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MACROENVIRONMENT CONTEXT OF HIGHER EDUCATION Introduction Demographic Trends Economic Conditions Social Factors Technology Issues Higher Education: Looking Forward



Recent History of Education Reform Highlights of the Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) The 1998 Philippine Education Sector Study (PESS) The Presidential Commission on Educational Reform (PCER) The System of Higher Education The Philippines as a Knowledge-Based Economy of the Future



History of PACUCOA History of other HEIs and their Accrediting Bodies FAAP Striving for International Standards: The Bologna and Washington Accords


Key Industry Players SWOT Analysis Key Success Factors




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ANNEXES Annex 1 Self-Rating for School Administrators Annex 2 - Comparison between Nr. Of College Enrollees and Nr. Of Graduates Annex 3 - What a Knowledge Economy Entails


Self-Rating for School Administrators According to Established Key-Result Areas (KRAs) (Based on the book Institutional Productivity and School Quality Through Key Result Areas and Rubrics) I. ACCEPTANCE RATE OF GRADUATES INTO THE WORKFORCE (This measure tells how well the institutions graduates fare when they enter the workforce)

______ Outstanding (80-100% of graduates land jobs within the first 6-12 months after graduation) ______ Very Acceptable (Less than 80 to 60% of graduates land jobs within the first 6-12 months after graduation) ______ Acceptable (Less than 60 to 50% of graduates land jobs within the first 6-12 months after graduation) ______ Below Standard (Less than 50 to 25% of graduates land jobs within the first 6-12 months after graduation) ______ Poor (Less than 25% of graduates land jobs within the first 6-12 months after graduation)

II. PLACEMENT OF GRADUATES IN THE WORKFORCE (This measures the number of alumni assuming leadership positions (for example as Bureau Director/Agency Head or Asst. Secretary/Undersecretary or Secretary in government or CEO in a corporation) ______ Outstanding (91-100% of the alumni are assuming positions of distinction either in the government or the private sector.) ______ Very Acceptable (Less than 80 to 90% of the alumni are assuming positions of distinction either in the government or the private sector.) ______ Acceptable (A few alumni are assuming positions of distinction either in the government or the private sector. All alumni are in the workforce.)

______ Below Standard (Most alumni are in the workforce but not one is assuming a position of distinction either in the government or the private sector.) ______ Poor (Many alumni are unemployed. The few who are employed had a very hard time obtaining employment.)

III. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT (The institution of learning is measured in terms of students achievement in major areas like Math, English and Science) ______ Outstanding (Three grade levels higher than current grade level using international norms) ______ Very Acceptable (Two grade levels higher than current grade level using international norms) ______ Acceptable (One grade level higher than current grade level using international norms) ______ Below Standard (Same grade level using international norms) ______ Poor (Lower than grade level using international norms)

IV. RANKING IN NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS (like Board or Bar Exams) ______ Outstanding (Top ten percent in national ranking in at least one program) ______ Very Acceptable (Top eleven to twenty percent in national ranking in at least one program) ______ Acceptable (Top twenty one to thirty percent in national ranking in at least one program) ______ Below Standard (Top thirty one to forty percent in national ranking in at least one program) ______ Poor (Below sixty percent in national ranking in at least one program)

V. ENROLLMENT GROWTH RATE (The long-term plans of an institution usually embody a growth projection expressed in measurable terms such as enrollment, seeing a per school year increase)

______ Outstanding (Eleven to twenty percent higher than previous school year as an average across all programs) ______ Very Acceptable (Top eleven to twenty percent in national ranking in at least one program) ______ Acceptable (Top twenty one to thirty percent in national ranking in at least one program) ______ Below Standard (Top thirty one to forty percent in national ranking in at least one program) ______ Poor (Below sixty percent in national ranking in at least one program)

VI. STUDENT RETENTION (An institution must create an environment where students enjoy their learning, and cohort survival rate is high because students pass the academic and behavior requirements) ______ Outstanding (96-100% of the deserving students who passed the academic and behavior requirements of the school are retained) ______ Very Acceptable (91-95% of the deserving students who passed the academic and behavior requirements of the school are retained) ______ Acceptable (80-90% of the deserving students who passed the academic and behavior requirements of the school are retained) ______ Below Standard (71-79% of the deserving students who passed the academic and behavior requirements of the school are retained) ______ Poor (70% or lower of the deserving students who passed the academic and behavior requirements of the school are retained)

VII.COMPETENCE OF FACULTY (The schools knowledge base in terms of the number of faculty with masters and doctoral degrees) ______ Outstanding (At least 30% of faculty have masters or doctorate degrees or the equivalent) ______ Very Acceptable (20% - 29% of faculty have masters or doctorate degrees or the equivalent)

______ Acceptable (10%-19% of faculty have masters or doctorate degrees or the equivalent) ______ Below Standard (5-9% of faculty have masters or doctorate degrees or the equivalent) ______ Poor (Less than 5% of faculty have masters or doctorate degrees or the equivalent)


COMPETENCE OF NON-ACADEMIC PERSONNEL (How non-teaching personnel are rated in their performance reports)

______ Outstanding (96-100% of the employees are rated at least 4 in a scale of 1 5) ______ Very Acceptable (91-95% of the employees are rated at least 4 in a scale of 1 5) ______ Acceptable (80-90% of the employees are rated at least 4 in a scale of 1 5) ______ Below Standard (71-79% of the employees are rated at least 4 in a scale of 1 5) ______ Poor ( Below 70% or lower of the employees are rated at least 4 in a scale of 1 5)

IX. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (The measure of quality of action research conducted, institutionalized and published) ______ Outstanding (At least 91% of the faculty engage in action researches that are published) ______ Very Acceptable (60-90% of the faculty engage in action researches that are published) ______ Acceptable (30-59% of the faculty engage in action researches that are published) ______ Below Standard (Less than 30% of the faculty engage in action researches that are published)

X. BUDGET MANAGEMENT (Comparison of actual expense with the budget)

______ Outstanding (Actual expense is 15% lower than budget allocation) ______ Very Acceptable (Actual expense lower than 10% of budget allocation) ______ Acceptable (Actual expense is within the budget allocation plus or minus 5%) ______ Below Standard (Actual expense higher than 5% of budget allocation) ______ Poor (Actual expense is higher than 15% of budget allocation or there is no monitoring of budget at all)

XI. REVENUE (Year-to-year comparison of revenues) ______ Outstanding (15-20% better than previous school year) ______ Very Acceptable (10-14% better than previous school year) ______ Acceptable (5-9% better than previous school year) ______ Below Standard (0-4% better than previous school year) ______ Poor (Lower than previous school year)

XII.INVESTMENT ON EXPANSION (The percentage of revenues used for projects in line with long-term plans) ______ Outstanding (More than 20% of revenues are used for expansion projects that are in line with long-term plans) ______ Very Acceptable (About 20% of revenues are used for expansion projects that are in line with long-term plans) ______ Acceptable (About 20% of revenues are used for unscheduled or unplanned expansion projects) ______ Below Standard (Up to 5% of revenues are used for expansion projects) ______ Poor (There is no capability for expansion)

ANNEX 2 Comparison between Nr. Of College Enrollees and Nr. Of Graduates

ANNEX 3 Stages of Economic Development What a Knowledge Economy Entails by Way of Education and Training*

* Reference: Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges for Tertiary Education, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / World Bank, Washington, DC, 2002.

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