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15: Societies and Empires of Africa - 800 to 1500 CE

Purpose: Along with class lessons and activities, this assignment will help us address this essential
question: How did early African societies develop from hunting-gathering groups into empires?

Religious & Ethical Systems: Beginning about 640, Islam created two North African empires. Merchants
and traders spread Islam into both West and East Africa, where it inuenced rulers.
Interaction with Environment: In parts of Africa, hunter- gatherers used up an areas food supply and then
moved on. In some Saharan villages, workers built houses of salt. The location of gold determined trade
Economics: Trade networks developed in Africa because different regions had items that other regions
wanted. African city-states and empires that were able to control and tax such trade became wealthy and
Given: Use the World History: Patterns of Interaction (POI) textbook to complete the assignment below.
Each part (A, B, C,...) should be completed as a single/ separate assignment. Each requires a separate
heading on separate sheets of paper. Be sure to write complete sentences when sentences are called for.

Part A. North and Central African Societies
Read from page 409 to 412.
Terms & Names
*Patrilineal *Matrilineal *Almoravids
5. What role did Islam play in the political history of North Africa?

Part B. West African Civilizations
Read pages 413 - 419.
Terms & Names
*Ghana *Mali *Mansa Musa *Ibn Battuta *Songhai *Yoruba *Benin
1. How did Ghanas Gold - Salt trade work?
2. How did Sunni Ali build an empire?

What are some of the similarities between the Hausa city-states and other city-states you have read the
Hausa city-states and other city-states you have read about?

Part C. Eastern City-States and Southern Empires
Read pages 422 - 427.
Terms & Names:
*Swahili *Great Zimbabwe *Mutapa
3. How did the Swahili language develop?
4. How was Islam introduced to East Africa?
5. How did the people of Great Zimbabwe positively interact with their environment?

Compare the Portuguese who arrived in East Africa with the rulers of the Mutapa Empire.

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