in fact own, inures
automaticay to oenet of prior grantees. Morris v.
utischa, I94 Ok. 224, I48 .2d 98, 987. The doctrine
provides that, athough the sae ofanother's property is
nu, the purchaser is entited to the oenet ofany tite
suoseguenty acguired oy the seer. Acree v. bhe Oi
Co., D.C.La., 4 .bupp. II, II. See Estoppe| (s-
toel ydeedJ.
Pt0t OOtD CD110. Kefersto chidoorn after execution of
wi or to chid oorn after time in which cassgift coses.
Generay, oirth of chid after father has executed his
wi does not revoke wi. See En ventre sa mere, He|rs,
Posthumous ch||d.
Pt0t OOW D01t9. A person entited to property oorn
after the death of the ancestor intestate. See Descent,
Pt0t-019COV0t00. Discovered or made known after a
particuardate or event.
Pt0t-019COV0t00 0V100DC0. See Ev|dence.
P0tHutB0t. Termdescrioingthemarket for a securi-
ty after it has oeen initiay sod oy the issuer through
P0tDOOD. May mean the whoe time from noon to
midnight (e.g. U.C.C. 4-I4(I)(o) , or it may mean the
earier part of that time as distinguished from evening,
or may mean that part of day oetween noon and eve-
P0t 91@Dt. This term as usedin aipayaoeso many
days after sight, means after ega sight, that is, after
ega presentment for acceptance. The mere fact of
having seen the oi or known of its existence does not
constitute ega 'sight.'
P0ttD0 uCt. buoseguent to an eventfromwhichtime
is reckoned,e.g. accessory after fact is one who haroors,
conceas or aids in conceament of the principa feon
after the feony has oeen committed.
Pt0ttDOU@Dt. Athoughtcomposedafterthe event and
with deioeration.
P0tWut0, u0tWut09. buoseguent i point of time,
synonymous with 'thereafter.'
P@u1D9t. Adverseto, contrary. n re Dean'sLstate,3
Mo. 494, I b.W.2d 29, 33. bignies discord or
conHict, opposed to, withoutthe consentof, in conHict
with. bometimes meaning 'upon,' which is amost, if
not atogether, synonymous with word 'on.' Northern
ac. Ky. Co. v. Gas Deveopment Co., I3 Mont. 2I4, 2
.2d 24, 2.
P@u1D9t 1Dt0t09t. Commonyusedto descrioe a decara-
tion or admissionoy one, the content ofwhichis adverse
to his position, interest or tite, e.g. , an exception to
hearsay rue is a decaration oy one against his pecuni-
ary or proprietary interest at the time when it was
made. ed.Lvid.Kue 84. Seeolso Adm|ssion, Dec|ara-
t|on (Oeclomttons ogotnst tnteresO.
P@u1D9t QUO11C 1Dt0t09t. An agreement or act which is
orhasoeendecaredtooeadverseto thegeneragoodor
puoic wefare, such that a judge may on his own
decare void. See Pub||c |nterest.
P@u1D9t tD0 0V100DC0. See Aga|nst the we|ght of the
P@u1D9t tD0 OtH O tD0 9tutUt0. Technica words
which must oe used in framing an indictment for a
oreach of the statute prohioiting the act compained of.
The Latin phrase is contro Jormon stotutt, g.u.
P@u1D9t tD0 uW. A decision is 'against the aw' for
purposes of amotion for new tria where the evidence is
insufcient in aw andwithoutconHicton any materia
point. n re Marriage of Beiock, 8I C.A.3d 7I3, I4
Ca.Kptr. 7, 84. buch exists when there is a faiure
to nd on materia issue, or when ndings are irrecon-
ciaoe or where evidence is insufcient in aw and
without conHict on any materia point. bchmetzer v.
Gregory, 2 C.A.2d 42, 72 CaLKptr. I94, I9.
P@u1D9ttD0 Q0uC0. Atechnicaphrase used in aeging
a oreach of the peace.
P@u1D9t tD0 W01@Dt O tD0 0V100DC0. Contrary to the
evidence. Kusse v. iger, II3 Vt. 37, 37 A.2d 43,
4II. A nding is 'against the manifest weight of the
evidence' if an opposite concusion is ceary evident.
Burke v. Board of Keview, 2 Dist., I32 LApp.3d I94,
87 .Dec. 823, 477 N.L.2d I3I, I3. or judgement
to oe considered such, it must appear that concusions
opposite to those reached oy the trier offactare ceary
evident. Woodv. inoisLiguorContro Commission,
LApp.3d 228, I3 LDec. 43, 37I N.L.2d I38, I4. fa
verdictis against the weight oftheevidence,anew tria
may oe granted under ed.K.Civ.. 9(a). See olso D|-
rected verd|ct, Non obstante verd|cto, We|ght of evl-
P@u1D9t tD0 W1. Technica words used in framing an
indictment for roooery from the person, rape and some
other offenses. See olso Coerc|on, Duress, Force.
P@uHu /ogmo/. An impression or image of anything
on a seaL
P@ut0 /ogard/. L. r. An award. ^ul Jottogord /n
feyt agard/, no award made.
P@ut00t /agardey/. L. r. Toaward,adjudge, or deter-
mine, to sentence, or condemn.
P@0. The ength of time during which a person has
ived. The time at which one attains fu persona
rights and capacities. n aw the term signies those
periods inthe ives ofpersons ofooth sexes whichenaoe
them to do certain acts which, oefore they had arrived
at those periods, they were prohioited from doing. See
e.g. Age of consent, Age of ma|or|ty, Legal age, Ma|or|ty.
As used in particuar statutes, the term impies dis-
aoiity and, oy denition,has oeenappiedto a minors
under a certain age and to others disaoed oy od age.
Hampton v. Lwert, C.C.A.kL, 22 .2d 8I, 87.
P@0 019Ct1H1Dut1OD uCt. edera egisation prohioiting
unfair and discriminatory treatment in empoyment on
theoasis ofage. The Actgeneraycovers individuasat
east 4 years of age. Age Discrimination in Lmpoy-
mentAct of I97, as amended. 29U.b.C.A. 2I etseg.
P@00 Q0t9OD. One advanced in years, refers to his or
her chronoogica, not menta age.
P@0DC. A reationship oetween two persons, oy agree-
ment or otherwise, where one (the agent) may act on
oehafofthe other (the principa) and oind the principa
oy words and actions. Keation in which one person
acts for or represents another oy atter's authority,
either in the reationship ofprincipa and agent, master
and servant, or empoyer or proprietor and independent
contractor. Gorton v. Doty, 7 daho 792, 9 .2d I3,
I39. t aso designates a pace at which ousiness of
company or individua is transacted oy an agent. John-
son reight Lines v. Davis, I7 Tenn. I77, 93 b.W.2d
37, 39. The reation created oy express or impied
contract or oy aw, whereoy one party deegates the
transaction of some awfu ousiness with more or ess
discretionary power to another, who undertakes to
manage the affairand render to himan accountthereof.
btate ex reL Cities bervice Gas Co. v. uoic bervice
Commission, 337 Mo. 89, 8 b.W.2d 89, 894. Or rea-
tionship where one person condes the management of
some affair, to oe transacted on his account, to other
party. Or where one party is authorized to do certain
acts for, or in reation to the rights or property of the
other. But means more than tacit permission, and
invoves reguest, instruction, or command. Kee v. U.
b.,C.C.A.Wash., 3 .2d 8, I. The consensua reation
existing oetween two persons, oy virtue of which one is
suoject to other's controL Tarver, bteee & Co. v. en-
deton Gin Co., Tex.Civ.App., 2 b.W.2d I, I9.
Agency is the fiduciary reation which resuts from
the manifestation of consent oy one person to another
that the other sha act on his oehaf and suoject to his
contro, and consent oy the other so to act. Kestate-
ment, becond, Agency I.
See olso Agent, Author|ty.
Actuol ogency. Lxists where the agent is reay em-
poyed oy the principaL
Admtntstrottue ogency. See Adm|n|strat|ve agency.
Agencyyestoel. Onecreatedoy operation ofawand
estaoished oy proof of such acts of the principa as
reasonaoy ead third person to the concusion of its
existence. Arises where principa, oy negigence in fai
ing to supervise agent's affairs, aows agent to exercise
powers not granted to him, thus justifying others in
oeievingagentpossesses reguisite authority.
Oeed oJ ogency. A revocaoe and vountary trust for
pament of deots.
Oel credere. Type ofagencyin which agentis entrusted
with goods, documents or securities and in which he is
given oroad authority to coect from the ouyer and in
some cases has oeen hed responsioe for the ouyer's
xclustue ogency. An agreement y owner that during
ife ofcontract he wi not se property to a purchaser
procured oy another agent, which agreement does not
precude ower himsef from seing to a purchaser of
his own procuring, whie a contract giving a oroker
'excusive sae' is more than such excusiveagency, and
is an agreement oy the owner that he wi not se the
propertyduringtheifeofthe contract to anypurchaser
not procured oy the oroker in guestion. Seeolo Exc|u-
s|ve agency.
xecuttue ogency. bee that tite.
Uenerol ogency. That which exists when there is a
deegation to do a acts connected with a particuar
trade, ousiness or empoyment. t impies authority on
thepartoftheagentto actwithoutrestrictionorguai-
cation in a matters reating to the ousiness of his
1mlted ogency. One created oy act of parties and
deduced from proof of other facts. t is an actua
agency, proved oy deductions or inferences from other
facts, and third party need have no knowedge of the
principa's acts, nor have reied on them.
One which occurs when agent and principa have no
express understanding as to agent's appointment out
their conduct suggests agency arrangement, and nding
of impied agency depends on facts and circumstances
for which principa is responsioe which impy that
principa intended to create agency. btram v. Mier,
Mo.App., 3 b.W.2d 29, 274.
1nteruentng ogency. bee that tite.
Ustenstleogency. Onewhich existswhere the principa
intentionay or o want ofordinary care causes a third
person to oeieve another to oe his agent who is not
reay empoyed oy him. See olso Agency y estoel,
Sectolqen. One inwhichtheagentis authorized to
conduct a singe transaction or a series of transactions
not invoving a continuity of service.
Untuemol ogency. One in which agent u empowered to
conduct every transaction awfuy deegaoe oy princi-
pa to agent.
P@0DC O OQ0tuI1OD O uW. See Agency y estoel
under Agency, sum.
P@0DC COUQ00 W1ID H 1DI0t09I. A reationship
known to the aw of agency wherein the agent has an
interest in the property or suoject matter in which he is
deaing. This specia type of agency reationship wi
not terminate automaticay upon the death ofthe prin-
nterest in continuedexistence ofpower or authority
to act with reference to ousiness, where secured oy
contract and oased on consideration moving from agent
to principa ooking to exercise of power as means of
reimoursement, creates agency couped with an interest.
Agent must have an interest or estate in the thing to oe
disposed of or managed under the power.
P@0DC 1D uCI. An agency reationship estaoished oy
agreement of principa and agent as distinguished from
one imposed oy aw, e.g. agency oy estoppe.
P@0DC O ID0 D1I00 IuI09. A department, division,
or administration within the federagovernment.
P@0DC t0uI1OD9D1Q. An empoyment for purpose of
representation in estaoishing ega reations oetween
principa and third persons. See Agency, Agent.
P@0DC 9DOQ. A union-security device whereoy, in or-
der to continue empoyment, any nonunion memoer
empoyee is reguired to pay to the Union sums eguiva-
ent to those paid oy union memoers, either in an
amount egua to ooth union dues and initiation fees, or
in an amountegua to dues aone. icek v. nternation-
a Broth. of Boiermakers, ron bhip Buiders, Back-
smiths, orgers and Hepers, Loca # 47, N.D., 2I9
N.W.2d 8, 82. See olo Open shop.
P@0D0u. Memoranda of things to oe done, as items o
ousiness or discussion tooeorought up ata meeting, a
program consisting of such items.
P@0D091u /eyjonyz(i)ya/. mpotentiagenerandi, sexua
impotence, incapacity for reproduction, existing in ei-
ther sex, whether arising from structura or other
P@0Dt10u. n baxon aw, the true master orowner ofa
P@0DD1Du. n baxon aw, aguest at an inn, who, having
stayed thereforthree nights, was then accounted one of
the famiy.
P@0D9 /eyjonz/. Lat. An agent, a conductor, or manag-
er ofaffairs. Distinguished fromJoctor, a workman. A
P@0DI. Aperson authorizedoy another (principa)to act
for or in pace of him, one intrusted with another's
ousiness. Humphries v. Going, D.C.N.C., 9 .K.D. 83,
87. One who represents and acts for another under
the contract or reation of agency (. u.J. A ousiness
representative,whosefunctionis to oringaoout, modify,
affect, accept performance of, or terminate contractua
ooigations oetween principa and third persons. One
who undertakesto transact someousiness, or to manage
some affair, for another, oy the authority and on ac-
count ofthe atter, and to render an account ofit. One
who acts for or in pace of another oy authority from
him, a suostitute, a deputy, appointedoy principa with
power to do the things which principa may do. One
who deas not ony with things, as does a servant, out
with persons, using his own discretion as to means, and
freguenty estaoishing contractua reations oetween
his principa and third persons.
One authorized u transactaousinessofprincipa, or
a ofprincipa's ousiness osome partiar kind, or a
ousiness at some particuar pace. arm Bureau Mut.
ns. Co. v. Cofn, I3 nd.App. I2, I8 N.L.2d I8, I82.
See olso Agency, Barga|n|ng agent, Corporate agent,
Fore|gn agent, Forward|ng agent, | nnocent agent, Sen-
ant, So||c|t|ng agent, Subagent, Transfer agent.
Aorent ogent or ostenstle ogent. One whom the
principa, either intentionay or oy want of ordinary
care, induces third persons to oeieve to oe his agent,
though he has not, either expressy or oy impication,
conferredauthority on him. A person who, whether or
not authorized, reasonaoy appears to third person, oe-
cause of manifestations ofanother, to oe authorize to
actasagentforsuchother. Kestatement, becond,Agen-
cy 8.
Borgotntngogent. See Barga|n|ng agent.
Co-ogent. One who shares authority to act for the
principa with another agent and who is so authorized
oy the principa.
Otlomottc ogent. One representing government in
deaings with foreign government.
Ouol ogent. See Co-ogent, ooue.
xclustue ogent. The ony agent permitted to act for
principa in a particuar territory or matter, though the
principa may act for himsef, t.e. excusive saes territo-
ry given to agent does not oar principa from seing in
this territory. btahman v. Nat' Lead Co., C.A.Miss.,
3I8 .2d 388, 393.
1oretgn ogent. See Fore|gn agent.
Uenemlogency ustness. One not engaged as agent for
singe rm or person, out hoding himsef out to puoic
as oeing engaged in ousiness of oeing agent. Comer v.
btateTax Commission of New Mexico, 4I NM. 43, 9
.2d 9.
Ueneml ogent. One who is authorized to act for his
principa in a matters concerning particuar ousiness
or empoyment of particuar nature. Morpu Kesearch
Corp. v. Westover Hardware, nc., 23 N.C. 7I8, I4
b.L.2d 4I, 4I8. Comore Sectol ogent, elo.
Htgh monogertol ogent. An ofcer of a corporation or
any other agent in a position of comparaoe authority
with respect to formuation of corporate poicy or the
supervision in a manageria caacity of suoordinate
1ndeendentogent. Onewho is an independentcontrac-
tor exercising his own judgment and suoject to the one
who hired him ony for the resut of the work per-
formed. Donroy, Limited v. U. b., C.A.Ca., 3I .2d
2, 2.
1nsumnce ogent. See |nsurance.
Locologent. Oneappointed to actastherepresentative
of a corporation and transact its ousiness generay (or
ousiness of a particuar character) at a given pace or
within a dened district.
Monogtngogent. Aperson who is investedwithgenera
power, invoving the exercise of judgment and discre-
tion, as distinguishedfroman ordinary agent orempoy-
ee, who acts in an inferior capacity, and under the
direction and contro of superior authority, ooth in re-
gard u the extent of the work and the manner of
executing the same. One who has excusive supervision
and contro of some department of a corporation's ousi-
ness, the management ofwhich reguires of such person
the exercise of independent judgment and discretion,
and the exercise ofsuch authoritythat it may oe fairy
said that service of summons upon him wi resut in
notice to the corporation.

Merconttle ogents. Agents empoyed for the sae of

goods or merchandise are caed 'mercantie agents,'
and are oftwo principa casses,-orokers and factors (.
u.J , a factor is sometimes caed a 'commission agent,'
or 'commission merchant.'
!tuoteogent. An agent acting for an individua in his
private affairs, as distinguished from a ultc agent,
who represents the government in some administrative
Pltc ogent. An agent of the puoic, the state, or the
government, a peson appointed to act for the puoic in
somematterpertaining tothe administration ofgovern-
ment or the puoic ousiness. Whiteside v. United
btates, 93 U.b. 247, 23 L.Ld. 882.
Reol-estoteogent. ersonwhoseousinessit is to se, or
offer for sae, rea estate for others, or to rent houses,
stores, or other ouidings, or rea estate, or to coect
rent for others.
Sectol ogent. One empoyed to conduct a particuar
transaction or piece of ousiness for his principa or
authorized to perform a specified act. An agent autho-
rized to conduct a singe transaction or a series of
transactions not invoving continuity of service. Kowen
& Bair Lectric Co. v. ushing Operating Corp.,
Mich.App. 48, 239 N.W.2d 33, 38. Comore Sectol
ogent, ooue.
Suogent. One authorized oy agent to hep perform
functions for principa. Generay, asent express or
impIied authority, an agent has no authority to appoint
a suoagent. The suoagent is suoject to contro oy ooth
agent and principa. Kestatement, becond, Agency .
Suertor ogent. See Htgh monogertol ogent, ooue.
TonsJer ogent. Any person who engages on oehaf of
an issuer ofsecuritiesor onoehafofitsefas an issuer
ofsecurities in (A) countersigning such securities upon
issuance, (B) monitoring the issuance ofsuch securities
with a view to preventing unauthorized issuance, a
functioncommonyperformedoy apersoncaedaregis-
trar, (C) registering the transfer of such securities, (D)
exchanging or converting such securities, or (L) trans-
ferring record ownership of securities oy oookkeeping
entry withoutphysica issuance ofsecuritiescerticates.
becurities Lxchange Act of I934, 3, I U.b.C.A. 78c.
Undercouer ogent. bee thattite.
Untuersol ogent. See Untuemol ogency under topic
P@0Dt09 0t COD90Dt10Dt09 Qut1QuDu Q10Ct0DtUt /ojen-
tiyz ot konsenshiyentiyz peray piyno pektentor/. Act-
ingand consenting parties are iaoetothe same punish-
P@0Dt QtOVOCut0Ut /e_ont provokot(y)r/. A spy, a
secretagenthired to penetrate an organization to gath-
er evidence against its memoers or to incite trouoe.
P@0Dt9 110D. The ega right agreed in advance to
payment from a principa for services rendered oy an
P@0 O COD90Dt. Age at which persons may marry
without parenta approva. Age at which a femae is
egay capaoe of agreeing to sexua intercourse and
oeow which age the mae commits statutory rape ifhe
has sexua intercourse with her. See olo Legal age,
Major|ty, Statutory rape.
P@0 O HugOt1t. Age at which a person may contract
sut )urts, now I8 in most jurisdictions. bometimes
referred to as fu age, ega age, majority, aduthood.
Age at which one may execute a vaid wi or vote, age
atwhichpaymentsforsupportoy parents maygeneray
oe terminated. See olo Legal age, Ma|or|ty.
P@0 O t0u9OD. Age at which a chid is deemed to oe
capaoe of acting responsioy, commony the age of 7.
ngenera, one oetween the ages of7 and I4 isreoutt-
aoy presumed to oe incapaoe of committing a crime.
Beowtheageof7 achid isconcusiveypresumedtooe
incapaoe of committing crime. See lnfancy.
P@0t /e_or/. Lat. A ed, and generay. A portion
ofand encosed oy denite ooundaries.
P@@tuVut0. See Aggravat|on.
P@@tuVut00 ut9OD. See Arson.
P@@tuVut00 u99uU1t. A person is guity of aggravated
assaut if he. attempts to cause serious oodiy injury to
another, or causes such injury purposey, knowingy or
reckessy under circumstances manifesting extreme in-
difference to the vaue of human ife, or, attempts to
cause or purposey or knowingy causes oodiy injury to
another with a deady weapon. Mode ena Code,
2II. I(2). n a jurisdictions statutes punish such
aggravated assauts as assaut with intent to murder (or
roo or ki or rape) and assaut with a dangerous (or
deady) weapon more severey than 'simpe' assauts.
Seeolo Assault.
P@@tuVut00 Outt0t. Unawfu appication of force to
another characterized oy unusua or serious conse-
guences or attending circumstances such as adangerous
weapon. This offense was unknown at common aw.
SeeAggravated assault.
P@@tuVut00 tOOO0t.. See Robbery.
P@@tuVut1D@ C1tCUH9tuDC09. See Aggravat|on.
P@@tuVut1OD. Anycircumstance attendingthecommis-
sion of a crime or tort which increases its guit or
enormity or adds to its injurious conseguences, out
which is aoove and oeyond the essentia constituents of
the crime or tort itsef. eope v. Kooinson, 4I N.L.2d
793, 799. See e.g. Aggravated assault.
P@@t0@ut0. Lntire numoer, sum, mass, or guantity of
something, tota amount, compete whoe. One provi-
sion under wi may oe the aggregate if there are no
more units to fa into that cass. Composed of severa,
consisting ofmany persons united together, a comoined
whoe. See olo Jo|nder.
P@@t0@ut0 COtQOtut1OD. See Corporat|on.
P@@t0@ut0 1DCOH0. Tota income of husoand and wife
who e ajoint tax return.
P@@t0@ut0 tD0OtOQuttD0t9D1Q. Apartnershipisthe
totaity of persons engaged in a ousiness and not an
entity in itsef as in the case of a corporation.
P@@t0@ut1O H0Dt1UH /grogeysh(iy)ow mensh(iy)om/.
Themeeting ofminds. Themoment when a contract is
compete. A supposed derivation of the word 'agree-
ment,' .u.J.
P@@t0@ut1OD /agrogeyshon/. The comoination oftwo or
more eements in patent caims, each of which is un-
reated, and each of which performs separatey and
without cooperation, where comoination does not define
a composite integrated mechanism. Bowser, nc. v. U.
b., 388 .2d 34, 3I, I8I Ct.C. 834. Term means that
the eements of a caimed comoination are incapaoe of
co-operation to produce a unitary resut, and in its true
sense does not need prior art patents to support it.
P@@t0@ut1OD 0OCtt1D0. Kue which precudes totaing
of caims for edera jurisdictiona amount purposes.
Georgia Ass'n of ndependent ns. Agents v. Traveers
ndem. Co., D.C.Ga., 3I3 .bupp. 84I, 842.
P@@t099Ot. One who rst empoys hostie force. enn
v. Henderson, I74 Or. I, I4 .2d 7, 7. The party
who rst offers vioence or offense. He who oegins a
guarre r dispute, either oy threatening or striking
another, that justifies ike response.
P@@t099OtCOtQOtut1OD. Acorporationthatattemptsto
ootain contro of a puoicy hed corporation, often oy a
directcashtenderor puoic exchange offer to sharehod-
ers, out aso possioy oy way of merger, which reguires
agreement or assent of the target's management. See
Leveraged buyout, Tender offer.
P@@t10V00. Having suffered oss or injury, damnied,
P@@t10V00 Qutt. One whose ega right is invaded oy
an act compained of, or whose pecuniary interest is
directy and advesey affected oy a decree orjudgment.
One whose right of property may oe estaoished or
divested. The word 'aggrieved' refers to a suostantia
grievance, a denia ofsome persona, pecuniary or prop-
erty right, orthe imposition upon aparty ofaourden or
ooigation. See Party, Stand|ng.
Bonkrutcy. A party is 'aggrieved,' within meaningof
Bankruptcy Code, ifhispropertymayoe diminished, his
ourden increased, or his rights detrimentayaffectedoy
order sought to oe reviewed. Kein v. Kancho Montana
De Oro, nc., C.A.Ca., 23 .2d 74, 77I.
P@@t10V00 Q0t9OD. See Aggr|eved party.
P@110t /ojay!r/. n baxon aw, an ooserveror informer.
P@111ut1U9 /ajoeriyos/. L. Lat. n od Lngish aw, a
hayward, herdward, or keeper ofthe herd ofcatte in a
common ed.
P@1D@ O uCCOUDt9. Arranging the accounts (such as
receivaoes or payaoes) in chronoogica order and
grouping the accounts oy intervas, such as accounts
outstanding ess than 3 days, 3 to days, and so on.
The process of cassifying accounts receivaoe oy the
time eapsedsince the caim came intoexistenceforthe
purpose of estimating the oaance of uncoectioe ac-
counts as of a given date.
P@1O /ajyow/. n commercia aw, a term used to ex-
press the difference in point of vaue oetween metaic
andpaper money, oroetween onesort ofmetaic money
and another.
P@1Otu@0 /azh(i)yotazh/. A specuation on the rise and
fa ofthe puoic deot, or the puoic funds. The specu-
ator is caed "ogtoteur."
P@19t /ajst/. An ancientawtermmeanttotakein and
give feed to the catte of strangers in the king's forest,
and to coect the money due for the same to the king's
P@19t0t /ajstar/. A person engaged in the ousiness of
pasturing ofivestock as a oaiee in consideration ofan
agreed price to oe paid oy owner of catte. Waker v.
Neson, I37 Coo. I9, 327 .2d 28, 287.
P@19tH0Dt /ajstmant/. A particuar kind of oaiment
under which a person, for consideration, takes animas
for care and pasturing on his and, and the person who
cares for the animas has an 'agister's ien' on the
animas for that care. Hatey v. West, 74 Wash.2d 49,
44 .2d 28, 29, A contract whereoy a person, caed
an agister, has contro ofanimas and retains possession
of and. Cox v. ithoud, 22I C.A.2d 7I, 34 Ca.Kptr.
82, 83.
There is aso agistment ofseo-ouks,whereandsare
charged with a trioute to keep out the sea, and terra
ogtstom are ands whose owners must keep up the
1ucouou lo, acomposition ormean rate at which some
right or due might oe reckoned.
eutwas asma tithe paid to the rector or
vicar on catte or other produce ofgrass ands. t was
paid oy the occupier of the and and not oy the person
who put in his catte to graze.
P@19tOt /ajstar/. See Ag|ster, Ag|stment.
P@1tutOt ateytar/. Onewhostirs up, excites, rufHes,
perturos. One who incessanty advocates a socia
P@Dut09 /gneyts/agneytiyz/. n the aw of descents,
reations oy the father, or on the father's side. This
word is used in the bcotch aw, and oy some writers as
an Lngish word, corresponding with the Latin oguott
(. u.J.
P@Dut1 /agneytay/. n Koman aw, the term incuded
a the cognates who trace their connection excusivey
through maes. A taoe ofcoguotes is formed oy taking
each inea ancestor in turn and incuding a his de-
scendants ofooth sexes in the taouar view. f, then, in
tracingthevariousoranches ofsuch ageneaogica taoe
or tree, we stop whenever we come to the name of a
femae, and pursue that particuar oranch or ramica-
tion no further, a who remain afterthe descendants of
women have oeen excuded are oguotes, and their con-
nectiontogetherisagnaticreationship. Apersonsare
agnaticay connected together who are under the same
otrtootestu, or who haveoeen under it, orwhomight
haveoeen underit iftheir inea ancestor had ived ong
enough to exercise his empire.
ThequoteJomtlyconsistedofa personsivingatthe
same time, who woud have oeen suoject to the otrts
otestos of a common ancestor, if his ife had oeen
continued to their time.
Coguotes were a persons who coud trace their oood
to a singe ancestor or ancestress, and agnates were
those cognates who traced their connection excusivey
through maes. Between oguott and coguott there is
this difference. that, under the name of agnati, coguott
areincuded, outnote couueo; for instance, a father's
orother, that is, a paterna unce, is ooth oguotus and
coguotus, out a mother's orother, that is, a materna
unce, is a coguotus out not ootus.
P@Dut1C /agntak/. [rom oguott, g.u. Derived from
or through maes. 2 B.Comm. 23.
P@Dut1O /agneysh(iy)ow/. n theciviaw, reationship
on the fathers' side, the reationship of oguott; agna-
tion. Aguotto ootre est.
P@Dut1OD /agneyshan/. Kinship oy the father's side.
See Agnates, Agnat|.
P@DOH0D /agnowman/. Lat. An additiona name or
tite, anickname. Anameortite which amangetsoy
some action or pecuiarity, the ast of the four names
sometimes given a Koman. Thus, bcipio AJrtcouus (the
African) from his African victories. See Nomen.
P@DOH1Dut1OD /agnomaneyshan/. A surname, anaddi-
tiona name or tite, agnomen.
P@OD. Lxtreme physica pain or menta distress.
P@tuQD1u /agrj/. See Aphas|a.
P@tut1uD /agreriyan/. Keating to and, or to a division
or distrioution of and, as an agrarian aw.
P@tut1uD 1uW9. n Koman aw, a

sforthe distrioution
among the peope, oy puoic authority, of the ands
constituting the puoic domain, usuay territory con-
guered from an enemy. n common parance the term
is freguentyappied to aws which have for their ooject
the moreeguadivisionor distrioution ofandedproper-
ty, aws for suodividing arge properties and increasing
the numoer of andhoders.
P@tut1UH. A tax upon or trioute payaoe out of and.
P @tut1u /ey greysh(iy)a/. By grace, not of right.
P@t0uH0DtUH /agryamentam/. n od Lngish aw,
agreement, an agreement.
P@t00. To concur, come into harmony, give mutua
assent, unite in menta action, exchange promises,
make an agreement, arrange to sette. Concur or
acguiesce in, approveoradopt. Agreedorogreed to, are
freguenty used (ike occord ), to show the concurrence
or harmony of cases, e.g. Agreed er curtom. Usuay
impies some contractua undertaking. To grant or cov
enant, as when a grantor agrees that no ouiding sha
oe erectedon an adjoining ot, or amortgagoragreesto
cause a taxes to oe paid. See Agreement, Contract.
P@t000. bettedorestaoishedoyagreement. Common-
y synonymous with 'contracted. '
P@t000 uHOUDt C1uU90. rovision in insurance poicy
thatthe insuredwi carry astated amount ofinsurance
P@t000 Cu90. See Cueogreed on under Case.
P@t000 gU0@H0Dt. See Judgment.
P@t000 Qt1C0. The consideration for sae of goods ar-
rived at oy mutua agreement as contrasted with 'open
price'. U.C.C. 2-3.
P@t000 9tut0H0Dt O uCt9. A statement of facts,
agreed on oy the parties as true and correct, to oe
suomitted to a court for a ruing on the aw ofthe case.
UnitedbtatesTrust Co v. NewMexico, I83 U.b. 3, 22
b.Ct. I72, 4 L.Ld. 3I. SeeCue ogreed on under Case.
Seeolo Declaratory |udgment, St|pu|at|on.
P@t000 9tut0H0Dt OD uQQ0u1. Narrative statement of
facts in case which may oe ed on appea in ieu of
report of proceedings oeow. t is reguired that a
parties agree to content ofnarrative.
P@t000 Vu1U0. The worth or vaue of property upon
which persons agree oeforehand as in a partnership
contract in which the parties agree on the vaue of a
partner's interest in a specied amount. Waraven v.
Kamsay, 33 Mich. 33I, N.W.2d 83, 8.
P@t00H0Dt. Ameetingoftwoor more minds, acoming
together in opinion or determination, the coming to-
gether in accordoftwo minds onagiven proposition. n
aw, a concord of understanding and intention oetween
two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their
reative rights and duties, ofcertain past or future facts
or performances. The consent of two or more persons
concurring respecting the transmission of some proper-
ty, right, or oenets, with the view of contracting an
ooigation, a mutua ooigation.
A manifestation of mutua assent on the part of two
or more persons as u the sutance of a contract.
Kestatement, becond, Contracts, 3.
The act oftwo or more persons, who unite in express-
ing a mutua and common purpose, with the view of
atering their rights and ooigations. The union of two
or more minds in a thing done or to oe done, a mutua
assent to do a thing. A compact oetween parties who
are thereoy suojected to the ooigation or to whom the
contempated right is thereoy secured.
Athough often used as synonymous with 'contract',
agreement is a oroader term, e.g. an agreement might
ack an essentia eement ofa contract. The oargain of
the parties in fact as found in their anguage or oy
impication from other circumstances incuding course
of deaing or usage of trade or course of performance.
U.C.C. I-2I(c), Uniform Consumer Credit Code,
I. 3I(3).
The writing or instrument which is evidence of an
See olso B|nd|ng agreement, Compact, Consent, Con-
tract, Covenant, | nternat|ona| agreements, Meet|ng of
Condtttonol ogreemen. The operation and effect of
such depend upon the existence of a supposed state of
facts, or the performance of a condition, or the happen-
ing of a contingency.
xecuted ogeemen. buch have reference to past
events, or which are at once cosed and where nothing
further remains to oe done oy the parties.
xecuto ogreemen. buch agreements as are to oe
performed in the future. They are commony preimi-
nary to other more forma or important contracts or
deeds, and are usuaIy evidenced oy memoranda, paro
promises, etc.
xress ogreemen. Those in which the terms and
stipuations are specificay decared and avowed oy the
parties at the time of making the agreement.
1mlted ogreement. (I) mpied in fact. One inferred
from the acts or conduct ofthe parties, instead ofoeing
expressed oy them in written or spoken words. (2)
mpied in aw, more apty termed a constructive or
guasi contrac

One where, oy ction of aw, a promise

is imputed to perform a ega duty, as to repay money
ootained oy fraud or duress. Batimore Mai b. b. Co. v.
U. b., C.C.A.Md., 7 .2d 82, 8. One inferred oy the
aw where the conduct of the parties with reference to
the suoject-matter is such as to induce the oeief that
they intended to do that which their acts indicate they
have done. Batimore & O. K. Co. v. U. b. ,2I U.b. 92,
43 b.Ct. 42, 7 L.Ld. 8I.
Porol ogreements. At common aw, such as are either
y word of mouth or are committed to writing, out are
not under sea. The common aw draws ony one great
ine, oetween things under sea and not under sea.
P@t00H0Dt Ot 1D9UtuDC0. An agreement often made
in short terms preiminary to the ing out and deiv-
ery ofa poicy with specific stipuations. Seeolo B|nd-
P@t00H0Dt DOt tO O0 Q0tOtH00 W1tD1D u 0ut. An
agreementthatnecessariymustreguire morethanyear
for performance. ncapaoe of performance within one
year. btreet v. Maddux, Marsha, Moss & Maory, 8
App.D.C. 42, 24 .2d I7, I9.
P@t00H0Dt O 9u10J u@t00H0Dt tO 9011. An agreement
of sae may impy not merey an ooigation to se, out
an ooigation on the part ofthe other party to purchase,
whie an agreementtoseis simpyan ooigation onthe
part of the vendor or promisor to compete his promise
of sae. Trat v. White, I8I U.b. 24, 2I b.Ct. II, 4
L.Ld. 83. t is a contract to oe performed in future,
and, if fued, resuts in a sae, it is preiminary to
sae and is not the actua sae.
P@t00t /agreyey/. r. n rench marine aw, to rig or
eguip a vesse.
P@t0Z /ogrey/. r. n rench marine aw, the rigging
or tacke of a vesse.
P@t1 / gray /. Araoe ands in common eds.
P@t1CU1tUtu1. ertaining to, or deaing with, agricu-
ture, aso, characterized oy or engaged in farming as
the eading pursuit. Oak Woods Cemetery Ass'n v.
Murphy, 383 . 3I, N.L.2d 82, 87. See Farm|ng
operat|on, Farm|ng products, Farm|ng purposes, Hus-
P@t1CU1tUtu1 COHHO01t109. Generay synonymous
with agricutura or farm products, and not incuding
agricutura impements. Bowes v. Kock, D.C.Neo.,
.bupp. 8, 88. SeeCommod|t|es.
P@t1CU1tUtu1 0HQ1OH0Dt. bynonymous with farm a-
oor, incuding a farm work and work incidenta there-
P@t1CU1tUtu1 1uOOt. bervices performed on farm, for
owner or tenant. Caifornia Lmpoyment Commission
v. Butte Candy Kice Growers Ass'n, 2 Ca.2d 24, I4
.2d 892, 894. Broader in meaning than farming or
farm aoorand incudesone engaged in horticuture, bt.
Louis Kose Co. v. Unempoyment Compensation Com-
mission, 348 Mo. II3, I9 b.W.2d 249, 2, crop dust-
ing, orek v. parks ying bervice, nc., 83 daho I,
39 .2d II, I4, and simiar servics, Latimer v.
United btates, D.C.Ca., 2 .bupp. 228, 234, 23, 23,
237. AsisexceptedfromtheUnempoymentCompensa-
tion Law, is aoroad term and incudes farming in a of
its incidents, such as gardening, horticuture, viticu-
ture, dairying, poutry, oee raising, and ranching, and
refers to the ed or farm with a its wants, appoint-
ments and products. ioneer otato Co. v. Division of
Lmpoyment bec. Dept. of Laoor and ndustry, 3I N.J.
buper. 3, I7 A.2d I9, 2, 2I.
P@t1CU1tUtu1 110D. A statutory ien tosecure money or
suppies advanced to an agricuturist to oe expended or
empoyed in the making ofacrop ad attaching to that
crop ony.
P@t1CU1tUtu1 QtO0UCt. Things which have a situs of
their production upon the farm and which are orought
into condition for uses of society oy aoor of those
engaged in agricutura pursuits as contradistinguished
from manufacturing or other industria pursuits. That
which is the direct resut of husoandry and the cutiva-
tion ofthe soi. The product in its natura unmanufac-

red condition.
P@t1CU1tUt0. The science or art of cutivating the soi,
harvesting crops, and raising ivestock and aso as the
science or art of the production of pants and animas
usefu to man and invaryingdegrees the preparation of
such products for man's use and their disposa. Mier
v. Dixon, I7 Neo. 9, I27 N.W.2d 23, 2.
P@t1 11H1tut1 /gray imoteyday/. !n ctutl lo, ands
whose ooundaries are stricty imited oy the ines of
government surveys.
!n Romon lo, ands oeonging to the state oy right of
conguest, and granted or sod in pots.
P@U11utQ1D0111 t09t /agiyIar sponeiy/. The "Agutlor
Stnellt " test reguires that search warrant afdavits
discose ooth the underying circumstances necessary to
enaoe the magistrateindependenty tojudge the vaidi-
tyofthe informant'sconcusionand make someshowing
of reiaoiity of the informant. Aguiar v. Texas, 378
U.b. I8, 84 b.Ct. I9, I2L.Ld.2d 723, bpinei v. U.b.,
393 U.b. 4I, 89b.Ct. 84, 2I L.Ld.2d 37.
PDUQUuu. With exceptions, in ancient Hawaii, division
of and known as 'ahupuaa' generay ran from sea to
mountains, enaoing chiefand peope to ootain sh and
seaweed from ocean and fue, canoe timoer and moun-
tain oirds and right-of-way to ootainthese things. aa-
a v. bheehan, Hawaii 298, 4

.2d 9, 97.
PLP. American nstitute ofCertied uoic Account-
P10. To support, hep, assist or strengthen. Act in
cooperation with, suppement the efforts of others.
btate v. Upton, owa, I7 N.W.2d 2, 28.
OtsttngutshedJrom oet. 'Aid' within aider and aoet-
tor statute means to hep, to assist, or to strengthen
whie 'aoet' means to counse, to encourage, to incite or
to assist in commission of crimina act. btate v. Troco-
daro, 3 Ohio App.2d I, 3I N.L.2d 898, 92.
P10 uD0 uO0t. Hep,assist, or faciitate the commission
ofacrime, promote the accompishmentthereof,hep in
advancing ororinging itaoout,or encourage, counse, or
incite as to its commission. btate v. etters, owa, 22
N.W.2d 84, 9. t comprehends a assistance rendered
oy words, acts, encouragement, support, or presence,
actua or constructive, to render assistance ifnecessary.
See Abet, Abettor, Accessory, Accomp||ce, A|der and
abettor, Harbor.
P10 uD0 COHOtt. Hep, support, assistance, counse,
encouragement. As an eement in the crime oftreason
(Constitution of the United btates, Art. , 3), the
giving of 'aid and comfort' to the enemy may consist in
a mere attempt. t is not essentia to constitute the
givingofaid and comfortthattheenterprisecommenced
shoudoe successfu andactuayrenderassistance. An
actwhich intentionaystrengthensortendstostrength-
en enemie

of the United btates, or which weakens or

tends toweakenpowerofthe Unitedbtatesto resistand
attack such enemies. Any intentiona act furthering
hostie designs of enemies ofthe United btates. United
btates v. Haupt, D.C.., 47 .bupp. 83, 839.
P10 OOD0. See Bond.
P100t uD0 uO0ttOt. One who assists another in the
accompishment of a common design or purpose, he
must oe aware of, and consent, to such design or pur-
pose. eats v. btate, 2I3 nd. , I2 N.L.2d 27, 277.
Onewho advises, counses, procures, or encourages an-
other to commit a crime, himsef oeing guity of some
overt act oradvocacy or encouragement ofhis principa,
actuay or constructivey present when crime is com-
mitted, andparticipatingin commission thereofoy some
act, deed, word, or gesture, Turner v. Commonweath,
28 Ky. 3II, I4 b.W.2d I8, and sharing the crimina
intent of the principa. One who assists another to
commit a crime, may oe a principa, if present, or an
accessory oefore orafterfact of crime. The crime must
usuay oe a feony oecause a parties to misdemeanor
are generay principas. See olo Abettor.
P100t O V0t01Ct. The heaing or remission, oy a ver-
dict rendered, of a defect or error in peading which
might have oeen oojected to oefore verdict. The pre-
sumption of the proof of a facts necessary to the
verdict as it stands, coming to the aid of a record in
whichsuch factsarenotdistinctyaeged. Amendment
of peadings to conform to the evidence is provided for
oy ed.K.Civi . I.
P101D@ uD0 uO0tt1D@. See A|d and abet.
P101D@ uD0 uO0tt1D@. Assisting in or otherwise facii-
tating the commission ofacrime. See A|der and abettor.
P101D@ uD 09CuQ0. Any overt act, intended and usefu
to assist attempted or competed departure of prisoner
fromawfu custody oefore his discharge oy due process
ofaw. beee.g. Mode en.Code 242.. SeeAccessory
(Accesso oJter the Joct/ Obstruct|ng |ust|ce.
P10 O tD0 B1D@. n od Lngish aw, the king's tenant
prayed this, when rent was demanded ofhim oy others.
P10 Qtu0t. n Lngish practice, a proceeding formery
made use of, oy way ofpetition in court, praying in aid
of the tenant for ife, etc., from the reversioner or
remainderman, when the tite to the inheritance was in
guestion. t was a pea in suspension of the action. 3
B.Comm. 3.
P109. n feuda aw,originay mereoenevoences grant-
ed oy a tenant to his ord, in times of distress, out at
ength the ords caimed tem as of right. They were
principay three. (I) To ransom the ord's person, if
taken prisoner, (2) to make the ord's edest son and
heir apparent a knight, (3) to give a suitaoe portion to
the ord's edest daughter on her. A reuonole otd was
a duty caimed oy the ord of the fee of his tenants,
hoding oy knight service, to marry his daughter, etc.
Aooished oy Tenures Aooition Act of I.
Aso, extraordinarygrants to the Crown oy the house
of commons, which were the origin of the modern sys-
tem oftaxation. 2 B.Comm. 3, 4.
. Acguired mmuneDeciency byndrome. Avirus
which attacks a person's immune system and damages
his or her aoiity to ght other diseases. Without a
functioning immune system to ward off other germs,
personoecomesvuneraoeto oecominginfected oy oac-
teria, fungi, and other viruses and maignancies which
may cause ife-threatening iness, such as pneumonia,
meningitis and cancer.
P10 9OC10t109. See Benefit soc|et|es.
P10 (speedasoAye,Aie,Aye, andAieu) /y(a)/. L.
r. A grandfather.
Awritwhich aywherethe grandfather was seized in
his demesne as of fee of any ands or tenements in fee
simpe the day that he died, and a stranger aoated or
A b LAD1
entered the same day and dispossessed the heir. 3
B.Comm. I8.
P1010990 /y(a)es/. A Norman rench term signifying
P110 /y/. A corruption of the rench work aieu,
grandfather. SeeA|el.
P11H0Dt. Commony means indisposition of oody or
mind, a sight iness. Mutua Life ns. Co. of New
York v. Burton, I7 Tenn. , 72 b.W. 778, 78I. n ife
insurance appication, term does not incude mere tem-
porary indisposition, which though reguiring medica
treatment is readiy remediaoe, ogg v. Bankers' Life
Co. of Des Moines, owa, C.C.A.W.a., 2 .2d 7, 78,
nor passing disorders whichcoudnot properyoe caed
P1H u W0uQOD. To point it intentionay. 'Aim' de-
notes direction toward some minute point in an ooject,
whie 'point' impies direction toward the whoe ooject.
P1D0990 /eynes/. n rench feuda aw, the right or
priviege of the edest oorn, primogeniture, esnecy.
P1tO11. A document servingfor air transportation as a
oi ofadingdoesformarine or rai transportation, and
incudes an airconsignmentnote or air wayoi. U.C.C.
P1t Q1tuC. Any seizure or exercise ofcontro, oy force
or vioence or threat of force or vioence and with
wrongfu intent, of any aircraft in Hight in air com-
merce. 49 U.b.C.A. I472(i).
P1t t1@Dt9. The right to use a or a portion of the air
space aoove rea estate. buch right is vested oy grant,
e.g. fee simpe, ease, or other conveyance. Whie com-
mercia airines have a right to Hy over one's and, if
such 'Hight paths' interfere withthe owners useofsuch
and, the owner is entited to recover the extent of
actua damage suffered oy him. United btates v. Caus-
oy, 328 U.b. 2, b.Ct. 2, 9 L.Ld. I2. On the
other hand, the owner of the and is precuded oy state
and federa aws from pouting the air.
P191uH0DtUH (speed aso somentum, Atsmentum )
/eyshiyamentam/. n od Lngish aw, an easement.
P19D0 Ot 01@D0 /eyn/. n od Lngish aw, the edest or
rst oorn.
P 199U0. At issue.
POUm0Dt /azhurnmn/. n rench aw, the doc-
ument pursuant to which an action or suit is com-
menced, eguivaent to the writ of summons in Lngand.
Actions, however, are in some cases commenced oy
reute or petition.
P Ut0 9UO Cu0UDt /ey jriy s(y)wow kdant/. They
(for exampe, persons aoandoning chattes) ose their
P U9t1t1u (QUu91 u QUO0uH ODt0) OHD1u Utu 0Hu-
DuDt /ey jastsh(iy)a (kweyzay ey kwndam fntiy) m-
niya jra emanant/. rom justice, as a fountain, a
rights How.
P.B.u. Aso known as. SeeA||as.
PB1D /akn/. n od Lngish aw, of kin. 'Next-a-kin.'
See Next of k| n.
P1. L.r. Atthe, tothe. Alorre; attheoar. Alhuts
d'gltse; at the church door.
P 1u @tuD00 @t0VuUDC0 /a a grndgravn(t)s/. To the
P 1ut@0 /a Iarzh/. ree, at arge.
P1utH 119t. The ist of persons iaoe to miitary
watches, who were at the same time exempt fromtrain-
ings and musters. Const.Mass. c. II, I, art. I, uo.
bt.Mass.I882, p. I287.
P 1ut0t0 /ey tariy/. Lat. Coatera. Used in this
sense in speaking of the succession to property. rom,
on, or at the side, coateray. A lotere oscendtt QusJ.
The right ascends coateray. Justices of the Curto
Regtsare descrioed as o lotere regts restdentes, sitting at
the side ofthe King.
n the Civi Law, a synonym for e tmnsuemo, across.
Appied aso to a process or proceeding, meaning out
ofthe reguar orawfu course, incidentay or casuay.
rom the side of, denoting coseness of intimacy or
connection, as a court hed oefore auditorssectolttero
lotere regts desttnotts.
Apostoic, havingfu powers torepresenttheopeas
if he were present.
P1OuC0u /aoaseya/. n bpanish aw, an executor or
administrator, one who is charged with fufiing and
executng that which is directed oy the testator in his
testament or other ast disposition.
P1Ou tHu /oafrma/. nodLngish aw, white rent,
rent payaoe in siver or white money, as distinguished
from that which was ancienty paid in corn or provi-
sions, caed oack mai, or oack rent, redttus ntgrt.
P1OuDu@1UH /aoane_iyam/. n od rench aw, the
state of aienage, of oeing a foreigner or aien.
P1OuDU9 /aoeynas/. n od rench aw, a stranger,
aien, or foreigner.
P1O1DutU9 /oaneytas/. n od rench aw, thestate or
condition of an aien or foreigner.
P1O1DutU9U9 /aoaneydasjs/. n od rench aw, the
drott d'ouotne in rance, whereoy the king, at an
aien's death, was entited to a his property, uness he
had pecuiar exemption. Kepeaed in I79I.
P1OUH Ot0V0 /oam oryviy/. A oank writ, a writ
with a oank or omission in it.
P1OU9 11O0t /oas ayoar/. The whiteoook, an ancient
oook containingacompiation ofthe aw andcustoms of
the city ofLondon.
P1Cu100 /akayydey/. Jaier, warden, governor of a
P1CODO11C 11QUOt9. 'Acohoic, spirituous and mat i-
guors' mean intoxicating iguors which can oe usedas a
oeverage,andwhich,whendrunktoexcess, wi produce
intoxication. . W. Wooworth Co. v. btate, 72 Ok.Cr.
I2, II3 .2d 399, 43.
P1CODO119H. The pathoogica effect (as distinguished
from physioogica effect) of excessive indugence in in-
toxicating iguors. See olso Chron|c alcohol|sm, | ntox|-
P100tHuD. Municipaomcer, memoer oftheegisative
oody of a municipaity. Often caed a counciman.
P100tHuDDU9 /adarmnas/O /. L. Lat. An aderman.
P100tHuDDU9 C1V1tut19 V01 OUt@1 /adarmnas
svateytasveorjay/. n odLngishaw,adermanofa
city or oorough,fromwhich the modern office of ader-
man has oeen derived.
P100tHuDDU9 DUD0t001 90U WuQ0DtuCD11 /adarmnas
hndraday syw wopanteykiyay/. Aderman of a hun-
dred or wapentake.
P100tHuDDU9 t0@19 /adarmnas ryjas/. Aderman of
the king. bo caed, either oecause he received his
appointment from the king or oecause he gave the
judgment of the king in the premises aotted to him.
P100tHuDDU9 tOt1U9 uD@11& /adarmnas towshyas
qgiyy/. Aderman ofa Lngand. An omcer among
the Ango-baxons, simiar to the chiefjusticiary ofLng-
and in ater times.
P10u /eyiya/. Lat. n the civi aw,agame ofchanceor
hazard. The chance of gain or Ioss in a contract.
P10utOt /eyiyeytar/. Lat. (rom oleo, g.U. , meaning
dice). n the civi aw, a gamester, one who pays at
games of hazard.
P10utOt CODttuCt /eyiyatoriy kntrakt/. A mutua
agreement, ofwhich the effects, with respectooth tothe
advantages and osses, whether to a the parties or to
some of them, depend on an uncertain event. Kestate-
ment of Conracts 29I.
Contracts in which promise oy one party is condi-
tioned on fortuitousevent. bouthern burety Co. v. Mac-
Mian Co., C.C.A.Ok.,8 .2d 4I, 49. Acontract, the
ooigation and performance of which depend upon an
uncertain event, such as insurance, engagements to pay
annuities, and the ike. A contract is aeatory or haz-
ardous when the performance ofthat which is one ofits
oojects depends on an uncertain event. t is certain
when the thing to oe done is supposed to depend on the
wi oftheparty, orwhen inthe usua course ofevents it
must happen in the manner stipuated.
P10utOt QtOH190. A promise, the performance of
which is oy its own terms suoject to happening of
uncertain and fortuitous event or upon some fact exist-
ence or past occurrence of which is aso uncertain and
undetermined. Tyree v. btone, 2 Wash.2d 94, 384
.2d 2, 29.
P10utOt ttuD9uCt1OD. An event dependent on a fortui-
tous or uncertain happening. See Aleatory contract.
P10t u 010U /aey adyw/. L. r. n od practice, to oe
dismissed rom court, to go guit. Literay, 'to go to
P0t 9uD9gOUt /aey snjr/. n odpractice,a phrase
used to indicate the na dismissa ofa case from court
without continuance. 'To go without day.'
P0 91V0t. A rent or trioute paid annuay to the ord
mayor of London, oy those who se ae within the
ioety of the city.
P0U /a(y)w/. r. n rench feuda aw, an aodia
estate, as distinguishedfrom afeuda estate or oenece.
P10t /fat/. A caudron into which ooiing water was
poured, in which a crimina punged his arm up to the
eoow, and there hed it for some time, as an ordea.
POt0 Q0u. Name derived from North Caroina v.
Aford, 4 U.b. 2, 9I b.Ct. I, 27 L.Ld.2d I2 (I97),
in which bupreme Court hed that a guity pea which
represented a vountary and inteigent choice among
aternatives avaiaoe to defendant, especiay where he
was represented oy competent counse, was not com-
peed within the meaning of the ifth Amendment
merey oecause the pea was entered to avoid the possi-
oiity of the death penaty. The bupreme Court aso
hed that where strong evidence ofactua guit suostan-
tiay negated defendant's caim of innocence and pro-
vided strong factua oasis for the guity pea, and the
state had a strong case of rst-degree murder, so that
defendant, advised oy competent counse, inteigenty
concuded that he shoud pead guity to second-degree
murder rather than oe triedforrst-degreemurder, the
court committed no constitutiona error in accepting
guity pea despite defendant's caim ofnnocence.
P009 CO00 / fradz kwd/. See Dombec, domboc.
P@utUH Hut19 /ageram mras/. rooaoy a corrup-
tion of Logonum morts, logon oeing a right, in the
midde ages, ike )eom and oom, oy which goods
thrown from avesse in distress oecame the property of
the king, or the ord on whose shores they were strand-
P... American Law nstitute.
P1u /iya/ey(i)ya/. Lat. Other things.
P1u 0DOtH1u /iya anrmiya/. Other wrongs. The
name given to agenera aegation ofinjuries causedoy
the defendant with which the paintiff in an action of
trespass under the common-aw practice concuded his
P11uH0Dtu /(i)yamento/. n od Lngish aw, a ioerty
ofpassage, open way, water-course, etc., for the tenant's
P11u9 /eyiyas/. Term used to indicate another name oy
which a person is known. bhort for 'aias dictus',
otherwise known as (a. k. a.). When used in connection
with a description of a person, it indicates that he has
used or oeen known oy another name. John v. Trioune
Co., 24.2d437, I8I N.L.2d I, I7. Seeolso F|ct|t|ous
name, Name.
P1u9 01CtU9 /eyiyas dktos/. 'Otherwise caed.'
(bhorter and more usua form, oltos ). Known oy ooth
those names, and is caed one or the other. eope v.
Meon, I7I Misc. I7I, II N.Y.b.2d 78, 79. Actitious
name assumed oy a person is cooguiay termed an
'aias'. btate v. Nea, 23I La. I48, 93 bo.2d 4, .
Seeolso A||as.
P1u9 0X0CUt1OD. One issued after rst has oeen re-
turned without having accompished its purpose. Kich-
ards-Conover Hardware Co. v. bharp, I Kan. , 9
.2d 3, 34. A second writ of execution issued to
enforce a judgment that was not fuy satised oy the
sheriff acting under the first or origina writ. Seeolso
A||as process.
P11u9 QtOC099. A second or further writ, summons,
execution or suopoena, used when the rst or earier
process has for any reason faied to accompish its pur-
P11u9 9UOQO0Du /eyiyas sapyna/. One issued after the
rst has oeen returned withouthavingaccompished its
purpose. Kichards-Conover Hardware Co. v. bharp, I
Kan. , 9 .2d 3, 34.
P11u9 9UHHOD9. A summons issued when origina has
not produced its effect oecause defective in form or
manner ofservice, and when issued, supersedes the rst
P11u9 tuX WuttuDt. One issued after the rst has oeen
returned without having accompished its purpose.
Kichards-Conover Hardware Co. v. bharp, I Kan. ,
9 .2d 3, 34.
P11u9 Wt1t. A second or further writ. One issued in a
case after anotherofthe same suostance has previousy
oeen issued, see e.g. A||as summons. Ditmar v. Beck-
ham, Tex.Civ.App., 77 b.W.2d 893, 894.
P1u9 Wt1t O 0X0CUt1OD. See A||as execut|on.
P 11O0119 /ey Ioeas/. L. Lat. An ofcer who had
charge of the ltellt or petitions addressed to the sover-
eign. A name sometimes given to a chanceor (concel-
lortusJ in the eary history of that ofce.
P11O1 /aoay/. A defense that paces the defendant at
the reevanttime ofcrime in a different pace than the
sceneinvovedand soremovedtherefrom as to render it
impossioe for him to oe the guity party. Com. v.
Warrington, 23 a.buper. 332, 32 A.2d 427, 429. No-
tice ofintention to offer adefense ofaioi is governed in
federa courts oy ed.K.Crim.. I2.I.
P10D, n. /ey(i)yan/. A foreign oorn person who has not
guaied as a citizen of the country, out an aien is a
person within the meaning of the ourteenth Amend-
mentdueprocesscauseofthe U.b. Constitutiontosame
extent as a citizen. Gavan v. ress, 347 U.b. 22, 74
b.Ct. 737, 742, 98 L.Ld. 9II. Anypersonnotacitizenor
nationa o the Unite btates. 8 U.b.C.A. III. See
olso Res|dent a||en.
P10D oru10D0, U. Totransfer or make overtoanother,
to convey or transfer the property of a thing from one
person to another, to aienate. Usuay appied to the
transfer of ands and tenements. See A||enat|on.
P10DuO11t. The guaity or attrioute of oeing trans-
ferraoe, e.g. , interest in property.
P10DuO11t OtUt01Dt0t09t9. Therightofan owner
ofan interest which vests in possession or enjoyment in
the future to transfer such interest oeforehand.
P10DuO0 /ey(i)yonooo. roper to oe the suoject of
aienation or transfer.
P10DuO0 COD9t1tUt1ODu t1@Dt9. Kight to a tria oy
jury, to counse, and not to incriminate one's sef, and
reated matters are 'aienaoe constitutiona rights'
which may oe waived whenever assertaoe. Weck v.
Ditrict Court of becond Judicia Dist., I8 Coo. 2I,
48.2d 987, 99. See ololnal|enab|e r|ghts.
P10Du@0 /ey(i)yonoj/. The condition or state of an
P10DuH. n internationa aw, aien friend. Anaien
who u the suoject orcitizen ofa foreign government at
peace with our own.
P10D uD0 9001t1OD 1uW9. Acts of Congress of Juy
and Juy I4, I798, which made it a crimina offense to
utter or puoish any fase, scandaous and maicious
writigs against the federa government with intent to
defame it, or oring it into contempt or disrepute or to
excite hatred of peope or stir up sedition against it.
These short-ived acts tightened residency reguirements
for citizenships, granted presidentia powers to deport
andjai aiens, and provided penatiesforseditiouswrit-
ings or speech critica of the government. See olso
P10Du D0@Ot1u 0XuCtO OC1O @0tUDtUt /aiyyno
nogwshiyo egzktow osh(iy)ow jorntor/. The ousi-
ness ofanother is tooe conducted with particuaratten-
P10Dut0 /ey(i)yoneyt/. To convey, to transferthe tite
to property. Alten is very commony used in the same
sense. See A||enat|on.
P110Dut1OD /ey(i)yoneyshon/. n rea property aw, the
transfer of the property and possession of ands, tene-
ments, orother things, from one person to another. The
term is particuary appied to aosoute conveyances of
rea property. The vountary and compete transfer
from one person to another. Disposition oy wi. Lvery
mode of passing raty oy the act of the party, as
distinguished from passing it oy the operation of aw.
See olso Restra|nt on a||enat|on.
P10Dut1OD C1uU90. A provision in a document giving a
person the right to transfer or foroidding him from
transferring the property which is the suoject of the
document. rovision in re insurance poicy voiding
such poicy upon transfer of ownership oy insured.
P110Dut1OD U HOttHu1D. See Amort|zat|on, Mortma|n.
P10Dut1OD O u0Ct1OD9. Action of'aienation ofaffec-
tions' is a tort oased upon wifu and maicious inter-
ference with marriage reation oy third party, without
justication or excuse. Donne v. Donne, 22 Tenn.
I9, 4Ib.W.2d I27, I32. Theeementsconstitutingthe
causeofactionarewrongfu conduct ofdefendant, pain-
tiftsoss ofaffetion or consortium ofspouse and causa
connection oetween such conduct and such oss. Kun-
dert v. Johnson, 28 Wis. 484, 8 N.W.2d 42. Certain
states have aooished the right to oring an aienation of
affections action. See Consort|um, Heart ba|m statutes.
P10Dut1OD OC0. n Lngish practice, an omce for the
recovery of nes evied upon writs of covenant and
P110Dut1O t01 Qt&0ttUt gUt1 uCCt09C0D01 /eyiyoneyshi-
yow ryay priyfrtor jray akrosenday/. Aienation is
favored oy the aw rather than accumuation.
P110D COtQOtut1OD. A corporation organized under the
aws of a foreign country irrespective of where it oper-
P110D00 /ey(i)yony/. One to whom an aienation, con-
veyance, or transfer of property is made. See Al|enor.
P110D 0D0H. n internationa aw,an aien whois the
suoject or citizen of some hostie nation or power. A
person who, oy reason ofowing a permanent or tempo-
rary aegiance to a hostie power, oecomes, in time of
war, impressed with the character of an enemy. buo-
jects of a foreign nation at war with United btates.
Capare v. Goodoody, I32 N.J.Lg. 9, 29 A.2d 3, 9.
P10D t10D0. buojects of a foreign state at peace with
the United btates. Capare v. Goodoody, I32 N.J.Lg.
9, 29 A.2d 3, 9, 7. See olsoA||y.
P110D1@0Du /eyiyonayjono/. One of foreign oirth, an
P10D1 @0D0t19 /eyiyynay jenoros/. Lat. Of another
P110D1gUt19 /eyiyynayjros/. Lat. Underthe contro,
or suoject to the authority, of another person, e.g. , an
infant who is under the authority of his father or
guardian. The term is contrasted with bui Juris (g. 0./.
P110D 1HH1@tuDt. One who has come into he country
fromaforeigncountryandhas notyetoeen naturaized.
See A||en.
P10D19H /ey(i)yonzom/. Thestate, condition, or char-
acter of an aien.
P110D19t /ey(i)yonist/. Asedomusedtermmeaningone
who has speciaized in the study of menta diseases.
ersons guaified oy experience, knowedge, and previ
ous opportunities to express opinion as to defendant's
menta condition at a particuar time. eope v. Nor-
ton, I38 Ca.App. 7, 3I .2d 89, 8I.
P10D D00. An aien oorn, t.e., a person who has oeen
oorn an aien.
P110DOt /ey(i)yonor/. He who makes a grant, transfer
of tite, conveyance, or aienation. Correative of olten-
P110D 0@19ttut1OD PCt. Act of Congress (I94) which
reguires annua registration ofa aiens over the age of
I3. 8 U.b.C.A. I2I(o), I3I, I32.
P110DU9 /iyynas/. Lat. Another's, oeonging to an-
other, the property of another. Altenus homo, anoth-
er's man, or save. Alteno res, another's property.
P1@DH0Dt. The act of aying out or adjusting a ine.
The state of oeing so aid out or adjusted. The ground
pan ofaraiway orother road orwork as distinguished
from its proe or gradients. An adjustment to a ine.
P11B0. bimiarto another. The term is not synonymous
with 'identica,' which means 'exacty the same.'
P1H0Dtu /!menta/. Lat. n the civi aw, aiments,
things necessary to sustain ife, means of support, in-
cudingfood (ctorto ), cothing (uestttus ) and haoitation
P11HOD /amaniy/. Comes from Latin 'aimonia'
meaning sustenance, and means, therefore, the sus-
tenance or support of the wifeoy her divorced husoand
and stems from the common-aw right of the wife to
support oy her husoand. Aowances which husoand or
wife oy court order pays other spouse for maintenance
whie they are separated, or after they are divorced
(permanent aimony), or temporari, pending a suit for
divorce (pendente ite). Generay, it is restricted to
money uness otherwise authorized oy statute. But it
may an aowance out of the spouse's estate. La-
Chance v. LaChance, Md.App., 34 A.2d 7, 79, 8.
Generay,aimonyis separaoefromaoindingproperty
settement agreement. Beard v. Worre, 2I2 b.L.2d
98, I8 W.Va. 248. btate statutes which provide for
payment of aimony ony to the wife have oeen hed to
oe unconstitutiona. Orr v. Orr, 99 b.Ct. II2. See olso
Gross al|mony, Lump-sum al|mony, Pal|mony, Per|od|c
al|mony, Permanent al|mony, Rehab|l|tat|on (Altmony/
Trust (Altmony trusO.
Altmony tngoss,orin aumpsum, is in the nature ofa
na property settement, and hence in some jurisdic-
tions is notincudedin the term 'aimony,' which inits
strict or technica sense contempates money payments
at reguar intervas. Kefers to those aimony arrange-
ments where entire award is a vested and determined
amountand notsuojectto change. morie v. morie, 94
.App.2d , 23 N.L.2d 38I, 383.
Altmony endente ltte (temoro oltmonyJ. An aow-
ance made pending a suit for divorce or separate main-
tenance incuding a reasonaoe aowance for prepara-
tionofthe suitas we asforsupport. Davisv. Davis, I
Wash.2d 297, I3 .2d 3, 39. See olso Allowance
pendente l|te.
Permonent oltmony. A provision for the support and
maintenance of awifeduring her ifetime.
Tc treotment. Aimony and separate maintenance
payments are incudioe in the gross income of the
recipient and are deductioe oy the payor. The pay-
ments must oe periodic and made in discharge ofaega
ooigation arisingfrom a marita or famiy reationship.
Chid support and vountary payments are not treated
as aimony. .K.C. 2(I), 7I, 2I.
P1HOD ttU9t. See Trust.
P 1HQO991O10 DU1 D09t t0DU /a mposyo! n ney
tenyuw/. No one is oound to do the impossioe.
P11O 1DtU1tU /iyowint(y)watuw/. Lat. n adifferent
view, under a different aspect. With another view or
ooject, with respect to another case or condition.
P11QU10 CODC001tUt D0 1DUt1u t0HuD0ut 1HQUD1tu,
QUO0 u11u9 DOD CODC000t0tUt /akwad kansydatar
ny injriya ramniyat impywnata, kwod iyas non
kansydarytar/. bomething is (wi oe) conceded, to
prevent a wrong remaining unredressed, which other-
wise woud not oe conceded.
P11QU10 QO990991OD19 0t D1D11 Ut19 /akwad pa-
zeshiyownas et naya jras/. bomewhat of possession,
and nothing ofright (out no right).
P11QU19 DOD 00O0t 0990 U00X 1D QtOQt1u CuU9u, QU1u
DOD QOt09t 0990 U00X 0t Qut9 /akwas non deoat esiy
jwdeks in prowpriya koza, kwaya non powtast esiy
jwdeks et parz/. A person ought not to oejudge in his
own cause, oecause he cannot act as judge and party.
P11QUOt /akwot/. btricty speaking, means contained
in something ese an exact numoer of times. But as
appied to resuting trusts, 'aiguot' is treated as mean-
ing fractiona, and means any denite interest.
P11QUOt Qutt tU10. A rue which reguires that a person
intend to acguire a fractiona part of the ownership of
propertyoeforethe court can decare aresutingtrust in
his favor.
P1t0t /atar/. Otherwise, as otherwise hed or decid-
P11U0 09t C01ut0, u11U0 tuC0t0 /iyadestsaeriy, iyad
taseriy/. To concea is one thing, to oe sient is anoth-
P11U0 09t QO99100t0, u11U0 0990 1D QO990991OD0 /iyad
est posadriy, iyad esiy in pazeshiyowniy/ t is one
thing to possess, it is another to oe in possession.
P11U0 09t V0D00t0, u11U0 V0D00Dt1 COD90Dt1t0 /iyad
est vendariy, iyadvendentay konsantayriy/. To se is
one thing, to consent to a sae (seer) is another thing.
P1U0 0XuH0D /iyad agzeyman/. A different or for-
eign mode of tria.
P11UD00 /eyiyndiy/. Lat. rom another source, from
esewhere, from outside.
utdence oltunde. Lvidence from outside, from another
source. n certain cases a written instrument may oe
expained oy evidence oltunde, that is, oy evidence
drawn from sources exterior to the instrument itsef,
e.g. , the testimony of a witness to conversations, admis-
sions, or preiminary negotiations. Lvidence aiunde
(t.e.,fromoutside the wi)mayoe received to expainan
amoiguity in a wi. See Parol ev|dence.
P11UD00 tU10 /eyiyndiy rw/. A verdict may not oe
impeached oy evidence of juror uness foundation for
introduction thereofis rst made oy competentevidence
aiunde, or from some other source. btate v. Adams,
I4I Ohio bt. 423, 48 N.L.2d 8I, 83.
P1U9 /iyas/. Lat. Other. The neuterform is oltud,
something ese, another thing.
P11V0. s respects oirth, it means that chid has an
independent ife of its own for some period, even mo-
mentariy, afteroirth, evidenced oy respiration or other
indicationsofife, suchU oeatingofheart and pusation
ofarteries (Hydrostatic test), or heart tones in response
to articia respiration, or pusation of umoiica cord
after oeing severed. See olso Born a||ve, Ch||d, L|fe,
L|ve, V|able ch|ld.
n respect ofestate matters, a chid en uentresomere
is 'oorn' and 'aive' for a purposesfor his oenet. n
re Hothausen's Wi, I7 Misc. I22, 2 N.Y.b.2d I4,
P. SeeAdm| n| strat|ve Law Judge.
P1. Means the whoe of-used with a singuar noun or
pronoun, andreferring to amount, guantity, extent, du-
ration, guaity, or degree. The whoe numoer or sum
ofused coectivey, with a pura noun or pronoun
expressing an aggregate. Lvery memoer of individua
component of, eachoneof-usedwith apura noun. n
this sense, a is used genericay and distrioutivey.
'A' refers rather to the aggregate under which the
individuas are suosumed than to the individuas them-
seves. btate v. Haenoerg-Wagner Motor Co., 34I Mo.
77I, I8 b.W.2d 398, 4I. See Both.
P1uD0 91D@Uut. Awithoutexception. Acomprehen-
sive term often empoyed in conveyances, wis, and the
ike, which incudes the aggregate or whoe and aso
each of the separate items or components.
P1 Cu909 ut uW. Withinconstitutionaguarantyofjury
tria, refers to common aw actions as distinguished
from causes in eguity and certain other proceedings.
Breimhorst v. Beckman, 239 Minn. 49, 3 N.W.2d 7I9,
P10@uD9 CODttut1u DOD 09t uU010D0U9 /aganz
kantreriya non est odiyendas/. On aeging contrary or
contradictory things (whose statements contradict each
other) is nottooe heard. Appied tothe statements ofa
P0@uD9 9UuH tUtQ1tU01D0H DOD 09t uU010D0U9
/!ganz s(y)wam tarpatyuwdanam nn est odiyendas/.
One who aeges his own infamy is not to oe heard.
P10@ut1 DOD 00OU1t QUO0 QtOOutUH DOD t010Vut
/aageray non deo(y)uwat kwod praoeytam non reavat/.
That ought not to oe aeged which, if proved, is not
P10@utu /aageyta/. n Koman aw, a word which the
emperors formery signed at the oottom of their re-
scripts and constitutions, under other instruments they
usuay wrote stgnoto or testoto.
P10@utu 0t QtOOutu /aageyta et prowoeyta/. Lat.
Things aeged and proved. The aegations made oy a
party to a suit, and the proofadduced in their support.
P10@ut1O CODttu uCtUH DOD 09t u0H1tt0D0u
/a!geysh(iy)owkntra fktamnonestadmatenda/. An
aegation contrary to the deed (or fact) is not admissi-
P110@ut1OD. The assertion, caim, decaration, or state-
mentofaparty to an action, made ina peading, setting
out what he expects to prove. bee e.g. ed.K. Civi . 8.
See olso Charge, Cla|m, Comp|a|nt.
A materia aegation in a peading is oneessentia to
the caim or defense.
1necclestuttcol lo, the statement ofthefacts intended
to oe reied on in support of the contested suit.
P110@ut1OD OuCt. Generay, narration of transaction
oy stating detais according to their ega effect, and
statement ofright or iaoiity owingfrom certain facts
is concusion ofaw.
P110@ut1OD O uCU1t109. A statement made oy the wife
of the property of her husoad, in order to ootain
aimony. See Facu|t|es.
P110@0 /aej/. To state, recite, caim, assert, or charge,
to make an aegation. See A||egat|on.
P10@00. btated, recited, caimed, asserted, charged.
P10@1uDC0 /ayjans/. Ooigation of deity and ooedi-
ence to government in consideration for protection that
government gives. U. b. v. Kuhn, D.C.N.Y., 49 .bupp.
47, 4I4. See olso Oath of a||eg|ance or |oya|ty.
Acutred ollegtonce, is that oinding a naturaized citi-
Locol or octuolollegtonce, is that measure ofooedience
duefromasuojectofonegovernmentto anothergovern-
ment, within whose territory he is temporariy resident.
rom this are excepted foreign sovereigns and their
representatives, nava and armed forces when permitted
to remain in or pass through the country or its waters.
^otuml ollegtonce. n Lngish aw, that kind of ae-
giance which is duefroma men oorn within the king's
dominions, immediatey upon their oirth, which is in-
trinsic and perpetua, and cannot oe divested oy any act
oftheir own. n Aerican aw, the aegiance due from
citizens ofthe Unitedbtates to their native country, and
aso from naturaized citizens, and which cannot oe
renounced without the permission of government, o oe
decared oy aw.
P110@1ut0 /ayjiyeriy/. To defend and cear one's sef,
to wage one's own aw. An archaic word which simpy
means to dene orjustify oy due course of aw.
P10@1D@ 01H1DUt1OD /aejiq dman(y)wshan/. The ae-
gation in an appeate court, of some error in a suoor-
dinate part of the ntst rtus record. See D|m|nut|on.
P110D CDut@0. An instruction advising deadocked ju-
rors to have deference for each other's views, that they
shoud isten, with a disposition to oe convinced, to each
other's argument, deriving its name from the case of
Aen v. United btates, I4 U.b. 492, I7 b.Ct. I4, 4I
L.Ld. 28, wherein the instruction was approved. Green
v. U. b., C.A.a., 39 .2d 82. Variousy caed dyna-
mite charge, shotgun instruction, third degree instruc-
tion. The Aen charge is prohioited in certain states,
e.g. Caifornia, eope v. Gainer, I9 Ca.3d 83, .2d
997, I39 Ca.Kptr. 8I, andwhiepermissioe in others,
its use must oe carefuy examined oy tria judge to
determine its tota effect on jury reaching verdict.
Brown v. btate, DeL, 39 A.2d 82, 84.
P110t@. Asusceptioiityto disease. Vogtv. ord Motor
Co, Mo.App., I38 b.W.2d 84, 88. The condition of
oeing hypersensitive to something.
P11 0V0Dt9 t09t. or accrua method taxpayers, income
is earned when. (I) a the events have occurred which
x the right to receive the income and (2) the amount
can oe determined with reasonaoe accuracy. Accrua
ofincome cannot oe postponed simpy oecause a portion
of the income may have to oe returned in a suoseguent
Under this test an accrua oasis taxpayer may deduct
taxes or any other expense items ifa the events xing
the fact of, and amount of, taxpayer's iaoiity have
transpired though not paid, and this reguires that each
taxaoe year must oe treated as a separate unit, and a
items ofgross income and deductions must oe reected
in terms of their posture at cose of such year. Dravo
Corp. v. U.b., 348 .2d 42, 4, I72 Ct.C. 2.
P110V1ut0 /ayviyeriy/. L. Lat. n od records, to evy
or pay an accustomed ne or composition, to redeem oy
such payment.
P11 uU1t9. A sae of goods with 'a fauts' covers, in
theosence offraud on the part ofthe vendor, a such
fautsanddefectsas are notinconsistentwiththe identi-
ty of the goods as the goods descrioed. U.C.C. 2-3I.
See As |s.
P11 OUt9. Twocases or decisions which areaike in a
materia respects, and precisey simiar in a the cir-
cumstances affecting their determination, are said to oe
or u run on 'a fours.'
P111uDC0. The reation or union oetween persons or
famiies contracted oy intermarriage, afnity. btate of
oeing aied.
1n tntemottonol lo, a union, association or confedera-
tion of two or more states o nations, formed oy eague
or treaty, for the joint prosecution of a war (offensive
aiance), or for their mutua assistance and protection
in repeing hostie attacks (defensive aiance). The
eague or treaty oy which the association is formed.
The act of confederating, oy eague or treaty, for the
purposes mentioned.
The term is aso used in a wider sense, emoracing
unionsfor oojects ofcommon interest to the contracting
parties, as the 'Hoy Aiance' entered into in I8I oy
russia, Austria and Kussia for the purpose of counter-
acting the revoutionary movement in the interest of
poitica ioeraism.
P11191OD. The running of one vesse into or against
another, as distinguished from a coision, t. e., the
running of two vesses against each other. But this
distinction is not very carefuy ooserved.
P11OCuO10 /akaoa/. bynonymouswith 'distrioutaoe'.
n anayzingaccounts,theoreaking down ofaumpsum
charged or credited to one account into severa parts to
oe charged or credited to other accounts.
P11OCuO10 9Dut0 O 1DCOH0. Certain entities receive
conduit treatment under the edera income tax aw.
This means the earned income or oss is nottaxedtothe
entity, out such amounts are aocated to the owners or
oeneciaries thereof, regardess of the magnitude or
timing of corresponding distrioutions. The portion of
the entity's income that is taxed to the owner or oene-
ciary is the aocaoe share ofthe entity's income or oss
for the period. buch aocations are determined oy (I)
the partnership agreementreative u the partners, (2)a
weighted-average stock ownership computation reative
to sharehoders of an b corporation, and (3) the contro-
ingwi or trust instrument reative to the oeneficiaries
of an estate or trust.
P11OCut1OD. Assignment or aotment. Jacooson v.
Bowes, D.C.Tex., 3 .bupp. 32, 34.
n taxation, the assignment of incomeforvarioustax
purposes. A mutistate corporation's nonousiness in-
come usuay is aocated to the statewhere the nonousi-
ness assets are ocated, it is not apportioned with the
rest of the entity's income. The income and expense
items ofan estateor trust are aocated oetween income
and corpus components. bpecic items of income, ex-
pense, gain, oss, and credit can oe aocated to specific
partners or sharehoders in an b corporation, if a suo-
stantia economic nontax purpose for the aocation is

P11OCut1OD0 uC10D0u /aakeyshiyowniy fashiyenda/.

n od Lngish practice, a writ for aowing to an ac-
countant such sums of money as he hath awfuy ex-
pended in his omce, directed to the ord treasurer and
oarons of the excheguer upon appication made.
P11OCut1OD O01V100D09. n trust accounting, cash divi-
dends are credited or aocated to income, whereas,
generay, stock dividends are credited to principa and
the oasis of the stock on which the dividend has oeen
paid is changed in the portfoio. fthe cash dividend is
a iguidating dividend, it is commony aocated to prin-
P11OCut1OD O 1DCOH0. When two or more ousinesses
are controed oy the same interests, the Commissioner
ofnternaKevenue may aocate ordistriouteincometo
prevent tax evasion. .K.C. 482. n trust accounting,
the process oy which income is distriouted as oetween
principa and income.
P11OCut1OD O Qt1DC1Qu1 uD0 1DCOH0. See Allocat|on of
d|v|dends, Allocat|on of |ncome.
P11OCutUt /aakeytar/. Lat. t is aowed. A word
formery used to denote that a writ or order was a-
owed. A word denoting the aowance oy a master or
prothonotary of a oi referred for his consideration,
whether touching costs, damages, or matter of account.
A sectol ollocotur is the specia aowance of a writ
(particuary a writ of error) which is reguired in some
particuar cases.
P11OCutUt 0X1@0Dt akeytar egza|ant/. A species of
writ ancienty issued in outawry proceedings, on the
return of the origina writ of exigent. See Ex|gent.
P11OCUt1OD /akyuwshan/. ormaity ofcourt's inguiry
of defendant as to whether he has any ega cause to
show why |udgment shoud not oe pronounced against
him on verdict ofconviction, or, whether he woud ike
to make statement on his oehaf and present any infor-
mation in mitigation of sentence (see e.g. ed.K.Crim..
32(a) . btate v. ruitt, Mo., I9 b.W.2d 399, 4.
P11OCUtU9 /!kyuwtas/. See A||ocut|on.
P11O0ut11 /aderiyay/. Owners ofaodia ands. Own-
ers of estates as arge as a suo|ect may have.
P11O01u1 /aIowdiyoI/. ree, not hoden of any ord or
superior, owned without ooigation ofvassaage or fea-
ty, the opposite offeudaL See olo Ownersh|p.
P11O01UH /oIowdiyam/. Land hed aosoutey in one's
own right, and not of any ord or superior, and not
suo|ect to feuda duties or ourdens. An estate hed oy
whom any duty is due on account thereof.
P11O@tuQD /agrf/. A writing or signature madefor a
person oy another, opposed to autograph.
P11OD@0 /aIon|/. A piece of paper annexed to a nego-
tiaoe instrument or promissory note, on which to write
endorsements for which there is no room on the instru-
mentitsef. buch mustoeso rmyafxedtheretoasto
oecome a part thereof. U.C.C. 3-22(2).
P11Ot /oIot/. To apportion,distrioute, to divide property
previousyhedin common amongthose entited, assign-
ing to each his rataoe portion, to oe hed in severaty.
To set apart specic property, a share ofafund, etc., to
a distinct party. n the aw of corporations, to aot
shares, deoentures, etc., is to appropriate them to the
appicants or persons who have appied for them.
P11Ott00 1uD0. See A||otment.
P11OtH0Dt. A share or portion, that which is aotted,
apportionment, division, the distrioution ofshares in a
puoic undertaking or corporation. artition, the dis-
trioution of and under an incosure act.
The term ordinariy and commony used to descrioe
and hed oy ndians after aotment, and oefore the
issuance ofthe patent in fee that deprives the and ofits
character as ndian country. A term of art in ndian
aw, descrioing either a parce of and owned oy the
United btates in trust for an ndian, i.e., a 'trust aot-
ment,' or owned oy an ndian suo|ectto arestriction on
aienation in favor of the United btates or its ofcias,
i.e., a'restrictedfeeaotment.'' Bear v. U.b.,D.C.Neo.,
II .bupp. 89, 99. n ndian aw, means a seection
ofspecic and awarded to an individua aottee from a
common hoding. Afiated Ute Citizens of Utah v.
U.b., U.b. Utah, 4 U.b. I28, 92 b.Ct. I4, I4, 3I
L.Ld.2d 74I. See A||ottee.
P11OtH0Dt C0tt1Cut0. A document issued to an appi-
cantfor shares in a company or puoic oan announcing
the numoer of shares aotted or assigned and the
amounts and due dates of the cas or different pay-
ments to oe made on the same.
P11OtH0Dt DOt0. nLngishaw, awritingoy aseaman,
made on an approved form, whereoy he makes an as-
signmentofpart ofhiswagesin favor ofhiswife,father
or mother, grandfather or grandmother, orother or sis-
ter. Governed oy Merchant bhippingAct, I97, I3(I).
P11OtH0Dt 99t0H. Designates the practice in Lngand
of dividing and in sma portions for cutivation oy
agricutura aoorers, gardeners and others. See olso
P11OtH0Dt Wut00D. By the Lngish genera incosure
act, I84, I8, when an aotmentfortheaooringpoor
of a district had oeen made on an incosure under the
act, the and so aotted was to oe under the manage-
ment ofthe incumoent andchurchwarden ofthe parish,
and two other persons eected oy the parish, and they
were to oe styed 'the aotment wardens' ofthe parish.
P11Ott00. One to whom an aotment is made, wo
receives a rataoe share under an aotment. A person
to whom and under an incosure act or shares in a
corporation or puoic undertaking are aotted.
P11OW. The word has no rigid or precise meaning, its
import varying according to circumstance or context in
connection with which it is used. t may mean to
oestow or assign to any one as his right or due. To
approve of, accept as true, admit, concede, adopt, or x.
To grant something as a deduction or an addition, to
aoate or deduct, as, to aow a sum for eakage. itts-
ourgh Brewing Co. v. Commissioner of nterna Keve-
nue, C.C.A.3, I7 .2d I, I. To sanction, either
directy or indirecty, as opposed to merey suffering a
thingto oe done, to acguiesce in, to suffer, to toerate.
See olso Acqu|escence, Consent.
P11OWuDC0. Adeduction, anaverage payment, aportion
assigned or aowed, the act of aowing. or Fam||y,
see that tite.
P11OWuDC0 Q0D00Dt0 11t0 /aawans pendentiy aytiy /.
The court ordered provision for a spouse and chidren
during the pendency of a divorce or separate support
proceeding. See olso A||mony.
P11OW00 C1u1H. Against an estate itis adeot or charge
which is vaidin awand entited toenforcement. Com-
missioner of nterna Kevenue v. Lyne, C.C.A. I, 9 .2d
74, 747.
P11ODOUt /oIoynor/. L. r. One who conceas, steas,
or carries offa thing privatey. See E|o|gne.
P11tD0 09tut0. The name given inLngand tothe short
cause in a conveyance or other assurance which pur-
ports to convey 'a the estate, right, tite, interest,
caim, and demand' of the grantor, essor, etc., in the
property deat with.
P11UV1O Hut19 /a(y)wviyow mros/. Lat. n the civi
and od Lngish aw, the washing up ofthe sea, the soi
thus formed, formation of soi or and from the sea,
maritime increase.
P11UV1OD /o(y)wviyan/. That increase of the earth on
a shore or oank of a stream or the sea, oy the force of
the water washing up sand or soi so as to form rm
ground, asoy acurrent or oy waves, which is so gradua
that no one can judge how much is added at each
moment of time. Garrett v. btate, II N.J.buper. 94,
29 A.2d 42, 4. 'Accretion' denotes the act. How-
ever, the terms are freguenty used synonymousy.
Avusionis sudden and perceptioe. SeeAccret|on, Avu|-
s|on. Comore Re||ct|on.
P11MWPCt. See Wr|t.
P11. A nation which has entered intoan aiance with
another nation. A citizen or suoject of one of two or
more aied nations.
P1Hut1u /ameriyo/. Thearchives,or, as they are some-
times styed, muniments of a church or iorary.
P1H090OD /a()mzy/. n baxon aw, ams-fee, ams-
money. Otherwise caed 'eter-pence.'
P1HO1D /amoyn/. Ams, a tenure of ands oy divine
service. See Frankalmo|gn.
P1HOD0t /monor/. Onecharged with thedistrioution
of ams. The ofce was rst instituted in reigious
houses and athough formery one of importance is now
in Lngand amost a sinecure.
P1H9. Charitaoe donations. Any species of reief oe-
stowed upon the poor. That which is given oy puoic
authority for the reiefofthe poor.
P1H9 00. eter-pence (or eter's pence), which see.
P1H9DOU90. A house for the puoicy or privatey sup-
portedpaupersofacityor county, may asooetermeda
'mission'. nLngandanamshouseisnotsynonymous
with a workhouse or poorhouse, oeing supported oy
private endowment.
P1Du@0t /nojor/ orU1Du@0t /nojor/. Asworn ofcer
of the king whose duty it was u ook to the assise of
wooen coth made throughout the and, and to the
putting onthe seas for that purpose ordained, for which
he coected a duty caed 'anage.'
P1O0, u1O00, u1O009, u1O019 /od/. L. Lat. n feuda
aw, od forms of olodtum or ollodtum (. u.J. A term
used in opposition to Jeodum orJte which means prop-
erty, the useofwhichwas oestowed upon anotheroythe
proprietor, on condition that the grantee shoudperform
certain services for the grantor, and upon the faiure of
which the property shoud revert to the origina posses-
P1O01ut11. SeeAl|odar||.
P1OD0. Apart from others, singy, soe.
P1OD@. Lengthwise of, impying motion or at or near,
distinguishedfromacross. By,on,upto, orover,accord-
ing to the suoject-matter and context. The term does
not necessariy mean touching at a points, nor does it
necessariy impy contact.
P 1OUt O /o r fwa. n their aegiance.
P19O. Besides, as we, in addition, ikewise, in ike
manner, simiary, too, witha. bome other thing, in-
cuding, further, furthermore, in the same manner,
moreover, neary the same as the word 'and' or 'ike-
P..3.P. American LandTite Association.
P1tu QtO01t1O /to prowdshiyow/. L. Lat. n od Lng-
ish aw, high treason. 4 B.Comm. 7. See Treason.
P1tutu@0 /ot(o)roj/. n eccesiastica aw, offerings
made on the atar, a prots which accrue to the priest
oy means of the atar.
P1tu V1u /to vyo/. L. Lat. n od Lngish aw, a
highway, the highway. Alto utoregto; the king's high-
way, 'the king's high street. '
P1t0t. Tomake achangein, tomodify, tovary insome
degree, to change some of the eements or ingredients
or detais without suostituting an entirey new thing or
destroying the identity ofthe thing affected. To change
partiay. To change in one or more respects, out with-
out destruction of existence or identity of the thing
changed, to increase or diminish. See A|terat|on,
Amend, Change.
P1t0tut1OD. Variation, changing, making different. A
change of a thing from one form or state to another,
making a thing different from what it was without
destroying its identity. See A|ter.
Anactdoneuponan instrumentoy whichitsmeaning
or anguage is changed. Language different in ega
effect, or change in rights, interests, or ooigations of
parties. t introduces some change into instrument's
terms, meaning, anguage, or detais. The term is not
propery appied to any change which invoves the suo-
stitution of a practicay new document. An ateration
is said to oe motertol when it affects, or may possioy
affect, the rights of the persons interested in the doc-
ument. U.C.C. 347. See olso Fraudu|ent a|terat|on,
Mater|a| a|terat|on, Mut||at|on, Spo||at|on.
P1t0tut1OD O CODttuCt. A change in theprovisions ofa
contract. f ateration is materia, it extinguishes the
right ofthepartywhoatersit and discharges the other
party. The test ofwhether it is materia is whether the
rights of the ooigee woud oe varied as to the party
making the aeration or to a third party. Kestatement
of Contracts, 434.
P1t0tut1OD O ttU9t. An act oy settor oftrust changing
the terms ofthe trust, generay pursuant to a power to
ater and amend within the origina trust instrument.
P1t0tCut1OD. Warm contentions in words. Dispute or
controversy carried on with heat or anger. vory v.
btate, I2 Tex.Cr.K. 4, I b.W.2d 9, 9.
P1t0t 0@O /oItor ygow/. becond sef. Underdoctrineof
'ater ego', court merey disregards corporate entity
and hods individua responsioe for acts knowingy and
intentionay done in the name of corporation. vy v.
yer, 24 Ca.App.2d 7, 4 Ca.Kptr. 94, 97. To
estaoish the 'ater ego' doctrine, it mustoe shown that
the stockhoders disregarded the entity of the corpora-
tion, made corporation a mere conduit for the transac-
tion oftheir own private ousiness, andthat the separate
individuaities ofthe corporation and its stockhoders in
fact ceased to exist. befton v. ban Diego Trust & bav-
ings Bank, Ca.App., I .2d 974, 984. The doctrine of
'ater ego' does not create assets for or in corporation,
out it simpyfastens iaoiity on the individua who uses
the corporation meey as an instrumentaity in con-
ducting his own persona ousiness, and that iaoiity
springs from fraud perpetrated not on the corporation,
out on third persons deaing with corporation. Garvin
v. Matthews, I93 Wash. I2, 74 .2d 99, 992. See olo
lnstrumental|ty rule.
P1t0t1U9 C1tCUHV0Dt1O DOD Qt8O0t uCt1OD0H
/atriyas sorkamvensh(iy)ow iyay non pryoat
akshiywnam/. The deceiving of one person does not
afford an action to another.
P1t0Wut /tarnat/. A usage among dipomatists oy
whichthe rankand paces ofdiffeentpowers, whohave
the same right and pretensions to precedence, are
changed from time to time, either in a certain reguar
order or one determined oy ot. n drawing up treaties
and conventions, for exampe, it is the usage ofcertain
powers toaternate, ooth inthe preamoe and the signa-
tures, so that each power occupies, in the copy intended
to oe deivered to it, the rst pace.
P1t0Wut0 10@uC. See Legacy.
P1t0Wut0 Vu1Uut1OD 0ut0. roperty passing from a
person oy death may oe vaued forestate tax purposes
as of the date of death or the aternate vauation date.
Theaternatevauation date issixmonthsfromthedate
of death or the date the property is disposed of oy the
estate, whichever comes rst. The use of the aternate
vauation date requires an afrmative eection on the
part of the executor or administrator of the estate.
.K.C. II4(a), 232.
P1t0Wut1H /otarneytam/. Lat. nterchangeaoy.
P1t0Wut1Vu Q0t1t1O DOD 09t uU010D0u /otornatayva
patsh(i)yow nn est odiyenda/. An aternative petition
or demand is not to oe heard.
P1t0Wut1V0. One or the other of two things, giving an
option orchoice, aowingachoice oetween two ormore
things or acts to oe done.
P1t0Wut1V0 CODttuCt. A contract whosetermsaowof
performanceoy the doingofeither one ofsevera acts at
the eection ofthe party from whom performance is due.
P1t0Wut1V0 019QUt0 t09O1Ut1OD. Term refers to proce-
dures for setting disputes oy means other than itiga-
tion, e.g., oy aroitration, mediation, mini-trias. buch
procedures, which are usuayess costy and more expe-
ditious, are increasingy oeing used in commercia and
aoor disputes, divorc actions, in resoving motor ve-
hice and medica mapractice tort caims, and in other
disputesthat woud ikey otherwise invove court itiga-
tion. See olso Arb|trat|on, Med|at|on, M| n|-tr|al, Tr|al
(Summo)u trto0.
P110tDu11V0 U0@H0Dt. See JudgmenI.
P1t0tDut1V0 H1D1HUH tuX (P3). Thetax imposed on
individuas,estates, trusts, and, fortax years oeginning
after I98, corporations. The tax is designed to ensure
that a taxpayers pay at east a minimum amount of
taxes. The AMT rate is a fixed percentage of aterna-
tive minimum taxaoe income. .K.C. -9.
P1t0Wut1V0 OO11@ut1OD. An ooigation aowing the oo-
igor to choose which of two things he wi do, the
performance of either of which wi satisfy the instru-
ment. A promise to deiver a certain thing or to pay a
specied sum of money is an exampe of this kind of
P1t0tDut1V0 Q10u01D@. A form of peading which was
formery prohioited out now recognized under edera
and state Kues of Civ.roc. oy which the peader sets
forthtwo ormore statements oy way ofcaim or defense
which are not necessariy consistent with each other.
When two or more statements are made in the aterna-
tive and one of them if made independenty woud oe
sufcient, the peading is not made insumcient oy the
insufciency of one or more of the aternative state-
ments. bee ed.K.Civi . 8(e)(2).
P1t0Wut1V0 t0110. Under ed.Kues Civ.roc. 8(a) the
partyseekingajudgmentmay demand it intheaterna-
tive, or in various forms, e.g. demand for a money
judgment and for equitaoe reief.
P110tDut1V0 t0Hu1D00t9. Kemainders in which disposi-
tion ofpropertyis madeinaternative, onetotake effect
ony in case the other does not, and in suostitution ofit.
P1t0tDut1V0 t0H00109. SeeAlternat|ve rel|ef.
P1t0tDut1V0 Wt1t. Acommonawwritcommanding the
person against whom it is issued to do a specified thing,
or show cause to the court why he shoud not oe com-
peed to do it. Under the common-aw practice, the
rst mondomus is an aternative writ, out in modern
practice this writ isoftendispensedwith and its pace is
taken oy an order to show cause. See Mandamus.
P1t0tUH DOD 1800t0 /taram non ydariy/. Not to
injure another. This maxim, and two others, honeste
utuere, and suum cutue trtuere, (. u.Jare consideredoy
Justinian as fundamenta principes upon which a the
rues of aw are oased.
P1t0tUt0t /otarywtar/. Lat. One of two, either.
P1t1U9 DOD tO110D01 /sh(i)yas non taenday/. n the
civi aw, a servitude due oy the owner of a house, oy
which he is restrained from ouiding oeyond a certain
P1t1U9 tO110D01 /sh(i)yas taenday/. n the civi aw, a
servitude which consists in the right, to him who is
entitedto it, to ouid his house ashighas he maythink
proper. n genera, however, every one enjoys this
priviege, uness he is restrained oy some contrary tite.
P1tO 0t Ou99O /tow at osow/. High and ow. This
phrase is appied to an agreement made oetween two
contendingpartiesto suomitamattersin dispute, olto
et uso, to aroitration.
PtUH Hut0 /tom mriy/. L. Lat. n od Lngish
aw, the high sea, or seas. The deep sea. Sueroltum
more, on the high seas.
P U1 0t u 909 D0t1t10t9 QOUt tOUgOUt9 /a wy ey aseyz
eriytyeypurtuwzhr/. To him and to his heirs forever.
PV0U9 /viyos/. The oed or channe through which
the stream ows when it runs within its ordinary chan-
neL Alueus dereltctus, a deserted channeL
P.. Ante mertdtem, oefore noon. Ony the aoorevia-
tion is ordinariy used. Aso orttum mogtster, master of
arts. Aso onnus mtmtlts, the wonderfu year-I,
theyearofthe defeat oftheDutcheetand ofthegreat
London re. Aso onno mundt, in the year ofthe word,
that u, when the creation of the word is said to have
taken pace, 44 B. C.
P..P. American Medica Association.
P Hu 1Dt0Dt /a ma antn/. On my action.
PHu@uHut1OD /omgomeyshon/. Union of different
races,ordiverse eements, societies, unions, associations,
or corporations, so as to form a homogeneous whoe or
new oody, interfusion, intermarriage, consoidation,
merger, coaescence, as, the amagamation of stock.
PHuQD1tuD CO00 or tuO0 /omfodon kowd/teyoo/.
A coection of sea-aws, compied aoout theend of the
eeventh century, oy the peope ofAmaphi. t consists
of the aws on maritime suojects, which were or had
oeen in force in countries oordering onthe Mediterrane-
an, and was for a ong time received as authority in
those countries. t oecame a part ofthe aw ofthe sea.
See Code.
P HuD1OU9 /ey mnioos/. Lat. Koya scrioe. See Am-
PHuDU0D919 /omanyuwensos/. One who writes on oe-
hafof another that which he dictates.
P HuDU 90tVU9 /ey m(y)uw sorvos/. Lat. A handser-
vant, a scrioe, a secretary.
PHOuCtU9 /amoktos/. A messenger, a servant sent
aoout, one whose services his master hired out.
PHOu9C1utOt /amoashiyeytor/. A person sent aoout in
the service of another, a person sent on a service. A
wordoffreguentoccurrenceinthewritersofthe midde
PHOu99u0Ot. A puoic omcer cothed with high dip-
omatic powers, commissioned oy agovernment to trans-
act the internationa ousiness ofhis government with a
foreign government.
An Amoassador of the United btates is the persona
representativeofthe resident and reports to the resi-
dentthroughthe becretary ofbtate. Amoassadors have
fu responsioiity for impementing the U.b. foreign
poicyoy any and a U.b. Government personne within
their country ofassignment, exceptthose under miitary
commands. Their responsioiities incude negotiating
agreements oetween the United btates and the host
country, expaining and disseminating ofcia U.b. poi-
cy, and maintaining cordia reations withthat country's
government and peope. 22 U.b.C.A. 3942.
A distinction was formery made oetween Amoassa-
dors xtmordtno, who were sent to conduct specia
ousiness or to remain for an indeterminate period, and
Amoassadors Urdtno, who were sent on permanent
missions, out this distinction is no onger ooserved.
See olso D|p|omat|c agent.
PHO100Xt0t /amoodekstor/. bkifu with ooth hands,
one who pays on ooth sides. Appied ancienty to an
attorney who took pay from ooth sides, and suoseguent-
y to a juror guity of the same offense.
PHO1@Uu t09QOD91O CODttu QtO0t0Dt0H 09t uCC1Q10D-
0u /amogyuwo rospnsh(iy)ow kntro proforentom est
oksipiyendo/. An amoiguous answer is to oe taken
against (is not to oe contrued in favor o him who
offers it.
PHO1@U19 Cu91OU9 90HQ0t Qt&9UH1tUt QtO t0@0
/amogyuwos keyzooos sempor proz(y)wmotor prow
r_iy/. n douotfu cases, the presumption aways is in
oehaf of the crown.
PHO1@U1tu9 /amoogywotas/. Lat. rom omtguus,
douotfu, uncertain, ooscure. Amoiguity, uncertainty
of meaning.
Amtguttos lotens, a atent amoiguity, omtguttos o
tens, a patentamoiguity SeeAmb|gu|ty.
PHO1@U1tu9 CODttu 9t1QU1utOt0H 09t /amoogywotas
kntro stpyoeytrom est/. Douotfu words wi oe con-
strued most strongy against the party using them.
PHO1@U1tu9 V0tOOtUH 1ut0D9 V0t1Cut1OD0 9UQQ10tUtJ
DuH QUO0 0X uCtO Ot1tUt uHO1@UUH V0t1Cut1OD0
uCt1 tO11tUt /amoogywotas vororom eytonz
vehrofokeyshiywniysopytor, nam kwd eks fkt(y)uw
hrotor amogyuwom vehrofokeyshiywniy fktay
t!tor/. A atent amoiguity in the anguage may oe
removed oy evidence, for whatever amoiguity arises
from an extrinsic fact may oe expained oy extrinsic
evidence. baid to oe 'an unprotaoe suotety, inade-
guate and uninstructive.'
PHO1@U1tu9 V0tOOtUH Qut0D9 DU1u V0t1Cut1OD0 0X-
CU01tUt /amoogywotas vororom peytenz no
vehrofokeyshiywniy ekswdotor/. A patent amoiguity
cannot oe ceared up oy extrinsic evidence (or is never
hopen oy averment).
PHO1@U1t /amoogywotiy/. Douotfuness, douoeness
of meaning. Dupicity, indistinctness, or uncertainty of
meaning ofan expression used in awritten instrument.
Want of cearness or deniteness, difcut to compre-
hend or distinguish, of douotfu import. or Extr|ns|c
amb|gu|ty, see that tite.
Amoiguityexists ifreasonaoepersons can nd differ-
ent meanings in a statute, document, etc., Laskaris v.
City of Wisconsin Des, nc., App., 389 N.W.2d 7, 7,
I3I Wis.2d 2, whengoodarguments canoe made for
either of two contrary positions as to a meaning of a
term in a document, Atas Keady-Mix of Minot, nc. v.
White roperties, nc., N.D., 3 N.W.2d2I2, 22, when
appication of pertinent rues of interpretation to an
instrument as a whoe fais to make certain which one
of two or more meanings is conveyed oy the words
empoyedoy the parties, Wood v. Hatcher, I99 Kan. 238,
428 .2d 799, 83.
Language in contract is 'amoiguous' when it is rea-
sonaoy capaoe of oeing understood in more than one
sense. City of bioux as v. Henry Carson Co., nc.,
b.D., 28 N.W.2d 7, 79. Testfor determiningwheth-
er a contract is 'amoiguous' is whether reasonaoe
persons woud nd the contract suoject to more than
one interpretation. Tastee-reez Leasing Corp. v. Mi-
wid, nd.App., 3 N.L.2d I388, I39.
Amoiguity of anguage is to oe distinguished from
uninteigioiity and inaccuracy, for words cannot oe
said to oe amoiguous uness their signication seems
knowedge to understand them. t does not incude
uncertainty arisingfrom the use ofpecuiarwords, or of
common words in a pecuiar sense. t is lotent where
the anguage empoyed is cear and inteigioe and
suggestsout asinge meaning, out someextrinsicfactor
extraneous evidence creates a necessity for interpreta-
tion or a choice among two or more possioe meanings,
as where a description apparenty pain and unamoig-
uous is shown to t different pieces of property. Logue
v. Von Amen, 379 . 28, 4 N.L.2d 73, 82. Aotent
amoiguity is that which appears on the face of the
instrument, and arises from the defective, ooscure, or
insensioe anguage used.
PHO1@U1t UQOD tD0 uCtUH. An amoiguity in reation
tothe very foundation ofthe instrumentitsef,as distin-
guished from an amoiguity in regard tothe construction
of its terms. The term is appied, for instance, to a
douotas to whether atestatormeanta particuarcause
to oe a part of the wi, or whether it was introduced
with his knowedge, or whether a codici was meant to
repuoish a former wi, or whether the residuary cause
was accidentay omitted.
PHO1@UOU9. See Amb|gu|ty.
PHO1@UUH QuCtUH CODttu V0D01tOt0H 1Dt0tQt0tuD-
0UH 09t /mogyuwam pktam kontra vendatoram
intarpratndam est/. An amoiguous contract is to oe
interpreted against the seer.
PHO1@UUH Q1uC1tUH 1Dt0tQt0tut1 00O0t CODttu QtO-
0t0Dt0H /mogyuwam psatam intarprateray deoat
kontra profarentam/. An amoiguous pea ought to oe
interpreted against the party peading it.
PHO1t. A ooundary ine, as going around a pace, an
exeriororincosingine or imit. The imits or circum-
ference of a power orjurisdiction, the ine circumscrio-
ing any suoject-matter.
PHO1tU9 /moatas/. The procuring ofa puoic omce oy
money or gifts, the unawfu ouying and seing of a
puoic ofce.
PO1Ot1C /mootak/. Having the power to cause aoor-
tion, anything used to produce aoortion.
PHOU1uDC0 CDu90t. A popuar name for one who soi-
cits negigence cases for an attorney for a fee or in
consideration of a percentage of the recovery. Aso, a
term descriptive of the practice of some attorneys, on
hearing of a persona injury which may have oeen
caused oy the negigence or wrongfu act of another, of
at once seeking out the injured person with a view to
securing authority to oring action on account of the
injury. Laymen's acguainting themseves with occur-
rence of accidents and approaching injured persons or
their representatives with a view toward soiciting em-
poyment for an attorney in the itigation arising from
the accident. See olso Runner.
PHOU1utOt1u 09t VO1UDtu9 00UDCt1 U9QU0 u0 V1t8
9UQt0HUH 0X1tUH /moyaatoriya est voants
dafaqktayaskwiy dvaytiys(y)aprymam egztam/. The
wi of a deceased person was amouatory unti the
atest moment of ife.
PHOU1utOt. Lat. omulore, to wak aoout. Movaoe,
revocaoe, suoject to change, capaoe of ateration.
Amulotorto uoluntos (a changeaoe wi) denotes the
power which a testator possesses of atering his wi
during his ife-time.
Courts. The court of king's oench in Lngand was
formerycaedan amouatorycourt,oecauseit foowed
the king's person, and was hed sometimes in one pace
and sometimes in another. bo, in rance, the supreme
court or pariament was originay amouatory. 3 B.
Comm. 38, 39, 41.
PHOU1utOt 019QO91t1OD. A judgment, decree, or sen-
tence which is suojectto change, amendment or revoca-
PHOU9D. To ie in wait, to surprise, to pace in amoush.
P H0 /ey my/. Lat. ego, . A term in feuda grants
denoting direct tenure of the superior ord. Unjusty
detaining from me. He is said to withhod o me (from
me) who has ootained possession of my property unjust-
y. To pay o me, is to pay from my money.
PH011Otut1D@ Wu9t0 /amy(i)yareytiq weyst/. An act of
essee, though technicay constituting waste, yet in fact
resuting in improving instead of doing injury to and.
Generay, eguity wi not enjoin such waste.
PH011Otut1OD9 /amy(i)yaeyshanz/. Betterments, im-
PH0DuO10 /amynaoa/men/. buojectto answer to the
aw, accountaoe, responsioe, iaoe to punishment.
Aso means tracaoe, that may oe easiy ed or gov-
erned, formery appied to a wife who was governaoe
oy her husoand.
PH0D0. To improve. To change for the oetter oy re-
moving defects or fauts. To change, correct, revise.
Texas Co. v. ort, I8 Tenn. 79, 8 b.W.2d 8, .
See Amendment.
PH0D00 DODOtuO10 /omnd onoraoo/. Anapoo. n
od Lngsh aw, t was apenaty mposed upon aperson
oy way ofdsgrace or nfamy, as a punshment for any
offense, orforthe purpose ofmakng reparaton for any
njury done to another, as the wakng nto church n a
whtesheet, wth a rope aoout the neck and a torch n
the hand, andoeggngthepardonofGod, orthe kng,or
any prvate ndvdua,forsomedenguency. A punsh
ment somewhat smar to ths, whch oore the same
name, was common nranceforoffenses aganst puoc
decency or moraty. t was aooshed oy the aw ofthe
2th of beptemoer, I79I. n I82 t was re-ntroduced
n cases of sacrege and was nay aooshed n I83.
PH0D0H0DI. To change or modfy for the oetter. To
ateroy modcaton, deeton, or addton.
!octtce ondleodtng. The correcton of an error com-
mtted n any process, peadng, or proceedng at aw, or
n eguty, and whch s done ether as of course, or oy
the consent ofpartes, or upon moton to the court n
whch the proceedng s pendng. Under ed.KCv .,
any change n peadngs, though not necessary a cor-
recton, whch a party may accompsh once as a matter
of course at any tme oefore a responsve peadng has
oeen served. buch amendment may oe necessary to
cause peadngs to conform to evdence. Kue I(a), m).
The amendment reatesoackto the orgna peadng f
thesuoject oft aroseout ofthetransacton set forth or
attempted to oe set forth n the orgna peadng. ed.
KCv . I(c). Comore Supplemental plead|ng.
PH0D0H0DI OgU0@H0DI. Ajudgment mayoe atered
or amended for approprate reasons on moton fserved
wthn ten days after entry of judgment. ed.KCv..
9(e). bee aso Kue (Keffromjudgmentororder).
PH0D0H0DI O ItU9I. An addton whch aters the
orgnatermsofatrust,thepowerto accompsh whch
may oe reserved oy the settor n the orgna trust
PH0D0H0DI OD COUtI9 OWD HOI1OD. A change or
addton to a peadng or other document accompshed
oy the judge wthout a pror moton of a party.
PH0D09. A satsfacton gven oy a wrongdoer to the
party njured, for a wrong commtted.
PH0D1I /omenty/. n rea roperty aw, suchcrcm-
stances, n regardto stuaton, vew, ocaton, access to a
watercourse,orthe ke, asenhancethe peasantness or
desraoty ofthe property for purposesofresdence, or
controute to the peasure and enjoyment of the occu-
pants, rather than to ther ndspensaoe needs. Lxtras
or ntangoe tems often assocated wth property.
They may oe tangoe. Often amentes n a condomn-
um ncude swmmng poos, andscapng, and tenns
n the aw of eosemen, an 'amenty' conssts n
restranng the owner from dong that on hs property
whch, outforthegrantorcovenant, hemghtotherwse
awfuy have done. bometmes caed a 'negatve ease-
ment' as dstngushed from that cass of easements
whch compe the owner to suffer somethng to oe done
8CK`S LW C!DD8Q !D c0.~
on hs property oy another. LgutaoeLfe Assur. boc.
v. Brennan, 3 Aoo.N.C. 2, 24 N.Y.b. 784, 788. A
restrctve covenant. bouth Buffao btores v. W. T.
Grant Co., I3 Msc. 7, 274 N.Y.b. 49, .
PH0D9 /eymenz/. See Demens.
P H0D9u 0I IDOtO /y menso et row/. Lat. rom
taoe and oed, out more commony transated, fromoed
and ooard. A knd ofdvorce, whch s rather a separa-
ton of the partes oy aw, than a dssouton of the
marrage. See Separat|on.
PH0DI1u. nsanty, docy. See | nsan|ty.
PH0tC0 /omrs/. To mpose an amercement or ne, to
puosh oy a ne or penaty.
PH0tC0H0DI /omrsmont/. A money penaty n the
nature of a ne mposed upon an ofcer for some
msconductornegect ofduty. bherman v. Upton, nc.,
b.D., 242 N.W.2d , 7. At common aw, t was
assessed oy the peers ofthe denguent, or the affeerors,
or mposed arotrary at the dscreton of the court or
the ord.
Lary common aw reguredcompanantho ost hs
sut to pay hs opponent 'wer,' monetary penaty whch
vared wth the companant's status, outafter Norman
conguest, wer gave way to 'amercement,' a more ex-
oe sancton pad to court, the amountofwhch, at east
n theory, vared accordng to the wrongfuness of com-
panant's conduct. redman v. Dozorc, 4I2 Mch. I,
3I2N.W.2d 8, 9.
PH0t1CuD. Of or pertanng to the Unted btates.
PH0t1CuD PtO1ItuI1OD P99OC1uI1OD. Natona orga-
nzaton ofarotratorsfrom whose pane arotrators are
seectedforaoor and commerca dsputes. The Assoc-
aton has produced a Code of Lthcs and rocedura
btandards for use and gudance of arotrators. See
PH0t1CuD P99OC1uI1OD. A Natona assocaton of
awyers, aprmary purposeofwhch s themprovement
of awyers' servces and the admnstraton of justce.
Memoershp n the ABA s opento anyawyerwho s n
good standng n hs or her state.
PH0t1CuD OUD0uI1OD. An outgrowth of the
Amercan Bar Assocatonnvoved wth sponsorng and
fundng projects ega research, educaton and soca
PH0t1CuD C1uU90. n marne nsurance, a provso n a
pocy to the effect that, n case of any suoseguent
nsurance, the nsurer sha nevertheess oe answeraoe
forthefu extentofthe sum suoscroedoyhm,wthout
rght to cam controuton from suoseguent underwrt-
PH0t1CuD 01@09I 99I0H. See D|gest.
PH0t1CuD 0XQ0t10DC0 IuO10 O HOtIu11I. A seres of
taoes deang wth fe nsurance, costs and vaues,
varyng accordng to the age of the nsured, the perod
durngwhchthe pocy has oeen n force, and the term
of the partcuar pocy.
PH0t1CuD 000tut1OD OuOOt. An afiation ofaoor
PH0t1CuD uW D9t1tUt0. Group of American ega
schoars who are responsioe for the Kestatements in the
various discipines ofthe aw and who, jointy with the
Nationa Conference of Commissioners on Uniform
btate Laws, prepare some of the Uniform btate Laws,
e.g. Uniform Commercia Code. SeeRestatement of Law.
PH0t1CuD tU10. The traditiona 'American Kue' is
that attorney fees are not awardaoe to the winning
party (t.e. each itigant must pay his own attorney fees)
uness statutoriy or contractuay authorzed, however
exceptions exist in that an award may oe made to
successfu party if the opponent has acted in oad faith,
vexatiousy, wantony or for oppressive reasons or ifthe
itigation confers a suostantia oenet on the memoers
ofan ascertainaoe cass and the court's suoject matter
jurisdiction makes possioe an awardthatwi operate to
spread the costs proportionatey among them. Huecker
v. Miourn, C.A.Ky., 38 .2d I24I, I24. n addtion a
court may in its discretionaward attorney fees in civi
rights actions to the prevaiing defendant if the action
was frivoous, unreasonaoe or without foundation.
Christiansourg Garment Co. v. LLOC, 434 U.b. 4I2, 98
b.Ct. 94. Aso, a numoer of federa statutes make
provisionforawardsofattorneyfeesto prevaiingpain-
tiffs in actions invoving vioations of various federa
aws (e.g., air Laoor btandards Act, I, 29 U.b.C.A.
2I(o) . See olo Equal Access to Just|ce Act.
PH0UO11990H0Dt /amywoasmn/. n rench aw, a
species ofagreement whichoy actiongives to immov-
aoe gos the guaity ofmovaoe.
PH1J uH. Afriend, as olten omt, an aienoeongingto
a nation at peace wth us, rochetn omt, a next friend
suing or defending for an infant, married woman, etc.

H1uO109 COHQO91t0Ut9. See Am|cable compounders.

PH1CuO10. riendy, mutuay foroearing. Agreed or
assented to oy parties having conicting interests or a
dispute, as opposed to hostie or adversary.
PH1CuO10 uCt1OD. An action orought and carried on oy
the mutua consent and arrangement of the parties, to
ootain judgment of court on a douotfu guestion of aw,
the factsoeing usuay setted oy agreement. See Case
(Cue ogeed onJ, Declaratory |udgment.
PH1CuO10 COHQOUD00t9. n Louisiana aw and prac-
tice, amicaoe compounders arearoitrators authorized to
aoate something ofthe strictness of the aw in favor of
natura eguity.
PH1CuO10 9C1t0 uC1u9 tO t0V1V0 ugU0@H0Dt /amakaoa
sayriy feyshiyas/. A written agreement, signed oy the
person to oe oound oy the revva, in the nature of a
writ of scire facias with a confession ofjudgment there-
on, which must oe duy docketed, out which reguires no
judicia action on the part of the court, and which has
the force and effect of a judgment rendered upon an
adverse or contested writ of scire facias.
PH1CU9 CUt1& /amaykas kyriyiy/amykas kyriyay/.
eans, iteray, friend of the court. A person with
strong interest in or views on the suoject matter of an
action, out not a party to the action, may petition the
court for permission to e a orief, ostensioy on oehaf
of a party out actuay to suggest a rationae consistent
with its own views. buch amicus curiae oriefs are
commony ed in appeas concerning matters ofaoroad
puoic interest e.g. civirightscases. buch mayoeed
oy private persons or thegovernment. n appeas tothe
U.b. courts of appeas, such orief may oe ed ony if
accompanied oy written consent of a parties, or oy
eave ofcourt granted on motion or at the reguest ofthe
court, except that consent or eave sha not oe reguired
when the orief is presented oy the United btates or an
omcer or agency thereof. ed.K.App.. 29. bee aso
bup.Ct.Kue 37.
PH1tu /mata/. Lat. An aunt on the father's side.
Amtto mogno. A great-aunt on the father's side. Amt-
to mo)or. A great-great-aunt on the father's side. Amt-
to moxtmo. A great-great-great-aunt, or a great-great-
grandfather's sister.
PH1t1DU9 /amataynas/. The chid ofaorother or sister,
a cousin, one who has the same grandfather, out differ-
ent faher and mother.
PH1tt0t0 /amtariy/. Lat. n the civiI and od Lngish
aw, to ose. Hence the od bcotch 'amitt.'
PH1tt0t0 CUt1uH / amtariy kyriyam/. To ose the
court, to oe deprived of the priviege of attending the
PH1tt0t0 10@0H t0tt& /amtariy yjam teriy/. To ose
the protection afforded oy the aw of the and.
PH1tt0t0 11O0tuH 10@0H /amtariy aram yjam/. n
odLngishaw, to ose one's frank-aw. A term having
the same meaning as omtttere legem terra, (. u.J. He
whoost his aw ost the protection extendoy theaw
to a free man, and oecame suoject to the same aw as
thras or serfs attached to the and. To ose the privi-
ege of giving evidence under oath in any court, to
oecome infamous, and incapaoe of giving evidence. f
either party in a wager ofoatte cried 'craven' he was
condemned omtttere lterom legem; 3 BI.Comm. 34.
PHD091u. Lossofmemoryas aresutoforganic trauma,
deirium esions of the diencephaon area of the orain,
hysteria or epiepsy. unctionay, identity oss can
represent a means of coping with neurotic conict.
Three types of amnesia ae. anterograde (inaoiity to
retain new impressions, may oe a feature of seniity),
retrograde(faiure to reca prior experiences), acunar
(oss ofmemory for certain periods ofife). buch condi-
tion is not generaysufcientfor ack ofcompetency to
stand tria. U. b. ex reI. arsons v. Anderson, 34
.bupp. I, I7I-I72, aftd 48I .2d 94.
PHD09t /mnastiy /. A sovereign actofforgiveness for
past acts, granted oy a government to a persons (or to
certain cassesofpersons)who have oeen guity ofcrime
or deict, generay poitica offenses,treason, sedition,
reoeion, draft evasion,-and often conditioned upon
ther retutn to obdence and duty wthn a prescrbd
tme. 1he I mmgraton Heform and Lontro Act
proVd amnesty for many undoumented aens a-
ready pre8ent m the country.
ncuded n the concept of pardon s ``amnesty,` whch
s smar n a respcu to a fu pardon, nsofar as
when t s granted both the crme and punshment are
abrogated, howeVer, unke pardons, an amnesty usua-
y refers to a cs of ndVduas rrespctVe of ndVdu-
a stuatons. btate V. Morrs, Uho bt.2d 11, 9
U.U.3d 92, 37b N.L.2d 7b, 711.
A decaraton of the person or persons who have
newy acqured or recoVered the soVeregn power n a
naton, by whch they pardon a persons who composed,
supported, or obeyed the goVernment whch has been
Amnesty s the aboton and forgetfuness of the
offense, pardon s forgVeness. bnote V. U. b., 9 U.b.
149, 12, 24 L.Ld. 442. 1he rst s usuay addressed to
crmes aganst the soVeregnty of the naton, to potca
offenses, the second condones nfractOns of the peace of
the naton. Uurdck V. Unted btates, 23b U.b. 79, 3
b.Lt. 2b7, 271, 9 L.Ld. 47b.
Comore Pardon, Parole.
rs omnty s one granted n drect terms.
1mlted omnesty s one whch resuts when a treaty of
peace s made between contendng partes.
PHOOutO1tu /cymowbarboto/. Nonpropretary name
for soamy+thybarbturc acd.
PHOD@. Mnged wth or n the same group or cass.
ntermnged wth. n company or assocaton wth. n
shares to each of, e.g. dVded ''among` the hers. n or
through the mdst of.
PHOtt1Zut1OD / omortozyshon/. n accountng, the ao-
caton (and charge to eXpense) of the cost or other bass
of an ntangbe asset over ts estmated usefu fe.
ntangbe assets whch haVe an ndente fe (e.g. ,
goodw) are not amortzabe. LXampes of amortzabe
ntangbes ncude organzaton costs, patents, copy-
rghts and easehod nterests. A reducton n a debt or
fund by perodc payments coVerng nterest and part of
prncpa, dstngushed from: (1) deprecaton, whch s
an aocaton of the orgna cost of an asset computed
from physca wear and tear as we as the passage of
tme, and (2) depeton, whch s a reducton n the book
Vaue of a resource (such as mneras) resutng from
converson nto a saabe product. 1he operaton of
payng off bonds, stock, a mortgage, or other ndebted-
ness, commony of a state or corporaton, by nsta-
ments, or by a snkng fund. An ''amortzaton pan`
for the payment of an ndebtedness s one where there
are parta payments of the prncpa, and accrued nter-
est, at stated perods for a dente tme, at the eXpra-
ton of whch the entre ndebtedness w be eXtn-
gushed. Comore Deprec|at|on.
Amorttzotton rerue. An account created for book-
keepng purposes to eXtngush an obgaton graduay
oVer a perod of tme.
Amortted mortge. Hepayment of a mortgge oVer
regar speced tme nterVas, wth equa paymenu.
woud reduce the prncpa, after any mones owng
for nterest are apped.
Aegotte omorttzotton. occurs when monthy pay-
ments are not arge enough to coVer a of the nterest
cost of an adjustabe rate mortgage. 1he nterest rate
that sn't coVered s added to the oan's prncpa, whch
then coud ncrease to more than the amount borrowed.
PHOtt1Zut1OD 90D00U0. A schedue of perodc pay-
ments of nterest and prncpa owed on a debt ob-
PHOt1O /omwsh(y)ow/. n the cv aw, a moVng or
takng away. ''1he sghtest omotto s sucent to
consttute theft, f the ontmus Jurondt be ceary estab-
shed.` See Amot|on.
PHOt1OD / omwshon/. A puttng or turnng out, as the
eVcton of a tenant or a remoVa from ofce. Usposses-
son of ands. Uuster s an omotton of possesson. A
moVng or carryng away, the wrongfu takng of per-
sona chattes.
n corporaton aw, the common aw procedure by
whch a drector may be removed for cause by the
PHOUDt. 1he whoe effect, substance, quantty, mport,
resut, or sgncance. 1he sum of prncpa and nter-
est. See olo Sum certa|n.
PHOUDt 0OV0t00. n nsurance, the amount that s
nsured, and for whch underwrters are abe for oss
under a pocy of nsurance.
PHOUDt U 0ODttOV0t9. 1he damages camed or reef
demanded by njured party n dspute, the amount
camed or sued for n tgaton. enwood Lght &
Water Lo. v. Mutua Lght, Heat & ower L., 239 U.b.
121, 3b b.Lt. 3, b L.Ld. 174, Wabash Hy. Lo. V.
Vanandngham, L.L.A.Mo., 3 .2d 1. Amount of
aeged damages requred for dversty jursdcton n
edera courts. 2b U.b.L.A. 1332. See Jur|sd|ct|onal
PHOUDt O O99. n nsurance, the dmnuton, destruc-
ton, or defeat of the vaue of, or of the charge upon, the
nsured subject to the assured, by the drect consequence
of the operaton of the rsk nsured aganst, accordng to
ts Vaue n the pocy, or n contrbuton for oss, so far
as ts Vaue s coVered by the nsurance. See Damages.
PHOUDt t0u1Z00. 1he amount receVed by a taXpayer
upon the sae or eXchange of property. 1he measure of
the amount receVed s the sum of the cash and the far
market Vaue of any property or serVces receVed, pus
any reated debt assumed by the buyer. Uetermnng
the amount reazed s the startng pont for arrVng at
reazed gan or oss. 1he amount reazed s dened n
.H.L. IU1m) and accompanyng Heguatons. See
Heal|zed ga|n orloss, Hecogn|zed ga|n or loss.
PHOUDt tO. 1o reach n the aggregate, to rse to or
reach by accumuaton of partcuar sums or quanttes.
PHOV0. 1o remove from a post or staton.
PHOV0u9 HuDU9 /eymwviyos mnos/. Lat. That you
remove your hands. n od Lngish aw, after ofce
found, the king was entited to the things forfeited,
either ands or persona property, the remedy for a
person aggrieved was oy 'petition,' or monstrons d
drott, ' or tmuemes, ' to estaoish his superior right.
Thereupon awrit issued, uod monus domtnt regts omo-
PHQutO /amparow/. n bpanish-American aw, a doc-
ument issued to a caimant of and as a protection to
him, unti a survey can oe ordered, and the tite of
possession issued oy an authorized commissioner.
PHQD0tuH1D0 /amfetomiyn/amfetomon/. A drug
which stimuates the centra nervous system. Com. v.
Crockett, 229 a.buper. 8, 323 A.2d 27, 29. 'Methe-
drine' is its trade name. Cooress, voatie, mooie
iquid, inhaation of which vapor causes shrinking of
nasa mucosa in head cods, sinusitis and hay fever.
PHQ11ut1OD /ampiyeyshon/. n ctutllo, adeferring of
judgment unti a cause oe further examined. An order
for the rehearing ofa cause on a day appointed, for the
sake ofmore ampe information.
n1rench lo, a dupicate of an acquittance or other
instrument. A notary's copy of acts passed oefore him,
deivered to the parties.
PHQ11U9 /mpiyos/. n the Koman aw, more, further,
more time. A word which the prator pronounced in
cases where there was anyooscurity in acause, and the
)udtces were uncertain whether to condemn or acquit,
oy which the case was deferred to a day named.
PHQUtut1OD Ot1@DtDuD0. An ancientpunishmentfor
a oow given in a superior court, or for assauting a
judge sitting in the court.
P3. SeeAlternat|ve m| n| mum tax.
PHttuB. Nationa Kairoad assenger Corporation.
P HU1tO Ott1Ot1 /ey mtow forshiyray/. By far the
stronger reason.
PHU90H0Dt. astime, diversion, enjoyment. A pea-
suraoeoccupationofthe senses,orthatwhich furnishes
it. Young v. Board of Trustees of Broadwater County
High bchoo, 9 Mont. 7, 4 .2d 72, 72. See olso
PHU90H0DttuX. Agovernment evy imposed on tickets
sod to paces of amusement, sporting events, etc., ex-
pressed as a percentage of the price of the ticket. See
olo Luxury tax.
PH. See Am|, Proche|n am|.
PD. The Lngish indenite artice, equivaent to 'one'
or 'any', sedomused to denote puraity.
PDuCt1919 /anokrayzos/. n the civi aw, an investiga-
tion of truth, interrogation of witnesses, and inquiry
made into any fact, especiay oy torture.
PDu1O@OU9 /onogos/. Derivedfromthe Greek ana, up,
and ogos, ratio. Means oearing some resemoance or
ikeness that permits one to draw an anaogy.
PDu1O@. dentity or simiarity of proportion, where
there is no precedent in point. n cases on the same
suoject, awyers have recourse to cases on a different
suoject-matter, out governed oy the same genera princi-
pe. This is reasoning oy anaogy. The simiitude of
reations which exist oetween things compared.
PDu1t1Cu1 gUt19QtU00DC0. A theory and system ofju-
risprudencewrought outneitheroyinquiringforethica
principes or the dictates ofthe sentiments ofjustice nor
oy the rues which may oe actuay in force, out oy
anayzing, cassifying and comparing various ega con-
ceptions. See Jur|sprudence.
PDuQDtO0191u /anafrodz(h)iyo/. mpotentia cundi,
frigidity, ncapacity for sexua intercourse existing in
either man orwoman, and in the atter casesometimes
caed 'dyspareunia.'
PDutCD19t. One who professes and advocates the doc-
trines of anarchy, .u. n the immigration statutes, it
incudes, not on persons who advocate the overthrow
of organized government oy force, out aso those who
oeieve in the aosence ofgovernment as apoitica idea,
and seek the same end through propaganda.
PDutCD. Aosence of government, state of society
where there is no aw or supreme power, awessness or
poitica disorder, destructive of and confusion in
government. At its oest it pertains to a society made
orderyoygood manners rather than aw, in which each
person produces according to his powers and receives
according to his needs, and at its worst, the word per-
tains to a terroristic resistance of a present govern-
ment and socia order. or 'crimina anarchy,' see
PDutD0Hu /on0omo/. An eccIesiastica punishmentoy
which aperson is separated fromtheoodyofthechurch,
and foroidden a intercourse with the memoers of the
same. t differs from excommunication, which simpy
foroids the person excommunicated from going into the
church receiving Communion.
PDutD0Hut120 /on0omotayz/. To pronounce anathema
upon, to pronounce accursed oy eccesiastica authority.
See Anathema.
PDutOC19H /ontosizom/. n the civi aw, repeated or
douoed interest, compound interest, usury.
PDutOH1Cu1 @1. Testamentary donation of a vita or-
gan, ororgans,generayforpurposeofmedicaresearch
or transpant. Most states have adopted the niform
Anatomica Gift Act which authorizes the gift of a or
part ofa human oodyafterdeathfor specied purposes.
PDC09tOt. One from whom a person ineay descended
ormayoe descended, aprogenitor. A formerpossessor,
the person ast seised. A deceased person from whom
another has inherited and. Lmoraces ooth coateras
and ineas. Correative of 'heir.'
PDC09ttu1 /ansestro/. Keating to ancestors, ortowhat
has oeen done oy them, as homoge oncestml (.u.J.
Derived from ancestors.
Ancestmlestotes are such as are transmitted oy descent,
and not oy purchase, or such as are acquired either y
descent or oy operation of aw. Keaty which came to
the intestate oy descent or devise from a dead ancestor
or oy deed of actua gift from a iving one, there oeing
no other consideration than that of oood. Kea estate
kinsman. Aotments u memoers of ndian trioes or
their heirs have oeen treated as an ancestra estate.
McDouga v. McKay, 237 U.b. 372, 3 b.Ct. , 7, 9
L.Ld. II.
PDC0BIt. Line of descent, persons comprising such.
Term which emoraces the study of the antecedents of
humans and animas, pedigree. May oe proved oy
genera reputation.
PDCDOtu@0. n Lngish aw, a duty paid oy the owners
ofshipsfortheuseofthe portorharoorwheretheycast
PDC10DI. Od, that which has existed from an inde-
nitey eary period, or which oy age aone has acquired
certain rights or privieges accorded in view of ong
PDC10DI 00. A deed 3 [or 2|years od and shown to
come from a proper custody and having nothing suspi-
cious aoout it. See Anc|ent wr|t|ngs.
PDC10DI 00BD0. Manors which in the time of Wi-
iamthe Conquerrwerein the hands ofthe crown, and
are so recorded in the Domesday Book. Aso, in od
Lngish aw, a species of copyhod, which differs, how-
ever, from common copyhods in certain privieges, out
yet must oe conveyed oy surrender, according to the
custom ofthe manor. There are three sorts (I) Where
the andsarehedfreeyoythe king's grant, (2)custom-
ary freehods, which are hed of a manor in ancient
demesne, out not at the ord's wi, athough they are
conveyed oy surrender, or deed and admittance, (3)
andshedoy copyofcourt-ro atthe ord's wi, denom-
inated copyhods ofoase tenure.
PDC10DI OCU0DIB. See Ancient writ|ngs.
PDC10DI 1@DIB. See Lights, anc|ent.
PDC10DI t0u1D@B. Keadings or ectures upon the an-
cient Lngish statutes, formery regarded as of great
authority in aw.
PDC10DI t0COtB. See Ancient wr|t|ngs.
PDC10DI t0DI. The rent reserved at the time the ease
was made, if the ouiding was not then under ease.
PDC10DIB /eynshats/. nLngish aw, gentemen ofthe
inns of court and chancery. n Gray's nn the society
consists of oenchers, ancients, oarristers, and students
under the oar, and here the ancients are ofthe odest
oarristers. n the Midde Tempe, thosewho hadpassed
their readings used to oe termed ancients.' The nns
of Chancery consist of ancients and students or cerks,
from the ancients a principa or treasurer is chosen
PDC10DI B0@0uDI. n Lngish aw, the edest of the
queen's ser|eants. The ast hoder of the omce died in
I8. See Ser|eant at |aw.
PDC10DI BIt00I. The doctrine isnotoaseduponfact that
streets have existed for aongtime,out is invoked when
it appears thatcommongrantor owning and comprising
street in question as we as property in question and
other ots has given deeds to ots oounding them oy
street, thereoy not ony dedicating the street to puoic
use out at same time creating private easements in the
street, which cannot oe taken without compensation.
Dwornick v. btate, 2I A.D. 7, 297 N.Y.b. 49, 4II.
PDC10DI Wu. A wa ouittooeused, and infact used,
as a party-wa, for more than twenty years, oy the
express permission and continuous acquiescence of the
owners of the and on which it stands. bchneider v.
44-84 KeatyCorporation, I9Misc.249, 7 N.Y.b.2d3,
PDC10DI WuI0t COUtB0. A water course is ancient' if
the channethroughwhich it naturayrunshas existed
from time immemoria independent of the quantity of
water which it discharges. Lar v. De Hart, I2 N.J.Lq.
PDC10DI Wt1I1D@B. Documents oearing CO their face
every evidence of age and authenticity, of age of 3 [or
2| years, and coming from a natura and reasonaoe
omcia custody. Hartze v. U. b., C.C.A.owa, 72 .2d
9, 79. These are presumed to oe genuine without
express proof, when coming from the proper custody.
Under edera Kues of Lvidence, a document is ad-
missioe if it is in such condition as to create no suspi-
cion as to its authenticity, was in a pace where it, if
authentic, woud ikeyoe, and has oeen in existence 2
years or more at the time it is offered. ed.Lvid.K.
PDC10DQ /eynshantiy/. Ldership, seniority. Used in
the statute of reand, I4 Hen. V.
PDC1u /anso/. Lat. A handmaid, an auxiiary, a
PDC1ut /nsoeriy/. Aiding, attendant upon, descri
ing a proceeding attendant upon or which aids another
proceeding considered as principa. Auxiiary or suoor-
PDC1ut uUItuI1OD. Administration ofestate in
state where decedent has property and which is other
thanwheredecedentwas domicied. irst Nat. Bankv.
Bessing, 23I Mo.App.288,98 b.W.2d I49, II. Admin-
istration or prooate taken out in asecond or suosequent
|urisdiction to coectassets orto commence itigation on
oehaf of the estate in that |urisdiction. Anciary ad-
ministration of estates is usuay governed oy state
statutes. bee e.g., Uniform rooate Code, 4-II et
PDC1ut uIIuCD0DI. Onesuedoutin aid ofan action
areadyorought, its onyofceoeingto hodthe proper-
ty attached under itforthe satisfaction ofthe paintifs
PDC111ut O111 or9U1t. Onegrowingout ofand auxiiary
to another action orsuit, either at aw or in eguity, such
as a oi for discovery, or a proceeding for the enforce-
ment ofajudgment, or to set aside frauduent transfers
ofproperty. Onegrowingout ofaprior suit in the same
court, dependent upon and instituted for the purpose
either of impeaching or enforcing the judgment or de-
cree in a prior suit. Caspers v. Watson, C.C.A.., I32
.2d I4, I.
PDC111ut C1u1H. Term 'anciary' denotes any caim
that reasonaoy may oe said to oe coatera to, depend-
ent upon, or otherwise auxiiary to a caim asserted
withinfederajurisdiction in action. Hartey en Co. v.
Lindy en Co., D.C.Ca., I .K.D. I4I, I4. Caim is
'anciary' when it oears a ogica reationship to the
aggregate core ofoperative facts whichconstitutes main
caimoverwhichcourt had independentoasisoffedera
jurisdiction. Nishimatsu Const. Co., Ltd. v. Houston
Nat. Bank, C.A.Tex., I .2d I2, I2. See olo
Countercla|m (Comulo counterclotmJ.
PDC111ut gUt1901Ct1OD. ower of court to adjudicate
and determine matters incidenta to the exercise of its
primary jurisdiction ofan action.
Under 'anciaryjurisdiction doctrine' federadistrict
court acguires jurisdiction of case or controversy as an
entirety and may, as incident to disposition of matter
propery oefore it, possess jurisdiction to decide other
matters raised oy case, though district court coud not
have taken cognizance ofthem iftheyhadoeen indepen-
dentypresented. Ortmanv.btanray Corp., C.A..,37I
.2d I4, I7. buch jurisdiction offedera court gener-
ay invoves either proceedings which are concerned
with peadings, processes, records orjudgments of court
in principa case or proceedings which affect property
aready in court's custody. Cooperative Transit Co. v.
West enn. Lectric Co., C.C.A.W.Va., I32 .2d 72, 723.
PDC111ut 10@191ut1OD. Legisative enactment which is
auxiiary to or in aid ofother and principa egisation.
PDC111ut QtOC0001D@. One growing out ofor auxiiary
toanotheraction orsuit,orwhichissuoordinateto orin
aid of a primary action, either at aw or in eguity.
Kegister v. btone's ndependent Oi Distrioutors, I22
Ga.App. 33, I77 b.L.2d 92, 94. n state courts, a
procedura undertaking in aid of the principa action,
for exampe, a oi fordiscovery in aid of a awsuit o a
garnishment proceeding.
PDC111ut QtOC099. Any process which is in aid of or
incidenta to the principa suit or action, e.g. attach-
ment. See Anc|llary proceed|ng.
PDC111ut t0C01V0t. One appointed in aid of, and in
suoordination to, a foreign receiver for purpose of co-
ecting and taking charge of assets, as of insovent
corporation, in the jurisdiction where he is appointed.
PDC1Q1t19 U9U9 anspatas yuwzas/. Lat. n interna-
tiona aw, ofdouotfuuse, the use ofwhich is douotfu,
that may oe used for a civi or peacefu, as we as
miitary or warike, purpose.
PD0. A conjunction connecting words or phrases ex-
pressing the idea that the atter is to oe added to or
taken aong with the rst. Added to, together with,
joined with, as we as, incuding. bometimes con-
strued as 'or.' Land & Lake Ass'n v. Conkin, I82A.D.
4, I7 N.Y.b. 427, 428.
t expresses agenera reation or connection, apartic-
ipation or accompaniment in seguence, having no inher-
ent meaning standing aone out deriving force from
what comes oefore and after. n its conjunctive sense
the word is used to conjoin words, causes, or sentences,
expressing the reation of addition or connection, and
signifyingthat something is to foow in addition to that
which proceeds and its use impies that the connected
eements must oe grammaticay co-ordinate, as where
the eements preceding and succeeding the use of the
wordsreferto the same suoject matter. Whie it is said
that there is no exactsynonym ofthe word in Lngish, it
has oeen dened to mean 'aong with', 'aso', 'and
aso', 'aswe as', 'oesides', 'together with'. Oiverv.
Oiver, 28Ky. , I49 b.W.2d 4, 42.
'And/or' means either or ooth of. oucher v. btate,
287 Aa. 73I, 24 bo.2d 9, 9. When expression
'nd/or' is used, that word may oe taken as wi oest
effect the purpose of the parties as gathered from the
contract taken as a whoe, or, in other words, as wi
oest accord with the eguity of the situation. Boorow v.
U. b. Casuaty Co., 23I A.D. 9I, 24 N.Y.b. 33, 37.
PD0tO@DU9 /andrjanas/. A ermaphrodite.
PD0tO10Q9 /androwepsiy/. The taking oy one nation
ofthe citizens or suojects ofanother, in order to compe
the atter to dojustice to the former.
PD0tOHuD1u /androwmeyniya/. Nymphomania.
PD0tOQDODOHuD1u /androwfonameyniya/. Homicida
PD0C1U9 /anysh(iy)as/. Lat. bpeIed aso snectus, ent-
ttus, neos, eneyus, r. otsne. The edestoorn, the
rst-oorn, senior, as contrasted with theuts-ne (young-
PD 0tgOUt /n eyzhr/. r. Yearand day, ayearand
a day.
PD0Ut19H, or uD0Ut9H. A sac formed oy the diata-
tion of the weakened was of an artery, usuay resut-
ing in a soft pusating tumor.
PD0W. To try a case or issue 'anew' or 'de novo'
impies that the case or issue has oeen heard oefore.
See De novo.
PD@ut1u /aqgeriya/. A termused in theKoman aw to
denote a forced or compusory service exacted oy the
governmentforpuoic purposes, as aforced rendition of
aoor or goods for the puoic service, in particuar, the
right ofa puoic ofcer to reguire the service ofvehices
or ships.
n Jeudol lo, any trouoesome or vexatious persona
service paid oy the tenant or viein to his ord.
n mortttme lo, a forced serVce (onusJmposed on a
Vesse for pubc purposes, an mpressment of a Vesse.
SeeAngaq, r|ght of.
PD@ut, M@Dt 0. n ntematona aw, formery the
rght gus ongortJ camed by a bgerent to seze
merchant Vesses n the harbors of the begerent and to
compe them, on payment of freght, to transport troops
and suppes to a desgnated port.
1he rght of a begerent to approprate, ether for
use, or for destructon n case of necessty, neutra
property temporary ocated n hs own terrtory or n
that of the other begerent. 1he property may be of
any descrpton whateVer, proVded the appropraton of
t be for mtary or naVa purposes.
PD@e. An ancent Lngsh con, of the Vaue of ten
shngs sterng.
PD@1 /ngd/. n baXon aw, the snge Vaue of a
man or other thng, a snge weregd (. u.J; the compen-
saUon of a thng accordng to ts snge Vaue or estma-
ton. 1he doube gd or compensaton was caed ttg-
tld,"the trpe, trtgtld, "etc. See Angy|de.
When a crme was commtted, before the Lonquest,
the angd was the money compensaton that the person
who had been wronged was entted to receVe.
PD@e80Det1u /ggoshryo/. n od Lngsh aw, Lng-
shery, the fact of beng an Lngshman.
PD@18 gUtu U 0mD1 0u8U 1Oettut18 uDt uV0tem
/ ggyy juro n mny kyzyuw bortytos dnt
foVrom/. 1he aws of Lngand n eVery case of berty
are faVorabe (faVor berty n a cases).
PD@10e / ggLsy / . n Lngsh, a term formery used n
peadng when a thng s descrbed both n Latn and
Lngsh, nserted mmedatey after the Latn and as an
ntroducton of the Lngsh transaton.
PD@OD1uD. An Lngshman domced n the ndan
terrtory of the Urtsh crown.
PD@OuX0D uW. Lngsh aw derVed from those peo-
pe who conquered Urtan n the th and bth centures
and who domnated Lngand unt the Norman Lon-
PD@U18D. LXtreme pan of body or mnd, eXcrucatng
dstress. Larson V. 1hompson, Mo.App., 1b1 b.W.2d 99,
U . Agony, but, as used n aw, partcuary menta
sufferng or dstress of great ntensty. t s not synon-
ymous wth nconVenence, annoyance, or harassment.
PD@e. n baXon aw, the rate Xed by aw at whch
certan njures to person or property were to be pad
for, n njures to the person, t seems to be equVaent
to the were,` t.e. , the prce at whch eVery man was
Vaued. t seems aso to haVe been the Xed prce at
whch catte and other goods were receVed as currency,
and to haVe been much hgher than the market prce, or
ceogtld. See Ang|ld.
PDD0te. n od Lngsh aw, a snge trbute or taX, pad
accordng to the custom of the country as scot and ot.
PD1eD8, or uD1eDt. Nu, Vod, of no force or effect. See
PD1mu. Non-human, anmate beng whch s endowed
wth the power of Vountary moton. Anma fe other
than man. Uernardne V. Lty of New York, 1b2 Msc.
b9, 44 N.Y.b.2d bb1, bb3.
Omesttc ontmols are tame as dstngushed from wd,
Vng n or near the habtatons of man or by habt or
speca tranng n assocaton wth man.
Oomtta are those whch haVe been tamed by man,
1em notura are those whch st retan ther wd
Monsuem notura are those gente or tame by nature,
such as sheep and cows.
htld anmas are those whose habtat s generay the
woods or wds, undomestcated, untamed.
PD1mu8 0 u Ou8e DutUte. Anmas n whch a rght of
property may be acqured by recamng them from
wdness, but whch, at common aw, by reason of ther
base nature, are not regarded as possbe subjects of a
arceny. bome anmas whch are now usuay tamed
come wthn ths cass, as dogs and cats, and others
whch, though wd by nature and often recamed by art
and ndustry, ceary fa wthn the same rue, as bears,
foXes, apes, monkeys, ferrets, and the ke.
PD1m0 / nomow /. Lat. Wth ntenton, dsposton,
desgn, w. uo ontmo, wth what ntenton. Antmo
concellondt, wth ntenton to cance. 1urondt, wth
ntenton to stea. 4 U.Lomm. 23. Lucrondt, wth
ntenton to gan or prot. Monendt, wth ntenton to
reman. Morondt, wth ntenton to stay, or deay. Re-
ultcondt, wth ntenton to repubsh. Reuertendt,
wth ntenton to return. 2 U.Lomm. 392. Reuocondt,
wth ntenton to reVoke. Testondt, wth ntenton to
make a w. SeeAnimus and the ttes whch foow t.
PD1m0 et 00tQ0te / nomow et krpory /. Uy the mnd,
and by the body, by the ntenton and by the physca
PD1m0 et u0t0 / nomow et fktow /. 1o effect a
change of domce there must be anmo et facto` that
s, an ntenton to make the new pace one's abode
couped wth an actua transfer of body presence from
one pace to another. Lom. eX re. McVay V. McVay,
177 a.buper. b23, 112 A.2d b49, b2.
PD1m0 e0D100 / nomow fonokow /. Wth feonous
PD1mU8 / nomos/. Lat. Mnd, sou, ntenton, dspos-
ton, desgn, w, that whch nforms the body. Antmo
(. u.J, wth the ntenton or desgn. 1hese terms are
derVed from the cV aw.
PD1mU8 u 8e 0mDegU8 U01t / nomos d sy mny jos
d(y)uwsot/. t s to the ntenton that a aw appes.
Law aways regards the ntenton.
PD1mU8 0uD0euD1 / nomos knsonday / . 1he n-
tenton of destroyng or canceng (apped to ws).
PD1mU8 0uQ1eD1 /nomos kapiynday/. The intention
to take or capture.
PD1mU8 e10uD1 /nomos dedoknday/. The inten-
tion of donating or dedicating.
PD1mU8 eumuD1 /nomos defomnday/. The inten-
tion of defaming.
PD1mU8 ete1DQUeD1 /nomos dyreokwnday/.
The intention ofaoandoning.
PD1mU8 1eteD1 /nomos diforenday/. The intention
ofootaining deay.
PD1mU8 0DuD1 /nomos downnday/. The intention
of giving. Lxpressive of the intent to give which is
necessary to constitute a gift.
PD1mU8 et u0tUm /nomos et fktom/. To constitute a
change of domicie, there must oe an 'animus et fac-
tum', the 'factum' oeing a transfer ofthe oodiy pres-
ence, and the 'animus' the intenton ofresiding perma-
nenty or for indenite period. See An|mus manend|.
PD1mU8 et u0tU8 /nomos et fktos/. ntention and
act, wi and deed. Used to denote those acts which
oecome effective onywhen accompanied oy aparticuar
PD1mU8 utuD1 /nomos fyornday/. ntent to stea,
or feoniousy to deprive the owner permanenty of his
property, an essentia eement of the crime of arceny.
btate v. Hudson, W.Va., 2 b.L.2d 4I, 4I9.
PD1mU8 D0m1D18 e8t uD1mu 80t1Qt1 /nomos hmonos
est nomo skrptay/. The intention ofthe party is the
sou ofthe instrument. n order to giveifeor effect to
an instrument, it is essentia to ook to the intention of
the individua who executed it.
PD1mU8 U0tuD1 /nomos (y)uwkrnday/. The inten-
tion to make a gain or prot.
PD1mU8 muU8 /nomos mos/. Lvi motive, the cen-
tra eement of the maice which justies an award of
punitive damages. beimon v. bouthern ac. Transp., 7
C.A.3d , I3 Ca!Kptr. 787, 79I.
PD1mU8 muDeD1 /nomos monenday/. The intention
of remaining, intention to estaoish a permanent resi-
dence. This is the pointtooesetted indeterminingthe
domicie or residence of a party. See An|mus et factum.
PD1mU8 m0tuD1 /nomos mornday/. The intention
to remain, or to deay.
PD1mU8 Q0881eD1 /nomos powzosenday/. The inten-
tion ofpossessing.
PD1mU8 QU0 /nomos kww/. The intent with which.
PD1mU8 te01Q1eD1 /nomos rospiyenday/. The inten-
tion of receiving.
PD1mU8 te0UQetuD1 /nomosrok(y)uwpornday/. The
intention ofrecovering.
PD1mU8 teQUO10uD1 /nomos ropo!knday/. The
intention to repuoish.
PD1mU8 te8t1tUeD1 /nomos rosttyuwenday/. The in-
tention ofrestoring.
PD1mU8 teVetteD1 /nomos ryvortenday/. The inten-
tion of returning.
PD1mU8 teV00uD1 /nomos revowknday/. The inten-
tion to revoke.
PD1mU8 81gDuD1 /nomos signndaysaynnday/. n-
tention to sign instrument as and for a wi! Hamet v.
Hamet, I83 Va. 43, 32 b.L.2d 729, 732.
PD1mU8 te8tuD1 /nomos testnday/. ntention or
purposetomakewi! Asoexpressedas ontmo testondt.
PD,g0Ut, et Wu8te. n feuda aw, year,day, and waste.
A forfeiture of the ands to the crown incurred oy the
feony ofthe tenant, afterwhich time the and escheats
to the ord. See Year (eor, doy, ond uteJ.
PDD. (0t PD.). Ar. Annua, Annotated.
PDDute8 /neyts/nots/. n eccesiastica aw, rst-
fruits paid out of spiritua oeneces to the ope, so
caed oecause the vaue of one year's prot was taken
as their rate.
PDDeX /oneks/. Derived from the Latin 'annectere,'
meaningtotie or oindto. Toattach, and often, speci-
cay, to suojoin. To add to, to unite. The word ex-
presses the idea of joining a smaer or suoordinate
thing with another, arger, or ofhigher importance. To
consoidate, as schoo districts. To make an integra
part of something arger.
t impies physica connection or physicay joined to,
yet physica connection may oe dispensed with, and
things may oe annexed without oeing in actua contact,
when reasonaoy practicaoe. Liott Common bchoo
Dist. No. 48 v. County Board ofbchoo Trustees, Tex.Civ.
App., 7 b.W.2d 78, 789. bomethingappended to, as a
suppementary structure or wing. See olso Appendant.
PDDeXut10D. The act of attaching, adding, joining, or
uniting one thing to another, generay spoken of the
connection of a smaer or suoordinate thing with a
argeror principathing. Term is usuayappiedwith
respect to and or xtures, as. the acguisition ofterrito-
ry or and oy a nation, state or municipaity, the ega
incorporation ofatown orcity into another town orcity.
The attaching an iustrative or auxiiary documentto
a deposition, peading, deed, etc., may oe caed 'annex-
ing' it. See Exh|b|t.
n the aw reating to xtures, octuol onnexotton
incudeseverymovementoywhichachatte isjoined or
united to the property, contructtue onnexotton is the
union of such things as have oeen hoden parce of the
reaty, out which are not actuay annexed, xed, or
fastened to the property. Seeolo F|xture.
PDD1eDte /niyentod/. Madenu, aorogated, frustrat-
ed, or orought to nothing.
PDD1Vet8ut. An annua day, recurring each year on
the same date, commony to commemorate an impor-
tant event. n od-eccesiastica aw, a day set apart in
memoryofadeceased person. Asocaed 'yearday' or
'mind day.'
PDD1VeWut ute. P apped to nsurance pocy,
means yeary recurrng date of the nta ssuance date.
PDD0 0m1D1 / now dmonay /. n the year of the Lord.
Lommony abbreVated A.U. 1he computaton of tme,
accordng to the Lhrstan era, dates from the brth of
PDD0D8 01V1e8 / onwnay sVoyz/. A speces of yeary
renu ssung out of certan ands, and payabe to certan
PDD0tut10 /nowtysh(y)ow/. n the cV aw, the sgn-
manua of the emperor, a rescrpt of the emperor,
sgned wth hs own hand. t s dstngushed both from
a rescrpt and pragmatc sancton.
PDD0tute; PDD0tute. See Annotat|on.
PDD0tut10D / notyshon/. A remark, note, case sum-
mary, or commentary on some passage of a book, statu-
tory proVson, court decson, or the ke, ntended to
ustrate or eXpan ts meanng. See olo D|gest, Head-
Ctutl lo. An mpera rescrpt (see Rescr|pt) sgned by
the emperor. 1he answers of the prnce to questons
put to hm by prVate persons respectng some doubtfu
pont of aw. Aso summonng an absentee, and, as we
the desgnaton of a pace of deportaton.
Stotuto. Uref summares of the aw and facts of cases
nterpretng or appyng statutes passed by Longress or
state egsatures whch are ncuded (normay foow-
ng teXt of statute) n annotated statutes or codes.
PDD0UD0e. A decson s announced,` preVentng
nonsut, when court's concuson on ssue tred s made
known from bench or by any pubcaton, ora or wrt-
ten, eVen f judgment has not been rendered.
PDD0. 1o dsturb or rrtate, especay by contnued or
repeated acts, to weary or troube, to rk, to offend.
eope V. Moore, 137 L.A.2d 197, 29 .2d 4, 41. See
olo Annoyance.
PDD0uD0e. Uscomfort, VeXaton. Not generay syn-
onymous wth angush, nconVenence, or harassment.
buch may resut from ether physca or menta cond-
tons. t ncudes feeng of mposton and oppresson.
Seeolo Harassment, Nu|sance.
PDDUu / nyuwo/. Uf or pertanng to year, returnng
eVery year, comng or happenng yeary. Uccurrng or
recurrng once n each year, contnung for the perod of
a year, accrung wthn the space of a year, reatng to
or coVerng the eVents or affars of a year. Unce a year,
wthout sgnfyng what tme n year. See Annually.
PDDUu u000UDt1D@ Qet10. n determnng a taXpay-
er's ncome taX abty, ony those transactons takng
pace durng a partcuar taX year are taken nto consd-
eraton. or reportng and payment purposes, there-
fore, the U fe of taXpayers s dVded nto equa
annua accountng perods. See Account|ng per|od.
PDDUu u88u. An annua tra of the god and sVer
cons of the Unted btates, to ascertan whether the
PDDP b1P1mD1
standard neness and weght of the conage s man-
taned. 31 U.b.L.A. 3b3.
PDDUuuVetu@e e@8. 1erm used n worker's com-
pensaton aw to descrbe a camant's ncome both from
seasona and nonseasona empoyment, but for ncuson
the nonseasona ncome s mted to empoyment of the
same cass as the seasona.
PDDUu eQte01ut10D. 1he annua s, not restored by
current mantenance, whch s due to a the factors
causng the utmate retrement of the property. 1hese
factors embrace wear and tear, decay, nadequacy, and
obsoescence. 1he annua oss n serVce Vaue not re-
stored by current mantenance and ncurred n connec-
ton wth the consumpton or prospectVe retrement of
property n the course of serVce from causes known to
be n current operaton, and whose effect can be forecast
wth a reasonabe approach to accuracy. btate V. Hamp-
ton Water Works Lo., 91 N.H. 27b, 1b A.2d 7b, 77.
PDDUu eX0U810D. 1he amount each year whch can be
eXcuded n computng the gft on the donor wthout
usng the fetme eXempton.
PDDUu. n annua order or successon, yeary, eVery
year, year by year. At end of each and eVery year
durng a perod of tme. mposed once a year, computed
by the year. Yeary or once a year, but does not n tsef
sgnfy what tme n year. hps etroeum Lo. V.
Harny, 1eX.LV.App., 34b b.W.2d bb, bb.
PDDUu meet1D@. 1he meetng of stockhoders each
year caed to eect ocers and drectors, to ratfy ac-
tons of ofcers and drectors and to Vote on corporate
matters whch come before t. eneray, artces of
organzaton or by-aws X a date for such meetng each
year. Annua meetngs are requred of pubcy hed
PDDUu Qet0eDtu@e tute. 1he actua cost of borrowng
money, eXpressed n form of annua nterest rate to
make t easy for one to compare cost of borrowng
money among seVera enders or seers on credt. u
dscosure of nterest rate and other charges s requred
by the 1ruth-n-Lendng Act (. u.J. Lommony abbreV-
ated AH.
PDDUu Qetm1t. Yeary requrement n certan states
for domestc corporatons to do busness n state. 1he
fee s set accordng to the captazaton of the corpora-
PDDUu teQ0tt. A report for stockhoders and other
nterested partes prepared by corporaton once a year,
ncudes a baance sheet, an ncome statement, a state-
ment of changes n nanca poston, a reconcaton of
changes n owners' equty accounts, a summary of sgnf-
cant accountng prncpes, other eXpanatory notes, the
audtor's report, and often comments from management
about the year's busness and prospects for the neXt
year. Uy aw, any pubc corporaton that hods an
annua stockhoders meetng s requred to ssue an
annua report. Seeolo 1 0K.
PDDUu 8tutemeDt. See Annual report.
PDDUu VuUe. The netyearyincome derivaoe from a
given piece of property. ts fair renta vaue for one
year, deductingcosts and expenses, the vaue ofits use
for a year.
PDDUu Dec eO1tUm gUeX D0D 8eQutut 1Q8Um
/nyuwo nek deootom |wdeks non seporot psom/. A
|udge(orcourt)doesnotdivideannuitiesnordeot. Deot
and annuity cannot oe divded or apportioned oy a
PDDUu QeD810De /nyuwo penshiywniy/. An ancient
wrt to provide the king's chapain, if he had no prefer-
ment, with a pension.
PDDU1tuDt. Thepartyentitedtoreceivepaymentsfrom
an annuity contract. See olso Annu|q.
PDDU1t /on(y)wotiy/. Arighttoreceive xed, periodic
payents, either for ife or for a term ofyears. Moore
v. O'Cheskey, App., 87 N.M. , 29 .2d 292, 293. A
xedsum payaoe toapersonatspeciedintervasfora
specicperiodoftime orforife. aymentsrepresenta
partia return of capita and a return (interest) on the
capitainvestment. Therefore, an excusion ratio must
generayoe used to compute the amountofnontaxaoe
income. bpecia rues appy to empoyee retirement
pan annuities.
The payment or receiptofaseries ofegua amounts of
money per period for aspecied amount of time. n an
ordtnoonnutty, payments are made at the end ofeach
period, in an onnutty due, payments are made at the
Annutty ond. Aoondwthout amaturity date, that is,
Annutty certotn. ayaoe for specied period, no mat-
ter the time of death of the annuitant.
Annutty trust. bee that tite.
Cuh reJund onnutty. oicy which provides for the
ump sumpaymentat the deathofthe annuitantofthe
differenceoetween the totareceivedand the price paid.
Conttngentonnutty. unded annuity with payments to
commence on the happening of an uncertain event, e.g.
death ofnamedperson other than annuitant. An annu-
ity whose numoer of payments depends upon the out-
come ofan event whose timing is uncertain at the time
the annuity is set up.
Jerred onnutty. ayments oegn at some specied
future date provided the oeneciary is aive at such
date. See olo Deferred annu|q contract.
1txed onnutty. Annuity that guarantees xed pay-
ments, either for ife or for a specied period, to annui-
Urou onnutty contmct. A contract to make periodic
payments to a memoer of a group covered oy such
contract. The usua type is a pension pan providing
annuities upon retirement for indivdua empoyees un-
der a master contract.
Jotnt ond surutuomht onnutty. An annuity which is
payaoe to the named annuitants during the period of
their |oint ives, with the annuity to continue to the
survivor when the rst annuitant dies.
Jotnt onnutty. An annuity which is paid to the two
named persons unti the rstone dies, at whichtime the
annuity ceases.
LtJe onnutty. rovidesforpayment ofincome to annui-
tant ony during his ifetime, even though death is
!tuote onnutty. A contract for periodic payments to
the annuitant from private as distinguished from puoic
or ife insurance company.
ReJundonnutty. Annuitant is assured aspecied annu-
a sum during his ife, with the further assurance tha
in the event ofhis premature death there wi oe paid to
his estate an additiona amount which represents the
difference oetween the purchase price and the amount
paid out during annuitant's ife.
Rettrement onnutty. oicy in which payments to an-
nuitant commence at somefuturedate, e.g. after retire-
ment. f annuitant dies in interva or surrender is
desired, an agreed upon amount is refunded to annui-
tant's estate.
Stmtght onnutty. A contract usuay oy an insurance
company to make periodic payments at monthy or
yeary intervas, distinguishaoe from ife insurance
contractwhich ooks toongevity,whie annuity ooks to
transiency. Heveringv. LeGierse, 3I2U.b.3I,4I,I
b.Ct. 4, 8L.Ld. 99. btraight annuity contract cas
foraxed amountofpayment asdistinguishedfromthe
variaoe annuity.
Stmtght ltJeonnutty. SeeLtJe onnutty; Stmtghtonnut-
ty, ooue.
Surutuorsht onnutty. SeeJotntondsurutuomht onnu-
tty, ooue.
Vortole onnutty. A contract caing for payments to
the annuitant in varying amounts depending on the
success ofthe investment poicy ofthe insurance compa-
ny, unike a straight annuity which reguires the pay-
ment ofa xed amount. urposeofthis type ofannuity
is to offset deated vaue of doar caused oy ination.
PDDU1t Q010. An insurance poicy providing for
monthy or periodic payments to insured to oegin at
xed date and continue through insured's ife. Hami-
ton v. enn Mut. Life ns. Co., I9 Miss. 34, I7 bo.2d
278, 28.
PDDU1tttU8t. Aformoftrust caingforpayment ofa
xed amount of income regardess of the amount of
principa. n re Mcueen's Wi, N.Y.b.2d 2I, 2.
Seeolso Trust (Annutty trustJ.
PDDU /on/. To reduce to nothing, annihiate, ooiter-
ate, to make void or ofno effect, to nuify, to aooish,
to do away with. To cance, destroy, aorogate. To
annu a|udgment or |udicia proceeding is to deprive it
ofa force and operation, either o tntttoorprospective-
y as to future transactions.
PDDUmeDt. 1o nufy, to abosh, to make Vod by
competent authorty. An annument` dffers from a
dVorce n that a dVorce termnates a ega status,
whereas an annument estabshes that a marta status
neVer eXsted. Wheaton V. Wheaton, b7 La.2d bb, b3
La.Hptr. 291, 294, 432 .2d 979. rounds and proce-
dures for annument of marrage are goVerned by state
PDDUm /nom/. Year.
PDDUm, 1em, et Vu8tUm / nom, dayom, ot Vystom/.
eYear, day, and waste.
PDDU8 /nos/. Lat. n cV and od Lngsh aw, a
year, the perod of three hundred and sXty-Ve days.
See Annual.
PDDU8, 1e8, et Vu8tUm / nos, dayyz, ot Vystom/. n
od Lngsh aw, year, day, and waste. See (Year, day,
and waste.
PDDU8 e8t m0tu m0tU8 QU0 8UUm QuDetu QetV0Vut
01t0UUm /nos st mro mwtos kwow s(y)uwom
pLnyto porVVot sork(y)oom/. A year s the duraton
of the moton by whch a panet reVoVes through ts
PDDU8 et 1e8 / nos ot dayyz/. A year and a day.
PDDU8 1D0eQtU8 Qt0 00mQet0 DuOetUt / nos onsptos
prow kompytow hobytor /. A year begun s hed as
PDDU8 U0tU8 /nos owktos/. 1he year of mournng.
t was a rue among the Homans, and aso the Uanes
and baXons, that wdows shoud not marry tnJro onnum
lucts (wthn the year of mournng).
PDDU8 Ut118 /nos yuwtoos/. A year made up of aVa-
abe or serVceabe days. n the pura, onnt uttles
sgnes the years durng whch a rght can be eXercsed
or a prescrpton grow. n prescrpton, the perod of
ncapacty of a mnor, etc., was not counted, t was no
part of the onnt uttl.
PDDUU8 te1tU8 /nos rdotos/. A yeary rent, annuty.
2 U.Lomm. 41.
PD0mu0U8 / onmoos/. UeVatng from common rue,
method, or type. rreguar, eXceptona, abnorma, un-
PD0mu0U8 1D0t8et / onmoos ondrsor /. A stranger
to a note, who ndorses t after ts eXecuton and deV-
eQ but before maturty, and before t has been ndorsed
by the payee.
PD0mu0U8 Qeu / onmoos py /. Une whch s party
armatVe and party negatVe.
PD0D., PD., P / onn/. AbbreVatons for anonymous.
P D0D Q088e u D0D e88e 8eQU1tUt ut@UmeDtUm De0-
e88ut1e De@ut1Ve, 10et D0D ut1Ve / y non psy
nn sy skwotor argyomntom nsosryy ngotay-
Vy, aysot nn oformotayVy/. A tera transaton-
rom mpossbty to non-eXstence the nference fo-
ows necessary n the negatVe, though not n the
armatVe-s as ambguous as the orgna. t coud
be transated thus: 1he negatVe nference of non-eXst-
ence necessary foows from mpossbty of eXstence,
but the armatVe nference of eXstence cannot be
drawn from mere possbty.
PD0Dm0U8. Nameess, ackng a name or names, e.g.
a pubcaton, artce, or the ke, wthout any desgna-
ton of authorshp, an unsgned etter, a tp from an
unknown serVce.
PD0tDet. Addtona. Ustnct or dfferent.
PD0tDet u0t10D QeD1D@. SeeAutre act|on pendant.
PD08uD0e / onyzons/. Annoyance, nusance.
PD8e, uD8U, or uUD0e /nso/. n od Lngsh aw, an
ancent mode of weghng by hangng scaes or hooks at
ether end of a beam or staff, whch, beng fted wth
one's nger or hand by the mdde, showed the equaty
or dfference between the weght at one end and the
thng weghed at the other.
PD8Wet. As a Verb, the word denotes an assumpton of
abty, as to answer` for the debt or defaut of anoth-
Otscoue. A person who fas to answer, or answers
eVasVey or ncompetey, deposton or nterrogatory
questons, may be compeed to do so under ed.H. LV
. 37.
1tuolous onser. See Shomonser, elo.
1r~leuontonser. Une that has no substanta reaton
to the controVersy, dstngushabe from a sham answer.
buch may be ordered strcken under ed.H. LV . 12(.
Pleodtng. 1he response of a defendant to the pantffs
compant, denyng n part or n whoe the aegatons
made by the pantff. A peadng by whch defendant
endeaVors to resst the pantffs demand by an aega-
ton of facts, ether denyng aegatons of pantffs
compant or confessng them and aegng new matter
n aVodance, whch defendant aeges shoud preVent
recoVery on facts aeged by pantff. n peadng, un-
der the Lodes and Hues of LV rocedure, the answer
s the forma wrtten statement made by a defendant
settng forth the grounds of hs defense, correspondng
to what n actons under the common-aw practce s
caed the pea.` bee ed.H. LV . 8 and 12.
Under ed.H.LV . 12, a person may use an answer
to set up a defenses, but he aso has the opton to use a
moton to assert certan defenses.
Seeolo Aff|rmat|ve defense, Defense, Den|al, Supple-
mental answer.
n chancery peadng, the term denotes a defense n
wrtng, made by a defendant to the aegatons con-
taned n a b or nformaton ed by the pantff
aganst hm.
Shom onser. Une sufcent on ts face but so ceary
fase that t presents no rea ssue to be tred. Une good
n form, but fase n fact and not peaded n good fath.
A frVoous answer, on the other hand, s one whch on
ts face sets up no defense, athough t may be true n
fact. Un moton of a party, the court may order strck-
en from the peading any insufcient defense ed.K.
Civi . 1Z([.
PD8WetuOe. See L|ab|||ty.
PDtuQ00Du /antpaka/. ntheKomanaw,atranscript
or counterpart of the instrument caed oocho'(.u.J,
signed oy the deotor and deivered to the creditor.
PDte. Lat. Before. Usuay empoyed in od peadings
as expressive of time, asra (oefore) was of pace, and
corom (oefore) of person.
Occurringin areport or atext-oook, it is used to refer
the reader to a previous part ofthe oook. bynonymous
to suro' , opposite of ost'or "tnJro. "
PDteu /antya/. Lat. ormery, heretofore.
PDte0eeDt/ntasydant/. rior in point oftime.
PDte0eeDt 0u1m. A preexisting caim. n aw of
negotiaoe instruments, a hoder takes for vaue if he
takes the instrument for an antecedent caim against
any person whether or not the caim is due. U.C.C.
PDte0eeDt 0te1t0t8. Those whose deots are created
oeforethedeotor makes atransfernotodgedforrecord.
PDte0eeDt eOt. n contract aw, that which may or
may notfurnish consideration foranew contract to pay.
A negotiaoe instrument given for an antecedent deot is
supported oy adequate consideration. U.C.C. 38.
n former oankruptcy aw, a deotwhichwas incurred
oeforefourmonths priorto ingofoankruptcy petition
and hence not a preference. Bankruptcy Act (1bdb),
PDte0e880t /ntasesar/. An ancestor (. u.J.
PDteute. To afx an earier date, to date an instru-
ment as of a timeoefore the time it was written. buch
does not affect the negotiaoiity of the instrument.
U.C.C. -114.
PDte eXD1O1t10Dem O18 /ntiyeksaoshiyownamoiy/.
Before the exhioition of the oi. Before suit oegun.
PDte-u0tUm /ntiy-fktam/ or uDte-ge8tUm /ntiy-
jestam/. Done oefore. A Koman aw term for a previ-
ous act, or thing done oefore.
PDtegUtumeDtUm /ntiyjuramentam/. n baxon aw, a
preiminary or preparatory oath (caed aso ra)uro-
mentum, ' and )uromentum columnta, ' (. u.J, which
ooth the accuser and accused were required to make
oefore any tria or purgation, the accuserswearing that
he woud prosecute the crimina, and the accused mak-
ing oath on the very day that he was to unergo the
ordea that he was innocent ofthe crime with which he
was charged.
PDte 1tem m0tum /ntiy aytam mowtam/. At time
when decarant had no motive to distort truth. Before
suit orought, oefore controversy instituted. Aso, oefore
the controversy arose.
PDte m0ttem1Dtete8t /ntiy mortam nt(a)rast/. nter-
ests existing ony prior to, and not aer, transferor's
PDteDut1 /ntiyneytay/. See Ante natus.
PDteDutU8 /ntiy neytas/. Bornoefore. A personoorn
oeforeanother person oroeforeaparticuar event. The
term is particuary appied to one oorn in a country
oeforearevoution,changeofgovernment ordynasty,or
other poitica event, such that the question of his
rights, stotus, oraegiancewi depend upon the date of
his oirthwith reference to such event. n Lngand, the
termcommonydenotes oneoornoeforethe act ofunion
with bcotand in America, one oorn oefore the decara-
tion of independence. ts opposite is ost notus, ne
oorn after the event.
PDteDUQt1u /ntiynpsha/. Made or done oefore a
PDteDUQt1u ugteemeDt. An agreement oetween pro-
spective spouses made in contempation ofmarriage and
to oe effective un marriage. Uniform remarita
Agreement Act, 1. Antenuptia agreements are gen-
eray entered intooy peope aoout to enter marriage in
an attempt to resove issues of support, distrioution of
weath and division ofproperty inthe event ofthe death
of either or the faiure ofthe proposed marriage resut-
ing in either separation or divorce. The Uniform Act,
whichhasoeenadoptedoy anumoerofstates,sets forth
the formaities of execution, amendment or revocation
(any of which do not require consideration for enforce-
ment), the matters that can oe contracted for, enforce-
ment, etc.
PDteDUQt1ug1D. A transfer ofpropertyfromoneparty
to the marriage to the other oefore the marriage with-
out consideration.
PDteDUQt1u 8ettemeDt8. See Antenupt|a| agreement,
PDteDUQt1u W1. Awiexecuted oy a person prior to
his marriage. buch wi is generay deemed revoked
uness it appears on the face of the wi that it is in
contempation of marriage.
PDtDt0Q0mett /n0rapomatriy/. n crimina aw and
medica jurisprudence, the measurement of the human
oody. A system of measuring the dimensions of the
human oody, ooth aosoutey and in their proportion to
each other, the faciaI, crania, and other anges, the
shape and size ofthe sku, etc.,for purposes ofcompari-
son with corresponding measurements ofother individu-
as, and serving for the identification of the suoject in
cases of douotfu or disputed identity. t was argey
adoptedafterits introduction in rance in 1bb, out fe
into disfavor as oeing costy and as iaoe to error. t
hasgiven pace to the 'nger print' systemdevised oy
rancis Gaton and to such identication procedures as
DNA testing. See Bert| | |on System, DNA |dent|f|cat|on.
PDt10Dte818 /ntakryzas/. n thecivi aw, a species of
mortgage, or pedge of immovaoes. An agreement oy
which the deotor gives to the creditor the income from
the property which he has pedged, in ieu of the inter-
est on his deot. n the rench aw, if the income was
more than the interest, the deotor was entited to de
mand an aOOOunt O thO nOOmO, and mght Oam any
y thO aW O LOu8ana, thOrO arO tWO knd8 O
pOdgO8,thO paWn and thO antOhrO88. P paWn rOatO8
tO mOVabO8, and thO antOhrO88 tO mmOVabO8. hO
antOhrO88 mu8t bO rOduOOd tO Wrtng, and thO OrOdtOr
thOrOby aOQurO8 thO rght tO thO rut8, OtO., O thO
mmOVabO8, dOduOtng yOary thOr prOOOOd8 rOm thO
ntOrO8t, n thO Hr8t paOO, and atOrWard8 rOm thO
prnOpa O h8 dObt. MO 8 bOund tO pay taXO8 On thO
prOpOrty, and kOOp t n rOpar, unO88 thO OOntrary 8
agrOOd. hO OrOdtOr dOO8 nOt bOOOmO thO prOprOtOr O
thO prOpOrty by aurO tO pay at thO agrOOd tmO, and
any Oau8O tO that OOOt 8 VOd. MO Oan Ony 8uO thO
dObtOr, and Obtan 8OntOnOO Or 8aO O thO prOpOrty.
hO pO88O88On O thO prOpOrty 8, hOWOVOr, by thO OOn-
traOt, tran8OrrOd tO thO OrOdtOr. La.LV LOdO Prt8.
1-1b1. hO `antOhrO88 8 anantQuatOdOOntraOt,
and ha8 bOOn rO8OrtOd tO n LOu8ana n but a OW
PDt101Qut10D. POt O dOng Or takng a thng bOOrO t8
prOpOr tmO. O dO, takO up, Or dOa Wth, bOOrO anOth-
Or, tO prOOudO Or prOVOnt by prOr aOtOn, tO bO bOOrO
n dOng.
n OOnVOyanOng, thO aOt O a88gnng, Ohargng, Or
OthOrW8O dOang Wth nOOmO bOOrO t bOOOmO8 duO.
n patOnt aW, an nVOntOn 8 antOpatOd by prOrart
WhOnthOnVOntOn 8 nOt nOW OraOk8nOVOtyOVOrthat
art. Op V. Op, 14 \.b. 1, 1Z b.Lt. bZ,
L.d. b. OOn8O O `antOpatOn n 8ut Or patOnt
nrngOmOnt 8 madO Out WhOn, OXOOpt Or n8ub8tanta
dOrOnOO8, thO prOr patOnt OOntan8 a O thO 8amO
OOmOnt8 OpOratng n thO 8amO a8hOn tO pOrOrm an
dOntOa unOtOn. bOpat LOrp. V. WO8t Ond LO., .L.
., bZ .bupp. 1UU, 1U. \nO88 a O 8amO OO-
mOnt8 arO Ound n OXaOty 8amO 8tuatOn and arO
untOd n 8amO Way tO pOrOrm dOntOa unOtOn n a
8ngO prOr art rOOrOnOO, thOrO 8 nO `antOpatOn
WhOh W nVadatO that patOnt. LOramO Or8 bup-
py, nO. V. O LOunO O PmOrOa, nO., L.P.La., b
.Zd Zb, Zb4.
n aW O nOggOnOO, `antOpatOn 8 nOt OOnHnOd tO
OXpOOtatOn. t mOan8 prObabty, nOt pO88bty, a8
appOd tO duty tO antOpatO OOn8OQuOnOO8 O OOnduOt
attaOkOd a8 nOggOnt. mprO 8t. OOtrO L. V. Mar-
r8, L.L.P.%O., bZ .Zd 4b, Z.
PDt101Qut10D D0te. 8OOunt Or rObatO Or prOpaymOnt.
PDt101Qut0t u881gDmeDt 0 1D00me. See Ass|gnment
PDt101Qut0t Oteu0D 0 00Dttu0t. hO a88OrtOn by a
party tO a OOntraOt that hO Or 8hO W nOt pOrOrm a
uturO ObgatOn a8 rOQurOd by thO OOntraOt. buOh
OOOur8 WhOn a party tO an OXOOutOryOOntraOt manO8t8
a dOHntO and unOQuVOOa ntOnt prOr tO tmO HXOd n
OOntraOt that t W nOt rOndOr t8 pOrOrmanOO undOr
thO OOntraOt WhOn that tmO arrVO8, and n 8uOh a Oa8O
thO OthOr party may trOat thO OOntraOt a8 OndOd. LOaZO
V. unham, d .Ppp.d b4, 1 .OO. 4, 44U, 4ZU
..Zd b1, b4.
hO rght O OnO party tO a OOntraOt tO 8uO Or brOaOh
bOOrO thO datO 8Ot Or pOrOrmanOO WhOn thO OthOr
party OOnVOy8 h8 ntOntOn nOt tO pOrOrm (\.L.L.
Z-1U), thOugh thO rOpudatng party may rOtraOt h8
rOpudatOn prOr tO datO Or pOrOrmanOO thO OthOr
party ha8 nOt aOtOd On thO rOpudatOn (\.L.L. Z-11).
bOmO ]ur8dOtOn8 rOQurO thO aggrOVOd party tO Wat
Or thO datO Or pOrOrmanOO bOOrO OOmmOnOng 8ut.
PDt101Qut0t DU18uD0e. hO rght n OQuty tO prOVOnt
a OOndtOn rOm bOOOmng a nu8anOO by n]unOtOn Or
OthOr OrdOr O thO OOurt.
PDt101Qut0t 0eD8e. P OrmOWhOhha8 a8 t8 Ob]OOt a
urthOr OrmO, 8uOh a8 an attOmpt, a OOn8praOy, a 8OO-
tatOn, a O WhOh arO OrmO8 n thOm8OVO8.
PDt101Qut0t teQU01ut10D. See Ant|c|patory breach of
PDt101Qut0t 8eut0D WuttuDt. P Warrant ba8Od upOn
an aHdaVt 8hOWngprObabO Oau8O that at 8OmO uturO
tmO, but nOt prO8Onty, OOrtan OVdOnOO OOrmO W bO
OOatOd at 8pOOHOd paOO, 8uOh Warrant 8 tO bO d8tn-
gu8hOd rOm a prOmaturO 8OarOh.
PDt1-0e01eD0 eg18ut10D. btatutO8 WhOh arO OnaOt-
Od tO prOVdO rOVOnuO WhOn a budgOt dOOOnOy 8 OrO-
PDt1-01Ut10D Qt0V1810D. P prOV8On appOarng n OOn-
VOrtbO 8OOurtO8 tO guarantOO that thO OOnVOr8On prV-
OgO 8 nOt aOOtOd by 8harO rOOa88OatOn8, 8harO
8pt8, 8harO dVdOnd8, Or 8mar tran8aOtOn8 that may
nOrOa8O thO numbOr O Out8tandng 8harO8 WthOut n-
OrOaSng thO OOrpOratO Oapta.
PDt1-UmQ1Dg P0t. See Dump|ng Act.
PDt1-0UmQ1Dg 0Ut. ar, purpO8O O WhOh 8 tO prO-
VOnt mpOrt8 OgOOd8 Or 8aO at a OWOr prOO than that
OhargOd n thO OOuntry O Orgn. See Dump|ng Act.
PDt1gtuQDU8 /Kntgraa8/. n bOman aW, an OHOOr
WhO8O duty t Wa8 tO takO OarO O taX mOnOy. P OOmp-
PDt1gtuQD. P OOpy Or OOuntOrpart O a dOOd.
PDt1-uQ8e8tutUte. LOg8atOnOnaOtOd n mO8t]ur8dO-
tOn8 tO prOVdOOrthO tO8tamOntary pa88ng OprOpOrty
tO hOr8 and nOXt O kn O thO dO8gnatOd OgatOO Or
dOV8OO hO dO8 bOOrO thO tO8tatOr, thu8 prOVOntng a
ap8O O thO OgaOy and thO pa88ng O 8uOh prOpOrty
thrOugh ntO8taOy tO thO hOr8 and nOXt O kn O thO
PDt1 muD1e8t0. P tOrm u8Od n ntOrnatOna aW tO
dOnOtO a prOOamatOn Or manO8tO pub8hOd by OnO O
tWO bOgOrOnt pOWOr8, aOgng rOa8On8 Why thO War 8
dOOn8VO On t8 part.
PDt1D0m1u /KntanWmya/. n bOman aW, a rOa Or
apparOnt OOntradOtOn Or nOOn88tOnOy n thO aW8.
LOnOtng aW8 Or prOV8On8 O aW, nOOn88tOnt Or
OOnOtng dOO8On8 Or Oa8O8.
PDt1D0m /Kntnamy/. PtOrm u8Od n OgOand aW tO
dOnOtO a rOa Or apparOnt nOOn88tOnOy Or OOnOt bO-
tWOOn tWO authOrtO8 Or prOpO8tOn8, 8amO a8 onttno-
mto (. u.J.
PDt1QUu 0U8tUmu /KntaykWa ka8t(y)ama/. n Od ng-
8h aW, an OXpOrt duty On WOO, WOOO8, and OathOr,
mpO8Od durng thO rOgn OdW. . t Wa8 8O OaOd by
Way O d8tnOtOn rOm an nOrOa8Od duty On thO 8amO
artOO8, payabO by OrOgn mOrOhant8, WhOh Wa8 m-
pO8Od at a atOr pOrOd OthO 8amO rOgn and Wa8 OaOd
custumo nouo. '
PDt1QUute /KntakW8ry/. n bOman aW, tO rO8tOrO a
OrmOr aW Or praOtOO, tO rO]OOt Or VOtO agan8t a nOW
aW, tO prOOr thO Od aW. hO8O WhO VOtOd agan8t a
prOpO8Od aW WrOtO On thOr baOt8 thO OttOr `P, thO
nta O onttuo, am Or thO Od aW.
PDt1QUu 8tutUtu /KntaykWa 8tatyuWta/. P8O OaOd
Vetero Stotuto. ' ng8h 8tatutO8 rOm thO tmO O
bOhard tO dWard . See Nova statuta.
PDt1QUUm 00m1D10Um /KntaykWam damnakam/. n
Od ng8h aW, anOOnt dOmO8nO.
PDt1-u0Beteet1Dg P0t. OdOra aOt prOhbtng rOb-
bOry, OXtOrtOn, Or OthOr unaWu ntOrOrOnOO Wth n-
tOr8tatO OOmmOrOO. See Hobbs Act.
PDt1tDetut1U8 /Kntabat8rya8/. n Od ng8h aW, a
man WhO OndOaVOr8 tO d8OhargO hm8OOthO OrmO O
WhOh hO 8 aOOu8Od, by rOtOrtng thO OhargO On thO
aOOu8Or. MO dOr8 rOm an apprOVOr n th8. that thO
attOr dOO8 nOt OhargO thO aOOu8Or, but OthOr8.
PDt1ttU8t u0t8. OdOra and 8tatO 8tatutO8 tO prOtOOt
tradO and OOmmOrOO rOm unaWu rO8trant8, prOO
d8OrmnatOn8, prOO Xng, and mOnOpOO8. %O8t
8tatO8 haVO mn-anttru8t aOt8 pattOrnOd On thO OdOra
aOt8. hO prnOpa OdOra anttru8t aOt8 arO. bhOrman
POt (1bdU), LaytOn POt (1d14), OdOra radO LOmm8-
8On POt (1d14), bObn8On-atman POt (1d). See Boy-
cott, Comb|nat|on |n restra|nt of trade, Hart-Scott-Rod|no
Ant|trust l mprovement Act, Per se v|olat|ons, Pr|ce-f|x|ng,
Restra|nt of trade, Rule (RuleoJreuon).
PDt1ttU8t L1V1 t00e88 P0t. OdOra 8tatutO pOrmt
tng anttru8t aOtOn by Way Oa pOttOn n \.b. 8trOt
LOurt Or an OrdOr Or OnOrO8mOnt O aW. 1 \.b.L.P.
PDt1ttU8t gut. buOh n]ury, WhOh mu8t bO O8tab
8hOd n OrdOr tO haVO 8tandng u brng anttru8t Oam
undOr LaytOn POt, 8 n]ury thO anttru8t aW8 WOrO
dO8gnOd tO prOVOnt and that OW8 rOm that WhOh
makO8 a dOOndant8 aOt8 unaWu. hO n]ury 8hOud
rOOOt thO antOOmpOttVO OOOt OthOr O thO VOatOn
OrOantOOmpOttVO aOt8 madO pO88bOby thO VOatOn.
% baO8 & %arkOtng, nO. V. an rOduOt8 LOrp.,
.L.%nn., 4 .bupp. 1b, 1d.
PDX1et. Pn unpOa8ant aOOtVO 8tatOWth thO OXpOO-
tatOn but nOt thO OOrtanty O 8OmOthng happOnng,
8OmOtmO8 manO8tOd a8 a 8On8O O Oar, pOOry undOr
8tOOd by thO 8ub]OOt, WhOh ar8O8 WthOut ]u8tabO
Oau8O, anXOu8 8tatO may haVO OVOrtOnO8 O `mpOnd-
ng dangOr rathOr than prO8Ont dangOr.
PD. bOmO, OnO Out O many, an ndOntO numbOr.
nO nd8OrmnatOy O WhatOVOr knd Or Quantty.
OdOra OpO8t n8. LOrpOratOnV. WntOn, L.L.P.Onn.,
11 .Zd bU, bZ. nO Or 8OmO (ndOntOy). bOgO V.
bOgO, 1 .J.Q. , P.Zd , b. `Pny dOO8 nOt
nOOO88ary mOan Ony OnO pOr8On, but may haVO rOOr-
OnOO tO mOrO than OnO Or tO many. OhOrty V. bng,
OX.LV.Ppp., 1b b.W.Zd 1UU4, 1UU.
WOrd `any ha8 a dVOr8ty O mOanng and may bO
OmpOyOd tO ndOatO `a Or `OVOry a8 WO a8 `8OmO
Or `OnO and t8 mOanng n a gVOn 8tatutO dOpOnd8
upOn thO OOntOXt and thO 8ub]OOt mattOr O thO 8tatutO.
OnOhuO V. ZOnng d. O PppOa8 OOWn O OrWak,
1 LOnn. U, Z P.Zd 4, 4, 4.
t 8 OtOn 8ynOnymOu8 Wth `OthOr, `OVOry, Or
`a. t8 gOnOraty may bO rO8trOtOd by thO OOntOXt,
thu8, thO gVng O a rght tO dO 8OmO aOt `at any tmO
8 OOmmOny OOn8truOd a8 mOanng Wthn a rOa8OnabO
tmO, and thO WOrd8 `any OthOr OOWng thO OnumOr-
atOn O partOuar Oa88O8 arO tO bO rOad a8 `OthOr 8uOh
kO, and nOudO Ony OthOr8 O kO knd Or OharaOtOr.
P.L.L. Anno orts condttt, thO yOar O thO OrOatOn O
thO WOrd.
P..P. Pdmn8tratVO rOOOdurO POt.
P Qu18. O thO OOuntry, at 88uO.
PQuDuge /Kpana]/. n Od rOnOh aW, a prOV8On O
and8 Or Ouda 8upOrOrtO8 a88gnOd by thO kng8 O
ranOO Or thO mantOnanOO O thOr yOungOr 8On8. Pn
aOWanOO a88gnOd tO a prnOO OthO rOgnng hOu8O Or
h8 prOpOr mantOnanOO Out O thO pubO trOa8ury.
PQuttmeDt D0U8e. P budng arrangOd n 8OVOra
8utO8 OOOnnOOtng rOOm8, OaOh 8utO dO8gnOd Or ndO-
pOndOnt hOu8OkOOpng, but Wth OOrtan mOOhanOa OOn
VOnOnOO8, 8uOh a8 hOat, ght, Or OOVatOr 8OrVOO8, n
OOmmOn tO a pOr8On8 OOOupyng thO budng. P bud-
ng OOntanng mutpO rO8dOnta rOnta unt8. bOmO
tmO8 OaOd a at Or at hOu8O.
PQut18ut10 /apKtaZ8y8h(y)OW/. Pn grOOmOnt Or OOm
P..L. POn rOpOrty Lu8tOdan.
P..L.D. Annoost Chrtstum notu, thO yOar atOr thO
brth O Lhr8t.
PQettu OteV1u /aparta bryVya/. pOn, un8OaOd Wrt8.
PQettUm u0tUm /apartam Rktam/. Pn OVOrt aOt.
PQettUtu te8tumeDt1 /Kpartyura tO8tam8ntay/. n thO
OV aW, a Orm O prOVng a W, by thO WtnO88O8
aOknOWOdgng bOOrO a mag8tratO thOr haVng 8OaOd
PQeX. hO 8ummt Or hghO8t pOnt O anythng, thO
tOp, e.g. ,n mnng aW, `apOX Oa VOn. bOO Larkn V.
\ptOn, 144 \.b. 1d, 1Z b.Lt. 14, L.d. U. Pn
`apOX 8 athatpOrtOnOatOrmnaOdgOOa mnOra
VOnrOmWhOh thO VOn ha8 OXtOn8On dOWnWard n thO
drOOtOn O thO dp. btOWart %nng LO. V. ntarO
%nng LO., Z \.b. U, b.Lt. 1U, 14, d L.d. dbd.
r t 8 thO ]unOturO O tWO dppng mb8 O a 88urO
VOn. Jm utOr OnOpah %nng LO. V. WO8t nd
LOn8O. %nng LO., Z4 \.b. 4U, b.Lt. 4, , Z
L.d. 1ZU. See Apex ru|e.
PQeX gUt18 /8ypOk8 ]ura8/. hO 8ummt O thO aW, a
Oga 8ubtOty, a nOO Or Ounnng pOnt O aW, OO8O
tOOhnOaty, a ruO O aW OarrOd tO an OXtrOmO pOnt,
OthOr O8OVOrty Or rOHnOmOnt. P tOrm u8Od tO dOnOtO
a 8trOtOr appOatOn O thO ruO8 O aW than 8 nd-
OatOd by thO phra8O summum)us (. u.J.
PQeX tUe. n mnng aW, thO mnOra aW8 O thO
\ntOd btatO8 gVO tO thO OOatOr O a mnng Oam On
thO pubO dOman thO WhOO O OVOry VOn thO apOX O
WhOh O8 Wthn h8 8uraOO OXtOrOr bOundarO8, Or
Wthn pOrpOndOuar panO8 draWn dOWnWard ndO-
ntOy On thO panO8 O thO8O bOundarO8, and hO may
OOW a VOn WhOh thu8 apOXO8 WthD h8 bOundarO8,
On t8 dp, athOugh t may 8O ar dOpart rOm thO
pOrpOndOuar n t8 OOur8O dOWnWard a8 tO OXtOnd Out-
8dO thO VOrtOa 8dO-nO8 O h8 OOatOn, but hO may
nOt gO bOyOnd h8 Ond-nO8 Or VOrtOa panO8 draWn
dOWnWard thOrOrOm. h8 8 OaOd thO apOX ruO. U
\.b.L.P. Z.
PQDu81u /a8yZh(y)a/. LO88 O thO aOuty Or pOWOr O
artOuatO 8pOOOh. P OOndtOn n WhOh thO patOnt,
WhO rOtanngntOgOnOO and undOr8tandng andWth
thO Organ8 O 8pOOOh unmparOd, 8 unabO (n `mOtOr
apha8a) tO uttOr artOuatO WOrd8, Or unabO tO VOOaZO
thO partOuar WOrd WhOh 8 n h8 mnd and WhOh hO
W8hO8 tO u8O, Or uttOr8 WOrd8 dOrOnt rOm thO8O hO
bOOVO8 hm8OtO bO 8pOakng, Or (n `8On8Ory apha8a
Or apraXa) 8 unabO tO undOr8tand 8pOkOn Or WrttOn
anguagO. Seno ohuto nOudO8 ord ltndness and
ord deoJness, V8ua and audtOry apha8a. Motor
ohutoOtOnnOudO8 ogohto, Or thO nabty tO WrtO
WOrd8 OthO dO8rOd mOanng. hO 8Oat OthO d8Oa8O 8
n thO bran, but t 8 nOt a Orm O n8anty.
PQD0D1u /aOWnya/. LO88 O thO pOWOr O artOuatO
8pOOOh n OOn8OQuOnOO OdOOOtVO OOndtOn8 O 8OmO O
thO VOOa Organ8. t may bO nOOmpOtO, n WhOh Oa8O
thO patOnt Oan Wh8pOr. t 8 tO bO d8tngu8hOd rOm
OOngOnta nabty tO 8pOak, and rOm tOmpOrary O88 O
VOOO thrOugh OXtrOmO hOar8OnO88 Or mnOr aOOtOn8 O
thO VOOa OOrd8, a8 a8O rOm apha8a, thO attOr bOng a
d8Oa8OOthO branWthOut mparmOnt OthO Organ8 O
PQ10e8 gUt18 D0D 8UDt gUtu @U8] / 8ypa8yZ ]ura8 nOn
8ant ]ura (]o8)/. XtrOmtO8, Or mOrO 8ubtOtO8 O aW
arO nOt ruO8 O aW arO nOt aW|. LOga prnOpO8 mu8t
nOt bO OarrOd u thOr OXtrOmO OOn8OQuOnOO8, WthOut
rOgard Or OQuty and gOOd 8On8O. See Apex |uris.
PQ10e8 1t1guD0 /8ypa8yZ dagRnday/. XtrOmOy HnO
pOnt8, Or 8ubtOtO8 O tgatOn. Oary OQuVaOnt tO
thO mOdOrn phra8O `8harp praOtOO. `t 8 unOOn8OOna-
bO n a dOOndant u takO adVantagO O thO otces
ltttgondt, u turn a pant arOund and makO hm pay
OO8t8 WhOn h8 dOmand 8 ]u8t. Or LOrd %an8HOd, n
urr. 1Z4.
P b1
P Q1tut18 uUt utt0D1OU8 0uQt1 1Oet1 QetmuDeDt /8y
par8yta8 Ot atrOWnaba8 kRptay boray parmanant/.
Or8On8 takOn by pratO8 Or rObbOr8 rOman rOO.
P Q1tut18 et utt0D1OU8 0uQtu 0m1DUm D0D mUtuDt
/8y par8yta8 Ot atrOWnaba8 kRpta damnyam nn
myuWtKntl. LapturO by pratO8 and rObbOr8 dOO8 nOt
OhangO ttO. O rght tO bOOty VO8t8 n pratOa Oap-
tOr8, nO rght Oan bO dOrVOd rOm thOm by rOOaptOr8 tO
thO prO]udOO O thO Orgna OWnOr8.
PQ00Du (a8O Aoco) /Rpaka/. Lat. n thO OV aW, a
Wrtng aOknOWOdgng paymOnt8, aOQuttanOO. t d-
Or8 rOm aOOOptatOn n th8: that aOOOptatOn m-
pOrt8 a OOmpOtO d8OhargO O thO OrmOr ObgatOn
WhOthOr paymOnt bO madO Or nOt, oocho, d8OhargO
Ony upOn paymOnt bOng madO. See Antapocha.
PQ00D8 0Detut0t18 / RpakynarOytOryy/. n Od OOm-
mOrOa aW, b8 O adng.
PQ00t18ut1U8 /Kpakr88rya8/. n OV aW, a mO88OngOr,
an amba88adOr.
n OOOO8a8tOa aW, OnO WhO an8WOr8 Or anOthOr.
Pn OOOr WhO8O duty Wa8 tO Oarry tO thO OmpOrOr
mO88agO8 rOatng tO OOOO8a8tOa mattOr8, and tO takO
baOk h8 an8WOr tO thO pOttOnOr8. Pn OUOOr WhO gaVO
adVOO On QuO8tOn8 O OOOO8a8tOa aW. Pn amba88a-
dOr Or OgatO O a pOpO Or b8hOp. P mO88OngOr 8Ont tO
tran8aOtOOOO8a8tOa bu8nO88 and rOpOrt tO h8 8upOr-
Or, an OHOOr WhO had OhargO O thO trOa8ury O a
mOna8tO OdOO, an OHOOr WhO tOOk OhargO O OpOnng
and OO8ng thO dOOr8.
PQ00t18ut1U8 0uD0eut1U8 /Kpakr88rya8 kKn-
8a8rya8/. n thO OV aW, an OHOOr WhO tOOk OhargO
O thO rOya 8Oa and 8gnOd rOya d8patOhO8. LaOd,
a8O, secretortus, constltortus (rOm h8 gVng adVOO),
reJerendortus; o constltts(rOm h8 aOtng a8 OOun8OOr),
o res onsts, Or resonsolts.
PQ0gtuQD1u /KpagrRHya/. n OV aW, an OXamnatOn
and OnumOratOn O thng8 pO88O88Od, an nVOntOry.
PQ08tu0 (a8O 8pOOd Aostosy ). hO tOta rOnun-
OatOn OLhr8tanty, by OmbraOng OthOr a a8O rO-
gOn Or nO rOgOn at a. n Od ng8h aW, th8
OOn8O OOud takO paOO Ony n 8uOh a8 had OnOO prO-
O88Od thO Lhr8tan rOgOn. 4 .LOmm. 4.
PQ08tutu /Kpa8t8yta/. n OV and Od ng8h aW, an
apO8tatO, a dO8OrtOr rOm thO ath, OnO WhO ha8 rO-
nOunOOd thO Lhr8tan ath, apO8tatO.
PQ08tutu 0uQ1eD0 /Kpa8t8yta kKpy8ndOW/. Pn Ob8O-
OtO ng8h Wrt WhOh 88uOd agan8t an apO8tatO, Or
OnO WhO hadVOatOdthO ruO8 Oh8rOgOu8OrdOr. t
Wa8 addrO88Od tO thO 8hOr, and OOmmandOd hm tO
dOVOr thO dOOndant ntO thO Ou8tOdy O thO abbOt Or
P Q08tet10t1 /Oy pO8tryOray/. Lat. rOm thO OOOt tO
thO Oau8O, rOm WhatOOmO8 atOr. P tOrm u8Od n OgO
tO dOnOtO an argumOnt OundOdOn OXpOrmOnt Or Ob8Or-
VatOn, Or OnO WhOh, takng a8OOrtanOd aOt8 a8 an
OOOt, prOOOOd8 by 8ynthO88 and nduOtOn tO dOmOn-
8tratO thOr Oau8O.
PQ08t1e, or uQQ08t1e /ap8ta/. L. r. Pn addtOn,
a margna nOtO Or Ob8OrVatOn. P 8tandard OOrtHOa-
tOn prOVdOd undOr thO MaguO LOnVOntOn O 1U1 Or
purpO8O O authOntOatng dOOumOnt8 Or u8O n OrOgn
Pte8. n ng8h admraty praOtOO, a tOrm bOr-
rOWed rOm thO OV aW, dOnOtng brO d8m88Ory Ot-
tOr8grantOd tO apartyWhO appOa8rOm an nOrOr tO a
8upOrOrOOurt, OmbOdyng a 8tatOmOnt OthO Oa8O and a
dOOaratOn that thO rOOOrd W b tran8mttOd.
PQ08t01 /apO8tau/. n OV aW, OOrtHOatO8 O thO
nOrOr]udgO rOm WhOm aOau8O 8 rOmOVOd, drOOtOd tO
thO 8uQrOr. SeeApostles.
PQ08t0U /ap8tam8/. P mO88OngOr, an amba88adOr,
OgatO, Or nunOO.
PgtDe0u /Kpyka/. n thO OV aW, a rOpO8tOry, a
paOO OdOpO8t, a8 O WnO, O, bOOk8, OtO.
PQQutut0t /Kpar8y r/. P urn8hOr Or prOVdOr. Or-
mOry thO 8hOr, n ngand, had OhargO O OOrtan
OOunty aar8 and d8bur8OmOnt8, n WhOh OapaOty hO
Wa8 OaOd oomtor comttot' (apparatOr Or thO
OOunty), and rOOOVOd thOrOOr a OOn8dOrabO OmOu-
PQQuteDt. hat WhOh 8 ObVOu8, OVdOnt, Or manO8t,
What appOar8, Or ha8 bOOn madO manO8t. hat WhOh
appOar8 tO thO OyO Ormnd, OpOn tO VOW, pan, patOnt.
n rO8pOOt tO aOt8 nVOVOd n an appOa OrWrt OOrrOr,
that WhOh 8 8tatOd n thO rOOOrd. See olo Appear on
PQQuteDt u@eD0. SeeAgency.
PQQuteDt uUtD0t1t. nthOaWOagOnOy, 8uOh authOr-
ty a8 thO prnOpa knOWngy Or nOggOnty pOrmt8 thO
agOnt tO umO, Or WhOh hO hOd8 thO agOnt Out a8
pO88O88ng. buOh authOrty a8 hO appOar8 tO haVO by
rOa8On O thO aOtua authOrty WhOh hO ha8. buOh
authOrty a8 a rOa8Onaby prudOnt man, u8ng dgOnOO
and d8OrOtOn, n VOW OthO prnOpa8 OOnduOt, WOud
naturay 8uppO8O thO agOnt tO pO88O88. nnOgan
LOn8tr. LO. V. bObnO-Ladd LO., 4 P.Zd 14Z, 144. buOh
authOrty a prnOpa ntOntOnay Or by Want O
Ordnary OarO Oau8O8 Or aOW8 thrd pOr8On tO bOOVO
that agOnt pO88O88O8. Lw V. %Ohgan %Or8 %ut.
n8. LO., 14 LOnn. U, ZZ P.Zd U, U. t nOudO8
thO QWOr tO dO WhatOVOr 8 u8uay dOnO and nOOO88ary
tO b dOnO n OrdOr tO Carry ntO OOOt thO prnOpa
QWOr OOnOrrOd.
hO QWOr tO aOOt thO Oga rOatOn8 O anOthOr
Qr8On bytran8aOtOn8Wth thrd pOr8On8, prOO88Odya8
agOnt Or thO OthOr, ar8ng rOm and n aOOOrdanOO Wth
thO OthOr8 manO8tatOn8 tO 8uOh thrd pOr8On8. bO-
8tatOmOnt, bOOOnd, PgOnOy .
PQQuteDt uD@et. P u8Od Wth rOOrOnOO tO thO dOO-
trnO O8O-dOOn8O n hOmOdO, mOan8 8uOh OVOrt aOtu-
a dOmOn8tratOn, by OOnduOt and aOt8, O a dO8gn tO
takO O Or dO 8OmO grOat pOr8Ona n]ury, a8 WOud
makO thO kng apparOnty nOOO88ary tO 8O-prO8OrVa-
tOn. See Self defense.
PQQuteDt ee0t8. hO8OdOOOt8 ngOOd8WhOh Oan bO
d8OOVOrOd by 8mpO n8QOtOn, \.L.L. Z-U.
P8O, may rOOr tO ttO dOOOt8 WhOh appOar On thO
rOOOrd. See Patent, Patent defect.
PQQuteDt eu8emeDt. See Easement.
PQQuteDt De1t. nO WhO8O rght O nhOrtanOO 8 ndO-
Oa8bO, prOVdOd hO OutVO8 thO anOO8tOr. O bO OOn-
tra8tOd Wth prO8umptVO hOr WhO8O Oam tO nhOr-
tanOO 8 dOOatOd On thO brth O an hOr OO8Or n
rOatOn8hp tO thO anOO8tOr, thOugh at a gVOn pOnt n
tmO thO hOr prO8umptVO 8 OnttOd tO thO nhOrtanOO.
PQQuteDt De0e881t. See Apparent danger.
PQQut1t0t /apRratar/. n Od ng8h aW, an OHOOr Or
mO88OngOrOmpOyOdtO 8OrVOthO prOOO88OthO 8prtua
OOurt8 and 8ummOn OOndOr8.
n thO OV aW, an OHOOr WhO WatOd upOn a mag8-
tratO Or 8upOrOr OHOOr, and OXOOutOd h8 OOmmand8.
PQQutemeDt /apar(a)mont/. n Odng8haW, rO8Om-
banOO, kOhOOd, a8 apparOmOnt O War.
PQQutUtu /Kparuro/. n Od ng8h aW, thO apparura
WOrO urnturO, mpOmOnt8, taOkO, Or apparO.
PQQ. Lt. PppOatO LOurt.
PQQeu. bO8Ort tO a 8upOrOr (t.e. appOatO) OOurt tO
rOVOW thO dOO8On O an nOrOr (t.e. tra) OOurt Or
admn8tratVO agOnOy. P OOmpant tO a hghOr trbu-
na Oan OrrOr Or n]u8tOO OOmmttOd by a OWOr trbu-
na, n WhOh thO OrrOr Or n]u8tOO 8 8Ought tO bO
OOrrOOtOd Or rOVOr8Od. Oard O d. O LOVOand Lty
bOhOO 8t. V. LuyahOga LOunty d. O bOV8On, 4
hO bt.Zd Z1, ZU ..Zd 1Z, 1Z. hOrO arO tWO
8tagO8 O appOa n thO OdOra and many 8tatO OOurt
8y8tOm8, tO Wt, appOa rOm tra OOurt tO ntOrmOdatO
appOatO OOurt and thOn tO buprOmO LOurt. hOrO may
a8O bO 8OVOra OVO8 OappOa Wthn an admn8tratVO
agOnOy, e.g. appOa rOm dOO8On OPdmn8tratVO LaW
JudgO tO PppOa8 LOunO n 8OOa 8OOurty Oa8O. n
addtOn, an appOa may bO takOn rOm an admn8tra-
tVO agOnOy tO a tra OOurt (e.g. rOm PppOa8 LOunO n
8OOa 8OOurty Oa8O tO \.b. d8trOt OOurt). P8O, an
appOa may b a8 O rght (e.g. rOm tra OOurt tO
ntOrmOdatO appOatO OOurt) Or Ony at thO d8OrOtOn O
thO appOatO OOurt (e.g. by Wrt O OOrtOrar tO \.b.
buprOmO LOurt). rOV8On may a8O OX8t Or ]Ont Or
OOn8OdatOd appOa8 (e.g. Od.b.Ppp.. ) and Or OrO88
appOa8 (WhOrO bOth partO8 tO a]udgmOnt appOa thOrO-
AeolWa8 a8O thO namO OrmOrygVOn tO thO prOOOOd-
ng n ng8h aWWhOrO a pOr8On, ndOtOd OtrOa8On Or
OOny, and arragnOd Or thO 8amO, OOnO88Od thO aOt
bOOrO pOa pOadOd, and oeoled, Or aOOu8Od OthOr8, h8
aOOOmpOO8 n thO 8amO OrmO, n OrdOr tO Obtan h8
pardOn. n th8 Oa8O hO Wa8 OaOd an `apprOVOr Or
`prOVOr, and thO party appOaOd Or aOOu8Od, thO `appO-
Seeolo Consol|dated appeal, Courts of Appeals, U.S.,
Cross appea|, l nterlocutory appea|, l nterlocutory Appeals
Act, L|m|ted appea|.
PQQeuuOe 0tet. P dOOrOO Or OrdOr WhOh 8 8uU-
OOnty Hna tO b OnttOd tO appOatO rOVOW, a8 OOn-
tra8tOd Wth an ntOrOOutOry OrdOr WhOh gOnOray 8
nOt appOaabO unt thO Oa8O ha8 bOOn ttOd and ]udg-
mOnt OntOrOd, e.g. a dOna O mOtOn Or 8ummary
]udgmOnt 8 nOt appOaabO but thO aOWanOO O 8uOh
mOtOn 8 a Hna ]udgmOnt and hOnOO appOaabO.
Od.b. LV . .
PQQeu O0D. hO OOurt n t8 d8OrOtOn may rOQurO
thO appOant tO HO a bOnd Or prOVdO OthOr 8OOurty tO
On8urO paymOnt O OO8t8 On appOa. bOO e.g. , Od.b.
Ppp.. .
PQQeu 1D 0tmu QuUQet18 /opy n Ormo pOporo8/. P
prVOgO gVOn ndgOnt pOr8On tO prO8OOutO an appOa,
OthOrW8O and ndOpOndOnty aOWabO, WthOut pay-
mOnt OOO8 and OO8t8 nOdOnt tO 8uOh prO8OOutOn. bOO
e.g. Od.b.Ppp.. Z4.
PQQeu te00t. See Record (Record on oeo0.
PQQeu8 00UD01. Ody tO WhOh appOa 8 takOn rOm
Hndng and rung O admn8tratVO aW ]udgO n 8OOa
8OOurty mattOr8. 4Z \.b.L.P. 4U(b).
PQQeu8 00Utt8. SeeAppe||ate court, Court of Appea|s,
U. S. , Court of Customs and Patent Appea|s, Court of
M| ||tary Appea|s, Supreme court.
PQQeut. O bO prOpOry bOOrO a OOurt, a8 a aOt Or
mattOr OWhOh t Oan takO nOtOO. O bO n OVdOnOO,
tO bO prOVOd. LOmng ntO OOurt by a party tO a 8ut,
WhOthOr pant Or dOOndant. See Appearance.
PQQeut 0D u0e. hatWhOh 8 OOarand apparOnt rOm
a rOadng OthO dOOumOnt. P dOOOt n prOOO88 OrVOnuO
WhOh Oan bO gOanOdrOmOXamnng thO pOadng8and
WhOh dOO8 nOt rOQurO gOng Out8dO thO rOOOrd. See
olo Apparent.
PQQeutuD0e. P OOmng ntO OOurt a8 party tO a 8ut,
OthOr n pOr8On Or by attOrnOy, WhOthOr a8 pant Or
dOOndant. hO Orma prOOOOdng by WhOh a dOOn-
dant 8ubmt8 hm8O tO thO ]ur8dOtOn O thO OOurt.
hO VOuntary 8ubm88On tO a OOurt8 ]ur8dOtOn.
n OV aOtOn8 thO partO8 dO nOt nOrmay aOtuay
appOar n pOr8On, but rathOr thrOugh thOr attOrnOy8
(WhO OntOr thOr appOaranOO by Hng WrttOn pOadng8,
OraOrmaWrttOn Ontry OappOaranOO). P8O, at many
8tagO8 O Ormna prOOOOdng8, partOuary nVOVng
mnOr OOn8O8, thO dOOndant8 attOrnOy appOar8 On h8
bha. bOO e.g., Od.b.Lrm.. 4.
Pn appOaranOO may bO OthOr generol Or sectol , thO
OrmOr 8 a 8mpO and unQuaHOd Or unrO8trOtOd 8ub-
m88On tO thO ]ur8dOtOn O thO OOurt, thO attOr a
8ubm88On tO thO ]ur8dOtOn Or 8OmO 8pOOHO purpO8O
Ony, nOt Or a thO purpO8O8 O thO 8ut. P 8pOOa
appOaranOO 8 Or thO purpO8O O tO8tng Or Ob]OOtng tO
thO 8uHOOnOy O 8OrVOO Or thO ]ur8dOtOn OthO OOurt
OVOr dOOndant WthOut 8ubmttng tO 8uOh ]ur8dOtOn,
a gOnOra appOaranOO 8 madO WhOrO thO dOOndant
WaVO8 dOOOt8 O 8OrVOO and 8ubmt8 tO thO ]ur8dOtOn
OOOurt. n8uranOO LO. OOrth PmOrOa V. bunn, 1
Ob. ZU, 1Z1 .W.Zd Z, , .
See olso Genera| appearance, Not|ce to appear.
PP1 L1
Aeoronce yottorney. P aOt Oan attOrnOy n prO8O-
Outng an aOtOn On bOhaOh8 OOnt. OOumOnt HOd
n OOurt n WhOh attOrnOy 8Ot8 Orth aOt that hO 8
rOprO8Ontng a party tO thO aOtOn.
Aeomnce docket. P dOOkOt kOpt by thO OOrk O thO
OOurt n WhOh appOaranOO8 arO OntOrOd, OOntanng a8O
a brO ab8traOt O a thO prOOOOdng8 n thO Oau8O.
Common lo clustJtcottons. Pt OOmmOn aW an ap-
pOaranOO OOud bO OthOr comulso Or uolunto, thO
OrmOr WhOrO t Wa8 OOmpOOd by prOOO88 8OrVOd On thO
party, thO attOr WhOrO t Wa8 OntOrOd by h8 OWn W Or
OOn8Ont, WthOut thO 8OrVOO O prOOO88, thOugh prOOO88
may bO Out8tandng. P8O, ottonol WhOn OntOrOd by a
pOr8On WhO ntOrVOnOd n thO aOtOn tO prOtOOt h8 OWn
ntOrO8t8, thOugh nOt ]OnOd a8 a party, condtttonol,
WhOnOOupOdWthOOndtOn8 a8 tO t8bOOOmngOrbOng
takOn a8 agOnOraappOaranOO, gotts, WhOn madO by a
partytO thO aOtOn, but OOrO thO 8OrVOOOany prOOO88
Or Oga nOtOO tO appOar, de ene esse, WhOn madO
prOV8Onay Or tO rOman gOOd Ony upOn a uturO
OOntngOnOy, Or WhOn dO8gnOd tO pOrmt a party tO a
prOOOOdng tO rOu8O tO 8ubmth8 pOr8OntO thO]ur8dO-
tOn OthO OOurt unO88 t Wa8 Hnay dOtOrmnOd that hO
had OrOVOr WaVOd that rght, suseuent, WhOn madO
by a dOOndant atOr an appOaranOO had arOady bOOn
OntOrOd Or hm by thO pant, cororol, WhOn thO
pOr8On Wa8 phy8Oay prO8Ont n OOurt.
1ntttol oeoronce. P OOurt prOOOOdng Or a dOOndant
OhargOd Wth a OOny, durng WhOh thO ]udgO adV8O8
thO dOOndant O thO OhargO8 agan8t hm and O h8
rght8, dOOdO8 upOn ba and/Or OthOr OOndtOn8 O
rOOa8O, and 8Ot8 thO datO Or a prOmnary hOarng.
bOO e.g. Od.b.Lrm.. .
^ottceoJoeoronce. P nOtOO gVOn by dOOndant tO a
pant that hO appOar8 n thO aOtOn n pOr8On Or by
PQQeutuD0e 00tt1De. h8 dOOtrnO 8 a 8pOOa ruO
dO8gnOd tO aOrd a rght O 8O-dOOn8O tO dOOndant
ba8Od upOn WhOh `appOar8 tO thO dOOndant tO bO a
8tuatOn WhOh ]u8tHO8 u8O O OrOO n 8O-dOOn8O.
btatO V. Orgu8On, %O.Ppp., b1 b.W.Zd 1Z, 1. See
PQQeuDt. hO party WhO takO8 an appOa rOm OnO
OOurt Or ]ur8dOtOn tO anOthOr. \8Od brOady Or nOn-
tOOhnOay, thO tOrm nOudO8 OnO WhO 8uO8 Outa Wrt O
PQQeute. Ortanng tO Or haVng OOgnZanOO O ap-
pOa8 and OthOr prOOOOdng8 Or thO ]udOa rOVOW O
ad]udOatOn8. hO tOrm ha8 a gOnOra mOanng, and t
ha8 a 8pOOHO mOanng ndOatng thO d8tnOtOn bO-
tWOOn Orgna ]ur8dOtOn and appOatO ]ur8dOtOn.
WOOdruV. O, 14 ban. 11U, .Zd 4db, 4dd.
PQQeute 00Utt. P OOurt haVng]ur8dOtOn O appOa
and rOVOW, a OOurt tO WhOh Oau8O8 arO rOmOVabO by
appOa, OOrtOrar, OrrOr Or rOpOrt. P rOVOWng OOurt,
and, OXOOpt n 8pOOa Oa8O8 WhOrO Orgna]ur8dOtOn 8
OOnOrrOd, nOt a `tra OOurt Or OOurt O Hr8t n8tanOO.
Seee.g. Court of Appeals, Court of Customs and Patent
Appeals, Court of M|l|taq Appeals, Supreme court.
PQQeute 1V1810D. Pn ntOrmOdatO appOatO OOurt Or
hOarng OV appOa8. bOO e.g., %a88..L. O. Z1, 1Ub.
P8O, n %a88., a thrOO]udgOpanOtO OOn8dOr appOa8 O
8OntOnOO8 Or OOnO8. %a88..L. O. Zb, ZbP, Zb.
n OW YOrk, an ntOrmOdatO appOatO OOurt WhOh
a8O ha8 thO pOWOr tO makO ruO8 and rOguatOn8 gOV-
Ornng thO admn8tratOn O thO OOurt8. bOdOnbOrg V.
LOunty LOurt O bOOkand LOunty, 4 .Y.Zd 4dd, b
.Y.b.Zd 41, 1 ..Zd 4. bOO .Y.JudOary LaW,
PrtOO 4, U-1Ud. n OW JOr8Oy, mO8t OV appOa8
arO tO thO PppOatO V8On O thO bupOrOr LOurt.
PQQeute gUt1810t10D. hO pOWOr VO8tOd n an appO-
atO OOurt tO rOVOW and rOV8O thO ]udOa aOtOn O an
nOrOr OOurt, OVdOnOOd by an appOaabO OrdOr Or an
appOaabO ]udgmOnt rOndOrOd by 8uOh OOurt. rOngOn
V. %OngOOn, .., ZUU .W.Zd U, . hO pOWOr and
authOrty tO takO OOgnZanOO O a Oau8O and prOOOOd tO
t8 dOtOrmnatOn, nOt n t8 nta 8tagO8 (t.e. Orgna
]ur8dOtOn) but OnyatOrt ha8 bOOn Hnay dOOdOd by
an nOrOr OOurt, t.e., thO pOWOr O rOVOW and dOtOrm-
natOn On appOa, Wrt O OrrOr, OOrtOrar, Or OthOr
8mar prOOO88. Jur8dOtOn On appOa, ]ur8dOtOn tO
rOV8O Or OOrrOOt thO prOOOOdng8 n a Oau8O arOady
n8ttutOd and aOtOd upOn by an nOrOr OOurt, Or by a
trbuna haVng thO attrbutO8 O a OOurt. Lmt8 O
appOatO ]ur8dOtOn arO gOVOrnOd by 8tatutO8 (e.g. Zb
\.b.L.P. 1Zd1 Ot 8OQ.) Or OOn8ttutOn8.
PQQeute teV1eW. XamnatOn OOWOr OOurt prOOOOd-
ng by an appOatO OOurt brOught abOut by appOa, b
O OXOOptOn8, rOpOrt Or OOrtOrar. buOh may a8O Om-
braOO rOVOW O admn8tratVO bOard8 dOO8On by an
nOrOr OOurt, e.g. rOVOW by OdOra d8trOt OOurt O
8OOa 8OOurty admn8tratOn dOO8On.
PQQeute tUe8. buO8 gOVOrnng prOOOdurO n takng
appOa8 and n praOtOng bOOrO appOatO OOurt8, e.g.
OdOra buO8 O PppOatO rOOOdurO, %a88aOhu8Ott8
buO8 O PppOatO rOOOdurO. See Federal Rules of
Appellate Procedure.
PQQeut10 /pa8y8h(y)OW/. Lat. Pn appOa.
PQQeut0t /Kpa8ytar/. Pn Od aW tOrm haVng thO
8amO mOanng a8 `appOant (g. u.J.
n thO OV aW, thO tOrm Wa8 appOd tO thO ]udgO ad
QuOm, Or tO WhOm an appOa Wa8 takOn.
PQQeee. hO party n a Oau8O agan8t WhOm an appOa
8 takOn, that 8, thO party WhO ha8 an ntOrO8t adVOr8O
tO 8Ottng a8dO Or rOVOr8ng thO ]udgmOnt. bOmOtmO8
a8O OaOd thO `rO8QndOnt. t 8hOud bO nOtOd that a
party88tatu8a8appOantOrappOOOdOO8 nOt nOOO88ar-
y bOar any rOatOn tO h8 8tatu8 a8 pant Or dOOn-
dant n thO OWOr OOurt.
PQQe0 /Kp8OW/. Lat. n thO OV aW, ` appOa.
hO Orm Omakng anappOa oudocto.
PQQe0t /Kp8ar/. n Od ng8h aW, a Ormna WhO
aOOu8Od h8 aOOOmpOO8, Or WhO OhaOngOd a]ury. See
PQQeD. O add Or attaOh. See Append|x.
PQQeDu@e. bOmOthng addOd a8 an aOOO88Ory tO Or thO
8ubOrdnatO part O anOthOr thng. See Appendant, Ap-
PQQeDuDt. Pthng annOXOd tO OrbOOngngtO anOthOr
thng and pa88ng Wth t. bOmOthng addOd Or at-
Pt OOmmOn aW, a thng O nhOrtanOO bOOngng tO
anOthOr nhOrtanOO WhOh 8 mOrO WOrthy, a8 an adVOW-
8On, OOmmOn, OtO., WhOh may bO appOndant tO a manOr,
OOmmOn O H8hng tO a rOOhOd, a 8Oat n a OhurOh tO a
hOu8O, OtO. t dOr8 rOm appurtOnanOO, n that appOn
dant mu8t OVOr bO by prO8OrptOn, t.e., a pOr8Ona u8agO
Or a OOn8dOrabO tmO, WhO an appurtOnanOO may bO
OrOatOd at th8day, OragrantbO madOtO a man and
h8 hOr8,OOOmmOn n 8uOh amOOrOrh8bOa8t8OVant
Or OOuOhant upOn h8 manOr, thO OOmmOn8 arO appurtO-
nant tO thO manOr, and thO grant W pa88 thOm.
See olso Append|x, Appurtenance, Appurtenant.
PQQeD1t1u /Kpand8h(y)a/. hO appOndagO8 Or ap-
purtOnanOO8 O an O8tatO Or hOu8O, dWOng, OtO., thu8,
enthouses arO thO oendttto domus.
PQQeD1X. buppOmOntarymatOra8addOd tO appOatO
brO, e.g. rOOOrd On appOa. n OdOra appOatO prOOO-
durO, thO appOant 8 rOQurOd tO HO an appOndX tO thO
brO8 WhOh 8ha OOntan thO OOWng: (1) thO rOOVant
pOrtOn8 OthO pOadng8, OhargO, Hndng8 Or OpnOn, (Z)
thO ]udgmOnt, OrdOr Or dOO8On n QuO8tOn, and () any
OthOr part8 O thO rOOOrd u WhOh thO partO8 W8h tO
drOOt thO partOuar attOntOn O thO OOurt. Od.b.
Ppp.. U.
PQQeD8Utu /KpOn8(y)ura/. aymOnt OmOnOybyWOght
n8tOad O by OOunt.
PQQettu1D. O bOOng tO, tO haVO rOatOn tO, tO bO
appurtOnant tO. See Appurtenance, Appurtenant.
PQQettu1D1D@. LOnnOOtOd Wth n u8O Or OOOupanOy.
PQQ10uOe. t, 8utabO, pOrtnOnt, rOatOdtO, OrapprO-
pratO, OapabO O bOng appOd.
PQQ10uOe 00u uW. Orm u8Od tO dOtOrmnO thO
pOr8On8 WhO OOmO Wthn thO tOrm hOr8 and 8 thO aW
WhOh WOud bO u8Od tO a8OOrtan thO hOr8 OthO dO8g-
natOd anOO8tOr hO had OWnOd thO prOpOrty and had
dOd ntO8tatO. bO8tatOmOnt O LaW O rOpOrty, U,
LOmmOnt O.
PQQ10uDt. Pn appOant, a8 Or OttOr8 O admn8tra-
tOn, 8 OnO WhO 8 OnttOd thOrOtO, and WhO HO8 a
pOttOn a8kngthatOttOr8bO grantOd. Or purpO8O8 O
OttOr8 O OrOdt, thO Ou8tOmOr n thO OrOdt tran8aOtOn.
bynOnymOu8 a8O Wth `aOOOunt party.
PQQ10ute /Kpak8ry/. Lat. n Od ng8h aW, tO
a8tOn tO, tO mOOr (a VO88O). PnOOnty rOndOrOd, `tO
PQQ10ut10 e8t V1tu te@U8 /Kpak8y8h(y)OW O8t Vayta
r8gyay/. PppOatOn 8 thO O O a ruO.
PQQ10ut10D. P puttng u, paOng bOOrO, prOOrrng a
rOQuO8t Or pOttOn tO Or bOOrO a pOr8On. hO aOt O
makng a rOQuO8t Or 8OmOthng. P pOttOn. hO u8O
Or d8pO8tOn madO O a thng. P brngng tOgOthOr, n
OrdOr tO a8OOrtan 8OmO rOatOn Or O8tab8h 8OmO OOn-
nOOtOn, a8 thO oltcotton O a ruO Or prnOpO tO a
Oa8O OraOt. PnappOaOrpOttOn,O8pOOay a8 WrttOn
Or prO8OntOd, a puttng tO, paOng bOOrO, prOOrrng a
rOQuO8t Or pOttOn tO Ot bOOrO a pOr8On, thO aOt O
makng a rOQuO8t Or 8OmOthng. bparaOnO V. OrOna, d
.Ppp.Zd 4ZZ, 1 ..Zd , . See olso, App|y,
Mot|on, Pet|t|on.
1numnce. hO prOmnary rOQuO8t, dOOaratOn, Or
8tatOmOnt madO by a party appyng Or an n8uranOO
pOOy, 8uOh a8 OnO On h8 O, Or agan8t HrO.
Poymen. PpprOpratOn Oa paymOnt tO 8OmO partOu-
ar dObt, Or thO dOtOrmnatOn tO WhOh O 8OVOra dO-
mand8 a gOnOra paymOnt madO by a dObtOr tO h8
OrOdtOr 8ha bO appOd.
Prchue money. hO d8pO8tOn madO O thO und8
rOOOVOd by a tru8tOO On a 8aO O rOa O8tatO hOd undOr
thO tru8t.
PQQ10ut10D 0 tUe8. bOOr8 tO arOa O praOtOO gOV-
OrnOd by ruO8 O prOOOdurO and nOt Ot tO OOmmOn aW
Or 8tatutOry aW.
PQQ. O makO a Orma rOQuO8t Or pOttOn, u8uay n
Wrtng, tO a OOurt, OHOOr, bOard, Or OOmpany, Or thO
grantng O 8OmO aVOr, Or O 8OmO ruO Or OrdOr, WhOh
8 Wthn h8 Or thOr pOWOr Or d8OrOtOn. Or OXampO,
tO appy Or an n]unOtOn, Or a pardOn, Or a pOOy O
n8uranOO, Or Or a rOOOVOr. See App||cat|on, Pet|t|on.
O u8O Or OmpOy Or a partOuar purpO8O, tO apprO-
pratO and dOVOtO tO a partOuar u8O, Ob]OOt, dOmand, Or
8ub]OOt-mattOr. hu8, tO appy paymOnt8 tO thO rOduO-
tOn O ntOrO8t. See Appropr|ate.
O put, u8O, Or rOOr, a8 8utabO Or rOatVO, tO OO-Ord-
natO anguagO Wth a partOuar 8ub]OOt-mattOr, a8 tO
appythO WOrd8 Oa 8tatutO tO a partOuar 8tatO OaOt8.
hO WOrd `appy 8 u8Od n OOnnOOtOn Wth 8tatutO8
n tWO 8On8O8. WhOn OOn8trung a 8tatutO, n dO8Orbng
thO Oa88 O pOr8On8, thng8, Or unOtOn8 WhOh arO
Wthn t8 8OOpO, a8 that thO 8tatutO dOO8 nOt `appy tO
tran8aOtOn8 n ntOr8tatO OOmmOrOO. WhOn d8Ou88ng
thO u8O madO O a 8tatutO, n rOOrrng tO thO prOOO88 by
WhOh thO 8tatutO 8 madO OpOratVO, a8 WhOrO thO ]ury
8 tOd tO `appy thO 8tatutO O mtatOn thOy Hnd
that thO Oau8O O aOtOn arO8O bOOrO a gVOn datO.
PQQ01Dt. O dO8gnatO, OhOO8O, 8OOOt, a88gn, Ordan,
prO8OrbO, OOn8ttutO, Or nOmnatO. O aOt Or 8Ot apart.
O a88gn authOrtytO a partOuar u8O, ta8k, pO8tOn, Or
Orm 8 u8Od WhOrO OXOu8VO pOWOr and authOrty 8
gVOn tO OnO pOr8On, OHOOr, Or bOdy tO namO pOr8On8 tO
hOd OOrtan OHOO8. t 8 u8uay d8tngu8hOd rOm
`OOOt, mOanng tO OhOO8O by a VOtO O thO QuaHOd
VOtOr8 O thO Oty, thOugh th8 d8tnOtOn 8 nOt nVar-
aby Ob8OrVOd.
See olso Appo|ntment.
PQQ01Dtee. P pOr8On WhO 8 appOntOd Or 8OOOtOd Or a
partOuar purpO8O, a8 thO appOntOO undOr a pOWOr O
appOntmOnt 8 thO pOr8On WhO 8 tO rOOOVO thO bOnOHt
O thO pOWOr.
PQQ01DtmeDt. hO dO8gnatOn O a pOr8On, by thO pOr-
8On Or pOr8On8 haVng authOrty thOrOOr, tO d8OhargO
thO dutO8 O 8OmO OHOO Or tru8t. n rO OhO8On8
8tatO, 1U4 LOO. 1, d .Zd bbU, bb4. See | | | usory
appo|ntment, Power of appO|ntment.
hO OXOrO8O O a rght tO dO8gnatO thO pOr8On Or
pOr8On8 WhOarO tO takO thO u8O O rOa O8tatO. hO aOt
O a pOr8On n drOOtng thO d8pO8tOn O prOpOrty, by
mtng a u8O, Or by 8ub8ttutng a nOW u8O Or a OrmOr
OnO, n pur8uanOO O a pOWOr grantOd tO hm Or that
purpO8O by a prOOOdng dOOd, OaOd a `pOWOr OappOnt-
mOnt, a8O thO dOOd Or OthOr n8trumOnt by WhOh hO
8O OOnVOy8. WhOrO thO pOWOr OmbraOO8 8OVOra pOrmt-
tOd Ob]OOt8, and thO appOntmOnt 8 madO tO OnO Or mOrO
O thO
, OXOudng OthOr8, t 8 OaOd `OXOu8VO.
PppOntmOnt may 8gny an apprOpratOn OmOnOy
ua 8pOOHO purpO8O. t may a8O mOan thO arrangngO
a mOOtng.
UJJtce orultc Junctton. hO 8OOOtOn Or dO8gnatOn
O a pOr8On, by thO pOr8On Or pOr8On8 haVng authOrty
thOrOOr, tO H an OHOO Or pubO unOtOn and d8OhargO
thO dutO8 O thO 8amO. hO tOrm `appOntmOnt 8 tO
bO d8tngu8hOd rOm `OOOtOn. `OOtOn tO OOO
u8uay rOOr8 tO VOtO O pOOpO, WhOrOa8 `appOntmOnt
rOatO8 tO dO8gnatOn by 8OmO ndVdua Or grOup.
Oard O duOatOn O OyO LOunty V. %OLhO8nOy, Z
by. dZ, Z b.W.Zd Z, Z.
PQQ01DtmeDt, Q0Wet 0. See Power of appo|ntment.
PQQ01Dt0t. hO pOr8On WhO appOnt8, Or OXOOutO8 a
pOWOr O appOntmOnt, a8 ootntee 8 thO pOr8On tO
WhOm Or n WhO8O aVOr an appOntmOnt 8 madO. nO
authOrZOd by thO dOnOr, undOr thO 8tatutO O u8O8, tO
OXOOutO a pOWOr.
PQQ0tt. L. r. n Od ng8h aW, taX, taagO, trbutO,
mpO8tOn, paymOnt, OhargO, OXpOn8O8.
PQQ0tt10D. O dVdO and d8trbutO prOpOrtOnay.
PQQ0tt10DmeDt /apr8hanmant/. hO prOOO88 by WhOh
Og8atVO 8Oat8 arO d8trbutOd amOng unt8 OnttOd tO
rOprO8OntatOn. OtOrmnatOn O thO numbOr O rOprO-
8OntatVO8 WhOh a btatO, OOunty, Or OthOr 8ubdV8On
may 8Ond tO a Og8atVO bOdy. hO \.b. LOn8ttutOn
prOVdO8 Or a OOn8u8 OVOry tOn yOar8, On thO ba88 O
WhOh LOngrO88 appOrtOn8 rOprO8Ont8tVO8 aOOOrdng u
pOpuatOn, but OaOh btatO mu8t haVO at Oa8t OnO
rOprO8OntatVO. `8trOtng 8 thO O8tab8hmOntOthO
prOO8O gOOgraphOa bOundarO8 O OaOh 8uOh unt Or
OOn8ttuOnOy. bOaman V. OdOurOh, 1 .Y.Zd d4, ZZ
.Y.b.Zd 444, ZUd ..Zd b, d. PppOrtOnmOnt by
8tatO 8tatutO WhOh dOnO8 thO ruO O OnO-man, OnO-VOtO
8 VOatVO O OQua prOtOOtOn O aW8. akOr V. Larr,
d \.b. 1b, bZ b.Lt. d1, L.d.Zd . See olso
Leg|s|at|ve apport|onment, ReappOrt|onment.
hO aOOatOn O a OhargO Or OO8t 8uOh a8 rOa O8tatO
taXO8 bOtWOOn tWO partO8, OtOn n thO 8amO ratO a8 thO
rO8pOctVO tmO8 that thO partO8 arO n pO88O88On Or
OwnOr8hp OprOpOrtydurngthO 8capOrOdOrwhch
thO chargO 8 madO Or a88O88Od.
Controc. JhO aOwancO, n ca8O O a 8OVOrabO cOn-
tract, partay pOrOrmOd, Oa part OthO OntrO cOn8d-
OratOn prOpOrtOnOd tO thO dOgrOO n whch thO cOntract
wa8 carrOd Out.
Cororote shores. JhO m tonto dV8On amOng thO
8ub8crbOr8 O thO 8harO8 aOwOd tO b 88uOd by tO
chartOr, whOrO mOrO than thO mtOd numbOr haVO bOOn
8ub8crbOd Or.
stote toxes. \nO88 thO w OthOrw8O prOVdO8, taxO8
8ha bO appOrtOnOd amOng a pOr8On8 ntOrO8tOd n thO
O8tatO. 1hO appOrtOnmOnt 8 tO bO madO n thO prOpOr-
tOn that thO VauO OthO ntOrO8t OOach pOr8On ntOr-
O8tOd n thO O8tatO bOar8 tO thO tOta VauO O thO
ntOrO8t8 O a pOr8On8 ntOrO8tOd n thO O8tatO. JhO
VauO8 u8Od n dOtOrmnng thO tax arO tO bO u8Od Or
that purpO8O. thO dOcOdOnt`8 w drOct8 a mOthOd O
appOrtOnmOnt O tax dOrOnt rOm thO mOthOd dO-
8crbOd n thOrObatOLOdO, thO mOthOd dO8crbOd n thO
w cOntrO8. \nOrm rObatO LOdO, dd1bm).
1ncumronces. WhOrO 8OVOra pOr8On8 arO ntOrO8tOd n
an O8tatO, appOrtOnmOnt, a8 bOtwOOn thOm, 8 thO dOtOr-
mnatOn O thO rO8pOctVO amOunt8 whch thOy 8ha
cOntrbutO tOward8 thO rOmOVa O thO ncumbrancO.
Ltotltty. LOga rO8pOn8bty O partO8 tO a tran8ac-
tOn Or tOrt may bO d8trbutOd Or appOrtOnOd amOng
thOm by 8tatutO Or by agrOOmOnt. See Comparat|ve
negl|gence, Contr|but|on.
Rent. 1hO aOtmOnt O 8harO8 n a rOnt tO Oach O
8OVOra partO8 Ownng t. JhO dOtOrmnatOn O thO
amOunt OrOnt tO bO pad whOn thO tOnancy 8 tOrmnat-
Od at 8OmO pOrOdOthOrthan OnOOthOrOguar ntOrVa8
Or thO paymOnt O rOnt.
Rerentottu. 1hO dOtOrmnatOn upOn Oach dOcOnn-
a cOn8u8 O thO numbOr O rOprO8OntatVO8 n cOngrO88
whch Oach 8tatO 8ha OOct, thO cacuatOn bOng ba8Od
upOn thO pOpuatOn. oOO \.o.LOn8t. , Art. 1, 2,
AmOnd. 14, 2.
Toxes. JhO appOrtOnmOnt O a tax cOn88t8 n a 8OOc-
tOn O thO 8ub]Oct8 tO bO taxOd, and n ayng dOwn thO
ruOby whch tO mOa8urO thO cOntrbutOn whch OachO
thO8O 8ub]Oct8 8ha makO tO thO tax.
JhO a88gnmOnt OthObu8nO88ncOmOOa mut8tatO
cOrpOratOn tO 8pOcc 8tatO8 Or ncOmO taxatOn.
\8uay, thO appOrtOnmOnt prOcOdurO accOunt8 Or thO
prOpOrty, payrO, and 8aO8actVty OVO8 OthO VarOu8
8tatO8, and a prOpOrtOnatO a88gnmOnt O thO Ontty`8
tOta ncOmO 8 madOthOrOby, u8ng athrOO-actOr appOr-
tOnmOnt Ormua. JhO8O actVtO8 ndcatO thO cOm-
mOrca dOmcO O thO cOrpOratOn, rOatVO tO that
ncOmO. oOmO 8tatO8 OxcudO nOnbu8nO88 ncOmO rOm
thO appOrtOnmOnt prOcOdurO, thOy ollocotenOnbu8nO88
ncOmO O thO 8tatO8 whOrO thO nOnbu8nO88 a88Ot8 arO
PQQ0tt10DmeDt 0uU8e. n8urancO pOcy cau8O whch
d8trbutO8 n8urancO n prOpOrtOn tO thO tOta cOVOragO.
PQQ0tt8 eD DutUte /aprt8 n natyr/. n trOnch aw,
that whch a partnOr brng8 ntO thO partnOr8hp OthOr
than ca8h, Or n8tancO, 8OcurtO8, rOaty Or pOr8Onaty,
cattO, 8tOck, Or OVOn h8 pOr8Ona abty and knOwOdgO.
PQQ0ttU /aprtam/. n Od ng8h aw, thO rOVOnuO,
prOt, Or OmOumOnt whch a thng brng8 tO thO OwnOr.
LOmmOny appOd tO a cOrOdy Or pOn8On.
PQQ08et /apwzar/. n Od ng8haw, an OHcOr n thO
OxchOguOr, cOthOd wth thO duty O Oxamnng thO 8hOr-
8 n rO8pOct O thOr accOunt8. \8uay caOd thO
OrOgn appO8Or.` JhO OHcO 8 nOw abO8hOd.
PQQ08t1e, or uQ08t1e /ap8ta/. n trOnch aw, an
addtOn Or annOtatOn madO n thO margn Oa wrtng.
PQQtu18u. A VauatOn Or an O8tmatOn O VauO O
prOpOrty by d8ntOrO8tOd pOr8On8 O 8utabO guaca-
tOn8. JhO prOcO88 Oa8cOrtanng aVauO Oan a88Ot Or
abtythat nVOVO8 OxpOrtOpnOnrathOrthan Oxpc-
t markOt tran8actOn8. See olso Appra|se.
n cOrpOratO aw, a mtOd 8tatutOry rght grantOd tO
mnOrty 8harOhOdOr8 whO Ob]Oct tO cOrtan undamOn-
ta tran8actOn8 8uch a8 mOrgOr8. n an appra8a prO-
cOOdng a cOurt dOtOrmnO8 thO appra8Od VauO O thOr
8harO8 and thO cOrpOratOn pay8 8uch appra8Od VauO tO
thO 8harOhOdOr n ca8h. JhO HOV8Od %OdO Uu8nO88
LOrpOratOn Act u8O8 thO tOrm d88OntOr8' rght8 tO
Obtan paymOnt Or thOr 8harO8` tO dO8crbO th8 rght.
An appra8a rght Ox8t8 Ony tO thO OxtOnt 8pOccay
prOVdOd by 8tatutO. See Appra|sal remedy.
PQQtu18u 0uU8e. Lau8O n n8urancO pOcy prOVdng
that thO n8urOr ha8 thO rght tO dOmand an appra8a O
thO O88 Or damagO.
PQQtu18u teme. JhO d88Ontng 8harOhOdOr`8 ap
pra8a rOmOdy 8 O88Ontay a 8tatutOry crOatOn tO
OnabO 8harOhOdOr8 whO Ob]Oct tO cOrtan OxtraOrdnary
mattOr8 tO d88Ont and tO rOgurO thO cOrpOratOn tO buy
thOr 8harO8 at thO VauO mmOdatOy prOr tO thO ap-
prOVa O 8uch mattOr and thu8 tO wthdraw rOm thO
cOrpOratOn. n dOrOnt ]ur8dctOn8, thO appra8a
rOmOdy OtOn appO8 tO 8aO8 O 8ub8tantay a cOrpO-
ratO a88Ot8 OthOr than n thO rOguar cOur8O Obu8nO88,
mOrgOr8, and cOn8OdatOn8, mOrO rarOy tO cOrtan
amOndmOnt8 OthO artcO8 OncOrpOratOn Or m8cOa-
nOOu8 mattOr8, but u8uay nOt tO d88OutOn. JhO ap-
pra8a rOmOdy 8 OtOn mtOd tO 8harOhOdOr8 OrOcOrd
OnttOd tO VOtO On thO mattOr.
PQQtu18u t1gDt8. See Appra|sal remedy.
PQQtu18e. 1O H Or 8Ot aprcOOrVauOupOn, tO x and
8tatO thOtruOVauO O a thng,and, u8uay, n wrtng.
JO VauO prOpOrty at what t 8 wOrth. 1O appra8O`
mOnOy mOan8 tO cOunt. Seeolo Appra|sal.
PQQtu18emeDt. A ]u8t and truO VauatOn O prOpOrty.
A VauatOn 8Ot upOn prOpOrty undOr]udca Or Og8a-
tVO authOrty. AVauatOn OrO8tmatOn OthOVauO O
prOpOrty. Seeolo Appra|sal.
PQQtu18et. A pOr8On 8OOctOd OrappOntOdbycOmpOtOnt
authOrty Or ntOrO8tOd party tO makO an appra8OmOnt,
tO a8cOrtan and 8tatO thO truO VauO O gOOd8 Or rOa
O8tatO. trOguOnty appOntOd n prObatO and cOndOmna-
tOn prOcOOdng8, a8O u8Od by cOndOmnatOn authOr-
tO8, bank8 and rOa O8tatO cOmpanO8 tO a8cOrtan mar-
kOt VauO O rOa prOpOrty.
PQQte01uOe. LapabO O bOng O8tmatOd, wOghOd,
]udgOd O, Or rOcOgnzOd by thO mnd. LapabO O bOng
pOrcOVOd Or rOcOgnzOd by thO 8On8O8. OrcOptbO but
nOt a 8ynOnym O 8ub8tanta
PQQte01ute. JO O8tmatO ]u8ty, tO 8Ot a prcO Or VauO
On. WhOn u8Od wth rOOrOncO tO thO naturO and OOct
Oan act, apprOcatO` maybO 8ynOnymOu8 wth knOw`
Or undOr8tand` Or rOazO.`
PQQte01ut10D U VuUe. ncrOa8O nthO markOt VauO O
an a88Ot (e.g., rOa O8tatO) OVOr t8 VauO at 8OmO OarOr
tmO. %ay bO duO rOm natOn and/Or ncrOa8Od mar
kOt dOmand Or a88Ot.
PQQteDeD. JO takO hOd O, whOthOr wth thO mnd (a8
u cOncOVO, bOOVO, Oar, drOad, undOr8tand, bO cOn
8cOu8 Or 8On8bO O, Or actuay and bOdy (a8 tO 8OzO
Or arrO8t a pOr8On). See Arrest.
PQQteDeD810 /Kprahn8h(y)Ow/. Lat. n thO cV and
Od ng8h aw, a takng hOd O a pOr8On Or tng,
apprOhOn8On, thO 8OzurO Or capturO O a pOr8On.
nO OthO VarOtO8 Or 8ubOrdnatO Orm8 Ooccuotto,
Or thO mOdO O acgurng ttO tO thng8 nOt bOOngng tO
any OnO.
PQQteDeD810D. JhO 8OzurO, takng, Or arrO8t O a pOr
8On On a crmna chargO. See Arrest.
Ctutl lo. A phy8ca Or cOrpOra act (corusJ, On thO
part OOnO whO ntOnd8tO acgurOpO88O88On O athng,
by whch hO brng8 hm8O ntO 8uch a rOatOn tO thO
thng that hO may 8ub]Oct t tO h8 Oxcu8VO cOntrO, Or
by whch hO Obtan8 thO phy8ca abty tO OxOrc8O h8
pOwOr OVOr thO thng whOnOVOr hO pOa8O8. nO O thO
rOgu8tO8 tO thO acgu8tOn O ]udca pO88O88On, and
by whch, whOn accOmpanOd by ntOntOn, (ontmusJ
pO88O88On 8 acgurOd.
PQQteDte. A OO Or prOt takOn Or rOcOVOd.
PQQteDt10e eD u e /aprnta8 n a y/. An ancOnt
namO Or 8tudOnt8 at aw, and atOrward8 appOd u
cOun8OOr8, orenttct od orros, rOmwhch cOmO8 thO
mOrO mOdOrn wOrd barr8tOr.` n 8OmO O thO ancOnt
aw-wrtOr8 thO tOrm8 apprOntcO and barr8tOr arO 8yn
PQQteDt10e8D1Q. An apprOntcO 8 a pOr8On whO agrOO8
tO wOrk Or an OmpOyOr Or a 8pOcOd tmO Or thO
purpO8O O Oarnng thO crat, tradO Or prOO88On n
whch thO OmpOyOr agrOO8 tO n8truct hm. n a mOrO
pOpuar 8On8O thO tOrm 8 u8Od tO cOnVOy thO dOa O a
OarnOr n any Od O OmpOymOnt Or bu8nO88. JhO
rOgurOmOnt8 O an apprOntcO8hp cOntract bOth a8 tO
cOntOnt8 and mannOr O OxOcutOn arO prO8crbOd by
8tatutO n a numbOr O 8tatO8. See olo Art|c|es of
JhO tOrm durng whch an apprOntcO 8 tO 8OrVO, thO
stotus O an apprOntcO, thO rOatOn 8ub88tng bOtwOOn
an apprOntcO and h8 ma8tOr.
PQQteDt101U8 u egem /KprOnt8hya8 Kd y]am/. An
apprOntcO tO thO aw, aaw 8tudOnt, acOun8OOrbOOw
thO dOgrOO O 8Or]Oant. See Apprent|ce en la |ey.
PQQt0u0D. JOcOmO nOarOr n pacO Or tmO.
An accO88 Or a way, pa88agO, Or aVOnuO by whch a
pacO may bO apprOachOd. Lutt8 V. JOOr8On LOunty
Ud. O Onng Ad]u8tmOnt, 2b2 Aa. 2U4, 21U oO.2d bTd,
PQQt0u0De8. A way, pa88agO, 8trOOt, Or aVOnuO by
whch a pacO Or budng canbO apprOachOd, an accO88.
PQQt0u0D, t1gDt 0. n ntOrnatOna martmO aw, thO
rght Oa8hp Owar, upOn thO hgh 8Oa, tO draw nOartO
anOthOr VO88O Or thO purpO8O O a8cOrtanng thO na-
tOnaty O thO attOr. JhO %aranna tOra, 24 \.o. 1,
11 WhOat. 1, b L.d. 4U. At prO8Ont thO rght O
apprOach ha8 nO Ox8tOncO apart rOm tO rght O V8t.
PQQt0Out10D /Kpraby8han/. OnOtO8 apprOVa and
gOnOray ncudO8 cOmmOndatOn. AppcatOn O N. Y.
oOu Lnc, 2Ub %8c. b12, 144 N.Y.o.2d 4d, 4.
PQQt0Qt1ute. JO makO a thng OnO`8 Own, tO makO a
thngthO 8ub]Oct OprOpOrty, tO OxOrc8OdOmnOnOVOr
an Ob]OcttOthO OxtOnt,andOrthOpurpO8O,Omakngt
8ub8OrVO OnO`8 Own prOpOr u8O Or pOa8urO. JO prO8crbO
a partcuar u8O Or partcuar mOnOy8, tO dO8gnatO Or
dO8tnO a und Or prOpOrty Or a d8tnct u8O, Or Or thO
paymOntOapartcuar dOmand. A8Ou8Odn thO 8On8O
O d8trbutO. n th8 8On8O t may dOnOtO thO act O an
OxOcutOr Or admn8tratOr whO d8trbutO8 thO O8tatO O
h8 dOcOdOnt amOng thO OgatOO8, hOr8, Or OthOr8 Ont-
tOd, n pur8uancO O h8 dutO8 and accOrdng tO thOr
rO8pOctVO rght8. See Appropr|at|on, Expropr|at|on.
PQQt0Qt1ute 8UtQU8. n accOuntng, pOrtOn O 8ur-
pu8 8Ot a8dO Or8pOcc purpO8O OthOr than Or Ox8tng
PQQt0Qt1ut10D. JhO act O apprOpratng Or 8Ottng
apart, prO8crbng thO dO8tnatOn O a thng, dO8gnat
ng thO u8O Or appcatOn O a und. %cbOnzO LOn8t.
LO. V. Lty O oan AntOnO, JOx.LV.App., U o.W.2d d4d,
d2. ntOrtaw, thO actOmakngathngOnO`8 Own Or
OxOrc8ng Or makng u8O O an Ob]Oct tO 8ub8OrVO OnO`8
Own ntOrO8t. WhOn thO act 8 wrOngu, a tOrt 8 cOm
n gOVOrnmOnta accOuntng, an OxpOndturO authO-
rzOd Or a 8pOcOd amOunt, purpO8O, and tmO.
See olso Appropr|ate, M|sappropr|at|on.
ArortottonoJlond. JhOactO8OOctng, dOVOtng, Or
8Ottng apart and Or a partcuar u8O Or purpO8O, a8
whOrOand 8 apprOpratOdOrpubcbudng8, mtary
rO8OrVatOn8, Or OthOr pubc u8O8. Jakng O prVatO
prOpOrty Or pubc u8O n thO OxOrc8O O thO pOwOr O
OmnOnt dOman. n th8 8On8O t may rOOr mOrOy tO
phy8ca OccupatOn and cOntOmpatO paymOnt prOr
thOrOtO, n cOntra-d8tnctOn tO takng,` rOOrrng tO a
Oga takng and prO8uppO8ng paymOnt atOr damagO8
arO duO. SeeCondemnat|on, Em|nent doma|n, Expropr|a-
Amrtotton oJoymen. JhO appcatOn O a pay-
mOnt tO thO d8chargO O a partcuar dObt. Jhu8, a
crOdtOr h twO d8tnct dObt8 duO tO hm rOm h8
dObtOr, and thO attOr makO8 a gOnOra paymOnt On
accOunt, wthOut8pOcyngat thO tmO tO whch dObt hO
ntOnd8 thO paymOnt tO appy, t 8 OptOna Or thO
crOdtOr tO omrtote (appy) thO paymOnt tO OthOr O
thO twO dObt8 hO pOa8O8.
AmrtottonoJoter. Pn apprOpratOn OwatOr Ow-
ng On thO pubc dOman cOn88t8 n thO capturO, m-
pOundng, Or dVOr8On O t rOm t8 natura cOur8O Or
channO and uactuaappcatOntO 8OmO bOnOca u8O
prVatO Or pOr8Ona tO thO apprOpratOr, tO thO OntrO
Oxcu8On (Or Oxcu8On tO thO OxtOnt OthO watOr apprO-
pratOd) O a OthOr pOr8On8. JO cOn8ttutO a Vad
apprOpratOn, thOrO mu8t bO an ntOnt tO appy thO
watOr tO 8OmO bOnOca u8O Ox8tng at thO tmO Or
cOntOmpatOd n thOuturO, adVOr8OnrOmthO natura
channO by mOan8 O a dtch Or cana, Or 8OmO OthOr
Opn phy8ca act Otakng pO88O88On OthO watOr, and
an actua appcatOn O t wthn a rOa8OnabO tmO tO
8OmO u8Ou Or bOnOca purpO8O. n rO %an8O oprng
and t8 JrbutarO8, NyO LOunty, bU NOV. 2b2, 1Ub .2d
d11, d14, otatO ONOb. V.otatOOWyO., d2 \.o. bd, b
o.Lt. 1dd2, 1d4d, bd L.d. 1b1. t OOw8 watOr tO t8
Orgna 8OurcO whOthOr thrOugh 8uracO Or 8ubtOrranO-
an 8trOam8 Or thrOugh pOrcOatOn, Ju8tO8On V. 8On, bb
\tah 1b, 4U .2d bU2, bUd, and OnttO8 apprOpratOrtO
cOntnungrghttO u8O watOr tO OxtOnt OapprOpratOn,
but nOt bOyOnd that rOa8Onaby rOgurOd and actuay
u8Od. otatO O PrzOna V. otatO O LaOrna, Prz. &
La., 2db \.o. b, b o.Lt. b4b, b2, bU L.d. 1dd1.
Pltc lo. JhO act by whch thO Og8atVO dOpart-
mOntOgOVOtmOnt dO8gnatO8 a partcuar und, Or8Ot8
apart a 8pcOd pOrtOn O thO pubc rOVOnuO Or O thO
mOnOy n thO pubc trOa8ury, tO bO appOd tO 8OmO
gOnOra Ob]Oct O gOVOtmOnta OxpOndturO, Or tO 8OmO
ndVdua purcha8O Or OxpOn8O. PuthOrty gVOn by
Og8aturOtO prOpOr OHcOr8 tO appyd8tncty8pOcOd
8um rOmdO8gnatOd und Out OtrOa8ury n gVOn yOar
Or 8pOcOd Ob]Oct Or dOmand agan8t 8tatO. otatO Ox
rO. %urray V. LartOr, 1bT k 4Td, dU .2d TUU, TU2.
JhO Og8atVO dO8gnatOn O a cOrtan amOunt O
mOnOy a8 bOng 8Ot apart, aOttOd, Or a88gnOd Or a
8pOccpurpO8O. urpO8OOagenemlapprOpratOnb
8 tO und prOgram8 that haVO bOOn 8OparatOy auth
rzOd by OthOr Og8atOn. LOOradO OnOra P88Omby
V. Lamm, LOO., TU4 .2d 1dT1, 1db2. P sectJc apprO-
pratOn 8 an act O thO Og8aturO by whch a namOd
8um O mOnOy ha8 bOOn 8Ot apart n thO trOa8ury, and
dOVOtOd tO thO paymOnt O a partcuar dOmand.
PQQt0Qt1ut10DD1. PmOa8urObOOrOaOg8atVObOdy
authOrzng thO OxpOndturO Opubc mOnOy8 and 8tpu-
atng thO amOunt, mannOr, and purpO8O OthO VarOu8
tOm8 O OxpOndturO. PpprOpratOn b8 n LOngrO88
mu8t OrgnatO n thO HOu8O. \.o.LOn8t. Prt. , oOc. T.
See olo Appropr|at|on (Pltc loJ.
PQQt0Qt1ut0t. nOwhOmakO8 an apprOpratOn, a8,an
apprOpratOr OwatOr.
PQQt0Vu. JhO act O cOnrmng, ratyng, a88Ontng,
8anctOnng, Or cOn8Ontng tO 8OmO act Or thng dOnO by
anOthOr. PpprOVa` mpO8 knOwOdgO and OxOrc8O O
d8crOtOnatOrknOwOdgO. %cLartOnV. oandOr8On, 111
%Ont. 4UT, 1Ud .2d 11Ub, 1112. JhO act Oa ]udgO Or
mag8tratOn8anctOnngan accOptng a8 8at8actO a
bOnd,8Ocurty,Or OthOrn8trumOntwhch8rOgurOdby
aw tO pa88 h8 n8pOctOn and rOcOVO h8 apprObatOn
bOOrO t bOcOmO8 OpOratVO. See Aff|rm, Approve, As-
sent, Condonat|on, Conf|rmat|on, Conn|vance, Consent,
Rat|f|cat|on. tOr sole on omuol, see Sale.
PQQt0Vu 8ue8. P buyOr may, by agrOOmOnt, accOpt
gOOd8 On apprOVa, and ttO dOO8 nOt pa88 unt hO ha8
ndcatOd h8 apprOVa. PpprOVa 8 a cOndtOn prOcO-
dOnt tO pa88ng O ttO and r8k. \.L.L. 2-d2b.
PQQt0Ve. JO bO 8at8Od wth, tO cOnrm, raty, 8anc
tOn, Or cOn8Ont tO 8OmO act Or thng dOnO by anOthOr.
JO 8anctOn OHcay, tO raty, tO cOnrm, tO prO-
nOuncO gOOd, thnk Or]udgO wO O, admt thO prOprO
ty Or OxcOOncO O, bO pOa8Od wth. 8tngu8habO
rOm authOrzO,` mOanng tO pOrmt a thng tO bO dOnO
n uturO. JO takO tO OnO'8 prOpOrand 8OparatO u8O. JO
mprOVO, tO OnhancO thO VauO Or prOt8 O anythng.
JO ncO8O and cutVatO cOmmOn Or wa8tO and. See
olso Approval, Conf|rmat|on, Rat|f|cat|on.
PQQt0Ve 1D0t8e D0te8. NOtO8 ndOr8Od by anOthOr
pOr8On than thO makOr, Or addtOna 8Ocurty, thO n-
dOr8Or bOng8at8actOry tO thO payOO. SeeAccommoda-
t|on paper, Accommodat|on party.
PQQt0Ve 18t. See, Legal l|st.
PQQt0VemeDt. n ng8h aw, thO mprOVOmOnt Or
parta OncO8urO OacOmmOn. JhO prOt8 ar8ng rOm
thO mprOVOmOnt O and apprOVOd. NOw rOgurO8 cOn-
8Ont O thO gOVOrnmOnt by Law O rOpOrty Pct, 1d2,
n Odng8h aw,a practcO Ocrmna prO8OcutOn8
by whch a pOr8On accu8Od O trOa8On Or OOny wa8
pOrmttOd tO OxOnOratO hm8O by accu8ng OthOr8 and
O8capng prO8OcutOn hm8O. JhO cu8tOm Ox8tOd Ony
n capta ca8O8, and cOn88tOd n thO accu8Od, caOd
apprOVOr`, bOng arragnOd and pOrmttOd tO cOnO88
bOOrO pOa and appOa Or accu8O anOthOr a8 h8 accOm-
pcO O thO 8amO crmO n OrdOr tO Obtan h8 pardOn.
See Approver.
PQQt0Vet. L. tr. 1O apprOVO Or prOVO, tO VOuch.
n Od ng8h aw, an accOmpcO n crmO whO ac-
cu8Od OthOr8 OthO 8amO OOn8O, and wa8 admttOd a8 a
wtnO88 at thO d8crOtOn O thO cOurt tO gVO OVdOncO
agan8th8 cOmpanOn8 n gut. HO wa8 Vugary caOd
bng'8 VdOncO.` nO whO cOnO88Odhm8Oguty O
OOny and accu8Od OthOr8 O thO 8amO crmO tO 8aVO
hm8O rOm pun8hmOnt. hO aOd tO cOnVct thO8O
hO accu8Od hO wa8 at OncO hung. See olo Ant|thetar|us.
Pt cOmmOn aw, OnO whO brOught Orma chargO8
agan8t and prVatOy prO8OcutOd OnO'8 accOmpcO8. -
VOr V. otatO, 44 P.2d bb, bbd, d %d.Ppp. 4dU.
n Od ng8h aw, cOrtan mOn 8OntntOthO 8OVOra
cOuntO8 tO ncrOa8O thO arm8 (rOnt8) O hundrOd8 and
wapOntakO8, whch OrmOry wOrO Ot at a cOrtan VauO
tO thO 8hOr See Hundred, Wapentake.
PQQt0Xute. \8Od n thO8On8OOan O8tmatO mOrOy,
mOanng mOrO Or O88, but abOut and nOar thO amOunt,
guantty, Or d8tancO 8pOcOd. NOar tO, abOut, a ttO
mOrO Or O88, cO8O. `ApprOxmatOy` 8 VOry nOary
8ynOnymOu8 wth `prOxmatOy`, mOanng VOry nOary,
but nOt ab8OutOy.
PQQt0Xut10D. gutabO dOctrnO by whch prOc8O
tOrm8 O chartabO tru8t can bO VarOd undOr cOrtan
crcum8tancO8. AppcabO tO chartabO tru8t8 and Om-
pOyOd Ony whOrO On aurO O tru8t thO cOurt nd8 a
gOnOrachartabO ntOnt. \ndOrth8dOctrnO,thO gOn-
Ora ntOnt O thO dOnOr 8 carrOd Out a8 nOary a8 may
bO OVOn thO partcuar mOthOd pOntOd Out by hm
cannOt bO OOwOd. Harr8 V. AttOrnOy OnOra, d1
LOnn.oup. dd, d24 A.2d 2Td, 2bd. See Cy-Pres.
PQQtUute /pruwry/. 1O takO tO OnO`8 u8O Or prOt.
PQQUtteDuD0e /aportnan8/. 1hat whch bOOng8 tO
8OmOthng O8O, an ad]unct, an appOndagO. oOmOthng
annOxOd tO anOthOr thng mOrO wOrthy a8 prncpa, and
whch pa88O8 a8 ncdOnt tO t, a8 a rght Oway Or OthOr
Oa8OmOnt u and, an OuthOu8O, barn, gardOn, Or Or-
chad, tO a hOu8O Or mO88uagO. JOpn WatOrwOrk8 LO.
V. Ja8pOr LOunty, d2T %O. db4, db o.W.2d 1Ubb, 1UTb.
An artcO adaptOd tOthOu8O OthOprOpOrty tOwhcht
8 cOnnOctOd, andwhchwa8ntOndOd tO bO apOrmanOnt
accO88On tO thO rOOhOd. A thng 8 dOOmOd tO bO
ncdOnta Or appurtOnant tO and whOn t 8 by rght
u8Od wth thO and Or t8 bnOt, a8 n thO ca8O O a
way, Or watOrcOur8O, Or O a pa88agO Or ght, ar, Or
hOat rOm Or acrO88 thO and O anOthOr. See olso
PQQUtteDuDt. UOOngng tO, accO88Ory Or ncdOnt tO,
ad]unct, appOndOd, Or annOxOd tO, an8wOrng tO oc-
cessortum n thO cV aw. mpOyOd n Oa8O8 Or thO
purpO8O O ncudng any Oa8OmOnt8 Or 8OrVtudO8 u8Od
Or On]OyOd wth thO dOm8Od prOm8O8. A thng 8 `ap-
purtOnant` tO 8OmOthng O8O whO t 8tand8 n rOatOn
Oan ncdOnttO aprncpa and 8 nOcO88ary cOnnOctOd
wth thO u8O and On]OymOnt O thO attOr. A thng 8
dOOmOd tO bO ncdOnta Or ourtenonttO and whOn t
8 by rght u8Od wth thO and Or t8 bOnOt, a8 n thO
ca8O O a way, Or watOr-cOur8O, Or O a pa88agO Or ght,
ar, Or hOatrOm Or acrO88 thO and OanOthOr. Seeolo
P. See Annual percentage rate.
P...L. Anno ost Romom condttom, yOar atOr thO
OundatOn O HOman.
P QteDte /aprndar/. L. tr. 1O takO, tO 8OzO. BreJ
u rendre lo terre, a wrt tO takO thO and. A rght tO
takO 8OmOthng Out O thO 8O O anOthOr 8 a prOt u
rendre, Or arghtcOupdwth a prOt. 8tngu8hOd
rOm an Oa8OmOnt. oOmOtmO8 wrttOn a8 OnO wOrd,
orendre, orender. See Prof|t (!oJtt urendreJ.
P Qt10t1 /y prayray/. Lat. trOm thO cau8O tO thO
OOct, rOmwhat gOO8 bOOrO. A tOrm u8Od n Ogc u
dOnOtO an argmOnt OundOd On anaOgy, Or ab8tract
cOn8dOratOn8, Or OnO whch, pO8tng a gOnOra prnc-
pO Or admttOd truth a8 a cau8O, prOcOOd8 tO dOducO
rOm t thO OOct8 whch mu8t nOcO88ary OOw.
P Qt0V1810De V1t1 /y praVzhywny Vhray/. Uy thO
prOV8On O man.
PQt. tt, 8utabO, apprOpratO.
PQtu V1t0 /Kpta VrOw/. tt Or a hu8band, marragOa-
bO, a wOman whO ha8 rOachOd marragOabO yOar8.
PQt W0t8. WOrd8 prOpOr tO prOducO thO Oga OOct Or
whch thOy arO ntOndOd, 8Ound tOchnca phra8O8.
PQU u0tu /Kpad Kkta/. AmOng thO act8, amOng thO
rOcOrdOd prOcOOdng8. n thO cV aw, th8 phra8O 8
appOd tO appOa8 takOn Oray, n thO prO8OncO O thO
]udgO, at thO tmO O]udgmOnt Or 8OntOncO. LrOdt LO.,
Ltd.,V. Arkan8a8 LOnt. Hy. LO., 12b\.o. 2b, d o.Lt. 1UT,
1Ub, d2 L.d. 44b.
PQUu /Kkwa/. n thO cV and Od ng8h aw, watOr,
8OmOtmO8 a 8trOam Or watOr-cOur8O.
PQUu 88t1Vu /Kkwa y8tVa/. n HOman aw, 8ummOr
watOr, watOr that wa8 u8Od n 8ummOr Ony.
PQUu 0e1t 800 /Kkwa 8ydat 8wOw/. WatOr OOw8
thO and. A 8aO O and w pa88 thO watOr whch
cOVOr8 t. 2 U.LOmm. 1b.
PQUu 0UtteD8 /Kkwa kohrOnz/. HunnngwatOr.
PQUu 0Utt1t et eOet 0Uttete, Ut 0Uttete 80eOut
/Kkwa kohrat t dbat kohrary, t kohrary 8Owybat/.
WatOr run8,andOught tO run, a8 t ha8u8OdtO run. A
runnn 8trOam 8hOud bO Ot tO Ow n t8 natura
channO, wthOut atOratOn Or dVOr8On, that watOr 8
thO cOmmOn and Ogua prOpOrty O OVOry OnO thrOugh
whO8O dOman t Ow8.
PQUu U018, Or t180u /Kkwa do8a8/r8ka. trO8h
PQU8 U0tU8 /Kkwy dokta8/. n thO cV aw, a 8OrV-
tudO whch cOn88t8 n thO rght tO carry watOr by mOan8
O ppO8 Or cOndut8 OVOr Or thrOugh thO O8tatO OanOth-
PQU8 DuU8tU8 /Kkwy h8ta8/. n thO cV aw, a 8OrV-
tudO whch cOn88t8 n thO rght tO draw watOr rOm thO
Ountan, pOO, Or 8prng O anOthOr.
PQU8 1m1tteD8 /Kkwy matndy/. A cV aw Oa8O-
mOnt Or 8OrVtudO, cOn88tng n thO rght O OnO whO8O
hOu8O 8 8urrOundOd wth OthOr budng8 tO ca8t wa8tO
watOr upOn thO ad]acOnt rOO8 Or yard8. omar tO thO
cOmmOn aw Oa8OmOnt O drp.
PQUu 0DtuDeu /Kkwa Ontynya/. oprng watOr.
PQUug1Um /akwy]yam/. A cana, dtch, Or watOr
cOur8O runnng thrOugh mar8hy grOund8. A mark Or
gaugO pacOd n Or On thO bank8 Oa runnng 8trOam, tO
ndcatO thO hOght O thO watOr, wa8 caOd ouogougt-
um. '
PQUu Qt0UeD8 kwa pruwOn/. tOwng Or run-
nng watOr.
PQUu QU0t101uDu /Kkwa kwOwtdyyna/. n HOman
aw, daywatOr, watOrthat mghtbOdrawn ata tmO8
O thO yOar (uo uts uottdtestt utt, st uelletJ.
PQUu 8u8u /Kkwa 8K8a/. oat watOr.
PQUut10 t1@Dt8. Hght8 whch ndVdua8 haVO tO thO
u8O OthO 8Oa and rVOr8, Or thO purpO8O O 8hng and
naVgatOn, and a8O tO thO 8O n thO 8Oa and rVOr8.
See R|par|an r|ghts, Water (oter rtghJ.
PQU1uD uW. See Lex Aqu|||a.
P QU0 /y kww/. Lat. trOm whch. P cOurt o uo
(a8OwrttOn agua`)8 acOurtrOm whch a cau8O ha8
bOOn rOmOVOd. 1hO ]udgO o uo 8 thO ]udgO n 8uch
cOurt. P tOrm u8Od, wth thO cOrrOatVO od uem (tO
whch), n OxprO88ng thO cOmputatOn OtmO, and a8O
O d8tancO n 8pacO. 1hu8, dtes o uo, thO day rOm
whch and dtes od uem, thO day tO whch, a pOrOd O
tmO 8 cOmputOd. , termtnuso uo, thO pOnt Or mt
rOm whch, and termtnusod uem, thO pOnt Or mt tO
whch, a d8tancO Or pa88agO n 8pacO 8 rOckOnOd.
P QU0 1DV1t0 u1QU10 eX1@1 Q0te8t /y kww nVaytOw
Kakwad gza]ay pwta8t/. trOm whOm 8OmOthng may
bO OxactOd agan8t h8 w.
P.. Anno Regnt. n thO yOar OthO rOgn, a8 P. H. V.
H. 22, (Anno Regnt Vtctortoe Regtnoe utcestmo secundoJ
n thO twOnty8OcOnd yOar OthO rOgn OQuOOn VctOra.
PtuOuDt /arybant/. 1hOy pOwOd. P tOrm O Ouda
aw, appOd tO thO8O whO hOd by thO tOnurO O pOwng
and tng thO Ord8 and8 wthn thO manOr.
PtuOe uD0 /Kraba Knd/. 1hat whch 8 t Or pOw-
ng Or tagO, and thu8 8 d8tngu8habO rOm 8wamp
and, whch 8 and that 8 tOO wOt Or cutVatOn.
PtuD0. n Ouda aw, tO makO Oath n thO church Or
8OmO OthOr hOy pacO. P Oath8 wOrO madO n thO
church upOn thO rOc8 O8ant8, accOrdng tO thO Hpua-
ran aw8.
Ptu1u /aryya/. Owand8. Land t Or thO pOw.
OnOtng thO charactOr O and, rathOr than t8 cOnd-
Ptut0t /arytar/. P pOwman, a armOr OarabO and.
PtuttUm tett8 /arytram try/. n Od ng8h aw, a
pOw O and, a pOwand, a8 much and a8 cOud bO
tOd wth OnO pOw (Or by a 8ngO aratOr` Or pOw-
PtutUtu tett8 /Kratyrary/. 1hO pOwngOand by
thO tOnant, Or Va88a, n thO 8OrVcO O h8 O.
PtutUt1u /Krat(y)rya/. Land 8utabO Or thO pOw,
arabO and.
P. SeeAccount|ng Research Bu||et|n.
PtO1tet /arbatar/. P pOr8On chO8On tO dOcdO a cOntrO-
VOr8y, an arbtratOr, rOOrOO. P r8On bOund tO dOcdO
accOrdng tO thO ruO8 O aw and Oguty, a8 d8tn-
gu8hOd rOm an arbtratOr, whO may prOcOOd whOy at
h8 Own d8crOtOn, 8O that t bO accOrdng tO thO]udg-
mOnt O a 8Ound man. See Arb|trator.
n thO HOman aw, a]udgO nVO8tOdwth a d8crOtOn-
ary pOwOr. P pOr8On appOtOd by thO pratOr tO Oxam-
nO and dOcdO that ca88 O cau8O8 Or actOn8 tOrmOd
oJdet, and whO had thO pOwOr O]udgngaccOrdng
tO thO prncpO8 O Oguty, (e auo et onoJ d8tn-
gu8hOd rOm thO)udex, (.u.JwhO wa8 bOund tO dOcdO
accOrdng tO 8trct aw.
PtO1ttu@e /arbatra]/. 1hO 8mutanOOu8 purcha8O n OnO
markOt and 8aO n anOthOr O a 8Ocurty Or cOmmOdty
n hOpO O makng a prOt On prcO dOrOncO8 n thO
dOrOnt markOt8. See Arb|trat|on of exchange, Arb|trag-
ers. tOr Arttroge ond, see Bond.
PtO1ttu@et8 /arbatrarz/zharz/. %arkOt nVO8tOr8
whO takO O-8Ottng pO8tOn8 n thO 8amO Or 8mar
8OcurtO8 n OrdOr tO prOt rOm 8ma prcO VaratOn8.
Pn arbtragOr, Or OxampO, may buy 8harO8 On thO
acc LOa8t xchangO and 8mutanOOu8y 8O thO
8amO 8harO8 On thO NOw YOrk otOck xchangO any
prcO d8crOpancy Occur8 bOtwOOn thO guOtatOn8 n thO
twO markOt8. Uy takng adVantagO O mOmOnta d8-
partO8 n prcO8 bOtwOOn markOt8, arbtragOr8 pOrOrm
thO OcOnOmc unctOn O makng thO8O markOt8 mOrO
PtO1ttumeDt /arbtramant/. 1hO award Or dOc8On O
arbtratOr8 upOn a mattOr O d8putO, whch ha8 bOOn
8ubmttOd tO thOm.
PtO1ttumeDt uD0 uWut0 /arbtramant Knd awrd/. P
pOa tO an actOn brOught OrthO 8amO cau8Owhchhad
bOOn 8ubmttOd tO arbtratOn and On whch an award
had bOOn madO.
PtO1ttumeDtUm 8QUUm tt1OU1t 0U1QUe 8UUm /ar-
btramntam ykwam trbyuwat kaykwy 8(y)wam/. P
]u8t arbtratOn rOndOr8 tO OVOry OnO h8 Own.
PtO1ttut1. SeeArb|trary.
PtO1ttut1De88. LOnduct Or act8 ba8Od aOnO upOn OnO`8
w, and nOt upOn any cOur8O O rOa8Onng and OxOrc8O
O]udgmOnt. arman V. %yOr8, 1bd k. 141, bU .2d
b24, b2b.
PtO1ttut. n an unrOa8OnabOmannOr,a8xOdOrdOnO
caprcOu8y Or at pOa8urO. WthOut adOguatO dOtOr-
mnng prncpO, nOt OundOd n thO naturO O thng8,
nOnratOna, nOt dOnO Or actng accOrdng tO rOa8On Or
]udgmOnt, dOpOndng On thO w aOnO, ab8OutOy n
pOwOr, caprcOu8y, tyrannca, dO8pOtc, LOrnO V.
ow8hOr LOunty, 1Ox.LV.Ppp., Tb o.W.2d 1UT2, 1UT4.
WthOut ar, 8Od, and 8ub8tanta cau8O, that8, wth-
Out cau8O ba8Od upOn thO aw, \. o. V. LOtOmpO, .L.
N.Y., b t.2d db, dd, nOt gOVOrnOd byanyxOdruO8
Or 8tandard. Wu and unrOa8Onng actOn, wthOut
cOn8dOratOn and rOgard Or act8 and crcum8tancO8
prO8OntOd. n rOWO8t LaramO, WyO., 4T .2d 4db, U2.
rdnary, arbtrary` 8 8ynOnymOu8 wthbad ath Or
aurO tOOxOrc8OhOnO8t]udgmOnt and an arbtrary act
wOud bO OnO pOrOrmOd wthOut adOguatO dOtOrmna-
tOn O prncpO and OnO nOt OundOd n naturO O
thng8. HuOy V. aV8, 1Ox.LV.App., b o.W.Zd bb,
PtO1ItB m0 CBQt1C1OU9. LharactOrzatOn O a dOc
8On Or acOn takOn by an admn8tratVO agOncy Or
nOrOr cOurt mOanng wu and unrOa8OnabO actOn
wthOut cOn8dOratOn Or n d8rOgard Oact8 Or aw Or
wthOut dOtOrmnng prncpO. wOOd nVO8tOr8 LO. V.
UOhmO, Td %8c.Zd d1, db1 N.Y.o.Zd 4bb, 4dZ. Seeolso,
Hat|ona| bas|s test.
PtO1ttBt QOW0t. OwOr tO act accOrdng tO OnO`8 Own
w, O8pOcay appcabO tO pOwOr cOnOrrOd On an
admn8tratVO OcOr, whO 8 nOt urn8hOd any adO-
guatO dOtOrmnng prncpO. tOx tm LOrpOratOn V.
1rumbu, .L.LOnn., T t.2d T1, T2T.
PtO1ttBt QUD19DH0Dt. 1hat pun8hmOnt whch 8 Ot
tO thO dOc8On O thO ]udgO, n d8tnctOn rOm thO8O
dOnOd by 8tatutO. See Sentence.
PtO1ttBt1OD /arbatry8h/. AprOcO88 Od8putO rO8Ou-
tOn nwhch anOutra thrd party (arbtratOr) rOndOr8 a
dOc8On atOr a hOarng at whch bOth partO8 haVO an
OppOrtunty tO bO hOard. WhOrO arbtratOn 8 VOun-
tary, thO d8putng partO8 8OOct thO arbtratOrwhO ha8
thO pOwOr tO rOndOr a bndng dOc8On.
An arrangOmOnt Or takng and abdng by thO ]udg-
mOnt O 8OOctOd pOr8On8 n 8OmO d8putOd mattOr, n-
8tOad O carryng t tO O8tab8hOd trbuna8 O ]u8tcO,
and 8 ntOndOd u aVOd thO OrmatO8, thO dOay, thO
OxpOn8O and VOxatOn O Ordnary tgatOn. WaurOgan
%8 nc. V. 1OxtO WOrkOr8 \nOn O AmOrca, A.t.L.
L..., Z1 LOnn. oup. 1d4, 14b A.Zd dZ, d. ouch arb-
tratOn prOV8On8 arO cOmmOn n unOn cOOctVO bar-
ganng agrOOmOnt8.
1hO ma]Orty O thO 8tatO8 haVO adOptOd thO \nOrm
ArbtratOn Act.
AgrOOmOnt8 tO arbtratO haVO bOOn dOcarOd tO bO
Vad and uy OnOrcOabO by 8tatutO. d \.o.L.A. 2.
An OrganzatOn that prOVdO8 arbtratOn 8OrVcO8 8
thO AmOrcan ArbtratOn A88OcatOn (. u.J.
See olo A|ternat|ve d|spute reso|ut|on, Conc|||at|on,
Med|at|on, Med|at|on and Conc|||at|on Sen|ce, Reference.
Comulso orttmtton 8 that whch Occur8 whOn thO
cOn8Ont O OnO O thO partO8 8 OnOrcOd by 8tatutOry
prOV8On8. xampO8 O 8uch arO 8tatO 8tatutO8 rOgur-
ng cOmpu8Ory arbtratOn O abOr d8putO8 nVOVng
pubc OmpOyOO8. See Arb|trat|on c|ause.
Fnol oJJer orttrotton. n th8typO O arbtratOn, thO
arbtratOr mu8t chOO8O thO na OOr OOthOr OnO party
Or thO OthOr and 8, thOrOOrO, nOt pOrmttOd tO cOmprO-
1nterest ondgrteuonce orttrotton dtsttngutshed. ntOr-
O8tarbratOn nVOVO8 8OttOmOntOtOrm8 OacOntract
bOtwOOn thO partO8 a8 cOntra8tOd wth grOVancO arb-
tratOn whch cOncOrn8 thO VOatOn Or ntOrprOtatOn O
an Ox8tng cOntract. ochOO LOmmttOO O UO8tOn Ot a.
V. UO8tOn 1OachOr8 \nOn Otc., dbd N..2d 4b.
Volunto orttrotton 8 by mutua and rOO cOn8Ont O
thO partO8.
PtO1DBt1OD PCt9. tOdOra and 8tatO aw8 whch prOVdO
Or 8ubm88On O d8putO8 tO prOcO88 O arbtratOn,
ncudng abOr grOVanO8 and d8putO8 O pubc Om
pOyOO8. An OxampOOaOdOraAct 81tOd,\.o.L.A.
1 etse. whch gOVOrn8 8OttOmOnt Od8putO8 nVOVOd
n martmO tran8actOn8 and cOmmOrcO undOr OdOra
8tatutO8. %O8t 8tatO8 haVO arbtratOn act8, many O
whch arO pattOrnOd On thO \nOrm ArbtratOn Act.
1hO purpO8O O 8uch act8, n gOnOra, 8 tO VadatO
arbtratOn agrOOmOnt8, makO thO arbtratOn prOcO88
OOctVO, prOVdO nOcO88ary 8aOguard8, and prOVdO an
OcOnt prOcOdurO whOn ]udca a888tancO 8 nOcO88ary.
PtO1ttut1OD uD0 uWut0. An armatVO dOOn8O tO thO
OOct that thO 8ub]Oct mattOr O thO actOn ha8 bOOn
8OttOd by a prOr arbtratOn. tOd.H. LV . b(c).
PtO1ttut1OD OOut0. A panO O arbtratOr8 appOntOd tO
hOar and dOcdO a 8putO accOrdng tO ruO8 O arbtra-
tOn. See e.g. Amer|can Arb|trat|on Assoc|at|on.
PtO1ttut1OD CuU90. A cau8O n8OrtOd n a cOntract
prOVdng Or cOmpu8Ory arbtratOn n ca8O O d8putO
a8 tO rght8 Or abtO8 undOr 8uch cOntract, e.g. d8-
putO8 ar8ng undOr unOn cOOctVO barganng agrOO
mOnt, Or d8putO8 bOtwOOn cOn8umOr and rOtaOr Or
manuacturOr. 1hO purpO8O O 8uch cau8O 8 tO aVOd
haVng tO tgatO d8putO8 that mght ar8O.
PtO1ttut1OD O 0XCDuD@0. 1h8 takO8 pacO whOrO a
mOrchant pay8 h8 dObt8 n OnO cOuntry by a b O
OxchangO upOn anOthOr. 1hO bu8nO88 O buyng and
8OngOxchangO (b8 OOxchangO) bOtwOOn twO Or mOrO
cOuntrO8 Or markOt8, and partcuary whOrO thO prOt8
O 8uch bu8nO88 arO tO bO dOrVOd rOm a cacuatOn O
thO rOatVO VauO O OxchangO n thO twO cOuntrO8 Or
markOt8, and by takng adVantagO O thO act that thO
ratOOOxchangO maybO hghOrn thO OnO pacOthan n
thO OthOr at thO 8amO tmO. SeeArb|trage.
PtO1ttutOt. A nOutra pOr8On OthOr chO8On by thO par-
tO8 tO a d8putO Or appOntOd by a cOurt, tO hOar thO
partO8 cam8 and rOndOr a dOc8On. any arbtratOr8
arO mOmbOr8 O thO AmOrcan ArbtratOn A88OcatOn.
See olo Referee, Ump|re.
PtO1tt1UH /arbtryam/. 1hO dOc8On O an arbtOr, Or
arbtratOr, an award, a]udgmOnt.
PtO1tt1UH 09t U01C1UH /arbtryam 8t ]uwd8hyam/.
An award 8 a]udgmOnt.
PtO1tt1UH 09t U01C1UH OOD1 V1t1, 90CUD0UH &QUUH
0t OODUH /arbtryam 8t ]uwd8hyam bwnay Varay,
8akndam ykwam at bwnam/. An award 8 thO ]udg-
mOnt O a gOOd man, accOrdng tO ]u8tcO.
PtOOt C1V119 /arbar 8Vaa8/. A gOnOaOgca trOO.
PtOOtCOD9uD@U1D1tut19 /arbarkn8gwnytyta8/. A
tabO, OrmOd n thO 8hapO O a trOO, 8hOwng thO gOnO-
aOgy O a amy, e.g. thO oror ctutlts O thO cVan8
and canOn8t8.
PtOOt Du19 /arbar anya8/. n Od ng8h aw, a
bOundarytrOO, a trOO u8Od Or makng abOundary nO.
PtCuDu 1HQ0t11 /arkyna mpryay/. otatO 8OcrOt8. 1
Ul.LOmm. ddT.
PtCut1U9 /arkrya8/. n cV and Od ng8h aw, a
trOa8urOr, a kOOpOr Opubc mOnOy.
PtCDu1ODOH1u /arkyanwmya/. A cOOctOn O oaxOn
law8, pub8hOd durng thO rOgn O QuOOn zabOth, n
thO oaxOn languagO, wth a Latn VOr8On byLambard.
PtCD00uCODt /archdykanry/. A dV8On Oa dOcO8O,
and thO crcut O an archdOacOn`8 ]ur8dctOn.
PtCD00uCOD9 COUtt. n ngl8h OccO8a8tca aw, a
cOurt hOld bOOrO a]udgO appOntOd by thO archdOacOn,
and caOd h8 OHca. t8 ]ur8dctOn cOmpr8Od thO
grantng O prObatO8 and admn8tratOn8, and OccO8a8
tcal cau8O8 n gOnOra, ar8ng wthn thO archdOacOnry.
t wa8 thO mO8t nOrOr cOurt n thO whOO OccO8a8tca
pOty O ngland. AppOa wa8 tO thO b8hOp8` cOurt8.
PtCD0t. n Oudal aw, a 8OrVcO O kOOpng a bOw Or
thO Ord`8 u8O n thO dOOn8O O h8 ca8tO.
PtCD09 LOUtt /archaz krt/. n ngl8h OccO8a8tca
law, a cOurt O appOa bOOngng tO thO Archb8hOp O
LantOrbury, thO ]udgO O whch 8 caOd thO `Oan O
thO ArchO8`, bOcau8O h8 cOurt wa8 ancOnty hOd n thO
church Ooant %aryOUOw (SonctoMortodeArcuusJ,
8O namOd rOm thO 8tOOpO, whch 8 ra8Od upOn par8
but archw8O. 1hO cOurt wa8 atOrward8 hOd n thO
ha bOOngng tO thO LOOgO O LVan8, cOmmOny
calOd `OctOr8` LOmmOn8`. t 8 nOw hOld n WO8tmn
8tOr Ha. t8 prOpOr ]ur8dctOn 8 Ony OVOr thO thr
tOOn pOcuar par8hO8 bOOngng tO thO archb8hOp n
LOndOn, but, thO OcO O Oan O thO ArchO8 haVng
bOOn OraOngtmO untOd wth that OthO archb8hOp`8
prncpa Oca, thO JudgO O thO ArchO8, n rght O
8uch addOd OHcO, t rOcOVO8 and dOtOrmnO8 appOa8
rOm thO 8OntOncO8 O a nOrOr OccO8a8tcal cOurt8
wthn thO prOVncO. %any Orgna 8ut8 arO a8O
brOught bOOrO hm rOm whch thO nOrOr ]udgO ha8
waVOd ]ur8dctOn. trOm thO LOurt O ArchO8 an ap
pOa O8 tO thO Judca LOmmttOO OthO rVy LOunc.
PtCD0tQ0 /artayp/. 1hO OrgnarOm whch a cOpy
8 madO.
PtCD1CuQ011uDU9 /arkykapayna8/. L. Lat. n Od u
rOpOan aw, a chO Or hgh chancOOr (summus concel-
PtCD1t0Ct9 110D. A On On rOa O8tatO crOatOd by 8tatutO
n aVOr O thO archtOct whO drOw thO pan8 and 8upOr-
V8Od thO cOn8tructOn O thO rOa O8tatO Or purpO8O O
n8urng paymOnt O h8 OO.
PtCD1V09. lacO whOrO OdbOOk8, manu8crpt8, rOcOrd8,
Otc. arO kOpt.
PtCD1V19t /arkaV8t/. Lu8tOdan OarchVO8.
PtC1D1OU9 /ar8aDnya8/. (t. orctJtntusOr orctJtnolts;
tr. omtJute). Ortanng tO andOd O8tatO8 haVng natu
ral bOundarO8, 8uch a8 wO8, mOuntan8, Or rVOr8.
JhO OwnOr8 O 8uch O8tatO8, unkO thO OwnOr8 O agr
lmt (. u.J, haVO thO rght OalluVOn. Al8O, haVng
a rOntOr Ormng u natural dOOn8O.
PtCtu 0t 9u1Vu CU9tOUu /arkta t 8Va 8twdya/.
Lat. n 8trct (Or cO8O) and 8aO cu8tOdy Or kOOpng
WhOn a dOOndant 8 arrO8tOdOn acotosodsottsJocten-
dum (co.s./, hO 8 tO bO kOpt orcto et soluo custodt d
U.LOmm. 41.
Pt00Dt 9Q1t1t9. oynOnymOu8 wth d8tOd Or 8prtuOu8
guOr8 and, 8OmOtmO8, wth ntOxcatng guOr8 gOnOr
ay, thOugh thO tOrm 8 prOpOry appOd Ony tO guOr8
ObtanOd by d8tatOn, 8uch a8 rum, wh8kOy, brandy,
and gn. oar8 V. \. o., 12 \.o. TU, T2, 14 o.Lt. T2U,
d L.d. b.
Pt0OUt /ardar/. n Od ng8h aw, an ncOndary, a
hOu8O burnOr. An ar8On8t.
Pt0u. A 8uracO, a tOrrtOry, a rOgOn. Any panO 8ur
acO, a8O thO ncO8Od 8pacO On whch a budng 8tand8.
A partcuar OxtOnt O 8pacO Or 8uracO Or OnO 8OrVng a
8pOca purpO8O. n thO cV aw, a Vacant 8pacO n a
cty, a pacO nOt but upOn. tOr `cOmmOn arOa`, see
Pt0u Out@u1D1D@. NOgOtatOn O cOOctVO barganng
agrOOmOnt bOtwOOn a unOn and mOrO than OnO OmpOy
Or wthn a gVOn gOOgraphca arOa.
Pt0u Vut1uDC0. n zOnng aw, a VarancO whch authO
rzO8 dOVatOn8 rOm rO8trctOn8 upOn cOn8tructOn and
pacOmOnt O budng8 and 8tructurO8 whch arO Om
pOyOd tO 8OrVO pOrmttOd8tatutOryu8O. UOnzV. Lty O
aytOn, 2d r.App. Tb1, bb .2d dU4, d1d. See olso
Var|ance (ontn.
Pt0u W100 Out@u1D1D@. See Area barga|n| ng.
P t0H0DuUDt /a ramynant/. tOrOVOr.
P t0D0t0 /a rndar/. tr. 1O rOndOr, tO yOd. 1hat
whch 8 tO bO rOndOrOd, yOdOd, Or pad. !oJts u
rendre cOmprOhOnd rOnt8 and 8OrVcO8.
Pt0Dtut0 /Krantry/. Lat. 1O rOnt, tO Ot Out at a
cOrtan rOnt. Arentotto. A rOntng.
Pt0OQu@1t0 /Krypagayt/. n ancOnt rOOk aw, a aw
yOr Or chO]udgO OthO ArOOpagu8 n capta mattOr8 n
AthOn8, a trbuna 8O caOd atOr a hl Or 8ght Om
nOncO, n a 8trOOt O that cty dOdcatOd tO %ar8, whOrO
thO cOurt wa8 hOd n whch thO8O ]udgO8 wOrO wOnt tO
Pt0t0 /arr/. L. tr. UOhnd, n arrOar, back, agan.
P t09Ct1Qt19 Vu10t ut@UH0DtUH /y ra8krpta8 Vat
argyuwmntam/. An argumOnt rOm rO8crpt8 t.e. Org-
na wrt8 n thO rOg8tOr| 8 Vad.
P t09QOD919 /y ra8pn8a8/. L. Lat. n OccO8a8tca
aw, OnO whO8O OHcO t wa8 tO gVO Or cOnVOy an8wOr8,
OthOrw8O tOrmOd resonsolts, and oocrtstortus. nO
whO, bOng cOn8ultOd On OcclO8a8tcal mattOr8, gaVO an
8wOr8, cOun8O, Or adVcO, OthOrw8O tOrmOd o constltts.
Pt0ttO /yrytrOw/. n arrOar, bOhnd. Al8O wrttOn o
Arg. An abbrOVatOn O orgueudo.
Arg. n hOraldry, 8lVOr.
0DWW lrrya8l gl., @0DW lran
ryy/. 1nthOOmanaw, amOnOyOndOrOrbrOkOr, a
dOaOr n mOnOy, a bankOr. Argentortum, thO n8tru
mOnt OthO Oan, 8mar tO thO mOdOrn wOrd bOnd Or
Pt@BDtBt09 m09 /ar]anrya8 mayyz/. A mOnOy
pOrtOr n thO ng8h OxchOguOr, whO carrOd thO mOnOy
rOm thO OwOr tO thO uppOr OxchOguOr tO bO OxamnOd
and tO8tOd.
PtgBDtB09 /ar]ntya8/. An Od trOnch cOn, 8mar tO
thO ng8h 8hng.
PtgBDt0m lar]ntam/. oVOr, mOnOy.
PtgBDt0m BUUm /ar]ntam Kbam/. UuOn, uncOnOd
8VOr, cOmmOn 8VOr cOn, 8VOr cOn wOrn 8mOOth.
PtgBDt0m 0B /ar]ntam dyay/. Od`8 mOnOy, Od`8
pOnny, mOnOy gVOn a8 OarnO8t n makng a bargan.
Ptg0BD00 /argyuwndOw/. n argung, n thO cOur8O O
thO argumOnt. A 8tatOmOnt Or Ob8OrVatOn madO by a
]udgO Or attOrnOy a8 amattOrOargumOnt Or hypOthOt-
ca u8tratOn, 8 8ad tO bO madO orguendo, Or n thO
abbrOVatOd Orm, org
Ptg0mBDt. An OOrt tO O8tab8h bOO by a cOur8O O
rOa8Onng. n rhOtOrc and Ogc, an nOrOncO drawn
rOm prOm8O8, thO truth O whch 8 nd8putabO, Or at
Oa8t hghy prObabO. See olo Oral argument.
Argument y counel. HOmark8 addrO88Od by attOrnOy
tO]udgO Or]uryOn thO mOrt8 Oca8O Or OnpOnt8 Oaw.
ra prO8OntatOn tO appOatO cOurt n whch attOrnOy`8
brO 8 arguOd, gOnOray mtOd n tmO, OrdOr, and
cOntOnt by cOurt ruO (8OO e.g. tOd.H.App.. d4). See
Open|ng statement of counsel.
Argument to)u. LO8ng rOmark8 O attOrnOy tO ]ury
n whch hO 8trVO8 tO pOr8uadO ]ury O mOrt8 O ca8O,
gOnOray mtOd n tmO by ruO8 O cOurt. JhO argu
mOnt 8 nOt OVdOncO. Seeolo Clos|ng argument.
Ptg0mBDtBtVB. LharactOrzOd by argumOnt, cOntrO-
VOr8a, gVOn tO dObatO Or d8putO. A pOadng 8 8O
caOd m whch thO 8tatOmOnt On whch thO pOadOr
rOO8 8 mpOd n8tOad ObOng OxprO88Od, Or whOrO t
cOntan8, n addtOn tO prOpOr 8tatOmOnu O act8, rOa-
8Onng Or argumOnt8 upOn thO8O act8 and thOr rOatOn
tO thO mattOr n d8putO, 8uch a8 8hOud bO rO8OrVOd Or
prO8OntatOn at thO tra.
Ptg0mBDtBtVB D9tt0Ct0D. A ]ury n8tructOn whch
8ngO8 Out Or unduy Ompha8zO8 a partcuar 88uO,
thOOry, Or dOOn8O, Or OnO whch tOnd8 tO nVadO thO
prOVncO OthO]urywthrOgardtO thO wOght, prObatVO
OOct, Or 8ucOncy OthO OVdOncO Or thO nOrOncO8 tO
bO drawn thOrOrOm.
Ptg0mBDtBtVB g0B9t0D. A auty Orm O Oxamna-
tOn O wtnO88 by prOpOundng a guO8tOn whch 8ug-
gO8t8 an8wOr n a mannOr aVOrabO tO party whO ad-
VancO8 thO guO8tOn Or whch cOntan8 a 8tatOmOnt n
pacO O a guO8tOn. See Lead|ng quest|on.
Ptg0mBDt0m BU B0Ct0ttBtB B9t 0tt99m0m D BgB
/argyamntam ab Oktrayty 8t Ort8amam n y]y/.
n armOnt rOm authOrty 8 thO 8trOngO8t n thO aw.
JhO bOOk ca8O8 arO thO bO8t prOO O what thO aw 8.
Pt@0m0Dt0m BU mg099U VB0t D 0@B /rgya
mnm b mpO8baay VKat n y/. An argumOnt
drawn rOm an mpO88bty 8 OrcbO n aw.
Pt@0mBDt0m BU DC0DVBDBDt /rgyamntam b
gkanVynyntay/. An argumOnt ar8ng rOm thO n
cOnVOnOncO whch thO prOpO8Od cOn8tructOn O thO aw
wOud crOatO.
WhOrO thO cOn8ttutOnaty O a 8tatutO 8 cOncOrnOd,
t 8 Ony whOn thO guO8tOn 8 cO8O and dOubtu that
th8 dOctrnO w bO appOd and cOn8dOratOn takOn O
thO cOn8OguOncO8 O dOcarng thO 8tatutO uncOn8ttu
tOna. LahOun LOunty V. ary LOunty, 2U a. 1bd,
2 o..2d b4, omthV. LtyLOuncOAugu8ta, 2Ud a.
, 4T o..2d b2, bT.
Ptg0mBDt0m BU DC0DVBDBDt B9t VB00m D BgB;
g0B BX D0D gBtmttt Bg000 DC0DVBDBD9 /ar-
gyamntam Kb gkanVynyntay 8t VKdam n y,
kwaya k8 nOn parmtat Kakwad kanVynyOnz/. An
argumOnt drawn rOm what 8 ncOnVOnOnt 8 gOOd n
aw, bOcau8O thO aw w nOt pOrmt any ncOnVOnOncO.
Ptg0mBDt0m BU DC0DVBDBDt g0tm0m VBBt _B9t
VB00m] D BgB /argyamntam Kb gkanVynyntay
p(y)ramam VKt n y]y/8t VKdam/. An argu-
mOnt drawn rOm ncOnVOnOncO 8 O thO grOatO8t
wOght [8 OrcbO| n aw. thOrO bO n any dOOd Or
n8trumOnt OguVOca OxprO88On8, and grOat ncOnVOn
OncO mu8t nOcO88aryOOwrOmOnO cOn8tructOn, t 8
8trOng tO 8hOw that 8uch cOn8tructOn 8 nOt accOrdng tO
thO truO ntOntOn OthO grantOr, but whOrO thOrO 8 nO
OguVOca OxprO88On n thO n8trumOnt, and thO wOrd8
u8Od admtOnyOOnO mOanng, argumOnt8 OncOnVOn-
OncO prOVO Ony want O OrO8ght n thO grantOr.
Ptg0mBDt0m B C0mm0DtBt BCC0BDtU09 D0tB tB-
g0BD9 B9t /argyamntam y kamywnatar k-
8adntaba8 n ]ry rykwOnz 8t. An argumOnt drawn
rOm thng8 cOmmOny happOnng 8 rOguOnt n aw.
Ptg0mBDt0m a 0V90DB B9t 0tt99m0m D 0tB
/argyamntam Oy dVzhywny 8t Ort8amam n
]ry/. An argumOntrOm dV8On [O thO 8ub]Oct| 8 O
thO grOatO8t OrcO n aw.
Ptg0mBDt0m B mB0t B0 mD09 DBgBtVB D0D VBBt;
VBBt B C0DVBt90 /argyamntam yma]ray Kd mayna8
nOgatayVy nn VKt, VKat y kanVr8Ow/. An argu-
mOnt rOm thO grOatOr tO thO O88 8 OnOOrcO nOgatVO-
y, aHrmatVOy (Or cOnVOr8Oy) t 8.
Ptg0mBDt0m B 9m VBBt D BgB /argyamnm y
8maay VKt n y]y/ An argumOnt rOm a kO ca8O
(rOm anaOgy) 8 gOOd n aw.
PtUBDD0m /arabKnam/. n Ouda aw, a nO Or nOt
8Ottng Out tO ]On thO army n ObOdOncO tO thO 8um-
mOn8 O thO kng.
PtBtUBD, or BttBtB-UBD /ar()yy bKn/. An Odct O
thO ancOnt kng8 O trancO and Ormany, cOmmandng
a thOr Va88a8, thO nObO88O, and thO Va88a8` Va88a8,
tO OntOr thO army, Or OrOt thOr O8tat8 On rOu8a.
See Arr|er ban.
Pt1HuDD1 /KromKnay/. A mOdaVa tOrm Or a ca88 O
grcutura OwnOr8 O8ma aOda arm8, whch thOy
cutVatOd n cOnnOctOn wth argOr arm8 bOOngng tO
thOr Ord8, payng rOnt and 8OrVcO Or thO attOr, and
bOng undOr thO prOtOctOn O thOr 8upOrOr8. %tary
tOnant8 hOdng and8 rOm thO OmpOrOr.
Pt190. JO 8prng up, OrgnatO, tO cOmO ntO bOng Or
nOtcO, tO bOcOmO OpOratVO, 8On8bO, V8bO, Or audbO,
tO prO8Ont t8O. UOrgn V. JOmpO, 111 %Ont. dd, 111
.2d 2bb, 2bd, 2dU.
A cau8O O actOn Or 8ut ar8O8`, 8O a8 tO 8tart
runnngOmtatOn, whOn party ha8 arght tO appy tO
prOpOr trbuna Or rOO, Wa8hngtOn oOcurty LO. V.
otatO, d Wa8h.2d 1dT, 114 .2d db, dbT, and t ar8O8 at
tmO whOn and pacO whOrO act 8 unawuy OmttOd Or
cOmmttOd. otatO Ox rO. UrnamwOOd LO. V. ohaugh-
nO88y, 24d W8. dUb, 1U N.W.2d 2d2, 2d. See L|m|tat|on
Pt190 UD00t. An actOn ar8O8 undOr` thO aw8 O thO
\ntOd otatO8, Or purpO8O8 O OdOra guO8tOn ]ur8dc-
tOn, , and Ony , thO cOmpant 8OOk8 a rOmOdy
OxprO88y grantOd by a OdOra 8tatutO Or rO8OutOn O
thO 88uO rOgurO8 cOn8tructOn O thO 8tatutO Or thO
8tatutO OmbOdO8 a d8tnct pOcy whch rOgurO8 that
OdOra Oga prncpO8 cOntrO t8 d8pO8tOn. LOmtrOn
c8, nc. V. uOrtO HcO JO. LO., .L.uOrtO HcO, 4Ud
t.oupp. bUU, b1d.
A ca8O ar8O8` undOr thO LOn8ttutOn OraawOthO
\ntOd otatO8, 8O a8 tO bO wthn thO ]ur8dctOn O a
OdOra cOurt, whOnOVOr t8 cOrrOct dOc8On dOpOnd8 On
thO cOn8tructOn OOthOr. UOa8O V. oaOty Jran8t LO.,
L.L.A.o.L., U t.2d b2, b4.
Pt191D@ OUtOuD0 1D tD0 COUt90 OOWD 0HQ1OH0Dt.
WOrkOr8` cOmpOn8atOn act8 prOVdO Or cOmpOn8atng
an OmpOyOO whO8O n]ury 8 OnO ar8ng Out O and n
thO cOur8O O thO OmpOymOnt.` JhO8O wOrd8 dO8crbO
an n]ury drOcty and naturay rO8utng n a r8k
rOa8Onaby ncdOnt tO thO OmpOymOnt. JrudOnch V.
%ar8ha, .L.Wa8h., d4 t.oupp. 4bb, 4bb. JhOy mOan
that thOrO mu8t bO 8OmO cau8a cOnnOctOn bOtwOOn thO
cOndtOn8 undOr whch thO OmpOyOO wOrkOd and thO
n]ury whch hO rOcOVOd.
JhO wOrd8 ar8ng Out O OmpOymOnt` rOOr tO thO
Orgn O thO cau8O O thO n]ury, whO cOur8O O Om-
pOymOnt` rOOr8 tO thO tmO, pacO, and crcum8tancO8
undOr whch thO n]ury OccurrOd. An n]ury ar8O8 Out
O` OmpOymOnt t ar8O8 Out O naturO, cOndtOn8,
ObgatOn8 and ncdOnt8 O thO OmpOymOnt. NOwman
V. UOnnOtt, 212 ban. b2, 12 .2d 4dT, U.
See olo Course of emp|oyment, | n the course of em-
Pt19tO0tuC. A gOVOrnmOnt n whch a ca88 OpOr8On8,
bOOVOd tO bO 8upOrOr, ruO8 8uprOmO. A Orm O
gOVOtmOnt whch 8 OdgOd n a mnOrty cOn88tng O
thO8ObOOVOd tO bO bO8t guaOd, u prVOgOd c O
thO pOOpO nObO8, dgntarO8, pOOpO O wOath and
Pt19tO-00HOCtuC. A Orm O gOVOrnmOnt whOrO thO
pOwOr 8 dVdOd bOtwOOn thO nObO8 (Or thO mOrO pOwOr
u) and thO pOOpO.
P. Ad]u8tabO HatO %OrtgagO. See Mortgage.
PtHu /armo/. Lat. Arm8, wOapOn8, OOn8VO and dO-
On8VO, armOr, arm8 Or cOgnzancO8 O amO8.
PtHu 0ut0 /armo dry/. JO dub Or makO a knght.
PtHu 1D utHutO9 9UH0t0gUtu 91DUDt /armo n army-
tO8 8(y)wmory ]ro 8aynont/. JhO aw8 pOrmt thO
takng up O arm8 agan8t armOd pOr8On8.
PtHu HO1Utu armo mo(y)wto/. oharp wOapOn8 that
cut, n cOntrad8tnctOn tO 8uch a8 arO bunt, whch Ony
brOak Or bru8O.
PtHu t0V0t9utu /armo ryVr8yto/. HOVOr8Od arm8, a
pun8hmOntOr a tratOr Or OOn.
PtHutu V19 /armyto V8/. n thOcVaw, armOdOrcO.
PtH00. turn8hOd Or OguppOdwthwOapOn8 O OOn8O
Or dOOn8O. OOpO Ox rO. rn V. Hunt, 1U %8c.
1bd, 2TU N.Y.o. 24b, 24.
PtH00 D0Uttu11t. An atttudO O nOutraty bOtwOOn
bOgOrOnt8 whch thO nOutra 8tatO 8 prOparOd tO man-
tan by armOd OrcO nOcO88ary.
PtH00 Q0uC0. A 8tuatOn n whch twO Or mOrO na-
tOn8, whO actuay at pOacO wth Oach OthOr, arO arm-
Od Or pO88bO Or prObabO hO8ttO8.
PtH00 tOOO0t. An aggraVatOd Orm O rObbOry n
whchthO dOOndant 8 armOdwthadangOrOu8 wOapOn,
thOugh t 8 nOt nOcO88ary tO prOVO that hO u8Od thO
wOapOn tO OOctuatO thO rObbOry. JhO takng OprOpOr
ty rOm pOr8On Or prO8OncO O anOthOr by u8O OOrcO Or
by thrOatOnng u8O O OrcO whO armOd wth a dangOr-
Ou8 wOapOn. OOpO V. HOddng, 4d .App. 1U24, 2
.Oc. Tb4, dT N..2d 122T, 12dU.
PtH1@0t/armo]or/. An armOr-bOarOr, an O8gurO. A
ttO n Od ng8h aw O dgnty bOOngng tO gOntO
mOn authOrzOd tO bOar arm8. n t8 OarOr mOanng, a
8OrVant whO carrOd thO arm8 O a knght. A tOnantby
8cutagO, a 8OrVant Or VaOt, appOd, a8O, tO thO hghOr
8OrVant8 n cOnVOnt8.
PtH1D@ OD09 901. guppng OnO`8 8O wth a wOapOn
Or wOapOn8.
PtH19Cutu /rmo8kro/. An ancOnt mOdO O pun8h
mOnt,whch wa8 tO carry a8addO at thOback a8 atOkOn
O 8ub]OctOn.
PtH19t1C0. A 8u8pOndng Or cO88atOn O hO8ttO8 bO-
twOOn bOgOrOnt natOn8 Or OrcO8 Or a cOn8dOrabO
tmO. An arm8tcO dOr8 rOm a mOrO 8u8pOn8On O
arm8` (. u.Jn thatthO attOr 8 cOncudOdOrVOrybrO
pOrOd8andOrOca mtarypurpO8O8Ony, whOrOa8an
arm8tcO nOt Ony cOVOr8 a OngOr pOrOd, but 8 agrOOd
upOn Or pOtca purpO8O8. t 8 8ad tO bOgenerol t
rOatO8 tO thO whOO arOa O thO war, and orttol t
rOatO8 tO OnyapOrtOn Othat arOa. arta arm8tcO8
at8 8um8tm88 ca8d truc88 {q.c.) but th8r8 8 nO hard
and t d8tnctOn.
B O tD0 60u. P pOttOn Oth8 8Oa prO]8ctng nand,
n whch th8 td8 8bb8 and HOw8. t 8 cOn8d8r8d a8
8Xt8ndng a8 ar ntO th8 nt8rOr O a cOuntry a8 th8
wat8r O rO8h rVOr8 8 prOpOd backward8 by th8
ngr8 O th8 tdO. See 8uC0S 0||8.
PtOt1u O0ut1U@6 / armrya brgz/. n ng8h aw,
ad8Vc8 dOpctOd On thO (nOwmagnaQ)8hOd OOnOO
th8 nObty, O whch gOntry 8 thO OwO8t dOgrOO. JhO
crtOrOn O nObty 8 thO bOarng O arm8, Or armOra
bOarng8, rOcOVOd rOm ancO8try.
PtOtU ugg0ut1OU0, UOU 6OU 60Utu 0t @u011 0t
@u08, 600 0t 6t06 0t ug10% 0OUt1U0UtUt /armram
apay8hywny, nn 8wm 8k(y)wta t gdyay Ot
gyy, 8d Ot a8tyz Ot padyz kOntanntar/. \ndOr
thO namO O arm8 arO ncudOd, nOt Ony 8hOd8 and
8wOrd8 and hOmOt8, but a8O cub8 and 8tOnO8.
PtOt. P budng whOrO arm8, ammuntOn, and n-
8trumOnt8 O war arO 8tOrOd.
. Pnythng that a man wOar8 Or h8 dOOn8O, Or
takO8 n h8 hand8 a8 a wOapOn. See oho 08| 8|S.
Pt6, uW O. PgrOOmOnt8 (a8 O8tab8hOd e.g. by UOnO-
Va LOnVOntOn)whchgVO prOcOpt8 and ruO8 cOncOrnng
cOndtOn8 Owar, e.g. trOatmOnt Opr8OnOr8, wOundOd,
Pt'6 0U@tD ttuU6u0t1OU. ad Oa tran8actOn nOgOt-
atOd by unrOatOd partO8, Oach actng n h8 Or hOr Own
8O ntOrO8t, thO ba88 Or a ar markOt VauO dOtOrm-
natOn. P tran8actOn n gOOd ath n thO Ordnary
cOur8O Obu8nO88 by partO8 wth ndOpOndOnt ntOrO8t8.
LOmmOny appOd n arOa8 O taXatOn whOn thOrO arO
dOang8 bOtwOOn rOatOd cOrpOratOn8, e.g. parOnt and
8ub8dary. nOctO, nc. V. Mggn8, U.L.N.Y., Z1 t.upp.
41b. JhO 8tandard undOrwhch unrOatOd partO8, Oach
actng n h8 Or hOr Own bO8t ntOrO8t, wOud carQ Out a
partcuar tran8actOn. tOr OXampO, a cOrpOratOn
8O8 prOpOrty tO t8 8OO 8harOhOdOr Or $1U,UUU, n
tO8tng whOthOr $1U, 8 an arm'8 Ongth` prcO t
mu8t bO a8cOrtanOdOrhOw much thOcOrpOratOncOud
haVO 8Od thOprOpOrtytO ad8ntOrO8tOd thrd partyn a
barganOd tran8actOn.
Pt6, t1@Dt tO. Hght guarantOOd by Oond PmOnd-
mOnt, \.. LOn8ttutOn, tO kOOp and bOar arm8. Jh8
rght dOO8 nOt, hOwOVOr, pOrmt a pOr8On tO carry gun n
VOatOn O 8tatO Or OdOra gun aw. LOm. V. Jack8On,
Ma88., 44 N..Zd 1bb.
Pt. PrmOd OrcO8 O a natOn ntOndOd Or mtary
8OrVcO On and.
Regulor ormy. JhO pOrmanOnt mtary O8tab8hmOnt,
whch 8 mantanOd bOth n pOacO and war accOrdng tO
aw. more M||||8.
PtOUU0. n thO Vcnty O, nOar Or cO8O-by.
Ptg0U, utg0Ut, utg0UUU6. P cV and trOnch mOa8urO
Oand Ogua tO abOut an acrO.
P@UtutOt /arpanywr/. P m8ur8r Or 8utV8yOr O
PWu lra/. n th8 cV aw, 8aOO8t, 8arn88tmOn8y,
8Vd8nc8 Oa cOmp8t8d bargan. U Oa cOntract O
marrag8, a8 w8 a8 any Oth8r. p8d, a8O, Anh

h, An. Lj Pr88.
Pttu1@U /ahryn/. n Od ng8h aw, tO Ord8r, Or 8Ot
n OrdOr, tO cOnduct n an Ord8ry mann8r, tO pr8par8
Or tra. To ormtgu ou mstse wa8 tO cau8O thO tOnant
tO bO caOd tO makO thO pant, and tO 8Ot thO cau8O n
8uch OrdOr a8 thO tOnant mght bO OnOrcOd tO an8wOr
thOrOuntO. See P||8|gP0P.
PWu1@U0Ut /ahrynmant/. VrOOdurO whOrObythOac-
cu8Od 8 brOught bOOrO thO cOurt tO pOad tO thO crm-
na chargO agan8t hm n thO ndctmOnt Or nOrma-
tOn. JhO chargO 8 rOad tO hm and hO 8 a8k8d tO p8ad
guty` Or nOt guty` Or, whOrO pOrmttOd, nOO cOn-
tOndOrO. ` tatO V. McLOttOr, Zbb N.L. ZZT, Z1T ..Zd
Z, Zd.
PrragnmOnt 8ha bO cOnductOd n OpOn cOurt and
8hacOn88t OrOadngthOndctmOnt Or nOrmatOn tO
thO dOOndant Or 8tatng tO hm thO 8ub8tancO O thO
chargO and cang On hm tO pOadthOrOtO. MO 8ha bO
gVOn a cOpy O thO ndctmOnt Or nOrmatOnbOOrO hO
8 caOd upOn tO pOad. tOd.H.Lrm.V. 1U.
See olso PD|8|DP, |0|||P8Q D08||Pg, |08.
Pttu1@U6, 00tK O. n Od ng8h aw, an a888tant tO
thO cOrk O a888O.
PttuU@00UI W1tD 0t001tOt6. P pan O a dObtOr Or
thO 8OttOmOnt, 8at8actOn, Or OXtOn8On O thO tmO O
paymOnt O h8 dObt8. LhaptOr 11 O thO OdOra ank-
ruptcy LOdO prOVdO8 Or a dOVcO whOrOby, undOr thO
prOtOctOn and 8upOrV8On O thO cOurt, a Dnancay
trOubOd bu8nO88 may wOrk Out an agrOOmOnt wth t8
crOdtOr8 undOr a rOOrganzatOn pan pOrmttng t tO
8tay n bu8nO88, rathOr than gOng bankrupt. PrrangO-
mOnt8 O ndVdua dObtOr8 wth thOr crOdtOr8 arO
prOVdOd Or undOr LhaptOr 1 O thO LOdO. See oho
8PK|uCy |DC000|PgS (Bustuess reorgoutzottom; oge
eomerslou/ LDDS||DP W|D C|00|D|S.
Pttu / ahry/. JhO whOObOdyOpOr8On88ummOnOdtO
8OrVO a8]urOr8, rOm whch thO Dna tra ]ury 8 8OOct-
Od. P8O, thO 8t O ]urOr8 mpanOOd. See JuQ 8P0|.
Ptt0ut6, att8atag88. MOnOy whch 8 OVOrduO and un-
pad, O.g. OVOrduO mOrtgagO Or rOnt paymOnt8.
JOrm u8Od tO dO8crbOcumuatVO prOOrrOd 8tOckdV-
dOnd8 that haVO nOt bOOn dOcarOd On tmO.
Ptt0Ut /ahrnt/. n Od ng8h aw, tO Ot Or dOm8O at
a DXOd rOnt. Vartcuary u8Od wth rOOrOncO tO thO
pubc dOman Or crOwn and8, a8 whOrO a cOn8O wa8
grantOd tO ncO8O and n a OrO8t wth a Ow hOdgO and
adtch, undOr ayOary rOnt, Or whOrO an OncrOachmOnt,
Orgnay a purprO8turO, wa8 aOwOd tO rOman On thO
DXng and paymOnt O a 8utabO cOmpOn8atOn tO thO
pubc Or t8 mantOnancO.
Ptt06t. JO dOprVO a pOr8On O h8 bOrty by Oga
authOrty. Jakng, undOr rOa Or a88umOd authOrQ,
cu8tOdy O anOthOr Or thO purpO8O O hOdng Or dOtan-
ng hm tO an8wOr a crmna chargO Or cv dOmand.
otatO v. tOrrarO, b1 N.J.our. 21d, 1d A.2d 22T, OO-
pO v. WpOr, dT .App.dd 4UU, d4b N..2d 41, 44.
ArrO8t nvOvO8 thO authOrty tO arrO8t, thO a88OrtOn
Othat authOrty wth thO ntOnt tO OOct an arrO8t, and
thO rO8trant O thO pOr8On tO bO arrO8tOd. VagO O
HOman 8tatO8 v. \nOn LO. O LaOrna, 1d
.Oc. 2TT, dTU N..2d 1dU4, 1dUb. A that 8 rOgurOd
Or an arrO8t 8 8OmO act by OcOr ndcatng h8
ntOntOn tO dOtan Or takO pOr8On ntO cu8tOdy and
thOrby 8ub]Oct that pOr8On tO thO actua cOntrO and w
O thO OcOr, nO Orma dOcaratOn O arrO8t 8 rO-
gurOd. LOm. v. UrOwn, 2dU a.oupOr. 214, d2b A.2d
dUb, dUT.
See oho Book|ng, C|t|zen's arrest, Custod|a| arrest,
False arrest, Lawu| arrest, Probable cause, Reasonab|e
grounds, Warrant|ess arrest.
Ctttzeusorrt. SeeC|t|zen's arrest.
Ctutl orrest. JhO apprOhOn8On O a pOr8On by vrtuO O
aau authOrty tO an8wOr thO dOmand agan8t hm n
a cv actOn. A8O ncudO8 arrO8t O a 8hp Or cargO n
martmO n rOm actOn8. tOd.H. Lv ., oupp.Ad-
mr.H. L(d), .
Porolorrest. nOOrdOrOdbya]udgO Or mag8tratO rOm
thO bOnch, wthOut wrttOn cOmpant Or OthOr prOcOOd-
ng8, OapOr8On whO 8 prO8OntbOOrOhm, and whch 8
OxOcutOd OnthO 8pOt, a8 n ca8O ObrOach OthO pOacO n
OpOn cOurt.
!tutlege Jmm orrest. See Pr|v|lege.
Reorrest. Hght O OcOr tO takO wthOut warrant OnO
whO ha8O8capOdatOrarrO8t,OrvOatOdparOO, OraOd
tO rO8pOnd tO bOnd Or appOarancO.
orroutlessorrt. oOzurO OapOr8On wthOutwarrant
but ba8Od On prObabO cau8O that hO ha8 cOmmttOd
OOny. %ay a8O bO madO Or cOmm88On O m8dO-
mOanOr amOuntng tO brOach O pOacO n prO8OncO O
OcOr. WOng oun v. \. o., dT1 \.o. 4T1, bd o.Lt. 4UT, d
L.d.2d 441.
orroutoJorrest. See Warrant.
Ptte8tuD18 O0D18 De 1881QeDtUt / Kra8tKnda8 bwna8
ny da8apntar/. n Od ng8h aw, a wrt whch ay
Or a pOr8On whO8O cattO Or gOOd8 wOrO takOn by anOth-
Or, whO durng a cOntO8t wa8 kOy tO makO away wth
thOm, and whO had nOt thO abty tO rOndOr 8at8actOn.
Ptte8tuD0 1Q8U QU1 Qe0UD1u te0eQ1t /Kra8tKndOw
p8Owkway pakywnyam ra8ypat/. n Od ng8h aw,
a wrt whch 88uOd Or apprOhOndng a pOr8On whO had
takOn thO kOn'8 prO8t mOnOy tO 8OrVO n thO war8, and
thOn hd hm8O n OrdOr tO avOd gOng.
Ptte8tut10 /Kra8ty8h(y)Ow/. n Od ng8h aw, an
arrO8t (. u.J.
tte8t0 u0t0 8UQet U et0ut0tU u1eD@eD0-
tU /ahr8tOw ktOw 8(y)wpar bwna8 mrkatram
lyynaanram/. 1n Odngl8h aw, awrtagan8tthO
g8 O aOn8 Ound wthn thu kngdOm, n rOcOm-

pOn8O OgOOd8 takOn rOm a dOnzOn na OrOgn cOun-

try, atOr dOna rO8ttutOn. JhO ancOnt cvan8
caOd t clortgotto, ' but by thO mOrn8 t 8 tOrmOd
Ptte8t 0 1DQUe8t. Oadng n arrO8t O takng thO
nguO8tupOn a OrmOr 88uO, and 8hOwngcau8O why an
nguO8t 8hOud nOt bO takOn.
Ptte8t 0gUgmeDt. JhO act O 8tayng a ]udgmOnt, Or
rOu8ng tO rOndOr]udgmOnt n an actOn at aw and n
crmna ca8O8, atOr vOrdct, Or 8OmO mattOr ntrn8c
appOarng On thOacO OthO rOcOrd, whch wOud rOndOr
thO ]udgmOnt, gvOn, OrrOnOOu8 Or rOvOr8bO. JhO
cOurt On mOtOn a dOOndant 8ha arrO8t ]udgmOnt
thO ndctmOnt Or nOrmatOn dOO8 nOt chargO an O-
On8O Or thO cOurt wa8 wthOut ]ur8dctOn O thO
OOn8O chargOd. tOd.H.Lrm.. d4.
Ptte8t te00t. ca Orm cOmpOtOd by pOcO dOpart
mOnt whOn a pOr8On 8 arrO8tOd. A8O, cumuatvO
rOcOrd O n8tancO8 n whch a pOr8On ha8 bOOn arrO8tOd,
cOmmOny mantanOd by prObatOn OcO and u8Ou tO
]udgO n 8Ottng 8OntOncO8 Or 8OcOnd, thrd, Otc. OOnd-
Ptte8t WuttuDt. See Warrant.
Pttet /art/ary/. tr. A]udgmOnt, 8OntOncO, Or dOcrOO
O a cOurt O cOmpOtOnt ]ur8dctOn. JhO tOrm 8 dO-
rvOd rOm thO trOnch aw, and 8 u8Od n Lanada and
Sotsteorrt 8 an attachmOnt O prOpOrty n thO hand8 O
a thrd pOr8On.
Pttette /ahrtad/. LOnvOnOd bOOrO a ]udgO and
chargOd wth a crmO.
PttDuO0 /ahrybOw/. n thO cv aw, OarnO8t mOnOy
gvOn tO bnd a bargan.
PttD /Kry/. n thO cv aw, mOnOy Or OthOr vauabO
thng8 gvOn by thO buyOr tO thO 8OOr, Or thO purpO8O
O OvdOncng thO cOntract, OarnO8t mOnOy. See Arra,
Pot-de-v| n.
Arrha sousolttta wOrO thO OarnO8t OrprO8Ont gvOn by
OnO bOtrOthOd tO thO OthOr at thO bOtrOtha
Ptt1uge uD 0utt1uge /Kra] an kKra]/. n ng8h and
ocOtch aw, ndOntO 8OrvcO8 OrmOry dOandabO
rOm tOnant8, but prOhbtOd by 8tatutO.
Ptt1et OuD /ar(y)ar bKn/. n Ouda aw, a 8OcOnd
8ummOn8 tO ]On thO Ord, addrO88Od tO thO8O whO had
nOgOctOd thO r8t. A 8ummOn8 O thO nOrOr8 Or
va88a8 O thO Ord. See Ar|erban.
Ptt1ete e, Or ee /ar(y)ar Dy(/. n Ouda aw, a O
Or OO dOpOndOnt On a 8upOrOr OnO, an nOrOr O
grantOd by a va88a O thO kng, Out O thO O hOd by
Ptt1ete Vu88u /ar(y)arvK8a/. 1n Ouda aw,thOva88a
O a va88a.
W 1Vu. JO cOmO tO, Or rOach, a partcular pacO. JhO
attanmOnt O an Ond O 8tatO. JhO act O arrVng.
n marnO n8urancO, arrVal O a VO88Ol mOan8 an
arrVal Or pur8O8 Obu8nO88, gurng an Ontry and
clOarancO d 8tay at thO pOrt8O lOng a8 tO rOgurO 8OmO
O thO acu cOnnOctOd wth bu8nO88, and nOt mOrOy
tOuchngat apOrtOradVcO8, OrtOa8cOrtanthO8tatOO
thO markOt, Or bOng drVOn n by an adVOr8O wnd and
8ang agan a8 8OOn a8 t changO8. t. o. HOy8tOr uanO
LO. V. . o., L.L.P.Va., 1b t.2d 4bd, 4TU.
Ptt0@ut10D. n thO cV aw, thO adOptOn O a pOr8On
whO wa8 O u agO Or sut)urts.
Pt88 et QeD8ut8 r8y t pan8yty/. Uurnt and
wOghOd. P tOrm OrmOry appOd tO mOnOy tO8tOd Or
a88ayOd by rO and by wOghng.
Pt8eDu8 /ar8anz/. otOrO-hOu8O8 Or arm8, dOck-yard8,
mgaznO8, and OthOr mtary 8tOrO8.
Pt8et U O mu /ar8y n a mKn/. tr. Uurnng n
thO hand. JhO pun8hmOnt by burnng Or brandng thO
Ot thumb O ay OOndOr8 whO camOd and wOrO a-
OwOd thO bOnOt OcOrgy, 8O a8 tO d8tngu8h thOm n
ca8O thOy madO a 8OcOnd cam O cOrgy.
Pt80D. Pt cOmmOn aw, thO macOu8 burnng O thO
hOu8O O anOthOr. Jh8 dOntOn, hOwOVOr, ha8 bOOn
brOadOnOd by 8tatO 8tatutO8 and crmna cOdO8. tOr
OxampO, thO %OdO Ona LOdO, 22U.1(1), prOVdO8 that
apOr8On 8 guty O ar8On, aOOny OthO 8OcOnd dOgrOO,
hO 8tart8 a rO Or cau8O8 an OxpO8On wth thO
purpO8O O: (a) dO8trOyng a budng Or OccupOd 8truc-
turO O anOtOr, Or m) dO8trOyng Or damagng any
prOpOrty, whOthOr h8 Own Or anOthOr`8, tO cOOct n8ur-
ancO Or 8uch O88. thOr 8tatutO8 ncudO thO dO8truc-
tOn O prOpOrty by OthOr mOan8, e.g., OxpO8On.
n 8OVOra 8tatO8, th8 crmO 8 dVdOd ntO ar8On n
thO r8t, 8OcOnd, and thrd dOgrOO8, thO r8t dOgrOO
ncludng thO burnng O an nhabtOd dwOng-hOu8O n
thO nghttmO, thO 8OcOnddOgrOO, thO burnng(at nght)
O a budng OthOr than a dwOng-hOu8O, but 8O 8tu-
atOd wth rOOrOncO tO a dwOng-hOu8O a8 tO OndangOr
t, thO thrd dOgrOO, thO burnng O any budng Or
8tructurO nOt thO 8ub]Oct O ar8On n thO r8t Or 8OcOnd
dOgrOO, Or thO burnng O prOpOrty, h8 Own Or anOthOr`8
wth ntOnt tO dOraud Or pr]udcO an n8urOr thOrOO.
See A@rouoted omou, elo.
A@rouotedomou. JhOburnngOrbOwngupOprOpOr-
tywhOn thO actOrOrO8OO8 Or antcpatO8 thO prO8OncO O
pOr8On8 at 8tO, Or n 8uch clO8O prOxmty thOrOtO, 8O
that thOr VO8 mght bO OndangOrOd by thO act. otatO
V. UOnant, 24 La. bTT, 22T oO.2d d1b, d1b.
Pt80D 0uU8e. Lau8O n n8urancO pOcy VOdng cOVOr-
agO rO 8 8Ot undOr drOctOn Or by n8urOd.
Pt8Utu /ar8(y)r/. JhO tra O mOnOy by hOatng t
atOr t wa8 cOnOd. JhO O88 O wOght Occa8OnOd by
th8 prOcO88. P pOund wa8 8ad tO um 8O many pOncO
(ot oere deuortosJ a8 t O8t by thO rO. JhO tOrm 8
nOw Ob8OOtO.
Ptt. oy8tOmatc appcatOn O knOwOdgO Or 8k n
OOctng a dO8rOd rO8ut, a8O an OmpOymOnt, Occupa-
tOn Or bu8nO88 rOgurng 8uch knOwOdgO Or 8kll a
crat, a8 ndu8tra art8.
n thO aw OpatOnt8,th8 tOrm mOan8 a u8Ou art Or
manuacturO whch 8 bOnOca and whch 8 dO8crbOd
wth OxactnO88 n t8 mOdO O OpOratOn. ouch an art
can bO prOtOctOd Ony n thO mOdO and tO thO OxtOntthu8
dO8crbOd. t 8 8ynOnymOu8 wth prOcO88 Or mOthOd
whOn u8Od tO prOducO au8Ou rO8ut, and may bO OthOr
a OrcO appOd, a mOdO O appcatOn, Or thO 8pOcc
trOatmOnt Oa8pOcc Ob]Oct, and mu8t prOducO phy8ca
OOct8. mmOtt V. %Ota8 rOcO88ng LOrpOratOn, L.L.
P.Prz., 11b t.2d Tdb, Td.
n 8OductOn ca8O8, art` mOan8 thO 8ku and 8y8-
tOmatc arrangOmOnt O mOan8 Or thO attanmOnt O a
dO8rOd Ond.
Pttet1080et0818. PbnOrma thckOnng and hardOnng
O thO artOrO8.
Ptte81uD Ou81D. P bOdy O watOr mOrO Or O88 cOmpact,
mOVng thrOugh 8O8 wth mOrO Or O88 rO88tancO.
PttDe, ut0De, or ut00e10. n Od ng8h aw, tO
aVOuch, a8 a man wOrO takOn wth 8tOOn gOOd8 n h8
pO88O88On hO wa8 aOwOd a awu orthel, t.e., vOuchOO,
tO cOar hm O thO OOny.
Ptt10e. P 8OparatO and d8tnct part O an n8trumOnt
Or wrtng, OnO O8OVOrathng8 prO8OntOd a8 cOnnOctOd
Or Ormng a whOO. P partcuar Ob]Oct Or 8ub8tancO, a
matOra thngOr aca88Othng8. %atOra Or tangbO
Ob]Oct. See Ad|c|es.
n ng8h OccO8a8tca aw, a cOmpant OxhbtOd n
thO OccO8a8tca cOurt by way O bO. JhO dOrOnt
part8 Oa b, rO8pOn8VO aOgatOn, Or cOuntOr aOga-
tOn n thO OccO8a8tca cOurt8.
Ptt10e0 0etB. n ng8h aw, a cOrk bOund tO 8OrVO
n thO OcO O a 8OctOr n cOn8dOratOn O bOng
n8tructOd n thO prOO88On. Jh8 8 thO gOnOra accOp-
tatOn OthO tOrm, but t 8 8ad tO bO Oguay appcabO
tO OthOr tradO8 and prOO88On8.
Ptt10e8. PcOnnOctOd 8OrO8 O prOpO8tOn8, a 8y8tOm O
ruO8. JhO 8ubdV8On8 O a dOcumOnt, cOdO, bOOk, Otc.
P 8pOccatOn Od8tnctmattOr8agrOOd upOn Or O8tab-
8hOd by authOrty Or rOgurng ]udca actOn.
P 8tatutO, a8 haVng t8 prOV8On8 artcuatOy Ox-
prO88Od undOr d8tnct hOad8.
P 8y8tOm O ruO8 O8tab8hOd by Oga authOrty, a8
orttcles O war, orttcles O thO navy, orttcles O ath.
(See tuJro.)
P cOntractua dOcumOnt OxOcutOd bOtwOOn partO8,
cOntanng 8tpuatOn8 Or tOrm8 O agrOOmOnt, a8 ortt-
cles O agrOOmOnt, orttcles O partnOr8hp.
P naVa tOrm mOanng OmpOymOnt cOntract. oOuth
LhcagO LOa & Ock LO V. Ua88Ott, L.L.P.., 1U4 t.2d
22, 2b.
n chancOry practcO, a Orma wrttOn 8tatOmOnt O
Ob]OctOn8 Od by a party, atOr dOpO8tOn8 haVO bOOn
takOn, 8hOwng grOund Or d8crOdtng thO wtnO88O8.
n OccO8a8tcaaw, a cOmpant n thO OrmOabO
OxhbtO u an OccO8a8tca cOurt. See Adic|e.
Ptt1C109 O u@t00H0Dt. A wrttOn mOmOrandum O thO
tOrm8 O an agrOOmOnt. ee Memorandum.
Ptt1C109 OuH0D00Dt. 1Orm8andcOndtOn8 OcOrpO-
ratO managOmOnt OnactOd 8ub8OguOnt tO artcO8 O n-
cOrpOratOn. ee Art|cles of |ncorporat|on.
Ptt1C109 O uQQt0Dt1C09D1Q. WrttOn agrOOmOnt bO-
twOOn ma8tOr and mnOr undOr whch mnOr agrOO8 tO
wOrk Or ma8tOr Or 8tatOd pOrOd O tmO n rOturn Or
n8tructOn n a tradO by thO ma8tOr.
Ptt1C109 Ou99OC1ut1OD. Ua8c n8trumOnt Od wth thO
apprOpratO gOVOrnmOnta agOncy (e.g. oOc. O otatO) On
thO ncOrpOratOn O a bu8nO88. t 8Ot8 Orth thO pur-
pO8O8 O thO cOrpOratOn, t8 duratOn, thO rght8 and
abtO8 O 8harOhOdOr8 and drOctOr8, ca88O8 O8tOck,
Otc. ouch dOcumOnt 8 rOOrrOd tO a8 `artcO8 O ncOr-
pOratOn` n many 8tatO8. LOrtcatO (8mar tO OnO O
ncOrpOratOn) u8Od by nOn-8tOck cOmpanO8 8uch a8
chartabO and mutua cOrpOratOn8. ArtcO8Oa88Oca-
tOn arO tO bO d8tngu8hOd rOm a chartOr, n that thO
attOr 8 a grant O pOwOr rOm thO 8OVOrOgn Or thO
Og8aturO. ee Art|cles of |ncorporat|on, Art|cles of part-
nersh|p, Cert|f|cate of |ncorporat|on.
Ptt1C109 O LOD000tut1OD. 1hO namO O thO n8tru-
mOnt OmbOdyng thO cOmpact madO bOtwOOn thO thr-
tOOn Orgna 8tatO8 OthO \nOn, OpOratVO rOm %arch
1, 1Tb1 tO %arch 4, 1Tbd, bOOrO thO adOptOn O thO
prO8Ont LOn8ttutOn.
Ptt1C109 O 0199O1Ut1OD. OcumOnt rOgurOd tO bO Od
wth 8OcrOtary O8tatO (Or OthOr dO8gnatOd Oca) atOr
cOrpOratOn ha8 8OttOd a t8 dObt8 and d8trbutOd a O
t8 nOt a88Ot8 prOr tO d88OutOn. oOO, e.g., HOV.%OdO
Uu8.LOrp.Act 14.Ud.
Ptt1C109 O u1tD. n ng8h aw, thO8y8tOm O ath O
thO Lhurch O ngand, mOrO cOmmOny knOwn a8 thO
`1hrty-NnO ArtcO8. ` ratOd n 1b2.
Ptt1C109 O 1HQ0uCDH0Dt. A Orma wrttOn aOgatOn
O thO cau8O8 Or mpOachmOnt, an8wOrng thO 8amO
OHcO a8 an ndctmOnt m an Ordnary crmna prOcOOd-
ng. ee | mpeachment.
Ptt1C109 O 1DCOtQOtut1OD. hO ba8c n8trumOnt Od
wth thO apprOpratO gOVOrnmOnta agOncy (e.g. , oOc. O
otatO) On thO ncOrpOratOn O a bu8nO88, 8OmOtmO8
a8O caOd cOrtcatO O ncOrpOratOn,` `artcO8 O
OrganzatOn,` `artcO8 O a88OcatOn,` Or OthOr 8mar
namO. 1hO cOntOnt8 thOrOOarO prO8crbOdn thO gOnOr-
a ncOrpOratOn 8tatutO8 (but cOmmOny ncudO thO
cOrpOratOn`8 namO, pOrOd O Ox8tOncO, purpO8O and
pOwOr, authOrzOd numbOr O 8harO8, ca88O8 O 8tOck,
and OthOr cOndtOn8 O OpOratOn). oOO e.g. , HOV. %OdO
Uu8. LOrp. Act 2.U2. n many ]ur8dctOn8 Oca
Orm8 arO prO8crbOd. n mO8t ]ur8dctOn8, cOrpOratO
Ox8tOncO bOgn8 wth thO ng, u8uay wth thO 8OcrO-
tary O 8tatO, O thO artcO8 Or cOrtcatO O ncOrpO-
ratOn. n 8OmO]ur8dctOn8, dupcatO acO8 OncOr
pOratOn arO , and cOrratO Ox8tOncO bOng8 wth
thO 88uO Oa Orma cOrtcatO appOndOd thOrOtO caOd
a cOcatO O ncOrpOratOn VarOu8 cOndtOn8
prOcOdOnttOdOng bu8nO88 mght a8O bOmpO8Od. ee
Art|c|es of associat|on, Certif|cate of |ncorporat|on.
Ptt1C109 OH0t@0t, COD9O110ut1OD, Ot 9Dut0 0XCDuD@0.
OcumOnt Od wth oOcrOtary O otatO 8Ottng Orth
tOrm8 and cOndtOn8 O mOrgOr cOn8OdatOn, Or 8harO
OxchangO. oOO e.g., HOV.%OdOUu8.LOrp.Act 11.U.
Ptt1C109 OQuttD0t9D1Q. AwrttOn agrOOmOntby whch
thO partO8 OntOr ntO a partnOr8hp upOn thO tOrm8 and
cOndtOn8 thOrOn 8tpuatOd.
Ptt1C109 O tD0 C10t@. 1hO ttO O a 8tatutO pa88Od n
thO nnthyOarOdwardOrthO purpO8O Oad]u8tng
ng bOtwOOn thO OccO8a8tca and tOmpOra cOurt8.
Ptt1C109 OtD0 DuV. ArtcO8 (8tatutO8) OrthO gOVOrn-
mOnt O thO NaVy.
Ptt1C109 O tD0 Q0uC0. n ng8h aw, a cOmpant
madO Or OxhbtOd tO a cOurt by a pOr8On whO makO8
Oath that hO 8 n Oar O dOah Or bOdy harm rOm
8OmO OnO whO ha8 thrOatOnOd Or attOmptOd tO dO hm
nry. 1hO cOurt may thOrOupOn OrdOr thO pOr8On
cOmpanOd O tO nd 8urOtO8 Or thO pOacO, and, n
dOaut, may cOmmt hm tO pr8On. 1h8 8 knOwn a8
`bOng bOund OVOr tO kOOp thO pOacO`. ouch artcO8
wOrO OrmOry 88uOd n thO Hgh LOurt but 8ncO 1ddb
thO prOcOdurO ha8OnybOOn aVaabO n cOurt8 O 8um-
mary ]ur8dctOn. NOw cOVOrOd by %ag8tratO8` LOurt8
Act, 1dbU, 11, 11b.
Ptt1C109 O UD1OD. n ng8h aw, artcO8 agrOOd tO,
A.. 1TUT, by thO paramOnt8 Ongand and ocOtand,
Or thO unOn O thO twO kngdOm8. 1hOy wOrO twOnty-
VO n numbOr.
Ptt1C109 O Wut. LOdO8 ramOdOr thO gOVOrnmOnt Oa
natOn`8 army Or naVy, e.g. LOdO O %tary Ju8tcO.
Ptt1CU1ut00 Q10u01D@. 1hO 8tatng n 8OparatO para-
graph8, 8OparatOy numbOrOd, O Oach matOra act O
thO pOttOn, cOmpant, an8wOr, Otc. oOO e.g. tOd.H.
LV . 1Um).
Ptt1CU1ut01 /artkyaty/. ArtcO by artcO, by d8-
tnct cau8O8 Or artcO8, by 8OparatO prOpO8tOn8.
Ptt1CU11 /artkyaay/. Lat. ArtcO8, tOm8 Or hOad8. A
tOrm appOdtO 8OmO Od ng8h 8tatutO8, and Occa8On-
ay tO trOat8O8.
Ptt1CU11 C10t1 /artkyaay kray/. `ArtcO8 O thO cOr-

(.u.J. ee C|rcumspecte agat|s.

Ptt1CU11 00 HOD0tu /artkyaay dy manyta/. ArtcO8
cOncOrnng mOnOy, Or thO currOncy. 1hO ttO O a
8tatutO pa88Od n thO twOntOth yOar Odward .
Ptt1CU11 Hu@D& CDutt& /artkyaay mKgny karty /.
JhO prOmnary artcO8, Orty-nnO n numbOr, upOn
whchhO Mogo Chorto wa8 OundOd.
Ptt1CU11 9UQ0t CDuttu9 /artkyaay 8(y)wpar karta8/.
ArtcO8upOnthOchartOr8. JhOttO Oa 8tatutO pa88Od
n thO twOnty-Oghth yOar O dward , 8t. , cOnrmng
OrOnargng many partcuar8 nMogo Chorto,andthO
Chorto d 1omto, and appOntng u mOth Or 0nOrc
ng thO OOancO O thOm, and Or thO punhmOnt O
0U0 m0M8 / artkyaOw mrta8/. (r mOrO cOm
mOny tu orttculo mortts.) At tO pOnt OdOath, n thO
artcO O dOath, whch mOan8 at thO mOmOnt O dOath,
n thO a8t 8truggO Or agOny.
Ptt10e /8rtaa8/. An ngOnu8 cOntrVancO Or dOVcO O
8OmO knd, and, whOn u8Od n abad 8On8O, tcOrrO8pOnd8
wth trckOrraud. t mpO8cratnO88and dOcOt, and
mpOrt8 8OmO OOmOnt O mOra Obguty. See olso
CD00 or 8|||C0 D 00|8u0, D8.
Ptt10et /arta8ar/. nO whO buy8 gOOd8 n OrdOr tO
rducO thOm, by h8 Own art Or ndu8try, ntO OthOr
Orm8, and thOn tO 8O thOm.
nO whO 8 actuay and pOr8Onay OngagOd Or Om-
pOyOd tO dO wOrk Oa mOchanca Or phy8cacharactOr,
nOt ncudng OnO whO takO8 cOntract8 Or abOr tO bO
pOrOrmOd by OthOr8, t.e. a mOchanc Or wOrkman a8
cOntra8tOd rOm thO OmpOyOr O 8uch. nO whO 8
ma8tOr Oh8 art, and whO8O OmpOymOnt cOn88t8 chO-
y n manua abOr. A crat8man, an art8an.
Ptt101u. A8 OppO8Od tO natura`, mOan8 crOatOd Or
prOducOd by man. LaOrna La8uaty ndOmnty x-
changO V. ndu8tra AccdOnt LOmm88On OLaOrna,
1d La.2d 2d, dU .2d 2bd. LrOatOd by art, Or by aw,
Ox8tng Ony by OrcO O Or n cOntOmpatOn O aw.
Humany cOntrVOd. A w Or cOntract 8 dO8crbOd a8
artcay` drawn t 8 cOuchOd n apt and tOchnca
phra8O8 and Oxhbt8 a 8cOntc arrangOmOnt.
Ptt101u 0t0e. n patOnt aw, a natura OrcO 8O tran8-
OrmOd n charactOr Or OnOrgO8 by human pOwOr 8 tO
pO88O88 nOw capabtO8 OactOn, th8 tran8OrmatOn O
a natura OrcO ntO a OrcO practcay nOw nVOVO8 a
truO nVOntVO act.
Ptt101u 1D8em1Dut10D. %OthOd by whch a OmaO 8
mprOgnatOd thrOugh n]OctOn O 8OmOn rOm a dOnOr
OthOr than hOr hu8band, and OthOr than thrOugh8Oxua
Ptt101u eVe0Qe Wutet. Artcay dOVOOpOd
watOr, tO whch OnO may acgurO rght 8upOrOr tO ad]u-
dcatOd rght8 OOarOr apprOpratOr8 O natura watOr8
O 8trOam ntO whch hO turn8 t, 8 watOr prOducOd and
cOntrbutOd by hm, whch wOud nOt haVO rOachOd
8trOam u Ot tO Ow n accOrdancO wth natura aw8.
n rO N, db LOO. 4U, 4 .2d 1Tb, 1Tb.
Ptt101u QeW0D8. Or8On8 crOatOd and dOV8Od by hu-
man aw8 OrthO purpO8O8 O8OcOty and gOVOrnmOnt, a8
d8tngu8hOd rOm natura pOr8On8. LOrpOratOn8 arO
OxampO8 O artca pOr8On8.
Ptt101u Qte8UmQt10D8. A8O caOd Oga prO8ump-
tOn8,` thO8O whch dOrVO thOr OrcO and OOct rOm
thO aw, rathOr than thOr natura tOndOncy tO prOducO
bOO. See |0Su|DP.
Ptt101u 8U00e8810D. JhO8uccO88On bOtwOOn prOdOcO8-
8Or8 and 8uccO88Or8 n a cOrpOratOn aggrOgatO Or 8OO.
Ptt101u Wutet 00Ut8e. SeeW80| CDu|S0.
8 nO 8kOd n 8OmO knd O tradO, crat Or art
rOgurng manua dOtOrty, e.g. a carpOntOr, pumr,
taOr, mOchanc.
Ptt18uD8 1eD. A pOO88Ory On gVOn tO a pOr8On whO
h madO mprOVOmOnt8 and addOd VauO tO anOthOr
pOr8On`8 pOr8Ona prOpOrty a8 8Ocurty Or paymOnt Or
8OrVcO8 pOrOrmOd. JhO 8tatutOry rght Oan art8an tO
kOOp pO88O88On OthO Ob]Oct that hO ha8 wOrkOd On unt
hO ha8 bOOn pad Or 8uch abOr.
Ptt, W0t8 0. WOrd8 u8Od n a tOchnca 8On8O, wOrd8
8cOntcay t tO carry thO 8On8O a88gnOd thOm.
P tUOt0 u D1@tUm /y rwbrOw ad n8ygram/. Lat.
trOm thO rOd tO thO back, rOm thO rubrc Or ttO Oa
8tatutO (whch, ancOnty, wa8nredOttOr8), tO t8bOdy,
whch wa8 n thO Ordnary lock.
PtUtu /arra/. An Od ng8h aw tOrm, 8gnyng a
day`8 wOrk n pOwng.
P Or P/ Or P/ 8. AccOunt 8aO8, a8O atOr 8ght, at
P8. Lat. n thO HOman and cV aw, a pOund wOght,
and a cOn Orgnay wOghng a pOund, (caOd a8O
ltm') dVdOd ntO twOVO part8, caOd uuct'. JhO
part8 wOrO rOckOnOd a8 OOw8: uucto, 1 OuncO, sextous,
2 OuncO8, trteus, d OuncO8, uodmus, 4 OuncO8, utu-
cuux, OuncO8, semts, b OuncO8, setuux, T OuncO8, es,
b OuncO8, dodrous, d OuncO8, dextous, 1U OuncO8, deuux,
11 OuncO8. trOguOntyappOdn thO cV aw tO nhOr-
tancO8, thO whOO nhOrtancObOngtOrmOd a8`, and t8
8OVOra prOpOrtOnatO part8 setous', uodrom', Otc.
JhO tOrm a8`, and thO mutpO8 Ot8 uuct, wOrO a8O
u8Od tO dOnOtO thO ratO8 O ntOrO8t. 2 U.LOmm. 4b2,
nOtO m.
Any ntOgra 8um, 8ub]Oct tO dV8On n cOrtan prO-
P8. \8Od a8 an adVOrb, Otc., mOan8 kO, 8martO, OthO
8amO knd, n thO 8amO mannOr, n thO mannOr n
whch. t may a8OhaVOthO mOanng ObOcau8O, 8ncO,
Or t bOng thO ca8O that, n thO charactOr Or undOr thO
namO O wth 8gncancO O n dOgrOO, tO that OxtOnt,
8O ar.
P8 u@u1D8t; u8 OetWeeD. JhO8O wOrd8 cOntra8t thO
rOatVO pO8tOn OtwO pOr8On8, wth a tact rOOrOncO tO
adOrOntrOatOn8hp bOtwOOn OnO OthOm and athrd
pOr8On. tOr n8tancO, thO tOmpOrary baOO O a chattO
8 OnttOd tO t U eteeu hm8Oand a 8trangOr, Or U
ogotusta8trangOr, rOOrOncObOngmadObyth8Orm O
wOrd8 tO thO rght8 O thO baOr.
P 8uV01t. JO wt.
P80eD. JO gO up, tO pa88 up Or upward8, tO gO Or pa88
n thO a8cOndng nO.
P80eDuDt8. Or8On8 wth whOm OnO 8 rOatOd n thO
a8cOndng nO, OnO'8 parOnt8, grandparOnt8, grOat-
grandparOnt8, Otc.
P80eDt. a88agOupward, thO tran8m88On O an O8tatO
rOm thO ancO8tOr tO thO hOr n thO a8cOndng nO.
P80ettu1D. 1O x, tO rOndOr cOrtan Or dOntO, tO
O8tmatO and dOtOrmnO, tO cOar O dOubt Or Ob8curty.
1O n8urO a8 a cOrtanty. 1O nd Out by nVO8tgatOn,
\. o. V. LarVOr, 2bU \.o. 4b2, 4d o.Lt. 1b1, 1b2, bT L.d.
db1. oOmOtmO8 t mOan8 tO `a88O88`, Or tO `hOar, try,
and dOtOrmnO`.
P80ettu1De u8 u0te8u1. %annOr thOrOtOOrO prO-
P80t1Qt1t1U8 Or u80t1Qt101U8) /K8krpt8h(y )a8/. n HO-
man aw, a OrOgnOr whO had bOOn rOg8tOrOd and
naturazOd n thO cOOny n whch hO rO8dOd.
P8eXUuDut10D. See Vasectomy.
P81e. n OnO 8dO, apart. To set ostde , tO annu, tO
makO VOd.
P8 18. A8aO OgOOd8 by 8ampO `a8 8` rOgurO8that thO
gOOd8 bO O thO knd and guaty rOprO8OntOd, OVOn
thOugh thOy bO n adamagOd cOndtOn. \.L.L. 2-d1d.
\8OOOxprO88On n 8aO8 agrOOmOnt that gOOd8 arO8Od
`a8 8` mpO8 that buyOr takO8 thO OntrO r8k a8 tO thO
guaty O thO gOOd8 nVOVOd and hO mu8t tru8t tO h8
Own n8pOctOn. mpOd and OxprO88 warrantO8 arO
OxcudOd n 8aO8 O gOOd8 `a8 8`. \.L.L. 2-d1b.
P8B. Omand, rOguO8t, 8Oct, pOttOn, appOa, appy
Or, mOVO Or, pray Or.
P8B1Dg Qt10e. 1hO prcO at whch a 8OOr 8t8 h8
prOpOrty Or 8aO. OnOray cOnnOtO8 a wngnO88 tO
8O Or O88 than thO 8tOd Or a8kng prcO. %ay bO
appOd tO bOth rOa and pOr8Ona prOpOrty Or 8aO
thOugh mOrO cOmmOny u8Od n 8aO8 O rOa O8tatO.
P8 Qet. A tOrm whch 8 nOt 8u8cOptbO O tOra tran8-
atOn, but whch 8 cOmmOny undOr8tOOd tO mOan, `n
accOrdancO wth`, Or `n accOrdancO wth thO tOrm8 O`,
Or `a8 by thO cOntract authOrzOd`.
P8Qet810D8 /a8porzhanz/. 1Orm maymOan thO mang
O caumnOu8 rOpOrt Or may mOan nOthng mOrO than
crtc8m Or cOn8urO.
P8QDX1u /K8Dk8ya/. ApparOnt dOath, 8u8pOndOd an-
matOn, n Vng Organ8m duO tO dOcOncy O OxygOn
and OxcO88 O carbOn dOxdO n thO bO.
P8QDX1u 0utO0D10u /K8Dk8ya karbnaka/. A 8uOca-
tOn rOm nhaatOn O cOa ga8, watOr ga8, Or carbOn
P8QDX1ut10D /a8k8yy8han/. A 8tatO O a8phyxa.
P8Q0ttut10D /K8party8han/. 1hO rOmOVa O thng8
rOm OnO pacO tO anOthOr. 1hO carryng away O8OmO-
thng, n kdnappng, thO carryng away O thO Vctm,
n arcOn, thO carryng away O thO Vctm`8 prOpOrty.
1hO carryng away O gOOd8, OnO O thO crcum8tancO8
rOgu8tO tO cOn8ttutO thO OOn8O O arcOny. 1hO d8
tancO away whch thO prOpOrty mu8t bO mOVOd tO cOn8t-
tutO thO crmO nOOd nOtbO 8ub8tanta, a8ght d8tancO
w dO. omth V. \ntOd otatO8, L.A.NOV., 2d1 t.2d 22U.
ut thO OntrO prOpOrty mu8t bO mOVOd.
P8pOatOn w an O88Onta OOmOnt O cOmmOn-aw
P8Q0ttuV1t /a8partyVat/. HOcarrOdaway. oOmOtmO8
u8Od a8 a nOun tO dOnOtO a carryng away. An `a8pOr-
taVt O pOr8Ona chattO8`.
P. ArmOd oOrVcO8 rOcurOmOnt HOguatOn8. See
olo Federa| Acqu|s|t|on Regu|at|ons.
P. AccOuntng oOrO8 HOOa8O.
P88utt /a8art/. n ng8h aw, thO OOn8O cOmmttOd n
thO OrO8t, by pung up thO trOO8 by thO rOOt8 that arO
thckOt8 and cOVOrt8 Or dOOr, and makng thO grOund
pan a8 arabO and. t dOr8 rOm wa8tO, n that
wa8tO 8 thO cuttng dOwn O cOVOrt8 whch may grOw
agan, whOrOa8 a88art 8 thO puckng thOm up by thO
rOOt8 and uttOry dO8trOyng thOm, 8O that thOy can
nOVOr atOrward grOw. 1h8 8 nOt an OOn8O u dOnO
wth cOn8O tO cOnVOrt OrO8t ntO tagO grOund.
P88utt teDt8. HOnt8 pad u thO LrOwn Or a88OrtOd
P88u881Dut10D /a8K8any8han/. %urdOr cOmmttOd,
u8uay, thOugh nOt nOcO88ary, Or hrO, wthOut drOct
prOVOcatOn Or cau8O OrO8OntmOnt gVOn tO thO murdOr-
Or by thO pOr8On upOn whOm thO crmO 8 cOmmtOd,
thOugh an a88a88natOnOapubc gurO mght bO dOnO
by OnO actng aOnO Or pOr8Ona, 8Oca Or pOtca
rOa8On8. t 8 aOdOracrmO, pun8habO a8 ahOmcdO,
tO a88a88natO thO rO8dOnt, rO8dOnt-OOct, VcO rO8-
dOnt, Or thOrO 8 nO VcO rO8dOnt, thO OcOr nOxt n
OrdOr O 8uccO88On tO thO OcO O rO8dOnt, thO VcO-
rO8dOnt-OOct, Or any ndVdua whO 8 actnga8 rO8-
dOnt undOr thO LOn8ttutOn. 1b \.o.L.A. 1T1. n
addtOn, adVOcatng thO OVOrthrOw O thO gOVOrnmOnt
by a88a88natOn O any OcOr O 8uch gOVOrnmOnt 8 a
crmO undOr 1b \.o.L.A. 2db.
P88uUt. Any wu attOmpt Or thrOat tO nct n]ury
upOn thO pOr8On O anOthOr, whOn cOupOd wth an
apparOnt prO8Ont abty 8O tO dO, and any ntOntOna
d8pay OOrcO 8uch a8 wOud gVO thO Vctm rOa8On tO
Oar Or OxpOct mmOdatO bOdy harm, cOn8ttutO8 an
a88aut. An a88aut may bO cOmmttOd wthOut actuay
tOuchng, Or 8trkng, Or dOng bOdy harm, tO thO pOr-
8On O anOthOr. otatO V. %urphy, T Wa8h.App. U, UU
.2d 12Tb, 12b1.
trOguOnty u8Od tO dO8crbO Oga OrcO whch 8
tOchncay a battOry. tOr crmO O a88aut Vctm nOOd
nOt bO apprOhOn8VO O Oar thO Outward gO8turO 8
mOnacng and dOOndant ntOnd8 tO harm, thOugh Or
tOrt O a88aut, OOmOnt O Vctm`8 apprOhOn8On 8 rO-
gurOd. LOm. V. oanOy, d4 %a88. 1d, 1b N..2d d1d.
t 8 unawu attOmpt tO cOmmt a battOry. OOpO V.
LOpOz, 2T1 L.A.2d T4, TT La.Hptr. d, bd.
n 8OmO ]ur8dctOn8 dOgrOO8 OthOOOn8O arO O8tab-
8hOd a8 r8t, 8OcOnd and OVOn thrd dOgrOO a88aut.
See olo Aggravated assau|t, Aggravated batteq, Bat-
teq, Cond|t|ona| assault, Fe|on|ous assault, Fresh com-
pla|nt rule, Mal|c|ous assault w|th deadly weapon.
Aouotedmsoult. nO cOmmttOd wth thO ntOntOn
O cOmmttng 8OmO addtOna crmO, Or OnO attOndOd
wth crcum8tancO8 Opuar OutrO OratrOcty. Jh8
ca ncudO8 a88aut wth a dangOrOu8 Or dOady wOap-
On (g. 0./.
P pOr8On 8 guty O aggraVatOd a88aut hO: (a)
attOmpt8 tO cau8O 8OrOu8 bOdy n]ury tO anOthOr, Or
cau8O8 8uch n]uQ purpO8Oy, knOwngy Or rOckO88y
undOr crcum8tancO8 manO8tng OXtrOmO ndOrOncO
tO thO VauO O human O, Or m) attOmpt8 tO cau8O Or
purpO8Oy Or knOwngy cau8O8 bOdy n]ury tO anOthOr
wth a dOady wOapOn. MOdO VOna LOdO, Z11. 1.
Stmle m oult. Pn a88aut unaccOmpanOd byany cr-
cum8tancO8 OaggraVatOn. P pOr8On 8 guty O 8mpO
a88aut hO (a)attOmpt8tO cau8O Or purpO8Oy, knOwng-
y Or rOckO88y cau8O8 bOdy n]ury tO anOthOr, Or m)
nOggOnty cau8O8bOdyn]ury tO anOthOrwth a dOad-
y wOapOn, Or (c) attOmpt8 by phy8ca mOnacO tO put
anOthOr nOarOmmnOnt 8OrOu8 bOdy n]ury. MOd-
O VOna LOdO, Z11. 1. Pn unawu attOmpt cOupOd
wth prO8Ont abty tO cOmmt VOOnt n]ury On pOr8On
O anOthOr. VOOpO V. UhO8tOn, 1b4 LOO. b, 4Z V.Zd
bb, bT. Seeolo M0P8C0.
P88uUt uDOuttet. Pny unawu tOuchngOanOthOr
whch 8 wthOut ]u8tDcatOn Or OXcu8O. U 8 bOth a
tOrt, JrOgun V. truchtman, b W8.Zd bd, ZUT N.W.Zd
ZdT, a8 wO a8 a crmO, crugg8 V. tatO, nd.Ppp., 1T
N..Zd bUT, bUd. JhO twO crmO8 dOr rOm Oach OthOr
n that battOry rOgurO8 phy8ca cOntact O 8OmO 8Ort
(bOdy n]ury Or OOn8VO tOuchng), whOrOa8 a88aut 8
cOmmttOd wthOut phy8ca cOntact. n mO8t ]ur8dc-
tOn8, 8tatutO8 haVO crOatOd aggraVatOd a88aut8 and
battOrO8, pun8habO a8 OOnO8, and wOrdOd n VarOu8
way8. See 8II0Q.
P88uUt W1tD uD@et0U8 0t eu WeuQ0D. Pn un-
awuattOmpt Or OOr tO dObOdy harm wthOut]u8tD-
catOn Or OXcu8O by u8O O any n8trumOnt cacuatOd tO
dO harm Or cau8O dOath. Pn aggraVatOd Orm O a88aut
a8 d8tngu8hOd rOm a 8mpO a88aut, e.g. pOntng
OadOd gun at OnO 8 an a88aut wth dangOrOu8 wOapOn.
tatO V. UrOgOry, 1Ub Prz. 44, U1 V.Zd bT, dU.
P88uUt W1tD 1DteDt U 001t uD8uU@Dtet. Pn
unawu aaut cOmmttOd n 8uch mannOr and wth
8uch mOan8 a8 wOud haVO rO8utOd n cOmm88On O
crmO Oman8aughtOr pOr8On a88autOd had dOd rOm
OOct8 O a88aut.
P88uUt W1tD 1DteDt t0 001t Utet. JO cOn8ttutO
th8 a88aut, 8pOcDc ntOnt tO k, actuatOd by macO
aOrOthOught, mu8t cOncur. VOrOz V. tatO, 114 JOX.
Lr.H. 4T, ZZ .W.Zd Ud, 1U.
88uUt W1tD 1DteDt t0 001t tuQe. LrmO 8 cOn8t-
tutOd by thO OX8tOncO O thO act8 whch brng thO
OOn8O wthn thO dODntOn O an a88aut, cOupOd wth
an ntOntOn tO cOmmt thO crmO O rapO. tOptOO V.
tatO, 14 JOX.Lr.H. ZU, 11 .W.Zd d1b, d1T.
P88u /a8y/8Oy/. JhO prOO Or tra, by chOmca OX-
pOrmOnt8, O thO purty Or DnOnO88 O mOta8, partcu-
ary O thO prOcOu8 mOta8, gOd and 8VOr. WO8t V.
tatO, 14U JOX.Lr.H. 4d, 14 .W.Zd bU, b4. Xam-
natOn and dOtOrmnatOn a8 tO charactOr8tc8 (a8
wOght, mOa8urO, Or guaty).
P88uet. UnO whO8O bu8nO88 t 8 tO makOa88ay8 OthO
prOcOu8 mOta8. WO8t V. tatO, 14U JOX.Lr.H. 4d, 14
.W.Zd bU, b4.
P88uet 0 tDe B1D@. Pn OHcOr O thO rOya mnt,
appOntOd by t. Z MOn. N, c. 1Z, whO rOcOVOd and
tO8tOd thO buOn takOn n Or cOnng, a8O caOd
msoyotor regts.'
P88u 0D0e. JhO \.. P88ay UDcO, undOr thO urOau
O thO Mnt, 8 rO8pOn8bO Or thO prOO88 O aayng
gOd and 8VOr, rOgurOd by gOVOrnmOnt, ncdOnta tO
mantanng thO cOnagO.
P88e0Utute /a8kyarry/. JO a88urO, Or makO 8OcurO by
pOdgO8, Or any 8OOmn ntOrpO8tOn O ath.
P88e0Utut10D /a8kyary8han/. n urOpan aw, a88ur-
ancO, n8urancO O a VO88O, rOght, Or cargO.
P88e0Utut0t /a8kyarytar/. n martmO aw, an n8ur-
P88eOu@e. P cOOctOn O pr8On8. P8O thO act O
cOmng tOgOthOr. Vubc addrO88 upOn pubc grOund8.
n rO WhtnOy, T La.Ppp.Zd 1bT, 14 V.Zd 1b, Z1.
LOmbnng Oad]Onng Ot8 ntO 8ngO argO Ot.
P88eO. JhO cOncOur8O Or mOOtng tOgOthOr O a cOn-
8dOrabOnumbOr OpOr8On8 at thO 8amO pacO. P8O thO
pOr8On8 8O gathOrOd.
Poltttcol a88OmbO8 arO thO8O rOgurOd by thO cOn8ttu-
tOn and aw8: Or OXampO, thO gOnOra a88Omby.
JhO OwOr Or mOrO numOrOu8 branch OthO Og8aturO
n many O thO 8tatO8 (e.g. N.Y.) 8 a8O caOd thO
P88Omby` Or MOu8O O P88Omby. ` See olso MDuS0 D
Poulor a88OmbO8 arO thO8O whOrO thO pOOpO mOOt tO
dObOratO upOn thOr rght8, thO8O arO guarantOOd by
thO LOn8ttutOn. See PSS0D|y, |gDI D.
P88eOuD. MOmbOr O8tatOP88Omby (g. 0./.
P88eO, t1@Dt 0. Hght guarantOOd by tr8t PmOnd-
mOnt, \.. LOn8ttutOn, aOwng pOOpO tO mOOtOrany
purpO8O cOnnOctOd wth gOVOrnmOnt, t OncOmpa88O8
mOOtng tO prOtO8t gOVOrnmOnta pOcO8 and actOn8
and thO prOmOtOn O dOa8. See UP|8Wu| 8SS0D|y.
P88eO, UDuWD. JhOcOngrOgatng OpOOpOwhch
rO8ut8 n ant8Oca bOhaVOr O thO grOup, e.g. bOkng
a 8dOwak, Ob8tructng traDc, ttOrng 8trOOt8, but, a
aw whch makO8 8uch cOngrOgatng a crmO bOcau8O
pOOpO may bO annOyOd 8 VOatVO O thO rght O rOO
a88Omby. LOatO8 V. Lty O Lncnnat, 4UZ \.. b11, d1
.Lt. 1bbb, Zd L.d.Zd Z14. See UP|8Wu| 8SS0D|y.
P88eDt. LOmpancO, apprOVa O 8OmOthng dOnO, a
dOcaratOn OwngnO88 tO dO8OmOthng n cOmpancO
wth a rOguO8t, acguO8cOncO, agrOOmOnt. JO apprOVO,
raty and cOnDrm. U mpO8 a cOn8cOu8 apprOVa O
act8 actuay knOwn, a8 d8tngu8hOd rOm mOrO nO-
gOct tO a8cOrtan act8. OmOtmO8 t 8 OguVaOnt tO
authOrzO`. See P|DV8|, P|DV0, LDPS0PI.
xress mseut. Jhat whch 8 OpOny dOcarOd.
1mlted mseut. Jhat whch 8 prO8umOd by aw, and
prOVOd by cOnduct OthO partO8. SeeConsent (1mlted
Mutuolmseut. JhO mOOtng OthO mnd8 ObOth Or a
thO partO8 tO acOntract, thOactthat Oach agrOO8 tO a
thO tOrm8 and cOndtOn8, n thO 8amO 8On8O and wth
thO 8amO mOanng a8 thO OthOr8.
P88ett. JO 8tatO a8 truO, dOcarO, mantan.
P88ett0t 00VeDuDt /a8artary kaVanant/. nO whch
arm8 that apartcuar8tatO Oact8 Ox8t8, an am-
ng prOm8O undOr 8Oa. See Ahirmat|on, Jurat.
P88ett0t 0utD /a8artary w/. See Oath.
P88e88 /a88/. JO a8cOrtan, x thO VauOO. JO H thO
amOunt O thO damagO8 Or thO VauO O thO thng tO bO
a8cOrtanOd. JO mpO8O a pOcunary paymOnt upOn pOr-
8On8 Or prOpOrty JO cOrtan, ad]u8t, and 8OttO thO
rO8pOctVO 8harO8 tO bO cOntrbutOd by 8OVOra pOr8On8
tOward an ObOct bOnOca tO thOm a, n prOpOrOn tO
thO bOnOt rOcOVOd. JO U
n cOnnOctOn wth taxatOn O prOpOrty, mOan8 tO
makO a VauatOn and appra8a O prOpOrty, u8uay n
cOnnOctOn wth 8tng O prOpOrty abO tO taxatOn,
and mpO8 thO OxOrc8O O d8crOtOn On thO part O
Oca8 chargOd wth duty O a88O88ng, ncudng thO
8tng Or nVOntOry O prOpOrty nVOVOd, dOtOrmnatOn
O OxtOnt O phy8ca prOpOrty, and pacng O a VauO
thOrOOn. JO ad]u8t Or x thO prOpOrtOn O a tax whch
Oach pOr8On, O 8OVOra abO tO t, ha8 tO pay, tO
appOrtOn a tax amOng 8OVOra, tO d8trbutO taxatOn n
a prOpOrtOn OundOd On thO prOpOrtOn O burdOn and
bOnOt. JO cacuatO thO ratO and amOunt OtaxO8. JO
OVy a chargO On thO OwnOr O prOpOrty Or mprOVO-
mOnt8 thOrOtO, 8uch a8 Or 8OwOr8 Or 8dOwak8.
AccO88` 8 8OmOtmO8 u8Od a8 8ynOnymOu8 wth
Seeolso Assessment.
P88e88uOe 1D8UtuD0e. n8urancO pOcy undOr whch
n8urOd 8 abO Or addtOna prOmum O88O8 arO
unu8uay argO.
P88e88uOe 8t00B. otOck whOrO thO 8tOckhOdOr may
haVO tO pay mOrO than h8 Orgna nVO8tmOnt cOrpO-
ratO aar8 8O rOgurO.
P88e88e. JOrm 8 OguVaOnttO mpO8Od.` JO VauO Or
appra8O. Abram8 V. Lty and LOunty O oan tranc8cO,
4b La.App.2d 1, 11d .2d 1dT, 1dd.
P88e88e VuUut10D. VauO On Oach unt O whch a
prO8crbOd amOunt mu8t bO pad a8 prOpOrty taxO8. JhO
wOrthOrVauOOprOpOrty O8tab8hOd by taxngauthOr-
tO8 On thO ba88 O whch thO U ratO 8 appOd.
LOmmOny, hOwOVOr, t dOO8 nOt rOprO8Ont thO truO Or
markOt VauO O thO prOpOrty.
P88e88eDt. n a gOnOra 8On8O, thO prOcO88 O a8cOr-
tanng and adu8tng thO 8harO8 rO8pOctVOy tO bO cOn
trbutOdby 8OVOra pOr8On8tOward8acOmmOnbOnOca
Ob]Oct accOrdng tO thO bOnOt rOcOVOd. A VauatOn Or
a dOtOrmnatOn U tOValOOprOprty. t 8 OtOn u8Od
ncOnntOwth OngprOprtytaxO8Or OVyngO
prOpOrty taxO8. A8O thO amOunt a88O88Od. See olo
Assess, Equa|ization.
Cororottous. n8tamOnt8 OthO mOnOy 8ub8crbOd Or
8harO8 O 8tOck, caOd Or rOm thO 8ub8crbOr8 by thO
drOctOr8, rOm tmO tO tmO a8 thO cOmpany rOgurO8
mOnOy, arO caOd a88O88mOnt8,` Or, n ngand, ca8.`
WhO thO tOrm8 ca` and a88O88mOnt` arO gOnOray
u8Od 8ynOnymOu8y, thO attOr tOrm appO8 wth pOcu-
ar aptnO88 tO cOntrbutOn8 abOVO thO par VauO O8tOck
Or thO 8ub8crptOn abty OthO 8tOckhOdOr8, whOrOa8
ca` Or n8tamOnt8` mOan8 actOn O thO bOard O
drOctOr8 dOmandng paymOnt Oa Or pOrtOn Ounpad
moges. txng thO amOunt O damagO8 tO whch thO
8uccO88u party n a 8ut 8 OnttOd atOr ]udgmOnt ha8
bOOn takOn, a8O thO namOgVOn tO thO dOtOrmnatOn O
thO 8um whcha cOrpOratOnprOpO8ngtO takO and8Or
a pubc u8O mu8t pay n 8at8actOn O thO dOmand
prOVOd Or thO VauO takOn.
1nsumuce. An appOrtOnmOnt madO n gOnOra aVOragO
upOn thO VarOu8 artcO8 and ntOrO8t8 at r8k, accOrdng
tO thOr VauO at thO tmO and pacO O bOng n 8aOty,
Or cOntrbutOn Or damagO and 8acrcO8 purpO8Oy
madO, and OxpOn8O8 ncurrOd Or O8capO rOm mpOndng
cOmmOn pOr.
A 8um 8pOcay OVOd n mutua bOnOt n8urancO
upOn a xOd and dOntO pan wthn thO mt O thO
cOmpany'8 Or 8OcOty`8 undamOnta aw O OrganzatOn
tO pay O88O8, Or O88O8 and OxpOn8O8 ncurrOd, bOng tO a
cOrtandOgrOO8ub8tantay thO OguVaOnt OprOmum8.
JhO pOrOdca dOmand8 madO by a mutua n8urancO
cOmpany, undOr t8 chartOr and by-aw8, upOn thO mak-
Or8 O prOmum nOtO8, arO a8O dOnOmnatOd a88O88-
mOnt8.` %Oanng prOmum8,` AncOnt rdOr O\nt-
Od WOrkmOn O ban8a8 V. HObb8, 1db ban. TUb, 1b .2d
b1, b2, and bOngthO cOn8dOratOn Or thO n8urancO
Sectol msessmeut. An a88O88mOnt n thO naturO O a
tax OVOd upOn prOpOrty accOrdng tO bOnOt8 cOnOrrOd
On thO prOpOrty. aVO8 V. Lty O LawrOncO, 21b ban.
1, 4 .2d 111, 112U. A OVy upOn thO OwnOr8 O
prOpOrty ad]acOnt tO a pbc mprOVOmOnt (e.g. , 8dO-
wak8) tO dOray thO capta cO8t thOrOO. A tax, ntOnd-
Od tO O8Ot cO8t O Oca mprOVOmOnt8 8uch a8 8OwOr,
watOr and 8trOOt8, whch 8 8OOctVOy mpO8Od upOn
bOnOcarO8. O8OdO V. Lty O Ham LakO, %nn.App.,
414 N.W.2d T1, T. t dOr8 rOm a gOnOra tax n
that t 8 OVOd 8pOcc purpO8O and n an amOunt
prOpOrtOnOd tO O drOct bOnOt O thO prOpOrty a8-
8O88Od. Lty O ymOuth V. 8nOr, 2b W8.2d 1U2, 1d
N.W.2d Tdd, bUd.
Or8On8 cOnVctOd O OdOra crmO8 arO rOgurOd tO
pay8pOca a88O88mOnt8 undOr 1b \.o.L.A. dU1d.
Toxottou. JhO 8tng andVauatOn O prOpOrty Or thO
purpO8O O appOrtOnng a U upOn t, OthOr accOrdng
tO VauO aOnO Or n prOpOrtOn tO bOnOt rOcOVOd.
omkn8V. Lty Oopartanburg, 2bd o.L. 24d, 2dT o..2d
bd, TU. A8O dOtOrmnng thO 8harO O a tax tO b pad
by Oach Omany pOr8On8, Or appOrtOnng thO OntrO tax
tO bO OVOd amOng thO dOrOnt taxabO pOr8On8, O8tab-
8hng thO prOpOrtOn duO rOm Oach. NOrthwO8tOrn
mp. LO. V. HOnnOOrd, 1b4 Wa8h. U2, 1 .2d 1Ubd,
1Ub. t xO8 thO abty O thO taxpayOr and a8cOr-
tan8 thO act8 and urn8hO8 thO data Or thO prOpOr
prOparatOn O thO tax rO8. aa8 JOnt otOck Land
Uank O aa8 V. otatO, 1Ox.LV.App., 11b o.W.2d d41,
1hO prOcO88 whOrOby thO ntOrna HOVOnuO oOrVcO
mpO8O8 an addtOna tax abty. , Or OxampO, thO
Ho audt8 a taxpayOr`8 ncOmO tax rOturn and nd8
grO88 ncOmO undOr8tatOd Or dOductOn8 OVOr8tatOd, t
w a88O88 a dOcOncy n thO amOunt O thO tax that
8hOud haVO bOOn pad n ght OthO ad]u8tmOnt8 madO.
See olso, Def|c|ency, Def|c|ency assessment, Jeopardy
P88e88meDt Ou8e. 1Ota a88O88Od VauO O a prOpOrty
n an a88O88mOnt d8trct.
P88e88meDt 00mQuD. n O n8urancO, a cOmpany n
whch a dOath O88 8 mOt by OVyng an a88O88mOnt On
thO 8urVVng mOmbOr8 O thO a88OcatOn.
P88e88meDt00Dttu0t. nO whOrOn thO paymOnt OthO
bOnOt 8 n any mannOr Or dOgrOO dOpOndOnt On thO
cOOctOn O an a88O88mOnt OVOd On pOr8On8 hOdng
8mar cOntract8. See olso Assessment |nsurance.
P88e88meDt 18tt10t. n taxatOn, any 8ubdV8On O
tOrrtOry, whOthOr thO whOO Or part Oany muncpa-
ty, n whch by aw a 8OparatO a88O88mOnt O taxabO
prOpOrty 8 madO by thO OHcOr8 OOctOd Or appOntOd
P88e88meDt 0t OeDet8. A burdOn OVOd undOr thO
pOwOr O taxatOn. Jack8On V. Lty O LakO WOrth, 1b
ta. 42, 2d oO.2d 2b, b. See Assessment.
P88e88meDt DD. 1hO a88O88mOnt und O a mutua
bOnOt a88OcatOn 8thO baancO OthO a88O88mOnt8, O88
OxpOn8O8, Out O whch bOnOcarO8 arO pad.
P88e88meDt 1D8UtuD0e. x8t8 whOn bOnOt tO bO pad
8 dOpOndOnt upOn cOOctOn O8uch a88O88mOnt8 a8 may
bO nOcO88ary Or payng thO amOunt8 tO n8urOd. bOOn
V. UankOr8 %ut. LO LO., 2dU %O.App. 1UT2, dd o.W.2d
b, dU. 1ypOO mutua n8urancO whOrO thOpOcyhOd-
Or8 arO a88O88Od whOnOVOr thOrO 8 a O88.
P88e88meDt 18t. 1hO 8t OtaxabO pOr8On8 and prOpOr-
ty urn8hOd by thO a88O88Or tO thO bOard OOguazatOn,
bOard O a88O88mOnt, Or 8mar bOdy. See Assessment
P88e88meDt Qet10. %Oan8 taxabO pOrOd. JOhn8On
Lty V. LnchOd H. LO., 1bd 1Onn. dd2, 4d o.W.2d dbb,
P88e88meDt tut10. tOr purpO8O8 OtaxatOn O prOpOrty
8 thO ratO O a88O88Od VauO tO ar markOt VauO.
Lampb Lhan LO. O La. V. AamOda LOunty, 12
L.A.dd 24b, dU La.Hptr. U1, U4.
P88e88meDt t0. n taxatOn, thO 8t Or rO O taxabO
pOr8On8 and prOpOrty, cOmpOtOd, VOrOd, and dOpO8tOd
by thO a88O88Or8.
P88e88meDt W0tB. \ndOr thO mnng aw8 OthO \nt-
Od otatO8, thO hOdOr O an unpatOntOd mnng cam On
thO pubc dOman 8 rOgurOd, n OrdOr tO hOdh8 cam,
tO dO abOr Or makO mprOVOmOnt8 upOn t tO thO OxtOnt
O at Oa8t OnO hundrOd dOar8 n Oach yOar. dU \.o.
L.A. 2b. 1h8 8 cOmmOny caOd by mnOr8 dOng
a88O88mOnt wOrk.`
P88e880t. An OcOr chO8On Or appOntOd tO appra8O,
VauO, Or a88O88 prOpOrty. A pOr8On OarnOd n 8OmO
partcuar 8cOncO Or ndu8try, whO 8t8 wth thO ]udgO
On thO tra O a cau8O rOgurng 8uch 8pOca knOwOdgO
and gVO8 h8 adVcO.
P88et eQte01ut10D uDge (P). 1hO rangO OdOprO-
cabO VO8 aOwOd by thO ntOta HOVOnuO oOrVcO Or
a 8pOcOd dOprOcabO a88Ot. 1hO AH 8y8tOm appO8
tO a88Ot8 pacOd n 8OrVcOatOr 1dTU and bOOrO 1dbU, at
whch tmO thO AH 8y8tOm wa8 rOpacOd by thO AccO-
OratOd LO8t HOcOVOry oy8tOm (ALHo). HOwOVOr, thO
AH 8y8tOm ha8 bOOn rOVVOd undOr 1hO 1ax HOOrm
Act O1dbband 8 nOw u8Od tO a88gn ca88 VO8 tO a88Ot8
dOprOcatOd undOr %OdOd AccOOratOd LO8t HOcOVOry
oy8tOm (%ALHo). See Acce|erated Cost Recovery Sys-
P88et 1V1eD. See D|v|dend.
P88et8 /K8Ot8/. rOpOrty Oa knd8, rOa andpOr8Ona,
tangbO and ntangbO, ncudng, tutr olto, Or cOrtan
purpO8O8, patOnt8 and cau8O8 O actOn whch bOOng tO
any pOr8On ncudng a cOrpOratOn and thO O8tatO O a
dOcOdOnt. 1hO OntrO prOpOrty O a pOr8On, a88OcatOn,
cOrpOratOn, Or O8tatO that 8 appcabO Or 8ub]OcttO thO
paymOnt O h8 Or hOr Or t8 dObt8.
See olso Dead asset, Marsha| | | ng assets.
Accrued ossets. A88Ot8 ar8ng rOm rOVOnuO8 OarnOd
but nOt yOt duO.
Assetseutremotus. L. tr. A88Ot8n hand, a88Ot8n thO
hand8 O OxOcutOr8 Or admn8tratOr8, appcabOOr thO
paymOnt O dObt8.
Assetserdesceut. 1hat pOrtOn OthO ancO8tOr`8 O8tatO
whch dO8cOnd8 tO thO hOr, and whch 8 8ucOnt tO
chargO hm, a8 ar a8 t gOO8, wth thO 8pOcaty dObt8 O
h8 ancO8tOr8.
Boukrutcy. 1hO prOpOrty Or OOct8 O dObtOr n bank-
ruptcy prOcOOdng8 aVaabO Or paymOnt O h8 dObt8.
Cottolosse. tOr ncOmO tax purpO8O8, a capta a88Ot
8 dOnOd a8 a prOpOrty hOd by a taxpayOr (e.g. hOu8O,
car, 8tOck8, bOnd8), OxcOpt Or cOrtan a88Ot8 8tOd n
.H.L. 1221. \ndOr thO tax aw8 hOwOVOr, a gVOn
a88Ot may bO trOatOd a8 a capta a88Ot Or OnO purpO8O,
and a8 an Ordnary a88OtOr anOthOr.
UrOady 8pOakng, a a88Ot8 arO capta OxcOpt thO8O
8pOccay OxcudOd by ntOrna HOVOnuO LOdO. %a]Or
catOgOrO8 O nOn-capta a88Ot8 ncudO: prOpOrty hOd
Or rO8aO n thO nOrma cOur8O O bu8nO88 (t.e. nVOntO-
ry), tradO accOunt8 and nOtO8 rOcOVabO, dOprOcabO
prOpOrty and rOa O8tatO u8Od n a tradO Or bu8nO88 (t.e.
.H.L. 12d1 a88Ot8`). .H.L. 1221.
Commemtolmse. DBBggtBgBB 0BVBBDB Qt0QBt,
80CK D tBdB, CB8D, BC., DB0DgDg 0 B DBtCDBD 0t
rut mse. P88B8 tBBd C0DVBtDB D0 CB8D, e.g.
DBtKBBDB 8BCutB8, D0B8, DVBD0tB8, BCC0uD8 tB-
CBVmB. See oho Qutck mse, elo.
guttole m e. P BB8 WDCD BtB CDBtgBBDB WD
DB QBDBD 0dBD8 0t BgBCB8 D Bqu, BDd WDCD d0
D0 B uDdBt DB dB8CtQ0D 0 BgB B88B8. D08B
Qt0D8 0 DB Qt0Qt WDCD D DB 0tdDBt tuB8 0
V0uDBt CDBtgBd B8 B88B8, 0t WDCD, DBDg D0DX8-
D8tuDBDB 0 B C0ut 0 Bqu, BDd DBCBu8B DBt
d8tDu0D 8 g0VBtDBd D B dBtBD tuB t0D DB
WDCD g0VBtD8 DB d8tDu0D 0 BgB B88B8.
edmse. P88B8 0B QtDBDBD 0t0Dg-BtDDButB
u8Bd D 0QtB0D 0 Du8DB88 BDd D0 DBDdBd 0t 8BB,
e.g. Qt0Qt, QBD, BquQDBD.
zeu mse. P88B8 WDCD BtB dCu 0 C0DVBt D0
CB8D (e.g. tBB B8BB0tWDCD DBtB 8 D0 DBtKB), B80,
B88B8 WDCD CBDD0 DB u8Bd DCBu8B 0 BgB tB8tC0D.
utougtlemse. P88B8 BCKDgQD8CBBX8BDCB, e.g.
QBBDU, tBdBDBtK8, 0tgBD2B0D C088, g00dW.
Legol mse. See Legal assets.
Ltgutd m e. See Cuneutmse, ooue.
Aet mse. XCB 0B88BU 0VBt BDB8.
Aet oettug mse. DB BXCB88 0 CB8D BDd 0DBt
Dt0ugD D0tDB 0QtB0D 0VBt CuttBD BDB8.
Aomtuolmse. P88BU WD08B VBuB 8 dCu 0 dBBt-
DDB, e.g. B ]udgDBD 0t CBD, B80, D00K VBuB 0B88B
D C0Dt 0 BCuB VBuB.
Pemouol mse. LDBB8, D0DB, BDd 0DBt QBt80DB
Qt0QBt DB0DgDg 0 B DBDKtuQ, D80VBD, 0t dBCBdBD
B8BB, WDCD g0 0 DB B88gDBB 0t BXBCu0t. See oho
Personal effects.
otemse. t0QBt0 B dBCBdBD BVBBDB 0t DB
BW 0t Bqu, WD DB 0DgB0D8 WDCD 8uCD DBt 0t
, 0 d8CDBtgB.
Qutck mse. PCC0uDDg BtD u8Bd 0 dB8CtDB CB8D
BDd t0BVBDB8, DCudDg D0B8 BDd 80DBDB8 DBtKB-
0 D0tDB 0QtB0D8. See oho Cuneut m e, ooue.
eol mse. BDd BDd tBB B8BB.
mttugmse. P88B8 BXDBu8Bd Dt0ugD u8B 0t 088 0
VBuB, e.g. QBBD8, 0 WB8, C0B dBQ088.
PeVetut10D /080V0t08D0D/. PD BtDB0D, B Q08-
VB B88Bt0D, B 80BDD d0BtB0D. D8 W0td 8 8B-
d0D, BVBt, u8Bd 0t B dBCBtB0D DBdB uDdBt 0BD,
BQQBB8 0 0d B8 B WDB88 0 DB tuD 0 WDB 0DB
PB81@D. 0 tBD8Bt, DBKB 0VBt, 0t 8B 0VBt 0 BD0DBt.
0 BQQ0D, B0, 8BBC, 0t dB8gDBB 0t B QBtCuBt
QutQ08B, 0t du. 0 Q0D B, 0t Q0D 0u, 0 8B 0tD,
0t 8QBC, 0 DBtK 0u 0t dB8gDBB, 0 QBtCuBt2B, B8
0 mstgu enom 0D B Wt 0 Btt0t, 0 osstgu reoches 0
B C0VBDBD. See oho Ass|gnment.
P881@DuO11t. QuB 0t BgB BtDuB WDCD QBtD8
B DDg 0 DB tBD8BttBd 0t DBg0BBd.
P881@DuOe. See Ass|gnab|l|q.
P881@DuOe eu8e. P BB8B WDCD C0DBD8 B Qt0V80D
QBtDDg 8tBD8BtD B88BB 0t 0DB WDCD 8 8BD B8
0 B88BB8 tgD 0 tBD8Bt D8 DBtB8 BDd DBDCB B
d8Dgu8DBDB t0D 8uDBB8B 0 BXBD, DBt BB, DB
D B88gDDg, B88BB tBD8Bt8 D8 BDtB B8BB D DB
BCqutB8 80DBDDg B88 DBD DB B88BB8 BDtB DBtB8.
QBt8 V. LBD0D dB LBtDuB BDd LtBD, bU N.%. Tbb,
4b1 .Zd 41, 41T See olso Ass|gnment (AsstgumeutoJ
P881@Dut10D D0U8e. P DBWd D0u8B, B D0u8B 0 Qt08-
P881@DutU8 Ut1tUt gUte uU0t0t18 / &80gD6t08 W00t
]t 0K0t08/. PD B88gDBB u8B8 DB tgD 0 D8 QtDC-
QB, BD B88gDBB 8 C0DBd WD DB tgD8 0 D8 QtDC-
P881@Deu000UDt. BdgB0BCC0uDtBCBVBDB 0 DBDK
0t BC0t B8 8BCut 0t 0BD.
P881@De 00UD8e. PD B0tDB BQQ0DBd D C0utt 0
tBQtB8BD BD DdgBD QBt80D, D08 C0DD0D D CtD-
|tgD 0 C0uD8B), Bd..LtD.. 44, 1b ..L.P.
P. See oho Ass|stance of counsel, Counsel, r|ght
P881@De t18B. P8 tBBDg 0D00t VBDCB8 Du8BDCB, B
t8K WDCD 8 D0 0tdDBt BCCBQBDB 0 D8utBt8 Du
0t WDCD C0VBtBgB 8 tBqutBd D 8BB 8BuB BDd
WDCD 8, DBtB0tB, B88gDBd 0 D8utBt8 QBtCQBDg D
BD B88gDBd t8K Q00.
Asstgued rtsk lou. 1D D08B 8BB8 DBVDg C0DQu80t
D00t VBDCB D8utBDCB BW8 (t.e. DBDCB tB8Q0D8D-
BW8), 8uCD 8BuB8 Qt0VdB DB QBt80D8 WD0 BtB
0DBtW8B uDBDB 0 Du C0VBtBgB |DBCBu8B 0, e.g. , Q00t
dtVDg tBC0td8) DB 8BCutB D8utBDCB Dt0ugD B 8Bu-
0t QBD uDdBt WDCD D8utBt8 BtB C0DQBBd 0 WtB
C0VBtBgB 0t 8uCD QBt80D8. DB D8utBDCB 8 DBDdBd
Dt0ugD B Q00 0 D8utBt8.
See F|nanc|al respons|b|l|ty acts.
P881@Dee / &80gD/ B8BD/. P QBt80D 0 WD0D BD B8-
8gDDBD 8 DBdB, gtBDBB.
DdBt .L.L., B88gDBB 8 8uD]BC t0 B dBBD8B8 WDCD
DB DB B88BtBd BgBD8 B88gD0t D BCC0uD dBD0t.
.L.L. d1b.
Asstguee tuJoct one to whom an assignment has been
made in fact by the party having the right.
Asstguee tu lo is one in whom the awvests the right,
as an executor or administrator.
P991@D00 C1uU90. A provision in Judiciary Act of 1789
preventing one whocoud not show diversity of citizen-
ship to bring suit in edera Court from assigning his
caimto onewho had the requireddiversity, modied in
28 U.S.C.A. 139 to prevent ony assignment made
cousivey to invoke diversityjurisdiction. See Caribbe-
an Mis, nc. v. Kramer,, 392 .2d 387.
P991@DH0Dt. The act of transferring to another a or
partofone's property, interest, or rights. Atransfer or
making over to another of the whoe of any property,
rea or persona, in possession or in action, or of any
estate orrighttherein. t incudestransfersofa kinds
ofproperty (Higgins v. Monckton, 28 Ca.App.2d 723, 83
.2d 1, 19), incuding negotiabe instruments. The
transfer by a party of a of its rights to some kind of
property, usuay intangibe property such as rights in a
ease, mortgage, agreement of sae or a partnership.
Tangibe property is more often transferred by posses-
sion and by instruments conveying tite such as a deed
or a bi of sae. See olo Collateral ass|gnment.
Asstgumeut Jor eueJtt oJcredttom. A genera assign-
mentforbenet ofcreditors is transfer ofa orsubstan-
tiay a of debtor's property to another person in trust
to coectany moneyowingto debtor, to se property, to
distribute the proceeds tohis creditors and to return the
surpus, if any, to debtor. Under Bankruptcy Act of
1898, such assignment was an 'act of bankruptcy' if
made within 4 months of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy Act
(1898) 3a(4). See olso Preferent|al ass|gnment.
AsstgumeutoJoccouut. Transfer to assignee giving him
a right to have moneys when coected appied to pay-
ment ofhis debt. Nanny v. H. . ogue Distiery Co.,
Ca.App.2d 817, 133 .2d 8, 88.
Asstgumeut oJcouusel. See Ass|gned counsel, Ass|st-
ance of counsel, Counsel, r|ght to.
AsstgnmeutoJdoer. The actby whichthe share of a
widow in her deceased husband's rea estate is ascer-
tained and set apart to her.
Asstgumeut oJermr. See Error.
AsstgumeutoJtucome. Aprocedure whereby ataxpayer
attempts to avoid the recognition ofincome by assigning
the property that generates the income to another.
Such a procedure wi not avoid the recognition of in-
comeby thetaxpayermakingthe assignment ifitcanbe
said that the income was earned at the point of the
transfer. nthis case, usuayreferredtoasan anticipa-
toy assignment of income, the income wi be taxed to
the person who earns it.
AsstgnmeutoJleme. Such occurswhereesseetransfers
entire unexpired remaider of term created by ease as
distinguished from subease which transfers ony part of
remainder. Dayenian v. American Nat. Bank and Trust
AA Amm
Co. of Chicago, 91 .App.3d 22, 47 .Dec. 83, 8, 414
N..2d 1199, 121. See olso Ass|gnable lease.
AsstgumeutoJoges. Transfer ofright to coect wages
from wage earner tocreditor, generay, statutes govern
the etent to which such assignment may be made.
Asstgumeutro touto. Where an order is drawn upon a
third party and made payabe out of a particuar fund
then due orto become due to the drawer, the deivery of
the order to the payee operates as an assignment pro
tanto of the fund. Doye v. ast New York Sav. Bank,
44 N.Y.S.2d 318, 323.
Asstgumeut tth reJereuces. An assignment for the
benet of creditors, with directions to the assignee to
preferaspeciedcreditoror cass ofcreditors,by paying
their caims in fu before the others receive any divi-
dend, or in some other manner. More usuay termed a
'preferentia assignment.' Such assignments formery
constituted an 'act of bankruptcy' (.u.J. See Asstgu-
meut Jor eueJtt oJcredttom, ooue.
1oretgu osstgumeut. An assignment made in a foreign
country, or in another state.
Ueuerol osstgumeut. An assignment made for the bene-
t of oll the assignor's creditors, instead of a few ony,
or one which transfers the hole of his estate to the
assignee, instead of a part ony.
Voluutoosstgumeut. Anassignmentforthe benet of
his creditors made by a debtor vountariy, as distin-
guished from a compusory assignment which takes
pace by operation of aw in proceedings in bankruptcy.
Such constitutes an assignment ofadebtor's property in
trust to pay his debts generay, in distinction from a
transfer of property to a particuar creditorin payment
of his demand, or to a conveyance by way of coatera
security or mortgage.
P991@DOt /osaynor/. A person who assigns or transfers
property to another. See Grantor.
P991@DOt 09tOQQ01. n patent aw this doctrine pre-
cudes one who has assigned rights in a patent from
ater contending that what he has assigned was invaid.
Diamond Scientic Co. v. Ambico nc., C.A.ed., 848
.2d 122.
P991@D9. Assignees, those to whom property is, wi, or
may be assigned. Used e.g. in the phrase, in deeds,
'heirs, administrators, andassignsto denote the assign-
abe nature ofthe interest or right created.' tgenera-
y comprehends a those who take either immediatey
or remotey from or under the assignor, whether by
conveyance, devise, descent, or act of aw.
P9919u /osayzo/. n od ngish and Scotch aw, an
assize or assise, a kind of jury or inquest, a writ, a
sitting of a court, an ordinance or statute, a xed or
specictime, number,quantity,quaity,price, orweight,
atribute, ne, or tax, area action, the name ofawrit.
See Ass|ze.
P9919u umOtUH / osayzoarmorom/. Assizeofarms. A
statute or ordinance requiring the keeping of arms for
the common defense.
P6616u 0u00t0 /osyzo kdoriy/. To fai in the assize,
t.e., to be nonsuited. 3 Bl.Comm. 42.
P6616u 0u01t 1U gUtutU /osyzo kdot on joreytom/.
The assize fals (turns) into a jury, hence to submit a
controversy to tria byjury.
P6616u 0OUt1UUuU0u /osyzo kontnyuwndo/. An an-
cient writ addressed to the justices of assize for the
continuation ofa cause, when certain facts put in issue
couldnothavebeenprovedin timeby the partyaleging
P6616u 00 Lut0U0OU /osyzo dy krondon/. The as-
size ofCarendon. A statute or ordinance passed in the
tenth year of Henry , by which those that were ac-
cused of any heinous crime, and not abe to purge
themselves, but must abjure the realm, had liberty of
forty daysto stayand try what succortheycould get of
their friends towards their sustenance in exie.
P6616u 00 Ot06tu /osyzo dy foresto/. Assize of the
forest, astatuteconcerningorders tobeobservedin the
royal forests.
P6616u 00 0U6Ut16 /osyzo dy mens(y)ros/. Assize of
measures. A common rue for weights and measures,
estabished throughout ngand by Kichard , in the
eighth year ofhis reign.
P6616u 00 UO0U0UtO /osyzo dy nokyomentow/. An
assize ofnuisance, awrit to abate orredress anuisance.
P6616u 00 UttU /osyzo dy ywtrom/. P obsoete
writ, which ay for the parson ofa church whose prede-
cessor had aienated the and and rents of it.
P6616u 1608 Ott18 /osyzofrskiy forshiyiy/. Assizeof
fresh force, which see.
P6616u Ott16 0'uU006tOt16 / osyzo mortos dan-
sestoros/. Assize of mort d'ancestor, which see.
P6616u UOV8 0166061U8 /osyzo nowviy dosyzoniy/.
Assize ofnovel disseisin, which see.
P6616u guU16 0t 00t0V1618 /osyzo pnostsorovshiyiy/.
Assizeofbreadand ale, orbeer. The name ofastatute
passed in the fty-rst year of Henry , containing
reguations for the sale of bread and ale, sometimes
caled the 'statute ofbread and ae.'
P6616u gtOtO@uU0u /osyzo prowrowgndo/. An obso-
lete writ, which was directed u the judges assigned to
take assizes, to stay proceedings, by reason ofaparty to
them being employed in the king's business.
P6616u Ut18 gt860Utut1OU16 /osyzo oltomiy pr-
zontyshiyownos/. Assize of darrein presentment (g. 0./.
P6616u V0Uu1U /osyzo voneyliyom/. The assize of
salable commodities, or ofthings exposed for sale.
P660. SeeAss|ze.
P6616t. 1o help, aid, succor, lend countenance or en-
couragement u, participa in an auiliary 1o
contribute effort m the complete accomplishment of an
utimate purse intend D effd by the en-
P6616tuU00, orIu6616tuUt6) 0OUtt O. SeeCourt of ass|st-
P6616tuU00 O 0OUU60. Sixth Amendment to edera
Constitution, guaranteeing accused in criminal prosecu-
tion 'assistance ofcounsel'forhis defense, means effec-
tive assistance, as distinguished from bad faith, sham,
mere pretense or want of opportunity for conferences
and preparation. ed.K.Crim.. 44, 18 U.S.C.A.
3A, Gideon v. Wainwight, 372 U.S. 33, 83 S.Ct.
792, 9 L.d.2d799, Geders v. U. S.,42 U.S. 8, 9S.Ct.
133, 47 L.d.2d 92. See Ass|gned counsel, Counsel,
r|ght to, M| randa Rule.
P6616tuU00, Wt1t O. See Wr|t of ass|stance.
P6616tuUt. A deputy, aide, or subordinate, as an assist-
ant assessor. One who stands by and aids or helps
another. Ordinarily refers to empoyee whose duties
are to hep his superior, to whom he must ook for
authoritytoact. State ex rel. Dunn v. Ayers, 112 Mont.
12, 113 .2d 78, 788.
P6616U6 /osyzos/. Kented or farme outfora specied
assise, that is, a payment of a certain assessed rent in
money or provisions.
P66120, or u66160 (obsoete) /osyz/. An ancient species
ofcourt, consisting of a certain number of men, usualy
tweve, who were summoned together to try a disputed
cause, performing the functions of a jury, except that
they gave a verdict from their own investigation and
knowledge and not upon evidence adduced. rom the
fact thattheysattogether (usstdeoJ, theywere caed the
'assize. ' A court composed of an assemb of knights
and other substantial men, with the baron orjustice, in
a certain pace, at an appointed time. The verdict or
judgment of the jurors or recognitors of assize. 3 B.
Comm. 7, 9.
n ater ngish law, the name 'assizes' or 'assises'
was given to the court, time, or pace where thejudges
ofassize and utst rtus, who were sent by special com
mission from the crown on circuits through the king-
dom, proceeded to take indictments, and o try such
disputed causesissuingout ofthe courts atWestminster
as were then ready for tria, with the assistance of a
juryfromthe particuar county. Thesejudges ofassize
were the successors of the ancient 'justices in eyre.'
They sat by virtue of four separate authorities. (1)
Commission of Oyer andTerminer, (2) of goa deivery,
(3) of nisi prius, and (4) Commission of eace. n 1971
the Crown Court was estabished which superseded the
crimina jurisdiction of courts of assize and al the
jurisdiction ofquarter sessions. The assize courts were
accordingly abolished.
Anything reduced u a certainty in respect u time,
number, quantity, quality, weight, meure, etc.
A species of writ, or real action, said to have ben
invented by Glanville, chief justice Henry , and
havingforitsobect determine the right ofpossession
oflands, and recoverthe psession. 3 l.Comm I
Thewhoe proceedings incourt upon a writ ofassize.
The verdict or nding ofthe jury upon such a writ. 3
B.Comm. 7.
Seeolso Cert|f|cate of ass|ze.
AsstzeoJCloreudou. SeeAss|sa de C|arendon.
Asstze oJdorretu reseutmeut. A writ of assize which
formery ay when a man or his ancestors under whom
he caimed presented a cerk to a bene-
ce, who was instituted, and afterwards, upon the next
avoidance, a stranger presented a cerk and thereby
disturbed the rea patron. 3 B.Comm. 24. t has
given way u the remedy by uore tmedtt.
Asstze oJJresh Jorce. n od ngish practice, a writ
which ay by the usage and custom ofacity orborough,
where a man was disseised of his ands and tenements
in such city or borough. t was caed 'fresh force,'
because it was to be sued within forty days after the
party's tite accrued to him.
Asstze oJmort d'oucestor. A rea action which ay to
recoverand ofwhich apersonhadbeendeprivedonthe
deathofhisancestorby the abatement orintrusionofa
stranger. 3 B.Comm. 18. t was aboished by St. 3 &
4 Wm. V, c. 27.
Asstze oJ^orthhomtou. A re-enactment and enarge-
ment (117) of the Assise of Carendon.
AsstzeoJuouel dtssetstu. A writ ofassize which ay for
the recovery of ands or tenements, where the caimant
had been atey disseised.
Asstze oJuutsouce. A writ of assize which ay where a
nuisancehad beencommittedto the compainant'sfree-
hod, either for abatement of the nuisance or for dam-
Asstze oJ the Jorest. A statute touching orders to be
observed in the king's forests.
Asstze oJutrum. Awrit ofassize which ay for aparson
to recover ands which his predecessor had impropery
aowed the church to be deprived of. 3 B.Comm. 27.
An assize for thetriaofthequestion ofwhether and
is a ay fee, or hed in frankamoigne.
Asstze reu. The certain estabished rents of the free-
hoders and ancient copyhoders of a manor, so caed
because they are mstzed, or made precise and certain.
Umudmstze. A pecuiar species of tria by jury, intro-
duced in the time of Henry , giving the tenant or
defendant in awrit ofright the aternative ofatria by
batte, or by his peers. Aboished by 3 & 4 Wm. V, c.
42, 13. 3 B.Comm. 341. See Batte| .
P881zet /osyzor/. An assessor, juror, an omcer who
has the care and oversight of weights and measures.
P881z8 e detU8uem /osyzoz dojorwzom/. A code
of feuda jurisprudence prepared by an assemby of
barons and ords A.D. 199, afterthe conquest ofJerusa-
em. t was compied principay from the aws and
customs of rance.
P881z0t8 /osyzorz/. n Scotch aw, jurors, the persons
who formed that kind of court which in Scotand was
caed an 'assize,' for the purpose of inquiring into and
judging divers civi causes, such as perambuations, cog-
nitions, moestations, purprestures, and other matters,
ike jurors in ngand.
P88001ute. Signies confederacy or union for a particu-
ar purpose, good or i. To join together, as e.g. part-
ners. artner or coeague. See Assoc|at|on.
Having subordinate status, e.g. associate professor.
An ofcer in each of the ngish courts of common
aw, appointed by the chief judge of the court, and
hoding his omce during good behavior, whose duties
were to superintend the entry of causes, to attend the
sittings of utst rtus, and there receive and enter ver-
dicts, and to draw up the posteas and any orders of utst
rtus. Theassociateswereaterofficers oftheSupreme
Court of Judicature, and are styed 'Masters of the
Supreme Court'. Duties of associates are now carried
outbycerks in the Crown Officeand Associates Depart-
ment of the Centra Omce of te Supreme Court.
P88001ute gU8t10e8. Judges of courts, other than the
presiding or chiefjustice.
P88001ute8 1D 0D0e. Those who are united in action,
who have acommon purpose, who sharethe responsibi-
ityor authority and amongwhom isreasonabe equaity.
Those who are authorized by aw to perform the duties
jointy or as a body.
P88001ut10D. The act ofa number ofpersons in uniting
together for some specia purpose or business. t is a
term ofvague meaning used to indicate a coection or
organization of persons who have joined together for a
certain or common object. Aso, the persons so joining,
the state ofbeing associated.
An unincorporated society, a body of persons united
and acting together without a charter, but upon the
methods and forms used by incorporated bodies for the
prosecution of some common enterprise. enrod Dri-
ing Co. v. Johnson, C.A.Tex., 414 .2d 1217, 1222. t is
not a ega entity separate from the persons who com-
pose it. Seeolso Aff|||at|on.
An organization treated as a corporation for edera
tax purposes even though it may not quaify as such
under appicabe state aw. What is designated as a
trustor a partnership, forexampe, may be cassied as
an association ifitcearypossesses corporate attributes.
Corporate attributes incude centraized management,
continuity of existence, free transferabiity of interests,
and imited iabiity. .K.C. 771(a)(3).
A 'business trust' is an 'association' when it has a
continuing entity throughout trust period, centraized
management, continuity oftrust uninterruptedbydeath
among benecia owners, means for transfer of bene-
cia interests, and imitation of persona iabiities of
participants to property embarked in undertaking.
etcher v. Cark, D.C.Wyo., 7 .Supp. 479, 48.
To prove 'association' with a crimina venture, for
purpose ofconvicting upon evidence that defendant aid-
ed and abetted iegaenterprise,theremustbe evidence
to estabish defendant shared in principa's crimina
intent. U.S. v. Cowart, C.A.Ga., 9 .2d 123, 13.
See oloArt|c|es of assoc|at|on, Confederacy, Cooper-
at|ve, Jo|nt stock assoc|at|on or company, Non-prof|t
assoc|at|on, Profess|ona| assoc|at|on, Un|ncorporated as-
Portuersht ossoctottou. See Partnersh|p.
!oJesstouol usoctottou. See Corporat|on (!oJesstouol
Uutucororoted uspctottou. A confederation of individ-
uals organized for a specic purpose which may or may
not be prot making but which is not chartered as a
P88001ut10D, Dee0m 0. SeeAssemb|y, r|ght of.
P88001ut10D 0Pmet10uDuW 0D008, 1De. AALS is
literay an association of law schoos. After a schoo
hasgraduatedat east three annua casses it is eigibe
to apply for membership. Compiance with the rues of
membership are determined through a three or four
person inspection tea. Kecommendations for admis-
sion to membership are made by the xecutive Commit-
tee, uponadviceofthe Accreditation Committee. Mem-
bershipis attainedbyactionofthe HouseofKepresenta-
P8801 /osoy/. (Speed aso usotle, osotle, ossotlyte.)
1o absove, acquit, to set free, to deiver from excom-
P8 800D U. 1his term has areative meaning according
to the thing which is to be done. t may denote merey
a reasonable time, or maybe equivaent to 'whenever',
or may mean 'immediatey'.
P8 800D U mu Oe. rompty and with due diigence,
as soon as was reasonabypossibe, within a reasonabe
time, as soon as possibe, forthwith, as soon as they
convenienty can. George A. uer Co. v. Jersey City,
21 N.J.Misc. 38, 29 A.2d 72, 722.
P8 800DU Qtu0t10uOe. Means reasonabetime. 1hese
words are not synonymous with 'as soon as possibe',
they mean ordinarily as soon as reasonaby can be
expected in the particuar circumstances, or 'in due
time'. But the words have aso been construed as
practicay synonymous with speediy.
1he words 'as soon as practicabe' within iabiity
poicy requirement that insured wi notify the insurer
of an occurrence as soon as practicabe means within
reasonabetime in view ofa thefactsandcircumstanc-
es of each particuar case. Greenway v. Seected Kisks
ns. Co., D.C.App., 37 A.2d 73, 7.
P8 8Qee1 U Q0881Oe. Meanswithin reasonabe time
or without unreasonabe deay having regard to al the
circumstances of the case and the things to be done.
1atum v. Levi, 117 Ca!App. 83, 3 .2d 93, 97.
P88Ue. 1o pretend. 1o undertake, engage, promise.
1o take to or upon one'sself. Also taking up, receiving,
adopting, takingtooneself, orto putondeceitfuly,take
apparance of, affect, or outwardly seem. 1o take on,
become bound as another is bound, or put onesein
pace of another as to an obigation or iabiity. 1exas
mpoyers' ns. Ass'n v. 1exas & . Ky. Co., 1ex.Civ.
App., 129 S..2d 74, 749. Seeolso Assumpt|on.
P88Ume u0t8. acts concerningwhich noevidencehas
been introduced at tria and hence no ruings of law or
jury insructions are required. n argument, a hypo-
thetica set offactsusedto iustrate apoint oflaw. See
P88Ume Dume. See A||as.
P88Ume t18B. See Assumpt|on of r|sk.
P 8Umm0 teme10 u 1Det10tem u0t10Dem D0D DuOe-
tUt tegte88U8, DeQUe uUX11Um /y smow
romyd(i)yow ad inriyorom akshiyownom non hobytor
rogrsos, nkwiy ogz(i)yom/. rom (after using) the
highest remedy, therecan be no recourse (goingback) to
an inferior action, nor assistance (derived from it). A
maxim in the od aw of rea actons, when there were
grades in the remedies given, the rue being that a
partywhobroughtaritofright,whichwas thehighest
writ in the aw, coud not afterwards resort or descend
to an inferior remedy. 3 B!Comm. 193, 194.
P88UmQ81t /osm(p)sot/. Lat. He undertook, he prom-
A promise or engagement by which one person as-
sumes orundertakesto dosome act or pay somethingto
another. t may be either ora or in writing, but is not
undersea! t is exress ifthe promisorputs hisengage-
ment in distinct and denite anguage, it is tmlted
where the aw infers a promise (though no forma one
haspassed)fromtheconductofthepartyor thecircum-
stancesofthe case. Dukesv. Kogers,7 Ga.App. 1, 21
S..2d 29, 297.
A common aw form of action which lies for the
recovery ofdamages for the non-performance ofa paro
or simpe contract, or a contract that is neither of
record nor under sea! A ibera and equitabe action,
appicabe to amost every case where money has been
received which in equity and good consciece ought to
be refunded, express promise is not necessary tosustain
action, but it may be maintained whenever anything is
received or done from the circumstances of which the
aw impies a promise of compensation. 1he action of
ossumstt differs from tresus and trouer, which are
founded on a tort, not upon a contract, from coueuout
and det, which are appropriate where the ground of
recovery is a seaed instrument, or specia obigation to
pay a xed sum, and from reletu, which seeks the
recovery of specic property, if attainable, rather han
of damages.
xress usumstt. See Express assumps|t.
Ueuerol (commou or tudettotusJ msumsttis an action
of assumpsit brought upon the promise or contract im-
plied by aw in certain cases. t is founded upo what
the law terms an implied promise on the part ofdefen-
dant to pay what, ingood conscience, he is boun pay
to plaintiff.
Spectol msumpstt is an action of assumpsit brought
un an express contract or romise.
P88UQ81t 0t 0De Du uD te0e1Ve. s of eq
uitabe haracter and ies, in genera, whenever defe-
dant has received money which in equity and good
conscience he ought to pay to paintiff.
P88UQ81t 0D QUuDtU etU1t /osom(p)soton kwontom
meruwot/. When a person empoys another to do work
forhim, without any agreement as to his compensation,
the aw impies a promise from the empoyer to the
workman that he wi pay him for his services as much
as he may deserve or merit. n such case, the paintiff
may suggest in his decaration that the defendant prom-
ised u pay him as much as he reasonaby deserved, and
then aver that his troube was worth such a sum of
money, which the defendant has omitted to pay. This is
caed an 'assumpsit on quantum meruit'. Travis v.
Kennedy, Te.Civ.App. S.W.2d 444, 44. See ulso
Quantum meru|t.
P88UmQt10D. The act of conceding or taking for grant-
ed. Laying caim to or taking possession of.
The act or agreement of assuming or taking upon
one's sef. The undertaking or adoption of a debt or
obigation primariy resting uponanother, as wherethe
puchaser of rea estate 'assumes' a mortgage rsting
upon it, in which case he adopts the mortgage debt as
his own and becomes personay iabe for its payment.
The difference between the purchaser of and assuming
a mortgage on it and simpy buying subject to the
mortgage, is that in the former case he makes himsef
personay iabe for the payment of the mortgage debt,
whie in the atter case he does not. When he takes the
conveyance subject to the mortgage, he is bound ony to
the extent of the property. Where one 'assumes' a
ease, he takes u himsef the obigations, contracts,
agreements, and benets to which the other contracting
party was entited under the terms of the ease. See
Assumpt|on of mortgage.
P88UmQt10D 0uU8e. n mortgages, a provision thatthe
mortgage may not be assumed without written consent
of mortgagee. e Assumpt|on of mortgage. Aso a
provision in an instrument of transfer in which the
transferee agrees to assume an obigation of the trans-
P88UmQt10Dee. Lender'schargeforprocessingrecords
for new buyer assuming an existing oan (mortgage).
P88UmQt10D 0 0ute. See Good Samar|tan doctr|ne.
P88UmQt10D 0 1DeOteDe88. xists when person
binds himsefto pay debt incurred by another. awnee
County xcise Board v. Kurn, 187 Ok. 11, 11 .2d
14, 18. See ulsoSubrogat|on.
P88UmQt10D 0 m0ttguge. To take or acquire a mort-
gage or deed of trust from some prior hoder. Thus, a
purchaser mayassumeortakeoverthe mortgage ofthe
seer. Often this requires permission ofthe mortgagee.
This is distinguishabefromtaking equity ofredemption
subjecttomortgagebecause in atter case grantee is not
contractuay bound to pay mortgage, whereas if he
assumes the mortgage, hebindshimsefto mogor to
pay the mortgage and to fu a other terms and
conditions of morge. See olo Assumpt|on.
P88UQt10D 0t18B. Thedoctrine ofassumption ofrisk,
aso known as voenti non tinjuria, means egaythat
a paintiff may not recover for an injury to which he
assents, t.e.,thata personmaynot recover for an injury
received when he vountariy exposes himsef to a
known and appreciated danger. The requirements for
the defense of voenti non t injuria are that. (1) the
paintiffhas knowedge offacts constitutingadangerous
condtion, (2) he knows the condition is dangerous, (3) he
appreciates the nature or extent of the danger, and (4)
hevountariy expses himsef to the danger. An excep-
tion may be appicabe even though the above factors
have entered into a paintifs conduct if his actions
come within the rescue or humanitarian doctrine.
Carke v. Brockway Motor Trucks, D.C.a., 372 .Supp.
1342, 1347.
A defense to action of negigence which consists of
showin thatthepaintiff, knowingthedangersandrisk
invoved, chose to act as he did. An affirmative defense
which the defendant in a negigence action must pead
and prove. ed.K.Civi . 8(c). tis not adefense under
state workers' compensation aws or in LA actions.
Manystateshaveaboishedthedefenseofassumption of
risk in automobie cases with the enactment ofno-faut
insurance acts or comparative negigence acts.
See ulso Vo|ent| non f|t |njur|a.
Secoudu ussumttou oJrtsk. Such occurs when indi-
vidua vountariy encounters known, appreciated risk
without an intended manifestation by that individua
that he consents to reieve another ofhis duty. Cavert
v. Garvey evators, nc., 23 Kan. 7, 94 .2d 433,
P88UtuD0e. Theactor action ofassuring, e.g. a pedge,
guaranty, or surety. A decaration tending to inspire
fu condence.
The deed or instrument by which rea property is
conveyed, aso, the act of cnveying such.
Same as 'nsurance', term used in Canada and ng-
n ngand, the ega evidences of the transfer of
property are caed the 'common assurances' of the
kingdom, whereby everyman'sestateis assuredto him,
and a controversies, doubts, and dimcuties are either
prevented or removed.
P88UtuD0e,DttDet,00VeDuDt0t. See Covenant (Coue-
uuut JorJurther ussuuuce).
P88Ute. To make certain and put beyond doubt. To
decare, aver, avouch, assert, or ensure positivey. To
decare soemny, to assure to any one with design of
inspiring beief or condence. Used interchangeaby
with 'insure' in insurance aw. n rea property doc-
uments it means a warranty, and in business doc-
uments, generay, it means a pedge or security. Utii-
ties ngineering nstitute v. Kofod, 18 Misc. 13, 8
N.Y.S.2d 743, 74.
88Ute0. Aperson who hasbeeninsuredbysome insur-
ance company, or underwriter, against losses or perils
mentionedinthe policyofinsurance. Ordinarilysynon-
ymous with 'insured'.
88Ue0 ceut 018tuUce ueu0. Kequires drivertokeep
motor vehicle under such control that he can stop in
dstance that he can clearly , the distance varying
with circumstances. bmiley v. Arrow bpring Bed L.,
I38 Ohio bt. 8I, 33 N..2d 3, , , 7, 9.
88Utet. Aninsurer against certain perilsanddangers,
an underwriter, an indemnier.
8t1gUut10U /ostpyoleyshon/. Amutualagreement, as-
sent, and consent between parties, also a witness or
8t1ttut1U8 &te8 /astroteriyos hriyz/. An heir appar-
entwho hasbeen placed, by conveyance, inpossession of
his ancestor's estate during such ancestor's lifetime.
8t1tUt10U /astot(y)wshon/. P arraignment (. u.J.
8ttut1U8 /astreriyos/. n old nglish law, ahousehold-
er, belongingtothehouse, aperson in actualpossession
ofa hou.
8ttut1U8 &te8 /astreriyos hriyz/. Where the ances-
tor by conveyance hath set his heir apparent and his
family in a house in his lifetime.
8ttet /stror/. n old nglis law, a householder, or
cupant ofa house or hearth.
8tM1tet. nbaxonlaw, apenaltyforawrongdoneby
oneintheking'speace. Theoffenderwastoreplace the
damage twofold.
8ttUm /strom/. A house, or place of habitation.
8Um /osym/. Asanctuary, or place ofrefuge and
protection, where criminals and debtors found shelter,
and from which they could not be taken without sacri-
lege. bhelter, refuge, protection from the hand of
justice. The word includes not only place, but also
shelter, security, protection. While a foreign country
has the right to offer an asylum to fugitives from other
countries, there is no correspondingrighton the part of
the alien to claim asylum. This right of asylum has
been voluntarily limited by most countries by treaties
providing for the extradition (. u.J of fugitive criminals
(international extradition).
n time ofwar, a place of refuge in neutral territory
for lligerent warships.
An institutionforthe protection and reliefofunfortu-
nates, asylumsfor the r,orfor the insane, though
ths term is no longer generally used for such institu-
Altem. An alien may considered for asylum or
refug status m the Uni btates f the alien h a
wellfound fear of pcution m his or her home
countQ. 1o elile for either ylum or refugee
8WtU8, the applicant must ualfy a refug d
n y 8 U.b..A. IIa2. , under the fu-
g Act of I an alien physically prent m the
Un s or at a land rder or QM ofentQ . . .
maybegranted asylum inthediscretionoftheAttorney
Genera if the Attorney Genera determines that such
alien is a refugee . . . .' 8 U.b.C.A. II8(a).
t. A term of considerable elasticity of meaing, and
somewhat indenite. A function word to describe or
indicate presence or occurrence in, on, or near, or to
indicate the means, cause, or manner, or to indicate
that with which one is occupied or employed. P used
to x atime, it does not necessarily mean eo tustoute or
the identical time named, or even a xed denite mo-
ment. Often expresses simply neaess and proximity,
and consequently may denote a reasonable time.
tum1tu /otmoto/. nthe civil law, agreatgreat-great-
grandfather's sister.
At uU t1me. Grant of time without limit. Haworth v.
Hubbard, 22 nd. II, 44 N..2d 97, 97. eriod of
time limited by circumstances. mes v. Globe Oil &
Kening L., I84 Ok! 79, 84 .2d II, II7, II8.
Within a reasonable time.
At uU t1me gt10t U. bynonymous with 'not later
than'. Hughes v. United btates, C.C.A.Tenn., II4 .2d
28, 287.
At utm'8 eU@t. Beyond the reach of personal inu-
ence or contro! arties are said to deal 'at arm's
lenth' when each stands upon the strict letter of his
rights, and conducts the business in a formal manner,
withouttrustingto the other's fairness orintegrity,and
without being subject to the other's control or overmas-
tering inuence. See Arm's |ength transact|on.
Ata /oteyviyo/. n thecivil law, a great-grandmoth-
er's grandmother.
tuVUUcUU8 /atovokyolos/. The brother of a great-
father's brother.
tuVU8 /tovos/. The male ascendant in the H de-
gree. The great-grandfather's or great-grandmother's
grandfather, a fourth grandfather.
tuX1u /otksiyo/. Condition involving imairedcoordi
native control over the extremities, power present in
the extremities, but control is lacking.
At Dut. Before the court. 'The case at bar,' etc.
A temg0te cQU8 c0Uttut11 mem0t1u U0U eX18tet /y
temporiy kywjos kontreriyay memoriyo non egzstot/.
rom a time of which there is no memory to the con-
teUeM8 /y tenoros nos/. By reason ofyouth.
A tetme /a term/. or a or the term.
tetme 0e N V1e /a term do sa viy/. or the term of
his life.
P teMe gUe Ue8t me eUc0te g8e. tor aterm that
h not yet p.
P teMe gUe g8e mt /a term ko pasey /. tor a wO
that m pa.
PtDu /M0l. (bpelled also Atto, Athe, Atte.) n baxon
law, an oath, the power or privilege of exacting and
administering an oath.
PtDe18t. One who does not beieve in the existence ofa
Pt1u /eysh(iy)o/. Hatred or il-wil. See De odio et atia.
Pt11uD uW. See Lex Atilia.
Pt1D1uD uW. See Lex Atinia.
Pt 188Ue. Whenever the parties come to a point in the
pleadings which is afrmed on one side and denied on
the other, they are said tobe at an issue. Crimina case
is 'at issue' when defendant enters a pea. State v.
adila, App., 88 N.M. 1, 38 .2d 82, 84.
P1P. American Tria Lawyers Association.
Pt ut@e. Not limited to any particuar place, district,
person, matter, or question, open to discussion or con-
troversy, not precuded. ree, unrestrained, not under
corpora contro, as a ferocious anima so free from
restraint as to be iable to do mischief. uy, in detai,
in an extended form.
lectedofciaschosen by the voters ofthe Stateas a
whole ratherthan from separate congressiona or egis-
lative districts.
Pt uW. Accordingto aw, by, for,orinaw. articuar-
y in distinctionfromthat which is done in or according
u equity, or in tites such as sergeant at aw, barrister
at law, attorney or counselor at aw.
Pt eu8t. n deed oftrust covenantspecifying amount of
re insurance, means at owest estimate, at smaest
concession or claim, in smaest or owest degree, at
smalest number. Browne v. ranklin ire ns. Co., 22
Mo.App. , 37 S.W.2d 977, 979.
Ptmutettetu /atmeytortoro/. A great-grandfather's
grandmother's sister (otouta sororJ, caled by Bracton
otmotertero moguo. '
Pt 0D0e. n contracts of various kinds the phrase is
construed as synonymous with 'immediatey' and
'forthwith,' where the subject-matter is the giving of
notice. Theuse ofsuchterm does notordinariy ca for
instantaneous action, but rather that notice sha be
given within such time as is reasonabe in view of the
circumstances. Likewise, contracts orstatutes requiring
the performance ofa particuar act 'at once' are usua-
ly hed to mean simply within a reasonabe time. An
order to 'ship at once' is synonymous with 'as soon as
possible'. Myers v. Hardin, 28 Ark. , 18 S.W.2d
92, 928.
Pt0tt. Withoutreason, unjusty, wrongfuly. SeeTort.
P t0tt et u ttuVet8. Without consideration or discern-
P t0tt 0U a 0t01t. Kightor wrong.
Pt Qut. Said of a bond or preferred stock issued or
seling at its face vaue.
PtQuttUU8 /atptruwos/. The brother ofagreat-grand-
father's grandfather.
11LMD1 D
Pt-t18B um0UDt. Thetaxpayerhas an amountatriskin
a business or investment venture to the extent that it
has subjected personal assetsutherisksofthebusiness.
Typicaly, the taxpayer's at-risk amount incudes (1) the
amount of money or other property that the investor
contributed to the venture for the investment, (2) the
amount of any of the entity's iabiities for which the
taxpayer personay is iabe and that reate to the
investment, and (3) an alocable share of nonrecourse
debts incurred by the venture from third parties in
arm's ength transactions, with respect to rea estate
investments. See At-risk ru|es.

Pt-t18B tUe8. The at-risk rues imit a taxpayer's de-
ductibe losses to the amount the taxpayer has at risk.
Amounts at risk incude the cash investment, and the
debt for which the taxpayer is personay iable. The
objective ofthe at-risk rues is to prevent investorsfrom
shetering income through osses incurred in activities
nanced substantiay through nonrecourse debt. See
olo At-risk amount.
Ptt0010U8 u88uUt uD0Outtet. Anassaultbymaiming
and wounding. Aggravated assaut.
Ptt001t. Aword impying conduct that is outrageously
or wantony wicked, crimina, vie, crue, extremey
horribe and shocking.
Ptt0QD /troy/. Degeneration or wasting away of
tissues, organs or parts due to ack of use, disease or
interference with nerve suppy.
P1. At suit of.
Pt 8eu. Out of the limits of any port or harbor on the
sea-coast. . S. v. Symonds, 12 .S. 4, 7 S.Ct. 411, 3
L.d. 7.
Pttu0D. Seizure ofpropertyunderawritofattachment.
See Attachment.
To bind, fasten, tie, or connect, to make fast or join,
its antonyms are separate, detach, remove.
Pttu0De /atoshey/otshy/. A person attached to an
embassy, to the ofce of an ambassador, or to a foreign
egation. One connected with an omce, e.g. , a pubic
Pttu0De0. A term describing the physica union oftwo
otherwise independent structures or objects, or the rea-
tionbetweentwo parts ofasinge structure, each having
its own function. As appied to buidings, the term is
often synonymous with 'annexed.' See oso Fixture.
Pttu0De0 u000UDt. Account against whichcourt order
has been issued, payments can ony be made with
consent of court.
Pttu0D1umeDtu /otach(iy)omento/. L. Lat. Attach-
Pttu0D1umeDtu O0D0tUm /otach(iy)omento bownorom/.
A distress ormery taken upon goods and chattes, by
the ega ottochtotors or bailiffs, as security to answer
an action for persona estate or debt.
Pttu0D1umeDtu e Qu01tU8 00t0D8 /otach(iy)omento
dy psotos korowniy/. Attachment of pleas of the
Pttu0D1umeDtu e8Q1D18 et O08018 /otach(iy)omentody
spynos t boskos/. A privilege granted to the ofcers
of a forest to take to their own use thorns, brush, and
windfalls, within their precincts.
Pttu0D1umeDtUm /otach(iy)omentom/. L. Lat. An at
Pttu0D1D@ 0te1t0t. SeeCred|tor.
Pttu0DmeDt. The legal process of sezg another's
property in accordance with a writ orjudicial order for
the purpose ofsecuringsatisfaction ofajudgment yet to
be rendered. The act or process of taking, apprehend-
ing, or seizing persons or property, by virtue of a writ,
summons, orotherjudicialorder, andbringing the same
into the custody ofthe courtforthe purpose ofsecuring
satisfaction ofthe judgment ultimately to be entered in
the action. While formerly the main objectiveofattach-
ment was to coerce the defendant debtor to appear in
court by seizer ofhis property, today the writ ofattach-
ment is used primarily to seize the debtor's property in
order to secure the debt or claim of the creditor in the
event that a judgment is rendered. The remedy of
attachment is governed strictly by state statutes, with
such differing considerably as to when attachment is
available (the majority of states providng that such is
available at or after the commencement of the main
action until entry of judgment). ederal courts follow
the local rules orstatutes relating to attachment. ed.
K.Civil . 4.
A remedyancillaryto an actionby which plaintiff is
enabled to acquire a lien upon property or effects of
defendant for satisfaction of judgment which plaintiff
may obtain. Lipscomb v. Kankin, C.C.A.Tex., 139
S.W.2d 37, 39.
See olso Execut|on, Garn|shment, Ley, L|en of attach-
Commerctol lo. Whenthethree basic prerequisites of
a security interest exist (agreement, value, and collat-
era), the security agreement becomes enforceable be-
tween the parties and is said to 'attach.' U.C.C.
OtsttugutshedJrom executtou. See Execut|on.
Omttc oud Joretgu. n somejurisdictions it is com-
mon to give the name 'domestic attachment' to one
issuing against a resident debtor (upon the special
ground offraud, intention to abscond, etc.), and todesig-
nate an attachment against a non-resident, or his prop-
erty, as 'foreign. '
Where the defendant isa non-resident, orbeyond the
territorial jurisdiction of the court, his gos or land
within the territory may seied upon proce of
attachment whereby he will be compelled to enter an
apparance, or the cou acquires juriicton so far
to dise ofthe property attached. This is sometimes
called 'forei atchment. ` n such u ce, the pr
ceeding becomes in substance one in rem against the
attached property.
Pemous. A writ issued by a court of record, command-
ing the sheriffto bringbefore it a person who has been
guilty ofcontempt of court, either in neglect or abuse of
its process or of subordinate powers. A capias (. u.J.
erty. A species ofmesne process, by which awrit is
issued at the institution or during the progress of an
action, commanding the sheriff to seize the property,
rights, credits, or effects of the defendant to be held as
security for the satisfaction of such judgment as the
plaintiff may recover. t is principally used against
absconding, concealed, or fraudulent debtors. Mass.K.
Civil . 4.1.
Pttu0DmeDt O0D. A ond used to dissolve an attach-
ment so as to free the property subject to the attach-
mentfor saleor otherdisposition, maybesurety compa-
ny bond or personal bond with sureties. laintiff then
looks to bond for satisfaction ofhis judgment.
Pttu0DmeDteXe0Ut10D. Anamegivenin somestatesto
a process of garnishment for the satisfaction of a judg-
ment. As to thejudgmentdebtor it is an execution, but
as tothe garnishee it is an originalprocess-asummons
commanding him to appear and show cause, if any he
has, why thejudgment should notbe levied on thegoods
and effects of the defendant in his hands.
Pttu0DmeDt 0 Qt1V1e@e. n old nglish law, a process
by which a man, by virtue ofhis privilege, calls another
to litigatein that courttowhich he hiselfbelongs, and
who has the privilege to answer there. Awrit issued to
apprehend a person in a privileged place.
Pttu0DmeDt 0 WB. Used to describe point in time,
generally when title passes, when risk of loss for de-
struction of property which is subject of sale passes to
buyer from seller. U.C.C. 2-9.
Pttu0DmeDt 0 tDe 0te8t. n old nglish law, one of
the three courts formerly held in forests. The highest
court was called 'justice in eyre's seat,' the middle, the
'swainmote,' and the lowest, the 'ttachment.'
Pttu1D. To reach or come toby progression or motion,
to arrive at, as, to attain a ripe old age. Watkins v.
Metropolitan Life ns. Co., 1 Kan. 27, 131 .2d 722,
Pttu1Det /oteyndor/. At common law, that extinction
ofcivil rights and capacities which took place whenever
a person who had committed treason or felony received
sentence ofdeath for his crime.
The effect of 'attainder' upon such felon was, in
general terms, that all his estate, real and personal,was
forfeited. At the common law, attainder resulted in
three ways, viz.. ycouJstou, y uerdtct, and ypmcess
or outloq. The rst case was where the prisoner
pleaded guilty at the bar, or having ed to sanctua,
confessedhisiltand abjuredtherealmtosavehlife.
The secondwas where theprisoner pleaded notguilty at
the bar, and the ury brought m a verdict against him.
1hethird,whentheperson accusedmadehsescaand
w outlawed.
n ngland, by statute 33 & 34 Vict. c. 23, attainder
upon conction, with consequent corruption of bood,
forfeiture, or escheat, was aboshed. n the United
btates, the doctrine ofattainder is now scarcely known,
athoughduringandshortyafter the Kevolution acts of
attainder were passed by severa of the states. The
passage ofsuch bils is expressy forbidden by the Con-
stitution (Art. , bec. 9).
Btll oJottotuder. buchspecia acts ofthe egisatureas
inict capital punishments upon persons supposed to be
guity of high offenses, such as treason and feony,
without any conviction in the ordinary course ofjudicia
proceedings. fan actinicts amiderdegree ofpunish-
ment than death, it is caed a 'bi of pains and pena-
ties,' but both are incuded in the prohibition in the
Constitution (Art. , Sec. 9). Losier v. Sherman, 17
Kan. 13, 138 .2d 272, 273, State v. Graves, 32 Mo.
112, 182 S.W.2d 4, 4. See olo B| ll.
Pttu1Dt /oteynt/. Attainted, stained, or backened.
n od ngis practice, a writ which ay to inquire
whether ajury oftweve men had given afaseverdict,
in order that the judgment might be reversed. 3 B.
Comm. 42. This inquirywas madebyagrandassiseor
jury oftwenty-four persons, usuay knights, and, ifthey
found theverdict afase one, thejudgment was that the
jurors shoud become infamous, shoud forfeit their
goods and the prots of their ands, shoud themseves
be imprisoned, and their wives and chidren thrust out
of doors, shoud have their houses razed, their trees
extirpated, and their meadows powed up, and that the
plaintiffshoud be restored to a that he ost by reason
ofthe unjust verdict. 3 B.Comm. 44.
Pttu1Dt 0UD0 CuU90 /oteyn d(y)wn kowz/. n rench
aw, the gain of a suit.
Ptt0HQt. n statutes and in cases other than crimina
prosecutions an 'attempt' ordinariy means an intent
combinedwith an actfaingshort ofthe thingintended.
t maybe described as an endeavorto do an act, carried
beyond mere preparation, but short of execution.
Crtmtuol lo. An intent to commit a crime couped
with an act taken toward committing the offense. An
effort or endeavor to accompish a crime, amounting to
morethan merepreparationor panningforit, which, if
not prevented, woud have resuted in the fu consum-
mation ofthe act attempted, but which, in fact, does not
bring u pass the party's utimate design. The requisite
eements ofan 'attempt' to commit a crime are. (1) an
intent to commit it, (2) an overt act toward its commis-
sion, (3) faiure of consummation, and (4) the apparent
possibiity of commission. btate v. btewart, Mo.App.,
37 b.W.2d 79, 81.
A person isguilty ofan attempttocommit a crime if,
acting with the kind of cupabiity otherwise required
for commission of the crime, he. (a) purposely engages
in conduct which woud constitute the crime if the
attendant circumstances were as he beieves them to be,
or m) when causing a particuar resutis an eement of
the crime, does oromits to doanythingwththepurpose
of causing or wth the beief that it wil cause such
result without further conduct on his part, or (c) pur-
posey does or omits to do anything which, under the
circumstances as he believes them to be, is an act or
omission constituting a substantia step in a course of
conduct panned to cuminate in his commission of the
crime. Mode ena Code, .1.
Ptt0D0uDt, u. Onewho owes aduty or servicetoanoth-
er, or in some sort depends upon him. One who foows
and waits upon another.
Ptt0D0uDt, od). Accompanying, or connected with.
Ptt0D0uDt C1tCUH9tuDC09. actssurroundingan event,
.g. thetime, pace anddecarationsofatestator priorto
and immediatey foowing execution of his wi.
Ptt0D0uDt t0tH9. n ngish aw, terms (usuay mort-
gages), for a ong period of years, which are created or
kept outstandingforthe purpose of otteudtug or waiting
upon and protecting the inheritance. A phrase used in
conveyancing to denote estates which are kept aive,
after the objects for which they were originay created
have ceased, so that they might be deemed merged or
satised, for the purpose of protecting or strengthening
the tite of the owner. By the Satised Terms Act of
184, any attendant term becoming satised after the
Act immediatey ceased. But the Act did not appy to
easehods. That Act was repeaed and repaced by Sec.
of the Law of roperty Act of 192, which appies to
terms created out ofeasehods as we as terms created
out of freehods.
Ptt0Dtut /otentot/. Lat. He attempts.
n the civi and canon aw, anythingwrongfuy inno-
vated or ottemted in a suit by an inferior judge (or
judge o uo ) pending an appea.
Ptt0Dt1OD. Consideration with a view to action, notice,
attentiveness, the act or state of attending.
Ptt0tH1Dut0 /otrmoneriy/. n od ngsh aw, to put
offtoasucceedingterm, to proongthe timeofpayment
of a debt.
Ptt0tH1D1D@ /otormonig/. n od ngish aw, a putting
off, the granting of a time or term, as for the payment
of a debt.
Ptt0tHO10H0Dt. n canon aw, a making terms, a com-
position, as with creditors.
Ptt09t. To bear witness to, to bear witness to a fact, to
arm to be true or genuine, to act as a witness to, to
certify, to certify to the verity of a copy of a pubic
documentformayby signature, to make soemn deca-
ration in words or writing to support a fact, to signify
by subscription of his name that the signer has wit-
nessed the execution of the particuar instrument.
Lindsey v. Keaty Trus Co., Tex.Civ.App., 7 S.W.2d
322, 324, City Lumber Co. of Bridgeport v. Borsuk, 131
Conn.4,41A.2d 77, 778. Asothetechnicawordby
which, inthepractice in manyofthestates, acertifying
ofcer gives assurance of the genuineness and correct-
ness ofa copy. Thus, an 'attested' copy ofa document
is one whichhas been examinedand comparedwiththe
origina, with a certicate or memorandum of its cor-
rectness, signed by the ersons who have examined it.
See Aff|rmat|on, Jurat, Oath, Ver|f|cat|on.
Ptte8tut10D. The act of witnessing an instrument in
writing, at the request of the party making the same,
and subscribing the name ofthe witness in testimonyof
such fact. n re Carson's state, 1 Or. 97, 8 .2d
119, 121. See Aff|rmat|on, Jurat, Oath, Ver|f|cat|on.
Ptte8tut10D 0uU8e. That cause (e.g. at the end of a
wi) wherein the witnesses certify that the instrument
has been executed before them, and the manner of the
execution of the same. A certicate certifying as to
facts and circumstances attending execution of wi. n
re Bragg's state, 1 Mont. 132, 7 .2d 7, 2. See
Uniform robate Code, 22.
Ptte8tut10D 0 W1. Act of witnessing performance of
statutory requirements to vaid execution. aruba v.
Schumaker, Tex.Civ.App., 178 S.W.2d 42, 43. See
Attestat|on c|ause.
Ptte8te 00Q. See Attest.
Ptte8t1Dg W1tDe88. One who signs his name to an in-
strument, at the request of the party or parties, for the
purpose of proving and identifying it.
Ptte8t0t. One who attests or vouches for.
Pt tDe 00UttD0U8e 00t. n proximity of courthouse
door. At pace provided for posting of ega notices in
courthouse. Matson v. edera arm Mortg. Corpora-
tion, Tex.Civ.App., 11 S.W.2d 3, 4, 41.
Pt tDe eD 0 tDe W1. The words 'attheend of the
wi' within statute providing that every wi sha be
subscribed by testator at the end of the wi mean the
end of the anguage and not paper on which it is
written. n re Hidreth's Wi, 3 N.Y.S.2d 938, 939,
PttDe mutBet. Ordertobrokerto buy or se astockat
the current market price, rather than at a specied
price. See Market order.
Pt t1me 0uU8e 0 u0t10D u00tUe8. Term is sometimes
appied to present enforcibe demand, but more often
simpy means to arise or come into existence. Stone v.
hiips, 142 Tex. 21, 17 S.W.2d 932, 933.
Ptt1D0tu /otgkto/. L. Lat. An attaint, stain, or back-
ening, a conviction or nding ofguity of some offense.
Ptt0tD /otorn/. To turn over, to transfer t another
money or goods, to assign to some particuar ue or
service. To consent to the transfer of a rent or rever-
sion. To agree to become tenant to one as owner or
andord of an estte previousy hed of another, or to
agree to recognize a new owner of a property or estate
and promise payment of rent to him.
Ptt0tDute /atorneriy/. Lat. To attorn, to transfer or
turn over, to appoint an attorney or substitute.
Ptt0tDute tem /atorneriy rem/. Toturn over money or
goods, t.e.,to assign or appropriate them to some partic-
uar use or service.
Ptt0mut0 u01eD0 Ve te01Q1eD0 /atorneydow fa-
shiyendow v rospiyendow/. An obsoete writ, which
commanded a sheriff or steward of a county court or
hundred court to receive and admit an attorney to
appear for the person that owed suit of court.
Ptt0tDutU8 /atorneytos/. Onewho isattorned,orput in
the pace ofanother, a substitute, hence, an attorney.
Ptt0tDutU8 ete 1D 0mD1OU8 Qet80Dum 0m1D1 teQte-
8eDtut /atorneytos riy n omnobos porsownom
domonay rprozentot/. An attorney represents the per-
son of his master in amost a respects.
Ptt0tDe /torn/. L.r. nod ngish aw, anattorney.
Ptt0tDe. n the most genera sense this term denotes
an agent or substitute, or one who is appointed and
authorized to act in the pace or stead of another. An
agent, or one acting on behaf of another. Sherts v.
uton Nat. Bank ofLancaster, 342 a. 337, 21 A.2d 18.
n its most common usage, however, uness a contrary
meaning is ceary intended, this term means 'attorney
at aw', 'awyer' or 'counseor at aw'.
'Attorney' means attorney, professiona aw associa-
tion, corporation, or partnership, authorized under ap-
picabe aw to practice aw. Bankruptcy Code, 11.
The word 'attorney' incudes a party prosecuting or
defending an action in person. New York C..L.K.
See olso Attorney for government, Attorney Genera|,
Barr|ster, D|str|ct (Otstrtct ottomey), House counse|,
Lawyer, Prosecut|ng attorney, State's attorney, Un|ted
States Attorney.
Attomey od hoc. SeeAd hoc.
Attomey ot lorge. n od practice, an attorney who
practiced in a the courts.
Attomey ot lo. erson admitted to practice aw in his
respectivestate and authorizedtoperformbothciviand
crimina ega functionsforcients, incudingdraftingof
egadocuments,givingofegaadvice,and representing
such before courts, administrative agencies, boards, etc.
n ngish aw, a pubic ofcer beonging to the supe-
rior courts ofcommon aw at Westminster,who conduct-
ed ega proceedings on behaf of others, caed his
cients, by whom he was retained, he answered to the
soicitorin the courts ofchancery, and the proctorofthe
admiraty, eccesiastica, probate, and divorce courts.
An attorney was amost invariaby aso a soicitor. t
was provided by the judicature act, 1873, 87, that
soicitors,attorneys, orproctorsof,orbyawempowered
to practice in, any court the jurisdiction of which is by
that act transferred to the high court of justice or the
court ofappea, shabecaed 'soicitorsofthesupreme
Attom ethtcs. SeeCode of Profess|ona| Respons|b|| |ty,
Ru|es of Profess|ona| Conduct.
Attomey Jees. See Amer|can ru|e, Attorney's ||en, Com-
mon fund doctr|ne, Equa| Access to Just|ce Act, Fee,
Lodestar Ru|e, M| n| mum fee schedu|es, Reta|ner.
Attomey tu Joct. A private attorney authorized by an-
other to act in his pace and stead, either for some
particuar purpose, as to do a particuar act, or for the
transaction ofbusiness in genera, not ofa ega charac-
ter. This authority is conferred by an instrument in
writing,caeda'etterofattorney,' or more commony
a 'power of attorney.' See Power of attorney.
Attomey oJrecord. Attorney whosenamemust appear
somewhere in permanent records or es of case, or on
the peadings orsome instrumented in the case, oron
appearance docket. erson whom the cient has named
as his agent upon whom service of papers may be made.
Keynods v. Keynods, 21 Ca.2d 8, 134 .2d 21, 24.
Anattorneywho has edanotice ofappearance (e.g. ,
through a praecipe) and who hence is formay men-
tioned in court records as the omcia attorney of the
party. Once an attorneybecomesan attorney ofrecord,
he often cannot withdraw from the case without court
very peading of a party represented by an attorney
sha be signed by at east one attorney of record in his
individua name, whose address sha be stated. ed.K.
Civi . 11.
Attomey's ltceuse. Aforma document issuedbyastate
supreme court, normay afterpassage ofabar examina-
tion, which permits one to practice aw in thatjurisdic-
tion. Aso, a simiar document issued by federa courts
to attorneys admitted to practice in state courts. buch
icenses may be revoked because of disbarment or sus-
pended for attorney misconduct.
Attomey's lteu. See Attorney's | | en.
Letter oJ ottomey. A power of attorney, a written
instrument by which one person constitutes another his
true andawfuattorney, inorderthatthe attermaydo
for the former, and in his pace and stead, some awfu
act. An instrument of writing, appointing an attorney
in fact for an avowed purpose and setting forth his
powers and duties. t is, in effect, a mere contract of
agency. A geuerol power authorizes the agent to act
generay in behaf of the principa. A sectol power is
one imited to particuar acts.
Poer oJottomey. The instrument by which authority
of one person to act in pace and stead of another as
attorney in fact is set forth. Seeolso Power of attorney.
!octtceoJlo. See Pract|ce.
Pltc ottomey. A name sometimes given to an attor
ney at aw, as distinguished from artuote attorney, or
attorney in fact.
Rtght to ottomey. SeeCounse|, r|ght to.
Ptt0me<1eDt Qt1V1ege. n aw of evidence, cient's
priviege to refuse to discose and to prevent any other
person from discosing condentia communications be-
tween he and his attorney. buch priviege protects
communications between attorney and cient made for
purpose of furnishing or obtaining professiona ega
advice or assistance. Levingston v. AisChamers
Corp., D.C.Miss., 19 .K.D. 4, . That priviege
8CKS L8W CDD8Q D c0.~
which permits an attorney to refuse to testify as to
communicationsfrom cient to him though it beongs to
cient, not to attorney, and hence cient may waive it.
n federa courts, state aw is appied with respect to
such priviege. ed.vid. Kue 1. See olso C||ent's
pr|v||ege, Jo|nt defense doctr|ne.
Ptt0me 0t g0VemmeDt. ncudes theAttorney Gen-
era, an authorized assistant ofthe Attorney Genera, a
United btates Attorney, an authorized assistant of a
United btates Attorney and when appicabe to cases
arising under the aws of Guam means the Attorney
Genera of Guam or such other person or persons as
may be authorized by the aws of Guam to act therein.
ed.K.Crim.. 4(c).
Ptt0tDe eDetu. The Attorney Genera, as head of
the Department of Justice and chief aw officer of the
edera Government, represents the United btates in
ega matters generay and gives advice and opinions to
the resident and to the heads of the executive depart
ments of the Government when so requested. The At-
torney Genera appears in person to represent the
Government in the U.b. bupreme Court in cases of
exceptiona gravity or importance. See olso So||c|tor
n eachstate there isaso anattorney genera, whois
the chiefaw officer of the state. He gives advice and
opinions to the governor and to executive and adminis-
trative departments or agencies.
n ngand, the principa aw ofcer of the Crown,
and head of the bar of ngand.
!tuote Attomey Ueuerol. The 'private attorney gener-
a' concept hods that a successfu private party pain-
tiffis entited to recovery of his ega expenses, incud-
ingattorneyfees, ifhehasadvancedthe poicyinhe

in pubic interest egisation on behaf of a signicant
cass ofpersons. Dasher v. HousingAuthorityofCity of
Atanta, Ga., D.C.Ga.,4.K.D. 72, 722. Seeolso Equa|
Access to Just|ce Act.
Ptt0me geDetu8 DU. An indictment presented to
grand jury by eave of court without prior compaint
before magistrate and hoding for court. Common-
weath v. Wison, 134 a.buper. 222, 4 A.2d 324, 327.
Ptt0me geDetu8 0Q1D10D. An opinion furnished by
U.b. Attorney Genera to resident, members of execu-
tive department or governmenta agencies on request
concerning question of aw. Aso, opinion rendered by
state attorney genera to Governor or state agencies on
request concerning an interpretation of aw.
Ptt0tDe, t1gDt U. See Counse|, r|ght to.
Ptt0tDe81g. The omce of an agent or attorney.
Ptt0tDe8 1eD. The right ofan attorney at aw to hod
or retain in his possession the money or property of a
cient unti his proper charges have been adjusted and
paid. t requires no equitabe proceedingfor its estab-
ishment. Aso a ien on funds in court payabe to the
cient, or on ajudgment or decree or award in his favor,
recoveredthroughtheexertionsofthe attorney, and for
the enforcement of which he must invoke the equitabe
aid ofthe court.
Chorgtug lteu. An attorney's ien, for his proper com-
pensation, on the fundorjudgment which his cient has
recovered by means of his professiona aid and services.
t is a scic ien covering ony the services rendered
by an attorney in the action in which thejudgment was
obtained, whereas a retaining ien is a genera ien for
the baance ofthe accountbetween the attorney and his
cient, and appies to the property of the cient which
may come into the attorney's possession in the course of
his empoyment.
Retotutuglteu. The ienwhich an attorneyhas upona
his cient's papers, deeds, vouchers, etc., which remain
in his possession, entiting him to retain them unti
satisfaction ofhis caims forprofessiona services. t is
a genera ien.
Ptt0We8 W0tB Qt0UCt. SeeWork product rule.
Ptt0meDt /otrnmant/. n feuda and od ngish
aw, a turning over or transfer by a ord ofthe services
of his tenant to the grantee of his seigniory.
Attornment is the act of a person who hods a ease-
hodinterestin and, or estateforifeoryears,bywhich
he agrees to become the tenant of a stranger who has
acquired the fee in the and, or the remainder or rever-
sion, or the right to the rent or services by which the
tenant hods. t is an act by which a tenant acknow-
edges his obigation to a new andord.
The agreement of a person to recognize a third party
as a permissibe successor party to a contract, most
often, the agreement of a tenant to pay rent to a new
andord, especiay a mortgagee who has forecosed.
PtttuCt1Ve ugeDC1e8 0Ctt1De. See Attract|ve nu|sance
PtttuCt1Ve 1D8ttUmeDtu1t1e8 0Ctt1De. See Attract|ve
nu|sance doctr|ne.
PtttuCt1Ve DU18uDCe 0Ctt1De. The doctrine is that
person who has an instrumentaity, agency, orcondition
uponhis own premises, or who creates suchcondition on
the premises ofanother, or in a pubic pace, which may
reasonaby be apprehended to be a source of danger to
chidren, is under a duty to take such precautions as a
chidren of tender years whom he knows to be accus-
tomed to resort there, or who may, by reason of some-
thing there which may be expected to attract them,
come there to py. See estatement, Second, Torts
Pttt1OUt10D. Under certain circumstances, the tax aw
appies attribution rues to assign to one taxpayer the
ownershipinterestofanothertaxpayer. f,forexampe,
the stock of J Corporation is hed % by M and 4%
byS, M maybedeemedto own 1% ofJCorporationif
M and S are mother and son. n such a case, the stock
ownedby Sis attributedto M. Stateddifferenty, Mhas
a % 'direct' and a 4% 'indirect' interest in J
Corporation. tcanasobesaidthatM is the 'construc-
tive' owner of S's interest.
Pttt1t10D. n genera, natura and gradua decrease.
Term is used to describe decinein pubic utiity'sactua
rate of retrn, after test year, caused b growth in its
rate base or operating expenses, or both, which outstrips
any increase in revenues. South Centra Be Te. Co. v.
Louisiana ubic Service Commission, La., 373 So.2d
478, 48. Term used to describe the phenomenon
present when factors, other than extraordinarygrowth,
are forcing costs upward without a concomitant incre
ment in revenues. Southern Be Te. & Te. Co. v.
orida ubic Service Com'n, a., 443 So.2d 92, 9.
Ptt. Attorney.
PUOu1De /owbeyn/. See Dro|t d'auba|ne.
P..L. Ab urbe condita. romthefounding ofthecity.
PUCt10D /okshon/. An auction is apubic sae ofproper-
ty to the highest bidder by one icensed and authorized
for that purpose. The auctioneer is empoyed by the
seer and is primariy his agent. However, when the
property is struck offhe is aso theagent ofthebuyerto
the extent ofbinding the parties by his memorandum of
sae, thus satisfying the statute offrauds. Hawaii Jew-
eers Ass'n v. ineArts Gaery, nc., 1 Hawaii 2, 43
.2d 914, 91.
A sae by auction is compete when theauctioneer so
announcesbythefa ofthehammeror in other custom-
ary manner. Such a sae is with reserve uness the
goods are in expicit terms put up without reserve.
U.C.C. 2-328.
Outch oucttou. A method of sae by auction which
consists in the pubic offer of the property at a price
beyond its vaue, and then graduay owering the price
unti some one becomes the purchaser.
PUCt10Dut1 /oksh(iy)oneriyiy/. Cataogues ofgoods for
pubic sae or auction.
PUCt10Dut1U8 /oksh(iy)oneriyos/. Aseer, aregrator, a
retaier, onewhoboughtand sod, anauctioneer,in the
modernsense. One who buys poor, od,worn-outthings
to se again at a greater price.
PUCt10Deet. A person authorized or icensed by aw to
se ands or goods of other persons at pubic auction.
One who ses goods at pubic auction for another on
commission, or for a recompense.
Auctioneers differfromrokers,in that theattermay
both buy and se, whereas auctioneers can ony se,
aso brokers may se by private contract ony, and
auctioneers by pubic auction ony.
PUCt0t oktor/. n the oman aw, an auctioneer. n
the civi aw, a grantor or vendor of any kind. n od
rench aw, a paintiff.
PUCt0t1tu8 /oktorotas/. n the civi aw, authority. n
od uropean aw, a dipoma, or roya charter.
PUCt0t1tute8 QD1080QD0tUm, me1C0tUm, et Q0etu-
tUm, 8UDt U CuU818 ueguD et teDeD /oktorotey-
diyz foosoforom mdokorom t powoterom snt n kozos
aogndiy t tonendiy/. The opinions of phiosophers,
physicians, and poets are tobe aeged and received in
PU0UQ1u VetO0tUm 8UDt gU10e 1D1@Du /okywpiyo
vorbrom sntjwdosiy indgno/. Catching at words is
unworthy ofajudge. Appied in State v. emming,
Me. 142, 11.
PU1 utetum Quttem /dytoromprtom/. Hear the
other side, hear both sides. No man shoud be con-
demned unheard. Lowry v. nman, 4 N.Y. 119, Shaw
v. Stone, Mass. (1 Cush.) 228.
PU1eD0e. n internationa aw, a hearing, interview
with the sovereign. The kingor other chiefexecutive of
a country grants an audience to a foreign minister who
comes to him duy accredited, and, after the reca ofa
minister, an 'audience of eave' ordinariy is accorded
to him.
PU1eD0e 00Utt. n ngish aw, a court beonging to
the Archbishop of Canterbury, having jurisdiction of
mattersofformony,astheconrmationofbishops, and
the ike. This court has the same authority with the
Court ofArches, but is of inferior dignity and antiquity.
The Dean of the Arches is the ofcia auditor of the
Audience court. The Archbishop of York has aso his
Audience court. These courts, as separate courts, have
ong since been disused.
PU1eD0 et tetm1DuD0 /odiyendow t trmonndow/.
A writ orcommission tocertain persons toappease and
punish any insurrection or great riot.
PU1t. Systematic inspection of accounting records in-
voving anayses, tests, and conrmations.
The hearing and investigation had before an auditor.
An audience, ahearing, an examination in genera. A
forma or omcia examination and authentication of
accounts, with witnesses, vouchers, etc. Green-Boots
Const. Co. v. State Highway Commission, 1 Ok. 288,
2 .2d 783.
See olso Aud|tor, Genera||y Accepted Aud|t|ng Stan-
dards (GAAS).
Audtt otutou. Keport of certied pubic accountant
afteran examination ofnancia statements, expressing
opinion on the fairness of presentation of such state-
ments. The opinion may take one of the foowing
forms. unquaied opinion, quaied opinion, adverse
opinion, discaimer of opinion.
Audtt trotl. Chain ofevidence connecting account ba-
ances or other summary resuts to origina transactions
and cacuations. The ow ofevents between the origi-
na transaction and the account baances in the nan-
cia statements.
Corresoudeuce oudtt. See Correspondence aud|t.
k oudtt. Keview of civi service positions to deter-
mine if duties and responsibiities of position t job
cassication and pay grade.
Feld oudtt. An audit by the nterna Kevenue Service
conductedonthebusiness premisesofthe taxpaer or in
the ofce of the tax practitioner representing the tax-
payer. Tobe distinguished from acorrespondence audit
or an office audit (. u.J.
1udeeudeutoudtt. Oneconductedby an outside person
or rm not connected in any way with the company
being audited. See olso Aud|t comm|ttee.
1utemoloudtt. Auditperformedby personne ofcompa-
ny to assure that interna procedures, operations, and
accounting practices are in proper order-in contrast to
an audit by outside, independent auditors.
UJJtce oudtt. See Off|ce (UJJtce oudtt).
Tc oudtt. An examination of books, vouchers and
records, or other transactions possessing tax conse-
quences, of a taxpayer conducted by agents ofthe .K.S.
See Correspondence aud|t, Off|ce (UJJtce oudtt), RAR.
PU1tu QUeteu /odydo kwory/. Thenameofacom-
mon aw writ constituting the initia process in an
actionbroughtby ajudgment defendant to obtain reief
againstthe consequences ofthe judgment on account of
some matter of defense or discharge arising since its
rendition and which coud not be taken advantage of
otherwise. Barnett v. Gititz, 29 .App. 212, 8 N..2d
17, 2. May aso ie for matters arising before judg-
ment where defendanthad no opportunity to raise such
matters in defense. Louis . Bower, nc. v. Siverstein,
298 .App. 14, 18 N..2d 38, 387.
Thiswrithasbeen aboished in moststates thathave
adopted Kues of Civi rocedure, being suppanted by
motion for reief from judgment. Kue of Civi roce-
dure (b).
PU1t0umm1ttee. Acommittee oftheboard ofdirectors
of a corporation usuay consisting of outside directors
who nominate the independent auditors and dscuss
their work with them. f the auditors beieve certain
matters shoud be brought to the attention ofstockhod-
ers, the auditors rst bring these matters to the atten-
tion of the audit committee.
PU1t0t. One who checks the accuracy, fairness, and
genera acceptabiity of accounting records and state-
ments and then attests to them, e.g. a Certied ubic
AState omcia whose duty is to examinethe accounts
of state agencies to determine if expenditures were
made in accordance with authorizations by the egisa-
ture. See olso Genera| Account|ng Off|ce.
An officer of a business who examines and veries
accounts for accuracy.
An ofcer (or omcers) of te court, assigned to state
the items of debit and credit between the parties in a
suit where accounts are in question, and exhibit the
baance. Under the Kues of Civi rocedure in many
states, the term 'master is used to describe those
persons formery known as auditors, e.g. Mass.K. Civi
. 3. See Master, Reference.
Audttor oJthe tmrest. Any of severa officers in the
ngish exchequer, who formery had the charge of
auditingthe accounts ofthe customs, nava and miitary
expenses, etc., now performed by the commissioners for
auditing pubic accounts.
Auditor oJ the recei. An ofcer of the ngish ex-
Plic ouditor. xamines account records of private
businesses for a fee.
Stote ouditor. Seerst genera denition above.
PUgmeDtut10D /ogmonteyshan/. The increase of the
crown's revenues from the suppression ofreigious hous-
es and the appropriation of their ands and revenues.
Aso te nameofacourt(nowaboished)erected 27 Hen.
V, to determine suits and controversies reating to
monasteries and abbey-ands. The court was dissoved
in the reign of Mary, but the office of augmentations
remained ong after.
A share ofthe great tithes temporariygranted to the
vicars by the appropriators, and made perpetua by
statute 29 Car. , c. 8. The word is used in a simiar
sense in the Canadian aw.
PUgmeDte e8tute. state reduced by funera and ad-
ministration expenses, homestead aowance, famiy a-
lowances, exemptions, and enforceabe caims to which
added vaue of property transferred to anyone other
than bona de purchaser and vaue of property owned
by surviving spouse at decedent's death. Uniform ro-
bate Code, 2-22.
PUgU8tu eg1OU8 80Utu D0D e8t /ogosto yjobos
so(y)wto non est. The empress or queen is not privi-
eged or exempted from subjection to the aws. 1 B.
Comm. 219.
PUu /o/. n od ngish aw, a ha, or court, the
court of a baron, or manor, a court baron. This word
was empoyed in mediava ngand aong with curio; it
was used ofthe meetings ofthe ord's men hed there in
the same way that the word court was used.
PUu e00e818 /o okyziyiy/. A nave or body of a
church wheretemporacourts were ancientyhed.
PUu teg18 /o ryjos/. (Caed aso Aulo Regio.) The
king's ha or paace. The chief court of ngand in
eary Norman times. t was estabished by Wiiam the
Conqueror in hisown ha. twas composed ofthegreat
omcers ofstate, resident in the paace, and foowed the
king's househod in a his expeditions. See olso Cur|a
PU10 /ok/. ertaining to a roya court.
PUDuge. See Alnager.
PUDuget. See Alnager.
PUm0De, 8etV10e U. Where ands aregiven in ams to
some church or reigious house, upon condition that a
service or prayers sha be offered at certain times for
the repose of the donor's sou.
PUDt. The sister of one's father or mother, and a rea-
tion in the tird degree, correative to niece or nephew.
PUDt 1DD1e. An arrangementwhereby a stockbroker,
with memberships on both New York Stock xchange
and regiona exchange, gives up part of his or her
commission on h regiona echange in consideration of
the recipient arranging to pace a trade on the New
York Stock xchange so that recipient pays forthe New
York Stock xchange trade not the reguar commission
but that amount ess the give-up on the regiona ex-
change, it is an unawfu rebate. Moses v. Burgin,
D.C.Mass., 31 .Supp. 31, 47.
PUte8 /hriyz/. A Saxon punishment by cuttingoffthe
ears, inicted on those who robbed churches, or were
guity of any other theft.
PUtUm teg1D8 /hrom rojyniy/. ueen's god. A roy-
a revenue beonging to every queen consot during her
marriage with the king.
PU8ttu1uD Ou0t. An ofcia baot on which the
names of a the candidates are printed. ts use is
accompaniedby safeguards designed to maintain secrecy
in voting. The so-caed Austraian baot aws, widey
adopted in various forms in the United States, have
generay been sustained by the courts.
PUtet /or/, uUtte tro/. L. r. Another, other.
See Autre.
PUtDeDt10 /o0entik/. Genuine, true, rea, pure, rei
abe, trustworthy, having the character and authority
ofan origina, duyvestedwith a necessaryformaities
and egay attested. Competent, credibe, and reiabe
as evidence.
PUtDeDt10 u0t. n the civi aw, an act which has been
executed before a notary or pubic ofcer authorized to
execute such functions or which is testified by a ubic
sea, or has been rendered pubic by the authority of a
competent magistrate, or which is certied as being a
copy of a pubic register.
PUtDeDt10 00Q. Acopywhich is ofsuchauthority as to
prove the form and contents of the origina from which
it is taken. See olso Authent|cat|on.
PUtDeDt10ut10D /o0ntokeyshon/. n the aw of evi-
dence, the act or mode of giving authority or ega
authenticity to astatute, record, or otherwritten instru-
ment, or a certied copy thereof, so as to render it
egay admissibe in evidence. Verifications of judg-
ments. An attestation ade by a proper officer by
which he certies that a record is in due form of aw,
and that the person who certifies it is the omcer ap-
pointed so to do. Acts done with a view of causing an
instrument to be known and identied. See olso Ver|f|-
Authentication ofawritingmeans(a)theintroduction
of evidence sumcient to sustain a nding that it is the
writingthatthe proponent ofthe evidence caimsitis or
m) the estabishment of such facts by any other means
provided by aw. Caif.vid.Code, 14.
The requirement of authentication as a condition
precedent to admissibiity of evidence is satised by
evidence sufcient to support a nding that the matter
in question is what its proponent caims. ed.vid.Kue
Sel outheuttcottou. btatutes frequently provide that
in cl es ofwritings shall be received in evidence
without further proof.` The following fall into this
categoQ (1) deeds, conveyances or other instruments,
which have been acknowledged by the signers before a
notary public, (2) certied copies ofpubic records, and
(3) boo of statutes which purport to be printed by
public authority. bee ed.vid.Kule 92.
PUtDeDt10Um /o0entakam/. n theciviaw, an origina
instrument or writing, the origina of a wil or other
instrument, as distinguished from a copy.
PUtD0t. One who produces, by his own intelectua
labor applied to the materials of his composition, an
arrangement or compilation new in itsef. A beginner
or mover of anything, hence emcient cause of a thing,
creator, originator, a composer, as distinguished from
an editor, translator or compier.
PUtD0t1t1e8. Citations to constitutions, statutes, prece-
dents, judicia decisions, rues, reguations, textbooks,
articles, andthe likemade onthe argumentofquestions
oflaw (e.g. ,in briefs, motions, etc.) on the trial ofcauses
before a court, in support ofthe ega positions contend-
edfor, oradducedtofortify the opinionofacourtor ofa
text writer upon any question. Authorities may be
either primary (e.g. , statutes, court decisions, regua-
tions), or secondary (e.g. , Kestatements, treatises).
PUtD0t1t. ermission. Kight to exercise powers, to
impement and enforce laws, to exact obedience, to
command, to judge. Contro over, jurisdiction. Often
synonymous with power. The power deegated by a
principa to his agent. The awful deegation of power
by oneperson to another. ower ofagent to affect ega
relations of principa by acts done in accordance with
principal's manifestations of consent to agent. bee Ke-
statement, Second, Agency 7.
Kefers to the precedentia vaue to be accorded an
opinion of a judicia or administrative body. A court's
opinion is binding authority on other courts irecty
below it in the judicia hierarchy. Opinions of ower
courtsorofcourtsoutside thehierarchyaregovernedby
the degree to which it adheres to the doctrine of stare
decisis. See Stare dec|s|s.
Lega power, a right to command or to act, theright
andpower ofpublic ofcers to require obedience to their
orders awfuly issued in the scope oftheir public duties.
See olso Actual author|ty, Apparent author|ty, B|nd|ng
author|ty, Comm|ss|on, Competent author|ty, Construct|ve
author|ty, Contro|, Credent|a|s, lmpl|ed author|ty, Power,
Precedent, Rea| author|ty, Scope of author|ty.
Actuolexress outhortty. Actualauthority derived from
written or spoken words of principa. See olo Actua|
Actuol tmlted outhortty. Actua authority inferred
from words or conducted manifested to agent by princi-
pal. See olo lmpl|ed author|ty.
Aoreut outhortty. That which, though not actualy
granted, the principa knowingly permits the agent to
exercise, or which he holds him out as possessing. The
power to affect the legal relations of another person by
transactions with third persons, professedly as agent for
the other, arising from and in accordance with the
other's manifestations to such third persons. Kestate-
ment, becond Agency, 8. See Authortty y toel,
Authortty y toel. Not actua, but apparent only,
beingimposed on the principabecause his conducthas
been such as to misead,sothatitwoudbe unjust to let
him deny it. See Aoreut outhortty, ooue.
Authortty couled tth ou tuterest. Authority given to
an agent for a vauabe consideration, or which forms
part of a security.
xress outhortty. That given expicity, either in writ-
ing or oray. See Express author|ty.
Ueuerol outhortty. Thatwhich authorizes the agent to
do everything connected with a particuar business. t
empowers him to bind his principa by a acts within
the scope of his empoyment, and it cannot be imited
by any private direction not known to the party deaing
with him.
1mlted outhortty. Actua authority circumstantiay
proved. Tat which the principa intends his agent to
possess, and which is impied from the principa's con-
duct. t incudes ony such acts as are incident and
necessary to the exercise of the authority expressy
1uctdeutol outhortty. Such authority as is necessary to
carry out authority which is actuay or apparenty
given, e.g. authority to borrow money carries with it as
an incidenta authority the power to sign commercia
paper to effectuate the borrowing.
1uJerred outhortty. See1uctdeutol outhortty, ooue.
1uhereut outhortty. Such power as reposes in an agent
by virtue of the agency itsef.
Ltmtted outhortty. Such authority as the agent has
when he is bound by precise instructions.
^oked outhortty. That arising where the principa de-
egates the power to the agent whoy for the benet of
the former.
Usteustle outhortty. SeeAoreut outhortty, ooue.
!esumttue outhortty. See 1mlted outhortty, ooue.
Sectolouthortty. Thatwhichis confined to an individ-
ua transaction. Such an authority does not bind the
principa, uness it is stricty pursued.
Uultmtted outhortty. That possessedby an agent when
he is eft to pursue his own discretion.
PUtD0t1ze. To empower, to give aright orauthorityto
act. To endow with authority or effective ega power,
warrant, or right. eope v. Young, 1 .App.2d 2,
241 N..2d 87, 89. To permit a thing to be done in
the future. t has a mandatory effect or meaning,
impying a direction to act.
'Authorized' is sometimes construed as equivaent to
'permitted', or 'directed', or to simiar mandatory
language. ossessed of authority, that is, possessed of
egaorrightfu power, thesynonymofwhich is 'compe-
tency.' Doherty v. Kansas City Star Co., 143 Kan. 2,
7 .2d 43, 4.
PUtD0t1ze 0uQ1tu. See Author|zed stock |ssue.
PUtD0t1ze 8t00B 188Ue. Tota number of shares of
capita stock which charter or artices of incorporation
permits corporation to se. The shares of a casses a
domestic or foreign corporation is authorized to issue.
Kev. Mode Bus. Corp. Act, 1.4.
PUt00tu0 /otokrosiy/. The name ofan unimited mo-
narchica government. A government at thewi ofone
man (caed an 'autocrat'), unchecked by constitutiona
restrictions or imitations.
PUt0@tuQD. One's handwriting, written with one's own
PUt0mut10 8tu. mmediatey upon the ing of a vo-
untary petition under the BankruptcyCode astay arises
which generay bars a debt coection efforts against
the debtor or propertyofhis bankruptcy estate athough
the coection of postpetition debts against the debtor is
not stayed. Code 32(a). The court need not sign any
order to give rise to the stay, the mere ing of the
petition, with supporting documentation, with the cerk
is sufcient. n re Artishon, Bkrtcy.Minn., 39 K. 9,
893, Jones v. Wood (n re Wood), Bkrtcy.daho, 33 K.
32, 321.
PUt0mut18m /otomotzom/. Behavior performed in a
state ofmenta unconsciousness or dissociation without
fu awareness, i.e., somnambuism, fugues. Term is
appied to actions orconductofan individua apparenty
occurring without wi, purpose, or reasoned intention
on his part, a condition sometimes observed in persons
who, without being actuay insane, suffer from an ob-
scuration of the menta facuties, oss of voition or of
memory, or kindred affections. 'Ambuatory automa-
tism' describes the pathoogica impuse to purposeess
and irresponsibe wanderings from pace to pace often
characteristic of patients suffering from oss of memory
with dissociation of personaity. Automatism may be
asserted as a crimina defense to negate the requisite
menta state ofvountariness for commission ofacrime.
See e.g. Mode ena Code, .1.
PUt0m0O1e @Ue8t. SeeFam| | y automob||e doctr|ne, Fam-
||y purpose doctr|ne, Guest, Guest statute.
PUt0m0O1e 1D8UtuD0e. A comprehensive term which
embraces insurance coverage for a risks invoved in
owning and operating an automobie, such as persona
injury protection, property damage to another and to
the insured, re, theft and vandaism. See | nsurance.
PUt0D0m. The poitica independence ofa nation, the
right (and condition) of power of sef-government. The
negation ofastate ofpoitica inuence from without or
from foreign powers. Green v. Obergfe, 73 App.D.C.
29, 121 .2d 4, 7.
PUt0Q8 /otopsiy/. Thedissection ofadeadbodyfor the
purpose of inquiring into the cause of death. A post
mortem examination to determine the cause, seat, or
nature of a disease. Such is normay required by
statute for deaths by vioent, unexpained, or unnatura
means. See olso | nquest.
PUt0Qt10 eV1eD0e. An exhibit ofathingoffered before
jury as evidence to be seen through jury's own eyes.
Johnson v. State, 139 Tex.Cr.K. 279, 139 S.W.2d 79,
1. See Autopt|c proference, Demonstrat|ve ev|dence.
PUt0Qt10 Qt0eteD0e. roffering or presenting in open
court of artices for observation or inspection of the
tribuna. See Autopt|c ev|dence, Demonstrat|ve ev|-
PUt0 tDeD. A form of arceny, the subject matter of
whichisamotorvehice. Thetakingandcarryingaway
of a motor vehice from the owner or possessor with
intent to deprive him permanenty of it. The intent
distinguishes arceny from a esser offense of use with-
out authority. See olso Joyr|d| ng.
PUtte /owtro/. (r.) Another.
PUtte u0t10D QeDuDt /owtro ksiyown pondon/. n
common aw peading, another action pending. A spe-
cies of pea in abatement.
PUtte t01t /owtro dr(w)/. n right of another, e.g. , a
trustee hods trust property in right of his cestui ue
trust. A rocheiu omy sues in right of an infant. 2
B.Comm. 17.
PUtte018 /wtrofw/. L. r. Atanothertime, former-
y, before, heretofore.
PUtte018 u0QU1t /owtrofwo oky/okwt/. r. ormer-
y acquitted. The name of a pea in bar to a crimina
action, statingthat thedefendanthas been onceaready
indicted and tried for the same aeged offense and has
been acquitted. See Doub|e |eopardy.
PUtte018 uttu1Dt /owtrofwo otn/oteynt/. n crimina
aw, formeryattainted. An od ngish pea (nowobso-
ete) that the defendant has aready been attainted for
one feony, and therefore cannot be criminay prose-
cuted for another.
PUtte1018 00DV10t /owtrofwo konvkt/. r. ormery
convicted. A pea by acrimina in bar to an indictment
that he has been formery convicted ofthe same crime.
4 B.Comm. 33.
PUtte V1e /owtroviy/. Another's ife. Apersonhoding
an estate for or during the ife of another is caed a
tenant uroutre uie, 'or ur termed'outre uie. ' See
Estate pur autre v|e.
PUX11ut /ogz(iy)oriy/. Aiding, attendant on, anci-
ary (. u.J; as, an auxiiary bi in equity, an auxiiary
receiver. Synonymous with 'subsidiary.' Baker v.
eney, 233 Mo.App. 99, 12 S.W.2d 29, 29.
PUX11ut0t /ogziyeytor/. Lat. Heperorassistant, the
word is cosey reated to the ngish word auxiiary.
PUX11Um /ogziyom/. n feuda and od ngish aw,
aid, compusory aid, hence a tax or tribute, a kind of
tribute pai by the vassa to his ord, being one of the
incidents of the tenure by knight's service.
PUX11Um u 1Umm11tem u01eDUm et 1um mut1-
tuDum /ogziyom ad iyom motom fashiyendom t
iyam marotndom/. An ancient writ which was ad
dressed to the sheriff to evy compusoriy an aid to-
wards the knighting of a son and the marrying of a
daughter of the tenants iu coite of the crown.
PUX11Um 0ua /ogziyom kyriyiy/. n od ngish
aw, a precept or order of court citing and convening a
party, at the suit and request of another, to warrant
PUX11Um teg18 /ogziyom ryjos/. n od ngish aw,
the kings aid or money evied for the roya use and the
pubic service, as taxes granted by pariament. Asubsi-
dy paid to the king.
PUX11Um V10e 00m1t1 /ogziyom vysiy komotay/. An
ancient duty paid to sheriffs.
PVu1uOe. Suitabe, useabe, accessibe, obtainabe,
present or ready for immediate use. Having sufcient
force or efcacy, effectua, vaid.
PVu1uOe 0t W0tB. To be considered 'avaiabe' for
purposes of eigibiity for unempoyment compensation,
caimant must be ready, wiing and abe to accept
either temporary or permanent suitabe empoyment at
any time y another empoyer an be actuay and
currenty attached to abor force. Craig v. Com. Unem-
poyment Compensation Bd. of Keview, a.mwth.
3, 442 A.2d 4, 42.
PVu10mutt1uge. nfeuda aw, therightofmarriage,
which the ord or guardian in chivary had of disposing
ofhisinfantward in matrimony. Aguardian in socage
had aso the same right, but not attended with the same
advantage. 2 B.Comm. 88.
PVu /ov/. n rench aw, the guarant of a bi of
exchange, socaedbecause usuay paced at the foot or
bottom (ouo0of the bi.
n Canadian aw, the act of subscribing one's signa-
ture at the bottom of a promissory note or of a bi of
exchange, propery an act of suretyship, by the party
signing, infavor ofthe party to whom the note or bi is
PVuDtUte /ovont(y)r/. L. r. Chance, hazard, mis-
PVut1u,uVut1e /overiyo/. Average, the oss anddamage
suffered in the course of a navigation. See Average.
PVut10e. xcessive greed or desire for weath or gain.
PVeDuge. Acertainquantity ofoatspaidby atenantto
his andord as rent, or in ieu of some other duties.
PVeDtUte, or uVeDtUte /o(d)venchor/. A mischance
causing the death of a man, as where a person u
suddeny drowned or kied by any accident, without
PVet /ovor/, u. U peading, to decare or assert, to set
out distincty and formay, to aege. See ol Aver-
nodpeading, to avouch or verify, to make or prove
true, to make good orjustify a pea.
PVet /eyvor/, u. n od ngish and rench, property,
substance, estate and particuary ive stock or catte,
hence a working beast, a horse or buock.
Auer com. A rent reserved to reigious houses, to be
paid in corn. Corn drawn by the tenant's catte.
Auer loud. n feuda aw, and powed by the tenantfor
the proper use of the ord of the soi.
Auereuuy. Money paid towards the king's averages or
carriages, and so to be freed thereof.
Auer siluer. A custom or rent formery so caed.
PVetu /ovro/ A day's work of a poughman, formery
vaued at eight pence.
PVetuge. A mean proportion, media sum or quantity,
made out of unequa sums or quantities. Brisendine v.
Skousen Bros., 48 Ariz. 41, 2 .2d 32, 329. n ordi-
nary usage the term signies the mean between two or
more quantities, measures, or numbers. f appied to
somethingwhich is incapabe ofexpression in terms of
measure or amount, it signies that the thing or person
referred to is of the ordinary or usua type.
n maritime aw, oss or damage accidentay happen-
ing to a vesse or to its cargo during a voyage. Aso a
smadutypaidto mastersofships, whengoodsare sent
in another man's ship, for their care of the goods, over
and above the freight. See subdenitions beow.
n od ngish aw, a service by horse or carriage,
ancienty dueby atenant to his ord. Aabor orservice
performed with working catte, horses, or oxen, or with
wagons and carriages.
Ueuemloueroge. Acontributionby thesevera interests
engaged in a maritime venture to make good the oss of
one of them for the vountary sacrice of a part of the
ship orcargoto save the residue ofthe property and the
ives of those on board, or for extraordinary expenses
necessariy incurred for the common benefit and safety
of a. The aw of genera average is part of the mari-
time aw, and not of the municipa aw, and appies to
maritime adventures ony. Kai v. Troop, 17 U.S. 38,
1 S.Ct. 7, 39 L.d. 742.
Uross oueroge. More commony caed 'genera aver-
age' . u.. Where oss or damage occurs to a vesse or
its cargo at sea, oueroge is the adjustment and appor-
tionment of such oss between the owner, the freight,
and the cargo, in proportion to their respective interests
and osses, in order that one may not suffer the whoe
oss, but each contribute rataby.
Porticulor oueroge is a oss happening to the ship,
freight, or cargowhich is not to be shared by contribu-
tion among a those interested, but must be borne by
the owner of the subject to which it occurs. t is thus
caed in contradistinction to geuemlaverage.
Petty oueroge denotes such charges and disbursements
as, according to occurrences and the custom of every
pace, the master necessariyfurnishesforthe benetof
the ship and cargo, either at the pace of oading or
unoading, or on the voyage, such as the hire of a piot
for conducting a vessefrom one pace to another, tow-
age, light money, beaconage, anchorage, bridge toll,
quarantine and such like.
Stmleouemgeis thesame as 'particularaverage' (.u.J.
PVetu@e 0uU8e. A clause providing that similar items
in one location orat several locations which are covered
by one insurance policy shall each be covered in the
proportion that the value in each bears to the value in
PVetu@e u1 OuuD0e. Average amount ofmoney that
a depositor keeps on deposit in a bank, or average
balance on which nance charge is computed on con-
sumer credit account, on any given day.
PVetu@e muD te8t. Used to determine bias of prospec-
tive juror who asserts that he is without prejdice but
who is so connected with case that ordinary man under
circumstances would be biased without recognition of
his prejudice. U. S. v. Haynes, C.A.Conn., 398 .2d 98,
PVetu@1D@ UQ or 0WD. ractice of purchasing the
same security at different price levels, thus realizing a
higher or lower average cost than the rst purchase.
P VetO18 e@18 D0D e8t te0eDeDUm /ey vrbis lis
non est rosndndom/. The words ofastatute must not
be departed from. A court is not at liberty to disregard
the letter of a statute, in favor of a supposed intention.
P Vet118 0uQt18 U W1tDemum /ovriyos kptos n
wornom/. n old nglish pleading, a writ granted to
one whose cattle were unlawfully distrained by another
and driven out of the county in which they were taken,
so that they could not be replevied by the sheriff.
PVet1Um /ovriyom/. Lat. Goods, property. Abeast of
PVetmeDt /ovrmont/. n pleading, to allege or assert
positively. All averments in pleadings are required to
be smple, concise, and direct. ed.K. Civil . 8(e).
n old pleading, an offer to prove a plea, or pleading.
The concluding part of a plea, replication, or other
pleading, containing new afrmative matter, by which
the party offers or declares himself 'ready to uertJy."
PVettute /avoreriy/. n feudal law, a duty required
from some customarytenants, to carrygoods in awagon
or upon loaded horses.
PVet810 /ovrz(h)(iy)ow/. nthecivil law, an averting or
turning away. A term applied to a species of sale in
gross or bulk.
Letting a house altogether, instead of in chambers.
PVetUm /ovrom/ . Goods, property, substance, a beast
of burden.
PV1u /eyviyo/. n the civil law, a grandmother.
PV1ut10U8 yviytokos/. n the civil law, a grandson.
PV1ut10D P0t. ederal law that created ederal A via-
tion Agency (AA) which is responsibleforregulationof
aviation including aircraft safety, aircraft marking, etc.
See Federa| Av|at|on Adm|n|strat|on.
P V1D0U0 mutt1m0D11 /ey vkyolow matromowniyay/.
Lat. rom the bond ofmatrimony. A term descriptive
ofakind ofdivorce, which effects a complete dissolution
of the marriage contract. See D|vorce.
PV00ut /avowk/. r. An advocate, a barrister.
PV00ut10D /avokeyshon/. A calling away, a diversion,
suggesting idea ofsmaller affairs of life, or subordinate
or occasional employments, or hobbies, as distinguished
from one's ordinary or principal occupation.
P V01. To annul, cancel, make void, to destroy the
efcacy of anything. To evade, esca

PV01uOe 00D8eQUeD0e8 00tt1De. Doctrine imposes
duty on person injured to minimize damages. Baglio v.
N. Y.CentralK. Co., 344 Mass. 14, 18 N..2d 798. The
general rule relating to duty of party who has been
wrongedby breach ofcontractto mitigate damages, t.e.
to not sit idly by and allow damages to accumulate.
Kestatement, Second, Contracts, 3. This doctrine
provides that one injured by tort of another is not
entitled to recover damagesfor any harm that he could
have avoided by use of reasonable effort. lowers v.
DistrictofColumbia,D.C.App.,478A.2d 173, 177. See
olso M|t|gat|on of damages.
PV01uD0e. A making void, useless, empty, or of no
effect, annulling, cancelling, escaping or evading. See
olso Evas|on.
n pleading, the allegation or statement of new mat-
ter, in opposition to aformer pleading, which, admitting
the facts alleged in such former pleading, shows cause
why they should not have their ordinary legal effect.
ed.K. Civil . 8(c). See olo Aff|rmat|ve defense, Con-
fess|on and avo|dance.
PV01uD0e 0 tuX. See8 avo|dance.
PV01tUQ018 /avord(y)uwpoyz/. The name of a system
of weights (sixteen ounces to te pound) used in weigh-
ing articles other than medicines, metals, and precious
stones, so named in distinction from the Troy weight.
PV0U0Det /ovwchor/. The calling upon a warrantor of
lands to fulll his undertaking. See Voucher.
PV0Ue /vuwey/. nrenchandCanadianlaw,abarris-
ter, advocate, solicitor, or attorney. An ofcer charged
with representing and defending parties before the tri-
bunal to which he is attached.
P V0W /ovw/. n pleading, to acknowledge and justify
an act done. To make an avowry. See Avowa|, Avowq,
PV0Wu / ovwol/. An open declaration. urpose is to
enable the court to nowwhatthe witness would have
stated in answer to the question propounded, and to
inform the court what the interrogator would prove
contrary to the testimony given at thetria! See Offer of
PV0WuDt. One who makes an avowry.
PV0Wt /ovwry/. A common law pleading in the ac-
tion of replevin, by which the defendant ouos, that is,
acknowledges and justies the taking of the distress or

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