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Exam 3 Name : BSC 1011


1) Which of the following is a characteristic of hyphate fungi (fungi featuring hyphae)? A) They are adapted for rapid directional growth to new food sources. B) They reproduce asexually by a process known as budding. C) Their cell walls consist mainly of cellulose microbrils. D) They acquire their nutrients by phagocytosis. E) Their body plan is a unicellular sphere. 2) What do fungi and arthropods have in common? A) Both groups are predominantly heterotrophs that ingest their food. B) Both groups are commonly coenocytic. C) The haploid state is dominant in both groups. D) The protective coats of both groups are made of chitin. E) Both groups have cell walls. 3) The vegetative (nutritionally active) bodies of most fungi are A) referred to as a mycelium. B) usually underground. C) composed of hyphae. D) Three of these responses are correct. E) Two of these responses are correct. 4) Immediately after karyogamy occurs, which term applies? A) heterokaryotic B) diploid C) dikaryotic D) plasmogamy

5) Which of the following has the least afliation with all of the others? A) lichens B) arbuscules C) mycorrhizae D) Glomeromycota E) mutualistic fungi 6) What are the sporangia of the bread mold Rhizopus? A) asexual structures that produce diploid spores B) sexual structures that produce haploid spores C) sexual structures that produce diploid spores D) asexual structures that produce haploid spores 7) Consider two hyphae having equal dimensions: one from a septate species and the other from a coenocytic species. Compared with the septate species, the coenocytic species should have A) reduced cytoplasmic streaming. B) less chitin. C) less cytoplasm. D) more pores. E) fewer nuclei. 8) Which description does not apply equally well to both sexual and asexual spores? A) are produced by meiosis B) upon germination, will subsequently undergo S phase and mitosis C) have haploid nuclei D) represent the dispersal stage

9) Plasmogamy can directly result in which of the following? 1. cells with a single haploid nucleus 2. heterokaryotic cells 3. dikaryotic cells 4. cells with two diploid nuclei A) 2 or 3 B) 1 or 2 C) 1 or 3 D) 2 or 4 E) 3 or 4 10) Which of the following statements is true of deuteromycetes? A) They are the second of ve fungal phyla to have evolved. B) They are the group that includes molds, yeasts, and lichens. C) They are the group of fungi that have, at present, no known sexual stage. D) They include the imperfect fungi that lack hyphae. E) They represent the phylum in which all the fungal components of lichens are classied. 11) Arrange the following from largest to smallest: 1. ascospore 2. ascocarp 3. ascomycete 4. ascus A) 3 2 4 1 B) 2 4 1 3 C) 3 4 2 1 D) 3 4 1 2 E) 2 3 4 1 12) At which developmental stage should one be able to rst distinguish a diploblastic embryo from a triploblastic embryo? A) cleavage B) coelom formation C) fertilization D) metamorphosis E) gastrulation

13) Which of the following is descriptive of protostomes? A) radial and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth B) spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes anus C) spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth D) radial and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes anus E) spiral and indeterminate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth 14) Arrange the following from largest to smallest, assuming that they all come from the same fungus. 1. basidiocarp 2. basidium 3. basidiospore 4. mycelium 5. gill A) 5 1 4 2 3 B) 5 1 4 3 2 C) 4 1 5 2 3 D) 5 1 3 2 4 E) 4 5 1 2 3 15) In what structures do both Penicillium and Aspergillus produce asexual spores? A) asci B) gametangia C) rhizoids D) zygosporangia E) conidiophores 16) Lichens are symbiotic associations of fungi and A) cyanobacteria. B) green algae. C) mosses. D) Three of these responses are correct. E) Two of these responses are correct.

17) Which of the following best describes the physical relationship of the partners involved in lichens? A) Fungal cells are enclosed within algal cells. B) Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae. C) Algal cells and fungal cells mix together without any apparent structure. D) Lichen cells are enclosed within fungal cells. E) The fungi grow on rocks and trees and are covered by algae. 18) Which of the following terms refers to symbiotic relationships that involve fungi living between the cells in plant leaves? A) lichens B) pathogens C) mycorrhizae D) endosymbioses E) endophytes 19) Which of the following is (are) unique to animals? A) the structural carbohydrate, chitin B) heterotrophy C) nervous conduction and muscular movement D) cells that have mitochondria E) Two of these responses are correct. 20) The larvae of some insects are merely small versions of the adult, whereas the larvae of other insects look completely different from adults, eat different foods, and may live in different habitats. Which of the following most directly favors the evolution of the latter, more radical, kind of metamorphosis? A) natural selection of sexually immature forms of insects B) the origin of a brain C) the development of an oxidizing atmosphere on Earth D) changes in the homeobox genes governing early development E) the evolution of meiosis

21) The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a A) multicellular fungus. B) unicellular chytrid. C) agellated protist. D) unicellular yeast. E) multicellular algae. 22) At which developmental stage should one be able to rst distinguish a protostome embryo from a deuterostome embryo? A) fertilization B) metamorphosis C) gastrulation D) coelom formation E) cleavage 23) The adaptive advantage associated with the lamentous nature of fungal mycelia is primarily related to A) the increased probability of contact between different mating types. B) an extensive surface area well suited for invasive growth and absorptive nutrition. C) avoiding sexual reproduction until the environment changes. D) the ability to form haustoria and parasitize other organisms. E) the potential to inhabit almost all terrestrial habitats. 24) What distinguishes a coelomate animal from a pseudocoelomate animal is that coelomates A) contain tissues derived from mesoderm, whereas pseudocoelomates have no such tissue. B) have a body cavity completely lined by mesodermal tissue, whereas pseudocoelomates do not. C) have a complete digestive system with mouth and anus, whereas pseudocoelomates have a digestive tract with only one opening. D) have a body cavity, whereas pseudocoelomates have a solid body. E) have a gut that lacks suspension within the body cavity, whereas pseudocoelomates have mesenteries that hold the digestive system in place.

25) The most ancient branch point in animal phylogeny is that between having A) true tissues or no tissues. B) a body cavity or no body cavity. C) radial or bilateral symmetry. D) diploblastic or triploblastic embryos. E) a well-dened head or no head. 26) Protostome characteristics generally include which of the following? A) radial cleavage B) absence of a body cavity C) radial body symmetry D) a mouth that develops secondarily, and far away from the blastopore E) determinate cleavage 27) Among the characteristics unique to animals is A) sexual reproduction. B) agellated sperm. C) heterotrophic nutrition. D) multicellularity. E) gastrulation. 28) The distinction between sponges and other animal phyla is based mainly on the absence versus the presence of A) a body cavity. B) mesoderm. C) true tissues. D) a complete digestive tract. E) a circulatory system. 29) What distinguishes complete metamorphosis from incomplete metamorphosis in insects? A) the presence of sex organs in the adult, but not in earlier life stages B) the presence of wings in the adult, but not in earlier life stages C) the radically different appearance between adults and earlier life stages D) Three of these responses are correct. E) Two of these responses are correct.

30) A sponge's structural materials (spicules, spongin) are manufactured by the A) choanocytes. B) amoebocytes. C) epidermal cells. D) pore cells. 31) Which of the following cells or structures are associated with asexual reproduction in fungi? A) basidiospores B) ascospores C) ascocarps D) conidiophores E) zygosporangia 32) How many of the following are characteristics of at least some members of the phylum Cnidaria? 1. a gastrovascular cavity 2. a polyp stage 3. a medusa stage 4. cnidocytes 5. a pseudocoelom A) one of these B) two of these C) three of these D) four of these E) ve of these 33) Which of the following characteristics generally applies to protostome development? A) determinate cleavage B) radial cleavage C) diploblastic embryo D) archenteron absent E) blastopore becomes the anus 34) If a lung were to be found in a mollusc, where would it be located? A) incurrent siphon B) visceral mass C) excurrent siphon D) coelom E) mantle cavity

35) Among the organisms listed here, which are thought to be the closest relatives of fungi? A) animals B) mosses C) vascular plants D) slime molds E) brown algae 36) Which of the following describe(s) echinoderms? A) Hemolymph circulates in the water vascular system. B) They have an exoskeleton of hard calcareous plates. C) They are found in both freshwater and saltwater environments. D) Tubefeet provide motility in most species. E) Digestion occurs completely outside of the organism. 37) All fungi share which of the following characteristics? A) heterotrophic B) symbiotic C) agellated D) pathogenic E) act as decomposers 38) Sexual reproduction has never been observed among the fungi that produce the blue-green marbling of blue cheeses. What is true of these fungi and others that do not have a sexual stage? A) They do not form heterokaryons. B) They are currently classied among the ascomycetes. C) Their spores are probably produced by mitosis. D) Three of these responses are correct. E) Two of these responses are correct. 39) In both lichens and mycorrhizae, what does the fungal partner provide to its photosynthetic partner? A) antibiotics B) protection from harmful UV C) xed nitrogen D) water and minerals E) carbohydrates

40) Chemicals, secreted by soil fungi, that inhibit the growth of bacteria are known as A) antibodies. B) aatoxins. C) antigens. D) antibiotics. E) hallucinogens. 41) Which of these paired fungal structures are structurally and functionally most alike? A) sporangia and hyphae B) haustoria and arbuscules C) zoospores and mycelia D) conidia and basidiocarps E) soredia and gills 42) How many of the following are characteristics of arthropods? 1. protostome development 2. bilateral symmetry 3. a pseudocoelom 4. three embryonic germ layers 5. a closed circulatory system A) one of these B) two of these C) three of these D) four of these E) ve of these 43) Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is incorrect? A) Platyhelminthesatworms, gastrovascular cavity, acoelomate B) Echinodermatabilateral symmetry as a larva, coelom present C) Poriferagastrovascular cavity, coelom present D) Nematodaroundworms, pseudocoelomate E) Cnidariaradial symmetry, polyp and medusa body forms 44) Among the invertebrate phyla, phylum Arthropoda is unique in possessing members that have A) open circulation. B) a cuticle. C) a ventral nerve cord. D) wings. E) segmented bodies. 5

45) If all of their nuclei are equally active transcriptionally, then the cells of both dikaryotic and heterokaryotic fungi, in terms of the gene products they can make, are essentially A) completely homozygous. B) diploid. C) completely hemizygous. D) haploid. E) alloploid. 46) Which characteristic(s) is (are) shared by both cnidarians and atworms? A) true muscle B) dorsoventrally attened bodies C) radial symmetry D) a digestive system with a single opening E) two of these 47) The water vascular system of echinoderms A) is bilateral in organization, even though the adult animal is not bilaterally symmetrical. B) functions as a circulatory system that distributes nutrients to body cells. C) is analogous to the gastrovascular cavity of atworms. D) functions in locomotion and feeding. E) moves water through the animal's body during suspension feeding. 48) The members of which clade in the phylum Cnidaria occur only as polyps? A) Hydrozoa B) Anthozoa C) Scyphozoa D) Cubozoa 49) A radula is present in members of which clade(s)? A) cephalopods B) both chitons and gastropods C) chitons D) bivalves E) gastropods

50) A student observes a wormlike organism crawling about on dead organic matter. Later, the organism sheds its outer covering. One possibility is that the organism is a larval insect (like a maggot). However, it might be a member of the phylum ________, and one way to distinguish between the two possibilities is by looking for ________. A) Annelida; muscle in the body wall B) Nematoda; a circulatory system C) Annelida; a body cavity D) Nematoda; an alimentary canal E) Platyhelminthes; a cuticle of chitin

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