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TESTIMONY: Knee-joint Pain (Osteoarthritis)

Outline: 60 years ; Female Arthritis and acute knee-joint pain (very difficult to climb stairs, walk, and sit on floor) Recommended knee-replacement surgery by doctor Started Forevers gel, supplements, and lotion No physical improvement felt in the first 2 months, but thereafter felt better Doctor did X-ray test; revealed that the damaged knee joints had healed to the point that surgery not required Continued taking products and now able to comfortably climb stairs, walk, sit and even run The same supplements benefited her other health problems as well
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TESTIMONY: Backache (Spinal cord degeneration)

Outline: Male ; Severe backache for 7 years Spinal cord (lumbar L4 L5) degeneration due to past Bone Tuberculosis (TB) infection Not able to live normal lifestyle (drive motorbike etc) Doctor alternatively recommended multiple surgical operations, with no guarantee of problem getting solved permanently Took painkillers for 7yrs, which doctor warned had dangerous side-effects Started Forevers gel and lotions Pain reduced significantly on the first time of use After 3 months was able to completely stop all pain-killers Today living a normal lifestyle

TESTIMONY: Heart Blockage

Outline: Middle-aged, Male Suffered heart attack in 2005 ; Angiography revealed 90%+ heart blockage Could not do Bypass surgery because blood sugar (diabetes) was too high for doctor to operate ; 252mg/dl (normal: <120mg/dl) ; also has allergy to 7 types of allopathic drugs Doctor gave 14 drug tablets to have everyday for life Started Forevers gel and supplements regularly (Arctic Sea,
Aloe gel, Forever lite, Garlic thyme, Fields of green)

Started to feel improvement after 1 month, and underwent all the tests The reports came all clear, and the doctor after seeing them stopped all medicines The reports also showed that all blockages had cleared as well, therefore not requiring bypass surgery After becoming well, started helping other people (including those with gangrene)

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) :

TESTIMONY: Gynecological

Outline: Middle-aged, Female Experienced sudden pain in abdomen during daily work Took ultrasound of abdomen on 18-May-2008 to reveal enlarged uterus Doctor recommended surgically removing the entire uterus (hysterectomy) Did not want to take such drastic steps, and looked for alternatives Started taking Forevers gel and supplements (Berry nectar, Nature-min, Bee propolis, Garlic-thyme) Continued taking the allopathic medicines prescribed by the doctor Pain in abdomen went away in short time Retook abdomen ultrasound on 23-June-2008, to reveal that the uterus size had come back to normal

TESTIMONY: Reduced Heart Function (Ejection Fraction)

Outline: 49 years, Male Was being treated for lung problem, when he suffered low blood-pressure followed by a heart-attack in Jan 2008 The heart-attack caused damage to the heart-muscle (myocardium), reducing its ability to pump-out blood (ejection fraction) His hearts ejection fraction (Ef) was found to be only 20% (normal: 50-65%) This low ejection fraction gave a high-risk of causing heart failure Had tried ayurvedic medicine, but it worsened condition Was on complete bed-rest for 2-3 months Started using the internationally-certified natural products of Forever in May Tracked his progress with regular medical checkups, which were as follows:
18th 03 2008: Ef 27% 22nd 04 2008: Ef 28% (Started supplements from 1st 05 2008) 09th 09 2008: Ef 40% 23rd 12 2008: Ef 55% (Normal range: 50-65%)

While the doctors didnt guarantee that his Ef would come back to normal, but by using the supplements alongside regular allopathic medicines it resulted in his heart recovering to normal in just 6 months

TESTIMONY: High Cholesterol & Sugar

Outline: 45 years, Male Blood test done in laboratory on 23-Feb-2008:

Serum Triglyceride : 308 mg/dl (normal: <160) Serum Cholesterol : 262.5 mg/dl (normal: <200) VLDL : 60 mg/dl (normal: <35) LDL Cholesterol: 155.9 mg/dl (normal: <100) Blood Sugar (Random): 267 mg/dl (normal: <140)

Doctors diagnosed the situation to be very dangerous, with risk of a heart attack or brain stroke at any time Thereafter along with regular allopathic medicines started using Forevers products (Aloe gel, Bee propolis,
Arctic sea, and Garlic thyme)

Retested in lab on 14-June-2008 (4months) to reveal:

Serum Triglyceride : 160 (normal: <160) Serum Cholesterol : 164.8 (normal: <200) VLDL : 32.12 (normal: <35) LDL Cholesterol: 89.99 (normal: <100) Blood Sugar (Random): 118.8 (normal: <140)

TESTIMONY: Mouth Cancer

Outline: Middle age, Male In 2007, got tested positive for mouth cancer Underwent operation in June 2008, followed by radiation and chemotherapy But his problems became worse, and he got infected His uncle made him start using Forevers products (Aloe gel, Bee propolis, Fields of green,
Pomesteen, Lycium)

He felt lots of benefits on starting the products, and regularly took them for 4-5months On his last test from All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), his report showed that his entire body was completely free of cancer

TESTIMONY: Weight-loss

in 15months:

LOST in 11months:

(482 cm ; 27% Body Fat)

After 2 months of CLEAN + LEAN Weight Management Program

After 5 months of CLEAN + LEAN Weight Management Program

After 11 months of CLEAN + LEAN Weight Management Program

Diabetic Sugar Report Tracking with Aloe vera Gel & Supplements

22-Nov Fasting U. Sugar PP U. Sugar 284 1.5% 372 >2%

29-Nov 139 0 200 0.5%

09-Dec 100 0 143 Trace

24-Dec 73 0 116 0

22-Jan 107 0 117 0

27-Mar 97 0 153 0

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