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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FluentUO -- @author snicker7 -- @version 0.6.0 -- @client-compat 7.0.1.

1 -- @shard-compat OSI / FS -- @revised 12/01/2010 -- @released 4/26/2010 -- @description Makes searching for objects in the -world of Ultima Online easy using a natural -fluent interface. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module FluentUO FluentUO = FluentUO or {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options, can be set globally or for the specific FilteredItemContainer. Use -- FluentUO.Options(option,value) or FluentUO.Options(tOptions) where tOptions -- is a table with key value pairs corresponding to the following options: -- @class table -- @name Options -- @field NiceGlobals This will make FluentUO register the "Global" filters -such as World, Backpack, Ground, and Equipped on the FluentUO ta ble -instead of globally. Default is false. NOTE: This must be set BE FORE -you load FluentUO. Please see the usage example: -FluentUO = { Options = { NiceGlobals = true } } -dofile('fluentuo.lua') -- @field FindVisible This will make FluentUO run two scan item loops during -the initial scan in order to populate the Visible property on It em -objects. If you don't care about filtering by visibility, you ca n turn -this off. Default is on. -- @field FindParents This will make FluentUO populate the Parent and -RootParent properties on Item objects during the initial scan. I f you -don't need to access these properties or will not be doing recur sive -container searches, you can turn this off and find some optimiza tion. -However, if you call Parent or RootParent on any Item that is no t -pre-populated, it will be expensive to determine as a new scanit em loop -must be executed for each item, rather than all items being popu lated -simultaneously. Default is on. -- @field ActionDelay Global only. Cannot be set per instance of -FilteredItemContainers.This is the object action delay in millis econds -for using or moving items. Default is 900ms. -- @usage FluentUO = { Options = { NiceGlobals = true } } dofile('fluentuo.lua') -- @see FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Options -- @see FluentUO.Options local p_GlobalOptions = { NiceGlobals = false, FindVisible = true,

FindParents = true, ActionDelay = 1000, } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used to get or set global options for FluentUO at runtime. If you omit the -- parameters to the Options() call, the table with the currently set global -- options will be returned. -- @usage FluentUO.Options({FindVisible = true,FindParents = true}) -- @usage FluentUO.Options("FindVisible",true) -- @usage local currentGlobalOptions = FluentUO.Options() -- @publicname FluentUO.Options -- @param option Either a table of key-value pairs to set options for, or a -single string option -- @param value (only required if option is a string) The value to set the -specified option to. -- @see FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Options -- @see Options local p_SetOptions = function(option,value) if option == nil then return p_GlobalOptions elseif type(option) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(option) do p_GlobalOptions[k] = v end elseif type(option) == "string" then p_GlobalOptions[option] = value end end p_SetOptions(FluentUO.Options) FluentUO.Options = p_SetOptions local propertyMetaTable = { __index = function(t,k) for prop,value in pairs(t) do if k:lower() == prop:lower() or k:lower() == prop:gsub(" %s",""):lower() then return value end end end } FluentUO.Action = {} FluentUO.Action.ActionDelay = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used to wait before performing object actions that are dependent on the -- global action object delay. Can also be called as a non-blocking call and -- will return false if the timespan of the delay has not passed. The delay is -- taken from the global FluentUO.Options.ActionDelay value in milliseconds. -- @param nonblockingcall Optional. if true, this will not stop execution but wi ll return -true or false if the object action delay has passed. Defaults to false. -- @return true if the object delay has passed, false if a non-blocking call is -issued and the delay has not passed -- @usage FluentUO.Action.WaitForAction() -- This will delay execution until the

delay has passed -- @usage FluentUO.Action.WaitForAction(true) -- This will return false if the o bject action delay has not passed -- @publicname FluentUO.Action.WaitForAction -- @see FluentUO.Options FluentUO.Action.WaitForAction = function(nonblockingcall) if FluentUO.Action.ActionDelay > getticks() and nonblockingcall then ret urn false end while FluentUO.Action.ActionDelay > getticks() do wait(1) end FluentUO.Action.ActionDelay = getticks() + p_GlobalOptions.ActionDelay return true end FluentUO.Action.Item = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uses the object action delay waiting methods and invokes macro 17 -- (use last object) on the object ID passed as the 'id' parameter. -- @param id The ID of the item to use -- @param nonblockingcall Optional. Should the object action delay be -non-blocking? Defaults to false. -- @return true if macro 17 was invoked, false if it is a non-blocking call and -an action cannot be performed at this time. -- @publicname FluentUO.Action.Item.Use FluentUO.Action.Item.Use = function(id,nonblockingcall) if FluentUO.Action.WaitForAction(nonblockingcall) then UO.LObjectID = id UO.Macro(17, 0, "") return true else return false end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uses the object action delay waiting methods and invokes a drag on the -- object ID passed as the 'id' parameter. -- @param id The ID of the item to drag -- @param amt Optional. The amount of stack to drag. Defaults to 65535 -- @param nonblockingcall Optional. Should the object action delay be -non-blocking? Defaults to false. -- @return true if the item was picked up, false if it is a non-blocking call -and an action cannot be performed at this time. -- @publicname FluentUO.Action.Item.Drag FluentUO.Action.Item.Drag = function(id,amt,nonblockingcall) if amt == nil then amt = 65535 end if FluentUO.Action.WaitForAction(nonblockingcall) then UO.Drag(id,amt) return true else return false end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used to reset the object action delay. -- @usage FluentUO.Action.ResetDelay() -- @publicname FluentUO.Action.ResetDelay -- @see FluentUO.Action.WaitForAction -- @see FluentUO.Action.Item.Use

-- @see FluentUO.Action.Item.Drag FluentUO.Action.ResetDelay = function() FluentUO.Action.ActionDelay = 0 end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wraps UO.Property(nID) and parses the properties into a table format for -- easy reading. -- @usage local itemProperties = FluentUO.GetProperty(item) -- @usage local strengthreq = itemProperties.StrengthRequirement -- @usage local isBlessed = itemProperties.Blessed or false -- @param item A valid Item table. Should have at least the item.ID value. -- @return A table with the properties of the item and their values. -- @see Property FluentUO.GetProperty = function(item) local sName, sInfo = UO.Property(item.ID) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The property table is produced by FluentUO.GetProperty and is always -- populated with at least the Name and RawProperty fields. All other -- fields will be populated by parsing each property line. Fields can -- either be true/nil, single number valued, or -- number pair valued. An example of the first is -- Item.Property.Exceptional, which will be true if the property exists and -- nil if it does not. An example of a single numbered value is -- Item.Property.StrengthRequirement. Number pair valued is something li ke -- Item.Property.WeaponDamage, where two values are listed. -- The Property table can be accessed with case-insensitive, spaces-omit ted -- names of the properties expected to be found. In addition to that, -- elemental resists and weapon damages will be added to the -- Item.Property.Resists and Item.Property.Damage tables respectively. -- @class table -- @name Property -- @field Name The name of the item -- @field RawProperty The "raw" property string of the item found using -UO.Property. -- @field Resists The elemental resistances on an item they exist. -- @field Damage The elemental damage types on an item if they exist. -- @field misc Each line of the property string will be parsed into -table fields as best as possible. local proptable = { Name = sName, RawProperty = sInfo } for line in string.gmatch(sInfo,"([^\n]+)\n?") do local r, _, property, value1, value2 = string.find(line,"([%a%s\ -]+)[%s:\+]*([%d%a]*)[%s/\%\-]*(%d*)") if r then property = string.gsub(property, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") if value1:len() == 0 then value1 = true else local asnumber = tonumber(value1) if asnumber ~= nil then value1 = asnumber end end if value2:len() > 0 then value1 = { Min = tonumber(value 1), Max = tonumber(value2) } end proptable[property] = value1 local q, _, resist = string.find(line,"([%a%s]+)%sResist ")

if q then proptable["Resists"] = proptable["Resists"] or { } proptable.Resists[resist] = value1 end q, _, dmgtype = string.find(line,"([%a%s]+)%sDamage") if q and dmgtype ~= "Weapon" then proptable["Damage"] = proptable["Damage"] or {} proptable.Damage[dmgtype] = value1 end end end setmetatable(proptable,propertyMetaTable) return proptable end local itemMetaTable = { __index = function(t,k) if k == "Property" then rawset(t,"Property",FluentUO.GetProperty (t)) return t.Property end if k == "Name" then rawset(t,"Name",t.Property.Name) return t .Property.Name end if k == "Parent" or k == "RootParent" then if t.Kind ~= 0 then return nil end local itemsbyid = {} for i=0,UO.ScanItems(false)-1 do local item = FluentUO.GetItem(i) itemsbyid[item.ID] = item end local rootparent = itemsbyid[t.ContID] while rootparent ~= nil and rootparent.Kind == 0 do root parent = itemsbyid[rootparent.ContID] end rawset(t,"RootParent",rootparent) rawset(t,"Parent",itemsbyid[t.ContID]) return t[k] end end } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wraps the UO.GetItem function to return a -- table with object indexers rather than -- individual values. Also adds several -- enhancements such as item.Dist() which gives -- the distance based on the current world -- position. -- @param ... Parameters to pass to UO.GetItem -- @usage local items = FluentUO.GetItem(index) -- @return A table with item data from UO.GetItem FluentUO.GetItem = function(...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The item object table contains all of the standard fields returned by -- UO.GetItem as well as some FluentUO specific functionality to enhance -- usage. These item objects are returned by FluentUO.GetItem. -- @class table -- @name Item -- @field ID The item ID from UO.GetItem -- @field Type The item type from UO.GetItem -- @field Kind The item kind from UO.GetItem


@field @field @field @field @field @field @field @field

ContID The ID of the parent container from UO.GetItem X The X coordinate from UO.GetItem Y The Y coordinate from UO.GetItem Z The Z coordinate from UO.GetItem Stack The count of items in the stack from UO.GetItem Rep The reputation of the item/NPC from UO.GetItem Col The hue or findcol of the item from UO.GetItem Property The property table retrieved with FluentUO.GetPropert

-This is a table of property values parsed from the prope rty string. -The values are cached until Item.InvalidateProperties() is called. -- @field Name The name of the object retrieved with FluentUO.GetPropert y. -The value is cached until Item.InvalidateProperties() is called. -- @field Parent The parent item that contains this item. -- @field RootParent The root parent item containing this object. -- @field Active.Dist The "live" distance from the character to the obje ct -- @field Active.Property The "live" property of the item. Warning, this -is a expensive call -- @field Active.Name The "live" name of the item. Warning, this is an -expensive call -- @field InvalidateProperties Invalidates the property cache on the ite m -- @field Use Uses the item. See FluentUO.Item.Use. -- @field Drag Drags the item. See FluentUO.Item.Drag. -- @see FluentUO.GetItem -- @see FluentUO.Item.Active.Dist -- @see FluentUO.Item.Active.Property -- @see FluentUO.Item.Active.Name -- @see FluentUO.Item.Use -- @see FluentUO.Item.Drag -- @see Property local t = {} t.ID, t.Type, t.Kind, t.ContID, t.X, t.Y, t.Z, t.Stack, t.Rep, t.Col = U O.GetItem(...) t.Active = {} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Returns the "live" distance from an object to the character's -- position. -- @publicname FluentUO.Item.Active.Dist -- @return The distance from character to object t.Active.Dist = function() return math.max(math.abs(UO.CharPosX-t.X),math.abs(UO.Ch arPosY-t.Y)) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Returns the "live" uncached property of an object, always. Ex pensive -- call. -- @publicname FluentUO.Item.Active.Property -- @return The property table for the object -- @see Property t.Active.Property = function() return FluentUO.GetProperty(t) en d

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Returns the "live" uncached name of an object, always. Expens ive -- call. -- @publicname FluentUO.Item.Active.Name -- @return The of the object t.Active.Name = function() return FluentUO.GetProperty(t).Name e nd --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invalidates the cached property and name values on the object. -- @publicname FluentUO.Item.InvalidateProperties t.InvalidateProperties = function() t.Name = nil t.Property = nil end t.Dist = t.Active.Dist() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invokes event macro 17 on the object with proper object action delays . -- @see FluentUO.Action.Item.Use -- @param nonblockingcall Optional. Should the object action delay be -non-blocking? Defaults to false. -- @return true if macro 17 was invoked, false if it is a non-blocking c all -and an action cannot be performed at this time. -- @publicname FluentUO.Item.Use t.Use = function(nonblockingcall) return FluentUO.Action.Item.Use(t.ID,n onblockingcall) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invokes event macro 17 on the object with proper object action delays . -- @see FluentUO.Action.Item.Drag -- @param amt Optional. The amount of stack to drag. Defaults to 65535 -- @param nonblockingcall Optional. Should the object action delay be -- @return true if the item was picked up, false if it is a non-blocking -call and an action cannot be performed at this time. -- @publicname FluentUO.Item.Drag t.Drag = function(amt,nonblockingcall) return FluentUO.Action.Item.Drag( t.ID,amt,nonblockingcall) end setmetatable(t,itemMetaTable) return t end FluentUO.Utils = {} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitwise XOR - thanks to Reuben Thomas and -- BitUtils -- and Boydon on the EUO forums for doing the -- hard work and actually finding this :P -- @param a First parameter to perform a bitwise XOR operation on. -- @param b Second parameter to perform a bitwise XOR operation on. -- @return XOR'd value of a and b. FluentUO.Utils.BitwiseXor = function(a,b) if Bit ~= nil then if Bit.Xor ~= nil then return Bit.Xor(a,b) end end

local floor = math.floor local r = 0 for i = 0, 31 do local x = a / 2 + b / 2 if x ~= floor (x) then r = r + 2^i end a = floor (a / 2) b = floor (b / 2) end return r end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------mal -format. -- @return Converted decimal value of the type or id in euoid. FluentUO.Utils.ToOpenEUO = function(euoid) assert(type(euoid) == "string","euoid must be a string.") euoid = string.upper(euoid) local i, j, decid = 1, 0, 0 for j = 1, #euoid do local char = euoid:sub(j,j) decid = decid + ( string.byte(char) - string.byte('A') ) * i i = i * 26 end decid = FluentUO.Utils.BitwiseXor((decid - 7), 69) return decid end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------mal -format. -- @return Converted decimal value of the type or id in FluentUO.Utils.ToEUOX = function(decid) assert(type(decid) == "number","decid must be a local euoid = "" local i = (FluentUO.Utils.BitwiseXor(decid, 69) local j = 0 while (i > 0) do euoid = euoid .. string.char((i % 26) + ) i = math.floor(i / 26) end return euoid euoid. number.") + 7) string.byte('A') Converts a decimal value type or ID to the EUO string version of the type or id. Thx to Boydon from the EUO forums for coming up with this. Only minor modifications have been made. @param decid String value of a type or ID to be converted to the deci Converts a string value type or ID to the decimal version of the type or id. Thanks to Boydon from the EUO forums for coming up with this. Only minor modifications have been made. @param euoid String value of a type or ID to be converted to the deci

end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A class implementation for returning a chainable, filterable collection of -- items. This is the main class in FluentUO. Globals like World, Ground, -- Equipped, and Backpack are all just instances of this class. This provides -- the scanning and filtering capabilities that are the "core" of FluentUO. -- @usage local items = FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer().Items -- @return An instance of the FilteredItemContainer -- @see World -- @see Ground -- @see Backpack -- @see Equipment FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer = function() local self = { m_Items = nil, m_ItemsByID = {}, m_ItemsByType = {}, filterStack = {}, options = {}, nextbool = true } setmetatable(self.options,{ __index = function(t,k) return p_GlobalOptio ns[k] end }) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used to set options for this instance of the FilteredItemContainer. W ill -- always inherit options from the global options if the option is not -- explicitly set on this instance. If you call Options() with no params , ------r a -single string option -- @param value (only required if option is a string) The value to set t he -specified option to. -- @see FluentUO.Options -- @see Options local p_Options = function(option,value) if option == nil then return self.options elseif type(option) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(option) do print("setting option '"..k.."' to '"..tostring( v).."' on "..tostring(self.options)) rawset(self.options,k,v) end elseif type(option) == "string" then print("setting option '"..option.."' to '"..tost ring(value).."' on "..tostring(self.options)) rawset(self.options,option,value) end it will return a table of the current options set for this instance. @usage World().Options({FindVisible = true,FindParents = true}).Items @usage Backpack().Options("FindVisible",true).Items @usage local currentFilterOptions = myFilter.Options() @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Options @param option Either a table of key-value pairs to set options for, o

return self.instance() end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private. Wraps the UO.ScanItems method -- with calls to FluentUO.GetItem to populate -- the Items table in the FilteredItemContainer. -- Populates the table with both visible and -- invisible items and sets the Visible flag -- on the Item accordingly. -- @return a table of item tables from FluentUO.GetItem. -- @see FluentUO.GetItem -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.p_Scan local p_Scan = function() local items, visibleitems, itemsbyid, itemsbytype = {}, {}, {}, {} if self.options.FindVisible then for i=0,UO.ScanItems(true)-1 do local item = FluentUO.GetItem(i) visibleitems[item.ID] = item end end for i=0,UO.ScanItems(false)-1 do local item = FluentUO.GetItem(i) if self.options.FindVisible then item.Visible = visibleitems[item.ID] ~= nil end table.insert(items,item) itemsbyid[item.ID] = item if itemsbytype[item.Type] == nil then itemsbytyp e[item.Type] = {} end itemsbytype[item.Type][item.ID] = item end if self.options.FindParents then for i=1,#items do if items[i].Kind == 0 then items[i].Parent = itemsbyid[item s[i].ContID] items[i].RootParent = (function( ) if items[i].Kind ~= 0 then return nil end local parent = i temsbyid[items[i].ContID] while parent ~= nil and parent.Kind == 0 do parent = itemsbyid[parent.ContID] end return parent end)() end end end return items, itemsbyid, itemsbytype end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table according to the provided function or conditio nal -- string which should return true if the item remains in the collection .

--- @usage World().Where(function(item) return item.Dist() < 4 and item.T ype == 210 end).Items --returns items within 4 tiles having a type of 210 -- @usage World().Where("item.Stack > 50 and item.Stack < 100").Items -returns items with stack greater than 50 but less than 100 --- @param conditional The conditional string or callback function. -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Where local p_Where = function(conditional) if type(conditional) == "string" then local funcdef = "local item = ... return "..cond itional conditional = function(i) return loadstring(func def)(i) end end local items = {} for i,v in ipairs(self.m_Items) do if conditional(v) == self.nextbool then table.insert(items,v) end end self.m_Items = items return self.instance() end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private. Parses parameters passed to WithID or WithType to support -- "old" style EUO IDs and Types in the format of "ENK" or "ENK_TNK" as -- well as decimal Types and IDs. Also supports tables. Even recursive -- tables. For people who want to piss me off. -- @param argument The argument to parse -- @return A table with decimal values of all the parsed IDs. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.p_ParseTypeOrID local p_ParseTypeOrID = function(argument) if type(argument) ~= "table" then argument = {argument} end local ids = {} for k,id in pairs(argument) do if type(id) == "string" then local pos, curr = 0, "" for st, sp in function() return string.f ind( id, "_", pos, true ) end do curr = string.sub( id, pos, st-1 ) if string.len(curr) > 0 then ids[#ids+1] = FluentUO.U tils.ToOpenEUO(curr); end pos = sp + 1 end curr = string.sub( id, pos ) if string.len(curr) > 0 then ids[#ids+1] = FluentUO.Utils.ToO penEUO(curr); end end if type(id) == "number" then

ids[#ids+1] = id; end if type(id) == "table" then for i,v in ipairs(p_ParseTypeOrID(id)) d o ids[#ids+1] = v; end end end return ids end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table by the ID of the item. Supports 'old EUO' styl e -- IDs (not sure why you'd need to use that though). -- @usage local item = World().WithID(item.ID).Items[1] -- @usage local items = World().WithID(1235,"UDUBAPS",18923).Items -- @param ... The ID(s) of the item to filter by. -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.WithID local p_WithID = function(...) local arg = {n=select('#',...),...} return p_Where( function(item) for j=1,arg.n do local ids = p_ParseTypeOrID(arg[ j]) for i=1,#ids do if item.ID == ids[i] the n return true end end end return false end ) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table by the FindCol of the item. -- @usage local itemsHued2406 = World().WithCol(2406).Items -- @usage local itemsHued2406 = World().WithHue(2406).Items --WithHue is just an alias -- @usage local items = World().WithHue(2406,2407,2408).Items --Matches any of the specified hues -- @param ... The Hues(s) of the item to filter by. -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.WithCol local p_WithCol = function(...) local arg = {n=select('#',...),...} return p_Where( function(item) for j=1,arg.n do if item.Col == arg[j] then return true end

end return false end ) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table by the Type of the item. Has full support for -- 'old EUO' style type identifiers. -- @usage local items = World().WithType(1337).Items -- @usage local ingots = World().WithType("ENK").Items. -- @usage local items = World().WithType(1234,4562,1284).Items -- @param ... The Type(s) of the item to filter by. -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.WithType local p_WithType = function(...) local arg = {n=select('#',...),...} return p_Where( function(item) for j=1,arg.n do local types = p_ParseTypeOrID(ar g[j]) for i=1,#types do if item.Type == types[i] then return true end end end return false end ) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table by the container id. Optionally searches all -- subcontainers of the specified container as well. -- @usage local items = World().InContainer(1225).Items -- @usage local items = World().InContainer(1554,12390,819,true).Items -will return items in all subcontainers as well. -- @param ... The container IDs to filter by. The final parameter is -optional, and should be a boolean value: true if items i n -subcontainers of this container should be returned. -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.InContainer local p_InContainer = function(...) local arg = {n=select('#',...),...} local recurse = type(arg[#arg]) == "boolean" and arg[#ar g] == true if recurse then arg[#arg] = nil end return p_Where( function(item) if item.Kind ~= 0 then return false end if recurse then local parent = item.Parent while parent ~= nil and parent.K ind == 0 do

for j=1,#arg do if parent.ID == arg[j] then return true end end parent = parent.Parent end return false end for j=1,#arg do if item.ContID == arg[j] then return true end end return false end ) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table by the containers type. Full support for 'old -- euo' style types as parameters. -- @usage local itemsInBags = World().InContainerType("CKF").Items -- @usage local items = World.InContainerType(1234,114,192).Items -- @param ... The container IDs to filter by. -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.InContainerType local p_InContainerType = function(...) local arg = {n=select('#',...),...} return p_Where( function(item) local container = self.m_ItemsByID[item. ContID] if container == nil then return false en d for j=1,arg.n do local types = p_ParseTypeOrID(ar g[j]) for i=1,#types do if container.Type == typ es[i] then return true end end end return false end ) end -----------------------------------------------------------------------------as for the ---Filters the Item table to include only items in the backpack. @usage local backpackitems = World().InBackpack().Items @usage local allbackpackitems = World().InBackpack(true).Items @usage local allbackpackitems = Backpack().Items -- Just a global ali above @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. @param recurse Optional. True if the all child items of the backpack should be returned.

-- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.InBackpack -- @see Backpack local p_InBackpack = function(recurse) return p_InContainer(UO.BackpackI D,recurse) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table to only include items on the characters -- paperdoll. -- @usage local myEQ = World().Equipped().Items -- @usage local myEQ = Equipment().Items -- a global alias for the above -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Equipped -- @see Equipment local p_Equipped = function() return p_InContainer(UO.CharID) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private. Filters the Item table to only objects -- with the specific FindKind value. -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.p_WithKind local p_WithKind = function(kind) return p_Where(function(item) return item.Kind == kind e nd) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table to only objects found in containers. -- @usage local items = World().InAnyContainer().Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.InAnyContainer local p_InAnyContainer = function() return p_WithKind(0) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table to only objects found on the ground. -- @usage local grounditems = World().OnGround().Items -- @usage local grounditems = Ground().Items -- a global alias for the a bove -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.OnGround -- @see Ground local p_OnGround = function() return p_WithKind(1) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table to only visible objects. -- @usage local visible = World().Visible().Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Visible local p_Visible = function() return p_Where(function(item) return item.V isible end) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the Item table to objects only within the specified distance. -- @usage local nearby = World().InRange(4).Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer

-- @param nRange The distance to limit returned items by. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.InRange local p_InRange = function(nRange) return p_Where(function(item) return item.Dist <= nRange end) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toggles the boolean flag to adjust results returned by the next filte r. -- @usage local notvisible = World().Not().Visible() -- @usage local faraway = World().OnGround().Not().InRange(4) -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Not local p_Not = function() self.nextbool = not self.nextbool return self.i nstance() end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private. Intercepts all function calls on a certain -- table and adds a closure around the function for -- having fun later on. The closure is then added to -- the filterStack table. -- @param t The table whose function calls to intercept. -- @return The table being proxied. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.p_proxy local p_proxy = function(t) for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == "function" and k ~= "Update" and k ~= "Options" then t[k] = function(...) if(self.m_Items == nil) then self.m_Items, self.m_Ite msByID, self.m_ItemsByType = p_Scan() end table.insert(self.filterStack,{ Name = k, Args = { ... }, NArgs = select("#",...), Func = v}) local retval = v(...) if(k ~= "Not" and k ~= "WithProp erty" and k ~= "Options") then self.nextbool = true end return retval end end end return t end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ble -- of those values or nil. -- @usage local manaleech = World().WithProperty("Hit Mana Leech").Great erThan(4).Items -- @usage local manaleech = World().WithProperty(function(props) return props.HitManaLeech ~= nil and props.HitManaLeech > 4 end).Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer or a collection of Filters the Item table to objects matching the specified property criteria. Properties without a numerical value will either be nil or true, properties with one numerical value will either be a number or nil, properties with one string value will either be a string or nil, and properties with more than one numerical value will either be a ta

-criteria quantifiers. -- @param sProperty The property to check or a function accepting the -item's property collection returning a boolean on whethe r or not to -keep the item in the table. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.WithProperty local p_WithProperty = function(sProperty) if type(sProperty) == "function" then local retval = p_Where(function(item) return sPr operty(item.Property) end) self.nextbool = true return retval end return p_proxy({ --------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the item table to include only object s having the -- specified property. -- @usage local nightsight = World().WithPropert y("Night Sight").Exists().Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemCont ainer -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Wi thProperty(sProperty).Exists Exists = function() return p_Where(function(item ) return item.Property[sProperty] ~= nil end) end, --------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the item table to include only object s having the -- specified property equal to the specified val ue. -- @usage local nightsight = World().WithPropert y("Night Sight").EqualTo(true).Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemCont ainer -- @param value The value to compare with -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Wi thProperty(sProperty).EqualTo EqualTo = function(value) return p_Where(functio n(item) return item.Property[sProperty] == value end) end, --------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the item table to include only object s having the -- specified property greater than the specified value -- @usage local mageitems = World().WithProperty ("Magery").GreaterThan(10).Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemCont ainer -- @param value The value to compare with -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Wi thProperty(sProperty).GreaterThan GreaterThan = function(value) return p_Where(fun ction(item) return item.Property[sProperty] ~= nil and item.Property[sProperty] > value end) end, --------------------------------------------------------------

-- Filters the item table to include only object s having the -- specified property less than the specified va lue -- @usage local mageweps = World().WithProperty( "Mage Weapon").LessThan(-27).Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemCont ainer -- @param value The value to compare with -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Wi thProperty(sProperty).LessThan LessThan = function(value) return p_Where(functi on(item) return item.Property[sProperty] ~= nil and item.Property[sProperty] < v alue end) end, --------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the item table to include only object s having the -- specified property greater than or equal to t he specified -- value -- @usage local stufftosteal = Ground().WithProp erty("Artifact Rarity").GreaterThanOrEqualTo(9).Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemCont ainer -- @param value The value to compare with -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Wi thProperty(sProperty).GreaterThanOrEqualTo GreaterThanOrEqualTo = function(value) return p_ Where(function(item) return item.Property[sProperty] ~= nil and item.Property[sP roperty] >= value end) end, --------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the item table to include only object s having the -- specified property less than or equal to the specified -- value -- @usage local stuffIcanCarry = Ground().WithPr operty("Weight").LessThanOrEqualTo(maxweight - curweight).Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemCont ainer -- @param value The value to compare with -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Wi thProperty(sProperty).LessThanOrEqualTo LessThanOrEqualTo = function(value) return p_Whe re(function(item) return item.Property[sProperty] ~= nil and item.Property[sProp erty] <= value end) end, --------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the item table to include only object s having the -- specified property between the specified valu es -- @usage local stealingpractice = World().InCon tainer(stealfrom).WithProperty("Weight").Between({9,12}).Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemCont ainer -- @param t a table with the minimum and maximum values that

-the property should fall between -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Wi thProperty(sProperty).Between Between = function(t) return p_Where(function(it em) return item.Property[sProperty] ~= nil and item.Property[sProperty] >= t[1] and item.Property[sProperty] <= t[2] end) end, --------------------------------------------------------------- Filters the item table to include only object s having the -- specified property matching the specified pat tern -- @usage local leechweps = World().WithProperty ("RawProperty").Like("Hit %a+ Leech").Items -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemCont ainer -- @param pattern a Lua style pattern string to match. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Wi thProperty(sProperty).Like Like = function(pattern) return p_Where(function (item) return type(item.Property[sProperty]) == "string" and string.find(item.Pr operty[sProperty],pattern) ~= nil end) end }) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------'d. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.WithName local p_WithName = function(pattern,...) local arg = {n=select('#',...),...} arg[#arg+1] = pattern return p_Where(function(item) for i=1,#arg do if type(arg[i]) == "table" then for j=1,#arg[i] do if string.find(item.Name ,arg[i][j]) ~= nil then return true end end else if string.find(item.Name,arg[i]) ~= nil then return true end end end return false end) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calls all of the closures for the -- currently active filters on a freshly scanned Filters the Item table to objects with names matching the specified pattern. @usage local tailors = World().WithName({"Tailor","Weaver"}).Items @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer @param pattern The pattern(s) to check. Accepts multiple patterns or tables of patterns. @param ... Additional patterns to match. Multiple patterns will be OR

-- set of items. -- @usage local backpackreagentfilter = Backpack().WithType(reagenttypes ) -- @usage local items = backpackreagentfilter.Update().Items -- @usage local items = backpackreagentfilter.Live().Items -- alias for Update() -- @return This instance of FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.Update local p_Update = function() self.m_Items, self.m_ItemsByID, self.m_ItemsByType = p_S can() for k,v in pairs(self.filterStack) do v.Func(unpack(v.Args,1,v.NArgs)) if(v.Name ~= "Not" and v.Name ~= "WithProperty" and k ~= "Options") then self.nextbool = true end end return self.instance() end local instanceMetaTable = { __index = function(t,k) if k == "Items" then self.m_Items, self.m_ItemsByID, self.m_ItemsByTy pe = p_Scan() rawset(t,"Items",self.m_Items) return self.m_Items end if k == "First" then if t["Items"] ~= nil and #t["Items"] > 0 then return t["Items"][1] end end end } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private. Returns the public instance of this FilteredItemContainer. -- @return This instance of the FilteredItemContainer. -- @publicname FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer.instance self.instance = function() ------------------------------------------------------------------- The FilteredItemContainer table. Returns additional f ilters as -- as well as collections of items. -- @class table -- @name FilteredItemContainer -- @field Items The collection of item objects currently matching -the filter. -- @field First The first item object in the Items colle ction -matching the filter. local inst = { Items = self.m_Items, First = nil, Options = p_Options, Update = p_Update,

Live = p_Update, WithID = p_WithID, WithType = p_WithType, WithCol = p_WithCol, WithHue = p_WithCol, WithProperty = p_WithProperty, WithName = p_WithName, InAnyContainer = p_InAnyContainer, InContainer = p_InContainer, InContainerType = p_InContainerType, InBackpack = p_InBackpack, InRange = p_InRange, Equipped = p_Equipped, OnGround = p_OnGround, Where = p_Where, Visible = p_Visible, Not = p_Not } p_proxy(inst) setmetatable(inst,instanceMetaTable) return inst end return self.instance() end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- An interface returning access to all currently found items. -- @return An instance of FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer -- @see FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer local World = function() return FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer() end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- An interface returning access to all items on the ground. -- @return An instance of FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer pre-filtered to -only items found on the ground. -- @see FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer local Ground = function() return FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer().OnGround() end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- An interface returning access to items in the characters backpack. -- @return An instance of FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer pre-filtered to -only items found in the users backpack. Includes all -subcontainers as well. -- @see FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer local Backpack = function() return FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer().InBackpack(t rue) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- An interface returning access to items found on the character's -- paperdoll. -- @return An instance of FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer pre-filtered to -only items equipped on the character. -- @see FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer local Equipment = function() return FluentUO.FilteredItemContainer().Equipped() end local destinationTable = nil if p_GlobalOptions.NiceGlobals ~= true then destinationTable = _G

else destinationTable = FluentUO end destinationTable.World = World destinationTable.Ground = Ground destinationTable.Backpack = Backpack destinationTable.Equipment = Equipment

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