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Uilite za obrazovanje odraslih IDEM Ilica 48, 10 000 Zagreb tel./fax. 01/48 13 081 mob. 099/24 01 004 e-mail.

. OIB: 99393652995 Lifelong learning Centre IDEM Improving the quality and availability of information - education experts for inclusion and early intervention Lifelong learning Centre - IDEM is the first institution for adult education at the national level with the aim to educate all stakeholders of the process of inclusion and education of children and students with disabilities. The goal of the Centre IDEM is developing models of inclusive education, improving the quality of the educational process and to protect and promote the rights of children and youth with disabilities. The present formal education of teachers and preschool teachers does not provide enough specific knowledge required in working with children and students with disabilities. It is not uncommon that teachers do not recognize dificulties of their students on the time and sometimes educational institutions dont have organized professional help in dealing with issues of educational inclusion. Competent and educated teachers are prerequisites for quality inclusion of children with disabilities in regular education system. Educating teachers to create and implement individualized educational programs, allows the end users - children with disabilities - the optimal development of skills and positive emotional - social relations in a social setting. Besides dealing with education, Centre IDEM serves as an information center aimed at raising awareness about children with disabilities. The overall objective of information dissemination is contribute and to increase social inclusion of children with disabilities in all parts of society. Center IDEM has several specific objectives: - Providing useful information for professionals and the general public - through the Center are available articles and research results with an emphasis on educational inclusion and early intervention. - Serves as point of contact between professionals working with the Centre IDEM, and the person who needs advice, help or support. - Contains information about the rights of parents and their children, as well as the ways in which these rights can be exercised. Internet portal of Centre IDEM is available by mail at: There you can find professional and scientific articles relevant to the area of the educational inclusion of children with disabilities, a forum for parents and kids, News of Croatia and the world related to inclusion, and other interesting topics and offers of educational packages.

Uilite za obrazovanje odraslih IDEM Ilica 48, 10 000 Zagreb tel./fax. 01/48 13 081 mob. 099/24 01 004 e-mail. OIB: 99393652995 The target groups of Centre IDEM are: Teachers and professionals working in the education system Providing additional information, support and education to professionals within the regular education system improves the quality of their work - both in general and with children with disabilities. This is necessary, since most of those professionals need additional informations, education and support. If we can influence the professionals who work in the school system, we can expects greater probability of early intervention. Children with disabilities Through education and support to teachers and other professionals in the school, we achieve better and more effective educational and social inclusion of children with disabilities. Family and peers of children with disabilities By providing information about children with disabilities, by offering educational forms to the public and review of the relevant rights of children with disabilities, families with children with disabilities and the general public provides a better insight into the educational inclusion, the rights of children with disabilities and the ways to support them. The general public The informations provided through Centre IDEM, as well as efforts in this program, allow the spread of relevant information about children with disabilities and their rights, which encourages and promotes a policy of understanding and awareness. Where to find the information you needed? Informations about educational opportunities and useful informations related to educational inclusion and rights of children with disabilities can be found on the website of Centre IDEM: Contacts etc.: - cell. +385 99 24 01 004, e-mail: , Web: - Account number: 2360000-1102178026 Headmaster of Centre IDEM: Darko Kobeti, prof. reh.

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