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a darkzaep creation

Reverse Logistics Information Systems and Performance Survey This study is being conducted by Joe Huscroft, a Ph.D. candidate at Auburn Unive rsity, under the supervision of Dr. Dianne Hall and Dr. Joe Hanna. We hope to l earn about factors which influence reverse logistics process performance and to guide efforts to improve the reverse logistics process and research. You were s elected as a possible participant because you are employed in and have practical experience in the logistics process. Your responses to the questionnaire will be anonymous. The questionnaire contains 31 short questions and should take les s than 10 minutes of your time. Your participation is strictly VOLUNTARY. It is important that your answers be frank and honest; there are no right or wrong answers. You may withdraw from comple ting the questionnaire at any time (without penalty). Your decision of whether to participate or not, or to withdraw later will not jeopardize your relations w ith your employer or Auburn University. If you would like an executive summary of the results, please provide an email a ddress. You are welcome to use an anonymous email address from Yahoo, Hotmail, or another source. I will only release aggregated results of the study. No re sponses will be traceable to an individual or organization. Summary results wil l be sent to you upon completion of the study. For more information regarding your rights as a participant you may contact the Office of Human Subjects Research by phone at (334) 844-1462. If you have any questions we invite you to ask them via email or telephone. If you have questions later, please contact: Dr. Hall, 334-844-6443, halldia@auburn .edu, (Dr. Hanna, 334-844-2468, or Joe Huscroft, 334-844-653 8, The context of the survey and your answers is essential; therefore, a formal def inition of reverse logistics is presented, along with descriptions regarding the potential activities related to the receipt of returned product and the shipmen t of returned product. Reverse logistics: The processes of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods, and information about products in the process from the point of consumpti on to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing the product, creating v alue from the product, or proper disposal of the product. Recipient of returned product: May have experience in the management or operatio n of receiving products, determining product disposition, inventory or warehousi ng status of returned product, transportation of the product, and/or repair of t he product. Shipper of returned product: May have experience in the management or operation of requesting return authorizations, establishing disposition and reason for pro duct return, packaging/handling of products, shipping the product, or tracking o f the product once it has been shipped. These are just examples of some of the activities within each perspective and no t meant to be all inclusive. Based on this information, please select your persp ective of your reverse logistics process. As a recipient of returned product

As a shipper of product back to a vendor or manufacturer I have experience and knowledge regarding both of these processes

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