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IEMDepartment \ample: MyFax

ris MyFax page is a perfect example of the above.MyFax is an Internet fax service .'r'ider.You'Il notice that vvhilethe bulk of the content on the page is desi_ened to " ucateconsumersabout the benefitsof the product, all of the benefitsare i ironmental.

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\rltic, too,the prominence irlmediacyof the environmental and action.If you rvantto rlay a role irt savingthe environment, canstartright norvby takinga freetrial of the ,vou rroduct.You'realsogivenan optionto do evenmorefor tlie environment througha rpecialolfer that includes recycling your fax machine.

11 lGreen





The origin of royota datesbackto 1933.The companywas first a part of royoda AutomaticLoom works. The new companywas also supported the Japanese by government because the military applications. of The government wantedindeedto start relying on domestic productionandwas thereforelikely to investmoney in domestic



The first Toyota enginewas produced 1934and both the first car and truck in in 1935. 1937,Toyota In Motor Company wasestablished an independent as company. During the first years,the companywas more successful the salesof trucksand busses. in Carswere obviouslysold,but their success not significant. was In 1957 Toyotawas the first Japanese brandeverto exporta car to the American , market.By 1967,Toyota had become importantplayer in the Americanmarketand an rvaschallenging VolkswagenBeetle.The sameyear saw the overtakingof Daihatsu the evenif Toyota did not buy the whole companyuntil 1999. EventhoughToyota was sellingsomehigh-class models,the companydid not havea truly luxuriouscar. In the 1980s, most of the luxuriousbrandspresent the American on marketstarted fall from grace,for many differentreasons. to Toyota sawthe opportunity to enterthe market.Toyota spenta few yearsto studythe marketand to developits first luxuriouscar. The car was launched underthe brandnameLexus in 1989.It was a direct success.

1 2 lGreen




Toyota is now the largest auto manufacturer in the world.

2.2 Commitment and Ecology


Toyotais well knownfor havingthe first hybrid-electric on sale, Prius. car the Theyconducted business the ideato contribute the sustainable with to development the society therefore the Earth. of and of Toyotahasalways tried to find the rightbalance growthand between economic preservation. thekeyto keepthatbalance the everyday environmental And is technological innovation. Since2003,Toyotahasbeen establishing regional environmental committees to promote environmental initiatives. These committees initiativesin all Toyota take sitesbut alsooutside sites. the Altogether, they form the ToyotaEnvironmental Committee. All theplantsof Toyotaarealsoequipped with theEMS (environmental management system) makesuretheycomplywith the internalrequirements. to Theyidentifiedfour mainissues expected the period2020-2030like in EnergylGlobal Warming, Recycling resources, of Substances concern, of Atmospheric havebeen adopted implemented and insidethe Qualityandsolutions company all areas activity.Amongthosesolutions in of some pointscanbe key identified: CO2emissions management, reinforcement environmental of partners, management business by elimination substances concern, of of cooperation develop recycling-based to a society. Toyotaalsoedited 'ToyotaGreen the Purchasing Guidelines'. Thisvery detailed document drawsthemaingeen values, rules,expectations regarding its supply to chain.This document transmitted all Toyotasuppliers is to around world and the these haveto complywith whatis written.

13 l Gree{l




2.3 What did they do?

(a) Toyotais developinga third generation hybrid engines of while many manufacturers areonly developing their first generation. Besides, Toyota is also developing new hybrid models,includinga SUV and a sportcar.

Hybrid Prius: Toyotawas the first brandto introduce ecological with the Priuswhich was at the an car time the first Hybrid car in the world. Todaythis one is the only familial car giving to the buyerthe opportunity get a 15%premiumandto drive ecologically. Priusis not to The the only modelto give to consumerc l5Yopremiumsincethe iQ alsoallowsit. This a modelis a very smalleconomic car.Toyotaalsoproposes othermodels 2 rejecting less than I 15g/kmof CO2,the Aygo andthe Yaris.

14 l Green




(b)Toyotaalsobegana research a hydrogenated on biodieselfuel, obtainedfrom a second generation biodieselfuel (c) The group is finally working on the 'ultimate eco-car'.which will make sustainability mobility a reality. (d) ln 2002,Toyotabeganto work on a hydrogen-powered This car was usingthe car. originalhybrid technologyas coretechnology. The development this car is still of continuing. the sametime Toyotais testingmany alternatives, At many new sources of energyin orderto find the bestsolutionfor the future.

2.4 Iciowdid thev market?

(a)Theymarketed products starting campaign, their by a whichstates their Environmental vision:
"Zero emission cars,Zero waste plants, and the greener tomorrow" throughan advertisement positioningthemselves valueproposition, by by "We seebeyond cars"



15 lGreen




(b) Prius Commercial:Harmonybetween Man, Natureand

l'oyota announced marketing the themefor the new2010 To]'ota Betrveen Man.NatureAnd Machine".


Highli-ehting car'slatestfeatr"rres, campaign the the paintsthe Prius as offering rvhat buyers lvant--advanced technolog.v. morepolver.interiorspace. safety. while simultaneously giving natllrervhatit wants:lorvertailpipe emissions.

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3. Green Marketing through other channels of

Explosionof the Internetin recentyearshascreated new marketingspaces. new form A of interactive communication with the customers born. It is thereforeinteresting see is to how the firms exploit this new and 'fashion' tool of communication showtheir to customers their implication in the protection the environment. of

Example Toyota: of

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IEM Department

3.2 Signature Marketing: A future way of Green Advertising

Insteadof advertising any product in the News paper,we can advertisea product along with the signatures through e-mails. The volume of emails exchanged huge and the numbersmust have beengoneup in is recentyears.This createsa potential opportunity for marketersto advertisetheir products or servicesin the signatures the billions of email users.An examplehas beenshown of below. The advantages Cost of Advertisementis less is environmentallyfriendly, i.e. are doesn'tusepaper.

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This requirestie-ups betweenemail serviceproviders and the firms.

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