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BIOTICS Biomedical Ethics

Final Examinations Questionnaire (Take-Home Essay) 10 April 2012

Prepared By: Ms. N. Manauat

Non-compliance = deductions in points

Due Date: Hard copies only must be submitted on or before 16 April 2012/Monday, 5:00PM, at WH505 Department of Philosophy Part One: Essay Questions
Directions: There are SIX essay questions on this questionnaire You are to choose only THREE out of the six questions below. Each is worth TWENTY (20) points maximum for a total of SIXTY (60) points for this part of the exam (see the rubric on URL: for essay grading standards) Oath, there it is! Cite three important duties or obligations of physicians in the Oath of Hippocrates, and rank them according to which you think are most important, and then justify your hierarchy: why is this first, second, third? Provide your own examples. In lieu of Kantian duty ethics, as well as Aristotelian virtue ethics, what traits ought physicans possess in order to exhibit moral goodness? Explain thoroughly. Genes on Film Discuss the film Gattaca (it is a film that we watched in class), and how the film relates to (A) your hand-outs and (B) the topics regarding genetic engineering that were discussed in class. What moral issues are explored in the film as they relate to genetic testing, screening and eugenics? What does it mean to be truly human, and does being born naturally or designed as such have real implications on what it means to be you or me? Explain. Sperm on Film Discuss the film Semen (it is another film that we watched in class), and how this film relates to (A) reproductive health issues (IVF, sperm donorship) as well as (B) parenting/adoption issues, specifically the role of the father and his contribution to the process of child-making, and child-rearing? Given that you are a man, and/or you want a man in your life, what role do you see him playing? If you are not a man and/or you do not want a man in your life, then what options would you explore? Generate a scenario. Body Talk Think about the film Kinsey as you reflect on the issue of the human body. Explain fully and justify why knowledge about our own body and sexuality issues is not simply a matter of privilege but most importantly, a right. Reflect on your own experience and tell how much you know about your own body and sexuality (prior knowledge and the present time, upon taking up this Biotics course). Make your own assessment of your knowledge compared to (A) your parents (B) your close friends (C) your classmates in Biotics, and (D) your lover, if it applies. If in your view, your self-knowledge is lacking, then what is your short/medium/long-term plans of filling the gaps in your knowledge? If on the other hand, you claim to be a sexpert then what do you intend to do about your wealth of personal knowledge [for example, will you share your wisdom

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(how?), keep it to yourself? (why?)] In the context of medicine, the buzz words regarding reproductive and sexual health are informed choice and informed consent. What is your understanding of these terms and how do they apply to you as (A) at present a teen-ager/young responsible adult, (B) a future physician, parent, practitioner of science/scientist ? Obfuscating Obscenity Using out handouts/readings, define OBSCENITY. Read this article: and OBSCENITY and LEWDNESS were words used by STC to describe the Facebook photos of their students. Take a stand on this issue and argue whether or not in this context there is obscenity and lewdness. Now, imagine that our DLSU student handbook also got amended to include that provision regarding ample skin exposure in public posting of photographs (including social networking sites), what would be the gendered reading in hypothetical? When are boys lewd or obscene versus a display of obscenity by girls? Discuss the ethical, legal and aesthetic implications of this case. The Race to the End What does it mean to be racist and why does the issue of race matter? Why is it an ethical issue as well as a political one? Take this scenario: you are a practicing physician in a New York hospital. After discussing your diagnosis with your patient, you patient very calmly tells you that he will seek another doctors opinion because he believes that white doctors are better and more skillful and since you are so not white, I will be needing an expert to help me with my illness how will you respond to remarks like this one? Discuss the ethical implication of favoring or disfavoring one race over another and the origins of racism. In your view what measures could individuals take to address racism, and possibly to put an end to it?

Part Two: Integration Essay Directions: This essay is a requirement, over and above the three questions. The full credit for this part is FORTY (40) POINTS.
Among all the handouts, discussion points in class or online, (for example: the views that theorists espouse may include key themes, issues, concerns, events, cases, etcetera) you are to pick a series of inter-related topics which you consider as most relevant, pressing, and significant, with the justification of why you consider this as relevant, pressing, and significant. Write a 700 word (minimum) essay that is coherent (no bullet points or free-associations, check the rubric for grading essays) where you make a claim that (those enclosed in parentheses are MY personal examples):

This particular topic or theme universal morality, sexuality, euthanasia, genetic engineering, etc. (e.g. sexuality) And/or issue whether A or not A, you must take a stand (e.g. the pansexuality of non-human animals: bonobo chimpanzees, green porno as expressions of desire) And/or a theorist/scholar/thinker/philosopher see our hand outs and discussions/films (e.g., Alfred Kinsey, Utilitarianism, Kant, Aquinas, etc.) And/or a Specific case: Terry Pratchetts Decision to Die(video clip), current events and technological breakthroughs, green porno clips (e.g. The Fascinating Sex Life of Bonobo Chimps in the San Diego Zoo and their Social Dynamics}

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. Has helpred you in achieving all three of the following: In gaining a deeper understanding of yourself in relation with the others who are close to you (family, friends, significant others) but also how your relation is extended to your community (in school, your village/town), your country and the world. In becoming more interested in exploring (via reflection and/or concrete action) similar concerns on your own, outside of the classroom and even after this term or your stay in the university. In challenging your intellect, your belief system, what it is that you need or want to do and in discovering a novel and refreshing (irreverent, perhaps?) insight about morality, ethics, legal and aesthetic reasoning, relations, sexuality, desires, life, death, sex, genes, memes, science, tech, experiments, how people live in general and this particular series of theme/issue/case/thinker in particular. Show how the here bulleted points above were (or could be) made possible. Build your premises carefully, cite examples, evidence and trace links between your important points. Be exhaustive but coherent. Teachers note: The key here is to carefully THINK about how you could integrate and weave together the following: topic or theme, issue, theorist and case. As my example above shows, I could write about the theme of sexuality, and the issue of non-human animal sexuality as comparable to human animal sexuality. Then I would juxtapose the theories of Simone de Beauvoir about women, John Barrowmans take on the nature aspect of homosexuality, Nel Noddings take on caring, as well as Peter Singers utilitarian ethics and animal liberationist stance (Peter Singer was not fully taken up in class however). Then I will take the Green Porno clips as a my case and lift off point in starting my essay on sexuality with a comparison of my zoo experiences observing bonobos live versus the number of hours I have spent watching adult films as they are both in SIMULATED conditions, and performing sex in a controlled environment.

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