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Rav Al lter Chano Henoc Leibow och ch witz Rav Henoch Leibo owitz was bo in 1918 in Lithuan orn 8 nia, came to America in 1926 and was niftar in 2008. H o n d He was the only son o Rav Dovid Leibowitz In 1933, R e of d z. Rav Dovid founded Yes f shivas Rabb beinu Yisra Meir ael HaKohe His fath en. her's death in 1941 left Rav Henoc t ch Leibow in charg of the yes witz ge shiva while still in his e early 20 He spen the rest o his life lea 0s. nt of ading the yeshiva and buildi yeshivos for other communiti a ing s ies.

Rav Leib bowitz was dedicated to helping his talmidim develop i their lear t h m in rning, in their middos and in their dedication to helping Klal Yisra n g ael. He imbu them with a sense of mission to do and w ued w work for Kl Yisrael. T greates lal The st achievem ment for on of his talm ne midim was to merit to be a marb Torah in Klal Yisra o bitz n ael. Rav Hen noch Leibow witz's talmi idim opened up high s schools acro the nati and oss ion beyond- Miami, Los Angeles Rocheste Milwauk -in L s, er, kee, and Ott tawa, Los A Angeles, San n Diego, St. Louis, Ch S herry Hill and Manala a apan (New J Jersey), Ced darhurst, H Huntington, , Monsey, New York City, Vancouver, Otto , k owa, Honest ty Once, a wealthy ind dividual gav a $10,00 donation that was d ve 00 n doubled by his corporat tion's match hing-funds program. The problem was that the donor's check did not s T m s d clear. Ra Leibowit promptly refunded the corpora av tz y t ation's mon ney. Any beh havior otherwis was shee anathema to him. se er a At his di irective, the Chofetz Ch e haim Yeshi is brutal honest i its financ Rabbi iva lly in ces. Shlomo Yonason Harris, shlita related at the rosh y H a, yeshivas lev vayah that one time th he yeshiva was given a grant from New York State for a specific pr w m k roject. The project cam in me under bu udget and there was a surplus. Th governm t he ment agency was called for y d instructi ions on how to return the extra fu w unds. The a agent on the other line commente e e ed that it was the first time anyon was retu w ne urning a sur rplus from g grant mone ey! Dedica ation to Ta almidim A Talmid drove Rav Leibowitz to the barb v z bershop. Th Talmid h he helped his R Rosh Yeshiva take off his coat and hung it up The barb came ov to us an asked, Is this your p. ber ver nd


father? The student proudly answered, No, he is my teacher. Yet Rabbi Lebowitz said, But he is my son. Sensitivity to Others One talmid was invited to the rosh yeshivas house for the Pesach Sedarim. The Seder on the first night finished rather quickly. On the second night, it was more in line with his expectations. He asked the rosh yeshiva why the first Seder was so much shorter, and the rosh yeshiva responded: The rebbetzin is tired from preparing for Pesach, and I should extend the Seder late into the night?! A talmid who lived in their home said that Rav Lebowitz and Rebbetzin always spoke to each other with respect. Once, the Rebbetzin didnt want the Rosh Yeshiva to wash the dishes. Before she left home, she put a sign on the sink: Please dont wash the dishes. There is a problem with the water faucet. Yet, when she returned home, she saw that the dishes were removed from the sink and that Rav Leibowitz was washing them in the bathroom sink. Learning Mussar Rav Leibowitz taught that it was important to learn Mussar every day. One Shabbos, Rav Leibowitz spent Shabbos in Dallas was the guest speaker at a dinner. It was after 1:30 am when Rav Lebowitz returned to his hosts home. The host asked if he could help in any way. Rav Lebowitz answered, Aryeh, I didnt learn my Mussar today and I came out to go to your study to borrow a Chovos Halevavos. It might be very early in the morning on a Motzai Shabbos but a day shouldnt go by without learning Mussar. Lesson:_________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _

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