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The Change Occurring In All

With the recent tsunami that has occurred and the loss of lives as a result it has made me reflect on
many things.

I began thinking about an article/story that I began to write many years ago...


It is the future, a future that has not yet been seen but one that has been
ordained. The lands have changed. Life has changed. The civilisation that
once inhabited this land were highly advanced well beyond their years. But
this did not improve their humanity it only created arrogance which in turn
did not allow them to foresee the events that would change their lives and
their world forever. The events that would bring them to the brink of
extinction. Few would survive these cataclysmic events. The people are now
reduced to nothing more than a near barbaric existence an existence that
they would have to adapt to quickly if they are to survive in their new world.
In order to understand them you need to know what it was that changed
their world…

There were many events which on their own could not have caused the
ruination that struck this land but together…their destruction was complete.
The triggering event to this was seismic movement in the lower quadrant of
the great ocean floor. This seismic activity set in motion a tsunami which
was unlike any that the lands had seen. Its breadth was monumental, its
hunger for land immeasurable. It has a desire all of its own. It was alive. Its
only purpose was to crush and destroy. Of the small islands that were
scattered over this world they were quickly consumed. The larger masses of
land that this monster met huge portions were devoured until at last…it had
had its fill.

But this was just the beginning of what was to become latter known as ‘The
Great Change’. Volcanoes began to emerge both new and old. Huge clouds
of volcanic ash was spewed from them and the skies became night. Rivers of
fire were sent forth by the volcanoes which burned everything in its path.
What the tsunami had not destroyed the rivers of fire did. Lakes of water
were reduced to nothing more than steam. The rivers flowed until they came
to the end of the land and from here it went into the sea.

As the volcanoes rumbled and shook earthquakes occurred. At first they

were small almost like tremors but they soon began ripping through what
was left of the land. Sand exploded from beneath the surface of the land
caused by pressure of plate movement. What was once standing was no
more. The existing lands began to rip apart. Some would crumble under this
tremendous power and be lost forever. Yet new lands began to emerge from
the depths of the planets core.
The destruction was complete, the land was now renewed everything was
changed. This devastation happened not over a period of months but within
a matter of weeks and days. When everything subsided only then could the
full extent of the destruction could be seen…

I have thought about this writing many times since it was first created but today it has more

This writing is actually about a dream that I had 10+ years ago I never quite understood the
significance of the dream at the time I had it and on the day I came across it again I read it...

But now I have some of my own insight into it...

As I have come to understand that as we are going through our own ascension so to is Mother Earth.
Things will not be as dramatic as what has been represented within my dream but it has come as a
warning... For too long we have raped and pillage these lands upon which we live and expect or take
for granted that things will always remain as they should.... this is not so.

Is it not true that as we grow from the beginnings of a seed within our mothers womb that we change,
grow, evolve? Is it not true then that Mother Earth should also be going through changes?

We cannot control that which it not meant to be controlled and yet we continually try to do so. This
isn't to say that we give up... no, quite on the contrary. What I am saying is that we are living on a
relatively young planet (as far as the Universe is concerned) and it has only taken a short time to get
from the beginnings of life to now. (Again in Universal Time) We know that at one time the Earth was
inhabited by dinosaurs, strange plant life and many more mysterious things. We know that we have
evolve from a primitive life form who was very much in-tune with Mother Earth and listened
intently to her voice.

Yes we have come a long way but in doing so we have also lost so much. Or have we?

Lets think about that for a moment.... what have we lost in our journey of evolution?

If you were to go through the history of mankind you would probably say not much if anything we
have gained far more than we may or may not have lost. This is probably true but what I am talking
about here is the spiritual self, our connection to all things. What has been lost from this essential part
of part being?

Basically we stepped away from our beliefs and started following a dogmatic system that controlled
and dictated what should and shouldn't be done and became afraid of what people thought of us if we
were to think 'out side the box'.

The irony is that many people were having these thoughts but all were too afraid to express them due
to what punishment they would receive as a result of them!

But that has all changed... we are becoming a race of intelligent beings who are becoming more and
more connected with Great Spirit and our own inner nature of our true spiritual selves. We are coming
to realise that we are all ONE. We are all connected and that we have the ability to manifest within
our own reality that which we do or do not want.

So here we are at a point of Human existence on the verge of a major breakthrough in our evolution
into a species that is far more superior to what we currently know. This new species (us) will be more
conscious of the natural forces that surrounds us. The new species will have the ability to develop
more technology but at a much reduced risk to the environment. Will be more concerned with the
human consciousness as a whole and not as a single unit in a world of endless possibilities.

We are beginning to reclaim that which is rightfully ours... our ability to think and remember the old
ancient lores as they were once taught to previous cultures. These lores were taught in Mu, Atlantis,
Ancient Egypt and many other cultures that have faded from our planet.

We are going through our own evolution but have forgotten that Mother Earth - even though she is far
older than us - is in essence only a child and still growing and evolving herself. The lands have
changed from what they once were and are slowly going through more shifts. This is evident in some
countries that are actually coming closer together e.g. the Indian land mass is moving closer to the
Asian land mass.

We cannot control that which is not for us to control. Would you control the growth of a child? Would
you control the growth of an animal? I think not yet there have been people in the past who, in what
they thought to be wisdom, did try to control the natural forces of nature. Luckily these people didn't

What is happening now, albeit a little late, is people beginning to make a more informed effort in
understanding the way Mother earth is changing. We are slowly understanding the nature of
earthquakes, cyclones, floods, volcanoes and the many other multitudes that nature has thrown at us.
The information that is being gathered and learnt will enable a more environmentally friendly culture
being created in lands that will not be affected as much by these forces of nature and so reduce the risk
of loss of life and also be developed in a way that blends in with Mother Earth and uses natural
resources that do not create instability of the surrounding lands.

Through our past failure to understand our impact on Mother Earth and nature we are now being faced
with the loss of 12,259 species of flora and fauna throughout the world. The unfortunate thing is that
once these are gone we cannot get them back. However, we can use our knowledge and lessons gained
from the past and apply them to a future that will prevent this from happening.

It would be nice to know that future generations will know that:

•A Tasmanian Bush known as King's Holly is still alive - today it is approx 40,000 years old.
•The tallest living Californian Redwood still stands at 112 metres.
•The Australian Mountain Ash (known as Eucalyptus) still grows past 114 metres.
•The Galapagos Tortoise can live past 150 years (the oldest one known at the moment is 175

Yes it would be nice to know these things and to experience them. Far too much has been lost already
due to people of the past refusing to understand the forces that surround them. Today we can stop all of
this, today we can teach the children of the future the importance of being connected to all things and
how that connection creates a balance on all levels of existence.
All these things have been spoken about many times before in many ancient cultures. The culture that
is being focused on the most at the moment is the Mayans and the Mayan Calendar. Whilst there is
some confusion as to the exact year of the ascension that our species will face. I am of the opinion that
these changes are already occurring and that by the year 2012 these changes will have been either
completed or very close to it.

In the words of John Lennon:

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us. And the world
will live as one."

Very strong words in a time of revolutionary change for the people... the change has not stopped... it
merely slowed and is now picking up pace...

© Tania Collier April 2007

This document is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license, available at

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