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Train Store - Software to Store MSTS Routes

Version 3.2
Tony Formoso
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page i
TabIe of Contents
OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................. 1
WHAT DOES TRAIN STORE DO?...................................................................................... 3
GETTING STARTED............................................................................................................. 5
Instal l ati on Steps ................................................................................................................... 5
Instal l ati on of the Sof tware ................................................................................................... 5
Instal l i ng i n an Exi sti ng Trai n Store Instal l ati on ................................................................... 5
Setti ng Parameters................................................................................................................. 5
MSTS Fol ders Path ........................................................................................................... 6
Trai n Store In Store Fol der ............................................................................................. 6
Fi rst Steps.............................................................................................................................. 8
Fi rst Steps (Easy Trai n Store) ............................................................................................... 9
Runni ng an Acti vi ty .......................................................................................................... 9
Expl ori ng a Route ............................................................................................................. 9
Changi ng the Expl ore Mode Consi sts f or a Route .......................................................... 11
Editing or Maintaining your MSTS Installation (Easy Train Store) ........................................... 12
Fi rst Steps (Cl assi c Trai n Store) .......................................................................................... 13
Choosi ng The Acti vi ty .................................................................................................... 13
Commi tti ng the Sel ecti ons to MSTS............................................................................... 14
Setti ng Expl ore Mode Consi sts and Paths....................................................................... 15
Editing or Maintaining your MSTS Installation (Classic Train Sto re) ....................................... 18
THE TRAIN STORE MAIN WINDOW AND FUNCTIONS........................................... 19
Trai n Store Mai n Wi ndow (Easy Trai n Store) .................................................................... 19
Choose a Route ............................................................................................................... 19
Run an Acti vi ty or Expl ore the Route............................................................................. 19
Run an Acti vi ty ............................................................................................................... 20
Choose the Acti vi ty .................................................................................................... 20
Run the Acti vi ty.......................................................................................................... 20
Expl ore the Route............................................................................................................ 21
Choose the Locomoti ve .............................................................................................. 21
Changi ng the Route s Expl ore Mode Consi st Li st ..................................................... 22
Choose the Consi st ..................................................................................................... 22
Choose the Starti ng Poi nt ........................................................................................... 23
Choose the Endi ng Poi nt or Di recti on ........................................................................ 23
Expl ori ng wi th Loose Stock and AI Traf f i c ............................................................... 23
Use Rai l Dri ver ............................................................................................................ 23
Start the Expl orati on ................................................................................................... 23
Trai n Store Mai n Wi ndow (Cl assi c Trai n Store) ................................................................. 25
Operati on Mode .............................................................................................................. 25
Routes Pane..................................................................................................................... 25
Routes......................................................................................................................... 26
Gl obal Setti ngs............................................................................................................ 26
Inf ormati on Pane............................................................................................................. 26
Control s Secti on.............................................................................................................. 28
Acti vate Sel ecti ons ..................................................................................................... 28
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GO! ......................................................................................................................... 28
Incl ude Expl ore Mode Consi sts.............................................................................. 29
Incl ude Expl ore Mode Paths .................................................................................. 30
Launch MSTS......................................................................................................... 30
Use Rai l Dri ver ........................................................................................................ 30
MSTS Mai ntenance .................................................................................................... 30
Prepare.................................................................................................................... 31
Parti al Route........................................................................................................... 31
+ Def . Routes.......................................................................................................... 32
+ Al l Stock.............................................................................................................. 32
Launch MSTS Edi tor .............................................................................................. 32
Routes/Acti vi ti es......................................................................................................... 32
Expl ore Mode Consi sts, Mai nt. Mode Consi sts/Stock ............................................... 32
Edi t Sel ected Route /Edi t Gl obal Setti ngs.............................................................. 33
Expl ore Mode Paths/Mai ntenance Mode Paths .......................................................... 34
Edi t Sel ected Route ................................................................................................ 34
Exi t.............................................................................................................................. 36
Status Inf ormati on........................................................................................................... 36
THE TRAIN STORE MENU ............................................................................................... 37
Fi l e Menu ............................................................................................................................ 37
New ................................................................................................................................. 37
Open................................................................................................................................ 37
Save................................................................................................................................. 38
SaveAs ............................................................................................................................ 38
Pri nt ................................................................................................................................. 38
Pri nt Setup....................................................................................................................... 38
Exi t .................................................................................................................................. 38
Edi t ...................................................................................................................................... 39
Copy ................................................................................................................................ 39
Save Contents.................................................................................................................. 39
Fi nd ................................................................................................................................. 39
Fi nd Next......................................................................................................................... 40
Vi ew .................................................................................................................................... 40
Ref resh ............................................................................................................................ 40
Routes.................................................................................................................................. 40
Store the Sel ected Route(s) UnStore the Sel ected Route(s) ............................................ 40
Unstore Thi s Route Onl y ................................................................................................ 40
TSECTION.DAT Setti ngs .............................................................................................. 40
Acti vi ti es ............................................................................................................................. 41
Store Sel ected Acti vi ty(i es) Unstore Sel ected Acti vi ty(i es) ........................................... 41
Unstore Thi s Acti vi ty Onl y ............................................................................................. 41
Paths.................................................................................................................................... 41
Vi ew Al l Paths f or thi s Route ......................................................................................... 41
Edi t Sel ected Expl ore Mode Paths.................................................................................. 41
Acti vate Sel ected Path(s) Li st ......................................................................................... 41
DeActi vate Sel ected Path(s) Li st .................................................................................... 41
Acti vate Sel ected Path Li st Onl y .................................................................................... 41
Create New Path Li st ...................................................................................................... 42
Where Used..................................................................................................................... 42
Consi sts ............................................................................................................................... 42
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page i i i
Vi ew Al l Consi sts ........................................................................................................... 42
Edi t Sel ected Expl ore Mode Consi sts Edi t Sel ected Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts......... 42
Acti vate Sel ected Consi st Li st(s) .................................................................................... 42
DeActi vate Sel ected Consi st Li st(s) ................................................................................ 42
Acti vate Sel ected Consi st Li st Onl y ............................................................................... 42
Create New Consi st Li st .................................................................................................. 43
Show Sel ected Item i n Vi ewer ........................................................................................ 43
Where Used..................................................................................................................... 43
Stock.................................................................................................................................... 43
Vi ew Al l Stock Items...................................................................................................... 43
Edi t Sel ected Mai ntenance Stock Li st ............................................................................. 43
Acti vate Sel ected Stock Li st(s) ....................................................................................... 43
DeActi vate Sel ected Stock Li st(s) .................................................................................. 43
Acti vate Sel ected Stock Li st Onl y .................................................................................. 43
Create New Stock Li st .................................................................................................... 44
Show Sel ected Item i n Vi ewer ........................................................................................ 44
Where Used..................................................................................................................... 44
Tool s.................................................................................................................................... 44
Opti ons............................................................................................................................ 44
Expand Routes Li st When Created ............................................................................. 44
Vi ew Obj ects by Fi l e Name........................................................................................ 44
Suppress MSTS Launch.............................................................................................. 45
Suppress Background I mage ...................................................................................... 45
Return to Trai n Store af ter MSTS Launch.................................................................. 45
Start wi th Bl ank Routes wi ndow ................................................................................ 45
Use Def aul t Scenari o .................................................................................................. 45
Change Li st Hi ghl i ghti ng (Unstored Items) ............................................................... 46
Al ways Show Scenari o Save Warni ng ....................................................................... 47
Conf i rm Compl eti on ................................................................................................... 47
Suppress Move Error Di al ogue................................................................................... 47
Suppress Acti vi ty Saved Warni ng .............................................................................. 48
Suppress Mai ntenance Warni ng ................................................................................. 48
Suppress Warni ng Messages ...................................................................................... 48
Suppress Where Used Anal ysi s of Errors ................................................................ 49
Suppress Error/Warni ng Hi ghl i ghti ng ........................................................................ 49
Trai n Store Storage Fol der .......................................................................................... 49
MSTS Launch Setti ngs ............................................................................................... 50
MSTS Fol der .............................................................................................................. 51
System Def aul t TSECTION.DAT Setti ngs ................................................................ 53
Vi ewer Screenshot Fol der........................................................................................... 54
Edi tor Setti ngs ............................................................................................................ 55
ConBui l der Setti ngs.................................................................................................... 56
Route_Ri ter Setti ngs................................................................................................... 57
Rai l Dri ver Launch Setti ngs ........................................................................................ 58
SVIEW Setti ngs.......................................................................................................... 59
Use SVIEW as Item Vi ewer ....................................................................................... 60
Route Control Launch Setti ngs................................................................................... 60
Reports ............................................................................................................................ 61
Stati sti cs...................................................................................................................... 61
Where Used (No Unused Items) ................................................................................. 61
Unused Items .............................................................................................................. 61
Where Used (Compl ete) ............................................................................................. 61
Language......................................................................................................................... 62
Rebui l d Cache Fi l es ........................................................................................................ 62
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Reset Pane Wi dths .......................................................................................................... 63
Start ConBui l der ............................................................................................................. 63
Start Route_Ri ter ............................................................................................................. 63
Unstore Everythi ng! ........................................................................................................ 63
Hel p ..................................................................................................................................... 64
Uni nstal l Trai n Store ........................................................................................................... 64
Popup Menu Items............................................................................................................... 66
I mmedi ate Unstore.......................................................................................................... 66
Edi t .................................................................................................................................. 66
Edi t Lot Number ............................................................................................................. 66
TSECTION.DAT FILE SWAPPING................................................................................... 67
Setti ng up TSECTION.DAT Swappi ng .............................................................................. 68
Set up a TSECTION.DAT Li brary ................................................................................. 68
Speci f yi ng the System Def aul t TSECTION.DAT .......................................................... 68
Speci f yi ng the TSECTION.DAT f or a Route ................................................................. 70
Usi ng the TSECTION.DAT Swappi ng ........................................................................... 71
Mai ntenance Mode.............................................................................................................. 73
Edi ti ng MSTS Routes, Acti vi ti es and Consi sts ................................................................... 73
Unstore Everythi ng! ............................................................................................................ 74
UnInstal l Trai n Store........................................................................................................... 75
SCENARIOS.......................................................................................................................... 77
Creati ng a Scenari o Fi l e ...................................................................................................... 77
Loadi ng a Scenari o Fi l e....................................................................................................... 77
Usi ng a Scenari o as an MSTS Launcher ............................................................................. 78
Creati ng a Shortcut f or a Scenari o....................................................................................... 79
Create The Shortcut ......................................................................................................... 79
Rename the Shortcut ....................................................................................................... 79
Change the Shortcut Icon ................................................................................................ 79
EXPLORE)............................................................................................................................. 83
Starti ng the Expl ore............................................................................................................. 83
Restarti ng f rom a Saved TRAIN STORE EXPLORE Sessi on ........................................... 85
Poi nts to Note when usi ng TRAIN STORE EXPLORE ..................................................... 87
THE TRAIN STORE VIEWER........................................................................................... 89
Vi ewer Operati on ................................................................................................................ 89
Vi ewer Wi ndow Format ...................................................................................................... 89
Vi ewer Commands.............................................................................................................. 90
TRAINLI B.OCX Versi on ................................................................................................... 91
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page v
TRAIN STORE LIST EDITORS......................................................................................... 93
Creati ng a New Li st ............................................................................................................. 94
Acti vati ng or Deacti vati ng a Li st ........................................................................................ 94
Nami ng A Li st ..................................................................................................................... 95
Del eti ng a Li st ..................................................................................................................... 95
Expl ore Mode Consi sts/Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts ......................................................... 96
Creati ng Expl ore Mode Consi sts/Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts ...................................... 96
Addi ng or Removi ng Consi sts.................................................................................... 97
Fi l teri ng the Consi sts Avai l abl e.................................................................................. 97
Addi ti onal Inf ormati on ............................................................................................... 98
Expl ore Mode Paths/Mai ntenance Mode Paths................................................................... 99
Creati ng Expl ore Mode Paths/Mai ntenance Mode Paths ................................................ 99
Addi ng or Removi ng Paths....................................................................................... 100
Fi l teri ng the Paths Avai l abl e..................................................................................... 100
Addi ti onal Inf ormati on ............................................................................................. 100
Mai ntenance Mode Stock Items ........................................................................................ 102
Creati ng Mai ntenance Mode Stock Items ..................................................................... 102
Addi ng or Removi ng Stock Items ............................................................................ 103
Fi l teri ng the Stock Items Avai l abl e .......................................................................... 104
Addi ti onal Inf ormati on ............................................................................................. 104
Sel ecti on Fi l ters................................................................................................................. 105
Sel ecti on Fi el ds............................................................................................................. 105
Wi l d Card Matchi ng...................................................................................................... 105
Consi st Fi l ters ............................................................................................................... 106
Locomoti ve Name .................................................................................................... 106
Consi st Name............................................................................................................ 106
Used i n Route ........................................................................................................... 106
Type of Consi st ......................................................................................................... 107
Dri veabl e.............................................................................................................. 107
Li ght Engi ne......................................................................................................... 107
Passenger .............................................................................................................. 107
Frei ght .................................................................................................................. 107
Type of Moti ve Power .............................................................................................. 107
Di esel .................................................................................................................... 107
El ectri c.................................................................................................................. 107
Steam.................................................................................................................... 107
Status......................................................................................................................... 107
Lot Number ............................................................................................................... 107
Path Fi l ters .................................................................................................................... 107
From.......................................................................................................................... 108
To.............................................................................................................................. 108
Path Name................................................................................................................. 108
Type of Path.............................................................................................................. 108
Dri veabl e.............................................................................................................. 108
Status......................................................................................................................... 108
Stock Fi l ters .................................................................................................................. 108
Stock Name............................................................................................................... 108
Used i n Route ........................................................................................................... 108
Type of Stock............................................................................................................ 109
Locomoti ves......................................................................................................... 109
Tenders................................................................................................................. 109
Page vi 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Passenger .............................................................................................................. 109
Frei ght .................................................................................................................. 109
Type of Moti ve Power .............................................................................................. 109
Dri veabl e.............................................................................................................. 109
Di esel .................................................................................................................... 109
El ectri c.................................................................................................................. 109
Steam.................................................................................................................... 109
Status......................................................................................................................... 109
Lot Number ............................................................................................................... 109
LOT NUMBERS.................................................................................................................. 111
What are Trai n Store Lot Numbers? ................................................................................. 111
How Are They Used?........................................................................................................ 111
Assi gni ng or Creati ng Lot Numbers.................................................................................. 111
Noti f i cati on of New Consi sts or Stock Items .................................................................... 112
MSTS SAVED ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................. 115
USING TRAIN STORE WITH RAILDRIVER ............................................................... 117
Setti ng up to use Rai l Dri ver wi th Trai n Store ................................................................... 117
Speci f y the Locati on of the Rai l Dri ver Sof tware ..................................................... 117
Usi ng Rai l Dri ver wi th Trai n Store............................................................................ 118
USING TRAIN STORE WITH ROUTE CONTROL...................................................... 119
The Probl em ...................................................................................................................... 119
The Sol uti on ...................................................................................................................... 119
I mpl ementati on of t he Sol uti on..................................................................................... 120
Speci f y the Locati on of the Route Control Sof tware ................................................ 120
Pl ace the RouteControl Shortcut ............................................................................... 121
Usi ng Route Control ................................................................................................. 121
SAVING TRAIN STORE DATA....................................................................................... 123
Backi ng up MSTS Fi l es .................................................................................................... 123
TRAIN STORE COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS ..................................................... 125
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS............................................................................. 127
I have j ust i nstal l ed Trai n Store and now most of my Stock i s mi ssi ng. Why i s thi s? ...... 127
I have j ust i nstal l ed Trai n Store and I can t start expl ori ng f rom a l ocati on that I want. Why
i s thi s?................................................................................................................................ 127
I am usi ng Easy Trai n Store to Expl ore and I can t f i nd the l ocomoti ve I want to use. Why
i s thi s?................................................................................................................................ 127
There are too many l ocomoti ves i n the l i st i n Easy Trai n Store. How can I get ri d of the
ones I don t want? ............................................................................................................. 128
How can I see al l of the Consi sts f or the di spl ayed l ocomoti ves i n Easy Trai n Store? ..... 128
What i s Mai ntenance Mode and when shoul d I use i t? ..................................................... 128
Why does Trai n Store l eave some f i l es i n Store? .............................................................. 128
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page vi i
Why shoul dn t I put al l of my Consi sts i n Expl ore Mode Li sts? ...................................... 129
What are the Gl obal Setti ngs f or? ..................................................................................... 129
I have set up my Expl ore Mode Consi sts, but I sti l l can t see the Consi st i n MSTS? ..... 129
Why doesn t Trai n Store handl e mul ti pl e MSTS f ol ders? ................................................ 129
Why i s there no UnPrepare f uncti on?............................................................................. 129
Do I need to do anythi ng bef ore i nstal l i ng a new Route? ................................................. 130
How shoul d I i nstal l a new Acti vi ty? ................................................................................ 130
I have j ust i nstal l ed a new Acti vi ty, and now Trai n Store has caused errors wi th mi ssi ng
Consi sts. Why i s thi s? ....................................................................................................... 130
How shoul d I i nstal l a new Consi st or Stock Item?........................................................... 130
How can I organi se my stock so i t i s not one bi g l i st? ...................................................... 131
How can I organi se thi ngs i nto more than one category?.................................................. 131
What i s the purpose of Used i n Route ? Are Consi sts Route dependant? ....................... 131
Exactl y what shoul d I put i n Mai ntenance Mode Consi st l i sts, or Mai ntenance Mode Stock
l i sts?................................................................................................................................... 132
Why Does Trai n Store produce a Where Used Anal ysi s every ti me I edi t the C onsi sts or
Stock l i sts?......................................................................................................................... 132
I want to make a change to one Consi st or Stock Item. Do I have to add i t to a l i st and then
Unstore i t? ......................................................................................................................... 132
Why do I have Warni ng messages tel l i ng me that an .ASV f i l e i s out of date? ................ 133
Why are some Trai n Store messages Errors and others are Warni ngs ? ....................... 133
Why are there warni ng messages tel l i ng me that there i s a di screpancy i n a traf f i c f i l e ... 133
I want to use Loose Stock when I Expl ore, but MSTS di spl ays an er ror and does not start
the Expl ore ........................................................................................................................ 134
Trai n Store wi l l not start. The error message ref ers to System Restore. What does thi s
mean? ................................................................................................................................ 134
I want to Expl ore usi ng Easy Expl ore, but MSTS al so shows me an Acti vi ty. Why i s thi s?
........................................................................................................................................... 134
When I start Trai n Store there i s a message sayi ng Wi ndows Language Resources are not
avai l abl e What does thi s mean?....................................................................................... 135
Why do some of my l i sts have a ti ck box al ongsi de?........................................................ 135
Why does the Vi ewer di spl ay an error when starti ng?...................................................... 135
Why are some of the i tems i n my Stock Li st i n i tal i c f ont? .............................................. 135
Why are some of the i tems i n my Consi st Li st crossed out ?.......................................... 135
MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................ 137
Checki ng............................................................................................................................ 137
Movement of Fi l es and Fol ders......................................................................................... 137
Instal l ati on of New Routes ................................................................................................ 137
Error Messages.................................................................................................................. 138
Page vi i i 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Regi stry Permi ssi ons ......................................................................................................... 139
Trai n Store Regi stry Requi rements ............................................................................... 139
Resol vi ng a Regi stry Permi ssi on Probl em .................................................................... 139
Al ways Use the Admi ni strator Account ................................................................... 139
Change the Regi stry Permi ssi ons ............................................................................. 140
MSTS Consi st Li mi t.......................................................................................................... 140
Usi ng Mul ti pl e MSTS Instal l ati ons wi th Trai n Store........................................................ 140
Acknowl edgement ............................................................................................................. 141
Copyri ght ........................................................................................................................... 141
APPENDIX........................................................................................................................... 143
Creati ng Fi l e Associ ati on f or Scenari o Fi l es ..................................................................... 143
NOTES.................................................................................................................................. 147
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 1
Trai n Store assi sts i n stori ng MSTS Routes, acti vi ti es consi sts paths, and TSECTION.DAT
f i l es ef f i ci entl y, wi thout requi ri ng changes to the MSTS conf i gurati on, and w i thout maki ng
addi ti onal copi es of f i l es or i nstal l ati ons of MSTS.
Indi vi dual Routes and or Acti vi ti es can be 'In Use' to MSTS, whi l st the remai nder of your
MSTS conf i gurati on i s 'In Store' and unavai l abl e to MSTS.
Thi s i mproves MSTS start -up and cl osedown ti mes dramati cal l y. It al so removes the probl em
of 'too many consi sts'. Changi ng between Routes and Acti vi ti es i s very qui ck. Combi nati ons
of Routes and Acti vi ti es (or i ndi vi dual Routes or Acti vi ti es) can be saved as 'Scenari os'.
There i s a f aci l i ty to i ncl ude addi ti onal 'Expl ore Mode Consi sts' as part of the def i ni ti on of a
Route, so that the f aci l i ti es can be used wi th or wi thout Acti vi ti es. Because of the way Trai n
Store operates, al l of the Paths that have been set up f or a Route are sti l l avai l abl e i n Expl ore
It i s even possi bl e to Expl ore a Route whi l st the Loose Stock f rom any Acti vi ty i s present, and
even to run the AI Traf f i c whi l st expl ori ng.
In Trai n Store s Mai ntenance Mode, speci f i c Stock Items and/or Consi sts can be sel ected,
al l owi ng you to speci f y whi ch Stock and Consi sts wi l l be avai l abl e f or use i n the MSTS
edi tors and other add-on edi tors, to modi f y your MSTS Routes and Acti vi ti es.
Trai n Store has a Lot Number or categori sati on f aci l i ty whi ch al l ows you to categori se
Consi sts or Stock Items, so that they may be easi l y sel ected, when setti ng up Consi st, or Stock
Li sts. Trai n Store automati cal l y mai ntai ns a Lot Number f or al l new Stock or Consi sts added
to your i nstal l ati on, but you can modi f y thi s i n any way whi ch you pref er t o assi st i n the
Categori sati on that you pref er to use (e.g. Company, Peri od etc.)
Trai n Store wi l l , i f requi red, i ntel l i gentl y swap TSECTION.DAT f i l es so that the necessary
f i l e i s avai l abl e f or Routes whi ch requi re speci f i c versi ons. If mul ti pl e Routes are bei ng
unstored, any conf l i cts are noti f i ed to the user, and avoi di ng acti on can be taken by omi tti ng
Routes whi ch are causi ng the conf l i ct.
A si mpl e Inf ormati on f aci l i ty i s i ncl uded f or Routes Acti vi ti es and Consi sts, together wi th a
rudi mentary pri nt f aci l i ty.
A Trai n Store Vi ewer i s i ncl uded whi ch wi l l show pi ctures of Stock Items or Consi sts.
The sof tware i s very easy to use. There are two i nterf aces avai l abl e to the user. Easy Train
Store al l ows a user to sel ect an Acti vi ty to run or a Consi st to Expl ore wi th, and i mmedi atel y
start MSTS. Classic Train Store provi des access to the exi sti ng Trai n Store user i nterf ace
and the compl ete range of f aci l i ti es. Sel ecti on of a requi red conf i gurati on can be compl eted i n
3 to 4 mouse cl i cks, i ncl udi ng l aunchi ng MSTS. Most of the f aci l i ti es have opti ons whi ch can
be set by the user.
There i s a si mpl e Unstore Everythi ng f aci l i ty whi ch wi l l return the MSTS i nstal l ati on to i ts
ori gi nal state.
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Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 3
What Does Train Store Do?
For MSTS to run a l arge number of f i l es are needed to descri be each si mul ati on. When MSTS
starts, i t has to read al l of the f i l es that potenti al l y i t may be cal l ed upon to use, so that i t can
store as much of the rel evant f i l es i n i ts memory as possi bl e to prevent i t havi ng to read more
f i l es f rom the di sk duri ng a si mul ati on. As an MSTS i nstal l ati on grows the number of f i l es
hel d i ncreased enormousl y. As the number i ncreases, the l oad on MSTS i ncreases parti cul arl y
duri ng starti ng up and endi ng a si mul ati on. In most cases thi s j ust sl ows thi ngs down, but
there are some si tuati ons where l i mi ts are exceeded and MSTS becomes (even more)
unstabl e. e.g. there seems to be a maxi mum l i mi t of approxi matel y 800 to 900 consi sts that
MSTS can handl e i n one i nstal l ati on.
Unf ortunatel y, when probl ems occur t hey are not necessari l y i sol ated to the one Route,
Acti vi ty or Consi st that i s actual l y the cause of the probl em, and i t i s al l too easy to end up
wi th an unusabl e MSTS i nstal l ati on by addi ng one i ncorrect i tem. The probabl e reason f or
thi s i s MSTS tri es t o val i date a certai n amount of i nf ormati on when f i rst l oaded, and at that
poi nt i t i s not cl ear what f i l es wi l l be requi red, so i t val i dates somethi ng of everythi ng. For
exampl e, every si gnal scri pt i n every route i s read, and can cause an error bef ore the Route
Sel ecti on screen i s even di spl ayed.
The sol uti on woul d seem to be to remove the f i l es that are not needed duri ng si mul ati on runs.
However, thi s i s not a tri vi al task as the probl em i s compounded by the f act that f i l es are
rel ated to one another i n ways whi ch do not al ways make i t easy to remove an i ndi vi dual f i l e.
For exampl e, a Consi st i s a group of wagons, coaches, l ocomoti ves etc. i n any combi nati on.
Once the Consi st i s descri bed, i t can be used (wi thi n certai n l i mi ts) on any Route. Some users
have attempted to get around thi s by setti ng up mul ti pl e MSTS i nstal l ati ons, or copyi ng
vari ous f i l es to speci f i c f ol ders. Thi s i s parti al l y successf ul , i n that Route i nf ormati on i s easi l y
removed f rom an MSTS i nstal l ati on (i t does not i nteract wi th any othe r Route). The probl em
comes wi th Consi sts, or to be more preci se, i ndi vi dual wagons. These can be used anywhere
wi thi n MSTS, and the i nf ormati on speci f yi ng thei r use i s embedded i n Consi st f i l es, Servi ce
f i l es, Traf f i c f i l es and Acti vi ty f i l es. Some of these are associ ated wi th a Route and/or an
Acti vi ty others aren t. The resul t i s that i t i s not possi bl e (unl ess there are a mul ti tude of
di f f erent detai l ed conf i gurati on copi es set up) to remove the overhead associ ated wi th the
unused Wagons and Consi sts.
Trai n Store operates by dynami cal l y exami ni ng the Route, Acti vi ty, Servi ce, Traf f i c, Path,
Consi st Wagon and Engi ne f i l es i n an MSTS i nstal l ati on, and al l owi ng the user to make a
si mpl e choi ce (of Route, Acti vi ty, Expl orati on or combi nati ons of them), and then removi ng
al l of the unused f i l es f rom the i nstal l ati on. The f i l es are not actual l y removed of course,
they are moved to another f ol der. Trai n Store theref ore has the concept of an In Use and In
Store set of f i l es. Trai n Store does not actual l y make any changes to the contents of your
MSTS f i l es, nor does i t make any changes to Wi ndows Regi stry setti ngs f or MSTS. No
parameters are changed, no f i l es are edi ted. It si mpl y moves out the unwanted f i l es (actual l y,
the unwanted f i l es that tri gger MSTS i nto unwanted acti vi ty).
Trai n Store wi l l al so automate the swappi ng of TSECTION.DAT f i l es whi ch mi ght be
requi red f or speci f i c Routes. A TSECTION.DAT f i l e speci f i cati on can be set up f or any
Route, and Trai n Store wi l l use thi s speci f i cati on when the Rout e i s unstored. If mul ti pl e
Routes are bei ng unstored, Trai n Store wi l l warn of any conf l i cts, and al l ow avoi di ng acti on
to be taken.
Once Trai n Store has been set up, i t can do thi s movi ng qui ckl y (moves are f ast), i n typi cal l y
30 to 45 seconds.
Page 4 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 5
Getting Started
Installation Steps
The f ol l owi ng steps are necessary to i nstal l Trai n Store. Further i nf ormati on about each step i s
i ncl uded i n thi s secti on of the manual .
1. Run the setup program Tr a i nSt or e Se t up. e xe .
2. Start the Trai n Store program.
3. (For new i nstal l ati ons onl y) Set the parameters : -
MSTS Locati on
Trai n Store Storage Fol der
Installation of the Software
Trai n Store i s provi ded wi th a Cl i ckTeam i nstal l er. The i nstal l er program i s a si ngl e
executabl e f i l e. There are no other f i l es requi red to i nstal l Trai n Store.
Run the i nstal l ati on program Tr a i nSt or e Se t up. e xe .
The runni ng of the Trai n Store Setup program does not make any changes to your system,
other than i nstal l i ng the Trai n Store sof tware and the manual i n i ts own f ol der. (No changes
are made to your MSTS conf i gurati on, Regi stry setti ngs or f i l es. No f i l es are added to
Wi ndows or Wi ndows System f ol ders).
Installing in an Existing Train Store Installation
The sof tware can be i nstal l ed wi thout uni nstal l i ng any previ ous versi on of Trai n Store,
provi ded that you i nstal l the Trai n Store sof tware to the same f ol der as used f or the previ ous
i nstal l ati on. If you do not want to i nstal l thi s versi on of Trai n Store to the same f ol der as the
previ ous versi on, bef ore i nstal l ati on of thi s versi on, you must Unstore Everythi ng! and then
uni nstal l the previ ous versi on of Trai n Store compl etel y (and any Trai n Store Language Packs
you may have i nstal l ed), and then proceed as a new Trai n Store i nstal l ati on .
If you i nstal l thi s versi on of Trai n Store over a prev i ous versi on i n the same f ol der, al l of your
setti ngs wi l l be saved, and Trai n Store wi l l automati cal l y update i ts parameter f i l es to the
l atest versi on compati bl e wi th thi s versi on of the sof tware. Once the sof tware i s i nstal l ed you
can start Trai n Store as normal . No parameter setti ng i s necessary.
If you di d not i nstal l thi s versi on of Trai n Store over a previ ous versi on i n the same f ol der,
and you choose the same Trai n Store Storage f ol der l ocati on, Trai n Store wi l l pi ck up and use
al l of your previ ous Expl ore Mode Consi st , Mai ntenance Mode Consi st , and Lot Number
i nf ormati on.
Note: Once you have i nstal l ed thi s versi on of Trai n Store, do not re-i nstal l the ori gi nal
versi on, as the Trai n Store f i l es are not compati bl e and you wi l l l ose i nf ormati on i n your
Trai n Store i nstal l ati on.
Setting Parameters
When you run Trai n Store f or the f i rst ti me there are two parameters that must be set. These
are :-
1. The l ocati on, or Path, to the MSTS f ol ders.
2. The f ol der, or Path to be used as the Trai n Store In Store f ol der.
Page 6 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Trai n Store of f ers you a def aul t val ue f or both when you f i rst run i t. You can use these
suggested def aul ts, or choose di f f erent f ol ders. Your choi ce can be modi f i ed at any ti me l ater
i f you wi sh.
MSTS FoIders Path
When you run Trai n Store f or the f i rst ti me i t wi l l f i rst check that your Wi ndows account has
the necessary permi ssi ons to store the Trai n Store parameters i n the Wi ndows Regi stry. In the
very unl i kel y si tuati on that thi s test f ai l s, then an Error di al ogue wi l l be di spl ayed and then
Trai n Store wi l l cl ose. It i s not possi bl e to proceed unl ess your account has the rel evant
permi ssi ons i n the Regi stry. If you need more i nf ormati on about thi s, see the secti on l ater i n
the manual headed Regi stry Permi ssi ons .
Trai n Store wi l l then check that MSTS has al ready been i nstal l ed on your system, and then i f
thi s check i s successf ul , you wi l l i mmedi atel y asked i f you want Trai n Store to automati cal l y
sel ect the MSTS Fol ders Path.
You shoul d general l y accept the Yes def aul t, unl ess your system has mul ti pl e MSTS
i nstal l ati ons or mul ti pl e sets of the MSTS f ol ders whi ch you are changi ng between. (If you do
have mul ti pl e MSTS i nstal l ati ons or mul ti pl e sets of the MSTS f ol ders , then pl ease do be
sure to read the i nf ormati on l ater i n thi s manual concerni ng setti ng a Fi xed MSTS f ol der
bef ore conti nui ng).
Train Store 'In Store' FoIder
Once the MSTS Fol der has been sel ected (ei ther automati cal l y by Trai n Store, or by your own
sel ecti on) Trai n Store wi l l di spl ay a wi ndow f or you to choose the f ol der that you want Trai n
Store to use to keep i ts In Store f i l es. Agai n Trai n Store wi l l suggest a def aul t opti on.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 7
The f ol der chosen can be a new f ol der to be created by Trai n Store, or i t can be an exi sti ng
f ol der. Choose the f ol der, ei ther by navi gati ng to i t, usi ng the f ol der l i st, or el se type i n the
name of the f ol der that you want i n the edi t box above i t. If i t i s an exi sti ng f ol der i t must be
empty, or el se i t must be a previ ousl y used Trai n Store Storage f ol der. Al so, the f ol der must
be on the same dri ve as the MSTS f i l e f ol ders. (It cannot be on any other dri ve, because i t i s
not possi bl e to move f i l es wi thout copyi ng). Choose the f ol der, and cl i ck on the OK button to
compl ete the process. Trai n Store wi l l regi ster the f ol der as the Trai n Store Storag e f ol der
(creati ng i t i f necessary), cl ose the di al ogue box and open the mai n Trai n Store wi ndow.
NOTE: Once the f ol der has been created, or assi gned to Trai n Store, you shoul d not add or
make any changes to f i l es or f ol ders wi thi n the In Store f ol der. If you do so, Trai n Store may
not be abl e to run properl y.
Once you have entered or accepted the suggested setti ngs Trai n Store wi l l exami ne your
MSTS i nstal l ati on and create the f i l es i t needs to be abl e to operate normal l y. Pl ease be
pati ent, thi s process can take several mi nutes, and onl y runs the f i rst ti me you run Trai n Store.
No f i l es are created wi thi n the MSTS f ol ders and no setti ngs changed or f i l es changed wi thi n
When the process i s compl ete, the Mai n Trai n Store wi ndow wi l l be opened.
That i s the end of the i nstal l ati on process f or Trai n Store.
Page 8 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
First Steps
When you start Trai n Store f or the f i rst ti me the Easy Train Store page wi l l be di spl ayed.
Thi s i s a si mpl i f i ed i nterf ace f or users who do not need or want to use the more advanced
f eatures of Trai n Store.
If you want to use the Cl assi c Trai n Store i nterf ace, cl i ck on the Classic Train Store tab at
the top of the wi ndow and the Trai n Store Mai n Wi ndow wi l l be opened.
Note: If , i n your MSTS i nstal l ati on, you use more than one versi o n of the TSECTION.DAT
f i l e, see the secti on TSECTION.DAT File Swapping l ater i n the Trai n Store manual . Trai n
Store can now handl e thi s automati cal l y i f you wi sh.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 9
First Steps (Easy Train Store)
On the l ef t hand si de, the page there are detai l s of the Routes avai l abl e i n your MSTS
i nstal l ati on. On the ri ght hand si de the page there are detai l s of the Acti vi ti es whi ch are
avai l abl e f or the Route whi ch i s sel ected i n the Routes l i st.
Running an Activity
The wi ndow wi l l l ook somethi ng l i ke thi s : -
Sel ect the Route on whi ch you want to run an Acti vi ty by cl i cki ng on i t wi th the mouse. The
i nf ormati on i n the Acti vi ti es panel wi l l change to show the Acti vi ti es whi ch are avai l abl e f or
the Route you have sel ected.
Choose the Acti vi ty you want to run by cl i cki ng on i t wi th the mouse. The Acti vi ty
i nf ormati on concerni ng the Locomoti ve, Consi st, Path and Acti vi ty Descri pti on wi l l change
to show the i nf ormati on f or the Acti vi ty you have sel ected. You can exami ne the trai n that
you wi l l be dri vi ng by cl i cki ng on the Consi st i con . Thi s wi l l open the i nternal Trai n Store
Vi ewer.
Cl i ck on the Run button. Trai n Store wi l l survey your MSTS i nstal l ati on and store al l of the
f i l es whi ch are not needed to run the Acti vi ty you sel ected, and then start MSTS.
ExpIoring a Route
Cl i ck on the Explore the Route tab at the top of the Acti vi ti es i nf ormati on panel . The panel
on the ri ght hand si de wi l l change to an Expl ore panel showi ng detai l s of the Locomoti ves
whi ch are avai l abl e to dri ve on the Route, the Consi sts, and the Paths.
Page 10 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Choose a l ocomoti ve f rom the l i st by cl i cki ng on i t wi th the mouse. You can change the
l ocomoti ves l i st to restri ct i t to the l ocomoti ves used i n your Expl ore Mode Consi sts , by
choosi ng an opti on f rom the drop-down l i st at the top of the panel . There are three opti ons : -
Al l l ocomoti ves avai l abl e i n the MSTS i nstal l ati on (the def aul t)
l ocomoti ves used i n the Expl ore Mode Consi sts f or the Route + Gl obal Setti ngs
l ocomoti ves used i n the Expl ore Mode Consi sts f or the Route onl y
l ocomoti ves used i n the Acti vi ti es contai ned i n the Route
When you choose a l ocomoti ve, the Consi sts l i st wi l l automati cal l y change to show the
Consi sts whi ch are avai l abl e to dri ve wi th that l ocomoti ve.
Choose the Consi st that you want to use wi th that l ocomoti ve f rom the Consi st l i st, by
cl i cki ng on i t wi th the mouse. The descri pti on i nf ormati on at the bottom of the panel wi l l
change to show detai l s of the Consi st. You can exami ne the trai n that you wi l l be dri vi ng by
cl i cki ng on the Consi st i con . Thi s wi l l open the i nt ernal Trai n Store Vi ewer.
Choose the pl ace where you want to start your expl orati on, by sel ecti ng a pl ace f rom the
Starting at drop-down l i st. The Heading towards l i st wi l l then change to show the endi ng
poi nts f or the Paths whi ch are avai l abl e f rom the expl orati on start poi nt that you have
sel ected.
Choose the endi ng poi nt f or your expl orati on, by sel ecti ng a l ocati on f rom the
Heading towards drop-down l i st.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 11
Cl i ck on the Explore button. Trai n Store wi l l survey your MSTS i nstal l ati on and store al l of
the f i l es whi ch are not needed to run the expl orati on you sel ected, and then start MSTS.
Changing the ExpIore Mode Consists for a Route
If you want to change the Consi sts i n your Expl ore Mode l i sts, cl i ck on the Edit List button
whi ch i s underneath the Locomoti ves l i st. Thi s wi l l open the Edit 'Explore Mode Consists`
List f or the Route sel ected, i f you have restri cted the l ocomoti ves l i st to those used i n the
Expl ore Mode Consi sts f or a Route onl y. It wi l l open the Edit 'Explore Mode Consists`
List f or Gl obal Setti ngs i f you have restri cted the l ocomoti ves l i st to those used i n the
Expl ore Mode Consi sts f or a Route + Gl obal Setti ngs.
To add a Consi st to the l i st : -
Hi ghl i ght the requi red Consi st or Consi sts f rom the Consi sts Avai l abl e Li st.
Cl i ck on the Add to Li st button, or drag the requi red Consi st(s) i nto the Current Li st
pane. You can choose the Consi st f rom the l i st as di spl ayed, or you can f i l ter the l i st
down to a smal l er number of i tems by compl eti ng one or more of the sel ecti ons i n the
Consi st Fi l ter box at the bottom of the wi ndow. For f ul l detai l s, see the l ater secti on
deal i ng wi th Expl ore Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts and Stock.
To remove a Consi st f rom the l i st : -
Hi ghl i ght the requi red Consi st or Consi sts f rom the Current List.
Cl i ck on the Remove from List button, or drag the requi red Consi st(s) i nto the
Consi sts Avai l abl e pane.
Cl i ck on the OK button to update the l i st.
Page 12 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Editing or Maintaining your MSTS InstaIIation (Easy Train Store)
Pl ease remember Trai n Store operates by stori ng al l f i l es whi ch are not needed f or the
Acti vi ty, or Expl orati on that you have chosen, so that they are not avai l abl e to the MSTS
i nstal l ati on. So bef ore you exami ne the i nstal l ati on f i l es or make any changes to your
i nstal l ati on, you must ensure that the f i l es are i n the correct pl ace.
If you do not want to use the comprehensi ve f eatures of Cl assi c Trai n Store, si mpl y choose
Unstore Everything! f rom the Tool s menu. Thi s wi l l unstore al l of the f i l es and return
everythi ng to your MSTS i nstal l ati on. Y ou are then f ree to exami ne f i l es, and make any
changes to the f i l es.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 13
First Steps (Classic Train Store)
Choosing The Activity
In the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow there are two panes, on the l ef t -hand si de, the Routes pane,
and the ri ght-hand si de, Inf ormati on pane. The wi ndow wi l l l ook somethi ng l i ke thi s : -
In the Routes Acti vi ti es & Consi sts pane, you can see the Routes f or the MSTS i nstal l ati on
l ai d out i n a map or tree f orm. As you cl i ck on each i tem, any rel evant i nf ormati on wi l l be
di spl ayed i n the Inf ormati on pane. You can doubl e-cl i ck on any Route and expand i t to show
detai l s of the Route, i ts Acti vi ti es and any Expl ore Consi sts or Expl ore Mode Paths assi gned
to that Route. (If you have j ust started there wi l l be no Expl ore Mode Consi sts or E xpl ore
Mode Paths def i ned f or any Route). Each Route and Acti vi ty i s marked wi th an i con whi ch
shows you vi sual l y whether the i tem i s In Use , or I n Store . There are di f f erent i cons
f or Expl ore Consi sts and Expl ore Mode Paths whi ch are descri bed bel ow. You can
al so expand any group of i tems by cl i cki ng on the + si gn on the l ef t of the group of i tems.
In the Control s secti on i n the ri ght of the Mai n wi ndow, you wi l l see the Tab wi th the
capti ons Si mul ati on and Mai ntenance. Thi s control s th e mode whi ch Trai n Store operates i n.
It i s set to Simulation. Si mul ati on mode i s the mode used i n Trai n Store to sel ect the Routes
and Acti vi ti es you want to run i n MSTS, and then commi t the changes to the MSTS f i l es so
that you can run the MSTS si mul ati ons usi ng the sel ecti ons you have made.
The f i rst ti me that you use Trai n Store everythi ng wi l l be In Use . The easi est way to get
started i s to Store everythi ng and then Unstore the i tem you want to use.
Page 14 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Cl i ck on the Routes entry i n the tree vi ew at the top of the Routes pane.
In the Control s secti on on the ri ght -hand si de, cl i ck on the Store Selected Route(s)
button. Al l of the Routes i cons wi l l be changed f rom to denoti ng that the Routes
are In Store . If you doubl e cl i ck on any Route to expand i t, you wi l l see that the
Acti vi ti es have al so been stored.
Now choose the Route, or Acti vi ty that you wi sh to run i n MSTS. (The best
perf ormance i n MSTS i s obtai ned wi th the mi ni mum number of i tems In Use , but
there i s nothi ng to stop you choosi ng more than one Acti vi ty or Route i f you so wi sh).
Once you have cl i cked on the i tem you want to put In Use , cl i ck on the Unstore
Selected Activity(ies) or Unstore Selected Route(s) button i n the Control s secti on
on the ri ght-hand si de. The i con f or the sel ected i tem wi l l change f rom to . If you
changed an Acti vi ty f rom In Store to In Use noti ce that the correspondi ng i con f or
the Route al so changes (i t i s not possi bl e to Unstore an Acti vi ty, unl ess the Route i tsel f
i s al so Unstored).
Committing the SeIections to MSTS
The sel ecti ons you have made so f ar have been made i n memory and they have not yet been
commi tted to the MSTS f i l es. (You can make any number of changes to the
In Use / In Store status of any of the i tems i n the Routes pane, correc t mi stakes i n sel ecti on
When you are sati sf i ed wi th your sel ecti on,
cl i ck on the GO! button i n Activate Selections i n the control s secti on on the ri ght -
hand si de.
Trai n Store wi l l now commi t the changes to the MSTS f i l es. In the Status l i ne at the bottom of
the Trai n Store wi ndow you can see the progress as Trai n Store moves the rel evant f i l es or
f ol ders.
The f i rst ti me that you run Trai n Store, al most everythi ng wi l l need to be moved, so thi s f i rst
move wi l l take a l i ttl e ti me (possi bl y several mi nutes). When the process i s compl ete, the hour
gl ass mouse cursor wi l l be repl aced by the normal mouse cursor, and the Status l i ne wi l l be
cl ear, you are f ree to use MSTS. If you sel ected the Conf i rm Compl eti on opti on then a
conf i rmati on di al ogue box wi l l al so be di spl ayed, requi ri ng you to cl i ck OK to conti nue.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 15
Noti ce that the i ndi cati on i n the Trai n Store wi ndow ti tl e wi l l have changed f rom
[ Everythi ng Unstored] [ Synchroni sed] to [ Synchroni sed] , and that there i s now a warni ng
The current settings are not suitabIe for editing the MSTS configuration.
Thi s banner i s to provi de a conti nuous remi nder that the onl y f i l es whi ch are now avai l abl e to
MSTS are those f i l es needed f or the Acti vi ty and Route that you chose to Unstore. To edi t the
MSTS conf i gurati on, to add or edi t Consi sts, Acti vi ti es or Routes, you need al l of the f i l es f or
the Route(s) that you want to work on avai l abl e to MSTS. You can do thi s usi ng the Trai n
Store Mai ntenance Mode. See the l ater secti on, descri bi ng the Mai ntenance Mode, f o r detai l s.
Now cl ose Trai n Store
Start MSTS.
Noti ce that when you start MSTS, onl y the Route(s) and Acti vi ty(i es) you sel ected to be
Unstored are avai l abl e on the MSTS menu.
For MSTS to run ef f ecti vel y you must have at l east one Route In Use , and at l ea st one
Acti vi ty In Use somewhere wi thi n the i nstal l ati on. Trai n Store wi l l warn you i f your
sel ecti ons do not pass these tests. Noti ce al so, that the l i st of l ocomoti ves avai l abl e f or dri vi ng
i s al so drasti cal l y reduced (there may onl y be one or two, i f you deci ded to Unstore onl y one
Acti vi ty). Thi s i s correct, and i t i s conf i rmati on that Trai n Store i s worki ng and has removed
everythi ng except the f i l es whi ch are essenti al to run the si mul ati on.
If you go back i nto Trai n Store and make a di f f erent sel ecti on of Route(s) and Acti vi ty(i es),
and when you restart MSTS you wi l l see that the range of Routes, Acti vi ti es and Locomoti ves
i s now changed to sui t the new sel ecti on you have made. By thi s means you can see that i t i s
possi bl e to run any Acti vi ty, on any Route, or to run i n Expl ore Mode on any Route (usi ng the
Locomoti ves that are sel ected f or the Acti vi ty(i es) that you have Unstored.
The f i nal f aci l i ty whi ch you can use i n Si mul ati on Mode ( Expl ore Mode Consi sts and
Expl ore Mode Paths ) al l ows you t o sel ect any dri veabl e Consi sts whi ch are avai l abl e i n the
whol e MSTS conf i gurati on to be dri ven i n Expl ore Mode, even i f they are not requi red f or
any Acti vi ty that you Unstored.
Setting ExpIore Mode Consists and Paths
Expl ore Mode Consi sts and Expl ore Mode Paths i s a way of def i ni ng to Trai n Store whi ch
Consi sts and Paths you want to be made avai l abl e to the MSTS conf i gurati on when you
expl ore a Route, even i f they are not requi red to run any Acti vi ty wi thi n the Routes that you
have sel ected to be Unstored.
You need an Expl ore Mode Consi st i f you want to expl ore a Route dri vi ng a l ocomoti ve
whi ch i s not i ncl uded i n any of the Acti vi ti es you are unstori ng.
You need an Expl ore Mode Path i f you want to expl ore a Route, starti ng f rom a poi nt whi ch
i s not i ncl uded i n any of the Acti vi ti es whi ch you are unstori ng.
Pl ease remember, once you are usi ng Trai n Store, al l Consi sts and Paths that are not requi red
f or the Acti vi ti es you are unstori ng wi l l be stored. They wi l l theref ore not be avai l abl e to
MSTS, unl ess you add any that you do want to use to an Expl ore Mode l i st.
To make a Consi st avai l abl e i n the MSTS si mul ati on, si mpl y add the Consi st to the Expl ore
Mode Consi st l i st f or the Route where you want to use i t. You can add the Consi st to more
than one Route, i f requi red, or you can add i t to the Gl obal Setti ngs. If you add i t to the
Gl obal Setti ngs, then i t becomes avai l abl e f or use i n al l Routes.
Page 16 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
To make a Path avai l abl e i n the MSTS si mul ati on when expl ori ng a Route, si mpl y add the
Path to the Expl ore Mode Path l i st f or the Route. You can onl y add the Path to the Route
where i t bel ongs.
NOTE: The f ol l owi ng i nstructi ons ref er to Consi sts, but exactl y the same procedures are used
f or Paths ( Expl ore Mode Path repl aci ng Expl ore Mode Consi st ). The onl y di f f erence i s
that there are, no Gl obal Setti ngs Expl ore Mode Paths , because Paths, by def i ni ti on, bel ong
to a speci f i c Route.
To add or remove a Consi st i n an Expl ore Mode Consi st Li st : -
Cl i ck on the Route where you want to use i t.
Expand the Route, by cl i cki ng on the + next to the Route, or doubl e cl i ck on the Route
name. The Expl ore Mode Consi sts headi ng wi l l become vi si bl e i n the Route s l i st.
Cl i ck on the Expl ore Mode Consi sts headi ng, and then cl i ck on the 'Explore Mode
Consists` Edit button. The button wi l l ei ther di spl ay the capti on Edi t Gl obal Setti ngs,
or Edi t Sel ected Route dependi ng on whether you sel ected Gl obal Setti ngs, or a
speci f i c Route. When you cl i ck on the button the Edi t Expl ore Mode Consi sts
wi ndow wi l l be opened.
To add a Consi st to the l i st : -
Hi ghl i ght the requi red Consi st or Consi sts f rom the Consi sts Avai l abl e Li st.
Cl i ck on the Add to Li st button, or drag the requi red Consi st(s) i nto the Current
Li st pane. You can choose the Consi st f rom the l i st as di spl ayed, or you can f i l ter
the l i st down to a smal l er number of i tems by compl eti ng one or more of the
sel ecti ons i n the Consi st Fi l ter box at the bottom of the wi ndow. For f ul l detai l s,
see the l ater secti on deal i ng wi th Expl ore Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance
Mode Consi sts and Stock.
To remove a Consi st f rom the l i st : -
Hi ghl i ght the requi red Consi st or Consi sts f rom the Current List.
Cl i ck on the Remove from List button, press the Delete] key or drag the
requi red Consi st(s) i nto the Consi sts Avai l abl e pane.
Cl i ck on the OK button to update the l i st.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 17
If you cl i ck on the + si gn whi ch has now appeared to the l ef t of the Expl ore Mode Consi sts
headi ng, the l i st wi l l be expanded, and you wi l l see the i tem(s) that you added.
Al l that remai ns to be done i s to
Unstore the Route, or at l east one of the Acti vi ti es wi thi n the desi red Route
Cl i ck the Incl ude Expl ore Mode Consi sts and/or the Expl ore Mode Paths checkbox
to mark i t,
Cl i ck on the Go! Button to commi t the changes to the MSTS f i l es.
Cl ose Trai n Store.
Start MSTS.
You wi l l now f i nd the Consi sts and/or Paths that you added wi l l appear i n the MSTS menus.
That i s al l there i s to the basi cs of runni ng Trai n Store i n Si mul ati on mode.
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Editing or Maintaining your MSTS InstaIIation (CIassic Train Store)
Pl ease remember Trai n Store operates by stori ng al l f i l es whi ch are not needed f or the
Acti vi ty, or Expl orati on that you have chosen, so that they are not avai l abl e to the MSTS
i nstal l ati on. So bef ore you exami ne the i nstal l ati on f i l es or make any chang es to your
i nstal l ati on, you must ensure that the f i l es are i n the correct pl ace.
If you do not want to use the comprehensi ve mai ntenance f eatures of Cl assi c Trai n Store,
si mpl y choose Unstore Everything! f rom the Tool s menu. Thi s wi l l unstore al l of the f i l es
and return everythi ng to your MSTS i nstal l ati on. You are then f ree to exami ne f i l es, and make
any changes to the f i l es.
Al ternati vel y you can use the Mai ntenance Mode i n Cl assi c Trai n Store. Mai ntenance Mode
i n Cl assi c Trai n Store operates si mi l arl y to Si mul ati on Mode, but i t ensures that al l of the f i l es
that you need to edi t or mai ntai n a Route or Acti vi ty are avai l abl e. By usi ng the f eatures i n
Mai ntenance Mode you can ensure that MSTS i s not sl owed down by the l arge amounts of
unneeded i tems whi ch are l oaded i f the whol e of the MSTS i nstal l ati on i s avai l abl e. At the
same ti me i t makes sel ecti on of i tems f rom the Consi st and Stock Items l i sts i n the Acti vi ty
Edi tor much easi er as onl y the i tems you need are present.
See the f ol l owi ng secti ons to f i nd out about Mai ntenance Mode, whi ch you must use to sel ect
the necessary f ul l sets of f i l es bef ore edi ti ng Routes, Acti vi ti es and Consi sts, and f i nd out
about the addi ti onal f aci l i ti es and f eatures and ways of usi ng Trai n Store.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 19
The Train Store Main Window and Functions
Train Store Main Window (Easy Train Store)
Choose a Route
The Trai n Store Mai n Wi ndow contai ns a Routes panel on the l ef t hand si de. Thi s contai ns a
l i st of al l of the Routes i n your MSTS i nstal l ati on. At the bottom of the panel there i s an
i nf ormati on pane whi ch contai ns the Route s Descri pti on. You can sel ect any Route by
cl i cki ng on i t wi th the mouse.
When a Route i s sel ected, the Descri pti on detai l s are changed to show the descri pti on f or the
Route sel ected, and the Acti vi ty Consi st and Path detai l s i n the panel on the ri ght hand si de of
the wi ndow are updated al so.
Run an Activity or ExpIore the Route
The panel on the ri ght hand si de of the wi ndow contai ns two tabs . One i s l abel l ed Run an
Activity, the other i s Explore the Route. Cl i ck on the rel evant tab to show the sel ecti ons f or
acti vi ty runni ng or expl orati on as appropri ate.
Page 20 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Run an Activity
If you choose the Run an Acti vi ty tab you wi l l see a l i st of Acti vi ti es i n the ri ght hand tab.
These are the Acti vi ti es whi ch are avai l abl e to be run f or the sel ected Route. At the bottom of
the tab there i s an i nf ormati on pane whi ch can show detai l s of the Acti vi ty, the l ocomoti ve, or
the Consi st. When the tab i s f i rst di spl ayed the pane wi l l contai n detai l s of the sel ected
Acti vi ty. If you want to see more i nf ormati on about the l ocomoti ve, or the consi st, cl i ck on
the Locomoti ve, or the Consi st name i n the tab, and the detai l s i n the i nf ormati on pane wi l l
change to show the detai l s f or the sel ected i tem. You can exami ne the trai n that you wi l l be
dri vi ng by cl i cki ng on the Consi st i con . Thi s wi l l open the i nternal Trai n Store Vi ewer.
Choose the Activity
Sel ect the Acti vi ty you want to run by cl i cki ng on i t wi th the mouse.
Run the Activity
Cl i ck the Run button. Trai n Store wi l l survey the i nstal l ati on, unstore onl y the f i l es whi ch are
needed to run that Acti vi ty and start MSTS.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 21
ExpIore the Route
If you choose Explore the Route the ri ght hand tab wi l l contai n a l i st of l ocomoti ves whi ch i t
i s possi bl e to dri ve, a l i st of Consi sts (t hese wi l l change as each l ocomoti ve i s sel ected), and
Path starti ng and f i ni shi ng poi nts to al l ow you to sel ect where you woul d l i ke to start your
expl orati on, and i n whi ch di recti on you want to go.
Choose the Locomotive
Choose the l ocomoti ve you want t o dri ve by cl i cki ng on i t wi th the mouse i n the l ocomoti ve
l i st. The detai l s i n the i nf ormati on pane wi l l change to show the l ocomoti ve s detai l s.
The l ocomoti ves whi ch are actual l y di spl ayed i n the l i st depends upon the setti ng i n the drop -
down box next to the Locomotives headi ng at the top of the tab. The setti ngs i n thi s drop-
down l i st have the f ol l owi ng meani ngs : -
All Locos Al l dri veabl e l ocomoti ves i n the MSTS
i nstal l ati on whi ch are sui tabl e f or thi s Route
wi l l be di spl ayed.
Explore Mode Locos Al l l ocomoti ves f rom the Gl obal Setti ngs
Expl ore Mode Consi sts l i st and the Expl ore
Mode Consi sts l i st f or the sel ected Route wi l l
be di spl ayed.
Route Expl Mode Locos Onl y l ocomoti ves f rom the Expl ore Mode
Consi sts l i st f or the sel ected Route wi l l be
di spl ayed.
Used in Route Locos Onl y l ocomoti ves whi ch are used i n the
Acti vi ti es i n the Route wi l l be di spl ayed.
To change the l ocomoti ves di spl ayed, sel ect the requi red di spl ay category f rom the drop -
down l i st.
Page 22 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Changing the Route's ExpIore Mode Consist List
If you want to change the Consi sts i n your Expl ore Mode l i sts, cl i ck on the Edit List button
whi ch i s underneath the Locomoti ves l i st. Thi s wi l l open the Edit 'Explore Mode Consists`
List f or the Route sel ected, i f you have restri cted the l ocomoti ves l i st to those used i n the
Expl ore Mode Consi sts f or a Route onl y. It wi l l open the Edit 'Explore Mode Consists`
List f or Gl obal Setti ngs i f you have restri cted the l ocomoti ves l i st to those used i n the
Expl ore Mode Consi sts f or a Route + Gl obal Setti ngs.
To add a Consi st to the l i st : -
Hi ghl i ght the requi red Consi st or Consi sts f rom the Consi sts Avai l abl e Li st.
Cl i ck on the Add to Li st button, or drag the requi red Consi st(s) i nto the Current Li st
pane. You can choose the Consi st f rom the l i st as di spl ayed, or you can f i l ter the l i st
down to a smal l er number of i tems by compl eti ng one or more of the sel ecti ons i n the
Consi st Fi l ter box at the bottom of the wi ndow. For f ul l detai l s, see the l ater secti on
deal i ng wi th Expl ore Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts and Stock.
To remove a Consi st f rom the l i st : -
Hi ghl i ght the requi red Consi st or Consi sts f rom the Current List.
Cl i ck on the Remove from List button, or drag the requi red Consi st(s) i nto the
Consi sts Avai l abl e pane.
Cl i ck on the OK button to update the l i st.
Choose the Consist
Choose the Consi st you want to dri ve by sel ecti ng i t f rom the Consists drop-down l i st. When
you sel ect the Consi st the detai l s i n the i nf ormati on pane wi l l change to show detai l s of the
Consi st you have sel ected. You can exami ne the trai n that you wi l l be dri vi ng by cl i cki ng on
the Consi st i con . Thi s wi l l open the i nternal Trai n Store Vi ewer.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 23
If you have sel ected one of the opti ons to restri ct the l ocomoti ves to those use i n Expl ore
Mode Consi st l i sts then by def aul t, the Consi sts whi ch are di spl ayed f or a l ocomoti ve are
al so restri cted to those whi ch are speci f i ed i n the rel evant Expl ore Mode Consi st l i st. If you
do not want the Consi sts di spl ayed to be restri cted i n thi s way, there i s an opti on whi ch wi l l
cause Trai n Store to di spl ay al l of the Consi sts whi ch are avai l abl e i n MSTS f or the sel ected
l ocomoti ve, and not j ust those whi ch are speci f i ed i n the Expl ore Mode Consi st l i st. To set
thi s opti on, choose Show All Consists for a Locomotive f rom the Tools/Options menu, to
set the checkmark agai nst the entry. Thi s menu opti on i s onl y avai l abl e when the Expl ore
Route tab i s di spl ayed. The setti ng i s remembered by Trai n Store.
Choose the Starting Point
Choose the starti ng poi nt f or your expl orati on by sel ecti ng a l ocati on f rom the Starting at
drop-down l i st. When you sel ect the start poi nt, the l i st of end poi nts wi l l change to di spl ay
those whi ch are reachabl e f rom the start poi nt you have chosen.
Choose the Ending Point or Direction
Choose the endi ng poi nt f or your expl orati on by sel ecti ng a l ocati on f rom the Heading
towards drop-down l i st. The drop-down l i st contai ns the end poi nt name whi ch the Acti vi ty
author has used when creati ng the path. It does not mean that your expl orati on must, or even
wi l l get to the end poi nt. In Expl ore Mode i n MSTS, the endpoi nt i s onl y used to posi ti on the
l ocomoti ve i n the di recti on headi ng towards the end poi nt.
ExpIoring with Loose Stock and AI Traffic
If you want to expl ore wi th Loose Stock present when you expl ore, t hen cl i ck on the
downward poi nti ng arrow to the ri ght of the f i el d from the Activity. Thi s wi l l di spl ay a l i st of
the Acti vi ti es whi ch are avai l abl e i n the Route. Choose one of the Acti vi ti es f rom the l i st by
cl i cki ng on i t wi th the mouse. The remai ni ng f i el ds i n thi s secti on of the wi ndow wi l l be
enabl ed.
Cl i ck on the Loose Stock checkbox to mark i t, i f you want to i ncl ude Loose Stock
f rom the Acti vi ty.
Cl i ck on the AI Traffic checkbox i f you want to Expl ore wi th the AI Traf f i c f rom the
Acti vi ty runni ng.
NOTE: If the Acti vi ty does not contai n Loose Stock, or AI Traf f i c, the rel evant checkbox wi l l
not be enabl ed.
Choose the Starti ng Ti me, the Season and the Weather f rom the next f i el ds.
Sel ecti on of thi s f aci l i ty wi l l have reset the starti ng poi nt f or the Expl ore to the s tarti ng
poi nt f or the Pl ayer i n the ori gi nal Acti vi ty. If you want to expl ore f rom any other
Starti ng Poi nt, you can now go back and choose i t, (and/or a di f f erent starti ng
di recti on), usi ng the Starting at and Heading towards drop-down l i sts.
Use RaiIDriver
If thi s box i s checked, af ter Trai n Store has f i ni shed maki ng the moves requi red to the MSTS
f i l es, i t exi ts and l aunches Rai l Dri ver automati cal l y.
Thi s checkbox i s onl y enabl ed i f the Opti on menu i tem Suppress MSTS Launch checkbox i s
not checked. For f urther detai l s of thi s opti on see the secti on on Usi ng Trai n Store wi th
Rai l Dri ver.
Start the ExpIoration
Cl i ck on the Explore button. Trai n Store wi l l survey the i nstal l ati on, unstore onl y the f i l es
whi ch are needed to run that expl orati on and start MST S.
Page 24 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 25
Train Store Main Window (Classic Train Store)
Operation Mode
The Trai n Store Mai n wi ndow contai ns al l of the control s f or operati ng Trai n Store to sel ect
Routes and Acti vi ti es. Trai n Store operates i n two modes, Si mul ati on Mode and Mai ntenance
Mode. Si mul ati on Mode i s used when sel ecti ng Routes and Acti vi ti es to be used i n an MSTS
si mul ati on. Mai ntenance Mode i s used when sel ecti ng Routes, Acti vi ti es, Consi sts and Stock
Items whi ch have to be avai l abl e when edi ti ng Route Acti vi ti es or Consi sts i n the M STS
edi tors, or other add-on edi tors or checki ng tool s.
You can change Trai n Store to operate i n the requi red mode by cl i cki ng on the Si mul ati on or
Mai ntenance tab i n the Control s secti on at the top of the Control s secti on on the ri ght hand
si de of the Trai n Store Mai n wi ndow.
Changes i n sel ecti on are commi tted to the MSTS system when you cl i ck on the Go! Button i n
Si mul ati on Mode, or the Prepare button i n Mai ntenance mode.
Routes Pane
The Route pane shows al l of the Routes that you have i nstal l ed i n a si mpl e tree-l i ke structure.
In addi ti on i t shows detai l s of Acti vi ti es, Expl ore Mode Consi sts , Expl ore Mode Paths ,
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts , or Mai ntenance Mode Stock .
Expl ore Mode Consi sts onl y avai l abl e i n Si mul ati on Mode - are Consi sts whi ch you
speci f y that you want to be avai l abl e when MSTS i s run (even though they may not be
requi red f or any of the Acti vi ti es that have been made In Use ).
Expl ore Mode Paths onl y avai l abl e i n Si mul ati on Mode are Paths whi ch you speci f y that
you want to be avai l abl e when MSTS i s run (even though they may not be requi red f or any of
the Acti vi ti es that have been made In Use ).
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts onl y avai l abl e i n Mai ntenance Mode are Consi sts that you
want to be Unstored when a Route i s Unstored i n Mai ntenance Mode. (even though they may
not be requi red f or any of the Acti vi ti es that have been made In Use ).
Mai ntenance Mode Stock onl y avai l abl e i n Mai ntenance Mode are Stock Items that you
want to be Unstored when a Route i s Unst ored i n Mai ntenance Mode. (even though they may
not be requi red f or any of the Acti vi ti es that have been made In Use ).
You can expand or contract any of the branches i n the tree by doubl e-cl i cki ng on i t, by
cl i cki ng on the + or - si gn at the l ef t of the i tem, or sel ecti ng the i tem by cl i cki ng on i t, and
then pressi ng the + or - key on your numeri c pad. If you press the ` key whi l st an i tem i s
sel ected, the i tem and al l sub branches of i t wi l l be f ul l y expanded.
When you sel ect an i tem, i f there i s i nf ormati on whi ch can be di spl ayed about the i tem then
the i nf ormati on i s di spl ayed i n the Inf ormati on pane. The i nf ormati on whi ch i s di spl ayed i s as
f ol l ows :-
Page 26 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Item 1ype Information
Explore Mode Consists The stock maki ng up the Consi st
Explore Mode Paths The Path Start and Path End i nf ormati on
Route The Route Descri pti on
Activity The Acti vi ty Descri pti on and Bri ef i ng
Traf f i c, Servi ce, Consi sts and Stock used
The Route pane i n the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow i s used to sel ect the i tems to be acted upon
(to Store or Unstore as appropri ate).
Items are organi zed by Routes wi thi n the pane. The Acti vi ti es, Expl ore Mode Consi sts ,
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance Stock Items are each shown as separate
sub-branches of a Route wi thi n the tree.
GIobaI Settings
In addi ti on to the secti on contai ni ng Routes i nf ormati on i n thi s pane, there i s a secti on headed
Gl obal Setti ngs .
In Si mul ati on Mode, thi s currentl y contai ns i nf ormati on about Expl ore Mode Consi sts
whi ch are to be appl i ed to any and every Route i n the i nstal l ati on when the Route i s unstored.
So, i f you want to have a parti cul ar Consi st avai l abl e f or use i n Expl ore Mode, on every
Route, you do not have to enter the Consi st on every Route, si mpl y enter i t under the Gl obal
Setti ngs secti on. Then whenever any Route i s Unstored, i f you have sel ected the opti on to
have Expl ore Mode Consi sts i ncl uded, the Consi st wi l l be i ncl uded i n the MSTS setup. It
does not matter i f the Consi st i s al ready needed as part of an Acti vi ty f or a parti cul ar Rout e, i t
wi l l onl y be i ncl uded i n the MSTS i nstal l ati on once. However, the more i tems whi ch are
made In Use at any ti me, the sl ower MSTS wi l l become, so choose the i tems you need
rather than i ncl ude i tems j ust -i n-case .
In Mai ntenance Mode, thi s contai ns i nf ormati on about Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts and
Mai ntenance Mode Stock'. These are l i sts of Consi sts or Stock Items whi ch are to be unstored
whenever the Prepare f uncti on i s run. The i tems i n these l i sts wi l l theref ore be avai l abl e
whenever you are edi ti ng or mai nl i ni ng MSTS.
Information Pane
The Inf ormati on pane shows i nf ormati on about Routes, Consi sts and Acti vi ti es. In addi ti on i t
i s used to di spl ay the resul ts of the Stati sti cs f uncti on whi ch l i sts the numbers of Routes,
Consi sts, Acti vi ti es and Stock i tems contai ned wi thi n the system.
In addi ti on, the Inf ormati on pane i s used to di spl ay any error or warni ng messages f rom
processes that process l arge number of f i l es, where i t woul d be annoyi ng and i mpracti cal to
di spl ay a seri es of di al ogue boxes.
The f ol l owi ng are some exampl es of the Inf ormati on pane di spl ays.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 27
Route: Activity:
Consist: Statistics:
Page 28 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
The contents of the Inf ormati on pane can be pri nted by usi ng the Pri nt f uncti on (Choose File
then Print f rom the menu, or el se press the Pr i nt button on the tool bar). Thi s pri nt
f uncti on i s very basi c i n thi s versi on, si mpl y outputti ng the contents to the pri nter wi thout any
f ormatti ng.
You can save the contents of thi s i nf ormati on pane to a f i l e. You can al so copy the contents of
thi s i nf ormati on pane to an edi tor e.g. WordPad i f you want to f ormat the contents or keep a
permanent record of the contents.
ControIs Section
The control s f or Trai n Store are grouped on the ri ght hand si de of the mai n Trai n Store
wi ndow. There are three groups of buttons. Thei r f uncti on depends on the mode bei ng used.
The f uncti ons are : -
Simulation Mode Maintenance Mode
Acti vate Sel ecti on MSTS Mai ntenance
Routes/Acti vi ti es
Expl ore Mode Consi sts &
Expl ore Mode Paths
Mai nt. Mode Consi sts/Stock
The Acti vate Sel ecti ons and the MSTS Mai ntenance control s are l ocated on 2 separate tabs to
separate the normal runni ng control s f rom those onl y used duri ng mai ntenance.
You can change between the tabs by cl i cki ng on thei r names. The Simulation tab i s the tab
that starts the actual process of exami ni ng the Scenari o that you have sel ected, f i ndi ng out
where the f i l es needed are actual l y l ocated (In Use or In Store) and then movi ng the f i l es to
thei r requi red posi ti ons. The Maintenance tab, as i ts name suggests, i s used when you want
to work on MSTS wi th the edi tors. Thi s tab starts a process whi ch i s si mi l ar to the process
that sets up the f i l es needed f or a si mul ati on, but because the edi tors are goi ng to be used, al l
of the possi bl e f i l es needed f or a Route must be f ound, not j ust those needed f or speci f i c
Acti vi ti es.
Activate SeIections
The control s i n thi s secti on af f ect the setti ngs when Trai n Store i s commi tti ng the sel ecti on
changes to MSTS f or normal si mul ati on use.
Thi s button i ssues the i nstructi on to Trai n Store to exami ne the contents of the Routes pane,
and ensure that the actual f i l es on di sk are set up as you have requested. It i s at thi s poi nt that
Trai n Store actual l y works and moves f i l es to and f rom the MSTS f ol der structure, and the
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 29
Trai n Store storage f ol der structure as appropri ate. When thi s button i s cl i cked, Trai n Store
checks to see that al l of the requi red f i l es are present and the Scenari o requi red has no
i nconsi stenci es. If any errors are f ound duri ng thi s survey process, they wi l l b e l i sted i n the
Inf ormati on panel i n the mai n Trai n Store wi ndow, and at the end of the survey a warni ng
di al ogue wi l l be di spl ayed gi vi ng you the opti on of conti nui ng to make the requested moves
or stoppi ng.
Ideal l y, i n a properl y mai ntai ned MSTS i nstal l ati on, there shoul d be no errors f ound by Trai n
Store duri ng thi s survey . Such errors may not be seri ous, and they may not cause vi si bl e
probl ems, but i t woul d be better i f they were eradi cated by usi ng a checki ng f aci l i ty such as
Route_Ri ter or ConBui l der and taki ng acti on usi ng the resul tant reports.
If there were no errors f ound, or you chose to conti nue when the warni ng di al ogue was
di spl ayed, the changes are actual l y made, and the progress i s di spl ayed i n the Status bar.
Duri ng the actual move process, Trai n Store moni tors al l moves and i f any errors occur, they
wi l l be l i sted i n the Inf ormati on pane of the mai n Trai n Store wi ndow, and, at the end of the
process, an error di al ogue wi l l be di spl ayed. It i s i mportant to real i se that errors at t hi s stage
are seri ous. They mean that Trai n Store was f or some reason unabl e to move a needed f i l e to,
or f rom, the MSTS i nstal l ati on. Thi s al most certai nl y wi l l mean that there wi l l be probl ems i n
runni ng MSTS. Errors at thi s stage are not normal and shoul d be treated as seri ous, and the
reason f or them sought. For f urther i nf ormati on, see the secti on l ater i n thi s manual deal i ng
wi th Error Messages.
Af ter the processi ng i s compl eted, the Ti tl e bar at the top of the mai n Trai n Store wi ndow wi l l
show [ Synchroni sed] .
There are three opti onal setti ngs whi ch can be appl i ed bef ore thi s button i s pressed, Incl ude
Expl ore Mode Consi sts , Incl ude Expl ore Mode Paths , and Launch MSTS .
Include Explore Mode Consists
If thi s box i s checked, then when Trai n Store moves the f i l es to make them In Use , i t al so
makes sure that any Consi sts i n acti vated Expl ore Mode Consi sts are unstored. If the
sel ecti on i s not checked, then no Expl ore Mode Consi sts are unstored. Thi s al l ows you to
get the absol ute maxi mum perf ormance on parti cul ar occasi ons. Wi th the box unchecked,
Page 30 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
there are no Consi st f i l es In Use other than those absol utel y necessary f or the Acti vi ty
sel ecti ons made. Thi s setti ng onl y has an ef f ect when operati ng i n Si mul ati on Mode.
NOTE: Onl y i tems f rom acti vated Expl ore Mode Consi st Li sts wi l l be unstored.
The setti ng f or thi s check box i s remembered by Trai n Store between sessi ons, so once
checked, i t remai ns checked unti l you change i t, whenever that may be.
Include Explore Mode Paths
If thi s box i s checked, then when Trai n Store moves the f i l es to make them In Use , i t al so
makes sure that any Paths i n acti vated Expl ore Mode Paths are unstored. If the sel ecti on i s
not checked, then no Expl ore Mode Paths are unstored. Thi s al l ows you to get the absol ute
maxi mum perf ormance on parti cul ar occasi ons. Wi th the box unchecked, there are no Paths
In Use other than those absol utel y necessary f or the Acti vi ty sel ecti ons made. Thi s setti ng
onl y has an ef f ect when operati ng i n Si mul ati on Mode.
NOTE: Onl y i tems f rom acti vated Expl ore Mode Path Li sts wi l l be unstored.
The setti ng f or thi s check box i s remembered by Trai n Store between sessi ons, so once
checked, i t remai ns checked unti l you change i t, whenever that may be.
Launch MSTS
If thi s box i s checked, af ter Trai n Store has f i ni shed maki ng the moves requi red to the MSTS
f i l es, i t exi ts and l aunches MSTS automati cal l y.
Thi s checkbox i s al ways unset on starti ng Trai n Store.
The parameters used to l aunch MSTS are i ni ti al l y set by Trai n store f rom the de f aul t f or the
MSTS i nstal l ati on. The actual command l i ne and any parameters requi red can be changed by
choosi ng MSTS Launch Settings f rom the Tool s, Opti ons menu.
The behavi our of thi s parameter can be f urther modi f i ed by the setti ng of the opti on Return
to Train Store After MSTS Launch. Thi s parameter, whi ch can be f ound on the
Tool s/Opti ons menu, i f set, wi l l cause Trai n Store to wai t unti l you have f i ni shed i n MSTS,
then i t wi l l automati cal l y reappear awai ti ng your next set of sel ecti ons.
Use RailDriver
If thi s box i s checked, af ter Trai n Store has f i ni shed maki ng the moves requi red to the MSTS
f i l es, i t exi ts and l aunches Rai l Dri ver automati cal l y.
Thi s checkbox i s onl y enabl ed i f the Launch MSTS checkbox i s checked. For f urther detai l s
of thi s opti on see the secti on on Usi ng Trai n Store wi th Rai l Dri ver.
MSTS Maintenance
Thi s secti on al l ows you to sel ect Route(s) to be Prepared so that they are avai l abl e f or
mai ntenance usi ng the MSTS edi tors.
When a Route i s Prepared usi ng thi s f uncti on, al l of the f i l es f rom the Route are Unstored, not
j ust the f i l es speci f i cal l y needed f or the Acti vi ti es whi ch are contai ned i n the Route. In
addi ti on any Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts whi ch have been def i ned f or the Route wi l l al so
be Unstored, together wi th any Mai ntenance Mode Stock Items, to al l ow you to use them i n
the MSTS edi tors.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 31
Noti ce that i n thi s mode, unl ess the Partial Route opti on i s marked, onl y compl ete Routes are
Stored or Unstored. It i s possi bl e to see the vari ous acti vi ti es wi thi n a Route di spl ayed i n the
tree vi ew (as i n Si mul ati on mode), but once the Prepare button i s cl i cked and the process
starts onl y compl ete Routes are processed. If a Route i s parti al l y stored when the Prepare
f uncti on i s started, and the Parti al Route opti on i s not set, then i t wi l l be f ul l y Unstored and In
Use at the end of the process.
Thi s f uncti on wi l l actual l y prepare the Route(s) sel ected f or mai ntenance by Unstori ng al l of
the f i l es f or the Route(s) as descri bed above, together wi th any Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts
and Mai ntenance Mode Stock Items whi ch have been def i ned f or the Unstored Route(s), and
commi t the sel ecti on changes to the MSTS i nstal l ati on.
If the Parti al Route opti on i s checked, then Paths f rom acti vated Mai ntenance Path Li sts wi l l
al so be unstored. If the Parti al Route opti on i s l ef t unchecked, then al l Paths wi thi n any
unstored Routes wi l l be unstored.
As there are more f i l es i nvol ved, thi s f uncti on wi l l take a l i ttl e l onger than the usual Trai n
Store processi ng ti me to Unstore a Route f or usi ng i n an MSTS si mul ati on. Af ter the
processi ng i s compl eted, the Ti tl e bar at the top of the mai n Trai n Store wi ndow wi l l contai n
[ Prepared]
To use the f uncti on, cl i ck on the Prepare button. A conf i rmati on di al ogue wi l l be di spl ayed.
Cl i ck on the Yes button to proceed, and the processi ng wi l l be carri ed out wi th the progress
bei ng moni tored i n the Trai n Store Status bar. The mouse cursor returns to i ts normal state
and the Status bar i s cl eared when the process i s compl ete. If you sel ected the Conf i rm
Compl eti on opti on then a conf i rmati on di al ogue box wi l l al so be di spl ayed, requi ri ng you to
cl i ck OK to conti nue.
There i s no UnPrepare process needed when you have f i ni shed edi ti ng. Usi ng the Go!
Process i n Si mul ati on Mode wi l l automati cal l y swi tch Tr ai n Store back to opti mi si ng the f i l es
i n the MSTS i nstal l ati on.
Partial Route
Thi s opti on, i f sel ected, al l ows you to sel ect i ndi vi dual Acti vi ti es when you Prepare Routes. If
thi s opti on i s not marked, you can onl y Prepare compl ete Routes. When Trai n Stor e Prepares
a Route and the Parti al Route opti on i s checked, i t f i rst Prepares the Acti vi ti es that you have
marked to be I nUse. Once i t has done thi s i t checks to see i f the Acti vi ty(i es) that you sel ected
ref erenced any Paths, or Servi ces f rom any other Ac ti vi ty. If so, i t then al so Prepares those
Acti vi ti es al so. Thi s process conti nues unti l the Acti vi ty(i es) that you requested are Prepared,
together wi th al l other Acti vi ti es, Servi ces and Paths that are ref erenced.
Trai n Store does thi s to make sure that al l of the f i l es that are af f ected by any change to an
Acti vi ty are avai l abl e and InUse together so that you can edi t the Acti vi ty saf el y. If the
Page 32 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Acti vi ty you choose does not share any of i ts components wi th other Acti vi ti es, then onl y the
f i l es speci f i cal l y requi red f or that Acti vi ty wi l l be Prepared.
+ Def. Routes
Thi s opti on, i f sel ected, causes Trai n Store to Unstore al l of the MSTS def aul t Routes (i n
addi ti on to any that you may have al ready sel ected to Unstore). You can use thi s opti on i f you
want to have al l of the MSTS def aul t routes In Use pri or to i nstal l i ng a new Route. (Most
Route i nstal l ati ons requi re the 6 MSTS def aul t routes to be avai l abl e so that they can copy
vari ous def aul t shapes and textures to the new Route.
Cl i ck on the opti on to mar k the checkbox to use thi s f aci l i ty. The f aci l i ty takes ef f ect when
the Prepare button i s cl i cked.
Thi s checkbox i s al ways unset on starti ng Trai n Store.
+ All Stock
Thi s opti on, i f sel ected, causes Trai n Store to Unstore al l of the Stock Items i n the i ns tal l ati on.
You can use thi s opti on i f you want to have every Stock Item avai l abl e when edi ti ng
Acti vi ti es.
Cl i ck on the opti on to mark the checkbox to use thi s f aci l i ty. The f aci l i ty onl y takes ef f ect
when the Prepare button i s cl i cked.
The setti ng f or t hi s check box i s remembered by Trai n Store between sessi ons, so once
checked, i t remai ns checked unti l you change i t, whenever that may be.
Launch MSTS Editor
If thi s box i s checked, af ter Trai n Store has f i ni shed maki ng the moves requi red to prepare the
MSTS f i l es, i t exi ts and l aunches the MSTS edi tor automati cal l y.
Thi s checkbox i s al ways unset on starti ng Trai n Store.
Thi s secti on contai ns the buttons whi ch Store, or Unstore the Route(s) or Acti vi ty(i es) whi ch
are currentl y sel ected i n the Route pane. The buttons are enabl ed or di sabl ed dependi ng upon
the state of the i tem sel ected. (e.g. i f the i tem i s In Use , the Unstore button i s not enabl ed).
The i tem(s) acted upon by the button wi l l depend upon the sel ecti on. e.g. (If the Routes
headi ng i s sel ected the acti on wi l l appl y to al l of the Routes and Acti vi ti es i n the i nstal l ati on.)
Note al so that the buttons are mul ti -f uncti on. If a Route i s sel ected, the button wi l l Store or
Unstore the Route and al l Acti vi ti es i ncl uded i n i t. If t he Acti vi ti es headi ng f or a Route i s
sel ected, then al l of the Acti vi ti es f or the Route wi l l be Stored or Unstored as appropri ate.
The f uncti ons i n thi s secti on can al so be accessed f rom the Routes and Acti vi ti es i tems on the
Trai n Store menu bar.
ExpIore Mode Consists, Maint. Mode Consists/Stock
Thi s secti on contai ns the button to Add or Remove Expl ore Mode Consi sts , Mai ntenance
Mode Consi sts , or Mai ntenance Mode Stock to or f rom the Route sel ected i n the Routes
pane, or to the Gl obal Setti ngs secti on i f thi s i s sel ected. In Si mul ati on Mode the button
control s edi ti ng of the Expl ore Mode Consi sts Li sts. In Mai ntenance Mode, the button
control s edi ti ng of the Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance Mode Stock Li sts.
The buttons are enabl ed onl y when the i tem sel ected i n the Routes pane i s rel evant to the
button acti on. (e.g. i f the i tem i s an Acti vi ty, the button i s not enabl ed). The i tem(s) acted
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 33
upon by the button wi l l depend upon the sel ecti on. e.g. (If the Gl obal Setti ngs headi ng i s
sel ected the acti on wi l l appl y to al l of the Consi sts i n the Gl obal Setti ngs of the i nstal l ati on.)
The buttons i n thi s secti on can al so be accessed f rom the Consi sts, or Stock, i tems on the
Trai n Store menu bar.
Edit Selected Route /Edit Global Settings
Wi th one of the f ol l owi ng types of headi ngs or the i tems under them sel ected i n the Routes
pane (ei ther f or a speci f i c Route, or under the Gl obal Setti ngs headi ng) : -
Expl ore Mode Consi sts
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts
Mai ntenance Mode Stock
cl i cki ng on thi s button wi l l open a wi ndow whi ch al l ows you to sel ect Consi st(s) or Stock
Item(s) f rom those avai l abl e wi thi n the i nstal l ati on, and add them to the Route, or Gl obal
Setti ngs as appropri ate.
The f i rst ti me thi s button i s cl i cked wi thi n a sessi on of Trai n Store, the program wi l l have to
bui l d the l i st to di spl ay, so thi s wi l l take a f ew seconds bef ore the l i st i s di spl ayed. (Whi l st the
l i st i s bei ng generated, the progress wi l l be di spl ayed i n the Status bar as usual ). The l i st i s
stored duri ng the operati on of Trai n Store, so any subsequent requests f or thi s f uncti on wi l l
resul t i n the wi ndow bei ng di spl ayed i mmedi atel y.
If the button i s cl i cked when ref erri ng to Expl ore Mode Consi sts or Mai ntenance Mode
Consi sts the wi ndow opened wi l l l ook l i ke thi s. A si mi l ar wi ndow wi l l be opened when
deal i ng wi th Mai ntenance Mode Stock i tems.
Sel ect the i tem you requi re to process by cl i cki ng on i t. Mul ti pl e sel ecti ons can be made usi ng
the usual Wi ndows conventi ons wi th the Control or Shi f t keys. As an i tem i s sel ected, the
Page 34 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
detai l s of the i tem wi l l be di spl ayed i n the Consi st Detai l s (or Stock Detai l s) pane. There are
vari ous f i l ters that can be appl i ed to the Avai l abl e l i st to make sel ecti ng i tems easi er. For
f ul l detai l s see the l ater secti ons on Expl ore Mode Consi sts , Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts or
Mai ntenance Mode Stock .
If you are addi ng i tems to the current l i st f or the Route (or Gl obal Setti ngs) sel ect the i tem i n
the Consi sts Avai l abl e (or Stock Avai l abl e) pane. Then, ei ther cl i ck on the Add to List
button, or drag the i tems wi th the mouse to the Current Li st pane. The i tems wi l l appear i n the
Current Li st pane.
If you are removi ng i tems f rom the current l i st f or the Route (or Gl obal Setti ngs) sel ect the
i tem i n the Current Li st pane. Then, ei t her cl i ck on the Remove from List button, press the
Delete] key, or drag the i tems wi th the mouse out of the Current Li st pane i nto the Consi sts
Avai l abl e (or Stock Avai l abl e) pane. The i tems wi l l di sappear f rom the Current Li st pane.
If any change has been made, the OK button wi l l be enabl ed. When you have made al l the
changes you need, cl i ck on the OK button and the sel ected i tems wi l l be added to the rel evant
l i st f or the Route, or Gl obal Setti ngs as appropri ate.
The edi ti ng of Expl ore Mode Consi sts l i sts i s onl y avai l abl e i n Si mul ati on mode, and edi ti ng
of Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance Mode Stock i s onl y avai l abl e i n
Mai ntenance mode.
The wi ndow f or Expl ore Mode Consi sts onl y shows dri veabl e Consi sts, and i f the l i st
appl i es to a Route whi ch i s not el ectri f i ed, no el ectri cal l y powered Consi sts wi l l be i ncl uded
i n the l i st. When operati ng i n Mai ntenance mode, al l Consi sts and al l Stock Items are
avai l abl e f or sel ecti on f rom the avai l abl e l i st.
Note: Removal of Consi sts or Stock Items f rom the Route l i sts does not remove the i tem f rom
the MSTS system, i t onl y removes the i tem f rom the Route or Gl obal Setti ngs l i st as
appropri ate.
ExpIore Mode Paths/Maintenance Mode Paths
Thi s secti on contai ns the button to Add or Remove Expl ore Mode Paths or Mai ntenance
Mode Paths to or f rom the Route sel ected i n the Routes pane. The button i s enabl ed onl y
when the i tem sel ected i n the Routes pane i s rel evant to the button acti on. (e.g. i f the i tem i s
an Acti vi ty, the button i s not enabl ed). The i tem(s) af f ected depend upon the sel ecti on.
The button i n thi s secti on can al so be accessed f rom the Paths i tem on the Trai n Store menu
Edit Selected Route
Wi th one of the Expl ore Mode Paths headi ngs or the i tems under them sel ected i n the
Routes pane, cl i cki ng on thi s button wi l l open a wi ndow whi ch al l ows you to sel ect Paths
those avai l abl e wi thi n the Route, and add them to the Route s Expl ore Mode Paths l i st.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 35
Sel ect the i tem you requi re to process by cl i cki ng on i t. Mul ti pl e sel ecti ons can be made usi ng
the usual Wi ndows conventi ons wi th the Control or Shi f t keys. As an i tem i s sel ected, the
detai l s of the i tem wi l l be di spl ayed i n the Path Detai l s pane. There are vari ous f i l ters that can
be appl i ed to the Avai l abl e l i st to make sel ecti ng i tems easi er. For f ul l detai l s see the l ater
secti ons on Expl ore Mode Paths and Mai ntenance Mode Paths .
If you are addi ng i tems to the current l i st f or the Route sel ect the i tem i n the Paths Avai l abl e
pane. Then, ei ther cl i ck on the Add to List button, or drag the i tems wi th the mouse to the
Current Li st pane. The i tems wi l l appear i n the Current Li st pane.
If you are removi ng i tems f rom the current l i st f or the Route sel ect the i tem i n the Current Li st
pane. Then, ei ther cl i ck on the Remove from List button, or drag the i tems wi th the mouse
out of the Current Li st pane i nto the Paths Avai l abl e pane, or press the Delete] key. The
i tems wi l l di sappear f rom the Current Li st pane.
As l ong as any change has been made, the OK button wi l l be enabl ed. When you have made
al l the changes you need you need, cl i ck on the OK button and the sel ected i tems wi l l be
added to the l i st f or the Route.
In Si mul ati on Mode the unstori ng of Paths wi l l unstore al l of the Paths speci f i ed i n any
acti vated Expl ore Mode Path l i sts. In Mai ntenance Mode the unstori ng of Paths i s handl ed
di f f erentl y. (If the Parti al Route opti on i s not sel ected, then al l Paths f or a Route are unstored.
If the Parti al Route opti on i s sel ected, then al l of the Paths whi ch are ref erenced by any of the
Acti vi ti es or Servi ces whi ch are unstored, are themsel ves unstored, then al l of the Paths
speci f i ed i n any acti vated Mai ntenance Mode Path l i sts.)
The wi ndow f or Expl ore Mode Paths onl y shows dri veabl e Paths.
Note: Removal of Paths f rom the Route l i sts does not remove the i tem f rom the MSTS
system, i t onl y removes the i tem f rom the Route s l i st.
Page 36 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Thi s button exi ts Trai n Store af ter requesti ng you to save any changed Scenari os. Changes
made to conf i gurati ons whi ch have been bui l t f rom the current on-di sk MSTS conf i gurati on,
wi l l not be saved, unl ess the opti on to al ways show a save warni ng i s set. Thi s opti on can be
set by marki ng the Always Show Save Warning i tem on the Tool s, Opti ons menu.
The f uncti on i s al so accessed by sel ecti ng Fi l e, Exi t f rom the Trai n Store menu bar, or
cl i cki ng on the Cl ose Wi ndow button on the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow.
Status Information
Trai n Store provi des i nf ormati on on the progress of processes that carry out mul ti pl e acti vi ti es
by di spl ayi ng i nf ormati on i n the Stat us bar at the bottom of the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow.
The entry consi sts of a code descri bi ng the type of acti vi ty, (e.g. MOVE, SURVEY etc.)
together wi th i nf ormati on on the f i l e or f ol der that the operati on i s bei ng perf ormed upon.
The i nf ormati on i s presented to veri f y that the process i s proceedi ng duri ng the case of a l ong
seri es of acti ons whi ch mi ght take more than a f ew seconds to compl ete.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 37
The Train Store Menu
Trai n Store al so provi des access to i ts f uncti ons vi a the usual type of menu structure . Most
f uncti ons are avai l abl e di rectl y by accessi ng buttons on the Trai n Store mai n f orm, but a f ew
opti ons whi ch wi l l not need to be accessed f requentl y, are onl y avai l abl e f rom the menu. Thi s
secti on descri bes al l of the f uncti ons avai l abl e f rom the menu. Note that the actual i tems that
appear and are enabl ed i n a menu at any ti me wi l l depend upon the page bei ng di spl ayed, and
the i tem sel ected.
In addi ti on to the normal sel ecti on of a menu i tem by cl i cki ng on i t i n the menu bar, a number
of these f uncti ons are avai l abl e by ri ght -cl i cki ng on the i tem concerned. Thi s wi l l open a short
context menu whi ch contai ns onl y the acti ons whi ch are rel evant to the i tem concerned. For
exampl e :-
It i s al ways usef ul to see i f the f uncti on you need i s avai l abl e i mmedi atel y by ri ght -cl i cki ng.
File Menu
The Fi l e menu provi des access to the f uncti ons whi ch control the l oadi ng and savi ng of
Scenari o f i l es and al so contai ns the Pri nt and Exi t f uncti ons as i s usual f or Wi ndows
appl i cati ons. In addi ti on a Most Recentl y Used (MRU) l i st of Scenari o f i l es i s provi ded f or
the 9 MRU f i l es.
Thi s f uncti on cl ears the Route pane i n the Trai n store mai n wi ndow. Thi s can be done pri or to
l oadi ng a new Scenari o, or ref reshi ng the wi ndow f rom the on -di sk MSTS conf i gurat i on. It i s
not essenti al to use thi s f uncti on. It i s provi ded f or compl eteness. If there are any changes to
Scenari os that need to be saved when thi s f uncti on i s requested, a warni ng di al ogue box wi l l
be di spl ayed gi vi ng you the opti on to save the changed Scenari o.
The f uncti on can al so be accessed f rom the i con on the Trai n Store tool bar. The f uncti on
i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Thi s f uncti on opens a previ ousl y saved Scenari o, and l oads i t i nto the Routes pane, repl aci ng
any previ ous Scenari o i n the Routes pane. The scenari o i s chosen by sel ecti ng a f i l e f rom an
Open Scenari o di al ogue box whi ch al l ows you to navi gate to the f i l e you want to l oad. If there
are any outstandi ng changes to the previ ous Scenari o that need to be saved when the n ew
Scenari o i s opened, a warni ng di al ogue box wi l l be di spl ayed gi vi ng you the opti on to save
the previ ousl y changed Scenari o, bef ore the requested Scenari o i s l oaded.
Page 38 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
If the requi red Scenari o f i l e i s one of the ni ne most recentl y used f i l es, the f i l e can be opened
by cl i cki ng on i ts entry i n the Most Recentl y Used (MRU) l i st i n the Fi l e menu f ol l owi ng the
usual Wi ndows conventi ons.
The f uncti on can al so be accessed f rom the i con on the Trai n Store tool bar. The f uncti on
i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n St ore.
Thi s f uncti on Saves the current Scenari o whi ch has been l oaded f rom a Scenari o f i l e and
changed. If the current Scenari o was not l oaded f rom a f i l e, then the f uncti on proceeds as
though the SaveAs f uncti on had been chosen. Once the Scenari o has b een saved the
(Changed) i ndi cati on wi l l di sappear f rom the wi ndow Ti tl e on the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow.
The f uncti on can al so be accessed f rom the i con on the Trai n Store tool bar. The f uncti on
i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Thi s f uncti on Saves the current Scenari o to a speci f i ed f i l e. If the current Scenari o was l oaded
f rom a f i l e, i t can be used to save the changed Scenari o to a di f f erent f i l e. If the current
Scenari o was not l oaded f rom a f i l e, thi s provi des the method of savi ng i t f or t he f i rst ti me.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Thi s f uncti on pri nts the contents of the sel ected i nf ormati on pane. In thi s versi on the
f ormatti ng of the output i s appl i ed f rom the sel ected i nf ormati on pane, and the resul tant pri nt
i s basi c, but i t does provi de a record of the contents of the Inf ormati on pane.
Sel ecti ng thi s f uncti on opens the standard Wi ndows Pri nt di al ogue, so that you can change
pri nters, or change the pri nter properti es bef ore pri nti ng.
The f uncti on can al so be accessed f rom the i con on the Trai n Store tool bar.
Print Setup
Thi s f uncti on opens the standard Wi ndows Pri nter Setup di al ogue box.
Thi s f uncti on exi ts Trai n Store af ter requesti ng you to save any changed Scenari os. Changes
made to conf i gurati ons whi ch have been bui l t f rom the current on-di sk MSTS conf i gurati on,
wi l l not be saved, unl ess the opti on to al ways show a save warni ng i s set. Thi s opti on can be
set by marki ng the Always Show Save Warning i tem on the Tool s, Opti ons menu.
The f uncti on i s al so accessed by cl i cki ng on the Exit button i n the Control s secti on of the
Trai n Store mai n wi ndow, or cl i cki ng on the Cl ose Wi ndow button on the Trai n Store mai n
wi ndow.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 39
Thi s f uncti on copi es the contents of the sel ected i tem to the Wi ndows cl i pbo ard. If the
sel ected i tem i s a l i st, or the tree vi ew i n the Mai n Trai n Store wi ndow, the compl ete l i st wi l l
be copi ed. If the i tem sel ected i s an i nf ormati on pane, then, i f there i s any text sel ected, onl y
the sel ected text i s copi ed. If no text i s sel ect ed, al l of the text i n the sel ected pane i s copi ed.
Thi s f uncti on can al so be sel ected by pressi ng Ctrl]+C.
Save Contents
Thi s f uncti on opens a Save Selected Text to a File di al ogue so that you can choose a f i l e i n
whi ch to save the contents of the sel ected pane.
If there i s any text sel ected, onl y the sel ected text i s saved. If the sel ected i tem i s a l i st, or the
tree vi ew i n the Mai n Trai n Store wi ndow, the compl ete l i st wi l l be saved. If the i tem sel ected
i s an i nf ormati on pane, then, i f no text i s sel ected, al l of the text i n the sel ected pane i s saved.
Thi s f uncti on can al so be sel ected by pressi ng Ctrl]+S.
Thi s f uncti on opens a Find Text di al ogue so that you can enter a stri ng that you want to
search f or i n the contents of the sel ected pane.
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Enter the search text, and mark the Case Sensitive checkbox i f you want the search to be case
sensi ti ve, then cl i ck on the OK button. The most recentl y entered search stri ngs can be
sel ected f rom the drop-down l i st. The text wi l l be searched, and the sel ecti on posi ti oned at the
start of the searched f or stri ng.
Thi s f uncti on can al so be sel ected by pressi ng Ctrl]+F.
Find Next
Thi s f uncti on carri es out a search f or the next occurrence of the al ready entered search stri ng.
If no search stri ng has been entered, the Find Text di al ogue box i s opened.
Thi s f uncti on can al so be sel ected by pressi ng F3].
Thi s f uncti on ref reshes the mai n Trai n Store wi ndow wi th the l atest i nf ormati on f rom the
MSTS on-di sk conf i gurati on and the Trai n Store stor age f ol der. If the current Scenari o was
l oaded f rom a f i l e and there are any outstandi ng changes that need to be saved when the pane
i s ref reshed, a warni ng di al ogue box wi l l be di spl ayed gi vi ng you the opti on to save the
previ ousl y changed Scenari o, bef or e the pane i s ref reshed.
Thi s f uncti on can al so be accessed by pressi ng the F5] key.
The Store/Unstore f uncti ons contai ned here can al so be accessed f rom the Routes/Acti vi ti es
secti on of the Control s i n the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow. The Store/Unsto re f uncti ons are not
avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Store the SeIected Route(s)
UnStore the SeIected Route(s)
Thi s secti on contai ns the i tems whi ch Store, or Unstore the Route(s) whi ch are currentl y
sel ected i n the Route pane.
Unstore This Route OnIy
The f uncti on Unstore This Route Only, unstores the sel ected Route, but stores al l other
Routes and Acti vi ti es.
Thi s f uncti on al l ows you to set the TSECTION.DAT parameters f or the sel ected Route.
Cl i cki ng on thi s wi l l open the TSECTION.DAT Parameters wi ndow f or the sel ected Route.
See the secti on on TSECTI ON.DAT Swappi ng f or detai l s of thi s f uncti on.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 41
The f uncti ons contai ned here can al so be accessed f rom the Routes/Acti vi ti es secti on of the
Control s i n the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow. The f uncti ons are not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Store SeIected Activity(ies)
Unstore SeIected Activity(ies)
Thi s secti on contai ns the i tems whi ch Store, or Unstore the Acti vi ty(i es) whi ch are currentl y
sel ected i n the Route pane.
Unstore This Activity OnIy
The f uncti on Unstore Thi s Acti vi ty Onl y, unstores the sel ected Acti vi ty, but stores al l other
Routes and Acti vi ti es.
The Edi t f uncti ons contai ned here can al so be accessed f rom the Expl ore Mode Paths secti on
of the Control s i n the Trai n Stor e mai n wi ndow.
View AII Paths for this Route
Thi s f uncti on opens a wi ndow whi ch di spl ays al l paths f or the sel ected Route (Dri veabl e and
non-Dri veabl e). Paths whi ch are In Use are hi ghl i ghted.
Edit SeIected ExpIore Mode Paths
Thi s f uncti on wi l l open the Edit Explore Mode Paths List wi ndow or the Edit Maintenance
Mode Paths List f or the sel ected Route. Thi s menu i tem i s onl y enabl ed when the sel ected
i tem i s the headi ng f or an i ndi vi dual Path Li st or an i tem wi thi n a Path Li st. It can al so be
accessed f rom the Edit Explore Mode Paths button or the Edit Maintenance Mode Paths
button i n the Control s secti on of the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e
i n Easy Trai n Store.
Activate SeIected Path(s) List
Thi s f uncti on marks the sel ected Path Li st so that i t i s avai l abl e to be unstored. It can al so be
i nvoked by cl i cki ng to mark the checkbox whi ch appears next to the headi ng f or an i ndi vi dual
Path Li st. The f uncti on i s onl y enabl ed when there are mul ti pl e Path Li sts avai l abl e f or a
Route. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
DeActivate SeIected Path(s) List
Thi s f uncti on marks the sel ected Path Li st so that i t i s not avai l abl e to be unstored. It can al so
be i nvoked by cl i cki ng to unmark the checkbox whi ch appears next to the headi ng f or an
i ndi vi dual Path Li st. The f uncti on i s onl y enabl ed when there are mul ti pl e Path Li sts avai l abl e
f or a Route. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Activate SeIected Path List OnIy
Thi s f uncti on marks the sel ected Path Li st so that i t i s avai l abl e to be unstored, but marks al l
other Path Li sts wi thi n the Route so that they are not avai l abl e to be unstored. The f uncti on i s
onl y enabl ed when there are mul ti pl e Path Li sts avai l abl e f or a Route. Thi s f uncti on i s not
avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Page 42 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Create New Path List
Thi s f uncti on creates a new Path Li st f or the sel ected Route and wi l l open the Edit Explore
Mode Path List wi ndow or the Edit Maintenance Mode Path List f or the new l i st i n the
sel ected Route. Thi s menu i tem i s onl y enabl ed when the sel ected i tem i s the Paths Li st
headi ng f or a Route. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Where Used
Thi s f uncti on wi l l run an anal ysi s of the Acti vi ti es and Servi ces wi thi n the Route contai ni ng
the sel ected Path, and di spl ay a l i st of the pl aces where the sel ected Path has been used. The
anal ysi s i s added to the end of the Inf ormati on pane. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy
Trai n Store.
The Edi t f uncti ons contai ned here can al so be accessed f rom the Expl ore Mode Consi sts o r
Mai nt. Mode Consi sts/Stock secti on of the Control s i n the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow. The
Consi st f uncti ons are not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
View AII Consists
Thi s f uncti on opens a wi ndow whi ch di spl ays al l of the Consi sts f or the MSTS i nstal l ati on.
Consi sts whi ch are In Use are hi ghl i ghted.
Edit SeIected ExpIore Mode Consists
Edit SeIected Maintenance Mode Consists
These f uncti ons wi l l edi t the Expl ore Mode Consi sts , or Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts l i st
f or the Route sel ected i n the Routes pane, or f or the Gl obal Setti ngs secti on i f thi s i s sel ected.
The f uncti ons wi l l open the Edit Explore Mode Consist List wi ndow or the Edit
Maintenance Mode Consist List wi ndow as appropri ate. Thi s menu i tem i s onl y enabl ed
when the sel ected i tem i s the headi ng f or an i ndi vi dual Consi st Li st or an i tem wi thi n a
Consi st Li st. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Activate SeIected Consist List(s)
Thi s f uncti on marks the sel ected Consi st Li st so that i t i s avai l abl e to be unstored. It can al so
be i nvoked by cl i cki ng to mark the checkbox whi ch appears next to the headi ng f or an
i ndi vi dual Consi st Li st. The f uncti on i s onl y enabl ed when there are mul ti pl e Consi st Li sts
avai l abl e f or a Route. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
DeActivate SeIected Consist List(s)
Thi s f uncti on marks the sel ected Consi st Li st so that i t i s not avai l abl e to be unstored. It can
al so be i nvoked by cl i cki ng to unmark the checkbox whi ch appears next to the headi ng f or an
i ndi vi dual Consi st Li st. The f uncti on i s onl y enabl ed when there are mul ti pl e Consi st Li sts
avai l abl e f or a Route. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Activate SeIected Consist List OnIy
Thi s f uncti on marks the sel ected Consi st Li st so that i t i s avai l abl e to be unstored, but marks
al l other Consi st Li sts wi thi n the Route so that they are not avai l abl e to be unstored. The
f uncti on i s onl y enabl ed when there are mul ti pl e Consi st Li sts avai l abl e f or a Route. Thi s
f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 43
Create New Consist List
Thi s f uncti on creates a new Consi st Li st f or the sel ected Route and wi l l open the Edit
Explore Mode Consist List wi ndow or the Edit Maintenance Mode Consist List f or the
new l i st i n the sel ected Route. Thi s menu i tem i s onl y enabl ed when the sel ected i tem i s t he
Consi sts Li st headi ng f or a Route. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Show SeIected Item in Viewer
Thi s f uncti on wi l l open a new Trai n Store i nternal Vi ewer wi ndow and show the sel ected
Consi st. If the Use SVIEW as Item Viewer opti on has been sel ected, then thi s f uncti on wi l
not be operabl e.
Where Used
Thi s f uncti on wi l l run an anal ysi s of the MSTS conf i gurati on and di spl ay a l i st of the pl aces
where the sel ected Consi st has been used. The anal ysi s i s added to the end of the Inf ormati on
The Edi t f uncti ons contai ned here can al so be accessed f rom the Mai nt. Mode Consi sts/Stock
secti on of the Control s i n the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow. The f uncti ons are not avai l abl e i n
Easy Trai n Store.
View AII Stock Items
Thi s f uncti on opens a wi ndow whi ch di spl ays al l of the Stock Items f or the MSTS
i nstal l ati on. Items whi ch are In Use are hi ghl i ghted.
Edit SeIected Maintenance Stock List
Thi s f uncti on wi l l edi t the Mai ntenance Stock l i st f or the Route sel ected i n the Routes pane,
or f or the Gl obal Setti ngs secti on i f thi s i s sel ected. The f uncti on wi l l open the Edit
Maintenance Mode Stock List wi ndow. Thi s menu i tem i s onl y enabl ed when the sel ected
i tem i s the headi ng f or an i ndi vi dual Stock Item Li st or an i tem wi thi n a Stock Item Li st. T hi s
f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Activate SeIected Stock List(s)
Thi s f uncti on marks the sel ected Stock Item Li st so that i t i s avai l abl e to be unstored. It can
al so be i nvoked by cl i cki ng to mark the checkbox whi ch appears next to the headi ng f or an
i ndi vi dual Stock Item Li st. The f uncti on i s onl y enabl ed when there are mul ti pl e Stock Item
Li sts avai l abl e f or a Route. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
DeActivate SeIected Stock List(s)
Thi s f uncti on marks the sel ected Stock Item Li st so that i t i s not avai l abl e to be unstored. It
can al so be i nvoked by cl i cki ng to unmark the checkbox whi ch appears next to the headi ng
f or an i ndi vi dual Stock Item Li st. The f uncti on i s onl y enabl ed when there are mul ti pl e Stock
Item Li sts avai l abl e f or a Route. Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Activate SeIected Stock List OnIy
Thi s f uncti on marks the sel ected Stock Item Li st so that i t i s avai l abl e to be unstored, but
marks al l other Stock Item Li sts wi thi n the Route so that they are not avai l abl e to be unstored.
The f uncti on i s onl y enabl ed when there are mul ti pl e Stock Item Li sts avai l abl e f or a Route.
Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Page 44 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Create New Stock List
Thi s f uncti on creates a new Stock Item Li st f or the sel ected Route and wi l l open the Edit
Maintenance Mode Stock Item List f or the new l i st i n the sel ected Route. Thi s menu i tem i s
onl y enabl ed when the sel ected i tem i s the Mai ntenance Mode Stock Li st headi ng f or a Route.
Thi s f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Show SeIected Item in Viewer
Thi s f uncti on wi l l open a new Trai n Store i nternal Vi ewer wi ndow and show the sel ected
Stock Item. If the Use SVIEW as Item Viewer opti on has been sel ected, then SVIEW wi l l be
used to show the i tem.
Where Used
Thi s f uncti on wi l l run an anal ysi s of the MSTS conf i gurati on and di spl ay a l i st of the pl aces
where the sel ected Stock Item has been used. The anal ysi s i s added to the end of the
Inf ormati on pane.
The Tool s menu contai ns i tems whi ch al l ow you to change the def aul t setti ngs wi thi n Trai n
Store, produce some si mpl e stati sti cs, run the ConBui l der or Route_Ri ter programs, and carry
out the prel i mi nary procedures i f you want to uni nstal l Trai n Store.
The Opti ons secti on of the Tool s menu contai ns al l of the i tems whi ch change the def aul t
setti ngs f or Trai n Store. Most operate by recordi ng a vi si bl e check mark agai nst the menu
i tem, so that you can see whether the setti ng has been appl i ed. Others requi re the openi ng of
an addi ti onal wi ndow wi th extra parameters whi ch need to be entered.
Expand Routes List When Created
Thi s opti on governs whether the tree of i tems wi thi n the Routes wi ndow i s f ul l y expanded or
not when the l i st i s f i rst created. If the i tem i s unchecked, the l i st wi l l not be f ul l y expanded,
and onl y the Gl obal Setti ngs, and the i ndi vi dual Route headi ngs wi l l be seen. If f ul l y
expanded every branch i n the tree wi l l be f ul l y expanded.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
View Objects by FiIe Name
Wi thi n MSTS, i tems are someti mes ref erred to by name, someti mes by f i l e name. Some i tems
may have the Name parameter compl eted, others may not. Other types of obj ect mi ght not
have the abi l i ty to be named, and onl y the f i l e name i s possi bl e.
Thi s f uncti on governs the way Trai n Store uses the Name i nf ormati on (i f i t can be f ound f or
an i tem). If the menu i tem i s checked, then Trai n Store wi l l al ways use the f i l e name f or the
obj ect to ref er to i t and di spl ay i n any l i st or report. If the menu i tem i s l ef t unchecked, Trai n
Store wi l l al ways use the Name i nf ormati on f or an obj ect (i f i t can be f ound) to ref er to i t and
to di spl ay i n any l i st or report.
Note: Li sts wi thi n Trai n Store are al ways sorted on thi s f i el d, so changi ng f rom one setti ng to
the other wi l l af f ect the order i n whi ch i tems appear i n the l i st.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 45
Suppress MSTS Launch
Thi s f uncti on , i f checked, stops the l aunchi ng of MSTS i n Easy Trai n Store i f the Run
Activity, or Explore button i s pressed. In other words, the f i l es wi l l be set up f or the Acti vi ty
or expl orati on sel ected, but MSTS wi l l not be started.
The f uncti on i s onl y avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Suppress Background Image
Thi s f uncti on, i f checked, wi l l suppress the Easy Trai n Store background i mage, and
maxi mi se the Routes and Acti vi ti es/Expl ore panel s to take up the f ul l si ze avai l abl e on the
f orm.
The f uncti on i s onl y avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Ti p: If you want to change the def aul t background i mage i n Easy Trai n Store, create a .JPG
f i l e of the i mage you want to use. The i mage shoul d have approxi matel y the same si ze and
aspect rati o as your moni tor setti ngs. The f i l e must be named BACKGRND.JPG and i t must
be stored i n the f ol der where you i nstal l ed Trai n Store, repl aci ng the exi sti ng def aul t
Return to Train Store after MSTS Launch
Thi s f uncti on governs the way Trai n Store behaves when i t has been used as a l auncher f or
MSTS by doubl e-cl i cki ng on a Scenari o shortcut, or a Scenari o f i l e wi thi n Wi ndows
Expl orer. If the menu i tem i s checked, when MSTS i s l aunched, Trai n store wi l l not exi t, but
wi l l remai n i n the system (Mi ni mi zed) wai ti ng f or MSTS to f i ni sh. Once MSTS has f i ni shed,
the Trai n Store wi ndow wi l l be restored, thus provi di ng an i mmedi ate return to the Trai n
Store sel ecti ons.
Start with BIank Routes window
When Trai n Store starts up, by def aul t, i t searches the current i nstal l ati on and di spl ays a map
of the current si tuati on. If you are usi ng Trai n Store wi th a number of saved Scenari os, and
usi ng i t to qui ckl y swap f rom one to the other, the i ni ti al pause whi l st i t ref reshes the map i s
not l ong but can be avoi ded, speedi ng up the whol e process.
If the menu i tem i s checked, on startup Trai n Store wi l l not exami ne the current i nstal l ati on
and di spl ay the map. You can then i mmedi atel y go to the Open Scenari o f uncti on to l oad the
Scenari o you want to work wi th. If the menu i tem i s unchecked, the def aul t si tuati on i s
restored, i .e. Trai n Store wi l l exami ne the current i nstal l ati on and produce the map.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Use DefauIt Scenario
Thi s f uncti on al l ows you to speci f y a def aul t Scenari o whi ch wi l l al ways be l oaded when
Trai n Store starts. If you cl i ck on the menu i tem, a Choose Default Train Store Scenario
wi ndow wi l l be opened.
Page 46 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Navi gate to the f i l e that you want to use as the Def aul t Scenari o, then cl i ck on the Open
button, or el se doubl e-cl i ck on the f i l e name. The wi ndow wi l l cl ose, and the Def aul t Scenari o
f i l e name wi l l be stored, and the menu opti on wi l l be marked.
Whenever Trai n Stor e starts, i nstead of exami ni ng the current state of the MSTS system,
Trai n Store wi l l l oad the def aul t Scenari o f i l e. (Checks wi l l be made to ensure that Routes and
Acti vi ti es have not changed wi thi n the MSTS system. If there are changes the def aul t
Scenari o i n memory wi l l be updated, and you wi l l be warned that the changes have been
made, and you wi l l have the opportuni ty to resave the def aul t Scenari o.)
If you want to stop usi ng the Def aul t Scenari o, then sel ect the Use Default Scenario menu
i tem agai n, the check mark wi l l be cl eared, and the Def aul t Scenari o wi l l no l onger be used.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Change List HighIighting (Unstored Items)
By def aul t, i tems i n the Paths, Consi st and Stock Item l i sts whi ch are In Use are hi ghl i ghted
by bei ng i tal i ci sed i n the l i st. Thi s f uncti on al l ows you change thi s def aul t hi ghl i ghti ng to sui t
your pref erence.
Cl i cki ng on thi s i tem opens a Font Sel ecti on di al ogue wi ndow.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 47
Choose the hi ghl i ghti ng you pref er and cl i ck the OK button. The hi ghl i ghti ng wi l l be changed
i n al l of the l i sts.
NOTE: Items i n the l i sts whi ch have errors or warni ngs associ ated wi th them are di spl ayed
wi th a stri ke through f ont to hi ghl i ght them. Thi s error/warni ng hi ghl i ghti ng i s not
changeabl e.
AIways Show Scenario Save Warning
When a Scenari o has been l oaded f rom a Scenari o f i l e, i f any changes are made to the Routes
of Acti vi ti es, the f act that the change has been made i s recorded. When you attempt to Open
another Scenari o f i l e, or cl ear the Scenari o wi th th e New f uncti on, or l eave Trai n Store, you
wi l l be warned i f the f i l e has not been saved, and you wi l l have an opportuni ty to save i t. By
def aul t thi s warni ng f uncti on i s not appl i ed to Scenari os whi ch have been produced by
exami ni ng the current i nstal l ati on, and not l oaded f rom a Scenari o f i l e.
If thi s menu i tem i s checked, the same warni ng f aci l i ty i s al so appl i ed to changed Scenari os
whi ch have been created by exami ni ng the current i nstal l ati on. i .e. on any change to the
Scenari o, Trai n store wi l l warn y ou that i t has not been saved bef ore cl eari ng i t, l oadi ng
another scenari o, or l eavi ng Trai n Store.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Confirm CompIetion
If thi s menu i tem i s checked, af ter any l ong process such as Acti vate Sel ecti ons, Prepare f or
Mai ntenance, or Unstore Everythi ng! , a process compl eti on di al ogue box wi l l be di spl ayed,
requi ri ng you to cl i ck the OK button, or to press Enter] to conti nue.
Suppress Move Error DiaIogue
Bef ore Trai n Store moves any f i l es or f ol ders i t makes a number of checks to ensure that al l of
the requi red f i l es are present, and that the consi stency of the MSTS conf i gurati on wi l l be
preserved. If duri ng thi s Survey process any errors are f ound, a di al ogue box wi l l be
di spl ayed, i nf ormi ng you that Trai n Store f ound errors, and aski ng you to conf i rm that you do
want to proceed wi th the move under these condi ti ons.
Thi s Suppress Move Error Di al ogue menu i tem, i f checked, wi l l suppress thi s
error/conf i rmati on di al ogue and the move wi l l take pl ace as thou gh you chose Yes .
NOTE: Thi s error suppressi on f uncti on i s onl y provi ded to al l ow you to use Trai n Store
duri ng the ti me that you are cl eani ng up an i nstal l ati on whi ch has probl ems, because f i l es
have been moved and/or del eted i n an uncontrol l ed way i n the past.
It i s not normal f or there to be i nconsi stenci es between f i l es wi thi n an MSTS conf i gurati on,
and runni ng i t i n thi s state may hi nder MSTS operati on.
Page 48 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
If Trai n Store reports errors duri ng thi s Survey phase, i t i s strongl y recommended that you use
a checki ng program such as Route_Ri ter or ConBui l der to resol ve these i nconsi stenci es,
rather than j ust accepti ng the errors.
Thi s error suppressi on wi l l not prevent the di spl ay of errors whi ch occur duri ng the process
where Trai n Store i s actual l y movi ng f i l es. Trai n Store wi l l al ways report errors whi ch
prevent i t f rom movi ng a f i l e.
Suppress Activity Saved Warning
It has been f ound that when an Acti vi ty i s saved i n MSTS, i f the Scenari o whi ch i s i n ef f ect at
the ti me when the Acti vi ty i s saved, i s not the same Scenari o whi ch i s i n ef f ect when you go
back to MSTS and attempt to Load the Saved Acti vi ty and restart i t, then sometimes MSTS
wi l l f ai l to restart the saved Acti vi ty.
To counter thi s, when Trai n Store starts, i t checks to see whether any Acti vi ti es have been
saved si nce the l ast ti me Trai n Store was cl osed down. If any Acti vi ti es have been saved si nce
the l ast Trai n Store sessi on, then a warni ng di al ogue i s di spl ayed, gi vi ng you the choi ce to
save the (current) Scenari o, i f you have not done so bef ore.
If thi s Suppress Activity Saved Warning i s swi tched on, then no such warni ng wi l l be
i ssued.
To change the setti ng of thi s opti on, cl i ck on the Suppress Activity Saved Warning entry i n
the Tools, Options menu. I f the i tem i s l ef t checked, then t he warni ngs wi l l be suppressed.
Suppress Maintenance Warning
When Trai n Store i s operati ng normal l y i n Si mul ati on mode, i t al ways tri es to opti mi se the
f i l es i n the MSTS f ol ders by ensuri ng that onl y the f i l es actual l y needed are i n the MSTS
f ol ders. If you want to edi t Routes, Acti vi ti es or Consi sts, thi s opti mi sed set of f i l es i s not
suf f i ci ent, and the Route concerned needs to be Prepared usi ng Mai ntenance Mode i n Trai n
Store. To remi nd you of thi s, Trai n Store di spl ays a warni ng banner whenever the MS TS f i l es
are i n thi s opti mi sed Si mul ati on mode. The banner di spl ays : -
The current settings are not suitabIe for editing the MSTS configuration
If you do not want to see thi s warni ng then you can suppress i t by usi ng thi s opti on. Cl i ck on
thi s menu i tem to mark i t wi th a check-mark, and the warni ng message wi l l no l onger be
di spl ayed.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Suppress Warning Messages
When Trai n Store i s exami ni ng f i l es bef ore l oadi ng them i nto memory, Trai n Store may f i nd
probl ems wi th the contents. If the probl em i s seri ous and woul d cause MSTS to f ai l , or stop
wi th an error message, the probl em i s reported as an error. Some probl ems, however, wi l l not
cause MSTS a probl em, but they may mean that your si mul ati on wi l l mi ss i nf or mati on (e.g.
an AI servi ce). In these cases Trai n Store reports such probl ems as a warni ng.
If you do not want to see these warni ng messages then you can suppress them by usi ng thi s
opti on. Cl i ck on thi s menu i tem to mark i t wi th a check -mark, and the warni ng messages wi l l
no l onger be di spl ayed.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 49
Suppress 'Where Used' AnaIysis of Errors
When Trai n Store makes a survey of the i nstal l ati on pri or to movi ng the f i l es requi red to set
up the Acti vi ty or expl orati on that you sel ected i n Cl assi c Trai n Store, i f any errors are f ound,
Trai n Store wi l l automati cal l y carry out an anal ysi s of where the f i l es whi ch caused errors are
used. Thi s anal ysi s i s rel ati vel y l engthy. If you are runni ng your i nstal l ati on wi th f i l es that
you know have errors i n them, you may want to stop thi s addi ti onal anal ysi s acti vi ty.
Thi s f uncti on, i f sel ected, suppresses thi s anal ysi s. The setti ng can be changed at any ti me and
wi l l be remembered by Trai n Store.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Suppress Error/Warning HighIighting
When Trai n Store makes a survey of the i nstal l ati on pri or to movi ng the f i l es requi red to set
up the Acti vi ty or expl orati on that you sel ected i n Cl assi c Trai n Store, i f any errors or
warni ngs are f ound, any i tems i n the l i st edi tor wi ndows whi ch are associ ated wi th these
errors or warni ngs are hi ghl i ghted.
Thi s f uncti on, i f sel ected, suppresses thi s error/warni ng hi ghl i ghti ng.
Train Store Storage FoIder
Thi s f uncti on al l ows you to change the l ocati on of the Trai n Store Storage Fol der. The
f uncti on i s cal l ed automati cal l y when Trai n Store i s started f or the f i rst ti me, and al l ows you
to make the i ni ti al setti ng f or thi s parameter, but the f uncti on can be used at any ti me to
change the Storage f ol der l ocati on.
The Trai n Store Storage Fol der i s the f ol der whi ch hol ds the structure of f i l es that Trai n Store
uses to store i tems whi ch have been removed f rom Trai n Store. Once the f ol der has been
assi gned, do not add, edi t or del ete any f i l es wi thi n the f ol der. Any attempt to do so may
cause Trai n store t o f uncti on i ncorrectl y, and may thus damage your MSTS i nstal l ati on.
Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l open the Storage Path Setup wi ndow whi ch al l ows you to
choose the f ol der to be used as the Trai n Store Storage f ol der.
Navi gate to the f ol der you want to use, i f i t exi sts, or el se type i n the name of the f ol der that
you want to use. When you have entered the f ol der name, or navi gated to i t, cl i ck on the OK
Page 50 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
button, and Trai n Store wi l l set the l ocati on of the Storage Fol der to the l ocati on that you
speci f i ed.
Bef ore maki ng the change, Trai n Store wi l l val i date the chosen f ol der to ensure that i t meets
certai n cri teri a. These are : -
The f ol der must ei ther not exi st, or i t must be empty
The f ol der cannot be the root f ol der on any dri ve
The f ol der must be on the same dri ve as the MSTS f i l es.
If there i s an exi sti ng Storage Fol der, the new f ol der must not be wi thi n the f ol der
structure of the exi sti ng Storage Fol der.
Bef ore creati ng or movi ng the f ol der, Trai n Store wi l l ask you to conf i rm the process of
creati on and movement.
Once the creati on or move has taken pl ace Trai n Store wi l l cl ose the wi ndow and return to the
Trai n Store mai n wi ndow.
MSTS Launch Settings
Thi s f uncti on al l ows you to set the l ocati on of the program that i s to be executed when you
l aunch MSTS, and al so set any command l i ne parameters i f they are needed. When Trai n
store i s started f or the f i rst ti me on an i nstal l ati on i t i nserts def aul t val ues i n these parameters
obtai ned f rom the Wi ndows Regi stry setti ngs f or MSTS. These parameters l oad TRAIN.EXE
wi th no command l i ne parameters. Thi s runs MSTS i n f ul l screen mode.
Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l open the Set MSTS Launch Parameters wi ndow.
Enter the f ul l path and name of the executabl e target i n the Path f i el d, and enter any
command l i ne parameters i n the Parameters f i el d. You can use the Path button to navi gate to
the f i l e that you want to run to l aunch MSTS. Thi s wi l l open the Choose MSTS Launch
Executable wi ndow
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 51
Navi gate to the f i l e you want to execute when you l aunch MSTS, and cl i ck the OK button.
The wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the f ul l path name of the f i l e wi l l then be stored i n the Path
f i el d of the Set MSTS Launch Parameters wi ndow.
When you are sati sf i ed wi th the Path and parameters, cl i ck on the OK button and the Set
MSTS Launch Parameters wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and you wi l l return to the Trai n Store
mai n wi ndow.
A TIP: The vari ous setti ngs f or the MSTS command l i ne parameters are not f ul l y
documented, but i nf ormati on has been publ i shed i n the f orums at www.uktrai nsi, and
www.trai nsi .Some i nf ormati on may al so avai l abl e at the Mi crosof t Trai nSi m si te
www.mi crosof nsi m/def aul t.asp One usef ul setti ng i s vm:w. Thi s causes
MSTS to operate i n wi ndowed mode. On of the advantages of thi s mode i s that MSTS
di spl ays error messages rather than crashi ng i n some ci rcumstances (e.g. mi ssi ng Texture
f i l es)
Thi s menu i tem al l ows you to set a f i xed val ue f or the MSTS f ol der path, or change an
exi sti ng setti ng. Thi s i s onl y rel evant i f you are runni ng mul ti pl e copi es of MSTS on your
system, or you have several copi es of MSTS f ol ders on your system.
WARNING: Usi ng Trai n Store avoi ds the need f or mul ti pl e MSTS conf i gurati ons and /or
mul ti pl e copi es of MSTS f i l es. It i s not recommended that you use Trai n Store i f your
i nstal l ati on contai ns ei ther of these f eatures. As i nstal l ed, by def aul t, Trai n Store uses the
Wi ndows Regi stry setti ngs f or MSTS to f i nd out where the MSTS f ol ders are pl aced. In an
i nstal l ati on where there are mul ti pl e copi es, these entri es wi l l change i n a manner whi ch i s
unpredi ctabl e f or Trai n Store. Once i tems have been stored, i f the MSTS setti ngs have been
changed outsi de of Trai n Store, there i s the possi bi l i ty they wi l l be Unstored to another MSTS
i nstal l ati on, causi ng real damage. The MSTS Folder setti ng al l ows you to use a f i xed set of
MSTS f ol ders, mai nl y to al l ow f or the mi gr ati on f rom a mul ti MSTS conf i gurati on, so i t can
co-exi st wi th mul ti pl e MSTS conf i gurati ons. However, there i s the ever present danger of
f orgetti ng whi ch conf i gurati on i s bei ng used by Trai n Store, so cauti on i s necessary.
Cl i cki ng on the menu i tem wi l l f i rst check that there i s nothi ng whi ch i s stored i n the Trai n
Store Storage Fol ders. If anythi ng i s stored, a message wi l l be di spl ayed and the process
termi nated wi thout maki ng any change.
Page 52 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
If everythi ng has been Unstored, Trai n Store wi l l di spl ay a warni ng message.
Thi s i s to warn you that the saved Scenari o f i l es and the Expl ore Mode Consi sts may be
i ncompati bl e wi th the change that you are about to make. (e.g. The consi sts may not exi st on
the new MSTS path that you are setti ng). If you conti nu e Trai n Store wi l l then open the
Folder Select (MSTS Folder Location) wi ndow.
Choose the f ol der that i s hol di ng the MSTS f ol ders that you want Trai n Store to work wi th.
You may change the dri ve to a sui tabl e dri ve, but you must remember that the Trai n Store
Storage f ol der must al so then be changed to be on the same dri ve. When you have chosen the
dri ve and f ol der requi red, cl i ck on the OK button. If there i s al ready an exi sti ng setti ng f or the
MSTS Fol ders l ocati on, then MSTS wi l l warn you that the Trai n Store Storage Fol der path i s
on a di f f erent dri ve and needs to be changed.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 53
When the change has been made Trai n store wi l l cl ose the f ol der sel ecti on wi ndow and
conf i rm the change by di spl ayi ng a conf i rmati on message.
If i nstead of choosi ng OK on the f ol der sel ecti on wi ndow, you chose Cancel , and i f you had
set the MSTS Fol der previ ousl y, you wi l l be asked whether the Cancel command, means that
you actual l y want to remove the MSTS Fol der setti ng.
Thi s al l ows you to remove a f i xed MSTS Fol der setti ng i f you don t need i t, but i t has been
set by mi stake. If you choose Yes (the opti on f or Trai n Store to sel ect the setti ng
automati cal l y), Trai n Store wi l l conf i rm the setti ng change.
If you chose No, the change to the MSTS f ol der setti ng wi l l not be made, and i t wi l l be l ef t as
i t was bef ore you started thi s f uncti on.
System DefauIt TSECTION.DAT Settings
Thi s f uncti on wi l l open the wi ndow to al l ow you to set up or adj ust the setti ngs f or the def aul t
TSECTION.DAT f i l e to be used i n the case that there i s no speci f i c TSECTI ON.DAT f i l e
speci f i ed f or an i ndi vi dual Route, or when you have run Unstore Everythi ng! .
Page 54 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
For detai l s on how to use thi s f uncti on see the secti on i n the manual on TSECTION.DAT
File Swapping.
Viewer Screenshot FoIder
The i nternal vi ewer whi ch shows i mages of Stock Items or compl ete Consi sts has a screen -
shot f aci l i ty. Thi s f uncti on al l ows you to speci f y the f ol der i n whi ch the screen -shots wi l l be
stored. If i nvoked the Fol der Sel ecti on wi ndow wi l l be opened.
Sel ect the dri ve and f ol der requi red, and cl i ck on the OK button. Any screen-shots wi l l then
be stored i n the f ol der whi ch was sel ected. If thi s f uncti on i s not used, Trai n Store wi l l def aul t
to usi ng the f ol der speci f i ed f or screen-shots by the SVI EW sof tware.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 55
Editor Settings
In Trai n Store Cl assi c there are f uncti ons whi ch wi l l make use of an edi tor f or the MSTS f i l es.
By def aul t Trai n Store wi l l attempt to f i nd and use the WORDPAD appl i cati on, but you can
set the parameters to use another appl i cati on i f you wi sh, or i f Trai n Store does not succeed i n
f i ndi ng the WORDPAD appl i cati on. Thi s f uncti on al l ows you to set these parameters.
Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l open the Set Editor Launch Parameters wi ndow.
Enter the f ul l path and name of the program that you want to use i n the Path f i el d, and enter
any command l i ne parameters i n the Parameters f i el d. (Normal l y the detai l s i n thi s f orm wi l l
have been automati cal l y compl eted by Trai n Store f or WORDPAD.)
Use the Path button i f you wi sh, to navi gate to the f i l e that y ou want to run to l aunch the
edi tor. Thi s wi l l open the Choose Editor Launch Executable wi ndow
Navi gate to the f i l e you want to execute when you l aunch the edi tor, and cl i ck the OK button.
The wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the f ul l path name of the f i l e wi l l then be stored i n the Path
f i el d of the Set Editor Launch Parameters wi ndow.
When you are sati sf i ed wi th the Path and parameters, cl i ck on the OK button and the Set
Editor Launch Parameters wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and you wi l l return to the Trai n Store
mai n wi ndow.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Page 56 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
ConBuiIder Settings
In Trai n Store Cl assi c there are f uncti ons whi ch wi l l al l ow use of ConBui l der to check and
edi t the MSTS f i l es. By def aul t Trai n Store wi l l attempt to f i nd and use the ConB ui l der
appl i cati on, but you can set the parameters i f Trai n Store does not succeed i n f i ndi ng the
ConBui l der appl i cati on. Thi s f uncti on al l ows you to set these parameters. Cl i cki ng on thi s
menu i tem wi l l open the Set ConBuilder Launch Parameters wi ndow.
Enter the f ul l path and name of the program that you want to use i n the Path f i el d. (Normal l y
the detai l s i n thi s f orm wi l l have been automati cal l y compl eted by Trai n Store.)
Use the Path button i f you wi sh, to navi gate to the f i l e that you want to run to l aunch
ConBui l der. Thi s wi l l open the Choose ConBuilder Launch Executable wi ndow
Navi gate to the f i l e you want to execute when you l aunch ConBui l der, and cl i ck the OK
button. The wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the f ul l path name of the f i l e wi l l then be stored i n the
Path f i el d of the Set ConBuilder Launch Parameters wi ndow.
When you are sati sf i ed wi th the Path, cl i ck on the OK button and the Set ConBuilder
Launch Parameters wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and you wi l l return to the Trai n Store mai n
wi ndow.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 57
Route_Riter Settings
In Trai n Store Cl assi c there are f uncti ons whi ch wi l l al l ow use of Route_Ri ter to check and
edi t the MSTS f i l es. By def aul t Trai n Store wi l l attempt to f i nd and use the Route_Ri ter
appl i cati on, but you can set the parameters i f Trai n Store does not succeed i n f i ndi ng the
Route_Ri ter appl i cati on. Thi s f uncti on al l ows you to set these parameters. Cl i cki ng on thi s
menu i tem wi l l open the Set Route_Riter Launch Parameters wi ndow.
Enter the f ul l path and name of the program that you want to use i n the Path f i el d. (Normal l y
the detai l s i n thi s f orm wi l l have been automati cal l y compl eted by Trai n Store.)
Use the Path button i f you wi sh, to navi gate to the f i l e that you want to run to l aunch
Route_Ri ter. Thi s wi l l open the Choose Route_Riter Launch Executable wi ndow
Navi gate to the f i l e you want to execute when you l aunch Route_Ri ter, and cl i ck the OK
button. The wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the f ul l path name of the f i l e wi l l then be stored i n the
Path f i el d of the Set Route_Riter Launch Parameters wi ndow.
When you are sati sf i ed wi th the Path, cl i ck on the OK button and the Set Route_Riter
Launch Parameters wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and you wi l l return to the Trai n Store mai n
wi ndow.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Page 58 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
RaiIDriver Launch Settings
Trai n Store wi l l normal l y automati cal l y detect the presence of Rai l Dri ver sof tware, and
addi ti onal 'Use RailDriver` checkboxes wi l l appear on the Easy and Cl assi c wi ndows. If , f or
some reason, Trai n Store does not detect your Rai l Dri ver setup, you can use thi s f uncti on to
set these parameters. Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l open the Set RailDriver Launch
Parameters wi ndow.
Enter the f ul l path and name of the Rai l Dri ver executabl e target i n the Path f i el d.
Use the Path button i f you wi sh, to navi gate to the f i l e that you want to run to l aunch
Rai l Dri ver. Thi s wi l l open the Choose RailDriver Launch Executable wi ndow
Navi gate to the f i l e you want to execute when you l aunch Rai l Dri ver, (RDMgr.EXE) and
cl i ck the OK button. The wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the f ul l path name of the f i l e wi l l then be
stored i n the Path f i el d of the Set RailDriver Launch Parameters wi ndow.
When you are sati sf i ed wi th the Path and parameters, cl i ck on the OK button and the Set
RailDriver Launch Parameters wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and you wi l l return to the Trai n Store
mai n wi ndow.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 59
SVIEW Settings
Trai n Store wi l l automati cal l y detect the presence of the SVIEW sof tware on your system and
set up the necessary l aunch parameters. If , f or some reason, Trai n Store does not detect your
SVIEW i nstal l ati on you can use thi s f uncti on to set these parameters. Cl i cki ng on thi s menu
i tem wi l l open the Set SVIEW Launch Parameters wi ndow.
Enter the f ul l path and name of the SVIEW executabl e target i n the Path f i el d.
Use the Path button i f you wi sh, to navi gate to the f i l e that you want to run to l aunch SVIEW.
Thi s wi l l open the Choose SVIEW Launch Executable wi ndow
Navi gate to the f i l e you want to execute when you l aunch SVIEW, (SVIEW.EXE) and cl i ck
the OK button. The wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the f ul l path name of the f i l e wi l l then be
stored i n the Path f i el d of the Set SVIEW Launch Parameters wi ndow.
When you are sati sf i ed wi th the Path and parameters, cl i ck on the OK button and the Set
SVIEW Launch Parameters wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and you wi l l return to the Trai n Store
mai n wi ndow.
Page 60 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Use SVIEW as Item Viewer
By def aul t Trai n Store uses i ts own i nternal vi ewer (whi ch i s based on the TRAINLI B.OCX
control by Paul Gausden) when showi ng i mages of Stock Items or compl ete Consi sts.
If you pref er to use the SVIEW sof tware i nstead, choosi ng thi s opti on to mark the menu
sel ecti on wi l l cause SVIEW to run i nstead of the i nternal vi ewer whenever an i tem i s to be
di spl ayed.
NOTE: At the ti me of rel ease, SVIEW wi l l not di spl ay Consi sts, and so i f thi s opti on i s
chosen there wi l l be no di spl ay f uncti on avai l abl e f or Consi sts.
Route ControI Launch Settings
Thi s menu i tem wi l l onl y be vi si bl e i f Trai n Store detects that you are usi ng you a re usi ng
Route Control sof tware on your system.
Because of the way that Trai n Store and Route Control can i nteract, i t i s strongl y advi sed that
you al ways start Route Control usi ng the Route Control Launcher Shortcut provi ded wi th thi s
package. For f ul l detai l s see the secti on l ater i n the manual deal i ng wi th Route Control .
For thi s shortcut to work, Trai n Store must know the l ocati on of the Route Control sof tware.
Thi s menu opti on al l ows you to set thi s l ocati on.
Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l open t he Set Route Control Launch Parameters wi ndow.
Enter the f ul l path and name of the executabl e target i n the Path f i el d, and enter any
command l i ne parameters i n the Parameters f i el d. (You can f i nd the detai l s of the Path and the
Parameters, by l ooki ng at the Properti es of the exi sti ng real Route Control shortcut.)
Use the Path button i f you wi sh, to navi gate to the f i l e that you want to run to l aunch Route
Control . Thi s wi l l open the Choose Route Control Launch Executable wi ndow
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 61
Navi gate to the f i l e you want to execute when you l aunch Route Control , and cl i ck the OK
button. The wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the f ul l path name of the f i l e wi l l then be stored i n the
Path f i el d of the Set Route Control Launch Parameters wi ndow.
When you are sati sf i ed wi th the Path and parameters, cl i ck on the OK button and the Set
Route Control Launch Parameters wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and you wi l l return to the Trai n
Store mai n wi ndow.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store.
Sel ecti ng thi s menu i tem opens the Reports sub menu whi ch al l ows you to choose f rom the
f ol l owi ng reports. Thi s menu i tem i s onl y avai l abl e i n Cl assi c Trai n Store.
Thi s menu i tem starts the Stati sti cs process. The process exami nes al l of the f i l es i n the MSTS
f ol ders and the Trai n Store Storage Fol ders and produces stati sti cs of the contents of the
i nstal l ati on. The stati sti cs are di spl ayed i n the Inf ormati on pane on the Trai n Store mai n
wi ndow. The report can be pri nted usi ng the pri nt f uncti on.
Where Used (No Unused Items)
Thi s menu i tem starts the Where Used process to report, f or the compl ete MSTS i nstal l ati on,
where every i tem has been used. The resul tant report i s di spl ayed i n the Inf ormati on Pane.
The report can be copi ed or saved to a f i l e f or f urther use. Thi s repo rt opti on does not contai n
any unused i tems.
Unused Items
Thi s menu i tem starts the Where Used process to report, f or the compl ete MSTS i nstal l ati on,
every unused i tem. The resul tant report i s di spl ayed i n the Inf ormati on Pane. The report can
be copi ed or saved to a f i l e f or f urther use. Thi s report opti on does not contai n any used i tems.
Where Used (CompIete)
Thi s menu i tem starts the Where Used process to report f or the compl ete MSTS i nstal l ati on
where every i tem has been used. The resul tant report i s di spl ayed i n the Inf ormati on Pane.
The report can be copi ed or saved to a f i l e f or f urther use. Thi s report opti on contai ns both
used and unused i tems.
Page 62 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Trai n Store can be customi sed wi th di f f erent Language modul es. Thi s versi on i s suppl i ed wi th
Engl i sh and German modul es and Dutch French and Spani sh modul es are al so bei ng
produced. Other l anguages can be catered f or. When new Language modul es become
avai l abl e, they wi l l be rel eased as separate add-on packs, whi ch can be i nstal l ed to any copy
of Trai n Store Versi on 2.0.
When Trai n Store starts, i t attempts to l oad the l anguage whi ch i s set as the def aul t l anguage
on your system. (Of course, i t can onl y do thi s f or one of the l anguage versi ons suppl i ed wi th
Trai n Store) If i t f ai l s to do thi s, because t he package i s not avai l abl e, Trai n Store wi l l def aul t
to Engl i sh. If you woul d pref er to use a l anguage other than the def aul t sel ected, or a l anguage
other than Engl i sh, i f your def aul t l anguage i s not supported by Trai n Store, cl i ck on the
Language menu i tem, a sub-menu of avai l abl e l anguages wi l l be di spl ayed.
Cl i ck on the l anguage you want to use. The Trai n Store wi ndow wi l l i mmedi atel y be
ref reshed i nto the chosen l anguage. Thi s setti ng wi l l be remembered, so that Trai n Store wi l l
start up wi th the chosen l anguage i n f uture.
If you want to stop usi ng a sel ected l anguage, you can change to another l anguage by
sel ecti ng i t f rom the menu as bef ore. If you want to go back to usi ng the def aul t f or your
system, open the Language sub-menu and cl i ck on the l anguage whi ch currentl y has the
checkmark agai nst i t. The checkmark wi l l be removed and the wi ndow wi l l i mmedi atel y be
ref reshed i nto the def aul t l anguage.
RebuiId Cache FiIes
Trai n Store uses f i l es to cache detai l s of Consi st and Stock Item i nf ormati on. Normal l y these
f i l es wi l l be automati cal l y kept up to date by the normal runni ng of Trai n Store. If however
f i l es have been moved outsi de of Trai n Store, or some changes have been made to the
i nstal l ati on whi ch resul ts i n error condi ti ons, i t may be necessary to rebui l d these f i l es
compl etel y.
Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l start thi s process. The process wi l l take several mi nutes to
compl ete. The cursor wi l l change to an hour -gl ass and the progress of the process wi l l be
moni tored i n the Status Bar at t he bottom of the Trai n Store Mai n wi ndow. When the process
i s compl ete the cursor wi l l return to i ts normal i mage. If you sel ected the Conf i rm Compl eti on
opti on then a conf i rmati on di al ogue box wi l l al so be di spl ayed, requi ri ng you to cl i ck OK to
conti nue.
Thi s process can be run at any ti me, runni ng i t wi l l cl ear al l Lot Number parameters f or
Consi sts and Stock Items.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 63
Reset Pane Widths
The Trai n Store Mai n wi ndow can be resi zed by draggi ng i ts borders. The rel ati ve si ze of the
Routes pane, and the Inf ormati on Memo pane can be al tered by draggi ng the di vi der between
the panes, l ef t or ri ght to the posi ti on requi red.
Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l reset the wi ndow and pane si zes back to thei r ori gi nal def aul t
val ues. If the Trai n Store wi ndow i s Maxi mi zed, the rel ati ve si zes of the panes wi l l be rest,
but the wi ndow wi l l remai n Maxi mi zed.
Start ConBuiIder
Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l start ConBui l der. Trai n Store wi l l be mi ni mi sed, and not be
accessi bl e unti l ConBui l der i s cl osed.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store, nor i n Cl assi c Trai n Store Si mul ati on Mode.
Af ter usi ng ConBui l der, and returni ng to Trai n Store, i t i s advi sabl e to ref resh the Mai n
wi ndow bef ore conti nui ng, i f you have updated any f i l es.
Start Route_Riter
Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l start Route_Ri ter. Trai n Store wi l l be mi ni mi sed, and not be
accessi bl e unti l Route_Ri ter i s cl osed.
The f uncti on i s not avai l abl e i n Easy Trai n Store, nor i n Cl assi c Trai n Store Si mul ati on Mode.
Af ter usi ng Route_Ri ter, and returni ng to Trai n Store, i t i s advi sabl e to ref resh the Mai n
wi ndow bef ore conti nui ng, i f you have updated any f i l es.
Unstore Everything!
Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem removes everythi ng f rom the Trai n Store Storage Fol ders and
returns i t to the MSTS f ol ders. Thi s compl etel y removes the ef f ect of Trai n Store on your
MSTS i nstal l ati on. Thi s f uncti on can al so be started by cl i cki ng on the tool bar button f or
Unstore Everythi ng! .
Af ter runni ng, the process checks to see whether there are any i tems l ef t i n the Trai n Store
Storage Fol der. (Thi s mi ght happen i f you have opened one of the f i l es wi th an edi tor and i t i s
sti l l open, or, possi bl y the f i l es have been very recentl y stored and the Wi ndows Indexer i s
attempti ng to re-i ndex the f i l es.) If there are any f i l es remai ni ng, a warni ng di al ogue message
wi l l be di spl ayed.
You shoul d f ol l ow the i nstructi ons on thi s warni ng di al ogue, then run Unstore Everythi ng!
agai n. If you do not do thi s, some f i l es wi l l be l ef t behi nd, probabl y causi ng you l ater
probl ems wi th MSTS.
Note: If you run 'Unstore Everything!` it must be run to completion satisfactorily.
Page 64 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
The Hel p menu i tem contai ns two entri es, About, whi ch di spl ays i nf ormati on about Trai n
and Train Store Manual, whi ch opens a copy of thi s manual (assumi ng Adobe Acrobat i s
i nstal l ed on your system).
Uninstall Train Store
Thi s menu i tem ensures that al l i tems i n the Trai n Store Storage Fol der are returned to the
MSTS i nstal l ati on and then removes the Wi ndows Regi stry entri es f or Trai n Store. Once thi s
has been done you can use the Cl i ck Team Uni nstal l er to remove Trai n Store f rom the system.
Cl i ck on the menu i tem to start the process. The process wi l l not start unl ess the i nstal l ati on i s
i n the Everythi ng Unstored! state. If not, a warni ng message wi l l be di spl ayed, and the
process stopped.
If the i nstal l ati on i s i n the correct state, Trai n Store f i rst asks f or conf i rmati on that you want to
use the uni nstal l process.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 65
If you choose to conti nue, Trai n Store wi l l agai n check that the i nstal l ati on i s i n th e
Everythi ng Unstored! state, and then check the number of f i l es whi ch are contai ned i n the
Trai n Store Storage f ol der. A warni ng wi l l be i ssued i f ei ther of these checks f ai l s and the
process wi l l termi nate.
If the checks are successf ul , the process wi l l then remove the Trai n Store setti ngs f rom the
Wi ndows Regi stry.
NOTE: Removi ng these entri es wi l l remove al l Trai n Store opti on setti ngs.
Fi nal l y, Trai n Store wi l l cl ose and the Trai n Store Cl i ckTeam i nstal l er uni nstal l er wi l l be
Cl i ck on the OK button to conti nue and the Trai n Store sof tware wi l l be compl etel y removed
f rom your system.
WARNING: Trai n Store must al ways be uni nstal l ed f rom thi s f uncti on wi thi n the Trai n Store
menu. If you do not do thi s, and run the uni nstal l f rom the Wi ndows Control Panel or other
sof tware, or j ust del ete f i l es, there i s the possi bi l i ty that there may sti l l be some f i l es wi thi n
the Trai n Store Storage f ol der. Runni ng the i nstal l ati on f rom the Trai n Store menu ensures
that al l the proper checks are carri ed out.
Page 66 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Popup Menu Items
The f ol l owi ng i tems are not accessi bl e by any buttons on the Trai n Store f orms, nor do they
appear on any conventi onal menu bar. They are onl y accessi bl e f orm the context menus whi ch
appear when you ri ght -cl i ck on i tems wi thi n the Trai n Store wi ndows.
Immediate Unstore
Thi s f uncti on i s onl y avai l abl e i n the l i st edi tors f or Expl ore Mode Consi sts , Mai ntenance
Mode Consi sts , and Mai ntenance Mode Stock . If chosen, thi s f uncti on wi l l i mmedi atel y
unstore the i tems whi ch are currentl y sel ected. If the i tem i s a Consi st, then al l of the Stock
Items whi ch bel ong to that Consi st wi l l al so be unstored, so that the MSTS i nstal l ati on
remai ns consi stent.
Thi s f uncti on i s onl y avai l abl e i n the l i st edi tors f or Expl ore Mode Consi sts , M ai ntenance
Mode Consi sts , and Mai ntenance Mode Stock . The f uncti on can onl y be chosen when 1
i tem i s sel ected. If chosen, thi s f uncti on wi l l i mmedi atel y unstore the i tem whi ch i s sel ected.
(If the i tem i s a Consi st, then al l of the Stock Items whi ch bel ong to that Consi st wi l l al so be
unstored, so that the MSTS i nstal l ati on remai ns consi stent.)
Af ter the i tem has been unstored, the edi tor whi ch has been set up to edi t MSTS f i l es (thi s i s
WORDPAD by def aul t) wi l l be started up wi th the sel ected f i l e opened wi thi n i t. Trai n Store
wi l l be mi ni mi sed and not be accessi bl e, unti l the edi tor has been cl osed.
Af ter you have f i ni shed edi ti ng, and cl osed the edi tor, Trai n Store wi l l be restored. It i s
advi sabl e to use the Ref resh Li st button to ref resh the Trai n Store data i f you have changed
any f i l es whi l st usi ng the edi tor.
Edit Lot Number
Thi s f uncti on i s onl y avai l abl e i n the l i st edi tors f or Expl ore Mode Consi sts , Mai ntenance
Mode Consi sts , and Mai ntenance Mode Stock . The f uncti on can be chosen when 1 or more
i tems are sel ected. If chosen, a wi ndow be opened to al l ow you to set the Lot Number f or the
sel ected i tems. Enter the new Lot Number, and then cl i ck on OK to update the i tems wi th the
new Lot Number. For detai l s of the uses of Lot Number see the secti ons on Expl ore Mode
Consi sts , Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance Mode Stock Items .
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 67
The TSECTION.DAT f i l e i s a very i mportant f i l e i n MSTS. It exi sts i n the GLOBAL f ol der
wi thi n the MSTS f ol der. It contai ns al l of the def i ni ti ons f or the track secti ons used wi thi n the
i nstal l ati on, apart f rom dynami c track secti ons. There was no provi si on made i n the MSTS
desi gn f or mul ti pl e TSECTI ON.DAT f i l es, so the one f i l e general l y has to contai n al l of the
def i ni ti ons. In the earl y days of MSTS there were several conf l i cti ng TSECTION.DAT
extensi ons whi ch were produced, and thi s caused probl ems when an i nstal l ati on contai ned
Routes whi ch requi red conf l i cti ng speci f i cati ons. Si nce then, the communi ty has devel oped
the concept of the standardi sed TSECTION.DAT f i l e, whi ch al l ows new track def i ni ti ons to
be added i n a way whi ch i s sti l l compati bl e wi th the ori gi nal MSTS track secti ons and l ater
devel opments.
However, there are sti l l requi rements f or some Routes whi ch use a non -standardi sed
TSECTION.DAT. Thi s mi ght be because the Route i s an ol der Route whi ch was devel oped
bef ore the standardi sed TSECTION.DAT was devel oped, or rarel y, the Route has not been
devel oped wi th the standardi sed TSECTION.DAT f i l e i n mi nd. Al so, Route devel opers,
someti mes need to work on Routes wi th track secti ons whi ch are not yet standard, so they are
not i ncl uded i n the standardi sed TSECTION.DAT f i l e. They theref ore need to change the
TSECTION.DAT f i l e as they move f rom Route to Route.
The actual TSECTION.DAT requi rements f or any Route may di f f er, but general l y the
f ol l owi ng gui del i nes can be f ol l owed. If the Route has been devel oped wi th the standardi sed
TSECTION.DAT f i l e, then a TSECTION.DAT f i l e wi th that Bui l d Number, or a hi gher one,
wi l l be compati bl e wi th i t f or si mul ati on and edi ti ng. Earl i er Routes, whi ch do not use any
extensi ons to the basi c track secti ons suppl i ed by MSTS wi l l al so be compati bl e f or
si mul ati on. If you are edi ti ng a Route, i t mi ght be saf er to al ways use the TSECTION.DAT
f i l e that was used when the Route was created. A good source of i nf ormati on f or thi s can be
f ound at the XTracks web si te on the page
http://www.geoci ti a/tk/documents/routes.htm
The TSECTION.DAT f i l e swappi ng i n Trai n al l ows you to speci f y : -
A def aul t TSECTION.DAT to be used when you use Unstore Everythi ng or f or any
Route f or whi ch you have not speci f i ed a TSECTION.DAT.
For any Route, a speci f i c TSECTION.DAT f i l e, and how i t wi l l be used on unstori ng
that Route, i n Si mul ati on mode and i n Mai ntenance mode.
When mul ti pl e Routes are bei ng unstored, processi ng i s i ncl uded whi ch automati cal l y checks
f or conf l i cti ng TSECTION.DAT requi rements and provi des you wi th an easy vi sual method
of removi ng the conf l i cti ng Routes.
The TSECTION.DAT f i l e processi ng i s opti onal . It i s onl y i nvoked when you have speci f i ed
a def aul t TSECTION.DAT f i l e, and at l east one Route speci f i c TSECTION.DAT f i l e.
You do not need to use thi s f eature unl ess you al ready swap TSECTION.DAT f i l e wi th your
i nstal l ati on, and you want to automate thi s.
Page 68 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Setting up TSECTION.DAT Swapping
Set up a TSECTION.DAT Library
Make a l i st of whi ch TSECTION.DAT f i l es you want to use, and where you are goi ng to store
them. It i s i mportant that once you have speci f i ed the TSECTION.DAT f i l es to use i n Trai n
Store, they are not removed f rom those l ocati ons. So, i t i s probabl y better to set up a parti cul ar
f ol der, or group of f ol ders to accommodate them. Note, thi s i s not essenti al , Trai n Store wi l l
al l ow you to keep the f i l es almost anywhere, and there i s nothi ng restri cti ng the f i l es to one
l ocati on. But, i t i s probabl y easi er to remember what you are doi ng i f everythi ng i s i n one
pl ace.
The f i l es that you speci f y must : -
not be l ocated anywhere wi thi n the Trai n Store Storage f ol der
must not be the actual GLOBAL\TSECTION.DAT f i l e
must not be the TSECTION.DAT f i l e wi thi n a Route (MSTS uses thi s to store the
dynami c track i nf ormati on).
WARNING: When setti ng up thi s l i brary, i f you move, or copy f i l es to do thi s, you must
never overwri te a TSECTI ON.DAT f i l e anywhere wi thi n the MSTS i nstal l ati on. It i s not
necessary, and wi l l damage your i nstal l ati on.
The Trai n Store TSECTION.DAT processi ng wi l l accept f i l es wi th any name, (i t does make
very si mpl e some f ormat checks to make sure that the f i l e l ooks l i ke a TSECTION.DAT f i l e)
so i f you wi sh, you can store your TSECTION.DAT f i l es i n one f ol der wi th di f f erent names
(e.g. TSECTION 00019.DAT, TSECTION 00023.DAT etc.) On the other hand, you may
pref er to store f i l es named TSECTION.DAT i n separate f ol ders whi ch denote thei r Bui l d
Number, or ori gi n. (e.g. Bui l d0019\TSECTION.DAT, Bui l d00023\TSECTION.DAT etc.)
You can use whi chever method you are more comf ortabl e wi th.
Specifying the System DefauIt TSECTION.DAT
Choose Tools/Options/System Default TSECTION.DAT Settings f rom the menu. Thi s wi l l
open the System Default TSECTION.DAT Parameter wi ndow.
Enter the f ul l path and name of the f i l e that you want to speci f y to be used f or the System
Def aul t TSECTION.DAT f i l e. Use the Path button i f you wi sh, to navi gat e to the f i l e that you
want to use. Thi s wi l l open the Choose TSECTION.DAT File wi ndow
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 69
Noti ce that the f i l e name you choose does not have to be TSECTION.DAT. If you chose to
use the conventi on of keepi ng your TSECTION.DAT f i l es i n one f ol der wi th di f f erent names
to di f f erenti ate them, thi s where you woul d choose f or exampl e
TSECTIONBui l d00023.DAT . Trai n Store takes care of the name change when i t swaps the
f i l e i nto the GLOBAL \TSECTION.DAT l ocati on.
When you have chosen the f i l e, cl i ck on the OK button, the wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the
path and f i l e name you chose wi l l be entered i n the Path f i el d i n the System Default
TSECTION.DAT Parameter wi ndow.
You can enter a descri pti on i n the f orm i f you want to make any speci al note about thi s
setti ng. The descri pti on i s stored wi th the Trai n Store data, and wi l l be di spl ayed whenever
i nf ormati on about thi s TSECTION.DAT setti ng i s di spl ayed. No changes are made to the
actual TSECTION.DAT f i l e.
Now choose the acti ons to be used. The acti ons i n thi s f orm r ef er to Unstore Everythi ng! , or
to Routes whi ch do not have thei r own TSECTION.DAT speci f i cati on. Noti ce that there are
two sets of acti ons, one f or use when a Route i s bei ng unstored i n Si mul ati on mode, and the
other when a Route i s bei ng unstored i n Mai ntenance mode.
Page 70 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
The Acti on setti ngs whi ch are avai l abl e are : -
Use any TSECTION.DAT wi th thi s Bui l d No. or a hi gher one. The Bui l d No. f rom the
TSECTION.DAT f i l e that you have chosen i s shown. In the case of earl y
TSECTION.DAT f i l es where there was no Bui l d No, the f i l e s date and ti me detai l s
wi l l be di spl ayed i nstead of the Bui l d Number. Al l TSECTION.DAT f i l es wi thout
Bui l d Nos. are consi dered earl i er than those wi th Bui l d Nos.
Use thi s speci f i c f i l e.
Cl i ck on the OK button to update the setti ngs and cl ose the f orm.
Specifying the TSECTION.DAT for a Route
You onl y need to speci f y a TSECTION.DAT f i l e f or a Route i f i t has requi rements that wi l l
not be met by the Def aul t TSECTION.DAT speci f i cati on.
Choose Routes/TSECTION.DAT Settings, f rom the menu, or f rom the ri ght -cl i ck context
menu. Thi s wi l l open the TSECTION.DAT Parameters f orm.
The entri es on thi s f orm are si mi l ar to the entri es on the System Def aul t TSECTION.DAT
Parameters f orm except that these parameters ref er onl y to the Route you have sel ected.
Enter the path and f i l e name to the requi red TSECTI ON.DAT f i l e, or el se cl i ck on the Path
button to open the Choose TSECTION.DAT File wi ndow, and navi gate to the f i l e you want
to use.
Enter any Descri pti on f or the setti ngs.
Enter the Acti on f or Si mul ati on and Mai ntenance Modes.
Cl i ck on the OK button to update the setti ngs and cl ose the f orm.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 71
Using the TSECTION.DAT Swapping
There are no speci al acti ons that you need to take once you have set the TSECTION.DAT
swappi ng parameters. If you add new Routes, be sure to revi ew thei r requi rements, and add
parameters f or them i f necessary. Remember, you onl y need to add Route speci f i c parameters
i f the System Def aul t TSECTION.DAT setti ngs are not sui tabl e f or the Route. The
TSECTION.DAT swappi ng processi ng takes pl ace automati cal l y whenever Trai n Store
surveys the MSTS i nstal l ati on i n preparati on to movi ng f i l es. The processi ng checks to see i f
there are any conf l i cts i n the Route speci f i cati ons f or the Routes whi ch are goi ng to be
unstored. Conf l i cts can onl y occur i f more than one Route i s bei ng unstored, and i f more than
one Route has a speci f i c TSECTION.DAT setti ng. Even then, a conf l i ct may not ari se
because the speci f i c setti ngs whi ch wi l l be i n operati on may be compati bl e. If there are
conf l i cts f ound, Trai n Store wi l l di spl ay the Resolve Conflicting TSECTION.DAT
Specifications wi ndow.
Thi s l i sts each Route whi ch i s bei ng unstored, together wi th the Bui l d No. f rom the
TSECTION.DAT speci f i ed f or i t (ei ther speci f i cal l y, or as a resul t of the System Def aul t
TSECTION.DAT speci f i cati on), and the Acti on whi ch has been speci f i ed. The actual f i l e
name bei ng used i s al so di spl ayed (to the ri ght of the Acti on, but i t i s not vi si bl e i n thi s
On the l ef t hand si de of the wi ndow t here are a seri es of checkboxes. Each one ti cked means
that the Route i s sel ected to be unstored.
An asteri sk (`) next to i t means that the Route i s i n conf l i ct wi th at l east one other Route. The
l i st i s di spl ayed i n the order of descendi ng conf l i cts. i . e. the Route at the top of the l i st has the
most conf l i cts.
To resol ve the conf l i cts, si mpl y uncheck the checkbox agai nst one or more Routes whi ch have
conf l i cts, so those Routes wi l l not be unstored, unti l no conf l i cts remai n. When thi s happens
the asteri sks di sappear, and the i nf ormati on i n the top of the wi ndow changes. For exampl e i n
the si tuati on above, i f the f i rst Route i s unchecked the resul t i s as f ol l ows
Page 72 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
There are no conf l i cts remai ni ng, and the OK button i s enabl ed, so you can go ahead and t he
remai ni ng 4 Routes wi l l be unstored wi th no conf l i cts. The TSECTION.DAT f i l e to be used
wi l l be the f i l e f rom the 3
Route i n the pi cture.
The conf l i cts can be resol ved i n any way that you pref er, f or exampl e, i n the above pi ctures, i f
you real l y want ed to retai n the f i rst Route i n the wi ndow, you woul d need to uncheck the
second and thi rd Routes whi ch are conf l i cti ng. The resul t woul d be as f ol l ows
Noti ce i n thi s case that a di f f erent TSECTION.DAT has been sel ected, whi ch i s compati bl e
wi th the remai ni ng Routes.
When you are sati sf i ed wi th the setti ngs, cl i ck on the OK button, and the unstore processi ng
wi l l go ahead, unstori ng al l of the routes whi ch were sti l l sel ected to be unstored.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 73
Maintenance Mode, Unstore Everything! and
Maintenance Mode
Mai ntenance Mode i s provi ded to make sure you can edi t Routes, Acti vi ti es and Consi sts as
ef f i ci entl y as possi bl e, but ensuri ng that you have al l the f i l es necessary.
It i s essenti al that you use Trai n Store i n Mai ntenance Mode, bef ore you edi t any Routes,
Acti vi ti es or Consi sts. If you do not do thi s, you are qui te l i kel y to f i nd i tems mi ssi ng f rom
your Routes, and probl ems i n edi ti ng.
Editing MSTS Routes, Activities and Consists
When edi ti ng a Route al l of the f i l es f or the Route that you are edi ti ng must be avai l abl e to
MSTS. In Mai ntenance Mode, Trai n Store i gnores the usual opti mi sati ons that are used when
i t i s runni ng i n Si mul ati on Mode, and i nstead i t moves al l of the Route based f i l es to MSTS
f or the Routes whi ch are bei ng Unstored. Thi s means that you wi l l have al l of the f i l es needed
so that you wi l l have access to al l of the f aci l i ti es, but wi thout the del ay of l oadi ng Routes that
you are not worki ng on.
Acti vi ti es however, whi l st they are based on a Route, sti l l make use of Consi sts and Stock
Items. There i s the def i ni te possi bi l i ty that unl ess al l of the needed Consi sts and Stock Items
are avai l abl e to the Acti vi ty Edi tor, you wi l l have probl ems. For exampl e, i t may not be
possi bl e to compl ete the Acti vi ty edi ti ng because some Consi st or Stock Item i s not avai l abl e
i n the MSTS i nstal l ati on because i t has been stored. In Mai ntenance Mode, Trai n Store
provi des the f aci l i ti es to make sure that al l of the f i l es needed are avai l abl e.
To use Mai ntenance Mode, cl i ck on the Maintenance tab at the top of the Control s secti on.
The Mai ntenance tab wi l l be di spl ayed.
Sel ect the Routes you want to work on and UnStore them usi ng the Routes/Acti vi ti es Unstore
button. Noti ce that i n thi s mode the def aul t acti on i s to Store or Unstore al l of the Acti vi ti es i n
a Route. If you don t want to unstore the compl ete Route, cl i ck on the Partial Route
checkbox to mark i t. Thi s wi l l al l ow you to sel ect i ndi vi dual Acti vi ti es that you want to
unstore. But pl ease note that i f the Acti vi ty you sel ect uses f i l es whi ch are shared wi th other
Acti vi ti es, those Acti vi ti es wi l l al so be unstored. Thi s i s to make sure that al l of the shared
f i l es that an Acti vi ty uses are unstored.
Make a l i st of any new Consi sts, or Stock Items that you want i ncl uded so that you can w ork
wi th them duri ng the edi ti ng sessi on. Add these Consi sts or Stock Items to the Mai ntenance
Mode Consi st l i st or the Mai ntenance Mode Stock l i st f or the Route as appropri ate. You
Page 74 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
don t have to add every Consi st or Stock Item. You onl y need add those whi ch have not
al ready been used i n Acti vi ti es i n the Route. If you are not actual l y goi ng to create any new
Consi sts, you don t need to i ncl ude any Stock Items as any needed wi l l automati cal l y be
i ncl uded by speci f yi ng any Consi sts that you want to use.
For detai l s of how to add the Consi st or Stock i tems to the l i sts, see the secti ons i n thi s manual
on Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance Mode Stock .
If you want to l aunch the MSTS edi tor, cl i ck on the Launch MSTS Editor checkbox to mark
i t.
If you are prepari ng f or the i nstal l ati on of a new Route, whi ch requi res the MSTS Def aul t
Routes to be avai l abl e, cl i ck on the + Def. Routes checkbox to mark i t. Thi s wi l l ensure that
al l of the MSTS Def aul t Routes are present and wi l l be Unstored.
Cl i ck on the Prepare button to start the process. A conf i rmati on di al ogue wi l l be di spl ayed.
Cl i ck on the Yes button to proceed, and the processi ng wi l l be carri ed out wi th the progress
bei ng moni tored i n the Trai n Store Status bar. The mouse cursor returns t o i ts normal state
and the Status bar i s cl eared when the process i s compl ete. If you sel ected the Conf i rm
Compl eti on opti on then a conf i rmati on di al ogue box wi l l al so be di spl ayed, requi ri ng you to
cl i ck OK to conti nue. If you sel ected Launch the MSTS Edi tor opti on, the MSTS Edi tor wi l l
be started.
You can then start on your edi ti ng.
There are no probl ems wi th creati ng new Acti vi ti es, or Consi sts whi l st you are usi ng the
edi tors, or creati ng them wi th ConBui l der. When you next start Trai n Store, i t wi l l pi ck up the
addi ti onal or changed i tems and deal wi th them accordi ngl y.
Unstore Everything!
Unstore Everythi ng! Al l ows you to temporari l y remove al l of the f i l es f rom the Trai n Store
storage f ol der, and return the f i l es to the MSTS i nstal l ati on. Af ter i t h as run, the ef f ect (on
MSTS) i s as though Trai n Store has not been i n use at al l . Al l of your opti on setti ngs
Scenari os, and Consi st i nf ormati on are sti l l retai ned by Trai n Store, so i t i s easy to conti nue
usi ng i t, when you need to.
It i s i mportant to understand that there i s a di f f erence between the si tuati on where al l Routes
are In Use and Everythi ng Unstored! . When Everythi ng Unstored! i s true, then al l Routes
are Unstored , but when al l Routes are Unstored not evervthing has been Unstored . Thi s
i s by desi gn. In normal use Trai n Store wi l l onl y take out f rom store i tems whi ch are needed.
Most MSTS i nstal l ati ons i ncl ude l arge numbers of unused stock and consi sts. So, even wi th
everythi ng i n the i nstal l ati on In Use there i s l i kel y to be a l arge number of f i l es In Store .
For detai l s about runni ng Unstore Everythi ng! , see the secti ons descri bi ng Trai n Store
Wi ndows and Functi ons.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 75
UnInstall Train Store
If you need to uni nstal l Trai n Store, cl i ck on Uninstall Train Store i n the menu bar. Do not
use Uni nstal l f rom the Start Menu, or Control Panel , because thi s wi l l not check that
everythi ng has been unstored bef ore removi ng the sof tware.
Thi s f uncti on f i rst checks the i nstal l ati on i s i n the Everythi ng Unstored state. If so, you wi l l
be asked to conf i rm that you do want to uni nstal l the sof tware. If you conf i rm thi s, then a f i nal
check wi l l be made that there are no f i l es present i n the Trai n Store storage f ol ders and then
al l of the Trai n Store setti ngs are removed f rom the Wi ndows Regi stry. F i nal l y, Trai n Store
wi l l run the Cl i ckTeam Uni nstal l er and remove i tsel f f rom your i nstal l ati on. For f ul l detai l s
of thi s process see the secti on i n thi s manual descri bi ng the menu f uncti ons.
Note that i f you choose and conf i rm thi s f uncti on i t wi l l remove al l of your Trai n Store opti on
setti ngs.
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Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 77
It i s l i kel y that when you use Cl assi c Trai n Store, you wi l l have a number of f avouri te
si mul ati ons that you use. Trai n Store can be used to swi tch f rom one to another, as descri bed
i n the previ ous secti ons, but i t al so provi des a f aci l i ty to store any number of Scenari os. These
can be cal l ed up on demand. When they are opened, they wi l l set the Trai n Store tree or map
to the si tuati on when the Scenari o was saved. Si mpl y pressi ng the Go! Button wi l l commi t
any necessary changes to the MSTS i nstal l ati on, and you are ready to start.
Creating a Scenario File
To create a Scenari o, si mpl y cl i ck on the Save button i n the Trai n Store tool bar, or
choose Save f rom the File menu. A Fi l eSave di al ogue box wi l l be opened f or you to enter the
f i l e name you want to use, and to navi gate to the f ol der where you want to store your
Scenari os.
Enter the f i l e name you have chosen, and cl i ck on the OK button to save the Scenari o. Trai n
Store wi l l save the map whi ch i s currentl y i n the Routes pane of the Trai n Store mai n
wi ndow.
Loading a Scenario File
To l oad a previ ousl y saved Scenari o, si mpl y cl i ck on the Open button i n the Trai n Store
tool bar, or choose Open f rom the File menu. A Fi l eOpen di al ogue box wi l l be opened f or you
to enter name of the Scenari o you want to use, or you can navi gate to the f i l e usi ng the
di al ogue box.
Page 78 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Choose the Scenari o that you want open, and then cl i ck on the OK button to open the
Scenari o. The Scenari o wi l l be l oaded and the map i n the Routes pane of the Trai n Store mai n
wi ndow wi l l be di spl ayed.
If the MSTS i nstal l ati on has been updated by havi ng Routes or Acti vi ti es added, modi f i ed or
removed, si nce the Scenari o was saved, then Trai n Store wi l l automati cal l y bri ng the l oaded
Scenari o up to date and di spl ay a warni ng message so that you can deci de whether to save the
updated Scenari o.
Trai n Store remembers the f ol der where you l ast opened or saved a scenari o to save
navi gati ng through the f i l e system f rom the top every ti me. You can store Scenari os anywhere
on your system apart f rom the MSTS f ol ders, or the Trai n Store Storage f ol ders. It i s
advi sabl e to use meani ngf ul names to al l ow you to qui ckl y choose a Scenari o f rom the l i st
you have saved.
Using a Scenario as an MSTS Launcher
Once you have set up Scenari os, you can use them to l aunch MSTS di rectl y (MSTS wi l l be
l aunched af ter the requi red Scenari o has been set up by Trai n Store automati cal l y). To do thi s
you f i rst need to create the Fi l e Associ ati on i n Wi ndows to tel l Wi ndows to open .TSS f i l es
wi th Trai n Store. (See the Appendi x f or detai l s).
Once thi s has been done, doubl e cl i cki ng on a Scenari o f i l e wi l l cause Trai n Store to be
l oaded i n automati c mode. Thi s wi l l , l oad the speci f i ed Scenari o, commi t any changes needed
to achi eve i t to the MSTS i nstal l ati on, and then l aunch MSTS. (You may see Trai n Store
peepi ng at the bottom of the screen whi l st i t does thi s.)
Thi s al l ows you to set up (i f you want) a seri es of desktop shortcuts, poi nti ng to your Scenari o
f i l es. To start MSTS, you j ust cl i ck on any of the desktop shortcuts.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 79
Creating a Shortcut for a Scenario
If you create a shortcut f or any Scenari o, you can pl ace the shortcut on the Wi ndows desktop,
and by doubl e-cl i cki ng on i t, you wi l l start MSTS wi th the sel ected Scen ari o al ready l oaded.
The steps needed to do thi s are : -
1. Create the Shortcut
2. Rename the shortcut (opti onal )
3. Change the shortcut i con (opti onal )
Create The Shortcut
To create a shortcut : -
Open the f ol der contai ni ng the Scenari o i n Wi ndows Expl orer.
Sel ect the Scenari o by cl i cki ng (not doubl e-cl i cki ng) on i t.
Ri ght-cl i ck, and a context menu wi l l be opened.
Choose the Create Shortcut opti on. A shortcut to the sel ected Scenari o wi l l
i mmedi atel y be created i n the same f ol der.
Rename the Shortcut
The shortcut wi l l be named Shortcut to xxxxx , where xxxxx i s the ori gi nal name of the
Scenari o. You can change the name of the shortcut by : -
Cl i cki ng (not doubl e-cl i cki ng) on i t to sel ect i t
Then pressi ng F2] or choosi ng File/Rename f rom the Expl orer menu. Type i n the
new name you want to use.
Change the Shortcut Icon
If you woul d l i ke to customi se the shortcut by gi vi ng i t a parti cul ar i con, you can change the
i con that the shortcut uses by : -
Cl i cki ng (not doubl e-cl i cki ng) on i t to sel ect i t
Then ri ght-cl i cki ng wi l l open a context menu.
Choose Properties. The Properti es wi ndow f or the shortcut wi l l then be opened.
Page 80 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Cl i ck on the Change icon button and a Change icon wi ndow wi l l be opened.
Choose any i con f rom those di spl ayed by cl i cki ng on i t and then pressi ng OK or el se
by doubl e-cl i cki ng on i t.
If you woul d l i ke di f f erent i cons, cl i ck on the Browse button and a Change icon f i l e
open wi ndow wi l l be opened.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 81
Navi gate to the f ol der wi th the f i l e contai ni ng the i cons you want to use
Cl i ck on the f i l e you want
Then cl i ck on the OK button. The wi ndow wi l l cl ose, and the Change i con wi ndow
wi l l contai n the i cons f rom the f i l e you have sel ected e.g.
Choose the i con you want
Then cl i ck on the OK button, or doubl e cl i ck on the i con you want, and the wi ndow
wi l l be cl osed and the shortcut updated wi th the new i con.
You can use any sui tabl e Wi ndows i con f or thi s. They can be f ound i n most Wi ndows
executabl e f i l es and al so i n l i brari es such as C: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHELL32.DLL , or
C:\WINDOWS\MORICONS.DLL. There i s al so a smal l set of i cons i ncl uded i n the Trai n
Store package. You can f i nd them i n the Trai nStore Icons.dl l f i l e whi ch wi l l be f ound i n the
same f ol der where you i nstal l ed the Trai n Store sof tware. Duncan Harri s has al so ki ndl y made
several sets of i cons f or t hi s purpose and you can f i nd them i n the www.uktrai nsi f i l e
l i brary.
Page 82 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 83
ExpIore with Loose Stock and/or AI Traffic
If you are usi ng Easy Expl ore, you al so have the opti on of Expl ori ng usi ng the Loose Consi sts
whi ch are speci f i ed f or any Acti vi ty i n the Route that you are expl ori ng. You even have the
opti on of expl ori ng wi th the AI Traf f i c f rom a chosen Acti vi ty. Thi s can make Expl ori ng i n
MSTS much more i nteresti ng, and opens the possi bi l i ty of creati ng Acti vi ti es whi ch have AI
Traf f i c runni ng the mai nl i ne ti metabl e whi l st the user carri es out acti vi ti es l i ke shunti ng i n
whatever order and ti me sui ts them.
Pl ease remember though, that thi s f aci l i ty ef f ecti vel y pl aces Loose Stock and AI Tr af f i c i nto
your Expl ore. It i s your responsi bi l i ty to pl ace your Pl ayer trai n i n a sui tabl e start posi ti on. If
you pl ace your Pl ayer trai n i n a posi ti on whi ch conf l i cts wi th the Loose Stock or the AI
Traf f i c at the starti ng ti me, then MSTS wi l l probabl y no t be abl e to start the Expl ore, or el se
there wi l l be an i mmedi ate col l i si on wi th the AI Traf f i c and the Pl ayer trai n.
Starting the Explore
If you want to use thi s f aci l i ty, you must start f rom the Easy Expl ore wi ndow.
Choose the Locomoti ve and Consi st that you want to dri ve. Then cl i ck on the downward
poi nti ng arrow to the ri ght of the f i el d bel ow the Additionally, from the Activity headi ng.
Thi s wi l l di spl ay a l i st of the Acti vi ti es whi ch are avai l abl e i n the Route. Choose one of the
Acti vi ti es f rom the l i st by cl i cki ng on i t wi th the mouse. The remai ni ng f i el ds i n thi s secti on
of the wi ndow wi l l be enabl ed.
Page 84 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Cl i ck on the Loose Stock checkbox to mark i t, i f you want to i ncl ude Loose Stock
f rom the Acti vi ty.
Cl i ck on the AI Traffic checkbox i f you want to Expl ore wi th the AI Traf f i c f rom the
Acti vi ty runni ng.
NOTE: If the Acti vi ty does not contai n Loose Stock, or AI Traf f i c, the rel evant checkbox wi l l
not be enabl ed.
Choose the Starti ng Ti me, the Season and the Weather f rom the next f i el ds.
Sel ecti on of thi s f aci l i ty wi l l have reset the starti ng poi nt f or the Expl ore to the starti ng
poi nt f or the Pl ayer i n the ori gi nal Acti vi ty. If you want to expl ore f rom any other
Starti ng Poi nt, you can now go back and choose i t, (and/or a di f f erent starti ng
di recti on), usi ng the Starting at and Heading towards drop-down l i sts.
Cl i ck on the Explore button to start. Thi s wi l l start MSTS.
Choose Drive a Train, and then sel ect the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE i tem f rom
the l i st i n MSTS. (Do NOT Choose EXPLORE ROUTE, unl ess you want to use the
standard MSTS Expl ore f aci l i ty).
Cl i ck on the Start button to start the Expl ore.
When the Expl ore Acti vi ty starts MSTS wi l l di spl ay a Bri ef i ng whi ch contai ns remi nders
about the di f f erences and l i mi tati ons whi ch are i mposed usi ng thi s mode, and i nf ormati on
about savi ng and rel oadi ng the expl ore sessi on.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 85
Restarting from a Saved TRAIN STORE EXPLORE
To restart f rom a saved TRAINSTORE EXPLORE, the ori gi nal starti ng condi ti ons have to be
set up to al l ow MSTS to rel oad the si mul ati on. It i s possi bl e to do thi s by choosi ng the same
Acti vi ty and starti ng condi ti ons, starti ng an Expl ore, and then choosi ng to l oad the saved
TRAIN STORE EXPLORE i n MSTS. However, Trai n Store provi des a si mpl er way of doi ng
thi s, and saves the need f or you to remember al l the detai l s of your saved expl ore.
If you want to use thi s f aci l i ty, you must start f rom the Easy Expl ore wi ndow.
Cl i ck on the headi ng Additionally, from the Activity, or on the downward poi nti ng arrow to
the ri ght of that headi ng. Sel ect Reload saved TRAIN STORE EXPLORE. Thi s wi l l
change the headi ng, and open a l i st of saved TRAIN STORE EXPLORE sessi ons.
Page 86 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
You can exami ne thi s l i st by cl i cki ng on any i tem, or usi ng the arrow keys to move up or
down the l i st. As each saved i tem i s sel ected, the detai l s of the sessi on wi l l be di spl ayed i n the
i nf ormati on pane at the bottom of the wi ndow. (The i tems i n thi s l i st are sorted i n descendi ng
date order, so you wi l l see your most recent saves at the top of the l i st.)
When you have chosen the save you want to restart, cl i ck on the Explore button and the
necessary f i l es wi l l be unstored. Trai n Store wi l l then di spl ay a di al ogue box, remi ndi ng you
to choose Load Saved Activity i n MSTS, and whi ch TRAIN STORE EXPLORE to use to
When you have cl osed thi s di al ogue box MSTS wi l l be started, and you can rel oad the saved
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 87
Points to Note when using TRAIN STORE EXPLORE
Thi s i s a true Expl ore mode. Thi s means that al l poi nts can be changed by the user.
The poi nts wi l l be set to thei r i ni ti al def aul t strai ght ahead posi ti ons at the start of the
Expl ore. You may need to change poi nts as necessary to f ol l ow a parti cul ar path.
If you run AI Traf f i c f rom the Acti vi ty you chose, then the poi nts wi l l not be set f or
each pi ece of Traf f i c as when runni ng an Acti vi ty. Thi s means that any AI Traf f i c
whi ch requi res a di f f erent route to the def aul t poi nt setti ngs, i s unl i kel y to run to
compl eti on. Instead i t wi l l wai t at the poi nt whi ch i t cannot pass.
When you choose your starti ng poi nt, you must be sure that the pl aci ng of your Pl ayer
trai n does not f oul or cl ash wi th any Loose Stock, and that the Pl ayer trai n can f i t i nto
the track space avai l abl e at the starti ng poi nt, otherwi se MSTS wi l l f ai l to start the
Expl ore. Al so, be aware that i f you choose a starti ng poi nt whi ch i s cl ose to the
l ocati on of a pi ece of AI Traf f i c (i .e. i f the AI Traf f i c i s al ready i n the si gnal secti on
contai ni ng your Pl ayer trai n), then you are not protected f rom col l i si on, the AI trai n
wi l l run i nto your trai n. If the AI trai n i s not i n your si gnal secti on, i t wi l l wai t unti l
you have cl eared the secti on.
You may change the starti ng ti me f or your expl ore, but remember i f you have chosen
to use AI Traf f i c, i t wi l l sti l l run at i ts recorded ti me.
Once MSTS has started, you must ei ther start the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE, or you
l ose i t. If you exi t MSTS wi thout runni ng the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE, you cannot
j ust re-enter MSTS. You need to start agai n f rom Easy Expl ore. Al so, i f whi l st you are
i n MSTS, you choose the normal MSTS EXPLORE ROUTE f uncti on, you wi l l not
subsequentl y be abl e to start the TRAI N STORE EXPLORE. You wi l l need to cl ose
MSTS and restart f rom Easy Expl ore.
Thi s f aci l i ty i s not compati bl e wi th the Use Rai l Dri ver f aci l i ty. If the TRAI N
STORE EXPLORE f aci l i ty i s chosen the Use Rai l Dri ver checkbox i s di sabl ed. You
can sti l l use Rai l Dri ver i n the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE f aci l i ty, but you wi l l need to
start Rai l Dri ver by hand, bef ore starti ng MSTS.
If you want to save the si mul ati on whi l st runni ng, you can do thi s i n the normal way,
usi ng the [ F2] key. When you want to restart a saved TRAIN STORE EXPLORE, you
must start f rom Easy Expl ore, and choose the same Route, and Expl ore Acti vi ty, and
cl i ck on the Expl ore button to start MSTS. When you have started MSTS, choose
Load a Saved Acti vi ty, choose the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE save wi th the date and
ti me correspondi ng to the expl ore that you want to conti nue, and then conti nue as
normal . Trai n Store provi des an easy way to do thi s, wi thout havi ng to remember al l
the detai l s of the Expl ore sessi on, by usi ng the Reload Train STORE EXPLORE
f aci l i ty.
Page 88 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 89
The Train Store Viewer
Trai n Store has an i nternal vi ewer whi ch shows i mages of i ndi vi dual Stock Items or compl ete
Consi sts. The vi ewer uses the TRAINLI B.OCX control by Paul Gausden to di spl ay the
model s. Thi s OCX control i s i nstal l ed when the SVIEW sof tware i s i nstal l ed on a system.
Trai n Store wi l l detect whether the OCX control i s avai l abl e, and i f so, the vi ewer
f uncti onal i ty wi l l be enabl ed. If the OCX control i s not av ai l abl e, then the vi ewer
f uncti onal i ty i s di sabl ed. The vi ewer can di spl ay i tems or consi sts wi thout needi ng to unstore
any i tem.
Viewer Operation
The vi ewer can be started by cl i cki ng on a Consi st i con or Stock Item i con next to an
i tem i n the mai n Trai n Store wi ndow, or ri ght -cl i cki ng on the i tem and choosi ng Show
Selected Item in Viewer. In the Consi st or Stock Item Li sts the vi ewer can be started by
sel ecti ng an i tem and then cl i cki ng the Show Selected Item button.
The wi ndow that i s opened can be moved around or mi ni mi sed i ndependentl y f rom the mai n
Trai n Store wi ndow. To cl ose the wi ndow use the normal Wi ndows control commands, or
press [ Esc] . If Trai n Store i s cl osed, then al l vi ewer wi ndows wi l l be cl osed automati cal l y.
Mul ti pl e vi ewer wi ndows can be opened and si zed and moved around i ndependentl y. The
onl y l i mi tati on on thi s i s the amount of memory consumed by each versi on of the vi ewer. In
testi ng over 30 si mul taneous wi ndows each wi th Consi sts of 20 or more Stock i tems have
been used successf ul l y.
You can navi gate f rom wi ndow to wi ndow i f you have mul ti pl e wi ndows open by pressi ng
[ Ctrl ] +[ F6] . Hol di ng the [ Shi f t] key down whi l st cl osi ng or mi ni mi si ng any vi ewer wi ndow
wi l l cl ose or mi ni mi se al l of the vi ewer wi ndows.
Viewer Window Format
When started the vi ewer wi l l operate i n Restored mode. That i s, the wi ndow si ze wi l l be
sui ted to the si ze of the i tem to be di spl ayed. A f ul l -wi dth mode i s al so avai l abl e. The wi ndow
mode can be toggl ed between restored mode and f ul l wi dth mode by pressi n g [ F12] . When
the mode swi tches to f ul l wi dth, the vi ewer wi ndow occupi es the f ul l wi dth of the di spl ay
moni tor, and the hei ght i s set to mai ntai n the ori gi nal aspect rati o.
When di spl ayi ng Consi sts, al l but the smal l est wi l l not f i t wi thi n the wi dth of a normal di spl ay
moni tor, so the wi ndow i s di spl ayed at f ul l wi dth on the moni tor, and the vi ewi ng posi ti on i s
set to di spl ay the f i rst i tem i n the Consi st. You can navi gate to any i tem i n a di spl ayed Consi st
by usi ng the arrow keys.
Page 90 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Wi th Consi sts or Stock Items whi ch take up more than the wi dth of the di spl ay moni tor, there
i s no di f f erence between the restored and f ul l wi dth di spl ay modes.
Viewer Commands
A set of keyboard commands are provi ded to change the way i n whi ch the model i s vi ewed.
General l y the commands are the same as the correspondi ng SVIEW keyboard commands, but
there are some di f f erences, because of the si mpl er nature of the i nternal vi ewer. To see the l i st
of vi ewer keyboard commands, at any ti me when the vi ewer i s open, press [ F1] . A f ul l l i st of
the commands i s then di spl ayed i n a separate wi ndow. To cl ose thi s wi ndow press [ F1] agai n,
or press [ Esc] . The l i st of commands can be dragged around the screen to a sui tabl e posi ti on
by usi ng the mouse.
The l i st of keyboard commands avai l abl e i s as f ol l ows:-
Command Action
A Ani mates the model .
R Shows the other si de of the model .
<- or -> moves to the next i tem i n a Consi st.
[Shiftj+<- or [Shiftj+-> Move to the end of the Consi st.
[Shiftj+Z toggl es the FPS di spl ay.
[Homej Returns to the i ni ti al vi ew posi ti on.
[Insertj Increases the l i ght i n shadows
[Deletej Decreases the l i ght i n shadows
+ (Plus) Moves the vi ewi ng posi ti on cl oser to the model
- (Minus) Moves the vi ewi ng posi ti on f urther away f rom the model
[F1j Toggl es the Hel p di spl ay
[Fj Edi t Di rectX Di spl ay opti ons
[F8j Change Background col our
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 91
Command Action
[F11j take screenshot.
[F12j Toggl es the 'Ful l Screen' mode - actual l y f ul l screen wi dth, at the
same apect rati o.
[Ctrlj[Fj moves to the next wi ndow i n the l i st of open Vi ewer w i ndows.
[Ctrlj[Shiftj[Fj moves to the previ ous wi ndow i n the l i st of open Vi ewer wi ndows.
[Ctrlj+P Toggl es Orthogonal setti ng.
[Ctrlj+S Saves the current setti ngs of Background col our, [ F12] toggl e, the
ambi ent l i ghti ng l evel , the Vi ewer wi ndow hei ght and the vi ewi ng
di stance.
[Escj Cl oses an open Vi ewer wi ndow.
[Shiftj Hol di ng the [ Shi f t] key down and sel ecti ng Cl ose or Mi ni mi se wi l l
af f ect al l of the open Vi ewer wi ndows.
NOTE: The versi on of the OCX f i l e needed to run the Trai n Store vi ewer i s Thi s i s
normal l y i nstal l ed when SVIEW Versi on 1.4 i s i nstal l ed. Earl i er versi ons of the OCX control
wi l l not al l ow the i nternal vi ewer to run successf ul l y.
Page 92 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 93
Train Store List Editors
The purpose of Trai n Store i s to keep to a mi ni mum the f i l es that MSTS has to f i nd and l oad
when runni ng a si mul ati on. To do thi s i t exami nes the Routes and Acti vi ti es wi thi n an MSTS
i nstal l ati on and removes al l of the f i l es that are not needed f or the Acti vi ti es i n the si mul ati on
that you want to r un.
If Trai n Store di d nothi ng el se thi s woul d mean that usi ng Cl assi c Trai n Store, you woul d not
be abl e to run any Expl ore Mode acti vi ty unl ess you had f i rst created an Acti vi ty usi ng the
consi st that you wanted to use. Al so you woul d not be abl e to start your expl orati on at any
poi nt other than the Acti vi ti es start poi nts. Thi s woul d be a bi g di sadvantage, parti cul arl y f or
new users.
It woul d al so mean that i t woul d be di f f i cul t (wi thout f i rst usi ng Unstore Everythi ng! ) to
bui l d new Acti vi ti es, or add new Consi sts or Stock Items to exi sti ng Acti vi ti es because the
new i tems that you wanted to i ncl ude i n the Acti vi ti es woul d not be avai l abl e, because Trai n
Store woul d have stored them, because they were not needed by the current conf i gurati on.
Trai n Store theref ore al l ows you to speci f y addi ti onal i tems to be unstored i n parti cul ar
si tuati ons. You speci f y whi ch addi ti onal i tems you want to unstore by addi ng the i tems to a
l i st usi ng one of the Li st Edi tors.
There are actual l y 5 types of l i st : -
Expl ore Mode Consi sts addi ti onal Consi sts to be used i n Expl ore Mode
Expl ore Mode Paths addi ti onal Paths to be used i n Expl ore Mode
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts addi ti onal Consi sts to be used i n Mai ntenance Mode
Mai ntenance Mode Stock addi ti onal Stock Items to be used i n Mai ntenance Mode
Mai ntenance Mode Paths addi ti onal Paths to be used i n Mai ntenance Mode
There i s a set of these l i sts f or each Route i n the MSTS i nstal l ati on. Thi s al l ows you to
speci f y whi ch addi ti onal i tems you want to have avai l abl e on a Route by Route basi s. In
addi ti on there i s a set of these l i sts f or Gl obal Setti ngs Gl obal Setti ngs means a set of l i sts
whose i tems wi l l be appl i ed to every Route, i n addi ti on to the usual l i sts f or the Route. (No
Path l i sts are avai l abl e i n Gl obal Setti ngs, as Paths are speci f i c to i ndi vi dual Routes).
You can create any number of l i sts of each type f or each Route, or f or Gl obal Setti ngs. If
more than one l i st exi sts f or a Route, or f or Gl obal Setti ngs, then i t i s possi bl e to speci f y
whi ch of the l i sts i s to be used at any ti me.
When Cl assi c Trai n Store commi ts a Scenari o to the MSTS i nstal l ati on, i n addi ti on to the f i l es
requi red by the Route(s) and Acti vi ty(i es) sel ected, i t wi l l al so ensure that the f i l es (Consi st ,
Paths and Stock) requi red f rom these l i sts are al so made avai l abl e to MSTS. When you then
run MSTS, you wi l l f i nd that you have access to al l of the i tems essenti al f or the Acti vi ty(i es)
that you speci f i ed, but al so you wi l l have access to these addi ti onal i tems.
There i s a si mpl e set of procedures f or edi ti ng these l i sts. There are detai l di f f erences between
the l i st procedures, because the i nf ormati on stored i n each type i s di f f erent, but the basi c
procedures are consi stent. The f ol l owi ng secti ons descri be each of these l i st types i n detai l .
Page 94 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Creating a New List
To create a new l i st of any type, ri ght -cl i ck on the mai n headi ng f or the l i st type i n the
requi red Route or i n Gl obal Setti ngs and choose Create New List f rom the context menu
whi ch i s opened. (The Li st Type wi l l be i ncl uded i n the capti on of the menu i tem e.g. Create
New Consi st Li st) Thi s wi l l open the l i st edi tor wi ndow f or the l i st type whi ch you have
chosen. Add the requi red i tems to the l i st as descri bed i n the f ol l owi ng secti ons f or each of the
l i st types, and cl ose the wi ndow usi ng the OK button.
Activating or Deactivating a List
If there i s onl y one l i st of a parti cul ar type f or a Route, or f or Gl obal Setti ngs, then the l i st i s
al ways acti vated. Thi s means that when you press the Go! or Prepare button, i f t he parti cul ar
Route i s bei ng unstored, the i tems i n thi s l i st wi l l al so be unstored.
If there i s more than one l i st of a parti cul ar type f or a Route or f or Gl obal Setti ngs, then each
l i st can be Acti vated or DeActi vated i ndi vi dual l y. (When a new l i st i s c reated, i t i s al ways set
to Acti vated by def aul t) Items i n Li sts whi ch are not acti vated wi l l not be unstored. The
f ol l owi ng pi cture show exampl es of a si ngl e set of (Consi st) l i sts and a mul ti pl e set of (Path)
l i sts wi thi n one Route, wi th acti vated and deacti vated exampl es i n the mul ti pl e l i sts.
To Acti vate or DeActi vate a l i st, cl i ck on the checkbox whi ch appears i n the l i st headi ng i n
the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow. If the checkbox contai ns a ti ck mark, then the l i st i s acti vated.
If there i s no ti ck mark, the l i st i s deacti vated.
You can al so acti vate or deacti vate a l i st by ri ght -cl i cki ng on the rel evant l i st headi ng and
choosi ng the acti vate or deacti vate opti on f rom the context menu whi ch i s opened.
Al ternati vel y you can choose the acti vate or deacti vate opti on f rom the mai n menu f or the l i st
type you have sel ected. Ei ther of these methods al so al l ows opti ons to acti vate or deacti vate
al l of the l i sts wi thi n a Route or wi thi n Gl obal Setti ngs, and al so al l ows you to acti vate the
sel ected i tem, whi l st deacti vati ng al l of the remai ni ng l i sts of the same type.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 95
Naming A List
When a l i st i s f i rst created i t i s gi ven a def aul t name. (e.g. Ori gi nal Li st, New Li st (1) etc.)
You can change thi s name by cl i cki ng on the Edit List Name button i n the l i st edi tor
wi ndow. Thi s wi l l open a wi ndow whi ch al l ows you to change the l i st name.
The new name you enter must contai n at l east one non -space character, otherwi se no change
to the name i s made. You may change the name of any l i st, but the name of a l i st i s onl y
vi si bl e i f there i s more than one l i st of the same type i n use f or the speci f i c Route or f or
Gl obal Setti ngs.
Deleting a List
To del ete a l i st, open the l i st i n the l i st edi tor, and remove al l of the i tems f rom the Current
List pane, and then cl ose the wi ndow usi ng the OK button. The l i st wi l l then be removed
f rom the Trai n Store conf i gurati on.
Page 96 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Explore Mode Consists/Maintenance Mode Consists
Expl ore Mode Consi sts are used i f you want to expl ore a Route dri vi ng a l ocomoti ve or
Consi st whi ch i s not i ncl uded i n any of the Acti vi ti es you are unstori ng.
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts are used when you want to i ncl ude any Consi sts whi ch woul d
not normal l y be unstored when you are creati ng or edi ti ng Acti vi ti es.
Creating ExpIore Mode Consists/Maintenance Mode Consists
Expl ore Mode Consi sts are created by addi ng the Consi sts you want to use to an Expl ore
Mode Consi sts l i st. A set of l i sts i s hel d f or each Route, and a separate Gl obal Setti ngs set
of l i sts i s hel d f or Consi sts that you want to appl y to al l Rout es. Note that Expl ore Mode
Consi sts are onl y accessi bl e and ef f ecti ve when Trai n Store i s run i n Si mul ati on Mode.
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts are created by addi ng the Consi sts you want to use to a
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts l i st. A set of l i sts i s hel d f or each Route, and a separate Gl obal
Setti ngs set of l i sts i s hel d f or Consi sts that you want to appl y to al l Routes. Note that
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts are onl y accessi bl e and ef f ecti ve when Trai n Store i s run i n
Mai ntenance Mode.
To add a Consi st to a l i st :-
Hi ghl i ght any Expl ore Mode Consi sts or Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts i tem or
headi ng f or a Route i n the Routes pane of the Trai n Store Mai n wi ndow.
Cl i ck on the Edit (Selected Route) button under the Expl ore Mode Consi sts secti on
of the control s. The Edit 'Explore Mode Consist` List or the Edit 'Maintenance
Mode Consist` List wi ndow wi l l be opened.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 97
There are three panes i n the wi ndow. The Current List pane shows the Consi sts whi ch are
al ready i n the l i st bei ng edi ted. The Consists Available pane shows the avai l abl e Consi sts
whi ch can be added to the l i st, and the Consist Details shows the detai l s of any Consi st whi ch
i s currentl y sel ected i n ei ther of the f i rst two panes. Items i n the Consi sts Avai l abl e l i st are
hi ghl i ghted i f they are In Use.
At the bottom of the wi ndow there i s a Consist Filter sub-wi ndow whi ch contai ns the
control s whi ch al l ow you to f i l ter the Consi sts Avai l abl e l i st so that you can more easi l y f i nd
the i tems you are l ooki ng f or.
In Mai ntenance Mode, when you open thi s wi ndow f or any Route, i f there are no exi sti ng
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts def i ned f or the Route, Trai n Store wi l l automati cal l y popul ate
the Current Li st wi th al l of the Consi sts whi ch woul d be Unstored by the Prepare f uncti on
because they are al ready ref er enced by Acti vi ti es wi thi n the Route. It i s theref ore easy f or you
to see, by exami ni ng the Current Li st, whether the Consi st(s) you need f or your edi ti ng
sessi on are al ready avai l abl e.
When edi ti ng Expl ore Mode Consi st l i sts, the Avai l abl e l i st wi l l onl y show Dri veabl e
Consi sts, and Consi sts whi ch are dri veabl e f or the Route sel ected (e.g. El ectri c Locomoti ves
wi l l not be avai l abl e on a non-el ectri f i ed Route.
Adding or Removing Consists
To add a Consi st to the Current Li st : -
Fi nd the Consi st you need i n the Consi sts Avai l abl e Li st (see the f ol l owi ng secti on f or
usi ng the Fi l ters).
Cl i ck on the Consi st to sel ect i t
Then ei ther drag i t wi th the mouse to the Current Li st pane, or cl i ck on the Add to List
To remove a Consi st f rom the Current Li st :-
Cl i ck on i t to sel ect i t : -
Then ei ther drag i t wi th the mouse to the Consi sts Avai l abl e pane, press the Delete]
key or cl i ck on the Remove from List button.
It i s possi bl e to deal wi th mul ti pl e Consi sts i n these operati ons. The usual Wi ndows sel ecti o n
conventi ons appl y. If you want to sel ect a conti guous group of Consi sts, hi ghl i ght the f i rst one
by cl i cki ng on i t. Hol d the Shift] key down, and then cl i ck on the l ast i tem i n the group. If
you want to sel ect a number of non conti guous Consi sts, Cl i ck on the f i rst to sel ect i t, press
and hol d the Ctrl] key and then cl i ck on the other Consi sts you need.
When you have compl eted your changes to the l i st, cl i ck on the OK button to cl ose the
wi ndow and update the changes to the Current Li st. If you don t w i sh to update the Current
Li st, press Cancel, the wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the Current Li st wi l l not be updated.
When a Consi st i s al ready i ncl uded i n a Scenari o, because i t i s used i n an Acti vi ty(i es), thi s
does not cause a probl em, Trai n Store wi l l ensure onl y one copy of the consi st i s avai l abl e f or
use i n Acti vi ty(i es) or Expl ore Mode.
FiItering the Consists AvaiIabIe
The Consi sts Avai l abl e l i st can be f i l tered by Locomoti ve Name, Consi st Name, Type of
Consi st, Status, Type of Moti ve Power or Lot Number. For f ul l detai l s of the f i l teri ng
mechani sm see the secti on on Sel ecti on Fi l ters.
Page 98 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
AdditionaI Information
In Si mul ati on Mode there i s an opti on whi ch al l ows you to speci f y whether you want to
i ncl ude the Expl ore Mode Consi sts speci f i ed. If thi s i s not set, the Expl ore Mode Consi sts
wi l l not be i ncl uded. The setti ng of thi s parameter wi l l be remembered f rom the previ ous run
of Trai n Store, but you can change i t at any ti me. If you onl y want to run an Acti vi ty i n MSTS
there i s no poi nt i n i ncl udi ng the Expl ore Mode Consi sts . Any Consi sts needed f or the
Acti vi ti es wi l l be made avai l abl e to MSTS automati cal l y. You onl y need to i ncl ude the
Expl ore Mode Consi sts i f you want to run one of those Consi sts i n Expl ore Mode .
In Mai ntenance Mode, Consi sts f rom any acti vated Mai ntenance Mode Consi st l i sts wi l l
al ways be unstored f or any Route bei ng Prepared. Because the Prepare f uncti on automati cal l y
i ncl udes al l of the Consi sts whi ch are used wi thi n the Route, you onl y need to put i n thi s l i st
any Consi sts whi ch are not al ready used by Acti vi ti es i n the Route, and whi ch you need f or
edi ti ng. The automati c popul ati on of thi s l i st i s f or i nf ormati on purposes. By usi ng the
popul ated Current l i st i n conj uncti on wi th the Avai l abl e l i st you can more easi l y deci de whi ch
i tems you need to add. Once you have compl eted your edi ti ng, you can remove the i tems f rom
the l i st, as they are not needed because Trai n Store wi l l automati cal l y i ncl ude al l of the
Consi sts used when the Prepare f uncti on i s used.
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts are onl y accessed duri ng Mai ntenance Mode processi ng and
wi l l onl y be Unstored by the Prepare f uncti on. They have no af f ect on the sel ecti ons made
duri ng Si mul ati on Mode, when the normal opti mi sati on process i s used to sel ect f i l es to be
Unstored. Of course, once a Consi st has been associ ated wi th an Acti vi ty, as part of your
edi ti ng process, then i t wi l l al so automati cal l y be sel ected when requi red to be Unstored i n
Si mul ati on Mode.
Because Consi st l i sts are speci f i cal l y i ntended f or use outsi de of Acti vi ti es, they are onl y
stored as l i sts of consi sts wi thi n Trai n Store. By thi s means they can be enabl ed or di sabl ed on
any Scenari o wi thout needi ng to save addi ti onal copi es f or each Route. So, whatever Scenari o
you have chosen, the Consi sts l i st s wi l l be the same (as f or any other scenari o). When you
save a Scenari o, i t i s saved i ndependentl y of the Expl ore Mode Consi sts and the
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts .
Noti ce al so that, because of the way MSTS stores i nf ormati on i n Acti vi ti es, onl y the Pl ayer
consi st, and the AI traf f i c consi sts are actual l y i denti f i ed by MSTS as consi sts wi thi n the
Acti vi ty. Loose stock i ncl uded i n an Acti vi ty i s not actual l y stored as a consi st by MSTS, so
thei r owni ng consi sts wi l l not appear i n the consi sts avai l abl e f or Expl ore Mode i n a Route
unl ess they have al so been used ei ther i n a Pl ayer or AI traf f i c consi st, or el se i f they have
been i ncl uded as an Expl ore Mode Consi st . It does not matter whether the Expl ore Mode
Consi sts have been i ncl uded or not because of your opti on setti ngs, the actual stock used by
the Loose Consi sts wi l l al ways be avai l abl e to the Route f or i ts Acti vi ty(i es).
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 99
Explore Mode Paths/Maintenance Mode Paths
Expl ore Mode Paths are used i f you want to expl ore a Route, starti ng f rom a poi n t whi ch i s
not i ncl uded i n any of the Acti vi ti es whi ch you are unstori ng.
Mai ntenance Mode Paths are used when you want to i ncl ude any Paths whi ch woul d not
normal l y be unstored when you are creati ng or edi ti ng Acti vi ti es.
Creating ExpIore Mode Paths/Maintenance Mode Paths
Expl ore Mode Paths are created by addi ng the Paths you want to use to an Expl ore Mode
Paths l i st. A set of l i sts i s hel d f or each Route.
Mai ntenance Mode Paths are created by addi ng the Paths you want to use to a Mai ntenance
Mode Paths l i st. A set of l i sts i s hel d f or each Route.
Note that Expl ore Mode Paths are onl y accessi bl e and ef f ecti ve when Trai n Store i s run i n
Si mul ati on Mode. (In Mai ntenance Mode ei ther al l of the Paths f or a Route are unstored, or, i f
the Parti al Route f aci l i ty i s used, al l of the Paths that are ref erenced by the Acti vi ti es and
Servi ces that are unstored are themsel ves unstored together wi th any Paths i n acti vated
Mai ntenance Mode Paths l i sts.)
To add a Path to a l i st : -
Hi ghl i ght any Expl ore Mode Paths or Mai ntenance Mode Paths i tem or headi ng f or
a Route i n the Routes pane of the Trai n Store Mai n wi ndow.
Cl i ck on the Edit (Selected Route) button under the Expl ore Mode Paths or the
Mai ntenance Mode Paths secti on of the control s. The Edit 'Explore Mode Path`
List or the Edit 'Maintenance Mode Path` List wi ndow wi l l be opened.
Page 100 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
There are three panes i n the wi ndow. The Current List pane shows the Paths whi ch are
al ready i n the l i st bei ng edi ted. The Paths Available pane shows the avai l abl e Paths whi ch
can be added to the l i st, and the Path Details shows the detai l s of any Path whi ch i s currentl y
sel ected i n ei ther of the f i rst two panes. Items i n the Paths Avai l abl e l i st are hi ghl i ghted i f
they are In Use.
At the bottom there i s a Paths Filter sub-wi ndow whi ch contai ns the control s whi ch al l ow
you to f i l ter the Paths Avai l abl e l i st so that you can more easi l y f i nd the i tems you are l ooki ng
f or.
When edi ti ng Expl ore Mode Paths l i sts the Avai l abl e l i st wi l l onl y show Dri veabl e Paths.
Adding or Removing Paths
To add a Path to the Current Li st : -
Fi nd the Path you need i n the Paths Avai l abl e Li st (see the f ol l owi ng secti on f or usi ng
the Fi l ters).
Cl i ck on the Path to sel ect i t
Then ei ther drag i t wi th the mouse to the Current Li st pane, or cl i ck on the Add to List
To remove a Path f rom the Current Li st : -
Cl i ck on i t to sel ect i t : -
Then ei ther drag i t wi th the mouse to the Paths Avai l abl e pane, press the Delete] key,
or cl i ck on the Remove from List button.
It i s possi bl e to deal wi th mul ti pl e Paths i n these operati ons. The usual Wi ndows sel ecti on
conventi ons appl y. If you want to sel ect a conti guous group of Paths, hi ghl i ght the f i rst one by
cl i cki ng on i t. Hol d the Shift] key down, and then cl i ck on the l ast i tem i n the group. If you
want to sel ect a number of non conti guous Paths, Cl i ck on the f i rst to sel ect i t, press and hol d
the Ctrl] key and then cl i ck on the other Paths you need.
When you have compl eted your changes to the l i st, cl i ck on the OK button to cl ose the
wi ndow and update the changes to the Current Li st. If you don t wi sh to update the Current
Li st, press Cancel, the wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the Current Li st wi l l not be updated.
When a Path i s al ready i ncl uded i n a Scenari o, because i t i s used i n an Acti vi ty(i es ), thi s does
not cause a probl em, Trai n Store wi l l ensure onl y one copy of the Path i s avai l abl e f or use i n
Acti vi ty(i es) or Expl ore Mode.
FiItering the Paths AvaiIabIe
The Paths Avai l abl e l i st can be f i l tered by starti ng poi nt (From), endi ng poi nt (To), Path
Name and Status. For f ul l detai l s of the f i l teri ng mechani sm see the secti on on Sel ecti on
Fi l ters.
AdditionaI Information
In Si mul ati on Mode, there i s an opti on whi ch al l ows you to speci f y whether you want to
i ncl ude the Expl ore Mode Paths speci f i ed. If thi s i s not set, the Expl ore Mode Paths wi l l
not be i ncl uded. The setti ng of thi s parameter wi l l be remembered f rom the previ ous run of
Trai n Store, but you can change i t at any ti me. If you onl y want to run an Acti vi ty i n MSTS
there i s no poi nt i n i ncl udi ng the Expl ore Mode Paths . Any Paths needed f or the Acti vi ti es
wi l l be made avai l abl e to MSTS automati cal l y. You onl y need to i ncl ude the Expl ore Mode
Paths i f you want to run one of those Paths i n Expl ore Mode .
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 101
In Mai ntenance Mode i f the Part i al Route opti on i s checked, then any Paths i n acti vated
Mai ntenance Mode Paths l i sts wi l l al so be unstored f or the Routes bei ng prepared. If the
Parti al Route opti on i s unchecked, than all Paths f or the Routes bei ng prepared wi l l al so be
Mai ntenance Mode Paths are onl y accessed duri ng Mai ntenance Mode processi ng and wi l l
onl y be Unstored by the Prepare f uncti on. They have no af f ect on the sel ecti ons made duri ng
Si mul ati on Mode, when the normal opti mi sati on process i s used to sel ect f i l es to be Unstored.
Of course, once a Path has been associ ated wi th an Acti vi ty, as part of your edi ti ng process,
then i t wi l l al so automati cal l y be sel ected when requi red to be Unstored i n Si mul ati on Mode.
Because Paths l i sts are speci f i cal l y i ntended f or use outsi de of Acti vi ti es, they are onl y stored
as l i sts of Paths wi thi n Trai n Store. By thi s means they can be enabl ed or di sabl ed on any
Scenari o. So, whatever Scenari o you have chosen, the Paths l i sts wi l l be the same (as f or any
other scenari o). When you save a Scenari o, i t i s saved i ndependentl y of the Expl ore Mode
Paths and Mai ntenance Mode Paths .
Page 102 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Maintenance Mode Stock Items
Mai ntenance Mode Stock Items s are used i f you want to edi t Stock Items or Consi sts or
Acti vi ti es i n a Route.
Creating Maintenance Mode Stock Items
Creati ng Mai ntenance Mode Stock Items i s carri ed out by means of addi ng the Stock Items
you want to use to a Mai ntenance Mode Stock Items l i st. A set of l i sts i s hel d f or each
Route. Note that Mai ntenance Mode Stock Items are onl y accessi bl e and ef f ecti ve when Trai n
Store i s run i n Mai ntenance Mode. (For detai l s of Expl ore Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance
Mode Consi sts see the speci f i c secti ons deal i ng wi th them.)
To add a Stock Item to a l i st : -
Ensure the Trai n Store control s are swi tched to Mai ntenance Mode. The MSTS
Maintenance capti on shoul d be vi si bl e on the Mai ntenance Control s tab. If not, j ust
cl i ck on the Mai ntenance l abel and the tab wi l l change to di spl ay the Mai ntenance
Mode control s.
Hi ghl i ght any Mai ntenance Mode Stock i tem or headi ng f or a Route i n the Routes
pane of the Trai n Store Mai n wi ndow.
Cl i ck on the Edit (Selected Route) button under the Mai ntenance Mode Stock
secti on of the control s. The Edit 'Maintenance Mode Stock` List wi ndow wi l l be
There are three panes i n the wi ndow. The Current List pane shows the Stock Items whi ch are
al ready i n the l i st bei ng edi ted. The Stock Items Available pane shows the avai l abl e Stock
Items whi ch can be added to the l i st, and the Stock Item Details shows the detai l s of any
Stock Item whi ch i s currentl y sel ected i n ei ther of the f i rst two panes. Items i n the Stock Items
Avai l abl e l i st are hi ghl i ghted i f they are In Use.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 103
At the bottom of the wi ndow there i s a Stock Filter sub-wi ndow whi ch contai ns the control s
whi ch al l ow you to f i l ter the Stock Items Avai l abl e l i st so that you can more easi l y f i nd the
i tems you are l ooki ng f or.
When you open thi s wi ndow f or any Route, i f there are no exi sti ng Mai ntenance Mode
Stock i tems def i ned f or the Route, Trai n Store wi l l automati cal l y popul ate the Current Li st
wi th al l of the Stock Items whi ch wi l l be Unstored by the Prepare f uncti on because they are
al ready ref erenced by Acti vi ti es wi thi n the Route. I t i s theref ore easy f or you to see, by
exami ni ng the Current Li st, whether the Stock Item(s) you need f or your edi ti ng sessi on are
al ready avai l abl e.
Note: Because the Prepare f uncti on automati cal l y i ncl udes al l of the Stock Items whi ch are
used wi thi n the Route, you onl y need to put i n thi s l i st any Stock Items whi ch are not al ready
used by Acti vi ti es i n the Route, and whi ch you need f or edi ti ng. The automati c popul ati on of
thi s l i st i s f or i nf ormati on purposes. By usi ng the popul ated Current l i st i n conj uncti on wi th
the Avai l abl e l i st you can more easi l y deci de whi ch i tems you need to add. Once you have
compl eted your edi ti ng, you can remove the i tems f rom the l i st, as they are not needed
because Trai n Store wi l l automati cal l y i ncl ude al l of the Stock Items used when the Prepare
f uncti on i s used.
Adding or Removing Stock Items
To add a Stock Item to the Current Li st : -
Fi nd the Stock Item you need i n the Stock Items Avai l abl e Li st (see the f ol l owi ng
secti on f or usi ng the Fi l ters).
Cl i ck on the Stock Item to sel ect i t.
Then ei ther drag i t wi th the mouse to the Current Li st pane, or cl i ck on the Add to List
To remove a Stock Item f rom the Current Li st : -
Cl i ck on i t to sel ect i t.
Then ei ther drag i t wi th the mouse to the Stock Items Avai l abl e pane, press the
Delete] key, or cl i ck on the Remove from List button.
It i s possi bl e to deal wi th mul ti pl e Stock Items i n these operati ons. The usual Wi ndows
sel ecti on conventi ons appl y. If you want to sel ect a conti guous group of Stock Items : -
Hi ghl i ght the f i rst one by cl i cki ng on i t.
Hol d the Shift] key down
Then cl i ck on the l ast i tem i n the group.
If you want to sel ect a number of non conti guous Stock Items : -
Cl i ck on the f i rst to sel ect i t
Press and hol d the Ctrl] key and then cl i ck on each of the other Stock Items you
When you have compl eted your changes to the l i st
Cl i ck on the OK button to cl ose the wi ndow and update the changes to the Current
Li st. If you don t wi sh to update the Current Li st, press Cancel, the wi ndow wi l l be
cl osed and the Current Li st wi l l not be updated.
Page 104 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
When an Mai ntenance Mode Stock i tem i s al ready i ncl uded i n a Scenari o, because i t i s used
i n Acti vi ti es, thi s does not cause a probl em, Trai n Store wi l l ensure onl y one copy of the
consi st i s avai l abl e f or use i n the edi tors.
FiItering the Stock Items AvaiIabIe
The Stock Items Avai l abl e l i st can be f i l tered by Stock Name, Type of Stock, Status, Type of
Moti ve Power or Lot Number. For f ul l detai l s of the f i l teri ng mechani sm see the secti on on
Sel ecti on Fi l ters.
AdditionaI Information
Mai ntenance Mode Stock i tems are onl y accessed duri ng Mai ntenance Mode processi ng and
wi l l onl y be Unstored by the Prepare f uncti on. They have no af f ect on the sel ecti ons made
duri ng Si mul ati on Mode, when the normal opti mi sati on process i s used to sel ect f i l es to be
Unstored. Of course, once a Stock Item has been associ ated wi th an Consi st whi ch i s
associ ated wi th an Acti vi ty, as part of your edi ti ng process, then i t wi l l al so automati cal l y be
sel ected when requi red to be Unstored i n Si mul ati on Mode.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 105
Selection Filters
The sel ecti on f i el ds i n the Consist Filter, Path Filter, or Stock Filter sub-wi ndows are used
to restri ct the i tems i n the Consi sts Avai l abl e, Paths Avai l abl e or Stock Avai l abl e l i sts to j ust
those whi ch you speci f y, to make the i tems easi er to f i nd. The f i l ters f or each type of l i st are
sl i ghtl y di f f erent so they are descri bed separatel y.
SeIection FieIds
In each of the f i l ter sub-wi ndows there are several sel ecti on f i el ds where you can enter or
choose the val ues that are goi ng to be used to f i l ter the Avai l abl e Li st.
Some of the sel ecti on f i el ds (e.g. Consi st Name) are text f i el ds. Any val ue entered i n them
restri cts sel ecti on to i tems whi ch sati sf y the sel ecti on text.
The remai ni ng f i el ds (e.g. Type of Consi st) are checkboxes or choi ce f i el ds. They are onl y
operati ve, i f they are sel ected. Wi thi n each group of these f i el ds (e.g. Type of Consi st) the
sel ecti ons are i ncl usi ve (e.g. i f Li ght Engi ne and Passenger are checked, then the l i st wi l l
contai n Li ght Engi ne Consi sts and Passenger Consi sts)
General l y the f i l teri ng f i el ds operate together i n a more restri cti ng f ashi on. For exampl e, i f
you sel ect a speci f i c Stock Name, and you cl i ck the Passenger checkbox, then onl y Passenger
type Stock Items whose name matches the sel ecti on text wi l l be di spl ayed i n the Stock Items
Avai l abl e Li st. However, wi thi n the Type of Stock, and Type of Moti ve Power sets of f i l ters,
the f i l teri ng i s addi ti ve. For exampl e, i f you sel ect Passenger and Frei ght, then the resul ts wi l l
contai n Passenger + Frei ght type Stock Items
The Fi l ter i tems can be used i n any combi nati on that i s rel evant. No one f i l ter i s essenti al . If
there are no f i l ters appl i ed, you wi l l see al l of the Consi sts Avai l abl e.
The l ast used setti ngs f or the checkboxes are restored each ti me you open the wi ndow, and f or
the text f i el ds the most recentl y used f i l ters appear i n the drop-down l i st, f ol l owed by (i n the
case of Path From, Path To, Locomoti ve Name and Lot Number onl y), the compl ete l i st of
entri es avai l abl e f or that f i l ter.
Noti ce that i f the sel ecti on i s f or Expl ore Mode Consi sts or Expl ore Mode Paths there i s a
prel i mi nary permanent f i l ter appl i ed. That i s the Consi st or Path must be Dri veabl e. In
addi ti on f or Consi st sel ecti on, (i f the Route i s not el ectri f i ed) el ectri c l ocomoti ves are not
al l owed. For thi s reason the sel ecti ons f or Dr i veabl e, and El ectri c Moti ve Power are di sabl ed
under these condi ti ons.
WiId Card Matching
For the text f i el ds, Locomoti ve Name, Consi st Name and Lot Number, From, To, Path Name,
and Stock Name, wi l d card matchi ng can be used. Thi s al l ows the f i l teri ng t o be based on
parti al matchi ng and so you can search f or sets of i tems.
The syntax f or enteri ng the wi l d card matches f ol l ows the usual conventi ons.
The character * means any character or group of characters. The character ? means 1
character of any val ue. In addti on you can speci f y ranges of characters usi ng the notati on
[ a-d] or [ a,d] The matchi ng i s not case sensi ti ve. So some exampl es mi ght be : -
Page 106 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Entry Matches with
CWR Any i tems begi nni ng wi th the l etters GWR
CWR Any i tems contai ni ng the l ett ers GWR anywhere wi thi n the f i el d
CWR Any i tems endi ng wi th the l etters GWR
CWR5 Any i tems begi nni ng wi th the l etters GWR f ol l owed by a 5
somewhere i n the f i el d
C?R Any i tems begi nni ng wi th G f ol l owed by any character, f ol l owed
by R
CWR5[-9j[-9j Any i tems begi nni ng wi th GWR 50 f ol l owed by 2 numeri c
[2,5j[-9j[-9j[-9j Any i tem wi th a 4 di gi t number i n the ranges 2000 2999 or 5000-
When you have entered your sel ecti on i n any of the text f i el ds, press Enter] or cl i ck the
Apply Filter button to see the resul ts of the sel ecti on.
Consist FiIters
These f i l ters are used to sel ect Consi sts f or the Expl ore Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance
Mode Consi sts edi ti ng wi ndows.
The f i el ds avai l abl e f or f i l teri ng are: -
Locomoti ve Name
Consi st Name
Type of Consi st
Dri veabl e
Li ght Engi ne
Frei ght
Type of Moti ve Power
Di esel
El ectri c
Lot Number
Locomotive Name
Thi s f i el d sel ects Consi sts whi ch are headed by the named l ocomoti ve. The l ocomoti ve f or a
Consi st i s taken to be the f i rst l ocomoti ve f ound wi thi n a Consi st.
Consist Name
The f i el d sel ects Consi sts whose Name matches the entry.
Used in Route
Thi s f i el d al l ows you to sel ect any of the Routes whi ch are i n the MSTS i nstal l ati on (i t
doesn t matter i f they are Stored or I n Use). It al so al l ows sel ecti on of the MSTS Def aul t
Routes i .e. al l of the MSTS Def aul t Routes combi ned. Press Enter] af ter you have made
your sel ecti on and the Avai l abl e Li st wi l l be f i l ter to show onl y those Consi sts whi ch have
been used i n the Route sel ected. Thi s f i el d does not al l ow f or wi l d card matches, and the
sel ecti on entered must match wi th one of the Route entri es i n the drop -down l i st.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 107
Type of Consist
Thi s f i el d i s a choi ce f rom 3 opti ons. Dri veabl e ( ), Non-Dri veabl e () and not i mportant
(bl ank). A Consi st i s onl y dri veabl e i f i t has a l ocomoti ve whi ch has a CabVi ew. If the
Dri veabl e or Non-dri veabl e opti ons are sel ected i n thi s f i el d the Consi st must sati sf y the
condi ti on to be sel ected.
Light Engine
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Consi sts to those whi ch are l i ght engi nes (Thi s i s si ngl e engi ne,
or engi ne and tender combi nati ons). Note: Mul ti pl e uni t, di esel and el ectri c, consi sts mi ght
contai n onl y power cars, but they are treated as Passenger Consi sts i f the l ocomoti ves
contai n Passenger parameters.
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Consi sts to those whi ch are predomi nantl y Passenger vehi cl es.
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Consi sts to those whi ch are predomi nantl y Frei ght vehi cl es.
Type of Motive Power
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Consi sts to whi ch are di esel powered. (i .e. at l east one of the
l ocomoti ves, i f there i s more than one, are di esel powered)
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Consi sts to whi ch are el ectri cal l y powered. (i .e. at l east one of
the l ocomoti ves, i f there i s more than one, are el ectri cal l y powered)
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Consi sts to whi ch are steam powered. (i .e. at l east one of the
l ocomoti ves, i f there i s more than one, are steam powered)
Thi s f i el d i s a choi ce f rom 4 opti ons. In Use, In Store, In Error and not i mportant (bl ank). If
the In Use, In Store, or In Error opti ons are sel ected, a Consi st must sati sf y the condi ti on to be
sel ected.
Lot Number
Thi s f i el d sel ects Consi sts whose Lot Number matches the entry.
Path FiIters
These f i l ters are used to sel ect Paths f or the Expl ore Mode Paths and Mai ntenance Mode
Paths l i st edi ti ng wi ndows.
The f i el ds avai l abl e f or f i l teri ng are: -
Path Name
Page 108 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Thi s f i el d sel ects Paths whose starti ng poi nt matches the entry.
Thi s f i el d sel ects Paths whose endi ng poi nt matches the entry.
Path Name
Thi s f i el d sel ects Paths whose Name matches the entry.
Type of Path
Thi s f i el d i s a choi ce f rom 3 opti ons. Dri veabl e ( ), Non-Dri veabl e () and not i mport ant
(bl ank). A Path i s onl y dri veabl e i f i t has a parti cul ar bi t set by MSTS i n one of the parameters
i n the Path f i l e. If the Dri veabl e or Non-dri veabl e opti ons are sel ected i n thi s f i el d the Path
must sati sf y the condi ti on to be sel ected.
Thi s f i el d i s a choi ce f rom 4 opti ons. In Use, In Store, In Error and not i mportant (bl ank). If
the In Use, In Store or In Error opti ons are sel ected, a Path must sati sf y the condi ti on to be
sel ected.
Stock FiIters
These f i l ters are used to sel ect Stock Items f or the Mai ntenance Mode Stock edi ti ng
wi ndows.
The f i el ds avai l abl e f or f i l teri ng are: -
Stock Name
Type of Stock
Locomoti ves
Carri ages
Frei ght
Type of Moti ve Power
Dri veabl e?
Di esel
El ectri c
Lot Number
Stock Name
Thi s f i el d sel ects Stock Items whose Name matches the entry.
Used in Route
Thi s f i el d al l ows you to sel ect any of the Routes whi ch are i n the MSTS i nstal l ati on (i t
doesn t matter i f they are Stored or In Use). It al so al l ows sel ecti on of the MSTS Def aul t
Routes i .e. al l of the MSTS Def aul t Routes combi ned. Press Enter] af ter you have made
your sel ecti on and the Avai l abl e Li st wi l l be f i l ter to show onl y those Stock Items whi ch have
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 109
been used i n the Route sel ected. Thi s f i el d does not al l ow f or wi l d card matches, and the
sel ecti on entered must match wi th one of the Route entri es i n the drop-down l i st.
Type of Stock
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Stock Items of the type Locomoti ve.
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Stock Items of the type Tender.
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Stock Items of the type Passenger.
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Stock Items of the type Frei ght.
Type of Motive Power
Thi s f i el d i s a choi ce f rom 3 opti ons. Dri veabl e ( '), Non-Dri veabl e (&) and not i mportant
(bl ank). A Stock Item i s onl y dri veabl e i f i t i s a l ocomoti ve whi ch has a CabVi ew. If the
Dri veabl e or Non-Dri veabl e opti ons are sel ected i n thi s f i el d the Stock Item must sati sf y the
condi ti on to be sel ected.
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Stock Items to whi ch are di esel powered. (af f ects Stock Items
of type Locomoti ve onl y)
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Stock Items to whi ch are el ectri cal l y powered. (af f ects Stock
Items of type Locomoti ve onl y)
Mark thi s checkbox to restri ct Stock Items to whi ch are steam powered. (af f ects Stock Items
of type Locomoti ve onl y)
Thi s f i el d i s a choi ce f rom 4 opti ons. In Use, In Store, In Error and not i mportant (bl ank). If
the In Use, In Store or In Error opti ons are sel ected, a Stock Item must sati sf y th e condi ti on to
be sel ected.
Lot Number
Thi s f i el d sel ects Stock Items whose Lot Number matches the entry.
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Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 111
Lot Numbers
What are Train Store Lot Numbers?
A Lot Number i s a si mpl e mechani sm f or categori si ng Consi sts or Stock Items wi thi n your
MSTS i nstal l ati on.
The term Lot Number has been used because i t used to be customary f or rai l way compani es to
order new l ocomoti ves or rol l i ng stock agai nst a contract or Lot Number coveri ng one or
more i tems. Of ten, the Lot Number woul d be i nscri bed on a maker s pl at e attached to the
pi ece of rol l i ng stock.
How Are They Used?
A Lot Number can be assi gned to any Consi st or Stock Item. The Lot Number can be used i n
the Sel ecti on Fi l ters when exami ni ng the l i sts of Expl ore Mode Consi sts , Mai ntenance
Mode Consi sts and Mai ntenance Stock i tems.
Trai n Store al ways assi gns a Lot Number when i t detects new Consi sts or new Stock Items.
The Lot number assi gned by Trai n Store i s a number. The number i s the same f or al l new
Consi sts and Stock f ound wi thi n a Trai n Store sessi on. The number i s i ncremented
automati cal l y each sessi on i f new Consi sts or Stock Items are f ound duri ng that sessi on.
You can use the Lot Number as a Sel ecti on Fi l ter when sel ecti ng Stock Items or Consi sts f or
the edi ti ng of Expl ore Mode Consi sts , Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts or Mai ntenance Mode
Stock l i sts.
Whi l st the term used i s Lot Number, you can assi gn a Lot Number whi ch i s al phabeti c to
Consi sts or Stock i tems, and you can use the f i el d f or any categori sati on purpose e.g. LMS
1930s , DMUs , Settl e & Carl i sl e etc. The onl y restri cti on i s that any Lot Number you
create must begi n wi th a non-numeri c character.
Assigning or Creating Lot Numbers
Lot Numbers can be created or assi gned di rectl y f rom the Edi t Mai ntenance Mode Consi st
Li st wi ndow, or the Edi t Mai ntenance Stock Li st wi ndow.
Note: Lot Numbers cannot be assi gned f rom the Edi t Expl ore Mode Consi sts Li st wi ndow,
because i t i s not possi bl e to see al l of the Consi sts f rom thi s wi ndow (onl y Dri veabl e consi sts
are shown).
Sel ect any number of i tems f rom the Avai l abl e or the Current Li st l i st pane, ri ght -cl i ck and
a Change Lot Number wi ndow wi l l be opened.
You can ei ther enter a new Lot Number di rectl y i n the Change Lot Number to f i el d, or you
can sel ect an exi sti ng Lot Number, by sel ecti ng i t f rom the drop-down l i st of al l Lot Number
used whi ch wi l l be di spl ayed i f you cl i ck on the downward poi nti ng chevron at the ri ght of
the f i el d. (It i s better to sel ect f rom the l i st i f you want to assi gn an exi sti ng Lot Number, as
thi s removes the possi bi l i ty of typi ng errors i n the Lot Number).
Page 112 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
The Lot Number that you enter i s val i dated si mpl y. If i t begi ns wi th a non -numeri c character
then i t i s assumed that you are usi ng a Lot Number of your own desi gn, and no val i dati on i s
carri ed out. If the entered Lot Number begi ns wi th a numeri c character, then i t i s assumed that
you wi sh to assi gn a Trai n Store generated Lot Number to the sel ected i tems. A check i s then
made to ensure that thi s Lot Number has been assi gned by Trai n Store. If thi s i s so, then the
number i s val i d. If the number has not been assi gned an error di al ogue message wi l l be
Cl i ck OK to return to the Change Lot Number wi ndow.
When the requi red Lot Number has been entered successf ul l y, cl i ck on the OK button, and
the Lot Number entered or sel ected wi l l be assi gned to al l of the i tems whi ch were sel ected i n
the Avai l abl e Li st.
Notification of New Consists or Stock Items
Whenever Trai n Store opens the edi t Expl ore Mode Consi sts Li st wi ndow, the Edi t
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts Li st wi ndow or the Edi t Mai ntenance Mode Stock Li st
wi ndow Trai n Store checks to see i f there have been any new Consi sts or Stock I tems f ound.
If new i tems have been f ound, then an addi ti onal hi ghl i ghted panel appears bel ow the Lot
Number f i el d.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 113
Thi s al erts you to the f act that new i tems have been f ound but al so al l ows you to i mmedi atel y
use the Lot Number f i l ter to di spl ay the new i tems i n the Avai l abl e Li st by enteri ng the new
Lot Number i n the Lot Number f i l ter f i el d.
Thi s al ert wi l l di sappear once Trai n Store has been cl osed and started agai n, but you can sti l l
access the most recentl y l oaded i tems by sel ecti ng the hi ghest numeri c Lot Number f rom the
drop-down l i st i n the Lot Number f i l ter f i el d. (assumi ng you have not assi gned new o r
di f f erent Lot Numbers to the rel evant i tems).
Page 114 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 115
MSTS Saved Activities
It has been f ound that when an Acti vi ty i s saved i n MSTS, i f the Scenari o whi ch i s i n ef f ect at
the ti me when the Acti vi ty i s saved, i s not the same Scenari o whi ch i s i n ef f ect when y ou go
back to MSTS and attempt to Load the Saved Acti vi ty and restart i t, then sometimes MSTS
wi l l f ai l to restart the saved Acti vi ty.
For exampl e you may have Routes A and B InUse and a number of other Routes i n Storage.
You run an Acti vi ty f rom Route A , and then save i t, part way through. You then go back i n to
Trai n Store, and store Route B. You might f i nd, when you come to restart the saved Acti vi ty
i n Route A, that MSTS wi l l not restart i t.
To counter thi s, when Trai n Store starts, i t checks to see whether any Acti vi ti es have been
saved si nce the l ast ti me Trai n Store was cl osed down. If any Acti vi ti es have been saved si nce
the l ast Trai n Store sessi on, and, at the ti me when Trai n Store was l ast cl osed, there was no
Loaded Scenari o i n ef f ect, then a warni ng di al ogue i s di spl ayed.
Note: Thi s assumes that you have not changed the Scenari o outsi de of MSTS. If so, the
Scenari o whi ch i s avai l abl e on l oadi ng MSTS i s theref ore the Scenari o whi ch was i n ef f ect
when the Acti vi ty(i es) was (were) saved.
You have the choi ce of savi ng the current Scenari o ( Yes), or conti nui ng wi thout a save ( No)
at thi s poi nt.
Thi s i s onl y a check and a warni ng to remi nd you, i n case the Scenari o has not been saved
previ ousl y. You do not need to save the Scenari o every ti me you save an Acti vi ty. In f act, i t i s
not essenti al to save the Scenari o at al l . You can reset i t by choosi ng the i tems whi ch make up
the Scenari o agai n bef ore you restart the Acti vi ty f rom the saved poi nt.
There i s an opti on to suppress thi s Acti vi ty Sav ed Warni ng message. See the secti on
descri bi ng the Tools, Options menu f or detai l s of thi s.
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Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 117
Using Train Store with RaiIDriver
Trai n Store wi l l detect the presence of the Rai l Dri ver sof tware and automati cal l y add i tems to
the Trai n Store menus and wi ndows to al l ow you to use Rai l Dri ver natural l y wi th Trai n Store.
Setting up to use RailDriver with Train Store
Trai n Store wi l l normal l y automati cal l y detect the presence of Rai l Dri ver sof tware, and
addi ti onal 'Use RailDriver` checkboxes wi l l appear on the Easy and Cl assi c wi ndows. If , f or
some reason, Trai n Store does not detect your Rai l Dri ver setup, you can set up the connecti on
manual l y by choosi ng RailDriver Launch Settings f rom the Opti ons menu.
Specify the Location of the RaiIDriver Software
Open Trai n Store. Choose Tools, Options, RailDriver Launch Settings f rom the Trai n Store
Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l open the Set RailDriver Launch Parameters wi ndow.
Enter the f ul l path and name of the Rai l Dri ver executabl e target i n the Path f i el d .
Use the Path button i f you wi sh, to navi gate to the f i l e that you want to run to l aunch
Rai l Dri ver. Thi s wi l l open the Choose RailDriver Launch Executable wi ndow
Page 118 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Navi gate to the f i l e you want to execute when you l aunch Rai l Dri ver, (RDMgr.EXE) and
cl i ck the OK button. The wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the f ul l path name of the f i l e wi l l then be
stored i n the Path f i el d of the Set RailDriver Launch Parameters wi ndow.
When you are sati sf i ed wi th the Path and parameters, cl i ck on the OK button and the Set
RailDriver Launch Parameters wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and you wi l l return to the Trai n Store
mai n wi ndow.
Using RaiIDriver with Train Store
Once the connecti on between Trai n Store and Rai l Dri ver has been set up, Use RailDriver
checkboxes wi l l become vi si bl e on the Easy and Cl assi c wi ndows.
If you want to use Rai l Dri ver wi th MSTS, si mpl y cl i ck on the Use RailDriver checkbox to
mark i t. When you cl i ck on the Go! or Run, or Expl ore button, af ter unstori ng the requi red
f i l es, Trai n Store wi l l start the Rai l Dri ver sof tware, and you can start MSTS f rom there as
usual wi th Rai l Dri ver.
The Use RailDriver checkboxes are onl y avai l abl e i n the wi ndows that al l ow you to
start MSTS i n si mul ati on mode. (It i s not rel evant to use wi th the MSTS edi tors).
The Use RailDriver checkboxes are di sabl ed i f the other setti ngs you have chosen do
not al l ow f or Trai n Store to automati cal l y l aunch MSTS. In the case of Cl assi c Trai n
Store thi s means that the Launch MSTS checkbox must be checked. In the case of
Easy Trai n Store thi s means that the menu opti on Suppress MSTS Launch must not
be checked.
Because of the way that the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE f aci l i ty works, the Use
RailDriver checkbox i s al ways di sabl ed when thi s f aci l i ty i s chosen. If you want to
use Rai l Dri ver i n a TRAI N STORE EXPLORE you need to start Rai l Dri ver manual l y
bef ore starti ng MSTS.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 119
Using Train Store with Route ControI
Trai n Store and the Route Control sof tware package wi l l work together. However, because of
the way that Route Control works when i t swaps Routes out of the MSTS i nstal l ati on, you
must be very caref ul that no part of the Route Control Route i s Stored by Trai n Store, bef ore
Route Control runs. If you f ai l to do thi s you may end up wi th Acti vi ti es mi xed up between
The Problem
The probl em occurs because Route Control uses one physi cal f ol der whi ch i t uses to swap
Routes i nto and out of (i rrespecti ve of the ori gi nal f ol der name used by the Route bei ng
swapped), and Trai n Store may store some of the i tems f rom that Route when i t i s i n i ts
normal operati on. When route Control subsequentl y swaps the Route, ei ther i tems wi l l be
mi ssi ng when the Route i s swapped out by Route Control , or Route Control may swap i n
another Route whi ch i s nothi ng to do wi th the Route f or whi ch Trai n Store stored the i tems .
The Solution
Bef ore Route Control i s started, checks must be made to make sure that none of the possi bl e
conf l i cti ng si tuati ons exi st. Trai n Store provi des a shortcut whi ch you are strongl y advi sed to
use to start Route control . Thi s shortcut exami nes the current si tuati on and checks i f there i s
any potenti al conf l i ct between Trai n Store and Route Control . If there i s, a warni ng di al ogue
message wi l l be di spl ayed, and Route Control wi l l not start. If there i s no conf l i cti ng si tuati on
then Route Control wi l l start as normal .
You shoul d al ways use thi s shortcut to start Route Control and never start Route Control
di rectl y. If you do start Route Control di rectl y, then none of these checks wi l l be appl i ed, and
Trai n Store has no way of knowi ng what has happen ed duri ng the Route Control Sessi on.
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ImpIementation of the SoIution
There are two steps : -
1. Speci f y the Locati on of the Route control Sof tware
2. Pl ace the Shortcut
Specify the Location of the Route ControI Software
Open Trai n Store. Choose Tools, Options, Route Control Launch Settings f rom the Trai n
Store menu. Cl i cki ng on thi s menu i tem wi l l open the Set Route Control Launch
Parameters wi ndow.
Enter the f ul l path and name of the executabl e target i n the Path f i el d, and enter any
command l i ne parameters i n the Parameters f i el d. (You can f i nd the detai l s of the Path and the
Parameters, by l ooki ng at the Properti es of the exi sti ng real Route Control shortcut.)
Use the Path button i f you wi sh, to navi gate to the f i l e that you want to run to l aunch Route
Control . Thi s wi l l open the Choose Route Control Launch Executable wi ndow
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 121
Navi gate to the f i l e you want to execute when you l aunch Route Control , and cl i ck the OK
button. The wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and the f ul l path name of the f i l e wi l l then be stored i n the
Path f i el d of the Set Route Control Launch Parameters wi ndow.
When you are sati sf i ed wi th the Path and parameters, cl i ck on the OK button and the Set
Route Control Launch Parameters wi ndow wi l l be cl osed and you wi l l return to the Trai n
Store mai n wi ndow.
PIace the RouteControI Shortcut
Cl i ck (not doubl e-cl i ck) on the shortcut to sel ect i t. Press Ctrl]+C or
choose Edit/Copy f rom the Expl orer menu. Move to the f ol der where you want to pl ace the
shortcut, and press Ctrl]+V or choose Edit/Paste f rom the Expl orer menu. You can paste
the shortcut anywhere that you f i nd conveni ent f or starti ng Route Control (e.g. the desktop,
the Start menu, or the Launcher bar)
Using Route ControI
Af ter thi s has been done, al ways use one of the shortcuts you pl aced to start Route Control . If
there are no conf l i cti ng si tuati ons Route Control wi l l start as normal . If there are conf l i cts one
of the f ol l owi ng warni ng di al ogue wi ndows wi l l be di spl ayed. Fol l ow the i nstructi ons gi ven
i n the messages.
In thi s case, Route Control wi l l start to al l ow you to f ol l ow the i nstructi ons i n the message.
But i t i s essenti al that you sort out the i ssue that has been i denti f i ed bef ore usi ng Route
Control f or anythi ng el se.
In the f ol l owi ng exampl e, Trai n Store has determi ned that i t i s not saf e to run Route Control
at al l unti l the rel evant Route has been Prepared i n Trai n Store. Route Control wi l l theref ore
not start.
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Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 123
Saving Train Store Data
Trai n Store creates f i l es whi ch are used f or stori ng system i nf ormati on, and f i l es whi ch store
i nf ormati on about your Expl ore Mode Consi st , Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts and
Mai ntenance Mode Stock l i sts.
If you want to save thi s i nf ormati on, you shoul d make a back -up of the TSDATA f ol der and
al l i ts subf ol ders. Thi s f ol der wi l l be f ound i n the Trai n Store Storage f ol der. (The l ocati on of
your Trai n Store Storage f ol der can be seen by choosi ng Help, About f rom the Trai n Store
Mai n wi ndow menu.)
You shoul d onl y back-up thi s f ol der when Trai n Store i s cl osed, i n case i t has f i l es open
whi ch woul d i nval i date the back-up.
Do not add, remove or edi t any of the f i l es i n thi s f ol der or i ts sub -f ol ders. If you have a
probl em and you wi sh to restore the Trai n Store data, restore the compl ete set of f i l es that you
backed up.
Backing up MSTS Files
If you are backi ng up your MSTS f i l es, bef ore doi ng so, you must use Unstore Everythi ng! .
The reason f or thi s i s that unl ess you have used Unstore Everythi ng! i t i s al most certai n that
some f i l es wi l l sti l l be i n store. Thus your backup of the MSTS f i l es woul d be i ncompl ete.
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Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 125
Train Store Command Line Parameters
Trai n Store uses command l i ne parameters to automati cal l y l oad Scenari os, and automati cal l y
start certai n processes. The command l i ne parameters whi ch can be used, and thei r acti ons,
are l i sted i n the f ol l owi ng tabl e : -
Parameter Function Shortcut Provided?
-ss Start Trai n Store Cl assi c Yes
-sm Start Trai n Store Cl assi c (Mai ntenance Mode) Yes
-se Start Trai n Store Easy Expl ore Yes
-sa Start Trai n Store Easy Acti vi ty Yes
-uc Start Trai n Store and run Unstore Everythi ng! Yes
-rc Start RouteControl af ter appl yi ng saf ety checks Yes
Scenario File Name Open the speci f i ed Scenari o f i l e and set up the
Scenari o.
User created
Shortcuts are provi ded f or the speci al i sed start -up acti ons. These are i nstal l ed i n the f ol der
where the Trai n Store sof tware i s i nstal l ed. They can be copi ed or moved to anywhere that
you f i nd conveni ent (e.g. the desktop, the Start menu, or the Launcher bar)
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Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 127
FrequentIy Asked Questions
I have just installed Train Store and now most of my
Stock is missing. Why is this?
Don t worry, your Stock i s not mi ssi ng.
Trai n Store operates by removi ng al l f i l es f rom the MSTS i nstal l ati on whi ch are not requi red
f or the Scenari o whi ch you sel ected when you acti vated your sel ecti ons usi ng the Go! Button.
Any Consi sts or Stock Items not needed f or the Acti vi ty(i es) whi ch are In Use i n your
Scenari o are removed.
If your probl em i s that you want to run a parti cul ar Consi st i n Expl ore Mode, and i t i s mi ssi ng
because i t i s not used i n any Acti vi ty that i s In Use, then you need to add i t to the Expl ore
Mode Consi st l i st f or the Route where you want to run i t.
If the probl em i s that you want to use a parti cul ar Consi st i n an edi ti ng sessi on to create or
modi f y an Acti vi ty, and i t i s mi ssi ng because i t i s not used i n any Acti vi ty that i s In Use. Fi rst,
you must alwavs use Mai ntenance Mode to Prepare a Route f or edi ti ng. If the Consi st i s not
avai l abl e because i t has not al ready been used i n an Acti vi ty i n the Route, then you need to
add i t to the Mai ntenance Mode Consi st l i st f or the Route where you want to run i t.
If the probl em i s that you want to use a parti cul ar Stock Item i n an edi ti ng sessi on to create or
modi f y a Consi st, and i t i s mi ssi ng because i t i s not used i n any Consi st th at i s I n Use. Fi rst,
you must alwavs use Mai ntenance Mode to Prepare a Route f or edi ti ng. If the Stock Item i s
not avai l abl e because i t has not al ready been used i n a Consi st i n the Route, then you need to
add i t to the Mai ntenance Mode Stock l i st f or th e Route where you want to run i t.
I have just installed Train Store and I can't start
exploring from a location that I want. Why is this?
Trai n Store operates by removi ng al l f i l es f rom the MSTS i nstal l ati on whi ch are not requi red
f or the Scenari o whi ch you sel ected when you acti vated your sel ecti ons usi ng the Go! Button.
Any Paths not needed f or the Acti vi ty(i es) whi ch are I n Use i n your Scenari o are removed.
If the probl em i s that you want to expl ore f rom a parti cul ar start poi nt i n MSTS, and i t i s
mi ssi ng because i t i s not used i n any Acti vi ty that i s In Use, and you want to use Cl assi c Trai n
Store to unstore Acti vi ti es, then you need to add i t to the Expl ore Mode Path l i st f or the
Route concerned. Al ternati vel y you coul d use Easy Trai n Store to Expl or e the Route, and you
wi l l be abl e to sel ect the Path starti ng poi nt and endi ng poi nt di rectl y.
If the probl em i s that you want to use a parti cul ar Path i n an edi ti ng sessi on to create or
modi f y an Acti vi ty, and i t i s mi ssi ng because i t i s not used i n any Acti vi ty that i s In Use. Fi rst,
you must alwavs use Mai ntenance Mode to Prepare a Route f or edi ti ng. If the i s not avai l abl e
because i t has not al ready been used i n an Acti vi ty i n the Route, then you need to ensure that
the Partial Route opti on i s not sel ected when you Prepare the Route. Trai n Store wi l l then
unstore al l of the Paths f or the Route concerned, and i t wi l l be avai l abl e f or you to use.
I am using Easy Train Store to Explore and I can't find
the locomotive I want to use. Why is this?
Check that the drop-down l i st at the top of the Expl ore Tab i s set to All Locos. Al l dri veabl e
l ocomoti ves wi thi n MSTS wi l l then be di spl ayed. Thi s setti ng i s remembered by Trai n Store.
Page 128 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Check that you are not tryi ng to dri ve an el ectri c l ocomoti ve on a non -el ectri f i ed Route.
There are too many locomotives in the list in Easy
Train Store. How can I get rid of the ones I don't want?
There i s a drop-down l i st at the top of the Expl ore tab. There are f our opti ons : -
Al l Locos Thi s causes the l i st of l ocomoti ves to i ncl ude al l dri veabl e l ocomoti ves i n
the MSTS i nstal l ati on.
Expl ore Mode Locos Thi s causes the l i st of l ocomoti ves to show onl y those whi ch
are i ncl uded i n the Consi sts whi ch are l i sted i n the Expl ore Mode Consi sts l i st f or the
Route sel ected + Gl obal Set ti ngs
Route Expl . Mode Locos Thi s causes the l i st to show onl y those l ocomoti ves whi ch
are i ncl uded i n the Consi sts whi ch are l i sted i n the Expl ore Mode Consi sts Li st f or the
Route sel ected.
Used In Route Locos Thi s causes the l i st to show onl y those l ocomoti ves whi ch are
used i n the Acti vi ti es i n the Route.
Choose the opti on whi ch sui ts your purpose. The setti ng i s remembered by Trai n Store.
How can I see all of the Consists for the displayed
locomotives in Easy Train Store?
By def aul t, when you have chosen to di spl ay a restri cted set of l ocomoti ves, Easy Trai n Store
onl y shows the Consi sts f or the l ocomoti ves f rom the Expl ore Mode Li sts. If you want to see
al l of the Consi sts whi ch are avai l abl e f or any sel ected l ocomoti ve, choose the i tem Show All
Consists for a Locomotive f rom the Tool s/Opti ons menu, so that the menu i tem i s checked.
Thi s setti ng i s remembered by Trai n Store.
What is Maintenance Mode and when should I use it?
In normal use Trai n Store runs i n Si mul ati on Mode. Thi s means that when i t i s sel ecti ng the
f i l es to be Unstored to sui t the Scenari o that you have chosen, i t makes sure that onl y f i l es
whi ch are needed by MSTS to run the si mul ati on are actual l y Unstored. When you are edi ti ng
Routes, Acti vi ti es, or Consi sts then thi s i s not suf f i ci ent. Al l of the f i l es f or a Route need to be
present i n MSTS, and al l of the Consi sts and Stock Items f or al l of the exi sti ng Acti vi ti es and
Consi sts used i n the Route, need to be present.
Mai ntenance Mode provi des thi s addi ti onal set of f i l es when a Ro ute i s Prepared i n
Mai ntenance Mode.
You shoul d use Mai ntenance Mode to Prepare a Route whenever you are goi ng to edi t a
Route, an Acti vi ty or a Consi st. If you are goi ng to edi t an Acti vi ty by addi ng or changi ng i t
to use a Consi st whi ch has not been used bef ore wi th the Route, then you need to add the
Consi st to the Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts l i st f or the route. If you are goi ng to create or
edi t a Consi st, and you i ntend to use a Stock Item whi ch has not been used i n the Route
bef ore, then you wi l l need to add i t to the Mai ntenance Mode Stock Items l i st f or the Route.
Why does Train Store leave some files in Store?
Trai n store al ways tri es to opti mi se the i nstal l ati on when runni ng i n Si mul ati on Mode. So i t i s
qui te normal f or vari ous f i l es to be l ef t I n Store. If you have any suspi ci on that f i l es necessary
f or the Scenari o you have sel ected are not bei ng Unstored properl y, veri f y the i nstal l ati on by
usi ng a program such as Route_Ri ter or ConBui l der. The onl y ti me that you can be certai n
that there are no f i l es i n store i s when you have used Unstore Everythi ng! .
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 129
Why shouldn't I put all of my Consists in Explore
Mode Lists?
You shoul d onl y put Consi sts i n Expl ore Mode Consi sts when you want to run the Consi sts
i n Expl ore Mode, and there are no Acti vi ti es that use these Consi sts. If you add unnecessary
Consi sts to the Expl ore Mode Consi st l i st, then thi s wi l l sl ow down the operati on of MSTS
handl i ng these f i l es when they are not needed. Be parti cul arl y caref ul of addi ng Consi sts
unnecessari l y to the Gl obal Setti ngs l i st, as thi s wi l l af f ect al l Routes.
What are the Global Settings for?
The Gl obal Setti ngs l i sts are provi ded f or conveni ence. They al l ow you to (f or exampl e) make
one addi ti on f or a new Consi st to the Gl obal Setti ngs Expl ore Mode Consi st l i st, and then
you can test dri ve i t, i n expl ore Mode, on any Route.
If you enter a Consi st i n the Gl obal Setti ngs Expl ore Mode Consi st l i st then, i n Si mul ati on
Mode and assumi ng you have checked the Incl ude Expl ore Mode Consi sts checkbox, the
Consi sts i n the l i st wi l l be made avai l abl e to any Route whi ch i s i n Use.
The other use f or Gl obal Setti ngs i s i n Mai ntenance Mode. By addi ng Consi sts to the
Mai ntenance Mode Consi sts l i st or Stock i tems to the Mai ntenance Mode Stock l i st you
can cause the Consi st or Stock Item to be Unstored whi chever Route i s In Use. You can use
thi s pri or to updati ng Consi sts or Stock Items.
I have set up my 'Explore Mode Consists, but I still
can't see the Consist in MSTS?
You must add the Consi st to the Expl ore Mode Consi st l i st f or the Route where you want to
run the Consi st, or el se to the Gl obal Setti ngs expl ore Mode Consi sts l i st. In addti on you
must mark the checkbox Incl ude Expl ore Mode Consi sts on the Si mul ati on panel i n the
Control s secti on , bef ore cl i cki ng on the Go! Button. If there are mul ti pl e Expl ore Mode
Consi st l i sts i n the Route, remember that onl y the acti vated l i sts (those wi th the ti ck mark)
are unstored.
(If you are havi ng a si mi l ar probl em wi th Paths, there i s a correspondi ng Incl ude Expl ore
Mode Paths checkbox.)
Why doesn't Train Store handle multiple MSTS
Trai n Store i s desi gned to make use of the exi sti ng standard MSTS f ol der structure, wi thout
the user needi ng to set up addi ti onal copi es of MSTS, or addi ti onal f ol ders (someti mes
contai ni ng copi es of Stock Items). The reasons and advantages are covered i n the secti on
What Does Trai n Store Do . The f l exi bi l i ty of usi ng Trai n store woul d be reduced by the
f i xed al l ocati on of Stock necessary wi th the mul ti pl e f ol der systems, so there i s l i ttl e poi nt i n
maki ng Trai n Store more compl ex to cater f or a l ess f l exi bl e system.
Why is there no 'UnPrepare' function?
There i s no Unprepare f uncti on because thi s i s the normal acti ons of Trai n Store when i t
operates i n Si mul ati on Mode al ready i ncl ude the checks and deci si ons that are i nvol ved i n
UnPrepare , so there i s no need f or an addi ti onal separate f uncti on.
Page 130 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Do I need to do anything before installing a new
General l y speaki ng, Routes are i ndependent i tems wi thi n MSTS and there shoul d be no
probl em wi th i nstal l i ng a new Route. Trai n Store wi l l automati cal l y f i nd i t the next ti me i t i s
run af ter the i nstal l ati on and wi l l i ncl ude i t automati cal l y. But do read the i nstal l ati on
i nstructi ons f or the Route. Some Routes requi re al l of the Def aul t MSTS Routes to be present
bef ore i nstal l ati on. Others may i nstal l Acti vi ti es, and or Stock Items. Ideal l y, Routes shoul d
not contai n i tems whi ch overwri te exi sti ng def aul t i tems or i tems created by another Route.
However thi s i s the responsi bi l i ty of the Route author.
If there you have any doubt about what the Route actual l y expects, you wi l l do no harm by
usi ng Unstore Everythi ng! pri or to the Route i nstal l . Thi s means i f the i nstal l ati on makes
any assumpti ons about i tems whi ch are present or not, there can be no conf usi on caused by
the f act that you have i nstal l ed Trai n Store.
The one thi ng that you must do, af ter the Route i nstal l ati on, bef ore you attempt to run any
newl y i nstal l ed Route, i s to run Trai n Store. Thi s i s especi al l y true i f you are not sure what
has been del i vered i n the Route, and you di d not use Unstore Everythi ng! bef ore i nstal l ati on.
By runni ng Trai n Store, you can be sure that any i tems needed whi ch were previ ousl y In Store
are Unstored ready f or you to run the Route.
How should I install a new Activity?
Bef ore you i nstal l a new or updated Acti vi ty, you must Prepare the Route f or whi ch the
Acti vi ty i s desti ned. Then proceed wi th the Acti vi ty i nstal l ati on as normal . If you do not
Prepare the Route f i rst, the Acti vi ty may not i nstal l correctl y.
If the Acti vi ty i s expecti ng Consi sts and Stock Items that al ready exi st i n the Route, these wi l l
automati cal l y be Unstored and used when the Acti vi ty i s run (assumi ng you do have them i n
your i nstal l ati on).
Af ter i nstal l ati on, and bef or e runni ng the Acti vi ty i n MSTS, you must run Trai n Store to
ensure that any i tems whi ch are ref erred to by the newl y i nstal l ed Acti vi ty, but whi ch were
previ ousl y In Store, are Unstored.
I have just installed a new Activity, and now Train
Store has caused errors with missing Consists. Why
is this?
Trai n Store does not cause the errors. What you have done i s i nstal l ed an Acti vi ty whi ch
uses new i tems whi ch were not previ ousl y used i n the Route bef ore the Acti vi ty was i nstal l ed.
Those previ ousl y unused Acti vi ti es wi l l be In Store. You must run Trai n Store bef ore
attempti ng to run MSTS af ter i nstal l i ng an Acti vi ty. Thi s wi l l ensure that the i tems needed are
brought out of storage, and MSTS wi l l run wi thout probl ems. If the new i tems requi red by the
Acti vi ty do not exi st i n your i nstal l ati on, Trai n Store wi l l report them as errors.
How should I install a new Consist or Stock Item?
If the i tem i s a new i tem, then there i s nothi ng speci al whi ch needs to be done. If , on the other
hand, the i tem i s updati ng an exi sti ng i tem (perhaps i t i s a patch) i t i s advi sabl e, to enter the
exi sti ng i tem i n the Gl obal Setti ngs Mai ntenance Mode Consi st l i st, or the Mai ntenance
Mode Stock Items l i st, as appropri ate, and then Prepare any Route i n Mai ntenance Mode.
Thi s wi l l ensure the ori gi nal i tem s f i l es are In Use and avai l abl e to be updated.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 131
The i tems can be removed f rom the Gl obal Setti ngs l i st as soon as the updates have been
Af ter you have i nstal l ed any new Consi st, bef ore attempti ng to run MSTS, you must run Trai n
Store to ensure that any i tems whi ch are ref erred to by the newl y i nstal l ed Consi st, but whi ch
were previ ousl y In Store, are Unstored.
How can I organise my stock so it is not one big list?
You can organi se your Consi sts and your Stock Items i n any whi chever way sui ts you by
usi ng the Lot Number f i el d.
Fi rst deci de on the set of categori es that you want to use. The categori es can be named i n any
way. Next open the Edi t Mai ntenance Consi sts l i st f or any Route and sel ect, i n the Consi sts
Avai l abl e, the Consi sts f or the f i rst category you have chosen. Ri ght -cl i ck on the sel ecti on,
and the Change Lot Number wi ndow wi l l open. Enter the category you have chosen as the Lot
Number, then press [ Enter] . Repeat thi s f or each category you have deci ded on. Then repea t
the process f or the Stock Items by usi ng the Edi t Mai ntenance Mode Stock l i st wi ndow.
Once you have done thi s i ni ti al categori sati on, i t wi l l be stored wi thi n the Trai n Store f i l es.
Every ti me you add new Stock Items or new consi sts to the i nstal l ati o n there wi l l be a
hi ghl i ght on any of the wi ndows whi ch you use to edi t Consi st l i st or Stock Item l i sts. Thi s
l ets you know that Trai n Store has assi gned new Lot Numbers to the i tems you have i nstal l ed.
It i s an easy matter to then f i nd these i tems wi th t he Lot Number f i l ter, and you can reassi gn
them qui ckl y to your own categori es. (Noti ce that you onl y have to assi gn the new i tems, you
don t have to do the whol e exerci se agai n.)
In f uture, when you are sel ecti ng Stock, or Consi sts, you can use the Lo t Number f i l ter,
si mpl y enteri ng (or choosi ng f rom the drop down l i st) the category you need and then
pressi ng [ Enter] . The avai l abl e pane wi l l then onl y contai n the i tems f rom your sel ected
How can I organise things into more than one
If you structure the categori es that you set up, you can have mul ti pl e categori es. For exampl e
you coul d use a category system that contai ned say Company/Ti me Peri od so you mi ght have
exampl es l i ke LMS/50, LMS/60, LMS/90, ER/90 etc. Thi s woul d al l ow you to choose al l
LMS i tems (enter LMS* ) or al l i tems f rom the f i f ti es (enter * /50).
What is the purpose of 'Used in Route'? Are Consists
Route dependant?
Consi sts are not Route dependant. They can be used on any Route (subj ect to the MSTS
l i mi tati on that a Consi st wi th el ectri c moti ve power i s not avai l abl e to dri ve on a non -
el ectri f i ed Route).
The purpose of the Used i n Route f i l ter i s to al l ow Acti vi ty bui l ders to ensure that they are
sel ecti ng Consi sts or Stock Items f rom a known ref erence Route. Fo r exampl e, i f the
Acti vi ty bui l der keeps a set of the MSTS Def aul t Routes (as del i vered), then by sel ecti ng the
MSTS Def aul t Routes i n the Used i n Route f i l ter they can be sure that the onl y i tems
appeari ng i n the Avai l abl e wi ndow i n the l i st edi tors f or Consi sts and Stock Items are
restri cted to those whi ch are al ready used by those Routes. Thus they can be sure that they do
not i ncl ude addi ti onal non-def aul t i tems i n thei r Acti vi ty by oversi ght. The process can be
appl i ed to any other Route not j ust t he MSTS Def aul t Routes.
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Exactly what should I put in Maintenance Mode
Consist lists, or Maintenance Mode Stock lists?
You onl y need to i ncl ude i n these l i sts any i tems whi ch are not al ready used i n the Route, but
whi ch you need f or your next edi ti ng sessi on. Anythi ng el se i s redundant. Thi s i s because the
Prepare f uncti on i n Mai ntenance Mode wi l l automati cal l y Unstore al l i tems of Stock and Al l
Consi sts whi ch have been ref erenced anywhere i n any Route whi ch i s Unstored.
Af ter you have compl eted your edi ti ng and, f or exampl e, added a Consi st to an Acti vi ty, you
can del ete the Consi st f rom the Consi st l i st, because next ti me you use the Prepare f uncti on i n
Mai ntenance Mode the Consi st wi l l automati cal l y be i ncl uded i n the i tems to be Unstored
When you enter the l i st, and there are no i tems def i ned i n i t, Trai n Store wi l l automati cal l y
popul ate i t wi th al l of the i tems whi ch the Prepare f uncti on wi l l Unstore. Thi s i s f or
i nf ormati on. So that you can see whi ch i tems are goi ng to be i ncl uded anyway. You do not
need to keep these i tems i n the l i st i f you not wi sh. Another way of seei ng thi s i nf ormati on
woul d be to use the Used In Route Fi l ter . Thi s woul d then restri ct the di spl ay (i n the
Avai l abl e l i st) to i tems used i n the Route whose l i st i s bei ng edi t ed.
Why Does Train Store produce a 'Where Used'
Analysis every time I edit the Consists or Stock lists?
If Cl assi c Trai n Store f i nds any error condi ti ons whi l st i t i s surveyi ng a Route duri ng the Go!
or Prepare f uncti ons or openi ng the l i st edi tors, i t aut omati cal l y produces a Where Used
anal ysi s, so that you can i mmedi atel y see whi ch i tems are ei ther causi ng the errors, or bei ng
af f ected by the errors. Runni ng MSTS wi th Acti vi ti es whi ch have errors i n them i s not
recommended, and wi l l al most certai nl y cause MSTS to crash.
Thi s anal ysi s i s ti me consumi ng because i t has to exami ne every Consi st and every Acti vi ty
and every Servi ce when errors i nvol vi ng Stock or Consi st i tems are i nvol ved. If you woul d
rather not f i x the errors but conti nue runni ng your i nstal l ati on wi th the errors, you can
suppress thi s automati c anal ysi s. In the Tool s/Opti ons menu, cl i ck on the Suppress 'Where
Used` Analysis of Errors i tem to mark i t.
I want to make a change to one Consist or Stock Item.
Do I have to add it to a list and then Unstore it?
If the i tem i s i n store, you can do that to make sure i t i s unstored. A si mpl er way i s to go i nto
the rel evant l i st edi tor i n Mai ntenance Mode, sel ect the i tem i n the Avai l abl e or the Current
l i st, ri ght-cl i ck on the i tem, and choose the opti on Immediate Unstore. Thi s wi l l i mmedi atel y
unstore the sel ected i tem. (If the i tem i s a Consi st, al l of the rel evant Stock Items wi l l al so be
unstored automati cal l y).
Al ternati vel y, you can choose the i tem ri ght -cl i ck on i t and choose ei ther Edit or
ConBuilder. Thi s wi l l i mmedi atel y unstore the i tem, and open the f i l e edi tor or ConBui l der.
Trai n Store wi l l be mi ni mi sed and not avai l abl e unti l you have cl osed the edi tor or
ConBui l der. If you chose to start the edi tor, i t wi l l open wi th the f i l e that you sel ected ready
f or edi ti ng.
When you have f i ni shed the edi ti ng, cl osi ng the program wi l l re-acti vate Trai n Store. It i s
advi sabl e to use the Refresh List button i f you have made any changes to f i l es duri ng thi s, so
that Trai n Store i s made aware of the changes.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 133
Why do I have Warning messages telling me that an
.ASV file is out of date?
If a computed acti vi ty f i l e (.ASV) i s f ound duri ng an unstore process, then i ts date i s checked
wi th the correspondi ng .ACT f i l e. If i t i s dated earl i er than the correspond i ng .ACT f i l e, a
warni ng i s i ssued and the .ACT f i l e i s unstored wi thout the correspondi ng .ASV f i l e.
Thi s i s to prevent the si tuati on where MSTS uses stock i nf ormati on f rom the .ASV f i l e whi ch
i s unknown to Trai n Store. Thi s i s not purel y a work round f o r Trai n Store, such outdated
.ASV f i l es are NOT val i d MSTS i tems (see MSTS Acti vi ty Edi tor Hel p f i l e).
You have three choi ces. You can i gnore the warni ng message because the acti on taken by
Trai n Store prevents probl ems ari si ng. Or you can del ete the of f endi ng .ASV f i l e, or el se you
can recreate the .ASV f i l e by openi ng the Acti vi ty i n the MSTS Acti vi ty Edi tor, and then
choosi ng Compute and Save f rom the Fi l e menu.
Why are some Train Store messages 'Errors' and
others are 'Warnings'?
When Trai n Store f i nds some error i n a f i l e, or i nconsi stency between f i l es, i t reports the
probl em wi th an Error headi ng i f the probl em wi l l be seen and reported by MSTS as an error,
and possi bl y cause MSTS to crash. In addi ti on i f Trai n Store i s prepari ng to move f i l es
because of a Go1 or Prepare request, af ter i t has exami ned al l of the f i l es i t wi l l di spl ay a
di al ogue box reporti ng the error(s) and aski ng f or conf i rmati on i f you want to conti nue. An
exampl e of thi s type of probl em woul d be a Servi ce f i l e whi ch contai ns a ref erence to a non-
exi stent Consi st.
If the probl em that i s f ound wi l l be i gnored by MSTS, or onl y resul t i n a mi ssi ng i tem i n one
of the MSTS di spl ays, then the message wi l l be reported wi th a Warni ng headi ng. If Trai n
Store i s prepari ng to move f i l es i t, and there are no Error messages, i t wi l l conti nue to make
the f i l e moves wi thout stoppi ng f or a conf i rmati on.
Why are there warning messages telling me that there
is a discrepancy in a traffic file
In the f i l es whi ch make up an MSTS Acti vi ty, Servi ces are speci f i ed i n more than one pl ace.
They are speci f i ed i n the Acti vi ty f i l e, and they are speci f i ed i n the Traf f i c f i l e. For MSTS to
work correctl y, exactl y the same Servi ces must be speci f i ed i n both the Acti vi ty, and the
Traf f i c f i l e.
MSTS uses the def i ni ti ons i n the Traf f i c f i l e as the master ref erence to deci de whi ch servi ces
to run. If i t cannot f i nd a servi ce speci f i ed i n the Traf f i c f i l e, i t does not compl ai n, i t merel y
i gnores i t. If i t f i nds a val i d Servi ce i n the Traf f i c f i l e, i t runs i t, even thou gh the speci f i cati on
i n the Acti vi ty f i l e i s di f f erent. Nei ther condi ti on causes a vi si bl e error i n MSTS. Al l that
happens i s AI traf f i c may not run as i ntended.
If Trai n Store detects any such di screpancy between the Servi ces speci f i ed i n the .ACT f i l e,
and the .TRF f i l e then thi s warni ng i s produced. It i sn't possi bl e to be more speci f i c as the
di screpancy mi ght be caused by a si ngl e mi stake or a combi nati on of mi stakes whi ch make i t
di f f i cul t to poi nt out the of f endi ng i tem wi th any certai nty.
The sol uti on i s to exami ne the contents of the Acti vi ty f i l e and the Traf f i c f i l e, i n the Acti vi ty
Edi tor and ensure the Traf f i c i s set up as you requi re, and then resave the Acti vi ty. Thi s wi l l
update both the Traf f i c and the Acti vi ty f i l es. If the Traf f i c f i l e i s shared between several
Page 134 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
Acti vi ti es, then each of the Acti vi ti es wi l l need to be updated (to a common Traf f i c
speci f i cati on) i n thi s way. If you di d not create the Acti vi ty yoursel f , then you may need to
contact the author to resol ve the di screpancy.
I want to use Loose Stock when I Explore, but MSTS
displays an error and does not start the Explore
Thi s can be caused by choosi ng a start poi nt f or the Expl ore whi ch pl aces your trai n at a poi nt
where there are al ready Stock Items present f rom the Loose Sto ck. It can al so be caused i f you
have chosen to i ncl ude AI Traf f i c and the start poi nt you have chosen conf l i cts (i n pl ace and
ti me) wi th the AI Traf f i c path. A f urther possi bi l i ty i s that the Consi st you have chosen to
dri ve cannot f i t i nto the track space avai l abl e at the chosen starti ng poi nt f or the Expl ore.
Train Store will not start. The error message refers to
System Restore. What does this mean?
System Restore i s a f uncti on provi ded by several versi ons of Wi ndows. It i s i ntended to
restore sof tware f i l es to thei r previ ous condi ti on i f some sort of seri ous system probl em has
occurred. The Mi crosof t documentati on states that user data f i l es are not af f ected, but i n
some ci rcumstances System Restore seems to restore MSTS f i l es. The probl em i s that, und er
some condi ti ons, i t not onl y restores the f i l es, but creates new sets of f ol ders to restore them
to. These f ol ders are named wi th a numeri cal suf f i x e.g. TRAINS(2). System Restore does
warn the user that thi s has happened, but unf ortunatel y, the message seems easi l y mi ssed by
As i t i s extremel y dangerous f or Trai n Store to move f i l es i n such condi ti ons, these checks are
made bef ore starti ng, and i f the condi ti on i s f ound Trai n Store wi l l expl ai n that f i l e structures
whi ch mi ght have been created by System Restore have been f ound, and the program wi l l
then cl ose. You wi l l need to return the restored f i l es to thei r correct f ol ders. If you have a
l arge number of f i l es i n thi s condi ti on, there i s a uti l i ty avai l abl e f rom the Trai n Store author,
whi ch wi l l rapi dl y return al l such restored f i l es.
I want to Explore using Easy Explore, but MSTS also
shows me an Activity. Why is this?
It i s a requi rement of MSTS that at l east one val i d Acti vi ty i s present i n the conf i gurati on
when a si mul ati on i s run. When sel ecti ng f i l es f or Easy Expl ore, Trai n Store wi l l f i rst try and
use one of the Acti vi ti es i n the Tutori al Route (i f that i s present) to sati sf y thi s requi rement.
Thi s i s the pref erred opti on, as the Acti vi ty does not show on the MSTS l i st. If the Tutori a l
Route i s not present, then Trai n Store wi l l try to sel ect an Acti vi ty wi th the smal l est number
of Consi sts f rom the Route that you want to Expl ore. Thi s i s the Acti vi ty that you wi l l see
when you start MSTS. If no val i d Acti vi ty can be f ound, then MSTS w i l l not be abl e to
Expl ore (usi ng Easy Expl ore) on that Route.
If you are i n the si tuati on where Trai n Store cannot set up an Easy Expl ore sessi on, then you
can use the Cl assi c page, and unstore at l east one Acti vi ty on any Route wi thi n the
i nstal l ati on, and ensure that the Path you want to expl ore i s i ncl uded i n the Expl ore Mode
Path l i st f or the Route where you want to Expl ore. Mark the checkbox to Incl ude Expl ore
Mode Paths , and then cl i ck on the Go! button. You wi l l then be abl e to Expl ore on the Ro ute
chosen. Al ternati vel y, you can si mpl y rei nstal l the Tutori al Route and Easy Expl ore wi l l work
even on Routes wi th no val i d Acti vi ti es.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 135
When I start Train Store there is a message saying
'Windows Language Resources are not available'
What does this mean?
It seems that dri vers f or some types of graphi cs card corrupt tabl es wi thi n Wi ndows when the
screen resol uti on changes. The ef f ect of thi s i s that when a program requests detai l s of the
l anguages whi ch are avai l abl e on the system, i t cannot get a val i d r epl y. Under these
condi ti ons, Trai n Store di spl ays thi s message and conti nues (i n Engl i sh because i t cannot get
access to any other l anguage resources), af ter di sabl i ng the Language menu. The si tuati on i s
resol ved by rebooti ng the machi ne.
Why do some of my lists have a tick box alongside?
Trai n Store al l ows you to have mul ti pl e l i sts f or the same type of i tem wi thi n a Route or
wi thi n Gl obal Setti ngs. Thi s i s to al l ow you to use compl ete di f f erent sets of i tems on
di f f erent occasi ons. e.g. you mi ght keep two l i sts of Consi sts f or a Route, one f or a modern
era, the other f or a past era. When mul ti pl e l i sts have been def i ned, you can speci f y to Trai n
Store whi ch l i st(s) you want to use. Trai n Store processes al l acti vated l i sts. Acti vated l i sts are
marked wi th a ti ck mark. You can acti vate as many or as f ew l i sts as you need.
If onl y one l i st has been def i ned f or a Route, or f or Gl obal Setti ngs, then the l i st i s acti vated
by def aul t, and there i s no need to acti vate i t, or deacti vate i t i ndi vi dual l y. The ti ck box i s
theref ore not vi si bl e f or these l i sts. For more detai l s see the secti on on Trai n Store Li st
Edi tors.
Why does the Viewer display an error when starting?
The i nternal vi ewer makes use of Paul Gausden s TRAINLI B.OCX to provi de the vi ewi ng
capabi l i ty. To f uncti on, i t requi res a versi on of TRAI NLIB.OCX whi ch has been suppl i ed
wi th SVIEW Versi on 1.4, or a l ater versi on. Earl i er versi ons wi l l not al l ow the i nternal vi ewer
to f uncti on properl y. (The actual f i l e versi on of TRAINLI B.OCX needs to be o r
hi gher)
Why are some of the items in my Stock List in italic
Trai n Store hi ghl i ghts unstored i tems i n the l i st edi tor wi ndows. By def aul t, the hi ghl i ghti ng
used i s i tal i c f ont. If you wi sh, you can change the hi ghl i ghti ng used to di f f erent f ont
characteri sti cs (e.g. col our) by usi ng the Change List Highlighting (Unstored Items). Thi s
wi l l open a f ont sel ecti on wi ndow so that you can choose a di f f erent set of hi ghl i ghti ng
characteri sti cs. (Remember, that the hi ghl i ghti ng f or i tems associ ated wi th Err ors or Warni ngs
i s stri kethrough.)
Why are some of the items in my Consist List 'crossed
When Trai n Store surveys the i nstal l ati on pri or to unstori ng i tems, i t makes a note of al l of the
i tems whi ch were i nvol ved i n any Warni ng or Error messages. When any of the l i st edi tors i s
opened, these i tems are then hi ghl i ghted wi th a stri kethrough, so that you can easi l y i denti f y
them. Thi s hi ghl i ghti ng i s regenerated each ti me the Go! button or the Prepare button i s
pressed. The hi ghl i ghti ng onl y ref ers to er rors/warni ngs f ound duri ng that survey pass. The
f ormat f or thi s hi ghl i ghti ng i s not changeabl e.
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Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 137
Pl ease note that whi l st Trai n Store does carry out certai n checks to ensure the i ntegri ty of the
f i l es Routes, Acti vi ti es and Consi sts that i t processes, i t i s not a route checki ng or consi st
checki ng uti l i ty, and i t cannot repai r i nstal l ati ons whi ch have f aul ty Routes, Consi sts or
Acti vi ti es. The excel l ent uti l i ti es Route_Ri ter (f rom Mi ke Si mpson) and ConBui l der (f rom
Carl os Gomes) can be used to ensure that an i nstal l ati on i s i n order bef ore you use Trai n
Store. They can al so be used to veri f y any of the Scenari os that you produce wi th Trai n Store.
Where Trai n Store does need to check f or some consi stency, i t wi l l report to you any er rors i t
f i nds (e.g. when f i ndi ng Al i ases), but Trai n Store i s not i ntended to be a Route or Consi st
Checki ng program.
Ti p: When usi ng ConBui l der to check Consi sts, don t f orget to use the Check Loose
Consi sts opti on to make sure that there i s no mi ssi ng Stock def i ned i n Loose Consi sts .
Movement of Files and Folders
Once Trai n Store has been used on an MSTS i nstal l ati on, and the sel ecti ons you made are
acti vated, do not expect to see cl ear evi dence, i n the f orm of the absence or presence of
parti cul ar f ol ders ei ther i n MSTS or the Trai n Store Storage f ol der. Opti mi si ng the f i l es used
wi thi n MSTS i s not si mpl y a case of movi ng the Route f rom MSTS (otherwi se Trai n Store
woul d not be needed). The exact f i l es whi ch are moved depend upon the MSTS i nstal l ati on ,
the sel ecti ons made, the Acti vi ti es used, the Servi ces used, the Consi sts used and the stock
contai ned i n those Consi sts.
If a Route has been stored, i t wi l l no l onger appear i n the MSTS l i st of Routes i n the Routes &
Acti vi ti es Sel ecti on wi ndow. If a Consi st has been stored, the Consi st wi l l no l onger appear i n
the MSTS l i st of Consi sts i n the Routes & Acti vi ti es Sel ecti on wi ndow.
Usi ng Route_Ri ter, i f a Route i s In Store , i t wi l l sti l l appear i n the l i st of f ol ders i n
Route_Ri ter s Source Di rectory l i st. If you attempt to sel ect i t though, Route_Ri ter wi l l
di spl ay a Selection Error di al ogue box, then tel l i ng you that you have sel ected an i nval i d
Route. There i s nothi ng wrong wi th your Route however, i t i s In Store . Route_Ri ter can
onl y be used on Routes that are In Use .
Usi ng ConBui l der, you wi l l onl y see the Consi sts and the Stock i tems whi ch are In Use . Al l
other Consi sts and Stock i tems do not appear.
Usi ng EngMod, you wi l l onl y see the Locomoti ves whi ch are In Use . Al l other Locomoti ves
do not appear.
It i s f or these reasons that i t i s essenti al , before using anv editor on vour MSTS installation,
that you f ol l ow the procedures recommended i n the secti on Maintenance, Unstore
Everything! and Uninstall
Installation of New Routes
Many di stri buted Routes make use of i tems f rom one or more of the MSTS def aul t Routes. As
part of thei r i nstal l ati on process, you have to copy some or al l of the f i l es f rom these Routes.
Thi s i s usual l y done wi th a batch f i l e.
If you are i nstal l i ng a new Route check to see whether i t requi res the MSTS def aul t Routes to
be avai l abl e f or i ts i nstal l ati on process. If i t does, then bef ore i nstal l ati on, i n Trai n Store,
Page 138 29 May 2005 Trai n Store
sel ect and set to In Use onl y the MSTS def aul t Routes. Then usi ng the MSTS Maintenance
setti ngs cl i ck on the Prepare button. Thi s wi l l ensure that al l of the f i l es f or the MSTS def aul t
Routes are made avai l abl e to MSTS. You can then proceed wi th the new Route i nstal l ati on.
(The MSTS def aul t Routes are : -
Hi satu Li ne
Innsbruck St Anton
Mari as Pass
Northeast Corri dor
Settl e & Carl i sl e Li ne
Tokyo - Hakone )
There i s an opti on wi thi n the Mai ntenance tab whi ch wi l l Unstore al l of the Def aul t Routes,
wi thout havi ng to sel ect them i ndi vi dual l y. Thi s wi l l check that al l of the Def aul t Routes are
present, and then arrange f or them to be Unstored when you cl i ck on the Prepare button.
Error Messages
Error messages f rom Trai n Store shoul d not normal l y be seen. They are an unusual condi ti on.
Val i dati on error responses to a speci f i c entry, or request f or acti on whi ch are usual l y
di spl ayed i mmedi atel y wi th a warni ng or error di al ogue ref erri ng speci f i cal l y to the acti on and
the probl em f ound.
However, errors can be detected duri ng a l engthy process of f i l e checki ng or movi ng. I n thi s
case they are not di spl ayed as a seri es of error di al ogues, but are l i sted i n the Inf ormati on pane
of the Trai n Store mai n wi ndow. The survey and movi ng process i s basi cal l y si mpl e, though i t
i s carri ed out a very l arge number of ti mes. The onl y errors whi ch can occur are of one or two
types; a f i l e i s not present, and i t shoul d be present, or a f i l e i s present and shoul d not be
present, or a conf i gurati on f i l e (e.g. an Acti vi ty) contai ns a ref erence to a f i l e whi ch cannot be
f ound.
Each error entry theref ore contai ns a statement of what T rai n Store regards as the error ,
what f i l e i s i nvol ved, what f ol der i s i nvol ved (i f rel evant) and someti mes i f the MSTS system
provi des i t, a Descri pti on or Name whi ch i s associ ated wi th the f i l e.
Error messages duri ng the survey part of the movement process are normal l y caused by
mi ssi ng f i l es wi thi n the MSTS i nstal l ati on i tsel f . They may not be seri ous i n themsel ves, but
i t i s advi sabl e to use a checki ng program such as Route_Ri ter, or ConBui l der to sort out such
probl ems. Thi s can onl y benef i t your runni ng of MSTS.
Errors duri ng the move part of the movement process are seri ous. If there were no errors
reported duri ng the survey , then the error message means that Trai n Store was unabl e to
move a f i l e or f ol der whi ch was present and checked previ ousl y. Thi s requi res resol uti on
bef ore maki ng any other changes.
The f ol l owi ng checks shoul d be made i f such move errors occur : -
Check that no other changes have been made to the MSTS i nstal l ati on whi l st Trai n
Store was movi ng the f i l es.
Check that the f i l e(s) are not opened by MSTS, or any edi tor, or that Expl orer i s not
vi ewi ng the f ol der concerned.
Try Unstore Everythi ng! . If thi s i s successf ul , check the consi stency of the
i nstal l ati on wi th Route_Ri ter and ConBui l der. If i t i s not successf ul , the er ror
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 139
messages wi l l gi ve f urther i nf ormati on about the l ocati on of the f ol der or f i l e causi ng
the probl em.
Check i n the Event Vi ewer (Wi ndows NT, Wi ndows 2000 and Wi ndows XP) whether
any f i l e system errors are contai ned i n the l og.
Normal l y these checks wi l l reveal the source of the probl em.
Registry Permissions
In order to be abl e to store i ts setti ngs and run, Trai n Store needs to be abl e to create a key i n
the Wi ndows Regi stry. Thi s i s standard sof tware practi ce, and normal l y does not cause any
probl ems. However, i f you are usi ng a workstati on whi ch has had a Securi ty Pol i cy appl i ed
by your Admi ni strator, then your normal worki ng user account may not have the rel evant
permi ssi ons to al l ow Trai n Store to do thi s. Trai n Store wi l l detect thi s on your f i rst at tempt to
use i t and i t wi l l di spl ay an Error di al ogue message, then cl ose.
Thi s i s onl y l i kel y to be a probl em on wi ndows NT, Wi ndows 2000, and Wi ndows XP
systems, as earl i er Wi ndows sof tware does not al ways enf orce securi ty i n thi s area.
If you do have thi s probl em, and if you are not properly familiar with setting Access Security
on the Windows Registry, do not attempt to make any changes yourself, instead, please ask
someone locally to help you. Pri nt thi s secti on of the manual and gi ve i t to the person who i s
goi ng to make the change f or you. It i s a si mpl e change f or an experi enced person to make.
Warning: It can be very dangerous to attempt to make changes to Wi ndows Regi stry setti ngs
i f you do not f ul l y understand the changes you are maki ng. Wr ong changes may make your
workstati on compl etel y i naccessi bl e, compl etel y i nsecure, or j ust cause Wi ndows to f ai l
unpredi ctabl y.
Train Store Registry Requirements
To run, Trai n Store needs to create a key i n the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
porti on of the regi stry. If i t cannot do thi s, then i t wi l l not run correctl y.
The most l i kel y probl em causi ng thi s i s that the Wi ndows User you are runni ng as, does not
have the necessary permi ssi ons i n the Wi ndows Regi stry.
ResoIving a Registry Permission ProbIem
There are two possi bl e approaches to resol vi ng thi s probl em.
AIways Use the Administrator Account
The Admi ni strator account wi l l have the necessary permi ssi ons, so you coul d i nstal l Trai n
Store (and Run Trai n Store) usi ng the Admi ni strator account, or any accou nt whi ch does have
Admi ni strator pri vi l eges. Thi s approach does not requi re you to make any changes.
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If you do i nstal l Trai n Store usi ng the Admi ni strator account, and you do not do anythi ng
about the Regi stry permi ssi ons, then do NOT try and run Trai n St ore f rom any other user.
(Trai n Store wi l l work i ni ti al l y, but i t wi l l not be abl e to record any changes i n the Wi ndows
Regi stry f or those users, causi ng probl ems l ater).
Change the Registry Permissions
If you want other accounts to be abl e to use Trai n Store, then, af ter you have run Trai n Store
the f i rst ti me usi ng the Admi ni strator account, you wi l l need to change the permi ssi ons on the
Trai n Store Regi stry mai n key to al l ow those other accounts, or the Group whi ch contai ns
those accounts to be abl e to access i t wi th the rel evant permi ssi ons.
You need to gi ve those other accounts Ful l permi ssi ons on the f ol l owi ng key and i ts subkeys
If you do not know how to do thi s, you must ask someone l ocal l y to hel p you. It i s not
di f f i cul t, but i t i s i mportant to do i t correctl y, as edi ti ng the Regi stry can be very dangerous i f
you do not know what you are doi ng.
MSTS Consist Limit
There i s a known l i mi t wi thi n MSTS of approxi matel y 850 -900 Consi sts i n the whol e MSTS
i nstal l ati on. It i s not a f i xed number. It depends upon the i nstal l ati on and the Consi sts
i nvol ved. If you i nstal l thi s number of Consi sts, or more, then you wi l l f i nd that MSTS does
not run properl y and wi l l f requentl y report errors and di spl ay the Send/Don t Send error
Trai n Store removes thi s probl em, because i t i s extremel y unl i kel y that any one Route, or
smal l number of Routes wi l l actual l y requi re thi s number of Consi sts. So, i t i s possi bl e to
have an i nstal l ati on wi th a l arge number of Consi sts and sti l l run si mul ati ons and use the
edi tors wi thout any probl em.
Pl ease be aware however, that Trai n Store resol ves the probl em because of the way i t removes
unwanted f i l es f rom the MSTS i nstal l ati on. If you have thi s probl em wi th your i nstal l ati on,
and you set up a Scenari o where such a l arge number of Consi sts remai n Unstored, then the
probl em wi l l return. (Thi s coul d happen f or exampl e, i f you set up a l i st of Expl ore Mode
Consi sts contai ni ng more than 850 Consi sts, or i f you use Unstore Everythi ng! , and you have
more than 850 Consi sts wi thi n your i nstal l ati on.
Using Multiple MSTS Installations with Train Store
Usi ng Trai n Store avoi ds the need f or mul ti pl e MSTS conf i gurati ons and /or mul ti pl e copi es
of MSTS f i l es. I do not recommend that you use Trai n Store i f your i nstal l ati on contai ns
ei ther of these f eatures. As i nstal l ed Trai n Store uses the Wi ndows Regi stry setti ngs f or
MSTS to f i nd out where the MSTS f ol ders are pl aced. In an i nstal l ati on where there are
mul ti pl e copi es, these entri es wi l l change i n a manner whi ch i s unpredi ctabl e f or Trai n Store.
Once i tems have been stored, i f the MSTS setti ngs have been changed outsi de of Trai n Store,
there i s the possi bi l i ty they wi l l be Unstored to another MSTS i nstal l ati on, causi ng real
damage. Trai n St ore has the f aci l i ty of usi ng a f i xed set of MSTS f ol ders, mai nl y to al l ow
f or the mi grati on f rom a mul ti MSTS conf i gurati on, so i t can co -exi st wi th mul ti pl e MSTS
conf i gurati ons. However, there i s the ever present danger of f orgetti ng whi ch conf i gurati o n i s
bei ng used by Trai n Store, so i t i s not recommended as a regul ar way of worki ng.
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 141
I woul d l i ke to thank everyone f or thei r comments and encouragement parti cul arl y those who
have hel ped wi th reports and di agnosti cs and suggesti ons f or n ew f eatures.
In parti cul ar speci al thanks are due to : -
Robert Reedy f or suggesti ng the hi ghl i ghti ng/sel ecti on processi ng f or i tems wi th
Al an Sal mon f or permi ssi on to use the pi cture f or the def aul t background i n Easy
Trai n Store and Duncan Harri s f or desi gni ng a much better set of i cons than my
ori gi nal bl ocky versi ons to i l l ustrate the program f uncti ons, and f or the i ncl uded add -
on i con sets.
Henk Bartel s, Mogens Bal l e Bertel sen, Dani el Gaudard, Jarek " DeMoN"
Karanki ewi cz, Juan Manuel Luengo Romn, Freddy Soerensen, Peter Vogel , Pavel
Vol i k, al i as " Geront" and Dusan Wei gel , f or thei r ef f orts i n provi di ng the l anguage
transl ati ons, and putti ng up wi th my numerous unpl anned changes duri ng the process.
Henk Bartel s, Mogens Bal l e Bertel sen, Ian Bow l es, Chri sti an Def er, Denni s Gauci ,
Jef f Isaac, Jarek " DeMoN" Karanki ewi cz, Juan Manuel Luengo Romn, Bi l l Lei ghton,
Tobi as Krag Mnsson, Robert Reedy, Al an Sal mon, Mi ke Si mpson, Pi otr Sobol ewski ,
Freddy Soerensen, Charl es Stagg, Joe Smi th, Eri c Swenson, Peter Vogel , Dusan
Wei gel and others f or beta testi ng thi s versi on.
Paul Gausden f or hi s excel l ent MSTS vi ewer .OCX i mpl ementati on, and hi s hel p i n
i ncorporati ng i t i nto Trai n Store.
Marti n Wri ght f or the use of hi s comprehensi ve i mage conversi on DLL used i n the
background i mage handl i ng i n Easy Trai n Store.
Luci an Wi schi k f or the use of the use of the Shel l Li nk routi nes to update shortcuts
f rom the i nstal l ati on program.
Al l ri ghts reserved. No parts of thi s work may be reproduced i n any f orm wi t hout the wri tten
permi ssi on of the author.
Tony Formoso 2003, 2004, 2005
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Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 143
Creating File Association for Scenario Files
Open Wi ndows Expl orer
Choose Tools then Folder Options f rom the menu.
Cl i ck on New. Thi s wi l l open the Create New Extension wi ndow.
Enter TSS i n the Fi l e Extensi on f i el d and cl i ck OK. The wi ndow wi l l cl ose and the
TSS f i l e wi l l be entered i n the l i st of f i l e types.
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Cl i ck on Change. Thi s wi l l open the Open With wi ndow.
Wai t f or Wi ndows to produce the l i st of pr ograms avai l abl e. When the l i st appears,
scrol l down the l i st to Trai n Store. If Trai n Store appears i n the l i st, cl i ck on the OK
Trai n Store 29 May 2005 Page 145
button. If Trai n Store does not appear i n the l i st cl i ck on the Other.button. Thi s wi l l
open the Open With wi ndow.
Navi gate to the f ol der where you stored Trai n Store. (The def aul t i s
\Program Fi l es\J A Formoso\Trai n Store ), cl i ck on Trai nStore.EXE to sel ect i t, then
cl i ck on the OK button. The wi ndow wi l l cl ose, and you shoul d then see that Trai n
Store i s i n the l i st of programs. Cl i ck on Trai n Store to hi ghl i ght i t, then cl i ck on the
OK button to cl ose the wi ndow.
Cl i ck on the OK button to cl ose the Folder Options wi ndow.
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