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Who Am I Now?

By R. P. Sarvas

R. P. Sarvas

The Challenge

How much have you been affected by the influences of societies, ethnicity or races, religions and cultures, as well as friends and teachers and even your parents? Where is the true you once all of their influences have been removed from you? Explore a short story in your effort to find the answer. You will have to let down your defenses, swallow your pride and then open your mind. Empower yourself to release the burdens of your past, and to question your deepest beliefs. Learn to uncover the masks that all humans hide behind. Learn, discover and understand how to expose those chains that hold you back.

To learn how to enjoy life, we must first know how to live it; there is only one place where we gain our wisdom, our honor, our integrity, and our character. There are only two acts that will determine that which we truly are. Still, there are countless people and things that will tell you differently. Re-observe yourself in an entirely new way. Take the ultimate test of the self and see if you can apply Who Am I Now? In the life that you live today.


Copyright 2010 Author Name All rights reserved. ISBN: ISBN-13:

Who Am I Now? is dedicated to my loving Daughter, Renee M. Clement, and my brilliant son, Jeremiah A. Dewett. To my precious Granddaughter Jada Clement and Grandson Elijiah Clement who is the true expression of the human heart. And to their loving father and Renees husband my son in-law Ronald Clement Jr. May this book be my legacy to you.

CONTENTS I Pg 3 Pg 5 Pg 10 Pg 13 Pg 16 Pg 25 Pg 27 Pg 29 Pg 37 Pg 39 Pg 43 Pg 58 Pg 75 Pg 79 Pg 108 Pg 112

Acknowledgments Introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Contemplation Taking Out The Trash What Defines Us The Perfection of Character Who? Me? Popping The Bubble For The Service Of Man How To Be A Good Human The Dilemmas of Misinformation What Happened To Us? The Analogy of Religion Oh My Holy Hypocrite The Value of Life I Think, Therefore I Am The Mastery of Empowerment

16 Why I Know What Im Talking About Pg 122 17

The Secret of Life

Pg 128

Special thanks to my daughter Renee M. Clement and to my son Jeremiah A. Dewett for their insights and contributions for whom this book is dedicated to. A Special thanks you to Elvira D. Ramos for her knowledge in the Bible and for her abundant patience and understanding. I also give my deepest gratitude to Gloria Alviola Noyes for her selfless support and kindness. And my greatest thank you and appreciation goes to all of the humans on planet Earth by whos example taught me how not to be. May the lessons of our past bring us our wisdom for our future


Who Am I Now?, is based on the actions of the majority of humans on Earth today. It discloses many aspects of a humans true identity, emotions and attributes. This text is a humans challenge to his or her own character. It is about the self, about character, religions, cultures, ethnicity, accountability, and the disclosure of ones true identity. It will uncover and expose the labyrinth of false labels that individuals have attached to themselves, as it will empower you to understand who and what you are. Who Am I Now?, is remorseless and gives little regard to the ideals and thoughts of others. It does not discern between one belief system, religion, ethnicity, or cultural upbringing that a human may have. It could destroy your faith, or compel you to embrace it without obstruction. Who Am I Now?, shall disregard some of your deepest beliefs. Yet it speaks only from the perspective of an uninhibited human heart. After suffering a brain injury several years ago, almost everything that I had ever known about relating to other humans and understanding their belief systems, had been taken away from me in a microsecond. More specifically, I had lost most of my ability to understand the cultural, religious and ethnic interactions that humans practice on a daily basis. I observed you, I learned from you, and this is what I discovered about my kind. These are the lessons that you taught me.

Who Am I Now?, will be regarded as extremely provocative and controversial, as it is about who you are once your culture, your race, your ethnicity, your religion and other labels that you have attached to yourself, have all been removed from you. This book is a profound perspective, presented to people about the self. It has little to do with anything unrealistic. It is a book that exposes humans for exactly what and who

R. P. Sarvas they are, without the confusion and false hopes that other ideologies or "self help" books profess to do. Who Am I Now?, is not a painted fairy tale about unrealistic idealism; it is only about the perceptions that we have about our identities. It reveals and exposes the true individual behind the masks of their false belief systems, as it also affords one the tools for the betterment of the self and humanity. It is beyond ego, self-inhibition, false hopes and unrealistic goals for the self. It is simplicity in its purest literal form. So open your mind, and explore the possibility that you might be Living A Myth.

R. P. Sarvas

Who Am I Now?


Someone telephoned me today about a friend of hers who was dying and terrified of his unavoidable demise. She asked me if I had a book of scripture that she could use to afford him some comforting advise. I told her that no books existed on the Earth that could give him peace and remove his fear. As long as he feared death, he could not enjoy life. I find great comfort in knowing that I will always be a part of this cosmic existence. Eons after this body is decayed back to dust and eons after the Earth is consumed by the Sun and eons after the Milky Way Galaxy collides with the Andromeda Galaxy, my atoms will still be there perhaps helping to build a new sun or other heavenly body. In that, I find great comfort and peace knowing that I will forever be a part of something else.

It is not my belief that we at best are intended to be Gods Paparazzi. God has no reason for vanity. A Dr. told me 3 years ago that I had 1 year to live. I had no clue what to do or how I should plan the remainder of my life. Everything seemed futile and pointless. For months, I sat there consumed with myself and overwhelmed by my dilemma.

After about 6 months of being consumed in my own self-pity, I decided to make the choice to look forward to my death and then to embrace that

R. P. Sarvas moment of which I had so feared. In that moment and at that very second when my heart and mind acknowledged this new belief, I was overcome by a great peace and where my heart had once been filled with anger and contempt, was now being filled with true peace and understanding. I was no longer in fear of my own mortality and for the 1st time in my life, I began to actually live. I found myself as a child looking at a flower or an insect upon it and saturated myself in amazement at how courageous and beautiful everything was. I developed a deep loving respect for all living things. I started to develop an appreciation for death and began to understand what it was and that it was as important and meaningful as life.

Since that time, Ive grown much, and as I look upon others in my world, I am overcome with gratitude towards my mind and my heart for giving me the true gift of inner peace. What was once so important seemed unimportant and what was once unimportant became very important because I was no longer the man who feared death and did not want to let go. I no longer had to be consumed by my own existence.

I asked her if she would have preferred never being born, than to be born and inevitably have to face death. She answered the question like a trooper, as it is better to have lived and died than to have never lived at all. We come here with nothing and by design; it is how we also leave.

Dying is a good thing because if not for death, we would not appreciate life and if not for life, we would not appreciate death. All things in our universe live and die. Or do they? For throughout it all, if you gaze upon the stars and planets, they really never truly die, instead, they just change into something else. Do not grieve upon your own mortality as it is a complete waste of time and changes absolutely nothing. The only

Who Am I Now? certainty over consuming yourself in self-pity and grief is as long as you fear death; you will never truly understand, appreciate and enjoy the miracle of life.

We should celebrate the transition between life and death for without one, there cannot be the other. When it is my time to leave, I hope that others will not cling to my past existence and instead see me off like going on a cruise ship. I am excited in a way because energy can never be destroyed; it just manifests itself into something else. It is the way of the cosmos.

When faced with turmoil in ones heart and restlessness in ones soul, the fear within the fabric of ones life and ones clinging desire to fight to the end, your minds life is so consumed on itself that as a result, you have thrown away precious moments or even days destroying or wasting the quality and content of your existence. After all the worrying, and fighting between your heart and your mind, you will still inevitably die. Thus the entire process simply becomes another burden that one has placed upon their selves without any benefit at all.

I have never seen a situation resolve itself because I worried about it. Inevitably it is a complete waste of time. I dont know how long I have to live. I was supposed to be dead 2 years ago. Im tired of waiting and wasting my life worrying about things that are only in natures control. I believe that in this instance, I prefer to be a conformist and go with the program. In the mean time, I will concern myself more with matters of life than matters of death of which I have no control over. I am truly not afraid to die as have journeyed beyond this specific impasse.

R. P. Sarvas In some form, in some way unknown to me, I will forever exist. Worry not for I will always be around. If I can find comfort in knowing this, perhaps you can too. You do not have to cling to God just because your mortality is inevitable. God is already in all things and is a part of everything. Live well and die even better, for in the true scope of things, this event is insignificant, just like my life.

There are a couple of things that I would like to know before I die. What the hell is going on anyways? Every day, I have it running through the back of my head wondering if there is some reason that were all here. Are we here for a reason? Are we alone? Does God exist? Which is really the true religion? What if its all for nothing? Is there a Heaven or a Hell? Who are we anyways? Why am I here? What am I? Who am I? Is there such a thing as destiny or fate? What is chance exactly? Is it just a coincidence, and is it truly something that just happened by chance? Does everything happen for a reason?

I have to write this stuff down because I have to at least make some sense out of my life to see if any of it means anything, so Im going to share with you, your world through my eyes. Thats because I dont think like other humans. As a result of a fluke brain injury, I found myself rewired just a little bit differently than other people. I am trying to completely relearn human social behavior because that was the part of my brain that was damaged. The right frontal cortex of the brain controls memory, behavior and Im sure lots of other stuff too. Theres no telling exactly what damage was truly done, so Im going to write this stuff down and perhaps together, we can figure some of it out.

That was almost four years ago, and oh my, but things have changed. I had to relearn at 52 years old how to interact in the social network of

Who Am I Now? humans. My mission was to infiltrate my species, study their beliefs, and see if other humans could accept me. My objectives are to see if I can ever socialize and communicate with my own species again. Once I started talking to folks, it took no time at all before people were turning their heads, or rolling their eyes back to one side or the other. They would be stretching or looking at their watches, you get the drift. I had absolutely no clue that there were some things that you just didnt say, and some things that in our less than pristine social order, that we simply werent or shouldnt talk about. After all, God forbid, if other people actually knew what we thought. How does an excessively uninhibited human reach out to his fellow man without offending them or stepping on their toes? How can I interact with these people without causing them psychological harm? These humans seem so uptight about just about everything. Their entire character has been programmed to defend their egos. How do I approach them and cause them no harm?

Apparently, cultures and social societies expect a certain type of behavior from their fellow humans. To be outside of this box can subject one to some very perplexing scenarios. For the life of me, I dont understand why everything has to be so complicated when it gets to human social interactions. All of the mind games and hidden complexes that people negotiate in their communications resemble an endless game of chess. In the end, I just dont see any winners. Everybody is afraid of exposing and expressing what is really going on inside of their heads because if they did, like me, they would find themselves systematically becoming social outcasts.

R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 2 Taking Out The Trash

I became obsessed with being my word or telling the truth because of my memory issues. Lying is simply way to complicated for me, as I have to remember the lie and that opens up way too many issues for me, so since Im just a simpleton, I found it to be much easier for me just to stick to the truth because that way, I dont have to remember anything that I had to mentally fabricate. Ive heard it said the truth will set you free. That is both true and false simultaneously. Often, the results of being truthful can leave one in a very lonely place. I have observed that people would prefer to live a lie and hear a lie and enforce a belief system built upon a lie, rather than having their human ego bubbles popped.

Humans are far more comfortable living their tunnel vision lives protected by their illusion that everything is okay. As long as other people accept them, they feel a sense of belonging and security. If we comply and fit in with the rest of society, we assume that all is as it should be and that everything is okay. I do listen to what people tell me and I hear what they are trying to say, but I just dont think the way that they do. My mind seems consumed on trying to figure out and understand what you are telling me and why you are telling me these things. I am inclined to ask myself if you are trying to convince me, or trying to convince yourself about your belief systems. So, while your sitting there with your head spinning and wondering what exactly I am going to tell you, Im sitting right here across from you doing the same damn thing.


Who Am I Now?

I am a lonely human and I just have to figure out what to do, in an effort to communicate with you, my fellow man. That is the purpose if this book. If I share this philosophy with you, maybe my mind will find some peace and I can really begin listening to you and hear what you have to say. The universe is so much bigger than just you or me and there is so very much that we all need to discuss. This cannot easily be done as long as humans defend a self-identity, of which they are truly not.

I love to talk to people, however it doesnt take long before theyve had enough of discussing philosophy with me. I watch them as their walls and defenses start coming up throughout the conversations that we share and I seem compelled to bring this to their attention, which probably explains why after 56 years of being on Planet Earth, that I have no real friends. If you could only see things through my eyes, you might just discover that whatever it was that you wanted to tell me wasnt being taken seriously because I am determining the value of your message based upon your beliefs and your character. Through my perspective, what humans disclose to me are not their own belief systems but instead are those which they have borrowed from others. They may seem very important to them, for their entire identities are based upon their cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds and seldom are originated from their own selves. Most humans are the product of what everyone has told them or taught them, and this leaves many layers upon layers of mimicked identities that have to be sorted through, in order to discover who the real person is behind all of those walls and masks, that is talking to me. Anyways, sit back and check this out, try to open your mind and let down your barriers. Try to take a real objective look at what this rewired human brain is trying to say and perhaps you can make the world just a little bit better place for all of us.


R. P. Sarvas . I promise to take your mind places that it never considered going before. It is said that, fear is ignorance, a thing is what it is, and without hope we have nothing, evil is the devils work, God is angry, God is only good, God is jealous, God is vain, and that we are the product of sin, however none of those statements are factually true. Im going to toss out all of the rulebooks and tell the world everything that it craves to know and what nobody wants to hear about, all at the same time, and when its all said and done, you can make up you own mind. Personally, I think that youre going to enjoy the ride.


Who Am I Now?

CHAPTER 3 What Defines Us

A human is defined by his word and his word defines the fabric of his character. I am my word and my word defines my character. It is my prime directive as a human. I must always keep it and never fail to be true to myself and to my word. I must always be honest in spirit, heart and mind. I can always be counted on. I will not lie to others regardless of the consequences. Whatever I tell others is exactly as I intend. Being my word is inconvenient, it carries many hardships, and yet, it is extremely rewarding. I love being my word.

Why is it that every person I have met means everything that they say, yet seldom do it? Everyone tells everyone what they want to hear and the result has been an overwhelming catastrophe for humans on Earth. Humans seem to have excuses for everything. They apparently seem to mean everything that they say; yet they seldom deliver upon their word.

Have you ever truly observed politicians? These individuals will say anything to get their votes. Their very positions in our government were achieved upon the promises that they made during their campaigns.

R. P. Sarvas However, once they are elected to their perspective positions of authority, power, and control, few of their promises are ever kept, if any. When a humans character is based upon them being their word, it is what comes out of their mouths that will inevitably define their character. In parallel, it is also our responsibility to hold them accountable should they fail to keep it. When I see a political leader, I fully understand that military people are compelled by the very rules that they follow, to obey and respect these individuals. But I am no longer in the military, thus I judge these individuals solely on their character, which is based solely on their word. As it stands, I fail to see why humans have such high regard for these individuals, since they virtually have no moral character whatsoever. How can one truly have moral character if they are not their word?

I have discovered that it takes absolutely no intelligence or effort whatsoever to manufacture excuses for not keeping your word. In truth, most humans are shallow in character and their words dont often hold any intrinsic value. To most humans, their words are sounds that they produce in an effort to communicate with others. They seem to be more like tools of compliance than sounds of intention. What they say is not what they do. They are only words and nothing but words, so whats the big deal? It isnt like a crime was committed was it? It cant possibly be that important, can it? Yes!! It is that important. To be your word is not only important, it is critically imperative.

When not completing the circle of holding true to your word, youve just committed a crime against yourself and those of whom you gave it to. You have devalued your reliability, trashed your integrity and diminished your honor and character only for the fact that you did not do what you said that you were going to do. You were not your word and that is bad. Youve just expressed to the world that what comes out of your mouth is mostly noise. Dont expect respect and dont expect to be taken seriously after youve cried wolf once too many times. You damage who you are

Who Am I Now? every time you are not your word. You grow more distant from yourself and others, when you are not your word. You turn your life into one excuse after another by failing to maintain your integrity. That is why keeping and being your word is so important. If you tell someone something that you intend to do, it is your obligation and you must do it whether you want to or not. Your word is your commitment to yourself and to your essence. You are your word.

You can be reliable, punctual, dependable and accountable and still not be your word, if you do not do what you say to yourself and to others. Ten truths wont remove one lie. Saying you will do something and not taking the responsibility or initiative to keep your word is the same as lying. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. And to truly understand this, you must be your word.

It is understood that the one thing that is certain in life, is that things seldom work out exactly as we expect them to. Accidents happen and emergencies do come up, as that is an acknowledged part of life. But outside of that, everything else is an excuse for you belittling yourself as you try to compensate for your consistent ability to lie. If you want to be powerful, then be your word. It will change your life. Now that you have a fundamental understanding of what being your word means, we travel to the realm of accountability.


R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 4 The Perfection of Character

One of the most remarkable characteristics about my brain injury, is that is took place smack-dab in the middle of that part of my right frontal cortex which dictates my behavior. When my injury 1st. occurred, I was mad at everyone and the rest of the world all of the time. Nobody wanted to listen to me, let alone hear me out, and I could not understand why, it was so frustrating. Everyone regarded me as confrontational, yet to me, I was simply just asking questions, zealously anticipation their responses in an effort to bring closure to the subject at hand.

For the life of me, I was unable to understand why these people wouldnt listen to me. All of my friends turned away and within a matter of months, I found myself to be alone most of the time. I didnt care anything about the beliefs of others. I had no regard for their morals and values, nor did I care in the least what their personal belief systems were. Those types of human attributes werent even relevant to me, not to mention the fact that I was ignorant of what had been removed from my personality because if the damage to my brain. I would be there asking what I perceived to be regular questions. These humans systematically became more and more defensive as the conversation progressed. I did not realize it then, but what was taking place was something far more intriguing than what meets the eye. I was unaware that I had become almost completely uninhibited. I was living without the burden of hang-ups and complexes. All that I was interested in was the pure and simple truth.

Who Am I Now? In fact, it wasnt me at all that was the problem; it was all of these humans who had lived their entire lives professing to be something that they were not.

These humans were living a lie as if it was reality but it was their reality and to me was not true reality. Humans were not being truthful to me, and it was so obvious to me that I found it inconceivable that they could not be aware that they werent being truthful or even close to reasonable with me at all. What I was unaware of then, was that these people truly believed in what they were telling me, they had no clue why I was being such a problem to them, but only that I was a problem. Through his or her perception, everyone cant be wrong while I was the only one who was right. To them, it made absolutely no sense. What did make sense to them was their indisputable belief that I was wrong and they were right. Even though I was regarded as confrontational, I was never aggressive or violent with anyone. I was perceived as aggressive because my questions, observations and responses, compelled people to become defensive. Being hostile is not in my nature nor is it my intent to ever be that way. Unfortunately, my fearless pursuit for answers was misconstrued as aggressive or confrontational and it was extremely frustrating for me. Even my Drs and counselors seemed a bit too eager to bring my visits with them to an end. Everyone saw me as a terrible person, and I had no idea why, because in my minds eye, I was completely normal and good and truthful. I was unable to understand why everyone was so defensive and standoffish towards me all of the time.

I am uninhibited; I have no complexes that I am aware of. I do not have hang-ups and self-deprecating attributes. I am indifferent and unaffected to what other humans think of me. Their personal opinions of me are absent from my ability to care about what other people think about me. That can be very intimidating for humans, as it puts them at a great disadvantage. Although I am a great guy, have an awesome sense of

R. P. Sarvas humor, love life, doing good things, love nature, cause no harm, very friendly and am extremely honest, other humans seldom accept me. Nowadays, I just inform folks that if they really want to get to know me, they will have to first get to know themselves. If you do not really know yourself, how can you possible expect to ever be able to know me?

I am still sorting out many of these issues that I seem to initiate when communicating and befriending people. I am progressively becoming far more aware of human inferiority complexes and self-deprecation now, than I was a few years ago. I now try to be more tolerant towards it and understanding about their fears, still, it doesnt seem right for me to allow them to beat themselves up. I am trying though.

When I see a human, I become intrigued and compelled to unravel the mystery behind the entity. Who is this person? What do they perceive themselves to be in the world that they live in? Humans tend to wear their faces like masks in which they hide behind. It is such a feeble and meek disguise and so easy for me to see through it. If only I had shame, I might be able to understand why you hide so intently behind those faces that you wear. But I lost that due to the miracle of brain damage; so having shame and insecurities about myself would only be a nuisance and a complete waste of time.

I thought it relevant to disclose my perceptions to you so that you could better relate to where I am coming from in disclosing such things. It is important; as it is because of my lack of these attributes that I no longer possess (self-deprecation, ego, pride, shame, hang-ups and complexes) which in turn, enable me to see things in a very uncluttered way.


Who Am I Now? I have already disclosed that ones character is based upon their word. There is a necessary elaboration that needs to be made in this regard. A true and strong character is without the burdens of false labels, titles, and the names or exterior identities that you have attached to yourself, in an effort to define whom you are. Even if you keep all of your promises and never speak a verbal lie, your character, honor and integrity are still in jeopardy. This is because your character has no identity or labels attached to it. If you define your character by attaching a religion, race, culture, or any other title to it, you are then establishing your character on the premise of something that is exterior or superficial or apart from yourself. These attributes may express what you are in one sense or another, but they give no definitive explanation as to who you are. What you are and who you are two completely different things. Who you are can determine what you will become or are already, but what you are, is never who you are.

That said, your true character is determined by your word and by accepting the fact, that any attached labels that you have placed upon yourself, are more about your ego, than your true self. You may choose to attach any name or title that you wish upon yourself; it does not matter, because it has absolutely nothing to do with who you are once these titles of ego have been removed from that description of yourself.

As lost as we may feel or as smothered as our true identities may be, only by systematically removing these layers of false identities can we begin to understand who we are. Our character is defined by our word and our ability to be truthful to ourselves. We do this simply by expressing your heart and your mind without the added glorifications of added miscellaneous intangibles. You heart may compel you to be a doctor, but becoming a doctor after following your heart does not bring new definition to your true character. Your true character has not been transformed into a doctor. Being a doctor is an added attribute to your character. It is your

R. P. Sarvas will, and your drive to endure through years of study and self-discipline that allowed you to reach your goal. It is your commitment to yourself that defines your character, and not the end result of becoming a doctor that will define it.

This is only an example and the word doctor can be replaced with any other title that you wish to attach, however no attached label to your character is anything more than your egos exhibition that you alone are dissatisfied with your true self. Humans will go to extreme length to protect their egos and superficial honor. Apparently, a humans pride is more important than a humans life. Human history is written in the blood of human arrogance and false pride, along with the lust for recognition and stature. In truth, one humans dignity can never be above any others humans dignity. We are a race of humans and although we are all individuals and unique to ourselves, we are humanity before we are any exterior labels that we may desire to attach to ourselves.

As a species, the human race is in its infancy. The character of humanity is in chaos. The emotions of humanity are in chaos and without the fundamental acceptance within the species that we are all one, the resulting turmoil, despair, fear and contempt that humanity suffers daily will forever be passed on from one generation to the next. To make that change, humans must first embrace their differences. It is those very differences between all of humans that will inevitably evolve them into a peaceful, productive contribution that compliments their species.

We may perceive ourselves to be better than those who are different than us, yet the humans heart and desire to live without the oppressive attributes such as fear and contempt, will most likely be the one thing that will ultimately bring humans together as one people on one planet. Any

Who Am I Now? belief system that stagnates, segregates, or fails to procreate the species, is a false belief system and is inevitably destructive to the species.

The mastery of the human character is defined by your word and the complete surrender to ones understanding that we are all equal as humans. Regardless of anyones stature, class, race, culture, religious or political views, we are fundamentally the same. If humans were to banish all of their false identity labels, all that would remain is one human race on one planet Earth. Truth has no labels attached to it. The understanding of true character is ones ability to be satisfied with nothing more than being alive and a part of the rest of humanity. If we lie to ourselves claiming to be that which we are not, we have to then question our character. Being your word is extremely important, but being truthful about your identity is just as important. I have observed how humans exist throughout their daily lives filled with the hopes and desires in anticipation of some significant event will take place for them in their near future. Humans seem consumed by those big moments that have taken place, or will take place in their lives, however, in comparison to the millions of little things that occur around them throughout their daily lives, they progress throughout their day oblivious to the wonders around them.

Humans would much rather enjoy the anticipation of those single big moments that may or may never happen. Paydays, birthdays, holidays, the date of some traumatic event, winning the lottery, the list is endless, but it is not those big things which take place in our daily lives that have much importance at all, it is all of those little things that are so important to each and every one of us. Our lives consist mostly of all the little things that we seem to so effortlessly overlook. In fact, it is all the little things in life that make up about 99% of our lives. Consider this, would it not be better to take notice of those innumerable little things and develop a true appreciation for them, instead of living ones life in anticipation of those moments that only take may or may not take place once in a while? The

R. P. Sarvas next time you go somewhere or do something, take a serious look around at all of those little things that you never even noticed before. You will discover an entirely new world for your life to enjoy and grow on. Are not ones character also based upon ones ability to take notice and to appreciate and understand the world that they live in? How can one possibly expect to discover their true character if they are too busy living their lives in anticipation of everything outside of themselves? I personally prefer to work from the inside to the outside than to work from the outside in. By being content with whatever it is that I am, affords me the opportunity to enjoy and appreciate everything else that is around me.

The mastery of understanding your true identity and character involves nothing that you have done, no place that you have been, and no event that you have experienced whether it was negative or positive. When all exterior influences and labels have been omitted from you and you are true to yourself and to your word and to your humanity, you have most certainly begun to understand your true self, because what you are is a human, and everything outside of that is secondary to your true self.

Humans should consider trying to develop the capacity to not be the center of their world but instead to be centered within it. The world does not revolve around humans, for in the true scope of things, humans remain an insignificant presence in the universe. If we strive to be a part of it all instead of apart from it all, great changes could take place in the ways of how different types of humans will interact with each other and the world that they live in. It is nice to have a good sense of self-identity without the necessity of attached bloated labels; it is even nicer to have a sense of unity with the rest of humanity, in that wherever you travel in whatever land you are, you will always have a shared commonality or sense of family with your fellow humans. Inevitably, when it is all said and done, it is what all humanity strives for. The empowerment of your word to


Who Am I Now? the self and outside of the self is the fabric of who you are to yourself and those around you. Everything outside of that is an accessory.

For the puzzle to be complete, you must first have all of its pieces. As much as we may perceive ourselves to be as individuals, without the rest of humanity our lives would be a very empty place, What purpose or importance can any single piece of a puzzle be, if the rest of the puzzle is missing? I think about the universe and the vastness of existence. I visualize it in a physical sense and in a spiritual sense and revel in the fact that no matter how vastly huge any puzzle may be, it can never be complete without all of the pieces. That means that in some way or some form, we will forever exist. This is important as it gives and affords a perspective to humans whose egos are bigger than the universe in which they inhabit.

When all the layers of labels have been removed from any human, what is revealed is no more significant that anything else that exists. It diminishes us from nothing, but instead, it makes us a part of something that is beyond what our minds can conceive.

All humans require one type of identity or another, or else we would not be able to discern, associate or define one individual from another. That said, one has to keep in check his or her label count so that they can remain as true to themselves and their true character as possible.


R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 5 Who?..Me?

Most humans regard accountability as the rule of the self, but Im here to tell you that it is the rule of I, you, he, we, they, them and she. It is every humans duty to themselves and to all others to hold accountable all those who do not keep their word without good reason.

The next time someone says Ill call you at six, and then calls you the next day, let them know that they broke their word. Next time someone says they will do something and then they do not, remind them of what they said and let them know that they were not their word. Let them know that you were let down and how that made you disappointed in them, because saying that its okay or that it doesnt matter is simply another lie. If you lie to others or to yourself, you cannot be your word. Strive to be honest with yourself about your feelings and your heart. You will discover that many people wont like hearing this because they are trying to protect themselves and their egos, but be patient and kind, encourage your friends and peers to be their word. Be an example to yourself and you will become an example to others.

The ancient prophet Jesus Christ made an impression on mankind because he led his life by example. I have seen thousands of people who

Who Am I Now? call themselves Christians, but I have never met a Christian. Christ owned no wealth, no church, and whatever he had, he shared equally with those around him. He did not insult other religions nor did he not mistreat others the way he was often mistreated. He was always tenaciously his word Do not see the speck in your neighbors eye when you have a log in yours. Many did not like Christ as he called them on their not being their word and inevitably, it cost him his life. I rest my case.

The way that you become your word is to never make promises unless you absolutely intend to keep them. Promises are things that we tell others and what we tell ourselves, of that which we intend to do. Just because you did not say, I promise, is no excuse. It exonerates you from nothing. You are still dishonoring your word, and that is you. It is who and what defines you as an individual. It is who and what you are. Your word is your honor and it defines your character. Commit yourself to the words that you speak. If you falter, dont start making promises and excuses for yourself. Dont make promises that you cant keep. Dont make excuses for yourself as it makes things harder and more complicated for you. Just be vigilant because before you can walk, you must first learn to crawl. As humans, we must fall many times before we can stand on our own two feet. This philosophy will grow on you and in turn, you will grow as an individual. In a short time, you will begin to feel a new sense of empowerment and calmness within your inner strength. Youve just empowered yourself with your word and the world just became a little bit better. Pat yourself on the back, as you have just become a more powerful individual.


R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 6 Popping The Bubble

Have you ever wondered why we are here and what our function was intended to be? It really isnt that complicated. Each of us is here to be the best human being that we can be. Our mission on Earth is to be the best humans possible. Everything in nature does its job diligently almost to the point of perfection. But humans have huge egos and they believe that they are special. They can seldom get out of their own way.

Humans are indeed very special and significant. We are as important and special as every other living and non-living entity in the cosmos. We are as significant as the dust from the stars that we are made of. We are as unique as any random grain of sand on a beach, and we are as important and special as anything else that exists in our universe. Which is more important, the atoms and molecules that make us, or the combined interactions of them which create us? No puzzle can be complete unless you have all of the pieces of the puzzle, and each of us is just another piece of that puzzle. Without our atoms and molecules, we could not even exist.

Perhaps we are the universes trying to understand themselves. Once you have all of the pieces of the puzzle together, then you have

Who Am I Now? something that you may consider important or significant. But as special as we think that we are, we are really not that special at all.

I would think that many would find this discouraging or that it may imply hopelessness. It denies us of our pride and established identities. We all want our lives to mean something, for as humans, we aspire to be more than just the sum of our parts. It is often true that wanting something is a far greater pleasure than having something. It may not seem to make sense to you now, but often, it is very true. It is the downfall of desire and it is the bloated byproduct of false human pride. I say this only because once you have what you want; you will with all probability, soon want something else. There is seldom any real satisfaction in having what we often want, as our dissatisfaction will once again, compel us to want something else. The cycle is unending and often very destructive. Desire breeds contempt, contempt breeds envy, envy breeds jealousy, jealousy breeds suspicion, suspicion breeds doubt, doubt breeds insecurity, and insecurity breeds futility, which inevitably leads to distress, chaos and failure. The order of these events can vary in infinite ways but whenever we look back to how it all started, it always seems to end up with a human that was dissatisfied in some fashion or another. In short, be careful what you ask for, as you may end up with more than you had anticipated.

I find great comfort knowing that I am a participating part of something that is so ominous that it is incomprehensible. I find solace in knowing that my atoms might one day be fueling the life force of a star. Physics dictates that energy can never be destroyed. I believe the life force is energy and long after our cells and atoms decay, in some way, we will always be a part of something else. It is the unavoidable result of existence.


R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 7 For The Service of Man

I like picking on religions because although I have a deep love for God, as I understand that no religion on this planet has a clue about who or what God is. Perhaps God is where the human mind stops and the imagination begins. When humans cannot answer a question or cannot understand something, they use the God solution. The God solution is my way of defining how humans try to explain what they cannot understand. The God solution does not have to be proven and requires no evidence or any further explanations. It is a cop out because humans do not like to admit that there are some things that they will never be able to understand. So they use the term God to fill in the gaps of their lacking intellects.

I find that religions serve man but do not serve God. Folks around the world insist that their God is better than your God and more powerful too. Their God is the right God and if you dont believe in their God, then you are going to pay in one way or another. This is the mentality of most Earth religions. If it were not for fear, threat and intimidation, religions could not exist.


Who Am I Now? This is what I do know. If God does exist and if you truly do believe in God, then you must acknowledge the fact that God is omnipotent and has no limits. What does this mean? It means that God is not limited to one way, to one form, to one philosophy, to one son, to one name or one anything. I dont even think that most incarnations of God even resemble humans. There is only one thing that is bigger than God, and that is the human ego. Humans are so arrogant that they perceive themselves to have been created in Gods image. I wonder if other life forms both here and distant think or feel the same way?

If we were to take the sum of all of the knowledge from all philosophies and religions on planet Earth and combine them, they would amount to less than a drop of water from all of the combined oceans of Earth. Humans hold a grain of sands worth of knowledge when it comes to understanding God and that includes me.

Humans dont know anything except that humans want their lives to mean something. All religions on planet Earth for the most part, are there to prepare you for one thing, death. Whether you are prepared or not, you will die, this is certain. In the Old Testament, it is said that God does not judge us by our deeds or actions but by our hearts. Even though I do not like the Bible because it is extremely destructive, I believe that it is one of the most accurate things that it has to say.

Through my eyes, more death and destruction of life, civilizations, and knowledge has been lost as a result of these self-serving religions. God is great, but religions are destructive excuses for humans to do terrible things. Many religions have turned humans into nothing more than parasites upon their planet. And the most ridiculous part of it is that


R. P. Sarvas outside of perhaps some aspects of Buddhism and certain sects of Hinduism, one religion seems just as destructive as the other.

Humans wrote every religion on Earth. We manufacture the term Prophet to authenticate their words, but there are no words on planet Earth that are in Gods handwriting. None can be found that we have to show the world today.

Humans possess impressive imaginations; they have the ability to make quite an impression on themselves. Humans can imagine and convince themselves to believe just about anything that they want to. They can believe themselves to be as special that they want themselves to believe. Many throughout the planet today, perceive themselves to be messengers of God. This permeates every religious faction on the planet. There are hundreds of documented cases of tourists that have visited Jerusalem and other holy cities, where upon their visitations to these holy sites, they began to believe that they had been blessed and empowered through some divine intervention to personally carry out Gods work. There is even a name for this condition, as it is called Jerusalem Syndrome, and it has affected many varieties of religious believers. Some thought that John the Baptist had possessed them, or had become a newly created prophet for God while others believed themselves to be the second coming of Christ. Others simply thought themselves to be prophets blessed with a message from God. Many of these individuals wrote down their own prophecies but counselors and psychiatrists inevitably treated most of them. Their literary works were disregarded, and they returned later to their deflated and regular lives.

We may smirk, scoff or laugh at these individuals, however no one can say that this phenomenon has only affected humans in modern time. In

Who Am I Now? fact, this phenomenon has been taking place for many thousands of years. It stands to reason that many such texts in the Bible or Torah were written by the exact same types of individuals that we today refer to as suffering from some mental psychosis. The only difference being is that they most likely didnt have psychiatrists thousands of years ago, so people displaying such behavior and dispatching such prophecies would have either been considered prophets of God, or possessed. In an effort to keep their scriptures valid, religious leaders have denounced any modern day prophets, because it would affect the exclusiveness and authenticity of many of those delusional individuals, who had created these texts in the first place.

Any Biblical professor will tell you that God gave us these words through man, through the process of divine intervention, or that God spoke through these prophets. It is a very convenient way of giving credibility where perhaps none existed in the first place. I am not saying that it isnt possible, Im just saying that there is little difference between the behaviors of those prophets of old and these prophets of new. There are thousands of religious fanatics in hundreds of countries throughout the planet. What makes their words any less valid today, than those that are presently published in these various religious texts?

I saw some people holding up signs the other day at the mall. Repent, for the end of the world is upon us The rapture is today, God is coming. This event was on the 21st of May 2011 and it just goes to show you how ridiculously backwards and superstitious that humans still are today. Im still wondering if that guy holding up that sign had a back-up plan. I cant even begin to count how many times it was supposed to be the end of the world. Is it at all possible that this entire religious thing could be nothing more than a complete human fabrication? I not only believe that it is possible, but I deeply believe that it is far more likely than not, that most of these religious prophecies are simply just good fiction.

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When you take written history and mix it with myth, human psychosis, fiction, and superstition, you end up with a religious text that inevitably has to serve a very precarious purpose. I dont understand why any smart human would give so much credibility to such questionable texts. Are they that afraid of their own mortality? Are they that ungrateful for the life that they now have? Or are they just so greedy and dissatisfied that they demand and desire more than just their life? Humans are afraid of death. Humans want more than ones only given single life. Humans are ungrateful for that single gift of life, which God gave to them, and they want more. Humans dont want to die; they want to live forever next to God and that is the promise that every Earth religion claims to offer to its followers. But eternity is an astoundingly long time and I dont want to be next to anybody that long, not even God. Its actually very scary and intimidating to me as I think about it. Every human religion we have is more inclined to be about the preparation for death than the quality of life.

Humans seem compelled to comply with the teachings of these religious texts under the pretense of fear, damnation, torture, eternal suffering, agony, burning, being gnashed by teeth, terror, demonic assaults, threats and the list goes on. Humans are terrified only for the fact that these religious belief systems have been introduced into their various cultures as undisputable truth, and yet, there is little to no basis in fact for any of them.

Western religions seem to be mostly about human ego and have little to do at all with God. Religion impresses control and a biased rule of law in an effort to profit and subdue the masses. It is religion that is responsible for more deaths, genocide, murder, ruthless destruction, and evil that has taken place on planet Earth, than any other thing that humans have created. History dictates that religions have enforced the control of their

Who Am I Now? oppressive belief systems upon their populations, as they destroyed ancient knowledge while partaking in the annihilation of complete civilizations in the name of their God. Yet in truth, it was for the acquisition of human wealth, power, control, and little else.

I have noticed that when humans pray to their God, all of their prayers sound exactly the same. Here is an example of a typical human prayer.

Dear God; Give me give me give me give me and can I please have this and that and help me this and that and give me give me give me.

The next type of human prayer goes something like this

Oh God, you are so awesome and great and cool and generous and giving and you are just the most. And God, you are so magnificent and golly gee whiz, you are just super duper. And by the way, can you give me give me give me and help me this and that.

This is the typical format that these religions thrive on. I have to ask myself if you truly believe that you are serving God? God does not need Paparazzi.

When I get up in the morning, my single prayer goes something like this.


R. P. Sarvas Hey there! Hows it going? Is there anything I can do for you today? If there is, just let me know. Thanks for being there, bye.

I dont believe that God is insecure and I dont believe that God just wants us to tell him how great he is every day over and over again. I believe that he is well aware of who he or she is and does not suffer from an inferiority complex or is insecure to the point that makes him demand our constant admiration. I do not believe that God is vindictive or petty and I do not believe that God is so cruel that God would make any soul suffer for an eternity based on the mistakes of one short lifetime. These are things that humans do to each other, not God. I find religion gives God human pettiness and it is wrong to do this and very disrespectful.

If God really does exist, let us not bring him or her down to our level as to accommodate our own selfish needs, desires, and insecurities, but instead, lets just try being the best human beings that we can be. By doing so, we will truly be serving God, and not some human agenda.


Who Am I Now?

CHAPTER 8 How to be a good human

How to be a good human is actually a lot easier than you may have ever thought. It is based on three words Cause No Harm. What a great philosophy, but what exactly does cause no harm, mean? It means that you try to live your live by not performing destructive acts upon yourself or to any other people or life forms. It implies that you should be causing no harm to your planet. That is what causing no harm means. It dictates that you dont kill maim or destroy just because you dont like something. It means respecting even that which does not necessarily deserve your respect. This does not mean that you must respect that which is destructive. It just means that you do not do anything that will inadvertently cause you to bring harm to yourself or to anything that exists outside of yourself. By harm, I mean anything that is either physical harm or damage or social and psychological harm. It also implies the harming of ones integrity or honor. Emotional harm can be very destructive as well. I have no issues telling someone that something that they did or do is harmful or destructive. That is not causing them harm, but instead, it is educating them, as a result, that makes them a better person. Sometimes, feelings can get hurt, however if you practice a little diplomacy, you will be amazed at what you can say to people without causing others harm.


R. P. Sarvas People who litter are doing the same thing as spitting on their mothers faces. Earth is your home and if you do not respect her, how can you possibly respect anything else. The human species are masters of exploitation. Humans are a selfish and greedy self-serving entity. Even thought they claim to be good people and think themselves as being constructive, their deeds and acts dictate the complete self-serving opposite. Humans have exploited every possible thing that one could imagine and the intent is always selfish and self-serving.

We have exploited everything that we could make a profit on to the extent of becoming a doomed race. Our oceans are poisoned Earth has been raped of countless life forms. Our forests, deserts, skies and lands suffer greatly due to the extent of damage caused by human exploitation. 90% of all humans on planet Earth are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Humans place themselves above all things and this is the single most tragic crime that is taking place on planet Earth. This is the fault of religion and cultures that empower mankind to be above all other species, thus granting humans the destructive authority to kill and destroy, as if it were some sort of perverted human right that was given to them by God. To date, this has been the ultimate destructive expression of the human ego and false human pride on the planet today.

Humans commit to slavery, murder, crime, and self-destruction on a daily basis. The masses of humans on planet Earth have rendered themselves powerless because nobody feels like what they do will make a difference, yet their very own history dictates that the greatest changes ever made for their species, were usually the resulting actions of one single individual. No one is powerless, but everyone is complacent.


Who Am I Now? The atomic bomb works because one atom changes at a time and the result is ominous and is called nuclear fission. Humans can also empower themselves to accumulatively cause great change in their world. Human fission can be every bit as powerful as nuclear fission, the most notable difference between the two is that nuclear fission can be extremely destructive and human fission is complacently non-existent. Humans today are afraid because they are conditioned by their cultures religions and societies to be impotent. They perceive that if everyone else is doing it, that it must be okay, however, this is an illusion. Cultures are human cages, societies are human slavery and governments are what humans create as an excuse to become complacent. We have given away our morality and sense of goodness to elected officials who have absolutely no regard for anything except exploiting their own positions of power.


R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 9 The Dilemmas of Misinformation

I read the human newspapers and they are the same stories with different names and places but the stories are always fundamentally the same. Year after year and decade after decade it is the exact same thing. I watch the news on television and there again they always talk about the same things with again different names and places. They are the perfect example of human vampires or a succubus; they thrive on the exploitation of the sufferings of others. The news medias believe that people want to hear only the problems, yet they afford the public little solutions. Many may consider their input and opinions as an informative service, but their very own human nature compels them to serve a very specific agenda based on exploitation, self-recognition, and the inflammation of their own egos.

Most newscasters on planet Earth have become conditioned and systematically programmed to serve their ratings. Accuracy and truth have little use to such organizations. They are the apexes of biasness. They have absolutely no regard for the consequences that they manifest, as that has little to do with their ratings. They incessantly feed the fire and there is no water in visible range to be found. The news media be it television, newspapers, or radio always seem compelled to tell their

Who Am I Now? stories in partial truths and half lies that serve their own agenda. Even though there are two sides to every story, we only get to hear the one that they want you to hear or that serves them best. They have little regard for the consequences that many suffer as a result of their exploitation for recognition. The destruction they cause is meaningless to them, for to them, it is nothing more than fuel for the fire. News agencies and shows are the propaganda machines that governments use to mislead the public into believing only one perspective that usually only serves those who are pious or in positions of power. Just because they tell you something does not make it reality. I have listened to different news services throughout the planet and for some precarious reason; their truths seem to differ from ours. Are we so arrogantly conceited and brainwashed that only our news casters are the ones telling the truth, while the rest of the planet is out there spewing their lies? It is not only statistically unlikely, but it is statistically extremely improbable. . I am here to tell you, that if you have not yet figured it out for yourself, aside from superficial cultural, religious and ethnic differences, people everywhere are fundamentally the same. Their hearts and their desires are not unlike those of you and me. We are told to protect this illusion and that what we are, is uniquely different than those other races, religions and cultures. We are conned and manipulated into believing that we are better than those foreign people are. We are misinformed and misled into thinking that Americans are better than other nationalities. That is a lie and no man regardless of what that man believes in, or where that man is from is better than any other man anywhere else on planet Earth. So climb off of your thrones and try to join the rest of us in humanity please.

I want to encourage each and every individual to question everything and to not believe the media without great scrutiny, or to not readily believe what you hear, read and see on the news as always fact. Many teachers in our schools have sacrificed morality in order to serve some

R. P. Sarvas other personal agenda. Humans have an obligation to themselves to question everything. People need to not believe things unless they are proven as fact. Governments, cultures and religious leaders have decided what you are going to read and what you are going to listen to or watch on television news. Trust is not something that is to be given freely, but trust is something that is to be earned. The human news media can definitely not be trusted, as it serves an unknown personal agenda. Watching the news is like watching reruns on TV. It virtually displays the same crap on any given day.

Lawyers have hijacked our courts as they thrive from the misery of others. Bankers have hijacked our planet. They would sell their souls if they could attach interest to it. Each of these exploitation masters gives no regard towards destroying our precious planet Earth. Law is about Mr. Green ($) and unless your Mr. Green has invested in the lawyers and courts, there is no blind justice. The legal system is designed to exploit all of your resources and victims of crimes are an unimportant part of American law. Criminals, on the other hand employ lawyers, clerks judges and support the justice for profit machine. Our legal system is not about justice, it is about getting as much of your money as possible. Justice in America is a business and nothing more. It has very little to do with law and even less to do with justice.

Bankers now control our government. Our elected officials are powerless against them and eagerly serve them for the acquisition of their own personal wealth and power. Our elected leaders do only what the bankers want them to do or allow them to do. Politicians comply because they fear losing their wealth and power. Almost every elected official in the White House today is representing the personal interests of one banker or other financial or corporate institution. Americas policy seems to be one where we take off to different countries to create wars in an effort for bankers to accumulate those countries natural resources. That is

Who Am I Now? called the New World Order. It is exploitation at its finest as these greedy power hungry humans, race for control over power and wealth. This is the result of your complacency; do not blame them for doing what you allowed them to do. A wolf is always driven to be a wolf. A shark is always driven to be a shark. A snake is always driven do be a snake and as such, certain types of humans are always driven towards power and destruction as they are fueled by their greed and thirst for acquisition. Why would you expect anything less of them. A thing is what it is.


R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 10 What Happened To Us?

Morality in our world has been replaced with the exploitation for profit and sex. Human morality has been reduced to an impractical and inconvenient concept and this is the direct result of our corrupted media and liberal idealism. I watch human children on television on these socalled family shows or programs that are fundamentally all about sex. Apparently, there is no longer an acceptable age when children should be exposed to the world of sex. Sex has become the obsession of youth and everyone thinks that this is acceptable because television says that it is ok. Now, our children are coming to school pregnant in junior high school and everyone is supposed to accept this as normal human behavior. The reason behind this is solely the fault of the media and Hollywood trying to create justification for their own acts of perversion.

Exploitation is synonymous with self-destruction and deprives humans from causing no harm. Exploitation for wealth seldom affords any solutions that manifest good for the masses. This is probably one of the primary reasons why our wonderful planet Earth is in the turmoil that it is in today.


Who Am I Now?

Being a good human means that you care enough about your world to be an example to others and to set this precedence for yourself and those around you. It is apparent that most humans suffer from the affliction of complacency and corruption. Turning the other cheek affords no solutions and praying to God is not going to make these problems disappear. I am looking at my world and through my eyes it is a complete disaster. Humans would prefer to not get involved and live in the shadows than to take the initiative to start making changes in them and with those around them. Everyone seems so wrapped up in his or her own little world that human fission is going to be extremely difficult to accomplish. Humans need to start following their hearts instead of their advisors.

Doing nothing does not constitute a cause no harm philosophy. If you see a bus heading for a man in the street and say nothing, your lack of participation becomes to direct result of causing a harmful event. However, if you inform the man that he is about to meet with a tragic demise and as a result, he moves out of the buses path, you have made a difference and as a result, you have caused no harm.

Humans can behave like filthy little parasitic creatures that possess the worst of most animal characteristics. They can be the most self-serving and self-destructive entities on the planet today. At the very same time, humans are the most wondrous and magical of all creatures on planet Earth. Humans have caused more destruction on planet Earth than and other species before them. Humans have the capacity to change the world into a wonderful place, but they lack is the desire and motivation to do so. We have become an infection to the very planet that gave us life. If we made the choice, we could just as easily become the cure. I have faith in humanity, but I have little faith in what we have become and are progressively becoming. Humans have evolved into an abomination and I

R. P. Sarvas am ashamed to be a part of your species. Nevertheless, I will make an effort to open your eyes and wake you up to the world that you not only live in, but have created as well.

To cause no harm, you must first develop a capacity to care for more than just yourself. To be the best human being that you can be, you must strive to cause no harm, to be your word, and to hold accountable those who do not. When a human can respect a leaf on a tree or an ant climbing upon a blade of grass, that is the beginning of making a change in our world. When a human no longer believes that he is special or better than other living things, then there will be many positive changes taking place in our world. When humans begin to concern themselves with the unnecessary deaths of other species that they share their planet with, Earth will become a better home for all of us.

A selfless human is the best of all creatures. An open-minded human who acknowledges his or her own lack of understanding is a promising human because he is blessed with the capacity to grow. A human who questions everything for the purpose of seeking out the truth is indeed an honorable human. A human that holds a deep respect for all living things, and does not place him or herself above any other living thing, is a human with a good heart and a kind soul.

Humans are blessed with the gift of choice. Everything that we do is based upon the choices that we make each and every day of our lives. If we are sad, we need only choose to be happy and the human can make it so. If we are selfish, we can choose to be selfless or generous, and if we are upset, we can choose to be calm. We are so fortunate to have such a powerful aspect imbedded into our fabric of humanity. We have the power to change the world simply by making the choice to perceive things

Who Am I Now? differently. That, in its purest simplicity, makes us very powerful creatures. Every aspect of every action that you take on a daily basis is a choice that you alone make. How you think about other people, how you feel about the innumerous variations of human behavior is always your choice. Today, we can be upset, or angry, or frustrated or anything else that we choose to be, because it is our prerogative to choose to be as such. Likewise, it is also our choice to be hopeful, loving, encouraging, giving, helpful and compassionate. Every aspect of our being is ruled by the choices that we choose make.

To empower ones self with this gift and ability, you must first be your word. By controlling the tongue, all other senses become controllable. By empowering ones self with true character and honor, we empower ourselves to make those choices which will inevitably empower us to accomplish the magic of human fission. Each and every one of us is given the choice to make things better or worse for ourselves. But inevitably, the final choice always rests in that individuals own hands.

When I look upon my planet home, I try to look for the good in all things and places. I try to imagine the possibilities for good where sometimes, none exists. You may ask yourself why, and I will tell you that I do not believe in futility. By my perception, making something out of nothing is not only plausible but it is possible as well. For even nothing, is something in itself, thus even if no visible changes can be made outside of myself, changes do taking place within me and dictate to me, that I can truly make something out of nothing.

When someone asks you a question, your mind processes through several possible responses and then selects the best option. When I am

R. P. Sarvas asked a question, thousands of answers bombard me simultaneously. I have to take a substantial amount of time and effort as I sit trying to sort through all of the data. I have no clue where all of the information is coming from, but it is always a bit overwhelming.

My cup is always empty and each new day fills it to that point where it is empty once more.

The most useless people that I have ever met always seemed to be the most educated. What is the point of amassing so much information if you do not possess the common sense and wisdom to know how and when to use it? What good is a lawyer if he cant defend the innocent? How useful is an accountant if there is no money to be counted? How is the President of the United States going to be of any use if no one will listen to him? And what possible good can a president be, if he wont listen to his people? How practical is it to support a dysfunctional government? What is the point of having a justice system, when there is no justice to be found? How big must a government be before it is big enough? How many people must die so that others can thrive? What will humans do when their limited resources finally run out? Kill each other for just a little bit more? Humans are no longer in touch with their home planet and have replaced their ability to survive with the ability to comply. Take away the job and the city, remove the department stores and grocery stores, take away the cars and electronics and what you have left are billions of useless humans that are very educated and extremely useless. This is the world that we live in today. It is complacency at its best.

One of the best lessons that I ever learned was how not to put all of my eggs into one basket. Humans are unprepared and have rendered themselves completely dependent upon those that they scoff at should a

Who Am I Now? crisis ever occur on planet Earth. If you are an electrical engineer and there is no electricity, what will you do? If you are a banker but money isnt worth the paper it is printed on, what is your worth? As I look upon the humans of planet Earth, I have much concern, should something happen that changes our world. Will humans work together to resolve their dilemma or will they tear at each others throats in an effort to cling to their lives? The acquisition of wealth and power has corrupted human society in all corners of the world. Whenever there is a catastrophe, we turn to others with the expectation of help. Yet we are living in this catastrophe right now and humans prefer to deny reality than to open window, look outside, and observe what is taking place in the world that they live in today.

I have to wonder if humanity will ever be able to set aside its petty differences. We fight over borders yet we live on one planet. We mark our borders like dogs pissing in circles. We separate our countries our races and our cultures in an effort to cling to ancient beliefs and values that serve little to the species as a whole. Some may consider this the honorable thing to do, but human evolution will never achieve its potential until all races blend into one. One day, far in the future, perhaps ten thousand years from now, inter-racial mating amongst humans will create a human with all of the genetic information of his predecessors. Perhaps this human will only have one race and that would be the human race, for ethnicity will no longer be relevant. That human will be the compilation of every culture and race that preceded him. All of his or hers physical, immunology, etc will be much more diverse than humans that exist today. It is not logical to think of it any other way, because this expresses the ultimate evolution of man. To segregate and isolate one kind of human from another denies us the benefits of personal growth. It creates destructiveness and not constructiveness.


R. P. Sarvas Perhaps one day, there will be no borders and perhaps one day, people will work together for the betterment of humanity and Planet Earth. And even perhaps one day, humans will combine their resources and knowledge and express themselves throughout the universe. However today, our world is suffering a critical identity crisis and the population of Earth seems intent on each of its individuals thinking only for and about their selves. Humanity is on the verge of collapse because humans are losing their capacity to get past their own egos and false identities. The human population of planet Earth speaks loudly against wars. People of Earth cannot understand why there is so much violence and destruction on their home world. They seem so bewildered and confused. Yet, for the answer, you need not look any further than yourself.

This is such a mundane topic because you fight with your siblings, you fight with your friends, you fight with your neighbors and you fight because the car in front of you is not driving to your expectations. Humans quibble about their Gods and cultures, their races and moral values without resolve. As a species, humans are so backwards that they cant even get along with themselves. How can they possibly ever expect to get along with the rest of the world? Instead of humans embracing their differences, they scoff, belittle and deny them. Humans tend to isolate themselves, as they create shallow excuses such as their religious, or cultural upbringings are much too special to be corrupted with those of outsiders.

Do you really believe that we cant have wars when everyday of your life; you spend some of your moments despising this human for this reason and that human because of that reason? Every human races, religion and culture on planet Earth thinks that they are superior to anothers religions, races, or cultures. In one way or another human existence is as mature as a bean sprout. We have achieved great leaps in progress and technology. We have achieved nothing in making our Earth one world with one people who work together for the good of all. As

Who Am I Now? a race of humans, we instead, choose to work for the good of the self and our own self-interests, which will inevitably prove to be our downfall.

Our forefathers in America had this vision. They had a vision where all men were equal and there was no longer oppression and racism, they envisioned a world without bigotry. Where humans decided on their own futures based on good moral values. What happened to us? How did we stray so far away from that dream? If you would like the answer to that, you need look no further than a mirror because each and everyone of us is at fault for being selfish and thinking only about ourselves. Only we can be held accountable.

Everything we do in our lives is based on the choices that we make. Complacency in Earths human population has burned a diamond back into a lump of coal. We are no better off today than we were a thousand years ago. We live our lives under the illusion that everything that is going on is somebody elses problem, but you are wrong. It is a human problem and it is every humans responsibility and obligation to help resolve it and put an end to the human madness that is taking place on Earth today. We may not be able to change the entire human population of Earth, but we can make a change within ourselves and become more than just the sum of our parts. If you dont like the way something tastes, just eat something else. If you are dissatisfied with someone or something that is taking place in your life, take the initiative to make a change. If you are complacent and take no action, but instead just complain, nothing will ever get resolved.

We can make the world a better place by changing what it is that we place our values on. In one thousand years, we will all be dust and none of this is going to mean very much. Even if we had a nuclear war, Mother

R. P. Sarvas Earth will be around and life will continue long after we are gone. Dwelling on incidents of the past inclines one to repeat the same mistakes. If you want to see humans thinking differently, then start by making yourself an example to others.

Throughout planet Earths history, oceans have come and gone, mountains have touched the sky and then disappeared. The wind has relentlessly changed the surface of the Earth. It is the same with all of the elements of earth, wind, fire and water, for they have all molded our world one pebble at a time, one breeze at a time, one volcano at a time, on drop of water at a time. We can learn from this and as a species to grow to become a planet where people are not representative of the countries that they come from, but instead, they are representative of the planet that they reside on. Individuality is in our heart and souls. Outside of that, we are all one

We all share our Mother Earth and she has plenty of room for all of us. Is that so difficult to understand? Consider how much more powerful and productive we would be if all humans worked together instead of competing against each other. We would be traveling to the stars if mankind were one. There would be no more hunger nor want or need. Any mathematician will tell you that there is great strength in numbers. But the common human individual is incapable of seeing beyond ones own meager existence.

Everyone says look at what I have accomplished. I want to hear what we have accomplished instead. Humans on Planet Earth consider such thoughts idealistic. They believe these ideals to be unreachable. We cant even work together in harmony with our neighbors and coworkers, how could this ever be accomplished? The answer is not really that

Who Am I Now? complex. We as humans all have one thing in common. We all want to live in a world where we dont have to be paranoid and worry every single day of our lives. The best way to rid yourself of an enemy is to make him your friend.

All of planet Earths power structure is held by a handful of individuals. Why is that? Religion has destroyed much of planet Earth. Power hungry parasitical politicians, lawyers and bankers as well as religious leaders work to consistently destroy humanity for wealth and acquisition. Religious fanatics believe that God wants us to kill each other. Yet none of their words truly come from God. They come from these so-called human pharaohs and prophets, sages and saints; they come from kings and popes, but not from God. They are human beings who used their perception of the creator to control the masses and commit terrible crimes against their own species.

If God wanted us to be destroyed, we would be destroyed. Most people posing as religious authorities have absolutely nothing to do with God. Any human claiming that they know what God wants is a liar a fraud and a weasel. In truth, we cannot even prove that God exists; yet every action that these false religions take is in his name. Stupid, gullible, mindless humans just follow blindly without question thinking that their destructive acts are what God wants, but they are all fools and puppets that lack the capacity to think things through for themselves. As a result, they blindly follow these self-proclaimed religious imbeciles and justify their slaughter of countless innocent lives in the name of their God. After

R. P. Sarvas thousands of years of social evolution, humans seem to be little better off today, than they were 10,000 years ago.

I feel bad for sages such as Jesus. If they knew what legacy they had left behind, they would be rolling in their graves. No human on Earth has a clue what God wants yet everyone seems to be an authority. I may be a human by definition, but I have to say that most of my human predecessors have been nothing more than an embarrassment to me. People to this day are murdering each other over the semantics of religious philosophy as well as their cultural and racial differences. In all truth, not one word of any scripture on Planet Earth is or was ever written by God. Humans have taken religion and twisted it into an abomination upon humanity.

Through my eyes, any organized religion should be outlawed. Anyone should be allowed to believe in their God, but no one should be allowed to shove their religious beliefs down the throats of others. Religion serves man because God never benefits from any of them. Humans dont even know if what they are worshiping is a life form from some other planet, or an old fireside story of fiction. Humans have worshiped the moon, and the Sun, and animals and old trees, mountaintops, and human leaders such as kings and Pharaohs. History clearly shows that humans will worship about anything they cant explain, or anyone that is convincing enough, if given the opportunity. This is most probably because humans on planet Earth are mindless to say the least. They empower these religious people with godly respect and admiration and before you know it, theres another human who now thinks hes God. Or to say the least who believe themselves to be Gods representative.


Who Am I Now? There are trillions of planets containing millions of life forms throughout the cosmos. To think that we are special and alone is simply ignorant. Of all of these worlds, Humans honestly believe that God just so happened to make us in his image. But if God is unlimited, then so are his images, thus, God could also look like a monkey or an elephant, perhaps a ball of light energy, no one really knows. Human egos are the most laughable thing in the universe because humans believe that the universe revolves around them and that they are special. They think that this gives them the right to go out and kill anything because their God said that they were in charge, so they do it in his name. Isnt that just so convenient? The Bible claims that we are the caretakers of all the other creatures on Earth. Doesnt it almost makes one want to run out and open a slaughter house so that one might profit from the deaths of countless animals, after all, the Bible says its ok.

If God is truly everywhere and resides within the life force within us, then we need to start praying to ourselves because from what I can see that is going throughout your temples and churches, your God just isnt doing the job. Personally, I think that the pope is just another human on an ego trip. I think that Judaism is a dead religion based on fireside stories mixed with a dab of psychosis. How can anybody get lost in a desert for 40 years? You could have walked around the planet 5 times. What type of religion promotes and justifies incest and slavery? Have you ever even read the Bible? It is absolutely horribly ridiculous. Followers of Jesus Christ became bloodthirsty warmongers that had murdered more innocents than most other belief systems. They worship the blood of their master because to them, it is perceived as redemption, but worshiping blood is still blood worship regardless how we try to glorify it.

Christians, Jews and Muslims have an ultimatum for everything. They spread their religion throughout the planet calling it Gods work but it is full of threats, prejudice, vengeance and hate. These are human attributes,

R. P. Sarvas yet these religious philosophies profess these to be the inherent characteristics of Gods will. Christians dont celebrate the life of their master. They revel in his death. The Bible says that God gave us his only begotten Son (John 3.16) to humanity as his sacrificial lamb. But this is what John said, not Jesus. Matthew, Luke or Mark, how come? It always boils down to the personal and private interpretations of man. If it were not so, the four books of the New Testament would consistently be carrying the same phrases within them, but they do not.

If you feel offended and defensive and want to really know about Christianity, learn about the Christian Inquisitions and of the Creation of the Bible by the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Reality is a cruel mistress indeed. The Muslims follow the Quran, passed to them through the angel Gabriel, around 610 CE, then from God to Muhammad over a 23-year period. Although it is considered one of the finest pieces of literature in the Arabic world, the history that precedes its creation existed only after 8 long years of bloodshed, which finally brought forth the unity to Islam. The Quran, although a great philosophy of peace, spawned its own sects of fanaticism amongst its followers creating great conflict and turmoil within its ranks. Perhaps Islam today is as Christianity was between 1100 and 1600 AD.

Judaism, for the most part can be traced all the way back to the Samarian civilization, where Old Testament scripture was discovered on Sumerian stone tablets. These are the followers of Abraham whose legacy is also built upon murder and genocide, as these people were the first terrorists who invaded opposing villages murdering men women and children on their way to the Promised Land killing everyone that stood between them and their destination in the name of God. Jews have gone out of their way as a whole to isolate themselves from other humans as a collective while exercising exploitation for profit, as their badge of honor. Judaisms secularity is a practice that has diminished little since the days

Who Am I Now? of Christ. This group of religious followers will exploit anything for profit and its religious leaders, if sober, from my observations, exploit every facet of human existence. They consider themselves Gods chosen people and death has become anyone who has stood in their way. Most human civilizations have scattered their tribes throughout the globe because of their incessant desire for greed, power, and exploitation. These individuals are no better than those of whom they despise so much. Combined, you have three of Earths major religions and one cannot stand the other because apparently, their philosophies taught them nothing about being a good human and respecting the personal beliefs of others.

What I am disclosing is that humanity helping humanity without any expectations or ties attached to it is Gods work. All of these religions fundamentally teach this, although none of them seem to practice it. This renders them as false philosophies that have little to do with tolerance, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion and understanding in their most basic and fundamental respects, as all of them prejudice the other which does little to serve man and even less to serve God.


R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 11 The Analogy of Religion

Hello, I am religion. Please excuse me, as I have to go on a witch-hunt, while I do some serious finger pointing. Damn those heretics and heathens! They will go to hell and burn in damnation. I will force them or kill them, but they will comply and bow before my God and sing in His glory. I am required to give you ultimatums and threats so that you may understand how wonderful I am because I am religion and this is what I do. I have a name for everything and everyone that does not represent me. I am the destructive force that instigates wars, famine and destruction. I am the crime of humanity, because of the atrocities that my followers have committed in the name of my God. I am religion, and my behavior has been an inexcusable blemish on humanity. I am religion and I serve for the control and profit of man. I am religion and I am the fear and fire of destruction I am religion, the bringer of nightmares and fear in your hearts. I am religion and I display to you, the pettiness of God and his human attributes. I am religion, the giver of empty promises of peace and salvation, and the giver of prejudice and contempt. I am religion, my mask conceals me throughout my labyrinth of false hopes and half-truths for I am the controller of man and any who refuse to bow before me shall be destroyed. For I am religion and you will believe in me or suffer great consequence.

Who Am I Now?

I think that religions use threat and fear to scare people into compliancy. Hindus dont place limits on God, which makes them tolerant to all other belief systems and the Buddhist I love because they dont place any claims on Gods identity, for even Buddha himself after his lifetime came to an end acknowledged that true peace and harmony lie within. Biblical religions are definitely destructive but no matter what religion you follow, there is always a human at the top who is telling you just exactly how you are supposed to behave before God, as if he had recently been instructed in person.

It is for these reasons mentioned above, that I do not have faith in any religions. I am more than willing to go to hell if my crime is making God out to be a whole lot more than Earthly religions make him out to be. Personally, I believe that if there is a devil, he must surely work for God and not against him. It makes no sense that one of Gods creations could ever think that he could overcome his creator. Besides, if Satan was so powerful, how come he cant get the hell out of Hell? Since God is everywhere, His nature would carry all of his aspects of light and darkness, for without darkness, there can be no light. For God to be complete, He must be both yin and yang and then some. The life force is the radiance of Gods energy. The beliefs of humans are exactly and only that, the beliefs of humans, and nothing more.

Still the question remains to be asked, being, did man create God or did God create man. I do not know the answer to this question and there are many compelling arguments for each perspective. I ask myself how did everything come from nothing? Is not nothing, something in its self? Human brains are not evolved enough to answer such questions. The more we learn, the more we realize what we dont know. The entire planets human population seems to be consumed in an effort for self57

R. P. Sarvas realization and the fulfillment of recent and ancient prophecies. We control our fate and the Universe controls destiny. Humans have murdered and killed ruthlessly, committing unspeakable atrocities upon them and all other life forms that we share our planet with in the name of their God. Is this what you truly believe that God wants? Humans have murdered entire cultures and civilizations in the name of their God. We have caused the extinction of countless species as the history of man is written in his own blood.

Christians worship the blood of their master. Some Muslims murder those who differ in their beliefs in the name of their God just exactly as the Christians did and perhaps still do. Jews believe that they are special and chosen as Gods people. They would slaughter their own children, as Abraham was about to do just to make their point. All of these religions serve and exploit mankind. Their followers have lost their capacity to think for themselves, as they are brainwashed, unimaginative and complacent to the point that they have lost their ability for logic and reason.

Virtually every disaster in the Torah, Quran and Bible etc., are the fault of God, because back then; there was little understanding of the science that is behind the power of nature. Hindus have an extremely colorful perspective contained within the Vedas, but what humans cannot explain or understand, the God Equation is used to fill in all of the gaps. As evolved and brilliant as humans perceive themselves to be, their minds are equally saturated in the belief systems of darkness, myth and superstition. Half of me believe in an all-knowing entity that oversees it all. The other half of me believes that there are scientific laws that govern all actions that take place in the Universe. Even where physics stop, there is still a science that we simply dont yet understand that governs those actions as well. Just because our brains are too undeveloped to answer certain questions does not mean that God has to exist. What the

Who Am I Now? human species need to do is to stop pointing their fingers away from themselves and start pointing them at themselves instead. Humans are the cause of their own problems and if there is a God, it is most likely that he has nothing to do with any of it.

Each of us holds the power to heal ourselves and enact what we would call miracles, but just because something wonderful happens does not necessarily mean that God had his hand in it. It also means that just because a great tragedy has occurred, that we must have been bad or done something wrong to deserve such a horrible thing, aka the wrath of God. If there is one thing that I have observed in nature, it is that as giving and nurturing as nature may be, she is equally as merciless. But humans never give much thought to the pain and misery of all the other life forms on their home planet, as they are too consumed by their own existence.

Humans live their lives in fear and contempt of each other. It is remarkable that for such a self-proclaimed intelligent species, we are so fearful and superstitious that we have never been able to accomplish a common unity between all peoples of all races. Humans are truly the masters of exploitation. They are a remorseless race to all who do not think or see things the way that they do. Humans have wonderful characteristics such as guilt or a conscience, as well as love and compassion, but Earth religions have blinded them, molding them into puppets and patsies where in the end, only those in power and control are afforded a life of prosperity. Ironically, no human who has ever achieved this level was able to do so without the participation of their fellow man.

It is my belief that any organized religion that is led by a human is a partial truth and incomplete at best. It is a false belief system. No religious

R. P. Sarvas leader should have wealth and power or governmental influence. If there is a supreme God, then there can only be an Earth where all of its human inhabitants are allowed to believe and perceive in their creator without the influence of what another may or may not believe. It is a humans personal right and personal choice and no person has the right to take that away from them. This would mean no Temples, Churches, Synagogues and Mosques anywhere on the planet. Then you would also have to take all of the separate religious knowledge that are published on the planet and combine them in their entirety and publish it into one book or archive that would not discern itself in one way or another from any of its contents held within it. In this way, whenever people want to learn about God, they can reference the planets knowledge base without bias or prejudice.

Whenever I am asked what religion I am, I always answer All of them. I practice the study of God, and not some organized religion, and that opens up many more doors for me than any single religious philosophy has to offer. Any human can claim that their religion is the true one. But in absolute truth, their claim is unfounded with no evidence of proven fact. This is why religions call themselves Faiths. If there is a God, then God must be all religions and all faiths since God is all things. Scattered throughout the globe are countless faiths and religions and each of their paths lead to God. Some paths may be darker than others and some paths may be a complete fabrication. We simply do not know, but one thing is certain and that is, if you believe in God, then you have to believe that he is omnipotent and unlimited. That means that all roads lead to God in one respect or another.

I do not care what the Bible has to say, I do not care what the Quran has to say, I do not care what the Torah has to say and I do not care what the Vedas have to say because combined, they are but a drop in the ocean of the knowledge of God. No one can prove anything when it gets

Who Am I Now? to God except that they follow blind faith and are hopeful at best that once their life becomes a corpse, something else will happen.

We are all humans living on one planet and it is time for humanity to grow up and put its religious, cultural, political, and ethnic differences where they belong. That place is in our own hearts, consciences and minds, not in the hands of religious leaders, politicians or spiritual establishments. If you are looking for God, you need look no further than your own self. All the answers that you seek lie within you. God gave you free will so that you would give this gift to yourself and not follow the ideology of others. I challenge you to study the teachings of other religious philosophies and to keep adding that knowledge to your mind. You will be free of hate and prejudice and you will open your mind to wonders that you have deprived yourself of. If you want to know about God, then stop pretending as if you have the answers because at best, all that you have is a very tiny piece of a really big puzzle.

If you respect all others including nonhuman life forms, you will not only create the beginnings for a world peace, but you will leave a legacy just like Jesus or Buddha and many others did. You will leave a legacy of peace, with a compassionate respect for all living things along with some understanding of the love of God You dont have to go anywhere to find God all you have to do is be the best human that you can be and to cause no harm. Your kindness will nourish your heart, your heart will nourish your soul, and your soul will open the doors to your own enlightenment. It is as complicated as you want to make it, or as simple as one could allow it to be. That determination is your prerogative as well.

I also encourage you to let go of your culture and history because it only serves to separate and isolate you from the rest of humanity, and

R. P. Sarvas from those who share differences in their races or cultural backgrounds. Each of us wants to be special and important, as we strive to acquire an identity for ourselves. We may believe that we are our nationality, or that we are our heritage, or perhaps our tribe, maybe even our race, or we are this culture, or we are this religion as we are endlessly striving to find names and titles to place upon ourselves so that we may appear unique to ourselves yet share commonalities with others. We crave for a sense of belonging, but we need to be cautious for we may end up backing ourselves into a corner in the process.

Religion is a destructive practice and it is the fault of the countless generations of our predecessors who have enforced and attached these attributes to our identities. I hear people saying and boasting that they are gay, or a biker, or Christian, Muslim, Jew, Chinese, Japanese, American, Indian, or a Catholic, or a socialite, or a preppy or perhaps a low rider, or Chicano, maybe, or a Brahman or Sudra, or Vaishnava or Pope, or how about patriot or veteran or Shriner, maybe even a hippie or yuppie and even cowboy or a Englishman. The list is endless and every example is a title of identity attached to a human that is no more special or unique that any other around them.

Humans believe that these classifications are who they really are. They have carried these labels upon themselves like generals carry their stars. Still we want to be special and we hold on to this difference like heroin addicts clinching their syringes. But to me, youre just insecure because you lack the capacity to be your own self. I am unimpressed with your title, and your stature means nothing to me, thus you will need to find someone gullible enough to allow you to hang your identity upon him or her, as I will not. Why is it that you cannot be satisfied with just being your name? After all, that is who you are. Imagine what the world would be like if you were asked what you were and your response was, I am your fellowman.

Who Am I Now?

Before you are any other thing, that is exactly what you are, human, and if that is not enough for you, take a good long look at yourself. Instead of attaching a superficial caption upon yourself, why not let go of these classifications and acknowledge that when you get up in the morning, that you are simply a human like the rest of us.

I know people from all over the world. They are all my brothers and sisters. The only thing that separates us is their ego. They are proud to be from Manchuria, or Uganda or Japan. But they are not very proud of being themselves because without those titles, they lack the capacity to think more of themselves. How proud could you be by just being a man or a woman? Is that enough for you; or do you have the need to let others know that you are more than just human? Why is it that humans fight so hard their entire lives to be a classification? Is my species that insecure? Having pride for who we are is a wonderful thing, but having pride for being a certain race, culture, religion or belief system is destructive and creates bigotry, prejudice, contempt and a false sense of self.

Often times, I have observed firsthand the hate spewed by humans towards me because of ones skin color or cultural background or even because their religious beliefs differed from mine. Is that you? Are you part of the reason that my planet is so consumed with hatred? How well has your label served you? Does your skin color and race bring peace to your heart and mind when you are alone? The fact is, that nearly all humans that I have ever met, have absolutely no clue as to who and what they really are. They are lost in their own identity stew. At best, all that they can profess is that they are one classification or another and without that, they seem to be absolutely lost. These types of humans are the very cause of wars, poverty and suffering on Planet Earth today because they cant get out of their own way. Peoples of Earth are fighting harder than

R. P. Sarvas ever to hold on to their cultural identities, racial identities, and religious identities. As though if someone were to strip this from them, they would dissolve into nothingness. But you and I both know that the only thing that would dissolve would be their false egos and fabricated identities. What might emerge might be a new kind of human that would be indifferent to anyone one on the planet regardless where or who he or she was from

Consider this. Youre race, culture, religion, you political viewpoints, sexuality etc. are not who you are, they are what you are. There is a big difference.

As I stated earlier, inevitably, should man not destroy himself, all races will meld into one and I am compelled to ask myself just exactly what kind of labels will people attach to themselves then to display to others their uniqueness? Perhaps, there will no longer be the need to be more than what God made us to begin with, a wonderful human being.

Every decision that we make is a choice. Every perception that we conceive ourselves to be is a choice. Whether we are happy or sad is a choice, just as most of the paths that we follow through life. No individual has the ability to make another think or feel any certain way. It is always the choice of that individual to allow themselves to be effected by these things. Eventually, we must all come to terms with ourselves and make the choice of which path through life it is that we will follow. We dont have to be anything except what we choose to be. Each of us has the power to make a change. We must ask ourselves if we have the courage and the moral strength to be what our heart and conscience truly desire for us to be.


Who Am I Now? I believe that all humans are inherently good, but they are lost within the maze of their own self-identities. Humans seem to be misled and confused almost to the point that most of us have truly forgotten who and what we fundamentally are. Societies have corrupted our minds and denied us of our true identities by placing the values of others upon ourselves. Imagine for a moment yourself without your family, your job title, your race, your wealth, your religion and your culture. What is left? Who are you now? I ask this because it is your first step in understanding your self. You are not what anyone else thinks you are because only you can truly know who you are. When it gets to the question of who you truly are, I dont know and will never have that answer for you, but I can tell you this, your entire life has been based on the acceptance of others and to get that, you had to give a piece of yourself away each and every time. In pure simplicity, no one is any of those titles that I mentioned earlier; all of them are just our superficial attributes. We are only ourselves and we act and behave exactly the way that we choose to so that others will recognize a commonality and accept us. This would mean that most of the humans on planet Earth are living a lie and live their entire lives in fear of not being accepted by others. As a result, humans fabricate identities for themselves so that others can accept them.

The only reason it is like this is that virtually everyone on Earth is living a false identity and in fact only an extreme few truly know who and what they are. These special individuals are the hope of humanity, for without their example, we have little hope of surviving as a species. These individuals are probably alone and scattered throughout the globe because humans today would persecute them in an effort to strengthen their own false identity and belief systems. Jesus did say that; The meek shall inherit the Earth. As long as you classify yourself to be of a certain anything, you are compelled by human nature towards exercising one type of prejudice or another.


R. P. Sarvas Asians believe themselves special because most Buddhas were Asian; their logic compels them to believe that they must be special for this to have occurred. Hindus believe themselves to be special because Siva and Brahma and Krishna and many others chose them to be their followers. Jews believe that they are Gods chosen people compelling them to believe that they are holy people so they had Jesus executed to serve their own political agenda. Muslims believe through the Prophet Muhammad, that they are the chosen ones and everyone else is an infidel and must be murdered. Christians are under the illusion that Jesus was a white man and although Christ lived humble and meager life by example, they went for their lust for blood, murdering countless humans, exercising genocide and countless crimes against humanity in the name of this wonderful man. These entities have taken the word prophet and turned it into the word profit. The story goes on and on and nobody seems even aware of what has taken place. The result is that humans have become an abomination to their own species because of their misguided beliefs.

Religions can offer one great peace and comfort during difficult times but they are the spawn of hate, prejudice, and resentment. Religion breeds fear and contempt, they are racist and evil and it is not the work nor is this the true teachings of our Creator. Our Creator imbedded this knowledge in our hearts and souls. Religion is the blemish that humans have left upon the face of Gods Earth. The truth of God is only printed within the hearts soul. It is not published in the words of man. I do not believe that any religion on Earth does anything but serve man. Religion is the product of man; it is not the product of God. Religions are based on half-truths, myths, and fireside stories, written by humans for humans to control humans. They are not the word of God and people everywhere who practice religion, practice the will of man and his deceptive practices which are adorned with threats, hate, prejudice and intimidation. I want no part of them.


Who Am I Now? I believe that incarnations of the Creator have appeared on Planet Earth from time to time throughout various countries. If you study enough of these philosophies, you can find little bits and pieces of Him in there scattered throughout the labyrinth of volumes of texts. But the message is so corrupted by man that its true value and meaning has been lost or corrupted.

My story isnt about destroying your faith and dissolving your identity, it is about you getting to know yourself. It is about the understanding of who you are in ways that are free of any external influence. To truly understand anything outside of ones self, we must first understand who and what we are. Perhaps there is no reason at all why we all exist except for a random act of nature. I cannot answer the question because not only do I not have the answer, I am trying to find it out as well. Nevertheless, if there is a purpose behind our existence, then it stands to reason that we as individuals need to make those choices that inevitably improve us and not destroy us.

If everyone on the planet worked together for betterment of the self without the external influences of religion, culture and politics it is more likely that we would accomplish great things as a species. Better that, than if we had to follow the religious teachings of humans that never even knew the causes of earthquakes and tidal waves. I would rather trust someone that knows that a meteor impact is not Gods wrath to humanity but a statistical random occurrence in the cosmos.

Today, we know and have learned much through science and we are beginning to scratch the surface of what is out there and why things happen the way that they do.


R. P. Sarvas God did not create Usama Bin Laden, we did, Hitler was not the work of Satan, and he was the result of ignorance and human complacency. Perhaps the time has come for humans to accept the responsibility of their own downfalls. The population of Earth has allowed for these atrocities to happen. Instead of changing the way that things are, we empower politicians who then employ their militaries to embark on fruitless missions. The population of the planet is suffering greatly and only a handful of humans get to live their lives without having to be under the oppression of another. In the meantime, the media is trying to convince the public that everything is okay and that we are in control while they thrive on the exploitation from the misery of the masses.

Human leaders are so consumed by their own egos that their narcissistic behavior is destroying the very people that they are supposed to be representing. Between governments and religions, the planet has little chance to acquire peace. Their insistence on the separation of races, cultures, and religions while safeguarding their sovereignty is the very cause of all of the turmoil on the planet today. Many would argue that we need our borders and our religions; they would insist our races and cultures must remain pure. The evidence dictates that it encourages the very kind of behavior from humans that create these conflicts in the first place.

If there were no borders, there would be no need to defend them. If there was only one religion that contained all of the philosophies of the planet, the prospect of religious or holy wars would be much more unlikely. Incredibly enough, whether any of these religious believers realize it or not, they are all striving for the same thing. I just dont see that much of a difference between one religious belief system and another, as they are all based on the written word of man. There are no books on Earth that are in our possession that were written by God. Not


Who Am I Now? even one single book at all. Not even one page. Not even one word. Not even one single letter.

You will be told fabrications and hear excuses about divine intervention and spoken through his prophets. I could just as easily claim the same thing about my book. I could say that I am writing my book through the hand of God and that his message is expressing itself upon my pages. I have no clue whether I am or not. But I think that I am just a human man. I am just a human speaking his heart and at the very most, I am an insignificant nobody who is an authority on nothing.

Still, the truth comes out and this message reaches into your restless soul and still, you cannot prove that one word that I say is untrue or wrong. I am telling you this because I have read and studied many religious philosophies and every one left me either empty or judgmental. Everything I do is wrong and the only way that I can be saved is to either do this or to do that.

I despise ultimatums because why would God ever give us free will if he intended to give us ultimatums? What is the point of free will, if our destinies have already been written? It makes no sense. At this time, you might be reaching for your Bible or other Holy book of reference to quote me some proverb out of your book of bullshit but it means absolutely nothing to me because I am free of you and I can now see how it is you are and what it is that you are trying to do. Every word you will quote me will be one that was written by man. I believe that about 5% of the Bible is fact 60% is myth and 35% of it is just a ton of crap that has nothing to do with anything that is relevant to God. There are over 50 gospels that have been discovered and could have been considered as part of the New Testament, but you can only reference 4 of them because you are being

R. P. Sarvas manipulated, used and lied to. The New Testament was not created through divine intervention; it was compiled to serve a very specific political agenda. It was designed to serve man, not to serve God. I will not even allow such a book in my home as it is built upon mostly blood and the murder of countless innocent lives. To me, it is the most destructive religion on Earth today and has extremely little to do with the teachings of Saint Issa or Jesus Christ.

CHAPTER 12 Oh My Holy Hypocrite

Have you ever asked yourself how many Nazi war criminals escaped into Italy and then sought refuge at the Vatican? If the people of Earth liquidated all of the assets of the Vatican you could erase world hunger and poverty throughout much of the world. Thats what Jesus would have done. But try to pry their wealth away and you will find more blood on the streets because that is the true nature of these professed hypocrites. On Earth, absolute power corrupts, absolutely. I see nothing respectable about a Pope or a Rabbi. I see only a man who believes to be something that he is not.

I once told a rabbi that his dressing in a black suit and tie with his long beard and hat made him stand out like a sore thumb. Beyond any reasonable doubt, it distinguished him as a Rabbi. I expressed to him that anyone could tell from a mile away that he was a Rabbi. Why do you dress like that? I asked him. This way of dressing is for your own ego. You could wear anything yet you dress exactly the same as all of the other rabbis do, why is that? I told him that his dressing like that isolated and separated him from others that were not rabbis and that it was only

Who Am I Now? his ego that compelled him to do so. Hey!! Look at me!! Im a Rabbi. He emphatically insisted that it was just the way that he dressed, but in truth, he knew that he was lying because that is what rabbi priests do. Religious clergy prey upon the downfalls and miseries of others under the mask of religion. They bob their heads before a wall in Jerusalem wearing their Rabbi costumes like autistic children each trying to look more holy than the other. I think it is pretty funny not to mention ridiculous. My mother was Jewish as well as my dad, so I can say this without prejudice.

This religions specialty is exploitation for profit. They handed their messiah to the dogs because he was cutting into their profits. They had one of their own executed, because he was a nonconformist. I can understand why a lot of people dont like Jews; How is one supposed to be comfortable around one who stands so far apart and above us? It is common knowledge that the Jews had the prophet Jesus executed, which was truly an evil deed, but when you look at what Jesus followers have done to their fellow humans, their sins are drenched with the blood of countless thousands. I fail to understand how any of these acts had anything to do with loving God. I cannot bring myself to conceive or accept that they were following his teaching or in Christs footsteps. Not even just a tiny bit remotely close. Christ would have never accepted this kind of treacherous behavior from any of his followers, so what is their reasoning and what is their excuse? How can these savages possibly profess themselves to be Christians or Christ like? They are worse than Satan himself. Their acts or deeds could only have been for the acquisition of control, wealth and power, and not for anything else.

Today you may be in your heated home sitting on your comfortable couch under your incandescent light reading your Bible and yet you bear no conscience on the destruction and murder that it was built upon. Instead, you relish its pages as if there were comfort to be gained and some encouragement in reading it, the Bible is not so much about God as

R. P. Sarvas it is murder and treachery and the exploitation of fear and threat. The Bible is not a gift to mankind; it is a curse upon humanity. The same goes for many of these so-called religious texts. Perhaps you can show me where it tells you to kill someone if they wont accept Jesus as their savior, or at least torture them. Where in the Bible, does tell you to burn witches, and travel foreign seas to loot and pillage for Jesus. And lastly, where in the New Testament did it instruct you put down other religions and to only help others under the conditions that they pray to your God first? . Any belief system that does not propagate the species is a false belief system and works against the laws of nature. Any belief system that segregates and isolates you from your species is a false and invalid belief system. Any human belief system that is destructive and nonproductive is a false belief system. Any belief system that places one human above any other is a false belief system and any belief system that stagnates the species or oppresses them is an invalid belief system. God did not give me free will so that I could be intimidated and threatened by your demented belief systems, so please stay away from me; Im just not interested.

I can truthfully say that I love the examples that Jesus taught or presented to his followers; it is too bad that these self-proclaimed Christians had to stain his good name with the blood of countless innocents. Christianity is a false belief system because it is built on the oppression and destruction of other humans. What is called Christianity today is an abomination and is not true Christianity. In this, the facts are undisputable. Christianity today does little to follow the true teachings of Jesus Christ.


Who Am I Now? So far, I have desecrated the fundamentals of Christianity and Judaism based on the pretext of a cause no harm philosophy. It is blatantly obvious that millions of humans had to have their lives extinguished, so that these belief systems could be established. For if the murdering had never been committed, Christianity would not exist as it does today. There would be no Vatican and no Catholics or Protestants and thankfully no Pope. There would be few Churches and the New Testament would be 20 times larger than the Old Testament. In fact, there would not be a combined text of old and new but instead, a completely new religion, which resembles nothing like Christianity today.

Ive spent a substantial amount of time discussing the practicality of religions on Earth. In Asia, religious philosophy is about the betterment of the self. Hinduism and Buddhism do not appear to have the corrupting and destructive attributes that Middle Eastern and Western religions have. They do imply classes and segregation which clearly create prejudice although Eastern religions seem to promote peace and harmony and I have yet to come across any Buddhist monks coming to my door advertising their wares. These philosophies are an example to the world and even though they are more for the betterment of man, by being the best humans possible, is how we best serve God. Regardless your faith, your culture, your race or your gender you are preceded by the fact that you are first and above all, a human on a planet called Earth. Every differentiation after that fact is superficial and academic at best. None are worth the price of any life.


R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 13 The Value of Life

What is the value of a life? Some would tell you that a life is priceless. Others would say that it is worthless. So why do we have such diverse values on something so profoundly simple?

Your answer may be determined by your religion, your culture or your race, but in truth, lifes only value of life is that it is precious. Life is unique to that individual life form that possesses it. No life that is lost can ever be replaced. Some life forms are so destructive that it is sometimes necessary to terminate them for the good and safety of the species however these types of decisions should only be considered under great scrutiny.

A wise man does not grieve for the dead or the dying. A wise man is not bewildered by such events because to understand nature, we must accept

Who Am I Now? that all states and conditions of life on Earth are there but for a moment in time. This brings to question the concept of compassion. Compassion is natures gift to humanity. The exercise of compassion is always rewarded as long as we do not have expectation attached to it. I look at this very similarly to giving somebody a gift. When you give a gift to someone with expectation in return, you are most certainly setting yourself up for disappointment. If you give a gift to someone without expectation, you can never be disappointed. Compassion works very much the same way. When performing a compassionate act without expectation, the Universe rewards your heart and enlightens your soul. When you place conditions upon your compassion, then what you are practicing is exploitation and not true compassion. You are exploiting the downfalls of another in an effort to be rewarded in one respect or another.

Christians and Muslims and Jews are notorious for confusing Gods will, with the desires of men. They exclusively lure humans towards their beliefs systems for the purpose of exploiting controlling and the manipulation of their lives and resources. Here is a test that you can do in almost any city in the world. Go to a religious institution for some assistance and see if you will be unconditionally helped without opposition if you refuse to pay them back or take part in any of their religious practices. You might get help, but you will be frowned upon by refusing to comply in one fashion or another, because there is expectation behind their good will. I dont recall ever reading anything about Jesus refusing to heal or feed someone because they refused to follow him. Go to any religious charity or missionary organization throughout the globe and you will see that they will feed you and educate you and get you medical help. This is truly a wonderful act from one human towards and other, however it is the expectation behind the act that I have to question, as it dramatically changes the context of this type of charity. Refusing to meet any of their religious requests could inevitably be of consequence. This is not charity, it does help humans but it is done under the mask of exploitation with expectation. It is unlikely that these services would be

R. P. Sarvas offered to devout atheists who may refuse to partake in their program. It simply is not what religions today are about. The exact same thing would also apply to any charities that seem to lean much more towards helping their own than any random human.

These religious actors do not even understand the simplest most mundane acts of pure charity or selflessness. Everything that they offer has strings attached to it, while they prey upon innocent and ignorant minds. Religions are notorious for this exact practice. They all have little to gloat about. Many followers of Islam seem zealous to follow their religious leaders blindly. Many would eagerly throw away their lives if their religious leaders asked them to do so. To murder you wife or daughter is justifiable in Islam under certain conditions in the Quran. They would murder women, children, their neighbors, families and friends in their fanatical effort make their point. Islam, which is a professed religion of peace, does little to afford respect to those who believe differently.

The teachings of Islam express tolerance, but it is diminished by its own conflicting interpretations, when it impresses upon its followers to kill infidels or non-believers. I have not yet observed any religious leaders of Islam crave for want or need, unlike their followers. This picture displays itself clearly throughout most religions and their leaders. I am inclined to ask myself how much suffering do hungry, sick and homeless, humans have to endure, before they empower themselves to no longer surrender to the fabricated and false hopes and ideologies of these religious leaders? How can such merciless and destructive belief systems possibly be attributed to anything having to do with God? It is far more probable that such acts would be attributed to the petty moral less values of humans. That is unless you believe that God is every bit as petty as humans are. Which do you think makes more sense?


Who Am I Now?

I think that missionaries of all faiths should travel the world feeding and helping the homeless without expectation of even gratitude. That would be true compassion, and true charity, as their teachings had intended for them to do. Do not fool yourself into believing that you are doing acts of selflessness if you have any expectations attached to your deeds. All you are being is a liar to yourself and to those that you presume to be helping. True selflessness has no expectation attached to it. True compassion is the sharing of your heart without the expectation of even gratitude. We should partake in compassionate acts because it is what our hearts and conscience compel us to do. To be the best human possible and to cause no harm is always the will of God. This is not written in any religious texts it is only written in the archives of the human heart. The human heart holds the key to the knowledge of our soul. Compassion and selflessness take the true understanding of the human heart and manifests its actions into acts of kindness without expectation.

So what exactly is understanding? We may understand that one plus one equals two but that is fact, it is not what understanding is. To me, understanding is ones ability to project themselves into the heart mind and soul of another. For us to truly understand someone else, we must be outside of ourselves. Understanding implies acceptance, tolerance and selflessness. Humans tend to try to analyze everything, which is counterproductive to what true understanding is. You cannot understand another human if you are too busy developing your own opinions about what is being communicated to you. You may hear me, but are you listening to what I have to say?

When we exercise selflessness with compassion and understanding while excluding our own ego, we can truly begin to comprehend what someone else might be feeling in their thoughts and in their hearts.

R. P. Sarvas Anyone can give advice and everyone may have an opinion but that has little to do with what someone may be trying to express to you. We often tend to get in our own way so much so, that most often, the message gets lost in the process. I have observed how relationships between most humans are extremely shallow and superficial. Humans have a very difficult time discerning the differences between desire, lust and love. But if you want my input on this topic, I can only tell you that real love never lets you down. It carries no attachment, nor envy, nor jealousy or contempt. True love is void of expectation. Real love expresses no ownership and carries no burden upon itself. If you loved someone and they did not love you back, you would be indifferent to the result. If you love someone who loves someone else, then you would be glad that they are happy and have someone that cares for them. Love is not a possession; it is a gift from the heart. There is nothing that can be attached to true love for it is the binding force that encompasses all creatures of earth. Love is not unique to humans. It is an attribute that many living creatures on Earth possess.

I once had a friend tell me that he was in love with two different women and he asked me what to do because he was going to have to choose between one or the other. I thought about it for a brief time and told him this. Stay with the second woman that you fell in love with because if you really loved the first one, you would have never fallen in love with the second one. It wasnt easy for him but I think that he made the right choice. Love expresses itself and manifests itself in many different forms. There are many different kinds of love and each is true upon itself. But beware of reality, for love is an emotion and emotions seldom have any basis in rationality, for they are chaos personified. If an individual lived solely by their emotions, they would be psychotic. That is why nature gave us brains. We think with our brains we are compelled by our emotions, and we follow our hearts. This is what I would consider a healthy state for

Who Am I Now? any human. It takes all three to make us complete and too much of any one of these attributes can lead to self-destructiveness.

Even in yin and yang there is a center. There is a center between darkness and light, good and evil, and everything else that nature has provided us. If what you are doing does not benefit your species, you are probably doing too much of one thing or the other and your mindset is out of balance. I would suggest thinking about how you feel and then following your heart. This is not a universal solution by any long shot, and there is a rule that I follow to help me in making such decisions. If in doubt, do without If you are having doubts about a certain decision, then just dont commit yourself to it until you have resolved your dilemma.

I have a dear friend who lives her life imprisoned by her own belief systems. She is indecisive about everything. She is so concerned about what others will think of her, that she is barely able to make any commitments to those closest to her. I wish I had the knowledge to free her from her caged conscience but until she can come to that place where the opinions of others wont effect her life, she must live her life chained to her own false ego. I see this in many individuals, as humans tend to always seek the approval and acceptance of others. If you cannot accept someone for who they are, you give them little hope of ever blossoming into a beautiful flower.

We cannot live our lives to meet the expectations of others. We must try to be the best humans that we know how to be and if they cannot accept us, then it is their problem and not ours. By setting an example to others we have the power to create a chain of events that can initiate human fission. Humans do not have the power to control the minds of others. We cannot make people love us, nor can we control their feelings

R. P. Sarvas and you cannot make people think the way that you want them to. Each of us was given free will so that we could make these choices on our own. Living your life to the expectation of others is to live a very confined life. I do not want you to take this paragraph and apply it to your work environment because employment carries with it its own set of conditions, so please dont be a fool.

We are all unique individuals and no two humans on Earth are exactly alike. All humans are raised in different families, have different races, share different cultures and ethnicity but inevitably, they all have to walk on their own two feet and carry their own weight. We have the choice to carry the baggage of our ancestors, teachers and religious leaders with us throughout our journey through life, but none of these things are truly who we are as human individuals. As humans, we make the choices that determine how much of this baggage that we intend to carry with us. But be cautious, for the labels that you attach to yourself will inevitably be your downfall.

Just because you are Irish does not mean that you have to be an alcoholic, and just because your parents abused you does not mean that you have to be an abusive parent. Attaching a label to yourself condemns you to live a restricted life while repeating the same mistakes.

I have seen people that go to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meeting and I am aghast that these individuals are so eager to place a permanent label on themselves. Hi, I am Bobby Bimbo and I am an alcoholic. Congratulations, youve just labeled your life and given yourself an excuse to be a drunk. I fail to see how hanging around a bunch of alcoholics is going to keep your mind off of the booze. Would it not be better to just hang around people that dont drink? You dont have to stop drinking; you

Who Am I Now? just dont have to drink so much. Dont belittle yourself by surrendering to being an alcoholic. Instead just acknowledge that you might be drinking too much and empower yourself to exercise moderation. It is a proven fact that this technique has a much higher success rate than AA.

What humans need to understand, is that they tend to act just like those whom they hang around with. If you hang out with thieves, you will become a thief. If you hang out with drug addicts, you will become a drug addict. If you hang out with terrorists, you will become a terrorist and if you hang out with violent people, you too will be enveloped in the world of violence. Choose your friends wisely and do not readily give your friendship away. Strangers are not friends that you havent met yet, they are strangers and you dont know who or what they are. Friendship is exactly like trust, with respect the fact that it is something that needs to be earned and not freely handed out to everybody.

Only a fool trusts everyone. Instead of you trying to fit in with other people empower yourself to compel them to want to fit in with you. Inevitably, we make all of these selective choices ourselves. I am not what others wish me to be, I am an example to myself and I try to compel others to be more like me through my own example. We do not have to be anything that we dont want to be. We just have to embrace our inner strength and make the right choices that help us, and lead us through that path of least destruction. In effect, we live a Cause no harm philosophy. I understand that it is easier said than done but it is not even close to impossible. Stop beating yourself up about tomorrow and invest your mindset and energy into what you are doing right now. If you fail, dont be disappointed in yourself as there is another moment for success coming up in the next second.


R. P. Sarvas For every negative thought that we enforce upon ourselves, we need to make ten positive affirmations to remove it. You might think that it will take the rest of your life to remove all of those negative belief systems that you have given to yourself but in truth every positive affirmation that you give to yourself will snowball into ten thousand positive affirmations. It takes no intelligence or effort to be negative but once you implant positive thoughts into your heart and mind, it becomes second nature to keep it up. What is important above all things is that you are truthful and honest with yourself. You have to believe in the changes that you want to make in your life. Nothing you can do will ever change your past, but everything you do now can determine your future.

I see many humans living their lives in the past. They take his or her past roads and downfalls and lay them in front of their next moment, thus they keep paving and reliving the same mistakes. You can change that in a microsecond by letting youre past downfalls rest where they belong, in the past. History is best kept in the past so that we do not repeat the same mistakes. Humans are supposed to learn from their mistakes, that is how they grow. It is our history that gives us the wisdom to better our future. It always funnels down to the fact that each of us is given free will. Whether or not we choose to apply it for the betterment of the self is always our own prerogative.

I do not believe that you need to believe in God in order to be a righteous person. If you are your word and if you cause no harm you are righteous. If you believe in God, more power to you as it is nice to think that there is someone giving us a hand even when no one is around. However, if you are an atheist, you still have to live on the same planet as the rest of humanity, so it benefits the species to be a kind soul, to have compassion, to hold understanding, and to cause no harm. Instead of creating conflicts due to the trillions of human differences that exist, would it not be better to embrace the diversity that the human species has to

Who Am I Now? offer? People and fish and animals and reptiles and insects and trees and oceans and rivers and streams are all suffering as a result of human behavior. We have little to be proud of. We have exploited every resource and characteristic that our planet has to offer, giving little consideration to all of the other species of life that we share our world with. I am ashamed to belong to such a race of blind, stupid and selfish humans, who carry little capacity to care about anything outside of their own meager existence. We have become an abomination to the very world that gave us life and I have to wonder to what end.

I am ashamed to be a human and I feel like it is a cruel joke that someone has played on me. I am nothing like you and I strive to be nothing like you. I have seen how you act; I have seen what you do. You have been given such a gift and yet, you do not even seem to have the capacity to understand your own madness.

Humans are a perverted race. They do not deserve the gift of life because it seems to mean nothing to them. Humans are so consumed by their false identities that they do not even know who they are anymore.

God is not coming to save anyone. It is highly unlikely, as humans simply arent that important, so humans need to start caring for themselves and need to stop living the hypocrisy of false religions. Your madness and lack of common sense has rendered your brains nearly useless, because for all the good that you could have done, you made the choice to nourish your own insecurities instead of caring for the world that you live in. Your thirst for power and wealth gives no regard to anyone outside of yourselves and you have misled yourselves into believing that you are making progress. You cannot progress if you are living a lie. You think yourselves above other life forms but any worm has more integrity

R. P. Sarvas than you. You isolate your populations, you segregate your races, you genocide those who are a burden to you and like the fools you are you pray to your Gods because you lack the capacity to take responsibility for yourselves.

To you, I am an abomination, a pariah, an outcast, and an untouchable. I am nobody and I am irrelevant, yet I can see my world in a way that you cannot because my mind is uncorrupted by your ridiculous religions cultures and fairy tales. Yes I believe in God; I just dont know for certain if God really exists. I can tell you that there is strength in my heart that drives me to write this because my days are numbered and I am compelled to leave this story as my legacy. You are worse than savages and the entire planet is one huge insane asylum because of your behavior. Of what service is your ego to you now?

When will humans ever learn to put aside their petty differences and begin to embrace their diversity? How much must life suffer before you understand? What is so important that you insist on clinging to your false identities? When will humanity begin to assume self-responsibility? How many lives have to be lost before you understand; would that be all of them? Must the entire planet perish before I can make my point?

There is so much good that could take place in my world but perhaps we are not the correct species to handle the job. Inevitably, everything will work out in the end, long after we are extinct. I just think that we need to start looking at ourselves as one race of humans instead of as individuals. We live on and share the same planet it only makes sense that it will take everyone to undo the damage that has been done. All the money in the world cannot redeem the damage that humans have done to themselves and to their home world. The acquisition of wealth has turned out to be an

Who Am I Now? ineffective solution to Earths problems. There simply isnt enough money on the planet to foot the bill, so now what? Religious corporations, political organizations, business corporations, all have raped and hoarded the resources of planet Earth and the human population has been rendered to an entirely new kind of slavery. We have done it all to ourselves due to our own complacency. Each and every one of us is accountable for the condition of our planet today. It easy to indicate that changes must be made before it is too late. Christians are buying time awaiting a resurrection; the same goes for the Muslims and the Jews who await the return of their saviors. You are fools and you are too blind and brainwashed to even understand what is transpiring before your very eyes.

Humans are a race of mammals that pray their entire lifetimes for mercy upon their deaths, spending countless hours worshiping myths and spirits because they refuse be satisfied with the lives that were given to them. Humans are so consumed with greed where even their own existence isnt enough for them. They strive for an afterlife while the remaining population is left to pick up their shards and clean up their mess. We have to blame religion for war and famine, the spreading of diseases and poverty. There is no one else to blame. Until we are at peace with ourselves and until we can be satisfied with the life force that creation has given us, we will relentlessly progress towards the path of self-destruction.

You are not a Muslim, and you are not a Christian, nor a Jew not even a Buddhist or a Hindu, for they are just the masks that you hide behind because you are afraid of death, and want more than just your life. The human fault of self-saturation will most certainly be the downfall of the species. If God exists, the creator permeates his presence in every atom in the Universe. Churches, Temples and Synagogues are tools of man designed to appropriate the acquisition of wealth and nothing more. They

R. P. Sarvas are a complete fabrication of the human desire to crave more than the life that was given them. Humans are ungrateful to their maker and they emphatically want more than just the life that was given to them. It is human nature, but it does not mean that we have to empower priests, clerics, and rabbis to bring us closer to God. All that we need to do is to cause no harm, and to love our Creator as well as our fellowman and all of the other creatures that inhabit the planet. By exercising this practice, any human can die with a clear conscience.

It is as elementary as that. When we pray to our creator, we should ask how might we be of help instead of gimme gimme gimme. If we cause no harm, human fission will begin and world peace can be accomplished.

The mentality of humanity needs to change dramatically before enlightenment and peace can encompass the Earth. It is the only way, as the teachings of the past have not afforded humanity any practical solutions. Instead, human religions have spawned contempt and prejudice. We need not kill species to extinction, and rape our forests into dirt for their resources to manufacture materials that are destructive to life. It does not have to be like that. Humans have the ability to resolve any issue that crosses their paths when they work with each other, instead of against each other or for themselves. Governments have a responsibility to be noninvasive and nondestructive. No single government can resolve the issues of planet Earth, however if they all worked together, great things could be accomplished. It is just so sad that religion, race and cultures have created impassable barriers built solely on the basis of false egos and false identities. Instead of fearing our differences, we must learn to embrace them; for all of our cries scream out that we are humanity.


Who Am I Now? Religions are designed to suppress you and to keep your conscience living in fear. It is unfortunate but most human cultures on the planet use them to discern and dictate what is good and what is evil. Apparently, the writers of these literatures seemed to believe that without their gifted advice, that humans would be incapable of determining what is good or bad or right or wrong. These rules and regulations were later implanted into various societies in an effort to subdue humans using a guilt complex and the threat of consequence. Whether religion ever existed or not, all humans hold within their hearts the capacity to understand if what they are doing is a good or a bad thing. Religion forcefully emphasizes that if you cause harm or sin, that the threat of unimaginable torture and pain will be inflicted upon you after your death. The final result is a society of humans that fear death and then become corralled into a belief system ruled by the threat of torture, agony, and endless suffering. The guilt that is impressed upon the masses of human populations is there for the sole purpose of suppression and control under the hypothetical rule of God. Apparently, humans do not fear other humans as much as they fear a God whom they cannot even prove exists. The willingness of humans to accept myth and superstition as reality, make religion a very powerful political tool. The emperor Constantine was more than cognizant of this fact, when he had his scholars (the Council of Nicaea,) compile and fabricate what is today, referred to as the Holy Bible.

Going back to the far reaches of history, political leaders have either claimed to be Gods, claimed to have talked to the Gods or God, or have claimed to be representatives of God. These leaders have acted as an oversight committee to keep this type of belief system in place for thousands of years. These individuals are better known today as your religious leaders.

The gullible and compliant human populations of Earth have never questioned the authenticity or the intrinsic values placed behind such

R. P. Sarvas various religious texts. It is seldom that one would ever hear publicly any statements that would disprove any of them, although much emphasis is invested in reassuring the masses that these teachings are authentic, accurate, valid, and above all true, although, they are everything but that.

Ironically, no one seems to ask too many questions about the human handwritten origins of these religious texts, yet, the fact remains that the hands of men always write them. The humans blindly follow their leaders and abide by these ancient values without ever giving thought or credit to themselves in acknowledging that their hearts, their conscience, and their minds, are more than sufficient enough for them to be able to tell the difference between what is good or evil or right or wrong. It is a true and sober fact that religion enforces the powers of those who lead other men. It is also true that humans do not need religions to exist for them to be able to know and discern if what they are doing is a good thing or a bad thing. One does not have to belong to any religion to serve God.

Religion does not serve God, religion serves man and as a result, we have taken the power of the self and exchanged it for a complacent method of establishing our guidelines as to how we should live our lives.

I am investing the greater part of this manuscript on religion only for the fact that most of your belief systems are based on the values of these texts. They are imbedded and have been molded into your conscience by various religious guidelines and almost all of what we are morally taught is fundamentally from these various religious teachings. Humans believe that without the introduction of such scripture or literature, that we would be living our lives as cannibals and savages but that is completely untrue. Your hearts, minds and your souls have been clouded by belief systems that predate history and still we regard ourselves as modern man even

Who Am I Now? though we morally exist in ancient history. In truth, we are much better and far more capable than most of these teachings would have us believe.

As humans, we have more than adequate faculties to base a good moral standard for our societies without the influence of religions. It is a human dilemma that compels me to write this material so that as a human, you may begin to understand your true potential and nature. Before you are your race, your culture, your religion, your nationality or anything, you are simply and purely a human being. This reality should be embraced and acknowledged. It is not one of lifes necessities to have to be any of these belief systems. We do not need to be any religion at all to recognize that we are good and that we are worthy of Gods love. Each of us can have a personal relationship with our Creator without the added external influences of any religion. To think or perceive differently is to surrender yourself into being something someone that somebody else wants you to be, of which you truly are not.

To truly understand whom we are deep inside, as impossible as the task may seem, we have to try to unlearn everything that has been forcibly implanted into our hearts and minds. Then we can begin to rebuild ourselves with the loving guidance of our human heart and conscience. Every apple tree carries amongst it a bad fruit, but it does not remove the fact that it is still a wonderful fruit bearing apple tree. Human populations are fundamentally the same as this example. Throughout all of human history, there have always been bad apples, so we must not judge the outcome based on the results of a few bad fruits. The overall picture dictates that humans want to be good and that humans for the most part do have honorable intentions.


R. P. Sarvas For a human to be given the ability to flourish without the outside influence of alien belief systems and values, will most likely compel humanity to evolve without the restraints of suppressive knowledge. Even the vilest of humans has the capacity for kindness. Even the most lost of souls can give to themselves the gift of redemption. Before any human can evolve beyond their past transgressions, the human must first forgive themselves. They must let go of their past. Catholics would have you confess your sins before another human implying that it is the same as confessing to God, however, an all knowing God is already aware of what it is that you are about to disclose to this other human. You need not to say anything to this man, as he may be a wolf in sheeps clothing and you would never be the wiser.

The human factor compels one towards a desire to trust those in positions of leadership, which appear to have the knowledge of subjects that you are unfamiliar or unknowledgeable about. This tends to empower religious representatives who are always eagerly waiting to prey upon you. However, virtually all of these religious representatives live the illusion that they are holy men doing Gods work. It enforces their ability to oppress those around them, especially their followers. Without their accessories and religious texts, as well as the backing of their religious superiors, they are no different than those whom they are preaching to. All preachers of all religion today are actors upon a stage and you are their captured audience ready to be exploited. At best, you will be sitting there as you gullibly absorb what they are telling you without question or evidence of proof that what they are speaking has any basis in fact. Regardless what they spew, they, for the most part, cannot prove a thing. This is where your role takes place because since there is no tangible evidence that they can present, you are expected to have faith. Biblical scripture is not tangible evidence. That is why the Bible is referred to as a book of faith.


Who Am I Now? The same perspective can be applied to many of the other religious teachings throughout the globe. The hypocrisy behind such organized religions is what compels them to be so devastatingly destructive to the human species. The best solution is to have faith in God, but not religion. The best outcome that a human can expect of himself is to cause no harm, to love your God, and to respect all life forms on the planet. If your heart compels you to exercise kindness, your soul will compel God to be closer to you. We need not surrender ourselves to the counterfeit representatives of God any more because each and all of us has the capacity to stand on our own two feet and not only think for ourselves, but to follow our hearts as well. We have the power of free will given to us as a gift by our creator. The choice to exercise it is always the individuals prerogative.

There is no true religion on Planet Earth, but some philosophies are most certainly less destructive that others. Regardless of your beliefs or convictions, you may know in your heart that a supreme Creator exists, but you cannot prove it to me or anybody else. In this, it is only logical that there is one Supreme Being who rules and watches over the entirety of all existences. This Supreme entity cannot be defined in human terms. God is never apart, nor is absent, from any type of existence. This being is omnipotent and encompasses all that is within its realm. It is unlimited in names, philosophies, faces, colors, forms, attributes, and encompasses all that is yin or yang. It envelops all that is good or evil, or what is in darkness and in light, it is unlimited everlasting and forever eternal. It favors all of its creations and sees and knows all, everywhere all of the time. That is the best that I am able to describe our Creator. And that has absolutely nothing to do with religion. And it definitely falls very short of anything close to a complete description.

We have been led to believe that we must follow certain guidelines based on certain philosophies or teachings to achieve spiritual

R. P. Sarvas awareness. That is an absolute lie. The paths to God are as limitless as Gods attributes, because in the end, there can be only one. It is a conclusion that is beyond the ability of any human mind to understand, for unlike what we would like to idealistically believe, we know very little or next to nothing at all. At best, we can only follow our hearts and try to be the best humans that we can be. That is how to best serve God, and that is how God serves us best. Any path outside of the purest forms of simplicity are most likely to be a fabrication of man and not the teachings or word of God.

This elaboration is based upon my perception of the human self. It is uncluttered by myth or any specific religious belief. It does not come through revelation; it does not come through enlightenment, or prophecy. It is not manifested through the teachings of others; it is merrily the expression of my human heart. I am not a scholar nor am I overly educated. I just know that if I want to be able to reach my fellow brothers and sisters that I have to first find common ground for us to stand upon. That common ground is my humanity. It is who I am and it is how I exist among you.

I crave to be accepted by you, but your religions and cultures and your ethnicity have shut me out and made me an outcast because I do not know how to be like you. So maybe I can teach you how to be a little bit like me. If we take the right steps together, perhaps we may both discover that we are not so different after all. Perhaps we might discover that our humanity is what compels our curiosity to bring us closer to each other. Maybe, we can work together and show others how to also work together too. I do not know who you are, but if given the chance, I believe that I can earn your trust. I do not care about your past, your color or your culture, but I care about you because you are my kind. It is only logical that we should be on the same team.


Who Am I Now?

I know that you are afraid and that you are shy and inhibited because of how your predecessors programmed you to be, but I believe that I can reach you because I know that we share the same wants and needs and desires. We have different names for different things, we eat differently and sleep differently and we speak differently, we think differently and we believe differently but the strength that binds us together is our human hearts, which is the catalyst that binds us all together. You may think that we are different, but that is only the illusion placed upon your mind by those who would have us destroy each other.

Although we are many, we are one. Let us embrace our differences that we may learn from each other and grow as a species the way that God had intended for us to do. Terminate your complacency, abolish your gullibility, cast away your hypocrisy, deny your hatred and refuse to surrender to your prejudice or your cultural beliefs or religions, for on Earth, although we are many, we exist as one race of humans. We are like a package of M&Ms many different coatings and colors but still just an M&M.

Together, we can travel the stars and create those dreams that we once perceived as unreachable. This is what Allah and Jesus, and Jehovah and Buddha and Krishna and Brahma, and Vishnu and Siva and Muhammad, and all of those that I forgot to mention would want. We are the same regardless what you may believe. Empower yourself to be what God had intended you to be, before religion corrupted your heart. Search your heart and will see that what I am telling you is true. Together, we can create a new world where we, as individuals do not have to be compelled to make ourselves important, for no man is ever more important than another. You are not African, or American, or Spanish, or Indian, or European or Hawaiian, or Chinese or Japanese because before

R. P. Sarvas you are any of these titles, you are primarily a human. It is not Americas soil that we live on, nor is it Egyptian soil, nor is it Jamaican soil, nor is it any other kind of soil except for Earth on which we all stand on together. This is where all humans live and this is where all of them die.

To isolate and separate, or segregate and differentiate between our races and gender is counter productive to the species. I know deep in my heart that my thoughts are idealistic to say the very least. I am fully aware that for humans to exercise this type of existence in our world today would cost the lives of countless thousands, because those of influence and power would rather destroy the planet than relinquish the stranglehold that they have on the human population. Even Jesus said that, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a pious man to enter the kingdom of God. He was the living example of what needs to take place on the planet today. Ask any leader to relinquish their authority and you will be scoffed at. Ask your minister or priest to surrender all of his possessions and live his life as Christ wanted him to and you will be mocked. Whatever happened to practice what you preach? Ask any country to relinquish its sovereignty and you will be ridiculed. Ask the militaries of the world today down their arms and you will be imprisoned or worse.

The world today is in chaos because its leaders refuse to exercise their positions for the betterment of humanity. Ask the Clerics of the great mosques of the Middle East to dismantle them and use their stones to build homes for their homeless and you will be stoned to death. Ask the Pope to close the doors to the Vatican, liquidate all of its assets there and abroad and use the money to truly do Christs work exactly as he had intended his followers to do. You will most likely disappear mysteriously because none of these entities are about the glory of God but instead, are about the empowerment of men. The same goes for almost every other religious faction that exists on Earth today and although they all claim to

Who Am I Now? be for the betterment of humanity, in reality, they are for the prosperity of the few. Jesus was a homeless man. Is the Pope homeless? Jesus had no wealth or land or churches. This man had no possessions except for the cloths that he wore on his back. How come his followers are not like this yet they emphatically declare themselves to be Christians? Jesus Christ said, A fox has a hole, but I have none. Implying that even the wild creatures of the Earth had a home but he did not. This was a meek individual whose influence, conviction and inner strength inevitably changed the world.

To understand the reason why things are the way that they are today, we must first understand governments and the moral laws that they are based upon, as well as the laws that they enforce upon their peoples. In almost every case, these laws are based on the ethical and moral values of the religions that were originally rooted in their societies. I watch the news every day from several news agencies and what I always see is how these laws seem to apply to everyone except for the governmental leaders themselves. I do not understand why the planet does not set an agreed upon moral standard, for the entire planet to follow including its leaders. How can one have the expectation of populations respecting these moralities when these officials place themselves above them? What kind of standard does it set for the rest of us? I talk adamantly about this because the fault lies within each and every one of us, as the majority of the world leaders are empowered because we voted for them to be in the high positions that they occupy. There can never be equality as long as there is a double standard in morality and law.

I have observed their political circus since my brain injury and it appears to resemble more of a Mardis Gras festival than a political campaign. Would it not be much more efficient to outlaw political campaigning and instead hold a series of progressive debates among the candidates on live television or on the radio? In this way, there could be

R. P. Sarvas no exterior influence and the people could elect their favorite candidate based on his or hers arguments and performance. Lobbying for personal, industrial and political favors should be outlawed as well, because it changes the fabric of the integrity on which elections are made. Today humans seem to believe that Hollywood actors know more about understanding governments and political perspectives than those who are truly prepared and experienced to handle the job. If political campaigning was no longer allowed, not only would elections be fair, but also, there would no longer be the need for political parties, as candidates would be judged on their abilities and the fabric of their character, instead of media propaganda.

Humans do not require lavish political feather rustling in order to select competent leaders. I encourage everyone to no longer fund any of these organizations because they are the root cause of many political issues such as corruption, which humans face today. Political campaigns spawn contempt, a lust for power and political corruption. Lastly, our leaders must be held accountable for their deceptive practices. I have observed first hand how political candidates will say anything and even mean what they say, in an effort to get what they want, which are your votes for a position of power. They will make promises and swear up and down that their intentions are nothing but honorable, yet when it comes time to deliver on their promises, they manufacture excuse after excuse for not being their word. If a political candidate promises to make certain changes to get more votes and then fails to deliver, that individual should be removed from office because he acquired his position based upon a false pretense. It is understood that sometimes things dont always work out the way that we want them to but for the most part, this is a practice that must be stopped.


Who Am I Now? News medias should also be held accountable and should be forbidden to favor any political candidate. This includes newspapers, television news and radio broadcasts. It is impossible for the people to hold a fair election if the media is being bias towards any specific candidate. Line for line and word for word, the media has a responsibility to the people it serves, to never show favoritism in any respect. Their job is to inform the public of facts and not speculation.

Lastly, I want to discuss a little about the medias morality. News groups today seem to opine much more than report the news. I dont care what you think Mr. Newscaster. And I could care less what Madam Talk Show Hosts opinions are. I just want to know what is relevant about the candidate that I am going to vote for. I could care less who they sleep with, what religion they are if any. And I dont care if they made a few mistakes in their past. Who hasnt? How would you feel Mr. Newscaster if someone dug up all of the ghosts in your closet and exposed your downfalls to the world? Stop being a hypocrite!

What I do care about is learning about their values, their integrity and their ability to do the job competently. The media expects our political leaders to be saints yet they incessantly dig up garbage on these individuals, which has absolutely nothing to do with their ability to perform the job. If you dont have anything constructive to say, then please Mr. Newsman, keep your opinions to yourself because it would not take very much of an effort to dig up the dirt on your life too.

Political campaigns are not a functional methodology for enabling the people to make accurate decisions because they are completely built on empty promises, false hopes, and media glamour. They have absolutely

R. P. Sarvas nothing to do with the job at hand, since most of what is spoken is just meaningless noise. The populations of free democracies do not want side shows, they want leaders that will take the necessary steps and make the necessary changes that will serve for the betterment of humanity, instead of their pursuit of acquisition for control, power and wealth. That said, I encourage people to not let themselves be influenced by the opinions of others, until they truly know all of the facts.

Humans have allowed their identities to be influenced by their cultures, their ethnicity, their religious leaders, their teachers, parents and their friends. Somewhere within their maze of instructions and advice that they have been raised and told to follow, their own personal self-identities have been lost. Humans dont seem to know who they are anymore because what they are now is what everybody else has told them to be. From the time that they are born, they are told to believe in this and never say this and always do that and by the time they become young adults, their minds are so corrupted by external influence that they have forgotten who and what they fundamentally are.

We as humans are fundamentally good and we mean well and we wish for good things, as we do not want to live our lives worrying and being afraid. We want to love and to grow and to be allowed to flourish the way that God had intended us to. We crave peace as we acknowledge that we are one people in one world on one planet amongst billions throughout the Universe. We dont want wars and conflicts because for the most part, we would much rather spend our time with our friends and families. We just want to be left alone so that we can enjoy our lives. I would think that this ideology lies within each and every human heart.


Who Am I Now? We cannot be in touch with our inner selves and listen to our hearts and minds if we are expected to live our lives to everyone elses expectations. There comes a moment in everyones life when we have to ask ourselves the question; Who and what am I? That answer lies solely within yourself, because as long as you base your identity on the ideals and the opinions of others upon your character, your personality is an imitation of those who have influenced you throughout your entire life. Those external influences are not your true identity. What you are living is an act, for you are mimicking the acts of those that impressed those acts upon you. Why not take your life and recreate yourself in a way where your ideals and your heart and mind are generated from yourself instead? Become an example to yourself and you will become an example to others.


R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 14 I ThinkTherefore I Am

Today, the medical community has a name for just about every mental condition conceivable. Apparently, the entire population of the planet is bipolar and everyone needs to be medicated. One is not even allowed to be depressed once in a while without having some kind of disorder attached to them. People arent supposed to be happy all of the time because if we were, we would have no appreciation for happiness. Natures uncanny wisdom has its reasons for giving us such a diversity of emotions. As humans, we would not be able to appreciate them if we were one way or the other all of the time.

Its okay if you are upset or sad or happy or confused or bewildered once in a while. No bad moment can last forever. Someone once told me that the reason that God created time was so that everything wouldnt happen all at once. We experience many feelings and emotions each and every day. Each new day carries with it an entirely new sequence of them. If something is troubling your heart remember that it is not the problem that is important, it is how you deal with it. Nature gave us these gifts so that we could develop confidence in ourselves, and to strengthen our

Who Am I Now? character. It enables us as humans, to grow into productive and meaningful individuals. If everything went well for us all of the time, not only would we become more complacent than we already are, but we would lose the motivation to better ourselves. We are not born, and then in moments begin to run down the street, we have to struggle and learn one step at a time, until we can stand up on our own and carry ourselves. We are born helpless, but the secrets of life reside in each and every one of us from the moment of our birth. The older we get, the more we seem to forget and after so many years, we become lost. Humans seem intent on searching the cosmos for the answers that they seek, but believe it or not, they are not out there, but within your own heart and spirit. If you search inside, the answer will be revealed to you. I have no explanation as to how or why it is that way, but I know from my own experiences that it is absolutely true. In writing this entire book, I have never once stopped to contemplate what I was going to write about. I have had no idea about what I was going to write down next. I studied nothing I researched nowhere and I asked no one for any input, I just sat myself down and started to let my heart express itself through my fingertips. This piece of original literature comes from nowhere except my own heart and mind. All that I am doing is putting it on paper so that I can share this with you. Anyone can do this and I encourage everyone to try. You will be amazed at what comes out. I have no explanations; to me, it is simply that a thing is what it is. No matter how smart we may perceive ourselves to be, all of the knowledge in the universe holds no value to us unless we develop the wisdom to know how and when to use it.

There are so many people out there who feel trapped and helpless because of something that happened to them in their past. They relive each new day of their lives carrying these feelings and thoughts with them and they can never seem to get past them. They perceive these issues as being important to them and significant and they hang on to them sometimes for many years without ever finding any resolve. I know this for absolute fact, and you will most likely resent me taking this away from

R. P. Sarvas you, but everything that anyone has done to you or that you have done or that you have had to endure in your past means absolutely nothing. In fact, the only thing that gives it any value at all is your own imagination. It has absolutely nothing at all to do at all with this moment and even less to do with tomorrow. Let it go, because as I stated earlier, history serves us best when it is left in the past. We are supposed to learn and grow wise from the lessons of our history; we arent supposed to continuously relive it.

It is to be learned from and contemplated. Our past is not intended to dictate what our future will be like. I know because I have had to overcome such trials myself until I realized that It was not who I was or who I wanted to be. I let it go, and now, my past does not burden me any more. It is nothing more now to me than just another of my millions of memories. If you want to get beyond an impasse in your life, you need only make the choice to do so. It is as ridiculously simple as that. You may choose to complicate things as much as you want to, as that choice rests solely in your hands. Often times I contemplate on the human heart and am compelled to ask of myself if perhaps, this is the voice of God and how he speaks to us. Perhaps this is the proof our Creators existence. Perhaps this is how past prophets were able to disclose and create such provocative texts. Perhaps those words expressed by man are the divine message of God or perhaps it is the human heart that is what humans misinterpret as the word of God. It is a concept profound and contemplative for all of us. It is the food that our spirits thrive on.

As individuals, each of us is held accountable for our lives, dictated through our own conscience. We judge ourselves far better than anyone else ever could. It is conceivable then, that as we recognize our own downfalls, that in the end, we are the ones that must forgive ourselves. When the statement Confession is good for the soul is made, I believe in my heart, that this is an expression for the self and was meant to be

Who Am I Now? private and personal within our own hearts. It is not logical that there would be any necessity to confess to any other human since God is All Knowing. I find it suspicious that it could be interpreted or intended to mean anything less than that. As we confess our own transgressions and accept our downfalls, it affords us the opportunity to move past them without having to repeat the same mistakes again.

CHAPTER 15 The Mastery of Empowerment

I have observed throughout the globe how humans seem to relish being blessed by other humans as if they were to inherit divinity from their fellow man. These are precarious practices considering that no one man is above any other. You may be looking up to others who remarkably enough should be looking up to you. Humans who look up to other humans in the belief that their blessings are some sort of spiritual gift bestowed upon their lives only enforce those who seek to exploit their power and control over you. This practice has been on Earth since the dawn of man and encompasses cultures that predate history itself. It may be that we should be blessing ourselves with our own divinity in an effort to empower ourselves, instead of some other human who is on a spiritual ego trip. African tribes receive blessings from witch doctors, some cultures seek the blessings of certain animals or even snakes, while others seek the blessings of their kings or a statue or perhaps even water. I perceive them more as psychological acts, which humans practice, that very much resemble that of self-hypnosis.

Due to our own insecurities, we may feel unworthy, incompetent or unable to move past some personal transgression or impasse in our lives.

R. P. Sarvas Those who lack the confidence or courage to move past whatever is that is holding them back are far more likely to convince themselves that they must require the blessings of another, to be able to move on with their lives. It may be far more practical for us to acknowledge and to grant ourselves the authority so that we can do this on our own, for ourselves, without the illusion that it will require some external presence to make this miracle happen. It is the symbology of a blessing that our superstitions seem to accept, as our insecurities have convinced us that we are unable to do this on our own. We trick ourselves into believing that receiving blessings from others works, if only for the fact, that we do not believe enough in ourselves. This is not relevant to the laying of hands, the most ancient of healing practices done by humans. The laying of hand has nothing to do with blessings; it has more to do with a humans inherent gift to be able to emit healing energy. Any human has this within them. No license required.

We believe that miraculous healings can only be received from others yet, the most famous miracle healer of all (Jesus Christ) clearly taught that it was a gift that everyone held within them. You are an ominous and powerful human and you are unaware of that power which is contained within you. The faith that humans really need to have is faith in themselves. There are many documented examples where miraculous healings have taken place. They are referred to as miracles of God. This may be very true, for does not God also reside within the human heart? We are a remarkable species indeed, if only we were to realize it, accept it, and allow ourselves to manifest our true potential. It is time for humans to empower themselves instead of others who are more likely than not, to be unworthy of such gifts.

We need only believe in ourselves and in doing so; we shed those chains that hold us down and restrain us as we oppress ourselves. Humans seem so quick to acknowledge to themselves what their

Who Am I Now? limitations are. If they were to remove the limitations that they have placed upon themselves as they reinforce their limitations with their own insecurities, the profound changes that would take place in us and in those around us would boggle our minds.

It is said that we are our own worst enemies. That being said, you might find yourself ready to accept this without question. Yet we can just as easily become our own best friend. The limitations that we have set upon ourselves are countless. The insecurities that we clinch our belief systems on serve nothing and no one. You may live out your life imprisoned by false belief systems, complexes and the lack of your own self-confidence, but all of these things exist only for the fact that you are the one making these rules and following them. You are the only one that has placed these burdens and limitations upon yourself, and only you can remove them. Inevitably, that choice, that prerogative, is in your hands.

We are the only ones who can empower ourselves and we are the only ones who can allow our belief systems to take that power away from us. The failures that we embrace today can supply the fuel that will empower us tomorrow. Our shortcomings and downfalls can be the tools that we use for the improvement of the self. Our sins and moral downfalls can be the lessons, which give us wisdom for tomorrow. We can perceive any one of these things as negative, destructive, or even devastating, although whatever we decide to make of any of them is again our choice and our prerogative. Just because a negative experience occurs in our lives does not give meaning to anything except what we make of it. This is the beauty and wonder of free will and choice. No single event that has ever taken place in anyones life has ever caused the end of the world. It is the way that we choose to look at something, that will determine what is to be made of it, because as I said earlier, it is not the problem that is so important, it is how we choose to deal with it.


R. P. Sarvas

In todays world, we are plagued throughout the planet with mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, stress and so on. They are the direct result of how humans have interacted with the world around them. People seem to suffer greatly from the affliction of disparity and feelings of futility. To me, these conditions are more the result of what religions, cultures, and ethnicity, throughout the various societies that exist on Earth, have placed upon them. Many of these humans do not have the knowledge or the tools, for contending with these various issues. It is the penance that humans pay for living their lives to the expectations of others. They become isolated and overwhelmed and inevitably end up in the hands of physicians whos only solutions are to medicate them.

There are individuals that truly do suffer from physiological, psychological and chemical imbalance issues, however these individuals are a minority in comparison to the sheer number of people receiving drug treatment today for one type mental illness or another. These numbers of patients that are being treated with drugs are overwhelming. It is statistically impossible that so many would be suffering from genuine physiological problems. I truly understand from the bottom of my heart why so many seem so hopeless, because they have given the control of their hearts and minds to others throughout their entire lives and just do not know who they are anymore. These humans are lost and confused and what societies do not understand is that these cultures, religions and authority figures that are advising them are the very cause of the suffering that they have to endure today.

The antidote for most of these individuals is not defined in the regiment of drugs that Dr.s are so eager to dispense, but in taking time and the effort to teach these people who and what they are and to return to them their identity of the self. No matter where you stand, if you truly know who

Who Am I Now? and what you are, finding your direction will be nothing more than second nature to you. Before you can drive somewhere in a car, you must first know what a car is, and secondly, you must have the ability to drive. If you do not know either of these things, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to reach your destination.

How can someone possibly do something with themselves if they cannot, or do not understand themselves? Most psychiatrists would attribute your personal issues to your parents or your peers or any other external entity as the cause of your issues. The fact is that the problems that antagonize us are caused by our inability to understand the nature of the self. How is one supposed to resolve these types of issues when their entire lives have been built upon false belief systems? That is enough to confuse even the sanest of men. Humans strive their entire lives attaching labels to themselves and to each other in an effort to establish an identity and commonality. Unfortunately for them, when real life problems occur, these false identities or titles and labels that they have attached to themselves throughout their entire lives do little to resolve anything. Humans crave to know what is real and where they stand.

Attaching another medical label on a troubled human is the last thing that most of them need. What I would suggest is to have all of that crap and extra baggage removed so that they can have some room to breath.

It is hard to find a needle in the haystack, but if you remove the haystack, the needle will be much easier to find. Once you have found the needle, you can begin sewing again, but until you do, what you have, is a lot of crap that you are going to have to sift through first. I would suggest burning the haystack so that all that will be left is the needle.


R. P. Sarvas To rebuild ourselves back into who we are. We have to surrender and let go of all of our baggage. Baggage, is the entire insurmountable amount of things, events, or experiences, which took place in your past, and that you now perceive in your conscience, to have had a negative impact on you. That is called baggage. STOP!! Read that last sentence again. STOP!! Read it again. STOP!! Read it again. STOP!! Read it again. Do you get the point? Do you understand that we are repeating the same thing over and over again; it gets to a point that it becomes a burden, a nuisance and it is useless. Whatever baggage it is that you carry with you, every moment of your life, serves of no practical use for you. Hindsight is always 20/20 still; nothing changes in your past. A human has the choice to either not carry baggage, or they can carry this baggage with them if they go to the store, or to a movie, or on a date, or are around other people, or with their siblings, they can carry their baggage anywhere and everywhere. You lug this baggage with you tenaciously, as if it was a bag of priceless gems. Quite contrary indeed, because no one else seems to even want it. Wow!! Youve been faithfully carrying your baggage with you and it isnt even worth anything. I just cant believe this!! Its just useless baggage. Do yourself a favor, will you, could you please just get rid of it. Havent you had enough? Arent you sick and tired of carrying it?

How do you expect to have any chance at all of empowering yourself, if all of your energy is consumed on lugging and living, and again reliving your baggage? You are the one who made the choice to carry it. No one has ever told you to hang on to it, yet, by your own choice; and so far, you have chosen to make it your burden. It will not serve you today or tomorrow. To empower yourself, you have little choice but to let it go. Tell yourself its okay and then move on with your life and leave your baggage where it belongs; in your past.

This may seem a little uncompassionate, but the most cumbersome, tedious people I can imagine, are those who every single day of their

Who Am I Now? lives, are so consumed in their own misery and pathetic self pity, that regardless what anyone does or says, they are miserable. Whenever I am in their company, I can feel myself just cringing, because in total truth and honesty, I dont want to pretend that I even care. I even tell them that and they just dont get it. I really hope that Im not the only one that feels that way.

I love helping people when they need it or ask me for advise. I thrive on that kind of stuff. In fact, nothing in my life gives me more comfort and good feelings about myself than being there for someone else. Its just that I get to a point with some people, when no matter what I say to them, they cannot get out of their own way. Inevitably everything that I say to them ends up lost in space somewhere. Before long, I realize that these individuals actually love to be miserable. That is their passion. Who am I to take anything away from anybody?

Believe it or not, everybody has a comfort zone. It is a zone imbedded in their personality, in which they feel the most comfortable. Everyones comfort zone is unique to that individual. If some people werent miserable, they would always be uncomfortable. So misery is their comfort zone. I wouldnt want to see anyone uncomfortable; would I? I tend to avoid this type of human if at all possible, as misery breeds company, and some of these folks literally will suck the life right out of you. Whats your comfort zone? Hopefully, it will not be somewhere between a succubus and a black hole. Enough said.

As I am unfolding the different aspects of a humans more obvious attributes, I want you humans to ask yourselves if you believe that you have the mettle in your character to endure? I want you to ask yourself if you are tolerant. I want you to ask yourself if you are patient, and lastly, I

R. P. Sarvas want you to ask yourself if you are tough? Please take a couple of moments to think those questions over. Are you being truthful to yourself, or are you fooling yourself? Are you trying to convince yourself that you are something that you are not?

There is an ancient proverb that says, Time heals all wounds The statement is perfect in itself. It is 100% true. It is exactly what no one wants to hear, but it is undeniably true. Even if you live a painful memory throughout your entire life span and inevitably die, time heals all wounds. The choice to heal those wounds is always our prerogative. Unless you have a miraculous brain injury like mine, and get to have all of that stuff wiped out in a microsecond, you are going to have to be tolerant, patient, tough, and possess mettle in your character to be enduring.

It has taken you a lifetime to become whatever type of human it is that you are today. Most people are not going to change themselves overnight. You can make a commitment and a choice for yourself to change in a microsecond if you really wanted to. However, for most humans, it will be a personal process of peeling off the layers of crap that they have attached to themselves while they learn and discover how to let go of their past and forgiving them selves as they understand what it is to be their word. It completely depends on your mindset. If you really want to change, program that computer between your ears to make those changes for yourself. Implant a program in your mind that will direct you in the direction that you want to go. Only you can do that for yourself.

Here are a few guidelines to help you on your way. Refuse to think negative thoughts about yourself. Make it a game and see how many times you can catch yourself being negative or being someone that you

Who Am I Now? dont want to be, and visualize the changes that you want to take place in your character and personality. I have given you the building blocks. All that you have to do is take them and use them to build what it is that you really want to be like. If you do it for 10 days in a row, it will become a habit. If you do it for only a month, it will become second nature. And if you endure tenaciously and consistently, you will empower yourself and open many new doors in your life that you never imagined. If you want to be successful, instead of trying to change the world around you, change yourself and by doing so, everything else will begin to fall in place. When we fight the Universe, it fights back and creates great turmoil in our lives. If we comply with our Universe and are true to our word and cause no harm, we release a tremendous weight from our hearts and spirits; we will have no need to carry destructive baggage with us. When you make changes in your life that are positive, the positive energy infects everything around it. It physically changes the world around you. The kind of energy or vibes that you put out will determine the kind of energy that will be around you. Amaze yourself and try it out.


R. P. Sarvas

CHAPTER 16 Why I Know What Im Talking About

When I look back upon the worst day of my life, I can remember telling myself, A year or even 6 months from now, this moment isnt going to be that important. Ten years from now, I wont even be alive, so all that I have to do is to make some time go by. I remember that moment like it was yesterday. It encouraged me to get up off of my hands and knees, stand up, and to begin placing some distance between that moment and myself. I was so sick and weak. I had lost everything. I lost my family, my home, my health, my businesses and everything including my mind. I was on the side of a freeway in the winter on a 4-foot snow bank. I was on my way to find a motel room. My newly rebuilt transmission had failed in the middle of the night on the freeway in the middle of nowhere. It was freezing outside. A state trooper saw me and was putting on his police lights. My wife was divorcing me. I lost my credit; I was no longer able to do my work because of my brain injury at that moment in time, I had lost everything. I had no future. I was an extremely miserable, weak, homeless man with no future or life to look forward to.

I began to place some distance between that horrible moment and myself. I was mad at the whole world. I was consumed by my own miserable existence and this stupid brain of mine was next to useless. I am sharing this with you because Ive been there. I understand what it is

Who Am I Now? like. My brain injury took everything I had away from me. I was falling down all the time and couldnt remember one moment to the next.

I found myself humiliated, feeling stupid, incompetent, embarrassed and ashamed. My mind was on fire, scattered in shards. I was unable to think of any one thing at a time. I was in deep trouble as I was barely even able to function. I couldnt remember one moment to the next. I didnt even have a working brain to help me sort and understand what was going on around me, or taking place in my life. All of my thoughts and feelings were scattered and incoherent. Whoever it was that I used to be was gone. Everything I had ever learned seemed to be intact, yet decades of my life had just disappeared, vanished. All that was left were flashes of moments in my past that I couldnt associate with anything.

I was a complete mess. I had been on this brutal chemotherapy for 2 years and it had been all for nothing. I was in such bad shape that I had to rest half way up on a single flight of stairs (12 feet) while hanging on to the banister, I had to crawl the rest of the way up them. A few days later, I knew that things couldnt possibly get any worse for me, so I went to my Drs office the following day. After her heartless greeting, she checked some of my test results and told me that the chemotherapy treatment that I was on had failed; she then told me that I only had a year or so to live. Ouch

I was just so bewildered and lost. I had to completely put whoever I was back together again. I was alone and there was no one there to help me. I tried to ask for help, but was unable to get along with anyone around me. Everyone thought I was just some other nut, or they just didnt want to get involved. It took me months before I had discovered that I knew absolutely nothing about human social behavior. I had to observe my own species as

R. P. Sarvas an anthropologist would. I watched them from a distance observing their behavior and how they interacted. I was human, but outside of that, I knew very little about them.

I later found myself a tiny trailer to store my dying body in, and sat alone for months playing video games and having people hate me on Warcraft because my character sucked. I was just waiting to die and I couldnt get it out of my scattered mind. I felt at that point that things couldnt possibly get worse. Even though I shouldnt have been surprised, they did. I ended up with all of these legal battles and I had no clue what was going on. I had to second-guess every thought and action that I took. I had to look at my hands and feet all the time so that I knew where they were and what they were doing. It was extremely difficult as a smoker to not burn my trailer down because I would forget that I was smoking, or cooking, until the screeching of the smoke detectors would give me a rude reminder to turn off the burners or toss a glass of water on my smoldering carpet. I tried to wake up several times but unfortunately, it was reality and I couldnt.

A month earlier, I had been a happily married successful businessman. But now, everything that I had ever worked and strived for was gone and lost and things were only going to get worse. I felt mad and abandoned and alone and hopeless. That was 2 years ago. I have no idea how this may compare to any horrible event that has taken place in your life, but I wanted you to know that I do understand your pain and that I do know what it is like to live in hopelessness and futility. I know what it is to feel powerless. It is important that you know this only for the fact that perhaps like you, I have suffered greatly too.


Who Am I Now? Everything I have told you or talked about in this book is based on my real life story and experiences since my brain injury and is not the representation of some professionals opinion. I have looked upon humanity with new eyes, an open mind, and have based everything that I have disclosed, on my personal observations and experiences since that worst day in my life. Everything that I have talked about is everything that my species has showed me, for whatever social cultural or religious beliefs I had before were wiped out of my brain in a microsecond. Everything I relearned was without the influence of any external sources outside of my own observational abilities, and listening to my heart.

That part of my brain that held such knowledge and attributes was physically dead and nonfunctional. The left side of by brain is now taking over many of the tasks that the right side of my brain used to perform. There are varieties of attributes such as behavior, intuition, memory, and perception, which have all been dramatically altered. I had no guidelines to base the reconstruction of my character and personality on. I only can tell you about what I have learned about my species as a whole since about January of 2009. Today is May 20th. 2011. My brain injury occurred on November of 2007. I can express to you my perceptions of your behavior, attitudes, belief systems, cultural and racial values and I can do it only through my very own uncorrupted and uninfluenced perspective, because in the process of figuring out what kind of a person I wanted to become, I had the honor and opportunity to truly observe many people of my planet with a new and unbiased mind. This in itself affords me the opportunity to be extremely close to factual in how I regard what it is that fellow humans had to offer me while I was doing my soul-searching.

I approached many people and traveled throughout Asia observing and searching for the truth in an effort to relearn my own humanity. I spent time with Christians and Muslims and Buddhists and Jews, Asians, Africans, Europeans, Americans, East Indians, and many others. I asked

R. P. Sarvas the tough questions uninhibitedly without the good sense to know what things that I should and should not be talking about. I have experienced deep prejudice and contempt and have listened to you as you described yourselves and your values and your beliefs. I understand your suffering and I see and understand why you are the way that you are. I thank each and every one of you everyday in my life because without you, I would have never been able to discover who I am, what I am, and how I would like myself to be as a human.

That said, I do not see our world as you, I do not see humanity as you, and I do not see your values and belief systems as you do. I only see and know what I have learned from you. I am forever grateful, as it is you that truly compelled me the most to teach myself. To date, I have never seen a psychiatrist because I did not want to be sedated. I seldom have an appetite, I have no body clock, and I have no schedule that I am able to follow. I have no routines to set my life by. I could easily be given pills to help me sleep or calm my mind, but to me, it would be as if I were living a lie. I have had enough of Drs and their drugs and refused to allow them to practice their medicine on me anymore. I am not this way to the point of being stupid, neglectful or self-destructive. I have made that choice because I crave reality and I empowered myself to allow it to work for me instead of living a sedated existence that masks the mercilessness of reality. Besides that, I really do enjoy the challenge.

Today, I have no regrets. My life might still be a mess, and I may live in poverty now, but its okay because I really like who I am now. I am happy and content. My life, as mundane as it is, is rich and rewarding. I am alive. I am not afraid of dying and in fact, my curiosity compels me to look forward to it. To receive the gift of death, one must first endure an entire lifetime. I understand now what it means to be complete. I have forgiven myself, let go of my past and each new day that I am alive, I try to approach it with an empty mind so that my day can leave its imprint upon

Who Am I Now? it. Im still alive and kicking and I am eager and ready for round 2. Perhaps it is good to be a nonconformist after all.

CHAPTER 17 The Secret to Life

Okay then, weve gone through religion, emotion, cultures, hang ups, complexes, understanding, acceptance, misery and many other aspects of human existence. I suppose that next; you will want me to tell you the secret of life. It really isnt a very hard question to answer at all. Ive seen some movies that referred to the subject but they seemed lacking and appeared to be more like wishful thinking than anything that resembles reality.

With religions abound, and ghost stories and legends about the supernatural, humans seem to think that our lives are all about preparing ourselves for death. Humans want to be ready and prepared so that when their time comes to enter that next world, should one exist, that they will be forgiven and accepted into a wonderful place where their long passed friends and families will be there waiting for them. People pray and they plead and beg and grovel in fear of their inevitable demise. There are dozens of show now on television. Some are based on specific religions, others are based on ghosts and spirits and again others are seeking physical documented evidence that there is more out there than just this reality. It really doesnt matter because none of these things have anything at all to do with the secret of life. All that they have to do with are the mysteries of death.

R. P. Sarvas

Humans are never satisfied and this seems to be imbedded in their DNA. Humans always want more and the reasons that they fear death most is because they are afraid of all of the cool things that they are going to miss out on once they are dead. In general, humans fear death so much, that I have to wonder if they have ever lived their lives at all. Should humans be made to suffer more, once that their corpses begin the process of decay? They spend every day of their lives carrying their baggage and guilt with them as they beg incessantly to be accepted by their God. This also has absolutely nothing to do with the meaning of life.

I have learned first hand that when you live in fear of death, not only will it come sooner because of the stress that you inflict upon yourself, but you then find yourself living your life in fear. I have learned from television that there are over 1000 ways to die. I think that is wonderful although it does little to change the overall crippling effects of death.

I have actually invested some of my time visiting dying people in nursing homes and hospitals. It is most interesting watching them as their body begins to fail and atrophy, how they slowly regress back into a fetal position. Some of them clench anything graspable as they struggle desperately, with terror in their eyes so horrified as they lay there clinging to their lives. Others I have witnessed have family or priests around them supposedly giving them comfort, although I am certain that although they mean well, they are actually rubbing it in the humans face that he is on his or her deathbed.

Humans, especially the Westerners become so nervous around dying people. They just dont know what they are supposed to do. I have to laugh a little because it is the kind of show that outdoes any horror show

Who Am I Now? on television. I think that your ritualistic and superstitious fears and practices are not only a terrible waste but they are a cruel practice to say the very least. People are so absorbed with the quality of their life that they give no consideration to the quality of their death. But as heartless or gruesome as these facts may be, they have absolutely nothing to do with the secret of life.

Humans with their baggage endure throughout their lives in the hopes that when their time has comes, that they will be remembered and hope that they will be going to a better place. It is very cute how humans use so many terms to cushion the fact that the guy is dead. They say things like he passed away but away where? This guy isnt passing anything anymore because hes dead. They say that hes gone now, but I have seen for myself that he is right there; its just that hes dead. Then you have the ones that say hes in Heaven now, as if they were the one that got him his boarding pass. We also have those that say he is no longer with us, or you hear that hes off to a better place as if they have the inside scoop on the hereafter. I know that I am being a little crass but again, none of this stuff has anything to do with the secret of life.

The secret of life isnt about death or dying, it is about knowing how to live your life without being consumed by your own mortality. When you live out your life fearing your inevitable death, you have never truly lived a day in your life. This is because each day that passes, somewhere in the back of your mind, your own mortality is haunting you. However, if you can become satisfied with the life that the Universe has given you, and if you can bring yourself to look forward to that great mystery, then you have not only conquered death, but also you have discovered the secret of life. To live a rich and loving and wonderful life, we must face our deaths without fear or expectation.


R. P. Sarvas When we no longer live our lives in fear of death, we are given a peace and a freedom to truly live without remorse, fear or apprehension. The secret of life, isnt about dying, it is about living. If you live your life in truth, honor, moral fortitude, and goodness, and apply a Cause No Harm, philosophy, calmness and peace will encompass the fabric of your very being. Living absent of the fear of death is the secret of life. If you believe that each day is bringing you closer to death, you may be correct, but you are thinking of death and not life. If you are thinking about it all the time, then you are afraid of it all the time, and to live a life of fear and dread is not truly living life at all.

I am telling you this, because I faced this fear and I overcame it by refusing to invest my energy into something that I had little to no control over. In my recent past, with good reason, I found myself consumed with my own existence and threatened by my own mortality. Living like that was a nightmare, it was absolutely horrible, and in fact, it was devastating. I did that to myself day and night every moment of every day for almost six months because some idiot Dr. told me that I had a year or so to live and I believed her. The agony and turmoil I suffered as a result dwarfed all the other stuff that I had already been through. How are you supposed to plan your life if you are soon going to die a horrible death? What is the point of even trying?

I just threw in the towel and sat there waiting for doom to extinguish my miserable existence. It was probably the worst six months of my life. One day that was no more special than any other, I was so distressed over my dilemma that I just threw my hands up in the air because I was so fed up and miserable and tired that I had had enough and just wanted it to be over with. I was tired of the dread and the anticipation. By my perspective, death couldnt possibly be as bad as the life that I was living. I said to myself, frack it all. I just want this over with! To this day, I still dont know why, but once I had decided that I couldnt wait to die, this

Who Am I Now? massive burden was lifted from my heart. My mind started to clear and almost overnight, I found myself taking interest in the most mundane of things. I became intrigued with all of the living things around me. I could smell the sea in the air, I noticed little ants working diligently and reveled at trees and grass and leaves blowing in the wind and for the first time in my new life, I felt alive. I felt at peace, for the first time, I was alive, without any concern or regard for my mortality.

People started to make comments about my smile and couldnt understand what it was that I had to be happy about. I didnt care because I was alive and living and every living thing around me became precious and important. I was now looking forward to my death and even became curious about it. I decided to take a look at religion, because I noticed that almost every human in the world seemed to take part in it. I was unaware that I was opening up a can of worms.

I checked out this one and that one and glanced through this Bible and that Torah and a Quran and Bhagavad Gita and the more I searched, the more questions I had. It didnt take me very long to realize that absolutely none of these people truly had a clue what they were talking about. I came to understand that these so called religions were a human tool used to exploit the fears and weaknesses of others. These religions would entice you with their gifts of false hopes and empty promises. I studied their origins and discovered that throughout the course of history, many of these teachings had changed so dramatically from their original messages and that they were more apt to be fabrications of man than the works of God.

By being apart from my own race of humans, I was able to see them in a profoundly objective way. I think that I believe in God, but religions

R. P. Sarvas seem to have very little to do with him. There was no peace or comfort in any of them. They were vague, not very descriptive, and seemed to have answers for everything except none of their answers ever had to proven and none had any evidence to back these answers up. As it turned out, there wasnt a single place on planet Earth where I could go and read something that God had written and left for mankind to follow. Not even one single word.

It didnt take being a brain surgeon or rocket scientist to conclude that these superstitious humans seemed to have the capacity to swallow and believe just about anything. Some did so to the point of notable fanaticism. Some even became threatening and tried to use intimidation to sell their wares, but their efforts were fruitless just like their religions. I have already invested a good amount of time in this book to outlining for you, the reality of these man-serving philosophies, so I will leave this thought with you. If God exists and you love and believe in him, does it make any difference if you are a Catholic or a Jew or a Muslim or Hindu? If there is only one Supreme Creator, is there any religion on Earth today that could prove itself in a court of law. The answer is definitely no.

If you cause no harm, have a good heart, are honest and morally sound, you have nothing to fear from God. God is not petty or angry or jealous or conceited or vain or any other human characteristic. He is so far above any of that human pettiness, that it has got to be insulting to bring him down to our level. I am not afraid to die. If I died tomorrow, I would be grateful and content with that which was given to me. I dont need seconds, as I am perfectly satisfied with what I have. I love life and my Creator is greater than all of the others put together. To me, they are but a crumb of his greatness. I am at peace and happy and I can accomplish anything that I set my heart and mind to do. I am loving and compassionate and I want to be the best human possible to please my Maker. I know in my heart, that this is the truth about the secret of life. I

Who Am I Now? have faced my fears and cried my tears but today is my day to live and I will do it to the best of my ability.

Each and every remaining day of my life, I am a nobody, with nothing, and as insignificant as I am, I feel blessed by Nature and the Universe because they are the reasons that I exist. I am satisfied with the cards that were dealt to me. What I have given to myself is something that only Nature can take away from me and I surrender to Her hearts desire. I am Ron. That is who I am. I am a human of Earth and all life forms on my home world are my kin. I am a good man and I am true to my word. I am like this because my Creator gave me the choice to be that way. Not you or any other human can ever take that away from me. I know how to live and I have learned how to die.

My life is rich because what I hold in my heart is priceless. I am the creation of God and I am the creation of man and I strive to be an example to both. I have no titles, no claims to speak of. I belong and am a part of everything else that exists in the Universe. I am just another piece of the puzzle, that is who I am, and this is how I choose to be. I am all religions and no religion all at the same time because it is my choice and I empower myself to be that way. I have no culture I have no society that is exclusive to me. I am complete and yet have an endless capacity to grow. All of the important things that I need to know are stored within my spirit, my mind, and my heart. I am alive and one day when I am no longer, I will touch the face of a God as a speck of dust or shine upon his face as just another photon in a beam of light coming from a distant star. It does not matter either way because in one way or another, my matter can never be destroyed, so I will exist forever in the cosmos. I am Ron and I am just like you, your fellow man. I am deeply grateful and thank all of the humans on planet Earth, for you have been my greatest teachers. Always be kind to yourselves, it will

R. P. Sarvas compel you to be kind to others. Always be your word and strive to be an example to yourself, you will then become an example to others. It is humans who will change the world. It is your character that will empower you. It is your free will that gives you the prerogative to do and to decide every choice decision, or action that you will take. You get to choose what you believe. You get to decide what to feel or think about yourself. You get to choose how you perceive everything. And you get to decide every action and decision that you will make from this moment on. The choices we make, determine our fate, and this empowers every human to be able to change the world. If you believe in God, God knows and is aware of it. That does not require any religious leader or building or criteria. It only requires you. As humanity, we can either become wise from the lessons of our history, or else we can tenaciously carry the burdens of our ancestors along with their beliefs and behavior and suffocate as a species. Perhaps the best philosophy to pursue is the one that does not keep us living in the past. It is the philosophy of unity, of constructive growth, and self-empowerment. It is a belief that affords all peoples of humanity to finally work together. To be your word, and to cause no harm, are two very simple rules. Because for us to be the best humans possible is how we best serve humanity, the Earth, the universe and God.



Who Am I Now?


Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny. Mahatma Gandhi God has no religion. Mahatma Gandhi My effort should never be to undermine anothers faith, but to make him a better follower of his faith. Mahatma Gandhi As for me, all I know is that I know nothing. Socrates Tyranny naturally arises out of democracy. Plato

R. P. Sarvas

The learning and knowledge that we have, is, at the most, but little compared to that of which we are ignorant. Plato Perhaps God is where the human mind stops, and our imagination begins. R. P. Sarvas The truth resides in every human heart, and one has to search for it there, and to be guided by truth as one sees it. But no one has the right to coerce others to act according to his own views of the truth. Mahatma Gandhi To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act,

is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer

Mahatma Gandhi

I like your Christ. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

Mahatma Gandhi

Yes I am. I am a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist and a Jew.

Mahatma Gandhi

Who Am I Now?

Before I traveled my road, I was my road.

Antonio Porchia For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories. Plato



R. P. Sarvas was born on Sept 7th 1954. Born in California, but was raised in Europe, Asia, North Africa and the USA. Ron was always interested in philosophy and studied many religions throughout the world. He was always in search of those answers that most of us want to know, as we seek to understand about our own existence. After enduring a brain injury in September 2007 all of his cultural, religious, and various belief systems, which he had always cherished, were lost to him in the blink of an eye. The meanings they once had now held no meaning for him at all. Imagine knowing and remembering everything that you had ever learned except losing everything that you had ever known about interacting with other people. He had to learn anew how to act, how to behave, what to say and what not to say when talking to ordinary people. Imagine losing all of your complexes and inhibitions. What would it be like to be completely uninhibited in a world where everyone has complexes and hang-ups? How would we be if we had no baggage or ghosts in our closets? Where would we even begin? His story is a remarkable journey to rediscover and find his place once more in humanity, and to grow up once more as an adult in the world that we live in today. How would an infant see the world with the uncorrupted mind of an adult? The result may shock you but the truth always speaks for itself.


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