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Curriculum Engine Lesson Plans for Reading/Language Arts Poetry and Non-Fiction Text (site based decision) *Note:

Each table has several trade books and fiction authentic text to supplement basal reader with self-selected reading. DAY 1 9:10- Attendance, Lunch Count, Target The Question (Small Group) 9:15- Scholastic News (Independent) 9:25- Spelling (Independent) Materials: Scholastic News, Target the Question, Computer to Access Web-Sites, Poems, Web-Sites as Noted, Trophies Books, Leveled Readers Spelling-students will identify spelling pattern according to Words Their Way, complete exploratory sort. Warm Up (9:30-9:35) (Work Station option)

Poetry Continuation Week 2/2 (15 Minutes/Day: 9:35-9:50)

Objectives: 1) To read with fluency through multiple readings, expressiveness, intonation & inflection. 2) To read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry. 3) Explain major differences between poetry and drama as they refer to structural elements of poetry. Procedures: 1) SW read and re-read selected poetry using fluency, expressiveness, intonation, and inflections. 2) SW silently read an on-grade level poem and using sticky notes identify evidence of tone, stanza, a confusing part, and a part that they connect with. To be shared/discussed tomorrow. (Independent) 3) SW share Double Bubble contrast/comparison of a drama to poetry from last week. Assessment of Double Bubble: EGP (5PTS.) RL.4.5 Closure: Imagine your life as an adult, how will knowledge of poetry benefit you? (Using Talking Sticks or Talking Chips) ***Note [Agenda]: Ask students to bring a "Poem in My Pocket" on Friday. They can write a poem, copy one, or hand write it. They will read it on Friday during a Class Poetry Reading. Students that don't bring one can choose a poem from a book in class.

Language Arts (9:50-10:40) - Trophies - "The Gold Rush" pp. 612-637

Objectives: 1) To identify the structural patterns and organization of nonfiction texts. 2) To read and understand an expository nonfiction selection. 3) To distinguish between facts and opinions in nonfiction text. 4) To use text structure and format to monitor comprehension. Procedures: 1) SW use the previewing/predicting strategy of a Picture Walk and determine genre. 2) Read Aloud (TE pp 612G-612H) to set purpose (listening to gain information) to separate fact from opinion. 3) Review Vocabulary pp. 612-613 using context clues, look up in glossary, define, affixes/roots vocabulary strategy, parts of speech, Vocabulary Charades, and/or Vocabulary Memory Game.

4) TW point out text structure (TE p.612J), as way to locate information ( headings, subheadings, photos, captions, and graphic aids). Text structure and format helps readers locate facts and opinions about a specific topic in a selection. 5) SW write to predict, After previewing the Gold Rush story, Im wondering.. (15 Minutes) TW meet with homogenous small groups for guided reading using Leveled-Readers and various comprehension, vocabulary, and focus skill strategies. TW model fluency, choral read, and scaffold readers during small group. SW independently read Leveled-Reader, self-selected text, or Trophies text when not in small group. Additional Resource: Literacy Focus Strategy: Fact and Opinion (TE p. 612I) LA Focus Skill - [NV 1.4.4] Build and extend vocabulary using homophones, homographs, prefixes (i.e. non- (not belonging to), mis- (not), dis- (opposite of) and suffixes (-tion (state or quality), -ous (full of), -logy (study of or science of), -ment (action or result)) using Wipe Boards/Kagan Strategies. Prefixes: (Whole Group) Independent Practice on White Boards using prefixes non-, mis-, dis- with Kagan Strategy Show Down

Daily use of flipcharts, websites, and worksheets (utilizing varied Kagan strategies) Assessment: Performance Based. TW use daily assessment knowledge to guide instruction. DAY 2 9:10- Attendance, Lunch Count, Target The Question (Small Group) 9:15- Scholastic News (Independent) 9:25- Spelling (Independent) Materials: Scholastic News, Target the Question, Computer to Access Web-Sites, Poems, Web-Sites as Noted, Trophies Books, Leveled Readers, Thinking Sheets. Spelling-students will identify spelling pattern according to Words Their Way, sort, confer with partner, record pattern. Warm Up (9:30-9:35) TW read a poem to model fluency then have whole group chorally read the poem. (Work Station option)

Poetry Continuation (15 Minutes/Day: 9:35-9:50)

Objectives: 1) To read with fluency through multiple readings, expressiveness, intonation & inflection. 2) To read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry. 3) Explain major differences between poetry and drama as they refer to structural elements of poetry.

Procedures: 1) SW chorally read and selected poetry using fluency, expressiveness, intonation, and inflections with a partner. 2) SW silently read an on-grade level poem and using sticky notes identify evidence of tone, stanza, a confusing part, and a part that they connect with. SHARE yesterday's sticky notes in small groups. Closure: If you were a poem, what kind would you want to be & why? (Using Talking Sticks or Talking Chips)

***Note [Agenda]: Ask students to bring a "Poem in My Pocket" on Friday. They can write a poem, copy one, or hand write it. They will read it on Friday during a Class Poetry Reading. Students that don't bring one can choose a poem from a book in class.

Language Arts (9:50-10:40) - Trophies - "The Gold Rush" pp. 612-637

Objectives: 1) To identify the structural patterns and organization of nonfiction texts. 2) To read and understand an expository nonfiction selection. 3) To distinguish between facts and opinions in nonfiction text. 4) To use text structure and format to monitor comprehension.

Warm Up: Video - Procedures: 1) SW review genre and the relevance of reading nonfiction text. 2) Review Vocabulary pp. 612-613 using context clues, look up in glossary, define, affixes/roots vocabulary strategy, parts of speech, Vocabulary Charades, and/or Vocabulary Memory Game. 4) SW review text structure (TE p.612J-Read Aloud to Set Purpose/Practice Separating Fact/Opinion), as way to locate information (ie headings, subheadings, photos, captions, and graphic aids). Text structure and format helps readers locate facts and opinions about a specific topic in a selection. 5) SW read aloud by choice while text is displayed on Elmo. Teacher reads aloud to model fluency (pp. 614-632) 6) SW use during reading strategy of Sticky Notes to distinguish between Fact & Opinion and share in small groups to check for accuracy. 7) Whole Group discussion of Facts & Opinions in text from Sticky Notes. (15 Minutes) TW meet with homogenous small groups for guided reading using Leveled-Readers and various comprehension, vocabulary, and focus skill strategies. TW model fluency, choral read, and scaffold readers during small group. SW independently read Leveled-Reader or Trophies text when not in small group. Literacy Focus Strategy: Fact and Opinion (TE p. 612I) LA Focus Skill - [NV 1.4.4] Build and extend vocabulary using homophones, homographs, prefixes (i.e. non- (not belonging to), mis- (not), dis- (opposite of) and suffixes (-tion (state or quality), -ous (full of), -logy (study of or science of), -ment (action or result)) using Wipe Boards/Kagan Strategies. Roots & Prefixes Activity: (Whole Group) Introduce Suffixes: (Whole Group) Guided Practice using Suffixes on White Boards. Daily use of flipcharts, websites, and worksheets (utilizing varied Kagan strategies) Assessment: Performance Based. TW use daily assessment knowledge to guide instruction. DAY 3 9:10- Attendance, Lunch Count, Target The Question (Small Group) 9:15- Scholastic News (Independent) 9:25- Spelling (Independent) Materials: Scholastic News, Target the Question, Computer to Access Web-Sites, Poems, Web-Sites as Noted,

Trophies Books, Thinking Sheets, Sticky Notes, Spelling Words Spelling-students will identify spelling pattern according to Words Their Way, complete WTW Spelling Activity. Warm Up (9:30-9:35) TW read a poem to whole group to model fluency. Review Poetry Elements using Matching Game from last week: Resource: Answers for Activity urlId=645825&gameType=list

Poetry Continuation (15 Minutes/Day: 9:35-9:50)

Objectives: 1) To read with fluency through multiple readings, expressiveness, intonation & inflection. 2) To read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry. 3) Explain major differences between poetry and drama as they refer to structural elements of poetry.

Procedures: 1) SW chorally read selected poetry using fluency, expressiveness, intonation, and inflections with a partner. 2) SW define meter (measured arrangement of words in poetry). 3) SW review poetry elements using Vocabulary Freeze or other Kagan Strategy. Closure: Share with your shoulder partner something new you've learned about Poetry during this unit. ***Note [Agenda]: Ask students to bring a "Poem in My Pocket" on Friday. They can write a poem, copy one, or hand write it. They will read it on Friday during a Class Poetry Reading. Students that don't bring one can choose a poem from a book in class.

Language Arts (9:50-10:40) - Trophies - "The Gold Rush" pp. 612-637

Objectives: 1) To identify the structural patterns and organization of nonfiction texts. 2) To read and understand an expository nonfiction selection. 3) To distinguish between facts and opinions in nonfiction text. 4) To use text structure and format to monitor comprehension.

Warm Up: Would the idea of leaving everything behind and moving to California in search of gold have appealed to you? Why or Why not? Procedures: 1) SW work in Small Groups to write a short Readers Theater Script to retell a section of the Gold Rush text.

(15 Minutes) TW meet with homogenous small groups for guided reading using Leveled-Readers and various comprehension, vocabulary, and focus skill strategies. TW model fluency, choral read, and scaffold readers during small group. SW independently read Leveled-Reader, self-selected text, or Trophies text when not in small group. Literacy Focus Strategy: Fact and Opinion (TE p. 612I) LA Focus Skill - [NV 1.4.4] Build and extend vocabulary using homophones, homographs, prefixes (i.e. non- (not belonging to), mis- (not), dis- (opposite of) and suffixes (-tion (state or quality), -ous (full of), -logy (study of or science of), -ment (action or result)) using Wipe Boards/Kagan Strategies.

SW participate in a a Word Hunt / Kagan Carosel Strategy by using prefixes and suffixes (listed above) to build words using a Dictionary as a resource for word meanings then share meanings. Table Point Competition. Daily use of flipcharts, websites, and worksheets (utilizing varied Kagan strategies) Assessment: Performance Based. TW use daily assessment knowledge to guide instruction. DAY 4 9:10- Attendance, Lunch Count, Target The Question (Small Group) 9:15- Scholastic News (Independent) 9:25- Spelling (Independent) Materials: Scholastic News, Target the Question, Computer to Access Web-Sites, Poems, Web-Sites as Noted, Trophies Books, Thinking Sheets, Sticky Notes, Spelling Words Spelling-students will identify spelling pattern according to Words Their Way, sort and record pattern. Warm Up (9:30-9:35) TW read a poem to whole group to model fluency.

Poetry Continuation (15 Minutes/Day: 9:35-9:50)

Objectives: 1)To read with fluency through multiple readings, expressiveness, intonation & inflection. 2) To read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry. 3) Explain major differences between poetry and drama as they refer to structural elements of poetry.

Procedures: 1) SW silently read self-selected poetry. 2) SW review poetry elements using Vocabulary Freeze or other Kagan Strategy. 3) SW demonstrate understanding of poetry elements through written assessment. EGP (10 Points) - Poetry Elements [RL.4.5] Closure: Some people would argue that we use poetry everyday. Do you agree/disagree. Why? [ie. music, cards, commercials] ***Note [Agenda]: Ask students to bring a "Poem in My Pocket" on Friday. They can write a poem, copy one, or hand write it. They will read it on Friday during a Class Poetry Reading. Students that don't bring one can choose a poem from a book in class.

Language Arts (9:50-10:40) - Trophies - "The Gold Rush" pp. 612-637

Objectives: 1) To identify the structural patterns and organization of nonfiction texts. 2) To read and understand an expository nonfiction selection. 3) To distinguish between facts and opinions in nonfiction text. 4) To use text structure and format to monitor comprehension.

Warm Up: Small Groups discuss-What do you think would have been the hardest part of being a gold prospector? Procedures:

1) SW work in Small Groups to write a short Readers Theater Script to retell a section of the Gold Rush text that includes at least 2 Facts from the text and 2 Opinions.

(15 Minutes) TW meet with homogenous small groups for guided reading using Leveled-Readers and various comprehension, vocabulary, and focus skill strategies. TW model fluency, choral read, and scaffold readers during small group. Closure: Ticket Out the Door-When would it be dangerous to not be able to distinguish between fact/opinion? SW independently read Leveled-Reader or Trophies text when not in small group. Literacy Focus Strategy: Fact and Opinion (TE p. 612I) LA Focus Skill - [NV 1.4.4] Build and extend vocabulary using homophones, homographs, prefixes (i.e. non- (not belonging to), mis- (not), dis- (opposite of) and suffixes (-tion (state or quality), -ous (full of), -logy (study of or science of), -ment (action or result)) using Wipe Boards/Kagan Strategies. SW construct words using prefixes, root words, and suffixes using the Word Clown activity with shoulder partner. Daily use of flipcharts, websites, and worksheets (utilizing varied Kagan strategies) Assessment: Performance Based. TW use daily assessment knowledge to guide instruction. DAY 5 9:10- Attendance, Lunch Count, Target The Question (Small Group) 9:15- Scholastic News (Independent) 9:25- Spelling (Independent) Materials: Scholastic News, Target the Question, Computer to Access Web-Sites, Poems, Web-Sites as Noted, Trophies Books, Thinking Sheets, Sticky Notes, Spelling Words Spelling-students will identify spelling pattern according to Words Their Way, sort and record pattern. Warm Up (9:30-9:35) TW read a poem to whole group to model fluency.

Poetry Continuation (15 Minutes/Day: 9:35-9:50)

Objectives: 1) To read with fluency through multiple readings, expressiveness, intonation & inflection. 2) To read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry. 3) Explain major differences between poetry and drama as they refer to structural elements of poetry.

Procedures: 1) SW read poetry aloud and participate in Poem in My Pocket Day! Closure: Many Coffee Houses sponsor Poetry Readings like the one we did today. Why do you think people gather for Poetry Readings? ***Note [Agenda]: Ask students to bring a "Poem in My Pocket" on Friday. They can write a poem, copy one, or hand write it. They will read it on Friday during a Class Poetry Reading. Students that don't bring one can choose a poem from a book in class.

Language Arts (9:50-10:40) - Trophies - "The Gold Rush" pp. 612-637

Objectives: 1) To identify the structural patterns and organization of nonfiction texts. 2) To read and understand an expository nonfiction selection. 3) To distinguish between facts and opinions in nonfiction text. 4) To use text structure and format to monitor comprehension. Warm Up: Small Groups discuss-What do you think would have been the hardest part of being a gold prospector? Procedures: 1)SW read their Readers Theater scripts and audience will listen for Facts/Opinions for Table Points. (15 Minutes) TW meet with homogenous small groups for guided reading using Leveled-Readers and various comprehension, vocabulary, and focus skill strategies. TW model fluency, choral read, and scaffold readers during small group. Closure: Share something you learned/caught from re-reading the text. SW independently read Leveled-Reader or Trophies text when not in small group. Literacy Focus Strategy: Fact and Opinion (TE p. 612I) LA Focus Skill - [NV 1.4.4] Build and extend vocabulary using homophones, homographs, prefixes (i.e. non- (not belonging to), mis- (not), dis- (opposite of) and suffixes (-tion (state or quality), -ous (full of), -logy (study of or science of), -ment (action or result)) using Wipe Boards/Kagan Strategies. Assess: EGP (5 Pts) Prefix and Suffix Meanings [NV 1.4.4] Daily use of flipcharts, websites, and worksheets (utilizing varied Kagan strategies) Assessment: Performance Based. TW use daily assessment knowledge to guide instruction.

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