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Te c h Talk
Cavitation in Ce ntrifu g al P u m p s
Allan R. Budris Director of Product Development G oulds Pumps /IT T Indus tries T h ink ing y ou h a ve s ufficient s y s tem s uction pres s ure to a pump, jus t b eca us e y ou ex ceed th e net pos itive s uction h ea d req uired b y th e pump curve, is no g ua ra ntee of a ccepta b le pump performa nce. Y ou ma y need a ma rg in to s uppres s th e ca vita tion th a t ex is ts in a pump s ub s ta ntia lly a b ove th e pub lis h ed N PS H R va lue. C a vita tion does ex is t a b ove th e N PS H R . T h en a g a in, th e pump mig h t run fine w ith a lmos t no ma rg in a b ove th e N PS H R of th e pump. T h is a rticle cla rifies th is s itua tion, a nd is b a s ed on th e new H y dra ulic Ins titute S ta nda rd on N PS H M a rg in (A N S I/H I 9 .6.1 1 9 9 8 ). It provides a meth od for identify ing th e lik elih ood of a pump ex periencing ca vita tion prob lems , b y providing a s imple meth od of ca lcula ting th e S uction E nerg y of th e pump, a nd recommending N PS H M a rg ins for levels of s uction energ y. T h e nois e, th e vib ra tion a nd pos s ib ly th e relia b ility of a centrifug a l pump a nd mech a nica l s ea l ma y b e s ig nifica ntly a ffected if a n a ppropria te N et Pos itive S uction H ea d (N PS H ) ma rg in is not provided a b ove th e pub lis h ed N et Pos itive S uction H ea d R eq uired (N PS H R ) of th e pump. T h e N PS H R M a rg in is defined a s th e N PS H A va ila b le a t th e pump inlet, minus th e N PS H req uired b y th e pump. T h e N PS H M a rg in R a tio is th e N PS H A divided b y th e N PS H R . B y H y dra ulic Ins titute definition, th e N PS H R of a pump is th e N PS H A th a t w ill ca us e th e tota l h ea d to b e reduced b y 3 % , due to flow b lock a g e from ca vita tion va por in th e impeller inlet. N PS H R is b y no mea ns th e point a t w h ich ca vita tion s ta rts ; th a t level is referred to a s incipient ca vita tion. T h e N PS H A a t incipient ca vita tion ca n b e from 2 to 2 0 times th e 3 % N PS H R va lue, depending on pump des ig n a nd s uction energ y level. It ca n ta k e from 1 .0 5 to 2 .5 times th e N PS H R va lue jus t to a ch ieve th e 1 0 0 percent h ea d point (N PS H R eq uired -0 % ). S uc tio n E ne rg y Due to th e very h ig h N PS H M a rg ins req uired to completely s uppres s ca vita tion, w e k now th a t ca vita tion mus t ex is t in a h ig h percenta g e of pump a pplica tions . H ow ever, w e a ls o k now th a t a ccepta b le life is a ch ieved in mos t ins ta lla tions , des pite th is ca vita tion. S o h ow ca n w e predict w h en ca vita tion is lik ely to ca us e prob lems ? T h e a mount of energ y in a pumped fluid w h ich fla s h es into va por a nd th en colla ps es b a ck to a liq uid, in th e h ig h pres s ure a rea s of th e impeller, determines th e ex tent of th e nois e a nd/or da ma g e from ca vita tion. S uction E nerg y is a noth er term for th e liq uid momentum in th e s uction ey e of a pump, w h ich mea ns th a t it is a function of th e ma s s a nd velocity of th e liq uid in th e inlet. T h e follow ing formula s , w h ich a re b a s ed on th e S uction E nerg y g ra ph pres ented in th e H y dra ulic Ins titute s ta nda rd, ca n b e us ed to a pprox ima te th e S uction E nerg y in a pump: S uc tio n E ne rg y (S E ) = (D e x n x S x s.g .) De = Impeller E y e Dia meter (inch es ) n = Pump S peed (R PM ) S = S uction S pecific S peed R PM x (G PM ).5 /(N PS H R ).7 5 s .g . = S pecific G ra vity of L iq uid D e = S uc tio n N o z z le D iam e te r x 0 .9 (is a g ood a pprox ima tion for E nd S uction Pumps ) D e = S uc tio n N o z z le D iam e te r x 0 .7 5 (is a g ood a pprox ima tion for S ide/Doub le S uction Pumps ) S uc tio n E ne rg y L e v e ls T h e H y dra ulic Ins titute h a s divided S uction E nerg y into th ree R eg ions : LO W S U C T IO N E N E R G Y N PS H M a rg in is not critica l, ex cept for th e effect on th e h ea d g enera ted b y th e pump a t very low ma rg ins . H IG H S U C T IO N E N E R G Y Pumps w ith low N PS H M a rg ins , es pecia lly w h en opera ted in th e s uction recircula tion flow ra ng e, ma y ex perience nois e, vib ra tion a nd/or minor ca vita tion eros ion da ma g e w ith impeller ma teria ls th a t h a ve low ca vita tion res is ta nce. V E R Y H IG H S U C T IO N E N E R G Y Pumps w ith low N PS H M a rg ins , es pecia lly w h en opera ted in th e s uction recircula tion flow ra ng e, ma y ex perience eros ion da ma g e, even w ith ca vita tion res is ta nt ma teria ls s uch a s s ta inles s s teel. T h e follow ing s uction energ y miles tones , from th e H y dra ulic Ins titute g ra ph , a nd field ex perience g a ined b y IT T Indus tries , a pprox ima te th e va lues of H ig h a nd V ery H ig h S uction E nerg y. S tart o f H ig h S uc tio n E ne rg y (D e x n x S x s.g .) E nd S uction Pumps : (S E ) = 1 60 x 1 0 6 H oriz onta l S plit C a s e Pumps /R a dia l Inlet: (S E ) = 1 2 0 x 1 0 6 S tart o f V e ry H ig h S uc tio n E ne rg y (D e x n x S x s.g .) E nd S uction Pumps : (S E ) = 2 4 0 x 1 0 6 H oriz onta l S plit C a s e Pumps /R a dia l Inlet: (S E ) = 1 8 0 x 1 0 6 N P S H M arg in Re c o m m e ndatio ns: Ta b le 1 s umma riz es th e H y dra ulic Ins titute minimum N PS H ma rg in R a tio g uidelines (N PS H A /N PS H R ), w h ich a re a pplica b le w ith in th e A llow a b le O pera ting R eg ion of th e pump. T ab le 1 N PS H M a rg in R a tio G uidelines (N PS H A /N PS H R ) S uc tio n E ne rg y Level L ow H ig h V ery H ig h N P S H M arg in Ratio 1 .1 to 1 .3 1 .3 to 2 .0 2 .0 to 2 .5

H ig h a nd V ery H ig h S uction E nerg y pumps th a t opera te w ith th e minimum N PS H M a rg in va lues recommended in Ta b le 1 w ill norma lly h a ve w h a t is cons idered a ccepta b le s ea l a nd b ea ring life, (b ut not neces s a rily optima l). T h ey ma y s till b e s us ceptib le to eleva ted nois e levels a nd eros ive da ma g e to th e impeller. T h is ca n req uire more freq uent impeller repla cement th a n w ould oth erw is e b e ex perienced, h a d th e ca vita tion b een tota lly elimina ted. It w ill ty pica lly ta k e a N PS H A of 4 to 5 times th e 3 % N PS H R of th e pump to tota lly elimina te ca vita tion. T h is ra tio ca n rea ch 2 0 for V ery H ig h S uction E nerg y pumps , a nd a low of 2 for s ome pumps w ith L ow S uction E nerg y levels . A dditiona l N PS H M a rg in ma y b e needed to cover uncerta inties in th e N PS H A (a va ila b le) to th e pump or opera ting flow point. If a pump runs furth er out on th e curve th a n ex pected (w h ich is very common), th e N PS H A of th e s y s tem w ill b e low er th a n ex pected,

New Prod ucts...

and the NPSHR for the pump will be higher, thus giving a smaller (or possibly negative) actual NPSH Margin. All pumping systems must be designed to have a positive margin throughout the full range of operation. Optimum pump performance also requires that proper suction/inlet piping practices are followed to ensure a steady uniform flow to the pump suction at the requred suction head. Poor suction piping can result in separation, swirl and turbulence at the pump inlet, which decreases the NPSHA to the pump and causes added cavitation. NPSHA Margins of two to five feet are normally required (above those shown in Table 1) to account for these uncertainties in the actual NPSHR and NPSHA values. This added margin requirement could be even greater depending upon the severity of the conditions, especially if the pump is operating in suction recirculation. If the application is critical, a factory NPSH test should be requested. Summary In summary, the following key points should be understood about cavitation in a centrifugal pump, NPSH Margin requirements, and how they are affected by the Suction Energy level of the pump: Cavitation exists at and substantially above the NPSHR of a pump. The Suction Energy level of a pump (as installed in a system) determines if the cavitation that frequently exists in a pump will cause noise, vibration and/or damage to the pump. High Suction Energy pumps are likely to be noisy with higher vibration and will possibly experience less than optimum pump life, if sufficient NPSH Margin is not provided. High Suction Energy pumps are more susceptible to problems from poor suction inlet piping, especially if they also operate in suction recirculation. Very High Suction Energy pumps will be noisy, will have high vibration and are likely to experience reduced pump life if sufficient NPSH Margin is not provided. Very High Suction Energy pumps are very susceptible to problems from poor suction inlet piping.

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The Future is NOW! S mart Technology for Pumps

(continued from page 1 ) F lowmeter-similar piping and wiring (power and communication lines) costs are avoided. Starter-The installation cost of the starter can be replaced by the cost to install PumpSmart. Recirculation line-costs associated with piping the line and installing valving is avoided. O p erating C osts Since PumpSmart utilizes a unique variable frequency controller with our Pump Control Software, it will automatically match pump operation to the system head requirements. Energy consuming control valves are no longer required. Our most recent installation of PumpSmart is on a 100 horsepower cooling tower pump (Model 3196 X LT). The system was designed with two duplicate pumps and control valves. The pump running with the valve in operation is consuming 98 horsepower, while the PumpSmart System is consuming only 63 horsepower and is running over 300 RPM slower. At $ 0.60$ /kWhr, this represents over $ 12,000 in energy savings per year. And because PumpSmart continuously calculates savings (see F igure 1), the running total, in dollars, will constantly be in view in the DCS control room or on the PumpSmart keypad. Maintenance C osts Designing a pump that is heavier, with bigger bearings and a larger shaft does not automatically mean longer life. The primary components in pump failures are mechanical
Figure 1

seals and anti-friction bearings. These are brought on not by general fatigue, but by excessive vibration, excessive loads and poor lubrication. These failures are caused primarily by the following upset conditions: Dry running-caused primarily by closed suction valves. Continuous operation below minimum flow. Cavitation due to insufficient NPSH available. Heat build-up and subsequent liquid vaporization due to a closed discharge valve. PumpSmart detects all of these prior to the upset condition occurring and prevents the pump from operating during these transient conditions. The pump will react by stopping, slowing down, alarming or any combination of these actions, depending upon how you want PumpSmart to be programmed. By utilizing the pump Reliability F actors seen earlier in this edition of Pumplines, we can quantitatively measure the anticipated increase in mean time between failure (MTBF ) of PumpSmart as compared to a traditional pumping system. By running a pump at a slower speed, at or close to best efficiency and at a reduced impeller diameter, we will be able to calculate, with your help and input, the expected increase in MTBF for any given ANSI pump currently running in a process application. PumpSmart is the next level of technology for our industry. This introduction to PumpSmart provides just a glimpse of the products potential. Initially, this PumpSmart technology will be available on our ANSI models 3196 and 3298. Look for more information in the coming months.

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