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dark room/white noise (w/ some birds)(with type on walls) [sound, site, phsycological state (overall effect), spatial). water/ripples/peaceful/sky light (with message) herb/tea smells [sight:light. touch (sun/outside), sound, smell (herbs/homey smells?) rocks. images on wall. messages on rocks. sound of community? [touch (rock/walk on them), connection with other people, site images of people. mirror in different places. message? [site. sound?

are all ve senses addressed?

How can design promote an appreciation for tea by creating an interactive experience that appeals to the senses?


diiiiifeerent image here.

SHOW DIFFERENT IMAGE HERE> very brief overview of concept: A place of peace and contemplation inspired by tea. a place where people can also experience and learn to appreciate quality tea. through the experience you go through 5 spaces which are designed to let you unwind.

The idea is a reference to the japanese





The idea is a reference to the japanese

The structure that I have created references the Japanese tea ceremony.


To create an atmosphere of peace, contemplation, and moderation

The structure that I have created references the Japanese tea ceremony.


To create an atmosphere of peace, contemplation, and moderation


Encourages one to look within themselves and create a bond with other people and with the environment

The structure that I have created references the Japanese tea ceremony.


To create an atmosphere of peace, contemplation, and moderation


Encourages one to look within themselves and create a bond with other people and with the environment


Cleanse the heart and mind by creating a simple, natural atmosphere of simplicity. shake o the dust of the world.

The structure that I have created references the Japanese tea ceremony.


To create an atmosphere of peace, contemplation, and moderation


Encourages one to look within themselves and create a bond with other people and with the environment


Cleanse the heart and mind by creating a simple, natural atmosphere of simplicity. shake o the dust of the world.


A deep sense of peace occurs when purity, respect and harmony are present.

The structure that I have created references the Japanese tea ceremony.

It should be clear that I am NOT simply replicating the japanese tea ceremony. Instead I want to create an experience that references the ceremony in a way that appeals to contemporary American culture.

This experience is intended for the contemporary american culture BECAUSE... in busy urban areas where people may benet from a way to... our culture is submersed in technology and a plethora of business and everyday activities. This design experience is intended to help people in contemporary american culture of a dense urban setting nd a way to unwind and nd peace of mind. show time square/phones/technology/crowded places/crazyness. SOUND OF CITY/BUSINESS slowly getting louder.

show location. (google maps) zoom in?


50 ft

Reection pool

Tea drinking area

10 ft



20 ft

50 sq ft

show plan.

I really like the idea of nature and architecture coming together to create a unique space.

I really like the idea of nature and architecture coming together to create a unique space.

How memorable can an experience be If you use something like light in a strategic way?


the title for the project is serenity. the brand mark is always to be shown with a good deal of space around it. It is meant to visually communicate simplicity, calmness, and peace. the thin border around the typography gives shelter and form (protection, if you will) to the meaning of serenity. and of course the play on words serendipitously relates to the natural effects of tea.

se ren i ty The state of being peaceful, calm, or tranquil; sereness.

50 ft

Reection pool

Tea drinking area

10 ft



20 ft

50 sq ft

entrance - show the experience. SPLIT SCREEN?

50 ft

Reection pool

Tea drinking area

10 ft



20 ft

50 sq ft

entrance - show the experience. SPLIT SCREEN?





need transition - showing person going through the doorway.

so you leave the business of the street...

50 ft

Reection pool

Tea drinking area

10 ft



20 ft

50 sq ft

Here is where we are in the rst space of the experience.

and end up in this dark, quiet room which acts as a barrier between the outside world and this experience. according to research, white noise is an effective way to help a person clear their mind. It has a calming effect. so in this space you have the sound of a natural water fall, and other natural ambiance. CLICK

When you are inside cellular activity comes to a stand still with the signals being blocked. This will allow people to not be distracted by one of the things they are meant to teak a brake from.

50 ft

Reection pool

Tea drinking area

10 ft



20 ft

50 sq ft

Water, and especially ripples also have a calming effect on people. its the smooth constant circular motion that relaxes the eye and calms ones experience of perception.

the ripples would be implemented on in the space on the oor. you walk over a small glass bridge so as to not get wet. there is a roof that is open so the experience allows you feel the sun and the outside air. the light of the space changes throughout the day as every passing moment changes with the movement of the sun. I have been contemplating putting benches in some of these spaces so that people might enj

the ripples would be implemented on in the space on the oor. you walk over a small glass bridge so as to not get wet. there is a roof that is open so the experience allows you feel the sun and the outside air. the light of the space changes throughout the day as every passing moment changes with the movement of the sun. I have been contemplating putting benches in some of these spaces so that people might enj

50 ft

Reection pool

Tea drinking area

10 ft



20 ft

50 sq ft

the left image is an example of an exhibition at the tate. the artist had hundreds of thousads of ceramic sunower seeds and let people interact with them.

the left image is an example of an exhibition at the tate. the artist had hundreds of thousads of ceramic sunower seeds and let people interact with them.

the left image is an example of an exhibition at the tate. the artist had hundreds of thousads of ceramic sunower seeds and let people interact with them.

50 ft

Reection pool

Tea drinking area

10 ft



20 ft

50 sq ft


50 ft

Reection pool

Tea drinking area

10 ft



20 ft

50 sq ft

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