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An exact differential equation is an ordinary differential equation of first order, which comes in the form: Una ecuacin diferencial

exacta es una ecuacin diferencial ordinaria de primer orden, que viene en la forma: En donde las ecuaciones parciales de las funciones (N) y (M) son iguales. Where the partial differential equations of the functions (N) and (M) are equal. Si la ecuacin diferencial cumple con lo anterior se procede a resolverla teniendo en cuenta los siguientes pasos:If the differential equation complies with the

above is necessary to solve taking into account the following steps:

1: se integra (M) o (N) a conveniencia (M) con respecto a (X) o (N) con respecto a (Y) obteniendo la solucin general de la ecuacin creando una funcin incgnita (G) que aparecer como constante de integracin. Integrating (M) or (N) for convenience (M) with respect to (X) or (N) with respect to (Y) obtained the general solution of the equation by creating an unknown function (G) that appears as integration constant. 2: el resultado de la integral hallada en el punto anterior, ya sea con respecto a (X) o con respecto a (Y), se le realizara la derivada parcial respecto a (x) o a (Y) y se igualara a la funcin (N) o (M). the result of the integral found in the previous point, either with respect to (X) or with respect to (Y) will perform the partial derivative with respect to (x) or (Y) and set equal to the function (N) or (M). 3: se igualar la constante (G) con (M) o (N), es decir si se integr (M) se iguala a N y si se integr N se igualara a M, cancelando lo que se pueda cancelar encontrando as el valor de la constante (G).

will equal the constant (G) with (M) or (N), i mean if integrated (M) is equal to N and if was integrated N equal to M, canceling what might be canceled thus finding the value of the constant (G ').
4: despus este valor encontrado en el punto anterior se integra con respecto a la variable dependiente de (g) encontrando as en valor de (G).

then this value found in the previous point is integrated with respect to the independent variable (g ') thus found value of (G).

5: finalmente se da la solucin general de la ecuacin diferencial exacta reemplazando el valor de la integral hallada en el punto 1 ms el valor de la constante (G) hallada en el punto 4, y se cambia el (F(X)) por una (C).

finally gives the general solution of the differential equation by replacing the exact integral value found in point 1 plus the value of the constant (G) found in point 4 and is changed (F (X)) by (C). Teorema Criterio para una diferencial exacta Sean (M) y (N) continuas y con derivadas parciales continuas en una regin rectangular (R) definida por )))#). Entonces una condicin necesaria y suficiente de que (M) + (N) sean una diferencial exacta. Theorem Criteria for an exact differential Let (M) and (N) continuous and with continuous partial derivatives in a rectangular region (R) defined by ))")#). Then a necessary and sufficient condition that (M) + (N) be an exact differential is:

La forma diferencial M(x; y) dx + N(x; y) dy es una diferencial exacta en una regin R del plano XY si corresponde a la diferencial total de alguna funcin f(x; y) Lo primero que debemos hacer es mirar si la ecuacin diferencial esta organizada de la forma: Verificamos que la derivada parcial de M con respecto a Y sea igual a la derivada parcial de N con respecto a X. The first thing to do is see if the differential equation is organized in the form: We verified that the partial derivative of M with respect to Y equals the partial derivative of N with respect to X. Como la derivada parcial de (MM) con respecto a (Y) es igual a la derivada parcial de (N) con respecto a (X), la ecuacin diferencial es exacta, por lo tanto la solucionamos desarrollando los 5 puntos mencionados. As the partial derivative of (MM) with respect to (Y) is equal to the partial derivative of(N) with respect to (X), the differential equation is exact, therefore the solution by developing the 5 points mentioned.

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